BREAKING NEWS: You may subscribe to our channel, like our videos, and click the Super Thanks button below to make sure you don’t miss any of our team’s films, including the latest developments and special updates on the Ukrainian war. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has so far posed the greatest challenge to NATO member states in the Baltics. NATO nations have seen a number of Russian LED air power incidents, particularly in the Baltics. Since the beginning of the Ukrainian War, Russia has greatly benefited from the region’s geostrategic advantages…

    #Russia #Ukraine #Donbas #ukrainewar #war #putin #Bakhmut #Luhansk #Crimea

    You may subscribe to our Channel like our videos and click the super thanks button below to make sure you don’t miss any of our team’s films including the latest developments and special updates on the Ukrainian War Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has so far posed the greatest challenge to Nato member states in the

    Baltics NATO Nations have seen a number of Russian LED air power incidents particularly in the baltics since the beginning of the Ukrainian War Russia has greatly benefited from the Region’s geostrategic advantages kenrad a little land mass of 223 Square kilm in the heart of Europe on the the Baltic Sea Coast between NATO

    And EU members Poland and Lithuania exists Russia now has an even greater advantage in the region Russia regards this strategically significant region as its own territory the Russian land border lies 370 km away in Ken andrad ablast which has no land link with Russia due to the

    Lack of a land connection both military and civilian transportation to this ablast is limited to the sea and air this particular exclave serves as a gateway to the baltics for Russia as a result Russian Jets rarely employ transponders When approaching and exiting this Zone bordered by NATO and European airspace Pilots should

    Communicate with air traffic control or prepare flight plans the Baltic air policing operation on the other hand has been conducting difficult missions against dangerous Russian jet activity in these vital locations including kenrad the major goal of this unified force is to prevent Russian Jets from flying in the baltics without permission

    The Bap is the consequence of agreements to provide a common security standard in NATO EU airspace for NATO member states that lack the essential Aviation capabilities since the three Baltic states Lithuania Lavia and Estonia joined NATO on March 29th 2004 they lack the requisite air assets within their territory to support NATO

    Air Command through Baltic air policing alliance members Safeguard them the Baltic air policing Mission has grown in scope since finland’s membership in NATO with turkey’s approval Sweden’s entrance to Nato has begun to put Russia in real difficulties in the baltics Russian Jets conducted unauthorized and risky flights in the

    Baltics 570 times during this period contributing to the crisis caused by NATO expansion in Russia the Baltic air policing missions controlled action halted all of these aircraft following Russia’s breach of the red line NATO has taken significant steps to strengthen Security in the baltics NATO has greatly upgraded its

    Eastern flank air defenses deploying more fighter jets observation flights and groundbased air defenses after Russia regularly struck Ukrainian infrastructure near NATO territory NATO deployed more fighter jets to Romania following the October explosion of undersea pipelines in the Baltic Sea NATO moved a additional assets to the region this additional force is still on

    The ground in air Defender 23 NATO trained more than 250 aircraft for the alliance’s collective defense in its largest ever air exercise nonetheless despite NATO’s efforts Russia has begun to cause severe problems in the baltics over airspace the Kremlin has attempted to keep tensions in the Region High by irresponsibly employing air

    Power however the most recent data show show that such risky Russian air activities in the region have been ineffective NATO Air Forces have performed more than 300 flights across Europe as part of the Baltic air policing of the baltics with the majority of the interceptions taking place in

    2023 the incident occurred over the Baltic Sea where NATO has a permanent air policing mission to protect against Russian aircraft unpredictable approaches to Allied airspace the United Kingdom was one of the countries that contributed the most to these interdictions over the Baltic Royal Air Force typhoons have intercepted Russian

    Fighter jets 70 times this success rate of euks fighter jets has been a significant deterrent to Russia’s menacing Baltic initiatives the vast majority of air encounters between NATO and Russian Jets on the other hand have been safe and professional Belgian fighter jets on NATO missions for example recently safely intercepted Russian war planes

    Over the Baltic Sea NATO Radars detected an unidentified aircraft departing from kenrad prompting the dispatch of two Belgian Air Force f-16s from Shaolin and Lithuania to investigate the unauthorized flight two Belgian F-16 fighter jets pursued and discovered two Russian su3 fighter jets that had not communicated with civil air

