    Thank you so much for watching! ❤️

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    Rayssa’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQDS…

    Jp’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sparkit_jp/…

    Jp’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0pi…

    FAMILY TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetrenchfamily
    COUPLES TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@jpandrayssa
    RAYSSA’S TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@therealrxc

    What is up trench family with JP and R and K and we got another if you new to the channel make sure you smash that subscribe button and if you’re not new then you already know you tuning in to the lest Family on YouTube so trench family this is

    Officially the last video of 2023 oh my goodness you guys it’s about to be the new year it’s about to be 2024 are you ready for that hey I’m ready but I just want to say man 2023 was such a great year we want to thank you guys for

    All the memories all the love and just being able to go through everything we went through with you guys you know what I’m saying yes for sure it was amazing you guys a great journey and we’re so happy that you guys were a part of it

    All and we can’t wait to go into 2024 with you guys and have another great year and then 2025 and have another grade year you know what I’m saying just have multiple grade years we’re just about to go crazy year are you ready yeah all right so look you guys

    Basically in this video we’re going to be showing all our challenges of 2023 I’m not going to lie you guys team JP definitely won more challenges this year definitely not it was me no it is me me me he you you did the worst with the

    Challenges I’m not going to lie he won like one challenge come on you got to give him some type of credit well guys I won the challenge hey man be quiet anyways trench family so this is a challenge recap video we got a challenge for you guys man we want you guys to

    Watch the video all the way through the end and comment down below who you guys counted with the more wins was it team JP was it team Risa or was it team zakas team zakas definitely team R so y already know comment down below let’s go you guys starting don’t scream it

    Started already remember if you scream you’re out the whole challenge oh wait a second hey wait a second oh my God going to hide in the water I think I got an idea oh My 2 1 oh we turned our backyard into an at home water park so today we will be doing an Extreme Hide and Seek challenge this will consist of three rounds and the person to find the others in the least amount of time win ready starting

    Now so I’m going to count up to 50 they better be hiding oh my God you guys I don’t know where to hide K where you going one two you know what I got a good idea since there’s boxes everywhere I’m going to go ahead and put a box I’m

    Going to put a box all the way over here so she thinks I’m hiding over here 13 14 get in get in get in 16 17 18 19 I don’t think nobody’s going to hide in the water I think I got an idea oh my 48 49 50 oh my God you

    Guys ready or not here I come I I think I miss somebody oh my God guys I’m in a two now oh God I got to flipped over oh God oh God where can they be go out where can they be this is so crazy oh my goodness this is going to be

    Hard if I hear her coming I’m rning Kus JP where are you my so much is anyone behind here no nobody nobody nobody oh my God we got to do this fast we got to do this fast I need to win guys sounds like she’s right there where are they oh she

    She’s gone she’s gone it’s kind of hard to do this with a mess at me let me see let me see let oh man all right let’s move we got to move where are they no way this is actually really hard where are they she sounds like she’s

    Right next to me no it’s getting really hot in here you guys what where is he K oh my goodness this is actually so hard bro R is looking through the boxes oh my God I got to distract way where are they I can’t let the guys get Caught I found you DD I found you now I got to find your dad I got to keep hiding oh my God that was fast I got to find him where is he I knew it wasn’t a good idea to where is zy no way JP is switching sides where are you is

    He in here I got to check in here sounds like they’re going through the boxes J JP he’s not where is he I think I got the I see his Crocs right there I think that was just to make us think something hey he would have never thought inside

    All the floaties where is he JP where are you all right you guys I got to move I know I’m not going to be safe for much longer but shout out to this floaty right here for providing Extra cover what I got to go where is he all

    Right this is my chance to move I got to move I got to move I got to move I got to move I got to move no way no this is actually really hard I got to move I got to move JP this is so hard oh I found oh my

    God oh my God where were you I can’t tell you I’m not going to tell you dang man no way wow you’re soaking wet that means you were somewhere in the water D I’m not going to lie that was pretty fast that was good that was fast that was

    Good hey hey hey what did you do were you laugh no I’m not going to going to lie he did so good look at all these boxes I knocked down dang you knocked out every box not every box but that was that was hard so what he got a find he

    Got a count cuz he he was found first he was the first one found so he has to be the one seeking next Ka are you ready for that yeah 3 4 11 3 18 here I come right you guys you go over there don’t come near

    Me my God oh my God oh my God all right so guys I know I don’t got enough time because theak Kai is he can’t count oh he’s already like no I don’t fit I don’t fit I’m going to hide behind one of these are you in here no no he’s no oh

    My God you got I can’t make this too hard I can hit are you in here no oh no he’s coming over here squeeze I got to squeeze squeeze I know where they hiding oh my God I made it through you guys I here I can see you I made it

    Through I made it through guys this is hot oh my God no don’t tell me I squeezed for no reason are you here let’s go no almost fell are you in here look at him look at him look at him look at my Croc you guys I should have put him in

    Sport mode he checked that and then went somewhere else I don’t know where he’s going but this is crazy guys what oh my God over here oh my God this was a bad idea I should have never got in this box do the water SL I don’t fit

    In here oh my God trench family I don’t fit in here over here why’ I get in this box oh my God why I can’t I’m not going to lie bending like that is hurting my leg I’m going to have to keep like switching positions oh my God I can’t

    Even breathe what are you guys I got to get out of here oh oh oh I hear him I hear him oh SHO I found some oh my God I found some oh no no I found you oh my oh my god did you find Mommy yet oh no oh my God man

    Now she was mommy back dang bro I thought I was the champion no you’re not the champion now oh my God they got to fight me they got to fight me I’m sweating right now look at the right there let’s go look for mommy all right

    So where’s Mommy man I don’t know no way Mom hey yeah it was that box that box messed me up I couldn’t even fit in there I could even breathe you haven’t found mommy no go ahead you got to find her mom literally dang trench family how R

    Can’t find me but the K finds me this is not easy for me looks like R is doing good this one Noy guys mommy look at them they’re literally going I think t No way yo zakas is good at this he felt me like in like I don’t know how like I know I heard I was running too I was hiding running I couldn’t do nothing good job you’re good at this Ready set go guys oh my God you got

    This 3 4 you guys can see that I’m wet I had to jump in the pool before round number three cuz I know this was going to get crazy I have to 14 15 16 17 18 19 no find me here I’m going to hide in

    Here 36 feel like he’s not going to open oh my God oh my God he doesn’t see me f 43 44 we got up here this is not easy 49 50 somebody can find me ready or not here I come I already know what I’m going to do first turns family I have

    Such a good and check the boxes check all the boxes first nobody in there nobody in here let me go to the next boxes get all the boxes out the way I got a strategy get all the boxes out the way oh yeah we moving fast nobody

    Anybody behind here the more I move the more this water slide moves oh they hiding hiding this whole area is clear I just clear this whole area so I have to try my best to not move as much anybody in the Bounce House CH chick in the

    Bounce house look at him look at him guys anybody in the bounce house looks like there nobody how about up here in the slide we got anybody up here let me see anybody up here but this is a good strategy trans me look this is like a

    Great hiding cuz I’m up here I can look I can look from the top view do we see anybody guys I’m agree with really really nervous I don’t see nobody dang they hiding hiding oh they really want to win I’m trying not to move y’all cuz

    I’m telling you the little bit I move this whole B moves I hope tius is hiding really good I don’t know where Kaus ended up going but I hope he’s hiding really really good here we go anybody back here guys hey we got one

    I oh my God got you how did you find me bro oh my God cuz I was clearing I’m clearing the whole perimeter man oh my but that was good man you know where Mommy is no why is he asking if he knows where I am such a che you’re not going

    To tell me so it’s up to me then I already found one person let me check the water hold on that tube is flipped I had it just n there’s nobody there I would have seen the legs up here that’s the last place to Check oh I see you hey I see you no I see you yeah oh hey I’m not going to lie was that a good hiding spot that was pretty good you guys Ka where were you where did you find him he was all the way over there

    In the back he should have when he saw me he could have ran and he probably would have still been hiding wow I’m not going to lie I think I had the fastest time you had the fastest time no that did feel like what like 2 minutes or so

    I think that was good I don’t know but all I know is I’m the Champion man so I am the winner of this challenge once again I won the hide and seek so look I got a surprise for both of y’all can one of y’all hold the camera yeah

    All right hold it just like that what no what are you about to do what is daddy going to do I don’t know no way what is he about to do no no guys let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go go go go go jump in the water what is he

    About to do no way guys I have to get away from this I have to get away from this what is he about to do I have no idea what he’s about to do right now what is is he doing trench family what is he doing we didn’t agree to anything

    K me and you lost yeah so do you think Daddy’s going to do something to wor yeah no way y’all I’m a little nervous right now I’m not going to lie I’m not going to lie I’m a little nervous right now F K what do you think Daddy’s going to

    Do we got to hide from him should we hide from him again no no no no no no we CU we lose cuz we lose you’re right but now that he’s going to do something to us what is he going to do oh my God I’m nervous I’m so nervous

    Y’all hold on I I need to take a sneak peek I need to see what he’s doing what is he doing no what are you doing what are you doing come here come here come on let’s go guys you go first oh my God yeah no mommy’s turn oh my God that’s

    Oh my goodness that’s that’s what y’all get for losing man hey trench family I hope y’all enjoyed that video man that was another Banger you already know man we turning up how was that babe I’m not going to lie it was a really really fun challenge like super fun but I can’t

    Believe I lost you know what I’m saying that’s like I’m like what 2 and 0 so far you’re like 3 and 0 I feel like I think I’m under I’m I’m undefeated Undisputed baby I already know get today is the day today is the day hey we got to challenge

    You ready yeah hey you ready we got a challenge what is it what you mean what is I said are you ready yes I’m ready what is chall that’s what I like to hear that’s what I like to hear so look last person to stop eating hot Cheetos wins

    Oo I would definitely win okay so look and the loser has to get dumped in the pool and I’m talking about the defense so Ka you not in this challenge for this one but look whoever wins this challenge will go against you you heard cuz you’re the champion you’re the one that eats

    All the hot stuff and spicy foods yo yo let me just tell you you are going to be the one dunked in that pool cuz it ain’t going to be me I’m not a loser oh that’s what you think I’m not a loser what you

    Have do it no boy you’re not exctly it’s going to be you hey little TR family make sure you comment down below right now who you think’s going to win because I’m not going to lie man this easy I’m going to eat this whole bag I’m not

    Getting dumb make sure yall comment down below right now let’s go we going to get it started let’s go all right you guys so the rules are very simple no spitting no water and look the way to win this game is whoever finishes the bag first

    Wins and you already know if you lose you’re going to get dumped in the pool and we got our referee right here you ready yeah so look it’s on you whenever you tell us to start is when we’re going to start so go ahead it’s on you oh you Mom get

    Set oh yeah oh yeah what you doing guys you doing guys this new house it sping guys M I got I got oh you get dumped in the pool guys guys have oh my God no are you kidding me yo this a new house mhm Chum f look at these look at

    This m this is the new house I got this I’m already halfway too no just eat it I didn’t think this challenge through guys I’m definitely going to win easy easy money easy money no no no you to hey bro no no no don’t do that mommy chea that wasn’t by the

    R oh that wasn’t part of the ru oh you made it right for me it’s good you got to put this back dump it out you dumped it everyone daddy why you push up I got this y i got this it’s getting hot I ain’t even like spicy

    Stuff I can do this all day you no Daddy what mom is doing e oh course you can’t I got turn family you’re going to get push in you’re going to push in the room spicy daddy dad what she’s running she she’s running she’s running daddy damn you got she she

    Eat it eat it I’m trying nose is getting runny y’all what’s going what’s going on huh I got my mommy was doing Mommy was doing Mommy was doing spicy oh my R Bo quiet I’m focused mhm the back this is easy guys easy cuz you going to push in the pool you’re you’re

    Cheating Dam you sping on your Shir oh my God no no eat the see do what Mommy’s doing do it uh-uh uh-uh do what Mommy’s doing I’m still going to win look at my back look at my back I’m not the W I’m going win no yeah Mommy don’t help your

    Dad how much you got left a little bit boy I’m a win I’m a win damn look at his bag don’t leave him you Lo huh lo I can take a 5 minute break and he still won’t catch up that’s how much further I am than him no you on you

    Having a hard time there yeah it’s getting to you huh mhm all right I ain’t going to lie you give up I throw the White Flag I give [Applause] up mommy won daddy lost I ate like 457 Hot Cheetos bro I’m I’m sorry yo you’re the loser you’re the loser no

