On plonge dans ce marécage à la recherche de trésors !
    Ce marécage cache des trouvailles de dingue, on utilise donc nos perches avec des aimants surpuissants au bout à la recherche de trésors avec @WimsTreasureAdventures

    On a déjà trouvé plein d’objets insolites a cet endroit :

    Toutes nos trouvailles sont revalorisées et les armes pouvant aider à résoudre des enquêtes sont remises aux autorités.

    Un aimant ? Code promo PECHEURDETRESORS -5% sur tout le site de Maison de la Détection
    Un aimant : https://www.maisondeladetection.com/112-peche-a-l-aimant

    Aimants utilisés :
    Barbarians 360°de chez Maison de la détection :

    Aimant recommandé pour démarrer la pratique :
    Terror 360° de chez Maison de la détection :

    Nos perches :

    Hello to all those treasure hunters. Today, we are still with Wim and Danny, we are by the canal. Look, it’s not a canal, it’s a small stream that we’re going to probe. It’s filled with silt. But it’s a canal because there is no current. So on Google Maps,

    It’s called rivers or streams, but if Quentin calls it a canal… But the advantage is that it goes under the road and a very busy road. There is also an abandoned house there, which was squatted. That’s it and today, we didn’t take any ropes.

    We took our poles because we are going to go in the water and we called Wim, who is a professional in this. Yes, you have his channel showing here Yeah, feel free to check out his channel. Look, he’s bigger than us, that allows him to go further in the streams too.

    And he doesn’t understand anything we say at all, so look at the way he looks with his hat on. OK. Come on, let’s attack right away. We already have a find as soon as it arrives in the water. Danny It might be a scooter Oh Ok there There’s oil I’m thinking a bike

    OK, there’s petrol Maybe a motorbike A scooter. A great scooter, Baptiste it’s a good start I’m going to go get a rope. We’re going to tie him up and we’re going to take him out of the water. We send the Dutch into the water like this.

    We don’t get wet. They work for us. The other day in Agen there were five of us pulling a scooter, so I hope four of us will arrive. But he looks smaller. Yes, it’s smaller and we have some strong guys with us. Experienced magnet fishermen We’re warming up. It’s heavy

    You know, it’s a beautiful baby. With two ropes and two people. That should do it. But barely there is no plaque 1,2,3 Congratulations Good First find of the day The best way to start the day, Great It was thrown away three years ago 2013 10 years ago It’s beautiful

    If you know what model it is in the comments We can speed it up It works The needle points to the North rasta do you want to go there too? rasta That’s it, we’re attacking fishing. It comes from a boat It looks like a rudder

    It’s the rudder of the boat between Cool weekend which dates in the going. We can keep that It’s the rudder of a boat It’s really funny, we’re sinking into the mud It’s all pouty, really very funny feeling I found a part, it’s not that heavy See, Danny Quentin has a second scooter maybe?

    What are they going to come up with? It’s filled with mud It’s a supermarket shopping cart A shopping cart Oh no it’s not a shopping cart It’s for catching fish For fish. OK so it’s fishing equipment. It’s a big steering wheel Maybe it’s from a truck Nice

    I feel like I’m going down the Amazon like Mike Horn. There is something Ok, I also have one Two wheels at the same time. OK, we’ll continue cleaning the river, it’s better than nothing. So two more tires. another. I have another one. There’s not much.

    We’re going to go a little further under the bridge and see what we can find. Oh no Rasta Rasta you’re going to fall Come on if you want to swim, but you’re going to fall there What are you doing, Baptiste? Rasta. What are you doing to Baptiste? A coin Wim found some coins

    I already had this one but I found another one Ok maybe there is a box of coins Go look! Come Rasta With Uncle Wim. Rastaaaaa He’s so cute Well, we can’t find anything, but there is one who enjoys it. Not true ? Rasta It’s not animal abuse.

    It was he who wanted to come into the Rasta water impassive in the face of the aggressor. They don’t scare you? There are only 4 of them, you risk nothing. You are the strongest. Yes, you’re going to beat the shit out of them. Wouf wouf (barking in French) Wim is hard at work.

    What do you think of this spot? It’s a good spot but I don’t feel anything at the moment. We’ll see . We’ll start here to see what we find. There are a lot of vases that come from a moped Ok A hook. It’s a broken crowbar It’s a good sign

    Look at a grinder It doesn’t work anymore Too bad It’s a good start Good spot It’s for opening safes Now Where is the safe? I’m looking for it Come on, there’s everything to open the safe now we’re going to find it What are you doing here? Come on, let’s look under the bridges

    Another tire Great find. I try to pass with the pole. First There is less silt under the bridges, it has already been cleaned up. Hello It’s deeper here I have a spoon A small spoon Very clean. Here Part of a car The magnet is stuck inside. it makes him laugh

    So there, it’s complicated. We’re going to try to pull Oh, and the magnets work well. This is the way to do it. There’s not much under the bridge, but we’re having fun. We’re going to cross to the other side while we screw the magnet back in. Oh oh there.

    These are the boxes that come from cars The boxes with the warning triangles Perfect triangle The chandelier with the blades that turn to cool. Hop! Great, let’s continue. It’s wood No, it’s not wood, it’s aluminum I have something Wim and Danny are still there. I moved forward and found an Asus.

