#portugal #death&dying #change

    After the GuMPer Gathering from 8.30, Em ‘Mamabear’ McGowan joins us at 9am for the monthly ‘Departure Lounge’, where we talk openly about life, death and dying in Portugal – and with this in mind, the subject of courage.

    You can find Em on Facebook (Share and Care, Portugal – https://www.facebook.com/groups/725170581516791) and via carl@goodmorningportugal.com

    Death Cafes in Portugal – https://deathcafe.com/c/Portugal/

    Lisa also joins us of Monte Frio Alpacas – https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100065039349048

    Find out more about us, Portugal and moving to Portugal at www.goodmorningportugal.com

    Please support our work, this community and learn loads more about Portugal at www.gmpvip.com

    Discover the D2 ‘Residency through Investment’ Visa – https://d2visaportugal.com/

    Need to exchange Dollars for Euros? Try https://www.goodmorningportugal.com/support-services/currency-exchange

    Contact Carl Munson – carl@goodmorningportugal.com

    [Applause] In Portugal there’s a YouTube show full of fun facts you need to know Carl rings a bell and the MERS show to the GMP morning show featured guests will come and they will blow your mind the audience will do so in kind little bity mix with some Insanity on the morning show with

    GMP good morning Portugal and I’d like to welcome you to another fantastic Day here Go mson here with the good morning Portugal show live stream and the podcast how are you this morning me um yes well it is the morning after the night before um a good evening was had by all for those of you who came along watched or even took part it was a full

    House on the screen last night uh for the good morning Portugal wine club great job um it’s like a nightclub in here the floor is still sticky um there are quite a number of empty bottles of wine and um I can give you some highlights actually but strangely enough

    There are also some there’s also lost property here um there’s a pair of spectacles which bring a certain junqua um it’s like some sort of parlor game isn’t it uh a Broly an umbrella also here this morning in the Studio wow these uh glasses are truly bending my

    Perception um yeah and a few corks a little bit of clearing up to do this morning I don’t think I can let’s just put those up there for a moment so if anyone uh has left a pair of spectacles in the good morning Portugal Studio could you please claim them from

    Reception after the show I think the person who does own these glasses uh started well they brought six bottles of wine over um I think five of which and one plus one of mine I got a very disappointing 2019 VG ver it was all about 2019 and we concluded that it was

    A pretty good year it was an interesting year for wine production uh in Portugal notably of course because it was before the um pandemic pandemonium um kicked in and it was a wet beginning who doesn’t like a wet start first thing in the wine producing year and It produced some very

    Interesting wines many it seems many of which we tried last night not this one uh however was this a 2019 this is a interesting brand when yeah is a 2019 marush de Mar ala and you can be forgiven for being in a wine store being faced with many wines and then thinking

    To yourself oh that looks helpful a wine star or one of those gold discs there from a some sort of Expo or or competition in another part of the world um that was quite disappointing however garvo when it comes to um mares deari Alva by a full bodied bada um that’s the

    That’s his favorite that’s the one that we enjoyed last night and we also tried the xen grape um which I’m not familiar with Jen um which was which was nice to try thank you Johnny cocktail for joining us as well um on the show uh first timer and Michael and Katherine distinguished

    Themselves uh they chose a wine from 2015 um and were investigating what wines are like in Portugal that are made in Amora uh which are these great big clay pots Roman Style a huge um huge vessels I think the wine that they drank wasn’t brw in vessels quite this big but

    They’re lined with um Pine resin and wax I believe which obviously is going to give the um wine some flavor as well so thank you to you both the wh bees um to Johnny cocktail great to see you and of course Linda Doc and Leona were there as

    Well I can ask him if he was with me this morning i’ could ask him about this flu surgery that’s going on I’m going to touch in on that news from George Branco you remember him he he was been reporting uh s well throughout the um

    Pandemic times and um continues to do so and um he he sends out he still sends out quite a nice little news Digest and I’ll read a little bit from that I must send him a tou to Mish as well that’s all he asked for on his substack he’s a

    Substack writer Portuguese news in English for esteros he’s continuing with that uh some news headlines from him flu surge puts pressure on hospitals why olive oil is suddenly so expensive and president appeals to voters new right-wing Alliance form so we we’ll um check those out plus a really nice

    Little bit of news that I came across yesterday and the gentleman behind the news yesterday that I discovered is going to be joining us tonight on the Portugal Club he’s going to be our special guest with our intimate intimate audience of Portugal clubbers at 8:30 this evening and he would be Paulo of

    This new initiative a way of helping foreigners of all kinds better integrate into their new lives I think I’ll have a look at that this morning but not until I said hello I think there’s a teuck vacuum and yes Bobby it was a good night um it’s always a good night isn’t it

    When people leave things behind uh like the spectacles it was a spectacle and these are the spectacles official merch from the night before ah yeah how are you top of the morning to you Bobby O’Reilly and I don’t know if you heard the part of the show yesterday where I

    Think I’ve organized a flight up and down the silver Coast in a four seater aircraft the pilot could be useful right because I don’t think you me or Andy have a pilot’s license currently um although you never know do you with people you never know Bobby May

    Or Andy May well have a pilot’s license they didn’t care to mention um and we but we do have a teuck vacuum still on to out and about and James is on on some sort of official business as well this morning so we have Coach Turner with the

    God Squad tip of the day thanks Bobby for popping in uh maybe you’ll be joining us tomorrow morning that would be wonderful if you can and Pete who was with us last night as well as Linda oh yeah thanking everybody who joined us Doc and Le was nice to see you too Linda

    Um in alvra and Pete and Diane as well hope you’re feeling better Dian btim Ono yes thank you for last night it’s always nice to hear that isn’t it thank you for last night I want to hear a joke about pizza never mind it’s too cheesy morning all from Owen good to see

    You Owen and with with James with um slugs friend James and teuck miss it might be a moment where others who normally quiet here in the mornings might want to step forward and say hi and introduce yourselves so feel free to do so Mama B will be joining us at 9:

    This morning and maybe I’m I was coaxing her on to the show uh late last night and uh she was um I don’t I the bottom line is I don’t know if Lisa from the mon Frio alpaca Center up there near AO will be joining us or not I hope she

    Will be I hope she got memo because she’s great fun to talk to and it’s an amazing project whether or not she joined us I’ll have a look and show you um Monte Frio the alpaca experience up there which is one of the first things

    That I got to know Lisa I can’t I don’t remember how it’s often like that with people you know you start talking to people next thing you know you’re visiting their place or or going to see a special place particularly with Lisa the um alpaca Center you don’t forget

    When you go to an alpaca Center they’re extraordinary creatures and she collects the wall she makes things out of the wall and uh it was always great fun to pop up there when we lived up in that part of the country to go and see her so

    I hope we can um connect with her this morning if we can’t I’ll tell you about it uh from her Facebook page and um I urge you to pop and visit her as well because you can have a very interesting experiences meeting our Packers and hanging out with them in her Orchard

    Which is a lovely uh thing to do so mama bear at 9ine and hopefully fingers crossed at Lisa at 9:30 Bond finally back training today after five weeks off nice one coach my heel seems okay so as I advise everyone I’ll be starting slowly and God score tip of

    The day thank you for your video it’s excellent I’m topping and tailing it or I was until I was rudely interrupted by the amazing Austin Brothers last night and um I will get that video up into our resources it’s it’s not a far cry I have to say coach Turner from moonwalking

    Which um Chinese Terry here who was in the studio says he can do as well moonwalking so maybe we’ll get a moonwalking video from him and I could see your the video that you shared with your excellent running style or teaching people how to run correctly was not far

    Off Michael Jackson sliding across across your I’ll try that again not unlike Michael Jackson sliding across your kitchen which I think a few of you probably tried over the New Year’s Eve period any other videos of you dancing I did suggest to um Terren that he might

    Start because he’s a quite the move I saw a video of him dancing that he might start a dad’s um Dad a disco dad dancing session I definitely sign up for that um God Squad to with the day then just to wrap up the appetite discussion from

