The first Germania livestream! You voted for Germania in the next Campaign & Battlefield Strategy Guide so we’ll be playing the short campaign today to get a handle on the faction. Join the channel:

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    Good evening this is T is a human and Welcome to our geria live stream of course we are on Rome Total War we will be playing the short campaign um that does cause a few complications we’ll get to that in a minute or two but this is

    The first of our Germania live streams and of course there will be a campaign and Battlefield strategy guide that will be accompanying this in the coming weeks but of course we have this live stream series alongside to try and put some of that advice into action so moment you

    Should be on the thumbnail I’m going to bring us into the game there we are just a quick uh sound check please that would be lovely just let me know if you can’t hear me or if there’s anything particular going on just trying to get

    The chat up on my uh my thing here as well because at the moment I can’t see the chat so excellent stuff okay yep hello indeed TVO nice to see you there greetings from Finland it’s time to spread our germs indeed time to spread our germs hope you can hear the game

    Music all fine uh we are playing this Germania as I say and uh very hard very hard is of course the plan uh we’ll we’ll follow the AI for the start of this I’m going to do a little bit of a clicking on the wrong screen at the

    Start here and yes Germania now okay we are of course playing the short campaign the short campaign if you’ve seen the votes that I put up on the channel I today is DEA and civia um now that’s kind of not what I would necessarily recommend as playing Germany

    Um if we’re going for the yes long campaign conditions try and take out Rome then fine um we’re probably going to have some slight different tactics we’re going have to adapt what we’re doing here today to fit the short campaign now all right as as I put in in

    The pole a few hours ago um we can go west towards the brittons because I think that’s probably the optimal opening strategy for all of this nonsense I’m going to take them out the game it’s a nice solid corner of the map to control it’s nice and near us and

    Hopefully it will give us a strong power base to move on to other settlements and to be honest I don’t think it’s going to slow us down from taking on the lights civia and DEA civia they’re going to be problematic aren’t they and we’re going to need the Archer support to take them

    Down and that’s going to mean we need some tech so I think going to take on brittons in the short term solidify our border over here with CIF and DEA in the meantime I think that will be probably the best plan now obviously on the campaign just going to turn this down on

    My side I don’t know if it’s allow for you guys or not um on the campaign uh strategy guide obviously on that I’m really aiming towards how you would win the main campaign and you do want to be swinging down to towards Rome now we we are focusing on the short campaign so

    Whilst the original setup might be similar to a long campaign attack we will need to divert after a couple episodes to make sure that we are in a position to go and take out civia and DEA um I’m actually seeing the chat myself at the moment so um hopefully all

    Is absolutely fine let’s have a little look at German introduction so the forest of Germania are dark and deep home to many brooding gods and malign forces some of this Darkness this Menace can be found in the people of the forests men not easily turned tamed or

    Turned to Gentle Pursuits they are born to war Savage and battle unforgiving of insults implacable when feuding and cruel in Victory wow this is paintting a beautiful picture of Germans isn’t it they gone to terrible and demand hideous sacrifices of men women and children this much at least the scribes of

    Civilized lands believe to be true well indeed as I said in my Rome Total was bitter than you think video this game is very much told from the Roman perspective and um as as we don’t really have written sources from the early Germans or the germanian people as we

    Know of them yeah I guess a lot of our impression comes from the outside and that does come of it some problems um good evening over there 000000000000 excellent German short campaign is just a long campaign with different name it kind of is but um yes it’s just worth emphasizing

    Ignoramus I feel bit bit mean calling you that but there we are that is your name um yeah it’s essentially the same thing but I think at the point where maybe I’m going to turn my focus to the east you’d probably swing down to face R

    But that’s a few live streams away from now let’s continue with this the Germans are much like their Celtic neighbors rude uh but with their own distinctive styles of dress their own language and their own ways they are Confederation of people who speak the same tongue and

    Honor the same warlike and harsh Gods rather than the nation they’re constant feuding amongst themselves make them distrusting enough strangers and difficult allies Warlords rise and fall among them almost continuously under difficult conditions in their Homeland and make sure they have few large towns peace is almost unknown to them except

    When one with an axe or sword yes indeed so obviously one of the historical inaccuracies in Rome Total Warriors that so many of these factions are really loose confederations aren’t they especially with this this is just the Romans referring to Germanic people all of this has produced a race of

    Warriors Second To None the Germans may not be sophisticated Fighters but they are cunning clever and do not know the meaning of fear Ambush and treachery they understand in full along with vengeance and the importance of leaving no enemy alive they are vigorous people a people who could be great across the

    Whole world all they need is leadership and their chance to fight indeed as it says there the Germans always the second second to n they do have some of the better troops in the game it must be said hola there in chat as well all of the Nations represented here today uh

    Especially the Germans who are going to be doing a barn storming march across Europe and uh yeah I am making a new TI this video in the coming weeks kind of looking at the the kind of unit roster of the different factions and Germania yes there’re certainly a pretty strong

    One and we will see that as we head on in so uh I’ll let us watch the intro film um it’s never very good quality so uh apologies for uh the the dodgy pixels coming up but we’ll watch their intro video and uh see if we feel the German spirit before my grandfather’s

    Grandfather was born this was our land these are good places our gods live here in the trees and rivers they watch over us we are happy we hunt we love we have families homes good life but sometimes we must fight the Romans disturb the gods they

    Burn the forests they take what is ours wives children land and the Romans talk of how they will help us and protect us they put us to sleep with golden promises when we wake all we had is gone stolen they take our sons and turn them into little

    Romans so we fight to keep what is ours what must stay ours there can be no peace no peace with Romans men of stone and iron and lies there can be only War only War as you might well expect uh from the introductions the Germans were

    Given there so in we had 270 BC and uh as it kind of refers to there the Romans did like to kind of um yes take some of the more Regional leaders and turn them into little Romans AR minus of the uh classic CH forest was one such although

    Obviously he turned on the Romans in the and okay we need to get ourselves a good grip of this area here now we do have a fairly spread out bit of land we have quite a lot of Rebel territories nearby to help us out but we’re going to have

    To make sure we have a clear idea of our early moves even in all lfil and uh yes our plan is to head to Briton um I did put the little vote in the chat earlier I’ve learned from brexit unlike many of my fellow Brits and I’ve decided my referendum was uh

    Uh advisory only luckily you voted the way that I wanted which is excellent which is we’re going to head over to the Briton lands basically Briton is a nice area for us there’s a few ports ports are always worth a lot on this game it’s safe territory basically no one’s ever

    Going to invade it apart from us and it should mean that a we have a potentially very dangerous enemy dealt with because the britons are one of the stronger factions in the aut resolve particularly those chariots and it’ just be nice to get them out of

    The way I don’t really want war with the GS but we do have a ler the capital right here and if they want to poke at us well we’ll just go and take it I don’t want to get too close to Rome particularly in this short campaign

    Series because realistically as I say if we’re playing short campaign we need to go and deal with DEA down to the southeast over hither and we need to go deal with civia all the way across the map now we can go and do that I just don’t think it’s really an optimal

    Strategy for the Germans as with many factions if you’re anywhere near Rome you want to hit them hard before the Marin reforms as a barbarians obviously our Tech Tree does mean that we have easier access than most to our best units orbe it’s quite low populations at

    The start with only 6,000 people in our city we can get uh Hall of Heroes for that’s a chosen axeman which is lovely the Germans have some brutal brutal TR particularly those who are effective against armor very very good with the war cry experting woods and snow and all

    Of that nonsense so against the Romans a lot of Ambush a lot of uh yes beautiful beautiful Ambush tactics which we might well get to at a later stage or indeed in something like the epilog um I can see there lovely Fango suggestion to like the like the video

    Excellent yes everyone like comment and uh yes enjoy the show now I do I will happily take in this series um recommendations in the chat as we go along I say not quite um backseat gaming because I’ll do what I what I wish in the Anarchy after all however um this to

    Some extent is a little bit of an exploration I haven’t actually made the campaign strategy video guide yet we’re going to see any potential uh pitfalls as we go so we can get a load of our beautiful beautiful units from only the minor cities we’re going to want to

    Think about that chosen Arch War band is what we’re going to need to Head East towards civia I don’t want to go anywhere near them without some proper archers and at that point we can deal with them now most of the Germans armies are actually hidden down here in their

    Temples so I want to get ourselves a good idea of what temples we have there always a good idea of any particular faction but theirs are quite specific so we have Freya here which is you know for screeching women first of all who are a hilarious troop I do enjoy those it’s

    Always nice to have a morale boost boost in troop amongst your army so I’ll generally try and have one if I can population growth we will be using this a fair amount at the start of the game particularly to boost some of our smaller settlements but overall we’re

    Not going to have too many frases particularly as we go forward because the main thing the Berserkers plus two experience by the way excellent these are the stats before experience and anyone who’s used Berserkers or face them will know that they are absolutely demonic and we’ll be getting those out

    Of our Capital as soon as we can because really there’s there’s there’s no other choic is there the other choice we fair is over here and Wen and Wen is plus three experience and also gives us not only the naked F Fanatics who are fine actually they’re quite good but I don’t

    Think will be needing much of them because we have plenty of good infantry anyway but more importantly the gothic Cavalry some of the best Cavalry in the game and we’ll be wanting those they will come with plus three experience by default because they be coming out of

    This Temple so yeah you can add some uh waack some stats up onto that they’ be quite helpful against the civian as well but honestly I think archers would uh be the main thing we want for civia so I say take roads I agree Haru it is always

    A good plan um yeah I don’t we’ll get into roads anytime soon but you know if we swing across the DEA and you know maybe they’ve eaten a bit off the Black Sea Coast we can always swing a boat down you never know but uh yeah we are quite far away on

    This occasion I did want to pick a faction who were the other side of the map to what we’ve just been dealing with although we might end up with des and civia once again which is a little bit uh little bit silly but there we are

    Okay so if we just have a little look at the earlier elements of these temples you get the naked Fanatics from level two and it’s the gothic C level three so Wen good as it is for experience actually we’re not going to be seeing the gothic Cavalry for a little while

    Yet um Donna’s probably going to be my focus in my Capital which is the col city of dam or Dam Dame I don’t know so we’re going to have a Donar here because we want to get Berserkers eventually now it will also give us a bit of happiness it’s already at

    3,000 I’m kind of tempted to put down the the tax rate just to boost it but to be honest we probably need it over here so we’ll get some land clearance actually do want to do that now I’m notra where I had every little detail planned out this one’s a little bit more

    Of an exploration so we’ll have to see um what we think’s the best plan now what I need to do obviously to go over to attack the britons is get a port so over here we are currently only 1,000 so we need a low tax rate and we need some

    Growth so Freya immediately El them Borum and M right we we might be renaming some of these uh more tricky to to uh get your tongue around m mum mum I’ll get used to that one day or I’ll just rename it we’ll we’ll decide about that maybe maybe maybe if I’m

    Feeling generous we’ll uh we’ll let people in the chat rename maybe we’ll rename when we conquer cities this time that’s always a good laugh okay um mum we do need to figure out what we’re doing now all these towns I think are just a little bit small so

    I’m probably just going to focus on getting them growing this is a little bit bigger so I think you’re going to go to wen because I feel like we’re going to be getting a few troops out of here spear War Band by the way is obviously

    All we need for a fair little while here because we are the only fexes in this part of the world we are going to storm through everyone with those Lads what I need to decide though is where I’m going and it’s not the eases we got quite a

    Big bit of land now as I say I don’t want to deal with DEA just yet but I wouldn’t mind at least stopping them getting everything so Lavar is around here somewhere I think it might be about there it’s a good spot we’ve got the River border already we’ve also got the

    Danu there to help so I think that’s probably a good plan so whilst this is a little bit small right now we’ll get Freya underway and okay we’ll get one more unit out and we’ll send him out to go and take that um these guys should do

    Pretty good job as long as we got General to back them up them morale might be an issue there we are so there’s arm minus an excellent name for a German as you can probably guess now I’m going to leave one behind but I’m going to go and

    Take this one over here is this gothy I think isn’t it Pi coffee and this is a particularly Rich settlement lots and lots of Amber lots of iron lovely stuff and there might be some timber that’s also the region I can’t remember quite how far it goes we’ll swing back to

    Borders Holm in time because that one should be pretty solidly ours so we won’t worry about that too much what I’m going to do is take these guys out actually you know what we can send this chap over here just to have a look at our borders a little bit more and maybe

    Just keep an eye on things so I might just build myself a watchtower never a bad idea at the beginning of the game nice best faran faction says W soua and probably the most fun to play yeah they’ve got um a fun old roster and you

    Can have a good time with the ambushes I would say so um door can’t get much apart from some peasants I want do I want them I you know what I might do could we go grab borders home right now I’m probably going to stop if F

    Coffee I’m not even sure I’m going to go for home sweet home um immediately it’s probably absolutely not my focus I want this Army to come back across in this part of the world I think I need Tri probably just need needs to stay as it

    Is so that I don’t get attacked by the GS should probably s this guy down here for now towards Alesia just to keep an eye on our GIC friends they’re very similar Army to us over here actually so we’ll be fine but we just need to keep

    Yeah be a little bit careful about all that as for Tria yes once again we probably just want we have a watchtower in the middle here I do like them a little bit closer to the Border in general but I think for the time being just keep an eye over our

    Own territory and run back to the settlement good yes we uh we’re seeing a little bit more now says I used to play Germania by getting settlements in the north and repeatedly ambushing the r to experience doomstacks yes I think Ambush tactics will be particularly useful with this

    Army so I I’ll be enjoying that nak that it’s with or without testudo that’s a good point sir TVO um I don’t know if I edited that that out or not it might still be in here chances are it was long enough ago that video that I have edited

    It out but let’s go find out it should be listed there if they are can you testudo I don’t see it on here and it should auto update on it so I think they will be without testudo but they have a pretty good shield for the testudo so I

    Think that one’s pretty legit okay so Min is going to head over in that direction towards Vias goofy this force over here will head down to lavar in a turn or two and and realistic Tria probably wants to largely be a defensive Force we should see anyone coming so

    We’ll get one more out of there and money’s going to potentially be spent immediately as long as everything’s building that’s not the end of the world how are our finan is looking by the way not great we’re going to break even so you know what I might do I might wait a

    Turn for that unit make sure I’m potentially spending some of it on the end turn do I have a diplomat I do indeed so I probably want to go and chat with where am I going to meet the most people normally to be honest down this are we’ll meet some Romans and some

    Ghouls and we won’t be too far from DEA as well so we’ll go and chat with them over there now it’s going to be juy watching the Briton General charge head first into the spear W band it melt instantly it was quite brutal uh as the Bretton trying to wangle my way around

    All these German armies it was uh it was perfectly doable but it was a lot of micromanagement if I recall um tacum yeah we can call it Tom akam why is it so much easier to pronounce when it’s got my name at the front um rather than

    Mo than Moon we’re going tomam excellent thank you for that heri Kings here we will absolutely do that TTI akum is our town down in the South okay I’m going to end the turn and we’re just going to see what if anything happens I thought there might have been

    The ghouls attacking us instantaneously but it is not we are safe because coffee only has three units I wasn’t sure what was in there to be honest and obviously we can start to you know knowing how good you are at the game and uh once we know what’s in these settlements you can

    Very much start to optimize this is a bit of a lucky one linguist excellent um you can start to optimize which units how many units you send but I think it’s fine sending some extra to the borders probably down the experienced guys I don’t want this General stuck over there

    Although he is 60 already doesn’t look 60 he’s doing good for 60 isn’t he excellent my good sir right well you um yeah you know what I will send three of you up towards borders home now how far can you get the general can make it most the way yeah that’s fine

