Hooded gunmen have burst onto a live TV set in Ecuador – a day after the country’s president declared a state of emergency following the escape of one of the country’s most-notorious drug gang bosses from prison.

    Live television images broadcast on Tuesday showed hooded people – some waving guns – inside Ecuador’s TC Television station in Guayaquil.

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    It’s 10:00 this is Sky News at 10 our top story the former boss of the post office hands back her CBE Over the Horizon it Scandal Sky News understands the prime minister is preparing to make a statement tomorrow we get reaction from one person who was convicted and

    Sent to jail as it’s revealed 30 more potential victims have come forward the stress will eat you off which was eating you off slowly but silently it’s like a silent killer also tonight the foreign secretary Lord Cameron says he’s concerned Israel may have broken international law as pressure grows on

    Israel’s military campaign in Gaza armed men burst into a television station after the president of Ecuador announces a state of emergency over the Escape of a gang leader 2023 is confirmed officially as the hottest year on record with temperatures expected to exceed 1.5° above pre-industrial Levels by February

    And 2024 is to be hotter still Donald Trump appears in court arguing for immunity from prosecution over charges of election fra it was black mold down the side here that you can’t really all the way up the wall all the way up yeah and tough new rules for landlords to deal with

    Dangerous damp in properties after the death of a toddler and we’ll take a first look at tomorrow’s front pages that’s coming up in our press preview from 10:30 hello good evening for those wrongly convicted today could be a sign that finally their calls for accountability are being listened to it was confirmed that the former post office chief executive Paula venel will hand back her CBE with immediate effect faulty herizon software which made it

    Look like money was missing from post office stores led to hundreds of convictions and now a lawyer working on the case has told Sky News that 130 new potential victims of the post office Scandal have come forward since the ITV drama Mr Bates versus the post office first aad Sky National correspondent Tom

    Paler has has been speaking to one of those people convicted and has this report this is your fer yes it is while rabina and hundreds like her had their lives ruined the boss of the post office was honored but Paula venel the chief executive who presided over a scandal at

    The post office is handing her CBE back it’s just a gesture nothing else oh well her time’s coming now she she’s going to pay for it in her statement Paula venel said I am truly sorry for the devastation caused to the sub postmasters and their families whose

    Lives were torn apart by being wrongly accused and wrongly prosecuted as a result of the Horizon system rabina was sent to prison for 12 months for false accounting the trauma still haunts her I couldn’t think straight that night when they took me down next morning I got up and I was

    Sitting at the edge of my bed and one of the inmates came across and said to me don’t worry about it it’s going to it’ll get easier did it it didn’t no but every day you’re on your own who do you talk to you you’re Tire you’re locked up

    Most of the time you’re trying to not think about it too much because the stress will eat you up which was eating you up slowly but silently was like a silent killer the post office prosecuted over 700 of its own people and protected the institution at all costs they say

    Money’s somehow gone missing from this branch which it hasn’t and I have to pay it back the TV drama that has crystallized the Injustice has angered the nation 93 victims did have their convictions quashed but hundreds more are still waiting the pressure to act is now building every day the prime minister’s

    Spokesperson has admitted that victims across the country have been treated appallingly and confirmed that the UK government will announce this week how they will move faster to put right what they can urgent meetings have been taking place between ministers and the Judiciary we can do something good Mr

    Speaker together if the Justice sector would bring a simple Bill to quash all 800 immediately I’m very grateful to the right honorable gentleman who with his customary Precision puts his finger on this appalling Injustice uh the suggestion he made is receiving AC of consideration I expect to be able to

    Make further announcements shortly the police are also re-examining what happened next week the focus of the long-running public inquiry will fall on the tech firm Fujitsu which installed the Horizon computer system there’s no doubt about it it was faulty bit of software people have been convicted wrongly on the basis of those faults

    Saying that it was it was totally invincible so I suspect they will get their comeuppence but let’s wait until the the right time for that the inquiry into this Scandal has yet another year to run but the clamor for justice will not wait the victims of the post office

    Have suffered for long enough Tom palmenter Sky News and Tom Tom joins me now yes that clam continues doesn’t it a potential announcement tomorrow then as we await next steps yes this Shrewsbury is the Midlands town where rabina who we heard from in that report worked it’s where

    She was prosecuted hounded out of the job that she loved and ultimately where she was sentenced to time in prison and there are victims up and down this country who are waiting to hear what the government has to say in this new swell of anticipation of of a breakthrough on

    Behalf of those victims whenever the Prime Minister says it it could come as soon as tomorrow lunchtime they will be watching because they are fed up of being let down we know that there are up to 130 potential new victims have come forward just in the past week since the

