The Couch is back in Newport for a post super swell grovel sesh. President of the Newport Beach Boardriders
    Grant Collins joins us to talk about the teams upcoming trip to Snapper Rocks, Australia to take on the Aussies and the rest of the world in the Ushercup. Team rider Taj Miller with us as well to show the international community what is heading their way. You don’t want to miss it.

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    [Applause] N [Applause] N [Applause] Yeah Good morning couch potatoes morning we are reporting live at a not undisclosed location I think you’ll figure it out we’re in Newport Beach our hometown but we got our panel of expert analysts this morning we got Grant Collins the president of the Newport Beach Board Riders and what’s up

    Guys there he is and Taj Miller a member of the Newport Beach Board Riders Ripper local kid Pro semipro I don’t know what what would you call yourself probably semi okay semipro but he’s he’s on his way and the it’s not Seal Beach but the waves are pretty fun

    Rippable two to three maybe four depending on where you’re from I didn’t record the beginning of the show oh we didn’t record the beginning of the show but now we did now we’re recording we’re still live right yeah we’re live everybody’s watching that’s just us everybody’s watching okay thank you for joining us

    Couch potatoes so we’re going to talk a lot about the board Riders a lot about current events we got Tyler Gunter behind us there’s the beautiful Newport Pier there used to be something on the end of the pier but they took it down uh that’s that’s blackies they call

    That side blackies we’re at the we’re at the 28th Street Jetty it’s like the first the furthest Jetty South before the pier so thank you guys for joining us this morning put it all together the weather’s nice nice and cold we going to do first we got to plug our sponsors

    Right oh wait oh wait the producer’s fixing the camera stuff what’s going on it’s not looking good classic video guy mistake just hit forget the record button reset that means well good thing I don’t think there was a highlight in that first couple seconds so we won’t have to

    Go back and get that footage I don’t know I put the show on um on Spotify though so I don’t know I’ll have to break look at that wow beautiful it’s insane down here so glad I live in Southern California and not South Dakota or Something so are we oh are we ready to plug our massive amount of sponsors yet yes here we go all right oh the best way to support the show is us we’re sponsoring the show we got merchandise go to or hit that QR code serving CS

    Serving DH I can’t even read look it we got some merch for the boys too Grant what are you XL or large XL boom Grant cons Grant get to XL C serving te being sick your classic couch surfing logo these are bold yet timeless style love it so Grant get

    One and that’s the best way to support the show cuz we’re going to just reinvest whatever money we potentially make back into the show what are you large yeah perfect I mean you can’t even wear this cuz you’re signed to O’Neal but here you go give it to your girlfriend or

    Whatever maybe you’ll wear you should wear that thing at Surfside for Duke can you do that for me yeah oal getm I don’t want to bum out O’Neal I’ll wear it to Duke will love it yes Duke will be all stoked so yeah I want to thank everyone

    Who’s bought some merchandise big thank you yeah we sold a lot over on um the last seal show so thanks to everybody that bought bought for that thank you guys means a lot we got go ahead we have insane shipping too we ship almost same

    Day guys so if you wanted to go out today we have a whole system set up at our shop for like the five t-shirts that we sold but it’s it’s crazy so we have a huge Warehouse it’s all like automated It’s Crazy Drop Shipping same day yeah

    Love it looks like an Amazon shipping place it’s crazy okay so yeah go to Couchsurfing if you want to check out the merch yeah we got a two two Styles you can check out as well so yeah we don’t oh yeah no you have the cook meter on

    Yeah we have another one oh he’s layered up what oh you got to take off five layers let’s see that thing this is my favorite shirt like it points it it only points to cook so if you’re ready to be a cook you got to get that thing there

    It is love it oh look at that thing that thing’s a hot Item B dude and anybody wants to stay tuned we’ve got an insane one coming up today so yeah we got more coming we’re going to be a huge corporate conglomerate of clothes selling so yep that’s one of our

    Sponsors ourselves ooh something’s going on that was cool what a cool that was cool love the new effect and our other sponsor cook of the day follow them at Cook of of the day on Instagram that thing was down for a little while but now they have it back but they lost like

    A million followers so we’re going to try to get them back up to the top hit that QR code they got what I just think it’s funny every time you’re like oh these poor guys lost their account well isn’t that the reason they wanted us to Hype the uh Instagram they’re probably

    Already got it way back up dude they have tons of followers they’re doing fine but um they followers their followers love my Ugg boots they love them uh we’re all Cooks in our own way they got cool merchandise too they got some funny shirts and stuff on there

    Classic stuff on that uh page for sure it’s just pure entertainment oh it’s so good I would be oh hold on on my screen but on the one down there is yeah okay what what I I know why I’ll change it we got technical stuff going on yeah but

    Nobody back there nobody nobody saw that nobody knows other than us talking about super tack over here yeah C of the day that’s just hours of entertainment scrolling on that thing what an honor to get featured on there I love the ones where on the Rocks like filming and the

    Rogue set comes through just gets smashed oh yeah just you know in the water camera gone I had a we had um right here this Jetty I I saw that go down this it was gnarly this girl like got smashed on the Rock and broke her leg and Steve Farwell rescued her but

    The funniest part were like it was high tide on this rock right here and she was out there early morning and we had seen a couple waves go over the rocks and this this girl’s out there she’s taking pictures and and someone in the lineup goes hey like politely hey Miss yeah

    Like you shouldn’t be there it’s not it’s it’s dangerous and she literally goes like this I know how to swim oh God and I’m not even joking within a minute this wave comes on and just blasts her off and she goes bouncing off the rock breaks her leg and is like going to

    Drown if we weren’t there to grab her oh gnarly and I was but just the way she’s like I know how to swim like like don’t tell me what to do we’re like okay here comes a set yeah we’ll rescue you in a minute literally within 30 seconds we

    Were rescuing her it was it was crazy it was funny but not funny anyways oh potato Emoji thing thank you but Mom 10 is too early to wake up for the couch wake up good we’re late where’s it 10 it’s 8:00 here so that East Coast Indiana Central Time yeah

    Little action well if you’re a server how’s the waves waves are decent waves look fun it’s not the massive swell we just experienced but it’s rippable Taj is going to get out there right Taj Tyler’s about to go out there right now too Tyler Tyler Gunter and Taj Miller what’s

    Up from Santa Cruz new big fan thank you David thanks for watching yeah David what’s that we got some money money $2 four $5 Prospect TV another $5 Prospect TV wait where have I heard of that guy I just saw some clips this morning probably my story you know who Prospect

    TV is is that your buddy yeah oh see who out Prospect TV I don’t know it’s un give us some info Prospect TV like Prospect like Newport Prospect Street yeah Prospect gang we posted this morning you did right yeah oh that’s what that’s what I saw the backside turns I was think Jimmy

    And Jared Cassidy yeah no you had some sick clibs snugged up in the Uggs yeah you know this this is such a fashion fo po I don’t care they’re comfy and warm I think I might need some Uggs maybe some pants this morning it’s a little cold

    Out here who’s regulating if Joe’s on the couch nobody I don’t regulate cell out there Brent Bearden I heard Brent Bearden was out there just snapping on guys earlier so yeah I guess guys were regula out there this morning it’s freaking heavy localism here at

    28th look at this guy oh flying down the line full traction slams it up in the lip guy knows what he’s doing front pad getting her done little like roffo kind of looking guy yo yo yo from NorCal yeah Chase how is Grant wearing shorts it’s freezing haha dude he was actually just

    Saying it was a big mistake big mistake I’m freezing but whatever I’ll run it okay Tyler walking around where was I oh T are you going to get out there yeah okay let’s do this let’s do it oh I was thinking about those Prospect Clips were

    Sick but I I was actually all bummed cuz we we dug up some clips of you yesterday but I wish I would have had those things ready to go dude that and Jared’s stuff Jared was ripping as well get dressed BR and come back over here before you go

    Out so you can plug all your sponsors make sure they’re of SM us Yer Jared’s gnarly I don’t know your backand look looking pretty gnarly I don’t know how that will help at Snapper but it was looking [Laughter] good okay oh good we got The Branding up

    Now people can see our logo it’s all important this guy’s got a helmet on that’s that’s a smart decision pretty heavy bottom out here yeah never know okay Tyler gun’s going out Tyler so Tyler is a world class Surfer he’s look at this guy flying down look

    How fun these little lefts are I mean I’d be out there for sure does look pretty fun for sure what we got here little grum little Peaks looks like little like combo wind swell type deal looks super fun this is our first Venture down to the lower Jetties it’s kind of a little

    Bit of a different scene than the than the upper Jetties different crowd except that guy Tyler he’s at every Jetty he’s at every Jetty so is um Taj about to go out yeah they they don’t miss the swell for sure there’s the that’s pointed towards Huntington there’s all the other

    Jetties that last Jetty is my beloved 56 Street the other side used to be good but now it sucks North Side the Jett is fun though gettings is that GRE Gidding just doing it boom boom local shaper Greg Giddings nice Yaky yak Taps that thing has Greg done any of the

    Events yeah yeah Greg I mean Dave DG’s done a bunch for us of course yeah it’s awesome to have those guys in the board Riders event they both rip yeah so Grant here is the president of the Newport Beach Board Riders how tell us the history what’s

    The con how did it all come about what what number board Rider were were you to join I think technically we were second or third well behind uh Seal Beach first it was Huntington but uh the boys around 2016 wheat and web and uh zigg and Chris

    Marino they reach out to us and said hey we just put together a club can you guys put together a club and next thing you know like a week later we had about 190 members frothing to Surf then we had to dwindle that down a little bit to get a team of

    28 um pick a team of 28 and then uh I think our surf our first event was I think around October November 2016 and it’s just been cranking ever since far back yeah and what has Brillo got a title is he an official something yeah he’s it always seems like you you two

    Are the guys kind of making it all happen well we have a board of we have a board of seven so you got uh myself you got Bill sites which is the vice president you got okay Bill sites WSL judge head judge Head North American judge

    And then you got to Brillo wi is director Treasurer I like it when the head judge is on our boy Riders team that’s I love extra couple points you know we’ll do whatever it takes to take down San Clemen which never happens no didn’t we take him out a couple times we

    Got we got lucky one day one day we got lucky at River Jetties everyone must have been on tour or something well and post got a perfect 10 oh perfect whammy which was uh huge for us as well but uh yeah and now I think what we’re in 2023

    With about F 51 clubs in total from coast to coast it’s pretty pretty awesome to see how much it’s grown and uh it’s grown crazy yeah it’s it’s awesome and it’s pretty cool to be able to be around all the guys you grew up surfing comps with

    And battling and heckling each other and yeah who else is on the new there’s uh there’s blackies they call that side blackies because of the bar located in the parking lot out there I bet there’s a couple people already getting going there probably came straight from the

    Bar and went straight out oh Giddings Giddings Chris Craven whoa whoa reverse Craven throwing some what’s Craven store I don’t really know but I seen he’s had like all those photos back in the 80s and stuff quick silver sponsor oh yeah I mean back in when I was a Grom I

    Remember coming around the corner to 52nd Street and seeing like the Cravens The Parkers uh um Mike Estrada Dave estratas those guys were the crew those were the guys that we all looked up to back then and Craven rips he sered some events for us as well

    And done done really good in them and yeah it’s pretty pretty awesome there’s Taj Miller son of another Newport Legend Todd Miller one of my Idols yeah one of my Idols as well I mean when I was I mean there’s basically like Richie and Todd to me are like the most successful

    I mean obviously rich CS is one major CT events but like the next guy down Todd Miller to me um as far as like successful pros and oh a absolutely that’s the to come out of Newport Beach Richie Collins Todd Miller for sure are uh the two best Pros

    To ever come out of Newport and then you’ve got like the droids we have some serious Talent here but as far as uh done the most on the CT tours would be the Droid would definitely had to run as like a main oh droid’s gnarly okay Taj Miller we’re just hyping your dad

    Out your dad give you any tips today what to do how to flare up for the live show my dad just tells me to go straight up it’s basically about it backside straight up that’s his mentality for sure yeah okay well bring your board over here here actually grab your board

    Come back here behind the thing show us your board and get out there before your feet get Frozen okay there you go tell us what you’re riding plug all your sponsors get him hyped riding uh driver three right now thing feels magic I like that Bo you’ve

    Been surfing good on that thing oh thank you yeah and then what are you sponsor you got all kinds of stickers I see got O’Neal always keeping me warm especially in these cold winter mornings and um got the uh JS fins from FCS the best

    Fins in the game and FCS pad too nice always sticking uh got a dragon keep my eyes protected and uh sun buum to keep my face protected but not Surf Side squares no surf Sid’s right here too I got to go to work after this too yeah supplying me Taj works at the

