Video courtesy of my collaboration with @wisdomfromnorth

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    Riding my bike through Lüneburg, Germany while listening to the Wisdom From North Podcast with Terje Toftenes.

    Terje Toftenes presents a compelling perspective on reality that challenges conventional scientific beliefs. He argues that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of existence, even in nature’s smallest organisms, urging us to rethink our understanding of reality. This perspective leads to a reevaluation of five anomalies that disrupt the current paradigm:

    Intelligent Design: Terje suggests that the intricate and organized structures in all life forms imply the presence of an intelligent architect behind the scenes, challenging the idea of randomness as the sole basis of reality.

    Paranormal Phenomena: He highlights noetic science, confirming phenomena like telepathy and remote viewing as natural occurrences that expand our understanding of consciousness.

    Near-Death Experiences: Terje discusses how these experiences challenge conventional views of death and suggest the existence of consciousness beyond the physical realm.

    UFOs: Drawing from his film and interviews, he presents evidence that supports the reality of UFOs and suggests the potential existence of alien technology.

    Quantum Physics: Terje explores how energy and information combine to give rise to consciousness, aligning with ancient wisdom traditions and prompting a reevaluation of our worldview.

    Please enjoy the interview with Terje!

    Find links to Terje’s official site here:

    Consciousness pervades all aspects of existence

    The original release date of the podcast was October 19th, 2023.

    Jannecke, thank you very much for letting me use the audio from your podcast!

    Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of sightings and reports of people being abducted and and people meeting these different beings uh some people say that there are at least 70 or 80 or 100 different beings that contact us on a regular basis the American authorities have in their position many UFOs that

    Have uh crashed or been left behind on Earth and that they have for many many years been back engineering these craft try to figure out what type of uh of propulsion systems they have what type of materials they’re made of what type of technology and this and That hello tya a warm welcome to the show thank you so much I’m very honored to be here so nice to have you visiting me here in Oslo and we have collaborated before you are a filmmaker an author you are um a speaker and you have now a talk

    That you’re traveling around uh the country within Norway where you speak about the new paradigms that are emerging you also have your own podcast and you’re very passionate about this that we have to uh replace the old Paradigm this old M materialistic Paradigm with a new paradigm but my

    First question to you is why why are you so passionate about sharing these ideas about you know the the deeper uh reality or the nature of reality that might be different from what we learned in school well uh first of all I have to say that I’ve I’ve always been very

    Curious uh from my uh youngest days i’ I’ve been asking questions all the time uh and and also very many of these typical existential questions like why are we here uh what happens when we die why is life like it is and and all that

    But uh so I have um been in my adult life I have been um doing a lot of research on my own to try to find answers to these questions which has uh among many things resulted in in a um a handful of documentaries that we have produced over the last 15 years

    Uh trying to uh find answers and uh one of the uh documentaries is uh the one called the creative play of Consciousness where we were trying to explore the phenomenon of Consciousness and also we’ve been into uh into you topics um touching into the field of UFO and extraterrestrial life and and

    All that uh and many of these documentaries have also been award-winning documentaries also in the United States but anyway um I feel that uh we are living in a paradigm that is still uh mainly M uh materialistic uh in the way of KN of of viewing the nature of reality and this

    Is due to our science that has uh the science that has developed over the past 3 400 years from Newton and Galileo and uh many of the uh different scientists uh also the quantum physicists that appeared um around uh year 1900 1920 like Einstein Bor Heisenberg boom uh shinger plank etc etc

    Uh of course they they were asking questions they were kind of uh challenging this uh materialistic view that the that nature and our existence was basically materialistic uh but they didn’t find the answers then but now 100 years later there are new physicists with uh new approaches based on many of the ideas

    From those physicists 100 years ago that have uh digged even deeper and that are now finding that uh the world is quite different uh on the in its Basics than what it seems like when we perceive it with our five senses so I feel that if we

    Ever uh are going to uh get out of this trauma or this this um uh traumatic situation which still governs where the world I mean we have wars we have political differences we have have very many um I mean competition on so many levels that uh has given us a um uh from

    A materialistic view very many benefits all these this competition but on the other side it has all Al also left us with a lot of trauma with a lot of of U very U Troublesome effects so and this is because um um mainstream science has told us uh over the past

    Hund couple of hundred years that uh the meaning of life uh is uh or or life itself actually is just based on on coincidences I mean it’s if you go back to Darin’s Theory which says that life has developed by pure coincidence and that the best um uh