    Yesterday the addition of all sorts of chemicals in ultr processed foods can upset your appetite balance I think they do it on purpose don’t they um they want they want to create appetite in you and addiction to certain foods um I know I would if I was a food scientist but I

    Probably wouldn’t be a food scientist in the first place to be fair far B it from me to suggest that food man oh here we go that food manufacturers might take advantage of this but the best way to avoid the issue is to cook wholesome meals from scratch much tastier and yes

    I did some of that last night um I cooked some pork lagaros the nice little strips of pork roasted with um various vegetables like leaks peppers a few bits of garlic in there and when when the Austin Brothers arrived you know sort of typically oh no no we’ve eaten thank you

    But after after a few glasses of wine yes it was a perfect end to the evening um that uh the earlier roasted pork cook from scratch you’d have been proud of us coach Turner much tastier and yes they were talking about yeah get the protein which I think it was something you were

    Talking about yesterday Coach T if you have a couple of mouthfuls of protein it changes the course of the rest of your meal uh we did that last night but smok salmon as well actually to go with the wine very nice indeed and we have a pair

    Of great friends raising pigs near AO it would be very interesting seeing how Lisa finds it um quite remote yeah with Lisa she’s not far from um from town but you can get out and about and and into the remote parts more more remote parts away from the canals can’t you a of

    Course a district as well as a town city that looked delicious Carl yes we saw quite a few different things on the screen last night didn’t we food wine all sorts of things were going on in a very excellent good morning Portugal wine club session first Monday normally

    First Monday of every month if you want to join us on screen and talk about a particular wine we haven’t had a wine produced here’s an invitation to Wine producers if you if you do have a wine that you’d like the wine club to try in very very convivial and unpretentious surroundings

    Uh then please send it our way and we’ll make sure we we give it a fair tasting uh and come on to the screen and tell us about you and your wine production whatever scale whether it’s whether you’re somebody from a marketing department of a huge producer here in

    Portugal or whether you’re one of the more Independent Producers you’d be very welcome first Mondays 8 o00 on the good morning Portugal YouTube channel and the other places where we output ourselves put ourselves out as it were um on the internet okay let’s have a look at those

    New stories then before we welcome Mama be who actually is going to be talking specifically about courage it may be may have been the keyword of of her Christmas courage that would be the quality of human being not a particular kind of beer um although I don’t think

    Many people remember courage anymore it was just that my mother and father had a courage owned part courage Brewery in Bristol they had one of those pubs anyway um let’s have a look at George branco’s um news items this morning and what I think is some very good news the

    Algar foreigners this is the headline from the Portugal resident algar foreigners want to create political movement um and I think you can probably read that a number of levels and it’s right in line with the Portugal immigrant Network that we’ve been talking about um as part of our Portugal

    Club development and work as well but before we go there um let’s have a read of George branco’s uh news headlines that he’s chosen um oh no sorry I’ve just clicked on the button that says read in the app I’m going to stay with a safe email here and tell you about the

    Flu surge that uh puts uh pressure on hospitals flu has come back in force this winter apparently leaving people seriously ill and filling up hospital emergency rooms Diario do notias reports the first influenza A typ a case started appearing in October apparently sparking warnings from health professionals that vaccination coverage wasn’t high enough

    Among those most at risk the lack of coverage is now being felt in hospitals they say where the majority of interned patients are unvaccinated some of which are warning they’re struggling to manage beds now this this not George Branco speaking anymore but I noticed there is

    Not a big take up in um any of the vaccines on offer at the moment interestingly um it seems like the public have lost interest for one reason or another in taking up the offer of those um lots of Money’s been spent on them and there is a lower takeup I think

    You know across Europe billions um with this and interestingly George George notes as well Portugal is was the only one of the 20 European countries on the Euro Momo database don’t know what that is sorry with very high ex excess mortality now this is something that’s

    Um concerned me for a long time now and talking of the dock as I was last night I have put it to the dock um and he cast his doctorly eye over it when he was on the show with me probably possibly a year ago now when it came to

    Excess deaths and excess mortality Portugal was the only one of the 20 European countries of on the Euro Momo database with very high excess mortality in the last week of 2023 and that was from a Diario Den noticias report experts said the high level of respiratory infections appeared to be

    Part of the problem but the exact cause still wasn’t known and with the scale of this it really surprises me you know there it seems to me that there are far more people um who are being stricken and than there were in the pandemic which caused the whole of society to

    Close down and there were these mysterious and unexplained and sudden deaths and not the same um Public Health concern or outcry interesting stuff um and that’s uh the first of George’s news headlines there um president appeals to voters new right-wing Alliance forms president Marcelo Rebel Suza has begun

    The year with an appeal for the Portuguese to make their votes count in the year where electors go to the polls for National aoran and European elections publica reports he left a message for the government it’s like he leaves a little note on his on the desk of of the um of

    The Parliament building or maybe for the speaker could you read this out when You’ got a moment um he left a message for the government which was dissolved not the message but the government after prime minister Antonio KOST kosta’s resignation over the operation in influencer investigation operation influencer not operation influenza and

    Not linked to the last story don’t think so anyway Marcelo called for Effective access to health education and housing saying democracy should be synonymous with less poverty Injustice corruption and disillusionment among the youth well get on with it then you lot um the outgoing PM refused to comment on the

    Declarations the following day publo reports instead he highlighted the urgent need to push ahead with a high speed yes haven’t got time haven’t got time to think about uh health education and housing um and dealing with poverty Injustice corruption and disillusion among the youth um I need to push ahead

    With a highspeed rail link between Lisbon and Porto immediately before the elections ah maybe a tax cut well check a tax cut in there as well or the talk of something like that um three right-wing parties have signed a coalition agreement in an ATT it’s not funny really is it three right-wing

    Parties have signed a coalition agreement in an attempt to defeat the Govern governing Socialist Party the PS of the upcoming elections again from publico reporting the Democratic Alliance ad combines the main opposition Social Democratic party the PSD CDs The People’s Party I do like the sound of

    That one yay people’s party and the people’s monarchist party that can’t be a big party here in Portugal I wouldn’t have thought but there you go the PPM it is valid throughout the current political cycle until 2028 the text of the agreement calls for political change well there’s an original thought there’s

    A there’s a pattern forming I’ve seen here throughout my life when in relation to politics um and why is it that they don’t have to ask to come onto the news and be invited the news just is about politics now that’s another thing isn’t it you know politics used to be a part

    Of the news and now it is the news isn’t it it’s just like that’s just what news people talk about it would seem especially at this time of the year and this time in the world um with 40 or so major elections going on in 2024 it’s

    Quite the turbulent year not least here in Portugal and with European elections as well so the text of that agreement calls for political change ywn uh with a what do we want change when do we want it now oh they didn’t deliver the change they promised oh look what do we want

    Change yay with a majority government that’s ambitious reformist moderate stable and majority the political group described itself as the only option to unseat PS which criticized for the housing crisis hold on I thought I foreigners were to blame for that um degradation of the social welfare state and the ability inability to implement

    Reforms among other complaints what’s interesting to me about this it’s the same old same old problems isn’t it but using the same old same old solutions to try and change them there might be a problem with this everybody the agreement I’m signing Russell BR now aren’t I come on PE you lovely awakened

    Beings um the agreement sounding more like David Bellamy the agreement would guarantee a returned to Parliament for cdsp which it’s what they called which formed part of the pasos Koo government in the first half of the last decade but failed to elect any MPS in 22 2022

    Meanwhile lonely on the left the left block has proposed a deal with PS in what would be a partial return to the jeninga government in power before Antonio kosa won a majority in 2022 at which point most people glaze over and go and do something else like have a

    Drink um that’s the way we do politics here in Portugal isn’t it um courage was based in Goden Wings sorry and courage breweries you only have to you have to say a key word and that gets the um on this occasion Waldorf and Statler in the chat talk encourage breweries dominated