    Local Surf Shop Surfside Sports he’s got to be there at 10:30 right 10:45 10:45 okay all right well get out there before you get too too cold then come back in in like an hour 45 sounds good we’ll talk shop nice have fun buddy see what

    Your dad tells you get some tips from your dad those would be some good tips yeah like when I was a girl watching Miller surf that was we all looked up to the Millers the Robbie Todds oh yeah all those guys at that stage were so gnarly

    I remember Todd just being Next Level though it was it was Heavy yeah me too he was the quick guy help helped me out I worked with him a little bit when I was working with a team from the early 90s to mid 90s and uh yeah coming down

    And surfing the Quicksilver workouts on Tuesdays and Thursdays good luck trying to be Todd one of those comps at 54 Street dud he won the cold water classic that’s that’s that’s gnarly first to Mike uh Parsons right Mike Parsons second second yeah Andy was uh psaa Rookie of the Year Todd

    Todd Miller no way I didn’t know that one I mean I’m sure he’s got all he’s probably one other Pro event junior junior champ title right there’s the groms on their ebikes wonder what home school they go to oh that’s the gorius brothers oh these kids are gnarly I think that is

    Them right I guess it’s still get to school at this check out those boots what do they got Ugg boots how dare they those things those are SI see look at oh yeah that that’s Brett and Dan Brett and DNE Gregorius these kids rip they got

    The cool low top ones when it was pumping out here last is that a board sock or the I like the color of that thing those are sick board socks murf murf bikes couch for the win thank you Augustine sanfran has been firing got to

    Come up with the couch oh man I don’t know Seal Beach turn on for the couch epic episode oh thank you oh Tyler gun gun slams a lip thank you thank you to the Seal Beach locals Big Time Stoke is high and so am I let’s go cook action yes

    We’re all CS it looks too small it looks small and cold not fun I guess all depends where you’re from I mean if you’ve been in Florida and it’s been flat for two months you’re pretty look at that 3:00 a.m. here in Sydney whoa someone’s watching from Sydney I love it

    Thank you good vibes and love from Sydney Australia migy is that that Chris Craven boom boom he’s kind oh yeah Cooks down up never sleep I love it couch Emoji Shaka thing mig’s hyped that was Chris Craven of late 80s 90s Fame seal was core David it was thank you so much to

    The Seal Beach locals I hope not I hope not too many guys were bone but most of the most of the boys seem Stu pumping into the other section redirection get up in there ah like I’m breaking my own Ru rules I’m like we got to comment on the action

    Whoa Prospect TV thrown more we’re hyping them up let’s just talk about Prospect TV Prospect we’ll be rich by the end of the show we just keep talking about him let’s go Prospect we’ve ever sold though right oh so what was I going to talk about Taj is

    Going out Tyler’s already out there Tyler’s out there I remember the OG Surf Side at blackies me too that’s where I used to work me too I worked there as well for for Kathy right for Kathy and my sister worked there yeah that’s where I met well actually I knew your sister

    Before uh Sur side but yeah we had a good crew there winik the bomb Brothers um and that was when Steve Farwell was there Mike foyer Vance was a good crew we used to um they used to have like all the Ugg boots speaking of Ugg boots in the back

    With they’re all like cardboard boxes and the groms would have like full box box in matches back there and wrestling matches we could like throw each other into the Ugg boots and stuff oh crazy and then Duke and Paul got it and then I worked there I used to first I started

    Selling the renting the boogie boards in the in the summer I remember Duke Duke didn’t Duke was hesitant to hire me CU I just stare at the surf videos like half the time but then he he finally got me in there working normal well it was pretty classic back in the day when

    Blackies would be pumping eats her for two or three hours before work he’ go to work he work for a couple hours and I’ve got caught sleeping in the board bags underneath the wet suits no way I just crawl inside one ZIP of a coffin somebody come back and most of the guys

    Were cool but a couple times Kathy came in and she’s like hey Grant we got to stop doing this and I’m like okay just tired from Surf and she you got to Surf a little bit less stay up at work but yeah it was pretty awesome time life CAU

    Snoozing on the job I think we all like went into that board bag at one point in another sleep for sure Gregorius grms yeah boys we lost AIO we lost one hold on one second guys we lost some audio hold on Joe’s camera died that’s why just Joe just Joe I’ll just keep

    Talking sign language the other head oh look at that fixing fixing it right on the Fly use the other headphones what is it I’m not going to lie it is a little cold out here got the hands in the pocket Grant’s Grant’s regretting wearing his his shorts how many layers under that

    Hoodie you got is that just straight hoodie one layer whoa yeah I should have wore the salty jacket yeah I mean you know people in like New Jersey though think we’re such wusses like oh they’d be out here in their t-shirt probably like what are you guys crying about dude

    I served uh in Jersey at Sandy Hook it was like 4 some degree water you had to put like vaseline on before you put your suit on oh my God so cold Joe do you mind switching back to the other headphon yep I will switch back thank you Taj Miller

    Taj Taj Miller forming out stay with it weaving on to the inside this kid’s got a wicked backand bang so good slams it so many similarities to his dad yeah I love his he’s got nice form and like perfect technique there’s no like weirdness there’s nothing out of place

    When he surfs which no which is amazing I swear all this second here from Israel hello thank you for watching yeah Israel look at oh my God danger South Africa whoa Tyler gun wrapped into the pocket up into the power source flying down the line he he’s looking for

    Something big does he got it wo big Power car back into the pocket always carrying speed Tyler surf so good yeah he does there’s some way I like a guys think this sucks this looks fun enough to me Craven Craven what he got W pocket snap looks at the

    Beach we we saw you crav how old’s Craven what 50 something that’s got to be a Myster cuz I I’m assuming he’s just uh mid-50s or upper 50s that’s pretty good for mid-50s riding a little full needled shortboard just pocket snap we saw him do a reverse earlier yeah he

    Yeah c still surfs good he still FRS out he surfs almost every day there you go I like that I like anybody that surfs every day right and especially too when you get a little bit older you tend not to and it’s rad to see people uh yeah

    The coffee’s got to be perfect the wind’s got to be down I’m trying to keep the Stoke alive too but come sometimes you just got to go out there cuz then you always seem happy about it yeah I’ve been trying to force myself to get back in water nice canga

    See that guy’s face the whole time he is Big Love from the UK yeah Max thank you big love Max Big Love from Newport Beach got a big o face big o face should we do our top story since we’re News Network Le are you eyeballing Taj you know who

    Taj how Taj surf now the fastest guy out there yeah yeah pretty easy to spot I mean basically him and Tyler are the guys just ripping yeah want want to do top story yeah let’s do a top story since we are a News Network whoa Real News top story of the week

    Is ding ding ding ding ding giant swell smash into the California we had a bomber swell the biggest on record some people are saying look at that Ocean Beach pier is damaged by the waves it’s smashed it all up so yeah there was a massive swell some people are claiming biggest waves ever

    Seen running straight down the pier yeah I guess it it caused some serious damage there and then there was this one up in ventur Rogue Wave watch this truck I know the truck starts floating away let’s go looks like he’s about to gas it he almost going to run this guy over he

    Had to stop I guess a couple of you got hurt pretty good flying over that little break wall look at that that’s insane this is a little hard to see cuz the glare just blasted us but anyways the the swell was massive I don’t even think

    Like no one even predicted it to be that big I saw some photos of places that I couldn’t believe there just like these oil dcks down there there’s just waves all the way out to the oil Derek I’m sure there’s a lot of people that got rescued look at that just surging it’s

    Crazy look how much water is moving crazy L look at that look at that that looks like the same place that giant Rogue Wave came through right you can just tell how much water is being carried it’s I think this is Pismo Beach this is where all the RVs got got washed

    Off the beach and stuff oh yeah they were all smashing into each other it was it was nuts I saw some live footage yeah lot of claims of biggest ever this and that um I got some Oak I don’t know did you get some waves yeah I I got some

    Waves out here and then at uh like first second and third base at 28th Street there goes your RV I hope I hope that was insured hey honey I’m going to park right here proba trust trust me I got it we’re waiting for this to happen to the show

    We’re going to set up somewhere and the high tide is going to nail us so yeah that was top story we had a massive swell everyone loves that everyone surfed out this is why people think it’s oh Taj backside hat look at this form bang again third turn nice super quick

    In the pocket I love it d that look that was some Pro he said he’s Semi-Pro but that kind of looked like Pro level stuff it could be Pro level for sure perfect technique and form I think he’s just being modest yeah like his dad I notice a lot of these second

    Generation Surfers have like the the good technique down cuz they’re already getting like they already have so much info better info going into it someone who like parents didn’t surf at a high level yeah even a high like some parents surf but not like a high level like

    Correct yeah like Koh and Taj and all these guys have like the just the technique islay this groom and prodigies you know you grow up with like I yeah the typical example is the chlo right it’s I mean grow up underneath um Dino is your dad Mason all the oh yeah right

    Here watch this that’s perfect technique look at arms legs boom and then gets it out Chucks the tail a little bit and then quick one and another one sick so Taj is part of the Usher Cup team for Newport yep give us give us what is the

    Usher cup how many people are surfing in it give us the lowdown on the Usher cup since you’re the president of the newort beach board Riders yeah so Usher cup it’s a big deal one for us to be invited it’s uh it’s the world um board Riders championships in Australia it’s going to

    Be at Snapper and uh this year we got reached out to by um rabbit uh cordial invite from rabbit Bartholomew the rabbit the rabbit yeah I reached out to Brillo and then just through emails and talking back and forth we locked it in that we’d

    Be able to put together a team and um yeah we’ll be traveling over there from January 14th to the 21st the comp’s actually 18th through through the 21st be there a couple days early staying at Green Mount and uh yeah the kids are frothing we’ve got um Tyler gun or not

    Tyler’s not going on this one but we’ve got Quaid faran we’ve got um Colin Moran uh Mia Collins and Taj Miller going over there with Brillo um I might do a little sneaker last I was say are you going to try to get over there I am

    Try I’ve already been looking at it I might just strike Mission and go I was supposed to go originally but you know a little bit of work and responsibilities but I might just throw that out the window again B oh nice this is good Snapper practice I think these little FS

    Yeah yeah you’re going to go around the point yeah um so so the Usher cup is it’s like the world championship of all the board Riders Australia USA invite only invite only yeah and it’s it like I said they’ll I I’m assuming it’s you know everything from New Zealand Tyler bang up the

    Lip nice speed snap carve another snap throws chunks kick out no no pumps all rails love it why do I hear stuff oh no no wonder my phone was on playing some Instagram video I like what is that sound did you hear that it happens to me

    All the time I stuff’s always going off my pocket I couldn’t hear it so I think you’re okay I thought it was something in the headphones I’m like I’m hearing this girl talk F oh oh now now I did an emergency that always happens when I put

    It in this pocket it it hits the side buttons like perfectly they’re going to show up on the beach it’s got an emergency at SOS I I’ve done like 20 SOS from this couch then when I probably really need a SOS oh couch surfing show like And subscribe hit that like button people

    It’s very important it it pushes it out there we get more people viewing a lot of people watch it’s so easy just hit the like button and then like is free like yeah like is fre free likes are free and it pushes it out and it helps

    The show out so you want to help the show out hit that like button there’s a reason for it apparently I personally think it’s one of the best shows out there all the boys love it everybody I talk to in the surrounding communities too froth on this show people are

    Talking about I’m sure there’s a couple old grumpy guys not too stoked but that’s everywhere no matter how no matter how rad it is there’s always some grumpy guy way we get bigger there’s just more people will be over it but yeah we’re trying to keep it yeah we’re

    Trying to keep it chill we try to make sure we feature the local talent don’t show up got to get some long sleeve teas I know we’ll get those sell a few more t-shirts first yeah we got to sell a couple of the regular ones first and then we can reinvest

    It but yeah long sleeve that’s a staple of surfer guys girls you need those long sleeves some Sweatpants is that the el porto Jetty it’s 28th street is this Newport Beach California yes good guess yes how’d you guess we got the Newport board Riders president and I’m from Newport and every kid on the shows from Newport from Chile good waves enjoy it thank you Chile oh

    Gregorus scom y what up from Canada gregorus scom going on the line goofyfoot blows it up and goes down Dan so the Dane’s the one with all the sponsors yeah and the brothers right behind him those those kids during the last swell we just had were out

    Here there’s Brett Brett Brett and Dane Brett yeah oh Greg yeah Greg the other Greg I like how he must be the only shaper with a custom wet suit he does he’s got the the board yeah but it says GeForce on it yeah he’s got custom

    Screens remember that back in the day we used to get some screen couch couch show oh couch show wet suet suit would be sick oh yeah maybe some supplements some of the like the brain stimulating powers and stuff we’ll get there that could help me I’d be into it oh Taj on his

    Forehand this good Snapper Rock oh hope hopefully he doesn’t do that at Snapper but I’m sure he won’t oh I’m sure between him and Colin Moran and the all all the whole crew there’s and it looks like the window is going to be proper oh my God Solid 4 to six foot

