Jack and Chris return for the latest TNC Podcast to discuss what was a busy festive period for Norwich City. Defeats to West Brom and Millwall were sandwiched with a win against Huddersfield and a draw against Southampton.

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    Hello and welcome to the TNC podcast the first of 2024 um we’re back again Happy New Year I was going to do an extended intro them I’ve forgotten how to do this it’s been a while key word happy New Year yeah should we cheers again yeah what you

    Drinking um this is I’m I’m on a bit of a health kick yeah me too yeah so I’m doing the old you know green teas here and there a little bit of this little bit of that more exercise trying my best but I have to admit I can’t resist the

    Lakens every now and then yeah well I have do in January I’m doing dry Jan done it for the last two years yeah and I’ve actually been impressed with my willpower in the last two years and speaking of that Jack I’m going to plug it for you straight away first plug of

    2024 good on you because you are fundraising for North can Wy mind aren’t you tell tell us tell tell us all about that well in 20 would it be in 2022 January 2022 I decided to run 5 kilometers a day in January yeah and it’s fine for probably the first week

    And then you hit a real wall and the shin start to get sore and the ankle start to tighten up and it’s a real palava so we completed it that year did it again last year and I thought why not do it again this year three years

    Running 5K a day in January running it for mind if you want to donate you can we’ll link it down in the description if not please don’t feel the need to it’s more to just get my body moving because I’ve eaten so much cheese in December

    And I’m sure a lot of you will be um you know in the gym or or what have you in January so I thought why not do it again this year on a serious note link to your point and of course our official charity partner norol mind very very good thing

    To do for your mental health exercise get out there I know it’s tough right now get yourself into a gym get yourself out running and um improve your mental health absolutely there we go right norch City uh do we have two it’s been um do we have to been a

    Strange few weeks hasn’t it because I think the last time we spoke was post Huddersfield yeah no it was even before then I mate yeah so we it would have been yes that’s right because the Monday was Christmas day so we beat Huddersfield yeah in a game that was

    Fairly convincing I thought we were we you know in in the most part it was comfortable I mean hfield are a pub outfit aren’t they but we knew that late December into January it was going to get a lot tougher yes that festive period was I said season defining and I

    Think it probably was um but going into that it felt like we were maybe moving in the right direction performances I wouldn’t say were improved but they were they result result results were there probably looked improved because of the opposition yes yes um come up against West Brom on boxing day shambolic even

    Worse against mil wall and then um and then a point against Southampton so one point from a possible nine isn’t what we hoped for let let’s go from the start shall we just let’s just touch on West BR briefly not great I mean you could just summarize it very quickly one sentence just

    Shy ju two words just shy yeah it is um I think we’re averaging I’ve read somewhere that we were averaging under 35% in in those last three games possession including including those two we’ve only had eight shots on Target in the last three games which is absolutely poor shambolic let’s

    Not beat around the bush it’s really really poor um and I must admit Jack going back to your point you know after that hfield result I fell for it again yeah um don’t get me wrong I I did think that you know we could slip up but I

    Just genuinely thought look I think it was we got to what was it we’d only lost one in eight games we went on one of those David Vagner upward trajectories and now and I’m sure a lot of people listen listening and watching this will will feel this too I’m looking at the

    Next few and I’m thinking we’re about to fall off a cliff again I hope I’m wrong um but we’ve been here we’ve done that I fell for it I thought we turned the corner I just looked at the way that we dominated Huddersfield but actually I have to maybe jump with the quote

    Unquote 20% here and say actually should have been skeptical there it was Huddersfield they are a pub team they were shambolic they didn’t I mean Angus Gan may as would have had his deck chair out he didn’t he didn’t really need to do anything in that game did he really I

    Tell did he do anything in that game no he didn’t do anything I tell you I love that really really tall Striker that came on for them can you remember was like definitely should have been playing basketball absolute union he was huge um I always think it’s nice isn’t it when a

    Year comes to an end to to to reflect on what’s happened no but it’s not nice reflecting on on this year Pon um David Varner at the weekend um or Monday chalked up his 50th game in charge of nor City this is how it reads managed 50 1 19 drawn 10

    Lost 21 if you’re into symmetry scored and conceded will satisfy you 70 a piece at 67 points from those 50 games I mean I knew it was bad Chris but that’s really bad just 19 wins from 50 games it’s a it’s a poor record with the

    Quality of players that we’ve got and I know people debate that fourth highest wage bill in the championship I know people debate that a lot but to come down from the Premier League um and to to be performing like we are with a a good handful of experienced

    International Players is simply not good enough the fact are there the the writings on the wall I I feel again as always feel for David nice bloke got his moral his moral compass in check um and is a very very good um ma man manager and all the players really respect him

    And like him it it’s just there isn’t it the data is there to say we are not able to get the best out of these players it’s a it’s a questionable at best if you want to use that word record um it really really is and as I’ve already

    Alluded to and naturally you could say there wins losses and draws they’re relatively equal aren’t they right and so that just epitomizes the the flip flop of you know consistency we just seem to never be able to stay consistently good we are just consistently average to poor and I think

    Consistency is a good word there because you know con consistency in results is one thing but we I still don’t think that Vagner knows his system I still don’t think he knows the best Squad almost and that’s concerning because particularly in the last two weeks definitely on New Year’s Day he’s

    Basically got a full Squad to pick from now like we we definitely cannot use injuries as an excuse of course yeah and I just looked at definitely well all three actually including milw which was probably the worst of of the three just Uber defensive and I’m and I’m looking

    At this and going right so we’ve got sporting director and Ben Napper is coming and said I love to watch the football teams I oversee on the front foot attack-minded Vagner said that when he came into the football club I was about to say and he said it on the TNC

    Podcast and he said it publicly he wants his side to attack I don’t want to watch boring football he’s got the players to do that he’s got some incredibly talented attacking players and what we saw against West Brom milal and Southampton two away games where it

