Souvenez-vous, les premiers débris (fragment d’aile, valises, bouteilles d’origine asiatique) du vol MH370 qui transportait 239 personnes, ont été découverts sur le littoral de Saint-André à la Réunion.
    Alors qu’il devait relier Kuala Lumpur à Pékin, l’avion s’était subitement et mystérieusement volatilisé, plongeant les familles des 227 passagers dans un désarroi total.

    Dans ce documentaire une question s’impose : saurons nous un jour percer le mystère de sa disparition?

    00:00 Mise en contexte
    02:47 Explication des évènements
    09:47 La disparition
    26:00 Les problèmes techniques
    31:27 L’action terroriste
    46:09 Le mystère subsiste

    👋 + de documentaires sur les avions abonnez vous 👉 🙏

    Documentaire : “L’énigme du Vol MH370”
    Réalisé par Luc David
    ©Galaxie presse ©RMCdécouverte

    March 8, 2014. That day began the greatest mystery in the history of aviation, the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 in mid-flight. In a technological world where every square meter of the planet is scanned by a swarm of satellites, where our slightest movements are tracked thanks to our cell phones.

    In a world where every day, some 80,000 planes crisscross the sky under the vigilant direction of air traffic controllers. How can we understand and accept that a modern airliner in perfect working order disappears body and property with 239 people on board without leaving the slightest trace?

    A year after its disappearance, flight MH370 remains a complete and utter mystery. There are many hypotheses, from the most serious to the most improbable, but none to date is completely convincing. So what really happened on March 8, around 1:20 a.m. at an altitude of 11,000 meters, in the north of Malaysia?

    The families of the victims, mainly Chinese, are plunged into doubt. It is difficult to grieve when the wildest rumors keep hope alive. As for investigators and air accident experts, they are faced with a unique case in the annals of aviation. We’ve never seen that. It’s a total enigma. Where did this plane go?

    How could he disappear without leaving a trace? He was flying in an area covered by civilian radars and military radars. Someone must have done this. Someone has to be involved. I do not know what happened. I want to know the truth. Where did he go ? Where did he finish?

    And where are all the passengers? Will we ever know the truth? No doubt it is hiding in the black boxes of the plane, but is it still necessary to be able to locate the wreckage in an area of ​​60,000 square kilometers in the middle of the Indian Ocean?

    Today, one thing is certain: the bottle. This piece of Boeing’s wing found on July 29, 2015 on a beach on Reunion Island , proves that the aircraft did indeed crash somewhere at sea. But it provides no clue as to the precise location. of the wreck.

    And today, there is nothing to prove that flight MH370 will not keep the secrets of its disappearance forever. Like thousands of Internet users before, we will try together to understand the incomprehensible. First step in our investigation is to identify the truly established facts. Then, we will study the three

    Hypotheses on which aeronautical investigators are working and we will try to identify their strong points and weak points. To help us, we called on three experts. Jean-Paul Troadec, former head of the BEA, the Investigations and Analysis office of French civil aviation, Bob Macintosh, former investigator at the NTSB,

    The American National Transportation Safety Board and Gérard Feldzer, former captain and instructor at Air France. The story begins on March 8, 2014 at Kuala Lumpur airport, Malaysia. That night. Flight MH370 to Beijing is scheduled on time. The flight is scheduled to last 6.5 hours and the crew has

    Taken on board 49 tonnes of kerosene, or 8 hours of flight under normal conditions. The plane is a Boeing 777 200 equipped with two Rolls-Royce engines. On board, the twelve crew members welcomed 227 passengers of fourteen different nationalities, 153 Chinese, 38 Malaysians, six Australians, but also four French, three Americans and two Canadians.

    The captain’s name is Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53 years old, he has more than 18,000 flight hours and is also an instructor with Malaysia. The co-pilot is younger. Farid Abdul Hamid is 27 years old and has only 2700 flight hours. At 12:41 a.m., the Boeing took off from the Kuala Lumpur runway.

    Quickly after takeoff, the crew left the airport tower frequency and contacted the Subang en route control center. Radio exchanges between controllers are perfectly normal. The only question we don’t know is whether the commander or the co-pilot answers from the plane. The recorded voice could never be formally identified by the authorities.

    Even if the commander’s wife recognized her husband’s voice. Cockpit: Kuala Lumpur control, Malaysian 370. Control center: Malaysian 370. Kuala Lumpur control. Good morning. So far so good. The Boeing easily reached its cruising altitude of 35,000 feet or 10,600 meters vertically in Taman Negara National Park, in the north of the Malaysian peninsula.

