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    #mysteriousdiscoveries #originsexplained #ancient #place #places #existed #actually

    There are some ancient places that have just been discovered thanks to Drought at least 80 ancient places have been revealed including some cities that we all thought were just a myth we may have found the location of King Arthur’s Camelot another Valley of the king somewhere you would never expect and

    Maybe even signs of the Apocalypse let’s Jump Right In secrets of the Euphrates the Euphrates River was once the most important waterway in the world this Great River was respons for the birth of many early human civilizations Mesopotamia grew up around the Euphrates and the Tigris Rivers now that both of

    Them are starting to go dry archaeologists are finding places that have been hidden by water for centuries this could be the end of the world as we know it in western Iraq the disturbingly low water in the Euphrates has led to the discovery of at least 80 ancient

    Areas over the past few years one of the most amazing places revealed was a lost city from 3,000 400 years ago nobody had known it was there until suddenly the water dropped and the ruins were shining in the Ferocious sun it’s believed the city was called zaku part of the Bronze

    Age matani Empire in 1550 BC but there are other secrets in the river being revealed as well some of them more daunting than others according to the Bible there will be some very obvious signs before the end of the world comes by the end of the world I mean the

    Apocalypse one of those signs is that the euph River will run dry releasing the fallen angel’s chain somewhere at the bottom this will begin what is known in the Bible as the Great Tribulation the Seven Seals will be broken and the planet will fall into chaos while the

    Prison of the Angels hasn’t been found yet it could happen soon mysterious caves have already been found within the river previously covered by water some have noted how the strange caves look weirdly like prisons Angelic prisons maybe there is a strong belief belief in Many religious communities that any day

    Now the Euphrates will go dry and the fallen angels will be released Camu linam Camy linam is the name of the legendary first capital of the Roman province of Britannia many people have never heard of this ancient place yet it was the most important city in the

    Modern history of England as a country before the Roman invasion of the British ises in the year 43 ad the area of present day Colchester was occupied by Iron a tribes people the trinov anes had built a stronghold dedicated to a god named camulus whom modern historians

    Know very little about the gods of the ancient tribes of Britain were numerous and Powerful when the Romans arrived they associated camulus with their own deity Mars the first big Target for the Romans was the stronghold of camulus if they were going to capture the British Isles the Romans needed to first defeat

    The largest Fortress near the shore this would give them control of the region if they hadn’t gotten that first foothold the Roman Invasion may have gone very differently after some fighting the Romans took over the tribal land and inhabited the old fortress they built their own legionary stronghold at codam

    And thus it became the first Roman city in Britain up until that point Britain was populated mostly by primitive Villages but by the year 49 codam had become a sophisticated civilian town as the Romans spread across the region codam established itself as a true City it had proper roads drainage gateways

    Temples and Waterworks it was everything you would expect from the Romans they also built the city of linium during this time which would later become the city of London the good times didn’t last for long though the Fearsome Queen Boda of the iseni tribe led a devastating Rebellion the three major

    Roman towns were all destroyed by a coalition of tribes resisting Roman rule everyone inside codam was slaughtered mercilessly in the wake of the destruction codam was rebuilt even bigger but when the Roman Empire collapsed in the 4th Century so did codam it remained occupied for another 100 years or so but was gradually

    Abandoned now there is nothing of it left but a few ruins in the modern city of Colchester and now for a quick break because it’s shout out time I want to give a big thank you to Downey 4116 Toronto and David Foster and his sons for supporting this channel hi guys

    Thanks for watching we wouldn’t be here without you be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already for more videos about incredible ancient places the empty Zone in the Mexican state of kiche there is a place known to archaeologists as the empty Zone they call it that because up until very recently researchers didn’t

    Think there was anything to discover in the region everyone thought it was an empty patch of jungle without so much as a temple worth investigating now with the discovery of pyramids palaces and even a ball court Mexico’s empty Zone isn’t so empty after all researchers with Mexico’s National Institute of

    Anthropology and history hacked Through the Jungle using machetes they eventually reached a city that has been standing for almost 2,000 years the whole area is virtually Untouched by archaeologists the ruins are so exceptional it’s astounding that nobody’s ever heard of them before Mexican scientists are calling the lost

    City Okun which is the Maya word for the stone columns that were found in the ruins it was likely a major city for Maya life starting as early as 250 ad that was when the Roman Empire was in full swing in Europe then after almost 700 years this great city was abandoned

    In 900 ad it was deserted for unknown reasons you might be wondering how archaeology just even stumbled upon such a city it was thanks to over a decade of light detection and ranging technology also known as liar in simple terms lidar is laser scanning the forest floor in

    Search of Lost ruins it was Laser Technology that brought archaeologists here and now they have their work cut out for them they’ve already identified palaces and pyramids but the truth of the city’s history remains an enigma it will take years for archaeologists to learn what happened in gun the Hanging

    Gardens out of all the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World there is one that might not have even existed the Hanging Gardens of Babylon are a mystery that goes back 2,500 years nobody not even the greatest historians alive can solve it according to archaeologists there is not a single

    Ancient site in the city of Babylon to support the existence of an immense Garden but it must have existed if it was on the list of Seven Wonders right the Pyramid of Giza is the only thing on the ancient list still standing the other six wonders have been gone or

    Destroyed beyond recognition for centuries even so there is enough evidence to know they were real the ruins of the Temple of emis can be visited in Turkey the Lighthouse of Alexandria was built over by a citadel still in the city of Alexandria the mousum at halik carnassus survived for

    1,000 years in pieces after the list of Seven Wonders started to circulate there is proof for all of them except the Hanging Gardens of Babylon Legend has it the gardens were built by Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II with help from Queen amius it was the queen who wanted

    The gardens built to have some Greenery in the otherwise Aid landscape of Babylon the oldest mention of the gardens comes from 2,300 years ago in the writing of a Babylonian priest named berosus plenty of others wrote of the gardens enough to make them feel real all the ancient people who witnessed the

    Gardens claimed Nebuchadnezzar had established a paradise within his City the Wonder was a Terrace Garden in the shape of a pyramid with large trees and beautiful flowers there were pillars filled with soil and plants growing in all directions it was at least a stadium in height with the plants fed by water

