After a few days away we head to Grimsby and check out where Mazzys shoe boxes are going where we get given the grand tour. Then it’s back to The Nurseries to see if the snow has destroyed our awning. A few parcels later Santa and his wife pay a visit. Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!


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    #shoeboxappeal #santavisits #campsitesanta

    Good morning say good morning honey hello he’s just moving the car I D get out I have been slipping I nearly went on me on me B oh see got to be careful I don’t know even know why I’m coming out just going to make sure Dan brings the car over there

    All right had to try and defos this window this morning so we’re trying to get out we’ll go into that in a minute yes I had a lot of frosting ice last night this is all ice on there I D it move cuz these are very extremely [Laughter]

    Slippery let me just show you look that’s ice it’s mad how cold it got like just overnight oh oh he’s leaving on boat heads Oh I thought he was taking over danil’s pitch is that okay on boat heads it might come this afternoon so I have to put it

    Back so what’s the plan Dan off on holiday decided last night out the blue we’re going away for a couple of days aren’t we yeah just a couple of days it’s all d never know where we are from one day to the next last minute decision yeah which

    Will be nice we’re just going to go chill out for a couple of days so we’re all organized are you organized now are we ready to go pretty much yeah than Tyler he’s getting red about the weight of snow on our warning should be all right wouldn’t it

    Get the broom up there darling got broom in there it’ll be fine like this but if it gets heavy snow yeah I don’t know how it’s going to react to it can be quite heavy can’t it yeah especially if we’re not here to keep on top of it well never mind

    Anyway come on I want to get going I’m looking forward to this okay so it’s actually going to be a bit of a road trip this little flog I don’t know how much footage we’re going to get probably not a lot no uh we’re actually going to surprise somebody for their

    Birthday aren we are we yeah so you might just have to wait till we get back Unfortunately they would have been all right up there Dar yeah but it’s reflecting I can see them oh okay I’ve got a couple of things to do first uh empty toilets get rid of

    Trash what else drive thank you everybody also for saying how lovely my hair looked made me feel nice about that so thank you very much right I’m a bit I’m a bit dicey about these icy roads today what do you reckon do you think they’re going to be icy yeah

    Yeah it goes done with the first toilet I don’t know if he’s doing them all so at this point off camera Dan has actually said he doesn’t want to flog for a couple of days which is fair play I had my couple of days where I needed

    Just a break I really did and um so I feel like Dan don’t want to film for a couple of days so you’re going to have to wait until we get back unfortunately me on the other hand I’m up for it and I could have the camera in my hand all day

    But so we’ll just have to love you and leave you and and see you when we get Back And good morning good morning say good morning everybody good bright and beautiful morning hey good morning H so we are back we about quite a few days away which was wonderful follow enjoyed it but right at this minute we’re now heading over to Grims be way aren’t we darling

    Yay so we be refilled once we’re there but we’ve got to head to a tesos first um second oh second thought we were do that first no no right so when we get a little bit nearer there we’ll go into that so we’ve had a lot of snow proper

    Snow but luckily overnight luckily overnight sorry we actually had a right downpour of rain so it’s going to rain for the next two days that’s helped clear some of the roads for us hasn’t it pictures all right at the campsite yeah at this point we haven’t actually been home yet have we

    So uh yeah been a brilliant few days away do you feel regenerated and ried not at all I’m absolutely shattered needing all of it okay so we’ve arrived in Grimsby now I’ve asked Dan whether we’ve actually both been here together I don’t recall being here and you’re saying we haven’t have you we’ve

    Not stopped no I’ve Got a Feeling we might have droven through so yeah we’re nearly here seems quiet place not many about today sunny Grims but it’s absolutely Dunning here I don’t know oh look at that Pub that’s a shame that’s all run down like

    That a it I am noticing there are a lot of actual buildings shut up like shut up shop so to say fish fish full of fish Mazy why I don’t know I didn’t realize yeah they got dock down there right so we we minute away anyway

