Amazing what happens when you put effort into your show and other people like it and make memes surrounding it and content and there’s energy and there’s excitement and there’s not se you know you know B Alaska fing Cog Ralph me and Andy got each other gifts I got this

    Gift for Andy I got this gift for he got that gift for me and so it’s going to be really exciting you guys are going to find out what we gifted each other for Christmas very fun very fun says how much to get Andy to hurt himself with

    The bubbles again well when we hit that 100 sub goal you never know what does that mean there might be a cheerful bubble blow okay we’re going to start here with C we’re starting with Cog this is his hometown wait that was a cog right there that’s Cog in the that’s C’s grandfather

    Yeah that’s CG’s dad there he is a crippled look look this is so stereotypical it’s not even funny we have have a crippled bum with rickets he has literal arm crutches excuse me sir I have a rickets I can’t walk properly across the road and I have a filthy

    Ratchet tattoo cross me hand wearing a a toque he’s they don’t call them toes so I’m wearing a beanie it just sounds gay it does a bey it’s a toque folks so CG’s actually from here right yes is actually from here this is the poorest town in England

    What’s it called it’s Grimsby he was pretending he’s from Dudley but he’s not a train there though I know he’s like I took a train here like to your hometown he was lying make sense is lying let’s have a look here this is CG’s Hometown here we

    Go us an idea how rough It is Well the Eagles got flick knives so even the seagull are carrying knives in cogs Hometown even the seagull are shanking [ __ ] in cogs home it’s tough It’s got issues everyone’s got whoa go is I thought I was a guy for I looked

    Away I thought was a guy how many packs of cigarettes do you think she smokes todaying like it’s just one cigarette after can’t they give me welfare money jeez give me welfare money Fu man got is br br you rule the way what does she say There

    Lives is that rough Queen’s got issues everyone’s grimsby’s got his shoes got issues I’m like what the’s got issues issues issues Society everyone has issues this guy can’t even walk started feeding themselves government police cars this is scary they can’t even feed themselves he lives there it makes

    Sense up and down the streets there was a murder down that end of the street a couple years back so it’s not got the best reputation they’re getting things like who is that CG’s [Laughter] brother Universal Credit and they’re also getting the cost of living payment

    And they’re going out and spending it on uh maybe alcohol and substances so there it is there it is yeah we’re getting all the welfare payments all the bennies and we spend it all on cigarettes and bows and weed just like Cog Cog it’s everyone there is the same it’s just Cog everyone

    Is the same there this species you could smell that guy through the screen by the way [ __ ] grease in his hair can you imagine if you put a match to to his hair yeah he would have went up in flames instantaneously and died that next door toate give me dreadlock money

    So goes no wonder Cog so [ __ ] up exactly we’re learning that not only is cog like not an exception but in fact he might be one of the better off people in this town cogs actually Grimsby Rich I’m rich hey me I am wealthier than the other bombs in this City and a few iist were petrol bombs okay apparently there are arsonists with petrol bombs destroying the neighborhood what the bands of hooligans go out at night with petrol bombs holy [ __ ] for hundreds of years this poor town in it’s so we just said je for f like the hobby hundreds of

    Years bombs want to go for a ride look at how that like look at how [ __ ] it is this is like the worst area I think Toronto’s worst area still looks nicer than this oh of course it does you know what I mean Northeast that’s water yeah buddy didn’t realize that was

    The filthy water I thought that was like a plane this is a fishing Town thought that’s where planes landed as yeah that was like concrete it’s [ __ ] just dirty water Lincolnshire on the river humba Esty punched well above its weight its fishing industry became known around they eat the fish from that they

    Eat the fish from that body bro that three eyes [ __ ] two arms you know on the world 28 5 90 90 280 a kilo these are the only people in the city who work by the way 12 people that work are pictured in this image the rest of the people in the

    City have no jobs so is this I’m glad you’ve brought up the fish and ships we’re going to have a great segment on the fish and ship place that they all eat at really there’s only one fish and chip restaurant in the whole city so it’s like the feeds everyone yeah it’s

