On this episode of Into the Hood, Join Spanian as he explores two suburbs in Western Sydney with the highest amount of public housing, Airds & Claymore.

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    Produced by Spanian Media

    Welcome to the ghetto look at this welcome to EDS first place is a Bandon look at that bro yo anyone here what educated person puts a juvie next to a public school I know why is there a family’s photos here get I’m spion I was raised in the housing areas of Sydney

    City spent most of my youth and adult life in prison and after a total of 13 years I’m free and living my best life and I’m out and about flying around susing out the hoods all over the world it’s [Applause] O all right everyone we’re back we’re in the middle of Sydney City we’re going on a trip deep into Western Sydney West Sydney and Sydney is known to everyone in Sydney and around Australia has been the worst part of Sydney and I agree that it definitely is there’s a specific part in Western

    Sydney Southwestern Sydney the area is called Campbell town in Campbell town is two of the worst areas they’re EDS and Claymore these two suburbs I’ll tell you why we’re going to these two suburbs have the highest ratio of public housing by far by far ads is 87% public housing and Claymore is 86%

    Public housing think about that the the entire suburb nine out of 10 houses are public housing these places are pretty much made named and just put as public housing Estates it’s not mixed in it’s it’s 9 out of 10 oh listen before we go any further 10 seconds we got let’s o

    Merch we got white shirts hats as you can see there’s hoodies there’s black shirts if you don’t like white shirts if you support the journey like the channel grab a shirt grab a hat whatever you want L lers I know about ads growing up

    In jail I met a lot of lads from EDS a lot of people in jail are from EDS as you would expect after what I just told you I went there when I was young I spun out it’s it’s ghetto as the first time I went to Claymore I just drove past about

    4 years ago and I spun the out they’re both bad as you’re going to see but when I seen Claymore I it it looked like you’ll see we’re at Town Hall Station the way we’re going to get here is on a train we’re to catch a train to Campbell

    Change at Campbell town which is an hour and a half on the train we’ll try to get a train that’s not all stops like an Express train pretty much the last the last train station before you leave Sydney and then catch a bus from Campbell town station to EDS where we’re

    Going to start we’re going to meet someone in EDS I’ve got a guide a local guide that grew up around Campbell town I know him from jail he’s a rapper in Sydney we’re going to meet him in aeds so I said what it’s about down there cruise over to Claymore s out what

    That’s about and that’s it brother that’s it there there we go T8 mathur 3 minutes platform 6 Campbell town limited stops T8 platform 6 that’s us oh what about that for perfect timing 2 minutes one two how many stops have we got 20 stops and that’s the express train

    That’s the express train and we got 20 stops anyway lucky the power of editing and you don’t got to sit sit on the train for an hour and a half with me let’s 87 and 86% if I can put that into perspective waterl where we done the

    Other episode and mount drew it where we’ll do an episode in the future have 40% ratio of public housing this is more than double put that into Perspective all right we’re more than halfway there I had to stand up BR we’re about 40 minutes date Glenfield I think we’re like five six stops away or something like That all right we’re one stop from Campbell town and I hate to be a bit judgy but bro look at that the living conditions have certainly dropped I’m not judging you know but you know it’s just observation next stop Campbell town next stop Campbell town that suburb was called Lumia all right Campbell town station we go outside the station and then we’re going to catch a bus the bus is like 15 minutes Campbell Town’s made up of like like 10 12 suburbs so yeah it’s one of the suburbs that I think is sort of furthest from

    Here all right so the bus is the 884 and it’s a 21 minute bus ride 884 to adds standing I presume if that see that this is D it is it’s Saturday today and it’s 1:20 last service is 7:00 that’s good to know we’ll be done by then Bro clear please thank you this is us br we’re right at the start of EDS like I said I jumped off here right at the start even though we’re going to meet his name’s Jack Jack Ulus in the middle of EDS which that bus would have took us

    There I want to walk I want us to walk just us for a bit you know so I thought as soon as I looked on the phone and it got to the start of EDS which is here this is on the outskirt of EDS down there isn’t EDS it’s a suburb called

    Bradbury so as soon as we crossed in EDS I jump off at the first stop and we’ll make our way there it’s so um suburban and borderline rural people are going to spin when they look out their windows and see old anos flying around with a GoPro we’re there we’ll cruise up through them streets up here and we’re going to meet him around where the Eds high school is so we’ll Cruise it’s up this way 87% Housing Commission 87% government housing when I seen those stats I was actually shocked I was actually shocked

    Knowing from where I’m from you seen the episode The Suicide Towers like WL Redfern it’s so housy Comm Towers everywhere that’s 40% government houses Mount Dru in Sydney which probably has at this in in in this era the most notorious name of all the Sydney suburbs

    Is 40 % also so when I actually looked up the statistics that these parts of Campbell town EDS and Claymore 87% I was like what the what the you know what I mean I think these people are going to recognize me I’m not 100% short that just pulled up like really

    Excited D hey how are you yeah yeah of course of course oh s oh good later later look at these house is here bro well that’s an auction so that’s one of the 10% that are private wonder what that would go for 300 Grand I got a

    Feeling 15 minutes from now 20 minutes from now so much of the words going to get around that there might be a bunch of people following me around or either asking for a photo coming to bash me why you feeling and I’ll be like all right bro

    See you later well this what happens when we film in Australia isn’t it I didn’t want to say nothing bro because there was a dad with his kids playing that was the [ __ ] most ghetto Corner House bro on the trampoline I didn’t want to film them I don’t know if it

    Sort of got them on the side didn’t want to directly film little kids but I wish I could have to show you what they were playing on this goes up and then back onto the street we’ll do a little lap of this um sort of like a U-turn straight it goes

