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    burnley are driving me insane.
    burnley are driving me insane.
    burnley are driving me insane.

    Bookmark this save it do whatever you want there’s more chance of Burnley being top half next season than being bottom three I trust in our board transfer Recruitment and manager to adapt and do something similar to Fulham or brenford next season see you in May we’ve got four points in 10

    Sake where’s my glasses so I don’t know if you noticed but Burnley aren’t doing that good right now you’ve noticed haven’t you I had a plan for today to do a video about liono Messi it was a 30 40 minute long video in which I just went all into about the

    Entire history of Messi but that has to be delayed cuz I doing that video I don’t want to edit that I don’t even want I want to go to bed I don’t even know what the title is right now I’ve got the title is one thing what is it the title is um

    Death that’s kind of where my mind States at right now I did a video a month ago saying that Burnley are in trouble and at this stage I I did that video with the intent of jinxing it cuz I typically Jinx everything saying that Chelsea you’re in trouble suddenly they

    Go on a decent run they just lost to brenford today but more or less you know I usually drinks clubs um didn’t work so for this video to explain what’s happened to Burnley from of course if you cannot tell from a Burnley fan perspective not like I don’t say that

    Enough recently I got to change my shirt H Madrid Drew Belling and that in it tell me down below your thoughts on Burnley in the comments before I begin help me just in general mentally special like 3,000 likes subscribe and um xmus 15% off ma designs for the best football

    Prints buy them for yourself your nan your dog cheer me up at this stage 15% let’s begin sorry I couldn’t actually we that all right let’s begin I’ve separated this into five different problems are burly number one being the most important as the fact that we are

    Killed off the game at its route in every single game because we simply cannot pass out from the back but we insist on passing out from the back because we have no other option to than to pass out from the back we don’t have any tall players up top we don’t have

    Really any physicality we have no actual experience in this division other than a select few players hear me out to right and I’m going to try to explain this in a way that makes sense even if you don’t know exactly who the players are cuz you support other teams you don’t actually

    Care so the main issue is we had a way of playing last year now a lot of those players were indeed new new players added to a new team because we were in a complete transitional phase and some may say that we got promoted prematurely I

    Would refuse that idea because we had a lot of money spent compared to the rest of the division so to say that we were premature is unrealistic because we spent about 15 20 million third or fourth most um spent was maybe touch and three so we spent more money in the

    Division we did better because we had a good team and also he spent money in areas to replace with players that other teams simply wouldn’t have the opportunity to do so you know spending 3.5 million on anari Emanuel Benson young tricky Wingers overseas um are great if they work and they did however

    Most teams in the championship doesn’t have that luxury to take that risk and that’s what we had the luxury of because you know we came from Premier League we sold a lot of players 80 million worth of players Maxwell Cory Dwight mcneel um and Nathan Collins a lot of players that

    Went out the door Chris Wy of a year Ben me and we lost players right we had the money and we spent it wisely Happy Days right we had a way of playing last year but we were allowed the time because we were in a much worse division that’s the

    Plain simple facted matter even last year I was saying that this league is not good the championship is not a good League quality-wise quality-wise it’s really bad so I always said that you can watch my videos I’ve always said this however I believe in some company as he

    Knows the divion well in the Premier League he knows what to do to adapt so I believed in him and he spent 100 million and I believed in that too until I got to a stage that we’re thinking alil never played in the league Bayer never played in the league Dela never played

    In the league o had about a year in the league and got relegated you know and Taylor was at left is at left back now but he didn’t even play last year cuz he wasn’t meant to play an ass system why is he starting because we have no other

    Choice because we didn’t get a left back to begin with and Roberts is the only that we could say has any experience in this league and can be considered maybe a premier league player but not right now our current goalkeeper played in League one last year and despite I

    Actually think he’s a good shot stopper he’s massively vulnerable in a lot of areas that is very easy for Premier League club to take advantage of I.E he’s very weak he’s skinny as hell so he’s easy to just take out from set pieces and also he cannot pass that from

    The back anywhere near as good as our current goalkeeper from last year a Mich who is still not being played simply two much has changed too fast two players that were starters in last year’s team that won the league started against brenford last week that we got dominated

    And batted 3-0 should have been 61 or 6 nil who cares too much too fast in the hardest league in the world with players that don’t know the team don’t know the system and don’t know the league it’s a recipe for disaster with manager which I

    Love but has been naive in how he wants to take out this year lacking a plan B that if we cannot pass that from the back then we have have no other plan going in on this Factor because it simply makes them more sense if you have a young team that’s inexperienced all

    Together trying to jail together in the hottest thing in the world with a young manager who is also in experienc himself it’s a recipe for disaster especially when a team is trying to play attacking football at the same time now we got some good players we really do we