    Daddy lost so guess what that means it’s okay baby I lost it’s time to dump you in the pool fully dressed boy Crocs and all you cannot change I lost F Square no way you just did that to my sun shirt I lost F Square let’s go come by the pool

    You getting dumped boy come on fully clothed fly clothed you cannot change let’s go right now all right JP you got any last words for the trench family before you get thrown in that pool boy Tren family I just want to say I’m sorry I don’t know why I thought that

    Challenge was easy I thought I was going to win because I already be eating one bag of Hot Cheetos in like seconds I’ll eat another one in another 30 seconds so it’s like man I thought I had this one in the bag but you didn’t hey relax let

    Me talk all right because I’m about to get dumped my stomach’s hurting I want to throw up my nose is running look trench family I don’t know why I wanted to do this Challenge and in the end it bit me now I’m over here about to get

    Dunked I’m yeah he let y’all down hey guys this one I’ve been waiting [Applause] for hey you think it’s funny man oh K guys run no way that’s what you get for letting them down no you don’t what’s up guys so today me and zakas will be

    Trying the most spiciest versus the most sourest Foods in the world yeah all right you guys so the way this challenge works is there are seven rounds each round it will get harder and the rules are no spitting oh my God no milk and no water what y whoever wins the most

    Rounds will win $1,000 you guys 1,000 cash hold on fill it touch it make sure you touch it this is $1,000 you can buy any to want this is going to be mine baby touch it touch it way we’re going to determine who gets what is we have a

    Quarter right here and each round we’re going to flip the quarter so what do you want um stour and what you want I guess spicy okay so look I’m going to make the sour tails and I’m going to make spicy heads are y’all ready yeah all right

    Here we go let’s go let’s go oh yeah Tails it’s Tails he it’s sour it’s Tails round one are you guys ready yeah all right so let’s go in three 2 one let’s go let’s go my favorite oh yeah these are your favorite so let’s see

    Who’s going to win the round okay okay okay so far oh these don’t taste like nothing these taste like cardboard that means it’s an easy round how you doing over there K look Easy Come on keep going K keep going these are not hot this is easy and remember

    Guys I am the referee I can’t why can I even choose a side has a little kick to it okay if this is level one what’s the next level you just said I got a little kick to it so it must not be that bad how you doing

    Oh Kai s like number three uhh these are nasty they’re not even spicy they’re nasty round one’s easy we’re getting ready for second round and K I let you go first round right I let you pick so now it’s your turn what do you think and remember guys

    Spicy means heads and sour means Tails I’m going for Tails Tails so you got heads here we go here we go hey round two are you guys ready yeah all right in three two one let’s go oh hot Cheetos okay not to bad you said that last time and you would look like

    You were doing so good and Ka bro this is all this is this is what you get every time at the store so it’s like this should be easy hot Cheetos is easy for me cuz I love Hot Cheetos all right so let’s go who’s going to eat them

    Let’s go eat them you can’t just eat one no no no no no no you got to eat you got to eat Man I’m The Ref refere yeah yeah yeah y’all got to eat I’m the referee so I say the rules man nobody just going to

    Be eating one at a time or if not you automatically just qualify I’m going round two was crazy now we’re on our way to round three so you chose last now it’s your turn guys remember heads is spicy and Tails is sour so what do

    You want um spicy you want spicy so you want head you got Tails here we go okay I got sour round number three are you guys ready yeah all right here we go in 3 2 1 let’s go hey man don’t wasting time let’s go favorite that so let’s go this should be

    Your round let’s go these are my favorite if anybody knows about them sour skittles man they are really sour you cannot put a whole bunch of them mou without making a face yeah know no way let’s keep going so what happened how we doing over here okay ooh I thought they were your

    Favorite what happened they are okay so keep going these are so good but so sour there’s no way I’m putting all these in my mouth well hey bro come on I need you to eat some more I need you to eat some more I see the face you want some I

    Actually let me get a little green one yeah I do mhm okay come on uh-oh anybody need some water milk water milk no you’re trying to make us lose I need water he needs water you lost this round mommy won this round M get that boy some

    Water right so you are on top and and Ka went last so you go let’s go are you ready what you want I think I’m going to stick with Tails cuz sour seems a little easy for me okay here we go Tails means sour spicy means heads let’s

    Go heads no way bro are you serious all right you guys round number four now we’re starting to heat up y’all ready no all right I’m ready in three two one let’s go let’s go there you go k let’s go baby let’s go let’s go okay these are nasty look at his face

    His face says it all that boy can do this all day is this easy yeah let’s go is you won this round you love you you can have this round that was disgusting this is getting intense zakas you officially tied the game up this is crazy what are you doing that was

    Disgusting JP so you chose last now it’s your turn to remember spicy heads and sour tails what do you want uh spicy okay heads you got Tails here we go here we go this is for round number five we got heads man round number five I don’t know

    If you guys are ready but are y’all ready yeah all right here we go in three two one spicy drink yes spicy drink and let me go ahead and open that for you wait hold on let me go ahead and open this for you yes very sour drink don’t even

    Smell it don’t even smell it remember you guys are tied so whoever doesn’t drink it will be the loser sour green apple let’s go Ka let’s go just a little sip just a little sip just a sip look M’s doing it all I’m going scared don’t

    SM let’s go I know it’s up to you buddy how is it over there want to do it uh-oh you what to do it oh my God this is so sour rice is in the lead rice is in the lead you got this K you got it don’t let

    Mommy beat you do not let Mommy beat you k you just take a little sip I can’t this is nasty okay here we go I can’t do this you can’t do it and she spit it out both of y’all lost man both of y’all lost oh you guys are still tied up you

    Couldn’t drink it and she spit it out that’s a loss all right Ry so it’s your turn what do you got um I’m going go with heads Heads you got Tails here we go it is heads round number six and we’re still tied you guys so y’all better step it up

    Y’all ready yes all right let’s get it in three 2 1 oh yeah what is this I never even heard of this before you don’t have to all you got to do is eat it okay there K goes k wases no time I’m not going to lie this challenge Ka like this

    Challenge keep going papy let’s go oh oh oh yo what happened that was Sour uh-oh let me see over here so good let me see let me see that face are you going to make a face no so eat some more eat some more you’re spicy but they good how about you man

    What are we doing let’s go you don’t want to lose again guys cuz round number seven is about to be crazy these are super spicy but the flavor is super good you should try one eh pass let the ref do the ref in uhoh you need some water

    That’s my teeth that’s hurting my teeth y’all it’s hurting your teeth yeah no no no I can’t have no milk no water uh-uh I’m not losing uh-oh who’s going to lose this round I need some water what no I didn’t say that I didn’t say

    It okay he didn’t say that I didn’t hear him I didn’t hear him you’re all right let’s go finish that so we can finish the round finish that one if you finish that one we finish the round and we go to round number seven let’s go you can

    Do it K let’s go I think I’m ready for round number seven so you’re done one more one more let’s go guys finish three two one that was good all right all right all right looks like we’re still tied you guys let’s go who wants to win this challenge me I

    Said who wants to win this challenge y you guys don’t look like it but this is round number seven and if you guys want to win that $1,000 I need energy who wants to win this round all right you guys are already so you went last time now it’s your turn

    Heads or tails Tails Tails hey that boy loves that sour here we go remember sour is Tails and heads is spicy let’s go here we go Tails round number seven last and final round are you guys ready yeah all right here we go in three two one yeah what is this

    Yep don’t smell it you got to eat it let’s go come on this is the last round this is for $1,000 let’s go so I have to eat this with this yes now let’s go let’s go guys let’s go the blue ones are good the blue ones are good yeah I think

    Z Kai’s found a strategy he said he’s only going to eat the blue ones but you got to eat all of them let’s go let’s go let’s uh keep going let’s go R let’s go what is this we need a loser we need somebody to Lose to Win them ,000 here

    We go good job kais oh he wants to win that money K you won you won bro it’s your money bro that boy drinking water I ain’t going to lie K you should give that water to your mom because she over there going through it but look you are

    The winner bro that is all yours $1,000 man go ahead and buy whatever you want yes yes sir here you go that’s yours bro that’s yours yeah what is up trench family it’s your boy JP R yeah man zakas man where y’all at I’m in Z’s room what you mean you in

    Zel’s room you know what we got going on today you know what today is man zakas what’s going on hey what what hey what you got going on I’m just cleaning my daughter’s Nursery but you know what today is man oh I’m not ready for it

    What you mean you’re not ready for it I don’t know if I can do it you don’t know if you can do it you got no choice do you want to make this money or what I’m going to make this money okay I’m going try my hardest I need you to come help

    Me with this intro because like why am I doing Intro by myself man this is a challenge I need the whole family what’s up my little zly belly my baby what she doing she just chilling watching her mama clean right M hey just know baby your daddy’s taking the W today okay

    That’s all you got to know and where’s zakas I think he’s in his room man I need him for the come on let’s go guys I need him for this intro zakas look at this room hey man look at this room bro zakas where you at man K

    Look at this room hey excuse me what what what’s going on in here man can you tell me what’s going on yeah so what’s going on why does this room look like this zakas CU I make the mess oh really but w’t you supposed to clean up

    Your room that’s what you were supposed to be doing Mommy was cleaning up Z’s room and what you were doing I was not clean my room cuz oh hey be careful bro you going to hurt your neck hey anyways man look we not going to worry about

    This room right now I need your help oh my oh that was good can you relax yeah listen I need you to come downstairs so you can help me with this intro man we got to tell the trench family what we doing you understand yeah you ready for

    The day yeah I know you ready look you already got your pajamas on but let’s go we going downstairs we got to do this intro man what is up chch family supp boy JP and R and K and we got another B welcome back to the channel you guys

    If you’re new to the channel man make sure you smash that subscribe button if you’re not new then you already know you tuning in to the latest Family on YouTube so you guys we got a good one for y’all today hey can y’all tell them what we doing zakas tell them so today

    Last person going to get this time do all right all right all right right let’s try that one more time baby can you tell them what we doing guys so the last person to fall asleep wins $110,000 oh my God can I see this can oh my oh my God might as well give it to me right now hey n n no no n hold on hold on hold on so look you guys today we are all against each other there are no

    Teams Z baby you do not count okay baby you’re not included in this video but Teddy you either man you not included in this but look you guys it’ll be Riser versus zakas and JP so who y’all think going to take it man um it’s definitely me it’s

    Definitely you I’m not going to lie you guys I definitely think it’s going to be me I definitely think it’s going to be me oh yeah oh yeah so basically you guys the way this challenge is going to work we’re going to have three different challenges set up which is the tissue

    Challenge all three of us have to drink a warm cup of milk and the last challenge which is the hardest we all have to sit in the room by ourselves for 10 minutes listening to loveby music oh my God you got me on that one and I’m

    Not going to lie you guys I feel like the last one is going to be the toughest for me because I’m kind of scared to be by myself I’m scared of the dark and I know Teddy what you biting me biting me hey good job Teddy get her out the

    Challenge early man yeah get her out the challenge that’s good let me just say something right now I already know kais is going to fall asleep with the warm milk I’m going fall asleep with the L that’s with how she feels K she said you going to fall asleep first you know

    That’s right you know that warm cup of milk going to put you out no it’s not okay we’ll see about that high is bro what if you do fall asleep first um I definitely don’t okay okay Hey listen if me and you got to team up and we split

    The money we could do that because you know what I’m saying that was not part of the video that’s not part of the challenge all right let’s get into it man y’all already know man it’s your boy JP and the reason I’m going win this challenge is because look man it’s only

    9:00 everybody in this house be falling asleep around that time like 10:00 11: I fall asleep around 3: so I know I got this one in the bag and when I win that money I’m going to go buy myself a new car man I’m going to go buy myself a

    Truck you know what I’m saying let’s go man tjp we got this let’s go what’s up it’s your girl R and I’m going to win this challenge because you already know team rice is on top and if I win this money I’mma choose one of the lucky

    Subscribers to send that money to so you already know spam the comments with Team R let’s go my name is a and this is easy cuz I’m going to buy everything butning like CLS and everything keep going hey keep going keep going make a waste all that energy that’s good that’s good but

    What what you doing over here are you serious don’t don’t try to put me on the spot like that the challenge just started and the first thing you’re going to do is order some food well I need some some pizza and I know you do my own

    Oh you want your own so you’re part of this yeah hey you know what that’s good that’s good you know why that’s good why because go ahead and fill up your tummy because that’s going to make you tired you act like you’re not going to eat any

