Today we take a look at Alstom AKA Bombardier Transportation Rolling Stock, Derby Carriage Works, Litchurch Ln, Osmaston, Derby DE24 8AD.

    We have a good look around and take the drone over but are then spoken to by security who think filming above sensitive areas is not allowed.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    Because this is sensitive area you know I think it’s not allowed to take uh film if it is if it is possible pleas just’s go to the get out there I I like to see inside the sensitive areas yeah this is this is uh the problem now you know but I like

    It so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in Derby taking a look at ala lit Church Lane alom is the UK and Ireland’s leading supplier of new trains and train services and a leading signal in and rail infrastructure provider Al them have built or are building just under

    40% of the UK Mainline train Fleet as well as the entire fleet in service with London Underground and Dublin leis so let’s see some trains shall we that are built right here in Derby what can we see first of all well we’ve got lots of the alom logo that is for

    Sure and some great signage down there with all the site rules High Vis is a most Safety Shoes air Defenders gloves goggles beware of pedestrians use walkways no smoking don’t use phones everything that you can imagine Fleet control center over there we do have tracks on the ground going straight down there

    And there is a lot of high Vis around I just came past this section up here which I’ll show you shortly where they do have stock and security is also based on the gate down there uh we do see a little security gate house just behind this van I’m

    Trying to stay out their way for the moment just while I get my bearings myself flying the Flagler is that mounted correctly a few people have said you need to see if they’re mounting the flag correctly we’ll have a look at that one and then we have lots and lots of these frames

    Here I can only presume that is to put a part of the Train on as it goes through the process but look what we can see down there brand new trains and I do suspect we’re going to be seeing a whole lot more when David 3.0 goes Up looks like a brand new fence is being installed just here looks like they’re replacing the old wooden fence with this new galvanized steel stuff yeah no sorry I’m just talking to the camera I’m just having a look at your security what you’re doing so at the moment people can

    Get through there can’t they yeah just doing it now yeah yeah this Gap will be closed by the end of the day yeah that’s right yeah yeah yeah they’re quite high on security here aren’t they I suppose it gives a better image as well do it with it being a lot

    Fresher than this Yeah but you’re not going to have the bar wire at the top no don’t really need it are they quite sharp are they you can’t even reach them yeah yeah that does a trick and it’s a lot higher is it yeah it is Yeah yeah appearance-wise I’ll cross the road we’ll show you the difference so back in the day we’ve got ugly wood but now in 2023 we are witnessing the insulation of the brand new shiny fence look and you can see how they started down there and they got all that to

    Do so as the barriers go down and staff just walk around going from building to building we look to the right we can see that new fence and the old fence and we can also see some trains so off a go up in that direction Let’s Get Closer to the Trains so some toilet roll some settes on the back please get everybody everybody Put so I think they tried to stare the part there but security was not having it very well done my friend very well done then a few more signs to read MSS LGB limited and that mother Sun I’ve seen that a couple of times now as well B shop

    Stores and we’re getting closer closer to the trains and then we get down to car park a and they are using this for storage aren’t they DJ hello mate what was your first name watch you that’s what you look like yeah that’s what I like what’s your first name Ash

    Ash nice to meet you Ash thanks for watching mate way DJ audience yeah yeah yeah I you mate so we’ve seen everything we can see from the ground down here at the main entrance and we had a quick look at the trains down there oh someone’s ping up as ruin Transport Services Limited

    Exits the site does sound like he is empty and he does have his number plate on so that’s great great and the workers have put a barrier out whil working out on the public foot path so we’re only seeing great things here so far I think it’s the perfect

    Opportunity to get David up and let’s see what this place looks like from above so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area at all alom home Point updated let’s have a look at you then shall we so Security based down there I’ve

    Left us alone so far will the Drone make them come over or will they continue to be professional just like the gentleman did down there go right next to him with it being train related they might be used to phot photographers train spotters coming here taking a

    Look I about the very first person to come with a camera got it but then they learned their lesson but we can see some trains some carriages down there and through the center and we’ve even got one moving on the track we are being spoiled aren’t we where they enter the site down

    Here and continue either in that direction or down here into the corner but the most interesting thing that’s happening right now for me is this moving train so let’s get right over there and have a look at it shall we way so there we are a brand new train being

    Tested on the little test track that they have here it’s going very slow now cuz uh it runs out of tracks just there how fantastic is that where is your what is It two more trains just down there look they obviously come out of those blue doors and they’re made inside there and as you would expect it’s very long Southwestern Railway some new trains and carriages down at the back here as well they’re making a lot of trains aren’t they another train being

    Tested over there and a turntable got some frames down there and the chassis that is awesome and then as we get closer back to the start we can see the wheels sitting on the track and I can also hear the police so let’s get nice and high let’s get right up to 120

    M and see if we can spot them Max altitude reached so up at 120 M I can’t see any police activity but I can see all this let’s give you a little 360Β° spin in on our location right now that looks good down there is that some sort of BMX

    Track awesome they’ve also got a little tarmac version a little pump track and a basketball court there very nice so there we have it a full 360Β° tour of our location and we are right down there where the van’s just passing it’s all right good you all right you take

    Permission don’t need to take permission permission yeah from supervisor from the gate house because this is sensitive area you know I think it’s not allowed to take uh film if it is if it is possible please just go to the gate how I I like to see

    Inside the sensitive areas yeah this is this is uh the problem now you know but I like it because this is government I like government this is this is government area this is why you need to go supervisor I really like to film with the Drone the sensitive

    Government areas that’s what I’m looking for so thank you for confirming and where’s the most sensitive is it this bit sorry where are the most sensitive areas this is production area you know yeah but where’s the most secretive so that I can go there you go to the gate house he will