    Looked like we would just we would have been happy with a point yeah and then a home game where we’ve had 25% possession now I know Southampton are one of the best sides in this division but it was it was always it was interesting to hear

    What Ross Martin said after the game as well wasn’t it Ross Martin said well it was I wouldn’t even say in never seen an orang side play like that was a long I think he said he was surprised by the setup and then he made some comments on the atmosphere which we’re definitely

    Going to talk about um and and it hurt me Jack obviously we love Russ great great guy um but it hurt me those comments and you know why it hurt me because it was the truth it was the truth yeah yeah and it was really just one of those comments where I went

    Bluming neck you really have sunk to and you know when you hear it from Alle Legend it’s like bloody hell are we really in that space and we are one thing I want to say about about the the the defensiveness the the negative tactics that that we’ve seen of late

    Jack is you know you’ve said there I don’t know whether David Vagner knows his best lineup formation you know system whatever but maybe one thing we can agree on regardless of whether you want to debate whether he does or he doesn’t is he’s probably given up on

    Whichever system he had decided on you know he was try he wanted to play this positive proactive fastpaced football right that that was the aim of the game he’s given up on that he has and he and and and you know the the man that has really summarized the negative tactics

    Well um this week was Chris Sutton for the pinkin his column was just an absolute mic drop we pulled the quote out for our Talk N socials and everything about it was just like boom boom like he couldn’t have said it any better it was strong it was required and

    Again you know you know us fans you know we get emotional sometimes sometimes we say things which probably isn’t fair but we say because we’re fans but again like Russ like Chris Sutton when you hear it from from you know former players Legends players that have gone to a

    Really good standard you think oh actually maybe what the fans the 20% uh uh are saying is actually the truth well Chris sattin said supporters want to see hope supporters want to see an expans Ive brand of football at home is simply not unreasonable and I think

    That’s fair and I would almost accept you know a defensive performance in isolation against the SEL like Southampton what we can’t it’s not an isolation though is it that’s what I’m about to say what we can’t argue with is is a point against Southampton is a good

    Point and I think we can all agree on that now whether we deserved it or not I’ll let you decide but going away to mil wall and playing a similar style is not acceptable going away to West Brom and playing a similar sty is simply not acceptable what we’re also

    Not seeing is a return on points now you could have criticized Dean Smith all you liked and he deserved criticism yeah but there was a return on the style he played when he what we like second in the championship for a bit and it is that we’re not getting the points and

    We’re not getting performances and we’re not being listened to and we’re not seeing change so supporters are right to go well what’s the point like why are we doing all this and we felt that didn’t we and maybe we should I don’t know whether we should talk about it now Jack

    Or not maybe it’s an appropriate moment you know and I’m not OV exaggerating it I I felt that it was one of the saddest atmospheres at car Road in many a year at the on Monday on New Year’s Day it was it was apathetic I know that some people

    Internally you know they disagreed with that comment it’s not apathetic because people are still turning up and I and I would really strongly disagree with with with anyone that says it wasn’t that first half it was like standing at a funeral it really was like everyone just

    Stood like just accepting of it like bored there was people around me um and I and I saw on social media as well there was people that were tuning into the darts cuz they were so bored they were just ask S this I I I’ll watch um

    What’s his name l Luke ller Luke liter um and that’s just damning isn’t it um the atmosphere was so poor and I’m by and I’m not I’m actually not criticizing the supporters it just speaks volumes but this is this is this is the first step Jack okay because

    We’ve done the anger thing you know the fans did that we want Weber out we want Vagner out and there was little murmurs of it from the snake pit um when we went a goal behind on New Year’s Day but actually what is now set in is the rot

    Of apathy supporters are attending but that’s not the end because if we continue to set up as we are if we continue to play the brand and style of football the passive performances that we’re putting in people will start voting with their feet and I don’t I

    Don’t I really don’t want to be dramatic I want to try to be positive but we will see drops drop off in attendances very soon Jack I think um if they stick with Vagner ultimately we are stuck in this state of limbo it’s very evident to me

    At least anyway Jack Keen to get your thoughts on this that um that the the the club quote unquote um namly the man that makes that decision now is Ben Nappa he doesn’t want a an interim manager he doesn’t want another sticky plaster solution he wants to hire

    Someone for the long term and ideally they want to cling on to David as long as they can but I think the longer that they do the the worse it’s going to be for supporters well I think the the key word I got from that um Chris Sutton

    Quote was hope football fans want hope yes and my perception I think lots of fans perceptions of nor City and it might be wrong and and I’d be interested to hear from Club officials and and they’re more than welcome to to say I’m wrong I think they’ve given up on this

    Season I’m not saying the players have yeah but I’m saying that they’re just going right V’s here till the end of the season if we go we go up but we’ll try and rebuild in the summer and go again that’s risky that’s really R know is I

    Know that’s what I’m saying about the fans because you lose Sarah you lose row maybe Angus gun I’m looking at a few more of those players and going right well if they leave Sergeant then what then you’re rebuilding not only a a managerial team but also a playing staff and look Ben

    Nappa might be great and I’m more than willing to give him a chance but at the moment we’ve got absolutely no proof to suggest that he is capable of a rebuild at the moment he’s not done anything since he’s been here and that really

    Concerns me I I need to I need to to challenge you on that that that is nonsense but in terms of in terms of proof at Norwich City nothing has been done the F the fans haven’t seen anything publicly and by the way I’m not dismissing that because I know it’s

    Important for people to see something that’s Chang publicly right we have to remember that and I don’t want people to think like I I I’m in a fortunate position where I’ve I’ve had a conversation with Ben Nappa I like the cut of his jib I like what he’s saying

    To me I feel like he has got what it takes to drive this club forwards that’s all I’ve had a conversation with the atanos about no I Know Jack gone if and and like I know that you know he’s spoken to you and he spoken to Media off

    Record that’s fine and I’m sure I’m sure he’s a great BL and I’m sure he is very talented but if he’s not doing anything in front of the media then fans are starting to go what is going on is he doing it’s a perception thing oh

