Is this it for Trek? Yes, when you are looking at ditching the IBD (Independent Bike Dealers)and going direct.
    Looking at 2023 industry and what 2024 will look like (It’s Not Good):

    As The Wheel Turns, So Do The Days of Our Rides. This series is my reflection on current events in the industry and consumer perspective. With my 30 years in the business, I try to give a better understanding and some added context to today’s topics. Let’s have a look.

    Mentioned in Video:
    Bicycle Retailer and Industry News:
    Bicycle Blue Book:

    Is this it for Trek? Yes, when you are looking at ditching the IBD and going direct.
    Looking at 2023 industry and what 2024 will look like (It’s Not Good):
    What does 2023 look like:
    ✅ Bike Companies – Out of Business, Direct to Consumers (Canon, Trek, Specialized, Giant, Pon Holdings)
    ✅ Bike shops – Foot Traffic, Sales Down, Margin Down
    ✅ Supply Chain – QBP, JB, Sram, Shimano
    ✅ Prices – Dropping to pre-pandemic
    ✅ Economics – Less money to spend and uncertain future

    While the future looks promising, 2023 for the cycling industry was a year of mixed signals.

    What does 2024 look like:
    ✅ Bike Companies – Building Less and Direct to Cumsumers (Canon is up, Will go to DTC and Cut out new/old IBD) Fort Collins effect.
    ✅ Bike shops – More Service, Niche Market, Custom Builds, Used Bikes
    ✅ Supply Chain – Just like Wiggle/Chain Reactions, someone will go under. Investors Pulling Out or close down locations
    ✅ Prices – Dropping to pre-pandemic: 5 years of inventory will hurt the small shops
    ✅ Economics – Will be the same and less to go around, fear of futures

    Predicting the future is always tricky, but the 2024 outlook for the cycling industry appears promising with both strong growth potential and some challenges to navigate.

    What to look for:
    ✅ The good news is your local shop or used market will show the change first
    ✅ Sales, Sales, and Sales
    ✅ Local Shops will cut prices on products and services.

    Trek Bikes?
    ✅ More aggressive service promotions and market push
    ✅ Cut out more IBD and move into more markets
    ✅ Close locations that are not performing well
    ✅ If you carry Trek, Specialized, Pon Holdings, Giant. You need to divorce those brands and only do limited parenting time.

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    My passion for bikes started when my parents opened a shop in the 1980s called Parker Bikes (we were located in Parker, Colorado). My love for cycling has continued since then, in my work and with my hobbies of road cycling and mountain biking. After my parents’ shop closed, I worked for other bike shops (including Lee’s Cyclery in Fort Collins), where I built and sold bikes, fixed and tuned up bikes, and managed inventory.
    I love working on bikes and want to share my passion for cycling with others. So, next time you’re talking cycling with someone and wondering how to get started or where to go from here, you can think, “I know a guy!”

    Where to find me:
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    Music By:
    Music by Eklecticism – Zion –
    Music by Eklecticism – Wicked –
    Music by Alundra – Smile –
    Music by Axl & Arth – Rather Not –

    #bike #bicycle #sports

    When you look at stickers that go on bike frames no this is not about stickers but the actual branding of these bike shops over the years some of come and go and a good portion of these bad boys used to be truck dealers if they’re still even around yeah that’s a good

    Question where are they today and what has Tre done to the market as we speak after this welcome to no guy bicycle hang with the guy this is as the wheel turns so to Days of our rides series I will be covering topics of the industry as well as consumer

    Views with my 30 years experience if you like these videos please like And subscribe welcome back to Anno guy bicycles this is as the wheel turns so do the days of our rides yes this is redo from last week’s live train rack yeah I don’t have to

    Tell you if you saw it sounds horrible out sideways which is industry as well into bad sound and uh anyway and I have more and there’s more and there’s more always there’s more more but I have some additional insights to what we’re talking about is this it for Trek this

    Is it for Tre dealers that independent I would pretty much bet the dollar to Donuts that they are really screaming mad rage red right now and not Tre Red Rage red let’s go over a few of these whoa if you thought 2023 was bad 2024 could be equally if not worth worse

    Yeah I’m not a very big fan of Doom and Gloom and shock value for the most part most of my content is just fixing stuff for me this is kind of something that if you don’t talk about it it’s still going to happen and you still probably need to