    From the Euphrates it was in essence the first ever Botanical Garden but let’s get back to if this place really existed or not what are your thoughts if you want to go the practical way you’ll say that no proof means it didn’t happen but according to Stephanie D from the

    University of Oxford that’s nothing but a copout Stephanie an expert on Ancient Assyria believes the Hanging Gardens did exist but she thinks they were in the city of Neva which is sadly destroyed ancient Phoenicia ancient history tells us that the Phoenicians were the only true Rivals of the Greeks the two

    Civilizations competed to dominate trade in the Mediterranean Sea but but was there even a place called Phoenicia some Modern scholars believe there was never any real location called Phoenicia that was because Phoenicia much like Greece in its early days was not a unified country there wasn’t a single King but

    Rather city states spread across the Levant ruled by their own kings and queens the Levant includes modern regions of Israel Palestine and Lebanon their bord stopped at ancient Syria some of their most important cities were AR beos Tyrie sedon and Carthage but because they were a seafaring Nation it’s believed the Phoenicians also

    Established colonies everywhere their ships would reach they got at least as far as Spain just like the Greeks did there was one glaring difference though between the Greeks and the Phoenicians Greeks had an indisputable sense of self all the ancient Greek documents prove that Greeks whether they were Macedonian Athenian or Spartan recognized

    Themselves as being Greek it was the same as a Californian recognizing they are also an American but in Phoenicia there is no evidence of that researchers don’t even know if they call themselves Phoenicians there’s never been a term found that was used by the people of the ancient Levant to call themselves a

    Specific name they just refer to themselves by the name of whatever City they belong to people in sedon called themselves sidonians and so forth now it’s time to get biblical the people of Phoenicia were almost definitely originally called Canaanites in the Bible Canaanites are the people who

    Lived in the Levant which the Bible called Canan Phoenicia is probably the Greek term for Canan as you can tell this is a hugely complicated subject that said the evidence is there to support that the Phoenicians and the Canaanites were the same people from a real place called Canan the Bible was

    Telling the truth Camelot a retired Professor from England believes he has discovered the exact location of camalot Peter field an expert in all things Arthurian says he knows where King Arthur’s Castle stood 1,400 years ago you’re not going to believe it because you’ve already heard the name of this

    Place just a few minutes ago Peter claims that Camelot once stood on the ruins of an ancient Roman Fortress town called codam the very first capital of the Roman province of Britannia may have also been where King Arthur had his castle constructed decades after the Roman Empire was destroyed in 500 AD

    Celtic speaking Britain defended the country against the Anglo-Saxon Invaders flooding into what is now the United Kingdom Peter says that if the Britain wanted to defend against these Invaders the right place to do it would be in the same place the Romans first conquered 2,000 years ago it seems all ancient

    People recognize the importance of the area near modern Colchester but could Arthur have really existed and did he build his castle on codon num’s ruins if the Legends are to be believed King Arthur was one of the Defenders fighting the Anglo-Saxons with his great castle of Camelot acting as his home base Peter

    Field believes that over the years the name codam was shortened to Camelot and yeah that does make sense if you think about it however it is important to know that no ruins of Arthur’s Castle have technically been found historians say there is no proof Camelot existed or

    That Arthur was even a real king what do you think let me know in the comments the altar of sacrifice one of the weirdest monuments in Rome is a blood altar that not many people have heard of before it’s called the altar of Augustine peace fully restored and reassembled inside a modern Pavilion

    It’s an open tourist attraction though it’s far from famous it’s certainly not as popular as the Coliseum the history of this unus usual Monument goes back to roughly 99 BC the monument was erected in the Campus Martius this was a section of Rome situated between the Rolling

    Hills outside the city and the Tyber River the monument was made at the behest of Emperor Augustus upon his return from Spain and Gaul Emperor Augustus had many great victories during his campaigns there so he wanted a great alar built in his name what was the

    Point of the altar though like I said earlier it was was for blood the Romans may have been sophisticated and technologically savvy but they were still humans ritual slaughtering of animals was commonplace throughout Rome it was routine in their religion in most cases it was done outside the altar of

    The Augustine peace was almost definitely used in such barbaric rituals bali’s Valley of the Kings Bali is by far one of the most amazing tourist destinations in Asia but did you know it has its very own Valley of the Kings a massive funerary complex just like the

    Valley of the Kings in Egypt in the 11th century ad 1,000 years ago the native people living in Bali began construction on a pair of Courtyards they carved two massive Courtyards into the solid rock wall of a towering Cliff inside each Courtyard they then cut enormous shrines

    To look like the facades of temples it was a seriously complicated construction project the builders had to dig 40 ft into the ground clearing out countless tons of rocks to form the courtyards then they diligently created the shrines inside all these years later historians still don’t know

    The entire point of the courtyards it’s believed the funerary complex was built to celebrate the First Kings of the udayana dynasty who ruled Bali and Java it’s a logical Theory but one that hasn’t been fully confirmed the Eastern Courtyard was presumably dedicated to King udayana the first of his name at

    His wife Queen Mahendra dat but also his sons anak Wu marakata and eranga the Western Court yard was dedicated to King uda’s concubines maybe his son’s concubines too it’s unclear if the archaeologists are correct bali’s Valley of the Kings was made to celebrate the family of a greedy King and his dozens

    Of treasured concubines in later years the courtyards became important religious spaces as Hinduism and Buddhism Bali from India the ancient Place became more important for prayers and Tranquility thanks for watching be sure to stay tuned for extra content you might have missed Secret Lost City many significant discoveries have just been

    Made thanks to new technology using lidar which stands for light detection and ranging and 4K cameras mounted on drones archaeologists have uncovered some secrets of a lost city in Israel with a history that goes back at least 2,600 years for centuries this city was buried beneath the sand and it’s only

    Just starting to emerge from the layers of sediment located south of Jerusalem the village is called bit Lei bit Loya and it’s taking a whole lot of cutting edge technology and physical excavations to get to the bottom of this historic mystery from what archaeologists can tell so far the village was first

    Settled by Jewish people sometime around the late 6th Century BC then later abandoned rebuilt abandoned and rebuilt over the years it was taken over by pagans Jews Christians and Muslims but by the 14th century ad the city had just kind of fallen off the map The Remains