    Yeah Hey listen I am going to eat some but I’m going to be smart I’m not going to eat like four or five slices I’m going to eat like two three maybe I don’t know but hey look yall the ones order the pizza so look y’all paying all right that’s

    Good just go ahead dinner on you today yeah with the $10,000 I’m a win oh oh anyways what time is it man you not winning no money it’s 9:23 so 9:23 what time should we do our first challenge at 10:30 10:30 sounds about right wait wait

    9:20 what 9:23 so at 10:23 we got our first challenge hour from now are y’all going to be awake to do the first challenge yeah hey look bro you already got your pajamas on I think you going to sleep first um definitely not me oh it’s

    Not you oh it’s going to be me yeah Hey listen man I think it’s going to be her no if it’s going to be anybody it’s going to be her no you know what we’ll see you at 1023 a word a word okay so

    Look I’m going to go ahead and do my own thing then I don’t need to be with y’all peace oh really y’all going to work together I’m leaving oh you’re leaving yeah oh so he’s already leaving what you about to do don’t worry about what I’mma

    Do what you mean you’re trying to plot on me how I got I got the camera anyway so I got to see what you doing anyways uh well I’m going to just be chilling with my daughter in her Nursery till she falls asleep will all about music

    On don’t do that that’s gonna make you fall asleep that’s all I know hey that’s the secret trick right there hey and look I’m GNA be fair too so whenever you get tired of holding zelana the B you know what I’m saying the baby just call

    Me we can switch cuz I don’t want to say that I won this challenge by cheating or none of that you know what is that boy doing over there you good yeah what are you about to do right now actually don’t worry about it don’t worry about it no I

    Want to know what are you going to do don’t worry about it are you about to go sit on your game I might I might but look that’s what helps me stay up thought of was something okay what you mean you thought of something thanks for

    Letting me know what you mean hold on you’re not coming back downstairs what you mean thanks for letting me know you going to be on your game what are you talking about right now nothing nothing cuz without the game you might just get bored and fall asleep right no cuz

    That’s how I stay up all right you guys so it is now 10:00 and as you guys can see it’s zel’s last bottle of the night I am feeding her and let me just tell you guys something right now usually when I feed her around this time her

    Last bottle of the day after I burp her I literally fall asleep with her whether it’s in her nursery on this rocking chair in my room on the bed in the couch wherever like I’m knocking out and then Here Comes JP trying to wake me up out

    My sleep all the time and be like come come watch a movie come watch your movie so guys like I’m going to try my best to not do that today like I’m trying to win this challenge for once like I need to take the W JP is not taking the W on

    This one zakas is definitely not taking the W on this one especially after Challenge number two knowing that boy a warm bottle he’s out we have to win right Z we going to win we going to win mommies are we going to win she’s saying yeah yep she’s saying yep I wonder what

    JP and Ka are doing like I feel like they’re teaming up on me and I don’t like it all right let’s go look um what are you guys doing we playing Call of Duty just on a game oh really so this is what y’all do y’all just play together like don’t invite me

    To the party just oh no so what’s going on huh you go do your own thing we not bothering you are y’all teaming up together no we’re not teaming up together don’t be cheating Ka all right let me find out nobody’s cheating you’re the only one cheating by coming in here

    Trying to you know what when the pizza gets here I’m not even going to tell you a goty here n I’m hungry don’t do that I’m hungry whatever a few minutes later okay guys I am so proud of myself because boy I did not fall asleep and

    Guys let me just tell you I put zeli down right on time it’s 10:21 you guys so I have to go get these boys because it’s time for challenge number one let me go see what they’re doing hello oh my God hello hello hello what are you guys getting tired in this

    Dark room of yours not even close no I know you’re lying I know you’re tired Kai is this a little past your bedtime no it doesn’t exactly no it’s not why you coming in here trying to lie no I’m actually coming in here cuz look at the

    Time 10:21 10:22 it just changed in my face yep so it’s time for challenge number one are you guys ready yeah I’m ready let’s go man let’s go all right you guys so we’re at our first challenge which is the tissue game is going to be

    Standing at the top so they’re going to let go of the paper tower and then they got to run down and catch it before the paper tower hits the floor whoever loses this challenge first will be the first person to stay in the dark room with the

    Lullabi music so you guys ready yeah oh my God I’m going to beat you guys guys in this challenge exactly all you got to do is make sure you win because the loser is going to be the first person on the third challenge to stay in the dark

    Room oh my God 3 2 1 here it goes here it goes here it goes oh we got a loser no way oh my God that was bad you know what it’s your turn it’s my turn go it’s easy let’s go let’s see if you could do it cuz man I thought

    I was that athlete all right JP on the count of three 2 1 go oh God oh God oh God oh God oh no no oh yeah yeah yo stop playing with me got to be K stop playing with me stop playing with me Man 3 two one there it goes

    There it goes where’s Ka run Ka run run run run K oh my God you were almost there so look you are still safe though because Mommy lost first R so you are the first person to stay in the dark room no what you guys set me up man I don’t know hey

    And you know what’s crazy you guys she literally came and got us for this challenge we were chilling she’s the one reminded us with high energy and look who lost look who lost the first challenge can you what can I try again no no it’s $110,000 what I have to do are you

    Forgetting it’s $110,000 on the line man I’m going to win these ,000 I’m not going to fall asleep in that dark room hey man put that down put hey hey babe he took the money babe babe he took the money get hey bro give me that money bro

    Give me that money you ain’t win just yet you ain’t win just yet hey man give me this you ain’t win just yet so guys I won the first Challenge and I’m not going to lie that took a lot of my energy out because I had to run full

    Speed down them stairs and woo I’m tired but look you guys tomorrow is July wait wait when you guys be when you guys see this video it’ll be July 4th but today is the day before so look this is crazy you guys we bought all these fireworks today for tomorrow and you

    Guys already know it’s going to go crazy it’s going crazy we got all types of fireworks here like this is insane you guys look there’s still more fireworks inside of here you know what I’m saying fireworks on fireworks this is crazy y’all we are not playing no games on 4th

    Of July let’s go check on R because she was over here checking up on me like 103 times you know what I’m saying let’s go see what she’s doing it looks like somebody’s getting tired why you over here doing your night routine bro I had

    To put some water on my face oh so you getting tired what are you talking about you get hey we no way you get tired I’m tired babe you know I always fall asleep with zeli so I’m trying my best Hey listen it’s $10,000 on the line where’s

    The kaas in his room what in what hey kais what you doing in here man you playing basketball yeah let me see can you make a basketball for the trench family yeah let me see let me see that ball let me see let me try oh oh go ahead let me

    See a ah come on man let us see something bro you’ve done it before come on uh uh hey bro can you go hey get him out of here coach get him out of here so this what you doing yeah go ahead keep doing that cuz that’s

    Going to get you tired I like that go ahead cuz I see you going to sleep in about the next hour I think in the next hour he’s going to sleep and in the next hour and 30 minutes you going to sleep but all I know is I’m good I’m good I’m

    Great I look good and I feel better you’re yes sir and wait guys cuz once the food gets here it’s going to be even better for me cuz food gives me energy food puts y’all to sleep what no food puts y’all to sleep I’m already tired this is not fair

    You the one ordered the food yeah I’m TI to what oh my God no no no no K if I come here let me just tell y’all something my God yo so you ordered the food and now you don’t want it I do want it but I

    Can’t help it I’m a little tired they taken too long bro come here oh they are taking long I just noticed they’ve taken like an hour he look it’s door Dash and it’s the day before 4th of July you know they probably got parties and stuff like

    That so it’s all good tell you something if mommy loses I at least need you to win cuz Daddy cannot win again yeah he can yes I can let’s go bro he already knows I’m I’m going to give him half of the money you know what I’m saying what

    N yall I’m playing I ain’t split none of my money I ain’t split none of my money church family don’t listen to me I ain’t split none of my money team JP man this is us this is we taking this W 1 hour later what is here did you hear that

    JP finally bro damn I know right I can’t believe it you sound tired you better to get up man there $10,000 on the line man this game look at him already getting start D you’re not waiting for nobody what time is it guys the pizza got here at 11:07

    They have never taken this long man let’s eat this pizza y’all we just went crazy look at him look at that boy’s mouth man how was it not good tired I’m tired now you what I’m tired he’s tired that boy just ate the most but look how

    He eats his pizza y’all he’ll eat the cheese and leave the rest man that’s crazy that’s a waste of food how you feeling I’m tired you’re tired I’m tired but I got this you got to got this because like what it’s $10,000 on the line I probably ate the

    Most I don’t know how much I at how much did I eat babe M it’s like one two three four I ate like six slices what n no no six no you did not eat that much how much that I eat I feel like you ate like

    Three or four three is crazy N I ate like four or five slices and like three or four wings I don’t know I’m not going to lie I’m feeling it I feel a little heavier my eyes feel a little heavier but I’m good y’all I’m doing this for

    Team JP you better go to sleep hey man don’t be chewing in my ear what’s wrong with you shorty back up hey back it up back it up so did did I hear that he was tired though yeah Ka is tired so look I’m going to oh you really tired like my

    Little baby you got to get burped you got to get burped baby yo we finished this right on time B baby you got to get burped baby what you talking about we finished this right on time look at the time it’s 11:20 we have 3 minutes till

    Our next challenge so you telling me I got to drink milk after I just ate some pizza yes I ain’t never do that before warm milk not just milk warm milk oh my God and look I know that’s going to put my my friend over here to bed I know

    That little tummy’s not ready for oh my God are you okay baby oh yeah he’s tired he’s tired he he’s tired y’all it looks like we going to have one contest oh look at him oh look at him go to Mommy my oh my go my Bob’s tired tired baby

    Looks like you don’t want this right here huh is you don’t want it looks like no no not if you going to sleep bro not if you going to sleep you got to wake up you going toake bro hey hey hey no sir no sir look now he’s a now he’s a I’mma

    Start pouring some glasses of milk oh my god do we really got to do this we have to and we just say buffalo wings I know you want to go to sleep I just know you want to go to sleep wait can I ask you something what can we add some like

    Strawberry syrup or something nothing man it’s warm regular milk nothing that’s going to add no sugar or anything that’s going to help us stay up is not allowed all right fine it’s not allowed man y’all see church family y’all see how they she be trying to get her little

    Loops and stuff to get around it you can’t trust me I don’t want to drink milk after I just ate pizza I don’t I really don’t but I have to because you want to order the pizza and mess it up and it gets here like hours not my fault

    It was their fault you’re going to pour it here we go oh my God okay is that enough that’s good that’s enough that’s enough okay that’s enough hey hey hey hey K you’re going to oh Ka K you better are you serious right now let’s go clean it up that’s all you

    Buddy good job everybody good job since you want to play too much look at him he thinks he’s funny and he’s going to split off the counter all right all right let’s just do this warm milk coming right up I’m ready man I already told y’all team JP we taking this one

    Baby I’m going to do everything I can to bring yall this W because for one I love competition and for two look at that little boy he tired man look at him look at him look at y think I’m going lose yall think I’m going L to somebody like

    That no but you’re going to lose to someone like this look at her eyes she look tired already man I’m not worried about nothing and get those milk I’m not worried about nothing let’s go man let’s go let try you yep go Ka Go baby go go Ka go go Ka

    Go Ka go go k o good job baby you’re almost done you’re almost done where you at R so what happened I don’t what’s going on I don’t drink plain milk hey today if you want that $110,000 you got to they didn’t say $10,000 was easy to

    Get what’s wrong o no K what about you man that boy finished all the oh my I’m not going to lie zakas what that boy wants to win that money but I feel like he won’t last any longer I’m done hey you finished last again zakai finished before you oh my

    God what does that mean CRA but it’s okay though because this wasn’t really like a lose win challenge this is more like a everybody has to do it yeah bro that’s what you fighting for that’s what we all fighting for right now $10,000 and so far you doing good bro I got to

    Give it to you you doing good hey you doing good too psych get out of here are you are you get out of here get out of here we are not on the same team man get out of here whatever than get out of here and make sure you clean up this

    Kitchen too man make sure you clean it up real good real good you going to help me I’m not doing nothing because guess what I got an appointment with the Toilet Man who makes me eat pizza and hot wings and milk who makes me do that it’s not my

    Fault it’s not my fault after the toilet I know you going to that’s a lie that’s a lie because the man don’t even worry about what I’m going to do worry about you all right and what you doing over there man don’t be trying to sneak off

    With the money buddy hey we going to leave this right here Mommy I’m so tired de tired yeah TI yes what time is it let me see oh my God you guys I don’t know if you can see this but it is 12:15 in the morning and honestly I’m

