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    God this is so this is really stupid this is really stupid of me I’m not there’s no way to sugarcoat it all right will back again with a comedy of mistakes today we’re roasting my footage what do you think yeah this is a super Dynamic race and a lot of lessons to

    Bring up from this one starting from the gun we’ve got an attack here yeah and this is back in 2018 did I know how to deal with a solo Rider off the front probably not we’re going to fast forward and find out but a couple

    Of couple of things first um be as harsh as you possibly can Will on me because I deserve it I race like a total knucklehead there are some funny moments I want you guys to pay especially the middle of this race like I don’t know

    What I was thinking um and uh also I’m not on I’m not on mike spikes I am on tun Elite this is what the jerseys look like our major competition is the the team mike spikes development team as well as the sun power team in the light

    Blue we’re going to get into that and a lot more uh let’s fast forward a little bit all right we’re just a few laps into this race solo Rider still off the front and I just kind of need to chill like I had no chill in this race will like I

    Don’t know what I’m doing on the front I have there’s the these Riders on the right going and like I okay this is cool like I need to follow this but I need to like decide like what am I doing here what’s going on that was a lot of Watts

    But you you decided not to close it down in a full in a full move and and now you’re just in no man’s land waiting for it to come back on its own this is called the pain d see I’m like okay I’m going to chase it back oh I’m not going

    To chase it back okay I’m going to chase it back and and like I either need to commit to Bringing to to following this little Chase group uh or not and fall back but uh like this in this in no man’s land I mean look at my heart rate

    Guys we’re like What two laps in there’s all there’s a solo Rider it’s not that threatening uh and I have like four or five teammates in this race and I just need to chill um and the solo rouer does get brought back his teammate smartly count counters here um and I decide to

    Follow this too I am just pouring more gasoline on the fire and like looking back at this yeah it’s it’s a good idea to follow this but like at what expense I’m almost racing this as if uh this is like a a major threat um that if I if I

    Don’t bring it back it’s going to be gone forever and I’m also racing like I don’t have any teammates your thoughts will you’re really going to have to bank on your teammates responding to anything else that happens after this you you’ve wasted a lot of energy and we’re just

    Started the race so hopefully your teammates can pick up the slack that uh is undoubtedly going to be left behind right and while we’re throwing shade uh I’ll spread some I’ll spread some shade over to other Racers too like what is the mike spikes Divo guy doing

    Like I popped out in the window there for a second I was like nah and I got back into his draft because like what’s he doing he’s pulling hard his teammates brought back so at least he’s not at least he’s not chasing his teammate but you’re right he’s going hard and uh

    Don’t exactly know why maybe let’s fast forward a little bit and find out if there’s a reason he’s doing this there wasn’t a reason that he was on the front in fact this this teed up my teammate beautifully this is Matt going off the

    Front with a gap uh yeah I the the mike spikes sto guy does have a rider that’s also jumping across the third major team in this race is also jumping across that’s Alto so this is looking pretty good now I have really no reason to chase neither does uh the the mike

    Spikes dvo Rider in front of me and uh yeah it’s looking like we’re coming together with the Breakaway this is looking pretty pretty good now now what what do you think will as as if you’re in my position in this case looking good with the teammate up there yeah it’s

    Perfect especially with this other Mike Bikes Mike’s Bikes guy blocking for you uh you can just sit up and let that Gap grow yeah and that guy up the road you guys will know especially fans of the channel for a long time that’s Matt that’s my buddy Matt we were teammates

    For years um and uh he’s him and I um at this moment in 2018 both on team uh tun elite were both like the sprinters on the team kind of just depended on how the race went but he’s a very capable finisher and I was happy with this

    Situation or was I let’s find out how many mistakes I make start wait starting with this I was going to fast forward but things are happening here will uh this wasn’t a mistake I’m following this is this is Tyler the vegan cyclist back in 2018 look at this um I’m fine