    TV drama aired we know that there are widespread calls for those outstanding convictions to be quashed many would like to see the post office stripped of its powers to prosecute people and there are also calls for Fujitsu to be banned from winning any more high value public

    Sector contracts so the victims of this Scandal will be watching and waiting to see what the Prime Minister has to say they will be scrutinizing that in great detail and of course we know that it will come too late for over 60 sub postmasters who have died in this long

    Bitter struggle that has gone on for two decades they are no longer with us so whatever the Prime Minister has to say this week whatever promises he makes for them and their families it will be too late Tom thank you the foreign secretary Lord Cameron faced MPS today for the first time since

    Taking his new role he was questioned about the Israel Hamas war and said he was concerned that Israel’s attack on Gaza may have broken international law the US Secretary of State Anthony blinkin is in Israel on a diplom diplomatic tour and used a speech today

    To say that the daily death toll in Gaza is too high Sky’s Middle East correspondent Al bunkle reports now from Tel Aviv even if they can escape these ready air strikes the Scramble for basic food is now an everyday fight to stay alive in

    Gaza a bowl of plain rice in a pan or plastic tub whatever they can get their hands on is the only thing that many people in Gaza will eat today I eat food off the floor anything that’s edible I pick up and eat I don’t care what it is

    This food isn’t even being provided by the UN or any Aid agencies is Palestinians helping each other because simply not enough Aid is being allowed in those who can help the people in need should do so the suffering here is real we used to hear about things like this

    Before but now it’s real we’re living it now in Tel Aviv 60 Mi up the coast from the Gaza Strip the US Secretary of St met with Israel’s lead nice to see you Anthony blink reiterated America’s support for Israel’s continuing War but said that more must be done to get Aid

    Into Gaza more food more water more medicine other essential Goods need to get into Gaza and then once they’re in Gaza they need to get more effectively to the people who need them the daily toll on civilians in Gaza particularly on children is far too high We outside his hotel as he met the Israeli president families of people still held hostage inside Gaza demanded that more must be done to return them home that message was echoed to us in Tel aviv’s hostage Plaza I keep myself going by saying we’ve reached the bottom

    And the only thing we can do now is talk about the need for our some kind of peace agreement um that will pull us out of this basic terrible problem we have the Palestinians we need to reach some kind of settlement International pressure on Israel is growing even amongst the most

    Steadfast allies the British foreign secretary told MPS he is concerned that war crimes have been committed in Gaza am I worried that Israel have ta has taken action that might be in breach of international law because this particular premises has been bombed or what yes of course I’m worried about

    That Israel’s forces say that they’re lowering the tempo of fighting in Northern Gaza but this is what they’re leaving behind an uninhabitable Wasteland Israel has agreed to allow the UN into the north to inspect it for themselves but we don’t know when that might happen and gazans won’t be able to

    Return home until it has alist bungal Sky News in Tel Aviv well our Deputy political editor Sam coach joins me now from the foreign office so do Lord Cameron’s words today Sam signify a shift in British policy well the foreign office insists that they don’t but Anna I think that

    This is a really quite significant moment look you have to look quite closely at what David Cameron was saying in that Select Committee hearing to understand what’s going on here David Cameron you just heard said that he was worried that Israel might have committed war crimes now he also said that foreign

    Office lawyers I think this is the important bit also worried that Israel might have committed war crimes and went back to do further investigations and have been talking to Israel about exactly what’s going on and we didn’t hear the sort of final assessment of what foreign office lawyers said but

    David Cameron also said that he hadn’t been told that Israel did breach international law now I I I think here on that point we might be somewhat dancing on the head of a pin because don’t think the foreign office lawyers in the building behind me would ever say definitively that another country was

    Definitely in breach of international law that’s a decision to be made by the courts they almost certainly would have hedged it so I’m not sure David Cameron was telling anything that we didn’t anything that we didn’t know by saying he hadn’t been uh definitively told but

    The fact that this happened and the fact that he said it I think is incredibly significant because it goes further than what we’ve had before and it comes a really important moment you’ve got the international diplomacy with the US Secretary State in the uh Middle East

    Trying to uh calm down tensions you do have concerns in the building behind me in the foreign office about the kinds of things that are coming out of the mouths of Israeli ministers in the last week and a half about the need to clear out Gaza of Palestinians uh in order to get

    Some kind of settlement this idea that actually the Israeli government is saying one thing to the International Community through the media uh that the basically that the conflict is starting to come to an end and another thing to its domestic population so this is a moment of big tension and so these words

    Matter whether or not David Cameron was shooting from the hip or not what he said today will resonate at home and in the Middle East Sam live for us there in Westminster thank you on protesters have stormed one of Ecuador’s main television stations hours after the country’s president declared a

