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    Geography + Humanities + New Knowledge = A new three-dimensional perspective on understanding the earth

    Today, we will use a scientific perspective to explore the complex truth behind meteorological events. According to the latest news from the Reuters news website, many places in the UK were hit by floods due to continuous heavy rainfall. On January 5, streets in York, northern England, were flooded.

    Met Office 1 More than 300 flood warnings were issued on March 5. Many places, including the capital London, were hit by floods. Landslides occurred in some areas. Roads and public facilities were flooded in many places. The operations of many trains, subways, and shipping lines were affected.

    The water levels of some rivers reached or approached. At the peak, officials from the British Environment Agency said that more than 1,000 houses have been flooded in England so far. Hundreds of residents have been evacuated. Thank you for liking, commenting, subscribing and turning on the little bell . We will update every

    Day . On the same day, the Met Office also said that most of the UK will be affected next week. Temperatures are set to be below average in the region, with frost and ice expected in many areas. The Health and Safety Executive has now issued a yellow warning for cold weather across England,

    Saying there is an increased risk to vulnerable people and that there could be a “significant impact” on health and social care facilities . The recent heavy rainfall in the UK occurred after Storm “Genk”. Carolyn Douglas, flood director of the British Environment Agency, said that in November and December last year, it

    Was affected by storms “Babbett” and “Charlan”. The soil over large areas of rainfall is “completely saturated” and unable to absorb the recent rainfall , which will lead to more flooding and greater impacts , she warned. Environment Agency officials point out that some parts of the UK are already

    Feeling the significant impacts of climate change, experts say Climate change will increase the likelihood of heavy rainfall and storms in the UK . Compared with the extreme cold in the north, western Europe has experienced strong winds and heavy rain that are rare for this season.

    After two consecutive days of heavy rain after the New Year, half of the houses in a small town in central England were completely destroyed. Situations like this can be seen in many countries in Western Europe. In western England, a driver died after a tree fell on his car. The storm

    Also caused power outages across the UK and disrupted traffic on the “Eurostar” that previously connected the UK to the European continent. ” Many trains were suspended due to flooded tunnels. Strong winds hit most parts of the Netherlands on January 2. A 75-year-old man was suspected of

    Falling from his bicycle due to strong winds and died . The country’s water authority said that on the afternoon of January 3 A small section of an embankment that regulates water levels has been breached. Water is flowing into the already swollen Meuse River. Some houseboat owners are being evacuated

    As a precaution . In France, heavy rains have hit the northern Pas de Calais and northern regions since New Year’s Eve, forcing approx. 200 people evacuated, 10,000 homes lost power, and roads in the town of Brundeck were turned into waterways. Authorities on January 3 warned residents in flood warning areas to restrict movement

    Until water levels dropped. Hundreds of emergency workers from across France were called in from being submerged. The Czech Republic , Slovakia and the Netherlands also provided reinforcements and equipment. France’s national meteorological agency maintained flood and wind warnings for several regions in northern France on January 4, as well as for several areas

    Bordering Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany. Rainfall is expected to increase and winds are expected to reach 100km/h. Heavy rain in Belgium led to the death of a woman after she was hit by a fence that blew away on January 2. Parts of Germany are also dealing with flooding , with northwest

    Lower Saxony worst affected. Increased rainfall in the state may worsen floods. The reasons behind the recent frequent storms in Europe are complex . First, climate warming has caused polar ice to melt. Rising sea temperatures have provided more energy for storm generation. In recent years , affected by global warming,

    The sea temperature in the North Atlantic has been significantly higher, which provides a good external environment for tropical cyclones to move northward and intensify. According to statistics , the intensity and duration of tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic have increased significantly in the past 30 years , followed

    By the changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation. Following the path of the storm, when the North Atlantic Oscillation is strong, its airflow will guide the tropical cyclone to the northeast, increasing the possibility of the storm entering the European continent. In recent years, the North Atlantic Oscillation has been relatively strong,

    Which is a reason why storms frequently affect Europe. The important reason is that the Azores High may retreat eastward and cannot effectively block storms from entering Europe. Normally, the location of the Azores High can block most storms from entering the interior of Europe.

