On the agenda this week:

    1. Happy New Year!
    2. This week’s filming locations and GWIA answer
    3. Run down of plans between now and March
    4. General Q&A

    Come and join The Village People! (Subscribers only!)

    Hello people hello hello hello hi we are on the air in 2024 good evening folks first thing you may have noticed is the new venue uh of course where normally sat just there but uh you might remember the issue we had with the the camera the webcam um at the end of last

    Year which means that now all my lives will be done on my phone as opposed to on the laptop which means that I’m going to be sat here so you got a A different view you have the you have the window behind me as opposed to um the kitchen door so

    Yeah I’m sure you’ll get used to this eventually but yeah haven’t moved very far just just where I am basically so who have we got so let’s have a look I’ve got to get used to these uh to how the comments come up on this thing so let’s have a little look

    Uh straight away straight away Richard Richard says how much did you spend at parkgate on Saturday I saw you there did you well I didn’t spend anything myself I didn’t go for me um we were shopping for something else uh for somebody else um so I didn’t actually spend a thing so

    But there we go there we go let’s have a scroll down these comments let’s see because the the the problem with doing this on my phone is I can’t see the comments all the time they disappear um so that there we go camera still not working well the camera the camera I’ve

    Decided to go for the my phone anyway here’s Lauren who’s taking up my usual space there I’m sorry you can only see half of it there but that’s the way the way the clamp is I know it’s a chair that’s why I sit in it okay so let’s have a look uh Jade

    Says happy New Year oh yes happy New Year everybody this is the first time you’ve seen me isn’t it um in live form at least um since the turn of the New Year even though we’re eight days in and this is a a full meeting as well it’s

    Not just for remembers this one because obviously we didn’t do one on New Year’s Day um so I’ve decided this one is going to be a a full meeting and to be fair first time after after the new year since we had one it feels like ages it

    Was quite a long time ago it was just before Christmas the last one and of course with Christmas day being a Monday and New Year’s Day being a Monday there was no way I was going to do a live stream on those two days um so yes it’s

    Been three weeks since the last live stream feels like a long time ago doesn’t it it was like a very long time ago but uh but there we go that’s just how it is how it goes so right uh let’s see we’ve got 14 people in that’s a pretty good uh pretty

    Good start I must admit really really good Lauren’s peering in you’re right there Lauren yeah yeah enjoying my chair yeah I’m sure you are always do good good right so let’s uh let’s get down to business obviously the first thing I want to talk about in

    This particular meeting is oh hang on a second drink oh sorry hang on oh sorry Nikki’s just turned her laptop around so I can see the comments a bit better I think okay so the first thing I want to talk about is uh this week’s filming locations and

    Give you this week’s guess where I am answer as well because I did do one of those it was the one of the first things you saw of mine this uh this year so this week’s filming locations um I’m going to be in Lincolnshire this

    Week and I’m going to be going to four in North cast and six in East Lindsay so the north Steven series is gonna carry on basically where it left off it’s had a bit of a gap because I put the Trafford Manchester ones in uh before it

    Um but that’s coming back in February I’ll be going to Dunston nocton Potter ham withth and Branston and Mia all places that I know fairly well I’ve never actually been to knockton before so that’s going to be an interesting one um the other ones I have so I kind of

    Know what’s in them effectively um fun fact my brother used to live in Branston so uh be seeing his old house as well tomorrow um East Lindsay I’ll be doing the following e I’ll doing six of them I’ll be going to basically a run of small ones which are all between Lincoln

    And Horn Castle um and they are and they are uh tough home Bucknell um horsington sticks W and scks wal and wood Hall easy for me to say uh at lanton and thimbleby uh now I’ve been to a couple of those before but there are a couple I

    Haven’t so that’s going to be quite fun as well to see another part of linol Shire that I’ve not yet seen before so in 10 10 in total uh but most of them are pretty small so they should be very very easy episodes to make and of course

    East Lindsay will start properly once these cumbrian ones that you’re currently seeing on Mondays um have finished there’s three more to come out you’ve seen Brigham today uh there’s uh grce Southern uh little Clifton and great Clifton to come before East lindsy go gets going properly so that’s that um

    The guest where I am only one person got this and that’s kind of one more than I expected actually uh it was a very tough one you you you would have to know this bit of suffk to know exactly where I was last week um I was around New Market but

    The guess where I am wasn’t New Market itself it was Barton Mills which is on the river lck just to the south of milen hall because I did a run last week between New Market and milen Hall um never been there before in my life you