    Absolutely and and like but but this is but the other side of the fence on that Jack is we did have Stewart Weber communication which was I’m going to say whatever the hell I want and if I wind people up on on the way whatever but now

    The the challenges for fans to try to get used to is we’ve now got a different type of leader at the helm that perhaps isn’t so so much of an extrovert in the sense of you know being in front of the metor all the time I think that’s a

    Positive considering where we’ve been but I do understand and totally agree with the reason I’m one of those fans that thinks Co bloody L we could really do with I guess hearing a bit of the why the where we’re going I mean ultimately fans want to know what’s happening with

    With with the head coach’s position right but the problem is he can’t come out now Jack and say yeah do you know what yeah t time’s ticking on David I reckon we’ll B him off as like he can’t say that and so I do empathize with Ben

    Nappa I also do really feel and understand and appreciate the frustration of supporters again I am one of those where we want to see visible public action of I am doing this right now I’ve done this I get that but we have to realize where things were with Stuart

    The amount of work that needs to be done the State of Trance paralysis um sluggishness that the club is in it’s going to take some time to to to to fuel up this car again because this club has run out of fuel Jack we are just limping

    On in this season so I I really I feel the frustration and I get that fans are now like you know Ben Ben where are you Ben I I get that but the the the notion that Ben isn’t doing anything hasn’t done anything is an absolute nonsense

    I agree it’s a nonsense but I understand why fans are getting frustrated I agree I think it’s a I think it’s a perception thing I am of the opinion that at least try something to change it because it’s not working at the moment and I and I’m

    I’m just feeling like it’s a very passive situation at the football club yeah I agree with that word and I I watched that Josh Sergeant goal on on Monday and I and I just thought the quality is there in this team yeah I agree like it was a brilliant move it

    Was a cracking run from row it’s a superb finish from Josh Sergeant we should be seeing this on a more often basis it took it took us to go goal behind for David and the coaching staff to go oh we better get going now or we

    Better bring on that change we better go more like that that’s just you know you I think I forgot who said it do you know what it was a fellow called he goes by the name of clobo on X and he said something like I’d rather watch um farb

    Lose 43 than play I forgot what it was exactly but I agreed with with his point um than than you know sit there and it was a it was a bloody chore watching that game but it was frustrating wasn’t it because we had the ability abil to

    Switch and it’s you know Gabby was Finding s there was actually a chance but by the way I don’t know if fans remember this where I think Gabby had like two or three up with him and he pass which is a crying shame again we could have even nicked it um you know

    Really against the Run of play um it is frustrating because we have those players have got what it takes to to get into the playoffs and that and that’s the frustration for me just just finally on this kind of whole Vagner point it everything’s just contradictions at the

    Moment what what’s being said that the style that they like and that they want isn’t happening there was a good tweet from Dan briam um about possession won in the final third so you know winning the ball high up the pitch nor City rank 20th in the league at that so VNA came

    In he said he wants to you know play intensive style he wants to win the ball he of the pitch well we’re not doing that yeah we’re not defending well yeah we’re scoring goals but we’re conceding you know the same amount as well yeah I just I’d look at that you know look

    Sergeant up front roow Sarah even Nunez I’m just going this this team is we’re wasting this quality yeah I agree look back in we’re going to look back in July and go how on Earth did we finish 14th with that team we should have got so

    Much more out of it if we had a team full of Pub players I’d accept it yeah but I’m not willing to accept this style of football I would almost be willing to accept the style if it was effective in points return it’s not that either and I

    Used to be of that Faith remember that used to be my opinion and now I’m like actually no we we do need some stuff that’s always my slight um argument when people say and look they’re more than you know more than entitled to say when they say I’d rather watch us attack it

    And lose 4-3 I never want to lose football matches I want to see an effective team and a manager that can transfer Styles at ease the other interesting point I thought listening to Canary call after the game and a brilliant interview with Chris gorm with Josh Sergeant Sergeant seemed surprised

    That that was the style we played and I’m going there well if if our number nine doesn’t know what we’re playing then no wonder Russell Martin’s surprised with it the players have absolutely been asked to to uh how do I this prioritize the defensive side of

    Their game should I say I need to we’re going I know we’re going all over the place it’s just one of those podcast sorry people my maybe it won’t be my final Point inevitably but one of the the things I want to say about David Varner and the coach and and where we’re

    At the results that have happened you know particularly milw hell that was atrocious really was um what we’ve witnessed at home that 25% um possession and the games we’ve got coming up next I I have to admit I think we’re already in interim manager territory I think we’re already there

    But one thing is for sure Jack if we lose the next two games they’re gonna have the club are going to surely have to bite the bullet do you think I think they’re gonna have to because I think have we not been in that position already absolutely my

    Friend but to to Vagner and the coaching staff’s credit as I’ve said before a great run of results one loss in eight games you can’t argue with that but now we’re we’re staring down that Cliff face again and we’re going we’re going down that we know it because we’ve done it

    Three times before this season I think we’re going to be in that territory drack I think they’re gonna have to they’re gonna have to bring an interim manager if and it’s an if and I hope they prove be wrong we lose the next two games my concern with that is and I

    Agree I think they have to I don’t want an interim manager I don’t want that and by the way Ben Nappa certainly doesn’t want that he he’ll want to find a long-term replacement my concern would be they they knew that things weren’t progressing at the end of last season

    Didn’t do anything they knew things weren’t progressing September into October I think it was 111 in 10 yeah like there’s been more than enough chances to to to change it up and in good moments post Cardiff win yeah two week International break nothing was done yeah so people keep coming up to me

    And going Jack like when’s a change happening and my response now is I don’t think it is I think we’re stuck with this until the end of the season I think they’re going to try and botch their way through it that’s for sure let’s bring up a

    Postives oh we’re in ch positives first one go on for me and genuinely you know it was it was a poor game I was happy with the point but I was I I I went home happy because I’d got to see Josh Sergeant saluting me in the Barkley I am

