In onze droom om in 2026 met onze eigen wielerploeg deel te nemen aan de Tour de France, zijn we volgend jaar een al een stap dichterbij. Dit jaar mogen we hopen op een wildcard om daarmee deel te nemen aan onze allereerste WorldTour-koers!

    In deze video gaan we op bezoek bij de cross in Diegem, waar onze renner Lander Loockx aan de start staat. Bier, modder, bier, frieten en bier; volgens velen moet je een keer bij de Vlaamse cross geweest zijn. We gaan ons laten onderdompelen in deze Belgische cultuur. En ohja, Bas gaat gaat stapt zelf de crossfiets op en gaat een uitdaging aan tegen @AverageRob in de TurboCross.

    Bas Tietema, Josse Wester en Devin van der Wiel

    *Follow our journey to the top!* (subscribe!)


    In our dream to participate in the Tour de France with our own cycling team in 2026. We will be one step closer next year. Tour de Tietema will become a Pro-Continental Team next year. And then they are only one level away from the absolute top We can hope for a wildcard in 2024

    To participate in our very first World Tour race. To take that step, we have strengthened ourselves this winter with a number of new, talented riders, Including Lander, who has been under contract with TDT-Unibet since October. And just like Van Aert and Van der Poel, he is a cyclocross rider

    Tonight the Cross in Diegem is on the program for Lander Beer, mud, beer, fries and beer According to many, you must have been to the Flemish cross at least once. Today I’m going to immerse myself in this festival for the very first time And oh yeah…

    Bas is taking on a very fast challenge against Average Rob, among others. It’s time for my debut In cyclocross, and… I put on black shoes. Bas will pick me up shortly Hello! -Hello! Are you ready for it? Eh! No! No, it’s been a long time since I last rode a bike.

    I don’t have a bicycle anymore. You don’t even have a bicycle anymore?! No, my bike is currently being repainted For the new design, for next year’s cycling team I haven’t ridden for about 3.5 months, 4 months So you are completely blank?

    I ran a bit, I played padel a bit, I played a bit of indoor football When it comes to a cyclocross, I think indoor football is a great preparation -Yes We are now in Breda We are going to Diegem And there is an evening cross Let’s go!

    So the big idea was that Average Rob… A well-known friend of the show Had the idea to participate in a cross this year With the pros Only then he was told last minute that he was not allowed to participate in a professional competition after all So what was Average Rob thinking?

    Well, if we organize a cross ourselves… And thus the birth of the very first Diegem Turbo Cross And a competition between famous Belgians, Dutch and former professionals 2 laps full throttle on the course And the winner is celebrated with eternal fame But… How do you estimate your chances?

    I’m taking part in a competition inside the competition tonight I’ve been invited by Rob to participate in this I actually want to finish ahead of Rob, and if that’s not the case I would like to offer him a spot in our professional team next year I thought the boarding

    But being in the professional team is also good, yes Lander is going to try to help me as much as possible today, Both in terms of tips, in terms of material, In terms of support Our camper, who is with Lander this winter,

    While Rob is sitting in the cold, preparing, because it won’t get warm anyway. He sits like this: Then we have a camper. Then I sit in the camper. That is a psychological advantage Yes. Tire pressure is really super important in cyclo-cross, Lander fixed that all.

    So basically what you’re saying is that if you don’t finish in front… Then I’m a real jerk -Then you’re really a loser Yeah, that’s kind of what it is. Do you know how many people are coming? Around 20,000 are expected 20,000? -20,000 people

    Fortunately, we have taken into account the fact that all those 20,000 people also have to enter Diegem By car Everyone is stuck Is that just a bus arriving there? A sports bus. -I think there are busses from All over Belgium… To achieve this Where is the parking? What did you say?

    I’m a rider, yes -Then that’s where you need to be. Okay *unintelligible* Yes, thank you. The fact that you can understand that is already very impressive. And now? -We’re leaving Diegem again. Yes, what now? I don’t know. We still have 3 hours until the start, right?

