Fate is franchise with many questions and confusing elements. While most can be explained by simply playing the games, reading the mangas/light novels or watching the anime adaptations, the one I plan to explain to day is one that at points requires a little bit more digging. Today I answer the question… why are certain characters genders altered from their source?

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    As a fan of the Fate franchise often times I get exposed to a lot of common and overused jokes from outside of the fandom jokes about how fate is super hard to explain and is super complex which is not the case outside of grand order that requires conducts and

    Previews installments or that fate has too many characters who look like artoria which again is done so as a joke because that’s kind of played with the series not so much of criticism when half of the saber faces are jokes about being a saberface but the biggest one is

    Fate’s gender beding thing a lot of characters in The Fate franchise are genderbent from historical records and mythological understanding I’ll be attempting to explain all of them here and give a comprehensive ranking on how good I think these explanations are for the characters we’ll be going in the

    Order of installments of Fate as they came out as opposed to any random order or looking exclusively at fake Grand order and servant number for those wondering my viewers on altering the gender of characters I’m generally not a fan and it’s not because I have anything against female characters or anything

    Because Fate has some of my favorites and some of them particularly one are on this list however my issues tend to be that it can lead to people especially with less famous figures mistakenly believing the real life or mythological SL religious figures are of a different

    Gender than they are it can lead to a shift in perception as the gender of an existing legend or real life figure when instead they could just take a more obscure female entity from mythology or history and give them new life and popularity in the form of an awesome

    Servant certain female servants in fate have even brought a whole new popularity to female figures in mythology that were of lesser renown with the biggest example to me being Scara of the olster cycle and I can think of a whole host of females in mythology folklore history

    And otherwise they would be called to shop and fate in one form or another all currently shown on screen I stuck to just the main seven classes if you’re wondering and I think any of these would be absolutely bitching to see that may not be the right word but anyway we’re

    Going to start with the most famous of them all but first if I’m going to jump into a video game franchise like fate that’s right a video game franchise not an anime one I need to be the most epic gamer I can which calls for a savior

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    Personal anyway we can get to the video now artoria pen dragon is one of the mascots of the Fate franchise alongside Gilgamesh and mash kiraly she stands as the most iconic individual figure from the entire series and no her name is not ultria that name is stupid and sound

    Stupid first appearing in 2004’s face day for PC artoria pen dragon is an incarnation of King Arthur of the matter of Britain one of the most well-known figures in all of non-religious Mythology only matched by the Roman Hercules name and the Greek Heracles myth as the first and only genderbend in

    The original installment you’d expected to have a good excuse right no first of all there is no reason from the myths and folklore of King Arthur for him to appear as female by knowledge he does not possess any shape-shifting abilities to any extent though it would not be

    Impossible if he did in ancient Celtic mythology as we do know that his father Uther pen Dragon taught the three Enchanted Knights of wels mythology their Magic including sir Mena who could shape shift I don’t actually know if that’s how his name is pronounced I just

    Kind of always call him Mena but it’s probably pronounced like M or something but in fate it’s really just artoria was female and pretended to be male so that everyone would accept her as king the only kind of neat part of it is that before being King Arthur she went under

    The name artorius based on Lucius artorius castus a Roman military Comm believed to have been a potential historical inspiration for King Arthur the real reason she’s female though is because originally she wasn’t in the original version of the game our protagonist would have been the female

    Aak Caso instead of the male shiria and our main servant would be the male King Arthur known today as Proto Arthur tyan co-founder tomat taka takauchi convinced Kino nasu head riter of the game to make Arthur into a female so that it was a Boy Meets Girl Story and not the other

    Way around why well I can’t say for certain but I think it was just because the original fake game was was a hentai game they wanted to appeal to the audience of young teenage boys and so made the protagonist a male to be an easier self-insert and made artori a

    Woman to increase how much people would want to rail her that’s what I think at least cowards could have kept Arthur M and have the violent gay sex route what a bunch of cowards atoria goes in the D of explanations and the explanations of basically just a historical oopsy and the records aren’t

    Going to be rare either skipping to the next relevant entry we get Fate Zero you might be confused I think that the only gender bend in the iconic 2006 light novel was atori herself again but technically there is another Hassan of the hund faces now technically

    This one doesn’t count as Hassan is both female and male depending on the Persona in control but I’ll take this opportunity to talk about both them and Hanan of the serenity from fake Grand order at the same time both of these two don’t really count but you’re going to

    Learn something so shut up and listen all of the Hans are based in the historical Hassan is saah founder of the nari islami state also known as the order of Assassins the word assassin even comes from his name Hanan and the name of the state hassin a highly

    Religious man of Iranian origin H saah basically defined the concept of an assassin as we know them in the modern day however despite what you might think he is not the original Old Man of the Mountain Marco Polo gave him that name in the 1300s years after his death in

    The 1100s before that another high ranking member of the same state Rashid Adin San was the one who originally held the title so Marco Polo likely misattributed it now in fate this Hassan does exist he’s this guy known as first Assan or King Assan or just old man of

    The mountain and he’s sick so what did these two and by extension a sign of the cursed arm as well from Stay Night the idea here is that they are successor Hans who took on the original name of the founder after he left his position and continued to lead the order

    Of assassins in his absence so do we have any historical basis for this maybe we do know of three Hans to have ruled the alamut state from 1090 to 1124 it was Hanan Sabah from 1162 to 1166 it was the Imam Hassan II and from 1210 to 1221

    It was Jalal Adin h s theii so technically it’s reasonable fanfiction to consider these as possibilities so I’m not going to put either of these two on the list though in the case of Thousand Faces they whatever gender happens to be the one in charge at the

    Time or whatever one you’re talking to you could argue their gender fluid or that one Venom thing but for 100 people but I’m just not going to put them on the list because they are not gender fluid as that would assume that they are technically a single being when they’re

    Not as for hanana the serendi while she does take Hanan is saa’s name she’s also based on the Indian vishaka supposed assassins that were young women raised a certain way on certain foods so that their blood was poisonous mention a few times in ancient Indian treaties so she

    Takes most of her inspiration from a concept that is exclusively female I totally forgot to address kedan here but he technically isn’t anywhere close to the subject of this video so that’s why uh I guess I’ll go over him quickly for fun all hanan’s main abilities go by the

    Name Zab named for the Islamic tormentors of sinners in hell as written in the Quran servants to the gate guardian and Angel Malik they are the Angels of punishment who horrifically torture those who do wrong in the name of Allah as they are his subordinates the punishments they do are by his

    Command and so are considered just also the people they punish are probably in hell for a reason and for those who know their fate stuff they might be confused as to why the Zab are the Servants of Malik but first hasan’s Noble fantasm is named for asrael instead don’t think

    About it anyway cursed arms Z summons the arm of shaan that curses people to death death in the Quran the shaan aren’t a single being but a group of spirits who serve God to entice people to sin the idea being that Allah brings all good and all evil and that the shyan

    Are Angel sent a 10 people astray those who are truly faithful will be able to fight off their Temptations and follow the path of Allah calling them Angels is tricky though they are mentioned as them in the Quran but are also clearly defined as separate from the actual

    Angels of Allah meaning that when referred to as Angels it could just be a catch all for Servants of God but I am no expert on the Quran to be able to fully go through all the the the historical context Behind these things the most notable and famous shitan is as

    Shitan the devil also identified as IAS you might know him from the greatest Sonic game of all time C by allaha to punish the original disobedient inhabitants of Earth and a high ranking karub he then disobeyed and look you know the story of Satan fell from heaven he’s basically that guy fate never

    Identifies which shitan is being summon as the arm of Assan but as they were all capable of teaching curses to mankind like his Noble fantasm and all whisper into the hearts of man which matches the visual of cursed arms Noble fantasm it’s not that important they could any of

    Them could apply to this so there you go detour over I’m also not including no name from fate strange fake cuz she failed to actually be a Hanan so she isn’t one on that note though let’s jump into fate strange fake kind of you see the original April Fool’s joke of Fate

    Strange fake was in 2008 and it got an adaptation in 2009 but we’re cheating here to talk about the most iconic version the 2015 light novel series and we do have a a few here the most prevalent one is antiu here is where I should say that when I say gender bend

    I’m just using it cuz that’s a term that’s thrown around in the phandom a lot I really just mean a servant whose gender is different to what it should be in this case enkidu’s gender didn’t Ben from male to female but rather he went from male to non-binary and this is

    Something that is kind of a weird one while enidu is explicitly male in the myth Fate’s explanation is simply that due to the origins of enidu this version chooses not to identify as either gender I can’t really question that one in kidu’s origins of being sculpted by the

    Gods really does mean that it is completely reasonable as an explanation to have enidu identify as non-binary there’s nothing to really criticize here or even explain enu is made of clay clay doesn’t have a biological sex and kidu just sees themselves purely as a tool anyway no matter how much Gilgamesh

    Tries to tell them they’re not so I’m giving enidu a path straight into the top tier of yeah that’s all right that’s cool the other one though is huwa another being from the Epic of Gilgamesh humbaba as he’s really known is weird here you see technically again huaa in

    Fate doesn’t have a gender and kidu just refers to them as female because okay so you see in this version hu is a culmination of 2,891 children merged together into one being by utu with only a female retaining a sanity this just does not apply to the mythological humbaba

    Humbaba is very explicitly male his origin is about as deep as one day he existed and anky dumped him in the seed of Forest for whatever reason and like that’s it at most he has lamented in some versions that he never knew his parents and that U raised him so this

    One gets a solid bottom tier for making no no okay I’ll move it one above bottom tier into at least its creative tier now we can move onto the 2010 PSP game fate extra which gives us a bit more to talk about and by that I mean too starting

    With another of the most iconic gender bends in the franchise Nero Claudia Caesar or Augustus ganicus she is female because according to the eighth volume of tight Moon Ace they wanted to trick players into thinking they were going to be using artoria only to surprise him later when they picked up the game

    That’s literally it she’s female because someone got their historical records wrong in Universe there is no other basis bottom tier Francis Jake meanwhile has one of the most interesting potential reasons even if to my knowledge it’s never been confirmed only hinted that is that this is not Francis

    Drake this here is Queen Elizabeth in the guise of Francis Drake let me explain to those who don’t know but probably do because of this goated gang poogy called Uncharted Sir Francis Drake was an English Explorer and Privateer of the 1540s and the right hand of Queen Elizabeth when it came to nautical