    The richest man in town 90 90 280 a kilo and at one point the town became the largest and busiest fishing port on Earth but after the industry started falling NE look at it says what went wrong what went wrong Governor like imagine that’s soing Kino for be roll

    Just the shot of like theing electric box but he so what went wrong Cog moved there it was the B it was the biggest fishing industry in the world what happened and guys like Boll what give him a raise give him ra shot in when he said but what

    Happened was CG’s lineage moved there and then CG’s grandfather poisoned The River by mistake and now all the children are being molested by he just kept dumping his [ __ ] chamber pot of [ __ ] into the river and then it became polluted and the fish all died sad give

    Me welfare money and with the fish gone the town changed with job losses yo you could literally look at this man you could literally you this is this like this every frame’s like a painting man the AFC Express Chicken pizzas kebabs and Baggers this looks like AI I know if

    You wrote like poor neighborhood is what went wrong you know you could take this this documentary combine it with cogs like life yeah part in the pun and it would work as one solid documentary I know he could be a subject of the documentary and a lack of infrastructure

    Wa keep out look at this man the shattered Windows today average annual household incomes in the town’s East Marsh are the lowest of anywhere in England and Wales making it the poorest part of the country these flags represent our country in chaps it’s so ke give me

    Fles that in TS represent our country which is in tats that’s this is great [ __ ] Jokes R Applause for Ashton for finding this documentary we’re trying to bring some variety to the show this is what we need and my God this really does explain everything I know it really does now

    When you’re like why is cog so po like oh yeah you couple this with cogs villain origin story from a couple episodes ago and everything about it makes sense the mystery is solved good job Scooby gang this is real britania okay can we just bring up the

    Guy was in like a white Fedora this what the why is he in a white Fedora he’s like I understand he’s like in a processing plant and they wear those like jumpsuits or whatever but he’s got a fullon white Fedora in the [ __ ] like to match the plants I don’t

    Get it man this is a poor man’s alther yeah that’s what I was thinking too it’s like this is what you expected England to be this is what it really is waa that’s keino North FC oh man it’s a weekday morning on R be oh my God just look at

    The poverty bro this is insane look at those backyards man what is this backyard there’s tires there’s Just Tires stacked up like [ __ ] ripped up tires junkyard like a green like suff anglos look at the two [ __ ] trampolines look at just this trash next

    To the shed do you see look at it it’s like plastic bottles and various rubbish look at there’s like a bunch of like pipes there’s just like a stash of pipes this wait there’s tires in between it’s like why are there so many tires is that

    So people can’t like jump over the fence and get stuck they get trapped in the tires I don’t know if that’s effective deter is East Marsh estate where residents are beginning their day in the poorest part of the nation is that Cog himself did they do like an ill rtion of jobless

    J holy look at how depressing it is course that’s not to say everyone here is living on the poverty line but the data is striking the average annual income for an entire household here sits at just 22,000 a year oh no let’s see the UK average

    That’s over 10 grand less than the UK national average and almost a staggering £86,000 below London’s affluent clap area wait what there’s like an area where everyone makes 100 Grand everyone makes 100 Grand more which has the highest in the country at just above £108,000 Cog it’s in East Marsh where we meet

    Natalie who lives in the center of the estate with her partner and four children she receives around £22,000 a month in benefit but as what a waste by the way mind you she receives £2,000 a mon month in benefits which means she’s richer than the average person there 2,000 * 12 24,000 working

    Yeah so the average person isn’t even on benefits they like wow 10,000 W benefits she begins her shopping with Christmas on the way she’s struggling to make ends meet I get by the way someone’s like a 22 of British pounds it’s like 30k American about 28 27 the

    Thing is though when we went there there’s there’s no like oh oh it’s 50% less it’s less no like it’s as much as American but it’s it’s more so it’s you’re you’re well especially this time year she’s a Grims V10 I don’t even know if she’s a Grims

