A jackal howls! A beautiful and powerful cry a few metres from the tent. We are startled. A shiver runs through me. The pack, a few kilometres away, responds in unison. We are alert, but above all amazed by this incredible encounter, by the power of this call. Its magic bewitches us. We are in a protected reserve, alone with the animals. Yet we had to struggle to reach this place.

    Nayla and Fibie leave by bike to attend school in the village of Kovačica! What an experience to witness school in Serbia! Fibie joins the kindergarten classes with Iskra. Nayla participates in the bigger classes with Sofia. Dragan and Biljana welcomed us here with their three daughters Teodora, Sofia and Iskra. More than hospitality, we are now part of the family. A strong bond unites us through our activities and passions, but above all a deep connection.



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