The Complete Finn Timeline (Adventure Time) | Channel Frederator

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    Finn Mertens is Adventure Time’s poster boy and main protagonist. He’s got a cool hat, a whole lot of swords, and enough energy to do pretty much anything he wants to do. He’s gone through a lot over the years, and as a result, he’s grown and changed quite a bit. His adventures with Jake the Dog fundamentally altered the world of Ooo, and his interactions with the magical denizens are legendary. We can also thank him for the introduction of using ALGEBRAIC as a stand in for awesome.



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    Finn Mertens is Adventure Time’s poster boy  and main protagonist. He’s got a cool hat,   a whole lot of swords, and enough energy to  do pretty much anything he wants to do. He’s   gone through a lot over the years, and as  a result, he’s grown and changed quite a  

    Bit. His adventures with Jake the Dog  fundamentally altered the world of Ooo,   and his interactions with the magical  denizens are legendary. We can also   thank him for the introduction of using  ALGEBRAIC as a stand in for awesome. Welcome back to Channel Frederator! It’s time  for a complete breakdown of the Life of Finn  

    Mertens! This video was made in collaboration  with The Adventure Time Wiki, and with notes   from JAGM’s Adventure Time Chronology. Check out  the description for more info, and links to their   sites. Alright, there are plenty of events  to cover here, so let’s get right into it! BEFORE FINN GOT TO OOO

    Around the time of the Great Mushroom War, the  Blue Catalyst Comet hit earth, leaving an agent of   change. This Agent of Change takes the form of a  butterfly, which eventually reincarnates as Finn. Finn was also once a one-armed thief  named Shoko. Shoko stole an amulet  

    From P Bubbz ages ago, but was knocked  into the ooze under the Candy Kingdom,   mutating and making her way to the  tree that is now the Tree Fort. Then, almost a thousand years later, Finn  was born on the human-inhabited island,   known as Hub Island. His parents,  Martin Mertens and Minerva Campbell,  

    Are a con man and a Helper, respectively.  Martin’s con man ways catch up to him,   and he’s forced to flee the island with Finn.  The father-son duo is separated while floating   on the ocean, and that’s the last that Finn  sees of his biological dad for a long time.

    Somehow, baby Finn came into possession of a  breadstick wand. This provided him with enough   food to survive until he washed up in Ooo. He  goes boom boom on a leaf and falls into it,   and remains stuck there until a  dog couple, Joshua and Margaret,  

    Find him. They adopt the little human  baby and raise him alongside their pups,   Jake and Jermaine. Thus begins the  legendary Finn and Jake friendship. Finn grows up alongside Jake and Jermaine,  totally unaware of his human parents,  

    Or any other humans that may be out there. Joshua  wants his sons to be adventurers just like him,   and designs a bunch of dungeons to  test their mettle. His dog brothers   grow up much faster than him, because of dog  years. Jake heads off to college and to be a  

    Rapscallion while Finn is still just a kid.  Eventually, Joshua and Margaret pass away,   and Finn and Jake bury them. The  duo inherits the iconic Tree Fort. ADVENTURE TIME! Living together with Jake and BMO  (after BMO crash-landed on Earth),  

    Finn can begin his life of adventuring. He kicks  off this journey with a slumber party to prevent   candy people from getting eaten by zombies (or  exploding from fear). He makes a royal promise to   Princess Bubblegum to tell no one, and eventually  does tell Jake. This causes the Guardians of the  

    Royal Promise to freeze time, and almost try him  by fire. Bubblegum gets them to chill out a bit,   and Finn ends up getting some easy math questions  instead. All is well in the Candy Kingdom. Soon, Lumpy Space Princess accidentally bites  Jake during a tea ceremony, which gives him  

    The Lumps. In order to cure him, Finn and Jake  go with LSP to Lumpy Space, where Finn has to   constantly remind LSP of the urgency of their  situation. After LSP insults the only folks in   Lumpy Space with the antidote, Finn gets angry  enough to impress the anti-Lumpers and scores  

    Some for Jake. In order to administer it, though,  Finn has to become lumpy himself. He cures Jake,   but ends up all Lumped Up himself. In the end,  he is given the antidote and everyone dances. One day, while sledding in the Ice Kingdom, Finn  and Jake beat up a bunch of Ice Monsters. They  

    Celly a little too hard, and Ice King  freezes them and tosses them in a cell   with a handful of princesses. The princesses  tell Finn that they’ve been trapped for weeks   because the Ice King wants to marry them.  Finn breaks his flute trying to escape.  

    He convinces the princesses to pretend to  have fun to make Ice King feel left out,   and it works. Finn kicks Ice King’s butt  and escapes with the princesses and Jake.   Slime Princess wants to marry Finn, so  Jake says he pees his pants all the time.

    Tree Trunks asks for Finn and Jake’s help to  get the Crystal Gem Apple. They agree to help,   and head into the Evil Forest. Finn and Jake  fight off the Wall of Flesh, Sign Zombies,   and a Brain Beast all while Tree Trunks  acts pretty carelessly. Finn gets really  

    Mad at Tree Trunks for putting herself in  danger, which makes her cry and run off.   This results in a fight with a Crystal  Guardian, who is eventually tricked into   being less dangerous by the adventurers  deciding to fight “Tree Trunks Style.”  

    Finn then witnesses Tree Trunks eat the Crystal  Gem Apple and explode. This horrifies everyone. Finn saves P Bubbz’s life, who then  designates him a hero. And what’s a hero   without a quest? She sends him off to find the  Enchiridion. Finn and Jake go to Mount Cragdor,  

    And complete a whole whack-load of trials. You  know, hang gliding on Ogre dollars and kicking   Dark Magicians in the nards. Finn proves himself  a righteous hero, and gets the Enchiridion. Upon   receiving the book, he immediately flips to  Chapter Five: How to Kiss a Princess. Aw YEAH!

    Our boys accidentally kidnap a Jiggler, and  dance all night with it. They don’t know how   to take proper care of it, and plug it  up with glass eyes and eyepatches. It   becomes clear that the Jiggler just wants  to go back to Mama, so they bring it home.

    After rescuing Princess Bubblegum from Ice  King, Finn and Jake are honored with a party.   Ricardio the Heart Guy shows up and Finn  gets super jealous even though he insists   he’s not. He finds out that Ricardio  is Ice King’s super messed-up heart,  

    And gets that blood-pumping muscle back into the  crown-wearing villain before kicking him away.   P Bubbz requests a kiss, but it’s actually  just a picture of Jake’s face on her butt. Finn and Jake hire a bunch of dethawed  businessmen to build their gauntlet bridge,  

    And this ends up making everything way  too efficient. Heroism gets too easy,   and the brothers get really lazy. They  eat ice cream and play video games all   day while the businessmen do the hard work.  Eventually, the businessmen become villains   and Finn and Jake defeat them, before  re-hiring them and telling them to go  

    Back into the ice. Jake’s gut is magically  returned to normal size, but Finn’s is not. After realizing that he’s having  trouble balancing his relationships,   Jake gets Finn and Lady Rainicorn to hang  out together. At first, it’s a little rocky,  

    But after Lady puts on a universal  translator, they start to get along. In fact,   they get along so well that Jake gets  jealous! Finn catches Jake hanging out   with his old criminal pal, Tiffany, and  once he realizes that Tiffany is a boy,  

    He fights the miscreant. Finn emerges victorious,  and says that he and Jake should hang out again. While hanging out, Finn notices a mountain  with problems and flashes back to his boom   boom leaf sitch. This inspires him to help out  all sorts of people who need help. At first he’s  

    A little overwhelmed by all of the problems  he’s supposed to solve, but then he figures   out a rube goldbergian way to do it all at once.  Then he and Jake ride on a lovestruck dolphin. After that dolphin ride, Finn and Jake are  brought to a wizard training facility, where  

    They learn dustomancy and shadowcery. Finn keeps  learning magic until he gets all of his stars,   and is then conscripted to help some old  wizards keep a meteor away. He’d rather get   it over and done with, so he runs off on his  own to zap the space rock. This doesn’t work,  

    But everyone else shows up to help  and the meteor is taken care of. Suddenly, Marceline the Vampire Queen shows up  and reveals that she’s actually claimed the Tree   Fort. Finn and Jake are homeless. They end up  in a cave, and it’s pretty nice, but guess what!  

    Marceline laid claim to this spot, too. She just  knows all the good places! Jake convinces Finn   that home is where the heart is, and that’s very  sweet. But Finn ticks off Marcy anyway, and they   get in a fight. It looks like Marcy drank all of  Jake’s blood, but he moved his insides around.  

    This is so amusing that Marceline gives them  the tree fort back, which is now full of worms. At the City of Thieves, Finn sees a young girl  named Penny asking for help. He decides to help   her, which involves heading into the city.  The City of Thieves is not a good influence,  

    And Finn slowly becomes more corrupt  (while Jake is already technically   a thief from his time away from home).  Once Finn realizes that Penny duped him,   he goes on a revenge spree and cleans  Penny. She still steals his stuff. After Jake loses his powers to  a vengeful pastry-loving witch,  

    Finn gets knocked out by a mermaid and  is brought to a nest as food. Thankfully,   Jake gets his powers back in time to  save Finn from being mermaid bird food. In order to get back at Jake for  some butter-based shenanigans,   Finn builds a Never-Ending-Pie-Throwing-Robot,  AKA Neptr. It doesn’t work until struck by  

    Lightning, but even then it has technical  problems. Finn brings Neptr to Ice King,   and they have a weird co-parenting clash.  In the end, Neptr chooses Finn and goes to   throw pies at Jake. Neptr then hides for a  very long time, and Finn does not find him.

    While chasing a Newt, Finn realizes he’s scared  as heck of the ocean, probably thanks to being   separated from his father while out on the  water. A dark entity known as the Fear Feaster   emerges from his belly button and tells him that  he’s never gonna beat the fear. Lo and behold,  

    Though, Finn finds out a way to get rid of  that fear. He even saves Jake’s life while   doing so! And Three Wise Men show up in  a limo, saying that Finn is truly a hero. Ice King decides he’s going to get married,  and drags Finn and Jake into his preparations.  

    They participate in his manlorette party,  which goes about as well as you’d expect   it to. Finn finds out that his bride-to-be is  brainwashed, and tries to stop the wedding,   which results in Jake accidentally  marrying Ice King. They get a divorce.

    P Bubbz puts up a sign warning against entering  a dungeon. Of course, Finn enters said dungeon.   He even claimed that he could do it solo after  Jake said he was useless without him. Turns out,   things are pretty tough without Jake! There’s  a Demon Cat with approximate knowledge of many  

    Things. There’s a Guardian Angel who heals  him up, just to prepare to eat him. Oh,   and Jake’s there. They steal the Crystal  Eye, and get attacked by Eye Demons,   and are rescued by Bubblegum on her flying swan.  Finn learns that he and Jake are better as a team,  

    Which is not the lesson the  Princess wanted him to learn. Finn’s rough streak with Bubblegum continues,  as he accidentally snipes her with a boomerang   bottle full of green potion, making her both green  and bald. The Duke of Nuts takes the fall for it,  

    And Finn feels bad. He gets sent to arrest the  Duke, and finds out that he’s got a pudding   deficiency – part of the reason Bubblegum  doesn’t want him around. Finn decides to   come clean about the boomerang, and gets sent  to a grand meeting as P Bubbz’ body double.

    Magic Man flips a bird inside out, and then  turns Finn into a foot. Jake sees this as a boon,   but Finn doesn’t want to be a giant foot, even  if he can get catapulted into giant crotches.   The Rump People don’t much appreciate Finn’s  giant footness, so they toss him off of a bridge,  

    Which puts him in the domain of Freak  City. Finn and the other freaks realize   they can make up one big body with all of  their parts, and they fight Magic Man. The   lesson? Don’t Give Your Sugar to Jerks. Finn  gets turned back into his regular human self.