    State of emergency restrictions were imposed after a notorious gang leader escaped from jail was SK Martha Kelner is following the story story and armed with guns and seemingly explosives Martha a dramatic incident what’s the latest really dramatic and scary both the staff members working at that television station and of course the

    Audience watching at home this was a public television station and a TC Network it’s headquartered in the city of guak Keel people in the UK may have heard of that City it’s a Gateway for the Pacific beaches in Ecuador and also the galapagus: a group of individuals many of them wearing balaclavas balaclavas

    Almost all dressed in black burst into this station you can see uh the man who appears to be the presenter there with a large rifle to his neck he appears to be making a plea to another individual many of these people have have guns um large

    Rifles some even appear to be holding uh improvised explosive devices or at least mock versions of them you can see in the background of some of these pictures staff who have been ordered uh to sit on the floor or lay down on the floor this horrifying inant lasts about half an

    Hour uh before um the gunmen appeared to leave it was then another half an hour We’re told before the police arrived they have Ecuadorian police say all now been arrested uh but this is not an isolated incident there have been a series of attacks in Equador over the

    Past 24 hours and it’s all linked uh to this man Ecuadorian police believe he is uh known as feto he’s the the gang Lord of a notorious gang in Ecuador they’re believed to be behind a number of violent Uprising in prisons in recent months he’s been defying authorities at

    Every turn he even made a music video from inside his prison cell uh he uh disappeared from his police cell on Sunday uh that led to the president of Ecuador then issuing a state of emergency but there are a number of other report reports unconfirmed of violence erupting around the country so

    Clearly a very uncertain situation in Ecuador a very scary situation and a battle for the president of Ecuador um to bring under control he has only been in his post um for a matter of months now so a developing situation in Ecuador at the moment Martha thank you climate scientists have issued a

    Warning today after it was confirmed that 202 3 was officially the hottest day on record cernus the United Nations climate Group found that last year was on average 1.48 degrees warmer than levels before industrial times when humans began burning fossil fuels at scale but what does it mean for the

    Planet and how we live on it Sky Science and Technology editor Tom Clark reports so 2023 was officially the warmest year on record but it’s how warm that makes it truly significant take a look at temperatures decade to decade a subtle warming Trend becoming abundantly clear by the 1990s continuing through

    This decade but look at 2023 the second half Head and Shoulders above any previous year not that the entire year wasn’t really warm compared to What’s called the pre-industrial average before greenhouse gases really started to accumulate in the atmosphere the average of all temperatures across the globe on

    Each day in 2023 was at least a degree warmer than in Victorian times half well one and a half half degrees warmer and a couple over in November a full 2 de above industrial the first time Global averages crossed that thresold why well it’s almost entirely due to the increase

    Of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere but the temperatures in the latter half of 20123 also got a boost from the natural El Nino cycle you can see it here warm water welling up off the coast of South America adding extra heat to the system but it’s not all El Nino we

    Had crazy ocean heat WS in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean and that’s not to ignore the coldest place on Earth sea ice concentration in the Antarctic here in white and blue felt to record lows too compared to the 30-year average shown here by the purple dotted line 2023 with heat waves wildfires and

    Floods took us temporarily into the territory of one and a half degrees of warming the limit defined by the Paris agreement it’s a preview of what we’ll see when temperatures permanently breach that limits and exceed it if we don’t act fast you really have to stop burning fossil fuels and quickly because um

    Already a one and a half or even a one and a half degree world is difficult for our societies to deal with and we’re not on track for 1 and a half degrees the policies currently in place get us somewhere closer much closer to 3° and that is not something that this world

    And our societies are construced to be able to withstand even if we doubled our efforts to cut emissions starting tomorrow we’d still overshoot one and a half degrees of warming but it’s still possible to reduce them enough to avoid exceeding that threshold permanently and then even

    Reverse the trend but it’s going to take a serious shift in Attitude Tom Clark there now Donald Trump has been in court in Washington trying to block one of his criminal trials he faces charges that he plotted to overturn the results of the 20 20 election but his lawyers argue he should

    Be immune from prosecution because he was president at the time Mr Trump who is hoping to be the Republican candidate and run again for the White House this year said he was confident the case would be dismissed our us correspondent James Matthews reports it’s a spectacle once rare now

    Rouy the caval transfer of Donald Trump from campaign Trail to court didn’t draw the crowds like it used to even if America eyed this day in court as no less important this was a trump attempt to get off the hook his lawyers told appeal judges he shouldn’t be tried on Election

    Interference because he was president and should have immunity for actions whilst in office an audio feed relayed the courtroom test of the argument like this from Judge Florence pan to Trump’s lawyer John SAR I asked you a yes no yes or no question could a president who