    They actually could have made it the extra step but we’ll we’ll be fine we’ll Wander Over the Border in a turn or so hopefully the neighbors don’t get too many ideas we’ll spend some money on that and Tria is Happy enough for the time being why are we looking

    75% not worth it really just keep an eye on the brittons as well now we want to go and swing into this Brit pretty soon I reckon once we’ve got yeah with this mopped up we will start to gather our troops over in this posle world Tom tiam

    Is safe enough for the time be overing Dam we’ll get ourselves a road but we are going to lack money very very quickly here aren’t we um how safe is this to leave empty by the way I don’t know that it is let’s just um where we

    Going down to lvav down there it is actually happy can we get some peasants can to get anything here it can get something but we’ve already spent all the money okay this is how this is going to go is it we’ll get the roads cuz we’re going to have people walking in

    That direction that’s absolutely fine get ourselves one peasant over there we’ll get the population back in a minute or two no problem right couple more turns will be down there once to play with Germania and got attack with full stack of s horse archers oh dear yes completely

    Obliterated uh that might well happen hopefully they’ll be chill but normally the best way I preventing that on this game is to yeah simply Stack Up units on your borders don’t make it too tempting luckily we have time on our side because we do have nothing else have plenty of

    Rebel settlements as a buffer zone in the short term so we’ll just keep this spy over here we want to go deal with the britons I’m not sure if I actually want to deal with this or if I just want to go straight for the jugular I think

    I’m going to go straight for the jugular it does involve me actually getting a port um that’s more likely by taking that so yeah Borum needs to grow nice and quickly actually doesn’t Ed so one thing I’m noticing here is that we are quite short of money at the start of

    This campaign okay that’s a pretty generous offer we’ll take that from you britons perfect and I’ll offer you my map information for let’s see what we can offer them let’s say 2,000 might be a little bit cheeky um they’re going to offer me some money and they are well look they’re

    Already been aggressive except when we attack fine I’ll take your money perfectly fine by me they’re already wandering towards my border because I left that settlement fairly unguarded excellent uh there’s already Rebels outside my Capital perfect but we can at least head straight into Vic coffee and

    We’ll take that out right now we’ll do that straight away diplomatic information oh dear the Greeks already are being battered that is excellent news we’ll get youer to put bordom under siege and now we can attack that as well good and as for lvav I love a SC even what am I thinking

    Lvar it’s bit further on isn’t it fine um is that the one down in the uh this territory down here I think this one’s Lavar anyway we do need to walk over in this part of the world so let me confirm that yes that one’s the vom I don’t know

    If I’m going to go for that or not it feels like it’s just asking for the Romans to attack me so at the very least we should be getting ourselves three territories this turn which might just fix our money along with the fact that the britons are going to give us some of

    Their money might just send these guys around here instead of Trier actually that’ll be grand get myself a road that does invite them to attack me quicker but it should be okay in the shortterm Tre has a land clearance that’s what we just got sorted and more roads and more

    Roads build the wall we’ve got the money for it we might as well now two uh two unit is risky only because something silly could go wrong let’s head into some of these towns shall we clear them out see how this all goes two turns

    Isn’t very long but I need to kind of get moving with the uh Britain on their way so we will finish oh we need to finish up th yes later in the week um I had an extra eye in there Germania Germania one perfect yes we’ve

    Got uh the rest of the Fran stuff later in the week we need to deal with the civian of course so uh there’s that to deal with probably see from that safe file there I haven’t quite finished yet halfway through the episode but uh yes

    Suffice to say campus geti is is not our best fight location anyway back to the chat so hello gas hello indeed consider moving the six-year-olds followers to someone younger yeah I know um we need to we need to get him to find someone else um make sure we pass on that retinue I

    Think he need a couple retinue but I definitely want to keep them keep them going he had three experience I’m guessing some of that was the um the what calls it uh what am I saying the rtin that’s it consider moving the sixy old yes not worth losing

    Them to death take my money or we fight well indeed I was planning to fight them anyway so it’s pretty perfect to be Hest I like how you could go anywhere and probably work out fine no matter what yeah that’s the nice thing with Germany or Germania you can kind of do whichever

    Direction you want I’d like Briton just to clear off a potentially problematic enemy and it’s you know basically free territory in the corner of the map so they do have a slight heal Advantage here of course we though have fanes and they don’t so this should be fairly

    Simple Affair To be honest I might actually just get us set up into a position here but realistically we just want to get us into formation and get going you can quite easily as as a Jer just head straight into don’t know one the generals back there get into

    Position properly ly Jim and uh yeah you could quite easily just move Eastward into the rebel territories and it’s actually perfectly sensible plan to do you you have plenty of Rebel territories to each and it’s better than letting the civian get them in many ways but on this

    Occasion we’re not going to worry about that um it is a bit like fre you’ve kind of got enough options that aren’t ridiculous where you can do all kind of things to make the game more interesting so we’ll just see if we can tease them War bands back there okay we’ll just uh

    Get these guys in general might just start moving around actually that will be excellent speed this up to double I’m not going to go triple and get everyone killed but yeah they’re going to probably just get chff into death in a moment and then they’ll probably just

    Run into FES and die a happy happy death anytime you want to throw you you’re in range throw excellent yes so you can expand E I just think the problem is once you meet the civian you’re going to have the issue that the the civian are problematic as an enemy and okay we’re

    Just going we might have just lost a couple of these guys cuz they foolishly got themselves stuck in the battle but that’s always likely to happen a tiny bit we have ourselves General pulling them around I actually don’t have enough of a charge on them so we’ll just let

    This get back into position these guys try and throw in if you can I really kind of wanted to catch them actually okay we’re going to run around there these guys can stay there if they want uh I’d like them to be in range of these javelins but they’re not quite

    Unfortunately these guys have a good Javelin angle potentially here you can see the advantage of these fanic is we are not losing anything they’ve already lost about what a third of their men few javelins they’re probably not even worth throwing the ja to be on this lad so

    We’ll throw in a few for good measure but yeah that’ll be absolutely fine we’ll leave the general at the rear here just in case the other unit does get pulled off the plaza at some point and actually you know what we’ll we’ll uh we’ll get these guys back around here I

    Won’t get them to throw their javelins we’ll just speed it up just make sure the G doesn’t get dealt with but they’re getting poked to death here which will probably sum up a lot of our early battles with these weird fexes I’m not sure historically if anyone in chat

    Knows why not sure sure why historically they’ve been given this kind of Pike unit here it feels a bit random I don’t know just to differentiate units more um I do feel like realistically the Germans already had a fairly different feeling um army to the other barbarians

    So oh they are going to come back immediately and just ruin these guys so get yourselves back into that kind of position fine fine fine I’m going to send one charge here and I’m going to blow the horn of Destiny so the general doesn’t die by the way but just to give

    The general tiny bit of experience slam into them oh that was bad timing camera the G’s going to throw himself into the freay now um it’s fine you do actually the battle does continue when you do that so there is always the potential of the general getting himself

    Killed they’re now going to run off the plaza to be honest I’m doing this probably way more carefully than I need to we probably should just uh walk these guys slowly forward towards the enemy that might actually be the best plan but I’m just going to throw the javins in

    And make sure nothing to stupid so there we are it not the remaster indeed her show indeed it’s not the remaster um had that discussion quite a few times but uh there we go they have been pulled in and this way we can pull the general to

    Charge him through that one man might just intercept the general a little bit more than I want but that’s fine General is going to hopefully blast oh blow the horn of Destiny he’s back there that was a okay the whole unit just pulled back which is kind of funny

    Okay oh it’s chaos it’s chaos now the general might be oh Pizza I don’t even know what’s happening anymore get the general out of there cuz they’re going to regroup in a moment and then that’s going to actually be a problem so yeah get him out of there let’s slowly walk

    These guys towards the enemy because uh we we probably just need to use the FES at this point excellent right we’ve lost very little so far and there’s no point of losing the general um when he didn’t really do the close the gap and charge him down very well did he but hopefully

    The Pikes can just walk forward now and finish this off we’ll get the chapins in the rear four support can you guys manage to move forward in Pike formation that would be excellent if so just about and hopefully we’ll just uh give him a little poke should be absolutely

    Fine right yeah lovely stuff keep walking slowly towards do they have their Pikes out I don’t think they did actually okay well we’ve now lost a few men as a result of that but we can backspace attack if we need to but they seem to be set up now lovely they are

    Annoyingly on the Plaza so they will just fight till they get poached to death but I think that’ll be absolutely fine they they’re not going to really get anywhere so we’ll do one more charge just to get the G bit of practice and that should be about that okay Victory and

    Glory only 21 deaths a few awkwardly uh caught out skirmishes a couple General men but I wanted to give him some experience so I’m happy enough with that didn’t technically gain any but he might gain some traits are there any specific reasons why he prefer the OG version of

    The game um I think I mentioned it on sever the live streams so basically my R to war runs very well the main thing remaster is that um a lot of people’s old games didn’t run Well mine’s fine so really not a problem for me um I don’t

    Like the UI changes it it generally kind of bothers me um I find the UI changes a little bit awward and I you know for me I just find that a I feel like I’m trying to find things on the UI all the time that I just know very well from

    This uh old game so that’s the main thing and I don’t really care about the graphics I I think this game is aged quite well so Graphics doesn’t really bother me plus one morale excellent you see we did manage to get him some uh lovely lovely retinue there famous

    Warrior which is just what we want and a bit of command so good bit of work there we should have a look at the family tree don’t believe we’ve had a look at at all at this point so we actually arm minus who has a bodyguard that is nice plus

    Two to the Valor so we really need to get him to meet someone else civilized slave plus one to the management that’s nice to have if unspectacular plus one influence Beast Master so you are sharp Lively those are two of the best traits you could really ask for uh particularly in terms of

    Inherit him sharp obviously better to have intelligent but or genius but sharp is still pretty good there’s a load of young generals coming through actually 15 7 11 3 this guy needs to get married um Stern and intelligent yeah just like most of the family trees at the start we

    Do have intelligent on them you’ve managed to inherit the full level intelligence and you didn’t really inherit only the intelligence but you do at least have an armor and a famous warrior that’s plus two morale already so you my good sir heading over to the brittons would be potentially a good

    Idea actually you’re a nice young General who could do some great work we want to try like bu with the thr really stacking up some of a really strong retinue so if I can yeah maybe throw in some of this stuff that might help him

    Out quite a lot okay so he also natural bond leader which is excellent to see um as say Lively is for movement points and we will be wanting plenty of that the Germans probably get Pikeman due to famous German lunick nights use Pikes yeah obviously that’s much sort of later

    Along the timeline but I can see how there’s a potential nod to that uh Barbarian peasants excellent yes we do have some peasants now let enter the next battle over here in la si this is probably the trickier of the three battles so we’ll just do it standard say

    Just in case anything goes wrong and we could in theory hire up some yans I probably would if I could afford it but I can’t so we’re going to head on in anyway it says it doesn’t fancy a chances that much because of the fanks uh we should be absolutely fine but it’s

    Just worth bearing that in mind this is the Civilized slave intelligence stun nothing really for command other than the basic two command there so okay got to be a little bit careful use our Pikes properly carefully but we’ll be absolutely fine uh the huge map mods we a gazillion

    Factions for theas only reason why I play the mods are good though yeah I mean obviously particularly with remaster quite a lot of the time these mods take a few years to kind of come together I know there’s quite a lot of remaster mods kind of coming out now and

    Yeah that’s absolutely a great reason to be playing them um I don’t play too many of the mods mainly because I kind of do my own moding stuff as you see here on the channel so I don’t play them as much I might well start doing a bit of that

    Um in the future but um yeah for now I don’t really get involved with the mods too much which why I’m quite happy just play in the original and modding around with it and as I say some like the UI I just can’t change and that bothers me

    There’s a few unit balances as well hop lights are a bit weaker we’ve seen on the time lapses that um Spain and and the slaid seem weirdly strong um I don’t know if that means that they’ve maybe nerfed chariots which is mean that Egypt are failing against LDS a bit more and

    You know brittons are maybe not knocking back Spain which is something that generally used to happen on the Rome to war time lapses so that might be it there um let’s go to and moving ever closer now actually if they want to all stand together like this and let us get

    Into position then that would actually be excellent so I might actually just get us into a little bit of a v here nice overlap in the middle the G back here and we’ll as long as they don’t charge we just need to be a little bit careful about that Cavalry charging it

    Obviously won’t do much against the pike if it’s set but it’s unset these uh barbarian set Al s these yeah Barbarian sediments do have the hills which can of course be a bit of a problem now I don’t have the yeah I don’t have the manner to

    Tease them I don’t the chavins here today so this is slightly more awkward so if they if they’re not going to get teased we might just have to walk forward slowly once again so we’ll just see if they do anything while we get close but nope doesn’t look like it so I

    Think we’ll just get these guys really nicely set set at the front here get the oh quickly quickly back space attack okay we might back space and get your Pikes down this could be a problem this is kind of exactly what I didn’t want to happen blow the hor Destiny just

    To make sure they feel a little bit more supported these guys are not supporting very well but they seem to have got their formation given now yeah trying to get them exactly in this position uh and straight they could walk without mucking it up but they the UI

    The UI the AI just got that right there in the end we still only lost 30 odd men there to manage to do that but not ideal let’s just let them they’re going a bit of cycle charg in here we’ll just let them do that for a moment they done I

    Think they’re done okay lovely so we’ll just tell these guys to move on forward and with any luck yeah this time they’ve kind of got it that’s fine so so they are going to charge again but this time we are in a much much better position one horse CED through one

    Didn’t bother and one is very much running away excellent stuff so I’m a little bit concerned about the fact that we’ve obviously lost a few men and we do need to now walk slowly towards these guys but I’m hoping we can just keep our together these guys are eager and fresh

    So we should be fine but there are quite a lot of them quite a lot of them right Pikes are coming in ideally if we can keep them busy here we might just be able to get these guys around the side that is that any better than around the

    Back better around the side if we can but I don’t know if we’ll manage to pull it off so we’re just going to try and get them around the side here a bit of a pins if at all possible a little bit wider not that

    Wide that wide will do yep and in fank and maybe just start walking forward towards the enemy with your with your Pikes down land back space once again and uh a bit like in the fixing Pikes medeval 2 um a standard UI thing to fix is just pressing back space but yes you

    Can’t stop you can’t stop bad path finding which is clearly what’s going on here okay just set yourself over here and that’ll be absolutely fine what we need to do is not have this side of the unit getting eaten um right not ideal bit of fanex in here

    But it will hopefully do the job we are winning this gradually unfortunately this unit is just a little bit incompetent the you Tak center of the screen is the biggest problem for me other than that I can say a good remaster you know what the r remastered

    Is is not a bad remaster at all um it does essentially what any remaster needs to do which is make an old game Run really well in theory you know like make the gr they are really struggling to do this uh make the graphics better which you know they update the graphics that’s

    Fine I don’t really care for the need of it but again that’s fine a few little fixes and things and there are some excellent fixes in there um something like adding morau on to the information cards I really like that um I like the fact that you know quite a few of the

    Units have a little bit of B I don’t like all the balance in some things like the Armenian legionnaires um are up from four morale to six that’s nice and the Spearman for that matter um finally we’re getting the hiking we want here sort of no wow they are really

    Struggling here today this should really be so simple we’re going to speed this up and hopefully hopefully it’s fine right we’re just going to let this guy do its job and we’ll get these guys in behind it’s fine yeah there there are plenty of good things on that REM Master

