We got your Sundays covered! Join us in the Qualifier Race 1 of January and watch the riders battle some tough routes for their entry into the Prize Money Race to be held on the last Sunday of the month!
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    The their tactics play out in that well 92 Riders on the start sheets in total today in the women’s racing this morning and and a number of riders as I was going through the St sheets this morning not on the start line today uh so which

    Tells me you know the growth of the women’s race field has been absolutely fantastic and some phenomenal Riders we’ve got in here today so Simone Francis for example leading this out from Nikki Lloyd is in here as well Helen Connell is in here col Lor uh Sarah Suk is here

    Kirchner is here you know Hyde is in this pack there are some really really strong riders in category for alans Sor is back in the mix and it’s great to see Riders Mi we’ve got some Riders who ride and race the Sunday race Camp nearly every weekend uh they are what I would

    Say called Esports Specialists we’ve got other Riders who mix it with outdoor programs whether that be on the road on the mountain bike in in Triathlon for example and it’s great to see those returning and coming back to the start line of the Sunday race club and of

    Course there’s other parts of life that take precedence you know family for example you whether you’ve got lots of people going out and about uh you’ve got I mean in the UK I think half of the UK is down with a particularly nasty coldy bug at the moment and that means you

    Know people just can’t race every single week can they and even even if they are those specialist so we do get that from and that flow coming backwards and forwards but every single week it’s not just it comes along this series is just here for three or four days we’re here

    Every single Sunday with some great racing in the women’s and the men’s races equal prizes in the women’s and men’s races and equal coverage in there as well which is great to see yeah and also you can’t expect top end performances week in week out continually and that’s why we see the

    Performances of our Riders uh wax and Wayne is the phrase I’m going to use today so they come on and then they drop back back um depending upon what they’re doing we see movement in the pelaton as well so lots of movement a qualifier race number

    One uh for 2024 so a lot of movement so Riders moving up from category 4 to Category 3 Christine arus has moved up this week and it’s fantastic to see that performance so we’ve got movement from category 4 to Category 3 and movement from category

    Three to category two as well so as they come up and down through their performances it’s fantastic to see so whilst Johanna Warren puts in an attack in category four we’re down in the start pen with category three waiting and ready to go so team golden light on the start sheet

    Today along with 24 Riders so a real mix so mentioned previously Christina ores has gone up uh from category 4 elink has come back into category three from category 2 so that is going to be really interesting uh but the Silva genti Giuliano Weston all on the start sheets

    Today uh from from that top five in the final srom who took the win well she is not on the start sheets in category three today but barco is here Lopez is here tan Zac tangan away they go from the start pen today it’s a big field of

    24 riders in Category 3 as they swing out of the start pen and out onto the Belgium course very interesting to see how this plays out here today so the Riders are on the way they are on the move this is Category 3 one thing I think with

    Category 3 Emma uh because it’s that first step up from category 4 it’s when people starting I think the ambition starts to come in at Category 3 a little bit more little bit more I disagree completely category 4 there is ambition there is motivation there is targets there are tactics every single category

    Has got some Outland category three I think is often one of our biggest C is not interesting C because we’ve often got people who are progressing people who are wanting to move up H but I’m not sure I would say it is the most interesting but they all of me I think

    Have their own dnamic so category three Up and Away Juliano is here Marin Johnson good to see Rebecca Johnson back in is there too as well as De Gracia and Western let’s watch the Riders taking this left hand turn and making the way into Dent City so through the Woodland we go taking

    This left hter move here off the jny San Jenny town and moving smoothly and at the moment this is a bit of a move to go away we we not even hit the Sprint here Amma well one and a half kilm into this race first Sprint the Sprint doesn’t

    Come to the two kilometer Mark which is 400 meters up the road but a concerted eort from T the cas was a steady steady face out of that start pen and I think tan really wants to get this show underway So Tan gik Madera Barco Marin

    Zinc Weston all in the front of this group and there’s a big stretch now coming so the Riders just made the way around that left hand turn making the way round the move there it’s certainly looking to me like as they go under this Sprint Riders are feeling quite you know

    We see this on this course don’t we people really like to push in this first flat six kilometers before they come in and before they hit because otherwise when we hit here which is the first big climb that first big climb they don’t have an effort in the lake if you just

    Rise steady steady state at raise pace and you don’t put a big push in don’t necessarily feel and I think that’s what’s happening here yeah you need to be warmed up and some people like that final leg in this it’s in this on other courses as well where uh Riders like to

    Put in a Sprint effort or a strong effort in the first four or five kilometers because the main effort that comes way the P climb kicks to 177% well 17% it’s going to hurt it’s going to hurt whether your category 4 three or Category 2 Category 2 are we we

    Have some great Riders and our teams returning the Grim M gears represented by nov in koden The Maniacs have Monica Rona and the Sunday crew we’ve got Dana David and Jenny Daniel Joanna Zimmerman and Linda samento Martinez as well but it’s a big pack isn’t it it’s our

    Biggest race field I think it is our biggest race field today 25 Riders on the start sheets today Smithers Sanchez hell and McAlpine at Montoya walon Hurst Montgomery waspa eming we could keep going because this is a big race field and a really strong race field two so

    Our Category 2 Riders completing their warm-up they are away now on the Sunday race club we’re in with lamb Kong at the moment now she has come down from category one and so has Lisa Hermanson and that is about this movement between the different categories Riders can go

    Up as as well as come down uh and we ensure like for like racing depending upon the performances so 25 Riders here in Category 2 they are up they are out they are motoring and the pace is up now and uh they are moving strongly 35 kilometers of racing to complete and

    With this bit a big Grace field there’s lots of draft and lots of speed and lots of pace it is indeed and you can see we are in with lamb Kong still at the moment her numbers for those of you who are new to the my Sunday race club if you take a

    Look at the screen on the top middle part of the screen you will see the information on the rider we are watching so lamb Kong at the moment currently at 212 Watts fluctuating there quite strongly but she is in a green now the green indicating that she is in the pack