    Traffic control when they arrived in the Baltic Belgian fighter jets then intervened professionally against the Russian aircraft the Belgian collaborated with the Swedish Air Force to carry out this crucial work the Belgian planes returned to their bases in Lithuania following the intervention following this action French Air Force Mirage 2005 stationed

    In chalia plan to conduct an investigation into another Russian aircraft flying from kenrad the mirages however did not take off due to the Tactical evolution of the scenario considering all of this fighter jets from Belgium France Germany Poland and turkey since December NATO has been conducting air policing flights on the

    Alliance’s eastern border most importantly NATO conducted these collaborative missions safely and professionally however there have been some dangerous events remember how a Russian fighter plane collided with an Australian drone over the Black Sea forcing the Drone to crash into international waters the US European command accused the Russian Pilots of

    Miscalculating and aggressive behavior that could lead to inadvertent escalation at the time aside from this we have witnessed deadly Russian activity in the Black Sea two Russian su27 fighter jets attempted to intercept two typhoon fighter jets and a royal Air Force RC 135 reconnaissance aircraft the Russian defense Ministry provided its

    Assessment it was alleged that RAF Jets approached the Russian border from the Black Sea before Russian war planes arrived for ing the RAF planes to turn around the RAF has neither acknowledged nor confirmed the incident’s validity in addition to this incident Russian military aircraft have engaged in a

    Series of provocative Maneuvers in the Black Sea according to Western officials a Russian issu 27 fired missiles at an RAF surveillance plane which either missed or malfunctioned at the moment the Russian defense Ministry attempted to explain the occurrence as a technical failure the kremlin’s attempt to move its air

    Power activities away from the baltics which had failed was interpreted as Russian violations in the Black Sea however neither the baltics nor the Black Sea Amplified the impact of the airspace crisis that Russia was attempting to provoke NATO’s joint goal remains to protect the Baltic states and

    Crucial areas where Russia wishes to be present so what policy should Russia pursue in terms of air power both in the baltics and the Black Sea in other words what differences will we see in 2024 let’s take a look at it all together now if Sweden joins NATO Scandinavian Unity will considerably

    Expand NATO’s air power and other military capabilities in the baltics indeed with Sweden’s accession to the international military Alliance the baltics may become a NATO Lake as a result it is no longer expected that Russia will conduct unlawful unauthorized and potentially dangerous Aviation sorties and flights in this

    Region at the very least such infractions are likely to become less common in the region turkey’s attitude toward Russian Jets will be one of the most crucial determining factors in the Black Sea as it has approved Sweden’s membership in NATO furthermore the NATO combined Air Force in Romania which is

    Expected to grow in strength over time could help a Russian unauthorized flights in the Black Sea NATO’s Cooperative cooperation and air power mission may leave Russia with a huge airspace problem between the baltics and the Black Sea According to some you may subscribe to our Channel like our videos

    And click the super thanks button below to make sure you don’t miss any of our team’s films including the latest developments and special updates on the Ukrainian war in his battle with Ukraine Vladimir Putin faces yet another increasing threat from within his own borders with the Ukraine crisis domestic

    Tensions are at an all-time high and in internal unrest and War are on the rise Russia is dealing with both unhappy relatives of Russian servicemen and soldiers who do not want to fight on the front lines the Enterprise began in February 2022 and has been growing ever since soldiers families claim that their

    Loved ones have been living in trenches on the front lines for more than 10 months constantly under attack furthermore as more Russians deploy to war their wives and mothers assert that their loved ones face mistreatment or deserve to return home after nearly 2 years of fighting this isn’t the first

    Time relatives of Russian soldiers have protested risking infuriating the government’s strong security apparatus the committee of soldiers mothers was instrumental in publicizing De ofit China the harassment of younger and newer soldiers during the Soviet Union in truth the CSM originated as a popular movement during mikil Gorbachev’s presidency with the goal of

    Exposing and reducing the violence rampant in Soviet military Barracks today the spouses and mothers of Russian servicemen appear to be following a similar strategy following this FSB agents interrogated troops whose spouses objected and military leaders threatened to send soldiers to the front lines if the wives did not back down despite this

    Putin’s government is refusing to back down according to a review of Court data over 6,500 people have been fined or jailed jailed since the beginning of the Ukrainian war in early 2022 for breaking the broad censorship statute passed by Putin only days after the invasion despite Russian efforts to