    You’re warmed up in a blink, right? Could we also go there? -Yes The cross has already started guys. Then we have to go in here, right? -Yes We have arrived Do we have here? A: A business meeting, or B: A cyclocross competition Now we are going to visit Lander

    We first go to the registration -You have to register You are… -TurboCross Ah, the TurboCross You can fill that in, that is for the insurance , so you are insured -Okay, I would fill in 2 for you Bas, just to be sure.

    Just take a photo and then we can finally go to the camper, where we’ll see Lander This is um… Yes, I don’t know what happens in this camper either, but there are crisps. That’s just spirits on top of the shelf, look

    Well, we lend the camper to a Belgian and it is immediately chaos! Entourage, it’s called Entourage – Ambiance. Got it especially for him, for the race. Maybe he could use a drop, for the nerves He’s very nervous Yes? -Yes Yes, just time-wise I still have to sigthen, get my bike.

    My bib numbers are still at the sports canteen. I’ll start at 8 p.m. You can sight within 10 minutes. Sight in 10 minutes?! But seriously, should I do a sighting lap here? Or can I just do it? I would go and have a look around, maybe

    Should I change again afterwards or can I keep the same clothes? This hypothermia! I haven’t been on a cross bike yet, ever. Never? No, are you going to do a sighting lap too? You can come with me. You can also come with me. We’ll see who is the fastest in the sighting

    I’m curious too -And I have to piss! But this toilet was never installed, right? -That is not allowed in the camper. We have arranged that. Have you arranged that? Jackpot I don’t know what’s happened here since we loaned it out But the toilet has been repaired

    With a 0.0% policy, we do have Heavy Martini But are there any fans like this here? For me a lot Yes? I didn’t shave my legs, it’s just les covers again, right? No? Shorts Chance of crashes today? With us… Turn on the replays But seriously, what’s going through your mind? Just prepared

    We’ll have to blur something in the background later It feels a bit like you are going to do something… Of which you know… You have never done it before You know that you are not actually in the condition to actually do it properly Something has to happen

    For a miracle here on the course in Diegem That you suddenly feel IT, that you suddenly… Find out that you actually have a talent for cyclo-cross. Anyway… And now, let’s go? Now we’re going to go for a lap Or 2? I always do 3 That’s longer than my race

    I think one is enough for you -One is good I actually feel less like exploring Because the contrast will be even greater there. You know what I find annoying? I’m being teased: “Yes, the Flemish cross…” I’ve been here for an hour, I haven’t had a beer yet.

    And I haven’t seen any fries yet Come on, I’d like a pint What is Bas’ tire strategy? The more grip, the better The more grip, the better We are witnessing your first time on a cyclo-cross bike. What is your bib number? We also have my jersey number

    Number 95, we’re going to do a sighting lap OK I think you look very worried Yes, we’ll see. Normally you are the… You saw me after the National Cycling Championships, how I was down I expect nothing less very shortly Yes, yes, yes I mean, we take it seriously, this Let’s go -Yes

    This feels so awkward again Well here we go, for the sighting For me, these kinds of things are already difficult. I have no idea about switching gears etc. If you go to the outside you don’t have that many tracks. Allez, we are here at the cross Ambiance assured Ambiance

    This is the climb, isn’t it? -Yes This is the easiest part so far Yes, a lot of asphalt I realize that Mathieu van der Poel is currently sharing the course with someone… Who is riding a cyclo-cross bike for the first time. Quite embarrassing actually… That is different from Paris -Roubaix huh?

    Wait, eh So try to stay on the track [Bystander]: Bas has fallen Get off on time sometimes eh -Yes, yes Try to take the inside bend and then on the far left there is a track Yes Stay in it as long as possible

    The best thing is actually that you already get off in the bend And Bas, nice? It feels like I’m riding here like some kind of moron, but I have to say If we just take it easy… -I didn’t think it was bad If you just take it slow

    And you don’t make any mistakes, then There’s also a slope , that went alright too I’ll do 2 more laps and then I’ll come back. It’s over for me Afterthought, how did the sighting lap go? Lander didn’t find it disappointing. And the sandbox was difficult, wasn’t it?

    I saw you! -I somersaulted in the sandbox -Did you fall?! I had to get off once on the uphill But the sideways slope went well. In the corner there, near the football field, right? -Yes, That went well, I saw it It went quite smoothly -That went well.

