Hop on, pedal up and join me on my last kilometers through Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany!
    When I edited this episode I wasn’t sure whether I should upload it or not, as I am complaining about the difficulties of being a solo cycling woman, but it is what it is, and I needed to express my anger.

    So here I am, telling you about my struggles on the road, getting invited by wonderful people and then finally crossing the German border!

    I can’t believe I am back where I started cycling a year ago.
    But one thing is certain: I won’t stay for too long!

    Cheerio, Goodbye, Salut and Adios!

    🏕 Kofi:

    🙌 Instagram:

    0:00 Intro
    0:24 Off to Belgium
    02:02 Solo cycling female difficulties
    03:49 Ghent, Belgium
    04:11 Bye Belgium & Bicycle highway
    05:38 The Netherlands
    07:03 Back to Germany
    07:24 Outro

    Foreign A bicycle Traveler I’ve been on the road for one year now and in this Vlog episode I’m on my way back home back to Germany and back to the place where my journey began join me on my last 600 kilometers through Belgium the Netherlands and Germany Hey Ho Let’s Go rain rain rain

    All day long today I will reach Belgium I started cycling just 20 minutes ago at noon because I was helping that this rain might stop and it’s not heavy rain anymore but yeah it’s raining and that’s okay uh I’m on my way to the border and I want to do a

    Hundred kilometers today just because the weather is shitty and someone texted me on Instagram and offered me a place to sleep so yeah I will take that so hey how let’s go off to Belgium I um I crossed the border without even noticing um it’s really weird that happened to me

    When I crossed the French border and the Spanish border and Portugal as well there were just no no signs that I’m entering another country and I just had to stop because it’s uh raining heavily and then not so heavily and then it’s raining heavily again um and my phone starts doing crazy stuff

    Like the screen when the raindrops are falling on the screen so now I will use this bag as a screen protector and yeah I’ll just try 70 more to go and yeah I’m trying to to stay in a good mood but actually it’s really it’s

    Disgusting and I do hydrate I do hide it but I will just cycle and I’m just not complain I’m very annoyed right now and this is pissing me off I just stopped and had a coffee usually I try not to do this and have a coffee by myself

    Somewhere in the nature this nutrition right now just proved why and it’s not because I’m in Belgium or something it’s everywhere the freaking thing I go inside it’s 4pm when I enter they start staring at me and I go there like upright posture and I order my coffee in

    A certain voice and sit down and like I don’t want to do this anymore I just sat down three other men just sat down next to me then first when when I told them I was German they did some Hitler jokes which is not funny at all and I told

    Them that this is not funny and then compliments about my buddy compliments about my look kept calling doing animal noises like meow and I’m like what the freaking I just tell these people that this is not okay I went back inside to pay and I just

    Wanted to leave because it would it was way too when I wanted to leave the restaurant one of these just grabbed my arm to tell me something or I don’t know and I was just like don’t touch me what the freaking heck is going on this is

    Pissing me off traveling alone is a woman sometimes it’s really difficult and stuff like that never happened to me when I was cycling with men it’s making me so angry because I’m limited in the stuff I do just because of that and I I just I don’t get it I really don’t get

    It I now have to cycle like a maniac to get rid of my aggressive feelings holy freaking foreign I spent two days in Ghent now I got invited by a very lovely person and yesterday as it rained cats and dog like it poured down all day long I was being invited to stay for another night and I needed that like I almost slept all day

    Long I’m studying in Ghent now and today I’m gonna make my way to Antwerp and verpin I’ll have another house there which is awesome I’m doing luxury backpacking not camping here in Belgium yeah I’m gonna make my way there now someone suggested to take the bicycle Highway and I’m very excited what a

    Bicycle Highway um is meant to be Hi Ho Let’s Go Foreign So I spent one night close to adverb a very cool place Philip where I started checked my bike and gave me a crash course and yeah this morning I took off uh you and now I don’t know where to go so I just stopped um

    Yep and now I’m already just a couple of kilometers from the border to the Netherlands I’ll cross the southern part of the Netherlands tomorrow and then across the border to Germany yeah I’m on my way back back to Germany I can’t believe it yeah it’s been a while since I’ve been

    There so I think this is the border from Belgium to the Netherlands you can see it right there bike lane of Belgium pipeline of the Netherlands and let’s go it’s so flat and I’m so fast How cool is that they have been and you can just throw yourself in while cycling so much fun I’m riding so freaking fast no Hills no me suffering oh it’s just me going straight all freaking day long um 20 kilometers uh away from the German

    Border I don’t know how to feel about it I really don’t know yeah Germany here I come but I won’t stay too long I’m sorry and that’s it I reached Germany and I didn’t know how to feel about that I knew my heart was beating for a life on

    The road but I needed to return to see my loved ones and of course to refill the travel piggy bank I plan to stay for two months but these two months turned out to become six months my journey is not over yet and I’m about to leave

    Again to spend the cold winter time on the Canary Islands a huge thanks to all my supporters who became a major part of my journey and of course a huge thanks to all the Cheerios out there supporting my journey financially thank you Jeff did you expression and thank you so much Opie

    I’m saying Cheerio goodbye Salin adios and I’ll see you next time


    1. I also hate this toxic masculine behavior. It happens also between men when someone wants to play the alpha animal. But honestly girls among themselves have different kind of fight between each other and more psychological. Don´t mess with angry women. They can destroy you

    2. Glad you shared the reality, it's important to be aware!
      Love your videos, you are amazing!!!😊🙌🙌🙌

    3. i can not support you with manny ! but i watch all your videos and like them…im curently living in stuttgart…i can speake german well!but i can not text in your mother language !:d
      you make me want to live my dream and just go !!youre an inspiration for so manny !!!!keep doing it !thx 4 your motivational and nice vloging content!!!

    4. You know, FUCK HEADS are everywhere you least expect them. I think you should carry mace on you at all times and also keep a can of Bear Spray handy. Some MMA fight training might do you some good also. Traveling like you do is so great. I love your life. TAKE CARE 🚴🏽‍♀️🚴🏽‍♀️🚴🏽‍♀️🚴🏽‍♀️❤️

    5. Your way of sharing is so real. You come across as a believable person…especially when sharing your rage about the male neanderthals you encountered in the coffee shop. Sucks that women still have to put up with this. I'm a 72 year old male planning my first longish touring run, Chur to Amsterdam. I like the idea of a year of touring Europe but I have 4 darling grandkids and being away a few weeks is all I can stand!

    6. I find people are out of control in these lately years! I don’t blame you for being passed off! I myself endured assholes like that all my youth! Be safe! Congrats on the 1 year!

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