    Result of a random process uh was uh able to um survive uh in competition with other species then it life has developed very slowly mutation by mutation uh and uh that idea has created a feeling that uh the reason why we are here is basically to uh uh uh survive as

    For as long as you uh can to be able to u to make new uh babies to put it that way so I mean life is just a continuous struggle to uh uh eat and to survive and to reproduce and uh on that ride you can try to gather as much materialistic uh

    Things as possible to keep you happy and to keep you comfortable but uh the meaning is not more than that and as long as we believe that still believe that then uh we will also keep fighting for uh to try to support ourselves and our own families and uh and

    Uh don’t care too much about other people I mean that’s why we conquer for almost everything you know even for land as we see now in Europe yeah that makes sense that we have to actually update our beliefs otherwise we’ll just continue uh where we’re going so where

    Are we going yeah so so that’s my uh passion is to uh um try to convey the message that life has a much deeper meaning uh and this deeper meaning uh comes to the surface when you start taking Consciousness into the equation s because Consciousness so far is uh

    Something that everyone knows that we have I mean we can see it not only in our own uh skull or in our own minds or in our own Hearts but we can see it everywhere in nature I mean uh every tiny tiny piece of living organism even

    If it is a singular cell organism has Consciousness uh ants have conscious ious trees have Consciousness fungi has Consciousness everything is a system based on Consciousness but still Consciousness is the biggest problem in science it’s like the the hard problem hard problem in science yeah and and

    Science don’t want to go down that road because Consciousness is extremely difficult to study with our scientific meth methods and our scientific tools so scientist just kind of decided that we’ll we’ll leave Consciousness to to the church or to organized religion um they can take care of the spiritual side

    Of the human being we will concentrate of the physical on the physical life and and that has over time made us more and more orientated around the uh the materialistic side of of our the Fantastic creation that we’re living in and I feel that time has come now to

    Move to the next level which is a more holis holistic approach to uh how we regard life as such so in your talks you’re actually going through five different uh topics or areas that you have investigated throughout your life basically and now traveling around talking about so would love to go dive

    Into each and one of them so what is the first one well first of all I have to say that u i see and it’s not only me I mean there’s been written books about this uh a lot of U researchers uh or scientists are also on the same track

    But there are so many anomalies uh that are uh challenging our uh materialistic Paradigm uh and I’ve just picked out five of them I mean there are hundreds uh but um I’ve picked up some of them and uh one of them is of course uh the uh Evolution Theory which which

    Says that life is based on random um coincidences that it’s based on on random mutations that’s how uh life has developed that’s how the species have developed uh developed and but the thing is that what we see now with science on the more molecular level and especially in

    Within biology uh and microbiology is that life all life forms are uh based on extremely complicated intricate uh systems so there’s uh every cell is uh controlled and operated by extremely complex systems uh so your body is full of billions of billions of uh uh conscious parts that talk with it

    With each other and that uh um manag to fine-tune the whole uh larger system to a point where it actually functions and uh is able to maintain itself so it’s extremely complex they are extremely complex these systems and uh according to Darin these systems have developed just by chance or

    Coincidence uh over time because he says okay if we have like um we know that multicellular multicellular life has existed on the planet for let’s say 1.5 billion years there’s then he says there’s enough time to develop things from a singular cellular bacteria to a human being which is an enormous span of

    Systemic development but uh the new science says that these systems are so complicated that you cannot uh develop these systems without developing all the parts at the same time because if you pick uh take away one part of a uh multi partial system then the system collapses so according to Darvin ISM uh

    These uh systems have developed part by part over time but that’s impossible you can develop a a something uh as complicated as an air part by part all the parts have to be there simultaneously for it to function so that is a big challenge to the Darin ISM

    The dvinis View uh because it doesn’t include uh the intent on uh developing something so there has to be an architect there has has to be an architectural plan for developing systems and that is not U that is not taken into consideration in the dvinis view but obviously when you study nature

    On the on the macro excuse me Micro level micro level you see that there has to be a plan there has to be some kind of plan behind it or idea or architecture behind it and that requires Consciousness and intelligence so that’s one thing that that that’s an anomaly uh that uh is

    Challenging this materialistic view the next thing I would say is uh uh Paris uh paranormal phenomena Paras psychology because we know now from uh science um like for example in the Institute of noetic Sciences in the United States uh which were founded by the former astronaut Edgar MIT Edgar Mitchell back

