The park was ruined after this.

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    Spencer Foresman BMX

    What is up guys welcome back to this waiting 12 years to ride this skate park Channel T the channel we’re going to ride this skate park that I’ve been waiting over 12 years to ride this is the new Tampa skate park they don’t allow BMX bikes already talked to parks

    And wreck about trying to get BMX allowed in here but since it’s a team pain Park they have this you know warranty where they don’t allow BMX but 12 years ago I was right here where I’m at right now because they were going to allow BMX at this park and then one week

    Before they open they decided that they were not going to allow BMX because of I believe team payon has this warranty where if you allow bikes in the skat Park they will not warranty the park so all these cities spend millions of dollars on nice skate parks like this

    And they don’t really know anything about BMX and the builders tell them that it’s damaging to the park which it is not and arguably is less damaging than a skateboard no hate on skateboarding but everything on my bike let me show you real quick anything that would make contact with the ground like

    The end of my handlebars plastic the end of my pegs which are plastic but you can see it actually has like a little plastic lip sticking out over the metal there tires are rubber plastic pedals nothing on my bike is technically going to damage a concrete skate park that being said you

    Can’t really make anything indestructible stuff will get damaged but if they’re spending millions of dollars I don’t know why they’re going to limit it down to Just skateboards I’m not sure what else they allow here I mean if it doesn’t have a motor I feel like it should be allowed in the skate

    Parking since BMX is also in the Olympics as skateboarding and they’ve also shared multiple X Games courses we do the same things on different things it’s like a guitar and a bass guitar just those instruments were trying to go in here and rock it that’s a little

    Backstory on why I haven’t rode this park but today is Christmas I don’t know if I’ve mentioned that yet so so today I’m gifting myself a Christmas present from the city of Tampa because the rec center here is unstaffed so we are just going to step

    Over the fence here get in there and do some solo cycling here we go just gently bring the bike over the fence and into the bush nice just one small step over and here we are this is probably the only time I’m ever going to ride this park

    Until they end the C gation of BMX at the park here but check it out I’m not sure how long going to be able to ride here there’s a bowl back there as well didn’t get too lucky with the weather but we’re still here look at the park here we got a nice

    Bowl some other stuff around it before I went and talked to the city actually I came here and talked to the person who runs the rec center and she said the park has already been damaged by bikers like myself that just jumped the fence I guess and damages the concrete and this

    Is what she pointed out to me as damages from BMX is this is apparently damaged by BMX because as you can see here the concrete is thinner as it overlaps onto the coping here and that is obviously damaged by BMX and not just wear and tear from people using it this is a

    Definitely bike damage on this uh quarter by the way that is a foot and a half tall it is installable on a bike but no one would want to do that and also put my bike on here you can see where the pegs are making contact with the concrete but interestingly enough

    There’s no damage right there so I just I just maybe I’m not I’m new to BMX I’m not seeing how this was a ruined by the bikers it’s crazy and ALS and if the park is warrantied by team pay why haven’t they come out here and fix this

    I don’t know but we’re going to get into the session it’s going to be a good time hopefully I can ride here for a couple hours without getting rained out or kicked out start the session off here right on the team [ __ ] plaque obstacle got ourselves a nice little Tombstone

    Dirt wall so we’re going to do a little hand plan one of my favorite moves but I don’t get to do it that much because dirt walls aren’t that common that parks around here so I going to get my hand On it’s actually kind of small for a football that trick was a little hard cuz I usually like go up and have so much more time I’d be way better at this trick you know if I was allowed to come here more often in practice but you know

    Now we’re just out of practice cuz no bikes this is a pretty cool feature right here kind of want to try to like ghost feeble the little hump right there maybe maybe grind the Rail oh it’s sticky just crazy a city will spend millions of dollars to build a very nice skate park but not maximize its use of the taxpayers that are giving the city money to fund cool stuff like this every time I’m getting kicked out

    Of a skate park CU there like no bikes I always tell them I’m like that’s like the same logic as kicking somebody out of a field let’s say a football field if you’re playing soccer or like baseball it’s like it’s a field it’s a multi-purpose field okay just let me in

    The field damn it going to try to do my first flare since I hurt my ankle I think I spray my ankle if you guys haven’t been following the channel did something to my ankle a couple months ago it’s been feeling pretty good I’m almost at 100% I’m just trying not to do

    Things that take a lot of impact quarter should be very easy to flare but I’m a little nervous cuz like I don’t want to put too much weight on my foot so we’re going to try to land good the goal pushing 215 boys and the flip if I

    Don’t land good that’s a lot of impact I landed good though so we’re happy I want to do a little nose press now on this uh weird round thing I feel like it’ll be kind of fun next trick is going to be a Revival trick the trick has been long L

    Forgotten it’s like a foot jam tooth but it’s like a funny way to do it I missed before I learned how to actually do a foot jam tooth like a proper toothpick where you like come up and into it I learn this but I don’t know

    How to do foot jam toothpicks on smaller metaler quarters but with this I kind of foot jam and then lean the peg onto the cing it’s goofy but it’s a lot of fun try it if you’re comfortable with foot jaming inside of a ramp just going to wrap up my damage

    Free Christmas session here at the New Tampa Park even with hitting my pegs and stuff there was Zero Damage Done To The Park maybe it’s a phenomenon maybe bikes don’t really damage the parks not really sure actually I am sure they don’t the video’s not over yet I have some clips

