Oh dear, have we just stepped into a minefield? Do we do Liverpool justice?

    Hello and welcome to the Great British Biking Adventures Coast Series. In this series we are travelling around the coast on our motorcycle, a Honda VFR1200X Crosstourer.

    A lot of our viewers are bike enthusiasts but this series will appeal to a wider audience. Why? Because there’s so much more to the Coast series than motorcycles. There’s the challenges, the journey, geography, history and people. You get to travel the entire coast of England and Wales with us, see how we did it, share our ups and downs, experience English culture, the history and hear about the people that made Britain ‘Great’!

    What’s also good about the coast series is it doesn’t matter when you start watching, it’s like one of those open top bus tours – you can get on at any point and just keep going until you arrive back where you started.

    Who are we? We’re a husband & wife living in an unremarkable coastal town in England. We’ve been married 35 years and were brought together by motorcycles. One day, Esther’s Honda Melody broke down and she brought it to Jarrod’s motorcycle shop – the rest (as they say) is history.

    One cold February day, we started riding along the seafront and just kept going. We wanted to record the experience to have something to watch in the future – the YouTube channel was an afterthought. Take a look at those first few episodes to see just how novice we were, cobbling together what little phone footage we had to try to make a story. To make up for our amateur recording and shyness we added information in the editing. This set the tone and style of our videos, we hope you like it. We like to think we’ve improved and hopefully you’ll agree, take a look, compare our earlier videos with the later ones and let us know in the comments.

    There’s also the filming and production journey. When we started we knew nothing about filming, video and audio production, editing, YouTube and the like. We’ve learnt loads and spent loads in time and money along the way but it’s been almost as enjoyable as the journey itself. You’ll hopefully appreciate how far we’ve come.

    But what’s with all those bible verses we hear you say. We know some of you don’t appreciate this aspect, one or two have told us in the comments. That’s fine – it really is. All are equally welcome here, believers and unbelievers. It would be a pity if you enjoyed everything else but just stopped watching because of the Christian references but we completely accept you’re free to do as you please.

    Our faith has prompted us to include a bible verse in our videos and sometimes a Christian perspective on the things we talk about. The channel is not about Christianity but our faith cannot be separated from it. We hope and pray that it will make you think, inquire and even bring you into a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

    You may have noticed we include a Bible verse in every video other than that we do our best to avoid getting too embroiled in either religion or politics although I will admit to making the odd shall we say thought Prov Jing comment or observation as I’m sure most of you

    Know this is a moto travel and history blog around the English and Welsh Coastline and we’re about to enter Liverpool we could simply gloss over the schisms and darker parts of Liverpool’s history and extol the city’s Virtues Of which there are many but even a shallow dip in Liverpool’s tumultuous Waters

    Quickly reveals a long history of struggle persecution and strongly held diametric beliefs and allegiances Liverpool has a complex social economic political religious cultural racial and even sporting history that over the years has led to division and conflict it’s like a dysfunctional Waring family that despite their differences sticks

    Together and are actually much more united than it appears Liverpool’s differences has defined it and in an almost inexplicable way drawn it closer together it’s given rise to in ation and made it the successful fascinating and creative place it is today the city today owes its existence

    To its docks the first commercial wet dock opened here in 1715 and provided a route to International markets for the products Britain was producing during the Industrial Revolution shamefully the Dock’s biggest and most profitable Enterprise was slavery Liverpool led the Triangular Trade system whereby ship owners transported enslaved West Africans to

    The Americas to be sold there in the period between 1793 and 1807 when the slave trade was abolished Liverpool accounted for 85% of all slave voyages after a long campaign for abolition LED predominant by non-conformist Christians Parliament prohibited dealing in slaves in 1807 locally William Rosco had the

    Courage to denounce slavery in his native City a courageous stance given Liverpool significant amount of wealth and power derived from the trade Britain used its influence to persuade other countries around the world to abolish the slave trade and the Royal Navy was used to prevent ships from carrying out the

    Trade between 1830 and 19 1930 about 40 million people left Europe in search of a new and better life about 9 million of them sailed from Liverpool then the largest immigration port in the world these people were mostly traveling to North America Australia and New Zealand they were Ordinary People in sech of

    Better lives and often escaping persecution they were hopeful the new world would fulfill their dreams they included Irish escaping famine Russians escaping pgms and Jews Liverpool itself became a Haven for people from around the world in particular the Irish it is estimated that 34s of the City’s population have

    Some form of Irish roots or ancestry some locals even refer to it as the second capital of Ireland according to many the city is home to the oldest Chinese community in Europe dating back to 1834 Liverpool’s Chinatown is based in the south of the city center and is notable for its Chinese style

    Architecture with the pie Fang on Nelson Street being the largest multiple span arch of its kind outside of China you probably know that people from Liverpool are called scousers but do you know where this comes from and why they were given this mon scous is the name of

    A local stew consisting of a mix of whatever ingredients can be mustered together at some time in history it was used as a metaphor for Liverpool’s Melting Pot of Migrant cultures and the name stuck I could go on and on riots religious sectarianism and extreme politics have shaped this city