    Finn and Jake civilize a freak named  Donnie, which has consequences they   couldn’t possibly imagine. The little House  People needed Donnie to produce obnoxygen   in order to keep the Why-Wolves away, so  Finn and Jake make Donnie annoying again. After seeing how Marceline treats her old-man  henchman, Finn offers to take his place. He’s  

    Hesitant to follow her orders, because they all  seem so gosh-darn EVIL. But, as it turns out,   Marcy isn’t so bad after all. Jake  doesn’t believe that she’s any good,   though, and attacks her while dressed  as a strawberry. Finn thinks quick,  

    And tells Marcy how to trick Jake.  Jake is happy to have saved his bestie,   Finn is happy that Jake is happy, and Marcy is  happy to not have been staked. Ah, friendship. During a knife-storm, Jake starts imagining  things that become dangerously real, like  

    Lava floors and poisonous snakes. Finn fights his  way through the invisible gauntlet, almost dies,   and switches it off. This imagination switch also  turns off Jake’s personality now, leaving him   boring and emotionless. This Jake sucks so much  that Finn starts to use his imagination, something  

    He claimed was for turbo nerds. He conjures up  a big red button and gets everything back to the   way it should be. The knife storm ends, but Finn  decides that’s enough adventuring for one day. Princess Bubblegum sent Finn and Jake on a mission  to kidnap Ice King. They sneak into his Kingdom,  

    Snag his crown, and tie him up. Once  he’s in jail in the Candy Kingdom,   Finn feels a little bad for him as Ice King didn’t  really do anything wrong this time. Well, not on   purpose. The candy people were suffering from  Freezer Burn Flu – a side effect of Ice King’s  

    Beard flakes. The only cure were his sad howls,  and by the time Finn learned this, he’d already   let Ice King go. So Finn and Jake go back to the  Ice Kingdom, and pretend that a bug is flying  

    Around. The so-called bug lands on Finn, Ice King  tries to hit the bug, Ice King hits Finn, and Finn   pretends to die. Ice King is so distraught, he  begins to wail – and the candy people are cured. While fighting a Swamp Giant, Finn  and Jake find the sword of Billy – the  

    Greatest warrior ever. When they try to  take the sword, it opens up Billy’s cave,   and they get to meet their hero. Billy is old  now, and a little disillusioned. He convinces   them to try to help folks nonviolently, which  doesn’t work out too well for our adventurous  

    Duo. After a bunch of misadventures, they  decide that they CAN help people with violence,   which cures a hole in Billy’s tummy,  and returns him to his old self. Finn can’t find Jake, so he starts playing his  viola – badly. When Jake shows up, they hear  

    Cries for help and go to see what’s up. The Soft  People had their gold stolen by the Gut Grinder,   who everyone thinks looks just like Jake. Finn is  worried that more people will think Jake is this   monster, and does what he can to convince them  otherwise. Eventually Jake gets imprisoned, and  

    Starts to believe he is the monster, but Finn uses  a gold tooth to lure out the real one. Jake starts   acting like the Gut Grinder, but Finn badly plays  his viola again and brings him back to his senses. After hearing Marceline’s sad, sad song about  french fry thieving fathers, Finn summons Hunson  

    Abadeer from the Nightosphere. Abadeer tries  to steal Finn’s soul, gets stopped by Marcy,   and steals her bass. Finn tries to  stop him from suckin’ more souls,   but is unsuccessful. Finn and Marcy end  up fighting a gigantic Hunson Abadeer,   and reveal his true form. Finn isn’t strong  enough to take on this ancient entity,  

    But he does distract him by playing a recording  of Marcy’s french fry song. This gives him the   opportunity to slice open the soul sack, releasing  all of the trapped souls back into Ooo. Finn then   banishes Abadeer back to the Nighosphere.  Also Jake was in his pocket this whole time.

    Finn and Jake want to sleep after a crazy  adventure, but a horse with whacked-out   poo-brain prevents them from doing so. They  try all sorts of stuff, but nothing gets the   horse to go away. Finn stops Jake from killing  the horse, and then they find out that it was  

    Ice King in a costume all along. Now they want  to know what he was up to, but he won’t tell.   After an extended fight, where Finn knocks off  Ice King’s crown and threatens to behead him,   Ice King admits that he was just trying to  figure out what made the duo happy. Aww.

    Finn and Jake learn about the Nice King,  and decide to be his knights. The Nice   King is holding a bunch of princesses in a  sandcastle cell, looking for the best one   to marry. He sends Finn and Jake to get  his stolen razor from the Ice Kingdom,  

    Where they discover that he is indeed the  Ice King sans beard. When they return,   the Princesses won’t let them beat up the Nice  King. Finn glues Ice King’s beard back on,   revealing his true identity, which  prompts the princesses to beat him up.

    Finn gets a splinter, and buys a thimble  from Choose Goose to protect his little   fingies. He runs into some well-armored  knights, who make fun of him for his lack   of impressive protection. Thus begins a  quest for the Armor of Zeldron – foretold  

    To be totally (click-click). Finn travels through  the Swamp of Embarrassment, facing Naked People,   a crying creature who thinks he is her baby,  and a ghost who wants to play Drop Ball. Finn   does not deal with embarrassment well. BUT! He  does find the armor. Too bad it’s for girls,  

    And Finn doesn’t want to wear it. The ghost gets  mad, and starts sucking Finn’s soul out, but Jake   dons the armor and forces the Ghost to go outside.  Sir Slicer shows up and makes fun of Finn again,  

    But now Finn is ready to fire back. Slicer’s  armor gets the better of him, and Finn gets the   last laugh. He then rides on Jake, who is still  wearing the armor, which is totally (click-click). Jake gets sick, and demands that Finn tell him  a story including romance, fighting, suspense,  

    And a happy ending. Finn causes trouble in  the woods, including getting Boobafina and   Mr. Fox to kiss, fighting a teenage bear, and  menacing a bird’s nest with a rock. The forest   wizard knocks him out, and puts him in a cage  for his crimes, but Finn manufactures a happy  

    Ending by teaching all of his new forest pals some  important lessons. When he tells Jake this story,   Jake immediately gets better. Too bad Finn  gets Jake’s illness immediately after. When a giant snail named Snorlock wrecks Finn and  Jake’s Tree Fort and sprays them with happy juice,  

    They decide to help him find a lady snail. This  doesn’t go very well for a variety of reasons,   largely thanks to Jake’s advice. Well, maybe the  advice would have worked if Snorlock was a snail,   but Finn realizes that he’s a slug. NO WONDER!

    Finn gets kidnapped by gnomes who want  to use his boundless energy to power   their Upturnoverdrive. He’s tossed into  a giant hamster wheel and forced to run   under threat of electric shock. Then  he’s tossed into a glass prison and   shocked into dancing. Then he’s strapped into  a machine that slurps up his thought energy,  

    Which makes him imagine Jake rescuing him.  Soon after, Jake actually does rescue him. Jake challenges Finn to a tough guy contest, and  accidentally injures him pretty badly. Because   of this, Jake takes a vow of non-violence.  Finn gets pulled into the Crystal Dimension  

    By Crystal Guardians, who put him in a bubble  and zap him so he starts becoming crystal.   Jake goes to rescue him, but can’t do much if  he’s not being violent. Tree Trunks appears,   and it’s revealed that she is now the Crystal  Queen. She wants Finn to be her Crystal King,  

    And is transforming him for that  role. Finn tells Jake to save him,   but he just gets beat up. Jake realizes that  it’s okay to hit evil people, and knocks the   Crystal Gem Apple out of Tree Trunks, which stops  Finn’s transformation. Then it’s apple pie time!

    Princess Bubblegum hires Finn and Jake to tote  Royal Tarts to the sacred Back-Rubbing Ceremony,   as the old Tart Toter has gone insane. They  agree to her plan, but also pull a little trick;   Cinnamon Bun is given poisoned tarts to take  on the safe route, as Finn and Jake tote the  

    Real tarts through treacherous territory.  The treacherous territory turns out to be   terrible for their tarts, and they don’t  retain any. Cinnamon Bun does just fine,   though. Finn worries that P Bubbz  is gonna eat a poisoned tart,   but in the end it’s all good because  she pulled a little trick of her own.

    After feeding some baby birds, a Tree Witch asks  for Finn’s help in getting some hair. He agrees   to help, but Jake says that he should reconsider  because she’s obviously evil. The Witch then puts  

    Jake into her bottomless bottom and says that Finn  has to get her hair if he wants to see his dog   again. Finn runs off to find some princesses,  failing to get hair from Muscle Princess,   Lumpy Space Princess, and the dead Princess  Beautiful. He does get some of Bubblegum’s  

    Hair after a woodsy spaghetti dinner, but  this is literally just bubblegum. The Witch   won’t accept it, and Finn chews her out for  being ugly inside and out. This makes her sad,   and she lets Jake go. Finn feels bad, and offers  his own beautiful hair from beneath his hat.

    NINJA TIME! Finn and Jake stake out Ice  King’s castle and watch him fly off with   Gunter. They enter his abode and find all of his  awesome ninja stuff. With this new knowledge,   they start wrecking the place via awesome  ninja combat. Ice King comes back with  

    Gunter and a newly laid Gunter egg, and sees  the destruction wreaked by the duo. Finn feels   bad and takes Ice King’s duffel to the cage,  but finds Doctor Princess hidden inside. Finn   and Jake fight Ice King with ninja powers, and  Gunter’s egg hatches into a little pink cat.

    Finn helps Jake look like a Rainicorn in order to  impress Lady Rainicorn’s parents. He is mistaken   for a goblin, and gets beat up helping Jake  play Rainicorn games. Finn gets mad at Jake,   who begs for his forgiveness. During a picnic  with the Rainicorns, Finn almost gets eaten, which  

    Makes Jake mad enough to reveal his true identity  as a dog. Also, Finn eats some soy people. On the way to an Ice Cream Marathon, Finn and Jake  are accosted by a Frog Gnome Knight. He hands off  

    His chest of beans, two good and one evil, and  then dies. Finn wants to protect the beans,   but Jake decides the best way to deal with this  would be to plant them and kill whatever evil   shows up. One plant pops out baby pigs in  cute costumes, another creates magic wands,  

    And the third is full of ice cream.  The baby pigs turn out to be evil,   but thanks to a personality quiz Finn  gave them, he realizes they’re allergic   to ice cream. He sprays them with the ice cream  plant, causing them to explode into confetti.

    Finn defeats and deposes a goblin king who liked  spanking his subject’s butts. With no leader,   they ask Finn to take over as king. It’s  weird, because the gobs have no idea how   to react to niceness. Plus, there’s all these  weird rules that prevent Finn from doing, like,  

    Anything. And every time Finn breaks a rule,  the goblin people assume he’s coming to spank   their booties. The deposed king returns with  an army of earclopses, which Finn defeats by   clapping real loud. He defeats the King again,  eats his wand, and leaves the goblins to their  

    Own devices – with a king that looks like  Finn, but will let everyone do stuff for him. After gifting P Bubbz a scale model of  the Candy Kingdom made from spit bubbles,   Finn puts out a fire and is asked to speak at the  Science BBQ. He doesn’t think he’s smart enough,  

    So he goes to study at the library. This  doesn’t go well. Instead of learning,   he gets the Glasses of Nerdicon from Choose  Goose, which grant him immediate genius status.   He creates a fourth dimensional bubble to cast  a three dimensional shadow, but this causes  

    Space and time to collapse – resulting in a black  hole. He jumps in, and makes it explode. Bubblegum   sees that he was trying to win the heart of the  Princess while wearing the glasses, but Finn makes  

    The excuse that he was only doing that because of  the glasses. He gets a little cheek kiss anyway. Finn plays the videogame Guardians of Sunshine on  BMO, but gets frustrated when he can’t beat Sleepy   Sam. BMO reveals that they could go INSIDE the  game, but it’s too dangerous. Finn and Jake sneak  

    Into BMO’s game that night, while the little  cutie is sleeping. After a couple lost lives,   Jake helps Finn cross a pit, but Finn gets killed  by Bouncy Bee. Soon, they run into Sleepy Sam who   takes even more of their lives. Finn wants to  get the BOMBA, but can’t without a controller,  

    And accidentally opens up a hole in the game  by trying to grab it from the game’s HUD. The   video game enemies make it into the real world,  and try to kill BMO for trapping them in there.   Finn finally manages to do the combo move  he messed up earlier, and beats the enemies.

    Finn and Jake accidentally kill Bubblegum’s  Princess Plant by feeding it pizza and cookies and   also some other stuff that’s bad for plants. They  decide that they’re gonna go to the Land of the   Dead to revive it, and get Peppermint Butler to  give them an in. The Skeletons down there really  

    Want their flesh, and Jake does not do a good job  of staying stealthy. They get to Death’s Castle,   but need to cross a river, which Jake inevitably  drinks from. This erases Jake’s memory,   and the duo make it to Death. Finn attacks  Death, who challenges the boy to a musical  

    Battle for the Princess Plant’s soul and Jake’s  memories. Finn puts on a sleigh bell performance,   which does not win out against Death’s drum  solo. Right before Death takes Finn’s life,   Finn says that Peppermint Butler says hi. Death  changes his tune, impressed that they know Pepz,  

    And sends them back to the living world  with the plant’s soul and Jake’s memories.   All is well! But Peppermint Butler  does want their flesh as payment. Finn meets Susan Strong after getting all  soul-searchy and weird about being the only  

    Human. Down in the depths, he discovers a tribe  of people known as Hyoomans, afraid of pretty   much everything. Susan Strong adventures with Finn  and Jake for a bit, learning what he has to offer,   and finds out that candy is delicious. Finn tells  her not to eat the ones that talk, which to her  

    Just means Peppermint Butler. Susan brings  all of the Hyoomans to eat the candy kingdom,   and they end up being set on fire, revealing  their gills under their animal hats. Susan,   however, does not remove her hat. Finn is  confused as to whether she was human or not.

    For Finn’s 13th birthday, Jake takes him on  a train ride that will end in a surprise. But   the candy people along for the ride keep  dying, putting Finn in a detective role.   As he investigates, more and more candy people  become skeletons, until even Jake is all bones.  

    Finn realizes that it must be the conductor,  and the two engage in a sword fight. He breaks   the control panel, and the train goes flying off  the tracks and lands in a big pile of jello. Jake  

    And the candy people are waiting for him by the  gelatin, where they celebrate his bday big stylez. A Couples Only Movie Night is planned, and  Finn wants to invite Princess Bubblegum to   go with him. She turns him down, but Jake and  Marceline think they can still convince her.  