    In the late 70s they have for 40 50 years been studying uh different types of uh of uh cons Consciousness related uh systems and uh what they have proved beyond all doubt is that telepathy is a natural occurring phenomena within the human construction Minds can read minds even over long long distances even

    Through thick walls Etc and I just have to mention that I think humans have experienced that you know that we actually experienced that all of us and that it’s real but it’s good to hear that it’s actually have been researched and approved and I I have on several

    Occasions talked with Dean Raiden who has been kind of the leading researcher at this institute and he says we have all the data we have all the proof we have the science that can prove that telepathy is actually a natural occur OCC occurring phenomena the problem is that mainstream science they have closed

    The door to it they will even if we put all the proof on the table they won’t listen uh so that’s a challenge because it it challenges the existing Paradigm which again of course has a lot of implications uh with all the professors and all the scientists and all the

    Systems that are built around that uh and it’s all about money and it’s all about money it’s all about careers it’s all about Prestige it’s all about position it’s all about a lot of stuff politics uh you know whatever but still I’m thinking if enough people are

    Speaking about this uh it will sh shft at one point like if the weight becomes too unbalanced there’s so many people who are interested in this it has to yeah of that’s how that’s how the big revolutions have occurred during history that when the masses uh uh get together and make a

    Movement to try to change something then change can happen but you have it has to start with the masses it does it never starts from the top it starts always starts from the bottom so uh how can we do that well we have to do it we have to

    Use a tool that people uh are confident with or have believe in and that science and that’s what what’s happening now is that like I said science can prove that telepathy is a natural occurring phenomena science can prove that Mind Over Matter uh also is a natural occurring phenomena science can prove

    That remote viewing is a natural occurring phenomena it’s uh it’s been used in in uh intelligence in the military to spy on uh well on on other nations using uh remote viewing so it’s accepted on that level but still mainstream science won’t touch it you know so that has to change

    So that’s um and the there’s a lot of these type of uh uh paranormal phenomena uh ESP um you know Clear Sight Clairvoyance and and stuff like that and even your intuition your feeling that something is happening or that something someone is going to knock on your door or that your mother

    Is going to call you uh I mean there also been made studies on that types of phenomena which are commonly occurring among people but um you know uh so that’s challenging the materialistic view that the world is BAS basically just physical and then uh you have this uh anomaly called near death

    Experiences uh where people have a cardiac arrest uh at the operation table or in a car crash or whatever and they have the uh experience of uh going out of their body uh floating under up beneath the ceiling looking down at the doctors and nurses

    Trying to uh put you back to your body back to life and what you can hear what they’re saying you can name the other doctors coming from other places to or or coming into the room and trying to help out with the situation and that’s also been studied uh there’s a lot of

    Different people who’ve been studying it like Pim in in the Netherlands like Raymond Moody like um um oh yeah Ians in uh the US also is an organization where they uh where a lot of people with ndes are coming together sharing their stories that’s the same

    Institute yes and uh s parna is one of the main researchers so these phenomena uh occur in uh in like like 20% of cases where people have Cardiac Arrest or are totally brain damaged and that’s a lot 20% that’s a lot and we also have people

    Like um uh Anita moani uh who has written books about this we have people like iben Alexander the neurosurgeon who also had that type of experience and I’ve interviewed them both and I I think I’ve interviewed around 20 people now having near-death experiences on my channel this is very very very common uh

    Which tells us that there is another dimension at least another dimension where we uh where our Consciousness or our soul travels after the death of the physical body uh and uh this is becoming very commonly known and uh it’s changing our view on death and it’s changing our

    View on the whole well existence of of our Consciousness so that’s that’s an Al challenging the materialistic View and of course we have the UFO phenomenon which you are very passionate about and myself as well and I just have to mention it was so funny because we did

    Aegian interview and I feel like my English speaking audience is a bit more open-minded uh and in Norway we were a bit more hesitant to speak about it and we agreed not to speak about it and we ended up speaking half half of the interview we spoke about UFO so but I

    Think it’s just something in our subconsciousness that we need to we don’t want to hold back you know we want to speak about what we’re passionate about so you’ve even made a film about this the day before disclosure yes we did a uh quite thorough investigation

    Back in uh in the around uh 2008 9 and 10 and ended up with a film called uh the day before disclosure which has actually won a lot of international Awards and still is is uh on the net and uh can be seen from our website new paradigm. um but

    Anyway I’ve been interested in UFOs all my life uh my father was interested in UFOs I found books uh in my at home when I was around 10 years old uh uh the first one the book of uh George adamsky UFOs have landed it really kicked me or or

