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    Have you ever wondered why Joe Biden is supporting Ukraine so much why is he sending hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine when millions of Americans are struggling financially when Joe was the vice president he was tasked to protect U.S interest in Ukraine after the 2014 Maiden the U.S installed a

    Pro-american government so the oligarch nikolai’s lochevski hired Hunter Biden the son of Joe Biden to the board of directors of his gas company barisma and paid him millions of dollars to prevent any investigations into his business dealings by the new pro-american government which is a bribe we don’t

    Know what kind of evidence Ukraine has against Biden but we definitely know that he and his family have been involved in many corruptional scandals which might be one of the reasons why he is so eager to support Ukraine


    1. This is the absolute most moronic video I have seen in a minute. AMERICA is supporting Ukraine because we are the foundation of the world and cannot simply let Russia invade and conquer a sovereign nation. This video is so misleading. The support for Ukraine has nothing to do with Joe Biden but has a lot to do with the interest of the West. We cannot let Russia just invade nations and massacre their civilians (Bucha, etc.). And what kind of country would we be to keep abandoning our allies? Ukraine was there in Iraq and Afghanistan. We MUST support Ukraine.

    2. Oh where Oh where have the Eisenhower POTUS types gone ? Study of history tells me the corporations have won the presidency already here in 2023 . Vanderbilt Carnegie, J.P. Morgan and Rockefeller were trying to control who gets into the white house even then. I mean, its not all that bad whoring your country out, as long as were getting things that make our life "happy-er". Telling from our political differences you'd think we all hate each other. Dems and Rep's have both run or country into the ground and wasted all the damn money. So much were in debt 33.683 trillion and counting $100K every 5 seconds more.

    3. Similar Biden got bribe from Israel as well . So that he supporting Israel 100s of 1000s of home less in America , morr factories moved to Mexico for cheap labour …….Karma will give back with Interest to the USA. Japan, Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan , Libya Sudan now Palestine ….. ALL THEIR interest only Racial Discrimination. Jewish ok for any number of offences Muslim not ok , even they do self defence.

    4. he is supporting bec. fighting for freedom, for your family, nation needs support .. Thank you biden for suporting freedom and democracy and thank you for standing up for bullies

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