    The public houses in the Southeast it was interesting in the late 80s how they changed to Aussie bib cult 45 they also had I think as well didn’t they under licens um tenie lanzerotti and Grand Canary have brought in compulsory mask wearing due to a high flu and but we we

    Know that doesn’t make any difference don’t we know or does it I don’t know and in certain areas it’s partly due to reduced immunity but also naturally cold and flu multiplies more in Winter that’s something we certainly can um observe over time right then that’s the body

    Tends to um well react to to this time of view and and the and the weather the climate I see M’s blowing her nose as if to demonstrate the fact behind the scenes in a moment bit of a sniffle maybe uh they a pretty big Brewery in

    Barnes too Andy oh I remember smelling that one Gary sorry about your glass well and I’m sorry about your glasses can you see me this morning G Gary when you look into the screen because I believe I have your spectacles here who and your umbrella excellent evening good to see

    You now moving from politics tired old politics to uh something that I was very excited to see in the the news yesterday and these are it’s on our homepage among our news picks of the last week but I’ll go straight to the source as it were uh

    With not that kind of source this kind of source the news source here the algar foreigners who want to create a political movement and we’ll be talking to the gentleman with the T-shirt uh there second from the left on the Portugal Club this evening at 8:00 uh 8:30 actually we have a check-in

    With of the Portugal Club we’ve got some new members which is lovely at 8 this even evening at 8:30 we’ll be talking to Paulo who you’re going to hear about in just a moment Alba Farah group hopes to Kickstart expat movement across the region who doesn’t like an xat movement

    First thing in the morning a group of foreigners in albuera is gearing up to create a political movement I think they need a better turn of phrase in that maybe that was Natasha Don saying that just just sneaking a little giggle into her news reporting to run in the 2025

    Municipal elections the plan is for an association that truly represents the 54 nationality living in the burough well that’s a truly Multicultural place is it not albaa then with 54 nationalities addressing issues that relate to Alba’s non-portuguese look at this which now make up 40% of the resident population

    Now this has been of interest to us because i’ I’ve taken the view that with with a national level with approaching one in 10 people being a foreigner it will be good to to get to know more about each other and to work directly purposefully mindfully um with our

    Native Portuguese neighbors and friends as well and and talk about this and uh discover I have a lot of fun actually discovering each other’s cultures and create better understanding because if my my suspicion with this is if you don’t do that um it it happens anyway

    And perhaps not in the most positive of ways sometimes as huge numbers of people integrate into any um existing culture so I think we should be mindful about that and uh we’ve got PA here and I like the cut of his jib the way he’s going about that and it’s interesting to see

    That there are 54 nationalities in Alba it’s like a little petri dish model isn’t it of what’s going on and what’s possible here 40% then of those 54 nationalities of that Resident population in Alba Fara their ambition is that this idea could spread to other municipalities in the region well we’ll

    Have some of that up here as well Paulo and I’m looking forward to talking to you about it tonight all of which have significant foreign populations sign not has trailed the story of the group that has now around 1500 members on Facebook that was uh at uh the 6th of January uh

    Hearing that this is not just about foreigners and with financial wherewithal it is isn’t it interesting the first thing people sometimes make synonymous with foreigners is financial wherewithal it’s also about nationalities that have come here to find a better life and live often on the margin of society who you might not hear

    So much about right and again another good reason to lift the lid um to have conversations and to find out what’s really going on um those who need help and support without knowing where to find it this is what the association is about Alyssa Scutt told sick is she part

    Of the um is that the name of the toll roads as well the scuts it will be a way of helping foreigners of all kinds better integrate into their new lives well we like the sound of that alua mayor meanwhile je Rolo has told sik that the mun municipality already has a

    Service to immigrants open every day that must be frustrating for J Rolo uh he has a service open every day designed to give the information that’s needed to the people we’ve just mentioned including financial support but the association considers that foreigners taking these issues into their own hands

    And taking them to the seats of local power could be exactly what the non-portuguese population needs so the it’s certainly the local Authority sounds like as a trickle down from National policy the the will is there is it is it not from the government and local government to help people and

    Connect with people but it may be that it’s not happening in quite the right way to have the right amount of takeup with that and so these folks have taken this into their own hands we’ll be talking to Paulo from that movement tonight um I can’t see what their name

    Is apart from group of foreigners in Alba Fara and actually as I recall on Facebook they their name is something like that they’re GNA have to come up perhaps uh with something a little more Snappy than that so says siik then to conclude here beyond the ambition of

    Running for Municipal elections is the hope that Farah movement travels to neighboring bers as was pre previously mentioned in the article so I’ll be keeping a close eye on that and looking forward to that conversation this evening let’s see what’s going on in the chat as well Antonio is here what do you

    Make it at Antonio Bond and I noticed this recently in Kash there seemed to be some sort of Foreigner Center where you could get help but I couldn’t it wasn’t obvious I mean that’s just one of the ironies isn’t it of being a foreigner and not being able to understand

    Understand when you walk past a foreigner help center CU he don’t understand the culture of the language so there you are thinking to yourself maybe right outside the Foreigner help center wouldn’t it be nice if there was a foreigner help center and there it is behind you Squire the Shire is also nice

    To see you last night you popped in op was on the call we had newb and we had Sky the shers morning Squire how are you I like your Turner phrase there trying different things out and of course yes we uh we launched yesterday the elephant in the room I think we’ve

    Had a pretty good reception didn’t hear from you um about this uh Antonio or elephant nasala the elephant in the room then when it comes to speaking or not speaking Portuguese um have we got that right and before we get started with h the main business of helping people

    Speak Portuguese with the help of a baby elephant which I hope you find endearing um is that right is that the right way to say in Portuguese the elephant in the room so learn port with James Holly and Cole mson and this is inspired by getting beyond the first bit

    Which has happen been happening to us for months now on the Monday morning and then oh right what do I say now yeah just look down into my beer as James is doing there that was when he he was trying Guinness actually it wasn’t because he was he couldn’t speak

    Portuguese that picture was actually taken to let you in on what was going on behind the scen that’s I think in Dublin um and I think he speaks Irish anyway so he was fine there he was just considering whether he likes Guinness or

    Not I think in the in the in the in its rightful place but this book the elephant in the room is going to take us Way Beyond this with the help of our Portuguese friends like Antonio here so is that okay there Antonio um elephant or elephant nasala the elephant in the

    Room my first translation was or elephant um Narto which is the elephant in the bedroom which could give get us an entirely different audience one I’m not sure I want other photographs that have come in will include Pam was talking about getting the accents right talking of learning the language she has customized

    You can get keyboard stickers you can get a few breadcrumbs as well by the look at that Pam that wants a Hoover out um but that’s her way of making sure that she’s got the right Accents in a Portuguese style on her keyboard thank you for that and our friend Tony has

    Been in M I’ve got more pictures and a little bit of video I’m putting them together for in a little Montage but there’s a little sneak peek of his time in Mad isn’t that beautiful it so Lush verdant and delicious basically madira want to go there one day and when we had

    Ali on last Thursday from snapshot magazine husband Dave had photographed this wonderful place as well um whose Name Escapes me that’s from uh Paul Paul Richards sent that into to us thank you very much Paul and I’m trying to oh yeah Paul Richards who also sent a picture of

    Me and James and an elephant actually a slightly more grownup elephant but that is prior D cama it’s a photogenic place for all photographers and that’s uh Paul Richard’s rendering of it there that is beautiful isn’t it and uh what looks like a castle there and an ogre standing

    To the side of it as I recall Ali saying so thank you very much in that first half hour there for your input keep the comments coming in if you will Gary Austin’s here I have a bag of fruit for you from the Austin Estates I’ll drop it

    Over later oh have you got any I’m talking to a man or have been talking to a man who wants to grow more apples and pears uh for export out to Brazil you got relase him a bit of space over at your Gaff there in central Portugal Gary