    Through the whole whole run while they’re there we got a video they should we queue up that video Omar of the team the Usher Cup team this is our Usher Cup team for Newport you want to wait for these waves or we good oh yeah let’s

    Wait for these waves what do we got Craven again Craven pig dog drop flying down The Line closes out but speed kick out long border straight out don’t lose the other side of the jet is a big long longboard spot blackies that’s where you find most of the longboarders from Newport well Blackie

    Crew okay what do we got oh we got a logo oh here we go okay this is the that’s the team this is like some photos from Newport Beach Board Riders there’s you and Gunter the one time we won the one time we won yeah we’ll keep playing

    That one is that the other didn’t we win twice yeah we we’ve won twice we’ve won there there’s you getting shacked oh nice yeah 52nd Street photo by D butter that must be another win right there these are when we win the contest there’s holding the Cup proba drinking

    Out of it big part of the board Riders huge part for sure without him we wouldn’t have the events really no I know I mean how lucky is it that we have the guy that literally runs all the contest well and it works out good for

    Us too we run our in mural comps for our members yeah yeah the permits and they love them so we get to do like two or three a year privately it’s so you want me to play that video yeah this is the video I was talking

    About so here’s the Usher cut team Mia Collins Richie Colin’s daughter yeah surfing talent coming out of her ears she’s so good just coming watch this turn boom she looks like Richie CS so much right there quaan Quaid with another drainer and Inda that’s another team’s Taj there’s our boy Taj out

    There little hit Little Barrel 54th or something oh Callum Moran then the heavy hitter col Moran so heavy uh just flip it real quick oh yeah B Colin’s probably been Australia quite a few times yeah I think a couple other times he’s really stoked to be going

    This time as well he’s going to stay a little bit longer and catch and surf after the comp oh watch this might as well you go all the way over there Colin’s been featured in all kinds of what youth videos and stab videos and all that stuff so watch it watch it live

    Usher so they’re going to have a live feed when does the contest start um I believe the 18th through the 21st wow and it’s Snapper rocks I want to watch that one ah it’s going to be so good that that’s a dream to be in that

    Contest but I’m sure it’ be super nerve-wracking if it’s pumping Snapper pumping and then you’ve got the paros and all the different people surf Callum ran win the seal wave of the day comp a while ago I’m not sure exactly I I wouldn’t be surprised he’s that guy Billy Hopkins want it KY

    Mcari I mean I’m sure Colin’s got some sick waves out there he gets sick ones at cylinders I think pretty much everywhere he sures he gets a couple sick ones right he world class for sure so who’s on like the Oz teams is like Mick Fanning on the Snapper board

    Rid yeah and I and I heard uh possibly the rumor Kelly is Kelly is surfing for what I think that be Space Coast forers boom who was that was that Dane or Greg uh that was Brett Brett sorry Dan or Greg Brett Gregorius slams it that was

    Sick look straight at us make sure he’s got it did you get that video guy Brett ripping let’s Replay that thing Brett he slammed that thing are these guys on in the board Riders oh absolutely are 14 and under division they they crush it even when the waves

    Are pumping these kids will they Char it no fear yeah I saw there in Fiji and stuff yeah okay we’re going to replay Gregorius Gro nice on the sick T Patterson look at him just eyeballing the section almost getting Barrel it’s like two fet

    Overhead do I want to do a air just slam this thing with power boom slams it with power so sick looks straight at the camera guy going you better you better got that one dude here’s his brother Dan Dan he wants to do a air oh and he’s pulled off quite

    A few of those lately he’s been ripping getting a bub up they’re going to probably be making the CT soon who knows oh for sure right they Carly Carly Stone formerly anani media she got her own deal now SE Stone Productions she’s behind the scenes so she’s saying hi behind the scenes you

    Guys can’t see her because the camera’s pointed at the beach Usher cup what a dream so Mick Fanning’s going to be going against colum ran in the final and I wouldn’t toss Kelly out either right at oh yeah I forgot about him he’s pretty good I don’t maybe Parco

    Too I mean D I definitely want to watch that I watch any contest at Snapper place is have you been there before yeah many many years ago but uh yeah I traveled all over Australia coming out of Indonesia we stayed there for like a month and a half when I was with quick

    Nice and I got to travel all over the coast and I was blown away one how cool everybody was and two everywhere you look was just a perfect wave yeah so pretty and inviting and warm water and every ready to surfs all day Works Taj

    Bang up in the lip nice two WS it around let’s see is he going to bang another one of course he’s flying down the line perfect Farm speeding down there boom slams it again just a quick three up cuz he do care there’s Blake Sinclair yeah dad and son all of all of

    Our friends are off camera Blake’s on my board how long ago did I give you that thing Blake Co yeah Blake’s Blake’s the guy is telling you we us to have a friend down here at 34 Street we just leave all our stuff at their house every day and then then ride

    Our bikes down the hill and there his family lived right at 34th so that was like the Gathering that was the Gathering place where we all learn to surf Punker Pat Chad towy McKai McKenna Dustin Hine I remember and and then we graduate to 54th once once we think we

    Know what we’re doing I think we graduated just a little bit before you yeah and then you guys came around the corner and were like these guys rip here’s the new the new crew it was a lot of it was cuz his house like he had the

    House and his parents would like the side of the house was just all the ground boards yeah for sure and then we we didn’t have to bring the board down we’ ride our bikes down the hill and then just go on the side of the house

    His dad would snap once in a while cuz we’d be loud or make a mess or something oh yeah clog the toilet clog the toilet it’s like dude there’s cuz he Four Brothers there’s four brothers all within like a year of each other oh at a

    House down at the beach with all of their friends yeah their friends and their friends yeah so just just chaos I’m sure I can only imagine well it was like it was like our whole crew too you know you’re from Newport you start down in these Jetties you work your way up to

    52nd 56 Street and it was like the cordells the spides the Matt Stanley Steamer the bombs the wickies that was our crew and then we oh we we never forgot it we walked up the beach one day and the swell was pump and we came around the corner 502nd and we’re all

    You guys want to surf we were probably about 14 and we’re like yeah let’s just paddle out we all got thumped and then from that day on we just stayed and got thumped and loved it and grew up there right and we never actually came down

    Here unless it was pumping or this time of the year right once you leave here you don’t come back down until it’s pumping until it’s pumping yeah Cordell speaking of Cordell Cordell Miller Newport Legend shaper nice two little snaps kick out look he’s still got it he’s for sure got

    It he’s yeah he’s amazing surfing lowers with him is great you just lowers local and a Newport local simultaneous totally gets more waves at lowers I think wave counts probably more than anybody at lowers yeah I mean he’s out at lowers every SW oh look at this bomb Taj Taj

    Let’s go right into it setting it up look at this wave boom nice come on T got hold that pokes the nose look at that people are complaining about that way look fun Tyler Tyler wo pocket wrap little slide out lost his speed and slaps the water dude it’s intense here on the

    Couch they want to perform for the couch show Tyler Gunter he’s his VI and Dane right there just paddling out yeah or that’s Brett I think does Newport and HB still beef with each other no not really not like when I was a ground we’d go

    Down there on our bikes Crouch and a big group of guys we go down there and you everybody be scrapping in the water and since the board Riders thing started it’s I mean it’s you yeah we we don’t have that beef anymore we still we still want to rival

    Each other in battle Riverside boys and I got beef okay okay there’s still like people to their zones though like oh yeah yeah yeah I like to wander up to Huntington but literally there’s only like the two guys from Newport that I see up there on the

    Regular basis Ben Benson yeah and then the same vice versa like you get the Huntington guys that that come down here when the swells like a big South but it’s it’s only like the few guys venture over but most kind of Stay Stay Stay on

    One side of the bridge or the other for sure yeah just cuz they get used to that but usually the groms go to the groms serve Huntington Pier all like the Newport groms yeah those are like honestly the only Newport people I see up there cuz they they know if you want

    To be like I mean you got to be able to serve huntingt if you want to do anything in like competitive surfing okay Taj again let’s go Taj I see all the time look at this SL boom up into it bashes through the lip kick out thought he was gonna get a second

    One cordell’s out there this is like the only other place Cordell serves so you see him you see him at lowers 28 28 yeah yeah I mean these Jetties where we’re at right now is is kind of a winter spot for newort but when it gets good out here it

    Gets really fun it’s like super rippable left last couple of weeks we had some good ones out here we’re 27th and 28th first and second and third base at 28th we’re we’re firing everybody got good waves saw a couple Huntington guys here usually when this place is good everywhere else is absolutely Bonkers

    Yeah yeah for sure sometimes I feel guilty I’m like okay like this left is sick it’s like head high a little overhead but I know everywhere on this Coast is probably twice the size black is 68 ft and pumping yeah I’m like ah I’m going to go serf

    28 stuck on the couch once again yes Tom do you guys ever announce where you will be or just where the waves are best love your channel no because this is breaking news you can’t announce breaking news we go in these swell events and if you if you actually watch the waves aren’t

    Like actually going off every time I think that last episode whoa Barrel W makes it through the Section almost punched through that was sick though that he he went he went through the really tough part I didn’t think he was going to get through there might have

    Got a little greedy he tried to stay and he thought he was in the back door shootout almost busted through more points but he did shoot through that one section that was a tough section oh what was I talking about come to a show in Florida sometime love watching

    David we would love to get there one day just snagg the cook meter shirt no way that’s a those guys did our theme song yeah these guys wrote our theme song gum Global United music yeah all their details are in the description well we’ll throw an extra shirt in there guys

    Thank you so much thank you gum thank you for the music Jason Jason Jason yeah Jason who do we got this guy’s paddling in like he knows what he’s doing he kicks out whoa Gregorius Grom that was was it Dane or Brett Dane or Brett so how does

    Someone so there’s four let’s talk about this Usher cup thing a little more so how does is it the same format as the board Riders like a tag team thing or is I think there’s a couple different elements right there’s a straight contest component to it like surfing

    Just a heat there’s some other different elements throughout the comp and then there’s the the the combined score tag tag team event stuff as well there so yeah a couple different components I’m not familiar with everything that happens over there in Oz because I know it’s a little bit different from what we

    Do here it’s not the exact not is it tag team or who knows um it’s just com I believe it’s just combined score oh so it’s like a regular comp but you’re you’re representing your team correct your your score from your heat will be applied to the other three along with

    The other three Surfers so yeah I I just can’t imagine how heavy it’s going to be there think of oy and all this I’m sure all these guys are showing up for it how about how about they they have like um each team is almost each different break like

    Snapper dball oh God I know close one’s a different club right uh yeah so all the clubs are going to be competing at uh Snapper but yes all the clubs from around the coast are going to be there well like in Australia it’s different than here here are board Riders like

    City by city correct but over there like like in some areas it’s like point to point like there there’s the there’s the there’s Snapper de there’s the Snapper um board Riders then there’s the Kira board Riders correct and you could literally see the Snapper board Riders

    You can see the point yeah you’re just like within looking distance of the two clubs and and over there they have like it’s like a real like um like yach Club type model like you know they have the building with the restaurant Bly ble compound yeah three levels it’s like a

    Hotel how do we get that going we’re we’re working on we’re working on it I might not see it in my uh here maybe mut Lynch’s like lease is up we could take over that place yeah I mean I’d be down for that I’m just thinking like what

    Would they be missing waves but I you’re missing waves what not really never I I’m trying to queue up a I’m think what the equivalent of like that would be here that would be like if if Huntington board Riders club was was the Duke’s building or something or like the poo or

    Something you know well I mean Snapper rocks you’re literally like you’re on the break drinking a beer eating fish and chips right on top of the trainers chefs we got a quickl it’s a whole it’s a whole thing insane so like the with like the Burley right their whole

    Program there Tyler calling off the Speed um earlier up into the lip again little tap little tap and of course he’ll finish it oh then slams it at blows the tail out nice nice Ender yeah Tyler was going to go um represent us over there but he oh Taj

    Again nice Taj dude he’s freaking ripping on the back hand yeah he’s so quick yeah so Tyler was going to go for us but he’s uh making a run at the Qs and doing well so he’s staying behind there he goes come on woo backside whip tail whip thing

    Yeah I mean Tyler’s probably the only guy from Newport to like compete on the Challenger Series Ever I think yeah yep whoa it’s getting it’s getting gnarly out there woo whoop I didn’t see you there buddy hey bud no worries it’s a twoot wave let’s there’s Blake and his grum

    Oh that’s our boy Blake he got us the aloe gig we used to do all the work for Alo yoga you seen those like leggings and stuff yeah yeah he got us in there that was that was a fun run but they went in-house eventually and then we

    Weren’t didn’t want to do that full time but we love them hopefully get some more work someday it’s all you can hope for right yeah in the meantime in the meantime like And subscribe we have a lot of people in here not enough likes so I I feel like