    Repress protests by wives of mobilized soldiers spouses and relatives continue to be active citizens have been the focus of a range of actions deemed anti-war by the government including people painting their fingernails blue and yellow the Ukrainian flags colors to request that a Ukrainian song be played on the radio to spraying anti-war

    Slogans on the snow attempts to discredit the activist bouss movement have failed the vast majority of Russians appear to sympathize with them however when it comes to the Troops relatives the Russian president is in a more difficult situation that is how can the Russian president effectively address the

    Political risks faced by women whose sons and husbands are fighting under Putin’s commands while silencing opposition I the research also stated that Putin recently pushed through a proposed new cycle of mobilization that would allow Bard soldiers to reenter the battlefield who have been struggling to return home for a year or longer

    Meanwhile Russian soldiers are becoming increasingly disheartened distrustful of military command and eager to return home furthermore as the conflict enters its 24th month soldiers rage intensifies as they constantly complain about the lack of access to basic supplies and scarcity of men resulting in inexperienced and poorly equipped soldiers being forced into The Fray

    Those who refused to join the offensive face particularly harsh retaliation the unit commanders chained Russian troops who refused to return to the front after being wounded to a tree for 2 days in the cold and rain after enduring nearly two days of torture their unit commanders forcibly returned

    Them to the front to handle soldiers who persisted in refusing they were dispatched Ed directly to pitz who was under enemy fire meanwhile Britain claims that Russia is bribing the wives of soldiers to prevent this issue British defense sources have revealed that the Kremlin is targeting dissatisfied wives of

    Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine as it seeks to eliminate opposition to the large-scale occupation investigations by independent Russian media outlets and comments from protesters wives indicate that the authorities have recently increased cash payments to families in exchange for refraining from protesting defense officials report that soldiers families and relatives are

    Aggressively requesting the return of their loved ones the duration for which the Russian occupants who refuse to engage in combat can sustain their position is yet to be determined Vladimir Putin has used up all of his options referendum partially mobilized nuclear tactical weapons as a result the Russian people

    Have given up hope of of winning the war they want to get to the negotiation table as quickly as possible the decision to mobilize has also harmed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s reputation its incapacity to stand up to strong opposition and the heavy setbacks it has suffered aided by strategic

    Errors have humiliated Russia one of the world’s most powerful military forces in the eyes of the world on the other side not only the spouses and relatives of the servicemen but also the majority of Russians have abandoned Putin the Russian people are fed up with the deterioration of their daily lives and a

    Sense of impending Peril Putin has had the backing of the Russian people as well as the Kremlin for nearly a quarter Century however as a result of the conflict in Ukraine his base of support has eroded according to the most recent surveys Putin has already crossed the limits of his acceptability in both

    Foreign and domestic politics according to the poll the war in Ukraine has been extremely unpopular among Russians since the beginning of this year more than half of Russians want the Ukraine war to conclude by 2024 the poll results come as the Ukrainian War enters its second year and

    Putin is buying for a fifth term in Russia’s presidential election in March in October a poll conducted by the moscow-based research group revealed that only 12% of respondents supported the war meanwhile Russian President Vladimir Putin has gradually lost popular favor nearly one-third of those pulled indicated they would even support

    A ceasefire if Russia had to return the Ukrainian regions at Annex last October however Putin’s obsession with war is leading the Russian people to abandon him Putin appears to have an uphill battle in maintaining popular support for the conflict in the runup to the 2024 elections as a result of the war’s economic

    Implications the Russians on the other hand oppose the war they Advocate troop withdrawal without achieving military objectives or holding peace talks they also believe that prioritizing social spending in the budget is more important than military investment nonetheless Vladimir Putin promised a large rise in military spending in 2024 last month the Armed

    Forces will get approximately 30% of the Russian budget as a result it’s unclear how long the Kremlin can endure a war to quell anti Putin protests not to mention the war’s prolongation and the severe losses on the front lines while it would have appeared unlikely 23 months ago that

    Russian public support for the Ukraine war would decline with the shift in the situation on the front lines Putin is witnessing the unthinkable furthermore Putin’s rage over the Lost war and resolve to intensify hostilities have only grown as a result of the successful Ukrainian counter offensive which contrary to expectations

