Travelling on the busiest road in Euro Truck Simulator 2: Duisburg to Calais!

    **Community Discord**

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    **Music By Bass Rebels**
    Music Provided By Bass Rebels –

    #truckersmp #ets2 #chaos

    I’m just going to make sure that my thumbnail is actually the correct thumbnail it is either YouTube fixed itself or I found a good workaround because my thumbnails have been sitting correctly which is good let me get a post in the Discord yeah the thumbnail it’s it’s yeah oh you see

    It looks like we’re in the station wagons if you don’t look at it too closely we’ll be fine though all right why can’t they add a trailer like a pilot car and a trailer into ATS too that’d be kind of cool they do they have they have a car

    But they don’t have I don’t think they have a trailer do they they don’t have a trailer though yeah yeah it kind of sucks that they don’t it would be funny if they did yeah it’d be better it’ be way better all right are you guys ready to start I’m really ready all

    Right get into first person turn parking break off I I don’t want to be in first person right now right boys off we go this is the busy road chaos oh okay yeah dude I’m lagging like so bad right now keep right off we go this trailer did like a little bunny

    Hop when we got out of the the entrance yeah from that bump if you don’t if you like go over a bump really quick with this thing you probably launch the trailer up in the air go straight I wouldn’t be too surprised it’s a little chaotic of a a vehicle

    So I’m GNA see if this trailer break actually Works you’re sorry buddy sorry buddy what’s happening back there you guys running each other off the road oh no you guys like stopped and then and then uh I was going too fast and I almost hit back at at Brandon so I had to actually go into the oncoming ah just to avoid

    Them oh yeah you can fly this thing oh my God this thing is fast you can take Corners pretty well too and not have to really worry about it a whole lot turn right we got a right turn coming up Oh he’s a little I just spun out you spun out I spun out yeah well at least you’re better than this guy yeah that oh man oh 276 you’re banned you effing disabled we call him wrong way up who who’s 276 is Brad 276 that’d be freaking H oh he’s

    Not look at my number 2762 okay yeah mine is 349 wide open throttle Boys Don’t SP speed little rip see what the top speed is 110 yeah kind of sucks we get through pretty quickly yeah all Right my main horn button doesn’t work Spe Who that that was branding that’s I don’t know how fast these cars actually can go if it didn’t have the 110 200 I don’t know I think remember doing a test one and you got to 200 look at that white truck ripping oh my gosh we got to get over I

    Think yeah maybe where’s Bradley how far are you back I’m just behind the semi- truck that just pulled out That oh I think we’re going to want to see in the left L like T keep left yeah it says keep left so I think we need to Oh going to get busy now I didn’t see that guy you cutting people off I did not see youon Slow Down slow down slow down put your hazards on what the heck happened what the heck happened oh these two crashed or something oh God it’s chaos already it’s chaos already and

    We’re not even on the road yet are you here Brad we’re not even in like the main section yet it’s already chaotic there’s people on the side of the road try not to smash into them oh this guy just stopped in the middle of the road Oh why is my horn pulsing oops I just run into you don’t back up into me I don’t know why I start going reverse yeah must break to Heart come on go oh there we go onosha onosha the idiot that’s that idiot oh no this winter mod here movinghead

    Trucker there’s actually this Channel on YouTube that’s dedicated to people to truckers that are Bone Heads I could just drove off into the field it’s worse than me yeah well he’s just just cruising around he’s having a good time yeah monster treking I better get past him before he gets to this

    Opening I’m scared me off St what the [ __ ] buddy good thing we spit off Tyler yeah I looking at my mirror and I just see him coming in I was a little nervous about idiots man idiots all of them Idto that’s his name Anto that’s the guy that was stopped the middle of the road dude what are you doing you just decided to go pull over the side and almost cut me off God pull down a little bit Bradly yeah because that guy that guy that pulled out in

    Front of me was a [ __ ] the guy in the field freaking [ __ ] is doing a tail whip what the hell yeah I mean this guy in front of me is doing 60 he’s doing about the speed limit so give me the speed so we can just get to speed limit until brag gets

    Here he okay Yeah put some traffic down I need that horn cuz it’s like it like stops like in between oh like the yeah when you’re in third person it’s normal but in in the first person it does that rep pulsing thing Wing whacker 9,000 laggy ass it’s so typical so funny that internet is

    Lagging is lagging even his his CV got makes it sound brutal it’s hilarious oh God oh God dude this guy’s just sliding I wonder if this guy’s got physics on cuz he’s just sliding oh that’s funny yes this is why I don’t want to have winter physics on how’s it going Jolene

    Tering holy Jesus the lag is unbelievable right now for Me this is better at Tyler’s place what I say oh oh slow slow slow slow slow I was if you just turn your draw distance down within Trucker’s MP yeah my what distance down your draw distance yeah so go into Tab and then go into settings and graphics and change draw

    Distance oh right now traffic jam yeah was your birthday this weekend happy bladed birthday so Graphics turn my draw distance down to low then yeah very low yeah do that that’ll probably help thanks I didn’t know you could do that Holy I just realized the traffic jam

    Holy crap yeah there’s a lot of people here sorry Brandon so did you do anything fun for your birthday juliene it kind of lagged a bit okay it is getting better oh what the heck oh no this is not good this is not good

    Not stop on oh it got a car ring two cars riing Jesus holy God a camper there a car that guy was ripping I like this guy screw this he’s trying to keep his cows alive yeah yeah went on on Friday and yesterday went to see back eventually did you just hit me

    No get before this trucker wants Tyler look behind um I’m getting like backed into real quick s oh what I may be on top of Brad’s car right now oh what is happening back there the boy and the Heron what’s that about never heard of it jez what I’m getting crabs just from

    Laur um okay why isn’t this guy just go in front of me go around he’s too busy dude I can’t I like I like B 4 I can’t back up I can’t back up I feel like we’re in the go around go around oh no he’s he was too close to me

    And I couldn’t get around him that was so funny I was laughing my ass off literally I’m full penetrating Brandon’s trailer like it’s just pure chaos oh that’s a big boat nice boat everybody looks so tall when I’m in this thing yeah truck’s like big oh God I’m lagging oh it’s quite the

    Crash oh man traffic jam people always crash it really doesn’t help that people have physics on too so some people crash because of that it’s an animated movie from Japan that talks about grief okay so much better F7 are ban yeah if they’re blocking you know that was close to that

    Guy that guy was ring for a pass yeah people always try to pass too and it’s just like when we’re doing 11 110 going the opposite direction sometimes you go up quick you don’t have a lot of not that bad today it’s not like steady traffic but it’s busy enough oh

    God oh um come around the corner are you blocking traffic no no I’m not yeah we’re good I just stopped in time what the heck happened I came around too fast I spun out it’s hilarious you did what I did on that one turn I tried to I tried to control it

    But I think my trailer screwed me over okay that guy drifted around the corner oh god dude I got 12 damage just from hit the back of’s trailer I didn’t get any damage from hitting the guard rail at least I have a slash fix ooh dude sometimes you have to thread the needle

    Like yeah look at this Guy what what was happening what was he he was drifting the corner or the bend I wish I could drift these trailers oh no good Lord oh God God oh God oh god oh Jesus dude these guys are like driving in India God what are you doing

    Brad what are you doing I’m in front here okay tell her you’re supposed to be in front you P I had to slow down because that guy was in my lane and I to thread the needle oops sorry buddy sorry bud sorry bud oh I didn’t see that guy I didn’t see him in my mirrors he just blam try take very L language and it is yeah it’s very

    Anxious very anxiety inducing o this seems new I think this is new they changed this they might have reworked it a little bit oh that’s good a fuel station oh that helps a lot Fu station I think they were like they must have realized that

    Uh people came this way a lot and they needed some fuel so dude I just got annihilated by the dis sorry I had to do an emergency breaking maneuver because yeah I saw that cuz this guy just came in oh there he goes off on the side

    He’s coming back in I think maybe not I don’t know what did I get kicked I don’t know did you I got banned you got banned what for what Okay g what let’s pull over and we might have to reload I got banned like banned or he just it said