    P10 get tight on my budget that’s a Hamilton one yeah that’s bad bills and I my big shot I love how they spell mom with a u yeah M I get a little bit obviously my Christmas presents and my son’s birthday present birthday stuff at moment one of

    These where loads and loads of money like where you can just spend it every day this guy looks so concerned he’s like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] and just going do big shoppings I get by the way who’s like uh hey want going to interview you about being poor

    Now the basic benefit cuz she she has four children on 2,000 a month oh the basic benefit for a single person which is what Cog is on is £1,000 a month that’s what Cog makes plus about a 100 bucks in super chats a month quite a few benefits at moment cuz

    I’m class just one of the bo Caris cuz one of them to same disabled like you can’t even understand the words that she is speaking it is no longer English this is sad I start to get my Christmas presents and I done my shopping online which is a lot cheaper any shops

    I alone up and down the country the cost of living has hit homes and families hard with the price of energy Rising by up to 60% in the last 2 years it’s just like those Rises i f acutely here are we free Yo waa no you’re not you live in

    The UK it’s even worse than here bro I’m about that’s the camera people they’re just spraying it real quick yeah they’re just like okay what do we need for b-roll single mom Cheryl lives in a property that’s covered in black mold and infested with I’m I wasn’t even kidding man these are cogs

    People in a counil not infested with black Mo wow it’s mice but turning up the heat means less money for her and the kids it is very difficult I’ve got like I said four kids and then I’m trying to keep on top of mold single M I’m trying to keep

    On top of the molden mice maybe if you had kept the council flat clean there wouldn’t be fuing mold in the first place but Ash she’s like oh on top of my kids I got the mice to take what the for kids black mold mice and condensation Windows cuz I’ve

    Got that’s the least of your worries you know what I mean like she well it’s the mold it creates the mold it’s true that one and my bathroom window is the same as well so it it is difficult I’ve got my heating on all day every day because obviously with the condensation

    Escaping so my house is than what it should be so I’m paying more on my gas and electric than I should be per week you mean the government’s paying more on the gas and electric cuz I’m going to assume this [ __ ] doesn’t work she’s in government housing complaining about the

    Quality of it she’s let it all go to [ __ ] H holy warm to keep my kids warm it is it is very tight yeah I mean I make sure my kids always got what they need but yeah he definitely bicycle feels awful you know I’ve got the kids coming

    Up to me you know we need to sort the mold out oh my God just remember this is where your taxes go yeah oh my God the filth of it all wipe it down to be fair though cogs house was worse cogs was worse by a lot cogs was worse a lot this

    Chick mogs Cog she mogs Cog a mold out in the room again and mmy are we’ve just seen a mouse run across the floor mmy you know mmy there Mo around it’s not pleasant why did you breed him if you couldn’t feed him you know why did you

    Bring those kids into the world When You’re a worthless bum what a bleach you know why she brought them into the world for benefit money give me welfare money that’s why it’s why Cog exists too what what is this what the is mats what the like Matts just sitting

    Out in the [ __ ] roadside what the nothing new for Grimsby and especially the East Marsh whoa Ash grud Dan gamer it’s very tight as she spends $80 on a shitty Nike sweater what the has happened here everything’s boarded up boarded up door windows is the most deprived across the

    Whole of Northeast Lincolnshire and nearly every it’s like the world were like Baltimore is worse this is this is street is in the top 1% of De it’s called Grime street it’s you can’t I I’m telling you man you can’t even make this up call can’t even make it up

    Road Scag drive you know what I mean it’s called low life Boulevard Grime street across the country hey what’s up bro we’re watching cogs hometowns Doc it’s become associated yeah the only words would be if it’s had grou status with higher levels of crime antisocial behavior and homelessness

    Something visible all over Grimsby I I want somewhere to live I want somewhere to go okay I’m going to cry like what do we it’s pretty sad man when cogs like destroy cogs mogging these guys smogging this guy but the thing is right the government will just give you a place to