    They did plenty of nice little changes I think changing the UI is just such a bad move because what we shouldn’t be doing in a remaster is make it anything worse you should just be updating a few things that just need fix him and we with the

    UI they kind of just took something that was really good perfectly reasonable and changed it for really no gain what they did was they took the UI from the mobile obviously and just applied it which you know I understand them doing that but they should have just when they actually

    Ported it to the actual like computer again just kept it as it was but really that’s the main thing that stops me from playing this unit I really don’t my nothing in okay we’re going to get the Gem wall to come around the back of sec

    To be honest because this just needs to be finished I think we’re are kind of fine this P unit largely has it done anyway but it should have been an awful lot easier to be honest so wol band we will though once again get the Gem some experience because it is helpful where

    Are they now what are they doing blow the horn of Destiny and we will just make sure the general does get out of there because I just don’t trust anyone after the thran dog situation get out of there Steve and at this point this one unit has

    Pretty much done the job can you please finish this off now they’re going to do the stupid thing there we go end the battle damn it h you know what you make a good point there um sorry my my eyes are blurring here embe and uh yeah they make a very good

    They make a very good thing of most of the things they’ve got like used the original use the classical use the remaster but not the UI that’s the only toggle that wasn’t there which is so frustrating cu the only toggle that I would actually really desperately want to uh want to keep as

    Original I do generally keep it pretty original when I play I also uh generally speaking I like the population mechanics so I um you know I normally keep that as the original way okay job done despite one unit being a complete and utter numpty uh low tax rate again we’re just

    Getting no tax in whatso whatever but we are at least getting somewhere those Pokemon so funny yeah at least we one I mean at least the morale held on the other guys because that should have been much quicker it wouldn’t have made much more difference in terms of the troops

    Last to be honest but should have been more efficient this is the exact same set of unit pretty much so easy enough we’ve got better troops this time but we’ll probably see the exact same issue did I just save I think I did let’s just save anyway so let’s head on into our

    Third town clicking up the knuckles there and uh at the very least we are now grabbing a few early Rebel territories should put our economics in a better position even though it’s pretty simple um it is pronounced as the letters mbtb mbtb okay I like it all into ear one

    1997 back in the days where uh well we definitely had Windows 95 back at my home so I’m sure we did have it back in 97 but I don’t think we’re actually connected to the internet I think I planed um mind sweep this is a bigger

    Town by the way Vias goofy which is why it’s a really nice one to take early in the game we possibly just need to consider our approach a little bit more here though is there a better position for us not really we’ll just go head on

    In I think we’ll be fine they might decide to come out at us potentially let’s get our fenes we’ll go about five in deep we walk in that kind of formation we have the screeching women we better have a little bit of enjoyment of those in a minute we’ll head on down

    To them there we are reminds me of uh brother’s exgirlfriends here German Huntress to hunt wild boar in the uh Hills of Bavaria he always said he can break up with her just in case that she murdered him luckily for him she was the one to break up so the ex- women of

    Death here here who I’m going to call Paula um Paula are hopefully going to not get involved in the battle too much but they will strike fear into the enemy good morale oh very nice that must mean they have at least like eight morale then out of 12 if we’re on the remaster

    We’ know the amount which is one thing they did very well yeah even the remaster was General pretty good it’s just the ey is really the thing that uh bugs me and it does take a fair bit longer to load this is so instantaneous that you know s it I enjoy it Screech

    And dismays the enemy interesting is actually more negative for them around rather than positive for ours that’s intriguing okay well we will activate the screeing women soon enough indeed Barbarian Cav out at the front there so we just walk our men forward nice and slowly and they’re immediately going to

    Retreat but we should be wary of these Cav charging atas like last time because that was not ideal so let’s see what we can do with all of this get ourselves forward just a little a little bit okay and hopefully cuz we’re moving in formation they should stay in Pike

    The problem is in these cities they can get a little bit tight sometimes and then the formation can be problematic so what we want to do is get them about here about there okay just slow down a sec I just want to make sure I’m keeping tabs of what’s going on we

    Are very much in position lovely women get reaching they are lot they were in position but the hills kind of slightly thrown them back space please there there we go screaming hope you can hear the screaming not just my men but it is uh we’re actually readly not losing men oh

    We just lost them now uh considering we’re information now we’re information now it is happening excellent similar to the last bit there we’ll let them do a few Cycles I suspect they’re going to do a few charge cycles did a little bit of damage that time but

    Again it’s four or five and nothing more there’s just nothing these early armies can do now the britons do of course have the light chariots the light chariots do have the slight issue of yeah the light chariots do have the slight issue that they can uh shoot us

    With arrows but there’s not a lot of arrows on them to be honest so we’ll see how that goes you walk slowly towards the enemy you walk slowly towards the enemy and scratching women can continue to Screech we’ll do the same thing again with the general just get him around the

    Rear hopefully these guys can keep some kind of assemblance of formation and we’ll just see how this goes um they’re a little bit not kind of wide enough on this side but we’ll just see how this plays out um Spears are in spey that’s a technical term

    Obviously right we are mostly fine these guys aren’t actually managing to get around and do anything so I’m going to tell them to move here but as we know they’ll be completely nties so I’m might actually tell them to go out of fanks and just see if that helps in anyway it

    Probably won’t because they’ll be utter fools but these guys there we go that’s fine we’ll get the screeing women just a little bit closer get these guys into there and get the General around the back these guys can get themselves over here they are actually doing a little

    Bit better this time that’s good to see they are just a little bit wonky but what are you doing by the way that’s a little bit too close that’s probably what exactly what I told them to do to be fair but I don’t trust my men anymore God damn it okay get the

    Fanks on and from this position you should be able to walk towards them but we’ll see if you’re any more sensible than the last guys oh that’s okay noty bad gemo actually might not need to completely murder himself here but we will get him lined up get pretty wide line of general

    Not quite that wide that’s kind of unnecessary get him about four deep excellent okay right uh down goes their General who I didn’t realize wasn’t even dead yet that’s good news and shots a joke against G Spears they are indeed I deal with the spearm as Britain by massing

    Slingers yeah yeah yeah the Slingers are quite useful against them aren’t they um I don’t remember how many of them I used in my king Alpa campaign but I must have must have used them a little bit um 1997 um I feel like on the chat there

    I’m actually going to have to scroll up a little bit okay so as J gets himself set it looks like they’ve mostly done the job but they will get us charging on him by the horn of Destiny don’t know where he is there he is we can see Steve

    Now and we won’t let Steve go anywhere near that nonsense that’s fine he’s been brave look how Brave our leader is excellent you keep pushing them you keep pushing them let’s send the women to go charge into those few War band to still there General hopefully just doesn’t

    Randomly die hopefully someone get axed no one got axed oh well Victory and Glory right okay so do like the R Master UI shows you income estimate for the next turn yeah there are some good features of that to be fair um I don’t disagree with that it’s more just the general

    Interface um interface the maps are excellent there’s plenty of good things they added it’s generally a much better remas than you know PL of them are but for me I’m quite happy playing the original so that I will continue to do I don’t really gain anything by playing

    The remaster so here we are with classic Rome okay just a little bit um of money from that we’ll pick on low tax rate keep it growing for the time being but I do need this General to be honest to maybe give his uh yeah his lates over

    To this guy here um it’s prob not the best use of the body guard but I think we’ll have to do it because to be honest we do need to send him out and about we can’t build a wat Tower cuz we have the money that’s kind of embarrassing okay

    Uh we’ll send the 77 back there to Dam and they can hopefully clear that out this L can head over to battle vorum and I think otherwise we’ll be absolutely fine this battle will be better than the last two cuz there is screaming women the screaming excellent don’t the women

    Do a debuff on the enemy round versus The Druids which buff your morale yes well that’s what I uh I was thinking of The Druids when I was thinking of buffing morale and indeed it does say it debuffs the opponent which wasn’t particularly useful on the um Plaza but

    You know it was uh useful to know there we are good thing sh broke up with him and not broke him yes as far as I’m aware my brother is still alive um although I haven’t seen him in the chat here tonight so you never know any

    Reason why that once the battle is won you wi the battle rather the complete and Slaughter there are literally like two men on the Plaza I do General follow it up and kill them all but the they were slightly slightly tedious battles so on that occasion I didn’t uh didn’t

    Do it but I will in general be doing that yes uh flicking back through the chat chat is just a joke oh yes we got that one lots of micro yeah lots of micro to try and deal with these guys as the britons but you can do it it’s

    Perfectly reasonable let’s end our turn we’ll just keep an eye on those brittons gul’s coming to have a chat Britton on the boat okay they are indeed coming this way with a small Force which is actually not the worst thing in the world benefactor for arm minus okay so

    That’s arm minus’ uh mate he wants to adopt being in the wars bit of loyalty good Defender it’s solid enough he’s a young lad will take it more war with the Greek cities that I think was already happening we’re now the largest faction already we are the greatest yes in some

    Ways if you just go toward DEA and civia you’re going to have a ludicrously large bit of Empire aren you pretty early on Tria has roads lovely do we have any money yet we do have a tiny bit of economy now okay that’s nice to see a

    Tiny bit of economy we did unfortunately build the roads for them which means they might just be able to get there in two turns um we do have these reinforcements who could they meet them it is two units so we should beat them to be honest cuz we’re Pikes

    So that’s fine by me we’re going to send send these guys over here I did say send those 107 in this direction but I’m not going to I’m going to get a second unit there anyway which is marvelous ah this guy is now come of age which is

    Excellent because it means that we can give him the retinue so that’s fine we’ll give him the retinue for the time being and that means that you my good sir oh what do we want to do we do want to actually use this guy to lay what

    Watch Tower down to I mean he is the best General so we should be sending him in this direction so let’s get him here build a tower it’s not going to be optimal but I just want to see my own land you can head over and Slaughter

    That guy in a turn or two you my good sir yes You’ run out of movement but that’s fine we have a fair bit more territory over here so I want to if nothing else we can see the enemy coming quite quickly so we’ll send up this Cal to go

    And lay and watch Towers down at the edge of our territory we want Vias goofy just to get some peasants so that we can just send the actual troops back in this direction we have this lad which is perfect we will build the roads cuz it’s

    Cheap and we could do with getting our men further along these borders so I’m going to spend some early money just getting some wat Towers out because just got to be a little bit careful about some of these neighbors of mine so I want to be able to see

    Anything com in so where’s the best spot not that spot apparently this is much better but we might as well get ourselves all the way to the dasan border at this point hopefully he doesn’t get picked off we should be fine there the T retinue that we just

    Had um now he died oh my brother died apparently boo boo ears maybe got hunted he might well have there we are okay the problem with the Britain AI is that they shoot arrows while charging into the Pikes rather than sitting back yes the AI probably will not be very clever with

    Them jimy ah James is alive in this you have to be in the same place in the remas they can go from anywhere H interesting okay so we have ourselves um scratching women over here yes of course we built Freya didn’t we so we could get ourselves some Screaming women I don’t

    Think we’re going to bother spending our tiny amount of money on that right now uh we do have some Rebels there that’s that’s a bit annoying because it is on wat Tower so I might to go and deal with that actually um not ideal but it’s time to

    Go and poke some Rebels so I guess we’re going to do that well uh I do need that Watchtower to be alive I don’t want to buffer In fairness um for any GIC attack but I didn’t need to go and clear them out so we’re going to go do that now

    Been lurking the whole time right well there we go um within the Barbarian tries and does Road also help with Trade It doesn’t help with trade at level one the roads uh it’s just for movement speed um from then on the paid roads we’ll increase trade but I don’t think we can

    Get them so that is a slight issue oh excellent we have a rock we have an rock formation so we’re going to Chuck our Javelin Mo up here because they might be able to do something with an’s rock formation so we’ll do that but to be

    Honest we’re going to have the uh the same old speary tactics it looks like we might be getting to the brittons pretty soon because they do seem to be coming for us get our debuffing women over here and then just put our Cav in behind okay

    If they want to come for us we can throw some javelins in let’s move these guys back actually just a tiny bit just see how this gu what are you doing okay we are attacking them In fairness so I think we might just need to move forward fair enough I suppose

    Fair enough we might have to go a little bit thin here actually just to make sure we’re covered to be fair though we can probably just charge Cavalry straight into their their peasants on one flank so I think that’s what we’ll do we’ll get the champin over here get us off

    Skirmish get the women over here get the Barb Cav over here to do some flanking potentially and we’ll keep the General in behind but we will charge him into one peasant just to F out their line do always be wary of a rebel General they actually are basically a full General so

    Just be aware they can be quite awkward to take on we going to get these guys to slowly walk forward something like that will be absolutely fine get these guys just to shuffle along okay let’s see what they want to do you going to do anything not yet that’s fine I suppose get

    Yourselves just a little bit forward and G will just honestly just go for a doom charge into the peasants I’m sure he should be fine charging into peasants but you never know so we’re going to blow the horn of Destiny anyway and pull him straight out pull him straight

    Out oh dear exactly what we’d expect isn’t it right now the formation slightly wonky we can move forward and that at least thins out that bit they’re going to run off into the distance I’d like to chase them down there’s not much point at this current stage of the

    Battle that would just cause us some problems so let’s get on moving they are going to come back into the battle so okay what do we want to do just could do with one extra man really but it is what it is go jnp back out there we’ll just

    Give him a second charge if that’s what they want to do charge him down blow the horn of Destiny and to be honest that just at the very least should keep them busy right let’s just slowly walk towards the enemy get the calav out here and okay anything going to happen nothing

    Much at the moment javelins to be honest can probably just start throwing in some javelins can’t blow the horn anymore because they’re sad that I’ve used it too much there we go it’s back javelins can just throw into them guys and if they’re going to Now set us up One V one

    We will just do a little bit of that actually at this point stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop okay we’ll get the G out of there just in case he’s an utter numpty and interesting Javelin oh dear oh dear throw some javelins in blow the horn you

    Turn around and deal with them screeching women need to Screech um we should be fine with this guy but you never know really with generals if it all just goes wrong or not um Cavalry just charge into charge into those guys we should be fine here there’s the javelins I think we’re fine

    We’ve done it it’s Rebels so we might as well mop them up for a bit of extra experience as someone did point out earlier is always a good idea to do that we will indeed do that now okay always a bit of a dice roll with the general but job done marvelous

    Okay so how are we doing in the chat if you had a diplomat you could BR those bring to join you that’s what I do yeah a little bit too much at this early bit um so there we are money is too precious I find yeah I just I don’t generally like

    To use the diplomats on this I know there’s a lot of like um speedrun things people like use the diplomats and you can win in like a turn or two particular on the lower difficulties which is I find it kind of amusing as like a thing that is possible to do but generally

    Speaking I don’t actually like to do any bribing I don’t mind the odd bribe when you’re sort of just picking off like a rebel General as you just say there I mean it makes perfect sense if you got the money I tend to find this more of a

    Mid game thing maybe at the point where we are th on the epilog so when you see on Thursday I think I’m plan to put out the other part of that um for example there when we get to a certain point where the money starts to get very very

    Good yeah sure just throw some money around for bribery but most of the time it is just a little bit too precious sadly so it looks like we’re mostly done I don’t really know what’s left um someone in the forest who has not quite escaped or he has managed to escape so

    There we this is a great victory for us only a few men lost bit of experience for the general we’ll take that free experience have a victory sip beautiful and we now can’t get back to our town excellent uh we can put low tax rate and it’ll be fine and we could

    Do to be honest with an extra unit gather those guys together and in budh home okay yeah we do need to just clear up some of this before we send some of those guys around this lad is going to drop off a tower over here he then needs