    And taking the draft when those numbers are white it indicates that the draft is not operational for the rider the time elapsed the individual’s heart rate and their Cadence so 96 revs per minute from L Kong at the moment so a nice high strong Cadence so the Riders Cadence

    Their pedal revs that smoothness sup is really important isn’t it particularly once we go into the hills here you could sit and churn a big gear lungs people didn’t vary their speed when the speed varies from the Riders that’s when you need to be able to react and if You’ got

    A higher rev you can actually higher rev range you’ve got more reaction it’s easier to spin up because if you need to put two or three extra revs per minute on two or three extra revs per minute in 120 is a lot better than trying to put

    Two or three it’s a higher percentage of say 60 revs uh per minute so basically the faster the rev the easier it is although it does rely on more Fitness and not necessarily the same amount of strength indeed so Marcel Smithers in the pack Pace currently moving at around

    2.4 2.5 watts per kilo so nice and steady this group at the moment uh the heart rates indicate that as well but taking a quick look over to the right hand side of the screen well this is the category four race group they started first uh they started and are well and

    Truly underway now well we know that because they’re at 6.7 kilm into this race and they are on the CIA climb now the CIA used for the first time in the tour of Flanders in 1988 and the first section of this climb kicks to over

    177% yep 177% on the cated down the way that the Belgian climes the MS the wall because that’s what my means it means wall uh the these these are very much not steady state gradient climbs for the caka and but the rest of them are because they’re basically going up the

    Same bank the same Ridge in Belgium it’s the same area this the northern Flanders area of Belgium and it’s very very similar geography isn’t it so you go in it’s just incredibly steep but it does vary and the cter Kia I think because it comes first really does Shake it’s the

    Real first selection point is the summit of part one of the climb the second selection point the summit of part two well we have multiple selection points today I tell you but that first climb does is what it’s the steepest section of all the climbing and it comes on that

    First climb today well sat in the start pens awaiting that climb and the others that are going to face them are the category one riders with 50 seconds to go this is a strong race field today Matt it is a strong race field we have the Coalition composite team Amelia velt

    Lou bites with Dana deam M Shandi what a team fetto skia team Roberto Bon and Sophie Giovani then we’ve got the risky biscuits Kiara donni Katherine fuer Marlin behead and Mina coonan and a big field of very very strong Riders and I think none of which can be discounted

    From taking the win well it was the risky biscuits who took the win in the team compet ition in the final last year but 20 Riders on the start sheets and some really strong ones on top of those teams menes is here xati has come up so

    As falstrom falstrom has come up from Cat 2 van HOV is here today and Brun uh the German time trial specialist it’s in this hat as well as Lou Bates as we F in with as she goes out the starten now Lou Bates joined us in December qualifier

    Number four was her first race on the Sunday race club she absolutely dominated that now not qualifying for the final because she only one verified completed race in December because she joined us in that last qualification so looking forward to seeing what she can do this month assuming because she’s

    Here one she’s going to be qualification for that final so the turn this left hand turn moving around the corner they are going to be taking this out all the way to the line but this first 6K the bunch really starting to find their feet now the

    Riders in here you were telling us about that domination really of L Bas I mean we saw her looking very very strongly she she was she is an absolutely class Rider isn’t she L Bates and we know that she’s going to be strong on a big climb

    We’ve seen that we know that she can deal with the Steep gradients but we’ve got some really good climbers in here that are especially more of a long climb and that makes it difficult today for them doesn’t it with different gradients yeah what is really interesting I think

    From Belgium uh the riders in this cat well the riders in all the cats are strong but the women in this category One race are strong and very equally matched they are phenomenal Riders these whilst they are steep climbs they are short climbs the effort is not long and

    Hence what we tend to see uh particularly in this category One race is that the Riders are able to stay together with those repeated shorter efforts rather than say for example the 18 or 19 minute length time so we do tend to see in Belgium and we did indeed

    Last time we were on this Belgium course with the women was qualifier two in December and it went down to a five up Sprint a five up Sprint and that is a very difficult Sprint because it’s not one or two easy to watch it’s not a mass of riders

    Where you basically just have to do your own thing and hope that you are the fastest and on this course timing is critical isn’t it timing to push through into the climbs timing’s over the top when to push over the top and the timing when to launch your last Sprint on the

    Run into the finish the finish here I think is one of the most difficult finishes for the road I say that pretty much every week but it is It’s Tricky it’s not the easiest to get the timing right as you come in and around that right hand bed you can’t see it till

    Last second well and and you know what we had Fu columia menzes man Shandi and quinston were the five Riders who went into the Sprint in qualifier 2 last time we were here in Belgium now any one of those Riders can win and any one of

    Those Riders has won uh there are other riders in this pack today who have also taken the win recently so I think this is going to be a well contested race today in Belgium I think it is and we’re coming into our first Sprint now for

    Those of you who are new to the show new to Sunday race club our Sprints and our Mountain that we go up that are categorized the mountain sections they are subject to a competition of the own those are the Sprints in the mountains competition there is an award of a green

    Skin suit and a polka dot skin suit for the rider who amasses the most points in their category in that competition now that doesn’t mean that there’s any price money it is quite legit for bragging rights but what it does allow us is a snapshot on the Riders as they make the

    Way in through the racing now at the moment we’re with category one they are just going through that first Sprint they’ve come through what is gent City Sprint and that means that in the G City Sprint we can see when we look at the screen that the category one Riders are

    Not moving that fast Amelia vanov the only category one Rider to trouble the top nine yeah so taking a little look through here it is indeed the category three pack who went through at pretty much the same Pace that the category one pack went through that section so Molly

    Weston taking the fastest time 26.4 seconds Mya Madera in two Junior deg Gracia in three Alero jameo in four Annie Marin in five Amelia vanov the category one Rider in six now if I scroll back down through the results Category 3 Category 2 and category 4

    Well they were pretty much moving at the same rate as well so very similar as they came in towards the climb but as we go on to the C Category 3 already looking very strong on the initial sections of this climb this is part one of the two stage climb and already