    Live this guy is on heroin he’s on drugs he’s choosing to live on the street yeah yeah it’s called Grimsby it’s a real Grim place I want to work but I’m just finding it hard how long have you been living on the streets for all now and whatsa I in

    Hell all right now look at this man it’s such a hell that they’ve even put bars on the benches so homeless people can’t sleep on them that’s dark that that that [ __ ] is evil that’s just about it really residents here I feel bad these guys are aware of the problems and sometimes help

    From within the community can come from the unlikeliest of sources Thomas with the lowest incomes in the country it’s Matthew it’s Matthew’s chippy wait now guess guys guess how much a fishing chips cost at Matthew’s chippy I don’t know uh Matthew’s chippy Matthew I like

    How by I like how he’s like there’s only one man who can save this town the guy who runs the fishing ship place like you were expecting like this charitable organization getting people or like some like rich guy somebody guesses $101 13 11 lb 2768 five five Matthews champy only one man can

    Save this town perhaps no surprise that the nation’s cheapest chippy is right here in East Marsh better be a portion of fish and chips with a side of peas will set you back only £3 £3 let’s go felted ET three PB down G was what the what kind of fish is that that’s

    3B and you get peas with it I you had an like kind of an accent fishing chips with the peas on the side three quid waa bargain is there tax no tax wa UK fishing that would be $26 in Canada not no doubt it would be it would

    Be chip prices have soared in recent years with the classic takeaway Now setting customers back £9 on average but at Matthews chippy on East Marsh’s Stanley Street owner Stan Matthews explains how he keeps his prices at Rock Bottom we robed the fish place at night are we

    Steal down on the dock we buy our own fish uh we smoke we’ve got our own Smoke House um so it all comes in line where we can get that product bit cheaper saying that he’s selling math under yeah no he’s selling drugs in it’s a front

    This is a money laundering oh it’s me money laundering operation it it totally is it totally it is G all we used to be 250 it used to be £50 what gas has gone up Electric’s gone up and the like every all the raw

    Materials are gone up so we have to R it by this guy selling still getting a good meal for £3 with prices like this and with a read the pin message o Matthew could we get fishing chippy extra crispy in it in it Go community in

    Need imagine buying a lunch out for $3 and B’s economy he serves plenty of pter every day who queue outside the door door even before before it opens some eat every night of the week well yeah they literally live off this they go three times a day of it’s a charity drug front

    Subsidized by the organized crime in the community and the product is well received including by me well I’m glad you’re POS ass that’s a steal isn’t it it’s it’s great for Al pensioners every every penny counts I feel so bad for these people man three quid you can’t

    Knock it can you I come here oh every every time for a fishing ships the portion you get is brilliant dude there’s so many go back go back fishing ships did you see there so many fake notes going above we will no longer accept your money if the colors don’t

    Show or move if your name is if if your is like what is it it say du to fake nodes going above we will now now not accept your money if both your colors no if but it’s both your colors don’t show on our move our machine our machine or

    If your rare is faded color do not show on our machine if you’re notic or if your Note is faded yet it’s brilliant absolutely amazing it’s quality good meal you can’t be buy a burger for £3 you can’t even get a bur the tree quick you know one of these tiles right

    Here Ash when the camera’s gone you could slide it open and there’s the heroin or C we we earn enough just to pay like morage um the gas electric sure yeah he makes just enough enough just enough to pay the mortgage in the electric he runs

    This as a charity out of the goodness of his body he’s such a scam this is such a slime operation buddy budy come on it what we’re feeding people that’s yeah only R the charity only just enough really that’s the way I look at it people are coming in and getting more

    Meal yet cheap wait by the way look at this guy wa on there’s not a lot of money in it we we in Ash this guy just makes just enough pretty fat for just enough you know like come on just to pay yet cheap takeaways alone aren’t going