    Up and it comes back down There this house is just full fenced off boarded up wonder what the wonder what the go with this house is it looks in respectable condition it doesn’t look like it’s like uninhabitable so they’ve boarded it up it looks like one of the better houses here who knows another boarded out house

    Through there actually so it’s not only here boarded up through this empty lot see that house up there that’s boarded up as well oh you know what my mate said that we’re going to meet this is why I’m so happy that we’re doing this series not just in Sydney but around the world

    Because you know what the government’s like they kick everyone out they board things up They smash him down and Sh him off like what’s happening where I’m from and he said that a major part the worst parts of EDS that’s happening to where he grew up he’ll probably show us has

    All been knocked down where we’re going next Claymore which is even worse part apparently that’s about to happen to the whole thing so I’m glad that the history of these areas can live through this video but um that’s probably What’s Happening Here look boarded up boarded up oh even this one

    Look they’re all boarded it up bro the whole lot and they’re building a new house behind that look like obviously government housing but what’s wrong with them like what’s there’s nothing wrong with that why do you got to board that up and smash it down and sell the land and take the

    Money like come on man look the house is even behind it nothing at all wrong with that house there looks like there’s a little walkway down there let’s go through it people around here must have smacked the um palings out so you can get through the next next CER sack without

    Um having to do big laps bro this is off chops you know people always say uh even on my previous videos where is everyone where is see we went there kich in France crazy as big projects no one in the streets we’re here it’s a Saturday it’s the middle of the day

    2:05 go away Siri I didn’t ask for you bro all right there you go that’s the time um so it’s not like I’m sneaking around at 6:00 in the morning I think people just got to come to terms with people don’t get off their phones where

    Is everyone what do you think it’s the ’90s they should be in the streets kicking a ball they’re all inside on iPads mate that’s what they’re doing just like you hey I to see you in the streets where are you wow these FL light are crazy look at these

    Ones I got a sense by the look here that behind here a real big um estate all looking like that cuz I can see roofs and rofs over there but no Street don’t it’s all Right up there looks like colder sack after colder sack but we’re going up this way I don’t know about the rest of the you viewers from the UK and wherever the us but in Australia there’s this Universal concept that everything was just so much worse in the ’90s and early

    2000s everywhere you go like everywhere is significantly cleaner D significantly cleaner um significant iFly cleaner and uh safer than it was in the late ’90s early 2000s and I see these places and I just think like imagine 1998 here 2002 more bordered up houses you going into the backyard of this

    Bro yo anyone here there’s no [ __ ] way in the world I’m going any further in that house multiple reasons I don’t want some crazy junkie Stu in me and oh it’s been set on fire that’s what’s going going on and also I don’t know we classified as a

    Breaking Ina on um live on YouTube so we’ll stay away from that one we got a good gee they left the door open we’re allowed to look aren’t we we’re just documenting reality aren’t we but these colder sacks are rough ass every one of them they look empty

    Hey let me look over this fence yeah these are empty houses look bro that is so trapped bro look at this what doing L that’s so trap I feel like I’m this close away to getting swamp by people D do what the car bro he’s parking in the middle of the road

    Bro you’re just about to park in the middle of the road you were just going to pull the bike bike up there right look at this by the way in case you didn’t know see there that is the end of Sydney see the end of here I’ll

    Show you on a map you think I’m tripping doing right here where we are like it’s literally backed on to the end of Sydney forest for as far as you couldn’t walk through it you’ll die you die more boarded up houses I wonder what the I wonder what

    The percentage of houses being boarded up is that alley hey I got to get off this Main Road I’m getting spotted too much I’m not going to lie I was going to lie about that and I’m made no way cuz I think this alley will go up over over

    There can I get to the shops this way all yeah under the bridge yep and then and then you just follow that around a shops right yeah all right straight up down to the bridge how what’s your name yeah good ke ke how are you brother how long you live there around Here 35 wow here the whole time yeah has it changed much around here oh sh there’s heaps of empty houses now this thing on hey yeah of course I do of course I do it’s my job change change a lot cuz around the world they’re starting to knock down all our

    Neighborhoods cuz I’m from watero they’re doing the same thing in watero doing the same thing in France in London so sort of yeah it’s on YouTube you’ll be on my YouTube channel have a good day oh you too but the people are so nice though I don’t know if it’s just cuz of

    Me or they’re just nice to everyone they’re just nice to everyone 35 years she lived in that house like I said i’ I’ve been here before when I was younger back when I was a criminal and doing my thing think about 2004 one of the boys brought me down

    Here his family was never heard of it his family was from Campbell town um there’s motorbikes pumping everywhere yeah and uh yeah and he brought me down here and I spun the [ __ ] out I’m not going to lie I was like what the [ __ ] bro like then again I never

    Been to Claymore until a few years ago I spun the out a whole another level I feel like these kids on the motorbike are looking for me they are Hey dirt bikes are evidently a popular thing Here that over go that I no bro off his head still know don’t not Li what you doing my Bro i s want to move here hey don’t one i’ like of course there you go I want to move to EDS now it’s fun here where I from and [ __ ] hey is Ed shops is this way all right thank you what about ripping brother all right bro later L brother

    [ __ ] you saw look at their old bus stop go on Lads go on look at this whole lot must have been pretty recently knocked down oh that’s the coldest sack we were in that’s the coldest sack we’re in we could have cut straight through here lucky it went around that way

    Though otherwise we would have missed the smoke show so many Lots here it makes you think Like how many bro I swear there’s a car dropping its clutch every every street here there’s a Juvenile Justice Center a jail for under 18 right in the middle of this suburb my mate Jack was saying that it’s the only place he knows and he’s

