Motorcycle Storage Tent Review | Store Your Bike Outdoors In Winter | Vevor Motorcycle Shelter Guide

    Winter is coming! I always try to keep my motorcycles inside during the Winter, but being limited with space it can make it very difficult to find space to work on them inside.

    Here is a link to the Vevor Motorcycle Storage Tent I review in this video:
    Use discount Code VVS10 to save £10 on Vevor!

    Motorcycle Wheel Chock:

    This year I decided to look into the options for storing one of my bikes outside, even if only for part of the time. I have usually used a bike cover held over the bike with straps. I always worry that the paintwork will get scratched where the cover touches the bike, especially if it is windy and there is always the likelihood that the cover will keep in any moisture that finds its way in, making a damp environment for corrosion to take hold.

    While looking at the different options I came across bike storage tents. I had never considered them before because I always felt they were too expensive and probably too big for where I wanted to put them, basically in the drive between my house and the neighbours wall. Not quite wide enough for a car to get through, but I didn’t want to block it off for getting a bike through.

    While researching these tents this time I spotted that VEVOR made two (or possibly more) different sizes of tent, and that the smaller one might just be narrow enough for me to use. The added bonus was that we do occasionally get items to review from VEVOR, so we decided to ask them if we could have one. To cut a long story short we had to wait a while because they kept being sold out, but they did agree to let us have one when they came back in. So after a short wait the tent arrived.

    In a lot of ways it is better than I expected, and came with extras that surprised me. One thing being quite a well made storage bag, as well as a useful combination lock. The instructions are quite good, but in reality the tent is very easy to put up. The supports just clip together, and the main hinged parts are already assembled. It is virtually fool proof to put together. The only things that need to be considered are which are the outsides of the hinged parts, which ends the two outside supports go on, on which way around the cover goes on. Although if you got it wrong with any of these it would be pretty easy and quick to rectify.

    Once erected it was easy to put in place. There is hardware to anchor it to the ground, but I wasn’t sure if I had it in a permanent position so I decided to use some weights to keep it secure at first, and I will probably screw it down when I am certain where I want to keep it. To try it out I put my recently acquired VFR800 in it. This is probably the biggest bike that would fit in this size of tent. It has a higher screen than standard and a rack on the back, so it just fits in, but well enough for me to be happy about how it fits.

    Shortly after I had put it up we had some very poor weather. In the UK they give names to the worst storms that come through and this one was called Babet. It was very windy and there was a lot of rain. Many places had enough rain to cause flooding. I am pleased to report that my bike was absolutely fine. The tent did not blow away, and none of the rain got through.

    The fabric of the motorcycle shelter seems to be very high quality and rain just beads off it. The tent has two vents at the top which will allow any moisture to come out. The only criticism that I could make is of the frame. Although it is strong enough and goes together well, some of the finish is a little light, and there was a little corrosion on the end of a couple of the tubes. I am going to put some rust proofing wax inside the pipes and make sure the outside is given some rust proofing every year.

    Overall I am very pleased with the motorbike storage shelter. I would definitely buy one if I hadn’t got this one from VEVOR it makes my bike storage options a lot more flexible. I’ll probably buy another bike now and fill the extra space.

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    #vevor #motorcycle

    This is jumping ahead to where I want to end up yes there is a bike in There Winter’s coming sure I’ve heard that before anyway it’s that time of year where you start getting worried about leaving your loved ones outside and your most precious possessions having to take the chances with the elements this year I decided I was going to up the ante I wanted to uh make sure

    I had better coverage for my motorcycle so in researching it I came across motorcycle tents storage tents that had like a they F over like a pram cover thought that looks like a really good idea and I found that one of the market leaders was from a company that

    Does give us things for review so I got in touch and thankfully they decided to let me have one so today I’m going to have a look at it and see if it’ll work out for me and hopefully sometime in the future I’ll say this was brilliant and