    To solve the issues facing grimby no no [ __ ] I love how the bright side of the whole city is just this fish and chip shop oh well they’re getting lots of help in this community they have fish and chips for three quid I got that hang on that’s funny yo

    Read that Ash read that it’s poundland you’re going to go down to poundland down to pound town or yeah the cost of living crisis has exacerbated things the challenges for the town are deep rooted are the needs here yeah greater than anywhere else in the country when it comes to Citizen

    Advice they robber literally like trailer park there’s a robbery happening there’s just like unintelligible bong land noises occurring yeah he saying the Ed word like straight up I think that’s spice isn’t it yeah got to be yeah that’s what spice he’s on synthetic marijuana oh I know that’s

    What spice is like but uh citizen advice for Northeast Lincolnshire and says more people are using his service than ever before the last three years we’ve seen something like a 300% increase in emergency uh charitable support such as food bank cap Fuel and energy VES people needing help

    With homelessness so around about 300% in a year Jesus Christ I thought they were poor last year too 300% is is is is a massive figure but no [ __ ] and it’s really worrying we’ve seeing an even bigger percentage increase for personal Independence payment and and and around about a 200%

    Increasing council tax areas and worrying about another 220% on on energy debts what is it that driv places like East Marsh West Marsh to be so poor compared what drives them to be so poor Alex C goes at least they’re not flooded with immigrants cuz the immigrants are sent to the nice

    Places have you noticed there hasn’t been one single brown person in this community what I mean other parts of the country I think we’re looking at a number of factors we’re looking at but people have uh uh are in part-time employment people in long-term uh unemployment people with high high

    Percentage like the B- roll is just a woman smoking a Siggy on a bench look at this oh man look at that McDonald’s this is grim oh my God how did I not put a two and two rather be poor or live around imant B know holy I live in Grim it’s a

    D there on uh what is it called filth Avenue what was it called Grim stre grim street grim street to get to find work with a doine work then they’re limited by the number of hours that they work uh people fed Boulevard it’s so struggling with we

    Might only go a couple more minutes on this it’s actually kind of depressing I’m actually sad this is cogs life you ever see observant report where they they’re like uh they’re going to fire Ronnie yeah for him failing the the mental exam so all the police hide in

    The closet as he’s being fired but then he starts crying and it’s sad and then the guy opens the door and he goes you know I kind of hit here cuz I thought it was going to be funny but I’m actually kind of sad right now yeah what I’m just

    I’m just going to go so uh I thought this was going to be kind of funny but it’s actually kind of sad so I’ll catch you later Harrison that’s what just happened to us we just meet to move on yeah yeah all right wow very funny uh for the first

    Few minutes and then a sad dash of reality holy what a show so far guys all right Andy here you go buddy I got you I got you a present Bud there you go there your present thank you can you open yours first all right let’s see what I

    Got wa it’s a whole box of Tim bits wo look everybody it’s a whole box of T yeah I j what the ah Jesus Christ where’s he up I can’t this actually gross it’s CL faster that was a lot of bubbles a But


    1. I'm never gonna get over how Cog managed to take that huge W he had with the Ralph Portugal stuff and turn it into a such a L, I suppose when you go on your show and cry about how embarassing white tr**h wife goes round and c**ks you that's a pretty effective way to go about ruining your reputation.

    2. I know this is mostly jokes but the black mold is not the tenant’s fault it’s the way the housing was built it’s poor quality and not properly maintained by the housing associations which are now mostly privatised

    3. I actually looked it up. Toques and beanies arent the same this is a hilarious canada cope like josh moon and cheese in america. A toque is a high class piece of headgear that canadians WRONGLY say is the same. Beanies have been around since the iron age lmfao. A toque is french bs

    4. yes PPP and warski flex them north American mooscales(muscles coz i got to pronounce it in the most obnoxious way possible) on them across the pond living in the old world

    5. Dude you're overweight and always naked and sound like iago and always doing a british accent, treat your friend better than giving him bubbles for christmas

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