    Yeah and you might want to get your your I didn’t said testicles you might want to get your spectacles back from the studio hopefully your testicles aren’t here I’m hopefully they’re healthily attached to you Bond noo this morning negative temperatures in the night today in bansa Gua and castella Branco region

    So a weather warning from Antonio F Jack poly um bond is raining in pyal today so a day staying inside St studying what exactly the um Price is Right um I wonder um tell us what are you studying Portuguese maybe Jack I’m looking forward to seeing you soon at the

    Flavors of India Special on the 17th in Kash good morning people from a cold and gray Lisbon and Lee cold enough to put uh cold enough this morning but no Frost uh you’ll soon warm up with working coffee some impressive Chopper work on Tik Tok this morning oh was he been

    Publishing Tik Tok send us those and we’ll stick them up on we’ll play them here as well uh if you’ve got those for us Lee as well and bondy Esquire last night was messy but we’re so over it we’re putting it behind us uh little a

    Little cup of tea and a nice quiet and easygoing chat with Mama Bear so let’s give her a big round of applause I’m going to turn this down in my headphones I can tell you that yes she is good morning M Mama B MC how are you

    Morning not bad morning have you got a little bit of a sore throat there I little bit bit early morning-ish no it’s I’ve got a bit of a cold and a oh okay a seasonal thing the body adjusting um to to the new part of the year I I’m guessing you’re back in

    Portugal there yeah I think this is germs from the UK I don’t think it’s Portuguese germs so how thoughtful of you to bring back a party bag of British germs to Central Portugal well that’s how we makes us stronger right and um I think you had did you have your Christmas back in

    Blighty yeah I did it was very uh different to what I’m used to but lovely being with both grandparents which is pretty rare you know to have two grandmothers alive and yeah definitely be able to be with them both and my mom’s birthday is Christmas day so and

    Then seeing my daughter as well and then seeing New Year in watching Jules Holland was I’ve not done that for years you got to take a look at his Hooter nanny I think that’s what he calls it isn’t it his New Year celebration so yeah quite the contrast and last time we

    Saw you let’s let’s let’s face it you’re a little bit upset weren’t you there was some quite some challenges going on and I think we we were we able to help with um with a community or was the G you know the expat Foreigner Community generally able to help in your moment of

    Need then yeah James has been a star and uh it was great to talk with I mean I I Disappeared pretty much few days after speaking with Y was in England and now I’m back and I’ve been here a few days now so it’s just adjusting back to Portugal you know

    And of course the two Lifestyles that um I guess are have been the big contrast the one you wanted to leave the UK for to come and live in rural peace and Tranquility although has come with its challenges as we’ve heard about over the last few months um and and what I don’t

    Know if you call it the rat race or whatever what’s that contrast like between your your Rural Life here in Portugal and your taste of the old the old world that you came from in the what was that like that’s hard because it’s ironic I suppose was

    Because I left here to get Space which if i’ had have been thinking straight it just wouldn’t have happened um so I left my space and where there’s nice and peace and quiet and no light pollution no noise theart from nature and I I landed in cars

    Sirens and and fridges and all those noises that happen in a house and then people lack of privacy constant lack of privacy um you know it’s and I was thinking well be careful what you wish for you know what I mean you so as as much as I got all the

    Beautiful things that I’m so grateful for that Christmas with my nana and my mom and my dad and me other Nana and seeing my daughter and new year with Manana and and then yeah it’s like I get back and it’s just like can I hear that no

    Beautiful you know Sound of Silence I can hear it does sound it sounds lovely if that doesn’t sound yeah and then having batty you know back to Mr batty and his snuggles and I can’t see him actually he’s up to something somewhere oh there he is he’s asleep snuggle behind the laptop he’s

    That small isn’t he hides behind the laptop um but he’s not far from me he’s always cuddling up and it it’s so good to be back with Mr batty excellent excellent so and it it just sounds like you’re very accustomed to the piece and I’m reminded I was

    Listening to the dire of a CEO podcast last night because it was a particularly interesting one with Alan the Bon Boton Alan Alan the bottom um and he’s been talking about humans and happiness for quite a long time aland debot he’s a philosopher isn’t he but I think he’s

    Specialized in human happiness and would you say that how you live in central Portugal is quite a natural way for human beings and the one that you went back to over Christmas is the one that we’ve we’ve developed for ourselves but doesn’t necessarily suit the human spirit and soul so much and that’s

    Exactly what you might have experienced over here I think it’s a is it the sadian Rhythm so you’re sleeping thean rhythms yes yes and you live according to where the sun is so you’re getting up in the morning with the sun walking the dogs as I did this morning

    It’s beautiful beautiful start to the day and as the sun’s going down you settling down for the night snuggling in and you know getting yourself comfortable you get back to to you know my Nana’s staying up way later than me and everyone’s like Manana was wanting

    To stay up and party till two in the morning for New Year and I I was wanting to go to bed at seven o’clock and I was you know still not adjusted so so for me I I really like my early nights in Winter and I like to just sleep with the

    Sun and I like to be able to be away from all the light pollution and just be able to hear things like the birds and yeah and the trees and the grass you you don’t get to hear that because you can’t because everything’s too

    Busy yeah you know you go for a walk and yeah and you go to go for a walk to just enjoy walking and everyone’s so busy walking and so busy doing their walk and they’re walking with such uh purpose and talking to each other they haven’t got a clue where they are you

    Might as well stick them on a walking machine or a running machine in a gym somewhere because they’ve not took a moment to see anything and I I’d seen this tree that had blown down and people were walking past and thought what’s that and I slowed and I just stopped and

    I was stood there watching this little squirrel that I think had been blown out of his house during that storm and I was just watching it going about its business and everyone was walking past it una where it was even there and they were like three meters from a squirrel

    You know and all the wildlife just going on about its business and the people are absolutely oblivious to the fact that this was going on and well maybe for to witness that yeah they might have been um just seeing what they thought was a crazy woman staring at a tree and that’s

    Perhaps where we’ve got to isn’t it is that you know there’s such a a disconnection um so perhaps that can be a thing for this coming year you know I I love it’s one of the great things about chatting to you on the good morning Portugal show is chatting to you

    In your envir your natural environment as it were and hearing this overwhelming silence which is a a strange sort of poetic sort of irony isn’t it that I can hear the birds and when you’ve taken us on a little tour with your phone it is definitely quiet in a really nice way

    Where you live so that must have been quite the contrast for you and that’s how us humans learn I suppose isn’t it is to have contrast in our lives and it sounds like you had more than your fair fair share of that over the Christmas period yeah it’s good to be reminded

    Like and to notice and still take time to be grateful there’s beautiful things happening in both places wherever we are there’s always beautiful things happening in that moment and it’s just the one the beautiful things that happen uh I find more comfortable here I I

    Feel more at ease this feels safer to me like I I can hear and I tune with the way of things and I didn’t sleep properly any night that I was back in the UK and when I got back here and I got batty I could hear the trees and the

    Wind and the everything that you hear here at night owl and that I I was I was sleeping and I’ve slept well all night you know yeah Fant and I I feel more alive again and that that’s beautiful you know it isant it’s environment it’s the importance of our environment and how it

    Affects our health mentally and physically it’s a I think it’s called terrain Theory um because there’s more than what’s going on physically in our body it’s it’s what’s going on all around us in in our fairly close environment and our environment that stretches out so my environment here you

    Know I’m not affected by cars or or people or anything but as soon as you go back into somewhere as soon as you leave somewhere as beautiful as this you get the beauty of well lights light pollution the intensity of the lights intensity of the sound it’s like you’re

    Walking through a a TV advert or something I mean I don’t have a tally here but everything’s like trying to sell you something so you you you know everything like sides of shops are lit up and and um now that it’s not just you know how it used to be

    Like big posters on billboards now most Billboards are like TV screens and you’ve got all these moving pictures everywhere and all these lights trying to draw your attention from things and when you’re used to just hanging out with trees and and animals and you go into that you kind of pulled

