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    When a pedestrian is hit at 30 km/h his chances of survival are 90%. when hit at 70 km/h its chances of survival are 0.5% answer a 10% answer B 30% answer C 50% answer D to follow the direction of Lyon I must place myself in the left lane yes answer a no answer

    B it’s 11 a.m. I can enter this street if I don’t exceed 10 km/h yes answer a no answer B pictograms related to driving appear on all medicine boxes yes answer a no answer B I can drive if I take a level 3 medication yes answer C no answer D

    The passage indicated by this sign is reserved for pedestrians only answer a perhaps used by cyclists answer B perhaps used by moped riders answer C for avoid consuming too much fuel I adopt a smooth and regular driving style answer a I copy my speed from the vehicle in front of me

    Answer B I reduce my speed if possible yes answer C no answer D the signs prohibit me from continuing straight on answer a to exceed the speed of 70 km/h answer B to stop on the right answer C the road sign tells me that I can park answer a to stop

    To unload a package answer B to drop off a passenger answer C we are April 2, 2016 the technical inspection of my vehicle must be redone yes answer a no answer B in a vehicle with an automatic transmission the clutch is operated by the left foot answer a the

    Right foot answer B the brake is activated by the left foot answer C on right foot answer D I have just passed this scooter I fall back along the sidewalk yes answer A no answer B I stop answer a I pass answer B

    The white vehicle can pass before the riders yes answer a no answer B on a box automatic the neutral point is designated by the letter P answer ar answer B n answer CD answer D I can go to Firmini yes answer a no answer B

    I want to go left at this intersection I must slow down answer a maintain my pace has passed answer B to mount a vehicle in the event of a wheel change I must use a pad answer a a jack answer B a pressure gauge answer C

    When stationary the visual field is 100° answer a 180° answer B at 130 km/h the visual field is 2 30° answer C 90° answer D the driving license can be limited in time yes answer a no answer B it can be limited to daytime driving yes answer C no answer D

    In this situation I honk yes answer a no answer B and I pass answer C I stop answer D on the medicine boxes I can find a green pictogram answer a yellow answer B orange answer C red answer D

    So that a friend can check the operation of my brake lights I SRE the handbrake yes answer a no answer B I press the [ __ ] brake yes answer C no answer D I have just done 340 km since my last fill-up yes answer a no answer B

    I can drive on the places of empty parking lot yes answer a no answer B I keep my pace yes answer C no answer D near this pedestrian who is crossing I honk and pass answer a I stop answer B

    I go straight down this street I can drive at 30 kmh answer a 50 km/h answer BB I can meet motorists in the other direction of traffic answer C cyclists answer D at the intersection I have to stop yes answer a no answer B

    It is perhaps possible to overtake this slow vehicle to turn right yes answer a no answer B at this intersection without any signage it is the courtesy rule that applies yes answer a no answer B to go to clairm I could take the highway yes answer a no answer B

    During a check by the police I do not have my license to drive on me I lose a point on my license answer a I have a first class fine answer B I have a deadline of 5 days to present it answer C

    I have had my license for 5 years I lose a point with no news infractions on my part I will recover them after 6 months answer B if I commit a new infraction I will recover my points after 1 year yes answer C no answer D

    To go to Saint-Étienne I will leave the highway yes answer a no answer B I have been stopped for 2 minutes I stop the engine yes answer a no answer B I arrive at the scene of an accident I switch off the ignition of the vehicles involved yes answer a no answer B

    Certain illnesses are incompatible with driving I have to take a medical examination in case 2 diabetes answer a epilepsy answer B high blood pressure answer C allergy answer D the engine runs yes answer a no answer B I must put gas immediately yes answer C no answer D

    A vehicle must be equipped with at least one mirror answer a two mirrors answer B three mirrors answer C the SP makes it possible to amplify the force of the braking answer a to prevent any departure from the road answer B to improve the trajectory answer C d ‘avoid locking the wheels answer

    D by traveling on this road I can follow the island of Abo by motorway yes answer a no answer B take the island of Abo by road yes answer C no answer D a pedestrian hit by 70 km/h has practically no chance of surviving it is therefore very

    Important to reduce the authorized speed in built-up areas when a vehicle hits a pedestrian at 30 kmh its chances of survival are 90% at 50 km/h they do not are more than 20% to become almost Zero since 0.5% at 70 km/h this is why zones 30 are more frequent in built-up areas answer

    To you are currently traveling on the A47 motorway with two lanes assigned to your direction of traffic and location located on the rightmost lane the horizontal signage is placed here to prohibit people traveling in the leftmost lane from taking the

    Givor center exit as there is no one to overtake you are well placed to continue towards Lyon by motorway response B as the sign indicates this area is a pedestrian area primarily dedicated to pedestrians you may also encounter cyclists and local service vehicles

    At a walking pace you cannot travel there that by respecting the vertical signs concerning you here you must under no circumstances circulate there between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. you must therefore not commit to 11 a.m. answer B all medications have effective effects on the person but these

    Are the so-called psychoactive medications which can harm the driver’s attention and alertness, these are the medications which have pictograms on the packaging; three types of pictograms exist; the level 3 red pictograms indicate incompatibility with driving; the level 2 orange pictogram indicates a medication not recommended and the

    Yellow level 1 pictogram imposes caution answer B and D the vertical signage indicates a compulsory path for pedestrians for their safety pedestrians must take it however cyclists and moped riders are under no circumstances allowed to use it answer a to save fuel you must adopt the most flexible and regular driving

    Possible it is preferable to keep a distance from the vehicle in front of you which will allow you to anticipate the latter’s changes in pace and therefore less summ if you can reduce your speed you will make real savings and take less risk answer

    A and C you are traveling on a two-way road and are going to cross a bridge as a sign tells you this bridge does not must not be crossed by vehicles weighing more than 12 tonnes, this

    Is not the case for a passenger vehicle whose total loaded weight, known as GVW, does not exceed 3.5 tons you can therefore continue your journey however do not travel at more than 70 km/h in accordance with the prohibition indicated by the corresponding sign you can stop

    For a few minutes on the right but should not park as indicated by the prohibition of parking answer B this sign indicates prohibited parking from the sign itself to another sign indicating on a Panon jump an arrow in the opposite direction but it authorizes

    Stopping unlike this sign which indicates stopping and parking you cannot therefore park but stop provided you do not move away from your vehicle to move it quickly if necessary you can therefore without problem unload a package or drop off

    A passenger answer B and C the sticker is placed on the windshield of the vehicle vehicle concerning the technical inspection always has a date here July 2, 2016 this date corresponds to the deadline by which the next teque inspection must be done in this photo we can

    See that being April 2, 2016 we still have time since the technical inspection of the vehicle is still valid for 3 months answer B in a car with an automatic transmission there is no [__] clutch so the left foot is not used as on a traditional vehicle this is the right foot

    Which manages both the [ __ ] accelerator and the [ __ ] brake response D you are traveling on a road with double traffic in a built-up area you have just overtaken a scooter traveling on the cycle lane even if this scooter is poorly positioned you have no reason to

    Turn right onto the cycle lane you also stay in this lane it is reserved for this purpose answer B you are driving on a two-way road you arrive at a crossing narrow to cross it a sign tells you the order of passage to respect the

    White arrow in your direction of traffic shows that the vehicles in front of you must give way to you you can see a vehicle in the distance this one is not from while engaged in the narrow passage you therefore have no reason to stop you pass moderate your

    Pace to avoid taking any risks near these homes answer B currently positioned on a two-way road the White vehicle is stopped on the roadway between two groups of riders who are crossing, even if there is a passage window and the space may appear sufficient to pass between the two groups of riders, there

    Must not be a risk of frightening the horses, the motorist must wait it will pass when all the riders have finished their crossing answer B on an automatic transmission you can find the following indications DC Drive for driving airc reverse for reversing

    N as neutral for neutral and p as park for parking changes from one selector to another are made when stationary by pressing the brake response C the direction of fermini by road is indicated at 400 m on the warning sign on your left

    So it is not too late to position yourself on a lane going in this direction but you must be careful not to waste too much time because the traffic is heavy and 400 m are covered quickly answer a you arrive at an intersection with priority on the right since no

    Signage is materialized as the visibility is not good you must of course slow down to ensure firstly that the vehicles arriving on your left stop and secondly that no user is arriving from the right user to whom you owe the passage

    Answer a when you have to change a wheel following a puncture you will need above all a jack it is this device which you will use to lift your car you can then use a spare wheel pad provisional if you have one then using

    The pressure gauge you can check the pressure of your tires answer B when stationary the visual field is estimated at 180° on the highway at 130 kmh the visual field is reduced to 30°

    The more the speed increases the more the clear vision becomes reduced we speak of a tunnel effect the more the speed increases the more the peripheral vision is blurred and prevents us from properly perceiving the movements of other users the driver must remain extremely vigilant answer B and C any

    Driver or future driver who encounters a health problem must on his own initiative undergo a medical examination depending on his illness his license may be limited in duration with the possible passage of a new periodic medical examination he may also be limited

    To daytime driving for certain visual problems if he does not respect this obligation the driver may be subject to sanctions answer A and C you see that the driver of the gray car has engaged reverse gear and activated his indicator the fact that it is stationary

    In forward motion on a square with groynes preventing it from having correct visibility in this case you must therefore stop and let it maneuver to avoid any risk of collision honking is prohibited here because there is no immediate danger and you are in a built-up area answer B and D the

    Pictograms on the medication boxes are three colors yellow for level 1 requiring a certain amount of caution orange for level 2 recommending against driving and red for level 3 incompatible with driving except dosage adapted there is no green pictogram

    Concerning vigilance for driving on the boxes of medicines answer BC and D it is essential to regularly ensure the proper functioning of your lights whatever they are concerning the flow stops you do not cannot check alone that it works since the principle is

    That it only works when you brake to check that it is working properly you must therefore ask a friend to check while you press the [__] brake it is the only way to control applying the handbrake will not make the stop lights work answer B and

    C you have just started your engine the dashboard lights go out gradually and you can see in its center a light representing a pump gasoline with an arrow going in its direction the value 340 km therefore represents the number of kilometers remaining to

    Travel and not the number of kilometers you have traveled since your last refueling answer B you are driving in a narrow two-way street on on your right there are unused parking spaces on your left a vehicle is parked along the sidewalk in

    The traffic lane you have just seen that a pedestrian had just opened the trunk of this car you no longer see this pedestrian and can worry about his behavior perhaps he will move forward and encroach on your lane to access the driver’s seat of his vehicle he is

    In a potential danger zone you must drive carefully here by keeping to the roadway at right you can of course circulate in the parking spaces since they are not occupied answer A and D even if this pedestrian is not looking at you this one is crossing

    On a pedestrian air like the end sign r you the shows you must therefore stop it is forbidden to honk because there is no immediate danger answer B by going straight you enter a zone 30 in this zone as its name indicates you must not exceed the

    Speed of 30 km/h because it is particularly frequented by vulnerable users the blue sign also indicates a one-way direction for motorists puts a two-way cycle path you can therefore encounter cyclists in contraflow traffic so stay careful and vigilant

    Answer A and D you are going to approach an intersection marked by a stop sign as shown on the sign, this requires you to stop at the height of the white stripe, once stopped you will check on your left then your right that no user is arriving you will be able to use

    The mirror placed so as to facilitate your visibility on the right you will give way to any vehicle then you can then start answer to you are traveling on a one-way road unique with two marked lanes this slow vehicle in front of you is certainly driving at a walking pace but it is

    Traveling in the only lane allowing you to turn right if this is the direction you wish to follow also you must under no circumstances overtake it here you must stay behind him overtaking here would be unsuitable without knowledge of what is happening in front of this vehicle are there

    Pedestrians is the way clear how far is the voice to turn right stay patient in this type of situation answer B in this intersection it is the priority rule on the right which should apply since we have no visible signage however as you can notice the intersection is very congested not only

    By vehicles but also by pedestrians it It goes without saying that the rule of courtesy must apply response to continue in the direction of ClermontFerrand two possibilities are available to you as the vertical signage specifies the green background stipulates that you will follow an

    Important route by the road the blue A89 encar indicates that you can also reach ClermontFerrand by motorway answer a during a road check you must be able to present to the police the various compulsory papers, namely your driving license the registration certificate

    The technical cont sticker if your vehicle is subject to it as well as the insurance certificate in the event of failure to present your license or registration certificate you risk a first class fine you have a period of 5 days to present these documents

    In the absence of what you will have a 4th class fine answer B and C when you lose a point on your license you get it back after 6 months if you have not committed any new

    Offenses on the other hand if you have committed a new offense you will have to wait 2 or 3 years following the offense before recovering your answer points B and D to go to Saint-Étienne

    You will follow laa 47 and will therefore always be on a motorway as the sign announces to you with the red cartridge remember that the green cartridge specifies that this motorway is also a European road this sign indicates motorway directions to follow in 1000 m which

    Will then correspond to a motorway junction answer B you are in a traffic jam and you do not know for how long you will be stopping 2 minutes is already a very long time from 20 seconds it is preferable to turn off the engine this will avoid consuming fuel

    Unnecessarily and increasing ambient pollution the Start and Stop systems installed on certain vehicles also plan to turn off the engine automatically in this type of situation response a when you arrive first on the scene of an accident which has just occurred you

    Must help people involve the first action to do above all else is to protect the scene in order to avoid further accidents put on your high visibility vest day and night then place a warning triangle 30 m upstream of the

    Accident site, this must be visible at 100 m then turn off the engines of the vehicles involved in order to avoid any additional risk you will then have to make an initial diagnosis of the victims’ condition before notifying the emergency services your last action will consist of helping where

    The victims are, that is to say providing assistance to the victims without risk of worsening their condition response to certain illnesses can have very harmful effects on driving diabetes can cause hypoglycemia and discomfort high blood pressure can be the cause of heart attack or stroke epilepsy can cause loss of

    Consciousness other illnesses legally defined by the highway code may also be incompatible with driving to get behind the wheel a medical examination will be necessary in these cases to protect the driver, his passengers and other road users who may cross his

    Path answer AB and C you are in your vehicle and have just started the engine en route as shown by the rev counter which displayed approximately 800 revolutions per minute the lights lit at the start went out only that of the handbrake and the belt remains lit

    Proving that the handbrake is still tightened and that a belt at least is not closed the desessens indicator light is associated with an ideogram representing the level of gasoline in the tank it seems that there is still almost half of the full tank

    So you do not have to add fuel the essence immediately answer A and D driving is of course ensuring good forward visibility but it also means being able to look backwards to analyze the behavior of the users following you and the situation behind you. rear

    Of the vehicle you must have a mirror on your left but you must also have another mirror if possible this must be positioned inside the vehicle but if it cannot be used in in the case of a utility vehicle for example you must then have an exterior mirror on the right answer B

    More and more vehicles are equipped with always innovative security systems thanks to advances in technology the SP electronic stability program is like its name ‘indicates a stabilizer it is a piece of equipment which detects the loss of grip when cornering and improves trajectory control it cannot necessarily prevent leaving the road

    In the event of really too high speed in particular laabs and fu are for their part other systems which help braking by amplifying the braking itself while avoiding locking the wheels and accelerating the deceleration phenomenon response C you

    Are currently traveling on the A432 motorway with lanes assigned to your direction of travel and being located on the right-most lane, placed where you are, you can easily follow the direction of Abo Island via the highway or take the exit announced 800 m away by

    The pre-signposting sign and follow then the island of abo by road answers A and C for my journey it is better to favor short journeys even if there are traffic jams answer a slightly longer but smooth journeys answer B

    I borrowed a trailer of 300 kg to a friend I have the right to hitch this trailer to my vehicle yes answer a no answer B I can leave my friend’s license plate yes answer C no answer D I am going straight and the vehicle in front of me go slowly I

    Stop immediately answer a I slow down and give him time to pass answer B I accelerate and overtake him on the left answer C cars can arrive in front yes answer a no answer B the tire pressure is measured a hot answer a to cold answer B

    On this motorway limited to 110 km/h I should use the announced voice if I am a novice driver answer a if I have a caravan answer B if I cannot drive more than 60 km/h answer C I want to turn left in this situation the vehicle that passes

    First is mine answer A the white car answer B the gray car answer C this vehicle leaving a private road is stopped I slow down answer a I maintain my speed answer B I took the wrong direction I can still take the lane on my left yes answer a no answer B

    This vehicle can travel with this load yes answer a no answer B practicing driving helps reduce pollution answer a save money answer B to increase the risk of an accident answer C to be more rested answer D ABS makes it possible to reduce braking distances on wet roads yes

    Answer a no answer B on dry roads yes answer C no answer D traffic is crowded I walk up to the truck answer a I stop here answer B this flashing yellow light can change color yes and answer a no answer B when it is yellow

    Flashing I pass without giving way yes answer C no answer D I can overtake this bus yes answer a no answer B it can mask a potential danger yes answer C no answer D engaged in this roundabout I must

    Give way to the vehicle coming from the right yes answer a no answer B a driver under the influence of alcohol and involved in a fatal accident risks a prison sentence yes answer a no answer B perhaps ordered to pay compensation to the victims yes answer C no answer D

    To find out the recommended tire pressure for my vehicle I consult the registration certificate answer to the vehicle’s user manual answer B the data written on the door pillar answer C as I approach this market I can continue to travel at 50 km/h yes answer a no answer B in the

    Event of an impact at 50 km/h with a pedestrian there are two risks of being killed 20% answer C 80% answer D I have time to pass yes answer a no answer B at this next intersection I should look left and right in situation

    1 Answer a in situation 2 answer B I could pass without stopping if there is no one in situation 1 answer C in situation 2 answer D the engine is running answer a at least one seat belt is not fastened answer B the

    Handbrake is on answer C I am consuming fuel answer D at this intersection I have priority answer a I have to stop at the stop sign answer B I give way to the right answer C the greatest danger is here in zone A answer AB answer BC answer C

    I have just parked my vehicle with an automatic transmission I move the selector to point d yes answer a no answer B in order general and to help I get off on the side opposite to traffic if possible answer a in all cases answer B no answer C

    When this light comes on I can still drive no answer a yes around 10 km answer B yes around 50 km answer C I want to continue straight I stay on this lane yes answer a no answer B I slow down yes answer C no answer D

    This vehicle is turning around I am now passing answer a I let it finish its maneuver before passing answer B I will all right I stop at the sign answer a of the road markings answer B the barrier opens I can pass immediately yes answer a no answer B

    I let the pedestrian pass answer a I honk answer B I drive off slowly answer C I can turn left yes answer a no answer B the blue car is well placed to turn left yes answer C no answer D in this street the black car is well parked

    Yes answer a no answer B the pedestrian is well placed yes answer C no answer D in 150 m this highway will have three lanes of traffic yes answer a no answer B I should move to the rightmost lane yes answer C no answer D