    Tried to race so he’ll tell you that has uh a school attached to a jail for juveniles and the Joker around here is like you graduate from one to the other all here you can see the old streets they were saying this all of this right in the

    Middle where we are we just walked through the not so bad part apparently down here was the worst part look at it you can see it was all it’s all knocked down look at the streets going up There let’s go let’s go [Applause] welcome to the GTO hey going Jack alus how are you my brother good they good bro so I got off down at the start thank God I did lad I got that down at the start and I walk through all these Flats down here to get here it’s

    Gsky bro no but it’s still off its head yeah bro it was off its head before I could imagine bro this car c down here and it was just full fish I was hoping to get I put on the show yeah yeah lad fire yeah what you been doing no

    Been all right yeah my m just won that battle last night so he won a grand line oh the rap battle Yeah Yeah mad BR before what what was what was in here L that was my project this is where you lived in here yeah my AE lived up here

    This is called danger way lad danger way danger way but we call it danger oh yeah danger way cuz I walked through and I was I was walking through all the twists and turns down there and it’s still like get it out but then kids came straight

    Up to me they like spion do you l oh yeah did they yeah did you grow up here yeah bro didn’t go away but but my mom’s house was over there that’s G they all over knocked down all over there the whole street over there gy I

    Was going to take you there but there’s nothing left of it and you can see we’re in this big um C sa here so this would have been all houses yeah this was as far as you can see bro far out when did they knock all this down I wouldn’t even

    Have a clue I got out of jail when it was gone oh Dead Set yeah yeah story of our life yeah bro they knock down get out of jail and it’s gone like everything else yeah bro to think because of what I just what we just walked through down there and to think

    In its prime time what this would been if this is the place they chose to knock down yeah these were the worst of the worst the council wasn’t for the council to keep them up yeah that’s crazy by the way everyone’s following me yeah you’re going to there’s cars there’s motorbikes

    Everyone knows I’m here everyone knows I’m here fuing Superstar display is there more no there’s more this way you you probably came from it yeah hey thank you what happened to that that shopping center down there that’s where we made the F yeah yeah we made a a music video

    Shops that look like look like a jail he they look like a little prison they lock it up like a prison yeah but not it’s knocked down too no no it’s still there but it’s all painted up and it’s not called Ed shop anymore it’s called [ __ ] Newbrook oh trying to change the

    Name of the town and ORS that bad oh no way yeah bro they’re calling it new brook yeah Newbrook they even put the word new they trying to erase the name and all we’re going to go after this over to Claymore yeah they’re doing the same thing I heard over there yeah

    Yeah they like they surrounded it they painted out the outside and they’re trying to like hide the name of it in there yeah know cuz growing up you bro you say you from EDS and just look at you like what the get away from me yeah

    Yeah oh this looks like one of the houses were kept made up really nice renovated painted and turned into a community center yeah that was a h but you can see that it was a hzo House hey don’t hey they car stop they can’t see hey doing man what’s your name if you want me on your camera you got to come on my camera let’s go can you did I rub your Li yeah yeah yeah I remember oh yeah I remember that message what’s your name

    One that didn’t give a [ __ ] around this is the whole you know what I said down there I go bro I want to live in a it’s boring where I’m from where I’m from is boring is boring so bro look how different it is here it used to look like the old

    Town now it’s all like this in about 10 years this is going to be ghetto too so it’s far up is all new yeah it’s all new that used to be all projects like yeah I remember yeah I remember going up in there famous today I know can barely get

    A word in I can barely talk bro are you filming yeah I’m filming I’m doing a YouTube video so that’s the old shops where we film that’s this is Ed village now new new brook try to cover up the new soon horor even at the back it’s all on new

    That’s that’s yeah that’s where my house used to be yeah I remember at the back look at it all now yeah bro it’s a whole brand new area now but tell me tell me how do you how do you how do you feel about how do you feel about them doing

    This because look there’s pros and cons you know like us we got we’re sentimental to these are it makes me cry when I come over my Hood’s gone yeah yeah 100% it makes all your memories it’s like they’re deleted they’re gone they’ve been raised and all you can do is like what we’re

    Doing now is say this used to be here and this used to be here Remis yeah imagine I was here 10 years earlier someone was doing this and you sent the whole Fe because we got to think like it’s safe to say 20 years from now nothing’s

    Going to exist nowhere not Campbell town not watero not Mount Jew like yeah cuz so let I want to get let’s go get a drink I’m dying actually we’ll go sus out the shops don’t man it’s still like a Gil in here you can see they flashed it up look look

    Yeah yeah this is way flasher than what they try to put this here make it f hey what he’s doing I don’t need a head I need a drink how isy you you want a be kit for fre what’s a be kit I’ll take one yeah how you how you doing problem

    Hectic for your be what a sick yeah I’ll take on holidays come down to shopping Village Z on Google Map see it let’s see it yeah where’s your drinks at don’t have any drinks you don’t have drinks no drinks in the fre fridge what’s that about no

    Drinks oh yeah yeah yeah look look around here whole thing she’s paranoid I was going to film her look at this welcome to EDS welcome to nothing on the BR welcome to EDS bro got R I said to her how come there’s no drink she goes don’t film me and then I

    Said no I’m filming me why is there no drink she goes we just haven’t put any orders in bro there’s no one buys them they only stealing here look there’s no drink oh look they got some bear Essentials brah this is this is no all jokes are s this is actually very mind

    Opening like what’s going on you don’t get nothing out of here bro this is the shopping center this is the IG for EDS this is it like there’s no other IG Willies and this is this is what they got in heads bro this is the wizard I

    Can’t even get a drink bro I’m thirsty hey D D what’s going on with your too many robberies too many robberies black colors no way yeah they got nothing in there now all the other colors what we do we run in there take