    Ordered Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival who was not impeached would he be subject to criminal prosecution if you were impeached and convicted first and so so your answer is is my answer is qualified yes Donald Trump didn’t have to attend court for this hearing but his legal

    Troubles are good for his poll ratings in election year court is where prosecution and politics intersect this is the way they’re going to try and win and that’s not the way it goes that’ll be bedum in the country it’s a very bad thing it’s a very bad precedent as we

    Said it’s the opening of a Pandora’s Box this is an appeal relating to a trial due to start on the 4th of March pending the white smoke some minds are already made up Trump’s lawyers were arguing that a sitting president can commit any crime no matter how heinous

    And he’s criminally you know immune you can’t prosecute him and I don’t think the judges is went for that um we’ll go for that if the appeal judges here find in favor of Donald Trump and that’s a big if then clearly that’s a victory for

    Him but even if they don’t this is a process that delivers a partial win at least for the former president delay one man played music outside Court as they adjourned inside further delay from further appeals is what Donald Trump wants to hear for him rolling the circus beyond the November election is a

    Political strategy James Matthews Sky News in Washington Boeing has confirmed its making updates to its safety inspection plans following advice from safety Regulators there’s been a further significant fall in Boeing’s share price after two US Airlines united and Alaska said they’d found loose bolts on some of

    Their Boeing 737 max9 Jets us regul grounded all Max 9 planes after a door blew off an Alaska Airlines flight midair Sky business correspondent Paul Kelo reports what’s that depressurized I think when a door panel blew off a Boeing 737 Max 9 over Portland this is how it looked from the cockpit mayday

    Mayday mayday lkan 1282 rapid pressurization request to sent altitude 10,000 ft we’re in a 737 simulator at semit aviation in Hampshire but Peter and Adam fly the for real they’ve recreated the scene on board using a training program following the same procedures as the Alaskan Air Pilots set

    1013 cross check you just click into training mode something that we’ve practiced many many times before in the simulator uh so you just go oh done this before let’s do it again and you immediately slip into it almost like a team you fly these aircraft how safe are

    They I mean it’s incredibly safe aircraft um they there’s the most one of the most popular selling airplanes of all time and millions of flight hours every year so it’s incredibly safe um instan like this are really really rare and I’m sure they’ll be investigated quite thoroughly afterwards to stop it

    From happening again passengers may not have been as calm as the panel known as a door plug disappeared the focus now is on how it happened the left rear door plug blew off shortly after take off from Portland Engineers from the US national Transportation safety board say the plug

    Slid off it hinges it’s held in place by 12 fittings and four bolts should prevent it from sliding up and off the bolts haven’t been recovered Engineers say further analysis is needed to understand what happened with its Global Fleet of nine Max is grounded Boeing is under pressure to reassure investors as

    Well as passengers it will be an issue for them and clearly it is a concern so they’ll be working hard to find out what is at the root of this problem Boeing says it is in touch with inspectors and is committed to the highest safety standards but with major customer ryion a calling for improved quality control there is turbulence ahead Paul Kelo Sky News Tonight MPS have been debating a call for the release of documents relating to the government’s Rwanda

    Policy the controversial bill will return to the commons next week with Rebels from the conservative party threatening to vote against it well our chief political correspondent John Craig joins me now so are the rebels sharpening their knives again then John well publication of a set of amendments Ted by the those Tory right-

    Wingers who threaten to vote against the Rwanda Bill back in December but in the end ended up abstaining ensuring the Prime Minister had a majority of 43 they are poised to uh uh reveal the details of the their amendments that they’re going to put down for for debate next

    Tuesday and Wednesday Penny Moren the leader of the commons today announced that’s when the bill’s coming back she said she was announcing the dates before her usual Thursday business statement to give the MPS more time to put them down what she really meant of course was to

    Give the government more time to decide how to respond now essentially what these amendments will propose are first of all that uh the courts should the ministers should be able to ignore so-called pajama injunctions given out by uh judges in Strasburg in the middle of the night which has happened to block

    Flights previously uh individ that uh illegal migrants shouldn’t be able to take individual cases uh to court to stop uh their flight to Randa and also that uh and also that courts shouldn’t be able to rely on International treaties on the European Convention of Human Rights or indeed the UK’s uh Human

    Rights Act passed by Tony Blair’s government now the Prime Minister has to weigh up does he accept some of these amendments does he do a deal or does he face them down the opposition parties aren’t going to back these amendments so really the Prime Minister has to decide

    Whether he’s going to have a fight with these Rebels or back down and agree to some of these amendments John in Westminster thank you now when 2-year-old aab ishak was killed by a respiratory condition caused by exposure to mold in his family Housing Association flat it Shone a light on the

    State of some homes in the UK today his family backed new measures proposed by the government to be known as aabs law to protect social tenants our health correspondent Ashish Joshi has more there was black mold down the side here that you can’t really see all the way up