    Delighted to see Josh Sergeant back and you know what within that what do you come on for like 20 minutes couple of runs in there and I’ve gone like you are so much better than the rest of them the runs so intelligent just before the goal

    Just before the the goal row comes on This brilliant inside run cuts the defense and I love that that run off the off the shoulder from s because it reminds me of Pooky Pooky was so good at it and that was what he made his goals

    From and and the run off the defender the finish the the celebration and I was so also with sergeant and and you might bring him up in a moment I thought it’s going to take him a while to get back up the speed Serious injury he’s probably

    Going to have lost a yard of pace and he said that that in his interview he said I was concerned that I might not return the same footballer yeah look look the million dollars the big hairy mammal him he looked $2 million the fridge the Scottish fridge freezer I must say I

    Didn’t think we’d see him play for Norwich again because of the severity of the injury yeah yeah yeah and that’s credit to Hanley that we have seen back VI ly we have to put up with each other in the low of Barkley one of the things

    That Jack said to me is he went bloody hell Revo I feel like hanley’s got quicker after his injury and you know we forget that done I do I do vividly remember his his first game one of his first games I think it was actually his

    First game for nor was a way I switch I think he wore he wore like pink bright pink orange boots he was Bloody quick um he’s quick he’s powerful and it’s all the dirty stuff like there was a great picture of him at the club post of him basically picking the opponent’s nose

    And sort of you know kind of doing anything to put him off and and fine you’ll never beat the Hanley great to see Grant Hanley back and I as always with with Grant Hanley with Shane Duffy with a few of the lads I’ve criticized them I have to say Grant Hanley deserves

    A lot of Praise um a shame the the the Southampton goal was a shame I don’t see that as Grant hanley’s fault was it they got on no I think it was Kenny actually mate if I if I remember rightly it was just a a comedy of errors

    Between three or four players before it even got to to Hanley but I thought he was brilliant I must say super Sarge though you know you’ve mentioned his runs um but for for me it’s so obvious of the quality and you’ve bought that up already Jack you know about how good he

    Is I think he’s I think he’s he’s he’s not as good as some of the attackers uh at leads in my opinion um but he’s certainly in the top three Strikers in this league and and it does pose the question Jack where would we be if Josh

    Sergeant had stayed fit um because I I certainly think we’d be in the playoffs because he just he he does it’s weird isn’t it how a player like Josh can take some of the pressure off the Midfield and likewise the Midfield can take the pressure off the defense by attacking

    Keyword David if if you’re watching listening and by attacking and that is what Josh does very well I just want to bring up his celebration as well Jack of course we saw the salute the thing that I really loved and particularly with how dead it was in the stadium on Monday was

    The fact that you went like that to carad and you know what that got me going God that got me going yeah and delighted and and I could hear almost the frustration in his voice in the interview because he he and hang and Eda they won’t want to be playing that system cuz

    Bloody tough cuz all they’ve really got is scraps long balls forward and they’ve got to try and hold it up there’s no one even close to them it’s bloody tough and there’s a lot of pressure Jack because if we’re creating if we’re creating what two three good chances a game you’ve got

    To take it because you ain’t getting another one um so there you go he said that actually in in that interview he said that he was talking to Adam on the bench and he said that he said to Adam we’re not getting much many chances here so we have to

    And that’s exactly what and he’s got the quity to do that and I think that’s so important is a it is a valid point you ra about where we would be if he’d have stayed fit I I know should would have I get that but I think he is so

    Frustrating isn’t it yeah because he because he is vital and again I always like to bring up it’s funny isn’t it Jack because I always I don’t want to bring up the the past because you know a big big Sergeant fan now um but it’s just mad isn’t it how we’ve gone from

    You know first week we thought the sge was shite Scorpion Kick season uh to to where we are now where it’s like he is the man Sarah of course as well Johnny row newly this season Angus gun in between the sticks but you know he is

    The man for this team um and do you know what to put a bit of positivity in the room here is the player where you think do you know what maybe maybe maybe and I don’t I don’t truly believe it but I’m speaking into existence with a player

    Like Josh Sergeant on the pitch and the position that nor City are in with the quality of this league you do have a chance of sneaking the playoffs because that boy can score goals I think you do in the right system right let’s get into some questions on twit plenty uh plenty

    Of you getting involved so many lots of rants I’ve noticed Jack we’ll start with more of a question we’re of course in January Chris that means yes the transfer window is open Jack R um asks honest prediction how this transfer window will go what do we think I think

    That um I think we’re more likely to see departures than arrivals as we like to call them on talk city um David Vagner doesn’t like a squad this big it is quite a big Squad that’s that’s been put out there before um and of course very recently of course they’ve made it

    Abundantly clear that the age of the squad is too old so they want they they will probably want to offload a couple um so that’s going to be interesting to see to see how that affects performance but in terms of arrivals which is what NCH fans really that’s what gets a

    Football fan excited I wouldn’t be excited I I’m sorry to to to pop the pin I know people love a transfer RoR and this stuff like don’t get me wrong I I I I do uh think hope and believe that that we’ll bring a couple in on loan um I

    Think that’s where we’re going to see the first sort of public quote unquote action and and and you know Ben Napper is but I I’m not expecting much with the funds that we’ve got in the state that this and I say the state is in I’m not

    Saying the state is in oh what an absolute State because you know we’re not you know we’re not flirting with relegation here Jack but we are in this state of what I what I’m calling state of paralysis limbo land it’s difficult nor City don’t in my humble opinion

    Aside from the training ground which is massive and they do deserve praise for we don’t have the pulling power we once had when we had just come down from the Premier League that’s gone um and so I think it’s going to be a big

    Ass to try and to try and bring in some players in general do I I I said it I think on the last podcast i’ deem this a successful transfer window if we manage to keep hold of Sarah and roow which I think we will but I think they’re I I I

    I almost look at the starting 11 now and I think we’ve got the ingredients yeah I think the quality is there I wouldn’t mind offloading a few I think it is quite an inflated Squad and now that everyone’s back fit you’ve got a lot of center backs not all of them are going