    Right so okay we think we’ve arrived but we’re not sure if this is actually the building have you told them why would are you no no I haven’t told him yet so if you haven’t seen ma X’s latest video she’s done a load of shoe boxes for homeless and children it’s for the

    Unfortunate I don’t imagine they’re going to be going to the homeless I think it’s just going to be the unfortunate now so I couldn’t get the boxes out to the people I wanted to get them out to so we were sorted now to come to here today Grims be so how many

    Have you got 17 boxes 17 boxes to drop off right can we do this yeah well we got to F go take walk down first we don’t want to cuz we might have to go around the other side of the building well I can why don’t you ring her and

    Ask her where we go let me give give her a call I can just pop my head in there look go on then go pop come on then no I’m not going here this is your thing lry win Karen so we’ve got the right place I’m just waiting for the lovely Caren she’s

    Asked to just wait in the car for a few minutes she’s just a little bit busy and she’s going to bring over a shopping Charlie so we did get the right place so this is the Christian Center in Grimsby of houses yeah so you take some

    Of this to school to teach the kids yeah I think that’s nice is it yeah it’s very educational it’s an eye opener definely an eye opener yeah this just brings a tear to me eye just this that little M just got nothing yeah right where are we so we’re in the

    Center teams for you Grim bit shoe boxes and the lovely Karen is actually being shown us around going in depth to the background to where all these shoe boxes are going including the one ma is made up yeah showing us all like the conf belt of it I want to say of

    Everybody and when I say everybody they’re all actually volunteers here so everybody that you might see in the background here today are all volunteers and they’ve come to take their time out of their own day to help pack all these boxes which they do practically 365 days

    Of the year actually oh yeah yeah which we will so these are some of the ones which are done look so this is T you ready to go aren’t they this is what ours are going to be going in there’s an Arctic going this Friday so each one of

    These for example there’s seven shoe boxes in there these are for girls age 3 to 5 years old so they’re all boxed up ready seven in there eight in there seven in there I think I worked out earlier there’s about well I think there’s 5,000 going from here on Friday

    On Friday usually they have a full Lory load but it’s just half a Lor load this Friday so they’re going somewhere else to pick up some more and they’ll be about 8,000 shoe boxes going abroad so these shoe boxes look like they’ve actually been sorted but maybe not

    Wrapped yet see these look yeah unless if they’re not to unless if they’re not getting wrapped I’m not sure these are wrapped ones look now Mazzi did wrap all those up but I think they’re going to have to unwrap them they they go through them all anyway because if it’s missing

    Something that lad stuff or you know they they check them all well check out all the things though CAU over here it’s incredible so this is like girls age 12 plus so you’ve got your your gloves and your hats and your bags and look at all

    The these are all made by local ladies you know people who’ve just got a bit of time on the hands yeah just knit knitting bags thought was nice little purse made out of a curtain so as you might notice that all these things going ain’t actually all just brand new stuff

    These are up cycling but it has to be good there which reminds me of this now look these are really good old F cases are being turned into little pencil cases for the kids which is fantastic because they’re all waterproof yeah water take the sleeve out put something

    Nice up use that for anything can’t they that’s that’s a really good good Up Cycle tip that one I like that toys jewelry know you would inredible it’s absolutely incredible watching watching them all doing this this isn’t the only room that where it all where all the action

    Happens we’ve been through about three four five rooms so far I can’t remember how many rooms now and there’s lots of action going on so they’re all working away making these boxes up and coming down here getting packed up and all ready to go on Friday so

    Where’s she gone me and mait have been having a good think about this now we’ve seen seen the what goes on behind the scenes it’s really made us want to get involved in this it’s in Grimsby just down the road from where we are in mumbay we can come

    Here regularly we can come with shoe boxes we can come with products to put in shoe boxes so 2024 I think we are going to be saving doing a lot of work for this and just very quickly that is Karen hello right we’ll discuss more about from the