    26 minutes after taking off at 1:07 a.m., the plane flew over the Igari navigation point and the crew confirmed for the third time during control that the flight was stable at 35,000 feet altitude. Cockpit: Mailaysian 370 maintaining altitude at 350. Control center: Malaysian 370

    The Boeing 777 sends an ACARS message this is an automatic message sent by the plane to the airline. The ACARS system emerged when airlines began wanting to track their planes more closely. They wanted to know what time they left the boarding gate, what time they took off,

    What time they landed and what time they arrived , so this ACARS system chose, depending on the circumstances, the best communication support. It can be the VHF radio, it can also be the satellite and it automatically chooses it in the same way that your smartphone

    Will choose between wifi and 4G, depending on the best possible range. ACARS messages are issued automatically every 30 minutes. The 01:07 message will be the last received from Flight 370. Interesting item. It indicates, among other things, the quantity of fuel available. At this precise moment, there remain on board 43 tonnes and eight

    Of kerosene, or, under normal conditions, a little more than 7 hours of cruising flight. With such autonomy, the aircraft can potentially go anywhere within this circle. Twelve minutes later, the aircraft prepared to pass under air traffic control in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam and, according to the usual procedure,

    Closed its radio exchanges with the Malaysian controller in Kuala Lumpur. Control center: Malaysian 370 contact Ho Chi Minh 120-9. Good night Cockpit: Good night. Malaysian 370. This is the last audible message from Flight 370. The plane will never make contact with Vietnamese control. The controllers. They were waiting for this plane.

    Except it never arrived. Even more astonishing, two minutes later, Flight MH370’s transponder stopped working, making the plane invisible to civilian radars. All planes are tracked on the ground by civil and military radars. There are primary radars. It’s simply you send a wave, it returns 300,000 kilometers

    Per second, you calculate the distance and you position the plane in altitude and CAP. Secondary radars are civil air traffic control radars. These are those that work from the detection of the transponder. This means that the plane transmits, at the same time as the reflected wave,

    Information about the plane itself, the altitude, the heading, the registration. So that the controller on his scope has all the information concerning this plane and only this plane. And if we cut the transponder, well, civil air traffic control can no longer see you. At first, the Vietnamese controllers were not worried.

    Finally, 20 minutes later, due to lack of contact with Flight 370, they finally warned their Malaysian colleagues. In fact, they really took a long time to react. he ends up calling his colleague in Malaysia saying Listen, I still haven’t heard from your plane. What is happening ? And from there, panic on board,

    We are starting to trigger emergency procedures. Civilian and military radars in the region are searched, but no one seems to have detected the Malaysian Boeing. At 6:30 a.m., we had to face the facts: flight MH370 did not land in Beijing. 1 hour later, Malaysian authorities announced that the plane was officially missing.

    Malaysia Airlines confirms that flight MH370 lost contact with Suba air traffic control at 2:40 a.m. With daybreak. The search begins in the China Sea, around the area where the plane disappeared from radar screens. In Beijing, families are gradually understanding the seriousness of the situation. Ying Lei’s parents were on the plane.

    On March 8, I was in Paris where I created a company. And that day, as usual, I worked normally. Sarah Bajc. She was waiting for her partner. Back from my trip, I had confirmation that flight MH370 had disappeared. Looking online where I found an article from CNN.

    It was my nephew who sent me a text message on WeChat as soon as he informed me of the tragedy. I immediately bought a plane ticket home. I finally got news from Malaysia Airlines that afternoon, around 2:30 p.m., by cross-checking with other sources of information. I realized that the flight had really disappeared.

    In Kuala Lumpur, Krishnamoorthy Muthaly is a freelance journalist. He follows the case from the first hours. The announcement of the disappearance of flight MH370 was so late that rumors quickly began to spread. It’s complete rubbish. I didn’t think a government and an airline could be so confused. It’s incredible. And distrust set in.

    We noted that throughout the day of March 8, the first searches focused on the area in the China Sea, where the radars had disappeared. As most of the passengers were Chinese, China was the first to send its ships. To speed up searches. Australia, New Zealand and the United States

    Are urgently mobilizing large air and sea assets. Three days after the disappearance, China focused ten high-resolution satellites on the area in search of the slightest clue. These important means make it possible to quickly identify debris and traces of fuel on the surface of the sea.

    It remains to be seen whether they come from MH370. It’s not just planes that lose fuel or kerosene, there are boats that leak. And therefore the traces which were mentioned as being able to come from the plane were never identified as such

    And could perfectly come from a boat which would have released a little fuel. As for the floating debris recovered by the emergency services, unfortunately, none belonged to the missing plane. The mystery is therefore total. And for families, the anguish is terrible. Despite the importance of the

    Research resources put in place, they have the impression of absolute confusion on the part of the Malaysian authorities and the airline. At around 9 p.m., they urgently announced a press conference for 10 p.m. We explore every aspect of what could have happened with this plane.

    So already, a rushed press conference at 10 p.m. obviously puts everyone on edge because we can assume that they have things to say. And once we have all the reports, we will let everyone know. But this conference, like the following ones, will be hopelessly empty of information. Crisis communication is catastrophic and brutal.

    The authorities do not hesitate to notify families of the official disappearance of the plane by a simple SMS. I couldn’t believe my eyes. First, delivering this type of information in this way, because they gave me no explanation. They were saying just about anything, without a shadow of a doubt.