    Tatiani AOA looking like she’s trying to stretch this group out squeezing on those pedals and setting a pace that at the moment it’s provoking a little bit of reaction but I think nobody wants to go quite this hard this early well if you take a look on the bottom left hand

    Side of the screen you will see the blue jerseys well and truly now working their way through the red jerseys of the category 4 race field but you can see the category 4 further up the climb as well now our Category 3 Riders started f five minutes behind our category 4

    Riders who are the first Riders away on the Sunday race club today category two started five minutes later and category one they were the Last Riders on the road to go they were indeed so we are in with category three looking good really good move by Tatiana AOA we’ve got

    Alexandra at the moment just trying to chase it the come across the Gap now comes the bunch over the top looking good they’ve got molly Weston in that green skin suit tucked in with this group it’s looking very very good at the moment as they keep on moving so let’s

    Just keep our eyes on them as they go down here it’s looking good at the moment for this group in terms of it being competitive they are breaking Riders off the back here Emma one or two Riders distance we can see that on that satellite navigation view bottom left

    Hand side of all four screens you can see where those Riders are being distance and the groups fractured the only one that doesn’t have a fracture at the moment is a category one in yellow category four however well the leaders are over the top of the cter Kia

    Category three are on the way up there between part one and part two of the CIA Category 2 on stage one part one and that is also looking pretty fractured and broken and category one well they’re still on the nice flat bit I know where i’ would want to be well that’s the

    Reason that group is still together the map because they haven’t got to those slopes of the C GE yet and it’s interesting to see however even though those other packs were split there are still some significant sized groups at the front so it’s looking as though that

    Climb is taking Riders out the back rather than creating a big gap off the front so fuer here at the front of this catary one pack with cman with man Shandy Lou baites is there as well so Bon van hve is there too these Riders all comfortably in that pack and when we

    Look at these riders coming through here it looks easy in one group doesn’t it but actually well it does it looks it’s just riding along there’s nothing there’s no fracturing it’s not because it doesn’t look Dynamic this is actually a big skill isn’t it there a real skill

    In there this is a really steady pace for um these category one Riders they’re rolling around around 2 and a half to three watts per kilo it is a comfortable Pace we’re in with Katherine fur at the moment her heart rate is about 138 139 really signifying to us that that is

    A comfortable comfortable steady state they are moving through the early stages of this course and this race has not really been lit up yet it’s not but what I’m trying to say I’m not sure I’m I’m really uh putting it in in words very well here the skill level here to sit

    And recover to not just snowball through the front and go off the front to not Dr off the a real skill it to sit in the pack to understand the draft Dynamics um and to really be comfortable in that pack and as you say Matt not snowball

    Over the front not come off the back and to really be able to modulate the power on the pedals to enable to stay tightly in the group and make take the benefit of that draft is indeed a skill it is a technique and it you do have to learn it

    And it does take time and often we hear of people’s frustration oh I can’t get hold of the draft I can’t sit in the group I can’t stay there that’s because you have to work at it you can’t go out on your mountain bike and do a bunny hop within a

    Week you have to work on it you have to practice you you know it is a technique yeah it’s a technique it’s a skill you have to learn uh and you just have to get on the mik and learn it so as category one make the way in hopefully

    They’ve got that learning that skill dialed I’m sure they have they are our top level they are the Riders the the top of the tree but categories 1 2 3 and four spread from The Far Side of the C to the base of the CIA which is where

    Our category one Riders are approaching the first of the climbs are on their way before we dive on there there is indeed category one onto the climb and look at the left hand side of the screen there are red and yellow chevrons all over the place in category one that here they go

    They are on the way up the climb and this is GNA get tough they are really starting to rip this up we are seeing six watts per kilo coming out from our category one Riders on the base of this clim and it’s not breaking them it’s not

    Fracturing them that much well we said there was strength and depth in that race field and they are absolutely showing that in fact take a look Mt the strength and depth in all of the race and this is where putting the like with together really plays through so the

    Strength and depth in category one is absolutely there we’re currently at 6.4% gradian at the moment it will get steeper towards the top of the climb but at the moment this is not challenging those Riders and like we mentioned I don’t think this climb because of the

    Length of it is going to cause a huge problem to the I’m going to going to be really specific here to the front of this race field but we might I see and what I think we’re going to see is back markers on this pack start to drop so

    Bates fer velt man Shandy all out the front and it’s Fu and Bates who are pushing on now that is no surprise it’s not is it they are really starting to open up the Gap we know Katherine fur has been working really hard on her climbing we say that that was six months

    Ago almost now and it’s paid off in Spades because she’s up there on the on the long climbs but she still seems to retain that Sprint strength almost that you need for these shorter climbs as well we’re just starting to see the gradient easing off to sub eight% as we

    Go over the top and this is where the gap between the Riders should extend but this is the top of part one left hand side of your screen down at the bottom there you can see the satellite navigation that radar view with the yellow disc those yellow dis represent

    The Riders and as you can see we’re starting to get a Gap open we’re starting to see a break of two different groups there the group on your screen this is all part of group one including those two Riders on the front so there’s a big split further back there is indeed

    And we said this is what was likely to happen that the split would come towards the back of the group not necessarily towards the front and whilst fur and baates pushed on early the rest of the Riders have now picked up the pace as the gradient has come down over the top

    They are ensuring that they are not too far back because the push here can get the momentum going on the down here we talked about the tactic of drafting the skill of drafting earlier there is also a real skill in understanding momentum and gradient change as well and where to

    Put the power in most people assume you go over the top oh you take a deep breath because you know what you’ve got to the top of the climb but but those Riders who kick up and over the top and onto The Descent the momentum and the pace picks up quicker and understanding

    That and utilizing that inner race to your your advantage is absolutely key and we say it’s something that you have to learn some people do that and they analyze it and they will think about that other people it’s instinctive so don’t think I don’t have a degree in aerodynamics I don’t understand uh

    Physics I’m not going to know this some people just do it by feel it’s literally instinctive you don’t need to sit and study it you need to be able to do it and a lot of people for them it’s just getting on and doing it it’s a bit like