    Were first rediscovered in 1899 but then ignored until the 1980s when a team of researchers from Hebrew University were funded by donors in Utah of all places they then went on to discover the remains of a Byzantine church with Mosaic floors in almost perfect condition now researchers have uncovered

    Only about 20 % of the extremely large Village a village they say may actually be the biblical site in which the legendary Samson killed a thousand Philistines using nothing but the Jawbone of a donkey Katka darband way back somewhere around 331 BC Alexander the Great took over a place called Katka

    Darband on his way to conquer Persia while on the hunt for Darius III the bustling City had The Misfortune to be in his way and a bit after Alexander passed through the city vanished from all historical records there’s been no trace of it for about 2,000 years but just recently archaeologists have

    Announced to the world that they believe they have finally uncovered this mysterious ancient city as Live Science reports in the 1960s spy satellite imagery revealed an ancient site near the Zagros Mountains in Iraq but the information was classified when it was finally made public archaeologists from the British museum couldn’t wait to get

    Their hands on it and were finally able to send drones over the area located in the Kurdish region of Iraq lead investigator John mcginness told the times that because of the turbulence in the region archaeologists weren’t able to begin Excavating until 2016 and then that was interrupted Again by the Corona

    Virus situation but just why is this city so important when archaeologists were able to finally get their hands dirty they found a treasure Trove of ancient artifacts the site contains a large Fort as well as several large structures to press grapes and make wine there were many buildings with Greco

    Roman architecture and statues and Ceramics found all over the site representing Greek gods nearby there is evidence of an even older settlement that dates back to the Assyrians during the 8th Century BC this lost city is a wonderful representation of what it would have been like during the time of

    Alexander the Great but what archaeologists really want to know is why this city disappeared from all records whether it was abandoned slowly after Alexander’s conquest or if the great conqueror destroyed the entire place on his way through city of Troy the legendary city of Troy has been

    Around for a very long time and for thousands of years people thought it was just a myth the city was immortalized in Homer’s great epic The Iliad but it was also a very real place located on the Turkish Coast Legend says that Troy was the sight of a war that raged for 10

    Years between the Trojans and the Greeks while we don’t know how much of the story is real or even if the characters in the story existed archaeologists have rediscovered the incredible City believe it or not it still stands just under a different name today Troy or rather its

    Ruins can be found at the site of Hisar its history goes back 4,000 years though it was 2,700 years ago when the Greeks were colonizing a lot of the Turkish West Coast in the 19th century the scholar and archaeologist Hinrich schleman did excavations in his sarc and discovered Treasures that he believed

    Came from King pre of Troy detailed by Homer in his epic story what’s really amazing is that at least 10 cities have stood where Troy once was whenever one City was destroyed another was built in its place this has left nearly a dozen layers of ruined cities for archaeologists to dig through it

    Probably started as a settlement and then grew larger and larger before finally reaching its prime after 2550 BC this was when the huge wall around the city was built and it stood high and proud until the Greeks came up with their famous treacherous horse Cali bangan deep in the middle of the desert

    In Rajasthan India archaeologists have found evidence that ancient settlers once thrived in this Barren land people lived here for roughly 4,700 years archaeologists found evidence of some of the earliest plowed agricultural Fields anywhere in the country the gagar river that once made the lands fertile has now dried up but

    It was once a source of life for these mysterious desert people the lost city that has been rediscovered here is called Cali bangan and it was inhabited probably during two different periods the preh Haren and the Haren the first group worked the field back around the year 2700 BC the site was rediscovered

    In Modern Times by The Italian researcher Luigi poori in 1917 but it wasn’t identified as a haroen site for another 30 years then from between 1961 to 69 the archaeological Survey of India excavated the place and realized they had stumbled Upon A provincial capital of one of the greatest civilizations

    That ever lived the indis valley civilization in the year 2700 BC scholars believe the people living here experienced a massive earthquake that caused the residents of the ancient city to flee the site remained abandoned until much later when the people finally came back they turned Cali Banga into a

    Fortified City with spacious Courtyards drainage systems and mysterious altars spread across town that were probably used for ritualistic purposes archaeologists just can’t say yet what kind of rituals these mysterious people participated in Lost Egyptian City the discovery of a lost city in Egypt is so impressive that it’s been labeled the

    Most extraordinary find since the Tomb of the boy King Tuton common since the discovery is so new it will take years to fully understand understand the enormity of this discovery the city is called attin and its history goes back 3,000 years the city was established during Egypt’s 18th Dynasty by the

    Powerful ruler king Emon hotep III at the time attin was probably the largest industrial settlement anywhere in the world located by what is today the ancient city of Luxor this was a time when the Egyptian Empire was at its wealthiest what’s really amazing is that the city was discovered by accident Arch

    Ologists had been searching for the mortuary Temple of King Tut when they found this place the team then found foundations made of mud bricks and realized they were toiling in the middle of a massive City with its walls and buildings still preserved beneath the dirt after digging they found many of

    The buildings here to be nearly complete with tall walls rooms filled with ordinary tools used by people in their daily lives and even mysterious artifacts they found Rings scarabs hieroglyphic inscriptions of on many surfaces a bakery a kitchen with ovens and pieces of pottery for storing food

    And so much more but what exactly happened to the people who lived here archaeologists don’t know just yet although they’ve been able to date the city based on artifacts they found they still don’t know how it managed to be buried and lost for thousands of years kakm kakm is located in the Mexican

    State of ciche about 22 mi from the border with Guatemala today kalaku is home to monkeys and around 230 species of birds and it’s overgrown by the hungry jungle the ruins here are remote and beautiful and according to archaeologists they represent a unique settlement that was lost to history for

    Hundreds of years in Ancient Maya kakm translates roughly to the city of the two adjacent pyramids the city probably stood for at least 12200 years from between 550 BC and 900 ad it was in the center of the Mayan region meaning the people who lived here would have been

    Influenced by the cities to the north and to the South they probably operated as part of a coalition of other Maya settlements like elor and N between 500 and 800 ad this city had about 50,000 inhabitants and over 6,700 structures covering an area of 27 square miles

    Archaeologists say only a portion of the city was actually open to the public as much of it was reserved for the governing body of the region such as the rulers and the high priests still this ancient city held sway over roughly 1.5 million people living along its outskirts so why was it abandoned