    Talk about it well there’s a few things that Trek has affected the market well and specialize in a couple other brands too over the last 5 to 10 years and probably not in a very positive way if you’re an impendent bike dealer in a trick dealer on top of that you are

    Probably in the search of different lines different way or just out in general either selling to them or closing our doors reason being the cycling industry is taking a big I would say a bad U jurn straight down to the gutterville reason being well as by independed bike shop they’re

    Struggling even before covid hit and this Insurgent of brand new life to cycling was awesome and now we’re in the massive hangover which is going to take several years to dig out of that in itself is pretty horrible looking at 2023 now bu companies really did a huge

    Shift well a lot of them went to direct a consumer specialized Kona following the lines of yeah you guessed it Canyon and they found profitability there it’s basically a a ditch effort to ditch their dealers to bring more Sal to the bottom line well in looking at Tre

    They’re got to Consumer Direct in the sense of locations they have a whole bunch of stores aggressively attacking the market there as within service which really hurts the locals independent bike shops and in addition to they have their used Market Red Barn thing which I don’t think is all that

    Great it’s kind of like a soft roll out if you would ask me the prices are way too high they’re really kind of competing against the pros closet and they’re really not you know they did launch it and then went um anyway looking at the corporations in that

    Aspect they have done some big shifts basically desperate moves and undercounting prices that goes to you know your supply chain overbought overpriced now they’re cutting prices to be what they’re supposed to be in 19 and earlier and then they’re actually going a bit lower than that which is definitely hurting

    Their dealers because the dealers paid the higher price and they’re they’re stuck with the damn product sorry there’s one of those situations that the bike industry truck specialized giant Pond all you guys are really are hurting independent D bike dealers and they are on razor thin margins now even worse so

    Than before so yeah you talk about the pricing you talk about the economics you talk about all those things 2023 just just blue going into 2024 talking to some of the Big Wigs out there people that have been in the industry this is a big eye opener for me let me tell you

    Why I worked for a company called retail toolkit which used to be called wheel toolkit which is actually owned by Will and sprocket up in Wisconsin they had nine locations and they had a software program that helped managed inventory that’s how I got into software as kind

    Of like a success manager inventory I don’t know expertise person I don’t know you can give me a title but there’s no titling going to label me damn it any who this particular guy uh n he is the son of Will and sprocket their father passed away him and his two

    Sisters run the Willam sprocket stores in Wisconsin Madison I think no no that’s trre um Happy Days where was Happy Days at Happy Days Happy Days anyway Milwaukee got it and they have a couple in Chicago if they still have those but they have 11 locations and no is a smart

    Guy I mean he’s the one that came up with the program implemented and all these other people is also part of what they call the P2 group in cycling and a P2 group is actually comprised of these big hitter multilocation uh owners which Lee cycl

    Is a company I work for RG suski he was the one as part of that and that implemented this program which I got into it blah blah BL blah ask for today wat saw an article of null saying something about divulging his numbers for 2023 and he’s looking at a

    Shortcoming of sales obviously were down and also margin something like 16% uh decrease um in sales and 23 or something per of decrease in margin well that’s a a double hit that’s like basically a one-w punch and you’re waiting for the third one to knock you out and he is basically saying it’s

    Going to be more of the same for 2024 I give this guy quite a bit of weight he’s known in the industry he knows the ins and outs iny he talks to all these individuals Across the Nation is also a very big Advocate has gone to

    DC and advocate for cycling and so forth this guy’s been in the mix and we use deul his numbers and say in 2024 is going to be about the same it’s probably going to be about the same granted hopefully there’s some Silver Linings to this craziness but right now it’s really

    Hard to see a lot of it because 2024 when you say more of the same Tre is still going to be very aggressively opening up stores and undercutting a lot of people’s service labor dollars taken away from the local bike shops because yeah 24-hour service that’s kind of a good

    Dangling carrot but quite honestly I’ll get to that in a second uh and second they have a suspension service that they take the bike apart send your shocks to their own location seven of them Across the Nation to be serviced and put back together and sent

    Back to their shop you got the 24-hour service the service and also a demo bike to borrow if you’re doing the shock service that kind of thing so they really went aggressive with the service department good for them they saw on the te Lees that they’re going to need to do

    Something to pump the dollars getting into their stores well was that done is done it in for the rest of the dealers that are independent or the other trck dealers in the market because you know they’re trying to do the 24-hour service but it’s not going

