Bicycling through North Macedonia to see the landscapes, learn the culture, food and
    costs of travel.
    Where you can find things to do in and things to see in North Macedonia

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    1. It's only Macedonia. The renaming of Macedonia under the Prespa Treaty is illegal and undemocratic, imposed by the West in violation of international law and against the will of the Macedonian people. The EU and NATO are executing cultural genocide against Macedonians to satisfy their imperialism, and Greece still denies the existence of Macedonians anywhere in the world.

    2. 4:00 part =Oldest neighbourhood ,place still in Skopje Madzir or Muhajir neighborhood is a Skopje settlement located on the right side of the river Vardar . Its name comes from the Muslim settlers in Macedonia who were called Muhajiri or Madziri . The right side of the river Vardar began to settle in 1873 – 1874 . when the Thessaloniki – Mitrovica railway line was built . In addition to the settlers who lived on the newly formed Bosniak Street or Bosniak Houses, in Madzir Maalo there were also natives, among whom were the old prominent Skopje families Kalajdziev, Dimitrijevic, Galic and Bajram.

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