    To play I know we might be seeing jayen Warner go out on loan um maybe had a wide player and maybe a defensive midfielder but equally as you say I don’t think we’ve got the ability to bring in the level that we need if you’re going to if you’re going to go A

    Step Above what we’ve already got we’re we’re a mid-table championship side playing defensive football like if you’re a premier league manager wanting to send out a player on loan it’s not an attractive proposition just going back to your point previously mate around the top brasses you know a ambition so to

    Speak and you know whether they have truly just given up on this season and you know whether just you know let’s let’s just get through this season I think you’ll see this in this janary window the types of players they bring in I think that will be a telling factor

    And I want I want to bring this up because it’s a very hot topic this week from from from Dom Spencer question what Have We Become when we result to parking the bus at home in the championship and obviously we spoken about Chris Sutton’s comments in the pink and on this Jack

    And and I actually got a bit of flack for this on on social as always on social postmatch for I was actually my instant reaction after that was you know that’ll take that point and run against Southampton because what was it 17 or 18 unbeaten they’ gone or

    Something ridiculous like that all of the stats said that Southampton were going to batter us um and you know it was negative it was horrible it was awful to watch but you know would you have taken a draw against Southampton before the match of course you would

    Have done of course you would have done and so um it is interesting but it is a statement though jack isn’t it what Have We Become and that was my point I was thinking well actually yeah it’s sad I don’t want to be you know celebrating

    Draws I don’t want to be going K few thank God for that point at home but that is a that that’s the reality and fans need to admit that that is the reality that we’re in Jack like that is how how much we’ve regressed as a club

    Yeah it’s sad but that’s where we are well I think the fact that you’ve you know you’ve gone into the game expecting us to get battered is a really sad indictment nor City have a huge wage bill in this division yes if we are going off of you know wage bills which

    Is a far better metric to go off as opposed to transfer fees spent we should be in the playoffs there is no roundabout way of saying that yeah we should not be going into Southampton at home expecting to get thumped I agree with you I think it was a good point and

    I think there you know that when we went one behind for 10 minutes we actually looked half decent and that was the frustration why couldn’t we start off like that expectations are so low it’s it’s incredible but we know we’ve heard publicly the expectation for Norge from board level this season was

    Top six we are not achieving that under the current head coach it has to change linked to that uh Mystic Manson OG’s of TNC will know who that is or Mystic Manson’s posted just simply where are we going and and is it’s a question that all norch but

    Probably pardon the pun 90% of Norwich fans are uh are asking where are we going as a club and and I don’t again I don’t blame Norwich fans for asking that question I don’t yeah and I don’t know the bloody answer by way I don’t know the answer we don’t have a defined

    Playing style we don’t have an effective way of picking up points we don’t know really the future ownership what it looks like in the kind of short term I agree we don’t really know a lot about Ben Nappa MH yeah I agree um and I’m not saying that that’s necessarily right or

    Wrong but there are a lot of questions without answers at the moment and that’s really unsettling yeah I couldn’t agree I couldn’t agree more mate I I really could not agree more um you bought this up earlier Jack and um I I’ll read out this one from Jonathan Parker actually

    He’s used the same word as you contradictions uh this is a statement I believe this club at the moment is just built on contradiction I we have a new sporting director who has publicly spelled out his ideal vision of how we’ll play yet he keeps Faith with David

    Vagner who plays the opposite the boards say we’re after top six yet seem happy with mid-table and I I can’t disagree with that right it is just it is contradictions that there and to be fair Jack I think on a lot of these we’re just agreeing with you so well it’s

    There’s a nice point in there Chris happy to be where we are and and that’s the sense I get because every single data point suggests that we’re underperforming and not only we’ve been underperforming for the festive period have been underperforming for the entire season so if I’m Ben

    Nappa I’m going this has to change quickly if we want to be where we wanted to you know we set out to be and we financially overstretched to try and get into the playoffs I am getting the the sense that they’re going well you know we you’ll

    See how I I’d maybe just slightly change the language I wouldn’t although I can’t massively defend the club on this is I wouldn’t necessarily say they’re happy to be where they are of course they want to see us doing better I would just change the language on that statement

    From you Jack and say they’re not desperate enough to change it this season but that’s giving up I I don’t disagree I’m just saying I think I think that’s how it feels what about this from Paul and I think this is a great bit of insight actually Paul it’s the first time we’ve

    Had dictionary definition come in and Norfolk Paul is his hand let’s read out as bio here we go he says old enough to know better um tattoos on both arms some lovely sleeves got a beer in front of him I’m sure it’s a lakens anyway enough of that Paul says the dictionary

    Definition of Nappa of a napper is to strike sharply I think AR is broken he has no intention of ridding us of Vagner ball The only positive reason I could think of for going to Norwich games at the moment is to get a couple of hours

    Peace and quiet from the wife and you know what Paul that that you know you’ve made thanks you certainly get peace and quiet thanks for making us chuckle yeah you are getting peace and quiet um but no I just thought that was interesting I had no idea that the definition of a of

    A Nappa was to strike sharply because we’re not striking sharply are we ja well we’re far from it I I I don’t want this to be the moan at Ben Nappa podcast because I’m look I’m sure he will come good and I’m not debating that I just

    Find it strange that you know he started earlier than expected because he wanted to get in the door and he wanted to see what was going on but I think that that’s yeah but I think that’s because we wrongly thought that meant we were just getting rid of

    Vagner earlier but I actually think it was Ben Nappa just wanted to start earlier I think I I I think people are jumping on to Ben Nappa way too quickly and I know that it I know that this state of paralysis limbo that we’re in I know it’s so bloody

    Frustrating I don’t think Ben Nappa deserves a lot of the stuff he’s getting I know a lot of NCH fans will disagree with that we’ve had a lot of offline heated debates you’ve sworn at me you know you you’ve given me a lot of stick