    The wall all the way up yeah Shelby’s flat is a health hazard mold and damp on practically every wall and surface so you were breathing in all of the the small yeah and I’ve never been as poly since I moved in there the rot spread through all her furniture carpets and

    Clothes destroying everything do rabbit’s makeup but she’s more worried about the effect it has had on her and her one-year-old daughter’s Health my little girl she didn’t stay with me for like 4 days because she was really poorly with it I ended up in hospital on steroids antibiotics and a steroids

    Inhaler because of how bad the mold had affected my chest yes I thought it were going to yeah this one thought it was going to be a good fresh start but no there just if anything it’s just been hell Shelby’s home is managed by Rochdale burrow wide housing rbh who

    Told Sky News we are sorry that Miss Aon has experienced these issues with her home and we reiterate our apology to her we are working hard to carry out the repairs needed as quickly as possible our number one priority is to safeguard the health and well-being of our customers the same Housing Association

    Managed the home where aab isar lived the 2-year-old died after suffering from a respiratory condition caused by prolonged exposure to mold the government has proposed new legal requirements that could see landlords taken to court if they failed to investigate tenant concerns within a fortnight they’ll be forced to start

    Fixing within a week and make emergency repairs within a day in response the Housing Association said this was a tragic case that resulted from failings at rbh and we are very clear it should never have happened we remain committed to our promise to learn from what went

    Wrong and put things right we fully support the implementation of A’s law Shelby and Lea Ray will have to stay in this hotel until their home is to live in she can only hope that her ordeal will then finally come to an end ourish Jos Sky News in

    Rdale well coming up next we’ve got the Press preview tonight we’re joined by the deputy editor of conservative home Henry Hill and the chief leader writer of The Observer Sonia soda welcome to both of you among the stories will’ll be discussing this on the front of the financial times Fujitsu won contracts

    Under sunx watch the paper says despite the post office it Scandal that and plenty more when we come Back Well this is Sky News in just a moment the Press preview a first look at what is on the front pages first though a reminder of our top stories this evening the former post office boss Paula venel has handed back her CB e as the government prepares to make new

    Announcements on the horizon Scandal the foreign secretary has said he is worried that Israel may have breached international law during its war with Hamas and doctors have confirmed the US defense secretary Lloyd Austin has prostate cancer the White House has said President Biden was not told about his Illness hello there you’re watching ing the Press preview a first look at what is on the front pages time then to see what’s making the headlines with the deputy editor of conservative home Henry Hill and the chief leader writer at The Observer Sonia soda welcome to both of

    You so let’s take a look shall we at the front pages starting with the Metro leading with the decision for former post office boss Paula venel to hand back her CBE with the headline I’ve listened I’m sorry says venel at last the financial times is also leading on the post office scandal reporting

    Fujitsu the company behind the software won contracts under sunx watch despite the post office it Scandal while the I has an exclusive reporting it firm Fujitsu was granted access to Priority Lanes to win 700 million pound worth of government contracts despite concerns over its faulty Horizon software and the

    Sun speaks to a postmaster who says he was backed by Princess Kate while the mirror speaks to a widow who says her husband was destroyed by the post office Scandal the telegraph also covering the post office news saying the developer of the Horizon system demanded immunity before agreeing to appear at the public

    Inquiry in the Daily Mail calls from campaigners for the ex post office boss to return millions in bonuses and pensions front of the Daily Star it reports that Rishi sunik will face a showdown with Tory Rebels after they issued a series of Demands to toughen up new r under deportation laws and

    Goodness me the star can you wear your undies for more than one day in a row that’s if you’re a bloke only they only seem to talk about that that’s on the front page of the star so scan the QR code that you’ll see on screen during

    The program where you can check out for yourselves the front pages of tomorrow’s newspapers while you listen to our guests so let’s head straight to Henry and to Sonia welcome to both of you um so Paul of venel leading the front pages Henry perhaps not not surprisingly with

    The Metro’s headline at last on her CBE yeah absolutely so uh there has been mounting pressure uh ever since this really broke into the headlines a few days ago for Paul venel who was the leader of the post office during the coverup period of the the rear guard

    Action if you like against the the postmasters to return her CBE and she’s finally said that she is going to do it presumably given that everyone from the Prime Minister downwards has backed this decision that will eventually get ratified by the the Royal sort of committee or Council that eventually

    Signs off such things because of course an individual can’t get rid of their honors on their own and that’s a great start but as the paper says during her period as a as chief executive of the post office she was paid a large amount of money in performance related bonuses and given

    That she’s felt the need to hand back her honor uh and given that her performance is now the subject of a national Scandal the question now is should she have to pay that back as well so yes the Metra is suggesting she left with5 million pounds and her CB I read 6

