We have started the year off by flying to Spain to visit La Fenasosa Bikepark! This place literally has it all! There are trails, jumps, pump track and even a FMX arena!
    We started the day off by getting used to my bike as I had recently made a few changes to it. I am usually riding an E-Bike so this took a bit of time to feel comfortable riding jumps etc. The first track we rode was called Summum line which was epic. We then went right to the top of the park and rode the Foxy line before heading to the jump park where @TomCardy flipped his enduro bike on the mulch jump!

    Stay tuned for more Spain MTB vlogs!
    I hope you enjoyed this video!

    Kara 🙂

    Welcome to my channel! I am beginner Mountain Bike rider documenting my progression, struggles and sucesses on my channel! I hope that whether you are a beginner rider yourself or an advanced or even pro rider you can take something from my channel and enjoy the journey with me!

    Merch: karabeal.bigcartel.com
    INSTAGRAM and Tik Tok: @karabealmtb

    Hello everyone welcome back to my channel so we are in Sunny Spain now although don’t be full because it’s actually quite cold here we’re quite high up in the mountains at leosa bike park and I’m so excited but we’re going to make it to the top now

    Try out a few of the tracks see what we can do hopefully the new upgraded bike will be sick gracias thank you right we’ve just been dropped off by the lift and we both don’t really know what the tracks have on them but we did just do a

    Sighting lap down the summon line which is this one I mean the sign’s black but I don’t know if it actually is a black Trail but there’s a few jumps on it there’s some biguns at the bottom as well but we’re just going to cruise down for a lap see

    What it’s about see what the the Enduro bike feels like as well so let’s get it you ready in yeah you going first yeah I’ll go first and uh yeah see how your bike feels have a good run yeah and you right here we go the summon line at la

    Fenosa oh God oh my God dry trails are so quick y oh my word yo yes I cleared them oh my God I’m going so fast oh my God you yes that’s sick oh my God that was so good it’s fast down isn’t it oh my word I can’t like dry

    Trails so quick yeah yeah completely different to what we were used to isn’t it yeah you carry on yeah okay here we go oh no no no no no I can’t I can’t why come on Cara how’s that so good I just didn’t do that kicker you didn’t go it I

    Need to you said before I know don’t quit I didn’t do it I’m going to do it next run but the jumps are built so well no you don’t do anything no every lip is like perfect uh shape and then the speed the whole way is insane as well yeah it’s

    Too it’s actually too quick for my brain yeah that was so sick although I didn’t actually have it in super view which is annoying but we’re going to do another run again um and hopefully I’ll get up that big kicker I don’t know why I

    Didn’t do it I just saw it and freaked out but that’s okay cuz it’s about today’s about learning the new bike new Place new like terrain as well I mean look how dusty this is here full dust it’s so crazy yeah so yeah we’ll excuse that one for the time being but yeah

    We’re going to get back up there do it again get it KJ I’m following you TR what you got ding I want to see how quick you get down there woo go go go oh yes the sun’s coming out as well right I want to see these jumps

    Yo yo you did the shark fin yes go go go oh my goodness nose dive what happened on that last one it’s not really a a cam a nose that no I know you did like a proper like aof I know why I’m just getting used to it yeah yeah yeah getting used

    To it it’s really quick isn’t it yeah I kind of wasn’t prepared for the lip to be honest no you could tell you like did a body flop out oh well nice sick line though is it that’s so good I did it I didn’t clear it but I did it so I’m taking

    It oh sorry I’m concentrating and not talking very much oh my word this so fast so we just come to the top and we’re going to now go back cuz it’s the last lift and I don’t have a clue where we are but these very kind people are

    Going to help us yeah and uh yeah it’s going to be sick isn’t it I don’t know what track we’re going down well this looks really cool but look at this view first of all there’s a rainbow over there it’s actually mental up here we start oh foxy line

    Sick oh my God this wind oh my God the wind ah oh my word this is incredible though wind it’s crazy windy foxy line SI that was so Good bit tech for the bike so good this is literally the best bike park I’ve ever ridden in Spain but actually it’s the only one I’ve ever ridden in Spain that foxy line is absolutely insane I can’t believe how windy it was at the top I came out of the tunnel and

    My bike just pushed me to the left and I almost rode off the side it was all I could to keep it not going that way but we’ve come down to the bottom now it’s a bit less windy here and we’re in the jump park and there’s actually Moto

    Ramps which is insane look at that it’s incredible this place honestly I know it’s the only bike park that I’ve ever been to in Spain but it’s got to be the best one I’ve ever been to because you got downhill TRS you got jumps you got Motocross it’s insane so good there’s so

    Much fun here oh my God just look at this place airbag dirt jumps it’s actually the dream so good I think Tom’s actually going to ride this mulch jump he’s eyeing it up now oh yeah that is sick right Tom is just informed me that he wants to flip it

    Which is sick so I’m going to stay here and capture capture a flip that’s insane on the Enduro bike y oh my God W it’s a little bit windy so it’s actually nicer to flip it cuz the wind doesn’t really affect you as much that’s cool I might do again for

    An iPhone that’s that it looked sick with the sunset did it yeah yeah straight off the plane and straight into a back flip yeah I think I need to setep my game up a bit it’s almost dark as you can tell from behind me look at the Spanish sunsets aren’t they just insane

    It’s almost dark though we didn’t get to arrive until half three today because we arrived late last night and we had to build the bikes up so we didn’t get a chance to hop on the morning uplift but what an intro to this place like the foxy line the sumon line they’re all

    Incredible and there’s so many more to ride as well and today was just about getting used to the bike getting used to being in Spain with the dry tracks um and everything like that so hopefully in the coming Vlogs my riding will improve and we can hit some bigger jumps bigger

    Drops get a bit more gnarly but just before I close this video off I want to do a little laugh around this look how cool this is a pump track what a dream is this place it’s actually Unreal but works the dream on this Bike sick yes that was good that was well good there we go then what a dream that was such a sick day or afternoon here at laf fenosa we’ve actually got a week in Spain now um two more days riding this place so expect some more sick videos

    And yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this one if you did please give it a thumbs up put your comments down below and I shall see you guys in the next video bye yeah I’m about to fade away cuz every time I wake up I feel like it’s Monday

    Something’s going wrong with all the chemicals up in my brain all a sudden I don’t look at anything the same way got to build up on my thoughts sitting in an ashtray I’m sorry that I’m so inconvenient okay just let me be me and I’ll stay out of your way


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