    To probably continue to lay a few down and uh TTI akam is not currently set up um in terms of a Border Town now luckily because of the danu here it should be pretty safe I did say I’m not really worried about naram I would bother with

    Naram it’s actually a very good spot to hold uh as a starting point against the Romans obviously they will generally come around rather than up here but of course if you’re playing playing as Germany they probably will swing up here cuz they never normally do but they

    Probably will on that occasion but I think in general we spent our money haven’t we yes we very much have okay over here we can get some screeching women I’m going to get them because there’s going to be battles going on there before too long my spy aren really

    Doing anything right now which is ideal I think I forgot to move my Diplomat I’m going to see if they fancy an alliance I’m going to offer map information as well they accept now hopefully that just keeps them on the right side of things I also like to have map information so I’m

    Quite happy with that the britons are just coming for me that’s good news um we can bat them off and circumnavigate over to londinium I say I say that but of course we actually need enough men to um to do that don’t we um by the way when

    It said that many population I always assumed that was a fighting men but I think we’ve just used up fighting women which is interesting part of the population mechanics there we are um you my good sir can we pick them off that’s Slingers so best not actually Slingers

    Could do us some damage but we could in theory let’s just get everyone back to the town for the time being if they want to come and take us on there welcome that would be very stupid of them so General can come over here he’s going to

    Take those guys on next to excellent you my good sir I think that river is about the Border yes it is so just dump a tower here that’s probably good enough to see a lot of what might be coming but mind getting one down here actually not

    The worst idea in the world they can swing back over to Mar manai in time so Germania and Gul are now allies that’s us and population group of The Barbarians yeah it’s going to be a problem um I need this is where obviously our units are big war band as

    Well and that is the case for Barbarians in general roads will help at least move us quickly but it’s not going to help us terms of you know growth and all of that there no trade bonus to it this why we need the land clearance over there now

    Bordom could be a problem if they go for it but we can can swing around to them if we need to vanas has come of H now yeah the one thing that slows us down with attacking the Britain is we do need a boat s Samar biva over here does get

    There quite quickly but of course we take it there might be the issue of it um it losing population if we need to like enslave for example although enslaving of course is a very good way of getting the population up so londinium for example we will probably

    Will be enslaving normally it’s a key thing you want to do is find something like that but we’re surrounded by barbarians and small villages there’s not a lot to do so we devout plus one influence on Bloody Bloody does tend to go wrong in time but for now it’s a good

    Trait to have that is fine he managed to get himself spawned in the city there which is nice now if they’re going to start swinging over that way might grab this Army here in Trier and we are going to head over there in fact I might just leave vanish behind actually for the

    Time being just going to plant this guy on the border we’re not actually technically a war right now but I wouldn’t mind just uh getting that set up now the only problem that with that is of course the gouls could backstab us but this is why we have the

    Tower at the very least we hopefully we’ll see them coming and if nothing else should at least be able to buy a turn or two maybe we can get some Merks if we need them etc etc okay over in this part of the world we have ourselves okay we can see

    A quink with that Tower so that will do very nicely we’ll just continue to do similar the dny Border actually doesn’t really need to be visible so we’ll probably just run up to this middle land just to make sure we know what is vaguely going on but uh we not spending

    Quite a lot of money on random things like that good evening mummy napkin excellent name um I say forcibly move the inhabitants as suia into Borum yes for their own good of course that might be what’s about to happen by the way sir so I can have three infantry one

    Skirmisher one Barbarian c one skirmisher that’s okay but against this full set of brittons they got everything here right now that could be a problem so it’s probably a case of seeing them spread some of it over here and then hopefully swinging around now I really

    Want Dan to be growing I wouldn’t mind actually getting some peasants and taking them over to Boran before we steal some of bre’s people for now I think we’re just stuck um ending at power turn so we’ll do that I forgot to be the Diplomat once again really really

    Should remember that at some point because you know we could be selling map information right now and we’re currently not now they’re at least marching their men around which means I can Lely see where they are Briton might just be a complete meltdown if we land there because right now they’re not

    Doing anything you appear to be in my territory sir which if you step any further or if you don’t get out I will have to War there’s something that I would like is a bit more of that uh you know you sometimes get the transgression sign come up it

    Would be nice to sort of you know bit like Civ Style say I denounce you but sadly not Warriors hold over in bullish which is nice we can we really don’t have the spare money right now do we I think any money we have at this moment

    In time needs to just go on a couple units and we need to get them moving I don’t want to use the amount of there but Tom akum can afford one more so I’m going to send you over there and I think it’s chill it is Chill probably should

    Have been more careful with that but it is absolutely fine okay so let’s get you over here along with our infantry we need to clear him out absolutely fine um we have tons and tons of men here I didn’t realize how many we just had actually we’ll we’ll swing in

    And do this quickly I need to do every little battle at the start of game so no Al resolve for us sadly I’d say we’re doing pretty well so far bra Warriors is a good going to take a small break while he does his uh Speech here so I’ll leave you with a

    Speech for one minute and at the last brave warriors I say this fight with the courage our people expect fight like men we are back with what must have been an inspirational speech I hope it certainly was anyway right let us head into the world’s most uh probably simple battles let’s just uh

    Walk towards them shall we where are they by the way they’ve disappeared they’re off in the distance Somewhere Over by these trees excellent well we’re just going to walk towards them and mop them up there are to be fair yeah a few peasants and a few ball band that’ll be

    Absolutely fine excellent so yeah the early part of this campaign is very much kind of standard Barbarian issues of just you know getting enough men in your towns we can get some excellent trips and one advantage of swinging towards Rome nice and early on this is that you

    Can obviously end up taking over some minor cities early game and that sets you up very well indeed but the only thing is you obviously need good enough units to go and do that so I think Briton is a pretty solid tactic no matter what you are planning on doing

    But we’ll uh we’ll just get ourselves slowly Str into position I here Barbarian warlord is in place nice and early undefended which can only go very well of course and I think the rest of them just slowly stroll and at the very least we’ve got a little bit more equal

    Ground in now so going these two to walk over there these two to walk over there and that should be hopefully a nice and simple poke in Affair get the women to run on him and they’ve immediately broken excellent Screech women Screech Screech in oh lovely and these guys are

    Down the hill we’ll just Thunder on into them like a startled goat and there is our Victory so we’ll just run them all down lovely mopped up some foolish peasants and all will be perfect I’ve really quite like them to be on my side

    Um but there we are yes Tomo horse I can only assume that is David because I don’t know who else we calling me to horse but there we are dots on demand excellent name and arm minus has claimed Victory um Barbarian warlord gained nothing we gained nothing how

    Disgraceful right at the very least clears up our Capital we can put the inexperienced ly back over there and we can send you over towards the batt of dorm and yes it’s stting to get a bit of a bit of a head here against the the brittons we are

    Very much squaring up against each other especially with our friends over there the ghouls actually being their friends so there we are that’s probably not going to go down with the Romans but hey ho we might go and speak to them as well in a moment here CU I actually

    Remembered my Diplomat on this occasion who actually isn’t too bad now I really don’t want to lose this spine which is why I’m not using him 93% that is my Ally I just don’t want to risk annoying him 75% we just we’ll just keep a closer

    Eye on all this that’s could oh yes of course that generals are going to throw El to their death that is an advantage that we are going to have over in this part of the world they are not getting out their good troops just yet which is

    Excellent news so hopefully we can least block of this part of the world here we can have these two guys build up their forces and over in Dam we will hopefully be able to get some more troops to send some peasants out to yeah just get

    Better VOR up to building a port because we’re just because there are no barbarian because there are no mercenary boats we’re just stuck until we can take over a port and londinium I think is the only town around here that does not have a port so there we are okay you get no

    Experience when you cut down something less than nothing yes indeed it’s um it was expected to be honest but there we go all right uh we do at least gain some retinue and that’s always very nice to have I think we just gained ourselves um

    What do we gain on that one it was I think it was just a slave turn coat slave which you know this is the faction we’ve already handed things over from any anyway so we’ll end our turn just getting ourselves over to a few more of those

    Watchtowers there’s a bit of a chat from the spqr who didn’t actually do anything with the chat which is slightly perturbing to be honest obviously if you’re playing this Germania an ideal thing is to try and get bretons and gouls against each other uh to some oh

    They are swinging up north okay yeah to some extent that is what we’re trying to do by getting an alliance with G but but yeah they are fully fully in our territory at this point so I’m going to grab Scotty gym over here and we are going to add the women in

    Don’t you worry about that but let’s see what we’ve got a couple javelins that’s fine by me to be honest I might oh actually I would like to we’ll leave one women behind but we’ll leave one women behind that’s a very strange sentence uh we’ll leave one behind but we will move the

    Rest forward I’m not going to take neutral faction just yet but I think we’re one turn away from declaring war because I think they’re very much in two of our territories now which is not particularly great actually going to send you to come and join him the thing

    Is I might actually be better off doing this right now because they are sort of squaring up a little bit should be said um got the general to join I might just get the extra guy in here do we have Merks we do but they’re not particularly

    Going to be of use fine so damn you can get some peasants and we’ll just send them over the border to get that to grow Vias goofy could easily be taken at any second by the rebels going to build a palace today it’s not even worth building a palisade to be honest they

    Probably won’t attack it but they might we might lose that there’s not really anything I can do about it at this stage so that is just a thing that’s going to happen you my good sir you might actually be in a might actually not be a

    Bad idea to go and head in that direction so I’m going to send these guys with you over to maram mani and we might might be able to deal with that in time we’ll see that might be not be good now as I say not the worst idea potentially to

    Think about taking these guys on right now before they join together the diplomats trying to bribe me yeah basically the way I see it is if the diplomats come up to you and chat and nothing happens it’s them trying to bribe you that’s what I’ve always

    Interpreted it it as but uh you know what for now it’s okay I’m going off for trade rights I’m actually going to ask for like few hundred why not let’s see if they’ll they’ll give us some money um they they want money for it you know

    What it’s fine just just just a nice simple offer m good sir offer you my map information and I’m going to see if you’d given me money for that because to be honest I do have a fair bit of map information let’s just say 1300 okay he was happy enough to accept

    That I don’t need to get the perfect maximum amount out of this stuff but I wouldn’t mind getting a little bit of money does help I could get some more troops with that actually but I might leave it I’m going Wen here CU I think Tre is going to be an important uh

    Military Focus point for the future my three experience out of there and also because that will get me my C eventually I can sort of Swing them in different directions uh when I get my Cavalry which will be nice but not happening anytime soon sick a Grove of Dona which

    Doesn’t quite get me up to the Berserkers just yet but going to invest in a bit of growth to be honest because it’s not a terrible idea we can spend the money on a few things don’t really mind I’m not interested in spending my money in that

    Part of the world yes we do of course have these units so we can actually go and deal with VI Goofy and that situation in a minute but we’ll it’ll take us a few turns to get these Lads back around so let’s just go and move these guys over there between them I

    Think they should have that dealt with that would be lovely we probably don’t need two generals for that to be honest we can move one over there um it’s make me want to play Germania soon indeed they are uh they’re they’re an interesting one there’s quite

    A lot of uh setting up here because there’s so many of these um yeah Rebel settlements I probably need actually to keep this guy down here because I’m going to need as soon as they’ve got as soon as D have taken a quinam three turns or so I guess we’re going to need

    To make sure we have enough troops here that they don’t get tempted what I should really do is get my Diplomat actually once I spoken to them over to a quink that’s probably for the better okay so over here we have ourselves a few units I think it might be time to

    Actually take these guys on I want to take them on before any more happens you are wandering in my territory you have wanded out but other guys are invading so sod you so they do have some Slingers but I have C to go and pick them off I

    Think will be fine so save up in case any crash issues we hit on him so we’ve had to declare the war but to be honest it’s is like this is kind of classic Roman style tactic really provoke them so much that they technically start

    It but the Germans will of course end it yes we did not look for this war it’s actually true on this occasion okay there is a hill but they’ve kind of got it which is a little bit concerning can we swing them around can we turn them around probably going to struggle to

    Turn them around around that hill we can probably get it slightly flatter by starting over here and then if we need to turn them that’s what we will do so we kind of have two half stacks right now uh that will be plenty to be honest I might just make them

    One thicker in the L it’s around about five ranks deep we’ll get these guys out on this flank we’ll get the screen wom in over here I suppose and then we’ve got a bunch of gav who will probably be useful at some point okay they are indeed over on the

    Hill that’s fine we can potentially turn them but it might just be a little bit awkward um and again much easier when you’ve got editing software the Britains are asking for it they really have been asking for it you know so we’re just going to wander over here and we’re

    Going to get ourselves into a position and then hopefully turn them at the very least the hill shouldn’t matter too much to be honest but I don’t want them to have a massive Advantage with it so we’ll just have to slowly get ourselves set up there now turn into face us and

    Okay then I’ll tur in further up the hill currently but it’s fine we’re uh we’re just going to frally see if we can do a little twisty tury and if nothing else we can make it kind of Fairly neutral on the hill up here so from here

    Hopefully we got this bit defended I don’t not really expecting this to go on the offensive I think what we probably do is we’ll gather our two armies together once they fended off these two Briton forces and from there we’ll decide how we divy it up so my Bria will

    Either be big enough the right size where we can occupy and move on and hopefully build the port quickly or just need to be care we’re actually kind of in range almost in range here so let’s just get our line set up first not quite

    In range but we can’t be far off it so let’s just be careful about that yeah and I think once we’ve beaten off these first two kind of little armies we should then potentially just try and get ourselves um a main Force together either from enslaving or

    From um just having cleared them out we should hopefully then be able to yeah send some of the population over to whichever Town it is that is going to get us a port and to be honest if we can take out these two kind of main Stacks

    Then we should be in a pretty good position to oh they are moving they are moving and to be honest I think we got time to get in position here we are largely okay so they might just start sending someone forward in which case we’re in a pretty

    Good position to sort all of that out they just going to shuffle on back okay Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle now the only problem with the Slingers and charging them down is that these chariots can cause our Cav a huge amount of problems so we just need to bear that in mind

    We’re nearly I don’t even need to be on top of the hill but I just the very least we’re looking more neutral now they are I think officially coming at me now so let’s just P oh I clicked off the game at the wrong time skirmishes seem

    To love at the moment being in a bad position so if you guys could get out of a terrible position that would be perfect great stuff right I don’t mind a few arrows from these guys because honestly one unit is not going to do a huge amount Slingers are pretty close

    They just going to run on in they’re not but their formation is getting wrecked by their chariots they’re just chopping them down technically it doesn’t technically there isn’t actually friendly fire from their own chariots but uh it can be amusing it can indeed be quite amusing I’m going to send the

    Actual gem out cuz I can at least tell him to blow the hle of Destiny if if we need to do that javelins if they can hit the Chariots do hit the Chariots because that’s the better Target um and might just be moving out of range there which is a shame

    Don’t move please just uh do whatever you can Cavalry might just be able to swing potentially we’re just going to keep this careful here we will of course win the Pok battle oh yeah there we are mop them up if we can get on top of them

    Kev get on top of them okay you guys just see if you can run into these oh I clicked off the game again this is what I’ve done left my cpet in the wrong place send the skirmishes back behind the lines cuz they’re going to do something stupid and get themselves

    Killed in a moment Slingers are getting themselves a little bit away from the Chariots but not enough to really be threatening to me the Slingers aren’t necessarily going to be brutal but I just want to make sure we don’t lose more than we need to here so they kind

    Of largely Mo this up but to be honest I’m kind of worried that they’re going to yeah break they are bit only on steady here so let’s be careful with all of that okay let’s defin we need to what are they doing they’re doing some very strange turning right now we’re