    I played a lot of padel. But it looks like padel. It is a sport of not making mistakes. With us you just shouldn’t make mistakes, then… You lose a lot of time Well, so don’t make any mistakes here! Did you fall? -Yes Have you fallen too? -Yes Ha! Softy!

    I saw it Yes? -Yes The inclined part In fact, we have it on camera Really? -Yes No, that’s not possible -Yes I’m watching the replay now Now the replay Pwoah, he went really fast… Well it wasn’t too bad But… How did he do it?

    I didn’t think it was bad actually – I told you I didn’t think it was bad Technique was okay I got overconfident I started on that sand section and I thought Keep going, keep going I was halfway, I looked back, I kept going Then I arrived the end, and then

    Like, *whoop*, sommersault. Is this a regular feature when you are at a Belgian cross? *Lander’s brother* No, not actually, but here in Diegem with the family it is You are family? Yes, I’m Lander’s brother Ah, you’re Lander’s brother -Yes Is the whole fan club there? It’s ambiance out here Bas Ambiance

    But they’re not at all on the course No, but apparently that’s not necessary We are more important We are more important That’s ‘A summer evening with you’ by Monique Smit Is that your fan club? -I think so Good luck! -Are you ready for it? No! But we’re going to do it

    Bike 2 Very catchy, great Bas What’s going through your mind right now? How long is it until the start? 20 minutes -What is the starting line-up? I think… I think the broadest shoulders are at the front. We’re going to demolish them, right? This is the competition. He has number 1.

    What do you think, what are the tactics? Quick start? No, take it easy, 2nd lap -2nd lap All or nothing on lap 2 1st lap, I’ll take a look at those passages I just overturned in the sandbox during the sighting lap I’ll try to take it a little more slowly.

    2nd lap is my thing. Then I’ll have done it all once, in the 2nd lap I’m going to shine Okay And my goal is really to beat Rob But I still try to stay calm I sense some nerves with you. It’s busy, isn’t it? I mean…

    You’re also riding in front of 15,000 people at the moment. Yes… Should I put on my trash talk face now? -Yes Go on What does it look like? Just my poker face. You have to take those tufts of hair out of your helmet, otherwise you won’t look very intimidating.

    And then Rob and his brother Arno have arrived. Only love We’re p*ssies, aren’t we? We can’t really fight Hey, what is this then? Are you going to race with this? What? Isn’t that funny? -Beautiful Isn’t it cute? Hey man -Number one, baby -Number one? From the back

    Ooh, from the back, okay Ey, that’s still number 1. Anyone who doubles me I’ll drop them, period. I’m a little stressed. A little? I’ve already crushed my balls twice I hope it doesn’t happen a third time Are you ready for today? My only goal today is to beat you

    That’s my goal, I don’t care about the rest But that’s easy isn’t it He’s a former professional cyclist I saw you training every day on the weekend Training to carry the bike on your shoulder Like this video gets 1000 likes will Tour de Tietema be fully English 1000? -Yes

    Have you heard how he speaks English? Yes, it’s quite good. If you finish ahead of me, We will give you a professional contract in our cycling team. Yes? -Yes But what if I beat you? Then you will get a professional contract in my cycling team Love

    We’re going to start -I’ll see you on the other side Let’s go Don’t disappoint Lander -It’ll be fine Don’t disappoint Tour de Tietema! -It’ll be fine With shirt number 27 Robert van Impe, better known as Average Rob! Then the man from the Tour de Tietema team.

    Don’t let that stress get to you -Yes, yes, It’s just talks. We’ll get’em Right ladies and gentlemen, we’re away with the Turbo Cross Shoot And the TurboCross consists of 2 laps, with 19 participants I immediately jump into Rob’s wheel

    And on the first straight stretch I try to show for the first time that I am better With all the risks associated with that Sh*t I stay tightly in Rob’s wheel And I hope he is going to make a mistake somewhere here So I can immediately overtake him. Here you have Tietema

    Bas Tietema And then it’s time for the most technical part of the course The sandbox Now I hope that I find a good track to stay on my bike for as long as possible There is huffing and puffing And still only 4 minutes on the road With Bas Tietema At his side