    Leaflets and stuff when we’ll get outside so Mazza is actually going to be building a shoe box now with Karen yeah just to show you the kind of things what go inside so I get to pick a cuddly toy which I thought straight away is got a

    Be Potato Head Mr Potato Head I like this a hat and then I’ve got to pick something out of here so I’ll pick a scar for a boy other yeah this is for a young lad and and not sure but I’ll pick a pair of

    Socks as well I’m not sure if I meant to pick more we know you say the bar’s Ed 6 to 11 so we know they’re going to be the right size we always put some stationary in cuz lot of these kids can’t go to school as they take their own stationer

    So there’s a an exercise Box made up there with a Christmas card on the front lovely and we put pencil case in with bit of everything so it’s got an eraser pencil sharpener pens and pencils they go flat in the bottom we also put a hat

    In cuz it’s very cold where some of these boxes are going Romania can get like footstone which country is it these are going to did you say with where was it mova mova these going to mova this Friday so that’s a hat that somebody’s knitted for us and it is cold out there

    It is very cold out there and a warm scarf and we’ve got a pair of pair of socks as well new pair of socks there and then um we put in what we call some basic hygiene items cuz a lot of these people can’t get hold of basic so

    Um toothpaste I’m not pushing tesos but this is any 50p tube you don’t have to be Posh BR stuff and toothbrush and there’s a soap and a flannel set there as well and just to make the Box a bit more fun rather than it all be you know

    Essential stuff we then fill it with toys and things like that so there’s a cly toy there Mr Potato Head or whatever he is well picked Maz and then we just fill the gaps so it’s a nice fun full box with all sorts of and pieces tennis ball is one of the

    Best things you can send in a shoe yeah can imagine ideally a football but you can’t fit a football in but they’ love footballs would if the football is deflated and it’s got a pump we’ll put them in oh wow but with pump yeah but tennis ball don’t need a pump so the

    Tennis ball can go in you can play with and you’re only can play in twos threes 20 if you can play with one ball to the idea and quite relatively cheap you can get about three for about pound relatively cheap split them into three boxes and then just other toy so there’s

    A little uh Le set there um there’s a plane we don’t put anything in like war planes yes I did read that because they could go to water on Country some of these boxes might go to Ukraine and places like that so we don’t like so we

    Don’t put toy soldiers and things like that in but General toys toy car yoyo and if we get lots of little bits what we do is put them in a little bag so there’s some little I don’t know what are they monsters and things there so

    That box has got a bit of everything in it put the lid lid on with a label and then a rubber band to make sure it’s all nice and secure and that will go in what we call a carton with other boxes of the same age group so we know when

    They get to the other side one of them where they’re going to and how many and there’s going to be about 8,000 of them in mova well be 5 yeah 5,000 from 5,000 from going to malova and the lot will be topped up from somewhere else in the UK

    That’s is in wonderful well wellow that was an Insight wasn’t it darling certainly was an absolute insight to the background to what goes on behind the scenes we didn’t film much in there no we were actually running out battery and we didn’t even know what the shoe boxes were going towards we didn’t

    Know if it was homeless or children’s hospitals or what we found out it’s going to unfortunate kids in malova this time they go all over Romania and all over the place yeah um but yeah we’re going to look into this and I think we’re going to do something for next

    Year cuz it is all year round yeah try and help um in other ways than what we have this year even aren’t we yeah um so it is teams for you and um they like I said they’re all volunteers as well and this is Grimsby shoe

    Boxes yeah but don’t we don’t just want people turning turning up say yeah you have to get in t you need to know what they’re after yeah basically they don’t have any bins so they don’t want any rubbish which they have to throw away it

    Has to be the right kind of decent stuff we know what it needs to be now so we need to think about this yeah need to think about this a bit more and yeah it’s been really informative and a big thank you to Karen for showing us and