    However, when the high pressure moves eastward, it will open a door and tropical cyclones may Going north along this channel and entering the European continent , one cannot ignore the fact that the La Niña phenomenon will also have an impact on the storm track.

    During La Niña, the sea temperature in the eastern Pacific is colder and the western Pacific is warmer, which will increase the possibility of the North Atlantic storm moving westward and increase the storm’s entry into Europe. At the same time, global warming has caused the subtropical high pressure belt to expand

    The movement path of the storm. Therefore, the northward movement of the subtropical high pressure is a key system that affects the storm track. Its northern limit is closely related to the storm track. The northward expansion of the high pressure belt will affect the track of the tropical cyclone.

    The risk of entering the European continent from the north is increased . It is worth mentioning that the warm and moist airflow prevails in northwest Europe, which provides energy for the rapid intensification of storms. After the storm enters the European sea, the warm and humid environment here is conducive to

    Their outbreak and intensification , resulting in stronger winds and precipitation. Cause greater damage to Europe. Topographic features such as the multi-fjord inflow area in Western Europe also greatly increase the chance of quasi-steady intensification of storms. The UK’s geographical location on the northwest coast of Europe in the North Atlantic

    Makes it highly vulnerable to storms from the Atlantic . First, the UK has three sides The surrounding sea is backed by the Atlantic Ocean and is adjacent to the main storm-generating area. The North Atlantic is the main sea area where tropical cyclones enter and transform into the extratropical zone. It

    Is also the birthplace of extratropical cyclones. This makes the UK extremely vulnerable to the direct impact of various types of storms . Secondly, the heating of the North Atlantic Warm Current The effect makes the sea area around the UK warm and humid, providing energy for the rapid intensification of storms.

    When storms pass through this sea area, explosive intensification usually occurs. At the same time , the perennial existence of the westerly belt also makes the storm move faster and shorten the attack time. What is more special is the British Isles. The topographic characteristics of the storm can easily cause the storm

    To have a filling effect or create a gust enhancement area, which can intensify the destructive power of the storm to a certain extent. For example, when the center of the storm hits, the southern highlands can produce a three-dimensional transport effect to form stronger winds. What cannot be ignored is

    The change in the position of the subtropical high pressure ridge. It will guide the storm path to move northward into the UK. When the Azores High moves eastward or the Hetao High appears to the west, it is easy to form a southerly airflow in the sky,

    Which is conducive to the storm moving northward into the UK. In addition, La Niña events are usually accompanied by more Atlantic storms moving northward into Europe. This and Walker Large-scale circulation changes caused by circulation anomalies. Regarding the reduced chance of the storm turning westward at this time and

    The increased possibility of entering the UK, it is worth mentioning that in recent years, due to the influence of global warming, the Atlantic sea temperature has continued to be warmer and the intensity of tropical cyclones has increased. The speed of movement is accelerated, which is also an important reason

    For the increase in the frequency of storms in the UK. Passing storms usually cause a variety of secondary disasters. First of all , storms often cause flash floods of varying degrees after passing through . Heavy rainfall can cause mountain mudslides, urban waterlogging, river flooding and other disasters . Heavy rains may also cause

    Explosive flooding in surface rivers or violent torrents in canyons. In addition, falling trees blocking river channels will also cause serious flooding. Secondly , after the storm passes, it may be accompanied by geological disasters of varying degrees. For example, heavy rains may induce landslides, mudslides and other geological disasters.

    Strong winds are also prone to Causing the collapse of cliffs and cliffs . In addition, storm surges can also erode the coastline and cause the coastline to recede. In addition , forest fires are also a disaster that easily occurs after a storm. After a storm passes, high temperature weather

    And the presence of a large number of fallen trees and dead branches and flammable materials can easily cause mountains in forest areas. The incidence of fire accidents has increased sharply. After wild fires are ignited, strong winds can promote the rapid spread of fires. It cannot be ignored that

    Extreme weather will also increase the frequency of environmental pollution accidents. For example, damage to vulnerable facilities during storms will lead to large amounts of industrial pollutants leaking during heavy rains. It can also wash various pollutants into rivers and lakes or be trapped in mountains by mudslides. In addition ,