    The plane is irretrievably lost. But the fact of receiving this by SMS three minutes before the start of the press conference. So with all the anxiety that had built up, I just broke down. I could barely concentrate on the press conference because I was so shocked. But to inform you all,

    Even in their relations with families for example, they did not see fit to use the services of a Chinese translator. They spoke to them in English. The tone quickly rises with families, particularly in China. On March 25, 200 people demonstrated in Beijing in front of the Malaysian embassy.

    They want to know what happened to their loved ones. I understand. But there is too little precise official information. And the Malaysian authorities often contradict the elements already published. We no longer know who to believe or what information is correct. In Beijing. Several personalities, including high-ranking Malaysian officers, were heckled.

    Bottles were even thrown as they appeared in front of Chinese families. But we still got their answer. But not all families are satisfied because the authorities do not answer our questions directly and openly. And on some points, they don’t even answer us at all. The families are convinced of it.

    The authorities are not telling the whole truth, especially as rumors are beginning to circulate about a possible detection of the plane at night, of the disappearance by military radars. The information on the detection by Malaysian military radars was not immediately known and it is a shame because this information is very instructive.

    We thus discovered that after disappearing from civilian radar screens, the aircraft turned left to take a southwest heading almost opposite its normal course. Disturbingly, on this new trajectory, Flight 370 will fly over the Butterworth military base. It is an international base hosting Malaysian, Australian, New Zealand, British and Singaporean forces .

    It is obviously a highly strategic defense location in Southeast Asia. I don’t know. I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe a military base could have allowed an unidentified 777 to fly over it. And yet he claims that this is the case. Suddenly, we wonder why these five

    Countries were complicit in ignoring an unknown plane flying towards Kuala Lumpur and passing right over a military base. It seems improbable. So we say we are hiding things from us. Yes, we would simply like to hear the military in particular, whether it is the Pentagon,

    The Russians and the Chinese, to say Yes, we have satellites which simply observe, here too, these military secrets. We don’t want to say what we observe or what we don’t observe, which would be a flaw in the system. In any case, no one came forward to say that they had seen this plane.

    But if the plane is not considered a threat, there is not necessarily a reason to intervene. In fact, the military did not intervene but did detect on their radar an unidentified echo corresponding to flight MH370. This detection makes it possible to reconstruct the rest of the trajectory.

    The plane turns again, this time to the right to take a west-northwest heading and cross over the Strait of Malacca, just on the border between Malaysia and Thailand. Flying over the border between Malaysia and Thailand. It’s not just anything. It is clearly a trajectory that is made for.

    How would I say, introduce confusion? Maybe the Thais are saying, oh well, it’s a Malaysian plane, that’s none of the Malaysians’ business, saying maybe it’s a plane flying over Thailand. So that introduces confusion. This problem probably lies in the somewhat narrow-minded attitude of the military.

    They always seek to conceal from neighboring countries the reality and effectiveness of their own means of detection. They definitely don’t want to share this information with their neighbors. Military radars also noted an anomaly in the plane’s trajectory. Flight 370 would have climbed quite suddenly to very high altitude.

    We talked about 45,000 feet which is unauthorized and not possible for the plane except on its momentum and with full throttle engines. This is not a situation for the future because we are on a pinhead and there they risk dropping out at any moment. The normal cruising altitude of a

    Triple seven does not exceed 40,000 feet. The maximum ceiling is around 43,000 feet. I think many of us have doubts about this altitude. Simply because an airliner, even if it is theoretically capable of climbing that high. Will have a lot of difficulty reaching it,

    Especially with such a weight of fuel and passenger passengers. There have been cases like this where pilots have climbed to altitude. For what ? Because they wanted to ride out a storm. And then they come to the stall. It happened. There are others who had a fire

    On board and thought they could put it out with a lack of oxygen. At 2:22 a.m., flight MH370 definitively leaves Malaysian radar range. 18 minutes later, for the third time, he will change direction by turning left for a CAP due south

    , the particularity of which is to take him into the middle of the Indian Ocean, that is to say nowhere. Today, this latest change of direction is established thanks to the recordings of the British company Inmarsat. It is an English company which has a constellation of geostationary satellites 36,000 kilometers from Earth.

    This means that it fixes a point on the earth and rotates at the same time, which allows it to be in contact with all planes. It is a control signal, a signal, a bit like the tone of a telephone which lasts only a fraction of a second. So the communications satellite

    Polls the plane every hour or so. And the purpose of the signal is to check if the plane is still in the satellite coverage zone. Throughout the night, the plane responds regularly to requests from the satellite, thus leaving a valuable indication of its trajectory. The last signal was received at 8:19 a.m.