    In relation to the seat belt the airbag can replace the action of the belt answer a completes the action of the belt answer B underinflated tires wear out more quickly answer A increases the risk of bursting answer B adheres better to the road answer C increases fuel consumption answer D

    This vehicle is in emergency intervention yes answer a no answer B placed here I have the possibility of taking the storage lane without putting on the flashing light answer a to take the storage lane after having put on my flashing light answer B to stay on this lane answer C

    I want to turn right I immediately put on my indicator yes answer a no answer B in traffic jams fuel consumption can be multiplied by 2 the fact of moving slowly leads to overconsumption which is harmful both to wallet and above all to the environment it is better to favor a

    Smooth but rolling journey thanks to GPS or radio traffic information answer B you can use a 300 kg trailer with your license B however you must change the plate while you use it the registration of your trailer weighing less than

    500 kg must be the same as that of the towing vehicle answers A and D this vehicle is already on the road although it has a ced the passage you stop now is useless in the same way accelerating and trying to overtake him would only be taking reckless risks

    In this case you just have to slow down so that he can complete his maneuver morality a little courtesy doesn’t hurt anyone answer B the signs tell you indicates that you are going to travel on a two-way cycle road the traffic is therefore one way for motorized vehicles

    You will therefore not be able to meet any motorists coming in the opposite direction answer B you must check the pressure of your tires preferably when cold if you check them hot you must then add 0.3 bars to the recommended pressure answer B the lane announced on the

    Right is a slow vehicle lane reserved for users who cannot exceed the speed of 60 km/h there you will find very often heavy goods vehicles if they are not traveling less than 60 km novice drivers and drivers towing a caravan must not use

    The lane for slow vehicles answer C you are driving on a traffic lane the white car will leave its parking lot and the gray car owes you passage it is stopped at a stop sign as evidenced by the sign that you turn left or continue straight ahead

    So you go first answer A the vehicle in front of you is already well on the road but you do not know nothing the driver’s intention even if he is stopped as a courtesy and to avoid any risk of accident it is better to slow down and let this vehicle pass response to

    You are traveling outside a built-up area and have just entered a lane leading to an access road regulated this lane is bordered on your left by a continuous white line in any case this line cannot and must not be crossed even if you realize that you have

    Taken the wrong direction you must continue on the lane on which you you find you will take the next exit and then head in the direction that suits you answer B a vehicle can circulate with a load protruding from the trunk however this

    Excess cannot exceed a length of 3 m and beyond one m of overtaking you must provide a reflective device associated with a red light in the event of reduced visibility response to driving gives many advantages more flexible and less nervous driving considerably reduces driver fatigue the risk of accident

    Is therefore not not increased but reducing the pollution emitted by the vehicle is less important this type of driving reduces fuel consumption and avoids excessive wear on the engine all this allows you to save money answer AB and D more and more vehicles are equipped with always innovative safety systems

    Thanks to advanced technology ABS or ABR is an anti-lock wheel system it automatically detects the tendency for one or more wheels to lock and then reduces the braking pressure where necessary if this system is effective in helping braking it does not reduce

    Braking distances whether on a dry road or on a wet road answer B and D the traffic is congested you must stop here in front of you there is in fact a pedestrian crossing and you do not prevent the crossing while waiting for traffic to become

    More fluid, wait here even if the light is green and when you move forward, under no circumstances stop on the rails of the level crossing answer B this flashing yellow light can change color and change to solid yellow in the center then to red when it is flashing yellow instead of

    Green it draws your attention to a particular danger linked to other users and you must then take into account the signs associated here the particular danger is crossing the intersection without a roundabout by a lane of r you must take into account the sign give way answer A and

    D you are traveling in a built-up area and a bus has stopped in a space intended for this purpose to let passengers get off and on but it has just activated its flashing on the left showing that it is going to restart and therefore at that moment becomes priority over

    Other users so you must not overtake it be very careful after its departure because it can hide vulnerable users likely to emerge to cross mistrust and caution therefore answer B and C you circulate on the ring of a roundabout the vehicles approaching this intersection must respect the ced passage and you leave

    Pass be careful all the same because the red vehicle is very advanced answer B drunk driving is a real problem because it is the cause of 28% of fatal accidents in 2014 involved in a fatal accident the driver involved perhaps sentenced to a prison sentence of several years for manslaughter he may also

    Have to pay compensation of several hundred thousand euros to the victims among the drivers involved many are novice drivers to fight against this flea measures have been taken in July 2015 the maximum tolerated rate in novis is thus

    0.20 g per liter of 100 or 0.10 mg per liter of exhaled air in confirmed drivers it remains 0.5 g per liter of blood or 0.25 mg per liter of exhaled air answer A and C the recommended pressure for the tire of your vehicle is indicated on the instructions and on the

    Pillar of the driver’s door when you check it, remember to consult the data indicated because it is given varies from one vehicle to another answer B and C as you approach this market there are many pedestrians circulating you must adapt your pace even if you are

    Usually authorized to drive up to 50 km/h you must take this into account environment the presence of these pedestrians should automatically encourage you to slow down in the event of an impact with a vehicle at 50 km/h the pedestrian has an 80% risk of being killed it is therefore urgent to slow down

    Answer B and D you arrive at a traffic light solid yellow but are at a sufficient distance from the light to stop there is no one behind you following you too closely you slow down and stop answer B in both situations you arrive at an intersection at which you

    Must give way passing to other users you must therefore in order and repeating the controls look at the vehicles coming from the left then from the right if there is no one you can only pass in situation 1 without stopping because the CD passage does not does not require you to stop

    In situation 2 the stop sign requires you to stop before the answer line AB and C you have just started your engine we can see that it is running by observing the rev counter in particular at around 800 per minute you are therefore already consuming fuel even without

    Driving the seat belt warning light has gone out proving that all are fastened on the other hand the hand fr warning light remains on proving that it is active response AC and D you arrive at an intersection as you can see this from the direction of the signage, users

    Arriving on the right have a stop sign, it is up to them to stop and give way to you, answer to you are traveling on a two-way road separated by markers two workers on your right are waving a flag and signaling you to slow down,

    They are well positioned on the right and by passing quietly you will not put them in danger, however they are precisely encouraging you to slow down to warn you of a significant danger further into the bend the vehicle approaching in the opposite direction presents no particular danger answer

    B on an automatic transmission you can find the following indications d like Drive for driving r like reverse for reversing n like neutral for the point dead and p like park for parking it is therefore on this last choice that you can position your

    Selector after your parking answer B when you arrive first at the scene of an accident it is important to protect the site and the people to avoid any risk of accident the accident itself tends to capture the attention of users

    Passing the scene at that time and to divert their attention from the road in order to avoid any risk of accident you must when the configuration of the road allows you to get off on the opposite side of the traffic to protect yourself answer

    A when you take the road you must always ensure that the fuel level is sufficient when the light comes on to prove that you are entering the reserve all that remains is a few liters of fuel in the tank you must stop at a

    Gas station as soon as possible you can in principle drive about 50 km but be careful all the same do not try to go too far either be careful of running out of gas on the motorway is

    Possible with a fine answer C in the lane in which you are traveling you can see an obstacle in the distance which is in fact a police car lane it is therefore necessary in all cases to change the wire which you can do since no one is overtaking you, however, you

    Will have to slow down when approaching the light in case it changes color answer B is c the vehicle in front of you is maneuvering and around you no vehicle is arriving according to the rule of highway code he owes you the passage especially since he saw you

    In the case where the traffic is heavy it would be good as a courtesy to let him finish his maneuver to facilitate traffic in this specific case you can pass now answer a to go straight you will arrive at a stop sign you will then have to stop at the

    Level of the road marking at the height of the stop strip you will then yield the PR to users coming from your left in the case where the ground marking is absent you will have to stop at the edge of the roadway approached because you do not stop at a sign answer

    B the barrier is opening but the light remains flashing red as long as this signal is present you must under no circumstances pass wait until the barriers are completely open and the flashing red light goes out before starting answer

    B you are stopped at a red light which has just turned green a pedestrian has entered the crossing but seeing the vehicles he has stopped himself it is useless to honk since he has just realized the danger you must not let him pass either

    Not knowing what the motorists intend to do on the road to your right you risk putting him in danger so start calmly this pedestrian will certainly adopt more cautious behavior answer C you are on an intersection marked by two

    Traffic lights whose color of the arrow is green you are therefore well placed and can turn without problem on your left the blue vehicle in front of you is on the right lane it is poorly placed to turn left however it has started its

    Maneuver slow down and let it pass to avoid any risk of accident response A and D as the horizontal signage shows you are traveling on a one-way street but there is a two-way cycle path in this street, two cycle lanes are marked in both directions

    Of traffic and the black vehicle is stopped on the left one, which is totally prohibited and is equivalent to a class 4 fine in the amount of €135. as for the pedestrian he walks on the right cycle lane it is also dangerous because it requires a cyclist arriving on

    This lane to swerve and end up on the roadway this pedestrian must use the sidewalk answer B and D as the vertical signage the announcement you will actually find a third lane of traffic in 150 m the new lane located on the right will be reserved for

    Slow vehicles, that is to say those traveling at less than 60 km/he you must therefore not place you there having to leave this lane for vehicles that need it answer A and D when you get behind the wheel you must always ensure that your passengers

    Are seated correctly it is your responsibility as a driver the fact that your vehicle is equipped with an airbag is a plus for yourself and your adult or child passengers but this in no way replaces the wearing of a seat belt it is an

    Additional means of safety on the other hand for your baby traveling in a seat adapted to the front of the vehicle you must absolutely deactivate the corresponding airbag because this system is not compatible with the baby seat and instead of increasing its safety it can

    On the contrary cause very serious injuries to the baby in the event of an accident, take particular care answer B driving with underinflated tires involves taking considerable risks, the tires wear out more quickly, especially on the outside of the tread, fuel consumption is greater

    Because it has more resistance to the ground, therefore the risk of bursting is increased it is therefore better to regularly check the tire pressure answer AB and D this vehicle which is traveling in the opposite direction is a gendarmerie vehicle its rotating beacon is not activated it

    Is therefore not in emergency intervention and must be considered as a vehicle normal it does not have priority when driving like this answer B the lane on which you are currently traveling allows you to go straight if you wish to go in this direction nothing

    Prevents you from continuing on it on the other hand if you want to turn left at the intersection you must use the storage lane immediately on your left as for any lane change you must warn other users by turning on your indicator

    Before changing lanes answer B and C you arrive at d ‘a roundabout in this type of intersection with regard to the indicator you must act as on a normal road put the indicator on the right to turn right no indicator to go straight and a indicator on the left to turn left

    Or turn around here you must therefore immediately put your indicator on the right answer a in the trunk I try to place the heaviest objects in the center answer a as low as possible in the vehicle answer B on the rear parcel shelf answer C

    The adaptive cruise control brakes the vehicle yes answer a no answer B adapts safety distances yes answer C no answer D the technical inspection sticker must be affixed to my vehicle aged 3 years yes answer a no answer B on my older vehicle 6 years old yes answer C no answer D

    I am limited to 90 km/h after the sign I should slow down answer a I will be limited to 50 km/h maximum answer B I could maintain my speed answer C the vehicle which should facilitate passage for the crossing is the vehicle going up answer a the vehicle going down answer B

    When the red light starts flashing the rears will immediately lower answer a I can cross the level crossing answer B I must stop before the level crossing answer C I am traveling at 90 km/h I can continue at this speed answer a I RAL ti answer B

    Placed where I am I must stop immediately answer a at the height of the red light answer B I am towing a trailer and the vehicles in front of me are stopped I can move forward yes answer a no answer B I can overtake the cyclist yes answer a no answer B

    On the motorway my consumption is higher when my vehicle is answer a I drive at 140 km/h instead of 130 answer B I use cruise control answer C I drive with the windows open answer D

    I can get a fine in the event of an inspection if I don’t have a vest in my vehicle yes answer a no answer B if I don’t have an etillot test no user yes answer C no answer D

    Approaching a level crossing I slow down answer a I accelerate answer B I obey the signs answer C I can pass if the light just starts to flash answer D normal tire wear must be uniform answer a irregular answer B if it is irregular it can mean a

    Fault in alignment answer C a herniation on the tire answer D to check the tires of my vehicle I check their pressure answer to their wear answer B the sidewalls of the tire answer C the brand of tires and the four tires must be of the same brand answer D

    These cyclists travel in complete safety yes answer a no answer B I want to turn right I honk answer C I slow down and then pass answer D I alert the emergency services as soon as I arrive at the scene d ‘an accident yes answer a no answer B

    I drive at 30 km/h in this situation I honk answer A I overtake answer B I slow down answer C I maintain my pace answer D speed can influence concentration answer to fuel consumption answer B the visual field answer C the reaction time answer D

    I drive at 70 km/h I slow down answer a I maintain my pace answer B the affu system is always associated with the SP answer to the ABS answer B it acts particularly on braking dosage answer C rectification of trajectory answer D

    To easily find the wear indicators on the tires I can use a marker on the side like the Michelin man answer has the letters TW answer B an exclamation point answer C a triangle answer D I program my GPS necessarily to stop yes answer a no answer B

    The presence of this sign indicates an intersection with punctual priority answer a a priority road answer B an intersection with priority on the right answer C after having loosened the fra by hand I could start yes answer a no answer B to adopt an echoing behavior I have to look mainly

    At the counter on the left answer C the counter on the right answer D this pedestrian has the right to cross here yes answer a no answer B he is verbalizable yes answer C no answer D

    I am driving at 90 km/h maximum authorized speed I must slow down yes answer a no answer B I must expect a strong splash of water yes answer a no answer B when arriving near this vehicle making a U-turn I stop

    Answer a I slow down and pass slowly answer B I maintain my pace answer C I have to slow down yes answer a no answer B I can go straight yes answer a no answer B cyclists can go straight yes answer C no answer D

    I have time to overtake the blue car yes answer a no answer B I still have time to pass yes answer a no answer B in this situation I press the brake as hard as possible yes answer a no answer B I jerk the wheel yes answer C no answer D

    I can be exempted from wearing a seat belt in the event of a medical problem recognized by an examination by an approved doctor answer a if my vehicle is equipped with airbag answer B in no case answer C I drive at 80 km/h in this situation I brake suddenly

    Answer a I jerk the wheel to the right answer B I jerk the wheel to the left answer C I continue on my way answer D the minimum depth of grooves on tires must be 1.6 mm answer A 2.6 mm answer B

    When the rubber reaches the wear indicators I must answer C inflate the tires answer D in this type of passage I know how to priority given to cars arriving opposite yes answer a no answer B to cyclists arriving opposite yes answer C no answer D to cross this pedestrian I maintain my

    Trajectory answer a I shift slightly to the left answer B I steer to the right answer a I steer to the left answer B I drive at a walking pace answer C I accelerate answer D in the trunk in order to avoid changing the handling you must place the

    Heaviest objects as low and as centrally as possible answer A and B cruise control is a driving aid that allows you to maintain a constant speed without needing to keep your foot on the accelerator this system, which is particularly suitable for driving on motorways, is increasingly often supplemented by a system adapted

    To the spacing; it thus ensures that you maintain good safety distances with the vehicle in front of you; however, it does not allow you to brake the vehicle. vehicle but slows down by cutting off the acceleration, however, be careful because it does not control the safety distances with

    The cars following you, stay vigilant and if necessary quickly regain control by pressing the brake or accelerator to deactivate the response regulator B and C technical inspection is compulsory in France for all vehicles over 4 years old. The first inspection is carried out from

    6 months preceding the 4th anniversary of the vehicle’s entry into circulation. Regular inspections then follow every 2 years in the sale of the vehicle I must provide proof of a technical inspection of less than 6 months the inspection sticker is then obligatorily placed at the bottom

    Right of the windshield and must be clearly legible in the event of a force inspection of order this technical inspection date will also be indicated on the registration document a 3 year old vehicle will

    Therefore not have a sticker but a 6 year old vehicle must have it answer B and C the signage on your right indicates a location said called the S ouche in the presence of this sign a maximum speed is not necessarily associated but it means that houses are presented nearby

    You must slow down as you do not enter a built-up area you are not limited to 50 km/ h maximum response a you are traveling on a sloping and narrow road when the crossing proves difficult the vehicle which must go has priority and the one for which the

    Maneuver is the least dangerous the descending vehicle will restart more easily after having stopped c It is therefore up to him to stop and facilitate the passage to the vehicle rising answer B when the red light of a level crossing is flashing this means that the barriers

    Will be lowered immediately you must stop before the level crossing without trying to cross it you would take the risk of getting stuck between the two barriers which could have dramatic consequences answer A and C you are currently outside the urban area maximum authorized speed

    Is therefore 90 km/h but as the signals the turn markers you will arrive at a dangerous bend even if you are not speeding it is advisable to slow down in order to adapt your speed to the danger highlighted and not to suffer the centrifugal force which will carry you

    Away outside the bend answer B you are traveling on a lane that only allows you to go straight the corresponding light on the right is red you must stop in the absence of an effect line you continue up to the height of the light the yellow light on your left only

    Concerns users who have used the storage lane to turn left answer B you are going to approach a level crossing the fact that you are towing a trailer adds length to your vehicle the cars in front of you are stopped there is little room left behind

    These vehicles and you would be blocked on the level crossing wait for the road to clear in front of you before passing answer B in built-up areas to overtake a cyclist you must leave a

    Gap of at least one m this does not is not possible here because the road is too narrow so you must not overtake so as not to take any risks wait until you have sufficient space to do so

    Answer B on the motorway driving at 140 km/h instead of 130 km/h over a distance of 100 km only saves 3 minutes for consumption which will be much higher by more than one L per 100 km you will also consume more of fuel if your vehicle is loaded and if its

    Air resistance is increased by a bicycle rack or roof box or with windows open, activating the cruise control will, on the contrary, allow you to reduce your fuel consumption by helping you to maintain a stable speed answer AB and D during a road check you must be

    In possession of all compulsory documents and equipment on board your vehicle if you do not have a warning triangle or a high visibility vest you will incur a fine 4th class if you do not have a breathalyzer on board you will not be penalized but it

    Is mandatory to always have one in your vehicle it may be necessary before getting behind the wheel on the day you need to check your ability to drive after a heavy meal in particular answer A and D when you approach a level crossing as with

    Any other intersection you must scrupulously respect the safety instructions to avoid any accident so you must slow down even if the light is not flashing you must respect the signs do not slip between the barriers and ensure that you do not

    Remain immobilized on the level crossing answers A and C normal wear of the tires must be uniform if the wear is irregular this could be due to a fault in parallelism or under-inflation a hernia blister on the sidewall corresponds to an impact received on the tire on a

    Sidewalk for example answer A and C checking your tires means checking their pressure their wear and their sidewall on which no tears should appear neither hernia nor deformation the tires are essential safety elements they must be checked very regularly the tires can

    Be of different brands but be careful on the same axle tires of the same type must be fitted answer AB and C these cyclists use a pedestrian crossing and sidewalk which is prohibited despite their adapted equipment they do not travel safely to turn right you have no