    It a run out no way we do our house fire Ste cars burn B everything what we do down down I do one two please yeah this m is going be I’m today one of do good how you good friends of dunker and you always call my

    Brother out ning n yeah I’m saying his uncle yeah oh yeah I want to give you a little bit of history on this this place here oh please do so if you just go up here yep there’s there’s Reby Juvenile Detention Center yep what they’ve done

    They got the they got a they got a primary school a public school and a high school and your graduation is the in the re I graduated yeah that’s what I was saying to them before and they put they put them all right next to each

    Other yeah and you know like we we’re out here trying to make a difference I’m one of the the Court’s um advisory for the aage people got circular sentencing out here but no resoures get to the front line brother you know what I mean and to to to break down the barriers you

    Know like a lot of these kids are got behavioral issues when they go to school they’re not having a look of what they’re going home to you know what I mean you got to break down all these barriers brother you know what I mean I’ve met only 16,000 kids out here and

    Still don’t get funny that’s right you know it’s all yeah but what they do they work from the top not the bottom up you know they should be working from the bottom listening to Elders that have been around here for decades if you go to my um website called young Spirit

    Mentoring program you’ll see everything we’ve mentored like all them kids getting them up early like tribal Warrior but we’ve done this for like 20 something years out here the mid breaking down all these barriers brother you know what I mean young young Spirit mentoring program young Spirit mentoring

    Program and the web page it’s a WordPress one I’ll put that in the link of this video you know all the glue boys and red boys you know that I meant a lot of them red from all black boys you know like back in the day you know what I

    Mean like it’s that we we’re just trying to make a difference in this community but we get no resources you know what I mean so they want so so they want to they want to invest in the in the puppets you know what I mean yeah and

    You know like what we’re trying to do is is we’ve got an Abel men’s group every Wednesday we work together with with proper Elders that it’s all about truth telling and law you know what I mean but thank you thanks for saying that good work good work BR it Dave Dave Uncle

    Dave Dave let’s go down we’ll sus out what he was saying the the jail built next to the SCH only thing that’s separating it is the razor wi fence that’s crazy bro first time I started smuggling drugs I would have been about 12 years old cuz the boy sent me to go

    Pick up a tennis ball full of Y smuggling them into the juvie you mean throwing tennis balls over the fence to the juvie when I was about 10 far out and that’s what started me life for smuggling drugs what about the so they’ve gone to the air shops

    Rebranded it gave it a paint job and haven’t stocked the shelves it still looks like a jail inside confus looks like a jail with a paint job it does I can’t get over the shells just being empty like that get raided bro yeah well like the lad was saying they’re just getting what

    If even the the the girl that worked there she can tell she was an angry lady yeah she wasn’t happy do you have drinks no don’t fil me all relax so this is this is the high school here this is the high school here yeah it’s high so they got the high

    School the juvie and the public public school all in the same coordinates I wonder what made them decide in the midst of all of that to put a juvie in the middle of it what educated person puts a juvie next to a public school I know you got a

    Square yeah yeah I didn’t go to high school I went to re went public school all right so you skip straight from the public school straight to the juvie to juvie so you never been in there yet no went to high school Hey you must get that everywhere you going now oh yeah everywhere so this is the public school over there yeah and we’ll go down to where that like there’s a little [ __ ] alley that separates them yeah and um the juvie is still active right yeah yeah the juvie people

    In there right now when I first started that juvie was girls and boys oh that’s it yeah used to be girls and boys yeah these kids are growing up on wheelies bro they love yeah so it used to be girls and boys yeah when I first started it was girls

    And boys but then came a certain time where they took the girls out because it was causing too much drama as it does yeah that’s the primary school yeah that’s the primary school that’s why Road public then it goes on the ads Juvenile Justice Center and when I was a

    Kid I used to stay with my auntie yeah her man was a crazy [ __ ] junky PE popping yeah and my mom l him money and [ __ ] he asked my mom for more money without my mom without paying it back and my mom’s going no I wait till you and pay

    Back the other money then I’ll lend his money yeah and anyway he sked out grab the axe and [ __ ] beat my mom half to De from axe bro right right where we were standing back there standing across the road from the shop and and what like

    You just got told on the phone you had to go no no I went listen bro I tried to yeah I tried to tackle him and op him stay l no way that was the first violence I ever witnessed in my life how old were you then I was about 9 years

    Old bro bro sorry about that eh oh I can see the razor wires yeah that’s what separates in school so you can see through there a razor wire so this is the primary school yeah and they legitimately got the razor wire in it the r wire there

    Separ I don’t understand bro why why cuz why at least put up set up for the children up this only place in the world brother oh did you see that almost bro lad nearly died lad nearly died lad that’s [ __ ] every day [ __ ] did you

    Say that say the last EAS the juvie yeah almost just we’re getting distracted that’s the edge of the school and that’s the start of the juvie yeah and there’s what’s between them a little a little roadway yeah a little roadway R Juvenile Justice Center yeah you can walk as kids

    When you grow up around here your mom walks you around here saying if you keep going this is where you’re going to end up what actually there’s a thing called that green writing says warar pre-release unit so there’s actually a low security attached to it The gates are open yeah the gates are open we can walk up through here to the other side oh yeah let’s walk through I presume this would all be locked up these kids are playing out on this field here they’re going to run up SP no way way imagine They’re Out

    Imagine they’re out all right so so this is obviously the high security part a pre-release unit so this is what would be their c classo yeah that’d be their C Class their c classo yeah what’s that like last 3 months if they behave they’d go here yeah or when you go on day