    You got banned I got teleported by staff it said cuz I did reckless driving I’m like he might just got kicked I hope that that’s the case because that’s pretty stupid I get yeah we are just doing evasive maneuver that’s all we’re doing oh actually yeah I just got teleported I can still

    Play Oh but you lost your location maybe maybe um they saw him hit me as I was trying to evade somebody maybe that’s what happened I could stop dude I was I hit my break as heavy as I could maybe I should put a neutral Wheels to stop spinning maybe that will

    Help there’s no jake break right are you back the server I don’t know if there is I am back in server yet yeah he he just got teleported he didn’t actually get bumped out uh I don’t know give me a second here um oh [ __ ] I love this road yeah they just

    Teleport me away from the crowd I think cuz uh yeah I guess they thought I was Reckless but I wasn’t maybe because the lagginess I think maybe that’s probably why could be hard to tell with it uh I got to see where I am oh rotor down where’s

    That H Germany somewhere oh he’s just north of us oh I see oh yeah okay so we can meet Brad at the intersection yeah so we can move up a bit I’m going to put a point up here so I know when to stop get

    On with it yeah I was thinking it’ be not right to ban me I mean I’m not doing anything wrong yeah that one guy in the semi was definitely get pissed at me but I couldn’t do anything cuz there was a crash up front like what is happening back there

    Dude I think this is a good time for us to go wait never mind hold on wait oh dude that guy got lucky yeah go go go go go go go quick Flo it pin it got get out here this is getting too Sketchy at least it’s not dark and raining like it was that one time dude there like no lag now it’s so nice what’s this idiot doing I don’t know he’s driving in the shoulder sort of well I guess don’t you have to leave and then come back and then you’ll find out

    You’re banned or do they or can they just kick you right out they probably just kick you right out if it was going to happen okay oh God so get banned that’s good oh my God there’s some issues going on here this is why I like doing automatic for this stuff

    Yeah and the semi seems to be picking up a little bit which is good accident up here car you overtaken your country on the right side uh I don’t know where I’m going to meet up with you guys what intersection did you guys mean uh when you’re in reram if you go

    South I am going south there’s like a big intersection the whole buch of loops and stuff oh yeah okay yeah I’m I’m almost there we’re just we’re just yeah we’re just pulling into it now okay just hold up there I’ll be there in like two seconds well we don’t have much of a Choice oh we’re stopping apparently oh I see you guys do you yep oh yeah oh yeah there he is keep left I’m just slowing down because I see the oh my there’s what Brad I’ll I’ll give I’ll give a gap get in there Brad go go go go go go

    Go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go sorry it’s laggy still BR should actually be first because then at least there’s no one right behind them for the lake yeah I have to give a big gab yeah yeah do so because it’s you’re gonna

    Kill yourself if you don’t he like it’s not super bad right now yeah area it’ll get worse probably oh Jesus oh Jesus oh no oh dear God something else going on up here dude it’s just chaos no no no no no oh [ __ ] sorry sorry dude it’s like you don’t expect them to

    Break it’s like oh my God you got to give such a good follow distance why is so much more chaotic it’s just this road really I mean there’s like 4,000 people on and like probably half of them are here I think so like this is nuts I like being on Tyler’s internet

    Because I didn’t have any leg don’t reverse please don’t reverse please don’t reverse me too I don’t know if that went over to the CB yeah it did Abdul Abdul McQueen I’m giving a get bit of a gap here because I don’t know when I can’t

    See what’s ahead of me yeah I third person when we’re in heavy traffic like this it’s terrifying right now cuz it’s like I feel like it could be just like switched by two semis who is like holding up this place holy Jesus it could be a crash up ahead

    Or it could just be because there could be like a big convergence or we could be getting close to the train tracks oh maybe you have to remember there’s like a thousand people on this road or something like that at least oh there’s whoa what the [ __ ] that guy just spawned in there

    Yeah dude it’s like you’re really testing your brakes out on this oh yeah this is why this car has I wish there was a clutch cuz I wish these cars had a clutch cuz I would just be holding in the clutch the whole time with a little bit gas little

    Bit of gas and a little bit of clutch why don’t you just switch it then little bit of gas and a lot of clutch this car is a manual realistic like you can see that it has a shifter and a clutch well maybe not a clutch but it has a

    Shifter I am tempted to go shifting but who that guy just threaded I’m like kind of sticking off to the right d he just got reason yeah he got banned the guy in the in the in the AI that went by us he got banned he just hit that semi like

    Right on oh T I wasn’t watching that yeah I just saw it up ahead here I saw him just go us that’s hilarious well the guy was driving Pretty Reckless yeah he was I mean he was doing pretty good until he got there do there wasn’t a motorcycle cuz

    Then we just Lan split [ __ ] or filter buddy move sorry just pissed me off yeah I give a very big gap yeah I’m I’m even a gap even with this guy Tyler St me crazy should be openly enough now uh the guy in front of this guy that

    Is in front of me here he’s really slow I think it was train is this train track right here coming up I think it is close it is yeah it is whoa no no no no no not again I apologize apologize brakes are crap on this thing they are not they’re really

    Good I I should maybe change the Sensitivity I don’t know if I can but I don’t think I’m hurting him that much considering to Sam’s a lot bigger and heow 1% damage from every crash you hit him 100 times have 100% damage there’s going to be a lag Spike yep

    There we go oh yeah train tracks are here raise your suspension oh my God what the hell is this guy doing oh I got Stu by sto by the train my this is way too much for your fair I it’s very stressful driving it Oh remember raise your suspension up Brad

    If you can I think I did you’re going to want I can’t tell if I um you’re going to want oh there’s actually a train here this guy was right behind me for the longest time this compa guy dude there’s gonna be there’s like guys like in the ditch trying to

    Get by yeah good luck thank you we need it we might this is terrifying we might go back the other way with semis possibly yeah I’m up for that what about you Brandon you want to go the other way with s yeah Minecraft yeah do some relaxing play a relaxing game

    Don’t I got passed before I think the train showed up all right I’m through I’m through too watch an hour and a half of one of my streams after finished well thank you is this game free no it is not but you can get it on sale for pretty cheap when it

    Goes on sale yeah pick the line up of trucks there yeah oh jeez I understand why I thought I was staying so far sorry sorry I can’t help it I I need to do that save that save format thing Tyler yeah change it this semi is overtaking

    Me right now and I didn’t want to speed up because the rules are upset with that what are you doing oh what the [ __ ] what’s going on here there the car on its head just took me out that car literally just took me out Brandon did you see that what happened

    In front of me Brad save lagged and killed that guy no he killed me he was in my Lane no the the semi that was behind you you save lagged and he hit you and you killed him I’m BR you better get moving or something my god dude it’s so bad just

    Go oh oh my God it’s a nightmare over here I have to look at the stream on that cuz hey you save lag this guy was like right behind you and you save lag and he hit you I also just want to see how bad my

    Save lag is and I was driving the ditch at the time yeah right now well that guy so that guy actually went into like past the died line and onto my side and from my screen I I I hit him because he hit me drive faster see I

    Didn’t see that so I was farther back behind a semi that hit you from behind that guy was not happy oh no oh no oh no oh did you drift a little bit or what yeah sorry I think when this guy says wreck he means there’s a wreck on the road

    Record no he’s saying record oh records deal yeah it’s he’s recording it or they’re recording it or something so that they can prove that they should be banned or something come on what the hell what the [ __ ] break break break break break break dude I can’t get around this guy

    What is this guy doing yeah Brandon has the right idea it says winter mod so I’m wondering if he actually has the winter mod on oh Jesus I just got air it was a little bumpy in the ditch it’s so tricky driving a third person in my opinion

    But I do it at slow speeds when there’s a lot of traffic so I can see what’s going on same for me to check my vehicle Condition just slap on wiod and put no damage yeah maybe just so you don’t get any damage while you’re driving I I don’t know if that actually works or not and truck is MP I think the toughest part with these cars is that you can’t see over the