    Expeditions he is perhaps most famous for being the first person to circumnavigate the globe solo and the first Englishman to do it as well there are others who tried to circumnavigate it such as Ferdinand magalin who died Midway and had Jan ELO take over for him

    And Garcia jof deaza who died and also the next two people to take over for him during it also died thus Drake was the third overall but first to actually succeed in circumnavigating the globe without dying Midway now Drake and Elizabeth were super close with her even

    Giving him his Knighthood that’s why he Ser Francis Drake however there are some theories that Drake would occasionally let Elizabeth use his ships and navigate in its place fate seems to hint at this the main things being that small pox left scars all over Elizabeth’s face which is why she’s famously depicted

    With allh makeup what’s that on fate Drake’s face boom scar second thing Elizabeth was known to have red hair boom close enough the third thing Drake and fate is not kned she has no Knighthood like Queen Elizabeth but unlike Francis Drake while in fake Grand order they explained that she was

    Written as male in the history books because her crew couldn’t see her as a woman due to how manly she is I think that’s stupid and I think it’d be way more sensible if this was Queen Elizabeth she was masquerading as Francis Drake and the Pirates came up

    With a shitty excuse to help hide the secret maybe the Pirates see the two as equals the same way Drake and Elizabeth may have seen each other as equals and close friends if this theory is true then I can safely Place Drake in the this is awesome the absolute top tier

    Because I think this makes it such an interesting concept and is based on speculation that I have seen crop up before about Queen Elizabeth boom top Tif one of the best girls of Fate I don’t care if you disagree with me next up is the 2012 light novel fate

    Apocrypha which gives us three more none of which are aalo if you’re wondering aalo is not genderbent he is a man who likes to wear cute girlish clothing because that’s who he is the kind of guy who does what he wants however he wants to regardless of what people think zero

    Thought all Vibe that’s what we love about aalo and that’s why aalo is a pretty cool character that people don’t give the respect he deserves rather let’s begin with Frankenstein’s monster in law the explanation is simply that Victor Frankenstein made the Bride of Frankenstein first due to the inherent

    Limitations of man which is the most mk11 Shiva way to explain it now the Bride of Frankenstein within the book Frankenstein or the modern day Prometheus by Mary Shelly was never actually completed Frankenstein was making her for his monster but destroyed it because he was scared they could

    Breed which is weird but hey the monster got his revenge and killed Victor’s wife on his wedding day it’s really not that good an excuse but I will put her in the I understand Tia it is more than just well they got history wrong when they were writing it and the

    Reasoning isn’t for marketing purposes either they basically just made the Bride of Frankenstein’s monster into a servant but gave her the other one’s name I get it it’s just not a good excuse to me when they could have given her any other name like I don’t know the

    Bride or what would have been even cool if she just went by Frankenstein to hide the fact that she’s the bride because then her weakness would be obvious because the weakness is how the bride died if her true spirit origin was Bri of Frankenstein but she went by just

    Frankenstein you know that would work then we get one of my least favorite servants personally though only due to her design and not her character or concept Jack the Ripper this version of Jack the Ripper to which I will only show this Cent from Grand order because

    This one actually makes her look kind of cool is a very unique concept for a servant you see because we don’t know for sure who Jack the Ripper was Jack the Ripper cannot actually be summoned in fate instead only aspects of his Legend can be summoned for example fate

    Strange fakes Berserker Jack is a combination of the concept of Jack’s anonymity and legends of Jack actually being a demon molded into one this Jack is an amalgamation of aborted children from prostitutes of the time all the children that would never be born due to Jack the Ripper’s actions as well they

    All form into this being so she’s not really genderbent she’s not really Jack the Ripper at all I can put her in I understand alongside her fellow apography girl but she’s just weird and then dear mrid the lamest in Arthurian Legend turned significantly more badass than he had any right to be

    But also into a woman now with fate they’re kind of wishy-washy as to whether MRA can be referred to as a she but I’m I will do that because that’s how she’s more how she’s most commonly referred to in the franchise and and I will continue to refer to her as she

    Until fate grows the balls to just outright go out and go actually they’re non-binary their pronouns are they them because they’re not sure how they’re identify and they’re just more comfortable being neither now I really don’t want to tell you the backstory of Morin and fate but it kind of just goes

    That Merlin made artoria a Fooda and then art toria’s sister stole a jizz and impregnated herself with it that made mid as a clone of artoria and as a homunculus now now I don’t think I had to tell you this but mid was not this in

    The legend he was either uia’s nephew or accidental incest son either way he’s not that mrid upsets me because the original concept they were going to go with was to just make mrid into a male with feminine qualities I really like this concept art the bulkier look in

    Armor but the more feminine face which would play better into how artoria is supposedly meant to have masculine traits but because of aalo they didn’t want multiple males who look female so instead of having two of those let’s just have three gender bends sure honestly I really like the idea of male

    Mrid imagine instead of just being artoria but edgy mid was a full-on man who as a result ironically would be closer to the image of the legend of King arur than artoria herself despite this he would choose to put on these feminine traits as a way to convey not

    Only his relationship to artoria but also how much he idolizes her in a way that he would never say out loud it would be so cool and work really well with mid’s already really good character Arc and storyline that she was given in Apocrypha I also adore this

    Design for clarent it’s not just a fancy sword but looks like when it was being summoned he tried to smash clarent into being Excalibur like his father’s sword but couldn’t quite get it right turning this fancy sword into essentially just a Hunker steel that vaguely looks like a

    Scalibur but no she had to be female she’s going in the bad category not even it’s Unique because this backstory while creative didn’t have to be female hell instead of being a clone of artoria this could have easily just been a child born male who identified as female because of

    Her father but no that I guess also in 2012 we got koha Ace a parody manga that took the piss out of things a lot of awesome characters are introduced here but the main ones we want to look at are aita soji Oda noaga and Naga kagor temptingly these could all get the

    Pass for being alternate universe versions of the characters who are not the ones from proper human history but we’ll look at them anyway theit soji was the famous captain of the first unit of the shinsen public order Samurai policemen I guess who were most active

    In the closing days of the Ido period of Japan she is female because of a gag the gag is literally that the illustrator of the manga was supposed to introduce a new servant but instead just made a new version of artoria that was another gender band that’s funny noaga is kind

    Of a character above gender I don’t think I need to introduce Odin noaga he’s one of the most famous names in Japanese history especially outside of Japan and famous for both being called a fool and and for introducing Western weaponry and strategies to his battles noaga is funny because she does have a

    Male version of herself that being ODIP poshi noaga outright is one of my favorite characters in fate and part of it is just how she handles a gender thing whenever asked about her gender she kind of either just says hey shut the up or fun question the answer

    Is that if you ask me again you’ll be killed and then brushes it aside and that’s the joke it’s really funny and at the same time she seems to imply that she doesn’t care what gender you refer to her by so it brings to mind the idea that perhaps noaga might actually

    Be gender fluid and that instead of saying it or being nervous about it she just trolls people with the fact and likes to have fun with who she is noag is BAS and I would marry her then we get Nagal kagor better known by the name USU

    Y Kenshin he was one of the most powerful Dao of the soku period regarded both as a brilliant administrator and grower of trade and local industry but also a brutal Warrior on the battlefield so Unstoppable that he was considered by many to be an incarnation of the war god

    Bisham monan Nagal kagor actually has one of the most interesting Reas reasonings for her female form and it’s not just the joke in the 20th century the theory that USU kenin was actually a woman began to rise due to the works of Japanese novelist tomoo yagiri you see a

    Report was found referring to usui as the aunt of the son of kenshin’s sister he was recorded as having had severe stomach cramps on the 10th of every month and would plan his campaigns around these cramps which has been connected to periods his death has once even been recorded as a result of

    Uterine cancer reportedly he has been portrayed as feminine in historical portraits and had an interest in traditionally feminine subjects and he was given free reign to enter the women’s quarters of the K to Imperial Palace now there are arguments against this Theory namely that female samurai leaders weren’t often hidden plenty of

    Them were known about and obviously many records betray him as male but it does lead one to understand that it is completely plausible that usui Kenshin was indeed female and so Naga kagoro could very easily be female in fate without it even being a true gender bend

    For this I have to put noaga and noita into the that’s the joke tier and kenjin into the top tier which makes me happy I love guda going into lord El Maloy the second case files the 2014 light novel we get Faker now this is an interesting case this character sometimes goes by

    The name heeson a male general of Alexander the Great’s army and his close friend sometimes also believed to have been potentially an extremely violently gay lover however this isn’t heeson rather this is his twin sister who never existed and who acted as Alexander the Great’s body double

    Mhm yeah magically there is too my knowledge basically no basis for this figure to exist neither of these things were a thing but to be fair this character is not hesion she’s heeson nemine named after the Greek goddess so I’m putting her in the understand category because like I get it it’s not

    A bad thing cuz she’s not really a pointless gender bend it’s just eh now the next should be fate Grand order but well fate Grand order has been running for over eight years now with constant updates and there’s been a lot added since so I’m going to be jumping around

    A bit let’s look at the launch roster the first look at is Altera the Hun so yeah she’s a till of the Hun but everyone forgot she was a woman she’s also an alien who was found by the Huns one day that’s it that’s the whole explanation same with wela from extra

    That’s basically all there is she’s an alien which like okay that’s neat but why I get that it’s connected to sephar and sephar is female in fate but why is sephar female does this give away any idea of gender to you no it doesn’t and this is what

    Sea is based on so that’s all I can say that’s the whole explanation at least it’s creative TI the next launch servant does not really count but I’ll mention them anyway chavalia Dion which I’m now going to pronounce chala’s full name um I’m not going to ask the French

    Person I’ve kidnapped to help me because frankly it’s not going to help Charles and de choke me was a French diplomat Soldier and spy who was known for their androgynous appearance Dion lived different parts of their life as male or female and eventually was able

    To be legally recognized as a woman as a result she is considered one of the first known instances of legal recognition of gender transition the bont society is even named after her now I’m not counting Shalia on on this list because the way they’re summoned is vague as to whether this is Shalia

    Summoned when she was a man when she was a woman or when she was still unsure of her own gender identity but I thought I’d give them a mention then there’s Uchi Wakim Maru this is the childhood name given to MiniMoto yoshitsune in fact this means that this design must