    Reason to honk since there is no immediate danger you must slow down let them finish their crossing then you will then pass answer B and D when you arrive first at the scene of an accident which has just occurred you must come to the aid of the people involved

    The first thing to do above all else is to protect the scene in order to avoid another accident put on your vest high visibility day and night then place a warning triangle 30 m upstream of the accident site, this must be visible at 100 m

    You will then have to make an initial diagnosis of the condition of the victims before warning rescue your last action will consist of helping where the victims are, that is to say providing assistance to the victims without risk of worsening their condition answer B you are traveling in a narrow street

    In an urban area in front of you the two children on bicycles are placed side by side and there is insufficient space to pass them you must remain vigilant not knowing what intention they have especially when arriving at the intersection honking here is prohibited since there is no

    Immediate danger you must slow down to better assess the situation and anticipate response C speed is a factor often present in road accidents the greater it is the more it can have serious consequences reducing the visual field it reduces the possibility of properly analyzing situations it can also influence the concentration

    Too regular a speed can cause drowsiness and driving fast also makes you more tired but the speed also influences fuel consumption the faster you drive the more fuel you consume on the other hand whether you drive fast or slow you will not be able to change

    The reaction time which remains around one second we will however modify the distance traveled during this reaction time answer AB and C you are driving on a country road starting from fog it is therefore normal that you have driven so far at 70 km/h given the

    Lack of visibility however you are passing a group of cyclists and are going to approach a bend you must therefore slow down further to anticipate any deviation response trajectory more and more vehicles are equipped with ever-innovative safety systems thanks to

    Advances in technology, emergency braking assistance or emergency braking amplifies braking as much as possible by allowing even faster deceleration, thus reducing distances braking it is always associated with ABS or ABR anti-lock wheel system LEP electronic stability program for its part is another equipment which detects the loss of grip when cornering and improves

    The control of the ABS trajectory are effective to complete the braking do not reduce braking distances in themselves answer B and C to more quickly identify the location of the wear indicators on your tires symbols may be present on the

    Michelin bibandom blank the letters TW or a triangle answer AB and D when you hit the road it is important to drive safely so you must be fully focused on your route and not let yourself be distracted by any type of distraction so adjustments must be made before

    Driving regarding the GPS the route must be programmed before departure and in no case while driving if you have not thought about it before leaving you must stop to do so response to this sign indicates a priority road you are traveling on a main axis

    And will therefore remain priority on all the intersections that you will encounter until a sign puts an end to this priority character it is therefore neither a one-off priority nor a priority on the right answer B you are on board your vehicle you have just started

    The engine as evidenced by the rev counter located on the left which rotates at a speed of approximately 800 revolutions per minute all the lights have gone out showing the proper functioning of your vehicle apart from the hand fr after having loosened it you will be able

    To start by holding take into account other users and signage of course in order to adopt the most ecological and economical driving possible we cannot omit the idea that driving slower reduces consumption but this is mainly conditioned by the use of

    Your engine speed meter on the left since the faster the engine runs the more you consume and pollute answer A and C you are traveling in an urban area and therefore rub shoulders with vulnerable users this pedestrian has just suddenly crossed the road

    Particularly dangerous behavior and all the more verbalizable as a pedestrian crossing is less than 50 m away as you have noticed morality always remain vigilant answer B and C you are currently outside a built-up area the maximum authorized speed

    Is therefore 90 km/h however there is a danger sign representing a place frequented by of children must draw your attention as this danger is reinforced by a lack of visibility linked to the bend you are about to approach, you cannot therefore continue at this speed of 90 km/h and must

    Slow down in order to anticipate any potential danger response a you are traveling on a two-way road it is raining heavily and you are going to pass a truck, it risks throwing a lot of water on your windshield, suddenly obscuring

    Your visibility to overcome this problem keep your tires at speed maximum and reduce your speed to reduce the risk response to this vehicle is maneuvering and around you no vehicle is arriving according to the rule of the highway code it owes you passage

    However you are not sure that the driver has seen you clearly you must slow down and move slowly to ensure this in the event that the traffic is denser it would be good as a courtesy to let him finish his maneuver to facilitate traffic answer B you

    Are traveling outside a built-up area on a two-way road of circulation and for the moment no one arrives opposite at the sight of these signs you must however slow down the speed limit to 30 imposes this speed on you and the danger signs draw

    Your attention to a narrowing of the road and the presence of a speed bump response a as the prohibited direction indicates you cannot go in front with your car, cyclists can this street is therefore a two-way cycle path they must therefore take the

    Road on which they will ride on the right however they do not have to travel on the sidewalk here the vehicles are poorly positioned because they do not leave room for cyclists answer B and C the vertical signage indicates the end of the overtaking window this means

    That there will soon be only one lane left of traffic in approximately 150 m you therefore do not have time to overtake this blue car answer B you arrive at a level crossing the light is flashing red you must urgently stop before the

    Level crossing the barriers will go ‘lower yourself Do not pass you would take the risk of getting stuck between the two barriers which could have dramatic consequences answer B in this situation the animal crosses suddenly you have no other choice

    But to continue on your way if you brake suddenly the vehicle behind you is too close to be able to stop and the accident will be inevitable if you jerk the wheel you risk losing control of your vehicle and it too the accident inevitable risk

    The animal will be certainly killed but in this type of situation there is no other choice answer B and D the exemption from wearing the seat belt is only granted by medical advice in the event of an inspection the driver must be able to prove his exemption on a medical certificate

    Attesting to the presence of an airbag does not in any way exempt the driver from wearing a seat belt, it is an additional safety system in response to you driving outside a built-up area while the road is wet and you are driving well at the same time speed limit suddenly the animal which

    Suddenly crosses in front of you surprises you which is legitimate the distance which separates you from the animal is far too short for you to be able to stop or jerk the wheel to the left or right you will be caught big risks because you could lose

    Control of your vehicle then you have no other solution than to continue your journey answer d the depth of the main grooves of the tires must not be less than 1.6 mm this information is for you given by the wear indicators identifiable by symbols on the

    Side of the tire if the rubber has reached this minimum you must change the tires of your vehicle answer A and C you are driving on a two-way road you arrive at height of a chicane which considerably reduces the roadway the prohibition sign on the

    Right here schematizes the order of passage the red arrow in your direction of traffic indicates that you must give way regardless of the type of vehicle presenting itself facing yours truck car bike the rule is the same you let the vehicles pass facing the road and you

    Then pass without exceeding the maximum authorized speed answer A and C you are traveling on a two-way road the pedestrian in front of you is walking on the road and is working if you stay on this path you will pass too close to him

    You must shift slightly to your left so as to move away from him by at least 1 m be careful not to move too far away on the left either because you must not forget that a vehicle can arrive in front and that you have no visibility after the turn answer

    B you are driving on a two-way road your speed cannot and must not be excessive in the absence of visibility of the vehicles which may arrive in front in the presence of the dog on your right you must keep to the left then you will immediately get back

    On your right then to approach the bend taking the least possible risk response B and C by taking these medications and in view of a long journey it is better to seek advice from a doctor answer a leave the wheel to a friend answer B stop the treatment answer C

    I am in a good position to turn right at the end of the street yes answer a no answer B to turn left yes answer C no answer D I have just passed the license exam B I will be able to drive a

    125 cm motorcycle c immediately answer a after 2 years of PER am answer B I must follow 7 hours of training to be able to drive this motorcycle yes answer C no answer D I risk a license suspension in the event

    Of speeding above 30 km/h answer a driving without insurance answer B driving with a phone held in hand answer C safety distance not respected answer D I must stop on the right to facilitate the passage of this vehicle yes answer a no answer B

    I can keep my dipped headlights yes answer a no answer B my fog lights before yes answer C no answer D I can follow the gray vehicle is overtaken yes answer a no answer B the safety distance must correspond to two lines of the emergency lane

    When I drive at 130 km/h answer a which whatever my speed is answer B after having followed accompanied driving and after one year of driving my license my capital of points amounts to 6 answer a 9 answer B 12 answer C I must slow down answer a maintain my pace

    Answer B tight to the right answer C maintain my trajectory answer D the tram has stopped I can pass yes answer a no answer B I can use my car after a party if I have not exceeded one drink

    Of bars answer a I leave the steering wheel to a party captain answer B I tested negative for alcohol with a breathalyzer answer C I drank a coffee or a spoonful of oil answer D I can overtake this cyclist straight away yes answer a no answer B

    With this tire this motorist can drive up to ‘to a mechanic answer A as long as the tire is not worn answer B only on short journeys answer C the fu allows you to brake automatically in the driver’s seat yes answer a no answer B

    To overtake a cyclist I can straddle the line continue yes answer a no answer B I can cross the line continuous yes answer C no answer D the battery is necessarily broken yes answer a no answer B in general I have to slow down at the intersection yes answer a no answer B

    I am going to park on the right I can turn off my lights immediately yes answer a no answer B the safety distance is equivalent to the distance traveled during 2 seconds answer a allows the driver to react in the event of an emergency answer B and the distance per

    Ran during the reaction time answer C according to the energy label category A tires reduce fuel consumption answer a grips better on wet surfaces answer B its wider answer C reduces rolling noise answer D poor tire balancing can be identified by a light that comes on answer A

    A steering wheel that vibrates answer B in relation to this pedestrian I must stop immediately answer a slow down answer B maintain my pace answer C this light has just come on turn on I have to call a tow truck yes answer a no answer B

    I slow down answer a I keep my pace answer B at 50 km/h I travel 5 m per second answer C 15 m per second answer D in this situation I pass answer a I m ‘stop at the level crossing answer B I stop at the traffic light answer C

    The sign indicates a cycle lane reserved for children under 8 years old answer a a cycle lane recommended for all cyclists answer B a compulsory cycle lane answer C I go straight the vehicles in front of me are stopped I pass before the black vehicle answer A after the vehicle answer B

    I pass answer a I stop answer B I can program my route on my GPS before starting yes answer a no answer B while driving yes answer C no answer D the driving aids which are useful for me to control my consumption

    Are the rev counter answer to the fu answer B the GPS answer C the on-board computer answer D on the motorway I save fuel if I drive at 120 km/h instead of 130 yes answer a no answer B on a 100 km journey the

    Journey time is then extended by 4 minutes answer C 10 minutes answer D I honk yes answer a no answer B in this intersection I am owed priority yes answer a no answer B I slow down yes answer C no answer D

    My SIM card is blocked I can still contact the emergency services yes answer a no answer B I am in a hurry I speed up and leave answer a I stops me answer B

    The bus in front of me has stopped I stop answer a I walk up to the bus answer B I give way to the right answer C I observe any signs from the construction workers answer D the traffic controller adaptive speed maintains safety distances with the vehicle but

    Previous yes answer a no answer B with the vehicle following me yes answer C no answer D I am driving at 130 km/h on this highway the safety distance with the truck is sufficient here yes answer A no answer B the crossing proves difficult I must stop yes answer a no answer B

    If you are taking medication this has been prescribed to you for an important reason for your health to travel a long journey you must ask advise your doctor if you have the possibility do not hesitate to leave the wheel to another person who is more capable of driving stop the treatment could

    Prove dangerous for your health and would not guarantee you a peaceful journey answer A and B as the horizontal signage shows and due to the narrowness of the roadway you are traveling on a one-way road with two-way cycling the lanes marked on the right

    And left are cycle lanes reserved for cyclists you must not travel there like this that you wish to turn left or right at the end of this street you are currently in a good position when turning you will however have to be particularly vigilant about the behavior

    Of cyclists vulnerable users answer A and C license B allows you to drive motorcycles of 125 cm CUB maximum on the double condition that you have 2 years of license and that you follow compulsory practical training of 7 hours answer B and C on the road neu accidents in 10 are linked to

    An infraction of the highway code c This is why these are sanctioned to a greater or lesser extent depending on the estimation of the danger incurred or threatening other drivers; certain offenses involve a suspension of license, this is the case, among others, of excess speed of more than of 30 km/h driving without

    Safety distance insurance not respected driving with a phone in hand is punishable by a withdrawal of 3 points and a fine of €100,135 but not by a suspension of your license today answer AB and D when you are traveling on a sloping road some crossings prove difficult or even

    Impossible also certain rules apply to facilitate this type of crossing thus a vehicle going downhill must back up facing a vehicle going uphill if the crossing n is not possible but in this situation the road on which you are traveling is wide enough

    So you do not have to stop you can continue your journey without fear of obstructing the vehicle amount answer B you are traveling in foggy weather visibility is here greatly reduced in this type of situation you must use the most suitable lights possible for

    Minimum you must use your low beam headlights but to complete your visibility you can of course put on your front and rear fog lights and even when you cross, follow or precede other users as is the case here you can of course keep these lights which

    Will not dazzle since they are precisely adapted to foggy situations because they are positioned 20 cm above the ground and the light beam is diffused at low height response A and C you are traveling on a two-way road of traffic a truck is

    Stopped on the edge of the road on the right and constitutes an obstacle the gray vehicle in front of you has started to overtake but you can see by taking a look at your rear-view mirror that a vehicle is overtaking you also in any case you

    Cannot overtake immediately you must let this vehicle pass then ensure that no vehicle is arriving in the other direction of traffic to be able to overtake you too then also pay attention to the possible presence of vulnerable user behind the truck drive very

    Carefully answer B the safety distance is the distance to be respected between two vehicles this distance should give you time to react in the event of an emergency it is estimated that it is equivalent to the distance traveled in 2 seconds a first second linked to the reaction time and a second

    Second linked to the safety margin this distance therefore depends on the speed at which you are traveling on the motorway it is estimated that this distance is equivalent to two lines for a speed of 130 km/h it can be be obviously shorter when the speed is lower answer A

    When you obtain your driving license your points capital rises to 6 after one year if you have followed traditional training or in supervised driving and without any infraction on your part you will have two more points to reach 12 points after

    3 years if you have followed accompanied driving training you will have three additional points per year to reach 12 points after 2 years in this situation you will therefore have 9 points after 1 year of license following accompanied driving answer B you are stopped at

    An isolated flashing red light this means that you must stop immediately even if you do not know why the tram stopped at the level of the intersection you must respect the signs which will indicate the appropriate moment to pass answer B you are traveling

    On a road outside a built-up area with two-way traffic you are about to cross another vehicle the roadway is not very wide but the crossing is not not impossible without stopping, just slow down and turn to the right to avoid any unnecessary risk answer A and

    C after an evening to use your car you should be sure that you have not exceeded the authorized quantity of alcohol a bar dose type drink absorbed corresponds on average to 0.25 g per liter of blood which remains below the authorized limit of 0.5 g per liter of blood

    For a novice driver the limit being 0.2 g per liter of blood it would be taking a risk to get behind the wheel if in doubt about the blood alcohol level a prior check with a breathalyzer may be

    Carried out the steering wheel may be left without problem to an evening captain sometimes called Sam who has not not absorbed alcohol no process such as taking coffee or oil makes it possible to eliminate alcohol more quickly answer AB and C you are traveling in a built-up area on a two-way road

    To overtake this cyclist you must leave a lateral safety space of at least 1 m for the moment you do not have the necessary road width since a vehicle is coming in front of yours you must therefore not overtake immediately answer B this tire is a pancake

    Which is a wheel of very limited use relief after a puncture when your vehicle is equipped with a tire you must go to a mechanic as quickly as possible to have your tire repaired or changed the tire cannot be considered a reliable tire for driving

    For a long time even on a short journey response to more and more vehicles are equipped with always innovative safety systems thanks to advances in technology the fu or emergency braking assistance amplifies braking as much as possible by allowing it to decelerate even more quickly.

    Is always associated with ABS or ABR anti-lock wheel system these systems are not automatic they only act if the driver presses hard on the [ __ ] brake answer B when you overtake a cyclist you must respect a safety interval 1 m

    When you are in a built-up area and 1.50 outside a built-up area in order to respect this distance and to avoid any danger for vulnerable users, the law has authorized since July 2015 the overlapping of the continuous line for this type of overtaking in complete safety. sure on the other hand

    You cannot in any case completely cross this continuous line answer A and D you have just turned on the ignition and certain lights have already gone out the fact that the rev counter is at zero revolutions per minute shows that the engine is not running not yet in this case you cannot yet

    Know if the battery for example is working correctly or not once the engine is running all the lights except that of the handbrake will go out and you will then be able to notice any possible malfunctions like this possible of the battery you will

    Also be able to see the simple omissions like the seat belt for example answer B even when you have to pass an intersection always remains an accident-prone place in order to avoid any risk it is advisable to systematically slow down to ensure that you see that the road is clear

    Or that the motorist there respects the priority rule of the intersection on which you are located answer to it is dark you are driving in a built-up area even if the town is lit you do not have to turn off your lights as long as you are not at a complete stop

    When your vehicle is in circulation you must make sure you can see clearly and be seen the proximity of the gas station is not enough to provide you with lighting park your vehicle correctly then turn off your lights lights but then answer B the safety distance

    And the distance to be respected between two vehicles this interdistance must give you time to react in the event of an emergency it is estimated that it is equivalent to the distance traveled in 2 seconds a first second linked to time reaction and a 2 second linked to the safety margin response A

    And B category A tires are said to be low consumption of optimal quality they improve safety by adhering better to wet ground it optimizes comfort by reducing noise linked to rolling and are more economical and ecological since they reduce fuel consumption response AB and D when the tires are poorly balanced no

    Warning light comes on but you can feel strong vibrations in the steering wheel it is then better to do them rebalance because poor balancing can lead to abnormal wear of the tires as well as the suspension and steering components, so your safety is at stake answer

    B you are driving in a built-up area at a speed of 50 km/h maximum a traffic sign has come to you announce a pedestrian crossing 50 m away and a pedestrian is crossing he is walking at a good pace and you have no reason to stop immediately, however you must

    Slow down in order to ensure that he completes his crossing safely and that he do not change your intention also pay attention to pedestrians who may appear behind vehicles parked on your right answer B when you take the road you must always

    Ensure that the fuel level is sufficient this light on proves that you are entering the road reserve there are only a few liters of fuel left in the tank you do not have to call a tow truck you must stop at a

    Gas station as soon as possible be careful running out of gas on the highway and liable to a fine answer B driving requires permanent clue taking whether you are in built-up area or not on a motorway or in a street you must accustom your eye to exploring

    The environment in this situation you must have noticed that the light in front of you has been green for some time and that it is therefore likely to change color behind you the vehicles

    Are at a good distance and will not prevent you from stopping in the event of an emergency. Also note that at 50 km/h you cover a distance of 15 m in one second to calculate this distance we multiply

    The number by tens of kilometers he par 3 here 5 x 3 15 m covered in one second to conclude and to anticipate any potential risk you must slow down near this intersection answer A and D you arrive at a level crossing the light comes to switch to