    Like much of the Maya Kingdom kakm just kind of fell into disrepair the people left and it was abandoned not discovered again until modern times the sunken city of Poseidon the lost city of Helia has been described as the real life Atlantis of ancient Greece it was destroyed by an

    Earthquake in the year 373 BC after the earthquake a tsunami pulled the ancient city into the water and submerged it completely in the Gulf of Corinth erasing this powerful Port City from the earth it’s believed that the city was founded in the Bronze Age and was the leader of something called The aen

    League a kind of band of port cities ranging all the way to Asia Minor the destruction of helik was so dramatic and well known at the time that it was written down by plenty of Roman and Greek authors so historians have a pretty solid understanding of what happened happened it’s believed that

    Plato was actually inspired by the sinking of helik when he came up with the myth of Atlantis this might actually have been the Atlantis that Plato was talking about even after its destruction helik remained a point of interest for hundreds of years Greeks who visited the site 150 years after the disaster

    Claimed that the massive bronze statue of Poseidon could still be seen mostly submerged and that his Trident was causing a problem for fishermen and their nets all mention of the city ceased at around 174 ad when the last traces of it were submerged it wasn’t until 1861 that a German archaeologist

    Discovered a bronze coin with the head of Poseidon on it likely from helik but it still wasn’t until the 1960s that archaeologists were able to actually dive off the coast of Greece and ReDiscover this fascinating lost Place Scarab BR Scarab is a prehistoric Village in Scotland that was

    Rediscovered thousands of years after it was lost thanks to a horrible winter storm that battered orne back in 1850 the storm a mix of strong winds and High Tides ripped the grass off of a large Mound and revealed the buried Neolithic Village beneath to this day Scarab is widely considered the most precious

    Prehistoric monument anywhere in Europe it consists of several Stone buildings like ancient houses that had been built into the grassy Hill like Hobbit holes radiocarbon dating in the 1970s over 100 years after the first traces of the Village were found finally revealed just how old this place really is it was

    Probably inhabited for around 600 years between 3200 and 2200 BC there are a total of eight dwellings linked together by covered passages and amazingly they all look as though they were abandoned just yesterday because of how well preserved they were kept by being covered in sand and grass Scarab was

    Abandoned 4,000 years ago probably because of the encroaching sand dunes the people living here realized that the sand was soon going to cover up their houses so they went and built houses somewhere else and then that’s exactly what the sand did covering their dwellings until the great storm of 1850

    Acro tii the prehistoric settlement of Acro tii is on the Greek island of Santorini it was once one of the most important places anywhere in the aian sea in prehistory it was a Manan Port Town that had connections not only to Mainland Greece but also to places like

    Egypt and Syria today the town is completely covered in Ash because of a volcanic eruption the city itself dates back at least 6,000 years it became a main urban center about 2,000 years after it was one of the most sophisticated places anywhere in the region with exquisite paintings an

    Elaborate drainage system and most of the houses were furnished in high quality decorations and furniture archaeologists have even found imported objects from places like Cyprus and Egypt basically these guys were rich but what what about that volcanic eruption it happened in the 17th century BC when a series of major earthquakes forced the

    Inhabitants to evacuate shortly after the earthquakes a volcanic eruption blanketed the town in Ash preserving it forever and earning it the nickname Greek Pompei the people here had managed to evacuate unlike the poor souls who were vaporized at Pompei the city was then lost under the ash until modern

    Days when archaeologists rediscovered it cone uren cone urgen also known as old gurgan is a modern city in Turkmenistan with about 30,000 people but the modern town overlaps the ruins of the more ancient settlement beneath under the relatively modern structures of this forgotten place the ruins of the old

    Capital of quism once part of the mighty AED Empire lie largely unexplored nobody knows exactly when the town was founded archaeological evidence suggests the first structures were built somewhere around the 5th Century BC we know the area was conquered by the Arabs in 712 ad and that old ggon Rose to prominence

    For 400 years starting in the 10th Century genjis Khan burned it to the ground in 1221 and it was later rebuilt described in the 14th century by a Mystic traveler named ibben batuta as the most beautiful and important city of the Turks the area experienced a bit

    More blood and War especially in 1373 when it was attacked by timour and forced to surrender the turkman people then inhabited this ancient place until the 1700s when it was completely abandoned and left undisturbed and unseen by human eyes for another 300 years that is until 2005 when archaeologists began Excavating and

    Learning more about this Old City NAA Waka nestled nearly 3,000 ft above sea level in Peru’s sacred Valley are the ruins of an ancient monument called the NAA Waka it was built with such Precision no one can explain how the job was done without modern technology its

    Purpose is also a mystery for some it is an ancient portal to another world or proof that the ancient people here had some sort of relationship with the ancient Egyptians the site is marked by a v-shaped entrance leading into a cavern that houses a ceremonial altar with three niches or false doors that

    Are big enough to accommodate one person each even now it would be difficult to create something with such straight lines smooth surfaces and perfectly carved shapes but it’s beyond our comprehension that ancient people built the site without the laser-like tools that exist today how did they do it it’s also difficult to

    Imagine how the builders chose the perfect place for the monument which was carved from a magnetic blue stone that stands out against the surrounding Sandstone blue stones were highly valued by prehistoric people from all over the world including those who buildt Stonehenge but nobody knows exactly why

    The use of three doors was also common among many ancient cultures around the world including Persia and Egypt these doors in the ancient world were known as Spirit doors or Windows into Paradise the false door of NAA Waka is said to Mark the passage of the Earth’s electromagnetic currents apparently if

    You stand there long enough you start to feel strange energy which would make you feel closer to the gods the impressive accuracy of NAA Waka leaves one to wonder if its Builders inherited Knowledge from an Advanced previous mother culture whose existence is all but lost to history and the common

    Features it shares with other ancient monuments begs the question of whether different civilizations who were not known to have contact with one another shared common Roots ringing rocks Park Bucks County Pennsylvania is home to a 7 acre field filled with a 10-ft layer of Boulders that emit bell-like tones when

    Tapped The Peculiar site is surrounded by a forest and only an estimated onethird of The Rock rocks make noises that humans can hear but a 1965 study proved that they all vibrate and ring often at lower tones than we are capable of detecting without technology The Boulders are made up of standard