    Belong to a character under the age of 14 at her oldest God damn it Japan so yoshitsune was military commander of the MiniMoto clan in the early Kamakura period and late hean he was known for his exceptional swordsmanship military might and repeated successful campaigns and conquests why is he a she they handwave

    It as being because his childhood is very mysterious yeah that’s it they just really wanted to fany of his character and of course named her after his childhood name off by the way I still really like usushi Waka as a character I just don’t like her design all that much especially with the

    Implications of her name and the reason of her being a woman doesn’t exist at all if she was a dude I’d like her equally our final Lord servant is jiner jiner is the famous assassin who failed to kill chin chiong that’s it that’s all he is literally in fate she was recorded

    As a female for no reason the best I have heard is that apparently the name is very feminine when written in Japanese which I can’t verify bad to you also I still like Jena she’s basically just a prototype discount your forger the main difference is that your forger

    Is incredibly good at the main thing she does and bad at everything else while Jena is frankly just kind of bad at everything she does but we love her for that you know let said she did beat robot guard with a mobile phone so now we move on to learning with manga fgo

    Which gives us two characters the first and most popular of the two is Paul bunan this is a joke the actual joke is that she’s female for no reason moving on the other is d totens one of the seven lucky gods of Japan specifically the patron of cooks and farmers who

    Moonlight as a freaking Demon Hunter characterized by his smile now there’s two explanations for this one either the one actually given that they’re not the God but rather two women of servitude who serve him which is boring or the one that makes more sense D toen was

    Actually known to manifest as a woman at times with two names attributed to them dauno and da Keno me personally I want to say it’s the latter reason and that these two are actually d toen himself summoned in the two different female forms that he’s taken in the past so

    With that in mind I’m putting him in top tier I like this explanation that came up with a lot more and the actual one sucks now we can skip over exella as it didn’t introduce any new gender bends unless you count its specific version of

    Altera but we do have a few more from Grand order that came out later shoen DOI is an Oni King and one of the three great evils of Japan Ibuki DOI also comes here too they’re basically the same character in fate so we’ll L them together I spent a while looking through

    Things and even reading the story of shoo and DOI and nothing points to him being female at all from what I found his story amounts to Reiko and a bunch of fellas showing up getting him drunk and killing him I cannot think of any decent reason for shooting to be female

    Other than to give her awkward sexual tension with kinoki who is established to be Aid around girls but not guys which is funny cuz they had an option for getting shoot and or flustered with the next character iaki DOI is a situation where arguably she may not

    Even be gentle well often depicted as male iaki can absolutely be portrayed as female as some interpretations do make him out to be a woman and lover of either shooting son or shooting himself it was right there I’m putting shooting in bad cuz I don’t think there’s any

    Real reason but iaki goes in perfectly acceptable cuz yeah there’s no reason he can’t be a woman sometimes but keep with the theme and not going strictly in release order let’s also look at mamoto noro while we’re here known more so by his name mamoto Noor mitsu he was a

    Historical Regent of the Fuji Clan known for his excessive violence one of the earliest of his family to be known for his military exploits in fact he was accompanied by his four retainers of which two are in fate watanobbi NOA and sakar nooki who became the basis for the

    Folk hero canaro reiko’s explanation for being female in fate is that it’s just related to The Mystery of his birth does that check out no while I can’t find much on Yoni msu’s birth there’s nothing to suggest he was a woman at all raicho is actually a two for one in this case

    As raicho and fate is also the same being as USI Goen now this is more of a obscure myth especially in the west but then the tale of USI goes into aoni the mother of Reiko has a child on an ox Year’s Ox day at the ox hour giving

    Birth to reiko’s next youngest sibling with oxh horns and an On’s face he was so ugly that they threw him out but the lady that was picked to kill him instead saved him and raised him under the name USI Goen knowing that his son was an only Slayer reiko’s father sent him to

    Kill his brother and he never succeeded it’s stated that USI goes and threw himself into a river grew into a 30 m long ox and went all berserk however Uchi Goen is not female either so even if we accept Fate’s reasoning for why raicho has only features to be

    That they just synonymize the two into one entity to make them more interesting that doesn’t explain the female thing going on fate also makes USI Goen the embodiment of gozu Teno a male Shinto God so the only thing I can say suggest Reiko or Goen are female is a Reddit

    Comment I found with no citations that states that USI Goen is theorized to be female due to the name Goen which indeed is a Japanese term for a young samurai or lady and that usoni tended to regularly take the form of women to mess with people with this in mind Reiko is a

    Real cluster of a character but I can confirm that two of these things line up Reiko in this regard should be saved from the bad tier because it’s interesting but I feel like she’s above the at least its creative tier so I’m going to put her in her own tier of it’s

    A stretch but it’s interesting going back in proper order let’s get to this character the main protagonist of Journey to the West kind of the main protagonist name is not this it’s Tong sanong that’s the character from the book The Other Name here yunong is the

    Name of the real life M to whom Tong sanong is based on yunong being a 7th Century Chinese Buddhist monk I don’t even know how you pronounce that yunong tant this one goes in I understand straight up because it’s kind of an outof book reasoning while in Journey to

    The West he is very much male and the actual guy was male often times in visual portrayal a female would be used to represent the character so in plays and in media so the reason that she’s a female is a meta joke about how often females are used to betray the figure so

    I get it I understand Leonardo da Vinci technically was in the game from launch but didn’t become playable until the camalot singularity Leonardo is interesting because she says a few times that her gender is Mona Lisa and in fact Leonardo’s body is the Mona Lisa because

    He turned himself into the Mona Lisa to be as beautiful as possible part of me wonders if this could be taking the theories that Leonardo was homosexual as inspiration and going with the whole oh he’s gay so he wants to be pretty idea that would be lame it doesn’t matter to

    Me though Leonardo wanted to be the most beautiful thing ever and he could only think of the Mona Lisa so he became a she that’s right Leonardo is your fate trans icon perfectly acceptable I like this reasoning even if it lacks a historical basis the mon Alisa is one of

    The things the real D Vinci is most famous for so summoning himself in that form feels like a logical step to make I also completely forgot about Orion while making this list so let’s tackle Orion quickly that’s Orion this is emus emus is the female deity who wants to

    Him she took over the summoning to keep him in check Orion is actually this hulking thing when he summon as himself perfectly acceptable it makes sense this is just emis though speaking of gods let’s go to quak Kad and jaguar man in quak kad’s case it’s actually explained

    That the deity himself is male this Incarnation just happens to be female the explanation is that because she was summoned alongside ishar the very female goddess of Mesopotamia that she was drawn to this form the reasoning is that both ishar and quaad are connected to Venus which is true planetary

    Connections are very important to deities and fate thus quak kadle summon himself into the physical body of a woman as his Incarnation on Earth I guess to kind of put ishar in her place and like K is vase so I’m not complaining I can’t quite put her into

    Perfectly acceptable because it’s not a reasonable interpretation of the tale perfectly explained with the character’s history and unlike Leonardo this one is more of a stretch than something directly connected to the figure so I’m putting her in it’s a stretch but it’s interesting Jaguar man now is weird

    First of all Jaguar man is a pseudo servant that being a spirit summoned within the body of an existent person with a similar personality in this case Jaguar man is summoned in the body of tiger fujimaru from the original Fates day night video game now Jaguar man is a

    Very complicated servant when it comes to her Origins obviously tiger is part of it but that’s connected to the first game that can be ignored for now I’m sorry tiger I still love you but Jaguar man also takes from Jaguar Warriors a group of Aztec warriors who were members

    Of the elite military skilled enough to capture four enemies in a battle without killing them as it was said that killing an enemy would be considered clumsy as opposed to skillful she also comes from the Nagal Mesoamerican entities that were humans capable of shape-shifting into their tonal animal counterpart or

    Spirit animal you could say these are very commonly depicted in media think of ctle Khan from Mortal Kombat Jaguars specifically connected to the god T cutle poker both of these things are relevant to her relationship with qu quad she works under qua quad in the Babylonian Singularity and collects

    People after kets beats them up like a really shitty Jaguar Warrior and KET treats her like crap because she’s so similar to tez her final and biggest inspiration though are the other Jaguar deities of the ancient pre-colombian Mario to which we know very little one of which was indeed a female Exel the

    16th century name of a Jaguar goddess of midw and medicine and connect to the deities Toki y a few others I can’t pronounced so jar man is in a spot where regardless they’d just be in a pseudo servant category but a vague Jaguar deity could still be

    Female even if they were called Jaguar man so she’s going into perfectly acceptable because I don’t think this jumble of random ideas none of which are strictly male or female or otherwise can be set in stone as this character should be one of the other now let’s talk about

    A funny one the final boss of the first story of f Grand order Gea Gea is not a pre-existing entity rather he is a very interesting idea the idea of 72 demon god pillars fused into one being the 72 demon gods are the 72 demons featured within the Lessa key of Solomon also

    Known as the AR getia now for the most part all getic demons are referred to with male pronouns in fact all of them are so it makes sense that Gea is primarily referred to as male but there’s an argument to be made that he should be 172

    Female as the demon gam or grammar while being referred to with male pronouns always appears in the form of a beautiful woman and if you’re wondering yes this is probably why rius gramar from High School DxD is a female it seems generally like grammar is only

    Referred to as a male as a motif in the book and not because they actually are similarly asteroth may also be intended to be female while depicted as male outside of the AR getia within it he’s only called by male pronouns because they all are his name is derived from

    Aate the Bronze Age goddess of beauty or Ashera the hittite fertility goddess but that one’s more of a stretch I’m happy saying that yes Gea is mostly male but he should also be considered very slightly female that’s said I’m going to put him in this doesn’t quite count to

    You also if you’re wondering no I’m not going to look at the history of the components of the Sakura 5 because they’ go into the doesn’t really count here because they female they just have portions of male figures in them they f because they’re based off BB who is a woman moving past

    Part one of fake Grand order and to the midpoint between secularities and lost belts we get mamot Musashi one of the most famous Samurai to have ever existed if not the most famous this is not mhi this is yeah moushi in proper human history very much is a male so who’s

    This well this is just an alternate universe version of him who happens to be a woman that’s all there is to it I have nothing to say she goes in a perfectly acceptable Kat danzo was a famous ninja though one we know very little about Legends say he performed

    Acts of sorcery and consumed a whole ball in front of a crowd he’s also said to have used Kakui puppets so in fate they literally turned him into a Kakui puppet but if Kakui puppets are robot people now as you might have imagined katakuti puppets are not generally