    I’m begging every time but it’s really important can we beg you for some likes please please give us some likes it pushes out you want to help the show just hit the like button oh like if there’s 300 people watching there should be 300 likes right yeah easily boom hit

    The like button it’s easy just like it we see it we see it in the analytics when I ask for the likes and people do it the thing goes up and it pushes it out almost immediately after and can you see too if they’ve looked at the page

    But didn’t like it they’re analytics for that I said two people down like no but like when people like 300 people watching and then there’s only 20 likes you could assume that like not everyone liked the thing yeah oh my God please like me please just like it you’re

    Watching it for the last 45 minutes just like it it’s just it’s it I guess boom it pushes it out get it going algorith then you see the thing on the side of your deal more likes it will it will surface right so you can see it more want to

    Come out here more and get more shows yeah we want you out here more this Show’s epic how does one become a a member of the Newport board Riders do I have to have like a a former pro surf career or how does it work oh no it’s

    Just it’s just Community Based right for really anything that funnels one if you’re in this backyard of Newport Beach or you know surrounding areas you know the irvines the Costa Mesa um oh Tyler you’ve lived here for on the line do a huge air nice Tyler oh

    Come on sorry to interrupt you that’s that’s what I was talking about we got to we got a yeah be like mid sense like oh my God oh my God Tak off yeah just go ahead and punch me and then I’ll just stop um but no it’s just Community Based

    Right you we get everything from people just love surfing part of the part of the club to coming to the parties hanging out the beach doing all that stuff and then there’s the ab C Surfers right that are all part of the club then they fight for a shot at being part of

    The team that represents us when we surf up and down the coast and there’s like 28 28 members at a time comp for us so there’s like qualifying with internal board Riders events that that you qualify for the oh here goes Blake Sinclair on my last surfboard nice that thing’s working yeah that’s

    That’s uh that’s one of my old boards yeah Lake wants a highlight clip he does who we got here L rips we all grew up surfing together learned how to surf 34th Street the next Jetty over here that was a proper turn the last one no

    He could serve yeah yeah let’s give it the rewind he called Logan Dulan uh c as well who did oh really Blake Sinclair when they were kids cuz they dressed all funny oh yeah oh yeah that’s what Logan’s story was yeah it was a good one Logan’s like dude Blake Sinclair called

    Me a cook and it just made me want to rip and Logan does rip yeah no I was like what’d you go he well I wasn’t that good and then blak and Clair it’s cuz he used to the fire he used to wear um the surf clothes but didn’t actually surf oh

    They didn’t actually surf Blake was like you’re freaking C we clothes but you’re not even trying to shirt and dude Blake’s actually the nicest guy in the world like Logan said that I remember being that but you know when you’re kids you’re like yeah dude you can’t wear the

    Vcam stuff unless you’re freaking out suring dude you’re a cook you’re a cook you can’t wear combos bro you got to wear one of the other Blake’s like what I said that he’s the nicest guy what a replay for Blake look dud look at this turn W little

    Archy layback then gets it going so good then right back Tor out the tail he needs some new wax manbe looks like a lot nice and smooth I like my wax all clean it look like some dirty wax but looks like it’s working yeah o potato Emoji

    Stuff what’s so what is there a membership fee board Riders uh there is there’s a $50 annual membership fee and then that’s for just yourself let’s say you sign up and then every other family member that’s in your family $25 for each one of them and then

    You get all kinds of goodies right a bunch of gear and sunbum towels hats sweatshirts um and if you’ve already um paid for your membership and you’re competing for us there’s no entry fee for you for like competing like the West Coast board Riders

    Events um yeah we do a lot of cool stuff we do like inter Club comps um at least twice a year um in our backyard ranging from 56th Street 54 through 28th um yeah it’s we haven’t got to do the 28th one yet cuz there’s doesn’t

    Break that often no and if we’re going to risk it on trying to make a full day of running a comp that well well you know if it was even just like this though you’d run for sure oh this would be this would be fun we just haven’t we

    Haven’t done a West Coast board Riders here yet but we’ve done an inter Club comp here yeah to side wrap lets the tail lose up and over again he he’s got all oh looks pretty fun to me like And subscribe thank you Jeffrey yeah Jeff hit the Dork

    Button like thanks boys Johnny liked it twice yes Ed yeah can you like it twice you just hit it a million times just hit it counts twice but yeah go do that yeah do that just hit it twice for just just for fun what we got Omar screen cell oh

    Cordell Miller Legend shaper whoop he shaped that board himself and he surfs good on it woof classic forehand WP snap Cordell does the border the best thing I always say about the board Riders is you get all these Legends back in the Jersey like Tom C Matt Archer

    Taylor KNX padle Connell padle Connell Gregorius boom going for it sending it I love it gr’s charge kids are always sending it Dad is a chiropractor of some sort right they sponsor one of the best one of the best they sponsor the the um Newport Beach surf Championship there he is

    Whoop there’s one of his kids we had a taba post um dislocate her ankle at one of her events and he came down came right down reset her ankle she went up got a cast put on and good up in the power source little float Jive gets the two for

    One this guy’s arming him Blake again dude Blake’s putting on a show he’s trying tube for us yeah Cordell yeah Cordy cordell’s walking up to the beach uh little furry friend on the side there on the board he he caught so grant grant and him are like

    Childhood friends and he walks up and Grant’s got a Mayhem this morning Cordell had something to say about that good good board but where where’s my Cy yeah Cordell dude we got a couple snaps of you that last little pocket turn you’re gnarly yeah you got you got a couple

    Good ones Cordell couple fast turns yeah you want to give us an update you want to poke your head back here sure we got okay we got a couple words from Cordell Miller he’s got a run uh what time is it give us a quick little update Cordell what do you like about

    This wave what bardy riding of course look at there’s no dims written only he knows the dims dims are on the top the the perfect in search of the perfect rocker yeah I heard you caught you caught Grant with his Mayhem this morning yeah he’s busted you you guys grew up surfing

    Together right yeah yeah for sure what are you ring what does Cordell bring out to 28 this is a board Greg [ __ ] glass for me oh my God another Legend another Legend yeah he’s in Kawaii right now and um hope to go see him soon let’s get this thing closer

    Boom sorry sorry you’re good yeah so there’s the camera I didn’t know action there goes tone Taj Taj boom dude his backand is problemy huh good loose like his old man yeah just so similar in a lot of things which is all the good things yeah so Cordell

    Uses the cloh Andino fins oh Tyler Gunter Tyler these rights are so hard out here boom that was sick not bang two Turner that was mental that was that’s our go-to whammy in his division he always puts up a 85 to 100% to a high nine foror

    SC yeah Danang W nice that was sick you must have been watching Cordell out there it was fired him up is this one of your most favorite ways Cordell I always see Cordell here or lowers yeah you always get the good ones no way no I’m always behind you you’re always ahead of

    Me that’s for sure Cordell we’ve had many good days out here yes this is uh one wave that stays the same and I think the uh the pier is part of that reason because the sand you know where the rest of the the rest of the Jetties the waves

    Are just just um get kind of yeah you know I think there’s not enough uh not enough Jetty so the sand just Shore Break yeah I know well they’re now they’re putting more sand and hope somebody will go whoa let’s put extend the Jetties and then the waves will be

    Insane you no kidding spread it out a little there’s a solution that’s what we proposed just stop bringing in the sand and extend the jety another 40 feet yeah another another 140t and then right then we got proper waves coming all the way down the line exactly was the I remember

    54 yeah I mean the chett the Jetties are so short now but I guess like if the beach was shorter the waves would come in more and bounce around and not be so Shore Breaky but correct I’m sure the city just thinks more Beach more people on the beach more protection for the

    Houses blah blah blah there there’s that element too but like back in the day 52nd Street was one of the longest Jetties dude you can walk around it at low TI No now you can walk around it and it’s maybe about 30 feet long 40t long

    Or something yeah I trip on how like you barely have any wax on that thing Cordell I know did that’s all good no slippage I was I was struggling guys come on now didn’t look like you’re were struggling to us dude you’re ripping yeah always ripping formed

    Out cordell’s done some of the board Riders he’s done board Riders he’s done a bunch of pro events back when I was at quick he surfed all kinds of pro events of course there it goes yeah he’s he’s narly oh re do the jety handleing Norse

    Well yeah I mean that’s kind of what it is it like short period but like I said if this place is good that means everywhere else is probably good too yeah Cordy what a ledge uh oh the fans are chiming in they’re coming in where do you order where how do you

    Order a board from Cordell you got a website DM Cordell what’s the how do we get you some business oh well show up a lowers boom snap yeah Gunther Gunther Cordell something or other yeah yeah or my Instagram Instagram thr Cordell DM what’s your Instagram Cordell surfboards uh yeah

    Yeah Cordell surfboard Cordell surfboards cordell’s had so many gnarly guys I had a magic Cordell when I was K days yeah took it for granted how good that board was we had fun back in the 90s I’ve had a bunch of magic Cordell have one right

    Now I mean you some who was on the board Donovan and everyone’s had Cordell at some point Dino GAC yeah dude and Dino uh he’s very particular about his boards so if he liked if he liked your boards and rote them that’s that say deal yeah

    Him and Shane ban they they Tau me how to do the rail they taught you they taught me how to taught a lot of people I think they pick it up and it goes like this and if there’s any Edge at all he he just puts it down he just down he knows

    Already nice and round no Square rail got have the little golf ball but you know what I notic like okay the Surfers check the board like that like you say but but every shaper lays it down goes like this and looks at the bottom what are what are the Shapers looking at

    Versus they’re looking at the at the and the concave and you know the the things that you have to shape you know yeah there it is Cordell surfboards sweet board local shaper everyone’s had a magic Cordell at some point I I actually had the fourth board

    He ever shaved really in the barn at his place in elel yeah rote it at lowers right after it got glassed it was was punt whoa AR what boards did you ride before you rode your boards what was Cordell on before Cordell CG pouch and and

    Um I got a lot of board xanadoo sanados and uh oh GR flying down the line do a huge carve and Jack Martinez my shaping up oh nice I had a wo the fan you know I was like any any the kid I wanted to try it all you know you want

    To try it all yeah what made you want to start shaping I those other boards weren’t working good well I need my heart broken and I was uh heartbroken and and broke and I just shaped a board at a Str shop and needed something to take your mind

    Off the Heartbreak and and um and Mike was there and he gave me some pointers and it’s been we’ve been you know buddies kind of neighbors neighbors you guys are neighbors in the in the the Newport surf ghetto what do they call that area wasn’t there there the west

    West side just where like wave tools and all the shaping area 18th Street oh yeah it’s like it’s like got some good ones Tyler yeah that board looks good the surf industry meca right everything spawned out of that area yeah okay guys I gotta get good to see you Budd both thank you

    Y cell I love you you’re the man thank you oh this guy C love you buddy this guy’s who’s this guy wants to do Air Boom is that dyl that was mental was that Dylan look at Tyler’s CL I knew it was Dylan for okay Mark that one as a

    Highlight yeah that’s definitely getting a highlight I didn’t know it was Dyan cuz he had that it almost looked like a O’Neal sticker but it’s dark Seas or something I knew that that first drive I was like oh yeah Dylan’s out Taj Todd crap dude that backside that thing is

    Dialed huh it’s wicked nobody would have got two turn there he gets it vert and then kind of gets that little tail tweak at the end and the drives on it out of that first turn and was able to get up again yeah he needs to get some rights

    Though cuz he’s going the SN Snapper I know right but we we had him come out here I know he was surfing rights yesterday that were kind of look like Snapper but like poor man Snapper Dylan Tyler you want to get in here soon or you going to go back out replay oh

    Dylan Dylan horde this guy drops in on him but he goes right around that guy comes flying down the line widens The Stance a little bit he’s eyeing this section oh boom huge air projects out into the flats and standard issue standard good job what yeah that was crazy that was sick that

    Was a proper highlight did we Mark that one we’re going right back to the office for that one I loved it he was all in control the whole way through massive someone said massive Dylan hord he’s on the Newport surf team as well oh yeah he surf for us quite a bit who’s

    Who’s this I didn’t know there was this board of directors who’s on that thing let’s hear it uh board of directors is uh Bill sites yeah Darren brart yes um Scott Madison spides uh yeah spider how do didn’t know spides was on the board yeah Lauren McGregor Lauren okay Bo

    Irvine Bo Irvine Dave post Dave post and Tyler Gunter is now our new team captain you’re the team captain Tyler yeah whoa I graduated a coach big announcement today yeah Tyler Gunther is the team captain yeah it’s it’s awesome Blake Sinclair let’s go come Blake Who yeah him him and posty team up and uh so what what are the what’s going you guys have meetings and what goes down in this thing here’s Dylan back side SN yeah Dylan let’s go crap yeah Dylan yeah so we have meetings we talk about stuff we want do for the

