Instagram: enigmabyserkai

    Come close, dear seekers, for the curtain is about to rise on EnigmabySerkai’s grandest spectacle yet! Brace yourselves, for this is no ordinary cycle – you shall get 1 episode for each remaining Sunday of the year!

    That is by far not all we’ve got – a guest, our very first one, graces the stage. Ayke, the maestro of the arcane, welcomes none other than the enchanting Sofia. Together, they are your guides through the labyrinth of riddles and clues that await.

    The clock ticks, the stage is set, and the thrill is palpable. Can you feel it?

    The EnigmabySerkai team extends their wishes, not of mere luck, but of courage and brilliance as you embark on this new journey.

    Off you go!

    Handwritten subs: English
    Semi-automatic subs: Mandarin, French, German, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish

    Video content:
    00:00 – Season II, Cycle III, Episode I (9) – Welcome Sofia.
    01:02 – Introducing the new cycle.
    02:23 – First clue – 1st letter.
    03:03 – Second clue – 2nd letter.
    03:35 – New type of clue – Time traveller.
    04:02 – Third clue – 3rd and 4th letter.
    04:53 – Fourth clue – 5th letter.
    05:23 – Fifth clue – 6th letter.

    Hey guys it’s your boy Ayke, I have a  special guest with me for this cycle drum roll… …I’m Sofia, I’m from Brazil and I’m  going to be joining this cycle of EnigmabySerkai. Thank you so much for being with us  for this cycle Sofia, lovely stuff. 

    So, she’s actually our first guest ever at Enigma by Serkai, and quite honestly I am looking forward to working with her. I’m really looking forward to it as well. Alright, alright there’s so much to say, so much to get to but yeah we do have to congratulate…

    Tibou Chou Team on an amazing performance! Was it the team that solved the last episode in less than 1 hour? Incredible stuff! Tibou Chou Team!, Tibou Chou Team! Yeah, congratulations guys! Enthusiasm and [ __ ]

    I had to do that guys and I also have to tell you that this would be the biggest cycle ever in Enigma history. Sofia? Would you do the honors? You can bet! So this is the final cycle of season two and…

    …our plan is to air six episodes, one for each remaining Sunday of the year. Ayke?   What are the rules for this one? I’m so sorry guys, we are improvising, you understand how things go! We would once again be playing with words, we would also send you to different places, get certain names…

    …and of course P.O.I’s, but, Aha! There’s a little twist! May I do it please? Sure, why not? I’m a nice guy after all. Thanks, so stupid I don’t know why I  keep [ __ ] You will of course find several words throughout the episodes but from those words you might just need one letter.  

    We’re going to hint at throughout the process. It does get trickier than that guys. But, I’m not going to spoil the fun, so when you do find these letters at the end of an episode put them all together. 

    Form a word, and then… So after six episodes you can put the words together and you can find a phrase… …and with this phrase you can find the location of the medallion. That is correct. Let’s go right into it. Let’s go!

    Born in the first capital of this country he was abandoned as a child, and later on adopted by… …a French couple. This “Coup du destin” brought him to Paris, where he developed his career as a painter and musician. Oh, do you know Christie’s? You mean the auction house? Precisely! but did you know that…

    …40 years ago they found here in Paris a bunch of this artist’s paintings and they after donated it to the Museu de Arte de São Paulo – the M.A.S.P. No, I didn’t know that but what I do know is you guys would need his first name!  

    Now, that is your first clue. So, Trooper clue! Oh! not bad, she has been watching the show so… Do you want to take the lead on this one? I would love to. So, what you have to do is you have to take metro line two.

    You want to leave in Colonel Fabien, in there ,you have to look for the belly of a pregnant woman. You have to be making this up! I am not making this up! And this is the best clue yet!

    So, after you find this you don’t specifically have to look what that belly is bringing to life but rather… …who brought that belly into our world. You’re going to need his last name. Ok guys Sofia took my Trooper Clue away so I’m going to introduce a new type of clue.

    We are going to call it – time traveler, okay, so this is when you have to visit another episode of enigma to get a certain clue. But isn’t that what you do already? That’s how you get all the views in the last episodes?

    No! This is different, it’s called time traveler, don’t ruin it! Okay. You want to visit season 2 episode 7… “Fan the Flame that Freedom Ignites” Then you have to solve the clue number five in order to find a monument in a certain location.

    Once you’re there, stand next to it and face the Seine river – turn 180° and walk. Walk until you can see what belongs to  today’s country. So guys have you seen it? If you do you’re at the right place. Now, what you need is the address. To be more precise you need the first name… 

    ….of the gentleman honored at this address. By the way you need it twice in a row. Let’s move on… Sofia, you’re having fun so far? I’m having a very good time. I feel like I’m being well welcomed by you.

    Good to hear, so maybe you should take the lead on the next one. I will but I will have to borrow your voice. People like my voice. You want to go somewhere where you can discover the famous… …culinary traditions of this country. Ideally to to the rhytms of Salsa, Samba, and Lambada.  

    But in a more fashionable way. So this is no classic restaurant. You have the Moulin Rouge, you have the Lido and then… …you have this place. You mean for that country? Yes! You need the first name of this place. 

    And then if you end up going there one evening let us know in the comments how it went – it’s probably very fun.  All right guys on to the next clue: So this is the largest and most important event of this country in Europe.

    It is already a Parisian classic, it had its first edition 21 years ago. Is it Ro… Ah! That would be saying too much Sofia! So you should know that this program involves tourism… …gastronomy and culture. Yes, so I think we’ve said enough. What do we want our Seekers to take away  from this?

    You need this event’s last name. Then you should have enough letters to form your word. That’s right guys, enough letters to form the word – that is the end of this episode, Sofia? Thank you guys, subscribe to our YouTube channel and our  Instagram – it’s EnigmabySerkai, see you next time!


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