    Semis oh yeah it does it does make it tricky buddy holy dude I just about got killed by a semi did you spin out Brandon yeah I did I spun out but then good thing I did because I oh my god there was that guy with the

    Flat bed he almost murdered both of us that guy there he came around the corner really fast ass and almost took me out oh God it’s it’s a it’s a traic jam up here brakes brakes brakes brakes brakes what’s going on up here I think someone must have

    Crashed there’s a gas station up here so it could be that yeah probably that the chaos oh what the [ __ ] dude he’s like using the D line as his guideline Jesus a lot of these people need Lane keep assist down there yeah this guy is impatient like that would even

    Help like how you try to speed up to C him that is going to get safe L from Brad I’m sorry if I so stay back from this guy and let Brad kill him yeah I mean I’m innocently it’s not my fault innocently it’s not my fault you’ve innocently killed one

    Person yeah at least not that you’re saying the pilot car or you’re saying God’s sake the semi that was in front of me behind you and you save lag yeah that stupid guy was like tailgating the [ __ ] out of me yeah he was trying to pass hey

    Hey I have a car underneath my trailer and have a car and have a trailer on top of my car because you backed into me I’m getting hit by a bus I just get hit by a bus I was looking behind me and I can see the bus

    Just why are these guys parking oh the time I’m using the semi trailer just to stop oh God 5 p.m and I need my headlights on what the heck is this this car just rended me I’m getting H clutch clutch slip now too or you switch it to manual no uh

    It’s just I can hear it I can hear that you know you know that it’s not your car is not doing so good anymore e this guy’s going to for the pass um I’ll be right back okay I’ve been kicked like two minutes I don’t know if

    We want to take a break or what but I’ll be back I was kicked for not having my headlights on even when I did have my headlights on well maybe you didn’t actually have them on then oh now I’m all I will I will I got to find a spot to

    Pull over yeah I’m going to just pull over here into like the grass where it’s safer and then relog yeah yeah there’s a Trav jam up here so I mean I got to you’ll probably catch up to me Jesus crazy road though oh my god well not in this stretch but I mean

    Like in the other stretch oh oh my God ridiculous 85 km to go someone just got banned do you understand why they have just cars and as for pilot vehicles but actually in in America and and Canada they have a lot of uh pilot vehicles that are trucks yeah cuz then they put

    Like the the sign thing in the Box the arrows yeah and or the oversized load sign or whatever yeah MH but there’s not a lot of pickup trucks in Euro in Europe like European countries no there’s yeah they they’re not meant for Europe like like uh Hammond Richard Hammond had

    Has a TRX yeah you try to drive that on one of those roads have you seen him drive it on like he has he’s on so Drive tribe is his channel he literally was driving that thing around and it looked massive compared to most Vehicles the only thing that was bigger

    Than that was a semi or a bus I pulled off someone just said don’t play this game you have so lag Noob to someone well I guess I’m not the only one then yeah their name is Irene I don’t know who Irene is I’ve never seen

    That person yet could be ahead of us we yeah yeah I found a good spot to pull over it’s like a nice field and there’s I was pretty much like Le like at the end of the pack so should be oh looks like there’s a big gap coming in or not big gap

    Big big whatever big group yeah I’m back in nice I’m just sitting here waiting for you left the Discord too holy guy ripping holy crap just destroyed that semi I try to make up oh my God I’m going along in this grass for a while hi oh my God what the

    Hell what happened did you die almost did some guy was like going in the grass trying to pass this other guy and I almost got killed by him is you coming up yes it is no that’s Brandon oh Brandon’s here okay I got in The Bu can you let me over take

    Or what did he say no idea I’m back I see that but I’ll have to go in a second because I missed a phone call and I’m guessing no phone back ah so we should sit here for an extra second um feel like as soon as we start

    Driving we just sit here and watch some you see that Sammy behind you tipped over no you see him no look behind you and look at him you see them Brad they hit you because you save lagged oh no really again I have a rcking ball

    Today oh man I need to get that save format set or whatever yes you do holy cow as you were stopping you did a little bit of a save lag and they hit you and they just folded oh Jesus must have been entertaining from your end that car just kill that

    Guy are you said I have no clue what that guyy saying I don’t either so who’s the guy right up in front of us is that this guy he sounds like he’s Italian no it’s not this guy I don’t know so funny though you um I didn’t real realiz I killed them

    You’ve unintentionally killed two people now because of your save lags well at least that I’ve seen anyway anything about the save legs they’re really bad I don’t know how long Brandon’s phone call is going to be I don’t know if we just go without him you know what

    Maybe I should go and do that save format right now you could while we’re sitting here yeah you’re going to have to walk me through it though it’s not too you have to quit the game though like back out all I’m going to yeah I’m at least pulled over nicely now

    So yeah you’re in a good spot not going to spawn in in front of somebody okay so now I got to go find the file yeah so you got to go to your documents you got to go to your Euro Truck uh fer [ __ ] where is Are You

    Acoustic MP EUR truck simulator there we go all right yeah truck and then scroll down to your config file all right the config um config is that the paper one I can’t remember it just says config I don’t know what you mean yeah okay and then open that with uh the not

    Yeah okay yep and then find for yes Gore savecore format yeah and once you find that I don’t know what number it is but if it’s zero put it one if it’s one Z now yeah that should possibly help your lag it did help with ATS so only save once

    Um yeah it wasn’t as bad after you did it we’re just waiting for Brandon to get back and then Brad fixing his game because he has unintentionally killed at the very least put it to one at the very least killed two people that I’ve seen what the hell save it right yeah yeah

    And then good to go now let’s try that well and if it doesn’t work I go and put it to two right no oh you’re just okay so what does it do again anyways um I don’t really know how it worked exactly but it it changes how it’s

    Saved ah so like two is how you do your save editing it saves it in a way that you can decrypt it but if it’s zero or one you can’t doesn’t work oh it only works if it’s set to two why is this guy just swerving at me like that

    People are insane in this game yeah they’re ruthless I mean I told you about the couple times that I’ve been ran off the road or or uh I had one guy who cut me off once I one guy that was trying to pass another truck and just didn’t look ahead

    Of him at all yeah I’ve been cut off and hit and ran into a bunch of times it happens the one guy actually fre because I went all the way from one side of the map to the other like I went from the left side of the map to Romania

    Which is on the right side and so that was a long drive and I was like okay good I’m almost done and then right as I’m almost at the pl at the destination this guy is in the oncoming decides to go and pass and smokes me head

    On I’m like well thanks for that buddy cuz I was almost done my job and I did this halfway across the freaking map you know what I mean what’s this guy doing and and he’s like I don’t give a [ __ ] and then I’m like okay I’ll report you

    Now I did actually report him good he’s not supposed to do did right as you know all right hopefully this will be better are we playing with so many people uh it’s trucker MP so it’s like a it’s a mod not I don’t know if it’s a

    Mod within a game yeah it’s a modded version of Euro Truck basically yeah there’s servers and people can join the servers and play together and murder each other yeah especially in this game it seems like people like to murder each other yeah actually specifically my save leg twice

    Now yeah I just can’t believe that truck had such a bad outcome from that yeah he recently yeah he folded and just went became a triangle and then tipped and landed on his side I don’t know if we just wait for Brandon or if we just go CU we’re only 70 km

    Out can you do that in American Truck Sim you can yes that’s what we mainly do I want to see what my graphic settings are actually on this right now because it might be too high I mean I usually have no trouble running this game I

    Just one setting you can check is like if you go on your options and your graphics there’s a setting it’s it it’s under Advanced I don’t know if you use simple or Advanced Advan settings yeah us use Simple there’s an option called scaling oh 300% yeah you could turn that

    Down because that makes it harder to run you could put it just to 100 yeah that’s what’ll do FL detail high like are scaling does is scaling I should turn down as well probably then you could yeah but what scaling does is it’ll it’ll render it in a higher resolution