    Never really up this late unless I’m watching a movie with JP he’s pretty good at staying up pretty late he’s past his bedtime K are your eyes closed no you want to go to your room yeah come on let’s go to your room I want to sleep

    You you what I want to sleep for you you want to go fall asleep no all right come on let’s go to your room kle I want to sleep for you you want to sleep sleep with me yeah but Ka I have to stay up and win the

    Money do you think I’m going to win the money yeah or you think Daddy’s going to win the money you me no high five high five so we’re in ka’s room right now Ka you’re getting ready to go to sleep yeah you’re tired for real yeah all I know

    That this is really good for me cuz one down baby one down this is hard let me tell you like what I would have been sleeping like at 9:00 I’m an old lady what what are you doing I’m taking a quick shower oh you’re taking a quick

    Shower I needed to wake myself up a little bit yo are you kidding me you’re such a cheater we didn’t say no rules that wasn’t in the rules so you’re literally taking a shower so you can wake yourself up yeah bro why you mad at me for taking

    A shower you go take a shower too whatever JP you know what guys he said there’s no rules so I’m going to go make myself a coffee stay up that’s it I’m going to win after drinking this cup exactly what I needed perfect sorry I’m sorry but look don’t

    Let that shower fool y’all you know what I’m saying because I took a shower to feel like a new person and that’s exactly what I feel like I’m alive baby I’m awake that shower ain’t put me to bed I know right would think oh he’s

    Taking a hot shower this and that girl I took that shower so I can wake up like what you talking about that shower ain’t do nothing but wake me up rys just texted me that zakas is sleeping oh my God I think we got our first one I think

    We got our first one what happened what happened what happened here he’s knocked out oh my my God zakas are you serious right now baby my boy at like a light oh my God and now it’s me versus you yep you versus me and I wi that’s crazy

    Zakas is really out he’s knocked out he he’s knocked out he was talking so much it was the pizza and then the milk the warm milk did it he’s been saying he was tired so much hey now one down R said to go no you to go oh yeah yes you so

    What’s up how how how long to the next challenge it’s actually time for the next challenge right now what time is it it’s like 1:30 1:27 so you actually got 3 minutes because you’re going first remember what you remember you lost the yeah you lost the first challenge damn

    And then on top of that the second time around you finished the milk last like you’re not even trying at this point I am trying it’s 1:27 you know I’m usually sleep enough talking man we got to set up the room and get ready to go do that

    All right let’s do so we need a dark room okay with lullabi music I’m going to 10 minutes only 10 minutes 10 minutes and then I go after you I got where you got this man I believe in you and remember if you fall asleep it’s all

    Good all right you ready I guess go ahead and start the music oh no that’s perfect I’m going to go ahead and start the time got this let’s go team R SP comments please all right y so far so good team JP we’re looking like we’re on top man is still

    Awake by the time the 10 minutes are up I got to go ahead and go in that room for 10 minutes and I hate being in the dark I do not like being in the dark I’m not going to lie so that’s going to be a

    Tough one but I’m going to get through it for you guys and yo I’m going to go ahead and go do some push-ups or some jumping jacks or something I’ll go ahead and wake myself up I got 10 minutes to do whatever I want and look this money

    Is mine this moonight is mine that is the timer right there yo babe let’s see I going be quiet too what hey what’s going on hey were you sleep no were you sleeping no I wasn’t so what were you doing my God get out my face what were

    You doing nothing I was just here waiting for you to come with the timer is it it’s finally time yeah that’s why I’m in here what you mean yo are you tired are you going to sleep I’m tired so you’re going to sleep I’m not going

    To sleep so what you mean you saying you tired just go get my face get on my face no it’s your turn now it’s your turn cuz that’s not fair you going to see what I just went through right now are you serious it was really really hard I’m

    Not going to lie so get in that chair and play that music I don’t want to be in here by myself no I don’t want to be here by myself all right you guys JP starting it’s 1:40 let’s see peace out I got y’ team JP I got you

    No you don’t all right you guys he has 9 minutes left to go and honestly knowing JP he’s really good at staying up he’s really really good at staying up late this was a really big challenge for me cuz I’m always knocked out like I can’t believe it’s already

    Going to be 2: in the morning guys 2: in the morning and I’m still awake but team R said just know I did this for y’all I did this for y’all three two one okay let’s see hey you’re Wide Awake show me the money baby show me the money man hold on let

    Me see them eyes are a little low I’m good man okay that was easy that was the easy challenge you think I know it was easy CH no no you’re tired all right so look since we both made it out the challenge at this point it’s like a sudden death

    Whoever makes it to the end what time is it right now it’s about to it’s 1:50 woo 15 I’m good still let’s go baby let’s go a little longer than a few minutes later no way right now guys look at the time 2:47 a.m. JP what are you doing staying awake

    Baby you staying awake up there no honestly I’m not how are you oh my God how do you have so much energy JP can you pause this I need to talk to you what if I stop right now can you go half with me hell no please oh so you

    About to stop I’m so tired goad go backed I’m awake baby I’m ready to go oh my God I don’t know how he’s doing it so tired like I fought so hard I’m sorry trench Family Team Risa I seriously try to stay awake as long as I can but I can’t do this

    Anymore I’m sorry guys good night Y’all a few minutes later there no no are you serious I’m over here sweating no way what happened what happened wake up what happened you lost did you really just fall asleep leave me alone you can have the money what you can have the money I really don’t care anymore oh my God

    Y’all I can have the money I’mma take that money man I told told y I could keep doing this I’m good I could have went for like the whole night where’s the money I just won the money oh my God I’m going to go get a new

    Car real money real chain y’all really just lost like that hey oh my God I this just woke me all the way up hey are you sure you already lost a’t about being sure look at that that’s what you lost that’s what you lost 3 2 1

    It what is up trench family it’s your boy JP and R and we got another what is up trench family if you’re new to the channel man welcome back if you’re not new then you already know man you tuning in to the lest Family on YouTube and guess what you guys we are

    So appreciative I know rice said thank you to you guys but we didn’t get to say thank you as a family so you guys ready yeah yeah thank you you yeah you guys don’t understand Man 3 million subscribers is a dream come true for us and it’s a big accomplishment you

    Know what I’m saying we work very hard you guys so hey congrats congrats we did that you guys group pug Man Group pug group pug thank you guys so much for 3 million guys so let’s get to 4 million 5 million 6 million 7 million 10 million baby let’s

    Just keep going right all right you guys the point of this video is another challenge but this time it’s going to be me versus you so basically team JP versus Risa and zakas is going to be the host you know what I’m saying yeah you’re going to be the one that’s going

    To basically determine it for us because I got two buckets set up outside right for me and you and we got a table full of just a bunch of stuff like ketchup mustard and you’re going to have to throw it on me and Mommy to see who gets

    Out first are you ready for that yeah but you guys of course you know we can’t do a challenge without a reward so you guys the winner will get $10,000 $10,000 and here show them show them the money so they know it’s not fake we don’t play around here man it’s real

    Money you guys already see that real real HS let me see one let me see one so I can show them you guys look this is real money you guys it ain’t cap it ain’t cap so look all let me just tell you right now team R is taking this home

    Baby oh that’s how you coming yes matter of fact let me see that because teamj P this ours baby this is ours we’re coming home with this but all right y enough talking y’all ready or what oh I’m ready is you ready cuz this is me versus you

    You know what I’m saying I’m letting you know right now spam the comments to team racer cuz we taking this home man you ain’t taking nothing we is home we is home y’all we is home so that means I’m keeping it cuz it’s staying in my house

    Hey man enough talking let’s go show them let’s go then come on leave the way let’s go we going outside let’s go it’s time to show them what we got hey y’all about to see this man so y’all about to see the setup yeah yay here it is y’all as you

    Can see we got our buckets right here you know what I’m saying don’t mind it breaking a little bit full of water we got another bucket right there full of ice and this is what we’re talking about this is where zakas is going to be grabbing stuff and throwing it on us to

    See who will get out first you know what I’m saying because this is a Time challenge but there are challenges to this challenge you get it we got coffee we got whatever this is I hate this this is a disgusting olives I hate them things we got pickles we got flour more

    Flour ketchup we got syrup we got mustard are you ready K take it easy on your dad bro remember I’m your boy hey hey hey hey team mommy you know team mommy man I know your team mommy nobody SE nobody SE there’s no teams right now

    Right now it’s just to see who gets out first so y’all ready for this oh I’m ready all right let’s start putting ice and come on man break it yeah just break it don’t be scared now throw that ice in no no K that’s on mommy’s you already

    Cheating bro you trying to throw ice on mine that’s mommy’s all right this is hey he already cheating trying to throw more ice on mine uh-oh oh my god oh oh my God all right let me get that last bag bab oh that’s the last bag on mommy’s then mine hold

    On K not yet don’t do mine yet oh yo that’s a lot of ice oh my God you guys this is crazy this is crazy and don’t be cheating don’t be throwing no ice no no leave it there don’t touch oh my God yo babe this is about to

    Be crazy y actually you’re not babe right now you’re just my enemy I’m not worried about this $10,000 man I’m going to keep it oh my I’m keeping them 10,000 we’ll see about that uhoh come on baby help me this about to break help me with this one go go go go

    Go yeah all right so Ka look listen Ka do you understand what you got to do yeah so what do you have to do then I had to pour in yeah you got to pour it on me and Mommy but you got to pour it

    On our head on our body inside the thing anywhere okay five hey hold on rules your butt has to be on the floor okay 5 4 3 2 1 oh my god oh oh you’re butt has to be on the floor let’s go let’s go let’s go oh Tren

    Family all my butt’s on the ground oh my God TR family I’m in here right now oh my God it is so cold baby is your butt on the ground yes my butt’s on the ground all right here we go here we go y’all oh my here we go hey

    Are you ready bro yeah at first it’s a mental thing oh my God this baby yeah oh my God this is so cold is it hot oh my God is it hot heck no it’s freezing I know after a while my body’s just going to get

    Enough this is good for you babe you’ve been in the gym all day every day yeah I know but I never liked ice baths o ah and and it gets higher on my stomach and it hurts even more woo I can’t feel my legs I feel good how

    You feeling I can’t feel my legs right now oh my God I look at him he’s just ready to go ahead and throw something on us bro I don’t like you bro hey get away I don’t like you bro I don’t like you bro cuz you’re no look at him I don’t

    Like you don’t do it don’t do it you guys I think he’s about to start throwing stuff hopefully he’s nice to the team JP cuz team JP’s over he’s not on no team hey he’s not on no team but team oh my God he’s coming here first

    Bro oh my God bro what did I do to you oh my god this is disgusting you K me last night my donut at the window what this is disgusting oh my God oh my what what oh my God what about Mommy no no no oh that’s disgusting guys E I feel

    Like I’m showering in some Mone I know look how I look I smell like Starbucks wait Starbuck try it oh ew ka ka wait bro are you serious right now yeah zakas no no no no no no what is he what is that that’s for do it oh my

    God guys look at this I feel like I’m in the mud right now that’s disgusting thing okay okay okay okay okay okay how much are you going to put you could throw it on her body too bro Ka hey why you oh my gosh Bro no no no my lashes my lashes I haven’t even taken a thumbnail oh that’s disgusting that’s disgusting KES are you serious right now okay okay okay okay yo you’re going to put the whole thing on me K my that’s enough babe my hair bro n this is not fair yo

    Who hey bro bro bro I think we can slow down bro the oh my oh my God oh my K you know how much I hate olives look at this water y’all get out get out oh my God throw throw the whole jar in there E I feel like there’s stuff

    Crawling on me cuz of the olives oh Pikachu now oh Zak really I got all of them oh my God you guys I don’t know what I did to deserve this I’m literally in like some muddy water that smells like Starbucks this is this is crazy wait why does that

    Smell like let me see oh my God what is that wait Can I taste it ew why you keep trying to taste yo I ain’t going to lie she’s nasty bro she keep trying to hey bro I don’t like Ranch my my God K I’m

    Just trying to taste stff so I can get my mind off of how cold this is K not on my head bro bro bro what did I do to get this no Ka oh are you serious and this is freezing water that’s the yeah yeah yay get her K

    I’m wait where is it I don’t know what I did for this but please baby stop oh God bro it smells like oh my God it smells like a dumpster oh oh are you yo why my arm K what my see hey bro just know you

    Got it coming team JP is going to come get you we going to get you J with with my eye right now oh my God babe it’s okay I can’t see though if you want to get out you can get out boy don’t play with me why are you still going oh this