    And what we assume is that it follows an engine failure, meaning both engines failing. The plane’s electrical system disconnects. There is a backup system that reconnects and when reconnected, we regain contact with the satellite. And as luck would have it, it stopped after about 8 hours

    Of flight because the plane crashed and there was no more signal. Interpreting these signals, which technicians call pings, will take specialists several days to reconstruct the probable trajectory of Flight 370, but it remains relatively approximate. This is not a very precise trajectory. Interestingly, however, the alignment

    Of the different pings recorded after the last change of course draws a practically straight line, difficult to maintain when piloting manually. Conclusion on this last section, the plane was probably on autopilot. On autopilot. This does not necessarily mean that there was not a pilot on board since

    In normal cruise, the plane is on autopilot. From these ping signals British civil aviation specialists determine an area of ​​the Indian Ocean 2000 kilometers west of Australia. On March 17, new searches were initiated: 42 ships and 39 planes from twelve different countries crisscrossed an area of

    ​​90,000 square kilometers, the equivalent of a country like Hungary. This is the first time in history that such means have been used to find a plane. In April and mid-April, the sea conditions were difficult and the winds very violent. Searches by planes and ships detected nothing,

    But at the same time satellites were also used. Modern satellites can detect objects as large as a football from space. We did detect a number of images on the water surface, but when the ships and planes got close, there was nothing left.

    So we don’t actually know if we saw debris from the plane or not. The search area has moved from the South China Sea to the Andaman Sea, from the Strait of Malacca to an area in the open Indian Ocean. Then she moved further, getting closer to Perth, Australia.

    It is possible that the delay in communicating the right information leads the first teams to look in the wrong place. That said, I’m not sure I believe the inmarsat data either. On the other hand, a plane that big must have produced a mountain of debris somewhere. It’s just that we didn’t find them.

    Finding the wreckage is then a race against time. The planes are equipped with two black boxes. One records sounds in the cockpit, the other several hundred aircraft parameters. Both boxes are equipped with a transmitter with a battery life of 30 days and which makes it easier to locate the wreck.

    There was actually very little chance that we could detect them, but we had to try and that’s what I advised them. Unfortunately, after 40 days of searching in terrible weather conditions, we have to face the facts that the Malaysian Boeing remains nowhere to be found.

    This failure reinforces the despair and suspicion of families. Especially since communication with the Malaysian authorities or the airline remains very difficult. If you try to hide or delay revealing information, people will immediately become suspicious of suspects. Soon, people lost confidence in Malaysia Airlines’ ability to disseminate information.

    Government Malaysia Airlines is owned by the Malaysian government. They therefore want the same thing a priori. Just like civil aviation which manages air traffic control and which depends directly on the government. To my knowledge, to date, they have never shared the basic information they hold. Which makes me very suspicious. Why withhold information?

    We are very unhappy with Malaysia Airlines and the Malaysian government. Public speaking is not their strong point. They are bad at communication. They don’t know how to say things clearly and honestly. You might think they want to hide the fact that as a country they have systematically done everything wrong.

    From the first days, in parallel with the research, an international investigation was launched. It brings together specialists from Malaysian, Chinese, British and American air safety services . We discover that the investigators are working on three main hypotheses : a technical problem, a terrorist action or an act of suicide.

    First track the technical problem, such as depressurization. In this case, breathable air escapes from the cabin. There are two types of depressurization, so-called explosive depressurization. There, it’s definitely a hold door, or a door, or a porthole, or a hole. And then there is the slow depressurization.

    It could be a fault in the cabin, it could also be in a door. Little by little, the plane loses, loses, beading who was in the cabin and the pressure decreasing. The passengers and crew, moreover, can no longer breathe and are victims of hypoxia. There is a relatively recent example

    Dating from 2005, which is that of the Cypriot company Hélios. Slow depressurization, not detected in time by the pilots, can prove fatal. As the plane remained at cruising altitude when the oxygen ran out , everyone died until the fuel ran out. And then the plane fell.

    The explanation is convincing on the last section of the straight line flight. On the other hand, it in no way explains the three successive changes of course and the closing of the transponder. Another hypothesis, mentioned since the disappearance, is that of a fire at the start of the flight.

    Fire is truly the emergency of the emergency. However, Flight 370 was carrying a cargo of electronic devices in its holds, such as computers equipped with lithium batteries. There has been a lot of talk about lithium batteries because they are very difficult to control. After initially denying it, Malaysia Airlines finally admitted

    That lithium batteries were indeed in the plane’s hold. The plane carried small lithium batteries, not large batteries and it was all well packaged. Two small batteries, certainly, but in large quantities. The electronic cargo carried on board the flight weighed two and eight tons. We have seen examples where,

    On Japan Airlines, lithium batteries spontaneously caught fire. We saw it on Egypt Air on the ground where there was a bunker fire which caused with oxygen since it was near the oxygen bottle under the cockpit, a real blowtorch which raised the temperature of the cockpit at more than 800 degrees.