    Following this uh I was in a good position to do it um I got right into the draft that looked a lot better than the last effort I had where I was just kind of in no man’s land but I kind of just need to chill and Shuffle back

    Because a lot of you listening this may know and and will maybe you can back me up like it’s not easy doing marking Duty for your teammate when he’s off the front it’s a lot of energy and you you’ve got to be smart about when you’re not pulling through and what to follow

    Yeah so uh this one I followed but like I have not gotten out of the top five of this race and we’re we’re we have a lot of racing left to go let’s see if like what am I see this is another mistake I can’t fast forward things are happening again

    Why did I even pull around him I don’t understand why I came around Ty and this is the reason why I shouldn’t have done that because sets it sets up the Counterattack now I had a teammate in there I’m not exactly sure why we should

    Have just let that one Rider go we have this great situation that has that has resulted in some early race Shenanigans where our Sprinter is up the road so like we just seem like we’re not content with it even though we really should be and it’s not a really bro move like I

    Don’t know why I’m I seem to be like so excited about getting across to it but I have my teammate up there already we’re all getting ourselves tired it defeats the purpose of having a teammate up the road to begin with it’s just we’re racing weird is that maybe it’s just me

    Will what do you think yeah the Dynamics are a little uncertain right now not really sure why people are hitting the front when they are but it’ll it’ll settle down once people get tired I think yeah I hope so let’s find out all right but first I want to quickly remind

    You guys about hvmn who sponsoring this video and they sell Ketone IQ what are ketones ketones are a natural source of fuel for your body when you’re out there riding your bike you’re smashing you’re going hard you might burn through all of your stored carbohydrates which triggers

    Your body to convert fat into ketones for fuel so ketones as a supplement kind of kind of shortcuts that process because you really want to save your carbs for the the most demanding efforts and unlike fats ketones can also cross the bloodb brain barrier allowing them

    To uh fuel both your body and your brain so not only are you getting that metabolic boost you’re also remaining sharper which as you guys know watching these videos is really important for success in bike racing I’ve been using these for over a year now everybody who

    Comes into my garage here uh it’s almost like a tradition they have to take a shot of ketones so if you guys want to give it a shot uh part pardon the pun 20% off link down in the description also you can use code NorCal so uh

    Thanks again hm men for sponsoring this video now back to the race all right we’re chilling we’re chilling all these guys in front of me including my my teammate on the front have have teammates up the road we’re blocking hard and then inexplicably my other teammate is like not on my watch and

    Just starts chasing teammates guys that’s rule number one over here at noral cycling if you’re new don’t chase teammates and it’s like what is going on I don’t will I don’t understand help me understand why are we chasing teammates Jeff I cannot tell you I can tell you

    That you are wasting a lot of energy um Mark we don’t really know why yeah marking stuff he gets brought back immediately and then what am I doing 13300 wats I’m I’m sorry Matt I know this was 5 years ago but I’m sorry for God this is so this is really stupid

    This is really stupid of me I’m not there’s no way to sugarcoat it I guys I did not have this sport figured out uh in 2018 by doing stuff like this is a massive blunder and here’s the reason why even if I do make it across to my

    Teammate which it looks like I’m not going I’m already looking back my heart rate’s 180 beats per minute even if I do make it across solo I am not really helping my teammate because now I’m motivating the people behind even more to chase right now they’re motivated to

    Chase but if I get across they’re even more motivated so I’m I’m getting tired in the process my teammate up the roads tired in the Breakaway trying to stay away from me like none of this makes sense and you’ve brought the Gap back down to uh to a manageable bridging

    Distance and that’s exactly right and look what happens I um in addition to all those things I said to your point will what happens the Counterattack goes like this is just bad all around bad teammate bad teammate move and now I don’t even have the uh

    The steam here to do anything about it I just have to watch the competition Bridge up to my teammate so there was a group of four my other teammate still chasing he doesn’t make it by the way we were racing like we had two left feet we’re racing like we’re not even