    In so many different directions you you don’t really know where you are well so and also someone telling me yeah they were in um they were in Lisbon and their phone started delivering them no they said not their phone their phone alerted the um the marketing people to

    Their location and they were they felt they were being served particular ads from some of these electronic devices in in in some of these areas as well which I don’t know if I I mean I I know that’s possible um and it’s something from it’s a kind of Blade Runner image isn’t it

    But what what you what you’re reminding me of is when I was a kid um I used to watch tazan um which of course we know is um quite um um ridiculous in many ways but but one one of the amazing things was seeing him being taken to the city uh and his

    Reaction and it’s it sounds like you um being taken from um you know from the rural Central Portugal you know back to the UK as it is now and having a a similar sort of um you know sociological shock going on there so very interesting very interesting contrast we’ve got peda

    With us this morning um peda app L um and with a bond borar in Welsh Wales this morning good to see you here ped and I think you probably want to live in a similar way to M here out in the middle of nowhere um and in the sticks

    And have a nice quiet Rural Life it sounds beautiful the way you’ve been describing it and of course not without its challenges as we’ve been discovering over the last few months as well it’s it’s another one of these polar things isn’t it you know you have to live in

    The countryside with a lot of challenge or live in the city with all its convenience but pay you know different kinds of prices and make different sorts of compromises um I want to also talk to you about um a Care and Share share and Care over on

    Facebook because it’s a new year and as I was saying before um the excess death sudden death you know this is this is a um I think as shocking a time in many ways as it was a shock during the uh covid pandemic time I I at the beginning

    Of the year I was aware of three deaths just in just going into the new year um and I think it’s it’s always been important the work you you’ve been doing and that Deb was was in in to do with sharing care and I think it’s going to

    Remain important um and I know you’ve also been you know focusing a lot on you selfcare and looking after yourself which is absolutely right have you had have you had time as well to think about uh sharing care for this year and any objectives because I’m right there with

    You uh in this regard if if whatever we need to do with it I just like I stuck a a few whenever I see something or I think of something that might be helpful I stick it up but the thing is people don’t use it and I use it and

    It’s the same few people and it’s a free resource where people could if they want access so much help and support for their grief for their support with serious illnesses for just managing um the change and it’s seems that the people that want to stick up adverts on

    There want to sell their services well it’s a free like group that’s free services for people to access it’s not about the money it’s about a community service it’s about people in the community supporting people in the community and coming together sharing the love sharing the skills and just

    Being there for one another so that’s how it’s going to stay right it’s not going to be about getting money out of people it’s not about sending people to paid Services you’re more than capable of finding paid Services you know there’s loads of them out there um I

    Don’t promote myself on there either it’s it’s not about that it’s it’s about just being there and having that safe space which is so important so please people start joining us and and start having that courage I suppose the first time we can use the word Having the courage to show up and

    Be vulnerable and just say something like I’m feeling like this or or just what I’d say hello or anything you know or today’s the anniversary of or it’s coming up to or I’ve lost such a body or I’m worried about such a thing or health care whatever it is share that yeah

    Share that if it’s to do with like your health and wellbeing share it it’s not about looking for a LIF to somewhere but if you want to be able to access you know access genuine support like find people in your area to connect with anything like that that’s what it’s

    There for for that’s what he there to do if you need help trying to sort out funerals sending ashes back finding Memorial Gardens anything at all like that drop us a message you know that’s I think the birds the birds have suddenly got very noisy um over there in central

    Portugal so I think that we we um have um validation from nature I’m going to put the link to sharing care uh and so all of what mem was talking about there this is available uh on Facebook um and if that’s if I mean some people

    Don’t want to be on Facebook you can email me as well cargood morning portal.com I mean we’re we’re here every morning if anyone needs any help basically of any kind um and more specifically there’s the uh Facebook group there if you find yourself um in

    In need U with some of the thing I mean we can characterize this can’t we by if you’re if you if you’re in need of help with some of the things we don’t normally talk about it would appear that’s quite a good definition of what sharing care is all about there on

    Facebook now you mentioned courage m is this has this been a particular thing for you is that is that is almost like a resolution for you going into 2024 you strike me as a very courageous woman anyway I I don’t do uh resolutions New Years because every day

    Is a new opportunity to start again so I’m not the type of person that likes to have to wait for something to come along the time is now we might never get to New Year we might not get to see 2025 what’s what can we do today to make our

    Life better what can we do today to take responsible responsibility for ourselves and how can we show up how can we have the courage to show up when we really don’t feel like showing up because courage to you might look like just getting out of bed in the morning Y and

    Then days like that like I’m cheering you on and on days where courage is is going off on a a hike you know across Portugal brilliant but whatever it is it’s Having the courage to show up you know and it’s hard to communication is difficult and communication doesn’t have

    To be as difficult as we tell ourselves it can be because we we make assumptions of how we think it might be based on previous experience but there’s people like myself who were trained in communication who we’re perfectly open to listen and to hear you you can be heard it is a

    Safe space you can speak um in complete privacy um and if you’ve got stuff going on which is maybe making you feel suicidal or or maybe you’re just not so sure about things to do with your health and things reach out you know if you need a friend to listen to reach out

    Because you shouldn’t have to be alone and I’ve said this for years and I usually offer an open house over Christmas and New Year uh so people can drop in but this year I I went to the UK um but it’s really important that we we

    Don’t have to give someone and open and be completely vulnerable and share our inner Souls but Having the courage sometimes just to allow someone to see you as you are in the moment and know that that can happen without being judged yeah that can make a massive difference and what difference that

    Would make to the whole world of people as well of course and I I don’t know what your um it’s hard to do a scientific study of this but I think anecdotally and people from people’s own experience funny thing is whenever people have got to and and it’s it’s a

    Funny and sad thing in a way that it takes this but when people have got to rock bottomore become desperate and opened up and reached out for help it’s usually gone quite well hasn’t it yeah it has the the thing is a lot of a lot of people think that the something

    Wrong or something bad about asking for help and shame stops US asking for help or we feel guilty because we think we’ve done something bad so our guilt prevents us from reaching out and sometimes by reaching out and just willing to be just a little bit vulnerable with just that one person

    Who’s a trusted person we can realize that our shame and or our G non-existent they they you know they didn’t they were there but we kind of made it up because there was nothing bad or wrong and and we have every right to feel the way that we do yeah so however

    You feel it’s valid and there’s a space for that and there’s someone to listen to you there you go there’s the invitation uh that’s we we like to pride ourselves generally on on being that sort of community I think we’re going to need it anyway in the times that we’re

    Going into um and the video I mentioned before funnny enough um it was a lot of what we’re talking about this was mentioned on this Diary of a CEO podcast that I was listening to yesterday but it’s called why you have love and relationships all wrong and but it goes

    Into a lot of what we’re talking about I guess that’s a slightly clickbaity title but the the link is there it’s very good and he was talking about how we live in a meritocracy now where in in in centuries of old the poor were called the

    Unfortunate and he made the he used the example of how in America um you know now if you if you if you’re not successful you’re a loser whereas before it was unfortunate that you were in that situation perhaps um because luck hadn’t gone your way and and I think we live in

    A society now don’t we where people as you said feel more and more guilty about their things not turning out in quite the way they wanted them to or other people wanted things to turn out for them and the burden of guilt with these things is felt quite personally and not

    Collectively and I guess the only play and now with with with with us um metaphorically backed up against the wall with this as all being individuals trying to make sense of things the only place to go is back towards each other now isn’t it we we’ve kind of maybe

    Reach Peak individuality and the time has come we human beings no no there’s nothing wrong with individuality there’s nothing wrong with autonomy what we need is connection and we need acceptance of of who we are and we need that being able because we’re all trying to be like each other and

    Feeling bad because I’m not like them or we’re trying to push people away because they’re right or or I’m right and they’re wrong and when it comes down to it the more we can be in acceptance of each other as we are and meet each other