    Michel Armand is an expert in lithium battery combustion. When a battery catches fire, first of all, it’s something extremely violent. It was within a few seconds that the entire battery caught fire. There have been accidents where people were seriously burned by their cell phones exploding. Additionally, a battery releases relatively toxic compounds,

    Particularly hydrogen fluoride, which is a gas with a toxicity almost comparable to that of hydrocyanic acid. Aerial incidents involving lithium batteries are numerous. Over the last 20 years, there have been more than 120. Safety standards have also been greatly strengthened and today, cargo is supposed to be

    Specially packaged to avoid any risk of fire on board. It is obvious that each battery has its own chance of catching fire and communicating its fire to the other batteries adjacent to it. we have an event that can be cataclysmic. Yes, victim of extremely toxic gas, The crew, aware that their death was

    Imminent, would then have voluntarily changed course to prevent the plane from crashing into an inhabited area in China and causing additional victims. This hypothesis of a fire is supported by three testimonies. First of all, that of a technician on an oil platform in the

    China Sea, claiming to have seen a plane on fire in the sky. The testimony of this worker from an oil platform who saw the plane reinforces the hypothesis of a fire on board the plane. He revealed to the press what he saw. There are also the two fishermen.

    They claimed to have seen a ball of fire crash into the sea. The third testimony is that of Catherine Ti who, that night, sailed at sea with her husband, between India and Thailand. She also claims to have seen a plane on fire in the sky.

    The testimonies are disturbing, even if their location on a map is puzzling given the known trajectory of Flight 370. It is a shallow part of the ocean and very busy. So if his story is true, then we would have found remains of the plane. But there was nothing.

    I think that the theory of the fire is not credible because it is incompatible with a proven fact and that the plane continued to fly for approximately 6 hours after disappearing from the radar screens. However, in the history of commercial aviation, no plane with a

    Major fire on board has managed to fly for more than 30 minutes. For investigators. The second major hypothesis is that of a terrorist action. In the hours following the disappearance, the passenger list was obviously scrutinized in search of a suspect with knowledge of piloting.

    There has been a lot of talk on the Internet about the possibility of this plane doing a 9/11 remake. There are numerous targets for terrorists in the region, from the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur to the American base at Diego Garcia, in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

    After all, there are a few passengers whose identities we are not sure of. In particular, there are two Iranians who boarded under a false identity with stolen passports. Among the passengers were also around twenty employees of the tax company specializing in electronic weapons and radar camouflage of aircraft.

    Could it constitute a target for terrorists? Investigators imagine that one or more terrorists managed to take control of the cockpit , as was the case on September 11, 2001 in the United States. However, since this date, access to the Cockpit has been theoretically impossible. The door is armored and protected

    By a digital code and all placed under the eye of surveillance cameras. However, if a passenger asks to visit the station, the answer depends only on the pilots. And sometimes, this response is positive, as proven by this photo taken two months earlier in the cockpit,

    In mid-flight with the co-pilot and two young passengers. Another possibility is taking hostages with bare hands, passengers or crew members and blackmailing the pilot to make them open the door. As a result, we must ask ourselves what we really learned from 9/11. It is also possible that thanks to complicity among the

    Flight crew, the terrorists were able to obtain weapons. In this scenario, as with September 11, 2001, the terrorists have acquired basic piloting skills. They start by neutralizing the two pilots. They take control of the plane. Then, to make the device invisible to air traffic control, it cuts the transponder and even

    The ACARS system, which is a little more complicated to shut down. So to unplug it, it’s not an on-off button, you have to go into the on-board computer, there is a keyboard, there is a wheel and you turn the pages. And at that point, we unlock pages to be able to

    Block it, particularly on the show. For determined individuals, finding this type of information is unfortunately not very difficult. Worse, in two clicks on the web, you can even find a way to access the electronic hold of a Boeing 777 and disconnect all of the systems. This is where all the computers are located.

    This is the central unit. Once made invisible to air traffic control. The plane then diverted in the direction of perhaps Diego Garcia, taking care to fly above air borders to maintain confusion. The plane had sufficient autonomy to go to Diego Garcia. Diego Garcia, one of the main American bases

    In the region and above all a superb potential target. This is a military base with runways, listening posts and lots of electronic equipment and personnel. And then above all they have observation satellites which monitor since it is an operational base, therefore 1000 kilometers around Diego Garcia.

    Obviously, there was information. A hijacking of Diego Garcia is therefore unlikely to be carried out discreetly, unless one imagines, as some believe, complicity on the part of the American authorities. There are only two entities who know the fate of the Boeing plane, that’s for sure. And the American secret services,

    Disturbing elements in favor of this thesis on Diego Garcia. Several witnesses in the Maldives claim to have seen the plane flying over them on the morning of March 8. This plane. In any case, it would have been seen at low altitude since they say that they saw

    The portholes and that they were heading towards Diego Garcia. But he still had 1000 kilometers to go. This is a possibility and our private detective, as well as several journalists, went to interview these witnesses. But their stories do not completely overlap. There are discrepancies. We tried to get

    The recordings from this morning from Maldives air traffic control, as there are a lot of private islands and large private jets land there. You know, up close all the planes look big, but we couldn’t verify this information because the records were sealed. So, are the authorities trying

    To hide crucial elements of the case concerning Diego Garcia? This is a suspicion which, for the moment, is not based on any proof and above all in total contradiction with the trajectory now known and which ends much further to the East, in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

