Having struggled on day one, as we took an easier day to help recover, but not waste any chance of exploring more of this beautiful country. We decided to head up the Oberalppass, an easier stunning climb straight out of Andermatt. I wasn’t expecting to be at max heart rate 2 minutes into the climb and managing my effort in the altitude on my way to another 2000m summit.

    Created with Wondershare Filmora

    My Strava for those wanting to see the routes we ride is

    The Official Climbs Website for all the climbs I am collecting -https://www.100climbs.co.uk/

    My equipment for list for filming :
    iPhone 13 Pro(4K enabled)
    Bitplay iPhone camera case
    Front camera is IPhone 4K
    Shure MV88 microphone
    Tascam DR10 Lavalier Microphone
    GoPro Hero 9
    Insta360 One R

    My Instagram is:

    Personal Instagram is CyclingDarren37

    Follow me on Twitter @dazza3740

    Follow me on Zwift Darren Phillips (YT)

    If you want to join any of our rides, send me a message

    If you have any questions, I will be in the YouTube comments replying

    Contact us on darren.phillipsyt@gmail.com

    Affiliate links
    Insta360 Camera’s


    All right so i’m back i’m still standing after yesterday i was very ill last night um steve and pete managed to go out for a ride this morning they went down the cottage straza um have a nice up and down there but we’re gonna go for an up

    And down or the overall pass just out of under mat just a nice little leg spin after yesterday’s brutal uh triple ascents above 2000 meters we were all feeling a bit this morning several of us not keen have a nice restful relaxing morning and the sun’s still out it does look a

    Bit breezy out there still as you can see we’re uh slobs just just lounging around um going down to the dungeon get the bikes out and go and experience a bit more of this beautiful country because we’re still loving switzerland even if it’s not loving our bodies oh

    Me just dragging your feet then you all look keen orange is the color is it today Things have never been the same since you packed your bags That was a rude awakening no time for a warm-up straight up to 1500 meters and it just spirals up this hillside you brought pass Between walls we both know oh so well now’s the time he stops pretending i’m smiling what is happening It’s only six to seven percent my heart rate is already maxing out this elevation thing how long does it take to acclimatize to this i know i’m gonna be last up so i’m just setting my own pace now 10k apparently i’m on holiday what if i would tell you that

    Things don’t happen once they always come back what if i could throw us back all right the climb is now flattened out to about five to six percent we’re going through this valley now it can’t be that far from the stomachs i’m at 1948 meters of elevation

    And i’ve done seven point seven k dean said it was 10k so a couple of k to go can’t be that far over 2000 meters surely not again my heart rate is at max at this elevation so i can only go as fast as i can go without running out of breath

    This altitude it’s not something you can train for do all the climbing i did thinking i’ll be ready for this gonna have to change my plans for everything i want to achieve this week suddenly it’s clear to me you’re all i ever wanted can’t you see that you follow What a beautiful climb justin that was lovely with a train there that tunnel to finish that was pretty epic and it flattened at the top yeah i enjoyed that win first my first win your first win well done you you’re down come back up and come back for punishment

    Third climb of the day you’ve already done the gutter straws this morning you’re still still feeling fresh did we not punish you enough yesterday i don’t know you cope with these out to the altitude i i can barely breathe i’m max heart rate all the way really yeah no i’m feeling okay

    Good for you i am not jealous whatsoever oh thought i was ordering girls hello that’s not apple strudel no it isn’t is it it looks good though that’s donuts yeah apple donuts and i’ve got the old ice cream is it any good though uh First Down All right so we’re back down in andaman i’m just gonna pedal around the town wait for the others you are still up there somewhere on the mountain All right that’s where we’ve just been up there the uber out path zoom in there’s all the switchbacks all the way up and over for the valley that’s a great claim though where would you rank that on the uh four claims we’ve done so far

    Seven out of ten seven out of ten yeah really nice quite quite flat yeah focused on my favorite that that was pretty good climb it wasn’t too hard actually it was over before i thought it was going to be yeah but it takes me longer to get up there so i

    Reckon i enjoy them more because i take one more time to savor the views it’s just a short little ride for me today trying to recover from yesterday i’m gonna go out get some shopping get myself some tea sorted have a proper meal tonight cause i didn’t really eat last night

    And then we’ll think about what we’re doing tomorrow uh pete’s just said he still wants to do the big loop i don’t know yet two thousand meters of altitude it’s just yeah i mean even down here at uh 1400 meters it’s uh literally the first slope that we hit

    Was a bit of a shock to the system as soon as my heart rate gets to the max out i can only go as fast as i can go with breathing it’s an odd feeling it really is not feeling not being able to do what you know you can do

    But anyway that’s day two we’ll see you tomorrow for more high mountains I’m away [Applause]


    1. Some of us ride for the sense of achievement we feel at the end of a tough day, some for the enjoyment of the ride itself and some for both of those aims. I can’t help feeling that if we’re not enjoying the ride itself then we might be making the wrong choices. As I climb up White Sheet Hill out of Beaminster if I have to stop more than once for a rest I do, if I have to drop down onto the granny ring I do. I have conquered that hill before non stop all the way up, I don’t have to prove it again, I enjoy every moment of a fine day that I’m out on my bike. ‘Love all your videos Darren, I don’t know where you find the energy to take video and climb all those switchbacks.

    2. Can you imagine living with those views all the time! So gorgeous. Well done Darren, just think about how flat your local roads will feel when back home. 👍

    3. Well done Darren. I’m an asthma sufferer and know what it’s like when breathing/heart rate are maxed out and crawling in comparison to speed you know you can ride at, I’d really struggle at that altitude so well done again mate, the roads / views are stunning

    4. It’s a toss up what I watch first thing in the morning here in N.Z when I’m having my breakfast, Darren and the boys or the Tour de France! You guys are winning so keep them coming! And just remember the hills can crack anyone as the yellow jersey of the Tour found out today!! Catch you tomorrow at breakfast 😃👍

    5. Great effort lads, Keep it going but don’t break yourselves, Darren, try a ride without all the kit and enjoy it, air must be scarce enough as it is without carting round BBC Television Center!!

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