    Teammates right not a lot of cohesion going on here just people kind of going for the break on their own and you can see that I saw the um the mike spikes D Rider in my rear camera we’ll Replay that he was shaking his head he’s probably thinking what are these guys

    Doing on ton Elite like he was doing exactly what I should have been doing which is dude I have my teammate up there I’m chilling and like if it get gets brought back awesome I’m next none of this makes sense don’t race like Jeff in 2018 but the mistakes aren’t over yet

    You see me actually oh my God I’m going to do another thousand Watts for what reason just I just have to sit back and chill and like let the race unfold I have a teammate up the road Jeff you’ve got a teammate attacking on the right

    Here what what are you guys doing this is like this is a full gas that’s a lot of power trying to chase down your own guys what is going on I would I do another 1300 I would you tell me a minute ago you’re like je the amount of

    Times you did over 1,000 watts in the first 10 minutes of this race unnecessarily the most important part of that is if you’re doing that full stop it’s a bad idea idea 99 times out of 100 but when I have a teammate up the road like it’s just nothing makes sense uh so

    Yeah I have a teammate chasing a teammate and I’m chasing that teammate and we’re doing everything that we shouldn’t be doing and that’s why the title of this video is I’m roasting my own footage it gets worse hang in there let’s fast forward a little bit okay uh

    Don’t forget guys I still have my teammate Matt up the front what what is going on like what am what am I doing here I know we’re kind of beating a dead horse now but I but it’s just worth repeating like sh like another blunder like I just don’t

    Understand I can’t justify right like what am I doing yeah I see the motivation like you’ve got a Whitted Down group and then I don’t know if you’re entirely attacking here or just kind of rolled off the front but at a certain point you have to decide whether

    You’re going to commit to this and try and pull back a two-minute gap on your own Sprinter or or just let that Sprinter lap and and it seems like you can’t decide you keep doing 300 watts and then looking back and going back down and then doing it again so yeah make a

    Decision exactly no you’re exactly right um if I could get in a time machine go back and tell Jeff from 2018 like like what’s what are you doing right now you know I’ve said this before with bike racing strategy you always have to think you should be able to freeze any moment

    In a race and ask yourself like what are you doing and why are you doing it and there is no answer right now like yeah to your point you can see my I’m keep looking back in the shadow but it’s like either do 100 Watts or do 450 watts and

    By the way the 450 is not going to be enough like that’s a that’s a stupid move there’s only one answer in this position and that is like go back to the group and the only thing I should be thinking at this moment in the race is

    How can I support Matt’s chances to win because they’re more than halfway from lapping us they’re they’re they’re closer to the back of us than they are to the front of us so at this point I’m not thinking about get I shouldn’t be thinking about getting across anymore I

    Am I shouldn’t be I should be thinking about what can I do to help my teammate Matt in the Breakaway succeed and the answer to that is save energy and hope they lap because if they lap then I’m going to tee him up for a lead out and a

    Successful lead out I need to I need to save as many bullets as possible because look now I’ve committed this energy of like not really going easy not really going hard but just wasting energy by myself and this group is has now caught back on to us but like like what was

    That for I’m just I still don’t understand so you could see your Shadow there doing a little rotating marker but I think your even your teammate’s confused by what’s going on right now right yeah the the let’s rotate thing I I sort of get because there’s three of

    Us in this group but the the um Mike’s Bikes development Rider there at the back he just he just came out of rotation he’s like well there’s three of you on tun there’s one of me and yeah we all have a teammate up there um but I’m

    Not bringing three more tun guys for one more of me those numbers don’t make sense so you can see his he’s skipping polls and like it’s just a it’s just a total mess and now there’s all three of us on the front literally all three of us chasing our teammate uh it’s so

