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    TikTok | lucywangyuxin
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    Lucy xox

    Digle busy my head in a hoodie my shorty goody my cousins are crazy my cousin like Boogie life is amazing literally this makes me want To on Monday as part of my morning routine I made myself lunch I had way too much smoked salmon in the fridge like an unreasonable amount for one person so I made myself smoked salmon and cream cheese bagels with a side of green and black grapes I then got out my

    Folder of notes these were for linear algebra and we always have pure lectures on Monday and Tuesday I try and do it between 45 minutes to an hour of reading lecture notes every day before the lectures I try to keep my notes tidily in a folder so that they’re all nicely

    Stored together and then I went to get my bike to cycle to the mass Institute for lectures between 9 and 11: it was a Monday so we had 2 hours of lectures we had linear algebra between 9 and 10 and then metric spaces between 10 and 11

    After lectures I usually stay in the mass Institute to do some work it’s not my favorite place to work because it is a bit noisy and it smells like food but the good thing is that you can eat in there so that’s the reason why I stay so

    That I can immediately review the lectures once you’ve gone through them and also eat my lunch whilst doing some work in the mass Institute and if it’s a Monday or a Tuesday where we finish at 11: I would stay there until about 12:30 to 1: afterwards I cycle back to college and

    Straight away I have a tutorial on linear algebra so I went up these really oldfashioned stairs and got a bit lost on the way to the tutorial it’s so tricky to forget your way around oh God it’s like the oldest building I just cycled back from the

    Mouse and C so I’m a bit like I was the first one at the tutorial so I thought that I would show you around the room where we have tutorials in so this is the room that’s used most frequently this year it’s like 3:45 I’ve come back to my room after the tutorial

    And and it’s just started chuing it down so perfect timing that I’m back before um I have just over an hour um just to like finish off my magic spaces sheet it’s the first time that I’ve worked up until the deadline this year so far usually I submit it well in advance it’s

    Just like this sheet metric spaces sheet 2 I could submit it now since I feel like I’m not entirely happy with like a few of the questions so I’m just going to go over it for another hour or so and then I’m going to have like an early dinner We always submit our problem sheets the same way so we upload it to a shared one drve folder between us and all of our tutors after I submitted my metric spaces sheet I had an amazing dinner my parents visited recently and brought dumplings so I just heated them up and

    Made some spinach and it was so Good I don’t like to eat straight before doing exercise I try to leave at least like half an hour 45 minutes for the food to digest but this year I’ve really been trying to make the most of like the little gaps in the day just to like

    Squeeze in a bit more work so the workload this time is intense so I find that this really helps this is what I wear for ballet just like a pair of shorts some tights and a sports bra I then cycled over to wer College because that’s where ballet is every

    Week I really enjoy ballet it’s literally one of my weekly highlights and I also really like wora to me it’s just like a perfect mix of like old and new like the modern buildings are really nice as well like this is the building that we do dance in and I just think

    It’s so beautiful like the door’s automatic it opens for you everything’s so brightly lit even the toilets are nice it’s 8:40 do I do more work do I eat more food two weekly dilemas I have do I do more work well today I feel like I

    Should do more work because I want to go through some more of the linear algebra before the lectures tomorrow because I don’t want to like lose track of what’s going on in lectures basically the section that we’re on at the moment I feel like will be my worst section for

    Linear algebra just because it’s so abstract I feel like once it gets on to like triangularization diagonalization Jordan normal I feel like that will be okay do I eat more food well I had dinner at 5:00 p.m. today so has been ages and I do feel a bit hungry but it’s

    Just like a thing that I really don’t like eating late at night because if I eat eat late at night I don’t feel hungry in the morning for breakfast and that just sets my day off wrong like I hate it when I’m not hungry for breakfast in the morning it’s like

    Genuinely a pet peeve so I think I’m going to do like an hour of work make myself a cup of tea spice pumpkin chai from witard so good so in season love it work for one more hour drink my tea then have a shower and then go to bed filmed

    This clip to show you my cute little desk setup with my pink buet Journal these are some flash cards that I made for this Dreadful topic on linear algebra but it’s getting better Tuesday okay so let’s fast forward through Tuesday morning because when I say it’s identical to Monday I