    To work as good because they don’t have the dollars to support the staff that’s what it comes down to so the independent bike dealers taking the shorts basically because this aggressive mood as a customer you can go yeah I can get my bike back in like in a day

    Awesome partner the option there is more more you say push the more button push it push it I dare you to push it once you push that button you get more details about the video you’re watching in addition to all the tools that I use in the shop as well as suggestion for

    Improving your ride in addition to to help me provide advocacy in the cycling Community also links to other social media accounts as well as my website to find the products I actually sell and other insights in the industry other videos linked below extend your cycling experience here on YouTube YouTube and

    Now back to your original programming after this buyer beware absolutely beware reason being I’ve been in shops I’ve worked in shops and I’ve managed shops and service departments when you try to do those 24 to 40 hour service turnaround you basically get junk tuneups I’m just

    Going to say it they just go through them as fast as they can the service Riders try to take as much money from you as possible from new tires new Chains new this other if it’s something that’s older they’re going to like oh you don’t want this you they’re going to

    Try to Pawn off you to buy a newer bike or use that as an excuse that we’re not going to do your 24-hour service because it’s it’s too old yeah it does happen and it’s still happen to Independent bike shops too with that kind of elitism type perspective that’s all going to

    Change good news whoever survives is going to be basically giving customer service and which I seen recently customer friendliness what is customer friendliness is basically you’re treating customers like family like we used to back in the 90s because every customer count and independent bike dealer is going to have to do that to

    Get even closely to compete with these big box chain stores now Trek and specialize yeah you’ve gotten into the realm of big box you hit more than 100 stores nationwide sorry not sorry but going back to you know 2023 some highlights you know ebike cells they’re still pretty strong you know newer Innovations

    Coming out like new tech they’re rolling out for a ditch expert to try to Boer sales that kind of thing the cycle communities are there and actually are getting bigger and sustaining because of Co that’s pushed a lot of people into this new realm of cycling hey welcome

    And please stay because we really need you for sure but the lows you know we the supply chain too much stuff price gouging everybody’s racing to the bottom you got all those different things and you know you got the global issues like Wars overseas Ukraine Israel all those things are really

    Affecting I would say everything within the cycling or any Outdoor sporting type Goods I mean it’s just rough so looking at 2024 more of the same aggressiveness for the big Brands the bike shops okay this is really where it comes down to Brass taxes I mean it’s just one of those

    Things that listening to a couple of the you know shops in YouTube realm they’ve actually devoloped some of their numbers and it’s it’s not pretty when you’re looking at they had really good success in 2020 and 2021 but 2022 and 2023 their margins on bikes have dropped

    Down to down towards 16% okay think about 16% on a bike okay they’re UPF fronting majority of those cost and they also have to pay for shipping to get to their stores if they’re not big enough to do the free shipping if after 25 40

    Or 50 that’s even if it’s a thing now anymore of getting free free because that’s what we would shoot for back in the day you know you know you’re like okay I got to bump my numbers up to enough to get free freight so you basically get forc fed to eat more bikes

    Well they buy these bikes and then also they’re heavily discounted by the brand that they’re selling and they’re also selling Direct on some of those Brands and then you’re just like like double Dinger and and you’re talking about 16% that’s that’s even on 16% on a

    $5,000 bike is not enough to pay the employee to unbox it to ship it to your store to pay for the insurance the lights and overhead and the salesperson to sell it then you have a follow-up service on top of that that 16% is still in the red you’re negative you’re not

    Making any money um and those is yeah I sold a a $44,000 bike 16% margin you might as well not to buy that bike in the first place because it’s just that way I know a lot of people out there a lot of negativity like oh good for them

    To go under and that kind of thing well I’m sorry I’m from a mom Pop shop and been in this industry for over 30 years and I still feel there’s still shops out there clawing and doing all the right things and this is something that you need to kind of see in

    Perspective when you walk into those independent bike dealers and you look at those sales prices and you’re thinking to yourself oh they can go lower they can’t um what you’re actually paying into is for the experience do you have that favorite restaurant you go to and regardless of the price you just

    Like going there because the service level is just they know you by name and the food is awesome and that kind of thing that’s what you’re looking for for your bike shop for yourself so one thing you can count on an economy is probably going to increase to get a little bit