    Flashing red you are already not crossing the level crossing by crossing the green traffic light for the moment you will block the intersection and therefore prevent the truck from turning to the left for example you must therefore stop at the first light answer C if riding on sidewalks

    Is authorized up to 8 years old, this applies to sidewalks without a cycle lane marked on the ground when, as is the case here, a cycle lane is indicated, it is recommended and reserved for all cyclists, including those who have over 8 years old for the sake of safety for all this strip

    Is not obligatory but recommended as shown by the square format of the sign an obligation being indicated by the same sign in the shape of a circle answer B you go straight and the vehicles in front of you are stopped you engage immediately would block the intersection in this

    Case you must stay where you are and let the black vehicle pass which wishes to turn to its left, let us specify that it will have to let the pedestrians pass before also engaging answer B you are driving on a sloping road in two directions of traffic the descending vehicle has

    Positioned itself at the edge of the road and is giving you warning lights even though it is normally up to you to give way since parked vehicles are find on your side of the road you can pass since he gives you the right of way as a courtesy

    Answer a when you take the road it is important to drive safely you must therefore be entirely focused on your road and not let yourself get distracted by everything type of distraction thus the adjustments must be made before driving concerning

    The GPS the route must be programmed before departure and in no case while driving answer A and D the equipment of the vehicles is more and more sophisticated and can in particular help you to better control your fuel consumption this is the case of the on-board computer

    Which gives you precise information on consumption in real time and allows you to better control it the rev counter can help you better identify when to change gear compared to the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding GPS it can provide valuable information

    To avoid taking roads that are too long or too congested and thus save fuel lafu is also an interesting piece of equipment but which is useful for braking and not fuel consumption. fuel response A C and D adapting your speed and driving slower

    Allows you to reduce fuel consumption by driving at 120 km/h instead of 130 you save 1 l of fuel per 100 km you pollute less and you only need 4 minutes of more for the journey answer A and C you are driving on a two-way road on

    Your right, pedestrians occupy a large part of the road, preventing you from respecting the lateral safety space required in this type of situation. that is to say 1.50 you can honk to inform them of this danger answer a in this intersection it is

    The rule of priority on the right which applies since there is no materialized signaling users coming from left you must therefore have priority as visibility is not very good you must slow down to ensure compliance with the rule by other users answer A and

    C the 112 European emergency call number is linked directly to 15 or 18 depending on the department. These three emergency numbers can be dialed on all types of telephone even on a locked telephone or with a blocked sim card and allow you to contact

    The emergency services even if the network is saturated also when you have to alert the emergency services do not hesitate to use the first available telephone whether it is that of a victim or another witness response to you arriving at a passage at level the light is

    Flashing red you must stop before crossing the level the barriers will lower you must not pass you would run the risk of getting stuck between the two barriers which could have dramatic consequences answer B you arrive near an intersection the bus is stopped just after a pedestrian crossing

    You must therefore not follow it and stop on this crossing and also cannot block the intersection the vehicle on your right although having a yield passage will then have the possibility to engage you will have to take into

    Account the signals of the construction workers at the same time with the aim of streamlining traffic response A and D the cruise control is a piece of driving assistance equipment which allows you to keep a constant pace without needing to keep your foot on the accelerator

    This system, particularly suited to motorway driving, is more and more often supplemented by a system adapted to the spacing, thus ensuring that you maintain good clearance distances. safety with the vehicle in front of you, however, it does not allow you

    To brake the vehicle but slows down by cutting off the acceleration, however, be careful because it does not control the safety distances with the cars following you, remain vigilant and if necessary quickly regain control by pressing the brake or accelerator to deactivate the

    Regulator response A and D the safety distance is the distance to be observed between two vehicles this distance should give you time to react in the event of an emergency it is estimated that it is equivalent to the distance traveled in 2 seconds a first second linked to the reaction time

    And a second second linked to the safety margin this distance therefore depends on the speed at which you are traveling on the motorway it is estimated that this distance is equivalent to two lines for a speed of 130 km/h this is the case here your safety distance from the truck in

    Front of you is sufficient response to you are driving on a two-way road and on a slope you are going down and going to meet a tractor for a crossing s ‘proving difficult the rule requires descending vehicles to facilitate the passage to the

    Ascending vehicle by stopping this for ease of maneuvering so it is up to you to stop answer a I have just turned off the ignition I can open my door yes answer a no answer B when leaving my vehicle I keep all the papers with me yes answer a no

    Answer B I leave my laptop in the trunk yes answer C no answer D I slow down to make it easier to overtake the black vehicle yes answer a no answer B I see at approximately 90 m it is advisable to drive at

    130 km/h answer A 110 kmh answer B 90 km answer C I can overtake this vehicle on the right yes answer a no answer B by hitting a pedestrian at 30 km/h the chances of survival of this pedestrian are 30% answer a 90

    % answer B while driving at 50 km/h his chances of survival are 20% answer C 80% answer D in this situation I stop before the pedestrian crossing answer a I go up to the vehicle in front of me answer B

    In this site situation I slow down and pass answer a I stop answer B I can drive at 50 km/h answer a 60 km/h answer B 90 km/h answer C j ‘enters a road in situation 1 yes answer a no answer B in situation 2 yes answer C no answer D

    To overtake a vehicle I must drive at a speed equal to that of the vehicle being overtaken answer a approximately 10 km/h greater than that of the vehicle being overtaken answer B approximately 20 kmh greater than that of the vehicle being overtaken answer C in this situation the maximum authorized speed

    Is 710 km/h answer a 80 km/h answer B 90 km/h answer C the reaction time of a driver who gets behind the wheel is estimated at one second answer a 2 seconds answer B this time reaction may vary after 2 hours of driving yes answer C no answer D

    The vehicles in front of me have put on their position lights answer their dipped headlights answer B I must put mine on yes answer C no answer D the reaction time may increase due to distraction such as telephone GPS answer a fatigue answer B the rain answer C drinking alcohol answer answer D

    My passenger friend does not want to put on his seat belt in the event of a check I risk a fine answer a he risks a fine answer B I will lose two points on my license answer C he will lose two points on his license answer D

    The speed is limited to 30 km/h I drive at 30 km/h answer a I drive at a walking pace answer B I honk yes answer C no answer D the engine is running yes answer a no answer B I stop answer a I honk the horn and pull to the

    Left answer B I maintain my speed and pass answer C to limit the use of the air conditioning I can limit the difference between the exterior and interior answer to open the windows at high speed and close them at low speed answer B a driver’s reaction time can increase depending on the

    Driver’s blood alcohol level answer a from a distraction such as telephone answer B about the condition of the road answer C the voice is busy I put on the hazard lights yes answer a no answer B I can overtake yes answer C no answer D

    The rear brake lights come on when I use the hand brake answer a I press the [ __ ] brake answer B I must be particularly vigilant in situation 1 Answer a in situation 2 answer B arriving first at an accident and without any knowledge

    Of first aid I must intervene to help yes answer a no answer B I drive at 40 km/h I slow down answer a I maintain my speed answer B after supervised driving I I have just obtained my license I must

    Put the a on my vehicle for 2 years answer a 3 years answer B after accompanied driving I have to leave the a for 2 years answer C 3 years answer D when a flashing light bulb has burned out the corresponding light no longer works

    Either answer a the flashing light works more quickly answer B I can keep activate my cruise control yes answer a no answer B I can ride this continuous line to overtake the bus yes answer a no answer B when I turn on the ignition only the lights indicating

    A problem come on yes answer a no answer B the cagon which in front of you has just passed the pedestrian crossing here pedestrians manifest by their gaze and their positioning their intention to cross you must therefore stop and let them cross in complete safety seendant advice

    Never wave to pedestrians when traffic is heavy answer B using air conditioning can increase fuel consumption yes answer a no answer B after an accident if the other driver refuses to fill out a report I can sign in his place

    Answer a note his registration number answer B fill out the report alone and send it to my insurer answer C have a person testify who saw the accident answer D road traffic at night is around 10% answer a 25% answer B the percentage

    Of fatal accidents which take place at night is around 23% answer C 43% answer D using a hands-free kit while driving can result in a fine of €135 answer a license withdrawal answer B three points less on the allowed answer C nothing it’s allowed answer D

    I have to fall back between the trucks answer a I can overtake the entire line answer B when the line is broken I can overtake at any time yes answer a no answer B the white vehicle is stopped I continue behind the gray vehicle answer a I stop behind

    The white vehicle answer B I stop at the line of effect of the lights answer C this lady crosses without looking I honk the horn yes answer a no answer B you just park on the right of the road in a space reserved

    For this purpose you want to get out of your vehicle but a cyclist is coming as you can see in your mirror on the left you must wait for him to pass before opening your door because this would be very dangerous for him in general always check your mirrors before opening

    Your door and also remember to turn your head to check the blind spot answer B when you leave your vehicle you must be careful not to leave anything important inside such as papers or valuable objects such as a handbag, computer or smartphone,

    In order to avoid any risk of burglary, it is better to avoid temptations, even in the trunk, your precious objects are not safe, also remember to lock the doors and to close the windows answer A and D you are traveling on a fast lane and the vehicle

    On your left has started to overtake you even if its speed does not seem very suitable to complete this overtaking there is no danger at the moment you you must therefore not distort your assessment do not slow down but do not accelerate either of course this

    Goes without saying answer B you are driving in foggy weather the visibility is reduced here in this type of situation you must adapt your speed to the visibility you must therefore keep the rule of three equalities so when you are traveling with visibility of 90 m you must

    Respect a speed of 90 km/h maximum and an interdistance of 90 m answer C you are traveling on a two-way road with the vehicle in front you in the same direction of traffic as you put your indicator on and moved into the left lane with

    The intention of turning in this type of situation you can overtake on the right since you have sufficient space for it do and that you do not risk collision this is the only type of situation for which this overtaking on the right is authorized response

    To the chances of survival of a pedestrian in the event of an impact essentially depend on the speed of the vehicle which has hit this pedestrian a pedestrian hit by a vehicle at 30 km/h at 90% of Chan of survival but if the speed is

    50 km/h the chances of survival of this pedestrian are only 20%. it is therefore important to take your foot off when you cross areas frequented by pedestrians answer B and C pedestrians are waiting on your right as you can see and are showing their desire to

    Cross you owe them the passage stop immediately answer to you arrive at a pedestrian crossing a pedestrian is precisely entering the roadway you must therefore stop and let him pass in complete safety before continuing your route answer B as the signage has indicated to you you have just entered a town the sign

    Indicates both the entry into a town the ban on honking except in immediate danger but also a ban on driving at more than 50 km/h answer a in both situations you are approaching ‘an entry onto the motorway as indicated by the road sign

    In situation 1 this entry will be in 500 m as indicated by the sign in situation 2 this entry is immediate you are actually arriving on the access ramp to the motorway answer B and C to overtake a vehicle you must

    Of course drive faster than the vehicle you are overtaking to overtake in in complete safety and that the maneuver does not last too long it is preferable that the difference in speed is at least 20 km/h answer C you are driving here outside a built-up area on a two-way road

    The maximum speed authorized on this type of road in normal traffic conditions is 90 km/h unless otherwise indicated but in bad weather this maximum speed is reduced to 80 km/h it can even be lowered to 50 km/h in the event of visibility less than 50 m

    Answer B the normal reaction time of a driver is estimated at one second this time can be doubled after 2 hours of driving due to fatigue answer A and C on the road you must always make sure you can see and be seen here it is raining the visibility

    Is therefore reduced to try to overcome this problem it is better to use the reaction time and the time necessary between taking information and the resulting action we estimate it at one second when the conditions are the best but this reaction time

    Can double or even triple in the event of distraction fatigue taking alcohol because the brain is then no longer receptive enough to correctly analyze the information the more the reaction time increases the more the stopping distance is lying down and the high risk of accident the support can delay the taking

    Of information but in no way modifies the reaction time response AB and D when you get behind the wheel you must always ensure that your passengers are seated correctly it This is your responsibility as a driver in the event of an inspection by the police,

    If applicable you will be penalized for not wearing a seat belt or incorrectly positioned seat belt for yourself or your passengers under 18 years of age you will not lose points on your license that if you yourself are concerned by this incorrectly or not worn seat belt you will not lose points

    For passengers not or incorrectly fastened but you remain responsible for their safety take care of them ensure that their seat belt is properly buckled answer B you are driving on a very snowy road even if the speed is limited to 30 km/h by following this vehicle and near an

    Area frequented by vulnerable users you must drive at walking pace it is useless to honk your horn because there is no immediate danger but the greatest caution is required answer B and D here the dashboard indicates a rev counter at é0 and a speed at Z the engine is not running

    The vehicle is not in motion answer B you are driving in a rather narrow street with one-way traffic the gray vehicle is carrying out its maneuver it is reversing to leave its parking lot it is already engaged in this situation it is useless to honk because

    There is no there is no immediate danger you have time to stop do it so answer to air conditioning is a comfortable team but fuel intensive a difference of 8°gr can increase fuel consumption by 20% so think about limiting the difference in

    Temperature between the inside and the outside the ideal being a difference of 5°g maximum to limit its use it is better to open the windows at low speed opening the windows at high speed would on the contrary increase the air resistance and therefore the consumption response

    To the reaction time is the time necessary between the perception of the problem and the reaction on the commands this is in one second on average a vigilant driver will therefore be more able to react quickly to any psychological activity such as distraction stress

    Any physiological slowdown such as taking alcohol, drugs such as fatigue will slow down the reaction time more or less significantly the state of the road will affect the braking distance but not the reaction time response A and B even if the path on which

    You are traveling is congested you must wait the continuous line on your left indicates that it is strictly forbidden to pass at this location the two wires on your left being reserved for one-way traffic as part of an uninterrupted line the rule imposes the last

    Vehicle to activate its hazard lights to warn other users in this situation a vehicle is already behind you so you do not have to activate your hazard lights response B and D it is essential to know how your vehicle works vehicle and

    Regularly check that everything is in good working order with regard to the stop signals, you should know that this only comes on if you press the [__] brake and not by squeezing the handbrake this information must be taken into account when you check that the

    Stop lights are working tightening the handbrake will be of no use for this check answer B you arrive at an intersection where you are given priority as evidenced by the ced the passage intended for users coming on the right in situation 1 you can see a pedestrian crossing

    Parallel to your direction of traffic which does not represent any immediate danger on the other hand in situation 2 you can see a motorcycle partially hidden by the bus shelter you must therefore ensure that its driver saw you to continue your journey and avoid an

    Accident so be particularly vigilant in this situation answer B when you arrive first at the scene of an accident which has just occurred you must come to the aid of the people involved whether or not you have first aid skills above all else

    You must protect the scene of the accident to avoid further accidents and ensure that able-bodied people are safe you can assess the number and condition of the victims are they conscious or not then call the help and answer their questions all this

    Can be done without any notion of first aid your last action will consist of helping where the victims are, that is to say providing assistance to the victims without risk of aggravating their condition by

    Talking to them by covering them answer a you are traveling at a reasonable speed in a built-up area however you arrive at a pedestrian crossing and have little visibility on the left you also do not know the intention of the pedestrians on your right you must therefore slow down in this

    Situation answer a when you follow traditional training to obtain your driving license you have what is called a probationary license, this has 6 points and your points capital will increase by 2 points after each year without an offense on your

    Part after 3 years and therefore at the end of the probationary period you will have reached the maximum capital of 12 points it is during this period that you must affix the a to the rear of your vehicle the deadline and the operation are the same concerning supervised driving concerning

    Accompanied driving the period of aosition of a will be 2 years answer B and C it is essential to check the proper functioning of your vehicle regularly you must check the fluid levels but also the good working condition of the bulbs of the different lights in fact when a

    Bulb malfunctions the corresponding light will not necessarily alert you on certain vehicles there is a warning light for a burnt out bulb but this remains uncommon the fact that the indicator lights flash at a faster frequency should be of most

    Concern to you, on the other hand, a light that no longer lights up on the dashboard just means that the light itself is broken answer B you are driving on a 2 xis lane type road separated by a central terrain the traffic seems fluid but the

    Signage warns you of a traffic jam you must remain vigilant and take all controls of your vehicle even if the traffic is not congested at the moment it risks becoming so very quickly do not let yourself be surprised immediately deactivate your cruise control and take full control of your vehicle answer B

    You are driving in a built-up area on a two-way road the bus is stopped on the right while you allow passengers to get off and on in the lane which separates you from that of opposite is demarcated by a continuous line since July 2, 2015 it is possible

    To straddle this continuous line in order to overtake a cyclist but you must under no circumstances straddle it to overtake any other vehicle you must therefore stop behind the bus and wait for it to restart so you can continue your journey answer

    B when you turn on the ignition the lights come on for a few seconds before going off this normal operation of any vehicle allows you to check with a quick glance eye that the lights are working well only those which will remain lit afterwards will indicate a

    Malfunction an orange light indicating a problem that will need to be resolved soon and a red light indicating an urgent problem answer B in this situation I slow down and place myself just behind the truck answer a I stop immediately answer B air conditioning although offering a certain comfort for driving

    Increases fuel consumption so it is better to use it wisely by limiting the temperature difference between the interior and the exterior of the car to 5°g lowering the interior temperature to 8°g would increase consumption on the road by 15 to 20%. answer

    A during an accident if the other driver refuses to complete and sign a report you can absolutely note his registration and complete the report by yourself in the part that concerns you if there are people who can testify it is necessary to note their

    Contact details and take their testimony however you cannot under any circumstances sign in place of the other driver answer BC and approximately 43% of fatal accidents take place during the night while we do not count on these hours that 10% of traffic alcohol-related offenses reduced vigilance speeding are multiplied at

    Night which explains these sad statistics answer A and D since July 2015 the use of the hand kit free is prohibited the driver who uses it may be fined €135 and have three points removed from his license answer A and C

    You are driving on a road with a type of lane separated by a central barrier you are carrying out an overtaking maneuver while being sure that no one can come in front of you the trucks which follow each other extend over a great length and do not

    Necessarily respect the correct safety distances to overtake them you can of course overtake the line of trucks in one go without having to fall between two which would even turn out to be dangerous; keep your indicator on throughout the maneuver then pull back, leaving sufficient space in relation to the last vehicle you

    Will have overtaken answer B when you are traveling on a two-way road and the two lanes are separated by a broken line this means that in principle you can overtake at any time but common sense must apply when visibility n is not sufficient as

    Is the case here at the top of the hill you must of course play the card of caution and you must not exceed answer B you arrive at a light which is green but where the white vehicle in front of you

    Is stopped you could follow the gray vehicle which is traveling however you can see in your rear-view mirror that a vehicle is overtaking you so you cannot change lanes you must therefore stop at the line of effect of the lights

    At the case where it changes color so as not to block the intersection answer C you are driving in an urban area and many vulnerable users are on the streets and sidewalks so you must be particularly vigilant as for this lady who is crossing outside of everything