    Some people can coach because they can put into words what’s happening and then illustrate that and demonstrate that and other people can’t they might be great Riders just saw category Riders category 4 just going through the thisle hover Mullen Sprint so they dropped down off

    The Far Side Of The Climb if you put cast your mind back to the profile at the start of the show over the top of the C climb we dropped down towards our second Sprint well and it was indeed Hyde and Lloyd who had a breakaway in

    Category 4 and that was working well for them this is category one and I’m counting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight Riders by the look of that clear and at the front of this group I’m just going to do another little bit of mess one two three

    Four five might be nine I think that is nine Riders by the look of that clear and away after the quarter climb well the first part we’re not right at the top yet so here we go on to part two that break that we saw has opened up we

    Are starting to see those split it’s developed we’re starting to see ryers suffer and we’re starting to see ryers struggle to stay with the leaders Pace the lead group at the moment have just dropped one Rider off the back of That League group as the pressure goes on

    From Katherine fer you can see behind that there are Riders distanced at the back there’s a big pack starting to make the way towards the bottom of part two but at the very front for bit coin Tak M Shandy coli in here minina coin is really really looking good last couple

    Of races she really has shown that she means business I think um she’s been working on some recovery I think from from injury or similar uh at the moment doing some strength work and some balance work uh trying to make sure she’s got the stability on the bike that

    Stability when you’re on the bike your core is really important isn’t it yeah well if we remember a CO a world class Tri athlete absolutely flying this summer on the Sunday race cup and in real life and did indeed have an accident and then has come back and

    Utilized uh this as recovery and we’ve seen her come back into form over the last few weeks so it was great to have Mina coincon back and absolutely moving she know she’s taken the win in the December final uh and it was fantastic to see her and that return to form so

    Coincident back and working well man Shandi Bon columi baits in here Jena menen is just one second back off the group so she is the rider on the back of this group Amelia velt interestingly has not made the selection no so velt not making the selection 13 seconds down as

    Go around that left hand turn as you can see these are the first eight of the Riders through beating the time of lamb Kong who was the fastest Rider up there with an 809 nearly uh eight minutes 10 seconds no bar for actions but now as we see Vel

    Go through knockof that time and going into n place you can see the time difference between them the gap between menes and velt is substantial it is indeed well Katherine F taking the fastest time up there in 7 minutes 29 seconds Bon bruny columia L Shandy Bates menzes and velt well two seconds

    Separating the top eight velt 23 seconds back on that climb so it is Bon coli man Shandi menz’s fer baits in here uh now working their way through some of the back markers in the category three race and the rider they can see in front of

    Them that is one of the category 2 Riders so working their way through the back markers of the other race fields and I think think that is going to be baragan that they’re going to see first they’re going to have a lot longer to wait until they are up with Georgina

    Hyde and Nikki Lloyd who are a lot further down the road here 39 seconds nearly 40 seconds separating our two Breakaway Riders I love a good good Breakaway always love it when I’m watching wherever we are whatever type of discipline it is whether it’s a cycle

    Across the uh uh Road the track all here on Esports on my wosh two Riders clear Lloyd Hy got to work together now they’ve got the Gap they’ need to make the most of this they’re on their way at the moment into their next climb this is

    The start of the venberg climb as they go underneath that poka dot pner The venberg Climb is a climb which is going to be 1.3 km long gaining as they go up there a substantial 55 M doesn’t S much does it when we talk about hundreds of meters

    But it’s not all about quantity it’s about quality and the quality of the flandrian climbs is right up there they are like little diamonds rather than big house bricks of climbs interestingly uh when we were in Belgium last time when the women were in Belgium last time Hyde

    And Lloyd were first and second ARA serson and Saras rounded out the top five but Hyde indeed broke away from the rest of the the race field this was the only race field that did not come down to a Sprint and that was category 4 because Georgina Hyde broke away uh so

    She took the win from Lloyd now interestingly Lloyd and Hyde both now have a 45 second Gap clear of what looks like a chasing group of four then we’ve got bogran around 10 seconds back uh Warren and the rest of the group now over a minute so big gaps opening up

    Behind the breaks are happening in category 4 in Category 3 these are the next Riders they are making the way along at the moment they’re at 16.9 kilometers today are basically On The Run between the thistle hope and molden Sprint the windmill Sprint and heading in towards the venberg category one well

    They are just over the top of the cour here and on the way through towards the thisle Hoven molden Sprint so as as we look at category one now picking up other Jersey wearers so one of our category three Riders one of our Category 2 Riders at the

    Moment I’m looking at that our Category 3 Rider is desperately trying to stay in there tangan R tangli is trying to desperately stay in that group and the reason she’s trying to stay there is to take the benefit of the draft our category two Rider who they have picked

    Up has been able to move with them that indeed is Rosalina baragan so she’s tucked nicely into that group and making the benefit of the draft a category three Rider not able to do that and that’s the difference the power the pace the speed which your group comes through

    You’ve got to be so switched on to jump on move get in there and grab it it’s really really hard now mixed race categories on the top of the thisle hover M Sprint as they came through we Sawan velt and Jon the fastest initially going through through there but we’re

    Now starting to see a real mix as Anna farom just goes through now she’s only just appeared on that leader board as she’s gone to the Top This is a live leaderboard remember the times are live as the roaders go through great illustration Sr chasing having to work

    Hard on the flat to try and pull the group in front back the group in front going maybe just a little bit slower here as they come through because they can save their energy they’ve already got the Gap in there they’re used their energy just to wait and you can

    See here scharr chasing the group of bhead of H as well as London at the moment she’s three seconds off the back of this group she wants to be in there doesn’t to that group now this is the chase group on the road this is not the

    Lead group on the road that she is chasing you can just see on the bottom left hand corner of the screen the leading group has gone round that right hand Bend above but SP from doing a phenomenal job here to get on now let’s just remember she has come up from