    At this point, a second hypothesis could arise in addition to this first which would cause the passengers to revolt. Indeed, it is true that such a scenario is possible. As was the case on Flight 93 of September 11, 2001. The passengers may have succeeded

    In controlling the terrorists who, in the meantime, had killed the two pilots. In the fight, a gunshot could have been fired and the bullet pierced the fuselage, leading to a slow depressurization without a pilot on board with oxygen becoming scarce. The passengers were then condemned to fatal hypoxia

    In a sense where the plane then continued its flight on autopilot, as evidenced by its rectilinear trajectory until its fuel ran out. The Malaysian police carried out their investigation in collaboration with Interpol and also, I suppose, with the FBI and the CIA. But the terrorist hypothesis runs into a difficulty.

    So who were the terrorists? The two Iranians were in fact young illegal immigrants going to Europe in search of a little more freedom . Their two passports had been stolen from tourists in Thailand, including an Italian who was very surprised to find himself on the list of victims.

    As for the freescale trail, investigators have since placed it in the already crowded category of conspiracy theories. If you’re a hijacker smart enough to plan the hijacking of a plane, I guess you’re also smart enough to do something with it. And if he did indeed intend

    To crash it, he would have crashed it. But once again, where is the debris? Finally, the last argument pleading against the terrorist hypothesis is that such an action, successful or not, is generally claimed in the name of a cause. Which was not the case for flight MH370. There remains one last hypothesis.

    When we wonder about the reasons for the disappearance of MH370, the question of suicide constantly arises. In fact, cases of suicide are rare but exist in the annals of aviation. The most famous dates from 1999 when the co-pilot of an Egyptian Boeing flying from New York to Cairo

    Voluntarily plunged the plane into the ocean 1 hour after takeoff, even though this was formally denied by the Egyptians. same. But in any case, by stripping away the black box, when a pilot says I leave it to God

    And who does that this time in a row, we can have big doubts despite everything. In any case, suicide was the explanation chosen by the American authorities to explain this accident which caused 217 victims. It happened on a Royal Air Maroc where there

    Was a co-pilot who begged her captain not to kill herself. She couldn’t resist. A similar case occurred in an African company at Mozambique Airlines, on a flight. One of the two pilots left the station, the other immediately locked the door to remain alone in the cockpit.

    From there, he had free rein to play his last card and commit his crime in complete peace. Could a successful suicide attempt explain the disappearance of Flight 370? Did one of the two pilots wait until his colleague needed to go to the toilet

    Before locking himself in the station and leading everyone to their death? Since the doors are secure, the guy can’t get in anymore. But even securing a door or partition can fracture. It’s just a matter of time. I can’t imagine one of the two pilots outside the cockpit crossing

    Their arms waiting for the door to open for 6 hours. That doesn’t exist. The hypothesis that some have made is that the plane would have climbed very high, precisely to deprive the passengers of oxygen. Remember, in the Strait of Malacca, military radars recorded

    A rise to more than 45,000 feet, or more than 13,700 meters. Was it a matter of accelerating the lack of oxygen, plunging the passengers into unconsciousness and then death? An important detail: the reserve of individual masks is only fifteen minutes. But to be credible,

    This hypothesis is based on a suicidal tendency of one of the two pilots. Farid Abdul Hamid, the co-pilot, is only 27 years old. He has been flying for Malaysia Airlines since 2007. He is well paid and about to get married to a young woman, also a pilot.

    And basically, the future belongs to him. Not the typical profile of a suicidal Young Boy, a young man with a bright future. Why would he do that? We notice that the outlines of the commander are a little more blurred. We asked some of his closest friends. They all said: This guy?

    It doesn’t matter what he said or what he did. He’s a good pilot. He is an instructor pilot in charge of controlling other pilots. He’s not the type to lose his mental balance so easily. We don’t know what goes on in a man’s head, you know. Take the case of Robin Williams.

    He was a great actor. He was funny. And what happened to him in the end? He committed suicide. The investigation by certain newspapers describes the man haunted by emotional problems. Her wife allegedly kicked her out of the home and her mistress broke up a few hours before the theft.

    In any case, the commander received just before departure a call from a woman made from a cell phone, subscribed under a false name. These elements have never been confirmed by the family. Investigators were also interested in the possible role of religious motivation. Captain Zaharie was not a fanatic.

    He was a good, fair man who paid no attention to race. And religiously, he was a moderate. Commander Zaharie was also very involved in politics. And the day before Flight 370, his friend opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim, was sentenced to prison. From leading 272 people to mass suicide,

    Opposition members of the Malaysian Parliament said Zaharie was not the type to create problems for the nation, let alone destroy a plane in the name of his ideology. policy. The fact remains that the commander’s own daughter testified in the press that her father had for some time become distant, dark and withdrawn.

