Welcome to Adi’s Little Shedshop. Firstly I would like to thank all my subscribers and wish you all a Happy New Year! Now to the meat of it, I have had a few stumbles in life, as do most people and my mental health has suffered over the years, dealing with this had been hard and I’m lucky to have a loving wife that looks after me.

    I found this website “shitshirt.club” and it made me smile, and laugh to be completely honest. I thought I needed to share this with everyone and because of what the company offer I wanted to see if I could get a FREE Shirt, even though I don’t “social media” like most people, so if you could “LIKE” my video it would be most appreciated please. As I say in the video this is totally not sponsored I just feel Shit Shirts is definitely on the same wavelength as my humour and I love them.

    A couple of years ago I started cycling with a charity called “Wheels4All” which helped me get my head back into a good space and thanks to Jo Smith who runs my local Wheels For All, I was able to get back onto a 2 wheel bike again and regain my confidence. If you have a local Wheels For All near you then you should check it out, as it is not just for those who cannot physically or mentally ride a bike, it is for, as the name says, “ALL”.

    Almost 2yrs ago I found out about a charity called “Friends Of Fitness” who have helped me to get back into using the gym too and I have manged to lose around 6st which is about 40 kilo’s I think. This has been down to their generosity and funding my gym membership to Fitness4Less, the gym I go to in Colchester is big and busy but the staff are always happy to help as is the Manager Matt, who I owe a big thankyou to.

    All links to everything in the video will be here below:




    Colchester Sports Park



    If you are struggling please reach out to someone, there are many different charities all around the world, I put a link to “MIND” and “SAMARITANS” as I have used them before. If you would like to chat or criticise then please leave a comment I will answer.

    Thankyou and keep watching for more interesting ideas coming this year

    Hi welcome back to A’s little shed shop and might I say happy New Year hopefully we’re going to have a good year this year um it is that time of year though where obviously people are finding things in a bit of a pinch I suppose and mental health takes a bit of

    Here it’s a hard thing to to look after is your mental health but if you can brilliant if you can’t there’s a few ways to help personally my favorite is a little website I found and it prompted me to get some presents for some family members and when they turn

    Up they turn up in this envelope where not envelope it’s a bag and this bag which by the way I am not sponsored for this this video is not sponsored at all just my personal opinion I like the message the website gives so I want to spread the word for

    Them of them because it’s a good message and unusual really for well a clothing company to be fair inside that that pink bag you get a shirt inside that shirt as you do with all shirts you get a piece of cardboard but inside this one you get this piece of card

    Board now it tells you to share while you wear which is pretty cool what this company does is if you buy one of their shirts which is called a Shirt By the way because I want to be part of the shirt Club if you share while you

    Wear and get 20 likes they’ll send you a free shirt that’s impressive it says all on here what’ you get inside your shirt brilliant I don’t do Facebook or Twitter or the Instagram accounts and things that these want to see it on I do YouTube as you know you’re watching me

    So if you could give me a like I don’t know if they’d give me a free t-shirt but you know hey it’s worth a go right I need 20 I’d be quite happy I love a shirt that tells you how to do that but on the other side on this purple side

    The most important side this is their message the mental health tool kit you have D here’s what you can do uh to keep your minder SN is your wardrobe Quick Change wonders of editing Well that took a lot longer than what you should have done this is my

    Shirt this is their logo it’s the shirt club I’m a member I have a shirt anyway purple side of the card the important side the rental health tool kit dudes here’s what you can do to keep your minder snazzy as a wardrobe privacy scheduled daily me time away from the

    Noise I think that’s a great thing to do everyone needs time to themselves movement start a 10-minute walk feel those endorphins yeah endorphins I go to the gym not many people can go to the gym I mean not everyone can go to the gym people pay to go to the gym don’t go

    To the gym dicks and then you got people that want to go to the gym but can’t go to gym you can’t afford to go to the gym and those people that can afford to go to the gym don’t go to the gym achievements set small daily goals um

    You know and celebrate your manyi victories my daily goal don’t eat so much chocolate my mini Victory I didn’t eat so much chocolate yay food and drink fancy something sweet call a friend instead if you’re lucky and have friends my mental health suffered uh when I got injured at work

