Today we visit fenton in stoke on trent after receiving a tip off from a subscriber.

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    Hello guys and welcome back to the Joe Vlogs Channel today we are in Fenton just off of King Street ER now one of my subscribers told me about this area and to get down and have a look at this sort of Alleyways and the Fly tapping uh going on and uh so we’ve

    Turned up to have a look at that and straight away we see um I don’t know what this is should we have a look in Christmas decorations all sort of stuff uh yeah just dumped here in the alleyway people’s stuff that they getting rid of after the

    Christmas a very old sort of looking Alleyway if you look at that uh see all bits of stuff out of people’s Gardens and things like that General waste uh things like wrappers and stuff like that um compared to some of the Alleyways that have been up it’s not

    Actually too bad although it does look kind of gross as we look down there um some of the Alleyways we’ve done have been like a million times sort of worse than this uh I would say fenon is it’s a you can tell that the houses were built for the for the

    Potters you can it’s a very um terrist house based area which is um a known thing in STO cont Trant lots of terrist houses that The Potters used to um use all this why just don’t pull your crap out of there you know what I mean oh my

    God look at that look at this bloody horrible ain’t it guys bloody horrible see all litter down there and more down here just general litter bit people have dropped you know clearly they had something new for Christmas there so they thought they’d just dump the box

    Outside I don’t know what it is guys I mean I if I’ve got too much rubbish I tend to take mine today put it in the car black bags whatever take it to the uh take it to the tip but clearly these people don’t um look at that what the hell’s going on

    There get that how could you just dump your stuff outside and be okay with of that I don’t know I think if I did it I’d feel guilty and then we just go to the end of this Aly way here it’s nice seeing the old cobbles you know bit

    History look at this the hell’s going on here just dump your your crap out here someone’s had a a bike for Christmas aren’t they new stuff and they just tend to just dump it out here gross we got some old rundown um garages here that one’s all boarded up crazy ain’t it

    Crazy so I’ve come up on a beffer bin um I’m assuming this is sort of oh the top in are open it’s locked but uh I’m assuming this is for public use if it’s just left there so why have all them people left all that crap there now this is what I just

    Spotted look at that look at that pisss have had a good good uh had a good night on the strong bow there aren’t they got some bloody gloves some surgical gloves and stuff there’s a little little drug bag there wouldn’t hold weed in that wouldn’t that’s uh crack or something that’s in there

    Um so crazy ain’t it crazy loads of alcohol bottles down here and then we see it leads on to not a really bad Alleyway to be fair oh my God is that an actual bottle of piss I think that’s an actual bottle of piss so guys we’re on the other side of

    King Street now uh just on Bishop’s Street um and we’re going to head up here now this is just a general um back sort of Alleyway like we’ve been going down look at that oh my Lord how could the council let this get like

    This oh my Lord I’m not going to be able to get all the way up guys I don’t think and but oh my Lord bits of cars here um that there looks like it’s a car bumpy can me tell what core it’s off don’t think we can well that’s Ivory

    That looks to me like it’s a so I’m watching where I’m stepping and oh my Lord this is absolutely terrible it’s like being in bit like a jungle oh my Lord look at this got fires down here uh this is absolutely just look at back that’s what I’ve just had to tread

    Through this is bad and I mean bad and I don’t think I’ve got to the worst of it yet yeah look at some point the kids used to play basketball outside here look at it now this is a mix of everything household waste fly tipping landlords literally a mix of everything oh my

    God oh my God sorry guys I’m just a little bit baffled I’ve got to really be careful when I’m stepping going to try and get all the way down this Alleyway here uh oh my God even the bin how the hell we going to put that bin out now it’s

    Crazy oh my God and these people to be fair the housies look quite nice but these people are happy just you can’t they can’t even get out back Gates it’s terrible look at this here oh my God it’s been melted it’s been melted oh my God and then they’ve had a

