The first two days of Ed’s cycle from Manchester to London. The first day is spent along the Ashton Canal, through Buxton and on Tissingto trail before camping the night in Ahsbourne. The next day is spent mainly on country roads on the way to the south side of Leicester.

    Hello is anybody there so just left Stockport after having breakfast setting off at 2 and 1 half lers than I intended be fine um on the way to bton and then Ash BR to stay the night and then it’s off to Lester Milton ke the next night and then London Nice one he this smells like sherbat lollies swizzle sticks oh Man right so downhill waai for a side for look look Yes oh wow oh wow puncture I’ve been here for ages uh the head on the valve came out with a pump each time I must pumped it up four times for getting some duct tape in there on the Treads and finally on the fifth pump having having a tire to cycle

    On should be that way shouldn’t I anyway I don’t know I probably still have like an hour and a half to go getting on okay let’s get on with it oh yeah back back rolling feels more much better feel like I might have been camping here tonight oh yeah there ler

    London any second now no BS ah feel like I’m about to cry look at this I think this might be the road all the way now for the next hour this is glorious how you do Hur you to go this is glorious absolutely gorgeous wish it was this H way down The hello chicken is day one down made it to catop catop cop Hill I think that might be the name super chill nice place pretty closed had a pool but it’s closed has a pub doesn’t open till Friday be pretty nice to have gone for plunge and and a

    Point especially an evening like this after a day like this there’s a pub couple of pubs close by I’ve just had an amazing shower feeling pretty sticky but really relaxed and refreshed nice nice to have just a camping place not not to be a factor psycho psycho’s great I mean had a

    Manchester out of true Stockport headed towards marble and then onto the peak Forest canal and that was just like lovely basically came off the canal before bookon Little Bit of Country Road and descended down into the town got myself some lunch and a short break and then through clun

    Side again as far as I remember oh well yeah there was a there was a coup two big hills and I think I pushed the second one the big one before Bon and then on the way out of Bon there was another Hill I think I did a little bit of

    Pushing descending down after that Hill onto to a trail um I’m guessing an abandoned rail trail for about an hour to here so nice and that was all sort of very gradually Discerning mostly um so that was really lovely and now I just got to chill aim

    To get rolling at 8 tomorrow maybe have to set the around for 700 don’t have to see how I feel could just assume I’ll wake up with the Sun but I feel I can go back to sleep I can go back to sleep then now rush to get to Lester

    Like today set off late I had a puncture on the way as well I got here really late I set off two hours two and a half hours later than I think had planned the cycle was a bit longer probably probably my computer thought I’d be quicker up

    Those Hills but also my wheel burst what a pain in the ass anyway I got here now going to get some food and chill sh sorry how you doing oh J my okay morning all right good morning back on the T Trail theuring you that I know so

    Little about this new camera I don’t know does it have a native mic I need to attach the uh Bluetooth before capturing sound out in the washing we find there backck on a Tsing Trail heading to a place called m a nice one man thanks cheers hope to get there for before 11:

    And uh then head on to another campsite south of Lester last night after setting up and having a shot with some family I walked to the Bowling Green I think it was called and got myself 20 oz t-one gold it was the B and after two points I wled back to the T

    Morning ah this is the tunnel that KY was talking about cool um yeah two points I got back to the tent around 9:00 and just flaked pretty much with ease fell asleep and uh I woke for a minute or two about maybe 5 10 times through the night

    But slope wasn’t for me with me super and so it was just a touch of uh discomfortable overall was comfortable good sleep um came to just come up 7 and just really took my time this morning gor just waking up real fresh morning we singing with are shoes are so but

    But yeah took my time had some breakfast DeCamp slowly and uh tell me about 90 minutes and half I am now half an hour later than I expected but sure what doesn’t matter hold it second want how you doing all morning I I guess this is the world part of the world

    Lock R about I mean I don’t mean literally geographically this part of the world but topologically perhaps somewhere in England that looked like this oh way John Lock was lazing away his days with his Noble friend watching them fascinated by what the little peasants were doing the one in particular though somehow

    Excelled in the phys generating a Dian with the nobility with lots of noble friends fusing and igniting fusion with a layer of peasantry partnership with the nobility the aristocracy without no about them I suppose leading World being engulfed the capitalist competition we still got a place like we just saw that

    Is I don’t know yeah just smacks of that Fusion the farmer nobility The Peasant partnership with the aristocracy L are very very wealthy landowning peasants in the Proto capis Class that’s what it must have looked like little mini castles and all all these houses here well I guess that’s where all the present neighbors ended up living when he bought all the land to make his castle Okay it’s noon I’m just leaving Melbourne after a 45 minute break ah I reckon that’ll be 3 hours 3:00 but it’s time we get to the SS we didn’t sell single tomatoes and the Tomato they did have 225 boxs so got myself a meal deal poke Bowl some ice cream fo up

    Hopefully is that an actual Parish how you doing cheers hope plenty of energy to see me oh two mon to T still not going there uh to see me to Lester and yeah three hours time I’ll be halfway down the country 24 Mile how you doing this is a 30 m

    Cycle just going to take TR hours shot that Is that’s us Look Now SC

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