    Portrayed as male or female they’re either or so there really is no reason for C to be female in terms of in Universe out of universe however it’s simple they wanted to connect danzo to fumak kataru a figure also known as Kazam kataru who is the fifth and most

    Famous of the fuma Ninja Clan leaders he’s actually so significant that he’s considered a rival of hatori Hanzo the most famous ninja in the world that isn’t some manner of mutated turtle as kado danzo lived a hundred years prior to fummer and they wanted a connection

    Because it made for a good story moment and well fuma’s familiar line isn’t known and also the shimosa singularity is kind of just like a pot of of random obscure Japanese figures obscure in the west at least they decided to connect them by making danzo a robot so she

    Could reasonably be alive at the same time as fuma as for why she was made female well it’s because she couldn’t be his father katu’s father is considered to be an Oni or at least one of his parents is and most only a male so there

    I’m just putting this in as at least is creative and moving on with my life taking a little break from fake Grand order we get the anime short from the end of 2017 fake Grand order Xhose universe seven most power fake Grand order EXO Universe seven most powerful

    Great figures chapter we have three servants here the first is leoy who I mistakenly called Korean in the past video he was from diet which would become Vietnam oops leoy is a saber face and this is for the sake of a joke I actually really like Lilo and think he

    Would make for an awesome servant I just don’t want him to be actually made into a saber face if he ever shows up in Grand order I I’d want him to be an Arthur face now the reason he’s one of these at all is because of these similarities between his story and that

    Of King Arthur both being legendary rulers who wielded a magical sword in lilo’s caseen which literally translates to Heaven’s will they gave them immense power once they earned it and after they were done they returned it to a lake from which it was taken originally whereupon the original owner of the

    Sword took it away now if you were to say that Emperor chin is what we call the real life Asian equivalent in the Legends of Gilgamesh leoi would be the real life Asian equivalent to King ala so that’s why he’s a woman here it’s a

    Joke joke to here the second is Leo the third the soran a very obscure figure and founder of the Assyrian Dynasty and Byzantine Empire he was known for having put an end to the 20 years Anarchy period within the Byzantine Empire and defending his Empire from the umiads why

    Is he a woman that’s a great question bad the last servant is n i e t z s c h e and she’ll land any like her name in a spelling be simple reason she’s a pseudo servant so nka is still male it’s just that he was summoned into

    The body of a girl named Yuka sausa that’s all there is to it next on The Chopping Block are two more servants from Grand order Crown Prince Naja and NAU shika Hokusai naar is one of the most powerful warriors in the heavens of Chinese mythology known by the towers

    Title of the Marshall of the central Altar and the third Lotus Prince naar was born to humans in the form of a boy instead of an infant popping out of a ball of Flesh his mother gave birth to which is just a horrifying visual he was accepted as student to an immortal and

    Later fought against and killed the children of the ec dragon king when the Dragon King wanted to eat little kids and so to save his family from the Wrath of the Gods Naja ended his own life but his teacher brought him back to life and

    Made his body out of lotus Roots Naja is absurdly powerful wielding a literal Universe ring and a sash made out of the cosmos now you might be wondering after all that why is he a woman here well Naja is normally depicted in art as very feminine in appearance so the way Grant

    Order chose to depict this is that while naar was originally male when he was brought back to life her teacher kind of just didn’t bother to get his gender right so bang female body now technically Naja identifies as Naja in terms of gender though it’s more that

    She straight up doesn’t give a if you call her by female or male or other pronouns if you refer to her gender as battle ready War toaster she’s fine she’s so secure about who she is that she’ll accept anything as long as you’re addressing her as na and not anyone else

    So Naja can go into I say perfectly acceptable it’s an interesting take on an element of how Naja is traditionally depicted I also just kind of like how completely secure of her own identity she is KATU shika husai then this one is interesting because Hokusai is famously an extremely influential painter and

    Artist but he did not shy away from the fact that his daughter oui was also his assistant and helped with most of his most famous pieces of art now as both were super important and together they both got summoned together in fate now hakusai is kind of awkward here because

    She’s a foreigner class who almost all have a connection to a love crafty and deity in her case it’s the big man himself cthulu so what happened Hokusai talks so cthulu turned him into an octopus that’s hakusai this is his daughter this technically isn’t a genderb in that regard but he can take

    Over her body and when he does that yes it’s a gender bend this one I can put in it’s a stretch but it’s interesting it’s above being just creative cuz I understand the logic of not wanting to separate father and daughter when there’s only really justification to

    Summon one of them you don’t need to summon both so just putting them together means you can get both in one but it’s not Mega justified in any regard to historical fact or interesting interpretation cthulu wasn’t even conceived until long after these two died now skipping over exellar links

    Because it introduced nothing new in this category let’s quickly look at the arcade version of fake Grand order and talk about the two gender bends that debuted here regardless of when they came out Proto Merlin is kind of very verse of artoria and Merlin where artoria becomes Arthur Merlin becomes

    Merlin still in fact the gag goes as far as Arthur and Merlin share a voice actor so artoria and Proto Merlin share a voice actress however I could justify it beyond that like it’s easy but it’s clearly a joke she goes in the joke category but Merlin is a shape shifter

    He could become a woman whenever he wants then there’s sodom’s Beast which is not a thing at best she’s a take on the Beast of Revelations sharing the name Beast of 666 with Fate’s actual Beast of Revelations there are actually three Beast mentions in Revelations none of which are specifically tied to Nero

    Which if you’re wondering yes this is Nero we’ll talk about that in a minute in terms of Fate Nero is connected generally with the idea of being the beast but again there are three the Beast of the sea the Beast of the earth and the other one personally I think

    This version of the Beast of 666 is most similar to the third Beast a Scarlet colored Beast with seven heads and 10 horns but mostly the Scarlet thing and that it’s seen as being connected with the whr of Babylon who just so happens to be the other name for the Beast of

    Sodom actually used in arcade who is indeed female so is sodom’s Beast of genderb yes and no yes and that it’s meant to be the Beast of Revelations all three of which are depicted as either male or genderless but also know in that it’s simultaneously the of Babylon

    Who is a woman I’d know how to rank it I’d be happy to put her in perfectly acceptable though as Ming the third beast and horror Babylon is a pretty reasonable interpretation for a video game and I am aware that the actual reason she’s a female is because Nero is

    Female in fate and grandaughter loves to suck off Nero now let’s look at two more regular Grand Order characters the first of which is again not a traditional gender bend but rather an individual with a male gender made non binary Tong with INF fate is not actually the normal

    One our one in reality is still male this one is from an alternate timeline way into the future where they have transcended sex and become a computer being given this is completely met up you’d probably expect it’s either a stretch but it’s interesting or at least creative however as chin shiong became a

    Zenen as they’ve chosen to call them and that is a title the real chin gave himself it actually can go into perfectly acceptable to me as zenen is inherently a gender neutral term so chin did succeed in ascending to that state and thus becoming gender neutral the

    Next however is a case perhaps of the only time other than gy that a female has become male in fate red hair Chu as she was also known was the horse of the famous Chinese General l b so why did they make her a male because she was

    Someone combined with lowball which I’d forgive if red hair didn’t come like right after adant alter a female Greek hero combined with a male Greek animal that didn’t change your gender so what the the whole being l b thing is kind of a joke anyway it’s a gag why is

    Red hair male screw you bad now we can move into December 2018 fate RM starting with another not gender St Voyager Voyager is the probe Voyager one who is now a male so went from not having a gender to having one why is he male probably because they wanted to have the

    Mystery of his true name be more prevalent you see in the story of Fate requim voyage’s identity isn’t immediately known and so his master speculates him to be The Little Prince or Antonia de St EXO the author of the book The Prince is from whose name I’ve

    Butchered both of whom are male so really it’s just for that reason I guess you can go into I’m sorry Voyager but I I love you but your reasoning is pretty bad you could have easily been non-binary but they had to make him a male so that the mystery could be there

    Though aditta the Voyager probe isn’t even sentient so I guess putting him in I guess I’m putting him if that doesn’t really count her and finally the last reim servant UK now we don’t really know a lot about her yet but there’s a good chance we’ll learn more right now

    There’s no reasoning as uid was a male in real life and she’s connected to the love crafty and being hasta who is male but I’m not ranking her yet due to lack of knowledge now back to the gacha let’s talk about three servants who follow the same reasoning Kama simay and Ganesha

    Kama is the Hindu concept of Love pleasure and desire manifested in the deod kadva while normally male even in fate it’s explained that she is female because she manifested into the body of sakur matau a female Karm even has a male version of the series semay was a

    Male strategist and tactician who is summoned into the body of the female Raina zaloy and finally Ganesha is a Hindu god who is extremely famous for being the elephant one he summoned into the body of the female jinako kagidi so all these go in the same category it’s a

    Male as a pseudo servant summoned into the body of a female and then there’s Gareth oh Gareth I do love you but why are you a female Gareth is considered in fate as a female who was recorded as male in history due to her ring of transformation but no while Gareth and

    The Legends does have a ring to help him disguise himself it doesn’t conceal his identity rather it allows him to change the color of his armor so he isn’t recognizable at a glance it’s not a transformation ring of any kind in fact it kind of takes away from the story of

    Gareth to make him female you see while bus is a nickname for Gareth in fate and it’s all cute It’s actually an insulting nickname given to Gareth in the matter of Britain because he had unusually fair and feminine hands the whole point of his title is to be a mocking one that he

    Proves false a subversion of expectation now it’s a cute nickname for her which takes away the theme of a story Gareth I love you you’re too wholesome for this world but your reasoning it sucks the dicuri cter and poock are two siblings twin siblings iconically the only males

    Among their siblings I said that weirdly the only male children of their parents so naturally one of them got turned into a female why well I think the reason is they wanted to have twin voice actors and one of the twins was female so I I think it’s actually genuinely in the

    It’s a joke category it’s like a gag Kanis is an interesting character who I’m going to refer to as he for this video because while Kanis says they don’t really care about it that much once summoned into Cala I’ve already got to deadname Kanis by using his name from

    When he was a woman as that’s what Us in the series so yeah Kus in the myth is a genuine transgender man having gone from a woman to a male by the power of Poseidon because he smashed her without asking if she wanted to play Smash and

    Then was like ah you smash good so I’ll give you a wish and she didn’t want to be pregnant with his children so yeah uh kanes doesn’t really count for this video in a traditional sent but he goes in perfectly acceptable okay fate hot