    As we are and realize it’s not down to look because look is um just doesn’t really exist unless you break it down down into living under Cosmic knowledge and then look is something look living under Cosmic knowledge you know you’ve taken your power back it’s not down to

    Something called fate you’ve got the the capability you’ve got the capacity to to to just change things by reframing things through consciously creating your own world that is how life can change when you look at things like that it’s it’s about being vulnerable but being vulnerable means that you have to be

    Willing to take an emotional risk you’re willing to expose yourself and you you’ve also got to be okay that you don’t know so when we can show up and with that vulnerability it’s not being weak at all that that is pure courage and it takes that courage to show up as

    We are and the right people will accept us for that you know it takes a lot of courage to get up and show up in in a morning it takes a lot of courage to try new things it takes a lot of courage to move to a new country takes a lot of

    Courage to do do podcasts and put yourself out there and share what you you believe you would like to see in the world it it takes a lot of courage to be true to yourself because it’s so easy to follow the crowd and when we do that we

    Neglect what matters and what matters is our core values and what matters is our good is always guiding Us in the right direction but we forget about that because we tell ourselves we’re wrong and we have all the shame and guilt as well and that’s what those big

    Billboards are for isn’t it m we’ve got telling you those Billboards to to convince you that you don’t need some to live under Cosmic knowledge you need to buy you need to buy this buy this now yeah you need to buy this you need to

    Change how you look I mean for good to say the world’s telling men that they’re weak and and they’re they’re not strong enough and man I know so many men are so strong and have got so much courage and they show up and they they allow themselves to be vulnerable and I have

    Got so much love and respect for these kind of genuine guys who listen who who care and who keep showing up in the world and and it takes a lot of courage to do that in today’s society where you told men can’t cry and where men are

    Told to hide the feelings and there’s women being told that they should look like they should look thin and they should have white teeth teeth and they should um I don’t know go to yoga or something and be able to turn themselves into a human pretzel and

    Stuff like that and that is it’s all the BS it’s the belief systems that we’re coming across in the world that are trying to convince us that we should be something that we’re not and what we actually are is when we’re true to ourselves we’re amazing loving beings

    Who just need to connect and be seen and loved for who we are oh yes I think we could stop the show there couldn’t we if we wanted that’s that’s a perfect note uh to to start the day with because we’ve got Jack asking about morning

    Routines but that’s I I I want to go back and and Rewind to that um to your um Soliloquy there um because I think it’s great guidance um but and we have a few comments and we might have Lisa joining us from the monteo alpaca Center near AA this morning but loving the

    Always love where you take us with your conversation here M I’m so these aren’t um the great garos spectacles here they would appear to be terrence’s and his Broly as well he had a good evening he left his glasses and I mean publicans must have to get used to a big box of

    Spectacles and broes left in the pub uh it’s like that here this morning in the studio um she apparently this morning is set opposite me looking at his laptop like some sort of mole that has emerged to the surface for a while sounds like he’s not speaking very much this morning

    I was an astute beer ler Drinker after the Manco now like the Veno I got to learn not to drink like a fish yeah I guess there is a bit of a transition to make there drinking wine like a fish um could could get you into quite a lot of

    Trouble and ill health yes we were actually one of the lovely things about the wine club is definitely our sense of appreciation with we’re definitely more about uh quality than quantity although the quantity was quite impressive as well sometimes coming back this is referring to what you were saying

    Earlier on and the contrast of of you know going away and coming back to what the place that we love that we’ve built for ourselves some some sometimes coming back from a holiday just reminds you how lucky you are when you get back um and welcome back Mike and D who are doing

    Exactly that this morning lovely to see that you’re back in the country our mate’s son after a month in Israel ran back to their Farm rapturous in space and Tranquility just sounds like a a little creature um a lamb gambling in the fields there and that we do love

    That image don’t we when animals do that Jack says Jack Polly we look forward to going back to the UK to visit family the minute we get there we can’t wait to come back to Portugal you don’t need to live in the rat race well said the

    Jack says Peter and Sarah liking your luck living under Cosmic knowledge uh there and maybe we can ask you how how how to do that more um this morning M how do you start your day is a good question to ask as well grateful thanks appreciation a walk on

    The beach in the park enjoy this day and um hit that like button says Antonio and Mama Bear I love the wisdom you’re sharing absolute Alchemy this morning so we do have um Lisa joining us from monteia alpacas are you GNA stay and join that conversation with us

    M good because I think Lisa probably will be all right talking about um how how to start day and I suspect she live lives under Cosmic knowledge let’s find out now let’s give her a nice big round of applause hello to you good morning Happy

    New Year year Bo it’s lovely to see you Lisa it’s been it’s been too long yes I know I know oh bless you and you know I don’t know if you’ve ever been on the good morning Portugal show which is a terrible Omission on my you haven’t over

    Here no and that that’s that’s fine that’s fine I’m not the best front stage but you know I can get over it I can get over it when it’s with you and it’s stimulating yeah know move mountains so lovely to see you and I was trying to

    Recall earlier on how it was that we met and I I can’t remember but what I do remember is visiting you at the monteo Alpaca Farm Center just outside of voo probably my goodness six years ago something like that now and having a fa stay with you with the kids yeah yeah

    Absolutely yeah it’s a while back I don’t know how you got hold of me but you because that then just LED on to DM Michael yes and yeah it’s just it just opens doors doesn’t it absolutely beautiful how things have unfold you haven’t been to our new place have you

    You well overdue a visit I thought I did I thought I came and had a brief visit to your new place um but you may have a new new place I don’t know but for people who don’t know you here I am talking to you about the the monteo

    Alpaca Farmers if everyone knows it I’m not sure they do could you tell us how it is that you got to be the alpaca lady here in Portugal because it’s a good story isn’t it it is and I’ll try and keep it as brief as possible yes so it

    Was um we decided to move to Portugal as a family and uh I had a family already in the our G we had a history of a lot of Portuguese students euras students living with my grandparents at the time which um so gave an affinity with the

    Portuguese so they retired here in the alav and we decided to follow suit and I wanted to bring a micro business I wanted to bring something to inspire that was a little bit different and my passion for woles started as a teenager and and the text the whole textile

    Industry um from the beginnings from production it fiber from animal or from plant I’m very interested because in London that was the arena that I worked in within the textile world and so it was an opportunity to make it a living and originally I looked at angor rabbits but decided that this

    This the kind of farming you use with angor rabbits is not very sympathetic and I wanted a a ecological uh um permaculture based farm structure so then I looked at angor goats and angor goats don’t set of fine fiber in warmer climates they need a really cold climate to make a good

    Fleece interesting so they were they were out yeah and then the birth of my third son uh we had to go into hospital after he was born uh just for a couple of weeks and uh we were there was no space so we were put put in the premature baby

    Unit and there was all these tiny tiny babies and they were all dressed in synthe synthetic fiber because premature babies can’t actually regulate their body temperature yeah at that time I happen to be reading an article about alpacas so this is postp partial de lifechanging decisions made two weeks

    After giving birth to my son and I looked at the qualities of alpaka wo and they regulate uh their body temperature by 7° from the Heat and from the cold because they experienced extreme heat conditions in South America and then I started looking a bit deeper

    And a bit deeper and they became the animals of choice and so we came over with a dozen alpacas and it was six years of intense learning because having grown up in London I had no idea about farming uh especially in a foreign country where three small children children so it was

    A big big learning curve on the top of a mountain it’s a movie it’s a movie three three young children three young children and six alpacas brought them o you brought them over what where the alers from then they were from the UK and uh I looked at a lot of farms and

    Uh I I came across a lady called Lisa also and she’s my hero um and she was the first lady to have alpacas in the UK because it was prohibited for them to be exported up until 19 uh 95 into Europe and she was the first lady to have a pacas in Europe

    And the my tour who is my alpha male who’s my my darling and he’s the front man uh alaca that is um yeah thanks for clarifying yeah just clarify the Viking boyfriend tour no the okay we got that he uh his grandfather was the first to come into the UK so our our