    Resulted in the entire and fast expulsion of Putin’s Army and mercenaries from Ukrainian land again it appeared to be an unattainable Prospect for his people they are now realizing how simple the triumph over Putin’s demise may be and that it could come at any time Ukraine’s resistance and the

    West’s Rising backing have exposed Russia’s vulnerability Vladimir Putin has never been more exposed than he is right now you may subscribe to our Channel like our videos and click the super thanks button below to make sure you don’t miss any of our team’s films including the latest developments and special updates

    On the Ukrainian War Ukrainian Fighters remained steadfast in their fight against the Russian Invaders today’s day began with the sounds of violence in the country’s East enemy forces launched several strikes in an attempt to weaken our Ukrainian men the Ukrainian Army prepared a devastating Siege in response during The Siege Ukrainian

    Border guards from the steel border Brigade damaged one of Russia’s ammunition dumps in kke This brilliant action by the Ukrainian troops was a huge success the Russians placed a high value on this Depot it held some of the vital equipment in the Eastern region but our Ukrainian Fighters prepared a little

    Operation and blew a gaping hole in the Russians Hearts meanwhile the Invaders kept up their ruthless attacks Russian Invaders invaded Ukraine from the north at about 14:00 using 10 Shahid 36131 drones Ukrainian Air Defense Forces shot down nine of the 10 Shahed 136,137 oneway strike drone and one cage

    59 guided missile following that the most shocking news of the day comes from Crimea following Ukraine’s strike on a Crimean Port yesterday satellite footage revealed significant damage to the Russian tank Landing ship noo churas maxer’s photographs Show the ship destroyed disconnected from the harbor partially submerged and with smoke

    Streaming from it Ukraine claimed to have destroyed the ship during an air strike on the Crimean Port of Theodosia which Russia unlawfully annexed in 2014 Moscow claimed that the ship had been destroyed in response when compared to an earlier image of the ship prior to the strike it

    Looks to imply a successful Ukrainian operation targeting the port a rep representative for the Ukrainian Navy stated yesterday that the number of victims in the strike could become apparent over time because the peninsula is currently under Russian control unfortunately the occupation of this area makes it difficult to provide meaningful

    Intelligence following that the Ukrainian Navy spokesman dimitro plak issued the following statement I believe we will eventually know at least approximate casualty estimates for what transpired however big ships are seldom left unattended so even though it was import at the time a substantial portion of the crew should have been present with a

    Total crew of roughly 80 people according to a US military fact sheet on the Nava cherkit and other rucha class ships the 369 ft ship has a displacement of around 3,150 tons it is also roughly the size of the US Navy’s literal combat ship the navat turkus has a crew of roughly 87

    People and a capacity of 237 soldiers according to the US military it was unclear how many people were on board during the claimed attack on Ukraine with bow and Stern entrances and the potential to transport up to 25 armored personnel carriers on the vehicle deck the ship is geared for Beach

    Landings Ukrainian Air Force Chief mola UK stated in a telegram post after the attack that the ship was destroyed and that it also carried Iranian Mage Shah hit attack drones in April 2022 Ukrainian missiles attacked the navat churas causing it to sink while it was tracking the mosa Russia’s Black Sea

    Fleet’s Flagship according to uluk Meanwhile the Russian defense Ministry maintained that the Ukrainian attack had caused damage to navat churas according to a news agency citing Kremlin spokesman Dimitri pesov Russian defense minister Sergey Shu reported the strike and the damage to President Vladimir Putin the incident resulted in

    One person being murdered and four others being injured according to the Crimean Health Ministry and the Russian State News Agency R novas the independent verification of both Sid statements is still pending however social media footage indicates massive explosions in the port of Theodosia if the noo Circas charges are

    True it will be the third big loss of Russian military equipment in less than a week in September Ukraine claimed that the sister ship Minsk which was was a sister ship to noo Circas was also destroyed in an attack on the naval base in Sebastapol located in Crimea the

    Strike comes at a time when Ukraine is having difficulty with its ground offensive in the eastern part of the country a warning has been issued by Valeri zni a top commander in Ukraine that the city of abiva May face the same fate as bachmat within the next 2 to 3

    Months in the aftermath of the battle Ukrainian soldiers withdrew to the outskirts of Minka at this point the rest of the world considers Russia to be impotent the British defense minister stated that Russia’s dominance in the Black Sea is currently in Jeopardy the destruction of the large Russian Fleet