    All the other um people in there as well they didn’t mind us getting the camera out so that was nice right right we need to crack on yeah we need to get to Tes go now going to dark before we get it is going to be dark right let’s let’s make him

    Move so it’s Absolut freezing today and that was called the ice house for a reason which I found really interesting you used to actually beat the ice house and it for the docks to keep all the fishing the fishing well I knew that as soon as it said ice house I didn’t know

    That I found that really interesting so to warm us up after that we have actually ordered a double heated blanket I forgot what it was called then but it won’t r till tomorrow so I’m looking forward to getting that are you not really I am although it’s always warm in the van but

    By the time you get to the back in right at the back in the bed it can become quite chilly so I better shush now anyway because D’s nearly almost had an accident with someone which wasn’t Dan’s fault right we’re back it’s the next morning it’s the next

    Morning we had filmed on the way home you’ve forgotten yourself haven’t yeah so we got back yesterday Mazy had about a thousand Parcels yeah had to deal with well you know it’s somebody’s birthday coming up soon I’ve told you I don’t want anything I know you don’t want anything that’s why you’re not

    Getting anything I got one parcel I’ll go into that in a minute but we did have a few Christmas cards thanks to you yes right uh firstly we came back with a Christmas card let’s just open this one so telling everyone where we”re been then son and daughter inlaw oh that’s so

    Lovely we’re not married we’re not married I actually called your mom my mother-in-law the other day anyway so I don’t feel too bad about that that’s from my mommy and Mi and the dog so we can put that one up thank you very much that’s a lovely card you didn’t even read

    It a thank you we’ve got love you both and Ruby C here you from Mark R thank you very much Mark he’s one of our special special viewers that has stuck by us forever forever and ever and ever in day one thank you Mark that’s so kind

    This is someone we met back in September um the thanking me for the dog biscuits I didn’t give them for you I give them for the dog um from Mark elain and Andrew Lucy and Archie from harut harate thank you very much thank you very much oh now

    This one someone has gone out and spent a fortune they’ve gone out they’ve bought a a proper laser printer some really good card good quality um everything and they’ve actually created a card clear um Dan and Mazy at the top look it’s a funky pigeon card I like elf Dan

    And Ma oh my God yes it’s Christmas um from Kelly and Craig wheatman thank you Kelly and Craig uh have a very happy New Year full of peas John Smiths and aror peas pe oh no more peace thank you very much thank you I don’t know where I’m going to put all

    These actually do I and then we got a card and some presents we’ got loads of sweets which I haven’t got them here oh no because we were eating them in bed last night they got put them beside our bed from Claire and Phil thank you I

    Won’t say your last name thank you very very much yeah that was so awfully kind so loads of uh sweeties yeah and what are these we didn’t I didn’t even look at this oh wax melts Christy ones Yankee Candles wax melts smells delicious I’m going to have to get me wax candle melter

    Outter yeah and I were only expecting one parcel and I came and there only one thing waiting for me I was expec it’s a bit like a drone and the only thing what was waiting for me was that what is it so I thought oh it a’t come it a come it did

    Come it’s that small that was the package it were in it’s actually like a they call it a hovering camera they don’t call it a drone oh now this is going around at the moment this is the new thing hover a is X and that’s the size of it that’s how

    Small it packs up to and it opens up like that and that is the Drone that is it but you’ll go into that a bit more I will be doing a review on that it’s really good it is really good yeah that’s that’s going to be fantastic for doing especially bike reviews following

    Me around as I’m going on my bike well all sorts that can come in handy now can’t it brilliant so chuff to bits with that yeah right so what have we got to do next has it I forgot about that what dress up Santa Claus is coming to town I already

    Put my Christmas jumer on let’s go check out as uh oh as Christmas outfits try them on and make sure everything fits and we look beautiful Mr and Mrs claws it’s Christmas it’s Christmas oh man come on then oh oh Merry Christmas right can we