    Release on du [ __ ] yeah oh No cameras all right yeah but these are all the pods here oh yeah that’s the housing units here yeah there you go so there that’s that’s the distance that’s the school fence there that’s the school fence right yeah all right and that’s the juvie fence

    Yeah so pure that they can see it yeah look there’s there’s one of their balls just just so we can see look that’s legitimately the the school soccer overall and there you go yeah but this is where they first said to me like around the backyard I was

    Walking like to my M’s house and boys yelled out to me oh lad come here and I got there they’re like go pick up this tennis ball from this house just across the road here I’m like what the the inmates in here yeah yeah the boys playing [ __ ] touch football on the

    Oval there oh yeah they so their drop their drugs was in a tennis ball outside the fence their mom was wrapping it up wrapping the tennis ball up just over at the house oh no way they said to go pick it up I’m throw it over the fence and I

    Launched it over the fence the old lady gave me a stick that’s a crack up oh it’s a d here now oh used to be able to walk through full D that looks like they visit seating that’s typical prison yeah typical prison visits seating like visitation area seating umbrellas yeah look a

    Barbecue hey look look at that full that’s full jail seating he never thought i’ be back on a visit seat prison visit seat what you doing you come to visit me I come to visit here here take this quick thank you man where’s the chips slide where’s

    The munchies you put 100 in my account or what brother that you were in here yeah bro in this juvie I’m going through the Royal commission right now from being molested in this juvie giving heroin yeah when I was about 14 bro you you got a court case yeah Royal

    Commission yeah from Ab being abused in yeah and giving and giving drugs giving a drug habit yeah when I first came here when I was a kid there was an older boy named dim he sort of took me under his wing anyway he had un farmy was bringing in gear shoes

    Whatever the [ __ ] he wanted and that’s how I got a heroin H when I was a child [ __ ] know yeah bro they trying to offer like 70 grand and that people were settling for 70 I’m not going to settle for nothing less than 500 bro yeah Fair

    Income cuz [ __ ] it’s not just a sexual abuse thing it’s a [ __ ] drug abuse the [ __ ] that went on in here bro when I was a kid it’s unbelievable yeah yeah yeah it’s [ __ ] though yeah on this worker but there’s like about 72 boys that got cases on in there on one worker

    Yeah legit [Applause] legit this used to be a field you could walk through but now it’s just all new housing estate these are all brand new way yeah they used to just be in a field yeah and you cut back what to the back of the shops yeah back of the shops and

    The hous those on the other side of head oh yeah yeah oh was there more down the other side yeah that’s the that’s C Road on this side but most of it’s GN oh that’s it there’s two sides of EDS that side and this side yeah look at it now

    Yeah looks like a new state yeah looks like a nice area actually do they call it EDS or have they claimed a different name do they try to say like Bradbury or yeah yeah yeah when I was a kid my mom used to say we don’t live in EDS we live

    In baby oh yeah I said no man we live in [ __ ] EDS you know what I noticed when I was walking through before before I seen you so many houses are boarded up yeah they are there’s so many bought it up there was an empty house still full of their

    [ __ ] like a dump I walked in it I didn’t walk right in but I stuck the camera in the door was open yeah so I’m not going to go in here either junkie is going to stab me or I’m going to get arrested a

    Lot of them yeah a lot of them were ped up cuz meth laabs left legit yeah a lot of them they were being turned into meth laabs L of them what because we’ve walked past heaps of these where it’s not just one but it’s whole blocks like

    Look back there that one’s bought it up probably the one next to it bought it up most of them are bought it up bro M’s warning wonder how many times he’s been robbed before he put that up hey look at this bro I get what you mean about that oh

    The Pizza Hut RS I see what you mean that’s what he’s talking about when he said it I just I didn’t really click on because I just see normal rules now he’s saying the house the housing around this why had these old you see that roof the

    Pizza hot you remember as soon as I seen I’m like oh yeah the pizza hot you know I’m not even from here but just growing up in like similar circumstances but on the other side of Sydney I’m sad when I see that when I see things getting boarded up and

    Knocked down and torn out where there’s nowhere to live for some people but I’m I’m sad that like the history of the people because I feel that connection so you know and it’s not even my hood and I see that and I’m like no bro no every

    Hood’s the same L yeah every Hood’s the same I reckon we call it Uber and head over to Claymore sweet what do they call it clack CL once you go clack you won’t go back once you get the CL you ain’t coming back they say F they say that

    It’s the truth clim ‘s bad yeah what’s the bad say so we’re on one part of Campbell town K’s on on the opposite side there’s two sides we’re on the a side now we’re going to the clar and then they’re the two most housing sides a yeah well there’s Mino mcfields

    MTO Mac Rose Meadow yeah Rose Meadow’s near here Rose Meadows on that side yeah on that side that’s bad yeah that’s they’re all bad they’re all bad MTO what he said MTO I heard it used to be the worst by far was really bad but now the

    Whole thing is actually cleaned up is that right cleaned up it looks like little indiaan now Little India yeah so MTO I always knew as a kid the suburb Mento was really do you ever went down there when it was bad yeah I lived in

    There most of my life oh did you yeah oh no way and it was like here but like but burnt stuff everywhere bins from [ __ ] one end of the street to the other burnt to the ground have bin in me right you know and so when I went to um

    Claymore the first time I I [ __ ] spun out the way it looks poty staking bro it was the most depressing thing I have ever seen in my life yeah no I agree I agree imagine nothing to grow up in the kind of a place yeah waiting for the

    Uber the bikes are back on the street slide o Let’s see it Bro all right so we’ve jumped out of the Uber this is called Eagle Veil but we are at the border once you go through here we’re into Claymore so I think we’re coming up like the backside and walking through the back Jack said that this is what AIDS