    Deterioration of water quality will also increase the risk of disease transmission. At the same time, the interruption of power supply, tap water and communication facilities after the storm passes will also trigger a series of secondary disasters. Traffic disruptions such as interruptions in the supply of food and medicine,

    Poor access to medical assistance and increased risks of disease transmission will also seriously affect the development of post-disaster relief work. More importantly, varying degrees of social disorder are also a serious secondary disaster that may be caused after the storm, such as Robbery and violent crime rates

    May increase significantly in a short period of time . Infectious disease epidemics or panic may also lead to social unrest. There are usually some typical precursor phenomena before the storm . First, the air pressure drops significantly and the drop is large while

    Typhoons, tornadoes, and When a storm such as a heavy rain approaches, the air pressure can drop significantly by about 20-60 hPa within a few hours , and the downward trend continues. Secondly, the cloud cover increases rapidly and the sky darkens rapidly . Before a severe storm,

    Mid-to-high clouds rapidly increase and cover the sky, which turns gray during the day . The cloud base is extremely low, the cloud cover is very large , but there is no obvious cloud structure. What cannot be ignored is that the wind gradually increases and accompanied by gusts . When the storm approaches

    , the wind can increase from a breeze to a strong wind within 1-2 hours , and the wind speed fluctuates violently . There is a short-term sudden increase in violent storms and winds. It is worth noting that intermittent precipitation such as brief umbrellas or light rain begins to appear. The precipitation

    Range is not large but relatively strong . This means that there is a strong updraft in the middle and high altitudes to form a storm and will produce heavy precipitation . Special attention should be paid to the air pressure. As the gradient increases, the isobars of the central pressure become denser,

    Which indicates that the pressure field changes drastically. The pressure gradient force of the storm is rapidly increasing. What is easily overlooked is that the wind direction near the surface changes greatly and is relatively chaotic. It is difficult to determine the main direction of the storm

    . This is because of the storm. The strong internal wind gradient makes it difficult to accurately lock the wind direction . It is worth reminding again that the original cloud flow has become messy and the cloud top structure has been broken up

    , indicating that strong airflow within the storm has begun to dominate the weather system. The cyclonic characteristics are destroyed . In addition, the near-surface air pressure often fluctuates. The swing characteristics and the pressure trend line appear obvious fold lines or zigzag undulations.

    This is a manifestation of the complex airflow in the storm. Individuals must take scientific and reasonable protective measures when encountering a storm . The key lies in early warning , correct avoidance and reasonable protection. First, pay attention to the weather in advance. Early Warning

    Be prepared for wind and rain protection and other supplies. Pay attention to the early warnings and forecasts of typhoons and rainstorms issued by the authoritative meteorological department to clarify the time and place of risk occurrence , possible impacts, etc. Based on this, purchase necessary protection and living supplies in advance

    . Secondly, choose safe areas indoors to avoid risks. The best place to avoid risks is in the inner room at the center of the house, which is an area with better protection. Try to stay away from doors and windows

    To avoid being blown away by the wind or being broken in large areas and hurting the human body. More importantly, the doors and windows should be closed and fixed to prevent them from being blown away. Closing doors and windows can effectively prevent wind and rain from entering the room.

    Bundling or fixing balcony objects to prevent them from being blown down by strong winds and injuring people . Apply glass protective film to prevent the glass from being blown and cracked and injuring the human body. What cannot be ignored is to turn off the power supply, extinguish the open flame

    And open the faucet. Disconnect the power supply to avoid leakage accidents, extinguish the fire source and prevent fires. Open the faucet. Micro-flow can stabilize the voltage of the pipe network and prevent water pipe bursts. What you need to be especially careful about is to avoid travel or activities

    , and do not go close to severely collapsed buildings when the eye of the storm passes. Do not go out easily to avoid being injured by objects blown away by the wind. Do not get close to collapsed buildings damaged by wind and rain. What is easily overlooked is to squat or lie down

    To keep your body low to avoid flying debris. It is very possible to stand when the wind speed is too high. You may be blown down by strong winds and be injured. Squatting low or lying on the ground can greatly reduce the chance of injury. What is more important is

    To open doors and windows in a confined space for ventilation to prevent suffocation. When a storm passes, it is easy to interrupt the power supply and ventilation . Confined spaces must be prevented. Oxygen deprivation and suffocation are currently worth learning from the experience of some countries around the world

