In August 2019 I cycled through Belgium and the Netherlands, stopping in The Hague to visit friends. Then by train from Amsterdam I travelled to Bratislava to visit friends living in Slovensky Grob. This is a video of that journey.
    On the way I met Jack by chance in Ghent. I was at a loose end and he was heading east to Germany so I tagged along. We crossed Belgium sampling beers along the way and camping at a Bivakzone the first night. We then did a big ride into Holland and the following day Jack went to Germany and I headed north up the river.
    Through the gap between Belgium and Germany I rode enjoying easy riding and lush green countryside. Both Belgium and Holland are quite busy places so lots of other cyclists about.
    I then turned west following the Maas cycle route while angling slightly south towards Belgium and the Bivakzone.
    Eventually hit the Dutch coast and over the islands I rode mostly into a fierce wind.
    Then the Hook of Holland and then Den Haag for a rest stop, seeing Alix, a friend I met on the Camino.
    Awesome few days off, then some trains to Bratislava for more time off!

    For the stories behind the film:

    For the route I have ridden:


    GPX files can be downloaded from my Strava profile


    Music by: #cycletouring #biketouring #cycling


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