    Here’s me bike and it’s still in good Nick I am quite lucky in that uh I do have a garage to keep bikes in and I can tend to have about three beyond that and it gets to be an issue however that does make it very difficult to get any work

    Done inside the garage itself and you’re always pulling bikes in and out when it’s raining so it’s very useful for me to be able to store one not inside what I’ve done in the past is as you can see you put a cover over it strap it all down have some good locks

    On it outside but you always end up with puddles and you end up with something flapping and you’re thinking it’s going to be scratching it so I thought definitely one of these storage tent should do a better job so I’m going to put it up put it where it needs to be

    Right see how the bike fits and then see how it goes on over Time I’ll be honest I fully expected to be having to put all of these bits together but just roughly looking at it I can see it all Clips together and there’s even a carry bag so it’s obviously intended that you can put it up quickly take it

    Down quickly and take it with you which is a bonus really it wasn’t something I was expecting but worth knowing about I expect the instructions are in in this uh bag so let’s go and have a look and see what there is besides uh instructions and perhaps some

    Hardware instructions a couple of temp pegs there’s a NS and bolts and these are obviously for securing it down to the floor if you want to do that very surprised to get a combination lock having looked through the instructions this seems almost too simple it would appear use the two already

    Built up side pieces and then using the C pieces you make up six of these and using the F pieces you make up one with the E bar in the middle you then clip it all into your base unit there are a couple of places where

    You’ve got to put in a couple of bolts and screws I think it’s on a support then once it’s all working it would appear you can put the tent over and it’s velcroed on let’s see if the reality is as simple as the Instructions That’s all the C’s and the F built really went together very quickly in indeed need to sort out which is a and which is B and basically which is left and which is right it would appear with these the thing to have in mind is that this plate goes to the

    Outside and as long as you got them both to the outside apart from when you’re putting the final piece in it doesn’t really matter now in bestest a buster Keon type uh action I’ll now try and put the middle slats in uh hopefully I won’t

    Damage my bike while I’m doing it and no doubt at this point I switch to a little bit of time Lapse Turns out I was wrong about this one being the F it’s actually the very shortest one that connects to the F the way I can tell that is that there’s a hole here and a hole here for this strut to actually hold the F to the floor and

    The first support up so all of them are the wrong side for the moment but I’ll put my final pound of the six on flip it over and then I can put the fbit on and put on the Support these are 10 mil and uh when you’re tightening them they don’t need to be very tight at all really uh what you don’t want to do is crush your tubes because I hate having my tubes crushed I don’t know about you that’s the frame built and for the first

    Time I think it went together quite easily comment I would make is that these pipes are not perhaps finished quite as well as i’ have liked them to be um some of them have got a little bit of rust and flaking on already um what

    I’ll do is once I’m happy with it how it all goes together I’ll spray some wax down the inside of the tubes and uh perhaps a a little bit of you know gt85 WD40 or whatever your preferred rust slower Downer is um and that’s perhaps something you perhaps need to think

    About doing at least once a year to hold back the ravages but overall I don’t think it’s bad it’s built to a price that you’ll pay I mean they could make it perfect but how many would they sell right let’s see what the actual cover looks like I mean this bag is

    Fabulous really impressed just pop that somewhere where help for get where it is I’ll bring the frame back over I’ll put it on see how easy it goes on and see what it looks like might even try and pop the bike in it here before I

    Actually put it where I think I’m going to keep It now I do know these come to this end so what let’s see how this connects at this end right now at this end it’s El Crow dog that looks okay Not the most riveting bit of video and if you’ve got a phobia against velcro this isn’t for you so far so good didn’t take long two strips of Velcro on either side I’ll show you what they look like and I seem to have it on the right way

    Around there’s even a flat for ventilation on either side and on the other side it has some nice uh branding for Vivo which it’s a shame you I’ve got on this side as well there are some clips at the bottom I’ll do them [Applause] Next this one isn’t velc possibly because it’s the one youd be uh opening and closing the most so need to take these back out take that out slide it all the way through get there in the end P that one in that in see there we go hook these back