    Cringe looking back at this but uh but that that’s how we get better we look at these videos and we identify areas where we make mistakes and we don’t make them the next race uh but yeah it’s total it’s total cringe 5 years later it gets worse let’s let’s it gets worse right

    Now I’m doing 450 Watts but it gets even worse in a little bit so hang in there all right the Pinnacle of stupidity we’ve reached it about halfway into this race in the rear camp we can see Justin looking back so there’s the Moto we’re about to get lapped that’s how close my

    Teammate is so I just need to be chilling just chilling and saving energy because what did I say before my my only role in this race now is to support Matt what’s the best possible way I can get Matt a result in this race Matt’s my teammate he’s a sprinter also he is

    About to make the lap in a small group instead I am just going to launch another hay maker off the front why why harder only making it harder on mat back there you I think the best situation would be you go to the back

    And and bring bat up to the front um but this is this is the opposite of what you want to be doing now um it’s just going to make it harder on all your guys and then my teammate and then my teammate’s like hold my hold my beer you thought

    You’re good at wasting energy let’s waste energy together so none of this makes sense we’re literally still chasing our teammate it’s doubly bad because now we’re we’re actively getting away from him he’s trying to lap us trying to get that support I know you’ve probably been in this position will I

    Certainly have where you’re in a breakaway and you’re like oh fantastic I’m about to lap I’m going to have like three or four teammates at my disposal and you see them at the front drilling it dude I would be rip at this point I would be so mad yeah it is

    Frustrating yeah this is really the Pinnacle of stupidity it’s not not my finest moment but let’s fast forward to see if there’s any redeeming qualities in this race all right and now we’re inside a 10 km to go and I’m going to just have my first little bit of racing

    Sense here it takes it took me this long will but I’m finally going to like figure it out I think cuz we’re not quite caught from behind my teammate hasn’t quite made the lap and I’m finally going to just let it go just be okay with it let these two Riders off

    The front because it’s inconsequential we’re about to get lap they can ride off the front it doesn’t really matter at this point and I I don’t know if the if the GoPro is going to pick it up but uh here I’ll crank the audio there a laugh up just leave

    It Andrew yeah you can hear me yelling at Andrew just leave it cuz here’s what we need to do again I know I’ve said this like three times but everything we’re doing at this point is in service of our teammate Matt who is just about to

    Lap uh we could waste energy off the front but how is that like what is Andrew doing off the front right now that’s helping Matt nothing so we just need to like like group up catch a couple of deep breaths and chill right yep wait up for your Sprinter give him

    The best shelter you can get him to that line first cuz winning is what people remember right right up there you can maybe get eighth place if you win out of that front group but it doesn’t do anything good and you mentioned this a second ago well tell us why it’s it’s

    Even better if a few Riders roll off the front yeah those guys are going for those lower places and they’re not going to be able to help their teammates you can go back to your teammate and it’s a smaller group so you’ve got bigger Advantage right if we could have like

    Four of us organized on tun Elite out of a group of six like we’re going to have a pretty good shot at winning that field Sprint compared to a group of 10 or something so like it’s just frustrating watching yeah yeah uh but here comes the

    LA uh I mean here comes the the lead group and that that is the other tun rer there actually two of us in that lead group he immediately attacks what are your thoughts on this cuz I can kind of come at this from two different directions it could make sense if he can

    Lap the field solo but he’s got guys on his wheel so I think if he could have gotten away solo it would have made sense make other people’s work but uh for now you’re in this group work for your Sprinter work for your Sprinter yeah I think our best shot was with Matt

    And um I totally agree like if uh if he could have gotten away solo then that makes sense cuz we’re like he’s he’s in the league group cuz at this point we’re lapped there’s what there’s I think there’s seven riders in the lead group that lapped and they’re the only ones

    Contesting first the top seven positions are already accounted for it’s just a matter of getting our guy on the top step so if you can go solo awesome if not we need to work for our Sprinter Matt who um he’s in my my draft now he