    For it but but I just I just do truly believe that Ben Nappa is is the right man to to to to turn this around Jack I do um the atanos waxed absolute lyrical about him and and for me you know those guys are the ones that I’m looking to

    For the future of this football club so I I think let’s let’s calm down on Ben Nappa in my opinion Harry rant why are people so happy with a point we parked the bloody bus got a point against the good side but can’t beat West Brom or

    Even mil wall what is the point in grinding out these points against good sides but can’t beat the teams that we should do Vagner has to go I would sorry who’s that Harry I would actually disagree with Harry born in suffk lives in Norfolk well Harry thanks for your

    Point I would actually disagree with that with with Harry on that aside from from Plymouth and Rotherham I do think Norwich can get through the average teams in this league it’s as soon as we come up against anyone above us slash the top six where we haven’t

    Got a chance of course we got we got a great draw away at portaloo road but asides from that it’s dead comfortable which brings me back to my point that I said at the start of this podcast look at who we’ve got next Hull West Brom leads we ain’t tickling any of

    Their bulls do do you think that the the system will change for those uh um I think that he I think that because of the public backlash I would be surprised if that I’d be very surprised if he doesn’t at least make it slightly more pos positive against Hull he’s ABS

    He’s going to park the bus against leads away 100% and we’ve already lost miserably and I say and I don’t mean that in terms of the score line because it was only one nil but the performance was so against West Braum I don’t see I I can’t see him going going to

    Attack a attack that game again I hope I’m wrong I don’t want to go to Caro to watch that star of football Daniel R says ran atmosphere is getting towards the worst I’ve ever seen it fully agree with daavid Varner out club’s PR has been a joke but need more support for

    The 11 on the pitch and leave the protesting until the end I know the fans need to feed off good performances wonder your take it’s a great Point Daniel and and I think it you know it props up that a you know that the old argu of you know performances and

    Atmosphere go hand in hand and you know atmospheres get better and performan doing and vice versa but I think it’s I think it’s bigger than this I saw I saw Jack mate was at the game on Saturday and tweeted he was like why was it so quiet you’ve just got a point against

    Southampton and in isolation fair enough this is a this is the result of three years of mismanagement under performance arrogance at board level this is what this is what happens like I I think it was telling that we went one defeat in eight it was a good run yes it

    Was and then as soon as we lost it’s back to V and like that is the level we’re in Von would have to go on a 20 game unbeaten run for anyone to to because we’ve seen such a well 50 games 19 wins I think it was yeah I I I do

    Agree sorry to take a feel off you um what’s the point about there was a positivity point in here as well there was a positivity point but about backing the boys yeah and I agree with this and I said this on on Canary and a lot of people have misinterpreted my my

    Comments on this I believe you know whether you’re Vagner in Vagner out anti board you know one of the 20% the 80% whatever one thing that surely Norwich fans can agree on is let’s try our very best to get to back these players is it

    No and I know it’s difficult I know it’s difficult Jack with the sh of shite that we’re having to having to watch even even the performances on that one and eight um you know run that we were on I know it’s poor to watch but we do need

    To try to to to be positive you know and I know it’s been hard um but you can still want David Vagner out but still support those players on the pitch and I think that really we are in this situation now Jack as you said of like

    It looks like we’re stuck with David Vagner and and those coaching staff for a little while longer and therefore you know I just think at least just get behind the boys on the pitch do you know what I mean let’s not stand in complete silence and I do understand though that

    The atmosphere and performances go hand in hand so very much an Argentine Tango you know it takes two to tango Jack and at the moment our our dance partner isn’t isn’t isn’t tangoing with us I thought the it was Hessville wasn’t it on the 23rd I because everyone was best

    And it had a few sort of alses in them I thought the the atmosphere that day was was fairly good it’s cuz we were all pissed well you were I wasbe working um and then it’s easy to say after the goal I thought once sge scored and WI a couple

    Of half chances after it was Lively but mate that’s why you go and attack the game why does he go and attack the game I don’t know yeah lots of lots of positives around I’ve got a quick one go on let’s just lighten the tone just a

    Little quick one from Matt Gregory he was actually one of my favorite commenters on these podcasts well I’ve got a favorite Matt Gregor is one of them he says statement unbeaten this year there’s a positive very good um will it unravel this Saturday against Bristol

    Rovers we shall find out oh God it can’t all of the positives surrounding Josh Sargeant and I guess this is I know we’ve already spoken about Josh Sergeant Chris but maybe you know maybe we should sympathize with Vagner and the fact that he has been without his best Striker for

    The entire season and maybe he will be the man that turns things around because that 20 minutes when he came on we did look a whole lot better absolutely Jack and and let’s do that I just want to quickly shout out all like as many of the people that have been raving there’s

    So many Raves for sergeant sound picture Sergeant the norch Savior uh Jay whose profile picture is of Josh Sergeant says Rave Josh sergeant that is all OE says statement USA Finley says Rave sge is back so this oh oh here you go blind me Jeff man 98 question Pooky was the goat

    What animal is Sergeant a horse powerful powerful classy gets a job done when you need it okay I think I’d think if I was a footballer I’d like to be a horse have you ever seen a horse that hasn’t impressed you yes oh Sergeant multiple times Market races Sergeant is

    A thorough bread yes out of the finest stable let us know uh what animal you think uh Sant just on sergeant it is it is remarkable actually and maybe we were slightly harsh in him when he first came in but he was bought for the premier league and wasn’t good enough for the

    Premier League yes his cycle has been remarkable he’s gone from laughing stock to a player that we all deem the most important player in this squad fair play to him yeah that’s all I want to say no I I know and that that was the point I made earlier man

    100% um ah this is a good one from Jim Smith this could well be my burner account I don’t know Jim Smith says just how long does this hellish limbo have to continue for everyone knows the fans will not come back inside until they make a change Napa needs to step up

    Communicate with fans and replace the head coach I’m not expecting a reaction from you but I’m just saying well we’ve we we have covered that but I I I understand why why you think they way um just just just a quick bit of well wishes actually for the nor SAS who