    Do this can we do this can we get dressed up yeah let’s start with you right so these come from a company called gy g m v i e I think that’s how spell thank you very much JY these are cool you can get them on Amazon UK I’ll

    Put links in the description and we’ll be wearing these pretty much every day over christm if it fits um so we’ll put the link in the description for every day we’re wearing them okay about the men’s one was about £61 the woman’s one is about £41 because there’s I think it’s because

    There’s more accessories to the men’s right so that’s Ma’s ma is going to try hers on soon she’s worried she isn’t going to fit into it I think she will but we’re going to I’m doing that indoors yeah you’re going to it’s not going to get over my jumper let’s be

    Real it won’t right so men’s then so I went for extra large because I want to put things over my clothes uh so these are my pants quality-wise I love the color don’t you it’s proper tra this is the traditional Santa the finish on them let’s have a

    Look at some of the stitching and that I mean sometimes you can order stuff online and the Finish just isn’t there but the finish on these These are actually quite nice you can get cheap rubbish ones yeah these ar your cheap cheap rubbish ones basically now they do

    The modern Santa ones as well this is oh yeah we had a choice didn’t we yeah I went for the traditional yeah sorted bit short bit short I think they’re meant to me to make me look even more stupid that’s cuz you ain’t got your boots on yet but yeah that’s good that’s

    Good that’s working what else have we got is that my top that’s your top I think I am going to have to take this off AR I yeah we can see your nipples you’re looking cold don’t talk to Santa like that I do love the color of this velvet

    It is actually really gorgeous it’s my kind of color Liverpool I think that would have gone over your shirt darling that looks really baggy that’s a so what size was this just to give everyone a rough extra large right okay I went for extra large simply because

    You you’re going to want to put it over clothes aren’t you we were worried about yeah and also I was worried about the items actually coming up short small sorry I’ve got loads of accessories M loads of stuff to get on yeah right what

    Do I do with this you said you know what to do with this it’s just the cloak at the back of your neck like that no at the back well can you fasten it is it fastened yeah I’m sure it’s that meant to to be at the

    Back like that isn’t it no because then this is at front that’s silly yeah that’s that’s right I bet if you look at the picture I think that looks right where’s my phone let me look at the picture am I meant to look like that

    What do you guys I think so yeah let us know in the comments uh don’t cheat I’ll tell you I’ll tell you you ready let me just see what this feels like you can’t tell because beard ah beards didn’t wear so with beards let’s have a look let’s

    Have a look with the beard no it is you can tell because of the way is hanging on his shoulders yeah what I’m saying is you’re not going to see that bit no because of the beard but we got it right I got it right uh

    Belt how am I going to get that on what do you mean oh I need to get this through hang on just give me a second yeah oh sorted he just had to pull the pin through on this hey Y and believe it or believe it

    Not this is the first time in my life that I’ve ever dressed up as Santa is it really I’ve never done it oh that needs a thing doesn’t it oh it does yeah I can get a hair clip for that or hair band it definitely needs something let me just

    Tuck it down there for now that’s all right you’re not going to the mall looking like it are you yeah I need to do something with that but hey we’re getting there right boots these cracked me up how am I going to get them them on I don’t understand

    How they work does that go under you I suppose under your shoe under your shoe no I I don’t know take your slippers off I ain’t got any slippers on the boots oh boots Wellington Boots Mazy that’s what Santa wears I’m not going to get my foot in

    There I can’t bend down that much I’m too old right cut again let me work on this looking posh yeah I’m not impressed with them okay right we both between the two of us not sure quite how these work but hey that’s your boots on yeah right

    Next I’ve got gloves you might want to do that last because you got fiddly things to be doing with your hands yeah but these are really thin oh would just put them on then the thin look they look tiny no they’re they’re stret stretchy a I look like a snooker referee

    This is feeling good I feel important you know important yeah now you want to put your beard on first it yeah now I did try to grow one the color were coming out pretty white but oh those two bits to it Mazy what’s this oh I don’t know his it hair