    Pedestrian crossing know at the same time that being located more than 50 m from any pedestrian crossing it remains priority there is therefore no immediate danger it is useless to honk in this situation response B to turn left I SRE left along from the sidewalk yes answer a no answer B

    In the presence of this sign I am about to encounter an intersection answer a traffic lights answer B works answer C this pedestrian is not on the pedestrian crossing I honk to pass answer a I m ‘stop and let him cross answer B

    In this situation I stop to let the pedestrian cross yes answer a no answer B it is important to do routine maintenance on your vehicle every month answer a every 6 months answer B when the vehicle is cold with the engine answer C on flat ground answer D

    To follow the GPS I favor sound data answer a visual answer B in a bodily accident human behavior is involved in 50% of cases answer a in 90% of cases answer B to go from 0.8 g of alcohol per liter of blood to 0 g it takes approximately 2 hours answer

    A 5 hours answer B drinking water can help reduce this time yes answer C no answer D what is the most common situation dangerous situation 1 answer to situation 2 answer B motorized signs overtaking motorists answer a motorcyclists answer BB this sign is definitive answer C temporary answer D

    On this motorway all users can use the three lanes yes answer a no answer B the left lane is prohibited for vehicles over 3 tons5 answer C over 7 m long answer D a driver while driving accompanied may be penalized for excessive alcohol

    Yes answer a no answer B his companion may be penalized yes answer C no answer D the high visibility vest can be found in the glove box answer a in the trunk answer B either in the glove box or the trunk answer C

    On a sloping street to park my vehicle I put the fra in hand answer a I put neutral answer B I engage a gear answer C I turn the wheels towards the sidewalk answer D a level crossing is announced at 50 m answer a at 100 m answer B if

    The barriers go up I should slow down yes answer C no answer D the crossing is difficult I have to stop yes answer a no answer B the dashboard indicates that the engine is running answer a the vehicle is stationary

    Answer B the handbrake is applied answer C the lack of brake fluid answer D a notice requiring the wearing of glasses may appear on the license yes answer a no answer B in the event of an inspection the absence of glasses may result in a loss of points answer C a fine answer

    D I drive at 90 km/h maximum speed authorized on this road I slow down answer a I maintain my speed answer B a driver with a blood alcohol level greater than 0.8 g per liter of blood commits an offense answer a a fine answer B he may be obliged to equip

    Your car with an immobilizer system by eylotest yes answer C no answer D when I buy a used vehicle I may be subject to the ecological bonus answer a to the ecological penalty answer B to the CO2 surcharge answer C

    I would like to continue to the right I stop immediately answer a I slow down answer B I go to the left answer C I go to the right answer D I want to turn left I slow down yes answer a no answer B

    The leading cause of death on the highway is linked to speed answer a drowsiness answer B to stop there I have to slow down answer C take a break answer D it is better here to stay on this path answer to fall back on the right path answer B

    I can take advantage of this waiting time to call with my kit hand free yes answer a no answer B to read a message yes answer C no answer D this victim is bleeding profusely I can compress his wound with my scarf yes answer a no answer B

    I can get my license at 17 and a half if I followed the early learning driving training answer a if I have just passed my code and taken 20 driving lessons answer B by obtaining my license at 17 and a half I can drive alone immediately yes answer C no answer D

    I will meet a level crossing with barrier answer a without barrier answer B this level crossing is located approximately 50 m answer C approximately 150 m answer D in town journeys of less than 1 km represent 1 day of journeys answer a 1/4 of the journeys answer B

    Checking your blind spot before overtaking is useless answer A is recommended on all roads answer B is recommended on one-way roads answer C is obligatory answer D this type of beacon announces a level crossing located in a built-up area approximately

    50 m answer a 150 m answer B outside built-up areas about 50 m answer C 150 m answer D I want to go straight I am in a good position yes answer a no answer B I can change my voice yes answer C no answer D cruise control allows you to maintain a

    Constant speed answer a not to exceed a limited speed answer B it is deactivated when I press the brake answer C the clutch answer D I must move into the left lane yes answer a no answer B I can do it immediately yes answer C no answer D

    There is an icing position on some exterior mirrors yes answer a no answer B for safety it is important to regularly clean the body of the vehicle answer a the windows of the vehicle answer B the license plate answer C the lights answer D

    I can be penalized if I have not checked the oil level yes answer a no answer B if the flashing lights are broken yes answer C no answer D the speed is limited at 50 km/h facing this stopped pedestrian I honk the horn

    Answer a I stop answer B I slow down and turn to the right answer C I turn right answer a I slow down answer B I stop answer C I pass answer D you are moving in a built-up area in a one-way but two-way cycle street as

    Shown by the ground markings to turn left at this intersection you must place yourself behind the yellow truck with your indicator on, however do not position yourself along the sidewalk because you will then be on a cycle lane dedicated to cyclists traveling

    In the other direction of traffic you must under no circumstances travel on this lane which is reserved for them answer B this sign indicates the presence of a traffic light it is there to warn

    You so that you are not surprised at the next intersection you come across, it is not at all a sign announcing works this type of triangular sign is also yellow in color answer A and B even if the pedestrian is not well positioned on the road and does not respect the

    Rule you must stop and let him pass without honking because there is no immediate danger answer B the pedestrian on your right is about to cross there is no pedestrian crossing in sight unless of 50 m neither in front nor behind you must therefore let it cross make sure

    In all cases that the vehicle behind you has understood your intention response to a regular check of your vehicle is essential to ensure proper operation in complete safety the checks are recommended every month with the engine cold and on flat ground

    To clearly see the AC and D response levels. GPS or satellite guidance is a navigation aid which allows you to determine a route to follow according to your personal requirements, use of motorway or not. shortest least congested path step to respect etcetera

    It therefore gives you information on the route to follow you are guided both by sound and by visual data since your route is displayed progressively on your device it is better to favor sound data so as not to lose sight direction

    Of the eyes when you look at the screen you must not fix your gaze but favor a glance as furtively as possible to avoid the risk of an accident response to human behavior is involved in 90% of fatal accidents consumption of alcohol or narcotics speed

    Taking medication drowsiness use of mobile phones behaviors must be reviewed and improved answer B a driver eliminates approximately 0.15 g of alcohol per liter of blood in 1 hour this rate can vary depending on body size and gender of people to eliminate

    0.8 g per lre it is therefore necessary to allow approximately 5 hours drinking water or any other trick such as eating sweets drinking oil or coffee will not change the elimination time answer B and D in both situations you arrive at an intersection where the users owe you

    Priority, however unlike situation 2 where we can see that the driver is looking at you, it is impossible for us to ensure that the driver in situation 1 is indeed you. spotted it is therefore this situation which is the most dangerous response to you traveling on a road

    Under construction as evidenced by the temporary markers and signs located on either side of the roadway you must take it into account in the same way as for definitive signage in this case you are traveling on a road where the signage prohibits you from overtaking any

    Motor vehicle except two wheels, however in the event of overtaking two wheels you must ensure that the width of this temporary lane is compatible with overtaking which is not the case here common sense must always take precedence over rule answer B and D on this motorway all users cannot use the three lanes

    Of traffic in fact vehicles over 3 ton5 or over 7 m long or more than 2 m wide must not use the leftmost lane as in this case there are only three lanes on the motorway they cannot use all three lanes all other users

    Can use this lane but only in the context of overtaking answer BC and D drunk driving is a real problem because it is the cause of 28% of fatal accidents in 2014 among the drivers involved many are novice drivers in July 2015

    And to fight against this flea the minimum blood alcohol level has been lowered to 0.2 g per liter of blood for novices in the event of an offense they will operate and may be prohibited from taking the driving license tests for 5 years the true driving

    Guarantor will also be sanctioned answer A and C you must have on board your vehicle a certain number of compulsory documents such as registration certificate insurance driving license technical inspection report but you must also be equipped with safety equipment including the high visibility vest and the warning triangle in order to be able

    To put on your vest when you need it, it must be in the passenger compartment of your vehicle ideally at the front of the vehicle as in the glove box or in the pocket at Monière

    It is thus within easy reach and will allow you to put it on before getting out of the vehicle which is preferable to be seen clearly answer a when you park your vehicle you must ensure that it does not will present no danger and that it is stopped correctly,

    Putting the handbrake on is essential in fact in the event of an hour it must not move and become inconvenient and dangerous but when this vehicle is on a sloping street engage a speed and turn the wheels towards the sidewalk to avoid as much as possible any risk of your vehicle

    Ending up in the middle of the road response AC and D as signified by the two red bands that you can see on the marker a level crossing is about 100 m from where you are you can see the red lights flashing and the barriers lowered you must slow down in all

    Cases to cross a level crossing as for any intersection the there can be multiple reasons such as an operating anomaly or a deformed road surface answers B and C you are driving on a two-way road and on a slope you are going up and

    Going to meet a vehicle for a crossing which is very difficult the rule imposes on descending vehicles to facilitate the passage to ascending vehicles by stopping this for ease of maneuvering it is therefore up to him to stop especially as he has the possibility of parking on

    His right in the lane just in front of him answer B the contour here indicates approximately 800 revolutions per minute this means that the engine is running however the vehicle is stationary since the speed dial indicates 0 km/h the light on also shows that the handbrake

    Is applied and not that it is necessary to add brake fluid answer AB and C for people usually wearing glasses or contact lenses the code 01 corresponding to compulsory corrective glass appears on the license in the event of an inspection if the driver is not

    Wearing not wear your glasses or contact lenses you can be fined €135 and lose 3 points on your license answer AC and D in general when you are driving you must adapt your appearance and your behavior not only to the signage but also to

    The environment on this road even if the speed is limited to 90 km/h you are going to approach a bend in the middle of the night and have little visibility ahead you must absolutely slow down to better understand this situation responds to a driver with a blood alcohol level

    Of between 0.5 and 0.79 g per liter of blood commits a fine from a level of 0.8 g per liter of blood this becomes a flow rate in In this case he may be penalized with a heavy fine of up to €4,500, a withdrawal of 6 points from his license and perhaps

    Subject to the obligation to equip his vehicle with an immobilizer test device by judicial sanction response A and C any purchase of used vehicle put into circulation after January 1, 2004 may subject the buyer to pay a CO2 surcharge depending on the degree of pollution of the

    Vehicle with the aim of rejuvenating the French automobile fleet answer C to continue on on your right you will have to pass pedestrians who walk alongside parked vehicles to do so you must move away at least one meter or here if you

    Move away you will then be traveling in the opposite direction with no visibility of the vehicles arriving in front you must therefore stop while the pedestrian moves further to the right answer a you wish to turn left you are in the correct lane but as

    You can see a pedestrian is crossing without respecting the traffic code road located less than 50 m from a pedestrian crossing he does not and does not cross perpendicular to the road plus he seems totally disinterested in what is happening around him so you must

    Be particularly vigilant and slow down in order to let him cross in complete safety response to on the highway drowsiness is involved in a fatal accident on TR and it is the most frequent where the signs of fatigue are felt slowing down opening the windows or turning up the volume of

    The radio is not enough just one solution take a break every 2 hours and rest for at least 15 minutes answer B and D you are driving in a built-up area in heavy traffic near a work zone vulnerable users are on the construction site you must

    Remain careful but you do not you don’t have to put yourself in the right lane besides there is a motorist in your blind spot stay in your vehicle line and change only if you really want to change direction answer to you are stopped at a fire

    Tricolor in a queue for several seconds for the moment the queue of vehicles does not move even if this waiting time seems too long to you you must remain vigilant to what is happening around you traffic may resume if the light turns green the vehicle in front of

    You may move backwards if its driver is distracted you must therefore not relax your attention the use of the telephone in hand or with a hands-free kit is prohibited while driving, whether while driving or stationary if the vehicle is in circulation, even while reading a message, your

    Eyes would move away from the road in doing so, you would risk a 4th class fine in the amount of €135 as well as the reduction of three points on the driving license alone Bluetooth is tolerated today but this in no way guarantees your safety which makes you think about answers B

    And D when a victim is bleeding profusely after alerting the emergency services it is important to act to prevent the situation from getting worse in this case. case the victim risks bleeding to stop it the only solution is to compress the fold to stop the bleeding to avoid

    Possible contamination you must of course protect yourself do not perform a point without contact use the cleanest fabric possible scarf jacket the system D must take precedence answer A It is possible to pass your license at 17 and a half years of age if you

    Have followed the anticipated driving training course called AAC. If you pass your license, however, you must wait until the age of 18 to drive alone in in the meantime you remain in accompanied driving response A and D the vertical signage announces a level crossing with barrier the sign

    Specifies that you will find half-barriers with automatic operation the level crossing without barrier is symbolized by a locomotive the level crossing is approximately 150 m away as shown by the three red bands appearing on the response marker A and D 1/4 of journeys in town

    Are less than 1 km given the saturation of the road network in urban areas it is important to think about the system gentle movement answer B in order to overtake any vehicle in one direction you must look backwards in your interior mirror to

    Check that no one is showing their intention of overtaking you then in your left mirror of course to see if no one is is in the process of overtaking you , finally don’t forget to validate everything by a check in the blind spot, that is to say the

    Chin at shoulder level, this direct check is therefore obligatory and not recommended answer d the presence of a beacon with three red bands such as this one announces a level crossing located approximately 50 m away in built-up areas outside built-up areas this same type of beacon is located

    Upstream of the level crossing approximately 150 m away answer A and D in France we drive on the right if you want to go straight you had to stay on the right lane here you are placed on the storage lane forcing you to turn left it is therefore too late to change as

    You see in your rearview mirror a vehicle is overtaking you on the right changing lanes would be very dangerous in addition to being prohibited answer B and D the cruise control allows you to maintain the most constant speed possible it is perfectly suited to driving on

    The motorway for example and on flat ground there is therefore a risk of leaving its regulator in action on descents since, carried away by the mass of your vehicle, you could find yourself exceeding the authorized speed limits if it allows you to avoid keeping the

    Foot on the accelerator it is deactivated as soon as you press the brake or the clutch response AC and D you are traveling on an insertion lane which turns into a traffic lane since you can see three lanes in front of you affected by the signaling vertical you

    Therefore do not have the obligation to take the lane on your left unless you want to go in the corresponding direction if this is the case you cannot insert yourself immediately because you you were able to notice in your rearview mirror that the white vehicle was growing quite

    Quickly which means that the speed of this vehicle is higher than yours so wait until it has passed before you can insert answer B and D the mirrors are there to improve your visibility to ensure this function in all weather an

    Icing function sometimes exists on vehicles do not hesitate to use it in cold weather answer generally speaking it is important to take care of your vehicle and clean it regularly the elements which allow you to see clearly from the driving position or to be seen well by others are particularly important so

    Regularly clean your windows inside and out and of course your lights clean your license plates registration does not improve safety in any way but remains mandatory in the event of a police check answers B and D as an owner you must

    Properly maintain your vehicle it is essential for your safety, that of your passengers and that of the motorists you encounter on the road, however, in the event of a check by the police, the levels are not checked and therefore not sanctioned. On the other hand, any broken light,

    Whether flashing or other harm to lighting and signaling of the vehicle even if this breakdown is not intentional you can be penalized with a second class fine so it is better to remember to check everything very regularly answer B and C

    It is dark even if the authorized speed is 50 km/h you you can notice that a pedestrian is stopped in your lane which presents a real danger you must stop to let this pedestrian cross and avoid any risk of accident answer B you

    Are driving on a snowy road and are going to approach a tunnel a minibus is coming in the other direction of traffic and has almost finished crossing the tunnel to make it easier for him to pass, turn right and stop, you will thus avoid any risk of collision answers A and

    C my license B allows me to drive a vehicle to transport equipment up to 3 T5 answer a a vehicle without load weight limitation answer B a minibus that can transport up to 12 people answer C I drive at 110 km/h the safety distance must

    Be approximately 30 m answer A 65 m answer B 100 m answer C the vehicle in front of me is stopped to go straight I stay behind it answer a I can take the left lane answer B

    I drive at 70 km/h after this sign I could continue in the same way speed answer a I should not exceed 50 km/h answer B I should travel at 30 km/h answer C these children are well settled yes answer a no answer B this sign indicates access to a tunnel answer a authorization

    To go half way -tour answer B an obligation to use low beam lights answer C a ban on stopping and parking answer D the safety distance is obligatory in tunnels to limit the risk of accident yes answer a no answer B to avoid accidents possible spread of fire yes answer C no answer

    D in town exceeding the authorized speed of 5 km/h is punishable by a fine 2 €68 answer a €135 answer B outside urban areas this fine is €68 answer C €135 answer D 19024 is the number of kilometers traveled since the vehicle was put into service

    Answer a since the last tank of fuel answer B I can reset this counter to zero yes answer C no answer D I have just checked the oil when reading the gauge I must add oil here answer a drain the oil answer B do nothing answer C stop on the right is here

    Allow answer a tolerate answer B forbidden answer C dangerous answer D I must tighten to the left yes answer a no no answer B being stopped for the first time while driving your vehicle while your license is administratively suspended can result in a fine yes answer a no answer

    B imprisonment yes answer C no answer D I am about to slow down no I maintain my pace answer a yes immediately answer B yes in approximately 150 m answer C the advantages of car sharing are to reduce pollution answer to avoid vehicle purchase and maintenance costs

    Answer B to reduce traffic jams answer C to take responsibility for the role of driver answer D I must leave a minimum distance of 4.50 yes answer A no answer B I want to turn right I continue at the same speed answer a I slow down answer B I stop answer C

    To avoid being dazzled I have t my lights immediately answer a I accelerate answer B I slow down answer C I lower the sun visor answer D I can drive without stopping yes answer a no answer B carpooling is a way to reduce pollution answer to reduce pollution traffic jams

    Answer B reduce travel costs answer C make your journey more quickly answer D this truck wants to change voice I accelerate answer a I let it finish its maneuver answer B I can immediately get out of my parking lot yes answer a no answer B

    I can overtake this bus yes answer a no answer B the vehicle in front of me is stopped I stop behind it answer a I stop at the line of effect of the lights answer B call for help from an emergency terminal allows you to be geolocated yes answer a no answer B

    I have to drive at a maximum of 50 km/h after the sign in situation 1 yes answer a no answer B in situation 2 yes answer C no answer D I am crossing a built-up area here answer a a placedi answer B I have to slow down yes answer C no answer D

    In this tunnel I can drive in the right lane yes answer a no answer B in the left lane yes answer C no answer D the attitude of this driver encourages me to wait patiently behind him answer to overtake carefully answer B drive in the left lane answer C

    To check the levels I turn off the engine yes answer a no answer B I check the levels A cold answer C hot answer D the most vulnerable users frequently victims of the road are pedestrians answer a cyclists answer B motorcyclists answer C

    On this two-way road I honk yes answer a no answer B to get into the car I avoid keeping my coat on yes answer a no answer B I am driving at 90 km/h I can continue at this speed answer a I must slow down answer B

    I can immediately take the right lane to pass this double-wire truck yes answer a no answer B to be sure to respect the limit speed I use the GPS answer a the cruise control answer B the speed limiter answer C