    Category 2 today she took the win in Category 2 in the December final that has allowed her or meant that she has progressed to category one and that effort from her phenomenal effort from F vstrom there to get back on to that group so now comfortably in the group

    The leading group while they are 45 seconds down the road so the leading group on the right hand side of your screen the chasing group on the left hand side of your screen separated by 500 M on the course at the moment as they make their way down along this

    Flatter section they’ve gone past the thisle Hoven Mullen the windmill Sprint they are heading towards the next time this is the venberg we saw our Riders making the way onto that climbing category 4 but at the moment the Riders making the way over over towards the top

    Of that climb now they are going to be the riders in category 4 and Category 3 because they’re not separated by all that much on the road in terms of the big bunches the leaders of category four here Molly Weston looks like she’s right up there with De Gracia and Lopez but

    Behind I don’t think they’re that far behind are they Emma no so this is the Category 3 leading group at the moment Molly Weston has pushed off jior de graia is here Geraldo is here this is looking like a big category three leading group at the moment even though

    They are on this climb this is the venberg climb and it’s still a big group you’re right Matt they are well and truly working their way through that category 4 race field but those category four leaders they are still down the road there’s a few of them in between so

    There is still look at that in fact that is a beautiful graphic take a look at the bottom left hand that tells you exactly what I was about to try and say I don’t need to say it you can see says a thousand words and in this case it illustrates that we have

    Five sets of Riders on the front of the race on the road from category 4 followed by our category three leaders Weston again really is doing a good job of on here she’s got along with Tatiana aoo was strong at the start of this race she’s still riding strongly now so is

    Molly Weston if you look behind you you can see that all of these riders in category three they to be right up there yeah jera Milow she has been right near the front of the pack as well most of the way through here and I think this

    Group they’re on a bit of a mission really they they really want to keep the Pace High on the clim without it exploding yet because we’ve got a long way to go it’s 35 kilometers of racing here today and for all of our categories they have got to pick when they go just

    Time traveling off the front is very very difficult in this because of the climbs because the changing terrain and because we have multiple groups on the road if you’re new to the Sunday race club four race starts five minutes between categories four and three five minutes between three and two five

    Minutes between two and one all the groups can catch each other and draw from each other well at the moment we’ve got two Riders clear in category four around 13 riders in the leading group in category three six clear in category two and a leading group of eight in category

    One so four categories four different races all racing the same parkour all racing the same distance and the same elevation all able to draft off each other and as the the faster categories catch the categories in front who set off in front they are able then to

    Utilize the draft of the Riders they catching for a little while and if the Riders are strong enough the riders in the categories who being who are the Riders being caught can jump in with the catchers and hit your lift catch your lift all the way into the Finish but

    You’ve got to be strong because when we hit the climbs that is when it’s much harder to stay with a higher ability Rider we’ve all been there and we all know just how tough that is well I’m just going to run through the riders in that category three group AOA Geraldo

    Weston is Giuliano uh Johnson De Gracia Vin Lopez ARA Litton and she says I’m just having a little look because one of my Riders just talking with yourselves yeah talking it is jeromeo there we go confident yes yes I just had to do a little dou love bit I

    Love the it’s oh I’ve found something do a little check it’s all this is what we love about Esports is take a look at that now if this was not Esports we wouldn’t have all this data we wouldn’t have all this information one of the great things we love about riding on my

    Wish and about racing as well as commentated on there myself ride and uh really get out and try and get the kilometers in we are out there we don’t ride as fast as the guys on here generally but what we do is do the same thing we’re looking at the data we’re

    Looking if you’re in this group if you are Tatiana AOA at the moment in that polka dot skin suit at the front currently with a gap of 5 Seconds going to be looking up the road thinking two Riders up there I could jump on that’s going to give me some assistance so

    Leono in here same position you also have along with that Naz in there as well they are and and she can jump in with Nai she’s thinking y I’m going to get in with these two this is going to help we’re on a disent we’re going to

    Get more draft it’s going to help me behind they are not responding you can see by the numbers that there is no response coming from this group they’re Reliant at the moment I think on the volume of riders to bring it back and then the next flat section well this is

    Really interesting isn’t it because the category four Riders are about to get caught by these category three Riders uh we’ve got a question as to whether they’re going to be able to pick up the pace and stay with them and take a toe at the moment is a good opportunity

    They’ve been caught at a good point in the parkour this is a flat section 21.7 km the next climb does not come till 24.2 so this category three large group catching these two back well I they’re not right back markers but they are not with the front group of category four

    Racefield but now very well tucked into that category 3 group and taking the toe and taking the draft and moving up in the race because of it now dropping in with our category one Riders they are at 18 and a half kilometers into this race

    They are on the venberg at the moment it was a group of eight going in still a group of eight tapping it out together so eight Riders on to the climb at the front of the category One race field working the way past categories 4 3 and

    Two now there are Riders of all abilities all category that are being passed by the express training leading the category One race out well I’ll tell you what’s really interesting here Matt is that Amelia velt was off the back of this group last time this group looks

    Actually now to be nine strong velt catching back up onto this pack but I’m going to put in a really big butt if you get distanced on clim one the odds are you’re going to get distance on climbs two three and four if you’re not a new

    Rider and I’m caveat in that because the timing to kick when to kick is very very difficult to choose irrespective of what discipline you’re on or where you are because it’s all about making sure you can get on board and put the power down at the right time we’re currently in

    With Amelia velt at the moment as we ride through this group you can see a stats at the top Center of your screen you can see at the moment really work I tell you what’s really 189 beats per minute I tell you what’s really interesting is if you look at the bottom

    Left hand side of your screen that category one pack that was well and truly split uh by the end of the quarter K climb the chasing groups much closer together further back down the road and we would see that normally we’d expect that if the leaders were on the climb

    And the Chasers weren’t but judging by the graphic there they’re all on the climb it does bring the gaps down the physical distance down but it does look like they are starting to come back together this is menes look at this sorry look at this 15 seconds from

    Menzes to the leaders in front behind 13 seconds behind so we’re only talking 30 seconds from the leaders to the big chasing group behind yeah and what that says is the leaders took a recovery after that climb after the effort they put in the Riders behind continued to