    His hair to come under your hat right turn it off again with this I have to film this bit that can’t be right I can’t see where are you I feel like Aussie Osborn you look like Aussie right let’s try and fix you hey what’s it feel like

    To wear a wig eh what’s it feel like sexy sexy you’re look in the real McQueen now I I yeah oh this isn’t right that can’t be right no because by the time you get your hat on that’s going to be out your face right well get me out on then and

    Also this is going way too low on your forehead I can’t see I can’t see what I’m doing you hold the camera point it at you I can’t see camera exactly right this is way too high you’re not going to I we getting there yeah I still can’t

    Oh oh I see something you got you got your hair ly too low you see all right how about that oh it’s getting better I’m going to drink my beer I don’t know oh got to stand back and show you this oh my God it actually looks so

    Good yeah you actually look so good oh ho ho ho Merry Christmas have you been a good boy right your turn your turn oh no oh yes come on Mrs Claus get into it get it’s Christmas it’s Christmas have you ever seen Mr and Mrs claws have an argument

    Oh look at her don’t she look beautiful I don’t feel beautiful it’s a gorgeous dress I’m just too big for it it’s a bit tight at the top yes I had to stretch up sucking dad had to yank it right down how going to get out of it I don’t know

    It’s on it’s on so calm down Mrs CLA going to be a merry yeah you have Christmas you look absolutely beautiful I do like it as a costume actually though it feels actually really nice it’s very nice well just beware the size is go get the biggest you can yeah get

    The biggest you can yes yeah I feel this neck’s a bit weird but maybe it’s meant to look like that is it meant to look like that oh we’re not really wearing these for a whole month now are we ho ho ho it’s Christmas of course we are every

    Day I’m down here I can’t see [Laughter] you where are you I’m in here somewhere what’s all going on with them are they just glass can you see out of them yeah can you I think they help to keep the hair out of my eyes as well where she at I

    Don’t know is it gone yeah see it get me hat on you got your yeah this needs sorting let’s turn this off and sort me out properly so have you been a good boy and a good girl would you like some biscuits father father Christmas I don’t have biscuits I have whiskey I

    Believe we would like to give thanks to the following very good little boys and girls who gave us super thanks yes we would like to give thanks to Rolling Rooks thank you the rolling Rooks Merry Christmas James wolbert thank you James Merry Christmas Carlos par thank you

    Carlos Merry Christmas to you too Nicole M Nicole McDonald thank you Nicole Merry Christmas Peter Webster thank you Peter Merry Christmas all right enough with merry Christmases it be jolly Tracy Gallagher thank you Tracy Michaela dington thank you Michaela Claire dark Kings thank you CLA and Jacob clayon

    Thank you Jacob you’ve all been very good boys and girls thank you very much thank you thank you so much right what we did agree it was all Ma’s idea and now she’s regretting it is we are going to be dressed like this every day all

    Day until Christmas I might have to cut this to get out here yet you w I bet I will right thank you for joining us today a bit of everything there did the went to the charity place which was very interesting yeah that was that was

    Wonderful um and we will see you soon uh X isn’t going to be having any videos tonight or possibly not tomorrow yeah I’ve just got other things going on at the minute we’ve just got back from a trip away and with things to do yeah but

    Uh we’ll do what we can when we can uh on this channel though hopefully you’re still going to get a video every single day ho ho ho God you’re going to get fed up of us by Christmas see you all later love y’all bye Merry Christmas


    1. Mazzy can you imagine the joy of those people when they open your present? You're an absolute Angel my dear! Merry nearly Christmas from Aotearoa New Zealand ❤❤❤❤❤

    2. Fab vlog really got me more in the Christmas spirit. Those costumes are brill!! The boxes for the kids are a brilliant idea too, keep up the hard work both of you , you're fantastic ❤❤

    3. Hope you hard a nice break. Will have done you good. Great idea with the shoe boxes. A lot will be helped. I agree your hair is worth all the bother you went through. Great re start. If they are x large they are not that big. You only slim. I think it looks right for the collar. Brill Dan you look ok massie. No chance for bigger people , when neither of you are big. No John smiths you mean.hehe merry Christmas.💕👍

    4. Such a lovely cause. Makes us appreciate all we have for sure. Your costumes are amazing. You both look so cute. You need to stuff a pillow up your jacket Dan as you belly needs to wobble like a bowl full of jelly 😂😂. Brilliant video.