    Just going to turn around with them see what is going on are they running away I think they are running away Thomas okay um how are we going to chase them down get out of fank for a moment that was more than a moment on this um and run

    Them over there I think just Cavalry we can mop up any of this we should so yeah Cavalry just start moving chaplins are unfortunately this is not a good army for like running them down like this but if these guys any of them can get in a

    Position to do something then we will try and do it pull them into a battle they broken that’s excellent these can we just break them that would be lovely so these guys are going to get stuck in that we don’t want to do that Barbarian

    Cav are going to deal with them if we can get these guys ahead of that that’ll be perfect attack them blow the hor Destiny make sure the general isn’t too far into that but if we can just break that’s another break excellent that’s another break okay good they’re routing

    As or they yes yeah them trying to flee the battlefield does leave them around very low let’s just make sure this Cal gets on here and you wherever you are can deal with that okay lovely stuff most of this should go down it’s just the chariot’s going to escape not much I

    Can do about escaping to be honest but I’m quite happy with all of this get on top of as many of these as you can that’s a pretty good result All Things Considered it’s going to be a handful who get away but honestly not an awful

    Lot that was good if they’ send one unit back just to like or just sent the Chariots to cover the retreat they probably could have got all of their infantry out there but of course I guess the Chariots are actually the more valuable unit you really could have only

    Done a little bit of skirmish against us probably should have shot some arrows but I’ll take that it’s a pretty good opening encounter it’s giving us um yeah a little bit of experience on our C okay Victory and Glory he cannot reach the city but we are out of movement

    Point mainly because I think the general actually oh no there are some other other units back there now you can’t move any further so we’ll see if they come back this way in fact K that’s the only slight potential problem is they could join together I don’t think think

    The AI would do it but they could in theory I’m going to get peasants here just cuz anything would be probably a good idea right now oh they’re actually they’re actually quite expensive these War band aren’t they never really noticed uh 520 oh can’t quite afford it

    Fine we will get the peasants we will get the peasants and we’ll see how that goes fine let’s save this on up and end our turn I think it’s the same turn I sent the Diplomat around now I’m remembering the dipl mat lots and lots and lots because I am clever okay

    Enter see what happens SP spqr continuing to bribe us what a bad time to be a chariot it’s not the best time is it they are demanding I give them money excellent how about we just have trade rights thank you very much that was a very very sensible thing wasn’t it

    Give me some money for my maps skip only might have given you my maps already but hopefully you’ll give me a bucket they cannot match it fine no trouble with that no need to be allowed of them because they’ll be at war with the ghouls before long and that will be a

    Problem huh they have not crossed the bridge which allows me to at least control the bridge they’re buying up the Merks which is fine by me because they’re wasting their money although the AI will cheat for their money anyway they’ve now built up to well looks like

    A full stack it’s just a lot of trash fine so we’ll probably have to push our way through these guys but to be honest yeah I can control all of this so that is excellent okay I will happily do that and for some reason he wants to join it

    Okay so kuna who is sharp and Lively has of Druid plus one for the triops in the battlefield he doesn’t gain the uh Plus for attack this is nice we can snipe this off British light Chariot some Slingers this could be there’s some danger Here In fairness there’s a bit of

    Chariots a bit of Slingers got their own General chariots but with the two Army we should be in a pretty good position um I will save once again and even yeah allow the AI to control it if you go and save by the way th this

    Kind of gets reset even if it doesn’t look like it’s something worth bearing in mind of the exact 20 units so that’s perfect and let’s uh head on into one more with the Brits preemptive Victory s I’m going to move my glass away from my mouse this

    Time that smell is the enemy that smell is the Britton smelly smelly people so we have ourselves spot here now the reinforcements are coming in from behind which means I guess I shouldn’t even bother trying to set up in any flanking maneuver or any way of getting us

    Together I just need to let’s get the Skirmish on the left it might just hit a non Shield side or something um yeah bring these guys in nothing particularly clever here we’ll just do the same thing on both sides of the battlefield to be honest so Warriors have new Warriors have arrived

    We just keep this on the tighter side oh yeah actually they could come in and really just Slam at us if they wanted to but I think they going to get distracted only issue we have over here is if people enter the battlefield in a strange way so let’s just get those guys

    As a group because they are indeed a group and okay these Spears just need to get themselves that’s quite a wide line yeah get yourselves into a line get those skirmisher War band into that position get the loose women in loose formation and get our two general units

    Over there what’s going on over here by the way Barbarian Merks Barbarian Merks yeah okay fine they’re just getting infantry set up over here War band over there they’re keeping their Slingers and their Druids over here with their chariots which is probably sensible because I

    Can’t pick them off with a Cav that way fine this could be interesting but these infantry are pretty much asking to be murdered so there we go there’s uh this can just move forward don’t really know what those Barbarian Merks are doing but we’ll worry about that in a moment these guys

    Are getting themselves in position you guys could run that would be great news right what are they going to do then because This Is An Almighty sandwich for the Brits to be honest we might as well just send one V one situations going and you just sort of just fill the Gap in

    Between and be honest One V one I fancy had chances against these guys so yeah we’ll just start winning this part of the battlefield first CU this Army is definitely more solid to go and deal with that so I’m kind of all right with that situation although I might actually

    Just grab my Cavalry and just start sending it over there because yeah looks like they are going to all run over there okay I’m going to get these guys running yep get everyone running I need to go and check what’s going on over there as well so run everyone over here

    The Cav doing the same on this part of the battlefield it’s fine they’re just going to get themselves into the sandwich but are they just going to they’re just going to charge the general straight in oh I paus this at just the right moment excellent Chariot aoy oh

    Yes oh that never gets old it never gets old are they saying the sling is straight in oh God they are okay these guys just need to absolutely Pelt It Forward at these guys I think it might just all be over anyway but uh yeah just

    Get these guys running on in same with these units uh get these screeching women to Screech because that’s their job and the Cal C just get yourselves over here that’s excellent okay lovely stuff some of them are turning around some of them are turning around but to be honest I don’t think

    That’s going to end very well for them they’re all routing that’s perfect there are none of those chariots left that is just so so fun okay we’ll leave that line as it is some that so they’re now fanasy the chance get this Army this Army fanasy it chance against that army

    That is kind of funny um we’ll just run these guys into a position these Cav do just need to maybe just swing out to this flag for a minute this is a very very bizarre battle the AI is making some uh I would suggest foolish choices um do we have do we have

    The Slingers are they routing Druids ran in as well these guys ran in as well okay we just bring these C over to the flank but honestly it’s probably not needed okay get these C out to position here these guys are all just running through us um didn’t even have the Pikes down

    But this is just so excellent um they’re routing still um kind of breaking up our formation as they do it but you you know it’s all fine and dandy um let’s just get the calf to swing on in at this point honestly that’s absolutely fine you going deal with them you go deal

    With them and it’s just like the one unit now this guy there we are that is an absolute Massacre mainly because the AI is an absolute full but we’ll take it right javelins please don’t bother javelin in anymore and I think yeah we can just there’s lots of screaming women um lot

    Of screaming you’d expect it to be these Briton men but no it’s mostly the the women screaming there we go did these wom even get to scream no oh they get to scream let’s hear Paul a scream yes scream PA and there we are so we’ll uh mop these guys up there might

    Be a few who somehow walk through all these Pikes but I think to be honest we’ve mopped them all up what an absolute Massacre Barbarian fexes yes the best of all the units so we get these guys to make sure every last unit goes down of course I

    Think one back there I think I did send some Cavalry in that direction but apparently someone did slip through the net just a little bit um yeah very slow we’ll get there one day and this is where I normally cut but uh yes I said

    That as if I was about to cut and I can’t so there we are right well this is an excellent start for the brittons or not for the britons but against the britons it is oh it’s just magnificent if there was a thumbnail this would be it I mean there is a

    Thumbnail but uh it is not going to be that there we are uh a couple Lads over at the back have got away there we are he can tell the story so clear Victory some experience gained for one of my generals but mostly we gain experience of foolish AI

    Choices there’s my victory sip they cease to exist and I’ve left a massive open door to Trio excellent but I can put these two forces together and swing on over to the britons send a few back sword Bearer that’s always nice to have that’s presumbly to the actual General is it

    Yep faction a with a sword Bearer not too bad and enemy Army routes recruitment report don’t worry about that Shrine to wen in Trier that’s good we can get some a little bit more experience from our recruitment okay trade rights with the julii let’s butter them up and then

    Let’s make them pay again I don’t know if they end up sharing and I’m not going to be able to sell anything to anyone else an alliance would be better but they’re going to give me money well fine I’ll take the alliance but I’ll break it

    As soon as you attack the GS to be honest so that’s an alliance for no particular reason luckily DEA haven’t seemed to have moved which is good it buys me more time that’s kind of what I need right now but I will at the very least least send these men in that

    Direction send you back over here to Lava marvelous stuff and overall we now have a bit of money which is nice so thank you Romans um I’ll build a Trader because I might as well Trier is I’m using up my my population here I really

    Need that to grow as well in time so we just need enough to get us to to get these early moves done and then we can worry about growth but I will build farms wherever I can or need to Trader will help as well damn that’s our money gone but it

    Is at least getting our peasants nearer to that border to get it over the line excellent so more of our money is been well spent we could afford a road or a Watch Tower or a wall build the wall we’ll need it eventually might as well have something um actually possibly

    Better to get the Warriors hold over in this part of the world so yes let’s do that Warriors hold over here we’re going to need need troops on the border now unless he has plenty of troops that’s potential problem if we’re not careful but currently I think we are okay so

    We’ll just continue to save on up with all this end our turn and the britons are having to wander over in this direction but nothing doing right now they’ve got a full stack over there which leaves me in an interesting position because I want to take them

    On but I don’t really want to take on a full City like that five turns to surrender so that’s actually probably what we’re going to be going for here um merge them together now what do we have we have faction leader who obviously we might as well be sending

    Along action a would be a good plan because he’s got lots of men as well and we’ll bring that guy so this guy can stay behind in battle dorum that’s not the worst idea you get yourselves here we could do with a tiny bit more money just to get

    That over the line but of course we can’t um trade rights will you just give me will you give me 15 for trade rights is that fine give me 15 then I can build a watchtower yeah yay we can build a watchtower now we’ll offer trade uh map information give us some

    Money please do that that cannot be matched they probably will just get angry at me if I try and offer anything else after they’ve uh rejected that so we’ll head towards a quink we’ll click on that DCI Army we’ll at least follow them into the Mists of time wherever

    They end up going General join up over here 121 they’ve got experience we can clear out those Rebels excellent Egypt and the cits are at War shock horror and nothing too important apart from l s gets itself A Warrior’s hold we now have too many troops for the amount of

    Territory or the amount of actually developed territory that we have we do at least have ourselves a tower over here perfectly down to zero money we will go and put this under siege we have a couple units over there might send a general over there as well actually would be a

    Terrible plan and the rest of the Empire is just hoping that no one gives us a poke we are though completely out of the Moola so there we are excellent aha we have Goan shakach I hope I’m pronouncing that somewhere near right looks presumably some Turkish letter in it

    There is that correct welcome to the militia hotlights welcome my friend thank you for joining the Anarchy and uh end of turn report if the um yes we we we we kind of struggling with with with money right now we’re on zero but other than that I feel very very very happy

    With how we’re going so far thank you for joining the clan so we’ll end our turn we’ll see if anything is going to happen and DEA having a chat that’s good news cuz I was only way to them yeah trade right and map information okay so they

    Have taken preet up to the north it’s interesting now I could offer an alliance with them which I feel like might be an interesting thing I won’t do it immediately but I’ll keep it in mind because I quite like to keep control of that situation now okay Briton for that’s

    Interesting now obviously it’s better to have them stuck in the city but I could actually just go and swing into the fort instead I can get past I’m going to go here and just threaten them but we’ll see you need to try this goody didn’t die and at least

    Now he’s getting experience he should have a better chance of getting into the next place um lovely stuff near enough mate yes excellent I will take it I like the old games indeed terrible spot for a fort it’s not the best spot for a for it should be said um it’s pretty well

    Guarded that bit of the forest isn’t it right not in a well a money is kind of in the toilet because we have a huge amount of troops out on the field and no infrastructure at all we do have some roads and we do have some Towers so I’m

    Actually quite H for Pete’s sake I misclicked there as you can probably tell um fine we’ll deal with those Rebels next time I suppose um over here watched out we could just get one more Watchtower down actually so we’ll build that over there Dam get itself another peasant send them

    Over the Border I mean to be honest if we have some beli we’ll probably be able to build a port before too long or at the very least yeah we need him in the town to make sure that we are sending the enslave Lads over there so that will

    Be good news so I I’m tempted you know to actually put this under siege and I could probably still have enough troops to go and put the actual city under siege there’s a chance that might work simply because these fexes are so Superior to theirs and if they want to

    Walk out of a fort they’re going to be not in the best position I can kind of pin them in a little bit that could be fun okay we are basically on zero money but that aside I’m quite happy with our work so far Greek Diplomat excellent will you buy my trade

    Trade rights for an absurdly low Watch Tower fee they want money how about we just trade sir everyone is mutually benefited from that let’s have some map information monies 1,600 I have a little bit of land why not except it is generous and fair lovely everyone thinks I am most

    Marvelous and we’ll continue to swing over to him the Das are very aware that we have nothing to defend this territory which is potentially a problem we will send general over here because potentially this spot I’m not sure that’s the best we’ll see but that

    Should at least give us a bit of room to see over here towards Naran which it’s long as I get the buff the Romans I’m kind of happy but I also don’t want to get pulled into a war by having a border with them so that’s something we need to

    Bear in mind we did a bit of money now that we just went and spoke to our Greek friends so no only for the master field there we’re trying to actually yeah gain um oh don’t want that thank you yeah we’re just trying to sort things out for now we’re trying to gain

    Population so yeah tonti akum can just continue to send some troops across the border it’s got a decent enough population for the time being I’m okay with that land clearance to grow L size that really does need to grow F Mar man could probably do it as well so we will

    Just spend our money on some Farms it’s good for the general early game uh money so that’s fine we end our turn again nothing really doing a lot of troops in LS here by the way not so happy about that but oh okay so what do we want to do here I can

    Send this has just got another unit in it hasn’t it I think oh another General as well okay we probably need three or four of these I’d probably say four of these the question then is can those six hold this lot you know what fors only take three turns this takes five they’re

    Not going to recruit any units out of it and I fancy I can beat them in the field anyway so I think we’ll just attack the town the gates are open the gates are open so we have an open gate two chariots and two of those I think we

    Just head on him before we do that though let’s make sure things are as we need them to be so um yeah so vanas you’re in that City any other generals actually in a town pretty much no I think they’re all in that Army aren’t they um you are poking

    Around there it’s just lava uh actually no he’s out here right now well well well well well well that’s probably about right actually because then we can send all the slaves straight over to bat vorum and that will get us the ability to grow it and get the port

    Because this is probably not too far off yeah it’s actually it’s actually further behind it’s actually doing worse well that’s perfect then we can send the slaves over there and that will set us up perfectly okay I was originally planning on like swinging straight over to London but as it turns out they’ve

    Been a bit aggressive and yeah they’ve been fairly aggressive and I don’t have a boat so we’ll head on in this is not fun opportunity so bre be yours that Fort will be taken yes exactly this is going to work out beautifully now the gates being open is

    Fine because it’s only a basic War know we did not for this war so how many towers are there there’s one there that’s potentially going to shoot us occasionally but other than that we’re fine this is a straighter path bit of an awkward one actually over here