    They enact some pretty complicated hijinks  to make her jealous. This culminates in Finn   wearing a lute suit, singing to P Bubbz, and  putting her in a headlock. He gets kicked out   of the castle. Marcy encourages him  to go feral, and together they do,  

    Bringing a pack of wolves into Bubblegum’s  bedroom. Finn is banned from the Candy   Kingdom at large. He realizes that Marcy was the  perfect person to take to the movies all along,   but she doesn’t like him that way. But really,  all Finn wanted was to go to the movies,  

    So they go together and hate the romance. The  wolves return, and they go off into the night. Finn and Jake hop into a giant monster’s  stomach because they hear cries for   help. A bunch of care-bear-lookin party  animals are in there having a sick rave,  

    But they don’t seem to realize that they’re  in a stomach. Wanting to help them get out,   Finn and Jake collaborate with Cubby,  the littlest bear, and perform a sad   song to get them out of the tummy. In the end  though, the bears need a stomach to party in,  

    So they agree to be less rowdy in  there and the monster takes them back. Finn and Jake wish upon a star for an Ancient  Psychic Tandem War Elephant. They’re then sent to   help out the Hot Dog Knights, who are trapped in a  labyrinth. Jake uses his stretch powers to become  

    A bread crumb trail of sorts, which worries Finn  as they go deeper and deeper. The Hot Dog Knights   love it tho. The group makes it to the chamber  in the middle, and meets Aquandrius. He grants   them wishes, but also makes them navigate deadly  traps. After Jake wishes for a sandwich, and the  

    Hot Dog Knights are dumb, Finn must choose between  saving his friend and getting the APTWE. He wishes   for the Elephant, who then makes a wish of it’s  own: for Finn’s friends to be saved. Hurrah! Finn calls off a movie night because of the FBI  copyright warning that plays before a movie. This  

    Inspires him to make his own movie with Jake,  but they have a lot of creative differences.   They hand over all of their footage to BMO, and  ask who’s is better. No reply. At the screening,   they find out that BMO has replaced all  of their footage with an animation that  

    Shows all the fun Finn and Jake had  making their movie. Check Please! Marceline tricks Finn and Jake into  thinking they’re vampires. Her ghost   pals are jerks and try to kill and  or devour Finn and Jake. In the end,   the ghosts spare their lives  because they want to watch a movie.

    The snail in Finn’s backpack enters into the  chamber containing the Lich without a protective   gem. The Lich sees his chance and escapes the  amber, beginning a destructive rampage across   Ooo. Bubblegum gives Finn Billy’s gauntlet and  tells him he has to defeat the evil. She also  

    Gives him a sweater. Ice King interrupts and gets  gauntlet-ed. When Finn catches up to the Lich,   the evil entity is already powering up in a  pool of toxic waste. The gauntlet is destroyed,   and Finn’s hand is burned. Finn gets  possessed by the Lich, but his sweater  

    Saves him from the cold. He realizes that  the sweater is keeping him safe thanks to   the power of “liking someone a lot.” He uses  the sweater to break the Lich’s face off,   turning him to dust. Ice King then  drops P Bubbz into the toxic waste.

    Finn and Jake take on the role of caretakers for  P Bubbz as she recovers from her swim in the green   pool. Finn wants to confess his feelings, but  she’s definitely not herself. She’s acting weird,   and keeps conjuring fire and looking for  chemicals. Finn brings her a lot of dangerous  

    Chemicals, which she mixes in a bathtub and drinks  – becoming a massive monster. Ice King wants to   help, but Finn is still mad at him for dropping  Bubblegum in the first place. Finn tries to use  

    The sweater to fight again, but it doesn’t work.  Ice King gets to help, and as Finn distracts her,   he casts an ice spell. Monster Bubblegum is  frozen, but she falls over and shatters. She’s put   back together, but lost a lot of bubblegum, and is  now 13. Finn is very happy with this development.

    Finn finds the Cuties attacking his tree  fort, and thinks they’re cute. They prove   to be quite violent, but ultimately not  a threat to anyone but themselves. Finn   fakes his death to appease the so-called  evil creatures, but Jake’s laugh gives  

    This away. They then convince them to use  their cute powers to control Ice King. Finn and Jake run into the Fight King, who  gets Finn to fight in gladiatorial combat.   Finn keeps getting more and more violent,  while Jake tries to find other ways to  

    Deal with the gauntlet. The final showdown  demanded by Fight King pits the two besties   against each other, which Finn pretends to  be ready for. Once given a bigger sword,   he smashes it, effectively killing Fight  King and releasing all of the ghosts.

    Rag Wizard leads Finn and Jake to Marceline,  who is under a self-inflicted sleep spell   and needs the duo to enter her mind  to fix it. They enter her memories,   and relive a bunch of her life experiences, like  repairing Hambo, having her dad steal her fries,  

    And all sorts of stuff regarding her ex-boyfriend  Ash. They snag the memory of her breaking up with   Ash, and return to the real world. Well,  turns out Ash was behind this whole thing,   and wanted Marcy to forget about their split –  tricking Finn and Jake into doing it. In order  

    To get Marcy her memory back, Finn brings her  into his memories (and we get to see a wonderful   song and dance by baby Finn). She realizes  what happened, and everyone beats up Ash. Finn grounds the Ice King, so Ice King  hires a hitman to get Finn and Jake,  

    Not knowing that a hitman doesn’t just  literally hit people. Finn and Jake eat   some sandwiches made from Meat Man’s meat, and  go to bed, unaware of the hijinks going on around   them. To prevent Scorcher from actually  killing them, Ice King lowers their body  

    Temperatures to the point where they appear  dead. Finn lives to adventure another day. Finn is on a so-called date with the 13-year-old  P Bubbz. He eats some spicy instant bath serum,   and then meets the Earl of Lemongrab, who is here  to rule the Candy Kingdom until the princess is  

    18 again. Finn and Bubblegum then pull some  wicked pranks on Lemongrab to get him to leave,   which only gets candy citizens put in the  dungeon. The two youths flirt and bond   during this prank spree. In the end, it becomes  clear that the only way to get Lemongrab out is  

    To get Bubblegum back to ruling age – accomplished  through the addition of candy mass from imprisoned   candy people. Finn and Bubblegum do share  a kiss before she returns to her true age,   but that was like, five years ago, you know?  Jake gives Finn a little pep talk about love.

    LSP runs away from home, so the Lumpy Space  King and Queen hire Finn and Jake to bring   her home. They find her moonlighting as  a crop-stealing monster who was raised by   wolves, and convince her to apologize to the  villagers – with mixed results. She goes home,  

    And Finn gets thanked despite his  lack of really doing anything. Finn wakes up one morning and is unable to  move. The reason? Ice King sprayed him and   Jake with a freezing potion in order to become  friends with the duo. Finn feels that his mind  

    Is more powerful while his body is incapacitated,  and attempts to summon an Astral Beast. This puts   him to sleep. When he awakens, he believes  he’s succeeded in summoning one, but doesn’t   know what it looks like. The beast eventually  shows up as a swarm of butterflies which Finn  

    And Jake can control. They attack Ice King with  the bugs, and he accidentally freezes himself. At the Wizard Battle, it’s revealed that  the grand prize is a kiss from P Bubbz. Finn   enters to “prevent Ice King from winning,”  but we know why he’s really doing it. He  

    Meets up with Abracadaniel, who thought  the prize would be money. Finn comes up   with a plan to help Abracadaniel defeat the  ice king, which ends up working! With this,   Finn forfeits and becomes a cat. But when  Abracadaniel actually wants to kiss the Princess,  

    Finn leaps out of his cat form to beat  Abracadaniel with a Power Shriek. He   admits to Jake that he wants to kiss  the princess in a rather angry way,   and then goes to receive his smooch. The princess  kisses him, slaps him, and sends him on his way.

    While trapped in a block of ice, Finn is  regaled by the Ice King, who is telling   him the story of Fionna and Cake – Finn and  Jake’s genderbent fanfiction counterparts. While cuddling with a piece of Princess  Bubblegum’s hair, Finn witnesses a Door  

    Lord pop out and steal special items from  the Tree Fort Trio. As they pursue him,   they run into Marceline and Bubblegum – who also  appear to have been stolen from. In order to get   their stuff back, they’ve gotta be a real  band. Finn is shocked when Marcy sings I’m  

    Just Your Problem, and then suggests a noodle  break. After everyone else acts like jerks,   Finn starts singing a song about his  best friends – which turns out to be   the goal of the Door Lord all along – to  make them realize their friendship is the  

    Real treasure. Finn is still embarrassed  when he gets the hair lump back though. Finn doesn’t like Korean food, so he takes Jake to  Tree Trunks’ house for apple pie. Too bad someone   stole all of her apples, though. Finn leads them  on an investigation, taking them to seedy places  

    Where thieves and criminals hang out. But in the  end, it turns out that magpies had stored the   apples on Tree Trunks’ roof – and they’d fallen  into her closet through a hole. Oh, happenstance! Murder mystery 2.0! This time, Finn and Jake head  to a mysterious party. They learn that their host  

    Is a ghost who will take over someone’s body and  kill the rest of the partygoers. Finn and Jake run   around and discover skeletons and such, while  getting more and more paranoid. When Bubblegum   melts and Cinnamon Bun is splattered all over the  walls, Finn admits that he set up the whole thing,  

    But didn’t plan for these deaths. He sees a crazy  monster and the house comes alive – but Jake   reveals that he set up the whole thing to flip the  script on Finn. Except for the monster house bit. Another Candy Zombie plague  hits the Candy Kingdom,  

    And Princess Bubblegum is bit before she can  do anything about it. Her last words are:   Just let science do the work! Science is…”  That’s it. Finn tries to make his own cure,   but just ends up giving the zombies wings. After  everyone else is infected, Finn locks himself in  

    The science shower, and discovers that P Bubbz  has a rat named Science. Science saves the day. Susan Strong shows up and asks Finn  for his help – needing his hero’s   heart and fire. Jake doesn’t wanna,  but they go anyways. Lub Glubs slow  

    Their journey to the Hyooman Tribe City,  but Finn puts fire into the City Heart,   killing off the creatures. We’re still not  entirely sure if Susan Strong is human or not. Uh oh, Finn’s legs are broken thanks to a crazy  stag in the Candy Kingdom. When he wakes up,  

    He has to get around in a wheelchair, and Jake  has gone insane. Jake claims that everyone in   the Candy Kingdom is missing because they’re  prepping for a surprise party. This is not   true. Finn starts to believe that Jake  has gone truly crazy, and has trapped  

    All the candy people in the sewers. Well, it  wasn’t Jake! It was the stag – who has creepy   human hands. They beat the stag, rescue  the candy people, and go to take a bath. Finn promises to protect Wildberry Princess after  she finds a note from an assassin. After getting  

    Mad at Jake for eating too much, he starts  noticing his pooch pal acting weird. Jake   gets Finn to sing their mom’s lullaby, which puts  everyone to sleep except for Finn and Jake. Finn   reads a message from Jake, but misinterprets it  and starts meowing. A bird flies into Jake’s head,  

    Knocking a tiny assassin out of his nose,  revealing why Jake was acting so weird.   Finn wants to fight Me-Mow, and even takes  a slash to the face. It just makes his face   look cooler, though. Jake grows his liver to  be enormous enough to process Me-Mow’s poison,  

    And Finn watches Wildberry Princess knock Me-Mow  off a cliff. They all then head to the hospital. Finn and Jake try their darndest to get past Ice  King’s ice armor, but to no avail. There’s also   a Snow Golem and some Fire Wolves getting up  to their own stuff. Axes seem to do the trick,  

    And the Ice Armor is broken. The snow golem  gets some loving licks from a Fire Wolf Pup,   and Finn learns a little from this – giving  Ice King a little smooch on the cheek. Following Jake’s Croak Dream involving Banana Man  and a rocketship, Finn sees Banana Man outside of  

    Their place. Finn desperately tries to keep Jake  from heading to the rocket ship with Banana Man,   but Jake still does his best because  it’s “his destiny.” Finn accidentally   causes Jake’s Croak Dream to happen  while attempting to prevent it,   but he does save Jake from croaking.  Also, Banana Man just wanted some sugar.

    Finn and Jake find a suitcase of tapes at the  dump. These tapes were once the Ice King’s,   so they decide to hold a screening. The tapes  are kind of boring, but Finn and Jake think   there could be secret messages on them, so they  call up Bubblegum to help. Ice King interrupts,  

    Covering the land in snow and sending  snow soldiers. They defeat these snowmen,   and watch the final tape, which reveals that  Ice King was once an antiquarian named Simon   Petrikov. His backstory is revealed, causing  Finn and Jake to feel a “fleeting moment of  

    Empathy for the biggest weirdo in the Land  of Ooo.” Thus begins a holiday tradition:   they get together once a year to  wear cozy sweaters and watch videos. Marcy invites Finn and Jake to her place to  jam, but she’s not there when they arrive.  