    Million elsewhere I mean will the pressure continue on her because there are other CEOs aren’t there for example NL Thomas who was featured in the TV drama one of the first to be prosecuted was prosecuted under Adam crer who later became head of ITV for whose drama it

    Was there were certainly questions for Adam CIA too and also for the two chairs who chaired the post office um uh during the time of this Scandal and I think there are questions for all of them so it’s important that we focus on Paul lenel but not just Paul lenos on other

    Leaders but I think the other thing that we really need to focus on is so first of all there is the accountability for individuals and I hope that the inquiry will be saying much more not just on corporate responsibility in the post office in Fujitsu but actually which

    Individuals were held accountable and I hope that if there is the evidence to support it we will see criminal prosecution for any individuals for whom there’s evidence that they might have perverted the court of justice for example a court of justice or committed fraud themselves I think that’s really

    Important but as well as the accountability there is also compensation and justice for the victims and while if you’re a victim you might look at this and say well that’s a start as Harry as Harry um Henry Henry just r with this I’ve once called um I once

    Called hurry by mistake and now I’m just paranoid about doing it anyway um but yes so um but but we’ve got hundreds of um sub poost Masters who still haven’t had their convictions their unsafe convictions overturned and many who haven’t even received the money they were forced to pay the post office um

    That they didn’t owe the post office tens of thousands of pounds some of them they’ve not even had that b let alone need compensation so we’ve really got to speed up the wheels of Justice it’s not just about something that’s important symbolic like a cve yeah we needed to

    Speed up the wheels of Justice 10 years ago but that’s when the prosecutions were still happening weren’t they bit of a double take I thought was back on The Daily Star Story here um Jason Donovan but anyway now give back your Millions you know once again it’s the idea of

    Like why did you walk away with such a big payoff um so the in a sense the pressure continues but this is sort of easy pickings isn’t it focusing on one individual or two yesterday it was to Ed Davy um but actually you know the substantive issues of how it came to

    This the doubling down of reputational protection which we saw for so many years um you I’m going to jump ahead if I if you don’t mind to the telegraph uh which is um the news about uh the person demanding immunity to appear the it expert who created the

    Faulty software has twice had testimony to the inquiry delayed and um Sonia you were saying that people should be prosecuted well perhaps that’s not surprising why he specifically is trying to demand immunity before giving evidence yes although this is a statatory inquiry so I think that means

    That they can compel witnesses to give testimony so um I’m not surprised that the um chair of the inquiry has said to this man no you can’t have immunity so gar Jenkins he’s the architect of horizon we don’t know about his personal wrongdoing but we do know that his

    Evidence about Horizon was really critical in securing in the post office private prosecutions it was critical in in in in um in securing these prosecutions I’m sorry but he’s just not in a position to make these kinds of Demands you come to a statutary inquiry

    And you tell the truth under oath and if you’ve committed a crime and or there’s evidence that you may have committed a crime yes you can expect to see Justice in the same way you know look at what happens to the sub post Masters and sub

    Postmes so I think this demand I will only tell you the truth if you give me immunity it’s a statutory inquiry that isn’t going to wash yes so the telegraph says his court testimony stating that the Fujitsu it system worked correctly was Central to convictions and was repeatedly used by post office lawyers

    Tracked Down By The Daily Telegraph to his home in barkshire Mr Jenkins said when asked if he was sorry for what had happened I don’t want to talk talk I don’t have anything to say to you so you know there is again a you know a sense

    Of both the post office and Fujitsu the allegations of obfuscation against them being in a sense Fair as we wait for more in the inquiry but anyway let’s get to the Ft Henry which is Fujitsu still winning contracts despite the it Scandal which has now been known about for a

    Long time yeah um so I mean government it procurement is a byword for uh not fiascos uh I mean government procurement in general is a byw for FAS goes but yeah the problem is as you say that Fujitsu have not just delivered a faulty system and there were rumors that it was

    A faulty system even before Horizon was rolled out new labor received warnings in 1999 that there were problems with this system they started Prosecuting Sub postmasters in 200000 there was a pilot in 95 and the directors of the post office as Horizon was being developed noted concerns about the reliability of

    Horizon that’s in the minutes uh but and so fi Jitsu didn’t only do that but they also as you say they were particip anticipated in the Ferocious effort by the by the post office to uh prosecute the post Masters and cover up the flaws in how they operated which is shate

    Conduct you know it’s one thing to ship a faulty product that can happen but you should then hold your hands up collaborate with the authorities and and and the courts uh and not send your chief engineer to to mislead uh a judge about what it can do and despite all of