    Take I do not like van go the fact that she is so childish and acts like a kid but also has a lot of very horny esque lines and lines about being deflowered makes me very uncomfortable gross I also don’t think she tackles a subject of

    Self harm and self- loing as well as everyone says that said why is Van go female cuz this is not van go this is clti a female water nymph but with elements of Van Go’s memory and the love crafty and deity volum why are they all connected because van go has painted flowers

    Before that is the whole reason it’s a stretch but at least is interesting you know my issue with Van go is not at all related to this whole idea the concept could have been made really cool I just don’t think they did it as they should

    Have I’d love to see a proper van go someday too cuz this technically is not van go technically doesn’t count but it’s interesting stretch but it’s interesting in Hinduism vitra is the embodiment of droughts and is the Asher who opposes the king of the Davis truth

    Be told I think V has a pretty reasonable explanation while the deity is male or technically genderless due to the Hindu gods often in in avatars it’s reasonable if this one just happened to be female after all Vishnu once incarnated in the form of moini a female

    Despite being a male God so vich gets the pass I say not the deepest reason I know but it’ll do then there’s tyon no kagio a Japanese Samurai adopted by in serving the Tyra Clan who attempted to have all USI Waka assassinated you might notice he kind of looks like her that’s

    Because he’s literally using her body he basically hijacked USI waka’s body whilst he was changing it so not really a pseudo servant but I’m still putting Tyra in that category cuz it’s essentially the same deal going Kishi Hogan is technically not as she seems but you see this is not a male character

    Who became female but a male who became non-binary as while kichi uses a female body it’s only because they have chosen to take this form they don’t actually have a gender at all but I think we can give this one a pass cuz it’s really not like kichi Hogan’s gender was ever

    Mentioned from what I can find he’s just assumed male cuz that’s how he was depicted also as a demon who says what he should be I think this one’s perfectly acceptable just by what you may think I cannot count the F Knights as they aren’t actually gender band The

    Melu and Bon Sith are both female entities while the barest gender isn’t set in stone and is kind of vague so they actually don’t count hansia is I’m going to put a spoiler reload here for anybody not up to date with fake grandaughter we good now okay konia

    Is the tunguska event a random several Megaton explosion now a person and a female so the gender went from explosion to female I’m putting this in doesn’t technically count but technically she does sh Dei from what I’m aware the explanation here is that sh I’m not risking saying

    That wanted to seduced people better so they turned the unusual random heroic Spirit into a female I I just what does it have to do with a nice temp I could have literally been Baff Med like I don’t get why they had you this is going in bad I don’t like it mysterious

    Ranmaru X is not the same person as Morty Ruru rather the moruru of our world is still referred to as Morty Yoshi’s brother having been known is basically just one of noaga od’s retainers who helped protect noou in his final battle so that he could die on his

    Own terms through sepu and then burnt the building down so that their Lord’s body couldn’t be captured afterwards and defiled this is not that person this is someone from Another Universe who is a counterpart of that one who is still male presumably so this is perfectly

    Fine this is this is like this is not the same one do Nik is perhaps the most obscure character in this video Simply due to the relatively obscure nature of Slavic mythology within Russia however d is one of the most famous Heroes an Epic Knight based on the real life warlord of

    The same name who tuted Vladimir the Great and led the armies of his father he is most known for the story in which he faces against the mighy mein a three-headed dragon who is basically ancient Russian King Gora if Gora was actually a dragon though this may isn’t

    Always portrayed as evil or even one gender they can be multiple genders and they can sometimes be like kind of just neutral but after killing this may he encountered aoan basically a female Knight the womanly equivalent of the Slavic Boga archetype of which D is one of named Natasia nikishna and married

    Her within fate it actually turns out that D here is actually Natasia and she’s merely masquerading as a husband because she can so just like Orion this isn’t quite in the it doesn’t count category as those are for cases where it’s so minor it isn’t a thing I’m

    Putting this in perfectly acceptable no gender bending actually happened it was just kind of that’s not actually DOA who is still male in the setting another quick one is next the Irish King of the other world mananan Mia similar to the Welsh King Aron or gabn he is the ruler

    Of the afterlife in certain versions of the overall Celtic myth which is very different depending on what part of what is considered Celtic mythology you look at but in this case he’s merely summoned within the body of best girl who was a master because Screw You Ren wishes she

    Was his Bas as bazette I would Smash If nobody wasn’t right there so yeah just another pseudo Serv situation because bazette has been portrayed as wielding fragarach since her debut and this is the weapon of manaan in the myth when bringing bazet into Grand order they

    Naturally had to do this it’s too cool not to Kyoko Bakin more known by the name bakis zawa Bakin was a novelist of Ido ero Japan and the leading literary author of the 19 century for Japan born from a low ranked Samurai family he abandoned that status and made his

    Living with gaku a type of Japanese literature his most well-known work and the one that dictates why is genen in fate is nanso satomi henden known in English as the chronicles of the eight dog Heroes of the satomi clan of nanso which is definitely not as catchy a

    Title so in history one of his sons baka Haku married a woman who had come to be known as omichi by 1834 Bakin lost Vision in his right eye and was completely blind by 1840 from what I can find Bakin went blind before he was able to finish Nano satomy huon and dictated

    The final parts of the novel to her so you know katush chiko Hokusai they basically just did that again now this servant isn’t available in global yet so I can’t say what all the circumstances are for her being that way but it does bring to mind Hokusai and while liking

    An originality I can understand understand the logic here see in fate servants are summoned in the prime of their life or at least that’s how they’re supposed to be summoned just using examples that have been talked about in this video King Arthur gets summoned at the peak of her power

    Wielding Excalibur prior to the fall of Camelot Nazar gets summoned in the more powerful Immortal body crafted for her after her original death and Nago kagor is summoned at the peak of her conquest and battle some examples are notable exceptions like Kanis isn’t summoned in his Peak body but rather his prior body

    But normally it’s Peak Performance moment so if it was determined that the peak of Bin isn’t actually him but the peak of his writing and the peak of his writing was this iconic book then he would be summoned at a point in his life where he was physically blind keep in

    Mind his physical body is not what he was known for but his penmanship so it would be the peak of what he’s most legendary for S to mitigate this issue it would make sense that bkin would have to be summoned in the body of either an avatar of a character within that book

    Which does happen because this third Ascension is actually fahime a character he wrote or in the body of his daughter-in-law that finished the book and thus shares the same legendary status of author of this novel so I can safely Place bin in the acceptable category even if it’s kind of just a

    Copy of what they already did with Hokusai Hokusai is Awesome by the way I don’t like most of the foreigners but I make an exception for her and mysterious heroin XX and maybe gal Voyager I don’t count though his real class is Voyager chuk is the cutest thing in the

    World and I adore her look at it little face she so cute but I can’t let my love for this cute little bean blind me why is chof Fu a woman well she doesn’t know she outright says she doesn’t know why she was recorded as a male other than

    That they were people who didn’t like her and happened to be historians so they did despite her because they were they were mad that chin gave such a role to a woman and sadly that’s all there is to it chol in life was an Explorer and

    An alchemist who went twice look for the elixir of immortality for his Emperor chiong who we mentioned earlier and never returned from the second Expedition so the only thing to ask is whether the spite thing is possible and maybe see this dynasty was not one for gender equality women were seen as

    Inferior beings to men and Emperor chin never had an empress just a bunch of consorts to give him ear so if he did have a woman in such a high ranking then of course historians of the time may have been spiteful but that itself raises the problem what are the chances

    He would have such a high ranking woman in this court it’s really unlikely so sadly just like Gareth I cannot let my bias get in the way your reasoning is bad siku was a historical figure most known for influencing the Japanese way of tea including the ceremony of of WCHA

    So naturally he’s a little girl with a gun I’m kidding of course as a servant of noaga and especially Toyota hioshi it’s very reasonable he’d have access to Firearms of A Sort so why is he a female well he might not be again information on this servant is hard to find because

    She’s not available in global but it’s suggested from what I can find that the reason he’s summoned in a female body is because he shares a spirit with Kime who the was that well she was a concubine of toyotomi hidu this is important because Riku was a close

    Friend of hi Yoshi’s cra and their friendship and differences opinion though would lead to hioshi ordering riyu to commit sepu this same thing happened with toyotetsu kahim meanwhile famously died with bravery befitting the daughter of a feudal Lord she was set for execution and lost her life in that way hioshi

    Attempted to undo the order and save her but it was too late so while it’s a stretch this connection through three individuals sentenced to death by hi Yoshi’s orders for basically no reason kind of led to the body being that of kimes with riyu taking control of the

    First two ascensions and Kim of the third Ascension within the game sharing a body I can’t say it’s perfectly acceptable because that’s a lot of stretching but there’s a stretching TI all right we’re in the final stretch the last four characters at the time of making this video we begin with Fu Yin

    Fuang is not a historical figure but a fictional character from water margin one of the four Great Chinese classical novels alongside Journey to the West the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the plum in the golden base fan Chung’s reasoning is both very simple and not

    Simple at all let me introduce you to the concept of f pH Spirits Phantom Spirits are basically Spirits they don’t have enough to become a proper servant as they’re fictional in nature and by that like they’re from works of pure Fiction with no potential historical bases no mythological origin no fol and

    Stuff like that looking to two of those classical novels you’ll find they’re not so much that sunam hung was a figure of oral tradition before during to the West was published and the monk he traveled with was based on a real Monk and most of the figures in Romance of the Three

    Kingdoms of significance like lowo are quite literally adapted from real life figures War water margin isn’t like that though so Fu Yan Chong couldn’t be summoned normally that is outside of an event in the plot where James moratti another one of these Spirits combines Phantoms with each other and makes them

    Exist one of which was yining the protagonist of water margin who was merged with the concept of the doppelganger Fu Yin Chang was the same andem merged with the spirit imper of Greek mythology a shape-shifting female with a leg of copper and she is aware that she became a woman from being a

    Male this is a case of it’s completely explainable in law but there’s no basis for it outside of Fate so it goes in at least as creative the third last character is clock kind of this is weird because she has three names she calls herself clock but is also wh apocal the

    God of war and AZ Tech mythology clock is the god of Rain by the way her true identity though is ten ten ten ten a city that today is the historic Center of Mexico City I have no idea why she’s a woman she should really be either male given those two Gods she

