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    In the summer of 2022 I was at Rock Bottom now if you’ve seen my channel before you probably have seen this video highlighting my cycling Journey that started during this time however something I haven’t gone incredibly in depth into is all the changes I made off the bike showing the nutrition the body

    Changes and the major lifestyle adjustments I had to make to lose 71 lbs in 5 months in this video we’re going to go over all of that so let’s get into it so let’s start with a little bit of my athletic backstory then we will lead

    Into why I gained the weight and finally the things I implemented into my life to shed it all back off okay so first things first the backstory I played baseball up until my junior year of college I played both baseball and basketball in high school plus I dabbled

    In downhill mountain biking in high school with my buddies on the weekends I would say I was a pretty active person so let’s pick up the story my junior year of college I was attending a small school in Oregon playing baseball and majoring in business I never really

    Weighed myself because as far as I remember I wasn’t ever unhappy with my weight I had experience with dieting at the time in tracking macros though because the baseball program encouraged healthy weight gain to gain strength if I had to guess though at the time based on my physique I was probably anywhere

    From 180 to 190 lbs throughout my junior year of college I was around the same weight and size from my sophomore year of high school on my body was comfortable here and I was used to it in college I was quite active like I said I was playing baseball so during the

    Season that meant weightlifting in the morning practice in the afternoon followed by ab work and bullpens because I was a PO or pitcher only this kept me in a healthy Place body fat wise I definitely had more muscle mass than I do now but that was my main focus back

    Then being as strong as possible in my upper and lower body in order to throw a baseball as hard as I could so the end of my junior year is when everything changed I ended up quitting baseball in order to pursue well this this might come as a

    Shock but professional gaming this is where I really learned how to edit videos honestly it was in the gaming space but that’s that’s a story for another time my friends and I in college got very into a game called fortnite right when it came out and somehow

    Seemed to get ahead of the learning curve it was pure luck we were making a decent amount of money for college students and decided to run with it so I made the difficult decision to put more time into that and quit baseball but me being someone who is active and can’t

    Sit still for very long I had to pick something else up something that was a little bit more flexible with time because I had to balance streaming school and content creation so I dove back into my high school rots and started playing pickup basketball again

    We would play 2 to 3 hours a day at night with all of our friends it truly was a blast I’m guessing this is where some of my endurance success comes from now in the biking industry but who really knows as far as weight is concerned I would honestly say I lost a

    Little bit of weight weight during this time my guess is I was at a comfortable 175 to 180 lb however I never really watched what I ate I can still remember eating a whole box of cheit at 2: a.m. while we were playing video games but it

    Wasn’t really a problem because of how many calories I was burning during basketball during the day I would also skip meals because I was too focused on gaming again this is definitely not a healthy way to live so where did it all go wrong well I copied the formula from

    My junior year and pasted it to my senior year school video games and basketball and it was all going well until the world shut down oh yeah the good old 2020 I’m sure y’all have aware what happened covid-19 can be characterized as a pandemic my girlfriend and I then moved in with her

    Parents because they were in Oregon and we weren’t really sure when all this would blow over we needed to stay in Oregon to finish school but campus was completely shut down long story short this is when it all started to go wrong I continued two out of the three things

    I talked about earlier school video games and basketball I bet you all can guess which one I didn’t continue doing yeah the basketball part I would have loved to keep playing but at the time the world was shut down and you weren’t able to be close to anyone else I also

    No longer had access to a gym because we were no longer living on campus and I was really too lazy to do anything about it I also didn’t even consider it was a problem until too late this is when I started to put on weight and I put it on

    Fast from March 2020 to July 2020 I put on roughly lb going from 175 to 205 give or take a couple pounds I realized what was happening but it wasn’t really bothering me at this point in my head I had been about 200 lb before for baseball but what I didn’t take into

    Consideration is that it was a completely different body composition that 200 lb from back in the day was muscle the 200 lb that I was at in July of 2020 was fat and if I didn’t make changes and continue down this path it was only going to get much much worse

    Well I didn’t make changes fast forward to late 2021 I’d put on about another 10 lbs bringing the grand total up to roughly 215 honestly during 2021 I was a bit more active getting into snowboarding and golf and this kept my weight from creeping up too much but it

    Was still trending in the wrong direction in late 2021 this is where I really started to spiral I started a production company with my buddy and we edited golf videos for some of the biggest names in YouTube golf GM golf Bry and D Shambo good good and a couple

    Others the grind was real we were honestly making good money and the production company was headed in the right direction which is amazing but at what cost we were burning the wick at both ends working about 100 hours a week usually sleeping maybe 2 to 3 hours a