    The vehicles in front of me are stopped I want to continue straight I stop answer a I overtake this vehicle and pass answer B the controls liquid must be carried out on flat ground answer a cold answer B hot answer C with the engine off answer D

    I can expect to have pedestrians in this area yes answer a no answer B on this road my speed is limited to 50 km /h answer a 90 km/h answer B 110 km/h answer C the B license allows you to drive vehicles designed for a maximum of 9 people whose

    Authorized weight, i.e. the GVWR, does not exceed 3.5 tonnes answer a to calculate the ideal safety distance it is necessary to multiply the number tens of the speed by 6 thus at 110 km/h the safety distance is approximately 66 m answer

    B at the intersection approached you can see that the light is green and that the vehicle in front of you is stopped but it does not appear not broken down since it did not turn on its hazard lights the horizontal signaling allowing you to use the lane on the left to go straight

    And no one is overtaking you you can use this lane to continue your journey however you do not know why this vehicle is stopped so be careful and pass slowly in case a vulnerable user emerges answer B in the absence of contrary indication the town entry sign

    Is equivalent to a speed limit of 50 km/h maximum you do not must therefore not exceed this speed when entering the town of Maren answer B one of the children is not restrained you must ensure that all your passengers are restrained before setting off in the

    Event of an inspection you will have to pay a fine for you or your young minor passengers not wearing a seat belt people over 18 will be penalized themselves answer B this sign indicates a tunnel entrance it means that you are prohibited from turning around, stopping or park outside emergency stopping places

    And the obligation to turn on your low beam headlights AC and D response in tunnels as on all roads the safety distance helps avoid the risk of accident but unlike the traditional roads under a tunnel it is advisable to maintain the same distance whatever

    The speed at which you are traveling, including if you are stationary. This is necessary to avoid any risk of possible fire propagation which can prove dramatic in a tunnel the distance to be respected is normally indicated at the start of the tunnel it is estimated at two blue diodes

    Or two chevrons painted on the ground answer A and C speeding of less than 20 km/h is always punishable by the removal of a point on the license but in town where the speed is limited to

    50 km/h an excess of 5 km/h will represent 10% of the speed in addition the fine to pay will therefore be €135 more significant than an excess of 5 km/h outside the city punished by a fine of €68 answer B and C the dashboard must always indicate the number of kilometers traveled

    Since the vehicle was put into circulation, this is what corresponds here to the number 19024 sometimes counters can give other information such as the distance traveled during a trip or the number of kilometers traveled since the last fuel tank. These counters

    Can be reset to zero unlike the main counter answer A and D when you check the fluid levels of your vehicle you must use the marks to check that everything is at the correct level for the oil the correct level is between the

    Minimum and maximum mark both marked by a notch this is the case here the oil is located between the two markers you do not have to add or drain the oil answer C at this point on the road the shoulder is almost non-existent to stop you

    Will have to stay on the road which would be very dangerous on the road approaching the bend that we see stopping is therefore both dangerous and prohibited because you would mask the visibility of other users answer C and D on this insertion lane two construction vehicles are

    Stopped on the right you can see several people discussing on the shoulder other members of staff may be behind one of the two trucks you must remain vigilant and pull to the left in order to pass safely response to the administrative suspension of the driving license may be decided by the prefect either

    For medical reasons or after the finding of a serious offense in the event of administrative suspension there cannot be an adjustment of the sentence it is therefore strictly prohibited to lead to non-compliance with a measure suspension is not possible Heavy sanctions since 2017 being sanctioned for the first time for driving without

    A license or in the event of suspension is punishable by a fixed fine of €800 without going to court in application of the new law modernizing justice j21 this offense remains nevertheless an offense in the event of a repeat offense the driver is sentenced to court and in progress

    As was the case until now a heavy fine the loss of 6 points on his license and a prison sentence answer A and D you are driving in an urban area on a wide roadway and have just seen two temporary traffic signs in quick succession, the first announcing work and the

    Second a narrowing of the roadway faced with these danger signs you must slow down immediately answer B when you choose car sharing you opt for a vehicle rental system based on your needs fewer vehicles are in circulation

    And you therefore participate in the reduction of CO2 emissions you do not have to buy a vehicle or plan for maintenance costs of the vehicles parking spaces can even be reserved for you depending on the service provider chosen, however it is you who drives the rented vehicle and

    Should be responsible for your driving answer AB and C as indicated on the sign above the tunnel access is here prohibited for vehicles over 4.50 m in height, it should not be confused with the one which imposes the safety distances to be respected. However, admit that 4.50 m

    Of distance between two vehicles may seem to be presumptuous for your survival, the safety distances are located between 60 and 120 m depending on the case answer B like the vehicle in front of you you want to turn right at this intersection three reasons require you to slow down here the

    First is that you do not know what you may encounter in the street lane that you are going to address the second is that you do not know if the green light will not change color and the third is that the vehicle behind you does not respect the interdistances you must

    Protect yourself from any sudden stop by anticipating any modification of sudden speed answer B you are driving in a tunnel you are going to come out and the difference in light is such that you risk being dazzled to avoid being too bothered keep your lights on until you have completely exited the tunnel

    Slow down and lower your lights your share of the sun if you have some within reach of your hand or nose of course put on your sunglasses answer C and D when you are ready to enter a roundabout you must carefully check that no one is coming on your left before you

    Enter if this is the case you can completely understand without stopping here you can see that the blue vehicle has just entered the ring you have plenty of time to analyze the situation and adapt your pace so as not to have to stop at this intersection answer

    To carpooling is a good way to reduce the number of cars in circulation in the same car people come together to make the trip together thus reducing the blows by sharing them this system makes it possible to limit pollution and traffic jams since fewer

    Cars are circulating but it does not ensure that the journey is made more quickly, depending of course on the traffic conditions answer AB and C this truck is at the height of a narrowing of the road and wishes to change lanes the distance between you and him gives you plenty of time

    To slow down so he can complete his maneuver so let him pass answer B you are parked in an area reserved for this purpose before leaving your place you must make sure you do not disturb any user or in your rear-view mirror you can spot a vehicle traveling

    On the road you must therefore let it pass and then get on as soon as you can answer B the bus is stopped in order to let passengers off you must so stay careful, do not try to overtake this bus because placed so close you no longer have any

    Visibility of users who may be arriving in the opposite direction, also remember that pedestrians could cross after the bus even if this action is strongly discouraged, wait for the bus to leave and only move forward when the street is free answer B in this situation the vehicle in front of you is

    Stopped for an unknown reason the traffic is too heavy for you to be able to change lanes safely it is therefore necessary to stop you must do so at the line of effect of the lights otherwise you would take the risk of blocking the intersection answer

    B when you are the first to arrive at the scene an accident you must rescue possible victims for this you must first secure the places and the people then assess the condition of the victims to then call for help you can use the

    SOS terminals if you are on a motorway place all the of km these terminals have the merit of automatically geolocating you which gives a valuable clue to the emergency services who will be able to intervene more quickly answer a in situation 1 you enter an urban area

    The corresponding sign implies that you must not exceed the maximum speed of 50 km/h in situation 2 you are leaving the town this crossed out sign implies the end of the speed limit at 50 km/h and in this case a limit of 90 km/h answer A and

    D this sign indicates that you are going to cross a place called the cave even if it is not an urban area and in the absence of speed limit signs you must slow down because you may encounter vulnerable users such as pedestrians or cyclists you must therefore remain

    Vigilant answer B and C in this tunnel like the traffic light diverts the specific clearly you can drive on the right lane but must under no circumstances take the left lane apparently under construction answer A and D you are driving in a built-up area on a two-way street

    Traffic the white vehicle in front of you drives hesitantly it stops and starts again and has not put on a flasher indicating an intention to park in this street it is not prohibited to overtake since no signage is in place to this effect you clearly see that no vehicle

    Is arriving in front, however you have no idea of ​​the intention of this driver who may have to cross the road to park even if this is prohibited the best solution is to stay behind him while he ‘it shows a more marked intention response a

    To check the proper functioning of your vehicle you must regularly check the fluid levels essential to carry out these checks in good conditions you must position your vehicle on flat ground so as not to distort the reading of the level turning off the engine

    And doing this check cold allows the liquids to return to their initial state and ensures greater safety opening certain containers of hot liquid could prove very dangerous and cause serious burns answer A and C in France each year we deplore thousands

    Of victims on the road among them vulnerable users such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists lose their lives daily in 2014 18% of the victims were motorcyclists compared to 15% of pedestrians and 5% of cyclists and moped riders this is why the rules for sharing the street

    Are put in place in order to try to protect them as best as possible response C you move here in a street which becomes very narrow without visibility and without mirror to help you better see the users arriving opposite in this situation it is important that you communicate with others,

    Honk to inform of your presence and your passage in order to avoid a dangerous crossing which could cause an accident even if you are in a built-up area in this case it is authorized to honk because in in the event of a vehicle arriving quickly in front

    You would not have time to react answer a when you are about to drive you must have appropriate clothing for the worm so clothing that is too tight can constitute an obstacle to driving and you prevent free movements even before getting behind the wheel better

    It is then better to take off your coat and any bulky clothing which could hinder movement while driving and prevent you from putting on the seat belt correctly. In winter, it is better to put down the

    Heavy coats and put on the heater then answer a in the absence of any indication to the contrary on the sign entering a town is equivalent to a speed limit of 50 km/h maximum you must therefore not exceed this speed when entering this town and must slow down you

    Should have anticipated and slowed down before for safety get into this habit answer B you are traveling in an urban area and must use the traffic lanes which are intended for you in principle the lanes dedicated to cyclists and buses must not be used by motorists

    However when a vehicle is in double line it constitutes an obstacle and you do not you have no other choice than to take the bus lane to overtake him in this scenario you will have noticed that a cyclist is on the right lane you have passed her on the left

    But you do not see her not in your rearview mirror it is currently in your blind spot slow down let it pass you will be able to use the bus lane then only answer B when you are driving in town or in a place requiring great attention to your speed

    Use the speed limiter if your vehicle is equipped with it, a real driving aid it will allow you not to exceed the imposed limit the GPS is an aid allowing you to orient yourself and locate yourself during a journey as for the cruise control it ensures you a

    Constant pace particularly on motorway answer C you arrive at an intersection the traffic light is but the hazard lights activated by the vehicle in front of you tell you that the intersection is congested you must not try to pass absolutely you must therefore

    Stop and must also activate your lights hazard to warn users behind you answer a to check the proper functioning of your vehicle you must regularly check the fluid level essential to your engine to carry out these checks in good conditions you must position your vehicle on a single level turn off the engine

    And do this check cold open certain containers of hot liquid such as coolant could prove very dangerous and cause serious burns answer AB and D you arrive at a toll the staff is sometimes required to move from a barrier at another

    You may therefore encounter pedestrians and you must exercise the greatest caution slow down sharply to ensure the safety of users vuln answer to you are currently outside the urban area and in a two-way street as shown by the vehicle in the opposite direction and the line

    Dotted bank on the left in the absence of signs to the contrary the speed is therefore limited to 90 km/h if you are a novice driver you must not exceed 80 km/h answer B the location on the right allows me to deposit a passenger

    Yes answer a no answer B to park yes answer C no answer D my vehicle is equipped with an airbag I do not need to buckle up true answer a false answer B the airbag is an additional safety feature for my baby the front true answer C false answer D

    The cars parked on the right are in violation yes answer a no answer B ABS helps reduce reaction time yes answer a no answer B its role can be supplemented by the affu answer C the GPS answer D

    I check the oil level in a answer A in B answer B I add oil in a answer C in B answer D the sign prohibits me from overtaking the cyclist true answer a false answer B I overtake yes answer C no no answer D

    I took the wrong direction I can turn around yes answer a no answer B I cannot overtake here mainly due to the signage answer a poor visibility answer B vehicles arriving in front answer C vehicles arriving behind me answer D

    To hold the steering wheel I must have my arms straight answer a my arms slightly bent answer B I can use the storage lane to overtake this truck yes answer a no answer B the moped rider behind me must use the cycle path on the right yes answer a no answer B

    In this tunnel the speed is limited to 70 kmh yes answer a no answer B I want to overtake this cyclist I honk so that he keeps to the right answer a I can get on the sidewalk on the left answer B I pass closely

    On the road answer C I stay behind him for the moment answer D I slow down yes answer a no answer B I drive at 90 km/h I must increase the safety distance in this situation yes answer a no answer B

    To pass this group of pedestrians I maintain my trajectory answer a I leave a space of 50 cm answer B I leave an interval of one m answer C I leave an interval of 1.50 answer D I overtake this bus answer a I stop behind the bus answer B I stop immediately answer

    C in a tunnel it is always forbidden to stop except in an emergency answer a to turn around answer B to overtake answer C to honk answer D the safety distance must always be equivalent to two lines on the motorway answer

    A depends on the speed answer B corresponds to the distance traveled during 2 seconds answer C in this situation I honk answer a I continue to move forward answer B j ‘wait for the motorist to finish his maneuver answer C I am preparing to stop in an emergency yes answer a no answer

    B car sharing consists of renting a vehicle for a very short period of time for a journey answer A take d other passengers in his vehicle answer B it is an Ecomobile system yes answer C no answer D I can follow the vehicle which is overtaking yes answer a no answer B

    I do not have my driving license with me in the event of an inspection I risk a sanction yes answer a no answer B I should present my license within 5 days answer C during the following month answer D the broken down white vehicle will be able to recharge its battery

    Yes answer a no answer B it must connect the terminals in parallel yes answer C no answer D I stop answer a I pass answer B I arrive first at the scene of an accident I must above all protect the

    Scene answer a notify the emergency services answer B slow down and continue my journey answer C I drive at 90 km/h the stopping distance of my vehicle is estimated at 50 m answer a 80 m answer B this distance may vary depending on my vigilance yes answer C no answer D

    To reduce fuel consumption I can dismantle if I don’t I don’t need them the roof bars answer a the bike racks answer B the exterior mirrors answer C the roof box answer D I have been driving for a few minutes and feel uncomfortable I can adjust

    My seat while driving yes answer a no answer B coolant level is correct in situation a answer a in situation B answer B the signage authorizes me to overtake yes answer a no answer B I can overtake immediately yes answer C no answer D

    I choose to drive without a light answer a with my position lights answer B with my low beam lights answer C with my fog lights answer D while driving at 100 km/h the distance needed to stop is approximately 20 m answer a 100 m answer B 150 m answer C

    While driving at 70 km/h the safety distance must be approximately 15 m answer a 40 m answer B this distance is correct with the vehicle preceding me answer C with the vehicle following me answer D I have just passed my license B I could drive one with 125

    Cm wheels C without conditions answer a after 2 years of driving license and 7 hours of training answer B for this tunnel I can turn on my dipped headlights yes answer a no answer B I drive at 110 km/h the safety distance is respected yes answer a no answer B

    After the black car I will be able to overtake this bus yes answer a no answer B certain vehicles are equipped with adaptive lights yes answer a no answer B these lights change automatically depending on the lighting yes answer C no answer D

    The location on your right is prohibited parking as indicated by the sign you cannot park but you can stop to drop off a passenger as the Panon minute drop-off specifies answer A and D when you get behind the wheel you must always

    Ensure that you and your passengers are seated correctly it is your responsibility as a driver the fact that your vehicle is equipped with an airbag is a plus for yourself and your adult or child passengers but this in no way replaces wearing a seat

    Belt it is an additional means of safety however for your baby traveling in a seat adapted to the front of the vehicle you must absolutely deactivate the corresponding airbag because this system is not compatible with the BB seat and instead of reinforcing its safety it can

    On the contrary cause very serious harm to the baby in the event of an accident, take particular care answer B and D the parking sign The prohibition that we see concerns the road on the right and not the road on which these cars are parked, if they are correctly positioned along

    The sidewalk on places marked on the ground by the discontinuous white marking, they are therefore not in violation answer B more and more vehicles are equipped with ever-innovative safety systems thanks to advances in technology, ABS or ABR is an

    Anti-lock wheel system, it automatically detects the tendency for one or more wheels to lock and then reduces the pressure braking or C necessary if this system is effective it does not however reduce the driver’s reaction times or braking s its role can

    Be completed by the affu emergency braking aid system which amplifies braking even more and therefore reduces the braking distance answer B and C when checking the oil level pull out the oil dipstick located at a wipe it with a dry cloth then dip it back into the

    Oil tank if the fluid level is between the minimum and maximum mark then the oil level is correct if on the other hand the level is below the minimum then you must add oil for this open the cap at B and add what you need be careful you

    Must always carry out engine checks cold on flat ground answer A and D you are traveling in built-up areas part of the road has been redone on this road hiding the lines on the ground however nothing prohibits overtaking the cyclist knowing that the law authorizes even since

    July 2015 the overlapping of the line continues for this type of overtaking in complete safety of course it is however prohibited to completely cross the line when you overtake a cyclist you must respect a safety interval of 1 m when you are in built-up areas

    And of 1.50 outside built-up areas here you have good visibility in the distance so you can put on your indicator and begin overtaking while straddling the line whether it is continuous or not answer B and C this sign indicates that you are going to enter a tunnel you are therefore

    Prohibited from turning around if you have taken the wrong direction you will have to find a road allowing you either to turn around or to find a junction allowing you to go in the desired direction but you cannot under no circumstances make a U-turn under a tunnel

    ; it also means that you are prohibited from stopping or parking outside the emergency stop locations and the obligation to turn on your dipped headlights answer B you are traveling on a two-way road outside built-up areas the two lanes

    Are separated by a continuous line even if visibility to the front is n is not good even if a vehicle arrives in front it is the horizontal line which mainly prohibits you from overtaking you must stay in this lane following the vehicle and without trying to overtake it

    Answer a when you sit in the driving position you must be correctly positioned to drive efficiently and without fatigue so you must see the road and its surroundings and you must be able to manipulate the controls easily concerning control of the

    Steering wheel your arms must not be tense but slightly bent this allowing you to maneuver better and to tire less answer B you are driving in an urban area and you arrive at a vehicle stopped on your lane in this

    Exceptional situation you can use the storage lane to overtake you will place yourself on the assigned lane going all the way straight after having passed this truck, ensuring that there are no vulnerable users such as pedestrians in front of the truck response to the cycle path on your

    Right is intended for the circulation of cyclists, moped riders do not have their place there place the one behind you is therefore on a traffic lane that corresponds to it you must nevertheless remain vigilant because the two wheels sometimes have a tendency to drift or overtake in places that

    Are not always suitable answer B as indicated by the signage light in this tunnel the speed is limited to 710 km/h you must under no circumstances exceed this speed especially as the cones on your right indicate the presence of works and perhaps a worker nearby

    You must stay prudent answer a in built-up areas to overtake a cyclist in complete safety you must respect a minimum gap of one m here you do not have this space even by keeping as far to the left as possible on the road honking is prohibited because there is no no immediate danger