    Claimed to be with male or non-binary given she’s a city so a genderless thing given a gender I’m going to put her in doesn’t really count again cuz it’s hard to measure what generous City should be but you know kulan is legally I mean what is an absolute cluster of

    A servant because the final boss of the grand celebration of the Fate series is a villain from sukim now it’s really hard to say what jender kulken should be an ancient Serpentine de of the mtic Maya she’s very Clos related to both kakuka matz and quak Kad in fact the

    Aliens who are the collective will of the South americ lost belt modeled her off the new body of qu what the did I just say you know fate isn’t normally complicated to explain but some stuff in Grand order is so brain dead stupid I can understand why you think it

    Is that’s the reason she’s female the aliens who are the will of South America made her body based on qua koala’s female one but I’m going to ignore that dumb reason and talk about a proper reasoning that would make sense as we know very little about kulen as I was

    Saying with the distinction between even the God and a real life priest or ruler at chichin it even getting blurred due to confusion we don’t know who was what in in which historical text we do know that this deity was very closely related to the itsas state of the northern

    Yucatan Peninsula likely due to similarities the figure had to quit a quad they stopped seeing kukan as a Divine serpent fether deity and more as a messenger between Kings and gods who embodied the divine nature of where they lived again though that doesn’t tell us anything about gender we do have two

    Things to go off though the day ucch Maya still tells stories of the deity Apparently one of which where they are personified as a male figure however the lacandon Maya tells stories of kulin as an evil female pet of the Sun God who learns to be better when a boy shares

    His food with her now I’m going to I’m going to sit here and argue which modern-day native religious belief should be prevalent and both stories are interesting and worth looking into but this does paint the picture that in the grand tapestry of kulan’s very scattered and historically uncertain history their

    Gender is not set in stone I can say in my opinion that depicting them as female is equally as valid as dep piting them as male so I put it in perfectly acceptable and the alien Sun stuff I’m going to ignore along with the

    Rest of lost Bell 7 and our last stop in this very long video kashin Koji a figure of Japanese Legend and folklore of the late murachi period who supposedly performed tricks and magic in front of OB noaga and his retainers of whom we cannot be certain of the

    Historicity who the is this okay real talk in fate this is not Kash and Koji when I first read the historical description of this figure and did my research I figured the Fate one was part of the good good side of the franchise you know the site all about noaga odor

    And his crew nope this character is a magician yes but she served the fuma clan of ninja and helped make katad danzo what the there is so little information about the fuma clan that I could find parly because I wasn’t planning to sift through a billion

    Naruto pages to find it and my local library is closed so what who the is this chick from what I can tell this is supposed to be that Odin noaga era figure but the problem is that he got noaga attention in 1574 the same time as the fifth generation of the fumar clan

    Not the first now of course I assume him being a robot is why is is why body part old I’m so confused what the the explanation given in fate is that kashan replaced his body parts with technology lost his identity and would cling to any sense of identity given to him by others

    No matter what when summoned he summoning the identity he chose to take on last this one being the wife of some random sang Goku General so she is a man who lost who he was and then took on any identity he could with this last one

    Just so happening to be a female I don’t know what to think about all that anime nonsense that just got thrown at me but I suppose this makes kashen cojin gender fluid though it might also be seen as up that the only reason she is gender fluid is explicitly because she’s

    Halfway batshit crazy and mutilated her own body to stay alive so I’m going to put this into the at least his creative category and ignore the potentially unfortunate implications of the character given all the information we have is translated from Japanese without knowing the proper translation and who

    Knows what happens when she comes out to Global however as I was making this video I took so long that fate Samurai Remnant dropped and there’s only so many characters to go here so let’s go through them obviously spoiler alert with fate Samurai Remnant as it’s still

    A fairly recent game saber is Prince Oso or Yamato taku a semi-legendary prince of Japan from the Yamato Dynasty who was generally considered the 12th emperor of Japan primarily heard of in the kojiki and Nihon Shoki yamako in fate is rather unusual you see while yamu is referred

    To with female pronouns by those who don’t know them and referred to with male pronouns by a few others when referring to the figure of history and myth the actual servant themselves is not referred to with pronouns by official media their gender segment in game is a question mark as such yam is

    Not a gender bend like in in again gender bend infers only two genders that I’m just using that cuz everyone knows the term the reason here for yam’s ambiguous gender is in the myth yamaku got that name after he killed his brother due to his Fierce and

    Temperament to which his father sent him away to perform an impossible task of killing a lot of people which was achieved when he crossdressed as a maid snuck into a drinking party and killed everyone to which Amazed by his ability the people he killed gave him the name

    Yamato taku meaning the brave of yam so naturally the idea of yam having a very feminine appearance is kind of rooted in the story so that would likely be the origin point I don’t know if I can say that’s like the best explanation but I’m I’m going to go with it’s perfectly

    Acceptable because I understand it you know it makes sense now none of the other servants in this game have changed genders aside from USI Goen who goes in the same place as mamoto as they basically the same character in fate and mamot Musashi who we already talked about the Masters however aren’t quite

    The same While most of them are fairly accurate and all other than chamon are based directly on a real person well except for dtha who is more so just a madeup daughter to a real life Dutch explorer one of these might stand out to you yui shosetsu yui shosetsu was a real

    Life Ronin and Military scholar and a major ring leader of the 1651 Ken Uprising to overthrow the Tokugawa Shogun it along with Kumo banan and yamag goo yui is considered one of the three great Ronin in real life he was considered a highly talented Youth and

    Raised as a ronin as an adult he would open an academy for others to teach them as he was taught but they were also HS for political discussion and not just schools he would also open another one for military strategy too unfortunately for shosetsu he and his partner and Ally

    Murab Bashi chuya would kind of completely fail chuya was captured and shetu was surrounded he committed seku instead of allowing himself to be captured so why is he a woman now well this yuetsu is a homonculus built by Mor sookin with Western magic that’s the explanation now my

    Assumption is that because she’s built using IRB Magics they likely wanted to maintain a strong tie to the rest of the Fate franchise and one of the ways in which they chose to do this was to have an EIN homonculus from the Stay Night timeline however every single homonculus

    From the Ein burs identifies as female with the only artificial male in the family being an artificial intelligence Golem who is explicitly made with magic unrelated to the irbs so not only does chetu have to be female to fit into the lore but it also allowed them to model

    Her with a similar design to the eins like elier and irvil also fits in with the lore as justi model homonculi to which i’ assume so setu is based on have existed since the 1300s and the game takes place in the 60 00s so shetu goes into at least it’s creative because

    While it fits into the law there’s no reason it had to be UI shetu specifically so after all that grand order dropped more okay let’s speed round them first of all W Gina does not count for this video to get out of the way this is

    Really not a good look for the first Australian servant the wena are incredibly significant figures to Aboriginal those several Aboriginal cultures to to whom the W are actually so significant they are not allowed to be depicted without permission from the the the group um and with Aboriginal Australian beliefs regularly having been

    Trivialized in the history of Australia uh doing this to such a very sensitive figure and turning them into Wu bait is not a good look for fate however in that’s not the subject of this video for this video Wen is officially gender neutral despite their appearance in fate

    So they don’t fit in this video as the wena are indeed gender neutral there multiple of them or depending on the beliefs some believe there’s multiple some believe there’s just one from what I’ve read this is just from what I’ve read and in either case they tend to be

    Gender neutral sutin and jubo was a sniper most famous R completely failed to kill Odin noaga uh he shot naga’s collar armor instead of his face or chest and noaga survived after which ZJ was captured and taken to noaga who buried him up to his neck and had his

    Head cut off over the course of days using dull Blades of bamboo holy zenju is a woman because now now uh Koji who we mentioned earlier changed his gender so that he’d be harder to find I will put this in perfectly acceptable because while zenjo you technically

    Isn’t gender bent in the sense that um he is originally a man I can’t put her in that tiar because she kind of is as well uh so someone else changed it for her uh she did consent to the change I mean she wasn’t aware that it was going

    To be quite so extreme to turn her into a different gender but she wasn’t exactly complaining afterwards so it’s a case of like it makes complete sense within the universe finally Typhon emeros uh also doesn’t count but I will mention her Typhon ephemeris is not actually Typhon Typhon in fate is still

    Male this is actually one of the ephemeral fruits that moirai tricked Typhon into eating during his battle with Zeus according to Sun tellings basically Typhon was at full power so they weakened him with some fruits yada yada technically you can argue this is a gender change as fruits don’t have male

    Or female parts those parts belong to the plants or flowers they come from so technically Typhon emeros should be jener neutral but you’re getting way too semantic if you’re going to go around arguing that I say this doesn’t count as a traditional this doesn’t count as a traditional change gender she’s just her

    Own thing and that was the video here is the tier list and as you can see I do think the majority of these characters are excusable or at the very least have some interesting reasons for their alter genders while some do end up being as bad as people often joke about fate it’s

    Really not as many as people would assume I think that the main thing is because cuz the the two big one the two ones that everyone thinks of in Nero and artoria and they have no good explanation so people normally think of them and kind of ignore most of the

    Others now for those who wanted a different video one explaining the real life reasons for the changes I’m going to be honest most of them is quite literally a case of horny bait which is why I didn’t want to tackle this subject from that angle cuz it would get very

    Repetitive finding the explanations in a more interesting way just was more engaging to me so tell me what you think if you like this video please share it around as much as you can I’d love to do more videos dividing into mythology and history like this using fate as a focal

    Lens for which to do so and get people interested I hope you enjoyed now on to the credit part all right so that was finally that done this video took way longer uh than I intended like several months and you can see that even like by the end some of my

    Opinions on where I rank things have changed um if you’re curious uh like like my criteria for each like tier uh now they’re at the end of the video and it might seem important to mention um so I had perfectly acceptable like actual explanation at the top because that’s literally the ones where

    There’s a reason a very reasonable explanation for why their gender might be changed but they do have to be gender bent from the common depiction the different gen to what they’re commonly depicted as or what they were in history most likely um but but down below that

    We have the ones that I think are acceptable in terms of like the explanation actually given like in Universe usually with these ones it’s a case of like uh they’re from another world or they are based on something from the mythology but it’s more so an interpretation that’s completely unique

    To fate sort of thing or it was changed um the I understand categories ones where like I get the reasoning even if I don’t necessarily think it’s entirely good enough uh it’s a case like I get it I get what they were going for um it’s a stretch but it’s interesting is