    Day and door dashing damn near every meal because we simply didn’t have time to make food because we wanted to hit deadlines for videos at the time Alysa my fiance was starting to get really worried about me we were also traveling all over the world to film golf content

    For these clients that we had and this really didn’t help the weight situation I’ll talk more in depth about the production company in another video because for some of yall it might sound like a dream and for me it was before I started Living it I realized that I’m

    More of a home body and that my mental health was deteriorating fast I also finally weighed myself in June of 2022 to find out I was 256 lb this is when I hit at Rock Bottom it was time to turn it around Alys and I had moved down to Northern California

    From Oregon at this time so it felt like a perfect opportunity for a reset a complete life change I started to track my caloric intake in July of 2022 but didn’t really have much success with it at first I was using the app My Fitness Pal and I was going based off their

    Suggested caloric intake for someone who wasn’t very active which I really wasn’t at the time and to be honest it was really really hard in order for for me to lose weight I had to eat roughly 1,700 calories or less a day according to the app their calculation is based

    Off my metabolism significantly slowing down because I was less active not sleeping enough and extremely stressed with work I also had no caloric output because I wasn’t active I would just sit all day behind a computer working and editing in August of 2022 as many of you

    Know I picked up cycling this is where things started to Trend in the right direction I was still the same weight as in June because like I said I had no success with the counting of calories and it just simply was impossible for me to eat 1,700 calories I would do it for

    One day the next day I would get Cravings go over it and then it would just spiral my mental health was deteriorating as I said and it was just a nightmare So within the first months of cycling from August to September I lost 34 lbs so what was happening why

    Was this happening and why was cycling the Catalyst well here’s what was happening I was eating the caloric deficit upping my caloric maintenance and a waking residual Fitness I had from years of being somewhat active before this I was tracking every ounce of food that went into my body with my fitness

    Pal and I was trying to be at 800 to 1,000 calorie deficit a day however if you do the math there are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat and in a little over a month I lost 34 lbs so how was that possible was I losing a pound of fat per

    Day no probably not I can’t say for certain because I didn’t get a dexa scan before starting this process I really really wish I did in hindsight but we can’t turn back time a DEA scan for y’all that don’t know measures your exact bone density this can be used to

    Determine your body fat percentage muscle mass and a couple other things okay so back to why I lost 34 lb but it wasn’t all fat this is because within a day of focusing on eating more Whole Foods I saw a significant decrease in stomach floating and I could tell my

    Body was holding on to less water weight because I was becoming more active and having less sodium in my diet you definitely need sodium in your diet don’t get me wrong but the way I was eating I was eating way too much so my educated guess is that a couple of those

    34 lbs were related to those issues water weight and unnecessary intestinal gas but also I would say a majority of these pounds were in fact fat so why was cycling the fix well because it was an activity that requires a high caloric output I would ride roughly an hour to 2

    Hours a day and burn anywhere from 700 to 18800 calories this means if my metabolism stayed the exact ex act same as before I could eat upwards of 3,000 calories a day and still be in a 500 calorie deficit for the day that seemed a lot more achievable than trying to eat

    1,700 calories to lose weight now it doesn’t have to be cycling it can be any sort of physical activity for you cycling was nice because I had a power meter on my bike which gave me a very accurate caloric output on my rides each day but with Fitness wearables having

    Better and better technology you can utilize something like an Apple Watch to have a similar effect you can see a caloric output from a workout based on what the watch says and apply that to my fitness pal to get a caloric intake you can have for the day and still achieve

    Weight loss however let’s preface some things I definitely did some things wrong here first I didn’t adjust for my metabolic changes one thing I want to note though is that my fitness pal is great for tracking macros but it is known to be pretty bad when it comes to

    Tracking your BMR and your caloric output the best way to track your BMR is the Oxford method you can find it online here I’ll put the link on the screen and down in the description and as for output like like I said wearables or a power meter if you are into cycling is

    The best way to go when doing the math you will find that my BMR would have actually been CL closer to 2400 calories when I first started meaning my fitness pile underestimated by about 700 calories which only just accelerated the fat loss also even though I wasn’t

    Active the heavier you are the higher BMR because your body needs more energy to support a larger frame my BMR is actually lower now than what it was back then after losing that much weight going back back to the Oxford formula again it shows that I’m probably closer to an

    1,800 calorie BMR however what really changed when I added cycling was my maintenance calories since I was so active your maintenance calories are far greater than what they were so because I didn’t really adjust for any of that and it was already on the cusp of eating a

    Too high of a deficit 1,000 calories a day is usually the rule of thumb for like the max caloric deficit that you want I definitely was losing too much weight too fast now I was lucky because I didn’t really have any ramifications from this but I urge you to be more