    They’re not supposed to go inside, but Jake  hides in her house. Finn follows him in,   and soon Marceline comes home. They hide  in her closet, and watch her do a bunch of   gross stuff because she thinks she’s alone.  They try to sneak out without being found,  

    But Jake gets bit by a spider and he and Finn  get into an argument about if they can be heard.   Marcy finds them, they explain, and everything is  cool. Marceline hides at their place all the time. At Turtle Princess’ library, Finn finds out about  a secret race of beings known as Pagelings. Jake  

    Does not believe him, so Finn tries to prove that  they do indeed exist. Finn moderates a war between   the Pagelings and their enemies, The Moldos.  He even brings some Moldos to throw at Jake   to prove that he wasn’t just making stuff  up. To keep the Moldos from hurting Jake,  

    Finn gives up his shirt, which also  proves to be an excellent peace offering. After breaking his toes jumping from  flying birds, Finn refuses treatment   from Clown Nurses. He instead opts to  find a cyclops whose tears can heal   any wound. He runs through an acidic river,  flattens a tiny man’s home with watermelons,  

    And sings a sad autotune song. This tune attracts  the cyclops, who is evil. Finn punches its eye,   gets healed, and decapitates the cyclops  to make a portable healing device. Jake   wants the clown nurses’ kisses, and Finn  understands that everyone has their own way.

    Ghost Princess haunts Finn and Jake as they  roast some glizzies over a fire. They try   to find her grave at the cemetery, but can’t  find any clues. Ghost Princess meets Clarence,   who is pretty cool. Finn finds out that Clarence  was the person who killed Ghost Princess – turns  

    Out she was Warrior Princess in life, and was  also in love with Clarence. The star-crossed   lovers ascend to the Dead World, and Finn then  helps Jake get over his fear of Softy Cheese. Finn and Jake’s dad, Joshua, contacts them through  a Holo-message player to let them know he’s got a  

    Dungeon for them to explore. It’s secretly to help  toughen Finn up, but Finn isn’t supposed to know   this yet. Finn and Jake fight a Hotdog Monster and  a Hamburger Monster, and tell a gross monster to   take a bath. Jake and Joshua keep calling Finn  a whiny baby, and Finn almost eats a cursed  

    Apple. In the final chamber of the dungeon, Finn  fights against an evil monster, has his confidence   restored by more recordings from his father, and  slays the beast with his dad’s Demon Blood Sword. P Bubbz rejects Finn once again, inspiring the  song “All Gummed Up Inside.” Jake and BMO feel  

    Real bad for the guy, and so Jake heads off to  find him a new love interest. Jake pretends to   be Finn to talk with Flame Princess, who goes  on a bit of a rampage. She follows him back to   the Tree Fort, and wreaks havoc, destroying  some of Finn’s Bubblegum stuff. He gets mad,  

    And heads out to fight, but Flame  Princess takes her girl form again,   surprising Finn. He says he likes her, gets  slapped, and finds out that he’s got a crush. He takes this crush and runs with it, trying to  convince Jake that Flame Princess is not evil.  

    This is tough, as FP thinks they’re attacking  her and also she’s trying to take over the Goblin   Kingdom. Finn utters the classic line Listen, when  I look at you, my brain goes… all stupid! And I  

    Just wanna hug you, and sit on the couch, and play  BMO with you!” This sort of works for a second,   but Flame Princess still goes to take over  the Goblin Kingdom. Finn finds Neptr (after   more than 15 months of hiding), who builds them  fireproof suits. These suits help put out fires,  

    Which inadvertently hurt FP. Finn leaves his suit,  not wanting to hurt her, but still cries some   tears on her, which sting. FP thinks he’s a water  elemental, and that they would just hurt each   other if they stayed together. Finn wants to defy  nature for her. She hugs him and leaves. Ouch.

    Finn and Jake witness BMO doing weird junk  when nobody is around, and then attempt the   most ultimate high-five ever, catapulting across  Ooo. Their high five finally detonates above the   Candy Kingdom Talent Show, causing a sonic boom  and winning the competition. LSP is not impressed.

    While stunting on a forest trampoline, Finn  and Jake get stuck in a giant spider web. The   spiders behind the web are a married couple, and  aren’t getting along. Finn, showing some maturity,   becomes a quasi-marriage counselor for them.  He convinces the husband, Ed, to find a gift  

    For his wife, and while he’s away Finn tries  to make an escape plan work. The dysfunctional   spider couple argues to the point that Finn and  Jake can escape, but Finn wants to help them   anyway. He almost gets eaten by Barb, the wife,  but she gives birth to all sorts of baby spiders.

    Mr. Pig admits he likes Tree Trunks, so Finn  and Jake encourage him to let her know. The   feeling is mutual, which is great! But  Tree Trunks neglects her piemaking,   which is not so great. Also, they’re  being really gross with their PDA,  

    Making out in all sorts of conspicuous  places – like inside Finn’s sandwich,   and at the drive-in movies. Finn and Jake  have to split them up, but eventually relent   because their love is so strong. Ah well,  at least Finn and Jake got their apple pie.

    Finn and Jake wake up in a pile of bananas in  the Nightosphere jail. They have no idea why.   They leave the jail and wait in a really  long line to ask Hunson Abadeer questions,   but he sends a storm cloud to kill all  question askers. They start to escape,  

    And are chased by Abadeer, who is  revealed to be Marceline as soon as   they get back home. She closes the portal to the  Nightosphere, and tells them to never return. They discover that Marcy accidentally  turned into an evil demon via evil amulet,  

    And needs help. Finn and Jake dress up as demons  and head back to the Nightosphere using the same   spell Finn accidentally summoned Abadeer with  way back when. Abadeer is happy that Marcy is   doing evil stuff, but Finn wants to rescue  her. He takes her amulet and puts it on,  

    Temporarily becoming evil, but Hunson takes the  amulet back. They’re all able to return to Ooo,   and everyone seems okay. Well, except for  Finn. That’s a lot of evil to deal with. Now there’s a bear who wants to be like  Finn. Jake is worried that he’s trying  

    To impersonate his buddy, but Finn lets it  go for a while. The bear, dressed as Finn,   throws a party in the woods and invites  Bubblegum, convincing Finn that he’s trying   to steal his ex-girlfriend. Finn gets  mad, exposes the bear as an imposter,  

    And then realizes he’s being a jerk to a woodland  creature. He hands over the Enchiridion, and says   the bear can be a hero. The bear heads off with  the book, only to hand it off to the Lich Snail.

    Finn gets hugged by a Hug Wolf, and  goes to bed with a fever. The next day,   it appears that the citizens of Candy Kingdom  have been terrorized by hugs. Finn needs to   be locked up after breaking into some homes, but  Cinnamon Bun frees him for, quote, “just a little  

    Hug.” Finn ends up in a huglock with the alpha Hug  Wolf, which breaks the curse and frees them both. Finn and Jake discover that Ice King has  been stealing princess body parts to create   a Frankenstein’s Monster-esque creature known  as Princess Monster Wife. They keep passing  

    Out whenever they lay eyes upon her. They try to  fight her without looking at her, but a crisis   of conscience sends the Princess on a quest to  return all of her parts to their rightful owners. Finn and Jake are called upon to meet (and  watch over) Princess Bubblegum’s scientifically  

    Engineered successor: a giant pink Sphinx named  Goliad. While navigating an obstacle course of   Finn’s design, Goliad expresses some of the same  hyper-controlling tendencies as P Bubbz, using   psychic powers to make sure that everything  is perfect. This quickly gets out of hand,  

    As Goliad can tell that they are  the strongest, and nobody can stop   them. Finn and Jake distract the sphinx until  Bubblegum creates another Sphinx – Stormo. The   two creatures end up in a stalemate. P Bubbz  reveals that Stormo was made from Finn’s DNA,  

    And as such, is like a son to him. His  heroic qualities allowed the sphinx to   sacrifice itself to save everyone else.  Finn wishes Stormo a happy birthday. While searching for a mystery cave, Finn  comes across a porcelain lamb. He touches  

    It against Jake’s advice, and is teleported to  the spirit realm. His face is now on the lamb,   and he cannot be seen or heard by anyone. Anyone…  except Ice King. Ice King shows Finn all the  

    Spirit realm creatures he can see, and gets him to  toss them into a hole in his basement. When Finn   gets rid of the last creature, Ice King reveals  that Finn is now trapped in the Spirit World.  

    Finn threatens to re-open the hole, so Ice King  promises to help him. They try to break the lamb,   but Ice King just ends up in the Spirit Realm  with Finn. They come to realize they can affect   small things in the real world, and finally  get Jake to break the lamb, freeing them.

    LSP decides she’s gonna write a book about  Finn, and follows him while he adventures.   She ends up trapped by magic mirrors, but  is rescued from the Fake Finns by Finn and   Jake. As Finn sits outside after his adventure,  LSP realizes she might have a crush on Finn.

    Finn is sent into a hostage situation by  P Bubbz. As Jake deals with the cookie in   charge of this operation, Finn sneaks into  the back and takes the chocolate chips out   while yelling “Alvin’s hot juice box!” in order  to confuse them. Jake breaks the cookie out,  

    And runs off with him, and Finn decides  to not help him. Later, Finn watches as   Princess Cookie is coronated with a grass  crown at the Candy Kingdom Mental Hospital. Jake asks Finn to play Card Wars with him,  something that BMO abhors. Finn agrees,  

    And does pretty well against Jake, which causes  the dog to freak out. Finn realizes that he’s   gonna have to throw the game for the sake of  their friendship, and does just that. Jake wins   by a hair and makes Finn drink a nasty concoction  from the Dweeb Cup. Finn says it’s pretty good,  

    And gives Jake some. It’s not pretty  good, but they’re sipping from it anyway. Jake is framed by Magic Man, and sent to  stand trial on Mars. Finn finds a way to get   there via an apparently broken teleporter,  and attacks Grob Gob Glob Grod to prevent  

    Him from killing Jake. This makes Grob Gob  Glob Grod drop his wand, killing Jake. Finn   tries to bargain with Death for Jake’s soul,  which doesn’t work, so Abraham Lincoln gives   up his immortality to save the pooch. Finn  then frees a Tiny Manticore from a bottle.

    Finn builds Flame Princess a house, and has to  be wrapped in tinfoil before he can get a hug.   Things seem to be going well between these two  lovebirds. Princess Bubblegum shows up at the   Tree Fort and tries to tell Finn that he can’t  be with FP, but he heads out without hearing what  

    She has to say. She tells Jake, who writes it off  as jealousy. P Bubbz later finds Finn, and thanks   him for not seeing FP, because responsibility  demands sacrifice. Finn blows up on Bubblegum for   toying with his feelings and runs off. He heads  to FP’s house, and reads her his romantic poem,  

    Which burns up as he recites. Then they kiss,  which causes FP’s elemental matrix to kick off,   burning her brighter than ever before. She starts  burning through the earth, heading towards its   core. Finn, now burned, grabs onto Jake’s stretchy  arm and heads in after her. Jake seals off the  

    Oxygen to the hole to prevent the reaction from  getting worse. Finn does CPR on Flame Princess,   who seems blue and cold, and they’re both  okay. When brought back to the surface,   he kisses a rock, and then holds it out  to FP to kiss as well. Same diff, right?

    Finn and Jake get into an argument over a  lost sock, sending BMO into Noir Detective   mode. They then head out, with Finn  wearing one sock. When they return,   BMO lets Finn know that his sock  was in his pillow all along.

    The King Worm takes over Finn’s mind and feeds  on his dreams, trapping him in a dreamscape. Only   through focusing on his fears does he start to  deteriorate this unreal world, defeating the worm. Finn and Jake are kidnapped and poisoned by  Ricardio, who broke free from Ice King’s chest,  

    And need to be rescued by Lady  and Peebles. When Finn wakes up,   he hears that Lady has big  news for Jake – she’s pregnant! Finn watches on as Lemongrab is  creepily stalking Candy Citizens.   He helps P Bubbz find some volunteers  to live in the Earldom of Lemongrab,  

    But this doesn’t work out. He and Jake head to  Castle Lemongrab to find the Pup Gang, but they   get captured and reconditioned by Lemongrab.  Finn escapes this and saves Bubblegum from a   sound sword blast. When Lemongrab 2 enters the  scene, Lemongrab releases all of his prisoners.

    The legendary fighter known as The Farm shows up,  and Finn and Jake want to fight him. In order to   get strong enough to win, they start training  real hard. The training soon turns to fighting,   and they eventually turn to cheap shots. You  know the ones. When they wrapped up their scrap,  

    It was time to fight The Farm, but they were  no longer going to do it together. Now, they   were approaching it separately. They got knocked  out right away, but during their unconsciousness,   they dreamed of The Dream Warrior telling  them seemingly random stuff. When they awake,  

    They work together again and realize the  nonsense from their dream was actually cheap   shot instructions to beat the Farm. They  win, and Finn and Jake are given medals. Flame Princess sends Finn and Jake to get her  scented candles back from the Flame Kingdom,  

    As she doesn’t want to see her dad. Finn gets  Flambo to cast Flame Shield, and then he and   Jake head to the fiery land. There, they discover  a conspiracy to kill the Flame King. It’s his   brother’s children, Torcho and Furnius. The Flame  King had killed their father to secure his place,  

    And they were seeking revenge. Finn asks  the Flame King if Flame Princess is evil,   which is affirmed. Then he asks if hanging  out with good people could change that,   which is also affirmed. Finn then drops off  the candles at FP’s place, but she’s asleep.

    A River Scamp asks Finn and Jake for help  fighting the Mega Frog. They oblige and   head on over to take it on. After hiding  in a cave, Finn realizes that he has to   kiss the frog to win. This works, and  the Mega Frog turns into a prince.