    Club stuff coming up vote on cool stuff that we want to do you know and then uh and then leading up to the comps right there’s all kinds of work that happens leading up to that getting the getting everybody dialed getting everybody tuned up and then uh yeah going after trying

    To go after the win right it’s kind of hard chasing s Clemy what um right where all the clubs are surfing good I mean they’re but s Clem seems to run out in front by like 40 50 points everyone we just just got to get into that lowers contest so we

    Can serve lowers again we just need you know to have a starting lineup like there’s a full CT you know lineup not not that we we should just make sure we run all those events during like the qss so half those guys are gone I guess Tyler would be gone then too

    Yeah from sick backside combos nice Brett yeah I’ve been trying to hit up Darren about that can we uh do these comps like right speed wrap snap snaps it up again goes around that guy he’s going to get a bonus section boom nice Taj three turn

    Combo oh Taj is coming in I can’t wait to see them gregorus yeah yeah Dane danne and Brett yeah danne’s goofy foot like Dan Gus and Brett’s the regular foot Powerhouse correct chasing his big brother down I wonder what’s I wonder what so I wonder what the membership fee

    Is for those Aussie board Riders where you just get to freaking eat fishing chips on the on the point well they they got big title sponsors too that outside of it like the The Fosters and the and then the government gifts some of those government land with the hotels on it

    For the clubs no way can we get some government funding or City of Newport Beach yeah I don’t know the way things are going here but uh I don’t know if we’re going to gift it anything but uh uh there’s a lot of money floating around here can we get some kind of

    Sponsorship I mean millionaires everywhere you look no one wants we just need a surfer billionaire guy to just Stoke us out that that’d be pretty Kayer dud we live in Newport have you seen that Harbor no one no one with any of those Yachts is a surfer none of them

    Even moved and they’re wor my house the Yachts someone’s got to know somebody oh we’re working on it though don don Meek actually is really helping out to try to get some big title sponsors for all the clubs yeah we know yeah you should see what the business pan looks like for

    Burley it’s like a full corporate SE full blown it’s it’s gnarly CU that’s our I wonder that’s I was curious I wonder what the membership is like is that is it thousands of dollars to be a member of the Snapper board Riders club they have it’s a good amount but not

    It’s not 50 bucks no more than that right but the thing is there’s a lot of big title sponsors other than like a lot of us have like one big sponsor they’ve got four or five paying in that helps them do all the cool stuff for the board

    Riders right so and they’ve been doing it since 19 1962 board Riders clubs back there we’ll get there one day we’ll get there my daughter will be sitting here talking to somebody else on your couch when my dad started it was $50 50 bucks totally no it’s 30,000 but we got a freaking

    Full-blown uh clubhouse with spa and hey we did have a clubhouse and a training facility and a retail Center on 31st Street when we started I know that sick didn’t last too long right I was kind of funing it for the first year and a half

    I know that’s what I’m saying you got to up the rate all you need all you need is a bar and some food and then people will come right for sure right honestly if you have the bar everyone’s going to want to be part of the CL I would never leave

    That’s the problem right yeah we got your clip huge roundhouse Blake with a big TR no way D we got a good replay of you you I think you need a new wax job though you need to clean that wax really D look at that good luck

    Wax no way I do that’s a magic board got to keep that thing clean he just goes in gets a few gets out did you get some gr got two of the best waves and then just got out did you get some or what or dad was just taking all the good

    Ones he got he got a couple good job we all learned how to surf at your your grandparents house we used to stash our boards and Grandpa would snap at us be too loud making a mess Bob they call him bobp you you call Grandpa Bob no way that’s like how Bart

    Calls Homer Simpson Homer okay see guys seeing you guys thank you Sinclair family otherwise I’d be a baseball player or something what you need yeah get on here both you guys are you gonna go rip what are you gonna do I’m gonna actually probably just go back

    To work okay Grant’s gonna go back to work okay thank you grant Collins we’re not out of here we’ll wait for him yeah make sure to get your couch surfing show to Eric Warner yeah Warner Warner got one than Eric Warner saw thank you Eric yeah

    Eric what up buddy do you know Eric War yeah yeah sick I think right he lives in New Jersey that one too this is Oceanside photographer fly fisherman Eric Warner got my t-shirt yesterday you yeah Julio thank you thank you Julio thank you everyone for buying the

    Merch we’re going to have the brain power stuff soon coffee and cou serving what a great Friday already yeah Ethan Aloha all the way from Kon Aloha nice Kona Aloha Friday don’t worry we’re going to get this thing done before the back door shootout starts so we don’t

    Have to compete with that one thanks for sharing the Stoke from Long Beach New York homo Scoot and Surf and ball sack yes baller ons a man sco’s man scotin has those huge like surf schools over there anyone know I rental for 900 per month and yeah my my storage unit out

    Back I know a bathroom yeah you want to live with unfortunately yeah 900 bucks you know it is kind of sad I was thinking the other the other day like when I was a kid like all you guys all the surfer guys live down at 54th and

    Like every other house was like Surfer flop pad now like no no Surfers can live down Beach no like 20-year-old Surfer kids like IA way too expensive I probably couldn’t have Liv down there cuz I was in a quick house for about five or six years yeah there’s no way

    Like all around 54th and spides and Troy and they all had like 52 house right I’m just like dude no one lives good to see you gForce gForce in the house cell’s out there’s out there you ready to sit down Tyler captain of the surf team yeah jump in I’m going to

    Jump out sit down Captain the president’s got to leave the captain’s coming in yeah thanks Joe work with him at Al yoga haha Julio Julio yeah Julio yeah boys thanks thank you gr epic Newport board Riders check out their Instagram join up if you want the mega Clubhouse is coming Soon thank you grant Grant Collins president of the board Riders now we have the captain of the board Riders a Joe hello Tyler Tyler Gunter Qs Challenger competitor Pro server and newly appointed captain of the Newport Beach I captain I captain I’m the captain what does that what does

    That entail what kind of kind of stuff you got to do um help with picking the rosters and coming up with the game plan for the day of and picking the order in which the Surfers will go the whammy all the fun things that me and Dave post

    Work together on that so it’s not just me and myself doing it but got the whole Squad Beyond us that makes sense cuz you’re kind of the gnarliest guy competing in all these Pro level events well I don’t know we got some gnarly guys here in Newport but it’s definitely

    We definitely do we got who’s on the Challenger Series besides you well got no we got narly got the next generation’s Super gnarly I feel like there’s um there’s a little gap for a little bit but now you got Taj and o’keef Quaid oh yeah uh you got a good

    Squad kids next little the next little Squad yeah that 15 to 19 range is solid right now perfect so if you don’t get in the top four they can blame you for not making the cut I guess you could be mad at me yeah I’ll take it here’s one of your ways oh

    We got a replay let’s watch Tyler here oh this right oh Dylan went left but we’re on we’re on Tyler oh yeah I was worried cuz most rights kind of suck but then watch this thing was pretty soft down the line gave Chun then straight in

    Bang vert kicks the tail a little bit nice yeah board’s feeling magic get going nothing in between little soft stuff what’s next Pismo Qs what’s on the schedule yeah Pismo Qs on um January 26 second so that’s why I’m not heading to Australia with the crew wish I was a

    Little bit jealous but it’s all good I’ll be tuned in every heat can’t wait to watch were you tempted to skip pisma for Snapper I definitely gave it a good thought yeah I had to sit on it for about a week and weigh out odds but came

    To the conclusion that I think I’d rather surf Snapper in the Challenger Series oh there you go that’s that’s a good way to look at it yeah so a little extra motivation got into Pismo this year how many more events in the regional Qs before before you qualify

    For Challenger there’s four more events two of them are uh a higher rated one so Pismo is a 3,000 and then barbos to end the season will be a 5,000 like if that was a 1,000 would you have gone or would you have gone to Snapper oh I would have gone to Snapper

    100% it’s just it’s only because it’s 3,000 you kind of got to you got to do it if if you think you’re going to qu I mean out of the nine events in the region only three of them are higher than a 1,000 so can’t really skip those

    To feeling to be on the Challenger Series where are you at right now I’m sitting at seventh oh nice how many make it five or eight seven and one wild card oh nice yeah so I just got to how many are stay where I’m at or get higher there you go

    Yeah most of the big uh big Point contests are still to come right is like 5,000 this one’s coming about 3,000 yeah so the first one the Jax Pro was a 3,000 and then yeah two more big ones to come oh we never did any of our segments

    With Grant oh we should yeah [ __ ] oh well gu let’s check in with Florida we haven’t we haven’t seen the condition yeah let’s see the Florida report I’m going to have to go to the bathroom again soon what’s the Florida report we got our correspondent in

    Florida oh I love it Flagler Beach he he’s live right now on the beach no way I was born might have been pre-recorded but who knows Flagler Beach surf report with Axel Blaze that’s the coolest name ever I think it’s Axel Blaze Lacy on Instagram I got add Axel Blaze Lacy sick

    Okay let’s see I now Z to one foot and it’s actually freezing decided to take a trip to PR the waves have been pumping all week to 4 to 6ot and it’s the water is so warm here so why I love this place I’m going go surf now what 4 to six feet

    4 to six feet in PR Puerto Rico I think he made the right move there again I thought Florida how similar is Puerto Rico to Hawaii I I thought he was in Hawaii before he said look like Rocky po or something yeah I thought for sure he

    Was going to say is at Rocky po that’s what I thought too holy crap okay Taj Miller just sat down yaj oh we’re back we are back you went out and strapped your backand looking lethal so that should help at Snapper maybe it’ll be at debba that

    Would be sick oh look how bright and sunny it just got weaving down the line the glare is gnarly out there it can’t go right I got to pee so bad but what do I do go get it we’ll keep yeah we can hold it down I’m going to run to the

    House luckily we know a house here we could use the bathroom house is pretty close got it and I’m going to come right back and then we’ll do a segment just just comment on these groms ripping yeah maybe do a little rewind a Tage okay all right I’m running oh my God we

    Should go let it out so Taj what are you most psyched about for Australia dude just like the waves if we get swell it’s going to be Psycho especially cuz I like to go right the whole time so I think you might go right A lot of the time I think you’re

    Pretty psyched on it yeah I’m just kind of excited just to go somewhere out of Newport yeah that’s the best part warm water board shorts sand bottom right point it’s going to be a steaming hot sun there oh yeah can’t ask for much more I know you can’t ask for much more

    Board shorts and rights that’s what I love and uh when are you guys heading over there uh we leave the 14th so we get to the 16th cuz I think you lose a day sick oh pipe is firing right now I’m sure it is probably a little bit better than out

    Here oh dude who shootouts going to be on all day but you know couch surfing show is only on for a little bit so stay tuned in here saw a couple guys pulling in out there I think it’s a little too early for the Deo to be on too yeah I

    Think it goes on at like 10 or something like that another hour who’s this for me almost oh we got a replay of you Taj right walk us through this thing Taj oh here so just little carb slid the tail almost a little too much though so

    Kind I got caught behind but that turn was sick oh thank you I’ll look I’ll look for more looking Snapper ready good transition turn right there can’t wait to see all that Snapper dude see you there have you been to Australia TSH I never have it’s my first

    Time I Liv there for like a year it’s insane no way whereabouts I was all over I was like a dirty hostile kid for a while where was your favorite I lived in Melbourne but that was uh I was in Darwin too I was all over on Gold Coast

    For a bit too oh dyl Dylan H in frame and out of frame that is okay look like a small wave yeah oh you’re good there’s just Dylan came pumping through that’s Dylan launching some out there Dylan did a huge air thing was sick D I think I might have saw it

    Looked not early break in the action right now waves are a bit slow should come to Pismo for the W’s yeah Tyler’s going soon I’ll be in Pismo in like two or three weeks can’t wait is there going to be waves I don’t know I haven’t looked but you know Pismo’s

    Always fun seems like there’s all these waves there’s no waiting period for those right they just uh they just run them oh yeah they just run it yeah I mean I feel like with the Central Coast you’re most likely not going to have a day that’s completely flat oh yeah

    There’s always waves up there there cold mornings and glary afternoons captains don’t need shoes I do need shoes my feet are freezing should have put shoes on dude yeah socks or what where you get where it get yeah I can’t film my want to see Dylan’s replay yeah see it yeah corner

    Of my eye is this his punt yeah I think so oh gu trying to roast him too what insane wow all the way around that super psycho that sick yeah clip right there clip it going on Insta soon thing’s already on there somebody clip it oh here comes Joe running back

    Who’s this oh splashing water oh aggro there’s some beef in the lineup nice little turn off the top right there Vibes are high out there everyone’s stoked besides the guy splashing water at him guys score some waves where’ you guys surf during that last run of swells