    5. Great couple we love to watch both an we have just joined you both as well on the members family on YouTube can't see any new videos only ones from a yr+ ago 😢 .. much love to both 😊

    6. Greetings Mr and Mrs Dan and Mazzy Clause , Ho Ho Ho , Hope you are well and Resting , Great video of the charity work ,such Good work you are doing , X Hope you enjoyed your Break well deserved , Your Santa costumes looked Really Amazing and such a Good laugh , Really suit you , yes looks Quality , Great Humour as always , so Thank you for sharing , Take care , And take care on your sleigh , X X🎅🤶🎄🌠👍👍

    7. Honestly, if mazzy came down my chimney I’d have a big smile and offer a lovely mince pie …you Dan.. I think I’d run off!haha 👍🏼 only kidding, great effort😊

    8. The clothes are put together in countries where people are 4'10" and 85lbs, you really do have to order 3 sizes bigger. I made the mistake of ordering a few Mother of the Bride dresses online that a 10 year old wouldn't have fit in. Have fun with your role play, lol. 😉🎅🤶 Lovely donations, Mazzy 🙏

    9. Aww Dan and Mazzy
      That was so very special, I never knew those sort of things existed for charities, the boxes I mean but what a great idea. How amazing you are going to help out next year.. 😊
      Your Santa outfits are amazing, you both look very much the part..
      Did you open my Aussie present?
      Lots of love, stay warm and cosy..💜💜💜❌❌🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶

    10. I'm surprised you haven't got a camera on your pitch so you can see it on your phone,.. Helping others is always a great feeling ❤ that's fantastic what you've done 👍🏼 well done 👏🏼the costumes look great 👍🏼 great vlog Dan & Mazzy ❤🌹🍾

    11. Omg this bought a tear to my eyes
      Thank u for bringing this to our attention
      Sometimes we get caught up in our own little worlds and forget about these most trying times
      Bless u both ❤ u really r wonderful people
      Thank u 🙏 wishing u both and ur Luved ones all the best xxx

    12. Awwww you both look fantastic in your Santa outfit Mazza you look beautiful love your hair and whot a lovely thing you did with the shoe box's it brought a tear to me your lovely people ❤❤ xx

    13. Well done on showing the great work charities do all around the country. Maybe when you've had time to plan on how you're going to help, maybe you could setup something like an Amazon wish list in conjunction with the charity, things that they need like clothing, toys etc which would allow people to make donation to them.

      The Santa outfits look good, like the deeper red colour, feels very traditional. 🎅🤶🧑‍🎄

    14. Aww what a lovely thing you've done, im sure you'll make some little children so happy at Christmas ❤. Thank goodness there are people like you to help. You've got such a good heart mazzy 🥰xx

    15. The belt will be fine when you stuff a pillow up your frontage Dan.. Santa is meant to be tubby! Don't worry Mazzy… If the women's outfits were made in China the bosom area is always underestimated… you can't help being voluptuous .. hohoho

    16. ❤ Yoo hoo and a bottle of Rum. Dan is Santa Claus. Up the chimney he goes, presents in his sack.
      Mazzy is mother clause. To help him on his way. With Rudolph pulling the slay.😊😊❤❤❤🎉🎉

    17. Well done mazzy on all your shoe boxes you have got together for all the children in need of something special. Bless all the people who arranged for them to go to them.

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