    Definitely the one where it’s it’s it’s going a bit far but you know at least I at least I understand the logical through line in like how you would be able to interpret things in a certain ways how certain elements of the law would manipulate things in a certain way

    Um James moratti moment is just Cu uh there’s a phantom Spirit here so she’s got other things in her if you need me to explain that’s the joke tier you don’t get the joke at least his creative tier is the tier that’s just above bad it’s bad but at least there’s some

    Manner of creativity to it bad is bad um not enough info is obviously cuz there’s not enough information on the C uid uh and then the bottom tiers aren’t really the worst ones they’re just the ones that kind of don’t count Tech the difference between technically not gender bent and probably doesn’t

    Count is that probably doesn’t count uh things that you could argue aren’t gender bent at all so like um things that aren’t gendered becoming a new gender or becoming a gender So like um animate object and explosion in a city getting identifiable biological Sexes and genders of their own and all that um

    As well as ones that aren’t technically what they’re the thing they’re reporting to be Technic I mean I guess Jack the Ripper could go into this T technically not gender bent arguably now that I think about it but technically not gender bent is a case of like um the character is a different

    Gender to what they are but the reasoning is that it’s someone else really so like it’s someone else uh and then st7 is just pseudo Ser you know I get okay going back to T it um someone else and it’s a different character’s body but the original character is still

    Something or in the case of uh Shalia Dion um technically they’re not gender B cuz they could be male female or uh gender fluid at any point in their life to my knowledge um it can vary depending on what point they’re summoned from uh Cudo servant is just uh including Tyra

    Who’s technically not a studo servant um male in a female’s body uh Tyra Noak is not a pseudo servant but she might as well be so just a quick explanation for anyone C ious so I hope you guys enjoyed the video cuz I put a lot of work into

    This it’s not going to make back the the the views it’s going to make back is probably not going to be proportional to the time I spent working on it um but if you could share it around I would really appreciate that uh if you enjoyed if you

    Didn’t enjoy it don’t pretend to I it’s okay if you didn’t like the video uh so thank you to all my Patron scrolling by right now you are lovely if you want to support me on patreon you can use the link in the description to go to my

    Patreon and support me if you want uh it really helps it really matters you can access my patreon in Discord to make me say stupid stuff now okay so for this one all I did was prompt people with a gift of artoria doing a little thinger wag um

    So they gave me basically nothing to work with Arthur listen this a big big ass Pig Arthur you got to kill it Arthur it took out Ireland Arthur that’s definitely rever of s but I just wanted to do it that way cuz I like picturing regular like uh Arana

    Merlin speaking like of normal modern day guy it’s like no no no no no no mate mate buddy you got to you got to go you got to deal with this like right now like not in the sort of old and oldish way that Merlin tends to talk I just

    Like the idea of Merlin going around having seen the future and being like I like this lingo you know no no Arthur yeah n you got to you got to deal with that like Ireland Ireland’s sinking buddy like there’s a third of that Island that’s just gone now you got to

    You got to do something about this pig um anyway if you’re truly a fate fan say a quote I mean there’s the obvious one but do I go for the obvious one I mean I guess there’s like the whole Trio of like people die when they are killed

    Just cuz you’re correct doesn’t mean you’re right and your birthday is the day you were born all of which make sense in context um people die when they killed makes sense in context it’s just that it’s still it’s still worded badly it’s still not a good way to word it

    It’s just like um that is indeed it he basically saying that when people die like people are killed they’re supposed to stay dead they’re not supposed to come back cuz he was brought back to life and also in another sense the servants are brought back from Life um

    It’s just it’s really worded stupidly and just cuz you’re correct doesn’t mean you’re right is intentionally worded that way it’s a sort of like like um you I I think you can understand just cuz you’re morally correct doesn’t mean or just cuz you’re technically correct doesn’t mean you’re morally right it’s

    You can sort of thing you can see someone saying but the only reason people make fun of it is because it’s Shiro saying and he had the people die when they kill BL and the birthday is the day you were born it also makes sense in context he’s explaining it to

    Someone who doesn’t know what a birthday is at the same time I can’t help but feel like that’s the Creator taking the piss with that one so I guess that fulfills the second one of going on one long one minute long tangent or whatever you want um but yeah

    So that that’s those lines explained I think there are there might be more different lines with shirro where he says stuff like that I don’t remember if Mur mura Master Mur I don’t know if sji in fake Grand order says anything like that cuz I don’t I don’t recall them saying

    Anything like that in shimosa and or in uh the Atlantic lost SP part one and two but I’m not um cliff jumper what’s going on Prime the group Chad got leaked yeah okay I mean I guess that’ll do yeah I mean there wasn’t a lot of this time

    But normally if you watch my death power reviews people make me say all sorts of stupid when they get a prompt that they understand uh yeah um have a good one everybody goodbye


    1. Soo I'll hopefully have the time to update this as more come out.

      But while this video was in the pipeline to be dropped, FGO announced it's new GUDAGUDA lineup, and along with some banger reveals it also revealed a new Genderbend.

      Saika Magoichi was a title held by three leaders of the Saika Ikki. These three were Suzuki Shigeoki, Suzuki Shigehide, and Suzuki Shigetomo. As of now I have not heard anything to suggest which one is the one summoned, but due to being a figure of the GUDAGUDA side and thus connected to the time of Oda Nobunaga it is likely either Shigeoki or Shigehide. Actually, as of writing this, translations of her bio call her the leader of the Third Generation and having done her duty past the Honnoji incident, meaning she is likely intended to be Suzuki Shigetomo. However, as her backstory deviates, she may also be intended to be a figure with no basis in history representing someone whose reign as a Saika Magoichi has been lost to time. It may also be a joke because GUDAGUDA moment. Or maybe she could just be the consort of Shigetomo and thus nothing interesting is happening/

      And also I'll try to update with any corrections so here goes (thank you to everyone who respectfully gave any corrections or pointed me in the right direction)

      Nero Claudius Caesar – Ok so while there's still not really any reason in my opinion that she needs to be female, there is a basis from which it can be take. Namely that Nero had crossdressed a few times, notably as mentioned in Annals when he married Pythagorus in the position of the Bride. He was also claimed to have sounded like a woman during sex, which is fun. So I do think I can bump her up into Perfectly Acceptable because taking this angle of making him into a female due to a few anecdotes I think is fine.

      Altera – Yes I know that Atilla's history is mysterious and that Altera is basically like an alien and all that but that doesn't mean I can rank her any higher. I gave her points for being creative but I don't consider "well we don't know much about them" as a good enough reason unless actual scholars and historians came to suggest or theorise something. I like Altera too so don't act like I don't like her. Well I like Altera in Extra, FGO Altera is a bit flat outside of when she becomes the goated Altera the San(ta)

      Voyager – I somehow completely forgot that the reason he looks the way he does is due to Erice's influence. It doesn't really matter I still don't really think I can count him, but uh yeah that's like the actual reason and it just skipped my mind lol.

      Shuten-Doji – So technically you can say she isn't a genderbend, but rather a genderless Oni that takes on the female form specifically to fuck with Kintoki. Which given that Oni's sometimes just do petty shit like that, yeah that's pretty believable lol. Completely reasonable that she'd be the way she is from this point of view.

      Caster (Samurai Remnant) – I'm going to leave his name blank because not everyone has played the game yet, but I completely forgot that his history is so mysterious that some scholars have debated and believed that he was actually a woman. So depending on what you believe, he may be one of the few female to male changes. However, as he is so mysterious and we know so little, it's hard to say for certain.

    2. 1:04:50 Like how you ignored the fact that Apocrytha Jack the Ripper is an anti-abortion parable which potentially ties into problematic elements of Japan's population crisis? She was based on Jack the Ripper killing prostitutes yes but in this case she was created from aborted fetuses. Which in a weird sense would actually make Jack the prostitutes and that has some unfortunate implications in itself that I can't really see as being intentional as much as the whole anti-abortion thing unless the two were tied together as part of the parable, it's hard to say for certain.

    3. I have yet to see any citation as Red Hare being female. It's just something that has popped up in the Fate community and I just don't know why. There's never any citation, just people randomly saying he was a mare, for some reason.

    4. Also, Mordred was never "male with feminine traits" originally. Her gender was "TBD" until they added her to an actual established work, so they just went with an androgynous with bulk armor look until they decided on a gender. Which turned out to be female.

    5. I would argue about Shuten and Ibaraki. In Japanese folklore, Oni are known as shapeshifters. They could transform into various forms that they fancy. Ibaraki himself was transformed into a woman once in order to trick Tsuna to take back Shuten's head. So it would understandable that Shuten transformed into a woman to mess with Kintoki.
      Oh, and, Nero actually connected to Beast of Revelation. When Nero executed the Christians brutally, the Christians released a book called Book of Revelation where there's a depicted of Beast 666 with the heads are the head of Roman emperors, and Nero is one of them.
      I think the reason why Tlaloc is a woman because "Motherland".

    6. Nero is actually "better" than just "they want a seiba lookalike", sure they did want a Seiba lookalike, but they did do their research on their candidate, Nero is famed for blurring the gender lines, performing feminine roles on stage(at least according to accounts, which may be slander, though some does argue he is the first non-binary leader of Rome, he is also fairly popular with the people, though not nobility), and even married a man as a bride(hence Nero Bride), if anyone's gender should be played with, it's Nero's

      Ranmaru is also technically a "doesn't count", as "he" is technically hinted to be male like Astolfo. as he is in history and most depictions, basically a feminine male gay for Oda Nobunaga.

      Jacques de Molay is male in the arcade version, but the current one is corrupted by Shub-Niggurath, who is "berarer of 1000 young", anyone that got possessed by Shub-Niggurath probably automatically turns female

      Sima Yi is actually special among the pseudo servants as he did dress in woman's clothing, and Wei-Jin era is also famed for crossdressing, so he's automatically pulled to a female host.

    7. i cant find anything on it but cant some servants put themselves into there ideal form if so you could make an argument for ushi gonzen being that the only person who took care of them was a girl and thus when summoned takes that form (i also don't think there's been any completely animal servants even red harder is semi humaniod)

    8. . . . wow that entire Mordred segment is an awful take. You don’t have to be trans or non binary to say “screw gender rolls” and that thing about i guess a prototype Mordred is just unrelated. If anything that’s for the “Baggage Teir”

    9. I like how you call characters non-binary when they were NEVER referred to as such in the lore.
      The fate franchise is THANKFULLY Japanese and they don't subscribe to your fascist left wing bullshit and never will.
      There is no such thing as non binary and none of the character in Fate are mentally ill enough to have gender dysphoria.