    But I feel it would be doing Liverpool a disservice to dwell too much in the past the walls between communities crumbled as slums were clear appeared in the 20th century and the city has moved on the Stew’s ingredients have mellowed over the years and a delicious delicacy has

    Emerged that keeps you going back for more this was our fifth visit to the city which for southerners is pretty impressive hopefully it won’t be the Last La N this is the new Everton Stadium Liverpool has two football clubs Everton and Liverpool and they have the fiercest of rivalries Everton can trace its Origins way back to 1865 and were a founding member of the football league in 1888 Liverpool Football Club were formed later in 1892 and today everyone

    Knows their home ground is anfield what you might not know is that before before Liverpool FC was formed anfield was Everton’s hom ground John holding was a very successful businessman Brewer Lord mayor Freemason Tory Protestant and inaugural president of Everton football club by 1891 Everton which had started

    As a Methodist Church Club were one of the most successful teams and in that year won the league title while at anfield holding’s Power wealth and relationship with the land’s owner allowed him to take control of anfield which he did and demanded the club pay more rent or change its structure so

    That it was owned and controlled by a small number of shareholders including himself club members who were already unhappy with Holdings ties to the alcohol trade decided to cut ties with their president Everton left anfield and built a new stadium just a stonethrow away at goodison Park John holding now

    Had a state-of-the-art stadium but but no team to play in it so he founded Liverpool FC in 1892 inside 8 years Liverpool had won the first division twice and the rest as they say is history in what seems to be typical liverpudlian Style just a few years later relations had improved and

    In 1902 at his funeral players from both teams carried John Holdings coffin today the drama continues recently Liverpool has been stripped of its world heritage status the decision was made following a secret ballot by the UNESCO committee at a meeting in China UNESCO had said the developments including the planned new Everton FC

    Stadium had resulted in a serious deterioration of the Historic Site somehow I doubt this will dissuade Liverpool from making their own plans and decisions and I don’t blame them Everton’s new state Stadium all these car SLE bits wow we didn’t see this side of Liverpool last time did we no

    Wow key side dock in there yeah wow well so many of these um big old warehouses and industrial buildings uh they’ve been converted haven’t they when you go to these places and um and done up and you think um there’s not many left that are still waiting in a

    Sort of dar state if you could go down the next one Warehouse something brown C There Our Cafe and then on the other side we get a glimpse of the back of that on the right hand side wow wow that is enormous and beautiful there you go there’s the lia

    Building oh wow yeah the insurance Building look so we got a cruise liner in at the moment when you walk through a storm hold your hand up high and don’t be afraid of the D at the end of a stor there’s a golden sky and the sweet silver song of the love W come through the Wind wome fur the rain oh your dreams be T I’m blow wome W with all in your heart I never walk I long you never walk Alone W God W God with hope in your heart and you’ll Never I you may alone Albert dock quite a few things to do and see around here based around the old Albert dock there um the be be Museum Wonder day here yeah no pump House as far as you can go that’s probably why I didn’t have us going down that way beetal story somewhere here key for it maybe I don’t know I think it’s around to the right yeah yeah I think you’re right I just saw a sign for it and I think it it is

    Around here isn’t it will we open top bus doors H dock pilion somewhere here isn’t it yeah just down here there yeah there is the beetle story of course we can’t talk about Liverpool without mentioning The Beatles whether you like them or not they are the fathers of modern pop music I’ve

    Been told to say that’s not just an opinion but an objective fact you can argue with Jared in the comments if you want in the 50s and 60s post-war Liverpool had left its tumultuous past behind and embraced modernism creating the perfect environment for pop music and culture to flourish indigenous

    British music including folk Brass Band and Music Hall got mixed up with American forms of music including jazz blues and swing that this city was particularly exposed to Via the port Liverpool’s youth were hooked and sure enough some of them decided to have a go for themselves they picked up anything

    That could make a noise and embraced skiffle but were soon using proper instruments to play rock and roll the aforementioned genres of music collided and the fire had been lit The Beetles were like flammable liquid to that fire they worked incredibly hard to perform create and master their

    Music they were different to most other artists because they mostly wrote the songs they played between 1962 and 1970 the group released 213 songs this doesn’t include a wealth of unpublished work songs written for others and songs released since they broke up by far the main songwriters were John Lenin and

    Paul McCartney their respect for each other was so great they shared the credit even though most of the songs were mainly written by one or the other they even wrote music for other people to perform including the Rolling Stones The Beatles phenomenal success is due to

    A number of factors one being they were never happy to rest on their Laurels and use their incredible creative talents to push music ever forwards their influence whether people know it or not can be found lurking somewhere in the DNA of most Music cuz of course this is where they came from Liverpool and we’re looking out onto the river Mery didn’t say no vehicles and I saw vehicles in here uh well it says Liverpool Waterfront car park Straight Ahead yeah so I think we’re all good yeah yeah I saw this road and thought go