    Gunter uses Ice King’s Demonic Wishing Eye to  multiply, and his clones go everywhere. Finn’s   room is full of Gunters, who hold him and Jake  down while slapping them. They notice all the   Gunters heading towards the Candy Kingdom, and  chase after them. Finn calls P Bubbz and tells  

    Her he’s got a plan, but does not elaborate. This  is to keep her in a state of confusion so he has   options if Flame Princess doesn’t work out. He  explains that this is known as Future Farming,   and it came from a book of Jake’s.  Jake says that book is just for laughs,  

    As it’s full of bad advice. When it’s time  to defend against the army of Gunters,   Finn’s plan is put into action. All the glass  bottles in the land were brought because Gunter   loves breaking bottles. The army shatters  all the glass in no time at all. The other  

    Plans don’t work, but the day is saved by  Ice King, who squirts Gunter with water. Finn and Jake see Ice king show up  at Marceline’s place with a bunch of   torn pages. They think he’s looking for  trouble, but Marcy actually wants him  

    There to write a song. Finn and Jake  are confused about this whole thing,   as they do not know about Ice King and  Marcy’s connection from the before-times. Finn dreams of the Cosmic Owl, Billy, and the  bear-snail combo that took the Enchiridion. He  

    And Jake head over to Billy’s to make sure he’s  okay. When they explain the dream to the hero,   he sends them on a quest to collect magical gems.  During the quest, Finn finds out that Billy is in  

    Possession of the Enchiridion, and asks why. Billy  claims he got it from the mouth of a bear. The   plan is to push the Lich into Prismo’s Time Room.  As Finn steals Bubblegum’s gem, she accidentally   cuts him with her scissors. She then realizes  that Billy is actually the Lich in disguise.  

    A Gumball Guardian blasts Billy, revealing The  Lich’s face. Finn smashes the Enchiridion and   opens a wormhole. The Lich tries to pass through,  but Jake grabs him. Finn grabs Jake, and all three   pass through. Finn then appears to be a normal  boy with a nose, with a normal non-magical dog.

    Finn and Jake are dropped into Prismo’s Time  Room and see the Lich depart after wishing for   the extinction of all life. Finn wishes that the  Lich never existed, and is brought to the timeline   he creates with that wish. FARMWORLD FINN TIME.  Farmworld Finn goes to sell his family’s mule,  

    Bartram, and sees his dad being harassed by the  Destiny Gang. Farmworld Finn comes across the   Ice King’s crown, which is being guarded by a  decrepit Marceline. She explains how the Simon   in this world prevented the mushroom bomb from  detonating by freezing it with the crown’s powers,  

    But ended up dying in the process. Farmworld Finn  says magic isn’t real and takes the crown anyway,   planning to sell it instead of Bartram. Farmworld  Finn sees Marcy being attacked by the Destiny   Gang, so he goes to help her, drawing the ire of  Big Destiny. Farmworld Finn gets a sword and heads  

    Up to the mansion to get the crown back. Destiny  beats him back and shows that he’s burning the   market, as well as Farmworld Finn’s home. In order  to save his family, Farmworld Finn dons the crown. Farmworld Finn uses the Ice Powers to put out  fires and stop the destiny gang, but he loses  

    Control and detonates the dormant mushroom bomb.  He sends his family away, afraid that he’s become   too dangerous. He finds Farmworld Jake in the  goo puddle at the explosion site, and a super   skeletony Marceline tells him that she knew this  would happen. The goo transformed Farmword Jake  

    Into a Lich-like monstrosity, and Finn continues  to lose his mind. In Prismo’s time room,   Jake wishes that the Lich changed his wish to send  Finn and Jake back home. BOOM! Finn and Jake are   back home, and Finn is super confused as to why  the Lich did that. He doesn’t remember Farmworld.

    Jake finds what he believes to be a spell book,  but is actually an old nursery rhyme compendium.   He shows it to Finn, and after reading Little Jack  Horner, they go around sticking their thumbs in   stuff saying “oh, what a good boy am I!” They  then go home and play video games with BMO.

    After tossing his Frisbee into a tall tree,   Finn begins climbing to retrieve it. He meets a  porcupine, and then gets shrunk by a squirrel’s   cursed apple. Turns out the animals in  this tree are in a sort of tree cult,  

    And they lock Finn up. Finn and the squirrel  want to escape, and Finn tosses the frisbee as   a means to escape. It’s the perfect throw, and  Finn and the Squirrel fly off into the sunset. Magic Man makes a bag of miniatures of the  people of Ooo and sneaks it into Finn’s  

    Possession. Finn gets WAY obsessed  with playing with these little toys,   especially when he realizes that they can interact  with each other. He does some weird stuff,   making Jake want to stay with Lady Rainicorn, and  plays alone in the house for 16 weeks. When Jake  

    Returns, Finn realizes he’s gotta get rid of these  things, they’re ruining his life. And so he does! Lady Rainicorn gives birth to her pups,  and Jake decides he’s gotta be a good dad,   so he can’t be hanging out with Finn and  BMO. Finn accepts this. Jake eventually  

    Returns to the Tree Fort, as pups age  quickly and they don’t need him anymore. Finn saves a bunch of Candy People from a dragon,  and gets lots of praise for it. This turns out  

    To be too much for him, so he takes on a false  identity – Davey – in order to be left alone. He   forgets who he is, and starts building a log cabin  with a Candy Person, and Jake tries to snap him  

    Out of it. Finn just calls the police, and Jake is  arrested. He finally snaps out of it, and wrestles   with his identity, eventually opting to become  Finn again, but only after he saves Jake as Davey. Finn and Jake watch on as the Ice King feels  depressed after completing the Mystery Dungeon.

    Bubblegum sends Finn and Jake to deliver Candy  Seeds to the Lemon Earldom. They discover that   the Lemongrabs have the formula for candy  life, and have been turning all of their   food into candy people. Finn suggests they  see Princess Bubblegum, which they interpret  

    As “attack the candy kingdom.” Lemonjon, a giant  lemon person, heads over to destroy the kingdom,   but Finn and Jake accidentally kickstart his  heart, giving him emotions. He sacrifices   himself for the earldom, and then P Bubs erases  the life formula from the Lemongrab’s heads.

    Finn’s hat is enchanted by the Ancient  Sleeping Magi of Life Giving, and comes   to life. Finn dubs it “Little Dude.”  It follows him back to the Tree Fort,   and eats a bunch of food. The Magi breaks in,  and tells Finn that his hat is actually evil  

    Now. And so it is, jumping on Candy People  and transforming them into monsters. Finn   and Jake tell the Magi to bring some  things to life, and to make them good,   so he does. These objects capture Little Dude and  Finn wants him to be good. The Magi turns Little  

    Dude good, and now Finn needs a new hat, which  apparently is made from skinning an evil bear. Then there’s an episode where Finn and Jake don’t  appear for the very first time, which is notable. Finn takes Flame Princess to a  dungeon to prove she’s not evil,  

    But she does have some evil-ish tendencies.  She tends to burn things down to ashes. When   Finn gets caught by a goo monster, he  gets worried that she’ll burn him, too,   but she takes a page out of Finn’s book and saves  the day. She even calls him her boyfriend. Hehehe.

    Finn and Jake go to the Bad Lands in search of  the Great Birdman. They get really dehydrated,   and are rescued by Xergiok the Goblin King, who  is now apparently reformed and also a bird man.   They spend some time questioning if he really is  good, but find that he has done lots of selfless  

    Things since they kicked his butt. He is reminded  briefly of his time as Goblin King, and goes back   to his old ways for a moment, but realizes the  error of his ways and asks to be made blind.

    Finn and Jake are playing basketball with Marcy  and Ice King. They want to know more about Ice   King’s past, so Marcy tells them more about  their time together after the mushroom war.   When all is said and done, Finn and Jake  feel more friendly towards the old weirdo.

    He doesn’t stay in favour long, though. Finn and  Jake try to make an animation of the Ice King on   their computer, but don’t have the patience for  it. Ice King then makes a gross computer virus,   and claims that everyone in the  universe will be deleted (except Ice  

    King and P Bubbz). Finn and Jake enter the  universal source code to try and fix this,   and they start glitching. They emulate the  gross hair-eating virus video from earlier,   causing the Glitch to feel sick and  throw up all of the stuff it ate.

    Finn is all bummed out the fact that he told Flame  Princess a joke and she didn’t respond. Jake tries   to tell him to focus on what’s real, but Finn  just gets more bummy and crawls into his pillow  

    Fort. Inside, he finds a secret door, opening up  to a pillow world. He slays the blanket dragon,   meets the mayor, and dances with his daughter,  Rosalinen. He lives a long life in Pillow World,   marrying Rosalinen and having two  children, Jay and Bonnie. Over time,  

    Finn starts to wonder how he can get back  home, and his wife says she understands,   but wants him to remember his family. Finn opts to  stay in Pillow World. There he remains until he is  

    An old man, and then he dies. He is sent back  to the real world, where he almost tells Jake   about the crazy dream he had, but forgets when  FP calls him and says she finally got the joke. BMO falls off of a mountain and cracks its screen,  

    Demanding that Finn and Jake kiss it. Finn then  watches as BMO mourns the loss of a bubble. Finn and Jake head to the Princess Potluck,  and Finn complains about the irritation on   his foot caused by his missing sock. He  hands P Bubbs a warm, shaken up soda,  

    Which she stashes in the Ice Kingdom’s snow –  alerting the Ice King to this party. Finn asks   Gunter for a sock, but Gunter electrocutes him.  Ice King ruins the party with his ice powers,   but Finn jumps off of Bounce House Princess  and knocks him down with his shoe. Ice King  

    Finds out that he was invited to the party, so  he asks if it’s cool if he joins in. Finn agrees,   but only if he stops acting nanners. Finn  wins a Sea Lard in the potluck raffle.

    Inspired by James Baxter, the beach ball riding  horse, Finn and Jake try to come up with a way to   cheer people up. Copying the horse does them no  good, and is quite off putting. So they workshop   some other ideas, landing on a James Baxter-eque  routine which accidentally raises a skeleton ghost  

    That almost beats them to death. Thankfully,  James Baxter arrives and calms the ghost. Finn and Jake start up a quiet contest, and  freak BMO out. BMO thinks that they are not   themselves because they won’t talk, and hides  away. BMO throws a party with Bikini Babes,  

    And has them attack Finn and Jake,  with Jake crying UNCLE. All is well,   and the party continues until Party God arrives. Finn hands a map off to Braco,  a suitor of Princess Bubblegum,   and tells him that “the road you’re on  leads to nowhere.” Yikes. Then he yells  

    At Ice King to leave the candy Kingdom,  but Ice King is already on his way out. While Jake is off with his old gang doing one last  job, Finn and BMO hang out and play instruments.

    Finn and Jake hang out with Jake Jr. who has some  anxiety about the future. They decide to build   her a time machine to assuage those fears,  and it’s all just a fun make-believe time. LSP rants and raves about being robbed until P  Bubbz tranquilizes her, and Finn and Jake start  

    Up an investigation. They start looking  for a Pete Sassafras, boarding a train,   and having Jake turn into a car. They find out  that this Pete is not who they’re looking for,   and LSP reveals that it is her heart that was  stolen, by a pizza delivery driver named Pete.

    To help Bubblegum get a cold spell from Wizard  City, Finn and Jake dress up like wizards. Finn   is impressed by the magic in Wizard City, but  P Bubbz waves it off as science presented like   mystical hoodoo. She offends a shopkeep by  asking about the ingredients to a potion,  

    Which sends the police after the trio. They  run away, running into Abracadaniel, Bufo,   Laser Wizard, and Forest Wizard (along with a  hologram of Ice King). Her anti-magic stance   gets them thrown in prison, and Finn tosses  the cold spell to the princess. They escape,  

    And use magic to distract Starchie long  enough to use regular healing serum on him. Finn hurts Jake while wearing him as a Jakesuit,  and says that pain isn’t a big deal. Jake says   otherwise, and challenges Finn to the reversal –  he’ll shrink down and control Finn! Jake tries to  

    Injure Finn in a similar way, but isn’t so good at  controlling him. He gets a little more competent   in controlling his Finn mech, and waddles his  way over to Flame Princess’ house, where she   is hosting a family dinner. Embarrassment abound.  FP sees that Jake is controlling Finn, and wishes  

    Finn luck. Jake takes Finn to see Lady Rainicorn  and T.V., who says that to win he just has to jump   in a volcano. Finn is crazy, and doesn’t seem  to care, so Jake gives up and Finn wins. He  

    Then hops into the Jakesuit and jumps in the lava  anyways. The clown nurses return to heal them. Finn and Jake find BMO glitching  out because it needs new core   system drivers. These drivers can be  found at the MO factory. To get in,  

    They dress up as JMO and FMO. The factory  wipes all memories of units in for repair,   so Finn and Jake have to sneak BMO into the  update area. There is no B port for BMO,   though. They get caught by other MO’s, but when  BMO says their name aloud, the creator of the  

    Factory – Moe – explains that BMO is very special.  BMO gets repaired and the group is good to go. While working to update the Candy Kingdom’s  defenses, Finn gets KO’d by sleeping gas. After a fight between Flame Princess and Ice  King, Finn has a premonition dream involving  

    FP burning him (but it feels good). Finn  assumes their fight caused the dream,   and does what he can to get them to fight  again. This makes him dream of the Ice King,   though. When he wakes up, he pens an incendiary  letter to Ice King under the guise of FP. The  

    Resulting fight is of enormous proportions, with  Ice King and Flame Princess growing huge and   causing mass destruction. Finn’s next dream can  be summarized by the Cosmic Owl saying “You blew   it.” He comes clean to FP about manipulating  the fights, and she heads off on her own.