    Look how beautiful it is Wow the condition of the thing! it stinks Intel Core 2 Windows 7 Awesome! We can search for Treasure Fisherman Wim’s Treasure Adventures An exhaust pipe? A big exhaust pipe This one is going to tire us out. Nice cleanup. Well done a bike. At Decathlon.

    Yes it comes from the Decathlon store It’s a bike without a saddle. Quentin’s favorites I hope it’s not shit in there OK. A bag. A drug ? A medicine There is nothing else There is a rock Medicines and… Only pills… What type of medicines? Doliprane Is it illegal? – No it’s legal

    It’s surprising It makes no sense No. No, no, I didn’t want to have it. But the box of chocolates came out of the water . To health. There are jewels but they are stuck There are still some here So I found a piece of Queen Elizabeth 2 Yes it’s the queen Hello Rasta

    A piece of earrings. Is it gold or not? I don’t think it’s gold Sanitary napkins that, sorry. Queen Elizabeth Not easy. We don’t have enough feet, it’s too deep I have something, but… I have something in the rocks, I think it’s a motorcycle frame I need help I have the saddle The seat

    Ah a bike, okay! Nice, that’s a wild boar It’s a wild boar Not a pig, a wild pig Ahh That’s the end of the video. Look at everything we caught today. Nice scooter. We expected more things under this bridge, but hey, so much the better it was clean.

    It was nice all the same. Another big thank you to Wim and Danny who came to join us for this event and who taught us how to fish with perch. Besides, if you want to find a pole, it comes from the detection house site.

    You have -5% on the entire site with the promo code PECHEURDETRESORS And we’ll see you next week for a new magnet fishing video. Remember to visit Wim’s channel which is in the description. He started, they found some crazy things. You know, he’s with us on the video in Brussels.

    He fishes a lot in Belgium, but also in the Netherlands, in Amsterdam in particular. You see the video in Brussels at the end of the video here And now have a good shower!


    1. Bonsoir Quentin danny bathiste et wim'
      A tous les 4 nous vous souhaitons une année rempli d'amour, d'amitié de joie et des cours d'eau un peu moins rempli,ce qui prouverait que l'humain est moins C…
      Soyez bénis pour tous ce que vous faites et ferez encore cette année ❤
      Calin à Rasta 🤗😍

    2. Salut la team, ils sont souvent avec vous, ils sont en vacances ?
      Je crois qu'il y a moins de vase sous le pont car il y a moins de soleil, enfin c'est ma théorie.
      Franchement j'adore ce que vous faites, je vous suis depuis le début.
      A +

    3. Rasta certainly stole the show in this video!! 😲🥰😘😘 Wim & Dany provided the comic relief. 🤣🤣 Happy New Year to all, and see you next week. 🥰😘🤗🎉🎇🍻🥂💖👍👋

    4. Jolie dé-polution , vous connaissez La Redorte entre Carcassonne et Narbonne il y a le canal dans le village et avant de rejoindre la N113 à mon avis il doit y avoir du lourd là bas . Bonne continuation , bonne année , santé et force

    5. Bonjour les gars comme toujours belle dépollution vous me faites rire avec votre vidéo Wim à l air d un bon vivant vous ne vous ennuyer pas avec lui 😅. Une belle et grosse caresse au beau Mr Rasta. A très vite pour une nouvelle video

    6. Hello les gars, décidément j'adore vos vidéos, moi même attiré par l'eau surtout les cours d'eau et les mares je suis votre fan. Je pense que les mairies devraient payer des dépollueurs comme vous. Faut quand même le faire, chercher dans la vase sans rien voir !
      que de découvertes… des plus saugrenues, inattendues, pour le reste tout et dit. Je vous souhaite une année riche en découvertes.

    7. Super!!!
      Une info ( mane) : lorsqu'il y a beaucoup de vase, un potier n'est pas loin…..
      L'année commence bien, toujours un plaisir de voir vos vidéos !!!❤❤❤

    8. Salut je veux vous dire que les OUTILS FACOM (made in France )sont garantis a vie c'est a dire qu'un vendeur ou detaillant FACOM vous le reprendra et vous echangrera par du neuf et sans la facture d'achat BYE et courage

    9. Salut les frangins et les amis, chouette vidéo de bonne camaraderie, le rire de Wim est toujours aussi communicatif 😂
      Une question: pensez vous que certains des scooters que vous remontez pourraient être remis en route ? celui ci par exemple ? Amitiés 😉

    10. achat sur la maison de le detection grace à vous, simple question, vous demandez à chaque fois des autorisations ? ( exemple sur Bordeaux comment avez vous fait ?) si il y a des gens de Bordeaux prendre contact

    11. Bonjour,
      question technique : que faites-vous si l'objet chopé par l'aimant ne vient pas et que l'aimant ne lâche pas ?
      L'aimant est perdu ? Ou c'est une sorte d'électro-aimant où vous pouvez stopper le magnétisme ?
      (désolé si la question est bête, je suis néophyte ^^)

    12. un petit treuil electrique tirant 2 tonnes alimenté par une batterie de voiture vous évierait une luxation du dos, non ? je dis ça, je dis rien ! 😀

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