    Better supply chain issues going to be resolved the product is kind of flatten out yes as a consumer this is a great time to buy because prices are so low and they’re racing to the bottom but on the flip side of it most of these Bike Shops and trk and specialized are going

    To come underneath this and unfortunately there’s going to be a lot less bike shops around being eaten up by either Tru purchasing them or putting them down putting them out there they’re competitive they’re very aggressive even though they’re not being aggressive they’re passive aggressive so when you’re looking at the 2024 with the

    Increases of even if they’re subtly moving that direction still going to be really hard for a lot of these bike shops let’s take me as a sample you’re looking at me doing inventory yeah well that’s why it’s such a mess apologize but that’s

    What I got to do what I to do any who um for me on a smaller scale yeah I’m probably a year to two years out of if I have a decent year or two I’ll dig out of the hole that I’m in that’s pretty that’s pretty significant because I’m pretty micro

    When you 10 times 100 times full that when you have a building employees and all that other stuff it’s going to take them if they’re willing to take on the challenge it’s going to take him the three to five years of decent year business to even recover from what’s happened in the last

    Two years that’s pretty rough think about it for a second so yeah let’s look B we got 23 sucky year 24 could be sucky what’s truck doing about this not doing anything for the independent bike dealers I can guarantee you that even whatever their smoking mirrors are

    Trying to do for the last I guess two decades now to the actual dealers it really they’re in it for themselves because they got to be hurting as just as much as everybody else uh yeah they may have had a little bit more money going into this but eventually money

    Disappears when you kept on having negative numbers and I’ve walked into a lot of stores lately it’s crickets nothing’s moving out the door nothing close to sustaining the overhead and paying for the lights and everything else not as well as the product that’s supposed to be paid for coming in from

    Overseas so when you’re looking at the effect of Trek over the years we can go back in time Trek started in the late 70s I think 7 6 or 77 somewhere around there out of a barn building some custom steel frames I just got one of those saw

    In the picture yeah kind of cool you know you know it came from from a small town in America it’s you know I feel like Ru Springsteen at this moment just want to bust out and song but not really because I just want to end up crying

    Because it’ll turn out to be a country song anywh who they turned into a bigger company and started selling and competing against Schwin and then they had a major competitor specialized grew and then through the 90s they had independent bike dealers and they bought a whole bunch of Brands like lean kleene

    Bond Trager and them got really big and then in the early 2000s this is really a fast forward story they made their independent bike dealers either be Trek or specialized force that care down their throat so from The Branding of bike shops turned into the shop brand of tre or

    Specialized can you see where I’m going here now since they’re buying shops and going customer direct the main two their left is Schwin is owned by Pon and in Span Walmarts now forget them but Tre and specialize no longer with the brands that the independent bike dealers have

    Built up over the years are now taking a big old dump on the independent bike dealers that they have today and whoever’s still left reason being is they’re in it for themselves and what’s happening to the independent bike dealers is they have to compete instead of being Trek like

    You’ve seen some of the stickers on there they’re Trek like Trek San Diego which they’re also bought by Trek now but they’re no longer Trek San Diego but if you’re a store that just had truck on the front now you got to figure out what

    The hell to do because you now got to re break out and go back to your Niche that was in the 90s guess what that Niche is no longer there it’s transformed to something else you got the internet and that destroyed the world no just not n on that but it’s

    Actually changed the landscape of everything so look at me fast forward 20 years later 30 years later I got a garage shop I don’t dare get a building or overhead that’s insane talk to me I’m staying small I’m doing my repairs I’m refurbishing bikes those are my successes those kinds of things bringing

    The warm hug try trying to be educational bring videos like this to the YouTube world as well as you know kind of like my Niche is this old bike kind of deal that a lot of you guys really enjoy watching so those particular bike shops are going to

    Have to find their niche in their markets again because they can’t be cookie cut or Kool-Aid drinkers just not going to happen so what they have to do is buying their Niche again that’s hard to build basically they’ve gone back 10 steps and basically they probably better

    Off just closing the doors and opening a new shop somewhere else because you basically are at SC Ground Zero starting off again at the beginning so yeah Trek has really done it to us to the bike industry yeah they may have some cool products and so forth

    Um but they have not really done any favors to Independent bike dealers specialized as Fallen suit they have some good brands strong I not Brands strong product and some you know cool fancy flashy stuff that’s coming out and talking locally here there’s a couple specialized stores or corporate three of