    Finn and P Bubbz head to the Lemon Earldom to  see how the Lemongrabs are doing. They are not   doing well. One Lemon is huge now, and the other  is sickly and weak. Finn wants to impress Peebles   now that he and Flame Princess are done, but  she is focused on the Lemongrabs. Finn pulls  

    A prank with Lemonhope, getting them locked in  the dungeon. Lemonhope plays Finn’s flute poorly,   which the Lemongrabs seem to think is  beautiful music. The one Lemongrab eats   the other. Finn and PB break Lemonhope out of  jail, and the young lemon receives a quest:  

    Save the Lemon Earldom. Finn then thinks  it’s time to make up with Flame Princess. Ice King comes to stay with Finn and Jake after  his kingdom was destroyed by Flame Princess,   and Finn is still bummed about his breakup. P  Bubbz wants to see how FP will react when she  

    Sees Finn, but Cinnamon Bun has taken her back  to the Flame Kingdom. Finn and PB follow them,   and find out that Flame Princess is now the  ruler. Finn apologizes to Flame Princess for   how he acted, and asks if they’re still  together. FP says that they’re not,  

    But they can be friends if he’s  totally honest with her. Hmmmm. Magic Man steals Jake’s ultimate  sandwich, and leaves Finn and Jake   with a riddle. Only by solving it can they  get the sandwich back. Finn calls P Bubbz,  

    But her scientific solution doesn’t get the job  done. He realizes that the riddle involves being   sad, which lets Jake move through the time  bubble more quickly, retrieving his sandwich. Finn keeps seeing a Ghost Lady, which  Jake and BMO try to remedy. He keeps all  

    The memories he can’t handle in a place known as  the vault. He plays Regression Simulator on BMO,   and can see his past lives, including a comet,  a butterfly, and the Ghost Lady. He finds out   he was once a one-armed thief named Shoko.  Finn exits his past, and calls up Bubblegum,  

    And shows her Shoko’s skeleton under his  place, which then returns the amulet. Slime Princess asks Finn to marry her in order  to save the Slime Kingdom. At first he refuses,   but agrees when he’s guaranteed that it will  be in name only. Finn and Slime Princess are  

    Challenged by her sister, Blargetha, to  the Trials of Glarb – whoever is more   in love will rule the kingdom. They win the  first game with a song about Flame Princess,   but Finn won’t spoon Slime Princess, so they  lose round two. Round three is smooching,  

    So Finn just decides to punch Blargetha’s  husband. He discovers that he’s not even   real – simply a blob with olives for eyes.  Blargetha is disqualified, and Slime Princess   is announced as ruler. Finn musters up the  courage to go for a smooch, but SP just vomits.

    Still reeling from his breakup, Finn feels pretty  gray. He and Jake run into the Dungeon Train,   which is full of stuff to fight and loot  to acquire. After a while, Jake tires of   the encounters, but Finn wants to keep going. Jake  finds a future crystal showing Finn as an old man,  

    Still fighting away. He worries about Finn,  and pretends to leave, but sticks around   to keep an eye out. Finn finds the crystal  and sees future Jake loyally following him,   and realizes his mistake. He tells  Jake that he’ll leave, but in like,  

    Two weeks. Now the crystal shows them back  at the tree fort doing dishes together. Finn finds the Box Prince,  which is a cat in a box,   and realizes that the Box Kingdom has been  overthrown. He goes on a very cute adventure  

    To return the cat to its rightful place, and  ends up hanging out with a bunch of cats. Finn and Jake get stuck with Marceline in  an underground city, and Marcy runs out of   her red eraser snacks (thanks to Jake).  Finn heads off to find something red,  

    Leaving the dog and vampire together. He comes  across a red light and a bunch of sand people,   which leads him to a turtle with a red gem.  The turtle says that the gem is an emerald,  

    But Finn takes it anyway. He brings it back to his  pals, who confirm that it is indeed an emerald,   and that Finn might be a touch colorblind.  Marcy is about to go feral from hunger,   but P Bubbz saves the day in the nick of time.

    Finn finds a broken truck, so he and Jake invite  Banana Man to come and fix it. The next day,   Banana Man has got the vehicle up and  running, so he, along with Finn, Jake,   and BMO, hop in and go to the Candy Kingdom.  Finn and Jake encourage Banana Man to talk  

    To a lady Banana Guard, but end up just  annoying her. A Bubblegum imposter shows up,   but BMO sees through the disguise, and  they explode the lizard with the truck. In order to get Ice King out of their house, Finn  invites Abracadaniel over. The two wizards become  

    Friends, and are annoying together. Ice King  shows Abracadaniel Finn and Jake’s treasures,   including Finn’s Demon Blood Sword. They  accidentally summon the demon Kee-Oth,   who threatens to kill them if Finn and  Jake use the sealing chant. Finn has to   break his sword to appease the demon,  who becomes stronger with the returned  

    Blood. Kee-oth kidnaps Jake, and the  wizards head back to the Ice Kingdom. Finn calls Lady Rainicorn to help rescue Jake.  The rainicorn brings a tape to the Tree Fort   that explains where the demon might be, and how  to defeat him. Finn attacks Kee-oth with a holy  

    Grape juice sword, disguised to look like a  demon blood sword. Kee-oth absorbs the sword,   and explodes. After rescuing Jake, Finn admits  that he is still in love with Flame Princess. Finn and Jake accompany PB on an excursion, along  with her assistant James. They encounter some Goo  

    People, and get trapped inside their transport.  Finn begins to suspect that James is a saboteur,   but can’t convince Peebles.  As they run out of options,   Finn says that he’ll distract the monsters to  let everyone else escape. PB knocks out Finn,  

    And allows James to be the sacrifice. She explains  to Finn later that she’d be able to clone James,   but not Finn, before awarding the  clone James an award for heroism. Finn and Jake stage the kidnapping of  Princess Bubblegum to test the Banana Guards,   but the case-solver ends up being Root Beer Guy.

    Finn is tasked with preventing  LSP from crashing Tree Trunks   and Mr. Pig’s wedding. They brawl for a while. With his Demon Blood Sword broken, Finn  goes looking for a new weapon. He finds   a $3 grass sword, and likes how accurate  it is. The sword proves to be cursed and  

    Tries to attach itself to him, which worries  Finn. He seeks out the wizard that made it,   who tells him that it’s with him forever. Finn  accepts this, and can now control the sword. Finn rededicates himself to serving  Princess Bubblegum following his breakup,  

    And works himself to the bone. She  orders him to take some time off,   so he heads to the junkyard to cut  stuff. There, he meets Rattleballs,   a police robot slash swordmaster made by  Bubblegum. His kind was destroyed due to  

    Their love of violence. But he survived. He offers  to help Finn with his swordsmanship, and Finn   turns him in to Bubblegum. Rattleballs is spared,  and allowed to help the kingdom from the shadows. After the Flame Kingdom is overthrown once again,  Flame Princess and Cinnamon Bun seek out Finn for  

    Help. Finn tries to show off, but they’re not  interested. They attack the kingdom, but Finn   can’t do much because FP is worried about her  people. Cinnamon Bun frees Finn from the dungeon,   and they defeat Don Jon the Flame Lord and the  Flame King. Finn gets shown up by Cinnamon Bun.

    While Jamming with Marcy, Finn  and Jake are enlisted to help   Simon Petrikov contact Betty. They pedal a  bike-powered generator to sacrifice Hambo. Finn watches as P Bubbz  unveils a time travel machine,   and LSP goes bonkers trying to go  back to a time where Brad loved her.

    Finn is involved in the morality  training of Lemonhope. Later,   Finn asks Bubblegum to sing the  song she wrote for Lemonhope. Finn finds Billy’s bucket list, and  decides to complete the tasks himself.   He takes Billy’s ex-girlfriend for one last ride,  

    And heads to the ocean to float on his back. The  grass blade kills the Fear Feaster as he floats.   A Billy Constellation then tells Finn that his  father is alive, and imprisoned at The Citadel. Jake brings Finn to Prismo for help  finding his dad. They find out that  

    To get into the Citadel, they must commit  a cosmic crime. They set out to do this,   bringing a sleeping old man back to Prismo’s  Time Room. Waking up this dude will technically   kill Prismo – a cosmic crime – but the Lich  beats them to the punch and disintegrates the  

    Old fella. The Lich is brought to the  Citadel, and Finn and Jake give chase. They hop on to the Citadel Guardian and make it to  the prison, where they find Martin Mertens. There,   the Lich does some weird stuff to break everyone  out, resulting in a mass jailbreak. Finn wants to  

    Ask his dad a whole bunch of questions, but  Martin is more concerned with getting out.   Finn asks why he abandoned him in the woods, but  gets no answer. The Lich bursts out after Martin   escapes with the other prisoners, and commands  Jake and Finn to Fall. A little bit of guardian  

    Blood (which has healing properties) touches  the Lich, which causes him to develop flesh.   Martin and his other escapees try and get away,  but Finn doesn’t want to let him go. He holds   on as long as he can, but it’s too much and  his arm is severed. A bit of guardian blood  

    Touches him, and a little flower grows on  his stump. The Lich is now a gigantic baby,   and they all return to the Candy Kingdom  via a portal that a voidcaster opened up. Finn watches as James (remember James?)  continually sacrifices himself for silly  

    Reasons. Finn and Jake are sent to clean  up James’ apartment, where they find 25   cloned Jameses. He’s been faking his death  the whole time in order to get more clones   and medals. The Goo Monsters return, and the  clone Jameses save PB from the original James.

    All sorts of princesses send replacement arms  to Finn, but he’s not a fan of any of them. He   develops a telekinetic arm, and decides to build a  tower into space to find Martin and take revenge.  

    He gets to the edge of the atmosphere, and passes  out. When he wakes up, he sees his dad and tries   to take his arm, but it’s actually just Bubblegum  in disguise. His telekinetic arm goes away,  

    And he chills out. When he takes a plank out of  the tower, it collapses on the Candy Kingdom. Finn meets a bee named Breezy who really likes  the flower on his arm. Breezy wants to get with  

    The flower, so she tries to help Finn get with  some princesses. The wingman act works, and Finn   tries to kiss a bunch of princesses in order  to maybe feel something. Breezy falls for Finn,   and becomes a Queen Bee – asking for Finn to be  her drone. He wants to keep things simple, though,  

    Hurting her feelings. Breezy returns once more  and makes his flower grow into an enormous tree,   which restores his arm – with the  addition of a thorn in his palm. Finn and Jake visit the Candy Kingdom Museum  of Natural History and enact the food chain.

    Finn and Jake want to spend all of their  treasure on something, so they go to the   Wildberry Kingdom and start booling out. They  realize that people will do anything for money,   and start getting folks to do some  wacky stuff. They take it too far,   and are no longer welcome  in the Wildberry Kingdom.

    When Maja summons Darren to attack the Candy  Kingdom, Finn and Jake are called in to assist.   They sneak off during the battle, and return  riding the Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant,   which turns the tide of battle.  APTWE tells Finn Darren’s weakness,  

    And Finn explodes Darren. After the fight,  the elephant asks Finn what he should do,   and Finn says he’s free to make his own choices. Kim Kil Whan buys the deed to the Tree  Fort, and starts renting it out to new  

    People. Finn gets arrested for entering  someone’s room, but is bailed out by the   pup. Finn and Jake talk to Kim Kil Whan, and  Jake trades a poorly made ocarina for the deed. Finn and Jake miss the bus to go  on a road trip with some wizards. Princess Bubblegum calls up Finn, but he,  

    Jake and Rattleballs are seeing how long  they can hold their breath in the bathtub. At Jake’s birthday, Finn and Jake reminisce  about their parents, where it’s revealed   that Jake wasn’t born naturally, but was  actually the result of a shape-shifter bite.

    After Jake kills a fly, Finn is possessed  by the bug’s ghost. He grows wings,   flies around, and spits on the floor. Finn then hangs out as Jake  explores a different world. Finn and Jake hold a memorial for Prismo, and Jake  eats the last Prismo Pickle. Finn dreams of Prismo  

    That night, and wakes up screaming. He sees Jake  reenacting different memories around the house,   but whenever he’s noticed by Finn he explodes.  Finn replicates the exact thing that happened the   night of the last pickle, and sees Jake enter  another dimension. Finn follows him. There,  

    He runs into Prismo, who is still technically  dead, but Jake can resurrect him via bro-bond. If   one of Jake’s alternate selves is able to sleep  for all eternity, like Prismo’s old man bod,   then Prismo can exist again. Finn then stops  an alternate Finn from waking that Jake,  

    And that Finn explodes and turns into  the Finn Sword. Now Prismo’s back! When Jake becomes a brick in an old  shack, Finn leaves him a walkie-talkie   in case he needs anything. Jake provides running  commentary on the world around the brick shack,  

    Which Finn finds so compelling that he has  Starchie broadcast it from the radio tower. Finn   also misses a lot of garbage can free throws,  until it’s time to retire the walkie-talkie. Finn gets a toothache, and Jake convinces  him to go to the dentist. Except,  

    Instead of going to the dentist, he goes to war  in the Ant Nation. He’s partnered with his rival,   Tiffany, and they take down the Queen  Worm mostly by accident. During the   fight, he gets his teeth shattered,  and Tiffany is swallowed by the worm.  