    Down there and I think it’s just very narrow so they have to control it with lights uh yeah you may have heard the urban myth that Paul McCartney died in a car crry in 1966 and to spare the public from grief the surviving Beatles aided by Britain’s

    MI5 replaced him with a lookalike but did you know Liverpool was home to Adolf Hitler his brother Alois certainly did live here along with his Irish wife Bridget and baby Patrick Bridget would later claim that Hitler had come to stay with them at their home in Upper stanh Hope Street

    Tox from the Autumn of 1912 to the spring of 1913 we’re going across there the WHL over to the WHL wallacy Island okay want to see big old buildings over there look like a warship in there there your car park set buses except no access except for buses oh there’s people swimming in

    There yeah yeah down here okay well that’s a Pity cuz I had just going to the end here well is there any cameras probably it’s a faded sign though isn’t it you do want a car yeah and the other one it isn’t on both is it yeah should

    We and also this isn’t the car part yet PR private land no parking or stopping Southside I think the car park is still on around here oh it’s um people doing uh around they’re swimming around boys and things Yeah What else did you see W yeah we we basic all the [Laughter] UK where’s the nicest of be oh our coastline is phenomenal everywhere is great Li’s great but I mean we like the remote you know where anybody else and we’ve seen some really stunning I mean North fand toast is incredible [Applause] it’s yeah have a look and then you’ll

    Inspire you to go I love travel this do I it’s UK or everywhere everywhere thank you you have as one of course we have only scratched the surface of Liverpool’s history and contribution to Britain and the world hopefully we’ve wetted your appetite to find out more and even visit for yourself


    1. Fantastic video content, I really enjoyed that one. I used to have to go Liverpool for the odd days work as the firm had a branch up there. I Honestly didn't know any of the history you mentioned, apart from Beatles of course.
      The historical facts were very interesting so well done on sourcing those.
      Absolute gem and a pleasure to watch.

    2. I know why you used the Z-Cars theme music! It's an old traditional folk song called 'Johnny Todd', set in Liverpool. The players of Everton FC run out to it when playing home.

    3. Well done Jaz. Fantastic video. I also really enjoyed this one. Your content is amazing, it must have taken you a long time.
      Hope you are enjoying retirement. Take it steady Rob G

    4. Not one of my favorite places but historicaly interesing. I used to work with a fella called Alan Wilson, he was a drummer for a band called the Magic Lanterns,obviously they didn't make it big but had a top ten hit in Canada,Alan's claim to fame he told me was that Paul McArtney bumped into him in the Cavern where the Lanterns performed and appologised. Johnny Todd is Evertons anthem,but i suspect it might have another historical meaning.Looking forward to the next video and waving goodbye to Liverpool.

    5. We visited Liverpool and it was nice to see it again through your lens. A great history lesson too. Surprised you didn't use Ferry Across The Mersey as a sound track. Getting closer to Wales😎😎My son & Girlfriend were eating at the Savoy one evening and across from them sat Sir Paul McCartney enjoying his meal, my son didn't interrupt Paul's meal but they did acknowledge each other with a head nod.

    6. There's a school of thought that points to Liverpool's maritime heritage and its dealings with seaboard nations including the Hanseatic League and suggests that the word scouse is derived from the name of Germany's most famous seaside dish "Labskaus". Interestingly, the letter b in German is pronounced as a p, and someone else who speaks with a very pronounced Liverpool accent is often described as being lop-scouse (as opposed to being merely scouse). Happy pondering!

    7. Wow! So much to take in, you really should be a history teacher, I would have paid so much more attention if you’d been my teacher 😇 I’ve been to most places in the uk through work but never Liverpool, feels like I’ve been now 👍🏻👀. I’m currently watching this in the GBA ancestral home, Nero in WsM 😂

    8. Well as a born Scouser I never thought I would see the day when our beautiful city would be presented in such an open, honest and well informed way. As a professional historian myself I usually cringe at outsiders attempts..particularly southerners!! You have captured all the major elements and avoided the banana skins with skill and ingenuity…..particularly impressed with the musical roots, I pull my hair out when people only see the Beatles and avoid the width of music which I was so fortunate to experience in the 60s. From litening to Thelonious Monk in a Bold Street coffee bar (yes they were very popular then e.g, La Bussola, to Otis Reddding, Howling Wolf, Long John Baldry and his Hoochy Coochy Men (and many more) to rhe Spinners (folk) and the pinnacle as a teenager, athe Rolling Stones whose warm up act was the sensationsl Ike and Tina Turner. The West Coast influences of the beach boys, Mamas and Papas etc but also an often forgotten influene…our parents from Ella, Frank Sinatra and Patsy Cline to mention a few.
      So well done for such a professional and unbiased presentation, its often the case when visitors leave their ill-informed prejudices at Lime Street that the experience the people of Liverpool who are the real stars of teh show. Next Tuesday I will swap my bike ride for a train to the city and have a ball. Truly well done to you both.

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