    Move they were in packs they were in groups it enabled them to motor and to close those gaps down so those G gaps coming down nicely now at the front of the race field it is a strong group as you can see the poka dot Banner there uh at

    19.5 kilm well that that’s the top of the venberg climb so Amelia van HOV goes over with Jina menzes uh velt coinin fua bruny columi bason Bates man Shandy kasani uh and Joi uh round out the top 10 2 minutes 42 from vs the leading group there very interestingly are the

    Front group on the climb so the work being done on the flat and the downhill by the Chasers the fastest time going over the climb at the moment as they make the way through the lake on top of the venberg in between the water the fastest time being set by the leading

    Group now remember that’s live that can change and it may well be that some of these Chasers who are working the way from behind then set a faster time up the venberg after this leading group have gone into The Descent but at the moment it’s not looking that way it’s

    Still looking like they have set that fastest time up there even though the Chasers I think have now made it over the top so we have got a real race on with the front of the category One race yo-yo in front and back going back backwards and forwards in category two

    In the green we have Lisa Hanson Monica Rona Anna eming Angel Hadlock in there Lan Kong in that polka dot skin suit of the fastest time of the climbs in that climbs points competition Jenny Daniel who you saw the start of the show in the rewinds looking like she’s really in the

    Mix and really wants to take this out they are making the way down the uh flat section here and if if I get my distance is correct I think Emma we’re heading into two climes that come in very quick succession the end of this long flat

    Section we got a flat section into the ikenberg hill and that is the polka dot Banner indicating the start of the ikenberg Hill they go up this is a 1.4 km climb with an average gradient of 4.3% they drop over the top it’s a rolling top and I’m going to say that

    And you’ll see why in a reason in a moment they drop down the other side that and they transition very very quickly into the ikenberg climb which has a much more of a pinnacle top you can see that here when we bring the map back up uh this is the course the Riders

    Are on at the moment you can see our little Rider there we go up and over the ikenberg hill and the ikenberg climb a much more rounded top on the first time a much more sharper descent on the second now that is key when it comes to

    Momentum uh and pace that we were talking about earlier on and that transition from the climate to The Descent absolutely crucial particularly on that second descent now that second climb at 1.6 kilm with an average gradient of 4.7% then from the top of the iberg climb it’s a 6 kilometer run to the

    Finish it is 6k run to the Finish where a group will have the advantage but for the climbers really critical here and this is where Cadence pay in this is where suple being able to move through the Cadence to raise and lower very fast is going to play out ikenberg Hill

    Followed by the icon bird climb absolutely critical part doesn’t look anywhere near as big as the C GE but the closer that you get to the Finish anyone who has a raced whether it is in Esports whether it’s on mountain bike whether it is on the road we’ll tell you the

    Closest to the finish the more important those Hills the ascents are going to be well I can tell you that are two Riders so far over the ikenberg hill and that is Hyde and Lloyd are two leaders in that category four race this is the category three race Molly Weston leading

    This out also on the ikenberg hill at the moment she’s leading out Rebecca Johnson who is the rider in blue behind her and they are 50 seconds behind the top eight in the category 4 race so that category three race really winding itself up it’s still a big group out

    Front uh on the right hand side of your screen you can see that is Georgina Hyde she has broken clear of Nikki Lloyd in that category four Race 10 seconds clear so here we go Molly Weston leading out the race here we’ve got Johnson behind it looks to me like sorry it’s

    Not Johnson is going to be uh alongside pretty much so we just taking a little bit of a check no Johnson I think he’s just in with that chase group there so looking at this it’s going to be very interesting as they all start coming in together so I think Johnson has hitched

    A lift here with the group you can see her in the middle in the chasing group so we have Weston leading we’ve got her Manon eming Rona and Kong or working behind in Category 2 yes so the category 2 leading pack has caught this category three pack they are motoring here

    Together and it is all bringing this back together in this Category 3 race as they’ve gone up and over the top of the ikenberg hill it’s a confusion of Category 2 with Category 3 the mix together here you can see Category 2 in here category three in here working

    Together they are now over the top they’ve got to work fast and that group has to form if you’re in the back of this group you need to get on board and you need to get on board now behind the chase is on they have to work to bring

    This group back very quickly because we’re going over the top we’re into The Descent here and at the bottom it’s about keeping that pace if you push through the bottom the next climb the icon birg climb comes quick it’s very very fast you can take the pace but if

    You back off between the two it’s long enough that you will lose all your speed and get caught back very quickly so Category 2 leaders along with category three chasing the category 4 the category 2 and three on the desent between the two climbs but the start of the ikenberg Hill it’s category

    One so our category one Riders move in they go past some of the bat markers in the category 2 race as they head towards this time now 10 riders in this leading group it has got bigger not smaller the original break has been caught by a

    Number of riders and it has swelled the ranks of this leading group so Kinston leading them out with columi they are pushing on and up the climb the response coming from behind but a stretch already starting to form on this group and this is where Helen Canal who’s done a great

    Job of jumping in with the group on the flat section running in from the venberg to the ikenberg hill is going to find it very difficult to stay with this group of C three one leaders because they kick up here you can see the numbers on the

    Right hand side of your screen we are just in with Mina 5 and a half watts per kilo heading for six at the moment I’m seeing 6.2 6.6 7.1 there from Sophie Giovani as they go on to the climb and those are the kind of numbers

    That for a category three or four Rider it’s going be incredibly hard to live with wow just beyond them uh but taking a look at the bottom left screen it’s an absolute melee on the climb of color we’ve got red jerseys from category 4 blue jerseys from Category 3 green

    Jerseys from category 2 and the yellow jerseys from category one this is the leading group in category one it is still a significant number of riders 10 riders in this leading group and they are moving towards the top of the ikenberg hill and that point about the

    Rolling Summit there you could see that on the top right hand side of the screen is going over this is a rolling Summit that means that you can pick the pace up steadily over the top it’s not a knif age Sumit L you will find on the ikenberg climb the ikenberg climb well