    The ants fix his teeth and send him home,  but now he’s being watched by a fly spy. During a Candy Kingdom sleepover, Finn  and Princess Bubblegum end up in a closet   together. They get bored, and take a secret  exit out. The Candy People try to eavesdrop,  

    And make up their own little stories about  what they’re doing. Finn and PB have a fun   night away from the candy people, hanging  out with Timmy the Giant Cat and talking   about their lives. Finn talks about his  dad, and Bubblegum talks about running the  

    Kingdom – and possibly letting the candy people  rule themselves. That experiment falls apart,   and the candy people get into a wild fight.  Finn and PB almost have a moment, but Finn   gets a funny pic from Jake and laughs. Later,  Finn looks back on the photos he took with PB.

    Finn sees a comet in the sky, and  enters the Astral Plane. There,   he runs into Bounce House Princess, sees a  Cloud People party being crashed by Ice King,   and watches Marcy singing on her own. He makes  it out to Mars with the help of some space lards,  

    And witnesses Grob Gob Glob Grod lead the  charge against the comet. He tells Finn about   the catalyst comets, and then goes off to attack  the comet himself, resulting in Glob’s death. Finn and Jake take Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig’s  adopted son Sweet P. (who is the re-fleshified  

    Lich) to school. Finn is nervous that the  child will exhibit Lich-like behaviour,   but it seems like Sweet P.  is pretty well-adjusted. Finn wakes up near a farming village, and  finds out that his dad is pretending to be  

    A Tree Spirit to make the villagers fix his  escape pod. Finn is not too happy about this,   and accuses his dad of being a serial liar.  He tries to find out why the villagers are   so happy to help, especially as Martin  makes them do hard labor and doesn’t seem  

    To care about them. The spacecraft starts to  overheat, and Martin doesn’t care. He leaves,   and Finn has to go stop it from exploding. His  dad tells him about the right switch to hit,   and Finn does so. He then brings all of the  tiny villagers back to the Tree Fort with him.

    Finn witnesses the Dap of the Heavens through  a telescope, and then also sees Flame Princess.   Bummed out, he follows Lemongrab to the Mountain  of Matthew. Finn undergoes a crazy ordeal,   and chooses to join a past life of his  – a butterfly. He trips out for a bit,  

    And finds Matthew (along with Lemongrab).  Lemongrab doesn’t like what Matthew says,   and throws some lemons into his mouth,   causing him to explode into other creatures.  Finn saves Lemongrab, and they skedaddle. Finn brings licorice and a car freshener  to Marceline and BMO as they watch Jake  

    Skateboard. Finn waits for the Super  Porp delivery, which arrives shortly   afterward. They wonder about the mystery of  Super Porp, but decide to delve no further. While walking through the woods at night, Finn  and Jake fall into two big holes. Finn wakes  

    Up in the Kingdom of Huge, and is encouraged to  stay and wait for Jake by King Huge. He’s tied   up with spaghetti, and told that he’ll get what  he wants if he sticks around. Finn breaks free   and breaks a cuckoo clock, putting out the  cooking fire. This allows Jake to fall into  

    The room with Finn and King Huge, and Finn and  Jake escape with Jake’s new bear friend Seven. Finn and Jake go to visit their brother,  Jermaine. He’s been living a reclusive,   demon-fighting lifestyle in the old family abode,  and is a little resentful towards his adventurous  

    Brothers. Jake offers to make him a meal, but  uses salt from Jermaine’s protective salt barrier,   letting the demons in. During the fight, the house  burns down, but the three brothers reconcile. BMO brings a puppeteer over for dinner,  who ritualistically transfers Chips   and Ice Cream to Jake’s head. This  gets really annoying really quickly,  

    And Finn is quite upset about it.  BMO figures it all out, though. Finn digs a hole after defeating a  wizard with a Thought Cannon Wand. The Cosmic Owl visits another one of Finn’s  dreams, this time featuring Sweet P. and Martin  

    Mertens. The Owl sees a lady bird and ignores  his dream duties, doing his darndest to find her. Finn and Jake head to a waterpark, but Finn  forgets his underwear. While going back to get it,   he rescues a princess and gets a universal  coin. He and Jake then head to the waterslide,  

    Where they prank Ice King and get him kicked out. Finn and Jake search for Glob’s helmet after  all that stuff in the Astral Plane. They see   Betty Grof take the helmet, and follow her to  Magic Man’s house, where they’re turned into  

    An egg and a bowl of soup, respectively.  Finn tries to escape to help Betty at the   behest of Tiny Manticore, but he falls into  a bowl of flour and is made into bread. Betty   gets Magic Man’s powers and zoops away, and Tiny  Manticore flies Finn to Wizard City for a cure.

    Finn doesn’t show up for a while. Princess Bubblegum gets ousted  as leader of the Candy Kingdom,   and tells Finn and Jake that they are loyal to  the Kingdom, not her. They go looking for the   King of Ooo and find Gunter, disguised as  Mr. X, stealing on Bubblegum’s spaceship.

    The duo grabs onto the ship thanks to Finn’s  hand thorn, and ride out into space. They   get spacesuits and lean that Gunter is actually  Orgalorg. He fires Finn and Jake through space,   and they are separated. Finn becomes one with  the universe and gets to where he needs to  

    Be – on his dad’s space moth. They fly back to  where Orgalorg is, and Finn jumps in Orgalorg’s   mouth as the alien consumes the Catalyst Comet.  His grass arm levels up, becoming a vine whip,   and he slices through Orgalorg – revealing the  comet’s core. It offers Finn a journey to the  

    End and the beginning – but Finn wants to see his  current existence through. Martin takes the offer,   though. Finn accepts this new form  of abandonment as inherent to his   father. Jake and Banana Man catch up  with Finn, and they head back to Ooo.

    BMO plucks any new mustache hairs Finn  gets in order to keep him forever young.   BMO is then bit by a rat, and asks  Finn to kiss the boo-boo better,   which makes Finn very ill. He’s nursed in  bed by Jake for a bit. P Bubbz accidentally  

    Makes infinitely multiplying muffins,  and Finn’s diseased rat-breath sends   them packing. Finn and Jake then witness Death  doing something he claims is called “bushing.” Finn and Jake are knighted by the King of Ooo  for saving the land from the comet. They find  

    A candy-juice-making dragon below the kingdom,  and the King scares it off. Finn and Jake go   to Bubblegum for help, who reveals that  it is her brother, Neddy. She finds him,   and brings him back to the Candy Kingdom, telling  Finn and Jake about her origins in the Mother Gum.

    The King of Ooo sends Finn and Jake to  capture a flying mushroom. On their journey,   they run into Billy’s ex, Canyon, who makes a  fake mushroom. The real flying mushroom attacks,   forcing them into a log. Canyon finds a sacred  spring, and uses the water pressure to blast  

    The mushroom to pieces. Finn and Jake return  mushroomless, and are fired from the royal guard. Finn eats a whole lot of grapefruits,  and then starts slicing them with his   sword. All the while, BMO and  Football have a bit of a crisis.

    Finn and Jake are called to help find whatever  is sucking the blood from all the local cattle.   People believe it is Marceline, but she says  she was just de-vampired and it wasn’t her.   Finn and Jake find the vampiric monster behind  it all, but Marcy is grabbed by the villagers  

    And tied to a windmill to await sunup.  Marcy tells Finn to burn all her diaries. Marcy survives the sun, and is deemed mortal.  Jake brings Finn and Marcy news of vampire   activity ramping up, which confuses Marcy.  She finds out that the Vampire King is back,   and alerts everyone of the upcoming disaster. She,  

    Finn, Bubblegum, and Peppermint Butler go  to the vampire cave, but it’s deserted. Finn gets kidnapped by Ice King, who is under the  control of the Empress. Marcy tries to kill the   Empress, but stops when Ice King brings  Finn out. Finn and Marcy escape again,  

    But are hunted down. Marcy reminisces on her past  with Simon, and Ice King starts crying. Finn and   Marcy come out of hiding, but it turns out Ice  King was faking it. He’s ordered to kill the two,   but it turns out he was never hypnotized, just  lady-crazy. Marcy steals the Empress’ powers.

    Finn and the rest of the vampire  hunters look for The Moon in the woods,   following a trail of pearls. Finn is used as  bait, which lures out The Hierophant. Jake   morphs into a house, and as such, the  Hierophant cannot enter without being   invited in. Crunchy accidentally knocks  the vampire into Jake, vaporizing him.

    While the rest of the group  tries to find a cure for Marcy,   Finn and Jake are tasked with finding the  Moon. They encounter her in a resting state,   and start staking and sunning, but The Moon has  crazy healing powers. Instead of taking her out,  

    They lead her back to the Candy Kingdom, where  Marcy can absorb her and take her healing powers. Finn is captured by the Vampire King and  held hostage, until the King surrenders to   Marcy to make way for a new era. Finn won’t  let Marcy strike a surrendering opponent,  

    Though. After a short duel, the  Vampire King agrees to be de-vamped   like Marcy. His essence is released  into the skies of Ooo, though. Uh oh. Finn picks up pieces of Peppermint Butler,  and is tasked with stopping the dark cloud.  

    The fight is a losing one, and there’s not  much anyone can do against it. That is,   until Marcy shows up and absorbs it into  herself, becoming a vampire once more. Finn,   Jake, and PB repay the favor by  stocking her fridge with red stuff.

    Someone claiming to be Moe comes to the  treehouse and sends BMO back to the MO   factory. Finn and Jake hang out with Moe, and  go sledding. Moe gets fed up with being outside,  

    So he tells everyone to go inside to play Hangman.  Finn and Jake get bored, so they go to hunt a real   Hangman. When they return, Moe claims that Neptr  stole his legs, and then knocks Finn and Jake out.  

    Finn and Jake then meet up with ALLMO and climb  up to where BMO just pushed AMO off a cliff. Finn goes to a play featuring Jake’s  daughter, Viola. He has trouble staying awake. BMO pays Finn in sentient sandwiches to  play the character of a Wild West Outlaw  

    Named Jack Rabbit Johnson. He gets taken by  bounty-hunter Me-mow, and is eventually freed   by BMO in cowboy mode. Finn is then pursued  by other people looking for his alias’ bounty. Finn, along with Banana Man, Jake, BMO, and Ice  King, hops into a submarine to find President  

    Porpoise. When they reach Fish Parliament, Vice  President Blowfish suspiciously delays their   investigation. Finn thinks that Blowfish  is behind the president’s disappearance,   but Porpoise just comes back and  declares that he took a 3-day weekend. Finn and Jake hear an episode of Starchy’s  paranormal radio show about the blank-eyed girl,  

    And Jake gets freaked out. When they get home,  they see a blank-eyed girl outside of their house.   They call Starchy, but his advice is of no use to  them. Finn tries to rationalize them as tulpas,   and says if he just ignores them and doesn’t  believe, they’ll go away. Jake has trouble  

    With this, until the real creatures disrobe  their Blank-eyed girl costumes and float away. Finn, Jake, LSP, and BMO see a crazy  storm on the horizon, and get to work   building a bunker. Jake doesn’t seem to be  doing any work, and LSP gets mad at him,  

    Although Finn and BMO come to his defense. Once in  the bunker, they learn that the storm is actually   fuelled by bad vibes (or jubies) and they need  to chill out – which is facilitated by Jake.

    Gunter goes missing, and Ice King comes to Finn  and Jake for answers. He shows them a ransom note   that tells him to meet at moose bone clearing,  and to come alone. Finn and Jake follow covertly,   and hear a voice ask for Ice King’s crown.  A group of foxes bring decoys, and split the  

    Group up. They use Ice King’s nose as a compass to  the crown, and find it in a cave. Ice King finds   Betty reprogramming the crown, and then she  teleports away, leaving Gunter and the Crown. Finn is tasked with taking the Marshmallow  Kids – a group of juvenile delinquents – on  

    A camping trip. He saves one of them from  floating down the river, and is scammed. He   later falls into some quicksand, and is saved by  the kids, who thought they were still scamming. Finn and Jake are teleported by Prismo to  Farmworld, where Ice Finn and Farmworld Lich  

    Are working together to open a portal with  their Enchiridion. The find the other Finn,   and see that he’s being manipulated by The Lich.  This results in a fight where Finn’s grass sword   chops off the Lich’s arm, which falls into a  portal and multiplies to exist in every dimension.  

    They then use a magical item from Prismo called  The Maid to erase Farmworld Lich. Prismo then   has the magic crown destroyed in Farmworld,  allowing Farmworld Finn to live a normal life. Finn accidentally traps himself in a  weird cave, without any apparent exit.  

    Whenever he closes his eyes, he can find  his way out, but once he opens them again,   he’s back where he started. He takes longer  and longer trips outside of the cave with   his eyes closed, but every time he opens  them back up, he’s back at the beginning.  

    On his longest eyes-closed journey, he finds a  similar cave to the one he entered, and avoids   all traps – eventually coming to a  hatch. Through this, he finally exits. Huntress Wizard approaches Finn while  he’s playing the flute naked in a river.  