    That they are still winning not just winning public contracts they’re being put in the priority Lane to win public contracts worth hundreds of millions of pounds from all sorts of government departments and the call on the front of the ft is the the what the ft is

    Reporting is that there is now a call for the prime minister to block to Blacklist Fujitsu from receiving any new government contracts until the postmaster Scandal has been sorted out yeah and the Ft saying since the Court’s decision to overthrow many of the cases Fujitsu has received 1.6 billion in

    Individual government contracts and was involved in a further 3.3 billion pounds in joint awards from departments including the treasury and revenue and Customs the contracts covered a range of software Services we know the environment agency and their flood alert system as well you know as as part of it

    Is that simply because there’s no other software people out there I think when I know they had to continue with the PO office because there was no alternativ they had to give another what was the money on that it was um anyway further further millions in order to prop up

    That until 202 I think that is an issue which is that some of these government contracts are so huge that what happens is you get governments issuing contracts to companies like capita like Ciro huge companies that have failed in the past because these contracts are so big there

    Literally isn’t any there AR any other sort of you know there’s a small number of these very huge companies that go for these billion pound government contracts or multi-million pound contracts there isn’t anyone else out there to bid for them and this is a really extraordinary example I think although it’s common

    Across public sector procurement but I think this is one of the worst examples of companies being rewarded for failure completely failing upwardly it’s it’s insane but also the one thing to remember about public urement is that is that government’s really big and it’s it’s uh people are signing individual

    Contracts right so if you’re in the department for the environment and you’re trying to put together a flood system you’re not necessarily aware of what’s going on with the postmaster Scandal day-to-day you’re a procurement officer you in in a completely different department and so you go to Fujitsu

    Because Fujitsu is one of the big is one of the big providers right so you need better coordination in government if you want to actually make something like this Blacklist work is you need to have some much more Central grip on who’s a acceptable contractor you blacklisted

    Till there’s no one on it right don’t you I found my paragraph I was looking for Horizon is estimated to have cost nearly 2.4 billion pounds to install and manage since 1999 uh the post office awarded Fujitsu 36 million pound more last year to keep Horizon in operation

    Until at least 2025 I knew I’d read it t somewhere anyway um you know well the other the other issue of course is what we expect to hear from the government um how they’re going to speed through the appeals process which has all been part of debate whether we’re going to hear

    Something from rishu PR’s questions tomorrow which is what we were hearing but there is sort of an Expediting happen isn’t there Henry now to try and get an urgency to get something done quickly for people there is so we don’t know exactly what but Kevin Hollen Rake

    Who now holds the post office briefer said that there will be emergency potentially emergency legislation that will bring this forward to deal specifically with this issue that’s not the same thing as the Fujitsu appeals effectively yes effectively the postmasters it’s not the same thing as a systemic fix that will stop this

    Happening again but it is the fastest way to make sure that you sort of slice through the bureaucracy and get Justice for postmasters I don’t know Richie sunak will say something he you prime minister’s questions will touch on this it’s the biggest story of the week but

    We will have to wait for the government to announce what their legislation actually is yeah okay in the meantime Rwanda back in the Commons uh this evening back properly uh next week and the Tory Rebels have fired their warning shots as the Daily Express already puts

    It on you yes that’s right so um it’s kind of back to school for MPS as you just said um this was one of the huge issues in the runup to Christmas it’s going to continue to be a big fight within the government um in the coming

    Weeks I think rishy Sun’s got this um problem which is M we much discussed at the end of last year which is that he’s trying to keep all wings of his party Happy on this he’s got some MPS who want him to go further than the face of the

    Legislation and he’s got some MPS who think it goes too far with respect to international law that’s quite separate from the substantive debate around whether this plan is a good idea whether it’s workable I suspect we might disagree on that I think it’s a terrible plan I think it’s immoral and unworkable

    Um but there is this issue around the politics and whether he can get it through his party and that’s what we’re we we’re returning to that debate um this week well we’ve had um some of the details um of the Amendments being filed by the list is here uh Ian Duncan Smith

    Sella bravman uh sir Jacob ree MOG Danny Krueger Miriam katees s Simon Clark Jake Barry S John Hay John redward and Mark franois uh it includes ministers would automatically ignore Strasburg courts last minute pajama injunctions with few exceptions when they go overnight and get stuff stopped effectively illegal

    Migrants will be blocked from bringing individual claims to suspend flights in all but an extremely limited set of circumstances a broader block on courts relying on International treaties um to stop claims as well so I mean all sorts of details that they want to strengthen the law as it stands which is difficult

    Because the right and left of the conservative party are pulling Henry in different directions on this aren’t they well yeah I mean there were two problems that Rak has with this one is as you say the Parliamentary conservative party is divided on whether or not it goes too