    Them then there’s a couple stores that carry specialized I talk to them they’re beating them by customer service but they’re definitely not going to beat them by having the mix of product available because those newer products and heavier product volumes are going to go straight to the corporate stores not

    To the independent bike dealers I can tell you that even though they may say it doesn’t it does definitely been proven over co uh so when you’re looking in that particular scenario they may carry some specialized because it’s such a strong name they just dare not to um or they haven’t

    Built up their Niche enough to Branch away from that particular Brands I hope other brands that are smaller get to get into the Limelight like custom built frames and things like that unfortunately they’ll still have a really really really high price tag to them so I really encourage a lot of the

    Local bike shops as they competing against Tre they’re competing against specialized stores or competing against Pond look in the used Market it it sounds scary or like oh it’s a waste of time so forth but I tell you what that one dealer is dealing with 16% margin on their bikes right if you

    Brought in some bikes that are your same brands that you carry on the floor look on face just while you’re right before you go to bed or first thing in the morning check out Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist and just see see what’s in your local market isn’t used you might

    Be delightly surprised that there’s a few of those older five or 10 year old bikes that you’re crew can work and fix up and make like new pretty easily for a fraction of the price under a grand you can buy those fix them up and even

    Though I had a crappier year last year I may maintained over a 30% margin Okay so I can do that in a small outfit like this bike shops that have more people to throw at this problem and scenario you send your guy in the van go grab a couple bikes bring them in

    Doesn’t have to be a lot you just need to have that entry level used bike lined up with your new bikes and going oh we got this used medium full suspension brand whatever you put your name on it and it’s half the price of the new one

    Blow in and this is a great way to start you know what as a consumer I’m going to be more in Tickle Pink to go buy a bike that’s half the price of a new one with twice the better component Shana I don’t care if it’s three or four or five years

    Older that’s where the pros closet has really made their big win but the pros closet kept on going up they got rid of they didn’t go any lower anymore that’s it’s fine with me because that doesn’t tread on me at all I fit right underneath and I’m having a huge

    Success that is one of many things that a local bike shop can do give the customer friendliness back treat them like family and you’re going to over sell over compete you just overv any of the corporate stores we’ve been competing against them for years REI uh Dick Sporting Goods Shields

    They’re there they’ve already been there check and specialize it’s just another name more locations and unfortunately they’re the brands that we’ve been used to hearing all the time well how about some newer unknown brands or brands that actually support the dealers or more custom you know Black Sheep Titanium Unicorn cycle

    Titanium um I think jamus is still pretty decent with their dealers you know there’s still a couple of bike brands and quite honestly as a consumer or customer you got to stop drinking the Kool-Aid of the big Brands and actually go for the actual experience with the

    Shop that you really like because it is like that restaurant scenario you want them to stick around to help you out because sometimes you have a little thing going on with your bike and rolled in to take care of you and you’re out the door the big boxes are going to go

    Well you need a tune up you need this that another and other Wells and it’s going to cost you a whole bunch more so we’re talking about Community peace yeah check wasn’t really helpful special special Iz not either but the thing is they’re not going to change but your

    Local bike shops that surround them or hopefully they’re still around are going to change and if they’re been kind of I don’t know a little arrogant before I’m sure they’re going to be changing their tune quite quickly because they don’t have the time with the money to lose on

    That and everything is sacked up against them so sorry to be a doom and gloomy on this in a sense but you know what the future for Tre is they’re going to do keep going doing more stores that’s just that’s just how it is and specialized is

    Going to fall suit if they’re smart enough and that’s just just just going to be and with all that being said you still have a couple shops out there in your neck of the woods they may down to a small size like a garage like me but they’re still out there and they’re

    Going to be more than happy to take care of you and help you out so you got that is the Silver Lining and the other thing is when the market starts getting better guess who’s going to actually see those improvements first smaller guys like me because we

    Have the lower prices and we have the better customer service and when people start coming out of woodwork they like oh I really need to get this done or were that worked on and I’m looking for a new whatever I’m the first one they’re going to see on the SEO searches on their

    Internet because I’m going to have that price point under $1,000 for them to get into writing not your check or Specialized or any of them because you know their bikes are way outrageously priced yes they’re going to come down but is the quality even remotely close