    Mean it’s identical to Monday I woke up did my lecture notes went to lectures even the lecture courses were the same it was linear algebra metric spaces then did some work in the mass Institute even ate the same lunch stayed for the same time I don’t usually come back to my room

    Until dinner from like Monday to Thursday when I have lectures because those are like my busiest days but today I came back because I forgot my metric space’s flash card so once I’ve got those I’m going to go to the Christ Church library and just work on Metric

    Spaces until like 5:00 p.m. roughly and then in the evening I’ll change over to linear algebra that’s the plan I came back to my room after doing my study session in the library and the first thing that I did was make myself a snack so I unpeeled this massive grapefruit

    Joking it’s a honey pomelo if you’ve never seen it and I also made myself some dinner it was very yummy I had tofu sweet potato spinach and uni ketchup with that when I’m studying in the library in the evenings I always make sure to have a hot cup of tea and bring

    It with me in the library and here’s me showing you my very messy desk but I’m saying that I’m proud to be reading a book and I always feel very Pro when I am generally I stop work at 9:30 on a non-wash hair day and 900 on a wash hair

    Day today was a wash hair day so I came back to my room and I was actually in bed by 11:00 which is pretty usual and I did some reading on my Kindle before going to sleep on Wednesday I got up got myself ready and made my lunch so this is me

    Actually showing you making my smoked salmon bagel I was adamant that I was not going to eat anything else until I finished that pack of smoked salmon I then went over to the mass Institute and on Wednesdays and Thursdays we have triple lectures so the first one is

    Probability second is metric spaces and the third is differential equations I love all of them Just cycled back going to go to the library for an hour and a half and then I have a metric baces tutorial tutorial over just posted on Tik Tok I post it pretty much the same time every day around 400 p.m. and like oh my God the

    Metric spaces shoor is so good this year that tutorial was really really useful wait I should probably show you the filling oh it’s so hot look it’s like red bean inside M good morning guys Thursday today um Thursday kind of marks my last weekday because I count Friday as like a weekend because like I have no lectures on Friday so just feels like the weekend got longer um so the weekend getting longer is good because firstly I have to

    Go into London tomorrow for like a careers thing so that means I don’t have to catch up on any lectures which is good and I also it’s like my non-tutorial week as well there actually nothing um and also it gives me more time just to spend like my weekends in

    The college library today is the first lecture of complex analysis which is um I didn’t expect it to be today because I thought it would be 3 weeks metric spaces but it turns out it was actually meant to be 10 lectures metric spaces so yesterday was meant to be metric spaces

    As well but like because it was so dense the content 10 um the lecture had to go over by one so I am going to do like what I always do oh it’s not this folder and look at the notes before the lecture I’m going to do that for about

    An hour whilst having some breakfast I should probably have a look at probability as well I’ll do half an hour complex analysis half an hour probab make my lunch really quickly um it’s going to be really quick because I’m just having bagels with smoke s for like literally the fourth time this

    Week so for the final time this week I cycled over to the mass Institute and we did our lectures statistics Department options session week five Hi I finished my campus Ambassador meeting with Morgan Stanley it took a bit longer than expected I also had to do some admin afterwards um I’m planning something with Morgan Stanley which is very exciting I don’t know if it’s going to happen or not to be honest but if it

    Does it will be very exciting so Thursday evening is usually my reset time where I basically do grocery shopping for the week I only go to the shops once a week to buy food which is actually quite an achievement right for a student I also use the time to like

    Catch up with some admin like just like the other stuff like film Tik toks do admin plan shooing things like that I also really badly need to tidy up like what is going on here like what I need to tidy up I need to wash up on my

    Schedule but when I come back from the library every day around 9:30 I tidy up and wash up but that’s not been going very well this week because it’s become on like lie on my bed go on social media or edit Tik toks um or like just do

    Whatever that’s not tidying up and washing up so I also need to make sure to do that tonight every week I go to two places to do grocery shopping I go to sabur in Westgate and then I go to M&S so today I picked up some exciting

    Things I picked up some lint chocolate as well as the kombucha I also cooked myself some chips which was so good like oh my God they were amazing I’m in this really really comfortable outfit and I’m going to go back to the library for my last work session until 9:30 this lint chocolate