    As well what about this side how are we doing this is a little bit of a more straightforward walk up to the plaza that might be what we go for actually kind of like this side assuming yes we do indeed have that there’s a tower

    There we just need to be a little bit careful of walking between Towers but we’ll grab four of our Lads fairly you know what yeah we we’ll grab a three here here bit wider and another three oh this is excellent this is just what we needed right we need to

    Make sure I think Briton won’t have much left actually after this we don’t want to send all of this over to Britannia um really want to make sure that we are defended against a potential GIC backstab because I I don’t trust any AI on R Total War who have we left

    Behind one horse high horse right this should be good we have some War band and a warlord at the gate so we are I’m going to say let’s go three and we’re just going to get ourselves in a kind of position like that that’ll be fine now the only

    Problem is actually literally walking through the gate if they can manage to pull it off so I might have to make a column so actually what I might do is I grab these guys one of the rare times ever we’re going to group them we’re actually going to pick a um a

    Column so there we are we are going to create a really awkward to line up column ah there’s too many units in this column I never use these preset formations okay good good good good good good and uh we can get moving General General General let’s just get you guys

    Behind let’s just get some javes in position oh they’re actually just going to come out I think they’ve just I think it’s just a pathfinding at actually but I they have come out um okay interesting I’m going to get these three just a little bit more like this

    And I want to get these javelins kind of right behind them actually and see if we can just cause some chaos screeching women not in the worst position that column is not quite right this Chariot is still in a fun position um but actually if we can poke one we’ll pull

    The whole unit out here into Pikes McGee excellent oh straight into Pikes McGee and hopefully they’re going to follow are they following not yet weren’t quite teased by that but the war band seemed to have gone slightly insane okay so can we try and get these guys lined up to walk through almost

    Almost that looks pretty good yeah we might have actually about to get these guys to walk on through that would be nice okay we’ll just we’ll just get some uh little vshape at the gate here just to make sure anyone who comes out doesn’t cause any problems but you my

    Javelins run yourself over there and I reckon you’ve got a shot at them why not throwing some javelins over the little breach there I reckon you might be able to pull these guys out we shouldn’t be in range of that Tower right now and that should be good to hit

    These come on Frozen javelins there’s a few awful javelins coming in they might get teased out by it I hope they do um let’s see how they reacting to that they’re just running away okay that’s fine you guys stay there that is absolutely fine these guys you can walk

    In there are you going to stay in your formation they are in column we just need to get one unit in the thing is actually they’re a little bit away all right we we we might unfallen and run people in but we’ll just see how this unit goes they

    Should react to get in the walls here they come no reaction yet okay they are potentially going to wander their way into the war band okay I’m just going to get them out of fex oh no they’ve just they chose at moment to run at us okay we are now

    Somewhat out of position because the the game instantly responded to me moving out of formation but I think we’ll be okay let’s just get these screeching women into this position and they can do a bit of screeching you my good s are going to slightly struggle the the start

    But just get your Pikes back down Pikes back down there we go I think you’re fine wom me debuff debuff them debuff them okay we’re going to get these guys to just run on in hopefully they’re not going to be too stupid but it’ll be fine um javins might

    Just be able to do some help over here these guys have formed up in the strangest angle let’s just get a bit of running the only problem when you’ve got the the gate like this is that yes you can have a few issues just um getting

    Men into the position you want them to these guys are just going to run through our own fanks okay maybe maybe don’t do that maybe maybe don’t okay well it broke them do you do that turns out they’re better at this game than me excellent work javelins can

    Probably stop javelin in at this point um all the best technical terms of English here today so at this point then I suppose you might as well just form up nice and quick grab ourselves a couple more just to block this side and I think once we’re in the gate we should

    Be in L good position just to yeah block any and everything up if they know how to actually like you know Pike so be good and pokey pokey pokey all of the Chariots well done okay I think we might have just managed to get through the Gateway that’s what we need now some

    Chariots might bug their way through here that shouldn’t happen but it might so just in case because s the game I’m going to go and block that up anyway so love it okay couple FES on FX can refx perfect formation yes but we managed to do that

    Just about okay in the end um we can go and bring everyone else in at this point there’s a the column formation didn’t end up being that helpful but it was something it was something so bring in the next few and I would say are they just wondering

    They are just wondering these three can be in pipe formation now we should be in a very very good position just get everyone else running who isn’t already doing so and these guys are going to be very slow of course but all is fine uh chariots are indeed wandering over here

    It’s not a very good plan this guy is out of position so I guess that is at least sensible if they want to kill one man but uh this is a warlord throwing himself to his death which I suspect we’re going to see a fair amount of in

    This and probably the next episode where we finish off the brittons cuz I don’t think they’re going to be put up too much of a fight based on what’s happened so far in this campaign so down goes General this is the proper General it is indeed have we lost anyone I’m not sure

    We lost anyone in that I wasn’t actually looking at the numbers but that is excellent work so with that one done we can probably start to grab the rest of them and get ourselves in the next position there we are a lovely okay this might just take a little while of just

    Managing all these units frankly but I think we’re doing okay get these in behind there’s a few more javs on these skirmishes to be fair we can make use of that and we really don’t need all these blocking this flank we probably need we can leave two over here to be

    Fair cuz we got so many men that we don’t actually need to uh use them all for this affair so we’ll just yeah get get this guy over here at this point I think we should have most of them getting into the town and we can start wandering forward the G’s already gone

    Which is excellent so let’s plot on in okay uh yes how we doing in the chat perfect formation as I said It reminds me of the Romans I want to do the column I think yeah the column was a little bit awkward but um you know it worked it’s

    Just sometimes you just want to try and walk into the town inform formation and we just got one k at the point where they decide to charge or they charge at the point where we got OneKey which is pretty much the same thing this unit is a little bit injured which probably

    Means I should hold it back but I think we got such a good situation here that we don’t need to worry about it so I’m just going to send these guys like that you can stay in behind if you want lad block all over that side of things get

    The javelins make sure they’re all off Skirmish we can leave our Cavalry back here that’s fine caval is kind of happy I think actually just lose formation what did I do I pressed C interesting I kept doing that on the uh on the other campaign as well the fation one I think

    It’s just something here when I’m playing on the live stream I end up doing that by accident okay we are just see them setting themselves up there’s some War band up there and there’s another general of course let’s just speed this up we do have the time on but we’ve got ample time

    So we can get these guys to be honest we are going to walk into them doing this so hopefully we stay vague in information they’re going to charge down okay so they will do a bit of damage simply because of the Hill do you want

    To stop and like kill them it’s a good thing there’s this unit in behind stop and kill them stop and kill them they’re right there why are they not reacting to the unit okay you can keep on moving that’s fine okay that was a little bit strange

    Um right well the Fes have managed to do some very stupid FY but you know job mostly done I guess oh dear skirmishes can you come and come and get some Javelin support in for them that would be lovely screeching women can come and stand in behind as

    Well they need to do a bit more screeching and I think in general these guys have largely got themselves in the position that they need to there we are yeah that actually that actually works pretty well keep on doing that they broken again down goes the other General

    And we are essentially now ready to get to the plaza okay so screeching women are doing their work javelins yeah get yourself into position javelins you can throw into them that should at least pull them off the plaza and that should be simple enough to go

    And finish this all up so off they run and off they get poked lovely stuff okay we are about to take our first Briton City it’s our first foreign conquest of the day I blame them for their many foreign invasions they are brittons I guess that makes sense um

    Against so stupid cuz aing CHS not f is so satisfying it is very satisfying indeed isn’t it I forgot quite how enjoyable it is just going to speed this up to be honest because I think I think I think we kind of know how this goes if

    They do decide I mean they’re just about stay staying on the Plaza here so they are just about fighting maybe should be an inch further back than where I am but yeah it’s absolutely fine we don’t even need to send the generals in on this occasion it is funny how effective the

    Chariots are in in AI under the auto resolve particularly when you do the AI only timelapse stuff and then when you actually go into battle they just throw themselves into Poes and die it’s kind of quite amusing so they are very slowly getting themselves killed might just get

    Them to come and Pike from the side and close it down there’s about four left but we’ll continue finishing them off and with that clear Victory lovely stuff most of the losses there were in the immediate assault I think weren’t they just trying to break through the Gateway

    Okay so we’re going to enslave that’s about 600 that will be the town expandium B of adorm we can’t afford it okay hopefully next turn we can afford it um I don’t know how our finances are says we can but to be honest I think there’s probably a farm that we don’t

    Need ah okay we actually clicked on that last turn okay fine we can’t quite do that yet this boat has no troops on it so the fort is still theirs of course but I can leave potentially is that happy just about I’m going leave one of the screeching women because we don’t

    Really need both to do the job we’re just going to put it under siege I actually don’t want the Rams but you know what it disrupts their formation a bit if they run through them so we’ll keep we’ll build them anyway R expands famous warrior um for our minus we don’t really

    Want him to be keeping that for long we want to pass it on but I suspect yes quite a few of us have famous Warriors at this point yes all three of them do so there is no one to pass it on to so anyone who’s worried about that that

    Nothing much to worry about we can’t do anything about it so it is what it is vanas now that you have overseen the slave distribution in batt of vorum you can head over to trer which is probably a good idea uh in the shortterm 2,200 we can probably turn the attack

    Right now yay we can actually have attack from one of our towns lovely stuff we need to clear off these Bobs you might be slightly annoying only have one fance here so H doesn’t actually fancy our chances don’t be controlled by the AI might as well save up where we

    Are and yes they’ be control but there let’s head on in let’s clear them out okay I think to for today we’re going to just kind of uh solidify our Holdings here in uh in what you want toall it in our Germanic territories that will be perfect and we’ll worry about the

    Britons next time so for now uh yeah we’ll head on into this battle we’ll clear them out so seem to have lost the game for a minute there we are and back in the game we’ll clear these guys out and hopefully then we can yeah secure German territories make sure that the ghouls

    Are going to backstab us we have a lovely Hill here that’s beautiful three is as thin as I’m willing to go to be honest I’m willing to charge down the hill here at these peasants and you know what the Barbarian Cav might as well do a job as well I

    Might just need them to do we want four probably want them to be four deep to be go four ranks please that’ll be better and Cav can just line themselves up here okay this is potentially just going to be a little bit awkward but should be fine you said you just walk

    Towards that middle Unit K normally reacts to you actually telling them to attack a specific unit they do normally respond to that I do need the general hopefully to be dealt with he’s going to go deal with the peasants actually I wouldn’t mind him going to deal with the

    Peasants you think he’s just keeping an eye on them yeah go and go and attack him nice and slow but they’ll probably respond to that okay you guys pmel into them give us a nice big double charge you hit them General blow the hor of Destiny don’t get yourself killed please

    Steve and that’s a double route instantly and that unfortunately wasn’t the unit that they were currently facing so we’re just going to have to swing into those War band and clear them out but that should the very least be these couple units dealt with nice and early get rid of them they’re also

    Routing you y General’s just going to get himself caught on on my units let’s just pull them out try and get this guy into there General pull out to the hill didn’t quite get him pins there which is annoying but it’s fine the Barbarian Cav might go down we’ll try and pull them

    Out of there if at all possible that Rebel General was 23 men still uh they did break which is a little bit irritating but at this point the pike should the very least be able to come on ah we just need the Pikes to put into them just run behind the Pikes

    And they’ll hopefully get themselves killed there we go Pikes right a little bit awkward I thought it might be because these Rebel generals are generally quite irritating but our C hopefully will come back into this battle currently they’re not um even though the rebels are which is quite

    Irritating we’ll slowly walk towards the General’s trying to regroup his chats which is probably for the yeah probably a sensible decision just get yourselves up on this hill you’re going to get yourselves there G’s going to don’t really know what’s happening with this guy right now

    Blow the Hall of Destiny and swing on in okay we’re in the back of that General our general is at the rear we’re still walking towards the general with the Infantry and we’ve done it okay lost some of our C but to be honest it’s fine

    We’ll be able to retrain them by the time anything notable happens in this part of the World Slightly awkward set of Barbarians here or Rebels I should say in this case so we’ll mop them up the The Peasants are finally arrived useless swine late late to the battle

    And there’s this one unit he just needs to go down click on them please excellent right I think our plan at this point is we’re going to swing on to yeah we need to build our port and I think next time we’re very to end up taking on the britons not the best

    Battle in the world but job done so we gained ourselves a sword Bearer excellent bit of extra Val for our general possibly a bit wasted over here but it might be that we do need someone in this part of the world to deal with civia in time VI Mar man might

    Be a better place but actually this goofy is actually quite a rich settlement potentially um it’s growing quite fast I’ll just turn up the tax rate a little bit but we do need to find a way of spreading our men around here so we’ve got three turns until they surrender We

    Have basically no money so let’s not worry about that our Diplomat is wandering off in this direction might find someone just the Brut guy been looking at for a while and the DS just hovering very interesting very interesting indeed well we’ll walk over in this direction go and speak to the

    Likes of th and cyia okay and the general over here as he made his way back he’s about to make his way back to the city excent end ATT um I think we have enough in trer to at least put off an immediate attack no no

    No no no the area always loves to offer ceasefire when it knows it’s in big trouble but they are going to S forth this peasants were the MVP of that battle they absolutely were okay this is probably like Britain’s Last Stand I know they have like these settlements left about Ireland probably not

    Considering um the units that they’ve sent over here now this isn’t a bad set of troops they might actually lose the generals come to think of it in the pink and bloody is a very nice combination but not when you run into Pikes so they’re going to have that problem they

    Have a lot of troops and actually they can probably just we might to be a slightly thin line but if they’re coming out of the fort then we’re not in the worst position the Ali very rarely actually do anything from a for so this is kind of fun I like

    It thank goodness the a is stupid yes read that I’m not ready need to make a game like game show like are you smarter than the fifth grade and he said are you smarter than R Total War AI it has its moments of cleverness that was not one

    Of them that was most certainly not one of them okay so drop the Rams all of these guys now I don’t want to get too close to those Towers but how thin do we want to go getting close to the towers isn’t the worst thing in the world to be honest

    But I think we’ll do something like that to begin with we need the Skirmish of War band we’ll focus them on this side more anything else that’s perfect one scratch and women over fairly Central but we’ll put them slightly on that side and then C can quite frankly just get

    Themselves here they are just sending one to run straight at me at full speed these guys can just run for a moment we’ll just see what they do um are we in position they are charg at the one position where we’re not in position to be honest but I think they’ve decided

    It’s a bad idea so excellent excellent excellent excellent they are running back what are they doing they’re coming out like all the different Gates as a general rule they can come to me cuz I’m I’m excellent defensive position I wouldn’t mind pinning them as they come but to be honest it’s not

    Really worth with with with the towers and all of that I might though now that we are vaguely set up he says didn’t actually touch the Cavalry I think just shuffling just a little bit forward although as I say the tower is potentially don’t want to get too close

    Because we want to charge people down if we get too close but I might just be able to tease them if we uh start wandering so so so so so so G is out there there over there maybe just maybe we need to shuffle along just shuffle along like this see

    What they want to do I think they’re mainly just Gathering their troops to be honest but I just don’t want them to be too wide too far out wide I think the G is coming out to be safe cuz the Cavalry tends to come out of one flank we might

    Get a little bit of a poke of there like chariots I can’t remember was it just a barbarian warlord interesting interesting indeed got some peasants they are shuffling around which means they’re running over all of their own men with the Chariots they now moved over to that side they’re

    Just getting everyone out that’s fine I’m not going to get any closer because of the towers they can run into me I think I don’t want to be any thinner I think about five deep is probably four the best we’ll see what they do Rome Victor well Rome might well