    In terms of preventing and mitigating storm disasters. The first is Japan. Its advanced storm monitoring and early warning system, accurate typhoon path prediction, perfect disaster prevention system and extensive disaster prevention education make it a perfect storm defense system. One of the countries with the best results,

    The Japanese people attach great importance to disaster prevention and avoidance. The storm prevention and post-disaster reconstruction capabilities of the national machinery are also among the best in the world . Followed by the United States, the National Hurricane Center has the strongest monitoring and forecasting capabilities for tropical cyclones in the world,

    Which can be one week in advance. The storm path is more accurately predicted on the southeastern coast of the United States. Wind protection standards are also relatively high. New buildings are wind-resistant and can with wind speeds up to 250 kilometers per hour

    . In addition, the mainstream media and government departments in the United States attach great importance to risk communication and disaster prevention and reduction. The awareness of disaster prevention and reduction is deeply rooted in the public. This is their response to the storm. An important reason for the good effect.

    In addition, Australia also has something worth learning from. Its high-standard building disaster prevention regulations require ordinary houses to withstand strong cyclones. The government and media have also deeply rooted in the publicity of disaster prevention. The whole society attaches great importance to improving wind resistance. In addition, the Australian Meteorological Department uses excellent

    Computing technology to form the world’s first-class cyclone monitoring and forecasting capabilities, allowing disaster prevention and disaster relief decisions to have sufficient time before the storm strikes . What cannot be ignored is Cuba ‘s disaster prevention technology,

    Which attaches great importance to the development of scientific and technological support. The disaster prevention and reduction system uses high-level meteorological warning and calculation technology to greatly shorten the response time of storm warning and forecasting, ensuring the strategic initiative for disaster prevention, avoidance and rescue.

    In addition, it attaches great importance to the use of disaster prevention science popularization to enhance the national risk prevention awareness. To improve the comprehensive effect of social wind and disaster prevention, various emerging technologies have become increasingly mature in preventing and mitigating storm disasters. The first is storm simulation technology

    To create digital storms through high-speed computers. By analogy with the three-dimensional dynamic coupling model of the surrounding terrain environment, the entire process of storm occurrence and development under different parameters can clearly reconstruct the damage caused by the storm passing through, providing a basis for disaster prevention decisions. Secondly

    , the storm generation and path numerical prediction technology uses stereoscopic observation and advanced data. The assimilation model significantly improves the prediction accuracy and lead time of the generation and path of tropical cyclones, providing key support for the formulation of disaster prevention and avoidance plans . What cannot be ignored

    Is the use of new building materials such as energy-dissipating fatigue dampers and the use of windproof, vibration-isolating and shock-absorbing building technology as well as protection measures. New technologies such as shape memory alloys and interface friction damping and magnetorheological damping can greatly improve the anti-side thrust performance and shock absorption and vibration isolation effects

    Of building structures . It is worth mentioning that the construction technology of wind-resistant forests and wind-resistant dams is based on different tree species and Data on the wind-resistant effect of configuration methods. Select and deploy wind-resistant forests to reduce the impact of storms on the land. Wind-resistant dams using concrete revetments

    Can effectively resist storm surges and large waves scouring coastal areas. More advanced information is the storm monitoring and early warning system. Chemical technology uses sensor network technology to obtain various detailed data from different stages of the typhoon life cycle to achieve accurate three-dimensional observation of the entire typhoon system

    To provide key parameter support for disaster prevention decision-making . It has been widely used and is an extreme development of disaster prevention and reduction equipment technology. Waterborne aircraft, underwater robots , and wind-resistant and waterproof communication devices that are effective in weather conditions


    1. 英國,因為香港地緣關係,親近中國政府至少一兩百年,所以業力需要償還因果很大,法國也是,美國亦是,非洲實在不用留存。

    2. 吾約一年前左右,因俄羅斯的小麥不能出口,已經建議中國多入存糧,今年天氣千變萬化,糧食肯定失收。特別是歐洲及太平洋島國,現在又加中東哈以,歐洲俄烏等等,糧食比核武重要。亞洲應該的一些,但亦要小心。

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