    On and I think it’s now built but not fastened down and this is genuinely the first time of opening pretty Good sh [Applause] This is the kind of position I’m intending to keep it in what I’m going to do is I’m going to wait it down and I’m going to see how I is living with it for a week or two just to check out if it’s going to fulfill what I really need

    Which is a outdoor space to keep a bike without it getting really uh mucked up because of the weather this would appear to be the maximum size that you could possibly get away with with this so if you’ve got a bike with a big screen up here or a massive top box that’s

    Permanently fitted probably not however this is the small one there is a larger size I got this because of the width and I want it to be be able to uh get my bike down the side in this area here um The Wider one is another 10 cm wide and

    I think it’s a little bit taller so if this one didn’t work for your bike probably the bigger one would I’ve been using it for a couple of weeks now and I’m really impressed with the way that the water just bubbles on the top you’ve got to be a bit careful

    That you have it tight enough so it doesn’t start pooling but the best bit for me is we actually open it up apart from the couple of drops that have dropped off there the bike is completely dry and that’s the important thing I’m really pleased with it I’ve used it

    Weighted down um and we’ve had a couple of named storm go over with loads and loads of water dropping out of the sky flooding everywhere but under the bike you can see how dry it is so I am very pleased with it I’ll put links in the

    Description you know it is what it is it’s not a bad price whatsoever if your bike’s got to live outside living under here it’s going to survive a lot better thanks for watching don’t forget subscribe and follow Along


    1. Looks like it will do the job! Do you get much snow? I’m spoiled in South Florida. I keep my motorcycles parked on my carport with covers on them.
      Thanks for the video! Take care.

    2. You lost me at the instructions part of the video , as nice as that carry bag is its a bit pointless , it would make the product cheaper to buy without it, i cant see any other use for it either ,. I agree the pipework could be better finished , maybe dipped in something or a better paint finish , maybe spray it with a tin of hamerite before you put the cover on, but once up it looks pretty good and weather proof, ive just bought a "moto gp" out door rain cover for £20 and its good for the price to,. would it not be better /possible to reverse the bike in and put it on the mainstand ? or is it front in first only ?

    3. This is an exceptionally good video, Sir. I'm in Drizzly Seattle with my ZG1000 (tall screen and top box). I'm going to see if Vevor's larger size will fit ASAP. Thank you!

    4. ive got one of these, the brand i got was "hide your ride" very easy to assemble but i would advise to bolt it to the ground, you are given the correct bolts to do it and imo makes a MASSIVE difference (the wind will blow the bottom around a bit and the cover will rub against the ground causing it to rip eventually (it would be better if these attached to a tube that didnt sit on the floor, like maybe a half inch behind the bit that does)

      Ive been using mine for 3 yrs now, up in Glasgow Scotland so thats through lots of rain, sleet and snow, the cover is a bit faded due to the sun now and the bottom has started to wear a bit due to it touching the ground and likely rubbing a bit in the wind but i paid £100 and to get 3yrs out of it so far im delighted, if i expect to get another few years out of it but if not i will buy another and replace it, 100% worth the money and great piece of kit

    5. I've yet to get one of these bike shelters. Although I've got the critical 5mm rubber ground mat too keep bike safe of ice cold or hot weather. The tyres are at risk of deformation otherwise! Can't wait cheers

    6. I'm in UK near Manchester Airport. Without the ground mat my VFR gets extra damp! And the concrete projects the ice cold into the bike. My bridge stone tyres were mis shapen with contact with the cold floor! I found 3mm rubber matting was too skinny but 5mm rubber matting works best. Enjoy

    7. You are my hero Sir! I expected to see a youngster putting it up,but you are my age (old bikers rule) I am delighted.
      I think I've gone over the top, I've purchased the large one and at the moment I'm riding a 125 oh dear,how sad, never mind!
      You have saved me a lot of scrabbling around on the cold concrete,by the way we have matching kneeling pad, thank you for your wonderful instructions. 😁👍✅

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