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    Electric scooters could have their own category of vehicle here in the UK DFT has announced plans to create a low-speed zero emissions vehicle category to encourage the growth and Adoption of light electric vehicles and E Scooters are going to be the first vehicles to be included in their own

    Subcategory could this mean electric scooters could finally get legislation here in the UK trl’s head of new Mobility who is leading all of this says and I quote we believe that e scoters can represent a genuine modal alternative for many transport users and if implemented right can be a valuable

    Part of delivering the UK’s decarbonizing goals the project is estimated to take around 10 months now it started in July which means it’s going to be ending in may just in time for the general election I’m going to keep my BD eyes on this one so make sure

    You like and hit follow to stay up to date but there is loads to talk about here so let me know down in the comments what you thinking what you saying


    1. About time too, they have been mucking about for so long with this issue. Its rather coincidence that my local council just sent me a survey saying they proposed, all cars in the borough have to be low emission vehicles .So this must be there new game plan.

    2. I say bring it on, I've had an electric scooter for forever and I've not ridden it in case im one of the unlucky few who get it confiscated… so roll on and lets get cracking.

    3. Oh dear this sounds good but it could be the end of Escooters.

      Just look what they did to Ebikes, 15 mph, and a whole host of other restrictions that made them completely useless.

      It's only because people broke and are still braking the laws with ebikes that they actually have any use.

      London has pretty much dropped all the speed limits to 20 mph, does that mean all escooters will be restricted to 10 mph just to cause as much aggravation as possible to motorists and hike up the accident rates?

      Let's not jump for joy so soon, govts have a history of ruining perfectly good working systems.

      Escooters should be allowed to go the speed limit that's it, low powered escooters should be treated the same as ebikes, but why shouldn't you be able to buy a powerful escooter and use it on dual carriage ways at high speeds.

      So long as you have been trained hold a license and are offered insurance.

      I wouldn't jump for joy yet, let's see what they intend before we jump for joy, it's virtually guaranteed to be really bad.

    4. I read they are changing the law on hire scooters that you have to have a driving license to hire one. Is this correct? As most people who use them don't have one.

    5. Electric cars and scooters and skateboards have failed miserably in this country. They will continue to do so too until the more costly (4x) bio fuel vehicles are available. Thats why the infrastructure for roads are being lessened like on the m32. Government are preparing for less cars on the road due to people simply not being able to afford them. Not hard to see. Make em legal – noone wants them anymore.

    6. As long as they limit them by speed for catagories, not power output. E.g Cat 1- 15.5mph licence free but liability insurance needed aged 11+ (So kids can get to senior school). Cat 2 30mph licence and insurance aged 16, cat 3 60mph aged 17 licence and insurance needed. Just an example ….Whatever they do someone will work around it like teenagers did i the 1970's onwards with mopeds and motorcycles. Someone will always break the rules….. its human nature.

    7. Hmm given the lack of protective gear worn by the pilots of these gadgets its vital they are insured and at least some basic road use training is mandated.
      Though i think we should increase ev bike speed from 15 to 20 mph to standardise with other countries.

    8. Well according to the DFT website you need to have a full driving licence to drive it and needs to be insured , that will kill them stone dead

    9. No problem with escooters but it’s some of the idiot riders who ride them on pavements and on roads. They need to be held to account for reckless riding when they cause collisions.

    10. I think ebikes should be registered like a moped if they can go more than 15mph but they need so other way of identity opposed to a number plate.
      To me, a cycle with a number plate looks silly..?

    11. I remember watching footage of a parliamentary select committee discussing the future of e-scooters.
      It felt like listening to 17th century peasants talking about the horrors of witchcraft.
      Hopefully ebikes and escooters will eventually be permitted a 20mph top speed. I used to average 20mph on my cycle commute, its not a dangerous speed.

    12. I got my e-scooter well over 2 years ago and back then people were talking like legislation was right around the corner and yet here we still are. One of the only EU, hell entire globe of countries to still not legalise the e-scooter. Embarrassing.

    13. I’m looking forward to seeing how this progresses, I work in a bike store and we’ve sold e-scooters in the past, e-bikes still a more popular option in our town mainly for fast food delivery but if there are proper rules in place to not only make the scooters pass legislation but also to ensure the safety of the riders too then that will be amazing (as it’s not mandatory to wear a helmet in the UK although we sell a good amount per week the number riding without far outweighs those riding with, and as there is less protection on a scooter compared to a bike it’s seem fitting to have some mandatory measures in place) I’ll be honest though as I’ve not actually ridden one I’ve just been till side selling them and making sure customers are aware of their current status. Thank you for the update.

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