    To make it look nicer oh oh yeah that yeah that definitely will probably add to it sadly my yeah that probably will fix it camping trip oh yeah Dallas we’re camping waiting for Brandon to get back he’s got a phone call let’s go and Chase welcome all right this guy is driving so

    Tame look at him he’s just driving nicely past first guy I think we’ve seen like that think did he get hit he might have gotten hit maybe not just sitting is kind of funny can you customize them no can’t do that sadly I wish we could I told try to make

    Mine look like a Tim foil a Tim foil like one of those one of those old like aluminum yeah ones the uh sto the toaster trailer yeah one of those ones yeah those things are actually kind of sick I like those can you join when we play American

    Trip yeah if you see us streaming you know you can always tag along in our little convoys more people the marrier but you know disclaimer this guy’s sitting behind me here this blue car he’s he’s scary he’s a he’s a he’s a scary driver he’ll take you out any chance he

    Gets no no mercy yeah yeah oh here’s another wave of people it seems to be better like I don’t seem to have as much lag with the Jesus Christ oh it’s funny Jesus that’s that horn uh a loud one I don’t think so sound like it to me it sounded like the

    Horn I don’t know this stopped in the midd the road now hello hello did I missed anything um were you here when Brad killed that guy he killed another guy when When Brad pulled up he save lagged and then tipped the guyy did he get on the stream yeah yeah

    I was looking right at it okay good I’ll have to rewatch yeah was probably like 10 minutes ago or so yeah the truck bike literally folded yeah if you got truckers MP and you’re in Euro Truck you know you can join us we’re going to uh Cal and then we’re going from Cal

    Back to deburg yeah right I think we’re doing trucks right unless we want to do cars just cars cars no camper well might as well oh well I think it’s clear oh hold on my car didn’t go into into gear all right got move on go Brandon go go I’m stuck I’m stuck

    This great okay we might have to pull over again I am stuck yes I’m stuck um I can’t turn I’m actually stuck here let’s do suspension you got mine lifted up all the way so I have to come back and push you around bro I got stuck on this

    Burn you should have just floored it and jumped it can you back up at all you want me to come back bro back up very slowly actually I don’t know if there’s like a diff lock option on these things uh we see in a minute here oh oh there is there is a

    Lock I just screwed up big time what just happened I disconnected that’s how you get unstuck yep I had to jack knife it I seriously had to jack knife my car just to get it to it’s so good there’s not a lot of traffic coming right now which is good like okay let’s

    Go I’m cutting off bread you get to watch me kill more people yay killing perhaps well the same the same format’s now fixed yeah we’ll see how your uh your lag is now change that better so far yeah he changed it to one instead of zero okay so he so if

    It’s like ATS it should help fix it I also change my Graphics quality too yeah we turned his scaling down that seems to be better right now not there’s not a lot of people here right now so yeah knock on wood once we get into a high populated

    Area turn right and KN on wood I don’t have that mic problem anymore oh that’s good I forgot you had that issue that was annoying o it’s my my transmission is not happy it’s like you know it’s like making that awful noise time cling noise what is this guy doing he’s

    Crashing into the wall he’s just staying there you didn’t sleep until 700 you feel so loopy ah and when I S till like 4: then it’s just like what is this we got a Ricky coming Up exit right are you uh pretty close Brad or yeah I’m right behind you okay I can see uh you and the trailer right now Mo lights oh there is you can actually use your jake break in this car just see overhead you can oh really yeah I did not know

    That I think I think my Jake Brak is linked to my LSB on this one yeah you haven’t changed it changed it over yet I’ll have to do that when we do semis for the next run yeah are we doing semis or we just gonna

    Do car or what I want to do semi but okay uh it’s up to you guys I’m fine is there a point even taking a load or just grabbing I don’t know I’m pretty sure your load will just get destroyed at some point just take a trailer though yeah I

    Think it might be better just take a trailer it’s not like we need the money I have 1.9 million billion actually it just slows you down I have 4 481 million get better fps your mother us elbow as a [ __ ] knife yeah eat my ass you come get you

    Mate what’s this white guy doing Carry On Shut your [ __ ] Bro oh what’s this guy dud this guy you don’t take this road enjoy that ban mate you don’t take this road cheers mate suck your mother could be a permanent one at this right if you carry on with that a you

    Crying you [ __ ] hey stop fighting dude it’s like dick get a job and a life and then maybe and that you’ll be able I have a job I have a job okay I have a job but okay keep what you up in your mouth people are so angry are we in Sim

    One yeah we’re in the one with the highest amount of people both that I’m selfemployed idiot he’s selfemployed I bet he’s just unemployed I’m you ID mhm crash I don’t Know very the B this guy’s so upset I don’t know why yeah they’re pissed off like yeah help that I was making fun of them turn left oh wait you made fun of them yeah you didn’t hear me oh yeah I did hear you I just thought I thought

    You were actually just saying that through the mic without you know using the I said that through CV oh really oh my God look at the light oh dude this guy Why Do It cast a Harry Potter this guy just cut me off yeah Ron’s not very

    Happy dude this is chaos in here oh man my my transmission is not happy for sure I came off the highway and I know there was a Yi sign there but I just was like screw it I just floored it I kind of cut somebody off but not really

    Yeah oh my gosh look at the lag 17 FPS guy just just cut me off completely on the turn oh you’re just behind me Tyler yeah there’s a guy in front in between us go faster you see all this traffic Dallas Dallas is watching yeah he’s telling us to go

    Faster well I can’t I can’t I can May can’t because it’s just congested here can I it’s congested in here it’s a red light and people are still just going through the red light they just don’t care that’s the first time though that we’ve seen two people get into like a

    Massive like fight I’ve seen it before but it’s not super common it feels like at least not in English if anything it’s going to be like through typing oh yeah just car hits oh my God we’re going to the garage I can’t actually see the map very well so it’s a

    Garage yeah it’s that like brown thing so it’s not this intersection that I’m at but it’s he’s like one well he was one in front of me but I turned off early cuz I was going to the wrong place oh we’re going to be in this line for a

    While should have turned off where I turned yeah might better just for take the Ricky yeah I don’t see much action or there or movement and then it’s this random guy just like yeah the right was definitely better the red and white truck well we’ll have

    To well that’s kind of hard to there’s lots of red and white trucks yeah that truck’s red with a white trailer oh [ __ ] turn speed turn right we have right away here this guy better not uh turn right do anything fancy you have arrived at your destination your route guidance is now

    Finished yay we made it Yeah jeez man that was quite the trick yeah chaos oh let’s grab a semi and start we’re going to start right here yeah we’re going to start from here we have to go grab a semi in the trailer yeah I just got to figure out what semi I’m going to use

    Use I think I might just use the good old Volvo always using I’m G to use the ren or the daff actually I haven’t made the daff so I might I might just use the Renault get West bins DLC on Steam thing is uh trailer manager do I just have a black

    One I do and then I’m probably just going to fast travel all sorry uh they actually call renal renal I forgot to mention that they go by Reno renal I don’t renal but that’s how it’s spelled but I’m just quick traveling so I’m not going to that exact

    Spot okay so I’ll be like at the mechanic shop which is like right by it though I think I got the big horns inste I just take the black reyal I think that’s what I’ll do yeah the one with the horn yeah and like all the stacks that thing is sick honestly

    That’s probably one the coolest trucks yeah I thought I about using that one but it’s like you know I always use the Volvo on this road I like the Rea just from the I’m just really used to this truck mostly so yeah I got to switch

    Back to manual though yeah I’m GNA be going to Zur I believe yeah I just I just quick traveled back so I can’t see oh my God there’s so many people here dream is even here oh at the when you fast travel back to ca

    Ro c yeah it is just so full of people jeez yeah it’s going to be lag Fest yeah we’re going back to D or we going lag for yours too oh yeah I get maybe like 10 to 20 frames oops my Game just crashed an instant ball relocate

    This yeah my Game just crashed on me did yeah there’s just so many people it crashed I guess so okay gonna go get some A&W oh I like A&W aw is good get that spicy Mama burger or whatever it is to wake you up is that spicy Mama Burger actually pretty good I