    Know completely new to me uh but trust me it’s all about horse racing this that area um you’ll be sick of me mentioning horse racing by you time you’ve watched all eight of those episodes which I did so um but you know they’ve all got to be

    Done and they’ve all got their own little quirks and uh yeah that’s the that’s kind of the order of the day down there lots of horse racing stuff um so yeah Barton Mills was the answer lovely Place lovely Place Barton Mills loved it loved it my hotel was there as well so

    Right just going have a quick look at some comments here uh let’s see oh Dave scotson good morning Dave obviously out there in Australia it’s morning for you isn’t it you would have seen the new year before everybody else wouldn’t you so let’s see have I been to

    East leak no no I’ve not been to East leak yet I’ve been to West leag but that one’s not out yet uh that’s obviously Rush Cliffe which is only only just begun last week um West leak is the sixth one uh in the series I did eight there at the end of

    Last year uh so I’ve been to West leak but not East I had to go through East leak to get to it though because the road between um goam not Gotham you’ll learn that one H and Kingston on saw was closed uh and so the only way sort of

    Round was to go through East leag and it was kind of a weird thing because I was supposed to do kingst saw fifth but I actually ended up doing that sixth because of this diversion I did West leak first um but the the order is still what I plann Kingston onar Kingston onar

    Will still be Fifth and West leak will still be sixth so just made more sense because Su bonington being seventh you you’ll you you’ll understand when you watch the episodes that uh the order had to stay the same so um so yeah no not been to east league yet but I will I

    Will because I want nting you done this year so uh yeah they’ve all got to be done I had a message earlier by the way uh asking whether or not I’ve been to to Wars up yet the only one in Mansfield um no is the answer uh but I will because

    That’s also Nottingham sh too so it’s got to be done at some point right okay so while we’re on the subject of places where I’m going I’ve uh prepared a little um little something here ni up on Nicki’s laptop here so I have plans all the way already

    From here today all the way through to the end of March so I’ve got the first three months of the year fully planned out so I hope you’re ready hope you’re sitting comfortably because I’m going to go through the lot you won’t remember all of these but

    You know it doesn’t matter I will obviously tell you in in meetings where I’m going week on week but um this is what to expect from me in the in the coming in the coming months so obviously you know already know about tomorrow and um Wednesday when I’m in linol share the

    Ones I’ve already talked about the week after I shall be in the East Riding I want that finish this year as well as Nottingham sh it should easily be to be fair there’s not a great amount left um should be a bit of space at the end of

    Actually to put something else in so I’ll be going to in order uh north frodingham foston um Kelk harpen Burton Agnes carnaby uh bston and Olam so eight the week after the week after that which is January the can’t read this from here 23rd I’ll be in Amber Valley I’ll be

    Knocking off another five in Amber Valley I’m going to Shipley um alar and Langley Mill swanic summer coats and alfron so that’s going to be the swanic summer coats Al alfon day is going to be intense they are all massive and of course alon’s a big town

    So I definitely need my my my my running boots and on for that one because it’s going to be it’s going to be a difficult one to do let’s just put it that way um so then we go to the end of J January January the 30th and

    31st and again I’m back into Lincolnshire again North kast Steven are be going to metheringham blankney and Martin and then crossing kirkstead bridge don’t know whether you know kirkstead Bridge you might do if you’re from linare uh it goes into wood or Spa but I’m not doing wood or Spa I’ll be

    Doing three little Villages that are around wood or Spa so those are Kirby on ban halam and um wood Enderby and then on the way home pretty intense week this one uh I’ll be going to three more in North cast Sten so we’ve got Thorp on the hill uh swinderby and Witham St

    Hughes so North North C and Eastland gonna have a good sort of oomph behind them what plenty of them done the week after that is a bit less sort of intent I’m in nottingshire again and I’m going to be doing three in Ling and four in rushcliffe the three in

    Gedling will be Burton Joyce Stoke bardol and kwick or is it call it might be might be colic I’m not sure Co [ __ ] I’m sure someone not even sure will tell me that um and then in rushcliffe I’ll be heading to G the place with a great

    Name bunny bunny Bradmore plum tree and normon on the wals um I’m quite excited about that little run actually because Bunny looks like a really interesting place and it’s got a very unique Landmark shall we say at its Village entrance so I’m sure you’re all going to