    Experience of our pacas in Europe is really small it’s it’s a very uh short period of time we’ve had them so they’re really new animals and we I work a lot with the veterinary hospitals the veteranary colleges the ministry to uh educate and to help so we can gain as

    Much information about these animals as possible here and portug um I would love to see this these little kins reproduced the idea is to promote uh sustainable farming um that is has a diversity within it so it it it allows um people to live in in the

    Countryside and make a living it’s easy no this is what we talking about yeah because it’s so it’s so contrasted or polar isn’t it it’s like you know GH struggling the country so that’s that’s why people are leaving the countryside isn’t that’s why the Portuguese are leaving the countryside is because they

    Can’t make a living I mean it’s hard enough making a living in the city for Portuguese people let alone staying in the countryside and doing that and to have I’ve experienced this yeah lots and lots of times I’ve experienced young Portuguese and they they really want to

    Go back to the Villages they really would like to go back to their roots and do something that feels more akin to you know their principles in life and it’s it’s very difficult to make a living and for me this is something I’m quite passion about is that we we do have to

    Make a rural economy viable and keep this keep it alive and these animals uh help in they they bring in another another form of Revenue in lots of different ways there’s a lot of diverse ways you can use them that’s amazing Lisa what a lovely what a lovely thing to be doing

    And I know that’s you know like with by the way M mama mama mama M meet Lisa Lisa meet m Mama Hi and this is a theme that unites the three of us you know this this regeneration of the of of rurality and a simpler way of life but a sustainably

    Simple way of life because that’s the thing isn’t it I mean part of meeting you I think in the first place is when we first came to Portugal we were doing the proverbial you know renovating a pile of rocks thing and and so many people are finding that difficult

    Because it is difficult basically yeah and we do the bigger sort of infrastructure or culture don’t we in which this this what you’re talking about can be enabled by a community and not individuals like living or Dying by trying it because it’s just so precarious and it’s such hard work and

    People are vulnerable when they do it alone and and the risk is very high and the impact is so high on people and couples and families and so on that something bigger I mean would you agree I I had no idea until I started really thinking about this but it does abely

    Need a bigger picture doesn’t it a bigger culture in which this can take place so how do we do that um My Philosophy is live by example and um give people as much as possible the opportunity to taste it and give them a very uh genuine picture of

    What’s involved so um you know don’t don’t paint a fluffy picture um but the the trials that you go through I mean yeah I’ve been through quite a few trials you know it’s been very challenging yeah uh pretty much experienced you know most of the extremes um all not positive by the way

    But there is a lot of positive along the way also sure sure but um but through that uh I mean through yeah through suffering yeah you you experience a profound amount of uh experience that is that you can utilize positively you know for others

    Um for my self growth for me as an as a little example um when one as a farmer which is um it’s a very particular mindset and you take everything personally you feel responsible for that piece of of land and that crop and when it fails um you know you could be really

    Good at like you don’t know like giving yourself a hard time um but nature has a has a play in that also you’re not you’re not the Creator you’re only a small part so um learning it was a a life skill for me of how in the past I’ve taken everything on

    Board as being responsible for the world and I must do more than is actually mentally physically and emotionally possible to being able to recognize no I’m I’m not the only one responsible here you know um and that was quite hard for me to overcome you know I I would

    Take every every failing very very personally oh bless you and so so there’s a lot of self-growth that with farming I mean in the UK farming is the was I don’t know the current dates but before I left farming was the highest rate of suicides for example it’s tragic

    Isn’t it yeah and for me that is shocking here are the people supplying you know of food um and they’re suffering yes and and I and this is uh corporate uh massive conglobate companies that are so yeah I’m really for the the small farms self-management and governance and um um promoting rural

    Economy and uh at the principles of permaculture where you you service your immediate surroundings and gradually you grow from there okay um yes sorry love it love that Vision um when I’m rich which won’t be long now because we’re summoning up the forces of luck we’re living under what was it Cosmic

    Knowledge Cosmic knowledge yeah the the funding for this is going from wherever it is now can come into this proposition you’re talking about because I’ve not heard it you know the the picture of it as we’re weaving this spell to have this happen I’ve not heard it so sort of um

    Elucidated if that’s the word a way of putting it or elaborated in in such a concise way that that’s a clear picture isn’t it we’ve got Pete talking about it as well it is hard work oh no not that one it’s a different one there is lots

    Of work here in The Villages yeah there’s no shortage of work is there there’s no shortage of people but physically it is great a great deal harder and many old skills are dying off as a result it is so sad what’s missing is the wisdom and the will it would

    Appear wouldn’t it and putting the resources in the right place and understanding that this would be a useful way for human beings to live their lives and it’s creating a demand creating a demand okay say more about that yeah for sure um for instance uh we

    Can take eucalyptus as a a very classic example um we we need to switch out the eucalyptus yeah and the pine but there is no incentive because it has a good value good market value yeah um so how do we uh switch it out for a different tree which is going to produce

    Folage which is going to drop and create Mulch and not going to catch fire so easily that it’s a deciduous tree we have to create de a demand for it and it has to be equal or more than the value of eucalyptus and pine um at the moment

    With um uh the way we have value I mean I I demonstrate this when I do my talks when when we’re talking about alpacas my favorite subject and the life of an alpaca starts at ,000 EUR the life of a sheep um if you buy a lamb starts at 25 35 EUR okay

    As an example so we value the life’s monetary it there’s a big difference between the two yeah um and the so our attitude towards those animals can be um very different how you know we it’s our monetary valuing system that dictates uh where we go and until I

    Think we have a bit of a change of heart uh as to where we place our money um in that way then if we all put our money in where our real heart was then we we might Elevate and change that equation quite rapidly um I make a pack of socks and

    They are not cheap they’re not excessively expensive but they’re they’re not one Euro okay yeah right they can’t compete with the mass produced sock but you know the history you know the exact animal that sock came from you know the spinner which is myself and the maker of the sock um and

    That sock is not something you’re going to throw away tomorrow when it gets a homeall you know because I’m I’m not going to let you I’m you some extra on yes and I’m going to show you a video of how to Da your socks and so uh those socks will

    Stay with you for a long time and they have a story involved um that that that you’re attached to them and um for me this is really important that we we value so these new skills or the old skills as the that chap was saying um people still they’re there but

    They’re they’re not being valued um and we need we need to make them valuable and and if we want to make it them value on the on the big scale of things then uh we need to make some some changes as to where we put our money

    Literally our values it’s a change of our values isn’t it and it’s the courage that that you were talking about before M I think isn’t it which is like you know somebody should value these things differently well we’re gonna have it’s gonna have to be us isn’t it I think

    It’s gonna have to be the people who who who are seeing this actually doing it sorry I’m go on carry on it’s the perception I was writing notes as you started talking Lisa because what you was doing is living under Cosmic knowledge whether you knew it or not how

    You started is you followed What made your heart sing which meant that you were following your core values so maybe you knew that those re core values maybe you didn’t but when you live under Cosmic knowledge it aligns with your core values core values take you to the

    Truth of what’s at our core what’s at our nature when we live Accord to what’s our natural truth instead of what our ego wants with the big for salees signs and the throwaway culture what we’re able to do is live a life which is more valuable we get more

    Meaning from it we get more joy we get more bliss we get more ease and we get so much learning and everything has a higher value to it because that that shit’s Priceless like you know living like like we do you can’t put a price on this you

    Can’t pay for this in in the UK you know you come over here and you you you just got these amazing things and this this is everything in life is impermanent which sucks sometimes when it’s so beautiful but unless we’ve tune into our values we’re going to lose this

    We’re going to lose these beautiful noises and this beautiful space that Portugal can gift us because like places like the UK you you you don’t walk through many fields before you you finding more and you can’t be in a field without hearing Sirens or seeing lights very often there’s not many places