    Is disgusting this is not fair this is not fair no no no no no okay J my feet feel like they’re going to fall off oh my God my whole body’s numb this is too cold my body’s numb I got flies on me that’s because I smell like oh

    Oh my God I can’t even open my left eye right please just stop please no y’ this is crazy oh my God no can you please relax can you please relax no not guys no more oh you really want me to lose did you guys make a deal no did

    Y’all make a deal I promise we did it I think he guys I smell like oh my God ew my lashes this bro and he’s still going this is not fair get in my window and I’m going keep throwing out your food don’t worry about it I’m going to keep throwing out your

    Oh you got it on the you got it on the J he got it on the yo it’s all over you give me this I’m done oh no no no this got eyes oh my God I smell like a dirty hot dog I got flies all

    Over me because I smell like food I’m in freezing water K I got yo we got this $10,000 baby $10,000 I got this no I got this I’m telling you I got this oh my God but I feel like I’m going to throw up me too that’s what I that’s what’s getting me

    Right now that I feel like I’m here open your mouth real quick no oh that’s what we doing that’s what we doing throw death yay yay oh oh my God oh my eyes bro this is disgusting oh my God it went in your eyes yeah that’s

    Good cuz look at where it’s at all over me bro look at this is disgusting my face is burning right now bro I cannot see put on your ha no bro this is nasty my hair’s going to be so damaged remember we’re we’re daddy and son I

    Love you puppy you’re my baby no no yeah yeah I got that on your face yeah I got some powder oh my God this is crazy this is not fair this is so nasty right now sh yo yo yo yo what’s crawling on me J there’s something in this water

    Oh my God hold on I got something in my eye I don’t even want to think another wait wait wait bro this is nasty Water oh my God I can’t get out but there’s something in here I swear there’s something in here bro stop oh my God this guy bro I don’t know why we left him in charge look at me he wants me to lose oh there’s it’s been mustard on my

    Eye this whole time there there’s something right here on my face that’s burning me right now yo can you stop trying yo she’s disgusting oh no please please please in the water in the water no oh my God wait I swear I think I’m about to throw

    My God I’m like in a yeah I can’t even stand this smell no more I’m like I’m like a soup right now this is crazy y’all make sure y’all get this to like 20,000 likes this is crazy what hold on what you about to throw up you

    Might as well get out go ahead get out k please stop keep going stop no bro oh my God why you come to me when you want her I’m about to throw up JP I swear oh my God you guys oh my God this is crazy

    Risa is about to throw up and I told her if she wants to get out she can get out look at the water is it still cold for you it it’s freezing yeah it’s freezing for me too but oh my God you guys come on oh bro can you just relax

    Can you please relax oh my god oh you’re about to get out uhoh stop talking uhoh uh-oh do it you can do it you can do it hey y’all we might got a w you can do it uhoh stop uh oh yeah oh my God you guys this is disgusting yeah what

    Happened yeah zakas I see you my God Yeah is that oh my God you guys this is a crazy challenge but hey team JP I told y’all we going to come on top we don’t take no losses yeah oh my God team K looks like team Ka is over there right now he’s not worried

    About us please don’t grab the do please don’t please don’t bring do bro oh my God he’s going hard on her oh my God look at this this is like a cloud what is this what is this oh this is oh this is the powder look how it turned a

    Powder ball oh my God I can’t see nothing right now this is not fair it’s so fair this is $10,000 on the line baby $110,000 what’s in my eye I don’t know it looks like a whole bunch of stuff woo let’s go baby this is crazy no no no no

    No no no there’s something oh there’s flies on me too oh my God he dropped a ranch in there oh hey oh that’s cheating that’s what we doing oh my God are you serious right now that’s you doing you want to cheat all right oh this is nasty

    This is not right this is not right please please I’m about to vomit I swear I’m going to vomit please I don’t need nothing else yeah K hey K if if I win I’ll split the money with you 5,000 5,000 bro stop you can get whatever you

    Want you’re a cheater bro for real you’re a cheater I’m pretty empty why are you cheating telling him you don’t split the money with him I split the money with you if you get our first you mean it’s like it’s like my whole my lower half of my body is like

    Numb and then my top my nose is like stuffed because of how nasty it stinks in here what is this what color is this red bleeding no playing it’s ketchup oh my God oh my God it’s like chunks of stuff falling off my freaking head oh he’s making a soup he’s mixing

    Stuff oh my God he’s mixing stuff oh my God can I please I don’t want to lose so much stuff is wrong with me right now e my ear inside my ear oh that’s nasty oh that’s nasty oh my god oh she’s about to throw

    Up oh my God hey I said hey I’ll give you some money if I win throw up over there oh oh sh I’m about to throw up in your own in your PIN no you’re not I’m going to make it worse throw up over there I can’t I’m

    Going just close my eyes and that’s it I can’t even open my eyes guys this is not fair smells like that’s why I put my 1 hour later e e e are you serious e there’s a fly in my ear bro my feet are I can feel

    My feet and and my body like getting like you know wrinkly when you’re in the water too long ah oh my God you r you got stuff on the floor you got ketchup you got on the floor me alone wait you’re throwing up open the door I don’t care about

    Money you can keep it I know I won I I won what you mean open the door though no bro I won bro I won where don’t mind if I do here it goes look at this guys $10,000 that was way too easy stop playing with me stop

    Playing with R say stinks it here we got to clean this house oh my God a few minutes later oh so this what we do now we take showers outside I ain’t going inside like this you right you right all right you guys we’re finally clean we’re finally settled my hair is

    All washed up and of course we got JP in the back showing off the money he just won yes sir what we doing Tren family what y’all want to do first let me know actually I’m not too upset because you did tell me if I got out first you would

    Split it 5,000 5,000 so that’s what we’re doing but she didn’t get out first cuz of me she got out because she couldn’t take it no more that’s not my fault I’m sorry cuz that was disgusting the deal was at that moment when I said

    Yo get out for for for half and half you were supposed to get out at that moment you got out because you needed to throw up and because you had a little complication I don’t know all I know is we came out on top baby it ain’t no

    Splitting I don’t care care I’m sorry team R I let y’all down but I had to throw up that was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever done in my entire life so today we will be doing the last person to leave the pool wins $10,000 and no it’s not going to be easy

    We have multiple challenges set up and in the end the winner will be chosen by the person with the most treasure in the Treasure cheest so make sure you guys stay all the way to the end what is up trans family your your boy JP and R and and we got another

    Bu if you’re new to the channel man you already know man smash that subscribe button if you’re not new then you already know you tuning in to the latest Family on YouTube I hope you guys are ready because I know I’m ready I don’t know about y’all or you because this

    Challenge means you versus you versus me there’s no teams today yo I’m going to win this challenge I already know I’m going to win this challenge so you think you’re going to win yes yeah oh I don’t think so I think I’m the best I think I’m going win this challenge today I

    Guess today we’re going to find out so make sure you comment down below trans I me who you think’s going to win I’m not going to lie if I had to put my money on somebody it’d be me of course you would say that guys put your money on me right

    Now spam the comments with Team R cuz I will take the W oh really spam the comments cuz I’m in to win this Challenge and I’m the best oh that’s what you think yeah so look all of us right now our first challenge is waiting outside everybody has to grab a floaty

    And has to grab some weapons because the first challenge is whoever gets knocked down off the floaty first loses so go right now go right now go right oh oh oh I’m going no no I’m going with the alligator give me the alligator I’m going with the alligator and you guys

    Need to grab some weapons too oh my God give me two I’m taking two I got the alligator this is mine don’t touch me oh he got the big squirter oh my God he got the big squ let me get one I need one too oh you’re taking that one let’s go

    Let’s go in the water all right let’s go let’s go let’s go all right y y’all ready I’m ready everybody got their weapons let’s go hey remember first person to get knocked down and there’s no teams so you guys cannot switch sides and team up or nothing like that oh

    That’s it hey hey that’s it hey get him out of here get him out of here so now it looks like it’s me versus you where you at hold on y’all so you got two of them he let go of it he let go oh okay so

    That’s what we doing get over here get over here get over here you didn’t know I got the extendo I got the extendo cuz I’m smart that’s cuz I’m yeah yeah and you get out of here you get out of here cuz you want to give her yours get out

    Of here I’m not going to lie you guys hey that’s not fair oh no that’s not fair her floaty comes with a shooter I chose this this one’s not even all sturdy oh no Che we no way winner no way no way winner okay so look that just means we lost

    This challenge you got to stay you you get to stay on the floaty for the whole challenge till you fall off okay so you better not fall off well I’m just letting you know I already took the dub on this challenge I’m going to win this whole challenge Ka shoot her man what

    Her up what up man get her Ka oh there’s no I’m not going to let you do that t here we go You lucky you lucky you’re swimming away I’m not going to lie it’s a little hard to balance on this imagine mine mine was hard that’s the only reason you won fill it all the way up come on bro we got to cuz she thinks she’s the best

    Look at her I am the best the best no one’s going to beat me where’s my noodle look at man that crocodile let me down Here We Go Again check you K we got to knock her down keep shooting her k no going to knock her

    Down hey that is crazy we’re not going to work as teammates but it’s crazy that mommy’s still on the floaty I’m not going to lie you guys I thought she was going to get out first I didn’t think it was going to be zakaya so you think you’re good right I need that

    Ka look at it no one’s going to get me off no one’s going to get me off cuz I’m the best get her come get her guys I need my big one I need my big one all right you guys I’m not going to lie I got to think a little bit smarter

    Because over there where she’s at is a little too deep for me only one that can go over there is a Ka cuz he got a floaty he got the little vest on Ka go I need you to go get her off man I want to

    Give you some tips but guess what I’m not going to help you oh you’re not going to help me I don’t care you don’t got to help me but look though just because it’s too deep for me over there doesn’t mean I’m going to stop CH no no K got her

    Yeah yeah K that’s what I’m talking about yeah yeah yo so lucky you just gotop me what happened you thought you was going to stay on the Floy the whole time he flipped me over that’s what he was supposed to do good job bro good job P I’m not on your team boy

    We not on teams right now all right you guys so since I won challenge number one this time JP is going to go against the K where’ you go k what’s going on you’re not ready for this challenge I am hurry up and get on there JP who do you think

    Is going to win this challenge you already know me man he ain’t got nothing for me you guys saw the first challenge he fell first he can’t even get in his floaty don’t talk about him he got on his floaty so get your weapons guys get

    Your weapons I’m going to chill on this one and just hyped them up cuz I won come on get those weapons I can’t help you guys I’m trying oh my hurry up I got oh my God don’t no no way are you lucky you lucky still holding

    On where you at get it baby get it oh my guys this is going to be crazy that boy struggling to get on his thing hey this is harder than I thought exactly Ka was on that one that’s why’s back on his floaty it’s upside down it doesn’t matter come on right all

    Right ready set go oh get come on guys hey these floaties are letting me down get out come on get him why you scared come on why you scared why you scared because you didn’t know I had a I got a secret weapon in here you’re not the only

    One I got weapon too guys you your Flo it has a water gun get him no I need this one oh my goodness get out of here you’re not get out of here get out of here yo no way you guys get get out of here what you this at

    Least has a place to hide get him get him come on you guys have to I’m done with this I’m done with this let’s go get over here grab the floaty grab it grab it come on oh my goodness grab it get him K get him get

    Out get out of here K get Him the I’m save you I’m going save you come on come on come on I’mma save you you guys come on someone has to get knocked off JP you knock him off or Ka you knock daddy off let’s go forget the floaty what are you about to

    Do oh oh he’s about to fall guys oh fell oh my god wow Ka is the winner of this challenge cuz you fell off first I was trying to dive and like get him off of it no Ka you’re the winner good job hey oh my God

    Bro how do you feel about that that’s crazy yeah it I don’t know how I keep losing hey hey he hey hey B oh oh okay okay so it’s me oh hold on so it’s so it’s y’all versus me now yall chill out all right chill hey trench family it

    Feels like they’re teaming up on me I’m not te I’m about to get mad and I’m about to turn into a fish all right you know what for It hey hold on we got a loser first person out the Co he’s lost K Ka you’re out the game I don’t care you’re out you lost hey it’s just us too now psych I’m not your friend now it’s you next see I lost the round but he lost the actual

    Challenge look at him no way guys why water hey now he’s mad now he’s mad and he’s going to keep trying to work to get me out he wants his mom to win it looks like yo you team mommy huh hey Ka you’re out you got you can’t get back in the