    Got some glimpses of you know some potential some quality kosel can be good in the future Trafford can be good in the future Odo bets can be good in the future amoney can be good in the future Ramsey can be good in the future adak can be good in the future but they’re

    Not now and we need them now so where we’re at you know where we’re at I can’t blame the players though because it’s not their fault that they aren’t good enough yet I can’t blame them I can’t because because the team was put together by the transfer

    Recruitment by the manager and they have built a as we can say right now a inbalance squad I love this team to my core I love this club to my core I’ve never felt this way about a Burnley Team all the years of sha Das I’ve never felt

    This way I’ve never felt like there is genuinely no hope in a season in a short that year at least we thought that maybe we can skip a one nil maybe we can sit tight to the back and get a set piece goal I and no

    Matter how bad it felt how bad it got at least there was always that and the next game at least we can start from Square One nil nil and then hopefully we can hope for the best that we were going to get a set piece we’ve not got that if

    Anything set set pieces is our worst part of our game attacking and defending so I don’t know what we can really do we’re not physical can’t defend and we can’t attack because we can’t defend because we can’t get the ball to them in the first place so I’m

    Lost I’m seeing a lot of people saying Vincent company out I’m seeing a lot of people now saying it and I’m getting people having to go me venom ven venomous responses saying how dare you not think that he should be sacks look at what’s happened which I think this

    Showcases how fickle football fans really can be and I get it you’re emotional I don’t blame you for being emotional but Jesus Christ man company out you think getting company out when a club is built on him in the last 18 months will make it they make it better

    Will make us better this the players which the vast majority is here because of him will get better without him if you can give me a name of who should take his spot give me one name that is realistic I’ve heard people say gr Potter are you high he’s going to a top

    10 Club he’s going to probably West Ham You Know M won’t be there for much longer he’ll go to West Ham he’ll go overseas aats will have a job available soon he could go aats why would it come to Burnley if I can hear a name that I

    Think is realistic that would come to Burnley then feel free and give me that name until then I think that you are mental company came to Burnley when we absolutely needed someone to save us with Dash gone relegation and the entire team gone we had eight Outfield players

    Left CL actually I think it was seven most left some stayed we needed a person so desperately we got lucky someone took a chance company took a chance he could have easily gone to BR M on the back he could have easily gone to any air division Club a decent sized club that

    Would that would have took him he came to us he gave his word he’s that kind of man and we got lucky and right now he needs us right now Vining company he needs us and I back him and I back him until the end comes whenever that end is

    Or if he fixes it but no matter what I will never call for his head I will never call no matter how bad it gets people may call it Blind Faith but hear me out to here I don’t want to go back to square one nothing is more terrifying

    In football than just being in the dark in the gray Zone where you don’t know what will happen next if we lose company then we’re going back to squ one with everything that we went through last year will be for nothing and we have no guarantees that the next manager will be

    The same or will be anywhere near as good maybe you get the wrong players maybe get the wrong coaching staff cuz the coaching is all different too all the coaches will leave so what happens then I don’t mind losing I don’t and I don’t mind losing with a young team and

    With a team that I like the main issue is we’re not losing with respect right now we’re losing with a whimper and we’re going down with a whimper as it currently stands now of course that’s awful right but I don’t know what to do next cuz I don’t think that these

    Players are good enough with a different manager or not with company or someone else and that is to the failure of the manager and also to the board both of them together as they are both as intertwined as each other they made mistakes many mistakes it’s an imbalanced team with no actual

    Midfielder which is really that consistent or qualified for this Division and not enough at the back to really help us play cuz again there’s quality but there’s no point if you can’t get the ball to them in good areas there’s simply no point and we are in

    This cycle now that look this is a team this is a hand that we’ve been dealt with and we’ve got to deal with it hopefully make it work and if not at this stage I would rather go down learn from mistakes and rebuild again in the championship cuz I think V company in

    The championship would do great again the championship is a poor League it is a poor League everyone knows it and I think that with our team some will go but quite a few will stay I think as long as companies here and I think at this stage I’m more than happy of just

    Having a laugh in a championship again seeing it with Leicester seeing it with Southampton and leads will go down and we’ll be fine we’ll go up again and we’ll become a NCH I’d rather have that than lose company now get rid of everything that we’ve built for 18

    Months and then hope for the best that it would be the right choice no unless if you can give me a name that makes sense but until that day comes it won’t happen and it should not happen back your manager absolutely back your manager so what do we do what can

    Burnley do to save our season and I’ve said it but I don’t think it’ll work because unless we get Bayer and ow back our are two in my opinion best center back nothing that we can do will make any difference after spending 100 million quid and to say that we need a center

    Back we need a center back maybe two and we need a DM we need a midfielder we need a DM we need a left back to say that we need all those players after spending what the money that we have is bad that is bad and that falls on the