    Tell you exactly oh no I don’t want to go on the land I have to stay off the site no no no I mean the gate house there you go to theate gate house but the gate house is on your site isn’t it I’ve got to walk on on the land yeah I

    Like to stay off the land just on the foot path you know yeah you can shut off your drone and Stoke to the gate house that’s it I I like to stay outside I don’t like to come on cuz if I come on they say get

    Off so let’s have a look at these sensitive trains away from this gate is there anything special about that a carriage there a carriage unless you know otherwise hey government sensitive governments and that’s all because that gentleman in the car sted the part I don’t know we get accused of stirring the

    Pot but we’re just outside aren’t we flying the Drone and having a look at these amazing pieces of engineering do you have quite a lot of people come to take photos here what every week what about the Drone a little of people flying drones here you know before yes as you said is

    It’s allowed you know once you are out of the land yeah yeah well you said to me you said to me go on the land go to Gat house they tell me off they say get off get off no no no I told you go to the gate house take to take permission

    Because now everyone is complaining someone is filming someone is filming someone is filming they’re just uneducated that’s all if you just say to them they’re allowed they’re outside yeah yeah they’re flying over anything can fly over exactly now if I start coming past this line here and doing

    Things that you don’t like then you can say please stop yeah and if I don’t stop I will get escorted off the property I just want to be easy for you this is why you’re a very nice man yes to be easy for you so no one is complaining you go

    To the gate house toid you just take permission I just want take okay okay that’s it so you can take your rest you do what you want if I walk on there and say to them please sir can I fly my drone over the top they will say no

    Won’t they so rather than have conflict I don’t like hearing no no no all the time I just stay outside and mind my own business that’s the best way ain’t it because what if they take offense if they say no I say I’m going to still do

    It they say because now rude because now some people is complaining they are coming they not for me filming filming that’s what they have to do but they think I’m doing something wrong yeah this is why I told you that’s their problem yeah yeah we know better we are

    Educated he was uneducated yeah yeah yeah it’s okay it’s but the sun is shining now it this morning it was very cold you know before back in the days I know that there’s one Bridge coming from this area next area so people is going through the bridge they can see

    Everything they can take photos everything wow that’s still there now no yeah have a nice day my friend enjoy the sunshine so it looks like it’s shift change now look at the big queue getting out of this little Little Road here so I think we’ll hide the key ring

    And we’ll make our own departure so the location of the DJ aits key ring on this video is just behind this gas sign here where the nice security guy is based staff really do struggle to get out at home time on this one look at this so if you think it’s a nightmare

    Getting out of work where you work just think of these if you’re not one the first people out of work and into your car then you will be right at the end of the queue which continues all the way into the car park there we

    Go so I’m going to leave it there guys that was alom in Derby in General Security left me alone didn’t they but when alerted by member of Staff of us flying just here it tried I say please don’t well you know we’re allowed so why would you say don’t do

    Something that you’re allowed to do come on shouldn’t you have said to the staff member he is allowed there you go another example of rights our rights trying to be taken away from us so if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and

    I’ll see you on the next one guys and they’re still queueing to get out of Work


    1. Another good 'un DJ. I had a job once that I didn't particularly enjoy with a long queue of cars to get out. I actually looked forward to being stuck in the line tbh. I had time to wind down, listen to my music instead of the canned 'elevator' music piped into the warehouse (they meant well I guess but it drove me nuts), and get my mojo back before getting home. Mind you, my son was early teens and I didn't have the extracurricular timetable I did when he was younger and needed me to ferry him everywhere. That last security guard was cool. Struck me as the kind of guy you'd enjoy a beer 'n' a yarn with.

    2. 10:45 The train being tested is a Class 701 for South Western Railway. Most of the trains you see are from the same family, called the Aventras, also including the South Western Railway one. The one with red doors is for Greater Anglia, and the green is for London and Northwestern Railway.

    3. Alstom took over bombardier some time ago. The company I used to work for β€œDellner” based in Swadlincote makes the couplers and gangways for their trains and other trains. I’d like to say it was a nice company to work for but it’s not πŸ˜‚. I also wanna say I love your videos and content! Not been well for the last few days so I’ve been watching a lot of your videos.

    4. They need the fence to be 2.5 metres or above before they can fit barbed wire. There are no sensitive areas as Alstom own the site and many of the companies are private and work for Alstom building trains and the only slightly sensitive area would be the design centre and that went years ago. Tell them to complain to the High Court who set the lawful precedents.

    5. The laurie (or however they are spelled in the UK) @ 8:15 was driving out of the facility with one of his tires not moving at all. It was pretty hilarious, I'm surprised that DJ didn't catch that.

    6. β€œWhere is the MOST sensitive area…so i can film it” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Brilliant! TBF the security guard was quite cool too. Handled it well.

    7. Hey mate,u should go Birmingham city centre and investigate this Muslim so called preacher. He’s there everyday!! Why? The more your there the more money you collect. Since German markets he’s even moved spots right in the German markets. Start asking how much he makes a day and how much he keeps and the cost of reprinting which probably get encouraged by using allah will reward you in sha allah. He always wears a hat in so no one can see his bold patch and beard is dyed so fresh u would think it’s natural colour.

    8. I had to laugh at the part he said government lol I work in luas dublin and use to work for alstom and in fact alstom is French and founded in France with head office is in France πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    9. Take film into our 'Sensitive Areas' try a colonoscopy some time, honestly, there's crystalderm, or salve for those other sensitive areas, perhaps popping into a few chemists and getting some information to hand out to those with sensitive areas? love your work DJ, truly a gem amongst men my friend, merry xmas to all.

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