    Water you’re out that’s crazy you guys first person out I I I lost both the rounds but at least I didn’t get out the challenge yet now it’s us you guys already know I’m going to win this challenge once again yeah okay anyways you guys this is round number three and

    Since AAS got out first he’s going to be hosting the next round which is basically he’s going to throw a ring in the water it’s going to sink and me and rice have to swim to it first whoever gets it first will win this round and

    You guys already know it’s going to be me it’s going to be a little hard but I got this trench family I’m not going to let you hey hey hey enough of the chitter chatter trench family I promise you I’m not going to let y’all down this

    Time if there’s anything I know I’m not going to fall on you let’s get it Ka it’s on you you got to count to three and then we start I know you’re not ready I’m ready boy don’t play with me it’s on you K 1 2 3

    You’re I got it I got it K you try to grab it you triy to grab it with your feet I had to gra back you didn’t tell me no rules I grabbed it off your feet no you could have Dy win yes sir no D hey look look look look though but

    Since I’m not going to lie that was challenging it was let’s do it again guys go to the other side it’s me winning right now so we’re going to do the best out of three all right let’s go hey that was crazy that was I’m like no

    Way you just grabbed that off my foot I had to I couldn’t even see it I’m going to be honest all right guys whenever you’re ready oh gosh all right let me collect my breath 1 2 3 what let’s go let’s go my god daddy get J yes sir yes sir this is too easy man this is this is too easy Tren family I told you I’m not going to keep losing now I’m not going to keep losing I was swimming behind you and you pushed water in my

    Face my bad that’s called swimming fast oh my God you actually are fast I’m not going to lie all right so I won twice out of three times right so I win you won yes hey Tren family comment down below we’re getting closer to the end one person’s already out I don’t know

    Where he’s at he’s right there he’s already out you know what she’s next I’m about to walk away with $10,000 oh my no you’re not no you’re not I’m sorry to let you guys down but I got you on the next one so K how you feel about getting

    Out first man not good I wanted to one the challenge but I didn’t it’s okay you did so good regardless yeah you were doing good you you knocked me off the thing you won with Mommy cuz I was doing bad I started off really bad yeah you

    Did no you didn’t no I did I started off bad I lost both the rounds you won the second round cuz you knocked me off first but then you messed up because you got out the water bro yeah why did you get out the water and I know I don’t

    Think he remembered because trust me my son is very competitive right baby you would have won yeah well guess what he didn’t and you’re not going to win either I am going to win now you can finally say whose team you’re on whose team mommy or daddy um daddy yeah that’s

    My boy you thought he was going to pick you hey trench family she thought he was going to pick her but he pick me I’ll remember that okay because he knows who comes who scores like Steph Curry when it’s time to clutch man leave me alone tell them what Challenge number three

    Consists of right now all right you guys so this is the last and final challenge to win the $10,000 yes sir so basically you guys zakas is going to throw treasure all over this water he’s going to throw money all over the place which is the treasure stuff that we got and whoever

    Goes down and grabs the most money and fills up the treasure chest wins The Challenge are you ready I’m ready hey zakas are you ready yeah so go ahead and get all the money and throw it all in the water throw it everywhere everywhere don’t matter where but mostly over there

    Though we’re not going to make it easy grab a whole lot grab a whole lot and let’s see let’s show the trench family bring it over here cuz I want to show the trench family how it looks like okay yeah bring it all over here bring it all

    Over here all right the worst part about this is we can’t use goggles no goggles we said it’s not going to be easy guys look at all this money he’s going to throw all this and it’s going to go to the bottom and whoever gets the most and

    Feels up the treasure chest wins $10,000 Let’s go Team R spam them comments right now HDE me let’s go hey man spam the comments right now with Team JP hype me up man Turn Me Up turn him down turn me up turn her down he

    Goes you can do a one by one if you want to to make it harder okay let’s see let’s see oh oh oh okay so he is going one by one throw a whole lot throw a whole lot okay everywhere everywhere throw it throw it yeah okay okay oh my God I’m

    Dumping it oh you going to dump it make sure you dump it everywhere oh that boy is ready oh hey back up back up why you getting closer all Ain no cheating going on yeah yeah oh my he’s dumping it he’s dumping it he’s dumping it uhoh here we go what is that

    You got to flip it over and dump it dude baby actually I’m not doing that so what you doing he thought oh my God throw it over there bro you you got to throw it over there he’s throwing it everywhere he knows what he’s doing he’s making it

    Challenging he said he wants me to win but it look like he wants you to win he’s throwing it towards you you never know KES do be switch inside sometimes oh that’s true you know what I don’t even oh my God I’m not even worried about them I’m not worried about them

    How much are left just dump them all man just dump them all okay dump them all to the deep side though to the deep side and then dump them flip them over in there flip them flip them yeah yeah yeah okay good job there’s no more

    Uhoh it looks like a lot from on top I could already see they’re scattered everywhere bro oh my goodness I’m ready for this it’s me versus you man this where it matters this what it’s come down to CH family I got you hey JP are you ready for Challenge number three

    Let’s get it baby I’m ready to win that’s what I’m ready to do 2 1 Go Oh oh yeah Mommy you’re losing I know it’s hard this not fair he can hold his breath longer oh yeah oh my God this is hard oh my God oh my God I’m tired it’s like a workout oh my God it me can we have a break no break No are you losing I think he found a secret spot there’s a spot with so much treasure it’s deep over here man you got anything yeah I got this mudy man I got this mudy man oh my God what happened JP you tired uh-uh I

    Just know I’m doing better so I get to take a little break Whatever oh my God how is he still under Water I’m so tired you don’t understand I got a diamond oh my gosh You guys I can’t find anything else I can’t find anything else yeah me either I think we’re done let me go swimming one more Time I got it I was not going to lie how yeah you did Mommy got my go think we did I honestly think I could have gotone more but I think you got a lot in yours that’s her that’s her problem she was too worri she was too worried about what

    I was doing no I was worried about going to go get the treasure let’s go I’m going to go check one more time though oh my God Wait what is this is that I don’t know it’s not on Tre part of the Goggles no you got anything no I think we’re done one thing about JP he can hold his breath under water for so long so he has that advantage over me he definitely has that advantage over me yeah I’m not going to lie you guys it’s like I was blessed with those Powers I

    Can literally yeah I can literally hold my breath for the longest under water but anyways she’s trying to stall she’s trying to stall I won that challenge we got to go count him we got to go count them y’all ready wait you found some yes

    No you didn’t I just went down there you didn’t look right let me see oh she did find something what is that’s nothing that’s just trash man that’s trash here are the treasure chests and we still can’t get out the water you know what I’m saying I know we cannot

    Get out the water till the challenge is officially over so this one’s Rises and it feels a little heavy let’s see what I did great no you what do you mean you did great hold on all right so so we’re going to count we’re going to count rice

    As first you ready okay one okay 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 well you know what let’s just pile them I’m not going to count all them we going to pile them and we going to look like we going to look at which

    Pile looks like more okay I’m not going to lie I did kind of good you did good look at that I see diamonds I see some coins in there okay not bad let’s move over here all right that’s me guys that’s her let me see oh

    You cheated I didn’t cheat I promise I didn’t cheat but look you guys can already tell you guys can already tell what’s going on over here you guys can already tell put it all over here put it all over here oh my God J guys it looks like I hit the jackpot

    Wow oh my God you’re a real life fish you’re not a human you’re a fish no I’m not I’m a mermaid oh you’re a mermaid I’m a mermaid get it right I’m a mermaid no way hey should I even keep going you have more a lot more look at this

    Look at this oh my god I didn’t even realize I got I’m going to be honest I didn’t realize I got that much JP I was just grabbing them I’m going to be honest I was just oh my God bro mine looks like a nothing compared to you oh

    My god yours looks like it wishes it was mine boy D that’s it oh no one more oh my god wow guys we don’t even got to count them like you guys can see you guys could definitely see with your eyes wow wow oh my God so you know what

    There’s only one more thing to do left what go get my money yeah give me the camera oh my another challenge another W where’s my money at where’s my money at where’s the money it’s right there on the chair where on the right chair ah Cash Money Stop W yo you’re waiting

    My money man you’re waiting my money man oh my God I can’t believe you won man come on man never go against JP I started off slow I was losing the rounds I fell off the floaties and then I got back got back for the W man I’m not

    Going to lie I got to catch my breath though I’m not going to lie yeah you need to catch wait wait you can you can have 100 for participating thank you got come here you still get 100 for just for just being in the game you can go buy

    Whatever you want with this Hunter oh come on Kai his daddy said he’s giving you money let’s go yes sir that boy going to run to that money o cha ching I’m not I’m not a loser you know what I’m saying I I won a lot so I’m going to

    Give them a l wow I mean that is a little Fair though exactly I didn’t have to give him nothing but anyways trench Family Man comment down below who you thought was going to win I’m not going to lie man I’mma I’m going to go ahead

    And keep swimming enjoy my pool I just want some money I want another challenge I did it for you guys man I’m out guys this was so much woo y guys wow what is up you guys what’s up RIS what up K hey what’s up trench family how you guys doing good

    Hey what you guys doing in here watch you guys are watching our videos well we were watching shorts and then he clicked on our page so yeah that’s oh really yeah hey man tell him man subscribe and go watch our shorts man subscribe and don’t watch our s and watch our video

    Yes sir but hey Ka I got a surprise for you bro close your eyes wait what’s behind your back close your eyes close his eyes make sure he’s not looking okay you ready for this babe no yes sir oh my goodness all right guys are you ready for this yeah I just want

    To say congratulations this is a big milestone and you’re only 4 years old and you did it bro okay you ready yeah 3 2 1 wow oh my God yes sir do you know what that is no what what you don’t know what this is bro

    This is your brand new YouTube plag look zaki’s Clubhouse for surpassing 100 100,000 subscribers now I’m going to put this next guys oh now we got two of them we got the trench family and we got zakas sis wow hey clap it up for zakas one

    Time man good job good job yeah yeah hey hey okay wow that’s crazy y’all I’m so proud of my baby right here good job k k you only did that with three videos Man shout out to the trench family hey you got to give a big thank you to the

    Trench family thank you guys for my YouTube like yeah hey that’s how you do it all right you guys do you guys want to know the real reason why I’m in here yes yes all right so look man we got to give the trench family what they want what do

    They want what do they want look I was watching our last video I was reading the comments and they were like you guys got to do the last to leave the tiny house you guys should do the a challenge inside of Teddy’s new house so I was

    Thinking we’re doing the last to leave the tiny house win so it’s going to be team JP versus team zakas and team R wait wait wait wait so we’re doing that right now right now we’re doing it right now you guys oh yeah we’re not on team

    Bab we’re not on hey we’re not on teams you guys hey look make sure y’all are ready for this because we got another challenge coming for you guys and all I’m going to say is you guys know when it comes to challenges team JP comes on

    Top every time man man I don’t want to hear that this time team R got it oh yeah you think you got it I definitely who you got it yeah all right you know what so enough with all the Talking let’s go straight outside and let’s

    Handle this let’s handle come on hey hey hold on y’all didn’t let me explain what we doing what are we doing all right you guys so basically the way this is going to work is we’re all going to be taking turns going in there one by one I got to

    Goor in their setup already so it’s going to be capturing everything while one of us is in there though the other two are going to be throwing flour we got pizza sauce we got coffee mix we got ketchup we got all type of stuff we even

    Got pickles yeah we got pickles way your favorite so don’t be in there trying to eat the pickles you hate pickles so you going get these all pickles oh really yeah so you oh so y’all are going to over here here work together we’re not working together but he is right you

    Don’t like pickles oh the way the winner is going to be chosen is whoever can last the longest in their wins okay oh my God okay y’all ready for that so you guys ready to see who goes first I’m not going to lie I’m a little nervous you’re

    Nervous okay hey look team rice is scared already and we got team Z Y’all Scared no you sure yeah all right let’s go so everybody put their hands in the middle we about to play Rock Paper Scissors Shoot you guys ready yeah Rock Paper Scissors Shoot scors

    I got you you you’re out wait you had rock yeah oh my God I’m out first no way all right you guys now you guys ready okay Rock Paper Scissors Shoot I got you no no she got you mommy got you you had Rock You Go second you go third I go

    First oh my God you guys how did I make up this Challenge and I’m over here going first oh you going first it’s about to go down boy all right let’s get it oh my God hey team JP man y’all already know your boy’s taking the W

    Home man you know what time it is all right you already know JP’s first guys you starting with the pickles already go go go go go Go no ah no way hey hey hey y’all are wrong for starting with the pickles first man hey hey that’s so wrong oh my let me see that let me see that oh oh oh my God I can’t oh my God hey this is nothing CH