    He got exactly where he needed to be he’s looking at us thinking probably two things is like a how much energy have you guys wasted up until this point and then B do everything you possibly can to get me into into the right position and

    What uh what we need to do now is stay together as a cohesive unit keep it fast but not so fast that we can’t lead it out for a Sprint keep it smooth for Matt he’s done a lot of work he’s lapped us right he’s gone a lot harder and he

    Needs to we need to keep him in good position keep him fresh and just discourage attacks and if attacks go like chill like it’s okay we don’t have to do 1,000 watts to bring uh you know a solo Rider back just use our numbers collectively there’s like five of us we

    Just need to rotate bring him back you got plenty of time to pull stuff back there’s still 7K to go just pull on the front keep that pace high and and keep things from going and making your Sprinter work for him so you’re you’re doing a great job of staying together

    Here and just working as a team unit um finally finally I know yeah there’s a couple of redeeming things that we did here but up until this point man it’s like I don’t know how much I have left because I don’t know just looking at the

    Looking at the footage now it’s like how many wasted bullets like all of those attacks that we have shown you guys up until this point this is probably becoming a long video will but all of those wasted attacks were completely wasted like I said like it’s completely wasted energy because the same thing

    Happened my teammate lapped like all of that effort was for nothing so we just need to chill I don’t know why Matt there is in second position he should be behind us I don’t know why I’m letting in the sun power rider so the mistakes continue um and by the way they continue

    Now through 2023 that’s what I love about this sport is we’re always learning like I’m I’m not claiming I’m I do things perfect now but it’s just funny to look back at like man these are some pretty lowlevel and this is a uh this is a p12

    Race this might be a 23 race although I no actually I think this is a p12 race but in any case this is a you know kind of a high level in this sport uh M and and it’s just funny to see these huge mistakes we were talking earlier

    Well like it’s it’s common it’s more common than you think to see really strong high level even Pro racers make pretty serious blunders in this sport it takes a lot of communication to keep that teamwork cohesive and it can fall apart really quick when people don’t understand what’s going on and they’re

    Not on the same page right like Andrew on the left in the red bike you’re my teammate like he was off the front for a bit he just needs to slot back we just need to stay five of us all on the front all rotating keeping it chill and uh

    Doing our best to like my role is to is basically what you do now um yeah well you tell us what what’s what’s the role what should I be doing here you’ve got to keep your guys together and and that means keeping these two dudes in front

    Of you for example out of out of that train so keep your train together keep your Sprinter protected it’s a hard job and sometimes it takes a little bit of aggression but it’s it’s very useful in keeping your Sprinter sheltered and keeping him good to go for the line um

    He wouldn’t have had to attack that much or or defend his wheel as much and it is key in in getting that sper across the line first cuz other teams are going to do that Yep this is a little bit threatening cuz this is Chaz and he was

    Part of he was part of that group and this is a smart move by him because he’s not a sprinter and he’s thinking um you know my best shot is to go solo uh I I did spike it up to like 900 watts um that was probably on the higher end that

    I should have done cuz you could see it’s causing these gaps behind that is not what you want slow as smooth and smooth as fast I want to keep it chill for my teammate Matt um and again there’s 5 kmers left like it probably would have been better if we just let

    Chaz sit up there with 5 Seconds 4 seconds Gap and just burn himself out up there so I didn’t need to chase that back so quickly we could have just like done a lot better job to keep the pressure off mat and I want to come back

    To something you said you know you mentioned my position being a little bit aggressive and aggressive meaning like taking like occupying space like not physical right there’s a big difference between the two but just occupying space and giving your teammate the best possible lines and the smoothest

    Possible ride up until 200 me to go possible just have a good presence for your teammates exactly and if you guys have been following the intelligencia cup you can see will doing exactly that in a lot of the races and we still have what five more to talk about on the

    Channel so you’ll see him doing that some more in the upcoming uh races on this channel but um but this is another one I did a better job there just to kind of slowly bring that back it’s a bit counterintuitive because now my rules changed early on in the race when