    Love it so uh so yeah that’s going to be pretty cool now after that I’ll be I might be going to pocklington with Nikki over here um on February the 11th but I haven’t quite decided yet whether I want to do that on February the 11th or

    February the 25th it’s a Saturday so it could be one or the other between times I’ll be going to ashborne on February the 13th um that is primarily obviously to do the town on its own itself but that date’s important because it’s the date of the shro Tide football game which is

    Going to be mental if you don’t know what the shro tied football game is you will you will know this week because I mention it in the Clifton and Compton episode that’s coming out on Wednesday um because that’s where one of the football goals is it’s not like any

    Football match you’ve ever ever seen before or heard about before and on February the 13th I will be able to capture it in its entirety um it’s quite mad I saw I saw a video of last year’s and um basically I’ll need to be standing well away from the

    Action I’ll put it that I’ll put it I’ll put it that way on the way back from ashborne I’m going to be doing two in Amber Valley ravensdale Park and kedleston two very tiny ones I’m not going to need much after ashborne quite frankly because it’s going to be a big

    One um and then we go to Dorset and Wiltshire the week after so you all voted for me to go to Dorset to go to shaft Bri is what you all picked because you all want to see me walk up Gold Hill with a with the loaf of Hovis in my hand

    Don’t you well I will I will be doing that but on the way down to uh to Shaftsbury I’ll be hitting some in Wiltshire because Shaftsbury is right on the Dorset Wiltshire border um so I’ll be hitting the following places in Wiltshire Marston Earl Stoke uh couston Edington and what was the last

    One Bratton which are all close to Warminster uh my hotel is in Warminster so another place I don’t know so that’s going to be quite fun um I told you this was a long list I’m sorry guys there’s still a few left yet lots lots left yet um then we’re hitting

    The end of February and this is another run in darbishire Nottinghamshire so I’ll be in South darbishire to start with um I’ll be doing SW is it swaron or swaron I don’t know how to pronounce that one yet we’ll soon we’ll soon find out um engleby Barrow on Trent and one more that

    Escapes me ston by Bridge um and then we’re into Rush Cliff again where I’ll be going to Stanford on Saw rampston and three others that I’ve forgotten uh costop weissel and Thorp in the GLE not much in Thorp in the Glee I’ll tell you that now so we’re almost at the end of

    February the last week that’s the last week of February so the first week of March I’m back into Harriet big gap between last time I was in Harriet that was back end of December but the reason for that is because I did 12 in one go um in har get

    Last time I was there um so obviously you know we’re doing 12 this there is going to be a big gap so when I hit Harriet again first week of March I’m going to start close to weby work my way toward Ws harg get and then back out

    Again so we’re going to Kirk Deon North Eon little ribston and uh spof with stockeld and then coming back out to flyfoot Plumpton Goldsboro and flaxby so run of smallish ones again but they are quite small up there to be to be frank I’ll tell you this now I am really enjoying that

    Harriet series you know on the quiet I’m actually quite enjoying being up there it’s uh it’s quite a nice part of Yorkshire you know for a part of auction I didn’t really know before I started it I’m actually loving it quite quite a lot so I’m actually quite excited to go back

    Up there again right where are we now so we’re in mid-march Back to the East Riding again for ellon cumu on the coast there on the sorry on the bank of the Humber I should say not the coast I’ve done the coast nearly um yeah Ellison Kum Bru and

    Welton and then Cottingham so two big ones and more mediumsized one so not much that week um so that’s that then we’ve got uh second to last week of March we’re back into Lincolnshire again it’s more North ceven and more East Lindsay so North ceven First North scarl Eagle and swin Thor

    Which I know someone out there has been asking for for ages um doddington and wisby and skelling Thorp now I know skelling Thorp very very well because it’s the next Village over from sax willby and then in Eastland I’ll be doing uh another run of six now

    All of these are tiny L Lon lton by ragby it’s easy for me to say Hatton great sturton um market stainton rambi and soby those are all places that you probably don’t even have a clue even exist because there tiny tiny specs on the map so and then the last week of

    March uh I planned this one today um so this is this is hot off the press if you like uh I’ll be doing a run in South darbishire combined with um one in Amber Valley because at this point Amber Valley will only have four left and the four that

    Are left are are big big big places so the running South darbishire will be one second uh so it’s eggon Hoon um Mar on Dove Barton Blount Sutton on the hill and Ash and then the one I’ll do in Amber Valley after them is Ripley and that is everything between