    Bar is like exactly the same as like the lint Truffles and they have like the same like feeling inside M it’s good this ugly diagram that I drew literally makes me want to cry like it gives me such a big headache and it just looks weird you

    Know this raspberry kombucha is so good I’ve never tried it before but I saw it today when I was in s freeze and it’s so good it’s like a good sweetness like it’s not as sweet as like other fizzy drinks but t very like natural and nice

    And it’s good for gut health and I heard that smoked salmon is not good for guts health and I’ve had a fair bit this week 1000 p.m. Thursday night and I’m going to wrap up this weekly routine I hope that you guys enjoyed and yeah I’ll see you guys very soon Bye


    1. Watched your videos while I was in law school and during pandemic. Your videos motivated me to study. I wasn't able to follow your videos for a while during my bar exam prep. After passing the bar exam and starting as an associate a few months ago, I thought I'd motivate myself again in making my pleadings by watching your videos. Keep up the hard work Lucy.

    2. Hey I don’t mean it in a bad way but I wanted to ask if this is a repost? I would’ve sworn I’ve seen this video before and I just saw you deleted your old videos (I was looking to see if I’d missed any uploads since you haven’t posted in a while I’m not a stalker hahaha)

    3. Hi Wang. I have always been watching your Vlogs. They are informative and I'd wish to learn more.
      I'm currently doing an MSc within Oncology Department, and a member of Christ Church. If it'll be convenient, we can kindly meet.

    4. I love mathematics but I only want to solve exercises, I hate the theoretical part.

      I once spent 10 hours studying for a Mathematical Analysis exam and I didn't even feel like the time had passed that much. I see myself completely reflected in this video if university was only about solving math problems 😂.
      Really enjoyed the videoo

    5. Really liked this! A good sense of location and the work cycle – but I wondered a) how much time is spent on social media and b) what's the schedule normally over the 'long weekend' ? How much work do you do then?

    6. I'm guessing you're a 2nd year student since you're doing linear algebra. currently a third year myself. i am blessed since i never go to any lectures or seminars but i do watch the lectures afterwards at 2x speed but so far i get around 90-100% for most my modules. not the biggest fan of stats

    7. To get into Oxford [ Major Scholar in English ] I studied 12 hours a day. Not much help
      or guidance from my teachers , who wisely just sent me to the library.
      Once in, I was overwhelmed by new influences, like my friend was doing Chinese, so I got absorbed in his text books, Taoism, etc. I also pursued my second interest which was visual arts, so spent a lot of time making lithographs and etchings. Needless to say, I failed my finals first time around, but scraped by eventually and had a successful career teaching at college level abroad. .I had friends who were doing Maths, with larger brains than mine, one of whom is a prof in a prestigious British uni, the other a freelance programmer well ahead of the curve. It helps to be a nerd, but don't lose sight of your own satisfaction and ideals.

    8. Seeing this makes me wanna be a better student.
      But I have really tried. I have never tried this hard before. I know I can go harder, but it is difficult for me to adjust immediately.
      I was a good student in school, but Uni is completely different. Now I'm average in some classes, and even bad in others, but never best.
      This anxiety is making me feel uneasy. I'm gonna lose it. All my efforts, all my plans. I don't know how I will continue if that thing happens, it would be all my fault. I know it's not the end, but what else can I do? This is my situation, something I have created. I'm not being hard on myself, because while looking at my notes I know I have really tried

      But it is simply not enough 🙁

      At least I'm learning about my limits.

      I wish I could be smarter, but I know it's different for everyone and it depends of a lot things.

      I don't know what to do.

    9. It's really interesting to see how math works at oxford. We usually have like 3-4 courses every semester and worksheets for each of them. We also meet in groups to work on the sheets which is very helpful. Now that im in my third year of bachelors I even get to choose all the courses i want to do 🙂

    10. I actually went to Oxford a couple of years ago. I remember one summer night in second year, I was at a party and there was this girl there who was really, really drunk. At one point she let out the longest, loudest fart I've ever heard come out of a girl. It smelled so awful as well. It was shocking yet hilarious at the same time, definitely one of my funniest memories from university. Such good, fun times.

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