    Don’t never had it Oh I thought you Lu getting out yeah I know right I just see advertising I’ve never had it or I never knew about it I think there is a spicy one it’s like The Spicy Pickle or something like thaty all right so I got my trailer so I

    Guess we’re not gonna take any load because there’s no point we’re just GNA get spicy de pickle that’s what it is spicy deal Pickle was right it’s spicy and pickle might not be too bad Cal is where it is right I’m loading back in hopefully it doesn’t crash on me again

    What I’m still in my car damn it that’s where I have that truck with the cool side Stacks the scan you the place to start okay I gotta yeah I got wire my oh I might get CRA I might crash too where do we want to start toss me a fry you

    Don’t know if a spicy Burger would go good with your Red Bull try it and review it I feel like I have to try it just to see if it’s any good I’m rolling should proba put the brake on trailer manager I got to get my trailer

    Again yeah I don’t know if this is going to be the place to start because I I crash as I get to the place so yeah I’ll see in a minute here there we start do over okay how’s that over because then we can I can just meet I made it to call

    Well I did too but my Game just crashed unless it was just a oneoff you try there’s a if you tryers have fun enjoy your aw being kicked from server is an unreliable connection I just got kicked maybe that’s why I got kicked too I don’t know

    You know what I will Fast Travel um too many people there I already tried mechanic again so wait what is that place or maybe I don’t have that garage purchased it’s um over uh I I fast travel back to Cali again so oh he did okay I have 12 FPS right

    Now oh Jesus we can start there’s like a rest area there’s like no one around on like the most like god dude how the fre am I get out of here um well I’m going to go to my Launchpad and reboot this up and then I’m going

    Have to do my shifter cuz everybody’s honking said there’s a rest stop Brandon where there’s actually like a thousand less people now or no there’s like it’s like 2500 or something now I I see you I have to take a right out of here maybe everyone’s getting kicked cleaning house

    Oh it’s sound like getting busy at this rest off right I’ve made it out of the truck place the mechanic shop we got a whole 28 FPS I was getting 12 when I was sitting in there though like in first person I get I get more in third person than I do

    In the hell’s this guy doing he’s doing a U-turn in the middle of an intersection oh I wanted to send you guys this uh this one this one um picture on Reddit show you what Calgary drivers like around here okay nice black truck thank you it’s my Volvo that I always

    Drive how’ you even get it over there you must have went the other way yeah is this the black and red truck we speak of good perf yeah we have to wait for breath yeah it’s loading in pretty much the same trailer Tyler except you have a four

    Axle find that actually I can probably pull it up actually is this Collision or nonion it’s non Collision here I got to send you guys this one how about you just get here instead yeah where are you Brad I am in Cal oh did I get kicked

    Again I know yeah I’m getting kicked again okay I’m going to sit here at this truck stop I gotta I gotta also configure my truck It’s Tricky if you keep getting kicked like so laggy here when you first load in but I have to go to the bathroom be good

    Connection anyways right just try to go to the garage instead of the quick travel maybe that’ll help shift yeah oh I did go to The Garage Brandon I did go to the garage I gotta turn on my shifter Toggles oh crap I forget which which one is which for the shifter toggle well I’ll find out in a minute here oh I think wait a minute come on why are you not working okay oh [ __ ] okay now I know which one’s which that’s the thing about like the

    Shifter you have to like figure out which one is the uh range and then which one’s a splitter okay oh that’s why now I know why I forgot to put my and then my bad we go Christmas is over [ __ ] to go now I think

    Uh yeah okay so I don’t know what I’m going to do so which which rest up are you guys that we the one in callus it’s all the way to the left all the way to the left if you see where nbfc is it’s below that yeah it’s below that I see yeah

    Okay I’ll just go over that and then then I will uh try and uh launch it again just cuz um oh I see what you’re doing yeah yeah oh good okay okay it works yeah okay that was a lot easier than I thought that would be just to set up my

    Shifter I’m back I also had to switch my laundry to the dryer ah actually I had no trouble linking my shifter up this time Tyler that’s good took like two second uh well just figuring it out yeah with ATS but considering I did an ATS before I figured it out pretty quickly

    The only thing I just could I forgot was just which one is the range and which one is the splitter in the button mapping oh I got to also wire m Jak break but I’ll do that when I get to where you guys are 352 F your mom people are uh pretty explicit

    Today I wish your sister would get effed up things are escalating very quickly here yeah you have to like blur blur those those things they’re saying on the stream U my camera covers it so oh that’s good who black Bell the white truck next to me I figured that since you know same

    Name I don’t have as much horsepower as you two but that’s fine you I don’t think oh good I just took the turn like a Civic sorry um Civic Chie what am I hitting oh my God I am really wedged am I hitting you’re just like smashing into a car just dragging it

    Along that’ be funny no I like this is funny what’s that oh he’s turn it back into there there we go I guess so I don’t know where you guys parked in this rest stop but I hope I don’t spawn inside of you hello oh yeah I do um all right boys I’m

    Going to just go back to launch pad and start up again again and hopefully I can get it there’s still probably a lot of people there I’m guessing right in the city itself yeah yeah 20ps internet’s so bad yet you’re still using it to send snapchats at the same time sorry I have to send you guys this one is pretty funny I’m not gonna look at it until after So I feel like that’s probably copyrighted what whatever that guy was playing over the mic yeah I can’t even hear it it’s stop playing now but I just I turned it down I’m just GNA put on my fireplace I’ll be back okay rich boy H it’s probably not going to be as K

    Cuz when I loaded back in there was less than 2 200 people on so yeah it had dropped by like, 1500 so that’s quite a lot yeah all righty let’s see if I can get in yeah oh I see Wing Wacker RNG whacker 9,000 you didn’t even

    Park oh I hope I don’t spawn inside of you guys and you’re taking up all the spots okay are we good to start I said that is because I thought it’ be funny and it is non Collision right yeah okay good I don’t know who likely get destroyed would it be me

    Probably I don’t know a r oh we should set our map yes that’s a good idea where we where yeah we’re going into deberg oh for God’s sake I got kicked again oh we’re going to dortland unreliable internet somewhere else you got kicked I got kicked again is it the

    Unreliable internet connection yeah it’s all the Snapchats you’re sending I’m not I only sent one I don’t know where I should go like should I go to a different city maybe just go to do yeah I will do because then you can just uh take a fair in you call don’t go

    Inside go outside yeah yeah so we going to do this we’re going to Dort I need to know ah God’s sake don’t worry about the admins that lik the want go to tr I’m I’m going to go to the tro oh yes that’ be smart just so that it’s kind of like out

    Of the way we’re not like through the city I should call it the stupid Trudeau we should call it trude yeah it looks a lot like trude who’s boring boring he’s boring boring World War oh and also that we meet Brad at that big um roundabout the big

    Roundabout oh you want to go up that way yeah just don’t to go to tra and we meet meet some Bradley okay well this is so much slower oh you’re already off okay let’s get this job done and off we go this guy’s drifting around in this parking lot he’s got the

    Snow on and just smashed into the opening how fancy yeah I’m just pull all right I forgot the wheels turn on this trailer so turn left you could wait mate couldn’t go straight sit here and wait for br yes yeah I should be able to get in hopefully now now I’m in

    Do what is happening in there is that you inside there yeah keep right and please please work so we can get this thing on the road going on the road oh yeah I’m going to be on the opposite side of the road too realiz that that was going to be such a

    Drop yes I’m in good y now to travel over get out of here should be able to raise the suspension all the way up up I guess all just part the way this is the exit we got to take too so yeah I am recording mate so you need to

    Move wait oh God I don’t remember which way the road is oh br’s going to get banned from driving the wrong side of the road uh yeah I might would that be bad gota wait for bread is Boren with us uh I don’t know wait which way am I supposed to go to The might be he’s honking with us he was over at the rest stop too he’s following us a more marrier you know we can have a nice big Convoy okay sorry guys I just gota figure out where I need to go on the map here oh okay it’s just right over here