    Family I can’t believe this is crazy I was made for this where are you are you oh my God the pickle juice is just burning my butt oh no more no more oh what is that some milk ay that milk is cold no here here the pickles e you can’t can’t do

    That you can’t do that you can’t put stuff in my mouth so crazy this is nothing yet this is nothing oh how does that taste here how does it taste taste good oh thank you for that make with the catch up E look at that mixure how you can’t break the fler on

    The Floor hey CH family I’m doing this for y’all yo CH oh my God oh oh my God wao wait a second hey wait a second oh my God oh my God y’all got to chill man oh my God y’all this is crazy this was supp oh my God no no guys chill all

    Right what did I do to you I think I think he deserves a break I think now we should just mix it all in there let mix it all in oh yeah oh yeah oh my goodness so not even in there hard TJ P we coming out on to oh

    My God that’s what is that I can’t even see stop stop what is that oh my goodness this is disgusting this is disgusting let me get some look oh my God it’s all my PES bur hey TR they can’t no matter how much how bad they try get out of here hey you

    Can’t throw out get out of here let me WIP my I can’t even see ow hey hey chill okay okay okay stop stop stop come on don’t throw nothing in there don’t throw don’t throw don’t Throw oh chill out chill out hey chill you can’t zakus made cereal in here look at this that’s oh my God like guys oh no no way no K stop stop all right guys I see what you’re trying to do you’re trying to waste everything on

    Daddy so it doesn’t mean waste on us right how was it in there ah you thought I was going to say nasty yeah I’m ready to keep going no oh my God you literally stin that’s what St I can’t even see you guys oh my God I

    Can’t oh my are you serious yo I don’t think you should take off some go my shirt was white look at This team JP we on top baby W what are you talking about what are you doing R what is that no don’t throw it on me you ain’t got hey chill out chill out oh my God no way y oh hey it’s in my

    Ear no you made it in my oh you made it in my ear what is oh no I’m out of here what is that I’m out of here you made it in my ear oh no I’m out of here I’m out of here I’m out of here I’m out of here

    Oh my God this is disgusting oh my god did it oh my God you guys oh my goodness JP you literally look crazy look at me take a good look at me just no this isn’t going to end like this all right zakas are you ready no I

    Can’t yes it’s your turn though you ready let’s go go in there this for team Team zayas let’s go get in there get in there and sit down I know get in there get in there my boy and sit down let’s go as soon as you sit down the timer

    Starts hey y you didn’t take it easy on me he didn’t take it easy on on me so hey this how I’m starting I’m starting off just like this yeah here we go here we here we go yeah e what is this guys they use so much stuff on me

    Like look at all the stuff they use on me oh my God oh and he wanted to throw pickles on me right I got some pickles for you my boy what sit down sit down sit down wow that’s sick why did you do that that’s it oh my God K hey he definitely lost I mean it’s you’re next so so we

    Got to see but hey bro you lost look at him hey look at what you doing what are you doing hey hey you can’t be hey stop you can’t be a sord loser stop stop you can’t be a sord loser what hey I know I

    Beat you I know I beat you for sure you definitely beat him but come on now you could have done better than that it’s all good it’s all good you tried now it’s your turn I’m not ready I’m not ready yes sir it is your turn now you’re

    Going to get me what you mean you’re going to get hey look at me look how yall did me look at me R any last words before you go team Risa please I’m trying my hardest for y’all but we don’t want to hear all that go ahead we don’t

    Want to hear all that let’s go let’s go hey Z K do you feel better now you cleaner yeah how was that was that bad no don’t talk to me E bro why what happened don’t talk to me so you could do it to me but I can’t do it to you are

    You ready yes oh my God guys oh my God me go oh my God wait do this e no no no here we go oh my God J oh my God j e stop oh my God go ahead guys go ahead go k you need

    Help you need help I can help you I can help you run run run run run yeah what happened oh W it’s not easy now right yo get me out of here please this is disgusting let go yeah what happened please I got the catchup coming oh my

    God no please guys oh my God y’all this is too much no thr all in there K come on oh my God my hair my ha easy right you thought it was easy huh you thought it was easy right let me see let me see that

    Yeah thought it was easy thought it was easy oh my God this is disgus hey look hold on guys let me go let me go let me yeah yeah it’s cold right nasty yeah oh my God oh my God yo this is so disgusting I can’t do this this is nasty my hair is literally going to be so no no no no no no no she’s done guys no no she’s out she’s out oh my god oh yeah that yes sir what happened this is disgusting oh my God oh my

    Goodness oh so I said now you know how it feels right now you know how it feels no hey bring her the hose K bring her the hose so she can wipe her face babe wipe your face wipe your face oh wa whoa whoa watch out man you wear me you wear

    In the camera I the worst out of all of y’all hey I’m not going to lie I definitely won no I won no no I definitely won oh my you lost bro I definitely won Yo oh this is disgusting I hope you know my hair’s going to be

    Damaged and you’re going to pay for my hair session okay cuz this is crazy I don’t care this is disgusting like look what y’ did to me was unacceptable so that’s why I had to go hard you went crazy on me all right you guys so this

    Is the end of this challenge I’m not going to lie I started off with a white shirt and now look at the color of this shirt it’s like red this is crazy we smell we stink but look your boy JP team JP we came out with the w cuz you know

    That’s what we do how you feel I’m not going to lie I really did try my hardest but y’all did the most so I just couldn’t know more I had to get out hey you lost man team Jas is mad at you man he don’t talk to me no more hey they’re

    Mad at you I feel like a trash can a garbage can I’m out of here I got to go take a shower you smell like a trash can so today we will be doing the last stream challenge and if you guys have watched our past videos then you guys

    Know our challenges are not easy this challenge will consist of multiple tasks and whoever makes it to the end without screaming wins $10,000 what is up trench family it’s your boy JP and R and K and we got another if you’re new to the channel man make sure you smash that subscribe

    Button if you’re not new then you already know you tuning in to the lest Family on YouTube you guys we got another challenge for y’all Y know what we doing right it’s the last to screen okay that’s good so look before we start the challenge I need everybody

    Right now to let out all let let out all your screens you know what I’m saying y’all ready 3 2 1 W okay okay so y’all ready are you ready to win this challenge man yeah I would get my money right now no no no no I’m ready to win this challenge because

    I am not taking no losses okay okay look y’all already know trench family I don’t got to do too much talking because I’m like two and0 in these challenges I’ve won every single challenge we’ve done right now I’m the top dog they they coming from me they’re coming from my

    Spot you hear me take the DU I’m taking the D I’mma take your spot what about you man nobody’s going to take my spot cuz I’m the Champion o okay all right so look man enough talking let’s get straight to it y’all ready I’m ready

    Let’s go let’s go all right you guys so for challenge number one we’re going to have to walk across Legos and on top of that right after that one we’re going to have to jog in place for 30 seconds on the Legos without screaming all right

    You guys the timer is going to start now in 3 2 1 we got 30 seconds let’s go Oh yo let it out right sir I can’t hey that’s why it don’t hurt look at him he’s cheating he not steing on levels man hey man you need to be stepping on them all right time is up time is up 30 seconds are upo all right you guys so so

    Far everybody’s still in the challenge what y’all thinking so far I’m not going to lie that was a little hard I’m going to rate this like a 6 out of 10 ooh what about you man it was fun oh bro oh somebody likes it man anyways k so y’all

    Ready for the next one I’m ready what we doing show us guys what we doing we’re doing this so now we got to be on our knees wait you’re telling me we’re going to be on our knees on Legos oh my God I’m not going to lie the feet hurt

    Already so imagine the knees oh my god let’s go let’s do it all right you guys y ready so for this one we’re going to be on our knees oh my goodness Y’all Ready I’m Ready the timer starts when we get down let’s go everybody get down

    Down on the Legos let’s go ready timer started Ka you’re pushing down on my leg Ka you’re pushing down leg get oh my God oh my God my oh my goodness oh my goodness oh I’m going win this money how win this body oh my God how are y’all doing this right

    Now I know your knees are in so much pain oh you got this oh my God how much time how much time oo done you’re good you’re good oh my look oh my God no let me see K oh my gosh you lost this challenge I did lose this

    Challenge hey good job Ka we’re not on teams but good job so you just lost that challenge right I did and you still won a chance to win the $110,000 right I do all right so look if you want to stay in this challenge you have to deal with the

    Consequences for losing the last challenge what is that all you have to do is sit in this right here Full Of Mice for 30 seconds oh my God I’m going to throw up you have to sit down let’s go starting now oh my God oh my God oh my

    God sit down sit down JP J J sit down J are you starting it don’t scream it started already remember if you scream you’re out the whole challenge J J uhoh JP J uhoh no JP I oh my God it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay don’t scream don’t scream don’t scream don’t

    Scream H long you’re done you’re done you’re done you’re done you’re done that’s disgusting JP I want to see you get in there you’re losing the next challenge I don’t see hey you’re back in the game all right you guys so for this next challenge it’s the what’s in the Box

    Challenge JP’s all blindfolded you can’t see right nothing no cheating all right let me get the ink in there o dang this is heavy what guys be careful with bites what be careful JP what are you got talking about right now nothing nothing all right stay still stay right there

    All right are you ready JP no you have to be ready you know where the box is at no put your hand I’ll help you all right these are the holes don’t stick my hand in just tell me where to all right these are the holes all right don’t scare it

    Now here we go what happened what is that I can’t tell you get back in play what is that I’m not going to tell you what does it feel like what does it feel like like it has spikes oh my gosh probably a porcupine okay okay come on come on

    Let’s go put your hands back in there you got thisp we on top baby let’s go $10,000 Here We Go Daddy scared you you lost it’s a pineapple a pineapple bro pineapple God no don’t lie I thought it was like a baby alligator man oh my God yo I could

    Have done something like that but I had to go easy on you you li ha all right so it’s Zak’s turn right now zakas are you ready no can you see anything no okay baby go ahead and guide him all right oh my God be careful that’s really big

    Guys you got it K you got it you got it care it’s going to get away it’s going to get away I’m I’m not going to let it run I’m not going to let it run I’m scared you got it you have to do both hands come

    On he got it he got it what is that it’s a baby it’s a baby I no I can’t see I can’t see it see it my good hey zakas is doing really good in this game bro all right good job hey good job man that was

    Good that was good that boy not scared a next is me y’all let’s see is you going to win or you going to lose I’m going to win all right right so your turn you ready no can you see no I can’t see anything at all all right hold on let me

    Get it I’m grabbing it oh my God please please I chill chill chill chill what is it JP I hope it’s not aggressive right now stop don’t do that relax relax don’t do that there it’s in there don’t do that what is it bro be careful be

    Careful cuz the thing is mad JP don’t play with me let’s go good let’s go hey look I’m going guide you and then you do the rest if something let me guide you if I go in there and something bites me JP hey you already lost once if you want

    To lose twice just go ahead and scream I’m not going to scream all right so wait let me show you where where it is let me just show you all right it’s there now you do the rest oh my God I’m scared no I can’t I can’t can’t I can’t

    I can’t come on let’s go I’m scared babe I know you you’re trying to mess with me back up a little bit guys back up a little I don’t want it to to attack you just back up stop what do you mean attack you I’m right here with you what

    Do you mean attack just go let’s go please please please please what is that what is that I don’t know what is that oh my God I’m about to cry I’m about to cry I’m about to cry remember scream you’re out I’m not going to scream I don’t want what is that

    Cry what is this it’s a plan it’s a plan bro you I’m not going to lie you scared me I’m not going to lie you scared me over here talking about it’s not aggressive boy what are you doing what are you doing yo so you’re telling me

    I’m the only one that screamed in this challenge you know what that means right you just made me face one of my biggest fears so now it’s your turn it’s your turn to get in that ugly pool ugly pool full of mice are you ready for this guys

    Trust me I know JP’s heart is beating so fast right now come on baby time to face your fear you to do it you have to do it come on you all right JP are you ready to get in this pool full of mice that’s

    You get that’s what you get haha so you got 30 seconds and you have to stay in there and if you scream while you’re in there you lose the entire challenge get in there right now as soon as you get in I start the timer let’s go baby you got

    It oh my God y’all look at these mice they’re ready to crawl all over you ready starting in 3 2 1 timer started sit down sit down why is that one coming to me sit down I don’t want to sit down I had to sit on my butt sit down