    Do plenty of good work before we get to them but uh I don’t think they’ll be involved particularly in this live stream campaign involved in the uh in the inevitable epilog at the end of it I would suggest okay um women you might want to start a screeching I’m actually

    Going to get these guys to run over here cu the Chariots are here and if they want to if the Char actually I did want to be have the Rams in front to blunt their charge didn’t I that was the whole point stop this oh well they’re just going to

    Run on in and they’re going to rout I suspect very quickly indeed so are they actually getting any flanking Maneuvers on now Goes The Chariot once again if they stood around there we could have Javelin but yes we don’t need to Javelin apparently we’re going to break them all pretty much

    Instantaneously might just get my Cavalry actually you know what just not the generals just actually these guys just to run on through and Chase as many as they can yes that is excellent they’re going to be gold chevron at the end of this okay we’ll just plug this

    Gate up I think with our Cav and that should mop up most of them uh chariots are coming out though Thomas so maybe we’ll just run through actually c c c c c c they will run down their own men which will be funny but I don’t

    Actually want my my CF killed so uh we’ll just let them come and run in again and die it’ll be amusing so just get back behind the lines it’s absolutely fine once these guys once they’re dead we can mop them up that’s fine so they’re now dead it’s

    Just going oh what happened there how did this happen I don’t know how this happened someone it was probably screaming it in the chat but there we are okay run on in there’s one bit of damage they’re going to achieve but unfortunately for them we’re immediately going to slam it

    Okay well that one that one little flanking didn’t last very long did it but it was a well pulled off well done sir so we’ll just send the Cav to be honest I can probably send the G at least to these ones will’ll be more aggressive with these

    Cav but the gals might as well do some of that job you guys can just join the line that’s absolutely fine you get out of there charge on the war band and that’s fine let’s get their calf back over here getting back behind the line oh they broken anyway that’s kind

    Of funny let’s just charge into them cuz I think they’re going to break instantaneously get yourselves over here if there’s no chariots we can just break them all yeah they’re broken get your swords bloody today Lads I think you’re going to have a fun day there’s a just the one there who didn’t

    Break yeah they’re just they’re just stuck in a cycle now okay that’s fun let’s get these guys out here there are some War band who potentially could po us if they wanted to but I think we’ll be fine well this is a nice Massacre once again isn’t it nice old Massacre

    Right now they’re broken so we can run after them that should mean these last few units gets stuck at the Gateway once more yay that’s perfect you know what I’m going to send them behind the line they can run forward we need them all to kind

    Of come out at a similar time because otherwise there’s always going to be a few regrouping on the Plaza so we will just get them back over there run behind the line okay so with the brittons essentially dead this better not be a general by the way it’s one of the General’s bodyguard

    Get out of the num see okay at the very least they can now run forward we might actually have to go and finish this battle though there is a time limit how often do you see a fort battle by the way very very rare a lovely lovely thing

    Let’s just start getting the Infantry actually just walking towards them because at this point we might as well to be honest and the Cav can just pile on in probably yeah I think we’re just going to do that now just just just hide on him oh they shut the gate on

    Us okay all infantry just they’re now wait so maybe we do control it or do they control it it says it’s theirs but they’re not able to get out very strange okay let’s get off loose formation I think I think it’s bugging out can we can we Ram the can we Ram

    This with these Lads behind it we’re going try they don’t know how a gate works you definitely have control of this gate utter numpties right well they seem to have completely lost their minds which is amusing um let’s not worry about these guys right we’ll send the ram to the

    Gates I assume the ram can still do the job sometimes it doesn’t like that kind of thing but I think we’re fine yep they’re going to batter down those oh that’s excellent will they get injured as we smash this down 60% we we’ll uh what are we on to

    70 we’ll we’ll speed it up in just a little bit okay 80% 90% we’re going to Splatter these men to the depths of the earth no is the answer they’ve worked their way through though send the Infantry forward we’ve open open the gates for all you’re all

    Free to die a happy death now Lads so with that we should be in a good position hopefully to mop up all of this send the Infantry to come and push through the open Gates and they will break instantaneously okay fine let’s just get these guys in here like this it’s fine we’ll

    They’ll break as soon as they touch us so I don’t think we’re going to lose anyone by doing this it just seems like a more amusing way to finish this off let’s get everyone into position and the time would eventually run down but we can get some good

    Practice by walking into them so I guess we’ll do that in a moment lovely stuff right um let’s just grab the three units who are in this position get yourselves forward thank you very much uh maybe just start walking towards them something like that there we go can you

    Get yourselves off yeah there we are into Pike that’s right we’ll just we we’ll take some losses doing this but uh it’s fine we’ll get some good experience out of it and we’ll just get everyone else to slowly plot into it and break for our own fanks just to make the point

    That we can win this any way which way we want lovely so few men lost there but honestly virtually nothing to take in a whole Fort 2% excellent I think that’s all it is we’re going to go take this over and I am very very happy with that

    We have blown our way through them and it’s just good to get the britons out of the way isn’t it just brilliant okay it still says the britons exist so that’s nice betray V Fe for um that’s got too many vows in a row it reminds me of trying to learn

    French um there we are D fras are now at War interesting to know pontis and the slay War Macedonia and the bruti are allies okay construction report we have ourselves a couple Farms we have ourselves a bit more money now by the way as well our has gained a veteran

    Warrior he’s picking up all the things in his old age um another a veteran Warrior but you already have that as well famous warrior veteran Warrior does this guy have both of those he doesn’t have the veteran Warrior okay well that’s lovely so we’re going to

    Move here that Fort is pointless so I’m just going to leave it hopefully no one takes it over this does give me a second territory to yeah I have to worry about the ghouls with but that’s really weak and unesia if they ever stab in the back

    This should be very very nice to have under my control so at position now we have a bit of money build ourselves that that will be excellent uh um I would say just retrain to be honest we actually don’t need to worry about any of the other retraining

    Stuff we’ll just use up the population to retrain oh do we want to retrain all of that we’ll bleed this dry um you know what will we train a few of the units who’s got the most experience any of them got any particular experience a few of them do

    So 108 year have experience 109 115 okay let’s prioritize those and then we’ve got a couple others who are all kind of untrained okay it doesn’t have a huge population anyway so that’s fine in fact yeah actually haven’t looked at it it was already quite low because we just

    Enslaved it so you might as well just continue with that I will send these peasants then over to that territory instead CU I never actually released them over here and that put us in a much better position we are still a bit short on money Trader in our Capital you know

    What it has quite a lot of land borders it is bordered with 1 2 3 four five six that’s quite a lot so we’ll build that and lav SC that should be enough to get you a wall which is probably for the better I’ve just clicked off the game

    And I’ve lost control of everything okay I’m back I I I figured out what I’m doing right so L SCE has itself a new benefactor chap I think to be honest you can move Westward how old is this guy by the way 35 he’s fine he’s on the border that’s

    Where he needs to be because goofy also has men there that’s where we want to send the next batch of slaves I think because it’s pretty good settlement if you can get it built up now we are four turns away from our Port so we’ll end

    Our turn we’ll just get ourselves in a position where we can uh have an idea of what we’re trying to do uh last peton do you still consider playing to war Empire we are indeed playing to war Empire uh next Monday we’ve got a new series starting of that uh I will

    Say I’ve I’m not I you know I consider myself very experienced of Rome in Medieval 2 I very much know what I’m doing much don’t know what I’m doing with medievals uh with Empire sorry so with Empire don’t expect any expertise but I’m going to be

    Playing it and seeing if we can have a bit of fun so yes we will be playing that next week um on Monday Thursday we W have Friday video this week we’ve got um Thursday instead I’m just going to finish off the th epilog so uh we have

    That coming up uh but yes Empire next week and I think what I’m going to start doing is doing two episodes for the series a week it might mean that we maybe do like Friday videos like every other Friday those videos can take quite a lot of

    Time and I don’t like um rushing them because I feel like you know because obviously said I’m going to do them every Friday but I think what I might do is um just uh try and get the series out a little bit more because I feel like sometimes the series gets stretched over

    Quite a long period of time so we’re going to start having two episodes a week for the series uh that’s the plan going forward so in effect we actually gain an episode a week um or every two weeks we’re gain an episode on the channel but um yes we’ll have two

    Episodes a week Monday Thursday and then it’ll be alternative Fridays for a little while I think I’m just going to try out that little change to the schedule um that’s kind of my idea anyway so you my good so can head over to the capital we could probably do with

    Someone in that direction untruthful that’s unfortunate I say unfortunate it’s actually plus one right now and I I’m a feeling it goes bad over time wooden Palisade nice those are L Merks actually could probably very very helpful with our army to kind of get around our Pikes and give us some more

    Options very nice vanas to have you over here in Tria that makes me feel a lot more happy about that situation yeah no one’s taking Leon yet that’s interesting we’re in a good place there you’re doing a great job thank you James Sila I feel like yes this is going pretty well so

    Far can’t argue with that let get the Spy over here londinium has some troops but not a huge amount would Palisade there’s a port we know that of course one more turn in this part of the world how we going to spend our money I would

    Say a farm there is a good plan uh we’re building the road there already so we don’t need to get anything else vorum needs set the port next time when we have the opportunity L SC I would say on the border here we are going to need we’ll get Wen

    Cuz that’s plus three experience eventually Berserkers will be good but that might be more of a larum thing because yeah Gothic C come out of those eventually so we’ll do that I actually don’t want to build the roads just yet I don’t really want to encourage the my

    Enemies get in there Desa Desa Desa don’t want to chat to you right now probably not not really got anything to chat to them about to be fair and how are we doing every other sound is fairly quiet to be honest okay what are we going to do in terms of our

    Forces here I’m going to send my veteran Warrior over to that young lad so he can pick up a new retinue and to be honest the turncoat slave might as well be handed over to the faction here but they both already have famous warrior we

    Can’t make any use of that we are going to send I’m going to leave do I want to take the faction leader with me he’s old he might as well continue to fight to be honest we’ll leave that guy behind with them um the town’s happy enough so let’s

    Not worry about that yeah it’s stupidly happy so we’ll just send them here to be threatening I actually obviously don’t have a port just yet but we’ll have it in a moment so and our turn again I want to pretty much set up for the invasion next time oh they’ve actually sent a

    Force oh there we are there’s the leader dime that’s a shame okay we’re going to have to go and snipe off this Force as it lands neutral F what what did you do g g g g g g and there’s some men in my territory well this turned around quicker than I anticipated

    Okay so we’re obviously going to immediately declare war again because they’ve just landed in my territory it’s one it’s one thing okay it’s one thing that we technically have peace because you’re now allies with an ally and so I’ve declared ceasefire with you but you’ve done just landed in my territory it was

    Just your territory you just landed in my territory sir what an UT atit okay well we’re going to immediately stab them um in the back um which will of course probably annoy the ghouls but I don’t really mind being at war with them to be honest we’ll just maybe should build a

    Palisade what Temple is this this is wooden so plus two we might as well get that built actually actually not a terrible plan and oh yeah sorry we need the port first and foremost so yeah we need to scrap that the port is obviously the key thing here we’ll keep the money

    Back CU we might want it in a turn or two construction report a few things that we built Bor is obviously the most important one and elsewhere nothing too intriguing okay um send the General back over there probably should be leaving a tower actually I might send him out for a

    Tower next time no issues there you my good sir you were heading towards Dam Nation so we’ll send you in that direction uh lava yeah we’re still safe over here cuz we’ve got Rebels territories On the Border we’ve got the towers to have some idea not complete visibility up here but it’s unlikely

    Anyone’s going to come other than this road so we need to worry about that we can actually see that it’s still Rebels so we’ve got enough visibility to see it the civian haven’t taken that over just yet this town’s a little bit unhappy now uh because obviously population has been

    Growing so damn you can just get one more and at that point then are you happy even if I send him out they’re happy enough so we’ll just wander him off in that direction okay so we need to go and deal with these guys yes we’re going to do that

    War Alliance and tatters is it us it’s them thank you ghoul stay loyal to your friends so they bought up all the mercs again cuz they are desperate we will just continue to add zeros to the safe file here want to get myself to the position where I have my port okay

    Um I see there’s been quite a bit in the chat in between okay doing a great job um Empire is a reason you don’t play rry mastered actually we do discuss that at the start of the Stream So if you uh catch up at the start of the stream

    Later then I do explain all that there uh glad I C the stream live have to catch up with a part I miss later indeed casy yes that was definite downgrade I hope a mods it back to the original somay yeah as we discussed at the start there are some positive some negatives

    To the remaster it does a lot of good things but for me I’m quite happy where we are with all of this the Britain are landing more men behind me which is a little bit irritating there was a fun Siege and a for Siege turn or two ago

    Yes we’ve had uh for Siege is quite rare as as they say you all now in GIC territory so I’m going to ignore you we continue to poke this guy good old Captain lugat toric let’s go and poke him to high hell um yeah an opportunity to cause the

    Brits had a weird for placement and very little in the city indeed yeah it was a bit of a stupid move by them although it would have been a similar I would have just sieged them out for five turns to be honest we’ve had enough battles today

    Where I didn’t feel I would didn’t feel like I had to uh do something stupid to entertain in the case of some I believe if they had a full stack I’m not going to Suicide my Army however I will just slowly walk into these guys although I’m

    Not really sure why I’ve got some of those guys out on the flags we’ll just get everyone everyone can just join up here but we’ll just walk into them and kill them cuz they pretty much just landed here see the boats can’t see too much right now in the distance those their

    Boats in the distance I think that’ll be them lovely stuff well the Britain will of course get a very use in history to Landing over the uh Coast into Normandy but today they’re going to be instantly repelled and this time by Germans which feels just a little bit wrong there we

    Are we’ll uh we’ll just uh have to accept this reality so we do seem to have a hole in our formation for some unbeknown reason not really sure why um so let’s just get ourselves a little bit closer really don’t need to be very organized with this particular battle I

    Don’t think but uh we’ll we’ll just get things moving little bit closer one guy got stuck in the second row I think that’s what happened excellent so are they going to come in they might do we can just do that thing that you do with fexes where you just walk into Pok

    Range and we’ll just see what they want to do about all of that there we are I think we’re in poking range now excellent and we’ll just uh start swinging these guys around to be honest I think we know that this pretty much ends in their Doom anyway but you know

    We might as well grab some guys and uh throw them into a good position so get the javelin around the side get the scream women to do some Screaming that should start terrifying them and we’ll just speed it up and just slowly poke our way through yeah they’re running they’re running they’re running

    And I think we can probably just start sending everyone this way these guys to come and mop them up and the same for the general who’s just going to swing this way because I suspect those guys are about to win the battle they have indeed let’s make sure none of them

    Uh you’re not allowed to throw your javelins anymore by the way you get on top of him that should be pretty much all of that little Expedition Force dealt with that’s nice cuz it should make londinium a little bit easier to take down so we will get our boats out

    Next turn which is lovely I think we’re about to get the port built doing a really bad job of running them down aren’t they F no more excellent happy blat New Year oh yes indeed it is New Year Happy New Year here to you all 364

    Kills to Four B and C picked up some experience up to three now they’re doing all right aren’t they ging more and more experience as they go yes we shall Rule and we’ll just plot ourself in this direction and uh we actually lost visibility of them there I should

    Probably play down a watch tower in that part of the world might just get one here we are still in a position where we can yes see into the gy territory not actually perfect for seeing their town but that’s not really a bad thing okay right we have a tiny bit of money

    Potentially can make good use of borders Holm get itself a road at long last triers just hanging around um I was planning on sending some troops over there that is excellent you can finally actually build that Temple and L SI I really need you to grow