    Triggered my fantasies and uh my uh my interest I was very intrigued uh and and I’ve been ever since um which then ended in in doing this film where we interviewed like 50 or 60 people around the globe who had were either researchers into the UFO field or who

    Were experiences who had had different types of experiences with UFO sightings or even being abducted by UF F I mean it’s a it’s a universe of information and um what was the Red Thread what did you find what was your conclusion after doing 50 60 interviews about this well

    My conclusion was that this is absolutely a uh a real phenomenon uh I still can’t say uh who they are where they come from what their agenda is are they benevolent are they malevolent uh uh or there might be several there might be several but I mean according to people

    That that I trust that I’ve uh because I mean I have to say in I when I talked to Edgar Mitchell the NASA astronaut and told him that I was making a film on on UFOs the global UFO situation he said good luck it’s a very interesting topic I’ve been very

    Interested in myself all my life but you have to uh keep keep one thing in mind you are stepping into a Minefield that’s what he says and I said okay but I’ll try anyway but during the on the going down the rabbit hole going down the rabbit hole I I really discovered that

    It it was a Minefield so uh some of the interviews that we did we have just we we have just uh put them uh or had to Archive well they’re on the hard disk forever them on the hard disk yes because there are many people who are

    One obes because uh if you say that you have been abducted by UFO you gain a lot of Attraction especially and you be you get invited to conferences you can join podcasts you get a lot of fan mail Etc suddenly you’re an interesting person and many people find that kind of

    Attractive you know so it’s very easy to fabulate to read some UFO stuff and then make your own uh story and you know become very attractive to people who want to listen so you there are some of them but I would say most people that we

    Uh were in touch with uh especially uh within the topic of UFO abductions they were uh in the first place very reluctant to say anything at all because uh these things has had been so traumatic uh for them in their lives that they really did not want to talk

    About it and just to come out in the into or or talking to Media uh would put them in a situation uh that that they were not very comfortable with and like when I talk to um uh to uh Robert um oh come on um one of the big uh uh

    Researchers I’ve I’ve t talked to BB Bud Hopkins and David Jacobs that’s guy David Jacobs uh has done a lot a lot of uh um um uh research research and hypnosis on people who uh who have had these uh experiences and he says that um I am a professor at the University in

    Philadelphia Temple University pH Philadelphia and I have even done a class I’m the only person that I know of that had actually done a class on the UFO uh topic uh uh at the University so it was a very popular class but my uh peers or my the administration at the

    University they really didn’t like it so here I am uh doing research on a topic where uh my uh leaders at the my workplace don’t like it uh I can’t uh talk to the neighbors about it uh my wife doesn’t like it she can’t talk to

    Her friends about it my kids uh can’t talk to their schoolmates about it but still their father is obsessed with us you know with this so and and that’s some that’s kind of the situation within within the UFO field people who see things that are out of this world are

    Very uh afraid of telling it because they will will be laughed at or looked at is do they have a diagnosis or they’re lunatics you know so this has kind of kept a lid over the whole uh of of of of the whole situation for a very long time but

    Now uh things are starting to happen because there are uh of course over especially after the second world war there’s been a lot there thousands upon thousands upon thousands of sightings and reports of people being abducted and and people meeting these different being beings uh some people say that there are

    At least 70 or 80 or 100 different beings that contact us on on regular basis uh of course they have technology maybe they are like uh some thousands or even billion or million years ahead of us in technology so they can Dem dematerialize they can just pop uh into

    Our reality as like out of nowhere they can do stuff and they can vanish like into uh become invisible just like that and and um and uh the the thing is that because it has been so difficult to study this phenomenon and to uh find out

    Actually what it is there has been kept a lid of on it also from the different uh uh authorities around the world because as far as long as we don’t know what it is we don’t know where they come from we don’t don’t know how what type

    Of agendas Etc it’s very difficult for some politic for some president or authority to to uh come forward to the public and say uh we know that we are visited but uh we don’t know what it is our military can’t do anything about it

    And uh but but just as you know Ju Just to tell you uh there’s something going on but um we don’t know if it’s dangerous or not but anyway uh it was I think it was last year that there was a congress Hearing in United States uh where both the American Pentagon the

    American NASA and the Congress uh they made a claim that UFOs or they call it uaps unidentified aial phenomena uh are that’s it’s a real phenomenon because it has been recorded by fighter uh jet fighter pilots uh on radar on film visual sightings and now