    Used to be but they are boarding up houses over here they are starting to knock things down but they’re about 10 years behind EDS so I’m glad we’re coming now up ahead is the start of the all the flats all of the tow houses cross the road and then there’s

    An entire suburb of them fancy name in the town after a bomb Claymore mines are yeah wow straight away first place is abandon look at that let’s go on to step in here sh some out bro I haven’t seen one of a a floppy disc what floppy discs everywhere Go up the stairs BR go up the stairs Lu living in Claymore bro wow bro wow welcome to Claymore told you first place oh yeah they got a he they got MJ but that’s sad but that’s someone’s full home bro someone you know what I mean someone’s childhood memories they got to

    Gym everything you know what the freaky thing is there’s still people living next door what about living next door to an empty he what about M that lives next door middle of the night you just he kids in there b b it’s bricking the walls in there and you’ll be like I

    Still live here mate we’re having a crack party shut up bro look at that empty down there we have just not even entered Claymore yet we’ve just got to the flats where you cross the road into Claymore and look this is why I didn’t want to act dramatic and overemphasize it too much

    But when I left from the city and I told you about Claymore being I the first time I drove through here was 4 years ago and I was shocked absolutely shocked and I grew up around the hoods and I was shocked I was like I didn’t think something like this in Australia could

    Exist it’s like two empties two occupied one occupied one empty look one empty one occup one occupied like every second one is empty or occupied both of both of those empty that’s got a car in a driveway although it looks empty they just parking their yeah they’re just parking their cars

    Now what team they go for roosters go The Roosters wait this isn’t wo supposed to beers straight these are all empty yeah this is like honestly shocking cars this is the type of things that you see in like when you watch Doos of like Detroit and it’s just suburbs I’ve just look the

    Whole suburb is just like empty but people living in here still just next to like six empties but as weird as a kid that these whole streets will be full of kids bro I don’t know where the [ __ ] kids are well they’re not living here they not

    Hey up here’s the street where that burn out yeah when we cross actually into to the main part of Clore across the road there and this just goes on and on look down there it continues all empty smashed up houses this is the street that circles it day does a big loop around

    It this is the different sty here yeah yeah they different here you see over in airs they were a lot more like houses Standalone houses and here are their tow houses like joined onto each other look at that very different Style they’re so hummed right all of the houses every one of them it’s very quiet yeah very quiet eh sometimes it comes to BL yeah all the little back streets he used on blacks to get away from G blowing the police in these back Lanes he’s saying what are these still lived in

    Yeah these just look full absolutely smashed look at the yards this is just every house bro no people living there right yeah this is like the back over you know how like a jail surrounds the yard yeah yeah well this is like so this a oval in

    Between it all yeah in between all the houses hey look at them all backed out onto it they must have a gang around here see something cuz I see the letter c spray painted with a number C40 C10 C1 that 046 boys come from around here yeah yeah 046 yeah [ __ ] killing yeah

    I know the other raer 046 oh they bought it out look at that look up there bro up there is crazy just a kid sitting on a pile of rubbish up there yeah life of a SE Town boy sitting on PS of rubbish what he’s doing he’s from around

    Here yeah cross right there just there yeah if we’re just doing Hood walkthroughs bro we come from EDS and we’re finishing off with the the worst of the worst fin with the CL bro has it changed much around here lately obviously I’m not from here it’s

    Quieter back in the day back in the day it was red yeah that’s what he was saying yeah back in the days it was off its head and now there’s not even a kid in the street I can’t even find a kid riding a bike so many empties are yeah

    We just walk through from through there that across the road there they’re all empty yeah [ __ ] now it’s yeah it’s it’s good be bad yeah yeah it’s good and it’s bad yeah it’s good and it’s bad that’s what I was saying when we’re over in aeds and

    Obviously we on from too same thing happened it’s like you can’t complain cuz things got better but at the same time you’re sort of spewing and you sort of Miss it like it’s a bit sad bro you know what I mean like yeah that’s how I

    Feel too bro fck enough yeah but it’s crazy around here so where’s all the flats they all up through here right I don’t know there a lot ofed house mostly yeah well you were locked up together yeah yeah mad mad I’m saying mad yeah mad P of your lives brother loving life

    So you got no bungers I do with ch all right boys laters thanks my brothers take care we’ll go sus down the shops quickly they said their shops here but they might be closing soon 2559 is that the post code the shark yeah so that was saying it’s Saturday they might

    Be closed yeah look at this place yeah cuz they closed early cuz [ __ ] gets robbed hard here like yeah with syringes and [ __ ] no way no I’m Gaz and not have syringes blood Fu syringes blood fued the shops closed early here cuz they they get robbed with blood filled

    Syringes far out you can’t even get a feed so if you live in Claymore and it’s Saturday afternoon that’s it you’re starving yeah that’s right go to the cupboard noodles unless you’re a Gooding catb of course the bottle open yeah of course of course the bottle is open but

    Nothing else worst comes the worst they might sell solded peanuts SL excuse me how much is the packet of CH is 20 what do you smoke what do you usually smoke I usually smoke what’s your holidays whatever you want yeah get whatever packet you want I about cheap cigarettes

    Cheese my brother all right you got to smoke bodies thank you my brother all right if there’s nothing open I’m coming back for those jerkies and things that’s my backup feed here boss how long have you worked here for too long too long is it what’s it like around here is it a

    Bit rough little bit rough used to be used to be rough us be like 15 20 years ago oh yeah St that I heard yeah before I started yeah before you started used to be really bad eh and it’s getting better as time goes it is last couple of

    Years cuz they’re moving all the public hous yeah they’re moving them M they’re moving everyone out yeah yeah we’ve noticed we’re walking through and every second house is empty yeah oh well all right brother gentrification when I started looking at that word and studying it I’m like this is what it is