    That I’m going to throw in from previous sessions I never really made a dedicated video so here’s that and I’ll see you guys I guess right now no way people are hopping the fence to get on the playground these criminals it’s closed today guys come on it’s

    Christmas at the park all decorated I’m in downtown Tampa we got a nice crew of people and I think we’re going to warm up on this spot right here look at Charlton hey charlon going take a stting the video off just pedaling through the snow we snowed in down here in

    Florida a Le in here nice he tou just riding through the field Sleding get A got to mow my tire real Quick all right it’s Good [Applause] N Yeah here with It Wo N dupid fence here cuz some idiot climbed it and went in there he ruined it now we have double fence to look through guys but check out these lizards they just sunbath what you doing there slim snacking on some some leaves he’s loving that with adults weigh from 100 Hey I don’t know if you noticed but the Silverbacks core was very similar to uh something going on [Laughter] here Don’t you got that kind of underwear this one had too many Hot Cheetos these are [Laughter] Dinosaurs That’s a big Fish what’s That we’re going to go on That Where are we going Chad pretty Nice I’m in my house Hold you need help out of your house Chad yeah what doing get out of there Chad what the heck you’re scaring the kids dad you upgraded that’s a pretty nice house my electric bing up though yeah some kid was taking a family photo on a Polaroid and I was in the shot I

    Really want to see that the orament of [Applause] Chad all right well we didn’t get a ride too many rides there but there is a new pair of shoes that we discovered just now if you can hear there a child wearing squeaky every step you take it’s all I hope you guys enjoyed those mixed Clips

    I’m with Chad here we just did a live stream I’m going to throw in some Chad’s highlights here because this is this was my last time riding with Chad before I moved to North Carolina which is going to be like tomorrow I’m probably already there now but I had to edit this video

    So farewell Chad we love you bye hope you and your man friends are doing good they’re doing great how’s your elbow I hate when are you okay Chad the odds of that happening twice are low very high they’re low Jad nice nice Chad I’m not going anywhere Spencer’s Spencer’s the one

    Moving did you just land it Dam no we’re just I ignore that all right that’s it right there nice Chad if during that live stream I’m going to throw it in guys this tree fell down behind me it was actually kind of crazy I’m not going to

    Make you guys go back and watch the whole live stream so check this out a slow effort what the I just got that let’s investig this guy what tree just fell what just happened here is everyone okay how did we get that live hello who’s up there damn we’ve been

    Coming here for how long that tree never fell once look at the tree from the other side quite large Le no one was hurt kind of crazy D nature powerful yeah there is a car right there be end of this video guys a little all over the place got to ride a

    Park I’ve never been to and been wanting to go to for over 12 years now since they made it I got a couple mix clips in there we got a ride with Chad today it’s actually the same day I did a double session because Chad wanted to ride

    Today so shout out to Chad go follow him we’re not going to be in videos for a while but I’m going to try to get him to come up to North Carolina he might be down we’ll see right Chad yeah yeah if you guys want to further support the

    Channel I greatly appreciate everyone that has already gone to Husky nation. Shop that is how you directly support what I’m doing YouTube doesn’t really do all that much so that’s it’s a good way to support the channel if you guys are enjoying the content but if not I just

    Appreciate you guys watching consider leaving a like subscribe to the channel if you’re new here and I’ll see you guys in a week or so cuz I got to move but yeah check out Husky nation. Shop get some gear I’m still going to be shipping it out and yeah


    1. Jesse, Matos, (I thought you and Geo) and I rode that park just before they were done building it. Ironically I just drove by there last week for the first time since then. Good memories.

    2. limiting the sports allowed in the park is an excuse to limit traffic. limiting traffic reduces how soon wear and tear happens and keeps the cost of maintenance over time down.

    3. Awesome video Spencer, but I don’t know why you completed destroyed that nice skatepark now no one can use it. That wasn’t nice of u

    4. as someone who knows tim payne personaly, and who has build 2 concrete parks with team pain in belgium (both more BMX style) i can say they are still going strong after almost 20 years. i think you need to look more into stupid legal reasons as to why you can't ride it.

    5. i see more damage from scooters slamming into the concrete over and over again, they dont even attempt so land most of their tricks ffs, just let the metal deck smash the concrete….

    6. Why’re you moving Spence? Tax reasons? Business reasons? I’m just parasocial and curious. Hopefully we got more Jay content! We miss him and his daily Uploads aren’t enough.

    7. Welcome back to this skate boarders destroy bike parks, hippopotamus are huge fish, make lions have nut, and we all hate, but don't, Chad. Birds are a CONSPIRACY THEORY!! Eff parks that don't allow bikes. That's just uninformed idiots being in charge of things that they don't know anything about. Chad? I don't hate you. Always nice to see you make an appearance. So EFFING RAD!!

    8. Dude i am so glad that you are making video pointing out how absurd the no bikes allowed rules are. I traveled around the us for my bmx non-profit (Merakibmx) teachings kids bmx and pretty much every single skatepark i went to said no bikes allowed and there was one in Portland under a bridge that i tried to ride and i almost got jumped by 20 skaters saying that ill cause damage to the skatepark with my bike. So i really appreciate what you are doing and i hope that this video gets lots of views and can help make a change for literally almost every skatepark in the U.S lmao. Cheers!

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