    Uh surfed 80% of the time out here and then 20% of the time at Seal Beach where were you surfing at what did I miss I I surfed here a couple days and then 54th was like no one out too which was nice we’re talking about where we

    Surfed on that last P that mic away before you cut your breath where were you surfing at on the mega swell Joe I was surfing head high 28th when everywhere I was 20 foot yep that’s how we do it here in Newport oh no there’s way Wes down in San Diego

    That look like chu but we’ll take a head high left to 28th let’s talk about that Z thing did you did you see him snapping on on the guys oh I saw him snapping I mean guess what’s your thoughts Tyler I guess give a little rundown on what it

    Is first for people that don’t know what was the run out so the swells pumping Jacob zil and the boys they’re they’re from this area in San Diego where there’s some crazy reefs that don’t break too much and kind of frown frown on the film and stuff and he does his YouTube like

    Weekly thing so he had his filmer down there and then there were some other filmers and the thing the video of the whole session was out like that night and he was mad cuz he had his video guys film in there and he wants to put those clips on his

    YouTube but the other guy put the YouTube Clips out first yeah I think his argument was that these are Raw Sessions are are rooting Pro Surfer they’re blowing it out Pro serfer game I that’s the I get where he’s coming from with that one like the

    MVP of the SW skip Maka he’s trying to film a movie so I’ve been told and he was trying to save his clips and he went crazy and all of his stuff got blown out on Instagram but I mean for other guys like Zeke probably would have had his

    YouTube video up that night too with all those clips so feel like it goes both both ways yeah it’s almost a particular situation because of that wave and like like how I mean we were talking about like I I think even Zeke said oh this was pipe or the wedge it wouldn’t

    Have been a big deal but from from what I saw like it looked like that day was such a crazy day that there was already like hundreds of people filming like and standing on the beach yeah so it’s like one I don’t know you know well like Noah

    Noah made a pretty good point when we were talking to the office is like the swell itself was almost a bigger story than any individual waves right like this thing was such a massive massive story that it’s to get it out like everybody’s there getting it out you

    Know yeah I don’t know what to make of it cuz we’re always talking I mean this we’re doing this thing live like nothing’s out sooner than that so like I don’t know it’s a I don’t know what the right thing is like even Nathan Florence and Co and them were saying stuff about

    Oh their Clips are gone by the time they get to the beach and they’re out at pipe risking their lives and they want to put it on their thing and I just don’t know how you stop it like if there’s a hundred people filming at pipe like how are you going to stop

    Everyone from not putting your clip out I like seeing like their POV angles are super cool to see that kind of stuff yeah I think if you want to save clips and hold on to them for something this day and age with social media and YouTube and everything getting posted

    Right away you almost have to go and fly to places that right don’t have that many people around where you can go get crazy waves and hold on to your clips for six months until you put something together because you can’t you can’t do it here on a huge swell that’s super

    Hyped up I mean he kind of directed his his video at a few people it was it was primarily it seemed like a Jimmy Kane but there were some other guys out there filming too that also put up videos that same day um but like if you look at that

    There’s 150 people on the Rocks watching that thing you know live like that spot while it’s it’s not like a if it was a medium swell it was probably less blown out but it was such a mega swell that yeah it looked like people were just like

    Already it was just a spectacle the waves so everyone’s pointing their camera at the waves well you got chopu right off the side of the road I think everyone’s going to stop and pull out of the camera when they see that but if it was some like medium swear not everyone

    Knew the waves were huge and those guys are out surfing then you might be like okay like it’s just me and their film or maybe I shouldn’t like put it out but I guess if there’s 20 other people filming you’re like [ __ ] there’s 20 other people

    Filming like I don’t know how you keep that secret oh is that La bass there’s laass but but I think if those same group of people were like down in in deep Mexico or Indonesia and came across each other they’d obvious be like oh okay like I get it you guys came here

    You guys came here like I’m going to put I won’t put your Clips out don’t put my Clips out like yeah but I guess to Omar’s Point like dude the I Noah is this the swell such a spectacle that there must have been like five or six

    People filming that session oh for sure yeah it but everyone had to have a camera out on that thing I wish I went down there ands I look insane but you know us Newport people I don’t know who s him on I think uh both both sides of the

    Argument have a good point yeah I mean I oh Dylan wasn’t Dylan out there ohy was out there he got he got I seen a sick barrel shot of him yeah he got some crazy onesy you just got to make sure you got the water guy so no one could get that

    Angle and then you got just the psycho water clip that that no one has anyways I saw a sick um frame grab from the water of Dylan nobody cares if they see wave in raw clips and it is in your movie it’s a good wave then I wouldn’t mind seen it

    Twice especially if it’s from a filmer a different filmer angle Banger good point I guess one of Zeke’s argument was that the the Zeke’s filmer was saying whoever some of the guys were sitting right next to where he was filming too so the it was the same angle isn’t that what

    Everyone does at pipe I think I saw Co Rothman post a video of like 20 filmers all shoulder to shoulder they’re in they’re in the pit there cuz they all want to just hang out and talk if you get one up pipe 50 guys are posting it

    Immediately no reason to get pissed if the waves are that good put them in your video all right everyone in their brother blows up spots by posting stories on social oh yeah is localism slowly dying out with the progression of social media I’d say so oh I would say localism is

    Little bit different these days than it was yeah but I think it’s I mean it’s not out there before IG Surfers would beg the talks to film them well it’s now the the Surfers have their own like media thing you know that’s why he’s like well I want it I

    Want those clips for my deal oh Dy that’s a good wave I mean I can’t oh go that was sick turn looks spicy got a new epoxy under his feet say that thing looks all light and spicy I don’t know what I could really say cuz we can’t

    Really throw stones in a glass house we’re doing this thing live on the beach it’s immediately out there but so does that mean you guys are technically in the wrong to Zeke’s video I mean if I guess I mean our our whole thing is I would never show up at a local break

    Even like the Seal Beach thing unless the locals were into it and behind it like like last week I’m not us three aren’t showing up to Seal Beach with this setup and setting up and just being like yeah we’re here guys like I would have never but that’s that’s our rule

    But I’m sure there are guys like I’m sure a couple guys were were not stoked we were there at seal but we we try to do it the best way we can we barely go to Huntington without a local you know yeah like dude I would I would never

    Show up with that thing where those guys were that day with without them going yeah we we want you there like oh you had the best of the best for the seal day though Welly yeah I know and I would never do it with I had to make sure like

    Dude what I mean obviously we’re not doing this without your guys blessing and you guys being on there yeah but what I was saying is like hey like like these waves like as soon as yayen nickel gets blown out that that thing’s going to be on 20 Instagram

    Stories anyways at least at least this way you guys can can talk about what you guys want to talk about and showcase the local talent and whatever you guys want to talk about but oh yeah I don’t know sure some people are eggy on us someone’s probably egg on us right now

    Like dude you’re blowing out 28 it’s like [ __ ] twoot left that’s why we wasn’t live during last dud trust me when there’s a big West swell nobody’s driving to Newport to [ __ ] from different towns to catch a Newport wave I don’t know did you see the crowds last week There’s no way that

    I just think they’re all from here or like this this is like the wave they’re looking to Surf but like Dylan hord on Wave number 100 you think some guy from San dieg or ventur is like oh my God it’s a bombing West I can’t wait to get to 28th Street like it’s

    On Rock Clips are low quality anyways yeah so we covered that controversy Nate Florence has the right idea be the surfer and photo well Nate Florence I don’t know if he was saying but one of them was saying on the podcast saying it they they’re bum too

    They’re like dude we go out to pipe and risk our lives and our filmer gets it and I come in and the waves on on 20 sites already what’s up GRS what up are you calabassas son whoa have wax yeah I got some on my shoes right over there oh food

    Wax Pops Pops spot a shirt thank you CH oh yeah let’s do statements I forgot we statement yeah clip of the week we have a few to get there what is Taj we didn’t Taj didn’t give a huge opinion on that one maybe this I didn’t even know

    What happened so perfect see see people AR even paying attention that’s what I like to hear okay clip of the week we’re going to have three Clips you guys tell us which one of your is your favorite and the audience can chime in to they

    Get to vote on the best clip we got three Clips oh bro here we no worries we’re video guys so we know what a good clip is it’s where we pick these things okay clip number one One Clip number one baller on back dooring this A-frame Beach Break pit my

    Name’s Cameron psycho video by my name’s Cameron got to give the video guy credit digs deep back thing just opens up TP I think was sick is this that wave that he just talking about or is that black I think that’s black we will never know we won’t tell you

    I’m guessing blacks but I don’t really know here you go clip number two clip number two um who’s this Colton Sullivan oh Salt Creek should I not say that secret I think they said they’re having their contest this is the Dana Point The Dana Point Surf Contest somewhere in Dana

    Point that psycho double barrel doesn’t much better than that okay so Ball’s back door left that Colton Sullivan’s double barrel here’s the last one and tenox Jimmy Kane the one and only the one and only Jimmy Kane oh KNX yeah so he like Best Bottom turn Bell’s Beach or something with a

    Barrel on the inside sunet belly land okay but watch this it’s all about this last turn okay wow formed out form carve Central Dam that was so sick dude once you get a world class Surfer like Taylor Knox and a wave that size like you really get to see why he’s like next

    Level yeah broy broy clip of the week here we’ll just run through him one more time the vote the pll’s up on YouTube go vote for it yeah broy clip of the week okay one more time baller on digging deep back doors this thing crazy look how wide that thing

    Open up that thing was sick like it doesn’t even look that big when he’s paddling in then watch even when he’s kicking out on the shoulder watch how big the wave is dude he does that in his sleep I know he’s freaking psycho I freak out W look how big that

    Wave is right there even looks be this is Colton Sullivan I believe double barrel this second section just makes the thing dude he was disappeared too he’s insane super sick damn should have been there instead of 28th but they’re doing their contest so probably get vibed if

    You paddle out that day I heard it was so crowded last one Taylor Knox look at two guys drop in on him how they’re like holy crap Taylor knocks behind me just slices right there then he sets it up I don’t know this is old school rad [ __ ] setting it up Bell’s

    Bow does look like it or something huh this turn right here is so sick clip of the week huge Turn I think we want Taylor Knox in every single clip of the week I know he’s been in a lot what is it which one’s the which one’s the ding ding ding my favorite oh go Tyler I have to go t-x that last turn how can you not I think I agree with

    Tyler oh my God I was going to say that too but I don’t want to agree with you guys but I’m going to go with Taylor Knox what about you just because that dude that’s that’s the type of turn I dream of Knox let’s see what the audience thinks like SCH okay Omar’s

    One was like just I don’t know that was insane that was probably the most surprising cuz you’re like is he going to come out of the second one I mean all three of those were really nuts Clips but that Taylor Knox that last turn was so crazy and just the fact that that’s

    In California and you get Taylor Knox doing a huge turn on like a triple overhead Wave It’s just doesn’t happen too much I think I’d just retire if I did that turn done okay here you guys want the results let’s see it Colton Sullivan 55% okay Colton yeah B 25% TX

    18% dude why is a bunch of kids watching who’s not you guys are just uh sucking up to Daddy there or what kind of a little bit but got low B nice I could just relate I just would dream of doing a turn that big on that big a wave One

    Day clip of the week clip of the week belongs to Colton Sullivan Dana Point surf team that’s some Dana Point spot there’s a there’s a ton of them super secret spot right off point Salt Creek what are they called they had the contest it’s called they just do it whenever it’s

    Firing right no it’s smart can we do that at 56 I we need to you just give all the top guys a jersey and we should do that at the point next time it breaks yeah this is the Colton’s look like dirty back door has to be Colton’s probably the

    Best B best Barrel ever at Creek all right Jason oh Dylan look at this left oh snap in the pocket board’s electric oh no this thing spins out on him well to Electric well two he got the sick air clip though that was definitely the clip of the day we need couch

    Surfing show at the Olympics this thing’s totally Olympic certified oh that back door shoots out starts at 10: a.m. yep that’s why we’re going to end the before then and not have to compete with pumping pipe I don’t I think we can steal a couple of their viewers

    Really for sure watch this instead of pip back door for sure watch them both at the same time speaking of which I got to head out guys are you yeah okay out you want to do you want to do cook meter first oh yeah love the C meter we can do

    That we’ll just go back to back is already 940 we going for an hour and 45 minutes we haven’t even talked to Taj yet we got to ask Taj more stuff about Surfside Sports and stuff oh and Usher cup Usher cup strategy have you been over there before never so kind of

    Taking it in when I get there what kind of quiver are you bringing um I’m probably going to just ride that driver the whole time for the comp and then I have a like a 60 six I don’t think I’ll need a look at this mini

    Grom huge oh oh bum didn’t make it yeah I’ll probably bring like a couple like three 510 I probably won’t even need like a small W board there I don’t think are you going to bring a step up maybe a 60 just in case it’s barreling it’s like