    Yeah welcome to Claymore Pacific way I’m so hungry bro at least they got drinks here not like airs far out that that place that EDS are shocking he gave me a watermelon got me a watermelon yeah grab whatever you want like anything you want but I’m just I’m so starving I’m

    I’m supposed to be on a Kido diet don’t worry about the diet today so I’m going to go Pringles with pum and them we’re having a little me we’re having a St a Munch you want Pringles lad no I’m starving you’re not starving I’m starving bro panut M&M’s I’m going off

    Bro I’m going off you know when you’re hungry and you go to the shops and you want to buy everything I’ll just get this for now what’s that is that p p po oh no what is it got some more and dessert yeah thank you thanks bye you too oh I

    Wish that was open that’s the there’s a Samoan woman or tongen I think she’s tongen and they serve like Islander food here and it’s closed we would have been smashed now me are eating Munchies cuz it’s closed lad Li kitchen yum Bro [ __ ] off to try been

    Pumping it he just sipped a watermelon drink heck say off of 10 have you seen this like the coconut bus made from watermelon is hectic it’s everything that you think it would be it’s not a fake bodgy soda or something it’s just pure watermelon juice it’s off its head

    It’s beautiful it’s to be water yeah and it’s no no no it’s like pure watermelon juice and it’s cheap they’re like if you get a big can like that from unless you’re in a city it’s like 350 if you get a boost juice 10 11 bucks for watermelon

    Juice let me Smash these smash my peanut M&M’s I might go back in and get a ice cream I don’t know and then we will continue who to us nice little stop over thank God that convenience store was open he that full burnt out oh we can go in

    Here that got burnt good bro I got CAU look at that my mate clay his little brother died in the house for yeah when we were kids it was far far out well the the buildings the way their design must just be really flammable I think I think what happened

    Was they went on the nod with a Oaks man and lit the whole house up oh no way hey look at that little hand little little Panasonic video camera luxury living this is the garage it’s cool that you get like a little lock up garage you can see that each

    Each each each uh townhouse not only gets a little driveway but gets a lock up garage that’s not bad look Another Empty smashed up all of these one two all three of these are empty what happened to the whole front of the house whole front of the house is a

    Missing they probably come in fix it up yeah yeah right yeah right I just stay bought it up for 10 years get burned down they probably just wait for people to smash it up they want to each time they get burned out they just knock them

    Down yeah I reckon that’s what they do so a house is empty right nothing wrong with the house they bought them up with chicken wire it’s not even bought it up look it’s not like it’s been ripped off is the they haven’t even boarded them up and at the top they P chicken

    Wire what I think they’re waiting to do is when the house goes empty they’ll leave it and wait for people to come in kids to set it on fire destroy It smash it and then say Oh see it’s already Beyond repair to just knock them down I reckon that’s what they’re doing it’s

    Just a bit convenient that every single house that doesn’t have occupants in it is just wide open you get what I mean so there used to be occupants oh wow they still got photos here bro wow baby photos bro Black Ops 3 this isn’t even that long ago is It bro what the why is there a family’s photos here oh they children children’s photos Christmas School photos everywhere their photos are everywhere look who can forget their family photos though come on if you if you if you’re going to take 10 things if you’re going

    To take one car 10 things from your house when you leave it what do you baby’s photos one of them is your family photos all right everything else bro air conditioner TV don’t worry about that Family Photos the negatives are here he’s two photos of two adults interesting that that would be

    Left around the house to be honest four levels bro yeah see what and there you can even go in the these are these are mad houses bro all right these are mad hous those bathroom up here yeah big main room they got a bath and everything

    Oh I feel sad about that bro I’m not going to lie I feel sad about that like you know what might have happened person he might have died maybe yeah bro well they got run out the town and they had to pack up quick bro it’s freaky that there’s just people living

    Like look people live there it’s a ghost town bro yeah but this is the thing like about that I’m freaking out the most about here there’s a burnout home and then a just a home with people next door sharing a brick wall that thick there’s empty houses with people’s family photos

    And just people living there it’s like those houses down there kids are smashing all through the walls M he’s asleep in the house next door imagine he just he walk what were you saying before when we’re eating about the gang culture you said it like it started here yeah in

    Ads in Claymore before when I was a kid it was just one onone goes you know what I mean and then once the Islanders hit the town that’s when gangs started for me cuz they had that gang culture already so I mean look empty empty empty living living empty Empty I many chases and stuff would oh yeah happen all day long here bro we don’t ni doing aing little walk around lad in the right yeah see hey what hey I’m in Claymore ladore the CL you won’t go back it’s hard to tell if a house is empty or not

    It’s blood lines bro looks like an empty but there’s people in the top window looks like they’re trying to paint it and fix it up bro this this section looks dead yeah it is dead n look at this this C sacks full dead lad but look there’s a look someone there

    But look here bro every place look at that look at that bro there’s more yeah there’s more there’s just blocks and blocks over it lad it don’t stop that there’s this what I mean there’s an entire suburb like this how can there be in the entire suburb like

    This I think we’ll just jump a Back Fence eh instead of walking all the way around yeah oh you guess should go straight through the house what are we talking about we’re in Claymore right just walk through the loung rooms lad CL get scared the get I heard your voice

    In there my me that much I knew your voice straight away I scared the [ __ ] out of me you [ __ ] those junky CS it I got goosebumps like I’m on a ghost hun can’t why did you tell me how are you how are you doing bro I’m walking through a [ __ ]

    I’m walking through like this and you just popped out of there like I’m not SP oh bro BR my heart yeah we’re just doing a walk through why can I get a picture we come on I’m going to show you bro I [ __ ] the gear