    A testimony that she then disputed. The next day, Captain Zaharie’s daughter violently criticized the media which, according to her, had completely distorted her comments. She slammed them, saying it was unfair and she was sad. She told them that she was in pain,

    That the situation was upsetting and that the media took advantage of her misfortune by reporting on her father in the wrong way. And she couldn’t forgive them for that. The captain’s wife is one of the family members of the missing, who have always remained fairly close-knit. So this idea is not plausible.

    You know, the press likes to make mountains out of nothing. But from my point of view, I don’t believe that to be true. A final observation: the few known cases of suicide on board an airliner have always been rapid. Far from the almost 8 hours of the Malaysian Boeing flight.

    Investigators know their last chance to uncover the truth is to find the wreckage and the black boxes. A new research campaign began at the end of the southern winter, in September 2014. For a long time, the black boxes have no longer emitted any signal capable of locating them. Research today is carried out

    Using sonar capable of detecting large debris from the plane. But the area to be covered is gigantic and the range of the sonar does not exceed five kilometers. And so, this is the technology that BEA used to successfully find the Rio-Paris in the end.

    And this is the technology that is currently being implemented by the Australians and the Malaysians to try to find this plane. On July 29, 2015, the investigation took a step forward with the discovery on a beach on Reunion Island of a metal part resembling a piece of an airplane wing.

    The part was quickly identified as a flaperon, one of the ailerons of a Boeing 777 wing. As no other plane of this type has disappeared in this region of the world. The investigators immediately think of the theft of the Malaysian sent to Toulouse. The part is subject to analysis

    By engineers from the General Directorate of Armaments. And quickly, the verdict falls. The discovery of the manufacturing number of the part and the verification with Boeing allow us to affirm that the flaperon discovered does indeed belong to the aircraft of flight MH370. Another clue, the piece is covered with different crustaceans

    And their study confirms that the bottle spent at least a year in sea water and comes from a tropical or temperate zone, because the type of crustacean discovered does not survive unless of 18 degrees. The experts then carried out a complex analysis to try

    To retrace the route of the flaperon based on the sea currents. Since March 8, 2014 and according to their calculations, the device is indeed in the area where we are looking for it. Within a few hundred kilometers. Obviously, this is not precise enough and the debate over the

    Search area continues as some criticize Malaysia and Australia for persisting in searching in the wrong place. There are two questions to ask. First, is this data real? Then, were they correctly analyzed? So if indeed it is a geopolitical conspiracy and the United Kingdom is involved, which is one of the scenarios,

    That means that the United Kingdom could have falsified the data and all. The position calculations carried out by Marsha have been verified by the English, American, French and Australian aeronautical authorities and validated by several independent experts. Yet the debate persists. In early 2015, another independent expert,

    Canadian mathematician Brooke McEwan, published a study questioning both the Inmarsat calculations, but also the reasons pushing the authorities to carry out research in this specific area. He accuses the Australians in particular of using his research to try to locate underwater natural resources. In June 2014, the victims’ families

    Offered a $5 million reward to anyone who could uncover the truth about the disappearance of Flight MH370. Today, for all those who have lost a loved one, mourning is difficult, if not impossible, and the pain remains unresolved. The millions of dollars in rewards have not sparked any revelations and the mystery remains total.

    Even if until now, the Malaysian authorities have failed to explain the disappearance of flight MH370, we can nevertheless draw several lessons from the disappearance of this plane of the Aircraft. The disappearance of flight MH370 accelerates the implementation of new aircraft tracking systems. Currently, radar coverage does not exceed 30% of the planet’s surface.

    At the end of 2015, the International Telecommunications Union decided to release a radio frequency. It will now allow airliners wherever they are, including over the oceans, to automatically transmit their position by satellite. On one condition, however, that the famous transponder is always on. Yes, with all the high technology we have.

    Why does it take so long? I don’t want the world to forget MH370. Not just because there are 239 people missing and hundreds of relatives still grieving. But above all because this mystery concerns what more than 3 million people do every day. That means taking the plane.


    1. Pour moi c'est clairement un suicide. Un pilote a coupé le transpondeur et quand l'avion n'a plus eu de kerozene il a fait plouf. Y a rien de mystèrieux. Et on a retrouvé des morceaux de l'avion. Il ne s'est pas évaporer par enchantement

    2. flexflex3370 : c’est du réchauffé et du « carbonisé », et alors ? Ce reportage n’a pas été vu par beaucoup de personnes et cela les intéresse. Ce drame a eu lieu il y a des années mais ça n’enlève rien à l’aspect tragique de cette catastrophe aérienne.

    3. Bonjour,

      Je suis en classe de 2nde et je recherche un stage dans l'aviation (pilote, Stewart…) j'ai contacté la DGAC et plusieurs aéroports qui m'ont tous refusé car ils n'acceptent que sur "piston" (par connaissance) ,donc je tente le tout pour le tout en publiant ce commentaire. Si vous travaillez ou connaissez une personne qui travaille dans l'aviation aux aéroports de Lille, CDG, ORLY ou à proximité répondez moi.