    Far or not the he the the version of the bill we have at the minute was just enough to square the one nation block which is on the left of the party the rebels want to toughen it up but the other problem is the House of Lords right like it’s already almost

    Impossible to imagine that this bill is going to get through the House of Lords as it is uh there’s not time to use the parliament act re act can’t force it through it’s never going to get through with this stuff from the Rebels on it like what they what they’re doing

    Effectively is guaranteeing that the Lords will kill this bill because it’s effectively blocking an appeal system really yeah yeah essentially and there’s no there’s no sort of mandate for this kind of policy you know this if Rich sonak had just won an election on something like this maybe it would be

    Different but as it is the house of laws can quite legitimately kill this bill which means that in March it will fall on doublin assistance and then they won’t have a Rwanda bill so I don’t know what the actual political strategy is but there is no prospect whatever the

    Merits or demerits of the individual proposals there’s no Prospect of it becoming law I agree with that okay we’ll talk more about that no doubt another time um all to play for next week uh certainly when it comes back um next up though we’ll take a look at the

    Front of the telegraph featuring a story surrounding the Scottish gender recognition Bill back in a Moment He They have breached the road there is a lot of gas being fired all around Us it is an absolute Carnival kind of atmosphere out here for prime minister for this decisive these students are defined the prohibit ordered and now they’re going to be arrested we aim to be the best and most trusted place for news the roads have been inundated the

    Only way out is to get people by both what is feared that were two 200 people might have died because of these landslides this on any given day would have been bustling with people but today it’s absolutely deserted this is one of the most sensitive areas of of Northeast da where there’s been

    Clashes I’m Neville Lazarus and I’m Sky reporter based in Delhi Well let’s bring you the very latest you’re watching the Press preview joined by Henry Hill from conservative home and Sonia sod from The Observer welcome back to both of you um so let’s go to Boeing shall we Henry um it’s on the front page of the financial times they have said

    That they are changing their inspection systems not surprising after what two Airlines found yeah absolutely so essentially this all kicked off when uh part of a plane blew off in midair essentially uh it was a door PL plug which is on some models on some builds

    You would have an emergency exit but on some you wouldn’t depending on the airline and so what they did was where they didn’t have an emergency exit they put in this door plug and it’s secured with bolts and it turns out that those bolts could use tightening according to

    I think that was the the we the the terminology used by the investigator needed serious tightening so one of them fell off in midair and ended up in someone’s Garden some kid’s shirt was ripped off by the decompression and a plane had to make an emergency landing

    And that wasn’t a one-off they’ve now grounded all of these planes that were being used by lots of Airlines for lots of international flights and none of them are going to fly again until that enhanced safety recommendation is completed because apparently several Pilots before the incident happened on

    Previous flights had reported that they were getting decompression warnings on their dashboard so it was something that someone could maybe have seen coming no one did and as a result here we are yeah and obviously uh we know what happened to the max8 planes as well with the loss

    Of uh over 300 lives you know warnings about it a sense corporate culture the push for shareholders to to max out separation of the corporate headquarters from the manufacturing side you know lots really about how this company has run so there are lots of questions for Boeing not least it share price which

    Has seen falls in the last two days um let’s go to the DA Telegraph shall we um Scottish parents face jail if they stop their children changing gender Sonia so this is about um new legislation on the table from the Scottish government to ban two things the first is gay

    Conversion therapy there’s a lot of consensus that is a good thing it’s needed it refers to practices which are well defined around trying to force somebody to change their sexuality it’s incredibly abusive the bit that’s far more controversial is around gender identity because there’s an emerging medical consensus um that children who

    May be experiencing gender dysphoria that may be a sign they’ll have a trans identity and adulthood but it might also be a sign of plenty of other things like they’re questioning their own same-sex attraction you know they’re experiencing uncomfortableness around puberty they don’t like their changing body um so

    There’s all sorts of questions around it and this legislation in that respect feels very overbearing I think because it potentially criminalizes the relationship between parent and child if a parent believes in the affirm in a sort of exploratory model which is where the medical consensus slides but the

    Child says no we want to change gender um it kind of criminalizes that relationship potentially so it’s worrying Sonia sod Henry Hill thank you both very much indeed we’ll see you for the 11 of course here’s the weather Warm memories wherever you go the weather sponsored by katar

    Airways well the next few days do look mostly quiet and cold with a stiff breeze bringing a significant witer chill to many so mostly dry sunny at first tomorrow with an extensive hard Frost in the South and Northwest Central and Northeastern parts will be cloudier and milder there’ll be a little patchy

    Rain and Hill snow there too Southern and Northwestern parts will stay mostly fine through the morning while Northeastern and Central Britain Northern Ireland and the northeast of irand will be cloudy with a few light showers winry on the Hills the weather sponsored by katar Airways

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