    We cannot uh keep this closed any or in secret anymore uh whistleblowers have come forth Pilots have come forth we have to accept that this is a reality that we have to investigate because it might be some type of threat we don’t know so they actually concluded that uh

    It is a real phenomenon and what has happened now just a couple of weeks ago is that one of the main researchers into this field uh from the American um authorities has uh come forth I think his name is David uh uh yeah David crush grunch or no not grunch but grush or

    Something I can’t remember it uh he has uh confirmed that the American authorities uh have in their position uh many UFOs CRA crafts many extraterrestrial uh or interdimensional crafts that have uh um crashed or been left behind on Earth and that they have for many many years been back

    Engineering these craft try to figure out what type of uh of propulsion systems they have what type of materials they’re made of what type of technology and this and that and um of course it might be possible that we’re using alien uh technology already without knowing it

    Yeah well you know this famous crash in Roswell uh in July 1947 where they allegedly uh managed to capture a a downed craft uh and uh what the story says is that the craft when they uh removed it from the the crash sites and of course they said it was a

    Weather balloon the military version but there was people who saw it before the military came there who and that’s why the Roswell uh uh newspaper had a big uh you know front page saying that a flying saucer has crashed in Roos in Roswell New Mexico the day after they said it

    Uhoh it was AA Ballo weather balloon but anyway um that’s a long story for itself but anyway uh after that crash um people uh who have come forth or forward uh who were part of the crash retrieval uh people say that uh parts of this UFO were sent to different Laboratories in

    The US to try to find out what type of materials it was made of the Laboratories thes themselves didn’t know that it came from a UFO they just got a piece of material and they said find out what this is well the strange thing was that 3 months later the Bell Laboratory

    Stories uh managed to produce the first transistor they had been working with the idea of making a transistor uh for a long time but they did hadn’t find the right uh combination of uh of rare materials uh but 3 months after they uh received this material from that UFO

    Suddenly the first transistor repaired and also things like fiber optic is also said to be a technology that comes from one of these UFOs and a lot of a lot of other and also the propulsion systems which uh they believe are based on uh the ability to control

    Gravity have of course also been back engineered and there is a saying that this proposal technique or or the a ability to control gravity uh has been well known within the um inner inner inner circles in the American Military system for or uh yeah for a very long time but the

    Uh this knowledge itself is so explosive I mean it’s Way Beyond the atomic bomb when you if you use these types of forces so uh we humans are not uh have not developed uh socially or intellectually uh to a point where we actually are able to uh use this type of

    Technology without damaging ourselves I mean as long as I just read in the paper today about Microsoft the biggest computer uh producer in the world have their systems have just now been hacked by someone who who they don’t know is so there are people out there all the time

    Who want to uh to destroy things who have bad intentions and if they got their hands on this type of Technology it would be devastating so that’s one of the reasons why it’s kept a lid on to my belief uh but there was of course many

    Many many many other uh reasons as well uh but the point is that the fact that we are visited by someone from other uh star systems or galaxies or even from other types of uh Dimensions the facts uh what that tells us is that our VI view on our limited

    View on reality has to open up to a much brighter perspective because these things are real uh we uh have to accept that and and we cannot just kind of stick our heads into the sand anymore and all right so that was the UFO phenomenon and we also see you know the

    Canadian uh government uh there were um some ministers coming out talking about it so things are really happening uh so maybe yeah you were right disclosure is coming very soon uh but over to the next uh anomaly well uh as I said there are many many anomalies but um of course uh

    One of the um main things is uh the um Quantum world the what we have discovered there now and there are new physicists like Nasim haramain uh for instance who uh have this claim that on the basis of everything uh we see that the world is constructed of two main components which are

    Energy combined with information so on the plank level which is the smallest level possible according to physics of our physical world there is uh there are these fluctations these um energy fluctations uh which are enormous amounts of energy and these fluctations uh are sometimes uh organized by some type of

    Information uh to build what we called subatomic particles uh like quarks and other types of subatomic particles which again make up the uh uh the inside of the atomic new nucleus like protons protons and Ne and uh neutrons and then the which build the atom which again builds the molecule which again builds

    All the stuff that uh the world is made of so um but at this basis there is energy uh and as I said enormous amounts of energy and what like Nasim Herman says that in just one cubic centimeter of of of vacuum or or fabric of space

    Time there’s enough energy to uh to feed or the world for thousands of years so uh the question is what is this energy uh where does it come from and what is uh uh this information or what are these information systems that organize these energies to build the material world and