      Je vous remercie d'avance 😊

    4. Faucumentaire au niveau de celui de Netflix ou de HoldUp, très beau moment de rigolade quand on a un minimum de compréhension des sujets de l’aviation à civile

    5. Suis certains compagnie caché quelchose proches victimes et monde entier objet trouver ile réunion crois pas appartient avion malaysia attendus 4h alerte les secours le ministre faire un sourire devant cameras cache quelchose certains celui un parle a journaliste les proche victimes impossible faire leurs deuil doit enfer pour eux pas savoir qui il passe moi croire pas suicide ni accident ni détournement ni satellites ni militaire

    6. L’avion a été abattu ou un manque d’air ce qui a existé sur d’autre vols ou seul un homme avait un respirateur artificiel et il a fait se cracher l’avion dans lequel tout les passagers étaient morts

    7. Le problème de la disparition du vol MH370 est en relation avec le brevet : « United States Patent (Wang et al.), No.: US 8,671,381 B1 en date du: 11 Mars 2014 ».
      Dans ce vol était présent quatre (04) inventeurs chinois et actionnaires en même temps, il s’agit de : Peidong Wang, Erck Chen, Zhihong Cheng, Li Ying dans le domaine des puces semi-conductrices révolutionnaires en relation avec un cinquième actionnaire qui est la firme « Freescale Semiconductor Inc., Austin USA.» dont l’actionnaire principal est Jacob Rothschild via Blackstone.
      Pour faire court, il est stipulé dans ce contract si un actionnaire vient à disparaitre (mourir) sa côte part sera partagée entre les quatre qui reste…, et si dans le cas où les quatre inventaires chinois viennent à disparaitre, je vous laisse tirer la conclusion.
      Le brevet est sur ce lien :
      « United States Patent (Wang et al.), No.: US 8,671,381 B1 en date du: 11 Mars 2014 ».

    8. Contrairement aux autres craches d'avions, un pareil mystère est en lui meme un indice fort qui montre que c'est une opération bien coordonnée par les services secrets americains, les seuls à avoir les ressources à portée via la base Diego Garcia se sont bien chargés de collecter quasiment tous les débrits…

    9. ils disent que avion ces écraser mais cela est totalement faux, la vérité est pas toujours bonne a savoir, si la vérité éclate, ils y en as qui vont se décomposé sur le champs

    10. Une pensée pleine d'empathie pour les passagers et membres d'équipage qui ont vécu ce calvaire, ainsi que pour leurs proches qui les ont attendus longtemps et qui attendent encore…..

    11. Le truc qui m'énerve c'est le "soi-disant" profil de suicidaire.

      Alors oui, il y a des gens plus à risques de passer à l'acte que d'autres mais…quand on dit "il était marié, filait le parfait amour" blablabla pour dire qu'il n'a pas le profil, ben on en sait rien…on sait ce qu'on voit, ce que la personne dit, ce que les proches disent (et ce sont souvent les moins bien renseignés) mais on ne sait pas ce que la personne ressent. Le parfait amour de façade peut par exemple être très difficile à vivre pour cette personne…qui ne montre rien et n'en dit rien, pcq c'est plus facile de faire semblant que d'affronter la vérité ou de peur de faire souffrir l'autre.

      Si vraiment on veut chercher si la personne est suicidaire ou pas, il faut creuser plus que ça et remonter plus que ça, pcq si ça existe d'avoir tout à coup une pulsion de passage à l'acte c'est bien plus souvent un truc qu'on traîne depuis longtemps…et ça ne se voit pas forcément. Tout comme une personne dépressive n'est pas forcément cernée comme un château fort, en train de chialer toute la journée et d'une humeur massacrante…non, c'est même très souvent l'opposé. Genre si tu dois t'inquiéter de la santé mentale d'un proche, inquiète-toi de celui qui est tj heureux, qui fait tj rire les gens (pcq ça n'existe pas des gens tj au top, ça c'est qqn qui joue un rôle…parfois c'est un manipulateur, parfois c'est un dépressif qui le cache), qui donne l'impression de surkiffer sa life plutôt que de celui qui assume d'avoir parfois des coups de blues.

    12. Peut être que par problème technique , l'avion à pris trop d'altitude , arrivé au-dessus de la stratosphère et hors apesanteur ils ont pris la direction de la lune et s'y sont alunissés ,

    13. Un jour le monde connaitra la Vérité mais je crois que cette histoire restera intrigante encore plusieurs années si ça n’est des centaines.


    14. Ce n'est pas un mystère mais un mensonge d'états. Déja, en 1996, le TWA 800, explose en plein ciel peu après son décollage au large de New-York, des témoins ont vu l'explosion et même une photo d'un missile se dirigeant vers l'avion est prise. Cette photo récupérée par le fbi ne réapparaitra jamais. Des familles françaises ont fait réaliser des analyses de corps de leurs proches morts dans l'avion, ils ont trouvé des métaux qui n'appartenaient pas au Boeing, mais rentre dans la composition de …… missile…… Donc………………..

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