    Ship navat chur Cask by Ukraine on December 26th in Crimea which was temporarily seized by Ukraine is evidence that those who believe the conflict in Ukraine has reached a stalemate are mistaken this was pointed out by British defense minister Grant sheps in addition sheps declared on social media that

    Ukraine had caused damage to 20% of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet in the span of 52 months the newly formed Maritime capability Coalition led by the United Kingdom and Norway is assisting Ukraine in challenging Russia’s Supremacy in the Black Sea and achieving Victory at Sea the Ukrainian Air Force destroyed a

    Russian naval ship off the coast of Crimea suspected of transporting drones from moscow’s war on Kiev the Ukrainian Air Force destroyed the ship on Friday night the Ukrainian Air Force issued the following statement on December 26th at approximately 2:30 p.m. Air Force tactical planes launched an attack on

    The noo chov a large Landing ship belonging to the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation and located in the feodosia region using cruise missiles a telegram was used to send the specifics of this assault there is a long history of Ukraine carrying out operations in Crimea with the primary

    Objective being to Target Russian military assets during the month of March in the year 2022 the Ukrainian Armed Forces carried out an aerial attack against the controlled Port of berans immediately after this operation hostile media said that Ukrainian forces were responsible for the destruction of the Sarat a large ship belonging to

    Russia’s Black Sea Fleet additionally they were responsible for the damage to two other Landing ships namely the Caesar kunov and the navatar on April 13th 2022 the Ukrainian Navy was responsible for the destruction of the missile Cruiser mosa which was the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian

    Federation this resulted in the ship sinking the following day 11 strikes were carried out by the Ukrainian Air Force against enemy Manpower groupings which represent the other side for the preceding 24 hours Ukrainian missile soldiers attacked nine enemy Manpower weapons and Military equipment concentrations as well as three

    Ammunition Depots and a command center Ukrainian missile soldiers also destroyed another command center in addition Ukrainian Defenders were successful in destroying 5,983 enemy tanks 11,087 armored combat Vehicles 8,282 artillery systems 943 multi-barrel rocket systems and 625 air defense systems at the same time that all of

    This is going on Russia is rerooting its own course of action Russia is reportedly planning to establish shell companies in usbekistan in order to circumvent sanctions and acquire drone equipment as stated by the national Center for resistance organization during a summit of CIS presidents that took place last week

    Vladimir Putin met with the highest ranking military and political officials from usbekistan to discuss the parameters of cooperation the participants reached tentative agreements about the development of a large number of front firms in usbekistan which the Kremlin supported Moscow plans to establish businesses that will manufacture unmanned aerial Vehicles uavs by

    Importing electronic components from other countries after manufacturing a variety of Russian defense companies such as the Kazan Electro priber plant the Elon plant Stella K and others will receive these uavs in accordance with the national research Council Moscow is planning to acquire ammunition for Soviet Arab Weaponry from usbekistan the National

    Review commission NRC accused Russia of relocating over 100,000 Central Asian migrants to the temporarily captured Ukrainian region to alter the demographic composition of the population Russia aims to send a significant number of the migrants employed in the construction industry to the military in exchange for citizenship providing assistance for the conflict in Ukraine


    1. What can they expect. One side doesn’t give a crap about their military, no food no supplies poor leadership, no support with equipment. The other side is fighting foe their home

    2. worldsmasterofspiritsknightsofchrist,tm* THY lord has so spoken he has said not time not time not t i m e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,crap lets rap this war up kids for we have other places and other wars to fight i am not joking we truly do

    3. Yet another fake Utub video. All talk and NOTHING in it about what the title mentions. Only purpose is to get more views while the content is just a regurgitation of very old events. Utub should ban ReOg for such crap and lies. Instead Utub allows such stuff and instead bans videos who want to share actual facts. Utub itself should also be banned.

    4. I have no idea why this channel is on my fyp but……..this is utter rubbish, I'm pro Ukraine but these sort of channels don't help they are mis aligned news and waffel…some Ai commentators talking out dated garbage!

      ! nothing in this report about trenches or close combat. all news is out of date.

    6. Only stupid people believe Ukraine can beat Russia. Before they do they will be running our of young boys. Ukraine doesn't have enough man power even to handle the weapons pouring out from Europe.

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