    I was bridging across to that small group and I was kind of just dangling for a while that was just destroying me for no reason but now I’m thinking again what am I doing for my teammate Matt and I could just slowly get across that Gap because my teammate is going to maximize

    His time span in the draft maximize the energy saved and that’s what we’re thinking now because now we’re 4 km to go I think this is three laps to go so getting right up to the end of it here we need to get organized with with only

    That many laps left and there’s I think four or five of us in this race I think it’s time we take the front and slowly start ramping up the pace that’s what we would do nowadays on team mike spikes I think that’s how you guys race on

    Project Echelon and uh now your future team I suppose right right yeah that’s that’s the best way to do it keep the pace steady for your Sprinter weld stuff back if you need to with those yeah slow pulls to get things back and just keep that pace as steady as possible keep

    Keep the Sprints out out of the legs until the last one this is the pace right here jeppe on the front doing exactly what we should have been doing for the last couple of laps which is um he’s not doing an easy effort he’s not doing a hard effort it’s just fast

    Enough where we’re not destroying ourselves cuz we still need to lead it out don’t forget we still need to make it faster the final Corner get our boy Matt up to speed but um we also want to make it fast enough that we’re discouraging counterattacks and stuff

    Like that so this is basically perfect um and I can see there’s communication going on it’s like we’re actually we actually know what we’re doing you see the rear we’re talking to each other like this is what it should have been looking like for a while now I should be

    Rotating around jeppe here because um you know you you want to distribute that load as best as possible I should be coming around he’s checking back now um and I really I’m doing 100 Watts I should be coming around him but the thing is here here’s here’s the secret

    To a good lead out people always think it’s so fast it’s really only fast for like the last half a lap the speed that you want is the minimum yeah just SE he’s asking for help um and I really should be giving it to him this is another mistake mistake counter just add

    Another tally for Jeff um the speed that you want is just fast enough so people don’t come around you but no faster right that’s like the ideal speed for a lead out you want to get away with going as slow as possible because you’re trying to save energy for the last

    Couple of laps and now you see we’re getting crowded a little bit because I didn’t come around jeppi that was totally on me this is just this is just more roasting my old footage right this is just more me making mistakes if I would have come around jeppe and kept it

    At a reasonable speed instead of just kind of leaving him out to dry that I would have prevented this from happening now we’re back to the shuffle the washing machine and we have the numbers to prevent this like this is a mistake WIll yeah you’re going to have to move

    Back up and that could cost a lot of energy it could be a good gamble if other teams are taking up that pace setting uh but for now I I would say get to the front and keep that pace steady and in control of your

    Team it’s not a gamble we need to be taking I agree like it could work out for us but but why leave things to chance like why depend on other Riders to do things that benefit us um first of all if you’re ever in a position hoping somebody does something they’re not

    Going to the better you get it racing the more you realize people are not going to do the thing that you want them to do if they’re not on the same team as you and we yeah we have the numbers just to prevent that I’m like still behind

    Just seppi like I I’m I’m making him do do all the heavy lifting here and you know why he’s he’s giving you feedback on that too he is he’s like dude come through and you know why because I’ve been I was an idiot for 90% of this race

    And I’m an idiot now maybe 95% of this race and I don’t have the energy to just un to just come around him like we’re not doing a hard effort here but I just don’t have the matches left because I was doing unnecessary efforts up until this point we’re a lap we’re just

    Outside of a lap to go guys this race is going to be over in in less than 2 minutes um if you’re still watching this video if you’ve made it this far this is a long one will but there was so much going on I kind of curious I this was 5

    Years ago I don’t remember what happened this is more than 5 years ago but we have uh Tyler the vegan cyclist drilling it on the front you kind of that that gamble you talked about earlier will is paying off because we have other people doing work for us um we are slightly