    Head of the management and also the recruitment team that I feel like we may have prioritized profits and value of young players if they did do well before putting in consideration how did they a team right now cuz right now 10 games in I cannot tell you our best team I think

    I know our best team but I can’t tell you that I think I know our best team but I don’t know for sure I have no idea what our best Winger combination is at the stage it doesn’t matter what our best attack is because we cannot get the

    Ball to him in the first place and dunyi I think is fantastic if he play for Brighton I think he’d be a fantastic play for Brighton I think he’ll score bags of goals but he’s not getting a time and space you can’t really sit back and counter cuz we have not got the

    Defense to sit back back at all we don’t have the Midfield to either I we only have one actual DM and that’s Colin who is a ball playing one and that’s it I could keep talking for the next half an hour but I don’t want to drive you mad

    And get bored so I’ll stop talking now burnly you’re driving me mad and I’ve now H the stage of it is what it is we got Everton in the cup I don’t care anymore really it’s a cup don’t care any less if you win great if you lose okay Palace

    I’ll watch it but I’m not going to care if we score because as we’ve shown if we score a goal it doesn’t matter cuz if we concede a single cuz we will make a mistake and we will concede instantly and we’re about to square one at at a

    Stage I don’t care I love this club but right now until they give me a reason to I’m just going to be it is what it is I’ll back him it’s my club but it is what it is I’ll see you later lads


    1. Its just sad seeing how burnley are getting picked apart in the PL. Kompanys' style of play is a bit like how pep likes setting up his team, but unlike pep kompany doesnt have the players to execute the same tactics and plays. Worked wonders in the championship with lower quality of play, but its just sad seeing how they cant cope with their own style of play. In most games ive watched burnley play, they concede trying to play aggressive and expand the pitch. Their backline gets stretched and cant maintain shape for 90 minutes, the forwards cant find the back of the net, and sadly kompany doesnt have a plan B. No burnley fan is going to hunt you down for playing defensive and scraping out points, but trying to emulate man city without the same quality of players and dropping so many points this early into the season just feels like kompany is getting the boot soon.

    2. Bolton fan here. Trafford did fantastic for us in league 1 but we also had a very good defence in front of him for that league.

      I was surprised when he went to Burnley as first choice keeper.
      I fully expected him to go to either a promotion pushing championship side or to be a premier league back up keeper.
      There is no doubting his talents and I believe he will go on to be one of the best English keepers perhaps even Englands number 1 in the future but he is still young and learning.
      I think a season or 2 in the championship would of benefited him massively after seeing him week in week out improving in League 1.

    3. As a Norwich fan this makes me so depressed. Not just seeing you guys in the carbon copy of where we were under Farke (don’t make the mistake we did you’re right on keeping Kompany), but also you guys murdered us at Carrow Road last year you were brilliant, especially with the pressing. If a team that good can’t even compete in premier league what hope is there for anyone else?

    4. It's 11 games in. I don't know the ins and outs of Burnley, but if you trust the manager, trust the process and give it time. From the outside looking in, the transformation Burnley has made over 1 season and 11 games is amazing. Relegation is not the end of the world provided you can keep the vast majority of the young talented players brought in this season.

    5. Kompany cant work miracles. Its a shame hes not back there defending your defense is in shambles and goalkeeper stinks. You guys played Palace off the park but still conceded 2 stupid goals.

    6. i really dont see how everyone is backing this guy about a club like burnley. they were shi te before sean dyche, they were sh ite with sean dyche, and they are still shi te. they really are a championship level club. accept the reality of the situation and get off this nerds shaft, eh?

    7. From a leeds fans perspective everything you said abt Kompany is correct. In many ways he's simular to what Bielsa was to us. The players, tactics and club culture revolved around him. Sacking Bielsa was a stupid decision that ultimately resulted in a worse sqaud and worse situation in the long run

    8. For me it is the lineup changes you guys are changing it way too much you win a game and those players play well or they just about lost to a decent team play that team that works until it dies out I think you should play like Fulham last season quick attack long ball you have quick players you just aren't using it

    9. in the championship burnley reminded me of the bielsa leeds team so i thought they’d maybe do the same in the prem, but i was shocked when i saw them play in the pl

    10. Wonder if they can try get Maatsen on short loan in January , he’s barely playing for us at Chelsea and I’d rather see him get minutes elsewhere. Could be a bug boost for you guys

    11. Burnley stunned me

      Luton Town have always been on a low budget, so I excuse their struggles

      Sheffield United were a successful old-school club, them struggles is not that against-the-odds

      But Burnley promised us a mini-Man-City football

    12. As a Man United Fan, I sincerely hope that Burnley gets Relegated at the end of this Season.
      Your Club's Place is really in Championship, Premier League is beyond your Limits.

    13. Burnley is the english Darmstadt both got promoted. Everyone predicted both to get relegated. But i predicted both finishing midtable. Now both fight against relegation

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