    Actually responded to our podcast post with sad news my loving son passed away on New Year’s Eve I just wanted to say to Norwich SAS um obviously rest in peace um to your beloved Son and our thoughts go out to to you and your family it’s always sad when a when a

    Yellow uh passes away isn’t it Jack 100% and uh if you do need any help not that we’re saying you do um there is more than enough support from nor and wav mind in the comments section with our chosen char Partners um Jimmy Jazz name yeah Jimmy Jazz Jimmy Jazz

    Jimmy Jazz um he surely got a positive with it’s a really interesting account to say the least Jimmy J’s statement Sergeant will power us to the playoffs he could we don’t believe he do you know what do you know what though Jackie do you know what I know there I

    Know no I just can’t do it anymore I think we might be I’ve done this four times this season they’ve lured me into a false sense of belief only five points away I don’t believe that we will but Sergeant is one of those straws that I’m clutching on to and I’m thinking if

    Anyone could could get us there it it’s going to be Sergeant what I would say is look this this Norwich team should be in the playoffs and there is of course still a chance and I think if we were to change the head coach with Sergeant fit

    We we would have a real Fighting Chance yes we’ve gone from two points away to Five Points away rather quick I would also just add this is a very congested middle of the pack in the championship we are as close to sixth as we are 19th really just I’m not looking

    At the table up and also remember that until probably three games until the end of last season we were still like five points off the playoffs and we were clinging on to it we we do you need hope you need hope and you need optimism Absol the moment absolutely you need

    That and if you want dare to dream I’m with you but let’s be realistic as well under the current situation yeah protect we can wave goodbye to that protect your emotions but do back the boys God the clubs are contradictions and so are we um I must say actually that I’ve only

    Just noticed this the Sim we’ve scored 42 and conceded 42 this season the one good thing is that’s quite nice to look at okay fair enough um look I think we’ve covered everything three times over round round and round and back to front it’s all very very sad and more

    What are your wishes for 2024 for we’re we’re a fresh start we’re unbeaten yeah okay if it when we sit here in 2025 and we look back on this year what what do you have hope has happened um so if I could have the perfect 2024 yeah

    Mike and Mark at an asio go Merry Christmas New York City fans here’s a war chest in January War chest and they slap the the check out and they go write a number Benny boy and uh he goes 20 million and we bring in a few a few top

    Players that’s not going to happen obviously um on a serious note I would I would love to to to see more from the atanos I think they bring a sense of hope and belief the opposite of what we saw from from deal and Michael and Jones

    At the last um AGM which I can’t be asked to go into again um so I’d like to just hear and see more of them um I’d like to learn more about uh I’d like I’d like to them to at least disclose some of the things that they’re

    Working on with Ben Nappa I Would by I would obviously love it if when it’s you know appropriate I’d love to hear from you know Ben Nappa what the plan is I know that that’s a brave thing to do but I think that you know we we are we’re

    Needing that as soon as it can be said we want to hear it as soon as it can be said I’m not saying that that can be now because of obviously the head coach position I I do sadly think that that that roads run out for for Vagner and

    His and his team and so therefore I I would like to see a new head coach for the longterm B in in 2024 in terms of off the pitch Jack I would love it if we had safe standing in the ground um I’d really I’d love it if the atmosphere

    Improved I think that it’s bloody awful and again I know that it’s a two-way street but those are my wishes for 2024 I think oh and here’s another one you know when things are going badly at the club you know you start to notice more bad things that you actually turned

    A BL eye into when it was going very true very true couple of things really pissing me off okay right the price of a hot dog extortionate sorry a sausage roll sausage yeah what happened price of a sausage roll 5 quid it’s like 420 or something like that might more well well

    Last well look anyway 420 that’s a that’s a pry sa draw from w monumentally average sausage in a in a bit of crust that’s a sausage it’s terrible second thing the choice of chocolate bars just take your own no no right go to Morrison’s you go up to the bar pile you

    Go up to the bar you think Co what do I fancy today and like I cannot believe I’m looking behind the counter and I see two chocolate bars a Snickers and a Twix what sort of selection is that I think that’s I think they’re two of the better

    Oh no they’re not what like you’ve got to have a marsar in there okay yeah and what’s wrong with the classic dairy milk and and do you know what Jack I think the club are shooting themselves in the foot I think it’s guaranteed Revenue a Dairy Milk is guaranteed Everyone likes

    A Dairy Milk and the fact that we’ve resorted to a Snickers and a and a Twix I think it really sums up the state that this football club’s in you actually I was expecting you to to you actually ticked off a lot of what I want so okay

    On the pitch on the pitch goals I want goals want identity to get behind and that translates not only playing style who we sign recruitment yeah that translates to what we had on the Weber and farer in those first two seasons if we could I know it’s going to be tough

    To recreate that but that would be great pitch Che me have mine first go on hurry up lakens to be stocked perfect brilliant North Brewery one of the best let’s have them stocking yeah and the lovely lady every in the lower Barkley to continue to pour my self- served

    Pints because we’ve got to a lovely stage now you know they’ve got the self- servers yes well they they don’t work properly and and and and no one knows how to use them other than the member of staff on each one and I go to the same

    Woman each time and she PS it delightfully so I’m hoping you need to find out her name so we can shout I’m hoping that nor City continue with their casual dining staff I got two more now one is Bring Back s De Janeiro yes just

    A just a bit of the soul I know it can be a bit cringy but it yeah let’s just bring a bit of that back yeah let’s all let’s all sarcastically dance at the away fans when we score a goal with sber why not enough and my last one but most

    Important Johnny Row in the team of the season for obvious reasons I want to see I want to see you lose a g to The Big C that rhymes thank you much um I you know what I’d actually like to see as well because it would

    Have meant that he would have had a good second half of the season but I hope he’s not too good that we lose him in the summer oh God that’s going to be that we’ll leave that I can’t think about that thank you for watching for listening for supporting us in 2023 I’m