    You must under no circumstances drive on the sidewalk because this is also prohibited your only option is to wait until you find a more convenient place to overtake answer d you are traveling on a highway and the traffic is heavy the truck on your right has

    Just passed you and his indicator turned to the right shows that he intends to pull back in this situation you must slow down because if he wants to pull back here he risks tailing you, dangerously limiting the safety distance response a you are traveling on a 2 x lane type road

    Separated by a central terminal limited in normal operation to 110 km/h your speed being 90 km/h you must respect a safety distance of approximately 9 x 6 54 m this n This is not the case here with the vehicle following you and just sufficient with the vehicle in

    Front of you the vehicle following you does not have a turn signal activated and clearly does not intend to overtake you to accelerate since you have a speed reserve of 20 km/h and overtaking the truck in front of you seems to be the only solution allowing you to be

    Safe in terms of interdistances answer to you are traveling on a road in a built-up area a sidewalk is on the left only but there are pedestrians are walking on your right you must leave a sufficient distance L when passing them so as not to make them take the

    Slightest risk in built-up areas this gap must be at least 1 m which does not pose any problem here since the road is wide and that no other user is traveling so remember to move aside so as not to surprise them answer C you are traveling in an urban area on a two-

    Way road in front of you a bus has just stopped at a stop no sign prohibits you from overtaking however you have no forward visibility here so common sense must prevail you cannot overtake you must stop but be careful not to

    Block traffic because a road is on your right, so it is best to stop immediately while the bus leaves answer C the sign entering a tunnel alone indicates the ban on turning around, parking and parking stop except in an emergency and the obligation

    To turn on your low beam headlights on the other hand without the addition of the sign concerning the prohibition of overtaking, overtaking is authorized in the same way it is not prohibited to honk the horn knowing all

    The same that the horn must be reserved for situations of real danger answer A and B the safety distance is the distance to be respected between two vehicles this interdistance must give you time to react in the event of an emergency it is estimated that it is equivalent to the distance traveled

    In 2 seconds a first second linked to the reaction time and a second linked to the safety margin the safety distance is therefore twice as long as the distance traveled during the reaction time this distance therefore depends on the speed at which you travel on motorway

    It is estimated that this distance is equivalent to two lines for a speed of 130 km/h it can obviously be shorter when the speed is lower the two line rule should therefore not always apply answer B and C this motorist is in you are making a gap

    Before passing you must let him complete his maneuver so as not to hinder him you must not honk there is no immediate danger honking could only stress the driver and slow down his progress answer C you are traveling in a built-up area and will arrive at a

    Traffic light the yellow vehicle is parked in a double line but you could see that there was no one behind however a pedestrian dressed in black is emerging on your left heading towards the road and it is currently behind the trash can you

    Must be wary and expect it to cross just because we have identified an obstacle on the road does not mean that another danger should not be neglected potential in this situation always keep your foot above the brake response to car sharing consists of using

    A vehicle for the time of its average needs then leaving it to other drivers then it is an Ecomobile system which allows you to limit the number of vehicles in circulation and free up parking spaces take other passengers in your vehicle involves

    Carpooling answers A and C you are traveling on a road outside a town with two directions of traffic a work vehicle is blocking your lane of traffic and is overtaken by the car in front of you, however you are going to approach a bend and you have no visibility

    Of any vehicles that may arrive from the other direction of traffic you must not overtake here wait for a more favorable moment and above all a better visibility at the front so be patient to act with caution answer B you must be able to present your

    Driving license during any check in the event of non-presentation you can have a first class fine you then have a period of 5 days to present your license under penalty of a 4th class fine answer A and C these two vehicles are positioned like this to solve

    A battery problem the two batteries will be connected in parallel first minus pole with minus pole then plus pole with Pole plus in the direction of the vehicle which is working towards the rescued vehicle, it will be necessary to start the helping vehicle first and accelerate slightly

    Then try to start the broken down vehicle, the two vehicles being of course in neutral once it is running the cables can be disconnected the battery of the broken down vehicle will then be recharged as it operates if this breakdown is recurring it

    Will be necessary to consider changing the battery answer A and C you are driving in built-up areas at a speed of approximately 40 km/h the green light has just turned solid yellow but you are already at the height

    Of the light at this speed it takes approximately 4 x 4 16 m to stop, which means that you are would then find yourself well beyond the fire in this situation you therefore continue your route answer B when you arrive first at the scene of an accident which has just occurred you must

    Come to the aid of the people involved the first action to take before anything else is to protect the premises in order to avoid an accident, put on your high visibility vest then place a warning triangle 30 m upstream of the accident site, this must be visible

    At 100 m you will then have to make an initial diagnosis the condition of the victims before notifying the emergency services your last action will consist of helping where the victims are, that is to say providing assistance to the victims without risk of worsening their condition responding to

    The warning of stopping a vehicle corresponds to the distance traveled during the reaction time extended by the braking distance to evaluate it you must multiply the number of tens of the speed by itself to 90 km he that makes 9 x 9 = 1 m if you do not are not vigilant

    Your reaction time increases and your vehicle travels a longer distance answer B and C all equipment that resists air has a direct influence on fuel consumption also if you do not use it it is better to dismantle everything which can be

    Roof bar rack trunk bike rack on the other hand the mirrors have a very specific purpose and are obligatory they must under no circumstances be dismantled voluntarily answer AB and D when you are going to get behind the wheel it is very important that you install correctly before

    Starting your vehicle if however you are not comfortable stop do not try to make adjustments while driving this could prove very dangerous because you could lose control of your controls answer B for be correct the coolant level

    Must be between the minimum mark and the maximum mark in the situation a this level is therefore correct in situation B there is too much liquid which is not suitable answer a you are driving on a road two-way traffic outside built-up areas in the absence of a sign to the contrary

    The broken line separating the two lanes of traffic shows that you can overtake however in this situation you do not have very good visibility ahead we can even guess a truck arriving in the distance in the other direction of traffic you must remain careful and

    Not risk a frontal impact which would be fatal at 90 km/h you must therefore not overtake for the moment answer A and D it is raining visibility is reduced for try to overcome this problem, it is better to use the most suitable lights, low beam headlights are particularly

    Recommended to see well and be seen when it is raining heavily, front fog lights can be used as a replacement or in addition to these headlights. crossing according to your own visual comfort here the rain is not violent the dipped headlights are enough answer

    C the stopping distance of a vehicle corresponds to the distance traveled during the reaction time extended by the braking distance to calculate it must multiply the number of tens of the speed by itself at 100 km/h this makes 10 x 10 = 100 m this distance is equivalent

    To two Olympic swimming pools placed end to end in the event of emergency braking if the safety distance is not respected the consequences are dramatic answer B the safety distance to be respected corresponds to the distance traveled during 2 seconds this distance varies of course

    Depending on the speed at which you are driving for the estimate we multiply by 2 the distance traveled during the reaction time this distance is calculated from the tenth of the speed in km/h which we multiply by 3 to give us a distance evaluated in

    Meters when you are traveling at a speed of 70 km/h h the safety distance to be respected is approximately 7 x 6 42 m This distance is sufficient with the vehicle preceding you but the vehicle following you is too close to yours answer B and C when you are the holder

    Of your license B you are authorized to drive a 125 cm³ wheel provided that you have followed 7 hours of training beforehand but you must wait until you have had your license for at least 2 years

    Answer B the tunnel you are going to take does not has no lighting certainly because of its short length it is however preferable to turn on your low beam before entering the tunnel in order to avoid the black hole effect due to the sudden change in brightness answer A

    When driving at 110 km/h you must respect a safety distance of approximately 11 situation you do not respect this distance with the vehicle in front of you no one following you closely you must slow down a little to ensure optimal safety

    You are driving in a built-up area on a two-way road you cannot overtake immediately at because of the black vehicle but once it has passed you can consider overtaking the broken line allows you to do so and the visibility in the distance

    Allows you to check that no vehicle is arriving in front, however, be careful because behind this bus there is a pedestrian crossing you will have to exercise the greatest caution when passing the bus because pedestrians may be crossing the road answer a because

    Seeing well and being seen is a priority when traveling in a vehicle some manufacturers equip new vehicles with ever more secure elements, this is the case of adaptive lights associated with sensors, this type of light is automatically placed in the position most suited to the traffic conditions depending on the position of the

    Steering wheel but also the presence other users on the road the lights illuminate as best as possible the trajectory to be followed in the road or crossing position automatically this technology is not yet present on all vehicles in circulation answer A

    And C in this situation my passenger asks me to pass I pass answer a I stop answer B I can use my front fog lights yes answer a no answer B my rear fog lights yes answer C no answer D the GPS allows me to follow my route visually

    Yes answer a no answer B he guides me audio yes answer C no answer D the double wire stop is tolerated in situation 1 yes answer a no answer B in situation 2 yes answer C no answer D

    In this situation I put my towels ice at high speed yes answer a no answer B I must put on my front fog lights yes answer C no answer D I move back to the left lane answer a I stay in this lane answer B

    I can drive with the position lights alone yes answer a no answer B with my low beam lights alone yes answer C no answer D to have more visibility I slow down yes answer a no answer B I put my windshield wipers on high speed yes answer C no answer D

    In relation to this pedestrian I must stop immediately answer a slow down answer B maintain my pace answer C calling while driving increases reaction time by 20% answer a 50% answer B I am in a built-up area before approaching this bend I continue at the same speed

    Answer a I slow down answer B I honk answer C I flash the headlight answer D position this vehicle well and well positioned answer a is not well positioned answer B could have parked opposite without turning around answer C could have parked opposite after having made a U-turn answer D

    The radio control on the steering wheel favors comfort answer a safety answer B it allows me to keep my hands on the steering wheel answer C to remain attentive to the road answer D when I carry a load on the roof of my vehicle I need to install a device

    Reflective from 1 m of clearance at the rear answer a from 3 m of clearance at the rear answer B and I have to add a a light at night answer C in case of fog answer D

    I want to buy bread I can I stop behind the white car yes answer a no answer B the signage indicates a zone 30 answer a a speed bump answer B the possible presence of a vulnerable user answer C a pedestrian air answer D

    To remove the mist on the rear window I use air conditioning yes answer a no answer B the defrosting system yes answer C no answer D compared to a gasoline vehicle a diesel vehicle emits mo-s of particles F answer a greenhouse gas answer B

    I can stop at the indicated location to make a call with my cell phone answer a to call with the SOS terminal to report a broken down vehicle answer B to rest answer C because my child is ill answer D following a technical inspection my vehicle is subject to a

    Second inspection the maximum time to have my vehicle repaired and present it for inspection is 15 days answer a one month answer B 2 months answer C 6 months answer D people on rollerblades answer a cyclists answer B are considered pedestrians scooters answer C people in wheelchairs answer D

    I would like to sell my 5 year old vehicle the technical inspection certificate must be less than 6 months old answer less than a year answer B on the technical inspection certificate without contesting the letter indicated is a answer cs answer D in this situation I honk

    Yes answer a no no answer B and I pass answer C I stop answer D this road is one way yes answer a no answer B some pairs of sunglasses can be prohibited from driving yes answer a no answer B my vehicle is equipped with an airbag wearing a seat belt

    Is optional answer a obligatory answer B on the left I can park yes answer a no answer B I can stop yes answer C no answer D an electric vehicle pollutes less than a petrol or diesel vehicle yes answer a no answer B it is suitable for short journeys answer C long answer

    D as a general rule an injured person should not be moved true answer a false answer B calling while driving multiplies the risk of accident by 2 answer a 3 answer B the number of injury accidents linked to using the telephone while driving

    Represents approximately one accident in 10 answer C one accident in 20 answer D I want to go to the left at this intersection I must slow down answer a maintain my speed is pass answer B I can turn left into the street yes answer a no answer

    B cyclists can turn left yes answer C no answer D in the event of control of the forces of the order I can be penalized for poorly maintained registration plates by a fine 2 2nd class answer a 4th class answer B

    When stopped the visual field is 100°r answer a 180° answer B at 130 km/h the field visual is 2 30° answer C 90° answer D I can go opposite in situation 1 yes answer a no answer B in situation 2 yes answer C no answer D

    The total length of my vehicle and the towed trailer is 8 m in this situation I can use the right lane only answer a the two right lanes answer B the three lanes answer C to promote safety I encourage my

    Passengers to get on the curb side answer a on the road side answer B if I make a phone call while driving I risk an accident answer a withdrawal of license answer B a loss of three points answer C a fine of €135 answer D

    I can release the hand Frat and start immediately yes answer a no answer B pictograms related to driving appear on all medication boxes yes answer a no answer B I can drive if I take a level 3 medication yes answer C no answer D

    To drive you must above all respect the highway code you are the only one capable of making the right decisions if the advice of your passengers can sometimes prove useful you must also not let yourself be influenced by pressure from them here the light is yellow you must stop answer B

    You are driving in foggy weather here visibility is greatly reduced in this type of situation you must use your low beam headlights as well as your front and rear fog lights this is the best way of seeing and being seen answer A and C GPS or

    Satellite guidance is a navigation aid which allows you to determine a route to follow according to your personal requirements use of motorway or not shortest path least congested eap not respected et cetera it therefore gives you information on the route to follow you are

    Guided both by sound and by visual data since your route is displayed progressively on your device better you favor the sound data for do not take your eyes off the road answer A and C in situation 1 stopping in double line requires you

    To place yourself on a cycle path it is a troublesome stop you incur a fine of €135. in situation 2 this double wire stop is made alongside the parked cars, the road being in two directions of traffic this requires vehicles traveling in your direction to

    Overtake you and pass onto the lane traveling in the opposite direction this stop is therefore tolerated but must be of very short duration the time to drop off a passenger for example answers B and C it is raining heavily and you are traveling on a two-lane road separated by a

    Central terminal so you are driving here at a fairly high speed the truck who is overtaking you risks projecting water onto your windshield so as not to lose visibility you must anticipate and activate your fog lights at high speed if you

    Have not put your fog lights on before will not bring you any particular comfort in this situation do not forget the view is life answer A and D you are traveling in an urban area a vehicle parked in double line you have contracted to take the bus lane however you must

    As soon as possible put the one on the left back on the normal traffic lane so in this case move back behind the blue vehicle answer to you are driving in foggy weather visibility is greatly reduced here in this type of situation you must use the most

    Suitable lights possible if it is not possible to use the high beams because it is too dazzling, using the position lights in such a situation is clearly not sufficient at a minimum you must use your low beams, supplemented if possible with your fog lights front and

    Rear seeing well and being seen is important for your safety and that of other users answer B and C you are traveling on a road with two voices separated by a central terpin a truck is in front of you and projects sprays of water on your windshield so as not to reduce your

    Forward visibility, it is better to slow down to increase the distances and operate your windshield wipers at high speed, don’t forget sight is life answer A and C you are driving in built-up areas at a speed of 50 km/h maximum a traffic sign has just announced

    A pedestrian crossing 50 m away and a pedestrian is walking in the opposite direction, he is walking at a good pace and you have no reason to stop immediately, however you must slow down to ensure that he completes his crossing safely and that he does not change his intention;

    Also pay attention to pedestrians who could appear behind vehicles parked on your right answer B calling while driving increases reaction time by 50%. in the event of an emergency, the distance to travel to stop is therefore much greater and the risk of an accident

    Is higher answer B you approach a bend when you have no visibility of the users arriving opposite the street is not very wide you must therefore slow down you do not however have to honk to inform of your arrival because the bend is not too sharp

    And there is no immediate danger during the day the flashing of the headlight is useless because it will not be visible at night this flashing of the headlight will be sufficient and will avoid disturbing any local residents answer B this vehicle positioned on the sidewalk is inconvenient it clutters the sidewalk and prevents

    Pedestrian traffic its driver risks a class 4 fine of 135 € and possible impounding of his vehicle he could have parked opposite along the sidewalk provided he turned around to be in the direction of traffic answer B and D

    The radio control on the steering wheel prioritizes safety above all in relation to comfort by allowing you to keep your hands on the steering wheel and always remain attentive to the road response BC and D when you transport a load on the roof of your vehicle you must

    Provide a reflective device from 1 m this device must be supplemented with a red light at night and when visibility is poor response AC and D the white car is stopped astride the sidewalk and the roadway placed thus it hinders both pedestrians and users traveling on the road. right you must

    Under no circumstances park behind it even for a short time you would be parking inconvenient and risk a fine reassessed into a class 4 fine since July 2015 answer B the vertical signage is made up of two signs the one indicating a zone 30 alerts you

    On the fact that you will undoubtedly come across vulnerable users and that you must moderate your speed to 30 km/h maximum, the danger sign announces a Dodane type speed bump which reinforces the idea that you must slow down yourself ‘do not arrive here on a

    Pedestrian road marked by this answer sign AB and C when you are traveling in rainy weather it is important to be able to see correctly visibility is already greatly reduced by the rain falling you must therefore be vigilant to ensure that your windows are defogged as much as possible

    If the air conditioning proves particularly effective in defogging the windshield before the defrosting system is entirely suitable for the rear window answers B and C a diesel vehicle emits less CO2 and therefore less gas greenhouse effect than a gasoline vehicle

    On the other hand it emits more fine particles CO2 is a greenhouse gas which harms the environment while fine particles have negative effects on human health answer B you can use this location reserved for emergency stops in the event of a breakdown of your

    Vehicle or to report a problem using the SOS terminal but also in the event of discomfort of the driver or a passenger in other cases you cannot under any circumstances stop in this location answer B and D when your vehicle is subject to a

    Second inspection following a technical inspection you have a maximum period of 2 months to have it repaired and present it again for inspection this indication also appears on your certificate of inspection registration answer C there are many vulnerable users on

    The roads and in the streets among them pedestrians are of several kinds person on foot on scooter but also children in strollers or people in wheelchairs are all pedestrians cyclists are not pedestrians vulnerable users also they can use lanes or cycle paths when there are them answer AC and

    D when you wish to sell a vehicle over 4 years old the technical inspection certificate must be less than 6 months old so if you had carried out the inspection after 4 regulatory years you will have to do it again for the sale of your vehicle the

    Letter A is affixed to the inspection certificate if it does not require a second inspection the letter S corresponds to a second inspection answer A and C you see that the driver of the gray car engaged reverse gear and activated his

    Indicator did so that it is parked in forward gear on a square on the groyne prevents it from having correct visibility in this case you must therefore stop and let it maneuver to avoid any risk of collision. honking is prohibited here because there is no there is no immediate danger and you

    Are in an urban area answer B and D you have just turned into this street and must have noticed the horizontal signage on the ground materializing arrows this indicates a one way direction another clue may lead you to think that you travel in one direction, this is the

    Forward-facing herringbone parking that can be found on the left of the road when driving in this street, be careful of users on the left and right who can leave their parking, response to the Category 4 sunglasses cannot be used for driving in very dark