    Actually so I might say send some oh we’ve got some more damn damn damn Rebels it’s quite a big chunky Force actually so VI is Goofy if you can they can’t retrain those units okay you know what scrap that actually no don’t scrap that because we need them apparently

    Okay we’ll we’ll we’ll we’ll organize this together you get over there for now and we’ll organize all of that nonsense a few more Spearman in there these screeching women to be honest might as well make their way over in this part of the world because they not really got

    Much use over there in that uh ad mat wandered into nowhere in thce he needs to uh get on with his life at this point I think okay lovely little killbox yeah it’s unusual we actually had an opportunity for a killbox there um and let’s have a

    Chat my good old thran buddies you accept my offer will you accept paying me money I suspect you have none because you probably don’t have roads so let’s suggest that they accepted lovely 2,000 monies and there’s a civian as well might not be so aggressive with them

    I’ll just uh actually yeah let’s find out their map information actually um we can’t offer map oh that’s th Thomas let’s talk to cyia map for map that should be fine okay they are cently blocked off by DEA that’s good don’t want to deal with civia for as long as possible civia

    Macedonia our allies Britain and DEA allies that’s not good I was pondering whether to Ally with DEA a main reason would be with this exact reason to prevent that okay we need to get a men in a position where the boat can pick us up and drop us off in one go

    Which is a problem because they do have more boats than us so so that’s the only issue we now have in terms of our boat situation so probably yeah another time we’ll move up there we don’t need the boat for another turn so we’ll actually wait and what do we want freyers for

    Growth to be honest I don’t know that I want to keep building the Freya Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat is that one boat that’s one boat so I guess I could build two I do have a bit more money now let’s just get two stacks we

    Could always that way at least we should be able to win that if that comes to a little battle okay Trader we’ll just continue to try and build up some of that infrastructure here um Dam you can build yourself another unit we’re not really helping the population here but we’re going to need

    To deal with those Rebels Donar experience the troops happiness we don’t really need that or farming maybe I’m not so concerned about building these up quick but I will at the very least get a palisade there and Tom akum is busy building Trier really just needs to grow because this is on

    The borders so actually Tom akum you can yeah you’re stuck at around 3,000 because I keep using up troops there we’ll send them over there and that we’ll get that to grow some Bri I’ve just left this completely unguarded Thomas I forgot about them yes that’s a slight problem isn’t it um hopefully

    They don’t have a spy uh hopefully that is all fine we’ll send them over here we got a little view of London we actually don’t I don’t think we need anywhere near all this to get over there to be honest so we’ll see if there’s anything on the end turn

    There might be something I can spend the money on actually I would say let’s not worry about taverns that’s probably just going to end badly for us yes build the Farms over there and what are we looking at pret send their boats together Juni I have declared war on ghou should we Aid

    These aggressive people in their war no we shall not they are not our friends the GS yes I hope I hope that um transgression well you attacked them so I think it’s perfectly legit that we decide to to to stay with it you actually offered the alliance of us

    Knowing we were already allies with them I would suggest I actually didn’t do that much wrong on this occasion okay how can we do this the Britain seem to be a bit pinned by that situation they have some head H holders and some W Warriors and some swordsman

    So they’re starting to Tech up that’s a good sign in terms of taking londinium what I think I want to do is I don’t think I can swing and get it back to port in the same thing but I can probably get our men around the corner

    What I probably want to do then is get some of Brea get another troop that’s going to use up some of the men but to be honest I’m kind of okay with sending a few men back to defend that just in case there’s a problem my allies are probably not going to

    Attack but I think I need at least that much to head over to Britton so we’ll swing around there for now SOA will be fine ghouls are kind of blocking them a little bit anyway so hopefully that’s all absolutely fine wise woman casualties and children boosts that’s

    Nice is testy though which is not ideal but it will probably have to do 219 not very much money going on uh Tria has some peasants yes they’re probably supposed to be releasing them to be honest my good sir I don’t know if I build that in the wrong territory but

    It’s fine we’re getting this built up there that’s much closer to complete now I don’t mind retraining if I had the money I don’t have the money fine one more zero on the end of that I think this will be the last turn or so for the great ghouls I just stood with

    You okay okay okay okay things are getting serious now right the ghouls have stabed in the back right after we stood with them which I think is very very rude so if we get on the boat here we are going to land we can’t make it to the town right now

    But I’m pretty certain we’ll be absolutely fine dealing with that I’m going to get these boats down this direction this will to be absolutely fine um should be just Sally out we should probably just Sally out betrayed I would say um I was hoping we could just take over UK before that

    Happened but there we are now all the Romans declared war with G as well that’s a a bit annoying isn’t it I wonder if they still want to be friends uh is there anyone left to be friends with maybe we should check on diplomacy how are we doing with

    Diplomacy so go go go go go backstabby gal they’re allies with them they’re allies with DEA who’s at war with DEA th fine th can be my friends FR would you like an alliance yay I have a friend woohoo that’s nice okay we have a friend let’s head down to

    Macedonia and we’ll have a chat with some of those chappies fine um so we’re now we’ve now got a few problems haven’t we right let’s build a Trader and I think what we really need is one Sally out here to finish us off because we just need to get ourselves

    Set up for next time this is probably more than enough to De with that ideally I probably would had one one more unit back here but for spear War band Javin and the and the general is plenty enough to defend especially if they’re just poking up against each other they’re

    They’re what are they doing they are actually allies with each others they’re just hanging around so if they want to all come and attack me i’ be in big trouble here but to be honest I’m not too concerned let’s add another zero to the file let’s do one final thing we’re

    Going to S on four depending on what they have a that’ll be fine let’s head on him let’s clear them out okay oh God the save files it’s fine Harry it’s just 1.1 1.2 1.3 episode one save three it’s just that when I get to 1.9 I I normally finish recording an

    Episode by 1.9 or 2.9 Etc um but yes this live stream is nearly at 3 hours now so not quite on this occasion right let’s get these guys out of there this will be abely fine we don’t need to worry about the fact that we we’re running out of the city unless

    They charged us before we set up but I don’t see them doing that um they have done a little bit of charging just as we reorganized our Pikes today but there we are classic R diplomacy it’s the fact that I just I knew that julii were going to attack them and I

    Knew I I just knew ghoul would betray me just after that you just know it’s going to work that way they could have done it one turn before they were eying it up a turn before but no I even didn’t even enter their territory when I chased the

    Brittons out and the brittons fled they fled into GIC territory and they decided oh they be our friends scum scum scum scum there we are but they are the Proto Frenchies of course and so I never should have trusted them fool I was fool I was turned to the odor now okay well

    We’re pretty much in position now we’ll just get ourselves moving forward we haven’t faced Gore yet so at least we have ourselves a new enemy that’s lovely and we’ll just slowly walk up towards the enemy and they’re going to send their skirmishes forward are they lovely stuff send our screeches to do some

    Screeching you can slowly walk towards oav you can slowly walk towards them you can SL walk towards them you can SL walk towards them and we’ll just get our javelins to run on into that position get theing R to run on into that position and start a screeching it will

    Be fine um there we go Screech around there I don’t actually know what the radius is on their screeching so we’ll just get ourselves a little bit further bit of a concern they’re leaving this Gap but that’s what happens when you do tell them to like a at a specific

    Unit so hopefully it’ll be fine okay we’re going to engage with them now if you can skirmishes throw into the general that would kind of be ideal there C did decide to just run straight into us which is excellent that’s fine yay we can throw into them perfect okay hopefully that’s them

    Breaking not us indeed it is M breaking just what you want to see so you keep walking on towards him you keep walking on to him you keep walking on to him and I think they’re running away welcome to the French ladies and gents it’s fine I

    Don’t think I have any french viewers actually I have a lot of views from Germany actually so maybe people will enjoy this series I hope you do it’ll be a lot of us killing English and Frenchmen which I’m sure is Germans um well you know it’s more of a friendly

    Rivalry isn’t it but uh it is it is nonetheless a bit of a rivalry so uh there we go right we will tell the Infantry to get out of that and just run we might actually struggle to mop them all up on this occasion cuz you actually

    Only have one infantry one Cavalry unit on this occasion but we do what we can can you can you run them down please General they’ve really been struggling at charging them down here today um yeah there you are get into that you might to blow the hor in

    Destiny just to make sure you don’t die H brilliant come on clear him out infantry are trying to come and do something there we go so hopefully he doesn’t die here but it would be kind of impressive if he did cuz they are running away there is a sandwich about

    To happen though so get out of the sandwich oh dear oh dear that could have gone very very wrong and it might still go wrong if they want to turn around but no I think the war band want to do it there we go they’re all getting stuck in

    G there we go fine it is a huntt plow fre through them at this last second javelins are thrown into our own men which is typical okay a few too many of them got away but their Siege has been a miserable failure we’ve lost only a handful so can’t complain about that bit

    Of experience for the general as well excellent oh every time it gets too edgy okay right where are we um You’ been doing it since I was like 10 so just brings up memories my safe mils used to be far more disgusting they’re they’re better now um tra increase caliper and good Commander

    We’ll take it and I think oh we just need ton of bit of money one of these towns hopefully doing something we don’t need to um no I’m not building anything there’s a Trader that I don’t need but yeah we don’t need this Trader sorry you don’t get any

    Infrastructure at all we do get one more unit over here and that’ll be fine I’m pretty certain we can guard with five Spearman against whatever they’re going to throw against us so I think ladies and gents and anyone else that uh we will leave it there we will leave it

    There we’ve had a very good start here we’ve cleaned up these uh Rebel territories over in this part of the world picked up lava SC Vias Goofy and borders Holm to round off our kind of Rebel territories gives us a nice border here we might well go for L of them um

    We’ll see how that goes to be honest we don’t want to overstretch so for the time being we’re going to keep this kind of decent River border between the danu and uh yeah obviously we have some more borders with the forests in the east as well that’ll be perfect the ghouls

    Obviously decided to be really annoying but it is what it is we’ve at least got to the stage now where once we go go and take over londinium and take over Britannia we’ll had the money we had the troops freed up to swing on into Alesia

    It’s kind of Ideal to be honest you can take out the strongest City and slowly poke our way through it this is not going to be the focus cuz of course the short campaign actually is not about this at all um we have nine of our 15

    Regions already but we need to take out DEA and cyia that’s our plan our plan of course first is to go and deal with the brittons to mop up a potential enemy and just give us solid territory we’re in a very strong position to do that at this

    Point they can’t have much left they must have been bleeding these towns dry actually suspect this is the last General because oh it’s just actually the faction Neer um that makes sense if he’s the last guy there is another one here just say founding members so they

    Must have been yeah the game’s pulling leaders out of their ass apparently but hey it’s fine we have them pretty well beaten back right now tree is well enough defended for spear WB will pretty much guard against anything that can come against us at this point in the

    Game will though build a wall over there in the great town of Tom AR excellent and elsewhere okay okay okay okay okay we’re a bit small in infrastructure but I think we’ve done the job we want to here today next time we will of course smash for londinium we’ll sweep up DEA

    And berum and we’ll go take um we take Ireland if we if we need to we’ll do it quickly if not of course looks like we’re going to need to just mop up a few of these GIC territories I don’t really want to get stuck in a battle with Rome

    But I might accidentally end up in a battle with Rome when I deal with civia so we’ll see about that next time we’ll be dealing with the Brittain and the GS and then we’ll think about the East which of course is our plan oh good our allies are helping us out there our

    Allies are frand taken DEA that’s perfect cuz that’s I don’t have to be the one to kill them I just need to outlive them so th can absolutely have this they can have all of that territory be our friends and we’ll just mop up civia in fact want to take out civia for

    Me that’s fine by the time I’m taking Britain and Ireland I have all the territory I need to win the game perfect excellent right um I think that then is where we’re going to leave it I’m going to check in with the uh uh with the chat should be save one

    Save two save three save four that is basically what it is by the way it is episode one save two episode one save three episode one save four it’s just it’s just a simple case of uh this is longer than a general recording session uh for a normal game so there we

    Are okay um one thing left for me for the jul completely walk through G territory Siege one of your cities yes I’m sure the juli will next turn send an army all the way up here to Tria just to upset me it would be ridiculous but it’s

    Exactly what’s going to happen isn’t it um I’m quite happy to kind of like try and hold kind of a couple like if I do smash through ghouls then there’s a fair chance actually down here in Mar like they’re throwing all this at us they haven’t taken look Denis they haven’t

    Taken transan G it’s just ridiculous like come and doal your own work before you stab me in the back here utter fools right well at the very least our spy can head over I should have done that with the boats before I used to P their movement points but they are sending

    Some head h that’s good just left londinium unguarded perfect excellent stuff right well um just to let you know in case you’re intrigued what’s happening on the channel I’ve mentioned it already a little bit but uh obviously today is a live stream Monday we had the

    First part of the epilog for the fre live stream where we dealt with uh some of the Romans in part two on Thursday rare Thursday episode um which will take place the Friday video this week um cuz I want to get you know series out a

    Little bit more two episodes a week on the series so we’re going to finish the fre epilog on Thursday um we will well do a little bit of work on what’s on some of the Romans we’re not going to completely take over Rome necessarily I haven’t finished yet

    So maybe we will but we’re mostly going to focus on taking on civia on that and just to give us a nice rounding off place for that old campaign and um on Sunday we have a lovely short it’s a slightly ridiculous one some kind of modding gone wrong

    Situation uh it’s good fun look out for that on Sunday on Monday we have Empire which as I say I’m no expert in at all and by no expert I mean I’ve probably played about 10 15 20 hours or whatever um I actually do quite like it but it’s

    One of those games that at the time there were so many new things that it just kind of I I like old games where I feel cozy and I feel comfortable um Empire was just a bit bit too too many many different things at the time and I

    Never really got into it but I feel very hyped for it now um been watching a few playthroughs of it and uh the gunpowder series on Medieval 2 very much got me in the field for it so we’ll be playing that don’t expect anything expert expect

    To shelter to me for being useless and foolish but uh we will be doing that on Monday and indeed we’ll have Thursday as well we’re going to be doing two episodes a week which will be lovely uh the second episode of this live stream uh fortnite from now January the 6 16th

    Probably around the same sort of time 7:00 Central European Time and apart from that uh I think just thank you to all the patreons and members and uh we obviously did have ourselves a new member today as well I don’t know if I can scroll up and find it yes uh gken

    Shak which I probably butchered this time I know you said it was near enough my attempt to pronounce it last time welcome a great militia hoplight in effect to be honest these lads do much the same job so you’ve been put to good use today so thank you for joining the

    Podcast uh is out on Friday if you are a member and you have access to the podcast um it is the start of the month now so yes uh do look out for that but for now I think this is a good place to leave you so thank you for everyone for

    Joining me here today it is been absolutely marvelous it’s been a grand old start to this campaign we have hit the fre hour mark so I think it’s time to leave it here before the invasion of London we’ve just landed at South End on sea ready to charge on in actually I

    Think I think we’re just a bit north of there we’re just in chelsford now I would suspect so let’s head on from chelsford down to linium and we will go and Burn It To The Ground about that I mean probably enslave it so let’s think about where we are sending our people

    That’s something I might need to think about these two probably in particular and Vic goofy yes I think those are the ones he want to send people to I may make a quick note of that now on my notes enslave London okay we will leave it there thank

    You all for joining I’m so this is to no the human and this is being our Germania short campaign it’s the very first live stream thank you very much and bye-bye


    1. It is interesting with the old game not running properly. Mine ran like dirt for ages and was unplayable. About a month ago I started it and it runs like a dream. I've done literally nothing to it!

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