Join me on an exciting journey as I guide you through my first time driving a motorhome adventure to Spain with my trusty companion, Elaine! This trip isn’t just about exploring the scenic landscapes; it’s also my attempt to lower my high blood pressure—my excuse for embarking on this unique journey. Working remotely for one month a year gives me the flexibility to chase some winter sunshine, and after a delightful Christmas in Paris and Disneyland, I made my way south through the Central Massif, crossing the impressive Millau Viaduct and reaching Spain in just three days.

    Along the way, I made pit stops at convenient aires in Brioude and Carcassonne (both in France), as well as L’estartit in the Costa Brava area, taking advantage of the facilities they offer.

    Stay tuned to witness my preparations and experiences during this solo female trip in Spain—let’s see how I navigate the roads and make the most of this thrilling adventure!

    After an absolutely epic Christmas at Disneyland and Paris it was time to find some sunshine so come along with me as I take you on my Virgin Voyage to Spain I’m going roll you till the day I hello I’m Joe now it’s been a tough few years for us all but throw in my rapidly depleting hormones and you’ll soon realize why John packs me off most weekends with a bottle of wine and sends me on my way but apart from that I’ll take you on lots of Adventures and

    Journeys around the UK and Europe so to join me in the future remember to hit that subscribe button so I’m going to start this Vlog by saying I know I’m in a very fortunate position that my role allows me to work work out of country for up to 30 days

    Per year so I put my application in last month now I’ve had a rough couple of months I’ve really struggled with my anxiety I’ve probably been borderline a little bit depressed my HRT is working perfectly I definitely feel like I can cope this year but I also know what

    Really helps and that’s some sunshine so I had a wonderful Christmas with my family they came over we had a day at Disney we had a couple of days in Paris and yesterday I dropped them at the airport and headed down south so here’s

    A lane and here I am in a air at brud brud I drove about 5 hours yesterday uh I just hit the tall roads because I’m heading to Spain but first Breakfast [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] The reason I had to come and do this was the last three months I’ve had high blood pressure and I’ve never had high blood pressure so it’s time to have a bit of Get Fit for a Mediterranean diet and get back on that couch to [Applause] 5K Now you might all be asking me how I’m going to manage work life balance around driving and doing everything well um I’ve been getting up super early in the morning going to bed super early at night so this morning I was awake at 6:00 a couple of hours work short walk

    Into town to grab some breakfast I know the Quant will stop as soon as I’m out of France and then I’ll just drive for an hour drive for an hour at lunch um and that’s my aim and of course it wouldn’t be a Joe trip without a look at the estate

    Agents yeah that’ll do not quite Spanish temperatures just yet I have the goods to get me through but as I’ve walked around there’s been a wide range of eateries brud is one of those towns that’s really popular with the hikers and the bikers it’s got some great bike

    Roots the hills in the local area are fantastic for this and the air has 30 pictures so there’s plenty of room for everybody the services at the air are offered via a flop blur so you will need a jeton from the local tourist office I didn’t need to use it on this occasion

    And I imagine at this time of year it might have been closed holding up raise your hand if you’re ready and willing if you know it’s [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] time so for those of you who are questioning my dubious French flop blur means somewhere to empty the waste refill with water and charge your electricity 20 minutes it looks like and it is a Jetton so you will get a Jetton or a token from the local tourist office

    Cuz I was out for an early walk before 9:00 the tourist office wasn’t open so um it’s always worthwhile carrying some jettons and I’ve said that now and I haven’t got any in the van so anyway the Milow Viaduct is one of the world’s tallest and longest cable stay bridges

    Known for its impressive engineering and Architectural design opened in 2004 the Milow Viaduct is a crucial part providing a high-speed link between Paris and the Mediterranean Coast at its tallest point it’s higher than the Eiffel Tower [Applause] [Applause] a [Applause] after another long day of managing work and driving I had a quick overnight stop at Kasson now I’ve been to Kasson before if you’re looking for videos on carason I would go out and search on YouTube there is plenty out there I arrived late at night and didn’t have the time to

    Film anything I just had to eat and sleep but it is definitely worth a visit good morning from le le I’m rubbish with pronunciations but it’s nice and early I’ve not recorded the last two stops I did two stops over in France they were long driving days and I didn’t get to my

    Airs until the in the evenings because I was working as well during the day um so yeah so I got here last night again in the dark so I couldn’t really take you anywhere um but I am on it now I’m up it’s nice and early it’s 8:00 a.m. and

    I’ve got my couched 5K app reset I’ve got Sarah milikan ready to coach me back into fitness and and I am about 100 m away from the beach that’s one place to Park I completely get that I am very fortunate to be in this position this is just what I was ready for some me time just over there in the background there’s a hill to the in the middle of the screen with a castle on top that’s Tera de monre I stopped there yesterday

    For the supermarket so there’s lots of nice looking restaurants and bars here at um Le T however um I’m going to go out during the day at lunch in my lunch breaks um so I don’t have to go out in the evenings cuz I don’t really want to

    Be going out when it’s dark and I’m very conscious of my own safety um but yeah there’s not much open at this time of the year though I did have a quick look last night uh the chemist was open I did need to just SNP to the

    Chemist and uh top up on the old dick fenac gel uh for the shoulder which some of you will be tutting and saying I should have started by now but that’s the plan when I get back um but it’s very strange it’s a Spanish holiday town with nobody in it I stayed

    On the air here at Lear last night it’s called Costa bra area and it was £14 16 that didn’t include hookup didn’t need it I have the goods I have the goods just can’t deal without the bread I love it bit of bread bit of olive oil bit of balsamic vinegar

    Oh gosh there’s no wonder I’ve got high blood pressure so I’ll do a quick Vlog of the the air that I’m on there’s a lane you can see I don’t have hookup on this one but the ones opposite do have hookup but those non available when I want to book

    So the air it’s got showers washing up it’s actually got a washing machine and dryer which is why I stayed cuz I’d run out of clean washing not run out but I just needed to do a wash so that was5 to do the washing yesterday down the street with your red lips and

    Funky beat you better hold your head up to the sky I’m going to roll with you till the day I Die hey swing those hips around can’t stop back down my ladies sh in


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