Wo bike Life Music I K kings go out what Up oh look at this swag did that fer drag on the drop back big door toop catch [ __ ] that’s big oh Right W hey hey are you Dam hey hey bro got one yeah look at that one oh my good are you stop are you stop oh think you’re understanding what he’s doing my boy look at that [ __ ] hitter Hit one hand you understanding that one Hand oh my day F hey I want to see a scrape you see the scrape I want to see out scrape Live In the Flesh scrape that scrape it scrape it scrape it go g g scra great that slow that oh you need more speed need some more speed go on bring that

    G yeah we don’t want no one going in the back go go yeah yeah he’s good he’s good he’s good you’re good in it yeah that was little one little one yeah Min Miner W good woo going far come on my boy come on me boy oh Nelly right you can do

    That don’t actually understand how this B back whe is going to spin keep going who I didn’t even know my bik was that far oh that is slid I need to oh [ __ ] you Need oh [ __ ] everyone made it up how look how look at that look at that yeah that’s what I’m saying oh [ __ ] I can’t believe I made it someone help give them space for when they come up they can actually go somewhere that was actually easy that was easy ni only you

    Up straight up only up if you got a ball tag yeah just keep it flat cuz yeah keep it flat to send it for them I’ll send it to anyone I don’t [Laughter] mind he’s going in the corner he’s not me yeah go keep it flat keep it flat

    Keep it flat keep it flat there we go you got lean over the balls Bo keep it flat keep it flat keep it flat yeah keep it flat keep it flat keep it flat keep keep going keep going keep going keep going yes yes yes keep it flat keep it

    Flat there we go come keep [Laughter] it yeah they probably left us one more person