    Boren says hi a wife it is okay okay ah for God’s sake the trailer got stuck uh I hope I don’t know if we can get out of here or not oh might need a might need a bigger run at it if we’re going to get out of

    Here this should be a good enough run just drop it into fourth gear and hope for the best way yeah I got mine all the way up what’s my new number now 1606 okay got to make sure I know what my number is people so I know if people are

    Trying to ban me or not on how boring is just kind of stuck there now I am almost at the port look at this bus just driving in the ditch good old bus we got to get that bus mod on maybe next time that’s what we should

    One these times yeah that’ be kind of fun just something different something out the ordinary to a Bus Simulator I tried it it’s actually you go pick up people yeah or we just get the bus into this route whoa Too Fast Too Furious over to C oh that’s a mean bump dude I

    Like went over that ramp or the off ramp and literally just bam hit the hit the ground and like 9% damage to my truck I might have to do a slash fix all right and over to Celly yeah and pray to God I don’t I don’t uh

    Oh backing El the safe way to do it AFK yeah we just moved over to the uh the roundabout that’s just north of that spot since Brad has to go is Brad on this side be minut you haven’t taken the fer yet oh I have you have I’m I’m just I’m yeah I’m

    Going to be yeah I’m in now now I got to find out where you guys are on the map we’re on that real big roundabout yeah just follow oh okay the big roundabout before the before the uh blah um in between the city and the pier yeah yeah we’re on the

    Bottom half of it oops it’s quite the path to get out of this port though yeah it’s quite windy yeah I no have to go into my range quite a bit actually with this truck hit my range we also have to take this first exit so is range is where you

    Shipped up to the next set of Gears right yeah okay I got it right then okay I see a red do red yeah M’s pink oh my God the leg here is ridiculous yeah I’m sitting here with well I mean I got 39 FPS it’s not bad oh it hit

    40 I’m about 40 to pay in which way I look in first person though it drops to mid 20s that’s how mine is more things like the all the dash and whatnot that has to be rendered in higher detail I guess probably oh it looks like there’s a clog at the freaking

    That this is the way you hear that Brandon that one guy said something and then the other was like shut the [ __ ] up very nice about it isn’t he yes everyone’s everyone is so kind in Euro Truck I guess maybe the few people could just like is is f bombs yeah that’s what

    It seems like oh I see Brad he’s going to be coming to the around the Bel be come yeah go for it I’ll follow you it’s coming that was touch and goal I kind of did at a bit of an angle so it worked out really well for

    Me I why my jake break [ __ ] that’s not good someone try to pass you buddy this isn’t a goddamn Lane here I’ll just get into the Far Land so that he can get in there let’s just block him he’s a little laggy too let’s try to let’s try to not go too

    Fast so Chase can keep up as well I didn’t see them move so and they were in a weird angle able to get out should we just we could pull over here probably be better just to pull over here before all the traffic actually then I can water my di break

    That’s probably good too I’m going to do that that will take me a second anyways see across the thing oh yeah whole bunch of A’s hey bro 3 one what the [ __ ] are you doing hey hey hey closer [ __ ] yeah it’s hard to get out of that area [ __ ] your [ __ ] your

    [ __ ] [ __ ] pull over up here so we’re not too far ahead idiot and the [ __ ] emo emo go and play ban fuckingo kid all right have you got your Jake Breck bread no I was laughing at that guy I I’m I’m at it right now I’m just trying to find it in

    The sorry I see Chase is caught up so another delay engine break right is slow there we go sorry okay it’s it’s wired now um we’re good to go one second here okay gu oh wait I didn’t mean to D that my not ready okay we’re good let’s go we’re

    Good yep go go go forward oh [ __ ] I’m stalling uh it’s because my space you don’t even have a load the traffic J they tell go look at this there’s a get past this before that bus quick before the dam breaks yeah are you moving Brad yep okay is Chase behind

    You sh y good I’m just going to get into the left lane cuz it looks like we’re my god there a bus like literally going down the wrong way brand the bus driver oh Jesus in the left lane remember left lane left lane be in the left

    Lane there’s a guy parked in the middle of the road holy Goden heav above sorry about the lag to whoever what’s popping boys what’s popping boys oh we is shees up here do we oh yeah it’s a mess Road Works ahead you milk bags Oh wait we’re supposed to be the

    Left aren’t we yeah I’ll let you in Brad I’m in a renal yeah I’ll let you in get in front of me you didn’t ask what truck you’re in what what is happening to that guy he just like flew into the other lane oh my God what the freak is this guy

    Doing the soy guy [ __ ] rard learn to play learn how Jesus Christ what is this soy guy doing man sorry BR get through that green light he apologized at least where are we going it’s not the same guy whoa now Brad did you not wrote your

    Thing no I didn’t turn left Brad I’m Ling again [ __ ] stalling Co BRS I’m going I’m pissing people off Yoo it’s Road raging yeah I don’t know what the guy was doing he just didn’t like you being in front of him Jays exit left bro are you [ __ ] [ __ ]

    Jesus oh oh what the hell why oh sorry this guy just stop like right the the exit Brad might want to take her back a little bit SL downland okay oh oh yeah we’re going to have to slow down anyways there’s a crash up ahead shocker yeah it’s very shocking

    News uh I’m scared to go ahead with this guy just we got a right turn coming up I don’t know if is Brad in front yeah can you guys lead why you guys lead yeah I think bran needs to lead because if Brad doesn’t have his GPS

    Going Brad you’re going to get C by a car keep going Brad keep going go that’s where I go okay keep right and then exit right dude the lag sucks getting frustrated with this then turn left up here BR okay exit right left the other left right oh left

    Jeez too much going on I guess turn left okay now we should be good shouldn’t be able to get lost turn left this that dark though yep got the high beams on blinding everybody yeah blind everybody light if you break kind of hard playing on keyboard that’s okay I break pretty

    Hard too but usually that’s because I’m too close to people are you um behind us Tyler like where yep it’s there’s a truck behind you and then there’s Chase and there’s me oh okay what what the heck we got here okay yeah stop boys stop slow it yeah

    BR you ever step on that this guy I am I am going as fast as I can right now the chaos it’s scarier in the dark cuz it’s harder to see Al you can’t see as many uh crashes I think that guy was flashing me saying

    I have my high beams on I flashed them yeah I’ve got my high beam on too but can do the plight thing and turn the high booms off every time we come up to somebody sorry about the lag did I hit did you hit my truck um some crazy Maneuvers and I

    Didn’t think they say hi or to be friendly yeah I think some some people do cuz there’s like the horn the light horn or whatever it’s like J or something like that it’s less loud than honking so maybe that’s why some people use that sorry I can’t do anything about it

    Is it laggy what’s happening up there a little bit just a little bit they’re all flashing BR your H off oh these park on the side yeah I’ve got some people flashing me too but like Chase say it’s probably just to say hi who’s honing at me I was just honking at these

    Guys this guy’s like half in the road the one that I just passed yeah off Brad your single on oh thanks it’s on the other way it’s off yeah okay I’m not you going really fast it is it’s a little nerve-racking it’s a little quiet right now yeah it’s

    Not as chaotic it’s a nice Cruise right now we’re probably over the peak time when people are playing yeah well it did go down about 1500 people from when we started to when we were to when I relogged there’s a traffic jam up here I think this must be the

    Tracks oh yeah we’re probably getting close sorry I’m just taking it easy cuz I didn’t know what was up ahead here also with these WS you don’t want to take it too fast so yeah no it’s pretty turny yeah it’s pretty windy and some pry windy yeah that’s what I’m looking for oh

    There’s a tra jam up here the guy coming oncoming just like I don’t know if he lagged but he kind of cranked a little sorry about that friend oh Jesus Christ stop stop stop stop stop stop stop got something up here yeah I had to stop at the point where I had to

    Stall just going to clutch it what’s going on up there anyone see anything H it’s someone in the in I think it’s like two or 37s up ahead there’s a guy who’s just yeah yeah little Jack knifed I think oh there’s 2,000 players on now wow dropped that