    Careful than I was if you intend to embark on a similar Journey do your own research and talk to a licensed nutritionist if you have access to one a great resource that I am familiar with is Derek from dial Health we will be filming a video in the next couple weeks

    About losing weight and maintaining muscle mass a lot of that has to do with tracking specific macros which I was doing at the time but I want to save that discussion for someone with more professional experience so with this formula by December I was down to 100

    180 lb feeling very lean and happy I started to feel my bike rides at the time because I started to focus more on performance rather than the weight loss but again that is a story for another time with Derek before I was just riding with no nutrition just to achieve the

    Maximum caloric deficit that I could so what are the takeaways the first and most important takeaway is if you are struggling like I was I want you to know that this is very possible I’m here to help with whatever it is if you need me

    To DM you on Instagram every day to hold you accountable I will do it just DM me second is that like I said please don’t do it the way that I did it was more of a perfect storm than a structured Journey things happen fast because I’m

    Young I have residual Fitness and Del straight into the deep end of being active this process may be much slower for you and that is totally okay just take it one day at a time and enjoy the process just promise me that you will

    Stick with it for at least 30 days and I promise you will start to see changes and once you see those changes it’s addicting trust me and yes this is mainly a cycling Channel Channel but that isn’t for everyone and I get that so whether it’s a 15-minute hike or a

    5-hour bike ride I urge you to add some sort of repeated activity to your everyday life if you haven’t already again I’ll be making a video with Derek from dial Health here shortly to talk more about macros and how to switch the focus purely from weight loss to also

    Maintaining muscle mass if that’s something you guys are interested in if you have any other comments about this please comment down below and we’ll answer those questions in that video thank you guys so much for the support and I will see you guys in the next One Peace


    1. It's funny… I thought I recognized you from GM golf videos but you've changed a lot so it was difficult to recognize you. Was fun times watching them (GM golf, good good) for the duration of the pandemic. I only recently picked up cycling a few months ago because I also hit a weight I didn't like, 215 lbs. Keep on keeping on!

    2. Finally! EJ…I’ve been waiting for this video for months. Glad you finally patched it all together. It’s been cool to see your transformation. I wish I’d started cycling before I turned 37. I think I could have done some fun things. That said… I’m pretty fast for a 52 year old. Heck I’m fast for a 35 year old. 😊

    3. are there any parts that you focused more on your cycling? like maybe, more low intensity high volume, or pretty much sending it everyday?

    4. Keep crushing it man! I just hit a goal weight that that I set about 4 years ago of 225lbs, down from 435lbs. I truly never thought I was an actually possibly to achieve so Its been eye opening and inspiring to see whats possible. If any of you dont think its possible I promise it is, it really comes down to consistency and a true willingness to feel better. Once you commit yourself and start working for it, your closer than you were the day before.Just give it time and youll figure what works and what doesnt. Its truly freeing to lose the weight and I know that there are so many people who dont give themself enough credit. Nice work Ej! Hopefully everyone can start their year on the right path!

    5. I am currently do the same thing in a slightly different format. Thanks for posting this it helps keep the stoke high and the motivation going.

    6. Does the power meter is able to provide a more accurate calories count ? I'm looking to buy one to track my trainings and my calories to help me in my diet plan.

    7. While the results you've seen seem absolutely awesome, I just feel the need to say to everyone who watches this video that the way EJ did this is NOT how really anyone else should. The fact that you were able to lose that much weight that quickly without destroying your hormones, tanking your fitness, or developing an eating disorder or body image issues is incredibly remarkable. Some of the things you did are totally correct though: finding and doing a physical activity you enjoy doing without worrying about whether it is "optimal" or "the best," realizing that your weight gain was a symptom of not just your diet but also your work habits and making those less unhealthy, and staying committed to the process even when you aren't seeing immediate results.

      With that being said, almost no one who is under like 400 pounds should ever be losing 34 pounds in a month, even if a lot of that weight is water, nor should they be running a 800-1000 calorie deficit. A deficit that large is incredibly unsustainable and can even be just as damaging to your body as being overweight when it is not managed perfectly. The vast majority of research on weight loss shows that the best interventions are gradual and compounding, i.e. they focus on developing a simple habit like exercise or inclusive dieting, then adding additional habits one after another. Simply trying to overhaul your lifestyle in a short span of time almost never works and often leaves people in a worse spot then when they started after they inevitably fail.