    A round tail dude have you seen some of those bombs behind the rod good to have some paddle power out there dud yeah it’s going to be hard to get those in a free surf though what about a in the what if it’s pumping in the contest dude

    And yeah I’ll probably still ride the driver though things just because of the contest you got to ride a shortboard right got can’t go wrong with the driver no way what about you Ty do you bring always bring a step up no matter where you’re going always bring epoxy grer and

    Always bring a step up at every event even ecsc uh I did this year because I went to the Outer Banks after and that was pumping always got to stay prepared yeah you always need a small W board on the East Coast better to throw one more in

    Than wish you had it yeah I trip when guys don’t bring step UPS okay cook meter meter the cook meter presented by cook of the day we’re all Cooks in our own way cook of the day on Instagram thank you cook of the day our biggest and original sponsor and who else could

    Sponsor this segment it’s too perfect for them okay what is our question the cook meter Uggs on the beach for men okay I get so much crap for wearing these Uggs on the beach let’s hear what the audience really thinks what do you think are this cook or core Uggs core I wear

    Them every morning to walk my dog on the beach do you yep see okay I I always think that you younger guys don’t don’t you got to stay warm somehow what do you I I don’t have C or core I think it’s core but you don’t own Uggs no I don’t

    Own a you’re just saying that cuz I’m here wearing these ugs dude if Joe Lonnie’s wearing Uggs or core then all right yeah that’s what do you guys sell Uggs at Surf Side yeah they’re on sale right now actually 20% off crew okay there you go 20% off at Surfside

    Sports I mean you know what I’m going to say I’m going to say they’re core just because dude they’re they’re functional look at look at look at all this stuff I get on here dude is wearing Uggs has zero business calling else anyone else a cook

    Wearing Uggs is kooky I think Uggs in 2024 is way more cooky than a leash dude’s wearing Uggs equals cook what’s up with the Uggs on the beach cook or core here’s some photos there’s these guys wearing Uggs look at EO has the same Uggs I got those

    Are the JB special especially if you have the JB special that’s core but I think there’s a time pretty core too right there look at real man wearing Uggs on the beach I don’t Uggs with shorts I don’t that’s a debatable one for me that one’s kind of heavy that

    Might have to be a no no yeah I think I think most like I mean to me the history of Uggs is they were literally created by Surfers in Australia to wear on the beach was it a that’s why they’re high I think it’s Australia that’s why they’re

    High so the sand doesn’t get in them and they’re all cozy and comfy for the cold mornings but throughout time I think it became like a women’s fashion thing like a lot of these people commenting are like dude how’s a what’s this dude wearing Uggs for like this is what a

    Barn yeah and I’m going dude what every Surfer gnarly guy knew growing up had Uggs so to me it’s fully functional coreness even though it probably looks silly sometimes but I love love these things well you could be like me freezing with nothing on my feet or you

    Could have some nice warm ugs dude that’s what I say I could wear my Vans on the beach and my toes would be Frozen every morning yeah but the way none of these younger kids own them like Taj said he doesn’t have a pair oh we saw the Gregorius groms they

    Were wearing this morning Gregorius groms are down kids rip kids sarly that was sick did he slam the section early look at Omar’s got ugs on he’s got the under the table angle Omar’s got ug dude look at this look see how the sand doesn’t get in them look no

    Sand no sand oh yeah yeah what are you guys doing all right look at he wraps his leash kid psych get out there Crums are frothing on the coucha oh he’s got his ARS he’s got the local shaper that’s mental Okay C meter you guys got 14

    Seconds I feel like this is going to come through at C oh big time dude did you see all the comments already they’re like this guy is such a barn with his with his Uggs on but to me just hater to me I think they’re look how these things

    Are fully functional might not be fashionable but they’re functional look at that these things are special though they’re from jbay Noah Noah got them for me if you go to Jeff’s Bay this is like a staple those are called insteps inep Jeff’s Bay Omar Noah’s got them like they have leather

    Up front but yeah it’s kind of like a tradition you go to JB you go to the m and Pops you saw ealo EO had to get his pair and he’s a fashion icon here comes my wife and kid she can’t believe I do this [ __ ] I call this

    Work she coming to regulate she’s coming get back to [ __ ] real work okay Taj Miller what about let’s talk wait no we’re still do C the God man come on stick with it dude I got to talk to Taj cuz you got to go to work he’s got a real

    Job Surf Side let me get the let me get the results going hold on okay get the results I already know everyone thinks I’m a bar it’s a Runway it’s a runaway cookiness what are we thinking like 93% Victor Victor D Victor’s on his cordal you guys ready for this yep gave

    It to us said 9010 90% C 90% Core what no way freaking cor dude they’re just saying that to make me happy the ELO photo turned them it was Mike Parson once I mean Mike Mike Parson’s core is f dude [ __ ] oh Bill okay so what you got to dig Tyler I got

    To get out of here but thanks for me on the show of course thanks for on the captain of the Newport Beach Board Riders yes sir we not be leading the ship to Australia but I’ll be watching and can’t wait to see any last tips for

    Taj um don’t wait for the Unicorn out there just ride a lot of waves you only get so many shots at surfing Snapper with nobody out will do good ADV I mean with a name like Taj you got to do good in Australia if I wear UGGs on the East

    Coast I’ll get merked with the quickness oh see East Coast you get slapped if you look at someone wearing uggs and you think C then you’re a cook who cares how someone dresses Tyler M I guess we do cuz we’re debating it we’re so petty on

    This show it’s good all right guys well all right Tyler ugs is a c thing for dudes everywhere else is for chicks okay only in Cali it’s for dudes later Tyler have a good one wearing we’re taking back Uggs in 20124 Colby here switch up right here look at these kids he’s

    Looking at his cell phone as he’s on a talk show the Ugg stees man plus Uggs equals mugs I bet Uggs were like were only Uggs with shorts C too yeah that one’s debatable because if it’s cold enough for uggs you shouldn’t it’s probably you shouldn’t be wearing shorts if you’re

    Wearing the high top Uggs as a man is C what are these these are like medium no those are high top but the whole point why they’re high is so the sand doesn’t get in if you have low Uggs on the beach that’s like not functional that’s the sand it’s

    All in that’s Uggs are for chicks Kyle the minority is vocal as F right here the minori what are they snapping let’s hear some good stuff Uggs are for chicks I like this argument but it’s not really a real Surfer doesn’t give a f what anyone else thinks doesn’t mean that they’re still

    Not we do we’re so petty on the show that’s all we debate is little petty things how you tie your leash and stuff well Noah does a thing where he puts his pants over the Uggs yeah what’s that yeah that cuz he kind of trying to hide

    That they’re Uggs a little bit or what oh see Noah is like kind of ashamed of his ugs so it’s like wearing your leash under your suit what that’s what I do oh that’s a good one wait we’re going to have to save that one leash over the

    Suit or under that’s such a good one I forgot about under I do under too that’s a safety but then I see Mason Mason hod over concern overo almost drowned at Margaret River like that she used put over but but now she doesn’t cuz she got

    Caught and she but you want it over if it’s caught wait she used to put it under right yeah and then you want to get yeah she went to go get it and she couldn’t get it she came in so now she puts it over over yeah you said said I got

    Backwards get it right dude sorry okay Taj Miller yeah Taj son of Miller give us some tips what’s your dad tell you before you go out in a heat he um before heat kind of just says so just like have fun just like don’t stress too

    Much I feel like whenever I stress I just bog yeah whenever I’m just having fun I’m just flowing is he coming to Australia with you he’s actually not he has work Brill wanted him to come but he couldn’t go to work dude he would be the

    Best coach dude I know I was trying to tell him to come that’d be so sick didn’t want to though when did you realize your dad was a gnarly Pro Surfer um kind of like when I started surfing like then I kind of like understood like how gnarly he was I wish

    I could see more clips of him though I well dude there wasn’t as many video guys back then I’ve seen some like photos of him like mags it’s just so sick yeah such a he how many cover shots did he get I think he was two that’s it

    I could have sworn more I don’t know I think I think it was two for sure I know I know he’s got like spreads and Mags before yeah he had like a couple surfing mag covers yeah I think he had one and then I can’t I think the other one dud I

    Remember two off the top of my head then yeah one he’s like rides for Quicks and Rusty and he’s like doing a backside snap or something or front side snap maybe and then there’s one he’s like the camera gu whoa who is that Dy big old

    Flaring right now he is flaring he’s got his new board looking good dude he’s getting ready for Pismo o look how long this wave is little air pop it no problem yeah yeah your dad was one of my Idols growing up yeah I wish I could have se he doesn’t even surf anymore

    He’s just over I know dude ask where he is I trip on that so like Newport board Riders like the two best Surfers to ever come out of Newport aren’t on the board Rider team or they don’t he over it he just does not want to he’s going to try

    To start surfing soon though he said he’s working towards it the last time I saw him surf he like stood straight at backside at 56 on a on a soft top and just pack the clothes out dude yeah he he rips the soft top he’ll go like vert

    On that thing I’m like how I have no idea how he does it like if he wanted it he he could just get right back on it I bet for sure it would take him like a week to get back and he’s on he could probably ride a shortboard still if he

    Wanted to he doesn’t want to there must be some old YouTube clips of them in like the bud tour days and stuff do you ever find those things on the internet I’ve uh looked but I couldn’t find any I saw one in like Brazil but I couldn’t

    Find dude I saw one the other day I swear was like a psaa at like Bolsa Chica like him and Brillo or like no way in the contest dude I’m going to need to have that I want to see it got to find that Dylan Dylan’s got new stickers he’s

    Got Wallen another local shaper should we show him his wave get his commentary on it yeah dude get him over here yeah we’ll just pop in real quick have him watch his wave going to get it queued up Dylan was out at that historic session that Jimmy Kane documented

    And what about you got all kinds of boards though you don’t just ride mayhems you ride I’ve been I’ve been riding some pisel lately and I actually just ordered a js2 from um Oceanside yeah so I’m excited to get that thing should come like do you get it all like

    Through Surf Side no I actually uh ordered it through Brent Riley he’s a legend oh yeah of course the man dude you want to see your huge arrows a clip of the day dude that arrow is nuts Dyan horde hoorde [Laughter] stories how big is that board uh I think

    It’s is that epoxy oh look at this thing it’s like stringerless epoxy wall in tick I had some Wallin okay kneel down a little bit yeah there we go there oh perfect looks like you’re wearing a couch surfing show shirt okay take us through this thing look like I tried to burn

    You widens the stands the slowmo what’s going through your head right here whoa projects out that thing was proper Psy hopefully don’t tweak my knee okay take us through this step by step second by second step what were you thinking here right here you knew you’re

    Were going to spin around oh no you could have aired over him this guy might did you hoot him off or just figured I’m going to go around I just like didn’t know if he had it and then he like kind of got a little boost right there but I

    Didn’t know look like he packed it behind you it got deep right here I was just frothing I saw the couch D and I was like I got a boost saw you try to a few times before that wo projects out over the white water that was nuts yeah

    Joe thank you that was sick that was proper proper clip how about that one time you kind of I think he got out of the water cuz we were there where the waves weren’t that good oh yeah I’m going to get out before you guys catch me digging rail or something

    Know yeah you got to watch out dude you’re live you got to perform like you just did you just came out you came out on top on that one oh yeah what about some Taj rewies yeah I saw couple they’re they’re a little bit deeper I was hard I was trying find a

    Couple could try we got a couple replays before he goes to work Surf Side just saw broy go out there he’s about to do some about to do some Moon doggy Soul arches oh yeah gu’s ripping was it fun out there was it the ground Pack’s epic out there

    Oh I know they’re charging huh dude they’re all so rad there’s a whole little pack of them huh it’s so classic they’re all just like chirping each other like just having such that kid right there the little Brett Gregorius I think and Dane yeah I think danne’s the goofy footed one

    Onearly like dangas that’s how I’m going to remember goofy foots dangas it’s always overhead for them no kidding sick should we take a look at taj’s highlights here SC Taj backand lethal here we go oh yeah oh we made some clips this is W sub driver oh how

    Come the video it’s kind of cropped out hold on one second is that my bad exporting pool’s so one have you done the Palm Springs one yet I haven’t that one I just went the other day did oh yeah let get a review dude it’s pretty

    Fun super sick I only got a surf like the three-wave peak and then uh did a couple of the slab slab tubes and yeah I think what else do we do I think we just did like the normal Barrel too look at these slashing backhand dude one after another after

    Another after another you did a couple of those today that are almost even better better oh thanks those things unlock yeah wave is fun it’s you get the the same wave every how fun are wave pools it’s just like you can just try whatever you want you’re getting a good

    Wave every time you know set’s coming I’ve never really got I’ve never done the wave pool thing like on my own deal dude do the couch surfing show at Palm Springs right I wish’ be sick we’d have to rent it out somehow where is this down like a rager out there for New