    Materials mainly iron and other hard minerals scientists haven’t quite figured out what gives them their musical quality some people believe that they have Supernatural qualities but geologists suspect that the sounds are caused by stresses in the Rocks experts also believe that the freeze thaw cycle that creat created the field of Boulders

    May have something to do with how and why they make noise regardless of the mechanisms Behind These natural Chimes local musicians enjoy jamming out on them the first concert at the site took place in 1865 it’s illegal to take any souvenirs from the site and there is no point in

    Doing so anyway once a rock is separated from the others it loses its ability to produce sound the website reminds visitors to bring their own Hammer to tap the stones and hear the sound silbury hill located in Wiltshire England silbury Hill is a 4,700 ye- old Neolithic Mound that

    Continues to baffle experts even after centuries of careful study measuring 130 ft high it’s the largest man-made prehistoric mound in Europe it has attracted archaeologists historians tourists photographers and all kinds of people trying to uncover the mystery of this place what was it for the first of three construction phases began around

    2660 BC and it was no small undertaking an estimated 18 million man-hours went into building silbury Hill to give you an idea that’s the equivalent of 700 people working for 10 years each researchers know relatively little about the site’s history because it’s proven difficult to go inside the mound to

    Learn more about it a shaft was dug into the hill in 1776 and was capped but the cap collapsed in 2000 and water damage has widen the whole which threatens to destroy the mound entirely it is clear that the site was used for a long time including by the Romans and the Saxons

    As a military Lookout during the 11th and 12th centuries it was used as a fortification everybody loved this place but the contents of the mound and much of its history remain a mystery a 17th century Legend holds that silbury Hill is the final resting place of a leader

    Named King Sil who was buried on Horseback during the 18th century the story evolved to claim that the king and his horse were made into life-sized figures of solid gold rumors about why the mound was built and for what reason have ranged from the English equivalent

    Of a pyramid to something built by evil forces still the true reasons remain a mystery and we’re left to wonder Sedona vortexes Sedona Arizona is famous for its breathtaking scenery it’s also known for its vortexes a Vortex is a natural place filled with intense energy that some Bel comes directly from the

    Planet’s core known as feminine energy or travels directly to the core known as masculine energy there are four vortexes in Sedona where even the trees grow toward the highest concentration of energy almost as if they are being pulled toward the center of a tornado besides the strangely twisting trees

    There are usually no visible signs of the vortexes although some people have claimed to see colored orbs near the energy centers typically however the energy is something that is felt the atmosphere is supposedly mildly magnetic and visitors have reported feeling tingling on their skin and low vibrations coming from within the Earth

    For a long time now people have traveled to the vortexes for mystical healings reaching them requires a hike and can be challenging especially during the hot summer months the Boon Canyon Vortex is the most sacred of these sites it contains a balance of masculine and feminine energy and functions as a

    Spiritual center for the native Yavapai Apachi people not everyone believes that the so-called energy of the vortexes is real but pretty much anyone can agree that these places are extremely peaceful and that they are perfect for meditating and getting in touch with your inner self OS Island OS is a tiny Greek island

    Next to mikonos rumor has it that there are around 700 churches on this small parel of land nicknamed The Holy Island every year on August 15th thousands of worshippers of the Greek Orthodox religion travel to a church there widely considered the holiest Church in Greece it houses the so-called miraculous icon

    Of the Virgin Mary August 15th is a national holiday in the country marking the day when the Virgin Mary is said to have ascended to Heaven many of the people who make the pilgrimage to the church are hoping for a miracle which they believe can be achieved by visiting

    The site while this annual Journey has been going on for centuries the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary was reportedly discovered in 18 23 after a nun who lived on the island had visions that led her to it she claimed that the Virgin Mary visited her and told her

    Where to find the icon at the time Greece was under ottoman rule the nuns Visions gave people hope and some of the Holy icons first visitors were revolutionaries fighting for Greek Independence even today pilgrims demonstrate an enormous amount of Devotion to the Virgin Mary many crawl on their hands and knees in the

    Sweltering heat from their boats to the site some people even sleep outside the church on the night before the holiday to ensure that they won’t miss out on the opportunity to see the icon firsthand on the day of the event the icon is paraded through the streets by Greek soldiers priests and politicians

    While worshippers frantically try to touch it in hopes of gaining some spiritual blessings tabuk caves the tabuk caves are a network of underground passages in southern France they contain an unexplained geological formation of short spiked concretions or naturally occurring compact masses of natural cement nicknamed the 100,000 soldiers

    Geologists don’t know how the formations were made and nothing like it has been seen anywhere else on Earth the spikes are concentrated on a floor in one of the cave systems rooms they are just a few centimeters tall and there are no traces of stalactites up above or of

    Water dripping from the ceiling which rules out any standard explanation that scientists can think of any traces of water running beneath the cave floor are also absent these tiny formations are made up of 95% calite and 5% clay researchers have entertained every hypothesis they can think of including the possibility that bacteria or

    Electrostatic forces might play a role but there is nothing different about this section of the cave than anywhere else within the network making it hard to attribute the 100,000 soldiers to any specific cause when even the experts are baffled about how something came to be it’s hard not to wonder if super

    Supernatural forces are somehow at play temple of Santa Muerte an estimated 10 to 12 million people throughout the world worship Santa Muerte or the saint of the Dead the belief in this seemingly morbid deity arose in Mexico where people see her as a Reincarnation of the Aztec death goddess Mika siat the

    Vatican disapproves of Santa mu and many mistakenly believe that she represents some form of Satanism others claim that Santa worshippers are part of a cult that attracts drug traffickers and other deviants but her followers argue that this is a misunderstanding they see Santa morte as a non-judgmental personification of death someone who

    Grants wishes in exchange for pledges and offerings and who comes and takes people’s Souls when their time on Earth is over these beliefs can be traced back to pre-colombian culture which unlike most modern religions didn’t shy away from Death however due to widespread disapproval people worship Santa morte

    Mostly in secret until the beginning of the 21st century one of the first openly dedicated temples to her is the Temple of Santa mu International it was opened during the early 2000s outside Mexico City and has continued to grow ever since often attracting devotees from society’s most marginalized sectors the