    Now and March the end of March so there’s a lot planned there’s a lot there’s a lot of you know stuff that’s gone into to to to working all that lot out will I re tired by the end of it no of course not I uh I I live for this so I’m

    Uh I’m excited for all of them every single one all of them that I’ve listed I’m sure there are some places that you know that I’ve listed all you know there and uh yeah this be be good to see them all on the channel won’t it so let’s

    Have a look back through the yes and breathe yes Dave and breathe correct right I was going to go back through the comments because obviously while I’ve been listing them there’s been lots of comments that I haven’t seen yet so uh let’s see Alice says that message wasn’t from me in regarding war

    No it wasn’t it was from a guy called Emil um he’s been following me since the Wakefield series um it’s good good it’s good to know that there are people out there who been following me for a few years now um it’s good it’s good uh yeah

    So I’ll be doing warp at some point this year but I don’t know when let’s see um so Spock says just wondering what year it would be when it’s all going to be completed I got asked this question the other day actually um I I gave the answer as Christmas 2051 but it’s

    Actually not it’s Christmas 2050 um it should be you know if I keeps the 30-y year thing it should be Christmas 2050 um so that’s the aim but of course if I get it done quicker I get it done quicker if I don’t I don’t you

    Never know you never know you know I’m 10% in still 90% of the country to go so you know it could it could take me you know another 35 40 years I don’t know it’s just you can’t see that far ahead but that’s that’s basically the sort of

    Ballpark thing I’m aiming for Christmas 2050 I’ll be 67 at that point so whether or not I’ll still be able to walk around like I do at the moment you know when I’m that old I don’t know you know my hips may have gone my legs may have gone maybe in a

    Wheelchair who knows okay uh Dave says looking forward to Sutton bonnington has spent plenty of time there as a Nipper not sure what you’ll find to view but it will be memories for me so the Sutton bonington episode Dave it’s already been done and obviously it’s ready to to come

    Out it’s the seventh in the rush Cliff series you’ll know yourself I’m sure sure that Sutton bonington is a very long village it’s a mile and a quarter from one end of it to the other and of course it’s actually two Villages you know that are combined together Sutton

    And bonington were separate places they’re now all one um so what I what I did with that one is I actually used a bit of public transport to help me out I parked at the southern end the sou end of Sutton got on the bus the 866 which

    Runs from lubr to the campus the University of Nottingham campus uh paid the princely sum of 22 and uh used it to get to the Northern end and then just basically walk back um it’s easier than trying to um make a circular route because it’s very difficult in that

    Place it was a really good one I I I quite enjoyed that that one in sutt bonington yeah I’m sure you will as well there was loads there to get my teeth into so hopefully you’ll uh you’ll enjoy that episode when it comes out don’t forget to go to John Rock

    Factory when you go to carnaby I planned the carnaby EP try again I planned the carnaby rout earlier today and don’t worry the John bull Rock Factory is the uh last thing I’ll be going to in that episode so don’t worry I know full well where that is on the old Airfield

    There Jamie says looking forward to alfron was there last week I’ve never actually explored alfon I’ve been through it a couple of times I do know it’s a big place so you know I will need my running shoes my walking shoes on for that one uh let’s see make sure you pop into

    The steam packet in swanic is that a pub Alice I think it is actually because the um the hotel I normally use in that part of darash is in swanic actually I think I may have seen it before so Richard says it’s pronounced colic thank you very much good to know did you

    Happen to catch Darby beating Lincoln 31 we’ll not talk about that let’s see when you’ve done all them you will be the village [ __ ] not quite not quite it take take a lot to keep me down uh let’s see just watch the oh JS take my time no chance

    Just watch the fison video great stuff there was another Pub down the road from the carps Stewart in Appley uh yeah there was it it was the um the Five Mile which was uh originally at the uh old Five Mile House Bridge Five Mile Bridge

    So uh yeah I did mention that at the the five mile bridge that it moved to the High Street it’s that big house that you can see just on the bend that was the five house Alice says it’s a pub with a green roof should be able to find that then Alice no

    Problem looking forward to seeing me on my bike in easington Jamie Jamie you’re a member you should be able to see that already members can see the easington episode already because obviously you get you get them a week before everybody else so go and have a look I’m there I’m

    There in easington it’s already there um just to yeah if if you are not a member if you if you do become one you can watch everything a week early so yes um you should be able to see should be able to see me on my bike there Jamie or