    Years I saw that like oh this clip’s old they had deepo or something I know dude you didn’t have too many new clips on your Instagram you got to get some new got to get some new stuff going I know I do I need to get more Clips okay

    Here it goes again same thing let’s see some from today you actually cracked a couple sick ones so Palm Springs review Dylan psyched huh I’m psych dude it was so fun especially with like all your friends and stuff you’re just and there’s a bunch of little waves you could like

    Poach really you think they like on the the slab wave there’s like a full wave on the other side of the slab that you can go and like rip it’s pretty sick what’s your what was your favorite wave the slab or the turn combo like the three-wave combo wave but the slab’s

    Super fun but how was the air wve I never got to do the air wve oh really there was like uh there was like 12 of us or something there so like the three-wave set six people get to go cuz it’s a split Peak it’s like a l Peak so

    It’s like kind of just run that the whole time and you can get more waves the slabs only I think like two slabs that come in so it takes a little bit so it’s just like you only have two hours out there might as well just run the

    Three- wve so so take us through it how does it all work you show up Teddy Navaro walks out say I’ll be your host yeah I didn’t know Teddy worked there and he like pulls up like whoa you just drive up here he’s like dude I moved

    Like he Liv there yeah crazy yeah it’s so sick I was likey to see Teddy so you show up and Teddy’s like I’ll be showing you yeah he’s like you guys here’s the front door or does he go okay here’s your options on waves or do they say this is

    What we’re going to do kind he’s kind of like you get a choose like if you want if you’re out there and you’re like oh I want this the slab tube or whatever you just like tell the there’s like three you just yell at them want the tube

    There’s like three guys working right there like telling you when the waves coming and stuff and you they just like radio them in and be like yo they want the slab and then they’ll change it for you yeah if everyone agrees they want the slap yeah but it’s pretty sick I was

    Stoked to see Shane mags and Teddy and all the boys up there it’s definitely dope it wasn’t like full I don’t think it was like fully finished yet with like restaurants and all that stuff so nuts like full Resort Vibe was there food there to eat yeah they have like a

    Little like bar food rest or like thing right there but uh I think they’re building like a full restaurant if I’m not like wrong but and you guys got two hours we got two hours yeah we went with the the shots shoots fish fish and beer

    Yeah was pretty sick shout out to them thanks for having us isn’t that Shane’s thing too yeah Shane’s part of it and uh a couple other people sick we got a replay Tage yeah here’s one first wave maybe oh yeah you got way better ones than this one but still farming out I’ve

    Been searching it’s hard to find them find them little inside boom it’s pretty groly out there where TG go dude every every Newport regular foot kids back hands just Stellar cuz so all we do is go left here I know there’s no right sucks what do you mean 54 bro 5’4 like

    Every once in a while but then for like 5 months straight it’s going left at 56 yeah true you could always go left in Newport South or and and then here in the winter it’s a left yeah I guess we always do have left it’s a lot more

    Lefts I mean there’s the rights but they’re usually like just the short little one where you like can get barreled and maybe hit the section or something yeah I guess 56 can get some long ones but that’s that’s like like a rare occasion right I heard some rumors

    About Taj rips oh thank you Ryan R Ryan R what do you think ug boot’s cooky on the beach no no not at all oh audience says it’s dude people are just are they getting nasty in the chat no they’re not nasty it’s just like they can’t stop saying they can’t believe I

    Wear UGGs dude Uggs are the most comfiest thing especially try you try sitting down here on this cold beach this morning that’s what I said your feet will be frozen I guess I guess the majority of people think it’s for women only but they said it was core though I

    Mean they that was just a couple voters cuz they know I wear them dude it always goes opposite as soon as it gets on C of the day like the day complet opposite whatever we say here they just ruined me on that thing this guy’s wearing Uggs he

    Guys should not say one thing about surfing Joe she’s got Uggs on over there I know they all have that’s my wife and that’s some other girls see all the girls have ug your wife had I have those ones those dud these ones are are I love

    These things they last forever too yeah I know okay if you surf good enough you can wear it you want Jo Nick skinsky Tom Brady wears ugs yeah Tom Ray is a badass Go goat they probably pay him but think I’m the only dad that rocks Uggs at my

    Kids ice hockey games cold as F in there see you got to stay warm they’re so functional they’re cozy yeah Uggs for thugs yeah perfect I want to get some couch surfing official Uggs that would be insane that be sick get Jo more Uggs less drugs yeah that’s a that’s a

    T-shirt slogan like that we should make a t-shirt that says that you need to make your own a wet couch surfing show wets suit a wet suit everything just for yourself I heard just get some manly boots oh it’s chicken Joe 420 this guy’s the king of the comments yeah he’s the

    Chat Lord he’s the chat Lord chat Lord chicken Joe this is just going to inflate his ego he’s going to get out let’s not inour him stop talking about it right don’t encourage him chicken Joe no we love chicken Joe we love all the commentators even when they’re

    Rousting the F out of me that guy’s loyal to the he’s loyal to the chat game I wonder if we know him right I wonder who these people are core but it has to be slip on low tops dude oh that’s what I got that to me that’s not functional

    The whole reason they’re high is so the sand doesn’t get in them on the beach that’s the whole point of these things so true to me it’s less core if they’re low tops cuz then you’re getting sand in them look at all the the dads and their

    Kids are down there cooked out what does Blake think he’s kind of fashionable yeah Blake you’re you know you’re in you’re in the high fashion industry are are Uggs cookie or core oh they’re core they’re core yeah those things have never been out of style are a lot of people on those aloe

    Shoots wearing wearing Uggs yeah maybe the maybe like the cloggy ones the cloggy ones little slides like those Alo men shoots all the gnarly athletes are got the Uggs on or the dudes wearing them exactly I don’t see the dudes wearing them the question was specifically for

    Men do you see a lot of men wearing Uggs in in the high fashioned world of Los Angeles photo video shoots no I most to go into LA and then out of La as quick as I can okay don’t pay attention me too I normally do the

    Same Taj Taj is getting ready for work I I’m already ready you ready yeah go on have you gotten in trouble at Surf Side yet no chicken Joe is hard now cuz we talked about him that’s all that guy wants let’s just talk about the chicken

    Joe 420 guy the whole time I always you never been in trouble Surf Side Duke hasn’t snapped on you no Duke’s a legend Duke never snaps on me know did tie paddle out no Ty never goes left Ty doesn’t got here saw Ty probably Ty stays loyal to 54 yeah he’s probably

    Over there who who’s the manager at Sur side Joe Joe Joe yeah Joe’s the main manager and Ruda Ruda Brett too Brett’s Legend the OG ge’s I think I saw Brett checking it I think that was him do you have like your do you stick to the surf

    Era here do you what if people start asking about snowboard stuff I I you have to take a test to do the snowboard stuff so yeah I don’t do it that’s smart but I wouldn’t know what to say either even the skate stuff i’ sound like

    People get mad when I go in and ask about snowbo stuff they’re like come on dude I’m always just like so do for this one or like yeah just St strictly surf I remember um so this guy bought a lost surfboard when I used to work at lost

    And he he was a he was a beginner and he bought this brand new loss board and he he went out and rode it and put pressure dings in the deck and came straight back to Surf Side going dude this thing’s this thing’s defunct I stood on it and

    Look at there’s dents on the board yeah and it was this whole and then Duke called us he’s like hey this guy’s complaining about a loss board like you got to get over here and explain to him how pressure dings and stuff work and dude the guy was just like dude I don’t

    Get it like you guys sold me this board I stepped on it and and I was trying to like dude that I was trying to explain that happens to every like like he should have just bought a soft top you know like I get pressure dings as soon

    As I ride my board it’s just like boom pressure dings everywhere I mean I could get I guess I could get it if I never served I like I just bought I just stepped on the thing and it’s dented already I duck that with my knee so like

    Mostly where I get my pressure dings is like right there where I ducked that with my knee like every time yeah it’s so Brut no I know every every if you look at a Surfers board like you get depending where you stand and get up

    Like you have a pattern of of I like my PR do do you duck dive with your knee or your foot I think my foot but you know what I must I think I drag my knee when I get up because the right side is always like this little knee drag like I

    Feel like that’s kind of a controversial thing like people are like no you’re supposed to duck da with your foot and everyone’s like no you do it with your knee about your shin too really kind of duck that with my sh it kind of depends

    Right on the edge of the pat right feel like I don’t think I fully like put my knee into the board though if I can I do that sometimes I get two gnarly of dings doing that so I have to switch to my foot I don’t know everyone’s always

    Telling me I need to duck that with my foot but then I hear like John John duck that with his KNE does he oh well then that’s how you should duck that that’s how he does it no I don’t know so many people do it differently dude whatever

    Put up a pole for it I guess if that’s like a bigger wave I do it with my foot so you can maybe get like some more push down I don’t know no no more Taj replays yeah I oh let’s see it start playing those things before he goes to work

    We’ll blow him up okay oh this looks like a real wave look at that thing’s head high at least way overhead off the bottom boom vert oh yeah sick makes it but then kind of fell you had that thing BW it couple more there’s a couple sick combos

    You got the backside unlock uh back door shootouts on now oh back door Sho okay should we peep the feed real quick do you think we could do that I don’t know dude I don’t want to get in trouble with those guys no just like send the guys

    Over there don’t me in trouble with those good we’re going going oh my god did you guys watch that yesterday yeah I didn’t even know it was on dude how sick was that last it started to get better and better dude you could tell it’s sick

    How you see pipe in the morning and it’s just like you can tell it’s going to start getting better and better throughout the day and you like turn it on like later in the day it’s just firing just pumping I know so sick that’s the best part about Hawaii like

    Tends to just clean up all day like at first it started with the I think it was the Japanese team and that one guy got the sickest back door okay there it is after this tune in here let’s not take too much of the time see that see that

    Sticker in the corner Omar that’s the one you don’t want mad at you team let’s go ball n dude this we’re going offline here in like 2 minutes everybody go watch this everyone go watch this after cuz the waves are probably better than 28th street but this is the back door

    Shootout come on Snap five team team snap five we want snap five to Winn let’s go hopefully they’re not they’re not upset that we’re Co there’s no way they’re upset with that there’s absolutely zero way dude you never you never know over there you got dude we’re

    Like sending people over there how can you be upset about that to watch Mar out there no yeah who do you want to see marzo th% dude marzo is like my favorite Surfer epic we had him on the show I know I was there when he was at Desert

    Point that that last session yeah when he was just roasting guys so sick watching him just I don’t know it was the craziest thing ever I don’t know how he makes some of those I know the way he he like lays back you don’t notice when you’re like watching the video but like

    When he’s inside the barrel he does the craziest things you’re just like watching him go over these like crazy like foam balls that you shouldn’t make and he’s just making them every time so I trip on how he does like a layback front side the barrel so gnarly is Logan over

    There right now yeah sure yeah he’s he’s managing the snap five back team I think it’s like Parker uh uh marzo Mason oh Seth and Josh and Benji BR Benji so what they can rotate one guy like yeah I think you could rotate maybe a couple I think you can

    Have like different I I honestly have no idea oh I’ve been watching the shoot out forever and I still get here’s one more of um Taj mhm okay let’s get one Taj to go go bye-bye with let’s go perfect form technique oh bashes it into the lip Chucks the tail out one

    More I think I got caught behind got caught behind you went vert on that does your dad give you tips on technique and stuff yeah he kind of just sit says like mainly just like stay low and just like go vert back set that’s like kind of

    That’s kind of what you just did like And subscribe everybody tune in next week we’re going to try to bang one out every week is our goal until we actually get paining work and can make a living then then we’ll probably slow down a bit right like And

    Subscribe like And subscribe okay media go to Surfside sports uggs are 20% off everything’s 20% off everything’s 20% off besides snow besides snow not on cury full price baby prices go hit that QR code couch surfing buy some merch support the show we’re going to reinvest it into doing more of

    These and cook of the day thank you cook of the day our longtime sponsor we’re all Cooks in our own way hit that QR code check their stuff out they got rad merch too Dylan hord Taj Miller thank you grant Collins thank you Tyler Gunter there’s my wife and

    Kids and Blake and broy broy and the beautiful sky and Noah thank you Noah thank you Omar of course the Mastermind behind all this technical stuff that no Surfer guy has figured out yet and they never will I’m just kidding they someone will figure out this out one day BR thank you guys

    Than to everyone watching the merch wear your Uggs people and don’t forget to wear your Uggs shop at Surfside Sports hit up Taj Miller wish him good luck at the Usher cup we all wish we could go to Snapper rocks and serve and go check out

    The back door shootout go check out the back door shootout cuz it’s going to be sick go Team snap five Mason ho come on Mason [Applause] Ho A [Applause] n


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