    It’s something! Crossing! [Rob]: Man, I’m exhausted I’m just really bad I shouldn’t have stopped cycling after all Just to be clear: Our fight is taking place far in the backfield The ride for the win? That’s really not possible anymore Still no Bas Still no Bas There’s Rob And there’s Bas Come on Bas

    Flexible is different eh Ai, it happened, here we see the knee drop again The brother of Average Rob The man who actually started it here. The man who… came up with the idea. The man who initially wanted to ride with the professionals

    And so Rob and I ride right behind each other into the 2nd lap And due to a few stupid mistakes In the technical part, Rob gets further and further out of sight Meanwhile, the first people are also coming over the finish We get the winner across the line here

    I slowly notice that padel and indoor football were not the best preparation for this cross All my hopes are now pinned on the sandbox In the previous lap I came a lot closer Rob By choosing the right line And now I hope that Rob will make a mistake there again

    Even though the sandbox went better than for Rob, It didn’t really help me get closer. The conclusion is gradually coming that I really should offer Rob a professional contract soon. On met la patate! And that’s the only thing that matters. He’s free from… His TurboCross.

    And we’re going to leave it at that, we’re not going to let them all cross the line. We’re gradually getting ready for the men’s professional race It’s taking a long time, isn’t it? I think we owe Average Rob a small contract. Ey, what is this? Welcome to the ‘Love Cycling Club’

    Bas Tietema resigns from Tour de Tietema Where were you? Yes, I haven’t trained for three months Yes, and I haven’t trained for six months This is not good for me -How did it go? The first few hundred meters went really well Yes, that was on the road I can do that too

    Then I was cut off By Rob You might want to retrun the bike quickly Bas And like all great riders, Bas is also asked for an analysis I thought it was nice It wasn’t for me Thanks Now that the amateurs have had their moment in the spotlight, let’s enjoy a Flemish frie…

    It went completely wrong What’s going on here? Yes… While enjoying Flemish fries, we will also see how Lander is doing with the pros. I have returned my bike to… There goes your honor Bas, it flew away. Fortunately, we have someone who can do it better. You have to keep the honors high today

    Good luck! -Yo! Thanks, and? How was it? I haven’t been able to follow at all, I’m afraid you have to wave the flag for us Oops oops oops… Did the bike remain intact? The bike remained intact, yes – Great That is also important. Hey, good luck man

    Good luck! -Yes, thanks How about Lander? Top 10 would be a great achievement Lander himself said: Between 10 and 15 Then he’ll be satisfied Oh, we naturally set the bar at the top 10. Come on Lander! I also notice more and more that I enjoy supporting many times more Than…

    You discover your new self New year, new me I must say that Lander is doing really well If he continues like this, then there is… -Top 10 on the cards Come on Lander He can be 9th Top 10 -Top 10! We came all the way to Diegem, to the south.

    The only thing we haven’t found yet is the party tent. You haven’ deserved any festivities Bas Tietema 8th – Well, a nice top 10! Right! -Haven’t you showered yet? No, not yet. I’ve been thinking about my race. That didn’t have to take long, right?

    I think this course just doesn’t suit me very well. No? -Were you able to stay with Rob for a bit? Uphill suits you better And I did stay with Rob, yes Just a little behind I enjoyed my first cross My first Flemish cross I ate fries and had a small pint

    We have a new cross rider -We do? Because I promised that Rob would get a contract if he finished ahead of me Oops oops You’re going to Loenhout and we’re going to the party tent Yes, That’s a fair division Are we ending it? -We’ll end it here

    And then you say: Until… Until when? Until the training camp -Until the training camp I think Until the training camp in Spain Adios, ciao, ciao! And with this great performance by Lander And the performance by Bas… We say: Ayu! Don’t forget to subscribe to continue following our journey

    And see you next time!


    1. Bas heeft het wel een beetje laten lopen qua conditie de afgelopen maanden 😉 (Ik oordeel niet vanaf de luie bank overigens). En heel leuk dat TdT in het crossen is gegaan met Lander.

    2. Respect voor Lander, zoveel afleiding en toch een mooie uitslag rijden. En voor Bas,……dit is wel een beetje teveel jezelf overschatten. Iets meer op de fiets al is het maar een keer per week moet toch kunnen jongen

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