    Sure people will be strapped in for 2024 I hope so we’ve got a lot of exciting things on the horizon 2023 although it wasn’t great on the pitch I’m really proud with our out our output and I hope you felt it was balanced and fun and exciting we’ve worked really bloody hard

    On on providing some some good stuff um as I say stay tuned in 2024 we’ve got loads of good stuff going on we’re doing loads more for charity yes um which I’m really proud of actually and it’s not only proud of what we’ve done but your generosity has continually blown me away

    Um something big is coming on that front by the way on on the charity side of things I’m really excited for that so let’s hope that we get some goodness on the pitch uh over this next year and if not then we’ll drink plenty and have some fun my parting words

    Are you have to go through these times you know you have to go through the the you know that crap you know on a roller coaster where it’s a really old one it’s a bit rickety and your head goes like that in the seat and you’re

    Like Co bloody I feel like I’m I feel I’m going to break my neck yeah and then you go down the top bit and you think whoa what an absolute Delight I am on this roller Co coaster what a dream you have to go through these Downs to truly

    Enjoy and appreciate the UPS stay together never get personal and um we oh I have got some news we’re rebranding this season Jack are we yeah we’re rebranding to talk norch counceling Chris good to see you I thought there was a well we may well do

    That um there we go thanks very much good to see on the city on the ball City let’s do this Yeah


    1. I think you’re a little harsh on Wagner. Our defence just isn’t good enough. Hanley has only played one good season for us (20/21). He was behind Zimbo and Godfrey in our 18/19 season. Ben Gibson, well we know the score. Stacey isn’t Max so I don’t know why people aren’t looking more at our recruitment rather than DW. Imo of course, OTBC x

    2. Why don’t all the fans just go on strike and not attend. If the clubs worried about attendance then this would be the way. I wouldn’t mind not going to a few games if it’s this awful

    3. Wagner has given up on his ideals/system. Smith never had ideals. Farke gave up and had just realised he needed to get back to the clubs DNA when he was sacked!

    4. Important to put to bed this idea that we’re not good enough. That’s the point and what is most damning with respect to Wagner. These players ARE good enough to be challenging at the top of this league but we are underperforming woefully. That’s only on the coaching staff.

    5. Oh and great point about Sarge and Pukki. It’s the first thing I said when I saw the goal. That was an absolute baller Pukki finish. Takes it so so early and just slots it right in the corner before the keeper has been able to set himself. He definitely learnt that from the man himself!

    6. So happy to see Josh back on the pitch. He has all of the attributes that we need in a striker: pace, intelligence, physicality, bravery, good in the air, good on the ground. He terrifies defenders. Dare I say even better than Holty? None of our other strikers comes close.

    7. Hang on a minute chaps – I’m sure that at least one of you predicted a mid table finish this Season. At least one of you didn’t think Jon Rowe was up to it. At least one of you said Norwich would likely get battered by Ipswich. I’m glad you remembered that Sargent got a lot of flak when he first played. As for Russell Martin, he has to support his own position as he has his own fans to please. He’s hardly likely to be complimentary about Norwich having been a bit embarrassed by a draw. With a slice of luck, Norwich could have beaten his side, even if underserved. The teams that Norwich have failed to break down recently probably also ‘parked the bus’ and Norwich hadn’t got Sargent for those games. With all the criticism of Wagner it still seems he has the support of the dressing room. What have Ipswich done since being held by Norwich. Best wishes for 2024.

    8. 2017/18
      Under Farke
      Played 46
      Won 15
      Drew 15
      Lost 16
      Minus 11 goal difference.
      And we only had 1 point from his first 4 games at the start of the next season where we won promotion.
      The record is identical nearly to farkes first 50 games supporters wanted Farke gone thank god the club didn't listen. I would also argue that team with maddison, olivera, Jerome,jetc was far superior to this squad. And didn't have the injuries Wagner has had to deal with. Both Wagners downturns have been caused by injuries last season and this , unlike Farke he has shown he will adapt styles to gain points when required which Farke especially in the prem got thrown at him. So we have a manager that in my opinion will succeed once he has a squad he wants and you don't get that inside effectively one transfer window you can't count last January as he had only walked in the door. I love your passion but football is more complex then a podcast. Do actually research and consider what you both say . Had we gone on your opinions of Sargent after 50 games I doubt he would ever have spoken to Ether if you . I also remember a very old jack TNC pod where he skates Russel Martin as a right back claiming he was better for hemsby😂 . I get your passion but really try supporting a bit more rather then just banging your drums to whatever whim you have each week.
      No hard feelings but glad to put this right

    9. All you Wagner haters 😂 wait till Rooney comes in😂😂 now that's a sackable record. Players fault simple as they are professional players they should play. As for the fans they should make a noise win lose or draw the players hear the noise from fans. Also if wagner go then I think the best players will leave. I know for a fact Rowe loves wagner & my opinion 1pt was great against Southampton.

    10. The atmosphere at Carrow Road is a product of feeling neglected by the powers that be. We are stagnating as a football club and I can say as a Barclay season ticket holder not a SINGLE person around me wants Wagner at the helm. I was under the impression that Wagner’s contract ends this month and correct me if I’m wrong that means we would not have to pay him off? So why aren’t we pulling the trigger?. My personal (realistic) preference for his replacement is Scott Parker. Dream appointment Steve Cooper.

      As for the sporadic good runs we have under Wagner, those a purely results based not performances. What gets us over the line with those victories is our talented squad, that can produce a late moment of quality, who are being a let down by a tactically inept manager.


    11. Every stand apart from the lower Barclay and snake pit don’t sing. They know how to because they sing OTBC before KO, but that’s it, nothing else.

    12. Chris is moaning about the price of a sausage role and simultaneously wants our American owners to have more influence. As someone who lives in the US, buckle up big boy 😂

    13. We've sunk to a new low when we're quoting 2 ex- players who've only ever been critical of Norwich since they've left. Martin can't do an interview without telling everyone how he's moved on from City, and Sutton ever comment when being paid for it.

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