    Organized things are kind of working out for us but man that pesky Justin on my right who in 2018 was absolutely just destroying everything he is still being a pest he’s being you basically in the closing laps uh yeah he’s he’s he’s doing a good job being annoying for our

    Lead out train but he’s really disrupting the the flow there and and that’s like a good tactic if if you’re trying to mess with another team but um it it can it can really mess with yeah that that team’s Dynamics and look you’re getting swarmed now so it’s a

    It’s a weird thing to let happen and you’ve got to defend that wheel of your teammate right I kind of lose it right here but you know the truth is looking back I don’t know if I was I don’t know I was thinking this I am not giving

    Myself credit for thinking this but to be honest shuffling back here a couple of positions now in hindsight um is looking actually like probably a better idea because it’s plenty fast we’re 600 M to go I know that my teammate’s on my wheel and now I’m going to creep up the

    Uh the left side here and I’m not doing big numbers yet Matt’s the type of Rider I could go as hard as I possibly want I’m I’m not going to drop Matt my Sprinter behind me but I’m still keeping it pretty chill and now jei’s done his

    Effort now it’s time for me to get on it I do want to win this final corner I should win this final corner I don’t know why I say I do this is so long ago okay good I I am going to try to get to this final Corner first I’m going to

    Take it wide just to make sure that Matt has enough space and I start to step on it and you can hear my rear wheel we’re we’ll talk about that more in a second but let’s let’s just break down the final few hundred meters here Matt takes

    It from a pretty long distance out and he just gets nipped right at the line for second place unfortunately we do not take down the w we didn’t really earn it to be honest we race like idiots but uh yeah my rear hub like exploded and this

    Yeah that’s topic for another video but those were like $350 Chinese Wheels the industry’s come a long way um the brands are doing a lot better job now but uh but yeah I had like kind of a terrifying moment there I don’t if the audio picked

    It up but uh yeah man um I was crappy at racing in 2018 I had some redeeming efforts there at the end I think the lead out was pretty good I think we got organized there in the 11th hour but what do you think will rate rate me give

    Me give me a grade I would say learning from it is a sign that you get an A but uh as long as you learn from this effort that’s that’s what it takes but if you were to give me a letter grade on just this F this one right here a letter

    Grade on this stuff I would give you maybe a c c minus C is good degrees baby let’s go let’s go hey that was a lot of fun man thanks for hanging in there guys that was a long one but I love chatting through especially these older races and uh will

    Thanks for keeping me honest here and uh and not not holding back I appreciate you coming on of course thanks Jeff talk to you guys later see you


    1. Btw I’m new to cycling these tips really help but I wanna biy a track bike but in my country there is no track bikes selling cause can I like buy it in another country and get it shipped down and how do you get it shipped down anyway

    2. At least you've learnt from "young" Jeff's mistakes, seen in the previous races where Sean & Ryan have lapped the field and 200 IQ tactics implemented!

    3. I was in this one for a bit…if I recall it was like 105 degrees. I must've pulled out, looks like only a handful finished that one. Good memories! Definitely some interesting Jeff tactics…he he.

    4. Flash back to those blue POC aero helmets… I ran one for a season and can't believe no one told me how weird it looked until AFTER the season lol

    5. I think partly I cant really blame any amateur for not doing everything just so your teammate can get on the podium, upgrade and maybe leave for another team. We all paid the reg, drove to the race, spent hundreds of hours training, thousands on gear. Yeah a team win is a win and all that… but when you're on the last set of a long VO2 session how often does "man I cant wait to sit in the peloton for an hour and block for my teammate up the road so that maybe I can give him a leadout" motivate you to finish.

    6. Looks like Pleasanton, and the Mike's kits say, maybe, 5-10 years ago? I think it's great for viewers to see the progression, the race time, resources, and effort, and most of all direct experience, it takes to figure out how to be successful (efficient) in this sport. For me, who's a regular follower, this is a really useful post 👍

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