    Conditions. They are reserved for extreme situations and can impair driving. Response to most vehicles currently on sale on the market are equipped with airbags. This system aims to secure the driver and his passengers in the event of violence but it does not in

    Any way replace the seat belt, the wearing of which remains compulsory; moreover, vehicles equipped with airbags must be associated with belts with pretensioner systems which act in harmony with the airbags answer B on the left a marking on the ground indicates an area strictly prohibited for stopping and parking you can

    Therefore neither stop nor park the fact that you are in a two-way traffic would force you in any case to turn around answer B and D an electric vehicle is inexpensive in energy and does not emit pollutants such as CO2 or microparticles it is

    Very economical but suitable for short trips in town for example its battery does not allow sufficient autonomy for travel long distances answers A and C when you arrive at the scene of an accident it is above all necessary to protect

    The places and the people in order to avoid any risk of further accident in the presence of a victim the general rule is not to move it but there are exceptional reasons which mean that you sometimes have no choice in fact in the event of a risk of fire or drowning

    You must move the victims you have no other possible solution it is always necessary opt for the least harmful action for the victim response to the use of the telephone is not compatible with driving while on the phone while driving the risk of accident is multiplied by

    3 in France one bodily accident in 10 is linked to using the telephone while driving answers B and C you arrive at an intersection with priority on the right since no signage is provided as visibility is not good you must of course slow down

    To first ensure that the vehicles arriving on your left stop and secondly that no user arrives from the right user to whom you owe the passage answer a as the prohibition sign tells you you must not turn left

    On The sign specifies on the other hand that cyclists can use this street answer B and C if your number plates are not legible you can be penalized with a 4th class fine so it is better to make sure to clean and maintain them

    Regularly answer B to the stopping the visual field is estimated at 180° on the motorway at 130 km/h the visual field is reduced to only 30°r the more the speed increases the more the clear vision is reduced we speak of tunnel effect the more the speed increases the more the peripheral vision

    Is blurry and prevents us from properly perceiving the movements of other users the driver must remain extremely vigilant answer B and C in both situations you you find yourself facing a meeting zone in situation 1 a prohibited direction sign prohibits you from

    Accessing the street in this direction of traffic cars can circulate but only in the other direction of traffic only cyclists can circulate double direction as the panono specifies in situation 2 you can absolutely go opposite you will then be in one direction for motorists but could encounter cyclists in the opposite direction answer

    B and C when you tow a trailer that the total length of the vehicles is greater than 7 m or the total GVWR is greater than 3.5 tonnes you are not allowed to use the leftmost lane here you will travel on the two rightmost lanes answer

    B when you go take the road, you must above all prioritize the safety of everyone on board the vehicle, driver and passenger, for this, observe the greatest caution as soon as you take your seat on board, it is therefore recommended to get on the curb side

    And not the road side because vehicles can travel be careful answer to telephone while driving multiplies the risk of accident by 3 in France one injury accident in 10 is linked to the use of the telephone while driving in the event of control a driver can be

    Penalized by a fine of €135 and a loss of 3 points on your license answer AC and D you have just turned on the ignition of your vehicle as shown by the seat belts are fastened the handbag is tight no light indicates a mechanical problem however one

    Of the doors does not has not been closed correctly, first of all make sure to close this door before starting answer B all medications have active effects on the person but it is the so-called psychoactive medications which can harm the attention and vigilance

    Of the driver these are therefore these medications which have pictograms on the packaging three types of pictograms exist the level 3 red pictograms indicate incompatibility with driving the level 2 orange pictogram indicates a medication not recommended and the level 1 yellow pictogram imposes caution answer B and

    D I drive at 80 km/h I must allow a safety distance from other vehicles of around 25 m answer a 50 m answer B this distance seems correct to me with the vehicle preceding me answer C with the vehicle following me answer D the light sign concerns me yes answer a no answer

    B I can overtake the truck yes answer a no answer B I want to turn left I pass before the blue car yes answer a no answer B before the pedestrian on your left yes answer C no answer D I put on my high beams yes answer a no answer

    B I swerve to the left yes answer C no answer D the signs indicate a ban on stopping answer a a ban on parking answer B this ban applies to all urban area answer C until the next intersection answer D I am about to pass a priority vehicle answer a an

    Exceptional convoy answer B I SRE on the right yes answer C no answer D this warning light has just come on I put my lights on distress answer a I continue and cross the tunnel answer B I look for an emergency stop location inside

    The tunnel answer C I stop on the Zbras before the entrance to the tunnel answer D this type of vehicle has priority in all circumstances answer a when he is in intervention answer B when his horn is activated answer C when his rotating beacon is on answer D

    Making good adjustments before driving delays the onset of fatigue yes answer a no answer B can prevent muscle pain yes answer C no answer D in the event of a positive drug test the penalties are the same as alcohol at 0.8 g per liter of blood yes answer a no answer

    B the driving license can be canceled yes answer C no answer D I go to the right I honk and pass answer a I slow down and pass after the pedestrian answer B in town traveling 3 km by car requires 5 minutes answer a 10

    Minutes answer B by bike it requires 12 minutes answer C 18 minutes answer D for readjust the oil level I can do it alone answer a go to the mechanic answer B the oil used is different depending on the engine yes answer C no answer D

    I am driving on a roundabout I stop and let this pass vehicle answer a I continue answer B as I approach this intersection the main uncertainty is on my left answer a on my right answer B I can readjust the coolant level alone answer a

    Oil answer B brake fluid answer C liquid steering assistance answer D the steering wheel can be adjusted in height yes answer a no answer B in depth yes answer C no answer D car sharing allows 2 traveling by car with other passengers

    Answer a renting a car even for a very short duration answer B minimize parking problems answer C lend your vehicle when you don’t need it answer D this motorist brakes answer reverses answer B turned on his lights answer C I must equip my vehicle with an additional exterior mirror if I tow a

    Trailer wider than my vehicle in all cases answer a if the trailer obscures the visibility of the existing mirrors answer B the signage authorizes me to overtake yes answer a no answer B I overtake immediately yes answer C no answer D write or reading a text message while driving multiplies the risk

    Of accidents by 2 answer a 12 answer B 23 answer C I can overtake the truck yes answer a no answer B B I have just taken a test I cannot drive if my test is green color answer a yellow answer B

    On the highway in normal driving I can travel at a maximum speed of 110 km/h answer a 130 km/h answer B a novice driver can travel at a maximum speed of 110 km/h answer C 130 km /h answer D this sign tells me that I am speeding answer a tells me my

    Current speed answer B allows me to be fined for speeding answer C encourages me to slow down answer D in this tank I put windshield washer fluid answer a coolant answer B brake fluid answer C to overtake a cyclist traveling on a cycle lane I have a minimum gap to respect

    Yes answer a no answer B my vehicle has a curb weight of 1 tonne I can tow a 600 kg trailer equipped with brakes answer a without special brake equipment answer B with age driving skills decrease yes answer a no answer B

    I have time to stop yes answer a no answer B placed for turn right I don’t have to turn on my indicator true answer C false answer D I’m driving on a highway yes answer a no answer B sleeping little the day before a trip can have the same effects as

    Alcohol on driving yes answer a no answer B these emergency response vehicles have priority in situation 1 answer a in situation 2 answer B in situation 3 answer C in situation 4 answer D I have just driven 340 km since my last refueling yes answer a no answer B

    To eliminate 0.5 g of alcohol per liter of blood it takes on average 1 hour answer a 3 hours answer B 6 hours answer C I have to notify the emergency services I can use my telephone tone mobile answer a call from an SOS terminal answer B on the highway

    Emergency bollards are placed every 2 km answer C every 5 km answer D an alcohol level emitted of 0.5 g per liter of blood corresponds to 0.25 mg per liter of exhaled air answer to 0.5 mg per liter of exhaled IR answer B this offense is a crime answer C a fine answer

    D my vehicle is equipped with the AFIL system in the event of crossing this line my steering wheel may vibrate answer a my seat may vibrate answer B my vehicle will honk answer C the safety distance to be respected corresponds to the distance traveled for 2 seconds

    This distance varies of course depending on the speed at which you are driving to estimate it we multiply by 2 the distance traveled during the reaction time this distance is calculated from the tenth of the speed in kilometers which we multiply by 3 this is to give us

    A distance estimated in meters while driving at 80 km/h the distance to be respected is approximately 8 x 6 48 m or almost 50 m to help you estimate this distance the marks are given on the markings at ground and in relation to the vehicles following you here there is

    Only one line separating you from the vehicle preceding you the distance is therefore not sufficient since around thirty meters because the length of a line is is 39 m and even less with the vehicle following you since you can see in your

    Rear-view mirror that this vehicle is following you very closely you are in a dangerous situation answer B you are driving on the motorway in rainy weather you are about to take the exit in following the white truck in front of you and you can see the flashing yellow arrows in the distance.

    This is a dynamic sign forcing you to turn left but this light sign is located on the motorway further away and not at the exit that you are in the process of taking you can therefore exit without problem for safety

    Always make sure to follow the signs intended for you answer B in your rear-view mirror you can see that the vehicle behind you does not intend to overtake you since it has not activated its indicator, you can therefore put on your indicator

    And begin to overtake answer A you approach an intersection without any sign materialization which therefore represents a priority regime on the right when turning left you will therefore have to give way immediately first to the vehicle coming from the right to the vehicle possibly coming

    In front and of course to the pedestrian that you may encounter on the road that you are going to approach in this case you will therefore pass after the blue car and after the pedestrian answer B and D

    You are traveling in a dark and narrow tunnel you can see a pedestrian without a vest on the sidewalk on the right in this situation you do not have to put on your high beams because it would dazzle the user in front of you you must put on your low beams in this

    Situation tighten up more on the left so as not to take any risk in relation to the pedestrian answers B and C the vertical signage indicates a ban on parking outside the box, that is to say outside the defined locations this ban is valid

    For the entire urban area since the sign d the ban is placed under the urban entrance sign response B and C as indicated on the roof of the guide vehicle you will come across an exceptional convoy this vehicle will be of a particular size you must slow down and

    Keep to the right in order to facilitate the crossing this vehicle is not a priority vehicle as can be firefighters SMUR police gendarmerie response B and C in a tunnel stopping and parking are prohibited except in emergencies where it is necessary as far as possible to stop

    At an emergency stop location provided for this purpose in this situation you have not yet entered the tunnel and the light comes on indicating an abnormal temperature of the coolant this is a worrying problem which could create the When immobilizing your vehicle,

    You must put on your hazard lights and stop before the tunnel so as not to aggravate the situation stop immediately on the Zarms on the right response A and D this type of emergency intervention vehicle has priority when it is in intervention for this it must

    Use its rotating beacon or its sound horn there are several types of priority vehicles police gendarmerie Doig SAMU firefighter you must give way to them in all circumstances but without taking any risk response BC and D seated correctly in the driving position

    Is essential for your comfort and safety seat headrest steering wheel mirror belt must be properly adjusted an effective installation will delay physical and therefore mental fatigue it will at the same time reduce muscle pain answers A and C no tolerance threshold being granted a positive drug screen results in

    Sanctions similar to an alcohol offense that is to say an alcohol level of at least 0.8 g per liter of blood in addition to the loss of 6 points the license can be canceled with a ban on retaking it before 3 years a prison sentence and a withdrawal of up to 4500

    Can also be applied depending on the consequences linked to this drug taking a bodily accident for example answer A and C you arrive at an intersection with a red light the flashing arrow on the right indicates that you can turn but with caution in this case a

    Pedestrian is already engaged you must let him pass you will pass after while paying attention to what you may encounter on the road you are going to approach answer B in town traffic is heavy and travel times can be be long by car 10

    Minutes for 3 km not counting parking and only 12 minutes by bike enough to think about an alternative to the car in the city answer B and C doing routine maintenance on your vehicle is important it’s up to you regularly check the fluid levels

    You can very easily check the oil level and readjust this level if necessary during the regular maintenance that is carried out your mechanic can also carry out this readjustment of course but the oil you use for your engine must be specifically adapted indications are given in the maintenance booklet follow the

    Manufacturer’s recommendations answer AB and C you are driving on a roundabout on which you generally keep priority if you are driving on the ring however the vehicle which arrives on your right is a gendarmerie vehicle in intervention as evidenced by its lit beacon

    This vehicle has priority you must give way to it without risking an accident response to you drive in an urban area and approach a roundabout as you have could have noticed the ring is rather wide and the visibility on your left makes it

    Easy to see the vehicles already engaged, however on your right there is a child on a bicycle he is traveling on the sidewalk and you cannot know his intentions he is likely to surprise you you must pay particular attention to it it constitutes the main clue and the main area of ​​uncertainty answer

    B carrying out routine maintenance on your vehicle is necessary it is up to you to regularly check the fluid levels these are important for the proper functioning of your engine, you must carry out these engine checks cold on flat ground, if necessary you can readjust the oil or coolant levels using

    Specific fluids suitable for your vehicle to the brake fluid is insufficient and certainly synonymous with a leak you must go to the mechanic it is the same for the power steering circuit only a specialist can take care of it you cannot top up the fluid without consulting him answer A and

    B when you sit in the driving position you must be correctly positioned to drive efficiently and without fatigue so you must see the road and its surroundings and you must be able to handle the controls easily with regard to

    The steering wheel it can be adjusted in depth and height for your safety and comfort answer A and C car sharing consists of using a vehicle for the duration of its needs for a time then leaving it to other drivers then it is an Ecomobile system

    Which makes it possible to limit the number of vehicles in circulation and thus to reduce pollution and minimize parking problems response BC and D three lights are lit here the motorist is braking if he had turned on his red lights the one

    In the rear window would not be lit and the lights would be less powerful the reversing lights are white in color answer a when you are towing a trailer you must equip your vehicle with an additional exterior mirror on the left and right if the width

    Of the trailer exceeds that of the vehicle and prevents correct visibility answer B you are traveling on a two-way road outside built-up areas the two lanes are separate by a broken line allowing overtaking no sign indicating the contrary you are authorized to overtake but to overtake in good conditions you

    Must have good visibility forward ensuring that no vehicle arrives in front of you in this situation this is not the case you do not see far enough in front of you to be able to overtake in complete safety you therefore do not overtake straight away

    Answer A and D it is considered that writing or reading a message while driving distracts the eye from the road for 5 seconds on average during this period of time the risk of accident is considerably increased since it is multiplied by 23 answer

    C you are traveling on a three-lane highway in your direction of travel in your rear-view mirror you can see that ‘a vehicle is located in the middle lane and is overtaking you you cannot under any circumstances immediately start overtaking the truck wait until the vehicle behind you has finished overtaking to begin yours

    Answer B when you blow into a breathalyzer a reagent based on yellow color turns green if it is in the presence of alcohol you then cannot get behind the wheel answer A on the motorway in normal driving and unless otherwise indicated the maximum authorized speed

    Is 130 km /h but this speed is lowered to 110 km/h for novis drivers answer B and C this active panel is an educational radar it indicates your current speed these radars placed in strategic locations such as schools aim to alert you of excessive speed and

    Encourages you to slow down they are not used to sanction but to raise awareness of the risk incurred some indicate the number of points which would be lost or the fine to be paid if the speed was actually recorded for a sanction in this situation the radar

    Shows you that your speed of 38 km/h is excessive since the limitation is 30 km/h as evidenced by the speed bump present response AB and D when you check the levels always check the symbol indicated on the cap it allows you to avoid make no mistake about the liquid that

    You are going to pour here the pictogram is very telling you can easily recognize the windshield it is obviously the windshield washer fluid reservoir answer a to overtake a cyclist a minimum gap is always required that this cyclist may or may not be traveling on a cycle lane or path,

    Their safety is at stake in built-up areas, the minimum distance to be respected is 1 m and outside built-up areas it is 1.50 answer A for a trailer weighing up to 750 kg brakes are required if the total authorized laden weight named GVW of the trailer is greater than half the empty weight

    Of the car here 600 kg are greater than 500 kg half the empty weight of one ton of the car my trailer must therefore be equipped with a brake, a parking brake and a road brake answer A with age visual acuity tends to decrease certain health concerns may appear as

    Hearing loss hypertension diabetes etc. driving skills become less it is sometimes advisable to seek medical advice to continue driving answer a you are driving in an urban area at a maximum speed of 50 km/h traffic is fluid and you were

    Able to see the traffic light go from green to solid yellow sufficiently in advance to allow you to anticipate your distance from the light is comfortable enough to allow you to stop and no one is following you you are actually on a lane you requiring

    You to turn right despite everything you must put on your indicator to confirm this intention the indicator being obligatory to indicate any change of direction answer A and D you are traveling on a 2 x lane type road separated by a

    Central land limited to 130 km /h you are therefore necessarily on a motorway response to a lack of sleep generates significant fatigue which can have effects similar to the absorption of alcohol a short night of sleep harms the driver’s attention and has an

    Effective behavior in case of danger poor analysis of information extended reaction time visual fatigue are frequently felt in these cases and increase the risk of accident response to all these vehicles are in emergency intervention as evidenced by their rotating beacon the vehicles in situations 1 2 and 3 are priority vehicles just as

    Samu SMUR gendarmerie national armed police vehicles could also be, the vehicle in situation 4 is a private ambulance which although benefiting from ease of passage is not a priority vehicle as could also be intervention vehicles in gas electricity exceptional convoys etc. answer AB and C you have just started

    Your engine the lights on the dashboard gradually go out and you can see a light in the center representing a petrol pump with an arrow going in its direction the value 340 km therefore represents the number of kilometers remaining to travel

    And not the number of kilometers you have traveled since your last fill-up answer B the peak blood alcohol level is reached between 30 minutes and 1 hour after the last drink depending on whether you are fasting or whether you have eaten, it takes approximately 3 hours to eliminate

    0.5 g per liter of alcohol in the blood, i.e. approximately 0 15 g per liter per hour depending on the person this duration can even be longer answer B when you have to alert

    The emergency services in the event of an accident you can use your mobile phone or the SOS terminals on the cell phone dial 112 and give the emergency services maximum information on the location of the accident, particularly on the terminal, press the button to be put in contact with the police

    Or gendarmerie, using the terminal allows you to quickly locate yourself on the highway, the terminals are distributed every 2 km, answer AB and C blood alcohol content can be measured in two ways in g per liter of blood or in milligram per liter of exhaled air the correspondence is made by dividing

    The first ratio by 2 thus 0.5 g per liter of blood corresponds to 0.25 g per liter of exhaled air this blood alcohol level constitutes a fine type offense a blood alcohol level of 0.8 g per liter of blood corresponds to 0.4 mg per liter of exhaled air and constitutes a fine type

    Offense del response A and D the AFIL system means involuntary lane crossing alert vehicles which are equipped with it operate with sensors which detect continuous or discontinuous lane crossing without having activated the indicator the driver is then alerted by

    A vibration of the seat or of the steering wheel on the side where the crossing took place he does not honk because the use of the horn is subject to regulations which must be respected answer A and B in

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