    Sit down you’re cheating sit down all I’m I’m done I’m done yo no y you have the whole challenge you do not win $10,000 this qualified Yo God yeah oh my all right you guys y’all are the last two final contestants are y’all ready for the last challenge yeah oh I’m definitely ready

    And I’m going to win this challenge cuz it doesn’t get worse than those mics oh it doesn’t you sure I promise all right so look right now you guys are going to stay trapped in this bathroom with the lights off and all you’re going to have

    Is a flashlight oh but look though this is the twist I’m going to be playing scary music coming out this speaker right here and the first person to scream loses and the person who lasts to the end wins the 10,000 all right let’s do it I’m definitely so y’all think yall ready I’m

    Ready let’s go you ready go ahead and go first oh okay all go ahead and go first go ahead turn off the light wait I’m scared turn off the light okay all right you guys here we go k you ready for this you going to beat her bro I know you got

    This team JP didn’t win but you will why you so scared all I wanted to do is play with you please come and play with me I’m put the volume up why do you seem so scared that’s easy you got this bro you better win okay guys if I turn off the

    Light play with me it’s so dark I’m so lonely You’re Not Afraid of the Dark I would have been screaming already Don’t Be Afraid come with me I will show you where I hide and seek no no no stop I what happened no I can’t wo wo whoa wo

    Wo I’m what happened I’m done I am not staying in that dark bathroom no way what happened I got scared I’m not doing it I’m not doing it no are you serious Ka that was easy bro you got this bro all you got to do is beat Mommy and then

    You win $110,000 man oh my God what happened yo you knew exactly what down to choose to get me out of there you wanted me out of there hey Hey listen I’m not I’m not over here picking side oh my God feel my heart right now I’m

    Literally like see see oh my yo you’re really scared no I’m scared oh my God you got this you got this K you got this let’s go all right so look you just lost I know guys ka’s got this though I’m not ka’s got this here we

    Go okay okay okay okay okay I just want a $10,000 where’s the money where’s the money K where you going K where you going K what happened away that’s not fun I don’t care where’s my money at I got your money right here I got your

    Money right here let me get that money baby oh my god oh that’s my money what you talking about I you all going to win this challenge wo this is our son takayas and today we will be going head-to-head to see who can create the best floatable WRA for him without

    Sinking and whoever wins gets $10,000 what is up church family Bo JP and R and and we got another if you’re new to the channel then you already know man smash that subscribe button and if you’re not new then you already know you tuning into the L family for

    YouTube so do you know what’s going on today yeah it’s Mommy versus daddy oh yeah it’s me versus you hanging yeah okay we not on teams that’s right we’re not on teams it’s me versus you today so you already know how that goes man I

    Always come out on top no no no but today no for real like let me just tell you you’re not coming on top today cuz I got this one in the back what are you talking about hey oh okay so you rocking with me okay

    So my boy rocking with me today he knows better he knows who be winning these challes I don’t like that nope I don’t like it hey first of all they used to call me JP Bob the Builder back in the day you know what I’m saying because I

    Could really get down and dirty and really build stuff Li he sucks at that stuff stop hating on me babe you know you’re lying right now so you think you going to beat me I know I’m going to beat you but all right you guys so right

    Now we’re about to go to Walmart and we’re going to go our separate ways because we’re only going to have one minute to get up all the stuff that we need to build this rack one minute 1 minute that’s all we got so you better move fast you better know what you need

    And you better grab it oh my god oh look you already panicking I can already see it in your face one minute oh Ka I don’t know man I wouldn’t trust Mommy we you might going on her one minute all right so how much longer be for real one

    Minute takes me to get to the aisle that I need to get to you got to move fast bro all right so 2 minutes I think 3 minutes two 2 minutes 2 minutes is fair 2 minutes man what you want to keep switching up the rules for you already

    Nervous we’re going to do 2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes let’s shake on it minutes all right let’s go let’s go all right let’s do it all right R are you ready I’m ready are you ready remember it’s only 2 minutes oh my God okay all right let’s

    Go who you think is going to win man um I think you you me all right all right all right so I see oh I got to grab that right there oh I got to grab like a couple of these right here oh this is perfect this is perfect oh yeah this is

    Perfect oh yeah let me get like one two let me get four let me get four yeah I think that’s good right all right let’s go so let me see let me see what I got y’ y’all okay I think this is perfect okay oh right here I got duct

    Tape all right here I need this man I’m trying to I’m trying to duct tape I hope this is get some good time one two let’s see what else what else what else let me just get let me get a blue one cuz you like blue man I get a blue

    One for you let’s go God oh my God guys time is going by so fast you know what I’m going to get life fast all right you guys I see exactly where I’m going put zakas in this is perfect right here this is perfect guys

    I’m not going to lie I just have JP coming to like the same area I’m running out of time but I think I got to grab a bunch of these right here I got to grab like like four or five and I’m going to show you guys why I need these Sprite

    Bottles I’m going to show you guys something you guys are going to learn how to make a boat today oh my God you di okay so there’s some life vests here these are on clearance so I’m going just grab these I don’t even know like I’m

    Going to grab like four of them I don’t know guys I just got to grab whatever I can right now and then I need some scissors all right you guys so I couldn’t find Noodles but I found whatever this is and I’m going to just

    Get a bunch of these and take this out and maybe tape them to the side so it can float a little bit I’m going to just grab all of these I need it I need it come on man waste my time now let’s go oh my God you guys literally the next

    Aisle over there was scissors going to grab these scissors no these are cheap I me they’re they’re not good these the most expensive ones cuz I’m trying to cut up these life okay now I need some tea all right I need some duct tape I’m just going to grab some duct tape grab

    Like two of these all right I’m done all right you guys so time is up now and where I’m going to go look for Rissa and I’m going see what she got I know she didn’t get nothing better than me yeah what you think man I think she got like I don’t

    Know I’m not going to lie I thought I wasn’t going to be able to find something but on the way to Walmart I was braing storming I was braing storming because I know JP when it comes to things like this I knew I was talking crap but he’s actually very very smart

    So wow so that’s all you got what do you mean that’s all you got you got so much stuff exactly cuz I know what I’m about to do I’m about to go crazy I’m not going to lie saw this this I got this like a side what do you mean I saw you

    Running cuz we kind of went for like the same kind of thing I was like yo so you were copying me you were taking notes you copying me I saw you running I was like and all you got two tapaste what are you going to do with that what you

    Oh I should have grabbed the scissors no you can’t even use mine either oh man why do you have so much but look all right cuz you about to see I’m about to make the best raft ever this so he can paddle himself that is so cool I’m not

    Going to lie I did not think of no but I’ll let you use that you can use that all right you guys so we’re back home and as you can see this is my stuff and this is Rice’s stuff I got a bunch of soda because I’m about to show you guys

    What I’m about to do I’m about to use those that’s some floaty devices I got some big uh what is this babe what is it called a piggy bank a big giant Piggy B I’m going use it I’m going like tape it around over there you guys already know

    Man but as you guys can see I got it down pack what you got over here babe I’m not going to lie yours looks a little good but mine is going to be better okay so what you got it looks a little simple over here yeah because

    It’s good it’s going to work regardless I got these like extra extra large life vest you’re going to see what I’m about to do with them I got like four of those look man that looks weak over there this one right here looks like it’s going to

    Take it home what you think z k um I don’t know who’s going to make the best boat me or Mommy you yeah serious yeah no no no no no no you’re going to see I’m going to all right so are you ready I’m ready all

    Right you guys so we’re about to get started and we only got 5 minutes to make the best rap we can possibly make I hope you guys are ready because I’m ready are you ready I’m ready don’t even ask me twice all right let’s go trench family JP what are you doing you’re

    Wasting time I know you guys Shook Up all my sodas Man that was 5 minutes oh my God hey I’m not going to lie you guys 5 minutes is not enough time babe you need more time I need more time I need more time too I’m not going to lie so what five more minutes five more minutes all right five

    More minutes let’s do it let’s do It Sh got this I’m trying Daddy all right I’m done I’m done stop stop touching I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done what oh my go oh my God oh my God give me a kiss oh my God so here we got Risa with her creation of a raft what do you got

    Right here Risa all right guys I call this the swivel hurricane draft the what the what I meant the swivel hurricane raft the swivel hurricane raft okay okay okay okay let me tell you guys what’s going on here okay so basically I got some life vest under cuz hello you

    Know the foam of the life vest is going to keep this WRA up and then I did put some stuff under here and it’s a little uncomfortable so I made this like a little comfy seat for oh you made a seat for him yeah because under this is very

    Uncomfortable as you guys can see I had to use all my strength to clip this together but I did it and I think it’s going to work all right well let’s hope it floats because that right there does not look promising all right you guys so

    Right here I like to call this the water buffalo 3000 just because as you can see we didn’t come here to play games we got two uh float floaty devices on both sides and on the bottom we have some Sprite bottles we got six about six of

    Them and then we got a big floaty right here and honestly man I think this can go through the ocean I think this can make it through waves through anything oh you’re very confident now look at this look at this all right so guess what what yeah yours is getting put to

    The test first let’s do it I’m ready all right JP so the first test this has to float I I already know it’s going to float you all right let’s see you ready perfect oh okay okay you passed that test all right zakas are you ready

    Oh my God here we go just stay sitting okay oh my goodness stay sitting stay sitting don’t worry hold on to both sides you going to float right there stay in the middle don’t worry it’s not going to fall don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry stay stay a little bit in

    The middle all right Le forward lean forward forward Lean Forward oh my God right you got it once you let go the timer starts go don’t move don’t move don’t move you’re good you’re good K good oh my God oh my God okay you’re lopsided WFT it

    Works yeah oh wow that’s fire okay oh you can’t move too much how does it feel like you’re in a boat yeah all right so you got a unsturdy raft but it’s hey but it’s working though and all that matters is wait hold on oh my God he’s still floating y’all can’t say

    Nothing how long is are you keeping time yeah it’s going it’s going oh y okay let’s go hold on hold on oh my goodness look at him y’all he’s holding on for dear life try to use it try to use it as soon as he grab he’s going to fall gra gra and

    Then you can move around try to move around with your hand your hand there you go oh k no be careful you’re about to sing oh my God no K you’re good hey what happened okay I think I that was great yo did you like that K

    Yeah it was fun now it it’s Mommy turn it’s mommy’s turn are you ready dang man that was a good one I’m telling you I know what I’m doing I know what I’m doing you did really good I’m proud of you but now it’s my turn all right let’s

    See I want to see what you got let’s see all right so are you ready for test number one yes but I’m nervous all right so we got to see if it can even float let’s go oh okay okay and remember the timer starts as soon as a Ka gets on no

    As soon as I let go okay as soon as he gets on and you let go is when the timer starts all right turn around Ka so nervous it’s is not looking good turn around turn around turn around there you go all right wait oh my God sit down all

    The way back let’s go all the way back no you’re going to lay down oh he can lay down too if he wants to what do you want to do lay down or sit down oh man I can already see this ain’t going good you want to be like that yeah yeah flat

    Let maybe flat would work okay oh my god oh it might work all right hold on to the sides you got it all right I’m about to let go oh my God two three all right timer started timer started no no no no that was no no no no no no are you

    Serious that that no you are you serious no can you try again no way Jose that was ka’s fault he was leaning over no it was your fa you you didn’t make the best one I made the best one I made the best one who made the best one you yes sir

    Come on man you should have took man you should have known this wasn’t going to do anything what is this working at first so then you try to get on I’m not doing it it you try to get on let’s see come on it doesn’t work look it doesn’t

    Work it would have been better if you did that way look K try to get on one more time try to get on one more time see see that is the way n you didn’t do it that way no that is the way n that’s how it should have been no that’s the

    Way I meant to do it l you can’t be a s loser Where’s My Money damn Where’s My Money trench family that’s a w tjp comment down below y’all already know where’s my money I’m going to go get I need 10,000 right now look he’s still

    Floating too all you had to do was turn it over it would have worked oh yeah K is it working um yeah wow look at it it’s literally working after I told her how to do it it’s because I’m a genius look at this one this right here is the

    Real one though come on now this one looks like a like a tank on water oh there he goes so she still would have lost cuz that was like 30 seconds I lasted about a minute and something come on man that’s easy money ka yeah let’s

    Go easy money baby easy money baby get in the water man yeah all right JP as promise here goes the $10,000 wow I got to give that one to you yeah no I told y’all I was going to win though I told you this was easy y’all should have listened man Easy

    Money Baby Easy Money congratulations JP yes sir guys this was so much fun make sure you guys like comment share and subscribe and we’ll see you guys in the next video Peace oh


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