    10. But the deal with Mordred is the opposite you said after "f*ck". She's female who says she's male because to inherit the kingdom she HAS to be male. This plays a part in her desire to prove she is worthy of sitting on Artoria's throne and is actually something that both Mordred and Artoria share, so a trait that Mordred may actually cherish "I am just like my father/If father can do that then so can I!" and stuff.

      In fact I'd find it amusing if turning into female as a servant was by Mordred's wish. As in, when alive she was male, but chose to appear as a woman just to prove she can overcome this just like Artoria. That's not the case, but would be cool.

    11. For Okita Souji a possible explanation is they were described as very attractive and the photograph of Shinsengumi member that was for a long time believed to be Okita showed a rather androgynous man.

    12. The Islamic lore on Syaitan is incorrect in some parts.
      Syaitan is not a thing at the beginning of human creation(Adam and Eve).
      It is Iblis or Devil who was cursed by Allah for disobeying Him. He is never an angel like in Christian demonology says. He is just a being created from fire ascended because of his piety long ago. For this, Iblis instead of asking for forgiveness, asked Allah so that he could influence the children of Adam to commit sins. Becoming his companion in Hell in the future, you could say. By this point, Iblis doesn't serve Allah any longer. And no, in Islam, angels do not have the capacity to disobey Allah.
      Also, Syaithan could mean demons, the descendants of Iblis. But humans who entice people to do wrong and stray from the rules of religion could also be called as Syaithan.
      So, the Arm of The Hassan could mean the Arm of Evil. Not necessarily the a of Demon or Devil.

    13. It's really annoying when people intentionally misunderstand Mordred's character to say she's trans/nb, especially when we already have several great reps in that regard.

    14. Had to go through my college biblical studies notes for this but using Gematria (making names=a number) Nero’s name equals 666 and was believed to be or be related to the antichrist by some Christians which is why the beast of 666 and Nero share the same appearance in Fate.

    15. Shub-Niggurath "The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young" and Shub-Niggurath, the All-Mother. That is why, Shub-Niggurath's most prevelent trait is being a mother and is explicitly a mother goddess.

    16. A little clarification:
      Dailokuten is not 2 girls but an ever growing band of mice who are, in the actual lore, servants of Daikokuten (because where there is rice, there is mice). Sadly your theory won’t work this time lol (unlike the very cool Drake one that I hope some day they retcon and do something with)

      Also, but I understand why you would miss them, there are more Learn with Manga genderbents:
      -Saber (supposedly Wainamoinen) is actually not a genderbent… it’s the pregnant mother of Wainamoinen and the Servant is the baby. Who is already an old man who wants to marry every female he comes across.
      -Archer (Pecos Bill) and it’s just a joke
      -Rider (Georges Méliès) is just a joke for the sake of the bunny-themed magician assistant motif. Méliès was an illusionist and filmmaker from the early 1900s. The rabbit theme is also because his most famous movie is A Trip to the Moon, and rabbits are said to inhabit the Moon in Japanese myths
      -Assassin (J. Edgar Hoover), first director of the FBI. They are not genderbent per se but gender unknown (eventho in the game it’s more explicitly stated as female) based on Hoover’s well-documented history of wearing woman’s clothes as a hobby

    17. While I don't disagree… ehhh I don't find issue with it. Initially I did especially jumping into Zero, finding out one of my favorite characters in all of history/mythology, Arthur… was genderbent. However… multiverse is a thing, and technically has existed since the beginning, since the Stay Night adaptations are kind of adaptations of the original visual novel, and the routes Shirou picks. Aside from gender bending, honestly this is probably the most accurate I've seen any franchise cover on a lot of these characters, especially Arthur, which I find ironic, even the BBC show Merlin got so many things wrong, despite there being like 5+ adaptations to the Arthur legend, AND ARTHUR CAME FROM THERE! How is a series based on a pornographic game with a gender bent Arthur on the other side of the world more accurate with one of the Arthur legends than anything I've seen in the past couple decades?

      True multiverse can… be a bit lazy of an explanation, won't deny that either, but ehh it works. Especially since Proto Arthur is in technically 2 games, since the Arcade version of FGO is a different story with different characters. Along with an anime, albeit brief, like… a few minutes? Not really much of anything? Did have Proto Arthur in it. With multiverse things can make sense and work. At that point… it's more so on the player and viewer to go figure that crap out for themselves. It's like looking at a wiki (granted I'd say wikis are even less credible, but that's just me), and saying yep that's the entire lore of Hercules. If people want to know more, they should just go look for it themselves. Like that's how I got into mythology, when I was a kid watching Disney's Hercules, despite that not being his original name. That's his Roman name.

      I don't disagree with you per say… it's just more so on the viewers and their own fault to buy all the info as fact. Thus ehh doesn't upset me. Especially since it does more good than harm. As you said, introducing new mythologies, historical figures, and legends about characters like Scathach. Like… ok let's look at Eddison… do people believe he was a lion? lmao, I don't think so, if someone did they um… need help. Especially being a real world person, vs Arthur… grey area people are unsure if he was real, not, or another figure altogether, like some researchers believe him and Finn McCool were the same person.

      Ergo I don't think anyone seriously thinks all of these figures are 100% note to note their mythological figures, outside of maybe children and… well they're children, they'll learn lol.

    18. I mean… don't disagree Altria is a weird name, but I've always assigned that name to the… you know alter variant of Artoria, just makes sense lol, alter artoria, mash them together altria. Same when people call Jeanne of Arc alter Jeanne Dark or Jalter. Artoria herself I don't mind, flagship, mascot character, feel she gets a pass, especially since real Arthur is an actual thing in anime and games, just… multiverse shenanigans, why a female Merlin can exist too. I left a whole comment on that already though so won't delve too much on that here, just that… ehh grain of salt, with how famous Arthur is doubt anyone thinks they're being serious with making him a girl. I mean back to Jeanne D Arc, she's always portrayed in media as blonde… but historically was a brunette, Thomas Edison wasn't an anthropomorphic lion, and was a real person while Arthur is gray area, no one is certain if he existed or not. Some even state him and Fionn Mac Cumhaill were the same person (not me, just saying some do).

      I'd say Hassan of the hundred faces is a take on DID, Dissociative Identity Disorder, where a person has split personalities. I think the Hassans all have ties to some disorder or disease. Also reason Hassan I Sabbath's noble phantasm is Azrael… he's been blended with death, the grim reaper, as it is believed by some that the arch angel Azrael (of which one source is Islam) is THE Grimm Reaper death.

      I can't argue with Nero (everything up till now agreed) lol, is lazier than Artoria, and would be a lazy attempt to just say multiverse even if that is what they're going for… being my 1st 5 star in summer Nero though and one of my 1st waifus. HOWEVER… if they introduce a male Nero in the future, less of an issue, again like Arthur/Artoria, but also like Nobunaga, as (maybe you get into later apologies if you do, be pausing at the 30 minute mark, watch more later) male Nobunaga is confirmed to exist in a Gudaguda… just… he's so insignificant and weak being a regular human compared to a servant.

      Didn't know that about Francis Drake (servant) so that's neat if that is true. Initially was probably one of the more offensive ones, but if you're right yeah agreed that's 100% solid. If this becomes truth, I would accept this as an answer.

      Now… Frankenstein to be fair (and I don't recall the source, if it's Apocrypha or GO) isn't she referred to as Eve in some dialogue out there? While Marie Shelly didn't give Frankenstein's monster a name, he is sometimes called Adam… Adam and Eve. HOWEVER, I do agree. Much like them giving Heracles his Greek name rather than the Roman Hercules, it's a missed opportunity. I'm sure they did this because everyone just calls the monster Frankenstein… despite that being the Doctor's name. So if that is the logic, no bad move… however ehhh yeaaaah being biblical reference another reason, maybe they didn't want to touch that subject, or… maaaaybe it's possible Adam and eve could appear in the future of Fate, we already got Adam sort of referenced in Apocrypha with Avicebron making a Golem based off him… of which is interesting and either ironic or intentional with having female Frankenstein's monster in Apocrypha as well.

      Yeah Jack… yeah

      Well ok hold on… Mordred technically is a woman, since she is a clone of Artoria, now it is fine to refer her to her as them/they, that isn't an issue. I just don't find it insulting she is a female, when she was actually thought out vs Artoria was just slapped into the girl role. Rather than Arthur being drunk and raped by his sister, Artoria is magicked male parts (making her a futa for a day) so she can produce an heir… Morgan however goes in, wacks her off while she was drunk, then takes the DNA to magically clone her, why she looks identical to Artoria too, rather than biologically she should have aspects of Morgan and Artoria if she'd been reproduce the usual way (thus why she is a homunculus too, why they make her a girl in the end, she's a clone, Morgan didn't impregnate herself with Artoria's jizz). I also don't find issue with a female character acting masculine… tomboys are a thing, but still identify as girls. Morgan is that way, she just doesn't want to be seen as weak, a girly girl, because she is so much more than that, it's the same issue Penthesilea has issue with being called beautiful or pretty, it shows weakness in their hot headed demeanor and triggers them. I think you're just throwing things around at this point, because she is well thought out, and it feels you're underselling it just because you seem triggered. Especially when you literally just defended Astolfo for the exact same thing, a boy that just prefers to be girly, but still identifies as a male.

      Said I had to click off at 30 minutes but… oof think I'll click off here. Don't get me wrong, I'll keep watching give fair judgement on the rest but… the Mordred bit grinded my gears a bit, not because I'm a Mordred simp or anything, I despise tsundere and other stuck up attitudes. She's just so much more than you give credit for, and it was really thought out, even if they had a better idea in the backlogs, what came out wasn't terrible either.

    19. Actually Enkidu was made by clay by the gods but still it had the form of a beast, he is a man but has taken the appearance off the prostitue Shamhat after spending 6 days and 7 nights together.

    20. There's actually an anecdote around Astolfo's cross-dressing skill. Heard it on Tsiah IV's video about Roland. This last goes on a rampage after the princess he loved marry a rival prince and the only way too calm him was found by Astolfo : cross-dressing as a woman because he wouldn't attack a defenseless woman.

      Don't know if it's true but that's a funny anecdote anyway

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