    Possibly not so anyway the market of the used is definitely gone down on price to help bike shops or even yourself if you want to buy a used bike and send it into your local bike shop to be worked on you’re still going to probably keep it

    Under a grand for a decent bike heck that’s great if you really get into it then you can save your pennies and go oh okay I’m going to invest more into this and then spend that two to 3,000 and still could be used it still doesn’t

    Have to be in that new shiny 4,000 5,000 and quite honestly the percentage of people are buying those $5 to $10,000 bikes had to be pretty small and addition to the prices have been so low balled in the last two years um those individual bot and I don’t think going

    To be buying a new bike anytime soon so sorry Tre your your high price pointment bikes are going to suffer same with you specialize upon so yeah here we are but anyway on to the next and gotta count my stuff and some other stuff and once I get that all

    Counted and ride back into tearing things apart and making things right one bike at a time right any thank you for spending time with me in the garage hope you have a wonderful day if it’s nice in your neck of the woods go out for a bike ride it’s definitely

    Worth it definitely have a great day garage welcome back to an nor guy bicycles hang out with a guy no that’s not right welcome back to an no guy bicycles this is as the wheel turns


    1. As a consumer who recently bought a bike…I intentionally bought a bike from a company that did direct to consumer sales. I was looking at a Trek Verve but since I had to buy from a dealer went with a different brand that would ship to me. Blame other dealers if you want but I don’t want to have to fight through up sells, extended warranties, fees, etc just to get the item I want.

    2. What a sad state of affairs. But your story and approach reminds me of, well, so much of back in the day.

      An old guy story… I started riding/racing in the mid eighties in a college town in the Midwest. The LBS was ground zero. They “sponsored” our USCF club (paid entry fees; which we were grateful). We bought bikes/parts from them. We met up there for training rides and hung out there when we weren’t on the bike. Everyone knew everyone. Life was simple, and very fun. One was either a poor college student or a local kid with a crummy job; no one had any money. We just wanted to ride. All the time. What ever Sean Kelly or Davis Phinney was doing, that’s what we wanted to do.

      But I digress… Back then one could get on a Cat 4 start line with a $400-500 rig and be good to go. My first gucci ride was a Tommosini Prestige w/ early 7sp Chorus for $1100, which in 1989 dollars was a lot of money but it was doable. My point being the current price for admission at the “sport” or intermediate level of cycling, even after adjustment in today’s dollars, is absolutely laughable. Perhaps your niche and what you’re doing is the future, because right now it’s as if the retail bike industry is eating itself from within and the future is not so bright. Best of luck and success to you. Hang in there, because when you and shops like yours are no longer, and not meaning to sound sappy, but an endearing aspect of cycling, the LBS, will be gone for good.

    3. I'm still riding skinny steel tubes, downtube levers and leather saddles. Not hip or retro, just old and never moved on. Triple chain sets and front clangers will go the way of the Dodo, but no more obsolete than the groupset before last. In the UK domestic mechanics get a lot of word of mouth custom, without the overheads or corporate tie-ins. Has to be the future.

    4. It is a shame that it takes a pandemic for the bicycle industry to flourish. Cycling is so much fun and is so good for your health. It is good for the environment and will help your car last longer and make car ownership less expensive. We should forget about wars, hate, crime, and all the other negative things that people have gotten into. Just get on your bike and ride.
      If you don’t have a bike go to your local bike shop and find one. Local bike shops are important for better service and the personal experience that makes us all feel good. They also help the local economy and provide jobs for local people. If your community is important to you then supporting your local businesses will keep your community strong.

    5. Going to work might help the shops. Closed on Sunday ( I agree with ) Monday, Saturday except for two hours in the morning. Showing up at 10am and closing at 5pm. Just because they sell doctors bikes doesn't mean they can make a living working doctors hours.

    6. Treks are bad luck to me.

      One time I saved up $100 a month for seven months which was hard since I made $6 an hour

      I bought my Trek bike also with my Christmas bonus.

      I rode my bike after I got it to downtown Denver and locked my bike up with my brand new U-Lock.

      I went into a coffee shop and walked out and it was gone and the cut lock was waiting for me

      I guess as soon as I had gone into the coffee shop a truck with a grinder showed up, cut the lock, and drove off

      They had a fake sign on the side of the truck that said City Of Denver.

      So that is why I have less than ten miles ever on a Trek bicycle in probably 1995.