    Then did you see her coming bro I [ __ ] the the off oh [ __ ] the gear I bro wait I was just about to go pink hair I’m this is he’s going spit out oh hang on turn me CA around say say okay it’s safe to say from what I’ve

    Seen so so far that at least 80% of the houses are now empty it’s getting to the point where it’s like pick a house with someone in it like that other part had a few with people living in it but look at this bro this is legitimately

    Empty I can guarantee you in a few years none of this will be here no this is documentation brother yeah a couple people living and entire CEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 oh there’s someone living in that there’s someone in there you may look

    Here and just think like Oh no you’re just in empty houses we’re not we’re in people’s backyards that’s someone’s backyard that’s someone’s backyard someone’s in it someone’s there is a dog Mark that’s what makes it crazy say this guys on forever live it does right oh look this is where they start

    Building the new houses same story as EDS and that what that was all houso Street there yep you can see the old roads and look new houses and those new houses look exactly like the ones in ads exactly hey wow bro Claymore the CL mb’s lad M what

    Mbery tree yeah I haven’t had these for ages bro the kids kids are around here to SM did you pump one kids around here to smash these when they back in the days look at these still smash juicy M’s Le that look like a big house bro yeah

    There is a big to there was a big one he it’s good for the homeless but they got shelter yeah but the funny thing is none of the homeless would stay out here they’re all in they’re all in the middle of the city yeah they’re all in can’t C

    Around here they’re all in Central Station sleeping in the street yeah there’s at least 600 bedrooms out here free ads and Claymore I told you I told you there’s some shotgun parts of Sydney you wouldn’t think exist I’m I’m still this is the first time I’ve I’ve drove past here and was

    Shocked this is the first time I’ve walked through here unbelievable that’s it bro OK SL yeah bro thank you brother for the tour hectic hectic that’s it and we’re out laters


    1. Shout out to Uncle Dave . Thanks bro . Sorry I'm a white fella and not even Ozzy but thanks . Many blessings and good I hope goes to you my friend . Keep it up without the elders of THIS land we all loose.

    2. This video popped up this morning . I grew up in Bradbury but spent so much time in Airds in the late 80s n 90s.
      Went to ambarvale high
      Left but still a proud Campbelltown girl.
      Love your content.

    3. Not gonna lie this area looks quite nice: lots of room, lots of green space, big gardens… Not saying it's not a moody place. But it's not the flats. People have room to move around.

    4. Hey Spanian, I'm from Perth but every time I go to Sydney I stay with a mate in Redfern. I love the Lebo places on Cleveland Street. There's like 5 next to each other and Fatima's is the grooviest place out.

    5. The sad part is most of those empty houses look like they were nice..or at least decent…at some point before they wee neglected and deserted!

    6. You dont even need to do anything wrong to get put in juvey. I bevame a ward of the state after my parents gave me up when i was 11 and they put me in minda for a year and eventually out to Mittagong.

    7. Don't believe your Solicitor or Barrister too much. We ran away from abuse in a boy's home and my best mate and room mate was murdered and I got no where near 500g's. But I wish you all the best with it. The Royal Commission came about from the 60minutes show on BoysTown. There were almost forty of us but not all put heads on tv. It was the Monday morning that Julia Gillard announced a Royal Commission into Institutional Abuse….. Hope you get all the coin U can bro. Take care and good luck

    8. Insane that this is just an hour away from where I live, the whole energy of the place is so depressing. Would be so hard to do good in life living in a place like that

    9. I'd say developers have bought all the land for future newbuild expensive housing and make billions of dollars ck into that ans see who bought the land I know it looks rough but it definitely does not feel as sinister as Barcelona a place that 35yrs ago was not like that but all over the world at once beautiful places like california I find it so so sad what has happened to all the happiness and community kindness 😢😢

    10. We lived in Airds bk in the 80's in Danger Way, we had an interesting childhood that's for sure. Went to Briar Rd, I remember my teacher Mrs Fennel & our nurse who used to be there are fond memories. I spun out to see that Danger Way has been pulled down now, down with it went all the bad stuff that happened there too. We used to play at the sand park, spent too much time in Riverside Inn with the oldies & seeing the shops again took me bk like I was there yesterday. Hasn't changed much at all. I remember the Chinese Takeaway that used to be there, always looked forward to a feed from there.
      Thanks for taking us around to see it all again- cheers

    11. Enjoying watching your video, especially the ones around familiar parts of Sydney I lived in…
      If you wanna visit a pretty out there hood… Go to Miss Side and other neighbouring suburbs in Manchester… I remember driving through there after getting on the wrong bus and in Hulme seeing this housing estate where someone had gotten right up the top and spray painted "Welcome to Hell". I was pretty open-minded and seen some gang shit in NZ but this was scary… My great great Aunty had said to me, "don't go to Moss Side because you'll get shot…!". Well, I couldn't fkn get work.. Next thing, guess what, I'm getting a phone call from an agency about a job that's been on their books for quite sometime… At Moss Side Social Services… I took it because I was broke… But man could I tell you some stories from working there on reception…! I actually ended up really enjoying it and the clients loved me because I gave a shit… I was only gonna do a few weeks until something else came along but I ended up there for six months in the end… 🙏🏽🌀🧡

    12. Wanted to go to AU to import one of those Holdens for a long time but Australia wont let me in cause of my record. Smile big af when that🟢Holden began burnin tyres! Big ups Spanian from Gothenburg. Keep goin abroad brodie.

    13. i lived in airds in late 90s everyone new everyone from hanging at the wool wash haveing a blast smokin billies punchin on was the life made me as hard as i am today westie for life no cunt harder than a westie budda

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