    The summit of that is at 29 kmers on the right hand side of your screen at the bottom you can see that Georgina Hyde at the moment is the sole leader in category 4 she’s cleared by 11 seconds from Nikki Lloyd but they have nearly two minutes from Simone

    Franciso Manson and Co in fact they’ve been caught the chases have been caught haven’t they so it is now Hanson in Category 2 who is the nearest Rider to Nikki Lloyd and Georgina hi Category 2 on the left hand side of your screen category four leader hide on the right

    Hand side of your screen you can see by the profile top right hand side they’re coming up the same 500 M 500 me behind is absolutely and the question is will when Lloyd gets picked up at the point she gets picked up will that bring her back to hide and here’s another question

    For you given that category W are only just starting on the ikenberg hill and the leaders of category 4 are on the ikenberg plime can the category one leaders pull back the category four leaders given that that Gap is round about the two-minute Mark well it is

    Around two minutes and it’s just over two and a half kilometers as well so velt bruny Bates Co and Bon F NES man Shandi and columia setting the fastest time up the ikenberg hill 2 minutes 54 seconds take a look at that just one second separating those nine riders in

    Fact it’s 10 riders in that leading group uh in that category One race yep I think there Rider night show was Sophie Shani the 10th Rider of that group and they’re over the top and onto thec B and Gian running for the same Squad here today the aeto SK Squad and making the

    Way over the top of the ikenberg hill right hand side of your screen these are the category two leaders they’re the chasers on the road the category 2 leaders chasing the category 4 leaders the nearest Rider to them in front is Nikki Lloyd who is currently sub 30

    Seconds and sub one minute now between PR and the very front of the race it is your race leader Georgina Hyde who is being pulled back by this very strong Category 2 leading group they have broken the field over the the race course across the fields across the

    Hillsides across the MS in the walls of Belgium as they head in towards the summit of the final climb makes that 6K Run for the Finish Well four Riders clear in this category One race Hermanson Kong eming and poo going underneath the banner signifying the top of the

    Ikenberg climb they’ve got molly Weston with them they’ve caught Weston at an appropriate well an appropriate time for Weston just literally right at the top of the climb it’s now a 6 kilometer run to the Finish it’s downhill and flat Molly Weston is going to have to work

    Her socks off to stay with them if she wants to take a benefit of any draft can she stay in there she is working now she is a category 3 Rider but she is wearing the green skin suit because she is also the Sprint leader of the Sprint

    Competition in the category 3 race this is where Molly Weston has to focus she’s got to stay really smart here she’s actually gone off the front of that group she pushed well she pushed to get on she went through with the draft they then hit the bottom and she carried the

    Most momentum through but what she needs to do now is just ease a little bit because the group behind will come up to her and she needs to have that kick ready and engage it early enough to go with them well to be honest have the group behind realize that it’s a

    Category three Rider off the front C in green this is the category One race they are the only Riders not at the top of the final climb and not on that 6 km run into the finish this is the final climb for them this is the ikenberg

    Climb 1.6 km 4.7% average gradient and look at the stretch on that group it was 10 Riders at the base of this climb it’s Lou baites putting the damage down Mina coin and Katherine fer Manda man Shandi is in there as well they are continuing

    To motor but the pace is hot from baits five Riders still left in contention now buty D maany Kon and for bats they are the Riders left in the mix and Bon is starting to struggle she’s two seconds down at the moment it’s N9 seconds I

    Think back to Colombia and Co and that means that we are seeing the selection being made here and if this group go over the top there a five with two behind it will give them numerical SU y however as they go over the other side it’s about how much have they got left

    Baits pressurizing fer and Kon are going with them if this is a group of three and the two behind pick up another Rider coming from behind that would equal it out and remember draft works best when you got plenty of riders and plenty of riders to take turns on the front at the

    Moment though it’s about power and there’s some massive power being put down here well there is indeed and they’ve just got to treat this like the finish of the race the top of this time the polka dot Banner treat it like the Finish because then it’s a long run and

    It’s a downhill and flat run but at the moment it is fer Bates and they’ve got a seven second Gap now on Bon and man Shandi so three Riders now clear in this category One race that is the polka dot Banner they can see in front of them

    Signifying the top of the climb with a 9C Gap back to the Chasers can they stay clear oh it’s going to be tight it’s going to be close the time gaps not huge behind but this is the leading group bats Kyon and fer fer in the polka dot

    Skin suit there as the leader of the mountains the hills classification and with the hills complete she’ll be running in that to the finish the chase here is coming from M Mandi she’s got B one second behind menen though at 12 seconds and this descent is steep and

    It’s incredibly quick it’s great when you come and ride this I downloaded the latest update on to our devices the 3.5.1 make sure you do that uh if you’re going out great updates on there and went out on road this descent is absolutely brilliant it’s so quick well

    The pace had picked up to over at kph at that point in time we’ve now just jumped in with the category four leaders the category two leaders and the category one leaders so Hyde is still down the road so Georgina Hyde who is leading the race on the road at the moment our

    Category four leader now category four started first today she is 17 seconds down the road we’ve then got eming Hermanson and prao the three Category 2 leaders Nikki Lloyd the Chaser in the category 4 race and Molly Weston the leader in the category three race together so this is a a very difficult

    Choice now real Hobson’s choice for Georgina Hyde Hyde has 2.2k to go to the Finish she has 13 seconds on a big group of riders behind which includes the Challenger for the top spot in category 4 Nikki Lloyd is in with that group and working and well she

    Might because this is her opportunity to pull back hide you can see them coming behind hide could turn her head over her shoulder at the moment she would see them coming yeah it is going to be a matter of numbers here completely and Natalie Hyde’s heart rate is at

    91 now two options here one push to the Finish not my choice two rest recover the rest of the riders in that group are working to get you back that means that they’re having to work keep the pace reasonably high but not so that you are empty because you know that they are

    Coming at speed look at the rate of catch here we’re at 11 seconds at the moment look if you think about those numbers this group are coming through the underneath the archway into banners here on the outskirts of the city this is no distance at all and the problem is