    Oddly festive Temple is decorated with an unusual combination of bright colors skulls and cloaked skeletons to whom visitors offer cigarettes and other offerings it is here that visitors come to ask Santa for blessings and help with their struggles they believe that she can hear their prayers and that she has

    The power to help them improve their lives and contrary to popular misconception people generally do not ask Santa Muerte for anything bad but for the same thing someone might ask any other Saint or spiritual entity like good health and prosperity do you think ancient gods of death or deities

    Associated with death had only negative purposes let me know in the comments below T white Coro pooo Springs some of the clearest fresh water in the world can be found at Toro pooo Springs in takaka New Zealand I’m sure I messed up that pronunciation located in Golden Bay

    On the south island the Springs have a measured visibility of 27 ft making them almost as clear as water can possibly get there are eight main vents which discharge 40 bathtubs worth of water every second visitors are banned from touching these pristine Waters in any way which includes waiting swimming

    Boating fishing and even filling water bottles only a handful of divers have ever gotten permission to enter the Springs the Springs are a registered Mai wahi tapu or sacred site according to Maui Legend yoro puu is the home of a female supernatural being or tanwa named

    Hwa known for her bravery and wisdom hwa is both a land and water dwelling entity who dives deep into the Earth to clear blocked waterways the mai who first visited the site around 700 years ago believe that Hur yawa lives at the Springs when she’s not handling matters

    Elsewhere osun osogo sacred grove the Yuba people of West Africa worship a fertility goddess called oson there is only one remaining site dedicated to her and it’s located in Nigeria on the outskirts of the city of osogo known as the osun osogbo sacred grove it’s situated along the osun river where the

    Yuba people people believe that osoon still lives according to Legend an elephant Hunter discovered the Grove during an expedition osoon agreed to protect the Yuba if they built a shrine dedicated to her they complied and the Grove became a site where women who struggle to have children came seeking

    Osun’s blessings there are around 40 shrines throughout the Grove with some dating as far back as 400 years there are also two palaces five sacred places and nine designated warship points people still come here to pay their respects to osoon and other gods and goddesses The Grove was narrowly spared

    From Demolition in recent years thanks to the ongoing efforts of modern sculptors who have erected their own artwork as a way of reinforcing the connection between the Yuba people and the site in addition to being a sacred place of worship The osun osogo Grove is a natural Pharmacy with over 200

    Medicinal plant species senot Kil one of the most enchanting sites in all of Mexico can be found on the Northern end of the Yucatan Peninsula just down the road from the famous pyramids of Chichen ITA known as ik Kil this 130t deep Cenote or sinkhole looks like something

    Straight out of a fairy tale with turquoise water many waterfalls and hanging Vines its history is arguably a little less beautiful the ancient Maya people considered ekil to be a sacred site and they used it as a location for sacrificing humans to their rain God chalk our archaeologists have reportedly

    Found jewelry bones and other evidence of this in the sinkhole the Mayans believed that cenotes like eek keil held healing properties and when they weren’t throwing in human sacrifices they also claimed fresh water from them the Mayans also believe cenotes were portals to the underworld or communication devices with

    The gods when you experience the sheer Splendor of this fantasy-like swimming hole it’s easy to understand why the Mayans attach spiritual significance to it even with the darker hisory of Maya Human Sacrifice it’s clearly a special spot The Unfinished Obelisk the unfinished Obelisk of Aswan in Egypt is

    One of the most striking monuments ever it is a giant Obelisk carv from Stone that some say is proof of the infinite knowledge and unparalleled engineering skill of the ancient Egyptians it is the largest Obelisk that has ever been built which is pretty amazing considering it came from roughly 3,500 years ago during

    The new Kingdom’s 18th Dynasty this was a time when Queen had shepsut had complete rule over Egypt she was the wife of the King tmos II who was also her half brother but it was she who ordered the Obelisk to be built she also commissioned many other engineering

    Projects and later became a pharaoh in her own right the Obelisk was supposed to be placed in the temple at Carnac but the builders had bitten off a little bit more than they could chew the Obelisk is in the exact same spot it was in at the

    Time of its construction still lying in the ground the issue was its size the Obelisk was over 120 ft long weighing roughly 1,200 tons the project was abandoned when the workers found cracks in its foundation which meant even if they could lift the huge thing out of

    The ground it would have shattered to pieces this incredible Monument has taught us a lot about ancient Egyptian engineering and how they were able to carve out obelisks during ancient times but questions still remain as to how were the Egyptians planning on getting something so big out of the Quarry and

    All the way to the Temple of carac nobody knows the answer to that question archaeologists have found small cavities drilled into the Rock the cavities would have been filled with wood chips which when soaked would have expanded and detached the Obelisk from its base but how they were going to carry it dozens

    Of miles is anyone’s guess the Inca Waka complex the greater kenko complex was once a sacred site for the Inca located in the Cusco region of Peru this enormous archaeological site consists of several smaller rock cut complexes and what was once the ancient Incan city of kesu the dating of the caves and

    Monuments here has been sketchy at best though most Scholars agree it was probably built between 1418 and 1472 by the great ruler pachakuti this is the leader who transformed the kingdom of Gusco a rough band of peoples living in Peru into what we recognize as the the

    Great Inca Empire but what is the complex of kenko grandi it’s hard to describe as it’s unlike most of the ancient temples and settlements built by the Inca it’s known as a Waka which was built along a processional ceremonial route the site is made up of a huge

    Outcrop carved out of the stone which overlooks a large platform in the center of a circular Plaza All Around The Plaza are sacred caves one cave to the north appears to have been carved out by hand there are 19 niches beaten into the cave walls which archaeologists say were

    Seats used by the elite members of society during rituals and ceremonies either that or they were seats for ancestral mummies which also attended the ceremonies researchers still don’t know for sure what the site was used for it definitely had some kind of ceremonial purpose but that exact

    Purpose is a mystery the site may have been used for burials with the Inca depositing the bodies of important people inside the nearby caves this way The Souls of the Dead would have an easier time reaching the underworld which the Inca believed was located deep inside cave networks the deeper inside

    The Cave the easier for the soul to travel kyasa Temple the kyasa temple in aora India is one of the most spectacular wonders of the ancient world that almost nobody talks about the temple itself is the largest single monolithic structure anywhere on the planet according to the times of India