      Arent most Treks except the real high end ones made overseas now anyways?

      I haven't bought a brand new bike except for my Surly fatbike in at least ten years probably more like fifteen years. I don't have any bikes with shocks anymore and most have been changed to single speeds now too

    7. ❤ EXCELLENT content here

      I completely agree with your comments , especially at around 22 minutes into video

      There appears to be very strong demand for getting , buying either NOS or lightly used , properly maintained older bikes and components/ wheelsets

      They provide better spec 'd components ETC at a fraction of their Orginal cost

      They also are a fraction of the cost compared to current GEN bikes with inferior components, quality ETC… The " ULTIMATE ALTERNATIVE "

      Over the last few years, I have been accumulating " HYPER Bike s " , components, wheelsets that were the pinnacle of their time

      Not only do they provide superb value for the , money , they also provide better performance parameters to the whole riding experiences

    8. But why don't you talk about how shamefully high are the prices of components and bikes ? It reaches a point when its insanity , those people , those future clients , see all this madness and greediness , they realize that those prices compete with motorbike or even car prices , it just not worth to buy a bike , there is no justification for high prices , take as example a bike tire , its almost the price of a car tire , look at the frames , some aluminum tubes welded together , why is expensive , what takes to manufacture ?? Carbon frames , who need them , i seen Trek carbon frames cracked , i was terrified , i said i will never-never wont buy a carbon

    9. I truly believe in the used market for most finished products. Bikes are no exception; especially at new bike prices. The industry over engineered and over complicated bicycles in the name of progress and cutting edge technology. Electronic shifting? Boy. please. Normal people don't need that and it gets away from the independent utility of a bike.

    10. Just bought a Supercaliber 9.9 XO from my local independent Trek bike shop. 38 day wait period, but it was ok, fat bike only for 5 months. The owner told me they had the best year ever in 23! And are not selling to Trek.

    11. Bikes have become way too expensive. Anywhere from 4 to 10 thousand dollars for a good bike. That is ridiculous. That's the price of a new motorcycle. Eventually the prices have to become normal when nobody can afford to buy anything.

    12. The city i live in has Like 6 bike shops. 4 of them I will not visit again because their customer service is terrible. Won't even help open their doors to let the bike in without clipping the pedals on the door.

    13. 16% is high. Jamis is great to work with. With all these mfg's going online.
      It would be wise for new riders to get a proper fit, or consultation to see which bike fits them best.
      More people buy the wrong size bike than not.
      Mfg's use shop orders to determine how many bikes they mfg for the next year. I wonder how they are going to figure out that number.

    14. My QBP catalog in 1999 was about 120 pages. I could fix any bike. Now it's 1900 pages and half of the stuff in it is sold out. Sorry Dude, love to get you a new XYZ BB or Crank or Shifter but they are sold out.

    15. Becoming a Specialized or Trek dealer is not only a pain in the ass but the volume required is stupid. Trek's low end stuff has been nothing but a problem from day one with the resort's bikes. Anything under the $600 price point has been problematic at best. One Trek brand was by special request and the other Treks were an acquisition of desperation. I will give shout outs to a number of companies who have been awesome over the years. Brands that have been eager for business from day one come to mind. Even the big umbrella companies with holdings of former large brands and those still independent have been great to work with. In recent years the consolidation of some of the cottage industry folks feels bad. Unfortunately necessary to compete with These two manufacturers specifically. Even the larger of them were stoked to hear from me as a prospect. "10-15 low end bikes a year? Have some Cannondales!" "Fuji will totally work with you!" "Raleigh can help! Sell em, demo em, rent them, let's do it." "Didn't need all of those Specialized they wanted you to move? Jamis will be a much easier to deal with partner." There are so many more who make good bikes that bike people know for years. Every single on of those reps took time to talk to me and find a solution to my companies needs.

    16. I agree with some of the sentiment here, but the main factors impacting price weren't addressed. Supply and demand, inflation, and a pandemic made prices increase across the board. Its easy to say bike cost more bike overpriced. What about everything costing more, is everything overpriced?

      Personally I would like to hear more about companies selling bike that say subject "parts subject to change" customers getting into the industry are getting new bikes that should come with tekro brakes and they get power or rush brakes. Say 10 speed shimano derailleur and they get microshift. Unless the price reflects the change in part spec (which it doesn't) this is where the overpriced conversation really has foundation.

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