    If H doesn’t get some res in she is going to be absolutely on her knees as she gets caught and what’s really interesting here Matt is if you take a look at the numbers coming out of this group then they’re rolling onto the front around three and then they’re

    Coming straight back off because category two Riders there’s four of them in there they are looking at each other because they know a Sprint is a four-way Sprint is coming up for the win Molly Weston Category 3 leader Nikki Lloyd category 4 second place those two Riders

    Well Nikki Lloyd wants to make the catch but none of those category two Riders want to lead this group because they are looking at each other which may lead Hyde enough time to stay clear to the finish and that Gap has hardly come down it’s sitting still hovering at 9 10 11

    Seconds we’re coming up to 1K to go and there’s a point at which just going to have to go do you know what I’ve just got to go for this and I we’re fast approaching it because gap’s now down at 8 seconds and it’s not looking it

    Doesn’t look like it’s coming down much not much not much at all at some point these category two Riders are going to go for it and they are going to stop sitting up and I’ve Just Seen emban go kick at five wats per kilo so I think at

    Some point in this last 800 meters these catgory 2 Riders have got to really wind this up to take the win will Georgina hide stay clear she’s got 600 M to go so 600 M to go the finishing line is around the right hand B that’s coming up long

    Straight right round the turn and we are there now hide is leading behind us seven seconds is the gap now six seconds it’s yo-yo in a little bit eming is leading this through at s and a half watts per kilo she wants to take the Victory and it looks like Nikki Lloyd

    Has not gone wither the Gap has opened up behind eming it’s not huge but she’s going to come on to hide heid’s going to get swept away in the last few hundred meters but will she hold on for the category four win they’re going to come around the turn hermansson leading this

    Out from eming and prao and at the moment it’s going to be Lisa Hermanson who’s going to take the victory here on qualifier one Hermanson your winner here qualifier one on the Sunday race club well that was Category 2 that came over the line first Georgina

    Taking the win in category 4 and Molly Weston taking the win in Category 3 Nikki Lloyd coming through for second place in that category four race as we jump back to take a look at what is happening in category one and category one and so we have in here well you got

    To remember here really key Lou Bas is in the yellow Jersey we have the polka dot skin suit here and that is of course of Katherine fer and we also have in this group I think it’s Mina coin who is tucked in this group in the yellow so

    Two yellow Riders one rider in the poka dot skin suit who are fighting out for the category one top prize of 10,000 AED here today it’s all about the Run for the line and it’s a fair way to go here Emma 1 and a half kilm

    Is anybody going to go for a long one I think they’re clear I can’t see the mean CAU the Gap behind is too big yeah the Gap behind now around 20 seconds well actually I say that around 12 seconds to man Shandi they can’t sit on their

    Laurels and think this is it at all because there is still 1.3 kilometers to go and man Shandi is no slouch but the downside for manand I think here is that in this group these three Riders know that they want to keep pushing that they need to keep pushing they’re going to be

    Pretty switched on with that they they have the numerical Advantage it’s not where we had it the other way around one lead at 10 seconds back a group this is a group and then it’s back to what’s really interesting is they are pretty much moving at the same Pace man Shandi

    On her own currently sitting at a just shy of well around four 4.2 watts per kilo the group ahead not doing that but moving at the same Pace because of the group yeah the numbers are BAS basically man Shandi s look at this 38 39 km an

    Hour it’s hardly varying for for man Shandi you look at the speed in the pack it’s yo-yoing as the Riders are coming through the group and although the numbers you say am are less the speed is generally between 38 and about 41 and it’s that fractions it’s just I think

    Going to be just too much for man Shandy to come back now three rers and f starts to squeeze here 4.2 I’m not sure I wouldn’t want to put a big squeezing just to try and open this up and I tell you who’s gone it’s mea who’s gone 500 me to go and

    Coin and kicks F’s in too F’s gone at 13 watts per kilo from fer Lou Bates now responding as well but it’s Catherine fer with a monstrous kick through and past Mina as responds and comes up onto a wheel has got the timing of this right or can fer respond

    For a kicks she’s gone over the top of coin and is neck and neck but I think that is Catherine fer from Mina coin from Lou Bates it is three hundreds of a second separating our race winner from second place Katherine fer taking the win from Mina

    Coin in two luk Bates in three it’s going to be a fine fourth place up for M Dean Mandi here today as she comes in over the line ahead of Roberto b b should be our Rider who’s going to come through for fifth place behind though

    This is a big kick coming in and I think Jessica menes is the rider who has a slight gap on velt velt is coming they all want those places but son goes over the line in five so this is four sixth place Jia menes continues to push all

    The way to the line 4 six and then it’s going to be felt in seven as these Riders continue through the line in the top 10 of category number one what great racing here today all the way into the line your confirmed leaders coming through you can just see Lisa her hermansson

    Confirmed as the winner of Category 2 but in category one it’s fer in one in two bites in three Mandi in four bon in five menz is in six felt in seven and colomi in eight and the riders coming through sub one hour they’re very very

    Quick today out on the course here on the Sunday race club evera absolutely cracking racing here today in Belgium it never disappoints as a race oh it doesn’t I love this race rout it is absolutely fantastic whether our women are here or our men definitely a great race and speaking

    Of the men we’ve got them coming up immediately after so please do make sure you tune in for that Emma and myself we be back a quick refuel ready to go for that my name is Matt Payne it’s been a pleasure putting words to the action

    Here in the studio with me is of course Emma Martin we can follow you on Instagram and if the teams want to get in touch you look forward to that oh please do so please get in touch with Emma get in touch with myself don’t forget to follow my whoosh on Facebook

    On Instagram it’s mycore wish on X the platform forly known as Twitter but even better jump on board your bike download the latest update the latest one which gives you all of those companion bot racing and make sure that you come in and join us down on the Sunday race club

    Next week but from myself Matt pay from Emma and from all of the team at my roou stay safe we’ll see you again soon goodbye n

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