    Trevor’s bike should I say because it’s not mine it was a a very a very tough very tough going down SPM point on the bike but uh had to be done because there was no way I was walking it it was just far too far even for me especially

    Considering I’ve just done patrington you know so uh yeah fun fun but not the most uh comfortable thing I’ve ever done the bike was the bike was okay bike was was was all right that was no problem with the bike but uh for someone who’s not

    Used to riding I think I did quite well so I uh just to let everybody else know by the way the the easington episode when I went down spoint it was the the first time I’d used my GoPros headstrap um because I don’t know whether you know if you’ve got a GoPro

    Yourself you can get this accessory kit that’s got all sorts of you know tlements in it um you know you can attach you go for to all kinds of things the the mount that I use on the dashboard is like a little clip that it it’s it’s stuck to the dashboard but is

    It’s designed for for mounting on things um so I use that all the time but I’ve never used used the head strap before it’s basically like an elastic strap that goes around your forehead and then the GoPro attaches there loads of YouTubers use them uh but I never done

    So before um so I thought I’d have a go because obviously carrying the tripod down sperm point on the bike was never going to be a good idea so I decided to use that for the first time of course because I’d never used it I had no idea

    What the footage was going to be like it ended up being okay although if I’d have known um sort of what angle the camera was at I there were certain things I could have captured a bit better the lious for example that’s sort of towards the end of the the peninsula there um

    There’s a bit where I’m standing outside the ligh house and I’m tilting my head up thinking that I’m capturing the entire thing but I didn’t tilt it up enough so you don’t get the top of it you only get sort of halfway up but um there’s no way to know when the camera’s

    On your head you can’t see um you know when it’s in front of me like it usually is I can see what I’m recording but when it’s there you know unless I’ve got eyes sort of here it’s uh it’s not it’s not a possibility but uh I still I I think it

    Was I think it was a decent effort to be fair with the the head strap so um of course the other thing I could have used is the chest strap there’s also a chest strap um so basically same story as the head but it obviously attaches here

    Instead and of course I can see the camera there but that’s something else that I’ve only ever used once so um you never know it might uh it might make an appearance at some point but yeah okay so let’s see few more comments have come in

    Um did I enjoy doing cromford says Mark lwood I did I did um cromford was a a really interesting place if you’ve never been to cromford people um take my word for it it’s one of those one of those places that you you go to and you never forget

    Now i’ had actually been to cromford once before um Nikki was with me actually at the time it was a a really really hot day I remember sitting in the The Talk Cafe do you remember the tour Cafe from the video on the junction there they make cracking sandwiches really really good

    Sandwiches um so yeah I knew what it was like but of course I never explored it not properly um so after having that little walk around it the hill was really really tough though I’m gonna have to get used to that in darish here because there are some seriously steep

    Hills in the DS so how many pairs of shoes do you think you’ll use in 30 years between three and four a year there you go between three and four a year says Nikki so yeah I do go through them quite quickly Ian obviously with

    Walking around as much as I do they wear out I mean shoes are they’re not designed to last for centuries let’s be honest um unless you’ve got like a pair that’s made of you know um iron or something like that but you wouldn’t want them would

    You let’s see uh Mike says not the best weather either no it wasn’t Mike not on spurn no obviously the weather’s been terrible in general just lately hasn’t it but it should be better now um it should have all the rain should have disappeared keep getting warnings of

    Snow though don’t we so let’s see if it snows don’t mention push bikes around me my bike of five years has given up The Ghost and needs replacing sorry to hear that Vince get Trevor yeah yeah Trevor will sort you out the man’s a legend you

    Need a new bike he’s the man to go to and we’re getting snow this week says Jade go careful bad weather well apparently we are although none none’s Fallen yet so you know fingers crossed let’s See hope you didn’t put it on your head backwards no no no no no I’ll tell you something it was hard enough putting that on my head forwards you know it’s not the easiest thing because obviously I don’t know whether you know this but when gopro’s attached to things they have little

    Screws so there’s like underneath the GoPro there’s there’s a little hole where little screw goes in it tightens up and of course when it’s there again I can’t see the screw to tighten it so it’s hard enough doing it forwards ah dear oh let’s see that’s the end of the comments for

    Now Rich says got some get some horseshoes it could do it could do well they’re made of ir aren’t they so you know yeah they might be a bit uncomfortable though not very good in not very good in the snow no yes yes they would be noisy yes yeah