    This thing is enormous and it’s actually just one of 32 mysterious cave temples and monasteries that form the larger archaeological site of the aora caves some caves and temples are already lost underwater and might be as old as the last ice age historical records tell us it was constructed in

    The 8th Century by King Krishna the sometime around the year 756 ad the legend goes that it took only one week to build as a queen whose husband was very sick prayed to Lord Shiva to cure her husband and in return she would not eat until she could build a temple to

    Honor him her prayers were answered and the queen summoned an architect who worked as quickly as possible afraid that the queen might starve to death the large Temple was designed to mimic Mount kyasa the mythical home of Shiva but what’s unique about the temple is that it stands alone as an enormous complex

    With no other adjoining structures it’s a big Temple carved right out of the side of a mountain somewhere around 2 million tons of rock had to be moved to give the temple its shape archaeologists guess it would have taken somewhere around 100 years to complete though this

    Is quite strange because history says it only took 18 years to build our modern Engineers don’t know how they did it so fast it’s one of those weird archaeological Mysteries that scientists have never been able to solve another story goes that the mugal ruler arang tried to destroy the beautiful kyasa

    Temple making 1,000 men tried to take it down piece by piece although he tried and tried all he managed to accomplish was some superficial damage nobody knows who built the temple but this magnificent work of art has managed to somewhat survive the test of time as a

    Tribute to the gods colossal Stone heads the ol civilization lived along the Gulf Coast of Mexico from about 1200 BC to 400 BC way before the Aztec or the Inca and yet despite what they’ve left behind in their ruined cities historians know almost nothing about them they are

    Considered to be the most mysterious major civilization of the ancient world nobody even knows where they came from or where they went when they suddenly disappeared the most famous archaeological site having to do with the MCH is San Lorenzo this was once a major city for the MCH and

    Archaeologists have found 10 giant Stone heads here that are Beyond explanation the giant heads are really huge with some of them up to 14.7 Ft F feet in circumference and over 9 ft tall each head weighs roughly 8 tons and was sculpted out of a pure Basalt Boulder

    And colorfully painted but where are the bodies that go with the heads and why were the heads so big who are these heads supposed to represent archaeologists don’t have the answers they have guessed that the only reason they carved just heads was because they believed that it was only the head which

    Contained the soul of an individual it’s most likely that the heads were supposed to commemorate m rulers but most of their story has been lost mystery Hill mystery Hill is often referred to as America’s Stonehenge some believe it to be the oldest archaeological site in the

    United States but that is kind of Up For Debate the site itself is claimed to be 4,000 years old and is an alleged megalithic astronomical complex built by an unknown Native American culture others believe it to be a lost Monastery built by a group of Irish monks the

    Truth is that nobody knows the or origins of mystery Hill hence its straightforward name mystery Hill in New Hampshire is actually nothing like Stonehenge despite the connections some think it has it’s really just an arrangement of underground rock Chambers with rock structures built on top there are also grooves surrounding the site

    Which experts believe could be drainage ditches the site was pretty much ignored by locals up until 1937 it was then that antiquarian Enthusiast William Goodwin took interest in the site and did his own investigation coming to the conclusion that Irish monks had been fleeing the Vikings and

    Somehow managed to land in New Hampshire way before Columbus ever arrived in America suddenly everyone took an interest and the site could rewrite history Forever This theory was never proven and in 1956 the site was purchased by the stone family and they changed its name to the American ston

    Hench and opened a gift shop since then it’s believed that the Viking site that Goodwin was hoping for was probably the Viking settlement that was found in New Foundland Canada he wasn’t that far off and since then historians and archaeologists remain intrigued by the site but no one has been able to explain

    It Stone labyrinths speaking of unexplained sites nobody has any idea why a mysterious group of people built ancient labyrinths on a small island in the north of Russia bullo zayatsky Island looks like something you might see in a fantasy movie all across its surface are mysterious labyrinths built

    From stone with some of them being dated back to 30,000 BC these are easily the oldest monuments I’ve told you about and yet despite their age many look as though they were just finished yesterday archaeologists don’t know what the labyrinths were built for who built them

    Or why they chose such a remote island in the middle of nowhere many experts agree that they were probably for some kind of mystical use perhaps to trap evil spirits to perform ritual ceremonies or to create a portal to the underworld it’s doubtful that they actually managed to create an ethereal

    Portal to another realm but scientists seem to agree this island was once a place of magic Puma punu Puma punu is one of the largest temple complexes in Bolivia part of a grander archaeological site called tiwanaku the temple has a very mysterious origin nobody is really

    Sure why it was made though based on recent carbon dating of organic material found around the temple it has been dated to being built somewhere between 300 and 1,000 ad this means it predates the Inca Empire it was probably created by the tiwanaku Empire who flourished

    Just before the Inca by the time the Inca stumbled upon Pumapunku the tiwanaku were already gone but more intriguing Than The Disappearance of the people who lived here is the stone workor they left behind over a thousand years ago Pumapunku was a massive complex of stone pieced together by

    Megalithic blocks with each block weighing tens of tons the stones were cut from Red sandstone in such a precise way that some of them are still snug so tightly together that you can’t fit a razor blade or a piece of paper between the cracks in fact they have gotten the

    World’s attention for being so perfect that some believe this culture must have had access to mysterious ancient technology the Precision is just like that from a machine with even the holes drilled smoothly to Perfection as if by modern instruments researchers have even found evidence of metal clamps that had

    Been used to bind the stones together the big mystery here is the fact that the tiwanaku built such amazing monuments when they didn’t even have access to the wheel they also had no writing system that we know of by ancient standards these people were considered Primal and yet they were able

    To build temples with stones that fit together like perfect puzzle pieces clava KS the clava Karn is the name for an extremely well-preserved Cemetery from the Bronze Age located in the Scottish Highlands the cemetery is is filled with strange ring KS bizarre standing stones and passage Graves it

    Can be found near in veress just a few miles away from less according to Scottish tourism it is one of the best examples of the very ancient history of Highland Scotland with the oldest burial dating back to 4,000 years ago this creepy Cemetery was actually used in two

    Separate periods in the year 2000 BC a mysterious group of people constructed a row of burial Carns which by the way if you don’t know burial carons are basically just rock graves in which a person is buried underground and then a large heap of stones is piled over them