    And it suffered when uh my my memory started going you lose friends talk to a friend the only friend I have is my wife she’s my best friend Mrs shed shot I don’t think it’s fair to always talk to the same person so if you are unfortunate like me where you don’t have

    Friends why not send me a message send me a comment I’ll chat with you everyone needs someone to talk to sleep an hour before bed ditched a Telly for a good book jog on okay I love TV I don’t read I don’t read things this is the most

    Reading I have done in years isn’t it darling yes exactly see you got your DS avoid these pits to keep your mindset as dazzling as my shirt exactly you need to check out the website it’s got some of the coolest shittest shirts on and I think it’s actually got some of the

    Nicest cool shirts on it too and they’re not stupidly expensive and you can even join a uh Subscription Service where it’s £20 a month I don’t know what that is for America or the rest of the world it’s £20 a month and they do ship to the

    Rest of the world which is surprising they’re only a small company as far as I’m aware anyway it’s a small company but they send around the world everyone can join the shirt Club yeah put a smile in someone else’s face so go the don’ts avoid these pit for to keep your

    Mindset as dazzling as your shirt my shirt remember that yeah so security don’t dwell on worries ad yet to your worries I haven’t figured it out yet that’s a Woodworkers saying isn’t it I haven’t figured it out yet yeah Status avoid constant critics and seek constructive feedback I’m quite lucky I

    Don’t need to seek constructive feedback I have my wife of 21 years to criticize and give me constructive feedback all at the same time it’s quite nice get yourself a wife she will be your friend and your bully it’s great community stay isolated join a a choir or a local

    Sports club I missed that bit clearly join a choir or a local sports club join local sports club what I do to pick up my mood is I do this I go cycling that’s my local sports park in culta it’s fantastic no potholes no cars no people just flat

    Unadulterated tarmac wonderful one mile course I love bikes they’re my first love playing in my shed starts my second I love you too darling blood where did we get to ah yes so attention a date night phone’s off the table mate I agree control focus on your path not on

    Controlling others okay I have no idea what that means meaning and purpose don’t stagnate offer your skills and volunteer I like that it’s a good way to make friends I suppose way you meet people and right in the center stress H that’s just nature dropping a hint about

    Emotional needs I know we are men I was born in the 80s brought up through the ’90s I know men don’t talk about their emotional needs just the way was brought up you’re feeling sad shut up you big wimp yeah grow some chest air that’ll

    Take care of it grab it BOS that take care of it it’s not it’s not the way to do it you don’t bottle it up do you no if you got somethingone to talk to to let it out do it all part of our vibe to gear up for life’s Wild Ride this

    Thing’s brilliant the fact it turns up in a ridiculous bag actually that came inside another bag didn’t it which was another ridiculous bag because I bought I bought quite a few for members of my family at the moment this shirt would you believe is $9.99 I can’t remember what the postage

    Is but less than £10 it’s nice material it is nice material actually it’s got got a tiny bit of stretch but this is an extra large me and the boy we wore ours Christmas day I’ll put a picture I don’t know here maybe somewhere it was good

    Why not was the uh was was the question oh who why not does it put a smile on your face I love these shirts put smile on people’s faces puts a smile on your own face what’s the cost of mental health if you can save it off for a few

    Days every time you put a shirt on for less than a tener if that’s the case why not find a group of something that you enjoy that’s the biggest mental health beater doesn’t have to be something that costs money doesn’t have to be something that costs lots if you can join a gym

    Fitness for less if you can’t afford to go to the gym they have a fantastic charity part called I think it’s friends all Fitness or friends for Fitness I will put a link in the description it’s fantastic that’s how I’ve managed to go to gym thank you Matt the manager from

    Our gym thank you for watching A’s little shed shop hopefully this year we’re going to have some cool things to make I’ve got some great ideas I need to make a door knocker for mached shop because I come in I lock the door and people just stand there outside but

    Thank you for watching like please so I can see if I can get a new t-shirt for free a new t-shirt it’s a shirt see it’s got buttons it’s a shirt see if I can get a shirt for free like subscribe hit notification button forgot where I was

    Going there and we’ll see you again soon thank you


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