    Big fire there oh my Lord oh my Lord look at that look at that house there oh my God oh my God got an old twin tub washing machine here an old U old fridge old bike tires any of them any good any of them are any good I’ll

    Have one Continental no they’ve not got much dread on them and we’ve got what looks to me like that there is a carbon filter for when you grow cannabis so you’ve got a big carbon filter just there all looks like Light Equipment here so at some point one of these houses has

    Had some form of Cann ofis grow on you guys you’ve got to get your you’ve got to get your weed somehow aren’t you uh but let’s go down here he for all these cars cuz we’ve seen some car parts so I’m assuming there’s a car place

    Somewhere which is what we found here so I will probably say I reckon a lot of that fly tipping down there is from this place here so we’re going to go around and have a look at the front of it I’ll tell you what I won won’t park my

    Car in a place like this so let’s go and see what that car place is and so we’ve got Alpha mots exhaust batteries and diagnosis so I reckon a lot of that fly tipping has come from this place here uh well we’ve also got some other places around here too and we’ve got

    That’s Al for tires and then we’re going to head just down here too and just see if there’s any more car places knocking around which I think there is uh just around here we see genuine Ford Ford parts Ford spares uh and we can see there’s a lot of rubbish around here too

    So you know I reckon the alleyway backs on just behind this building here so I reckon a lot of that rubbish has come from this place here so we will report that to the council and hopefully they can have a word with the business maybe search

    Through them things see if they can find some it that is uh that ties it to this place and then obviously do what they need to do to get it cleaned up uh so yeah that’s that there anyway um don’t think it’s got anything to do with any other place around here

    But for me that’s what it is uh so yeah so we’re moving back into the Alleyways again now guys and we can see more um while fly tipping more fly tipping discusting B there more fly tipping more dirty um Alleyways what I haven’t noticed so far guys and that is dog anyway

    And it kills me people can dump the rubbish outside but when they walk the dog they’ll pick up the dog thinking that they’re doing their Duty uh makes no sense to me yeah we pop out here and we can just see oh so we’ve got a sort of a sign

    Here no tipping Environmental Protection at 1990 abandonment of waste on land is a criminal offense in carriers in carries an unlimited fine and conviction and or imprisonment while I can now tell you that Stoke on Trent are taking action against fly tipping and are taking action against BS

    Things like that which yeah I’m I’m I’m glad that they doing Summit however the mess that’s there they are not cleaning up so they literally are just saying right if you drop anymore we’re going to find you but what about the mess that’s already here what about all this mess that’s

    Around now it should be cleaned up how much of it have I videoed it should be getting cleaned up but the council aren’t cleaning it up and that’s what we want to achieve the council clean it up so anyway guys I’m going to this video here uh if you have liked what you

    Have seen um just before we go I can just poke in here and see more fly tipping evidence there um but anyway guys I hope you’ve enjoyed the video please like And subscribe and become a member because on the members section there is about 100 videos that uh you will not have seen

    You can only see if you’re a member can only watch if you’re a m uh member membership is $1. 199 a month if you want to join if you don’t that’s fair enough uh but there’s always extra content in that uh section there um now if you look at where you

    Give us the thumbs up you give us the like uh you will see a little heart-shaped symbol with a pound sign in if you want to donate to the channel to keep it going via a super sticky you can do if you feel like you want to you

    Don’t have to but I thought I’d just mention it in there it all goes into helping more content uh we see a lot of fires going on here anyway it looks like it’s a fire PL people I would say in the summer they probably come out and sit

    Here and have a little fire on the go sit in the chairs have a drink whatever you know that seems to be the place for it but anyway guys from fenon and from me hope you’ve enjoyed watching the video and I will see you on the next One


    1. What if the fire engine needed to get down the back Ali to rescue a person in a house fire and they couldn’t because of the rubbish and the illegally parked cars. Joke 😮look at the floods we’ve got because the council can’t clean a grid out to keep it flowing 👀

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