    Without light pollution Portugal is full it is abundant in places of natural beauty it is abundant in in resources like it is abundant in people who are having the courage to show up and try new things and are willing to look at trying to find what works for them now because

    They wanted to change their lives and the Portuguese people want to be able to live at home but they have to move away because they can’t afford to live here if we can try and come together and be more of a community accepting of who we

    Are and returning some in some ways back to those old older values which is our Natural Instinct I reckon we’re we’re on to a winner like we don’t need the lights and the sounds of the Cities we we don’t need the throwaway culture we can have things that

    Last that me is so important and I forgot this is so important to me and I forget about it actually and I’m so glad we’ve had this conversation this morning because you I would love to support this move back to the countryside and and and nurture these Portuguese young

    Portuguese they be called entrepreneurs would’t they but actually they’re just Portuguese people people living in the traditional way that they used to live and our globalized sort of Machinery is eing them out of of of of of traditional lifestyle that we’re all agreeing here is quite a good lifestyle it’s good for

    For the locality it’s good for the individual it would seem appear it was good for the community and it’s good for the planet it’s like kind of win-win win win win all the way and yet as um Pete’s saying it’s just easier to go and work in a call center in castella Branco

    Instead rather than be a carpenter or a Mason’s triny um skills that should be valuable and we’re the ones you know if we can see that I guess we got to find a way to to have that happen in some way um we rehomed five alpackers when we

    Left Colorado says Bob so Bob good morning to you Bob lovely to see you and Viv here this morning they’re remarkably intuitive animals we were part of a kids program using alpacas they would fit extremely well into M’s program as well so maybe you probably don’t need that right

    Now him right is a new alpaca family joining you yeah might need a bit more weight on me and to S out the land but that’s where I’m in the future maybe yeah alpaca fleece is the best the natural insulating fiber I’m sure we don’t need to tell Lisa that I frost bit

    A finger on a Mountain Rescue once and used alpaca fleece in my glove for the rest of the winter to work and keep that finger warm that’s lovely there’s a it’s like the socks isn’t it that’s something that Bob remembers from his own visceral life experience there and is you know

    That is the thing isn’t it the socks that you were talking about and and um Bob’s gloves there they’re not the same are they as the you know if you’re working in a call center and you’re busy you got go buy some socks you buy the

    Cheapest socks and they made by a kid in bloody Bangladesh or something it’s just that is miserable isn’t it from start to finish that whole that’s the life as it that’s the direction of travel in many ways for for many people in in the culture we live in and the different

    Ones on offer are one one that we have lent into and have been attracted to to over here in Portugal so it’s amazing Lisa to talk to you this morning and be reminded about that so thank you very much anything else we can do from a sort

    Of you know practical point of view do you think to to help you specifically or or this idea um well I I I contacted you because I am um wanting well I’ve been very fortunate since the beginning that I have never done any advertising I was supported by the Portuguese I caught

    Their atten ion and the Animals inspired them and um but I’m still you know like I’m still not breaking even you know sticking to one’s principles is um yeah you you have to you know sometimes make compromises and uh so I was like okay let’s try the advertising thing but

    Unfortunately I have a real problem with advertising um I think it’s um the backbone of capitalism and I don’t like the way people are bombarded I don’t like being bombarded and so my interest is is there another way can we do this another way where we are not overstimulating people

    Um I want people to know I’m here I I love to educate and to share um but can I do it another way without um really putting it down people’s throats um and so because it’s I’m I’m trying to demonstrate that this is viable and uh it’s not 100% viable yet

    You know I’m very clear when people ask me when people are want to do something that I’m doing you know um but that’s because of my principles and and my concept of how what my my company stands for yeah so yeah so that was my initial

    Like like uh hi Carl can I come and talk you know because I wanted to put myself forward um but uh I’m at the moment I’m interested in the idea of uh paying it forward and I’m thinking that this is a really nice way to go but I’m not sure

    If Portugal for me it’s always about um making something viable for us as foreigners is one thing making it viable the natives is really important too yeah and so my thing is to this has got to work for everyone and that and inclusively this has got to work for the

    Animals and this has got to work for me yeah as obviously and my clients so um so that’s where I’m at that’s what I’m I’m really interested in having those dialogues as to how we can promote ourselves in a way that isn’t isn’t aggressive and and brings um brings the opportunity so

    People can can see but they if we did a Pay It Forward scheme um I think this is super nice because it allows people to um pay by their means and um there is something quite special when you put your your mind into that set of that someone had actually

    Paid for you before you got here yes and and you’re leaving and you’re paying for someone that’s going to follow you it’s a very different way of uh it’s a rears here a little bit and yeah yeah get it it’s giving rather than getting isn’t it yeah yeah question

    Val I’ve got some good news and bad news the bad news is it’s two minutes to 10 so we have to finish which means the good news is hopefully you’ll come back to do a part two um or even have a residence where we have you know you pop

    And see us like M does once a month to give us an update what’s going on at Monte Frio because you know we’re talking about alpaca specifically and we and we will do um because Fiona’s got a question but it’s um not metaphorical but it’s like um it’s a reference point

    Isn’t it you you’re doing a specific thing but from that specific thing we’ve been able to talk about all sorts of other wonderful things this morning that we think might be quite useful um as a way forward so I’d love it if you’d come back and do that on a regular basis now

    I’m enjoying myself now well I would I would encourage that I think you you’ve been very inspiring this morning so you the floor is yours you know come and join us have have your own segment here and with the alpacas a quick question from Fiona good morning Fiona it’s not

    Difficult is it not difficult to keep alpacas healthy here I follow a YouTube who says they really need very specialized diets and Veterinary treatments hers need inoculations every month and very specific specialist vets if anyone knows the answer to that that would be you Lisa right yes she can

    Contact me directly if she’d like on Facebook or Instagram because I you don’t want me to answer that now it’s uh with one minute to go always very happy to talk alpaca and the answer is no they’re easy oh okay good and how can we connect with Lisa

    Easily so I’m going to put the um link to the Monte FIA Alpaca Farm in do you is that what you call yourself are you a farm are you you’re an experience what what do you call yourself uh well we’re mon fre our Packers um but we have a Lal

    So we have a um ABNB and we’re on Facebook and we’re on Instagram perfect okay so there’s a great opportunity and invitation to go stay and hang out with Lisa and the alpacas there and and and use the Airbnb um close to AA people can also visit the

    Lovely city of Ava whilst they’re with you is that right absolutely yeah it’s fabulous yes it’s 15 minutes away I’m from the beach as well so it’s a lovely location bar and um the other one I can’t remember the name of it now but the yeah yeah it’s cost NOA bar and Vaga

    And it’s it’s all I mean yeah I love it here I don’t think you’ve been here car I think you have okay well I’ll have to put that right as well me and Bobby O’Reilly the Englishman the Irishman and the alpaca lady walk into a farm it’s

    This is perfect it’s perfect we’ll do that this year um locally says Fiona there a place with camels and an ostrich no idea what he does with them okay Vos this morning from filamina we’ll see you on on Friday I think filamina won’t we so looking forward to that as well em

    Great to catch up with you good to see you back in your special place there in central Portugal Lisa excellent to catch up with you in your special place the link is there if anybody finds he booking to come and see you and and hanging out with you in your company and

    Finding more about alpacas and AA thank you both so much everybody a great yeah it doesn’t seem right great big rapturous round of applause I just want to give you a nice gentle thank you very much and a hug and thank you so much for being here with us this morning it’s

    Been lovely so we will see you all again soon see you tomorrow morning for a happy hump day look get on the action as well have a great day everybody take care I’m gonna give you some gumper Dustin said here here’s some luck for you living under Cosmic knowledge

    Everybody there you go blessings on you all bye for Now in Portugal there’s a YouTube show full of fun facts you need to know Carl rings the bell and the m show to the GMP morning and show featur guests will come and they will blow your mind the audience will do so in kind the little vanity mix with some

    Insanity on the morning show with GM good morning Portugal and I’d like to welcome you to another fantastic Day hey gumpers

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