    Much well when I originally text you guys it was over 4,000 but now it’s a really now we’re jammed up here I guess around noon is like when people are mostly on I keep on stalling stop stalling Brad yeah be more Potin poting your foot down put and your foot down sorry throw winter Mo well happy Birthday Andy lot here hope you have a fun birthday hopefully it’s full of happiness and not chaos like Euro Truck is damn those guys bright those guys lights are bright those guys brights are white yeah

    They are bright holy cow oh you didn’t see the lights that I was talking about when I said it there the guy has whole front end of his truck and top was like covered in lights did he like save mod on or save Ed um I don’t know

    Maybe possible actually that’d be fun to do if we could like save at it I don’t think they save it cuz you can just put lights on in your truck can’t you you know G yeah remember that mop and GTA with all the mirrors just do that hilarious

    You could do that like with all the lights yeah that’ be so funny fun be just chaos oh yeah I’m just clutching it right now cuz it’s just yeah clutch in break on well not like the parking brake but slightly down so I can just can just let

    Off I’m just keeping it like one high and I always keep it in like two oh yeah I never start in one with this with this truck any I never start in One unless I need it I think the guy who causing all the problems just pulled over yeah scary we we oh God we’re stopping again jeez look at the traffic jam now now oh yeah this is a train I’m pretty sure oh yeah oh Jesus look at the map there’s so many

    People uh give me a second boys sorry about this oh de give me a little bit of a push thanks I need that I have my trailer brake on but I got to get better Mash the pedals for Hill starts yeah this is good practice right now it’s fine

    But could change in a minute here oh where I’m at it’s a good spot for it yeah you’re around the hill yeah but I’ve also got the overpowered Volos so oh God what the heck happened well some guy comes ripping around the corner passing someone else

    Jesus I went for the there’s a lot of people that are impatient in this game they look like they just about took out Chase and this Binks guy okay fine you want to hear horn someone’s mad about the horns no just talking a whole bunch I like that’s a

    Horn there’s a car behind me I think just honking too somebody’s got a car horn stop porn idiots because I’m mine I just hear a car horn just use a horn over the CB radio you want horns I can give you more horn just buy an air horn for this [Applause]

    Purpose just thre your mic there’s a CV that would be I’ll put it on my I’ll put it on like the really loud distorted mode and then use an air horn through it you have to warn us though if that is that would just kill our ears

    I’m scared of going into my second range here cuz oh yeah we’re stopping again yeah I’m just in four high yeah the buttons I keep it in just High somebody right behind me just honking the horn it’s like buddy I can’t do anything about this honking is not going to get you anywhere

    I just right what the whoa oh yeah just stay in your lane buddy like it’s not not that difficult is Brad first or are you first Brandon I’m first also why I think this time I think we are near the train tracks I wouldn’t be surprised it’s hard to see but we probably

    Are really backed up getting some decent speed now for a minute hello Kebab makers must be lones don’t caps why not guess they don’t like all caps like you’re yelling at me why you don’t drive why you don’t drive I don’t drive because I can’t drive Point easily easily the loudest horn Here somebody just spawn inside of me be don’t get out there quickly is that the train tracks right here okay I didn’t die but now there’s three trucks in between us there’s a train now coming why you don’t go you stupid looks like a traffic jam after the train

    Track oh oh BR you watching this some bumper CS bums why you know drive shut up Max hello oh yeah the The Crossing sound is funny was that a cat sound like a child yeah does anybody know where this mcklin guy is that just doesn’t shut Up [Applause] hey yes yes hey Ruka how are you I should just like held up until the next train came got through banned who you probably would have got banned or kicked yeah I probably would have yeah s p heyy me I’m currently Crossing we’ve stopped again pretty much back Here from artina this will give you a good workout for your clutch leg tell you that crazy for how much clutch I’m hitting gas clutch gas clutch lot of breaking too no don’t don’t go oh buddy oh boy oh I’d rather be behind chasing this random guy that spawned inside of

    Me stop with the horns no you stop with the horns moosey they don’t like my horn move in who’s Moy I think he’s behind me a couple it’s m best me best me that’s why you always to be on your alert no no no no no dude what happened what happened car

    Just like front of me like from the from the grass I just swerved and avoided him or he’s going to get sent I could reported that guy oh did he yeah no going to sandwich him oh bro why you stopped uh it crashed your game yeah my game crashed

    Okay I’m going to pull over uh I might I’m kind of scared to go back in because will I spawn back in that same spot yep they’ll be okay bro someone did it to me and you get like 5 to 10 seconds of invincibility or whatever of like non- Collision it’s

    Okay braad you can do it that’ll give you time to pull off the road can’t believe that guy did that you want do it you should do it right now BR there’s like no one coming uh I am like I have to start my trucker MP again and

    Then it KCK me completely out by the way do I want heart of Russia is that even out yet you’re in ghost mode until you start driving and nobody else is inside of you yeah cuz when that one guy spawned inside of me he was in ghost mode and

    Then he started driving and then a little bit after he started driving we were still inside of each other and he started flashing but then we were able to do a safe exit so there’s only 100 it was only a 899 players now oh wow went down another 200 have tickets

    Enabled I do not tickets enabl that’d be broke amount that we speed and crash how many times we go through red lights yeah yeah I guess we don’t really crash a whole lot in Euro Truck because we’re going slower especially on this road good tip though if you’re not going too fast on

    This road if we’re just actually playing and not on this road then yeah we definitely do tip a lot I don’t know if you saw that car brand but he was traffic breaking the guy behind him there’s moosey better ready honk when moosey goes by by just to piss him [Laughter]

    Off oh that’s funny Brad are you almost back mhm you going to spawn like right beside me probably or you I don’t know what the heck is this guy doing this lkw in front going for a pass it’s a good time right now it’s a good time I’m likely to spawn

    In right now he just pops in and then goes he’s not in ghost mode and just someone crashes into him and takes him out oh my God that’d be funny I’m bad oh what what the with the game Crash you might be back even farther I’m back at like

    Oh probably the last time it saved them stop killing babies okay who what the [ __ ] sorry all the traffic spaw in now okay and are you alive I am alive somehow miraculously I am alive yeah it crashed me bad though like it it took me completely out of the game plus MP

    Even yeah just a whole game Crash I’ve had that happen before I got someone crashed into me and they crashed my game yeah and I’m not talking about ATS with Brandon I believe it brand and I were actually just playing this one day and someone came

    Around a corner crashed I thought I got banned but I didn’t just said my game crashed so then that’s when we did the cars I think the original time I think so Discord call we are yes makes it easier than see being all the time driving down the road right now

    I should be getting pretty close to you here soon have you crossed the train tracks yes I have we’ll let Brad lead all right sounds good to me hey there they are in there I guess not you should just block traffic let yeah we’re going to have to

    Wait until the next uh Gap here all right there’s a gap after this uh car I can wait for you guys somewhere you just pull off like for a little bit I’ll let you back in Brad all right and we’re off Off to the Races I swear the other people driving

    The pilot cars not us but like the other people in this game driving pilot cars they just think I think they just think because they have a pilot car they can go wherever they want yeah they split traffic like motorcycles yeah oh crap where are we going just keep driving straight don’t

    Take any oh God someone tipped is that you I hope not no someone tipped just behind me oh save lag got M here yeah we’re kind of stuck Brad just FYI yeah cuz I got a tip oh you got tipped no I’m good oh I thought you just said you got tipped

    I pulled over by the 70 the speed limit sign just after the bridge I guess Brad shouldn’t be leading so he doesn’t have a map set up yeah that’s what I said earlier then you passed him I thought one point allegedly where you br where are you I’m

    Just past the bridge okay Brad hop in behind me okay oh gosh sorry going bro that Brad has like the uh I don’t know what it would be the acceleration of a potato the reaction the reaction time that’s what I’m thinking of true though reaction yeah I am slow to start always

    I’m not like when I was trying to let him in go go go go go time I like we’re so far away in my time he started going he was right in front of me oh holy crap that was close call I get my get Flash oh they just saying hello