    Referred to as a k then 1,000 years after the first burials were made new people came along and reuse the site putting new burials in some of the existing cars and then adding their very own monuments there is even a smaller Cemetery just a few miles west that’s

    Just as mysterious but the history of the site goes back back way before anyone was buried here archaeologists have found evidence of farming before any of The Monuments were placed suggesting this may have been a burial ground for a very important group of locals though scientists honestly can’t

    Say who they were the ancient city of kosas the island of cre in modern Greece was once home to an ancient group of people that still amazes everyone this was the base for the Minoans and their legendary King was King minus but we don’t know what they actually called

    Themselves they left behind the ancient city of kosis and the very first centralized State anywhere in Europe way before Classical Greece in fact the Minoans reached their Peak at least 1,000 years before Greece was even a thing and they were immortalized in the myths of Theus and the minitar and

    Icarus who flew too close to the Sun based on their art and jewelry it appears the Minoans believed in a supreme female deity and believed in equality between the Sexes which was practically unheard of in the ancient world one of the most famous artifacts found in the ruins of the city of kosis

    Was a ring it was discovered in a tomb buried for 3,500 years German archaeologist Gerhard rodenwaldt said it was reminiscent of an enchantment from a fairy world it was probably worn on a necklace to signify High status while doubling as a Talisman to deflect evil someone would have had to have used a

    Magnifying glass to carve these intricate figures in minute detail tail on the ring there is an inscription written in a bizarre language that all these years later Scholars and scientists still can’t decipher Easter Island glyphs Easter Island is famous for its giant statues the muai but back in the 19th century explorers discovered

    A small Trove of ancient artifacts edged with bizarre symbols kind of like the ring I just told you about from ancient cre hidden in the ruins of the collapsed civilization the artifacts are scrolled in glyphs that have never never been deciphered the glyphs are called rango

    Rango and this type of writing was first found by Eugene urod with the Roman Catholic Church who went to the island as a missionary in 1864 in his journal he detailed finding 26 wooden tablets covered in the glyphs with some of the characters looking like crudely drawn Turtles and others looking

    Like pieces of Sanskrit he collected these tablets from the Huts the natives were living in who had obviously lost the meaning of the glyphs and didn’t understand what they were for they’d been keeping them like sacred treasure but couldn’t tell Eugene when they were first made though some experts have

    Guessed it was in the 13th century even though rango rango has been known to scientists for over 100 years they still haven’t figured out what the writing means and this is a real shame because whatever is written on these tablets could explain the mysterious collapse of the original Island civilization who

    Some say died out when they used all their resources and could no longer sustain their po population thanks for watching what do you think about these incredible places do you have any theories about the Easter Island glyphs let me know in the comments below and be sure to hit that subscribe button and

    Come back soon for another amazing video bye


    1. Yep. Very interesting and loads of new sites.
      One topic that's not covered is the missing manuscripts from the library of Alexandria. Hypathia the professor in the Dvd film Agora depict the destruction of the library by early Christian fanatics. I believe they are scattered around the meditarian. Even the Vatican Secret library holds some in the 48 km of shelving. Some saved due to being used as Palmisests. Other ancient libraries existed in the Far East and these manuscripts were of particular interest to the Library of Alexandria.
      Well done on the Video 😁

    2. The whole story of king arthur was legends of life under Roman rule when things were stable and there were no constant invasions. There was prosperity and monuments being built and arthur was the ideal king that they imagined the romans must have been. The whole story later became about bringing back roman rule to the lands, pagan rule since it was pagan who made britain flourish and merlin acted as the pagan advisor to arthur. Later the story became about witholding knowledge from the masses and only the enlightened few should have knoweldge and technology. (Sword smithing technologies- stone moulds and later water quenching)

    3. The heads were so large because the people were very large. The Olnecs were part of the giants that perished in the great flood that is in the writings from different countries .

    4. Too many cartoons & kindergarten cheesy radio announcer voice overs. If your gonna cover adult/scarey content, can we have videos for adults? I watched you cover Armageddon, suicide, genocide, death, pandemic, Satanism etc. and you keep acting like this is a preschool lesson with the fake tone. Please…your doing great but you can step it up and drop the cartoons.and clip art..keep it real

    5. Well if there are no evidence of this king then where the hell did yall get the name from that’s scary if it’s not a real king or never was should I say then where does then name come from

    6. 0:00: 🏛️ Ancient places revealed due to drought in the Euphrates River, including a lost city from 3,400 years ago.
      5:47: 🏛️ A mysterious abandoned city in Europe and the possible non-existence of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
      11:35: 🏰 The video discusses the potential existence of King Arthur and the location of his castle, Camelot, in Britain.
      17:36: 🏛️ Archaeologists uncover a mysterious ancient city in Iraq, revealing a treasure trove of artifacts including a large fort and structures for winemaking.
      23:06: 🏛️ A lost ancient city with preserved buildings and artifacts is discovered in Mexico.
      28:57: 🏛️ The video explores ancient cities and their rich history, including a city preserved by a volcanic eruption and a modern city built on top of ancient ruins.
      34:27: 🏰 Silbury Hill, a mysterious ancient site, remains a puzzle due to limited access and historical gaps.
      40:02: 💀 The video discusses the worship of Santa Muerte, a controversial deity associated with death, in Mexico and around the world.
      45:47: 🏛️ The video discusses the largest Obelisk built by the ancient Egyptians and its significance.
      51:22: 🗿 The mysterious civilization of the MCH left behind giant stone heads with no bodies, leading to a lack of understanding about their origins and purpose.
      56:55: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 A well-preserved Bronze Age cemetery in the Scottish Highlands filled with strange standing stones and passage graves, dating back 4,000 years.
      Recapped using Tammy AI

    7. Aaaahhhhh! Happy New Year ORIGINS! Loved hearing my shout out at the 4:30 mark! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Love ancient history facts and contemplations! I binge watch these videos allllll the time! You don’t know how much we need your channel and appreciate the knowledge it gives!❤🎉❤🎉 Enjoy 2024!

    8. The old folks use to have a saying of taking it to the grave and it was likely you would not find out what they done, BUT this doesn't seem to apply to Michael Jackson he is still news worthy 😮

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