      The best ways to lose weight are the ones you want to do because you enjoy doing them, not because you think they'll help you lose weight. A lot of weight loss techniques can be very appealing because they prey on personal insecurity, and these are the ones that are the most destructive. So if you want to lose weight, ask yourself which habit you would want to do even if you weren't doing it to lose weight. Is it exercising regularly? Cooking instead of ordering? Sleeping well? Working in a more sustainable fashion? Find that habit and simply start doing it, and commit to doing it for a good period of time. Try not to think about your weight, but do try to keep your health in mind, e.g. if you start exercising regularly don't start eating more junk food than you did before. If you can maintain this habit for a good period of time, like 2-4 months, then ask yourself if there is another habit you could add, but this time be a little more open to doing something that doesn't sound outwardly as enjoyable. You'll find that it is easier to maintain this new habit because you've got great momentum from the good habit you've just finished solidifying. Obviously exercising and counting calories will make you lose weight, but any good doctor will tell you that it is better to be a slightly overweight person with a lot of healthy habits than a normal weight person with a lot of unhealthy habits, so focus on developing the healthy habits first before you start a serious weight loss regimen.

    8. Right on EJ 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 awesome to see your progress. I did a similar turn around at right about the same time. Came down from 244 to 180 through nutrition, cycling, and running. It took a longer time, but still makes your story relatable. Rooting for you bro 🙌🏾

    9. Great video! I started cycling about 3-4 months ago after having similar issues with weight. I started at 220 5'11" (6'0" on tinder) and I am now at 204 with a relatively unstructured plan, just riding for the fun of it, seeing if I can do 20,30, 40, and a couple weeks ago I did 50 miles.
      I don't really focus too much on nutrition other than trying to eat big carbs prior to and during a ride and it's just nice to explore on the bike.
      I also had been doing yoga before but it wasn't enough to get any meaningful weight loss on its own.

      I decided to start training for a race (the Hincapie Gran Fondo Chattanooga, TN) in May, with the goal of just completing it within the cutoff time, and not being last. 
      For me cycling, and yoga have been the first fitness activities that I actively engage in because they feel good and it's fun for me. I don't have to fight my laziness to go for a ride, or get on the mat.
      It's a different feeling from weight lifting and running, which I never really liked and just did because I thought they were the "best".

      I am definitely gonna be following your videos.

    10. I forget if you mentioned in another video that the majority of your riding was zone 2 or fasted zone 2, instructed by Jeff? Your weight loss story is amazing 🎉 I share your story and my own with people I know who are looking for similar results 💪

    11. Awesome man, been looking forward to this video. Crazy how fast you packed on the weight but then trun around and drop it so fast in the bike! Nice work, very motivating 👏

    12. So inspirational! I’ve been see-sawing with my fitness goals for the past 4 years and after watching this. i just reinstalled myFitnessPal to keep me on track! 🙌

    13. Great video man! This video inspired me to lose weight as I am only 5'6 guy but I weigh 183lbs. My goal is to reach 150lbs as it would be my ideal race weight! Nice to see your vid as an inspiration to my fitness journey!

    14. Great transformation bro! Cycling really is a game changer, especially for folks like me who hate cardio. Just wondering for perspective on the weight, how tall are you?

      I'm hoping to do something similar this year and drop 30 pounds by September. I'm 6'1 and the scale just told me I'm 233lbs. Used to play sports but the pandemic kind of ruined that, plus I do marketing for a large restaurant chain which meant I was constantly eating junk food for free. I was riding on a hybrid last year and got into cycling with a few people. My friend who worked in a bike shop fixed up an old Fuji road bike for me so I'll be riding that for the next few seasons. My only challenge is living in Toronto (Canada) riding an hour in winter is pretty tough so I'll have to wait until March/April when it warms up a bit more. Wish I lived somewhere like Cali so I could easily ride year-round!

    15. I've been riding an racing since 1987, and being bike fit was always no problem for me. Until I hit 40 or so, and I started to gain weight. I would "ride myself" into fitness, that being about 170 or so. Slowly, I started to hit my fitness later and later. I just could not ride myself fit like I used. I really wanted to get to 160, and I was sitting at 185 in December. I decided to do Keto, and it worked. I'm now convinced that the best diet is getting into Ketosis.

    16. I took up cycling once again after a 30 year break. Was definitely in bad shape, 260 lbs and couldn’t get my socks on without playing twister. Fast forward 3.5 years and Ive plateaued at 195. Now with a personal trainer and better eating choices I’m on my way to my goal of 175. Thanks for the encouragement!!!

    17. Whoa, I’m an NorCal ex bike racer who is now into golf (also with a video production side hustle). Man, I better make sure I keep riding my bike.. to keep fit for golf of course 🙂

      Thanks for the back story. Keep on rockin this content and killing NCNCA!!

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