    Want to watch out for this okay what the hell get on your side on side ofad buddy uhoh uhoh whoa that guy can’t drive holy God spooky spooky please don’t kill me don’t kill me either buddy this guy’s signaling left sitting in the middle of the road I just ignore

    Them yeah so did I I just went right by him who Jesus I had uh my life flash before my eyes there why horn is that what someone said why horn yeah why horn and then that didn’t pop up for me that popped up for me must been far

    Enough ahead of you that I didn’t see it newas okay slow down people diesel It’s that guy again the a242 F your mom he likes telling that to people cuz that was the same guys earlier that’s set I think did he just drives around right side maybe damn that guy’s

    Ripping really needs fuel I guess or he really has to go pee or they’re using as a shortcut that one guy definitely is he didn’t stop he’s just going feel he’s going to cut Chase off I am not going to let this guy in a [ __ ] oh god what happened brass that guy

    Just all a sudden stopped and then I freaking could stop because I didn’t have time sorry buddy but you buddy but you stopped all a sudden there oh he’s Jesus how’s he driving that fast a for God’s sake this is freak pissing me off that’s kind of a mess fact there oh

    There some guy driving the ditch that guy in the that guy who cut me off like at that gas station freaking that’s the guy with the two the two trailers there yeah that [ __ ] cut me off there was a guy who was beside me

    Trying to get in but I just I sped up and I got right beside him so he couldn’t get in and he had to slam the brakes before the lane ended like I’m not letting you in you’re trying to take a shortcut screw you yeah you got to wait your turn like

    Exactly should have just stayed behind me is this real life you face a whole bunch of fines maybe in jail time just joking we could it’s a cops on he might get a hefty ticket for speeding through a gas station speeding through a gas station that’s s okay full speed head

    I did also forget I have my Jake brake yeah I haven’t really needed to use it the brakes in this truck time that guy cut in front or just decided to stop in front of me that one guy sure likes to record a lot of [ __ ] well that’s a against the

    Guy that cut you off so I think you should be happy oh okay good the penthos or whatever that guy a dick guy that real dick yeah that guy is a dick though he drives like a dick has a car oh crap I sto back to good old gas and clutch oh

    Yeah yeah this is a turn coming up so see if I can push did that guy get stuck oh he drag yeah he’s dragging his trailer that’s the guy that cut Brad off isn’t it that’s the penos isn’t it no it’s a record oh that’s that guy the record

    Guy get ready to turn left Lord what the [ __ ] Jesus Christ turn left sorry but that was like I that guy took the turn like he he went out why with it and I just like he almost like cut into me oh more people are recording the

    Pthos I wonder where is he up ahead or behind I’m not sure where he is I thought he was ahead of me Brad was ahead of him I thought that and then he was behind Brad and in front of Chase he’s 140 M from me cuz you’re right in front of Chase

    Right yeah yeah so he was in between something I don’t know I don’t know how did Brad get in front of you cuz Brad was behind you br’s behind me I behind him oh so Chase is right behind you then Brad yeah yeah he is uhoh oh did someone tip something

    Happening someone Jack knif got some logs oh for God’s sake stop stalling this truck loves to stall stop stopping I can’t help if oh my God what the hell what is this car doing just decided to Jet out right in front of that guy the utter chaos Ro rage

    Ha oh what the hell something else now oh this guy just ah it wasn’t as bad though he he did a decent Gap so give him I I’ll let him get away with that it’s too much chaos please be careful sa lag just let you know it is lagging a little bit I

    Feel like he’s in front of us he must be be careful bro be careful be careful can you guys pull up and see how far he is from you guys um I’m currently on a Bend I got to find him on here he’s 350

    From me so okay he’s 180 from me so so he’s ahead then yeah probably just a couple ahead of you then see one with two trailers yeah there should be two empty red ones that guy off flicking my lights you’re pissing people off put my lights cuz I was flickering them I was

    Flickering my high beams ah oh I I still got my uh hazards on I didn’t even realize well might we stop Jeez oh the pentos guy you find him oh I don’t know why this guy in front me break oh I’m sorry people oh God oh God oh God I just had a car crashing behind me what the [ __ ] Jesus br I can’t believe got through

    That un scaped what oh save lag now I know how that looks he either got too close or the guy save lagged someone’s saying you drive like something you knob trying not to drive like a knob impossible is what it was I think yeah oh okay instead a mission impossible

    Trying not to drive like a knob impossible mission no impossible imposs possible yeah so busy this for only 2,000 people on still a lot of people maybe the other 2,000 are the ones that drive on normal roads could be oh we’ve got an issue um our favorite Pentel

    Guy oh some issues oh that guy over there got the oh my God look at them spin what is happening over there okayy this freaking car keeps rear ending the [ __ ] out of me like I’m already stopped and like he takes 5 Seconds to get to me and doesn’t

    Hit the brakes at all it seems like okay I’m not waiting for this guy anymore and I’m not really aggressively breaking I’m like you know you got to read the traffic buddy I don’t know how it works in Ireland but obviously not this way thank God we get past that

    Douchebag oh was he pulled off sorry yeah he just pulled off he’s the guy who cut in front of me and then stopped all of a sudden and I rear ended him and got like a stupid amount of damage on yeah I know I know oh there’s pent he’s on the

    Wrong side of the road for on coming oh so he didn’t pull off you just pulled off until I’m coming oh oh yeah I see him there we go should be a little bit quiet till we get to this city can have a nice calm Cruise finally let the end here keep

    Left no on can do some last 110 driving yep I’m being passed by a car sort of he began passing but we’re at 110 well we’re doing 110 yeah I just hope he doesn’t uh he’s in a Mustang well they actually have a Mustang pilot car sometimes if you’re a patreon supporter so if you donate you get a Mustang exit now that’s pretty sweet yeah I’ll never donate yeah you probably have to be like um a regular donator I’m guessing probably not just like a one time it’s probably

    Like yeah the subscription style yeah or a certain amount yeah and I shall get this free it’s only $1 a month up to five okay exit so if you donate $1 a month up to $5 a month exit now that’s actually not that bad it’s not too

    Bad traffic jam can we just take a left here or do we have to go around um we can we have to around ah good driving I can’t I didn’t see maybe we can maybe miss it yeah I don’t see anything I don’t see the opportunity oh God God damn it

    We’ve almost made it enjoy that band Tru trucker B all are weever going to do like a one of these times not on this road we’ve done trains on this road before I think that’s horrifying yeah trains yeah let’s got to do buses I’m parking over here you I call

    This one the busiest Road in ETS and if we did buses we could do the busiest Road I forget these trailers I forget they’re pretty sensitive with when you’re turning back yeah I’m just going to skip the parking actually wait we didn’t get a job I’m just parking take of parking I

    Forgot we don’t have a job my parking spots that’s where I’m going end it yeah I’m going to hold in right beside you perfect as far as I can go where are you oh you’re right there right in front of us I see you’ve done doubles before and it’s actually not that

    Hard I guess depends how long the doubles are if it I guess cuz there’s no Turnpike is there in this there’s nothing like that yeah if it was a Turnpike be worse they’re like a regular siiz trailer or even like a midsize trailer I think and size trailer

    And a small trailer together oh okay yeah if it was like a full turn bike then it probably would be a little trickier M Brad Park here I’m trying to obviously not very well there going to be room for three well it’s non- Collision oh did both full size I don’t you could

    Do that unless you save edit I haven’t really looked at the trailers very much So oops I can’t see my trailer I would have big major scrapes in my cab right now if I were to in real life that is Imagine they did do simulation of actual damage that’d be nasty just totally your whole truck yeah be kind of fun at times it would be

    Fun but that’s going to be it for today I’m hungry so I need to make some dinner same so thanks tun in if you like what you saw you can like subscribe you can join Community Discord cuz we have that I’ve notic quite a few people joining

    Lately I think some of them are Dallas’s friends though um but yeah thanks for tuning in and we’ll see you guys in the next one goodbye yeah

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