    So but anyway I mean uh no it’s good to it’s good to um it’s good to see everyone’s been watching all the videos and watching the watching my adventures and well our adventures actually because obviously like today like today’s video Nikki’s in it Brigham Nikki was in all

    Those comen ones and we’ll be in some other ones too coming coming up soon Jamie says will I be doing Works worth anytime soon well I’ve not I’ve not planned it yet um obviously wasn’t in that great big long list I’ve just given you um but you know there’s no reason

    Why it can’t be done at some point in the near future because darbishire is all sort of Amalgamated together now into one thing on Wednesdays so there is the possibility that I will you know go into Works without I was looking at a running The Dales earlier which I

    Decided against for now all close to works with actually um so yeah I shouldn’t be long and I’ll be and I should be in that town so uh uh let’s see Vince says it got to the point where parts for the bike are breaking and need replacing so it’s just

    Cheaper to buy a new one yeah yeah sometimes it is like that isn’t it I mean I’m not a cyclist myself but I understand that if something needs replacing with a new one and it’s cheaper then you know that’s what you do isn’t it’s a no-brainer Mike says back to

    Bradford not yet not yet I’m I’m kind of missing Bradford in a way but as you know the issue I’ve got with it is everywhere in Bradford is massive you know so it’s it’s kind of planning it out it’s the logistics Logistics of it more than anything else um but having

    Said that when I get to the sort of western side of Harriet which is obviously underway right now there is the opportunity to nip across the border and do a couple more in Bradford so you know never say never there might be some more Bradford this year have I washed my

    Car it looked dirty on Saturday there’s a reason for that there’s a reason for that I uh the day before I i’ been parked on a grass Verge and uh as I went to move away the mud splashed up the side of the car uh so no

    I haven’t watched it I had a chance to watch it just yet yeah well cars get mcky Hannah at this time of year you know it’s how it is always well that’s why car washes exist keep a car washing business so Jamie says you need to finish

    Sheffield in your spare time we’re not busy well there’s only one left Bradfield biggest one in the country is Bradfield so you can see why I’ve not thought about it just yet but uh chcken I’ll do it I’ll do it I’ll do it needs

    To be needs to be a good day that one it needs to be um it needs to be a uh a clear sort of summer day or spring day or something like that chicken not going it yet it’ll be done it’ll be done it’ll they’ll all be done

    So right uh let’s see I think we’re about there AR we we’ve had a good 35 minutes it’s good to see see lots of comments and lots of interaction it’s brilliant it’s brilliant I know you’re all loving the stuff and it’s all going to keep coming there’s there’s no plans

    To to slow down to no plans to stop or anything like that so uh yeah more videos coming your way glad you’re you’re enjoying it and I’m glad you’re all enjoying the out for a drive thing that I’ve started doing as well um you know just 10 minutes worth of me you

    Know driving around somewhere uh that’s going to be a weekly thing now I think because at the end of every filming session my camera invariably is on my dashboard so it just it’s just simple enough just to you know film somewhere on the way home you know so I think the

    Out for a drive thing is going to stay people enjoyed the new market one last week which was good I’ve already got an idea for this week’s so yeah that can uh that can stay around too Alice says has anyone washed their car recently I’ve been working around

    New York so no point at the minute I actually understand that fully because they’ve had terrible flooding down there haven’t they so uh yeah it’s it’s kind of it’s been a bit um yeah you know when when you see places that you’ve been to or going to

    Go go to that are flooded you know underwater it’s just terrible people hate it when I talk about flooding in the videos as well but you know sometimes you know if if you’re in a place which has an issue with flooding you will obviously you will obviously

    Have to talk about it it’s it’s as simple as that it is a fact of life yeah you can’t get away from it you can’t get away from it but this is what happens when you build new Builds on a flood plane that’s all I’m gonna say right uh

    V says get the kids to wash the car make the keep money you have got zero chance of that you fancy washing my car Lauren no no not a chance oh dear right okay I’m gonna call it uh there I think people thanks very much for watching me on this first live

    Of the new year now next week’s is uh also a full meeting as well this one was supposed to be a members only uh because it’s the second one of the month but of course we didn’t do one on New Year’s Day so I thought it’d be best to just

    Get everybody you know in on this one so it’ll be another full one next week uh so if you want another half hour 40 minutes of banter and chat then you know where to come don’t you so yeah um thanks for joining me and Lauren and Hannah in the background and Nikki as

    Well who’s said the odd word and I’ll see you down the road see you later people thanks for coming


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