    What harine says is we can uh say that energy plus information equals Consciousness and that’s very in accordance to like old indish viic wisdom Traditions which say that Consciousness is the basis for everything so everything AR es from Consciousness and this is confirmed by more and more uh physicists today that

    We have to take Consciousness into the equations to understand the underlying basis of our reality and that actually opens a whole new view into how the nature of reality is constructed and it also ex I mean all these other anomalies and all these paranormal phenomena are much much easier to explain when you

    Uh regard it uh in this view that Consciousness is the basis Consciousness is not as Darvin says a um end product of evolution Consciousness is the basis and evolution is a product of Consciousness so that’s we had it all wrong we had it all wrong so I mean I

    Could go further into that but the point is that uh um I mentioned some of these anomalies I could mention 10 more but uh this talk is not going to last to tomorrow so what I’m saying is that we have to change our uh worldview we have

    To uh end the Paradigm saying that the world is uh basically M materialistic we have to uh take the next step into a more holistic approach because when we uh when we uh accept that Consciousness is one of the most basic things in the nature of reality uh we this also implies that

    Everything is connected uh and uh and it implies that every human being is part of this Consciousness that every living thing is part of this Consciousness there is nothing else but this Consciousness nothing is outside it so you are actually just another version of me because you are a singularity in this

    Consciousness I am a singularity in this Consciousness because this Consciousness evolves all the time and it needs both OB objects and subjects to make this creative play uh and I think it was deep Chopra the famous uh Indian philosopher and and physician who said because we were interviewing him uh for our film

    And I said what is it that creates the um the uh what is it that lies behind uh this Creation in uh in Consciousness he said it’s the creative play in Consciousness just like air is inherent oh excuse me just like wind is inherent in air creativity is inherent

    In Consciousness and that’s why we sit here as creative results of a or results of an extremely creative Consciousness which is playing with all the uh the marbles or all the uh different particles in this fantastic uh world and uh our um the meaning with our lives is to just play

    Our parts as well as we can uh based on our own potentials and our own um needs and our own wishes we have our a free choice but we play out our lives we make uh we you know we create these dramas we create these uh enormous this an enormous enormous

    Theater that we are uh an or an enormous playground so like Shakespeare spoke about yeah so everything is a play yeah it’s it’s all a play and it’s you can say it’s a simulation maybe maybe we are just a kind of an interface for this type of uh for for this Consciousness

    That the human body is an interface uh Donald Hoffman talks about that uh Tom Campbell which is another YouTuber says that our bodies are an avatar uh the whole uh our reality is just a simulation like a a data simulation and it makes sense because uh if we here to

    Explore and to develop Consciousness through all the experience that we gather then it it makes sense to me so maybe that’s the way it works tadia uh what is happiness to you happiness to me uh is to feel uh that I am a part of a living system that has a purpose that

    Has a meaning uh that has a drive and uh that has the ability to give me wonderful sensations of love and uh wholeness um I don’t I mean it happiness is extremely uh difficult to explain with words but it’s the feeling inside that what you are and what you are doing

    Has meaning and what is selflove to you self-love is to accept yourself as you are uh to say that okay I’m I’m I am this part of the re big Consciousness I’m a singularity called tadia and uh I’m going to play my part as best as I can so I have to love

    Myself I I won’t waste my time staring in the mirror and say I should have been this I should have done that I should have not done that what I’m doing is what I’m doing the choices I make are based on the information I’m I have in

    That moment and whatever I do uh I I try to be be kind I try to be um uh take care of my family I try to to be a nice person but uh I I love the the opportunity that I have been given to have a experience on this planet in a

    Human body which I think is extremely extremely interesting can be fun can be terrible can be uh uh miserable uh can be devastating but anyhow it’s extremely intriguing extremely interesting and last question for today tadia what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective uh well the deeper meaning

    Of life for me is to um conduct my life uh in accordance to uh my own intentions based on my um own potentials and to uh explore life as best as I can uh on the way I will try to be kind to other people I will try to

    Care about what uh those who are around me and people I meet because I think kindness and uh and being a loving person is uh the easiest way to also be a happy person so uh the meaning of life is to explore you I’ve been giving a

    Chance in this life to explore almost everything everything I want and uh as far as I can do that and have fun on the way and be a loving person I think that’s that’s the best thing to do thank you so much for coming on to the show

    Today and all the best with your talk in Norway and your podcast thank you so much J and thank you for watching Everybody much light from Norway Bye-bye Fore

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