    She wants him to play a flute spell, but he  can’t quite figure it out. Jake teases Finn,   and says he has a new girlfriend, which  Finn denies. Huntress Wizard wants to hunt   an electric boar to make a new flute, and has  Finn drink from a magic spring to be immune to  

    Lightning. They kill the boar, make a new flute,  and play together to summon the Forest Spirit.   Finn admits that he thinks Huntress Wizard  is great, and she reciprocates. They kiss,   but because they are both exceptional  beasts, they cannot fall in love.

    Finn and Jake pretend to be Banana Guards  in order to uncover a graffiti conspiracy.   Finn finds the Banana Guard artist, and  has conflicting feelings about turning   him in. Thankfully, in the end, PB  was just looking for a muralist. Finn and Jake follow a frog around for all four  

    Seasons to see what happens  when he puts on his crown. Finn learns about Death Mountain, and decides  to travel there. He and Jake burst in,   and find that the Hermit of Death Mountain  is dead. Finn takes the Hermit’s glasses off,  

    And is given his eyes. His new eyes  turn anyone he sees into how he sees   them – like turning BMO into a little angel.  He continues to accidentally turn people into   his perception of them – like turning Ice King  into Simon Petrikov, and Neptr into a microwave,  

    Until he sees himself as a monster. His  friends gather together and convince him   that he’s not a monster, deactivating the  eyes and returning everyone to normal. Finn can’t sleep, and so he chucks a sea lard into  the pond outside the Tree Fort. Shelby tells him  

    That Sea Lards are saltwater fish, causing  Finn to panic and pursue the Lard. He and   Jake follow it to a grotto, and get touched  by purple stuff, which makes everything all   trippy. The Sea Lard ends up saving the duo, and  Finn apologizes for his treatment of it before.

    Finn loses his Finn Sword while doing  tricks on a bridge. He makes a new one,   but it breaks pretty fast. He also has a bunch of  weird dreams, which he realizes are messages from   the Finn sword. As it turns out, Bandit Princess  had found the sword, and was robbing people with  

    It. She uses the sword against Finn, but his grass  sword acts on its own and stabs the Finn Sword’s   crystal – breaking it. Finn hangs up the broken  Finn Sword above the fireplace at the Tree Fort. P Bubbz tasks Finn with delivering a mini  Cinnamon Bun named “Bun-Bun” to CB in the  

    Fire Kingdom. After he drops off the little  bun, Flame Princess asks him to hang out. He   apologizes to her for how he acted, and  told her he now knows how messed up it   is to manipulate someone. Their friendship gets  back on track, and they freestyle rap together.

    Normal Man asks for Finn and Jake’s help  in getting Glob from the atmosphere,   and going back to Mars. They make their  way through a whole bunch of monsters,   but Tiny Manticore knocks Finn and  Jake down with a boomerang. Normal   Man does indeed make it back to Mars,  although Glob continues to orbit Ooo.

    Finn and Jake catch Ice King stealing Candy  Kingdom hangers, and find out that he’s been   using them to try and fish his keys out of a  crack in the ice. Digging down into the ice,   they find Patience St. Pym, the Ice Elemental.  Patience tells Ice King to capture the Slime,  

    Candy, and Fire elementals (aka  Slime Princess, Princess Bubblegum,   and Flame Princess). Finn and Jake  try to stop this, but they get frozen. After an excessive mope-session  about the loss of the Finn Sword,   Finn is made the judge of a battle of the bands.  During the competition, he hears a wonderful song,  

    And tries to track it down, much to the chagrin  of the other competitors. He finds The Music Hole,   who reveals it has been around for a  thousand years, and can only be heard by   innocent and pure children and those who have had  significant loss. Finn says that the hole wins,  

    And tosses the crown in – and then joins it in a  duet. The Finn Sword seems to get a little better. Finn, Jake, and Susan Strong find an underground  arcade near Beautopia. A bionically-upgraded   Tiffany shows up and brings the trio to Dr.  Gross – a human scientist who wants the whole  

    World to be cybernetically enhanced.  She paralyzes them with some lollipops,   and attempts to experiment, but Susan Strong  (who already has some unnamed implant) saves   them. They destroy Dr. Gross’ ship  and release all the hybrid animals. Finn, being immune to electricity, hops on a  massive electric eel as it heads towards the  

    Candy Kingdom. Jake smashes it with a tree. Susan  Strong’s implant is affected by the electricity,   and she becomes a much better English speaker.  She also kidnaps Finn. Finn is saved, and brought   back to the Candy Kingdom. Susan follows him, and  gets a major power-up from the Gumball Guardian.  

    Now gigantic, Susan Strong goes on a rampage,  destroying Rattleballs. Finn dons the Jakesuit   and fights her, knocking her down. He hits her  with the Finn Sword, knocking out the implant,   and rendering her normal. His grass arm almost  strangles Susan, but Finn stops it. It then wraps  

    Around the Finn Sword, and unravels Finn’s arm. A  Grass Person with a grass sword is born from this. Finn wakes up at the Candy Kingdom hospital with  a new bionic arm from Bubblegum. He recalls his   encounter with the Grass Guy – who claimed he was  Finn Mertens before running off. Bonnibel tells  

    Finn that Grass Guy is actually just Finn (as  a result of the Grass Sword and the Finn Sword   merging together). Finn gets a call from BMO about  the Grass Guy causing mayhem, and Finn manages to  

    Calm him down with a Finn Cake. Grass Guy says  he doesn’t know who he is, and Finn hugs him. Finn then goes back to the hospital to see Susan  Strong, leaving Jake to hang out with the other,   grassier, him. Finn is deemed a doctor  by Doctor Princess, who reveals she was  

    Never really a medical practitioner. He helps  Mr. Fox and Ice King using unusual methods,   but these have consequences. Doctor  Princess stops him from dropping a   sword on Susan. Finn goes home, wondering  if the people he helped would have been   better off without him. Grass Guy tells him  that they are obviously different people,  

    And names himself Fern. He then takes  Starchy’s motorcycle and drives off. Finn is brought to a skate-park to play the  flute for Jake’s granddaughter and her friends. James Baxter’s famous beach ball is  damaged in a mole-explosion, so Finn,   Jake and BMO try to help. Finn is really  nervous about being around an artist,  

    And helps him wash himself. In the end, Finn tells  James Baxter that he can let go of what is lost,   and that it’s time to make himself happy.  James Baxter then heads off on his own,   beach ball-less, and performs  on his own for the first time.

    A human transport ship shows up in Ooo searching  for Susan Strong. It also recognizes Finn by his   last name, Mertens. Jake destroys the ship before  Finn can learn anything else. Finn heads to the   hospital to talk to Susan again, and then decides  he’s going to go back to the island the ship  

    Came from. He leaves Fern to be the hero in his  absence, and boards the ship with Jake and Susan. While sailing, they meet a dragon  named Whipple, who helps them out.   He’s kind of annoying, though, and a  stowaway BMO cries out for headphones,  

    Offending the dragon – who breaks their  boat. Jake forms a boat with his body, but   starts hallucinating thanks to poison jellyfish.  After they take care of these nasty creatures,   Whipple comes back and apologizes, blowing  them over a bunch of dangerous obstacles,  

    But landing them in front of a colossus.  This massive creature chucks them. Finn wakes up alone on a strange island,  and starts searching for his friends. There,   he meets an old human lady and her  pet bear. She only speaks Swedish,  

    So they have a hard time communicating. During  a storm, she heads into a weatherproofed tree,   and watches an old film featuring humans,  revealing that her name is Alva. Finn   concludes that he, Susan, and Alva are  the only humans left. After the storm,  

    Alva helps Finn find Jake – and realize that there  are other island that their friends could be on. Finn and Jake make their way to a largely  artificial island, and find BMO engaging   in some sort of virtual reality. BMO is a  big shot in the world, and doesn’t want to  

    Leave. Finn and Jake hop out, and follow  some robots to an area where other humans   are totally Matrixed into this virtual reality  program. Jake turns it all off, releasing the   players into an unfamiliar world. BMO manages to  reboot the system, and realizes that it couldn’t  

    Live without Finn and Jake. The three amigos  then head into a pod to go to the next island. Finn, Jake, and BMO are dropped  on a beach near Susan Strong,   but they can’t seem to get her attention. Susan remembers her real name (Kara) and  regains some memories, so she takes Finn,  

    Jake, and BMO to a place where they might be able  to get to Founders Island. She tells Finn that   she’s taking him to see his mother, Dr. Minerva  Campbell. Finn doesn’t say anything for a while. They arrive, and start looking for Minerva.  Finn sees other humans for the first time,  

    And Jake is a hit with the locals. Finn  finds what appears to be his mother,   but she only gives robotic responses.  They are then tranquilized by Minerva   clones. They wake up in a jail cell, and  Finn is identified by a Minerva – shocking  

    The Minervas all over the island. She explains  how after Finn and his father left the island,   she sent Kara to find them, and Dr. Gross  released a virus that killed more than half   of the island. Minerva then uploaded her brain  map and created an AI to help the rest of the  

    Islanders. She says that they can live safely  on the island for the rest of their lives. Minerva tells Finn that if he tries to leave,  the Guardian will destroy his ship. She wants to   protect him, and doesn’t want him to go. Finn  convinces some humans to stop being afraid,  

    And when it starts to work, Minerva sends some  bots to quell this uprising. Finn shows his mother   his memories of helping people in Ooo, which  is enough to make her stand down. Susan and her   friend Frieda distract the Guardian to allow Finn,  Jake and BMO safe passage. As they sail away, Finn  

    Hops into virtual reality to say goodbye to his  mother – who disappears once they’re out of range. While sailing back to Ooo, Finn, Jake, and BMO  get their dreams hijacked by Nightmare Princess,   who wants all of their bananas. They agree,  and Finn gets a weird liquid in return.

    Upon arriving back in Ooo, the trio realizes  something is different. Everything is pink, and   everyone is made of candy, even those who were not  previously candy citizens. Finn runs into Sweet P,   who tells them that everyone is candy, and that PB  is at the top of the candy tower. They see candied  

    Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig , and a marshmallowed  Marceline. Finn discovers that Bubblegum IS the   candy tower, and is taking advantage of her candy  elemental status. Ice King drops some skyhooks   for them to grab onto, and pulls Finn and Jake  away before they can be turned into candy. BMO  

    Doesn’t make it out. Ice King brings them to the  Cloud Kingdom, where the candy can’t reach them. Finn and Jake ask Ice King how everything  happened, who explains how he got asked on a   date by Betty, went looking for a bespoke suit,  got zapped back to his place, watched Betty get  

    Kidnapped by Patience St. Pym, and saw the other  elementals brought in to chant with Patience.   Then everything went nuts. He tells Finn and  Jake that the three of them can rescue Betty. The trio breaks into the Ice Kingdom wearing  nice sweaters, and they find their way to Ice  

    King’s castle. There, they learn that  Patience wanted to revert Ooo back to   the Age of the Elements, but it blew up  in her face. Jake succumbs to the ice,   and Ice King grabs a frozen Betty, so Finn  follows him back to the Cloud Kingdom. There,  

    They defrost Betty and Jake, and Finn  reveals he has the Farmworld Enchiridion. Finn and Jake are told to go take a nap,  and the cloud they sleep on drifts away   from the Cloud Kingdom. They’re too far to  go back, and too high up to stretch down,  

    So they try to glide down. Jake needs to pee, but  he can’t while gliding, and one thing leads to   another – Finn and Jake engage in haircut therapy  with each other. Finn admits that he feels it’s  

    His fault that Ooo is like this, and Jake admits  that he’s having trouble keeping calm to keep Finn   calm. They make their way back to Ice King and  Betty, who reveal they’ve got a plan to save Ooo. Finn and Jake are lowered into the Slime  Kingdom disguised as slime people in order  

    To steal Slime Princess’ gem. There, they find a  giant slime roller rink where slimed-up versions   of people are competing to be assimilated.  Finn and Jake join up with LSP (Lumpy SLIME   Princess) to skate against another team,  but they’re disqualified after a series  

    Of unfortunate events. They’re subjected to  shameful absorption anyways, and Finn grabs   the crown. Jake likes the slime too much, though,  and is fully assimilated. Finn almost gives up,   but LSP refuses to assimilate and pulls Finn  out. Finn is sad, but LSP reminded him that  

    He and Jake always win. With his newly won  jewel, Finn returns to the sky with LSP. Finn, Gunter, and LSP are sent to the Fire  Kingdom to get Flame Princess’ jewel. There   they meet Fire Wyatt, and are attacked by  Lady Flamicorn. The fire sort of gets to Finn,  

    Too, as he gets really angry and violent. He  controls himself, and is found by Cinnamon Bun,   who has resisted the fire as well. CB  leads the team as far as he can go,   and then leaves – deeming himself a loner.  Gunter leads Finn and LSP down a hole,  

    Where Flame Princess is – now taking the form  of a massive flame dragon. Finn attacks her,   and she swallows her gem – causing Finn to go  full flame-mode. Gunter gives into the anger   as well. LSP shouts at them for being so violent,  invoking the citizens of the Candy Kingdom. This  

    Inspires FP to lead the flame people (including  Finn) in battle against the Candy Kingdom. The Fire people wage war in the Candy Kingdom,   tearing apart candy citizens who seem to just  want fun. LSP sees all of this happening,  

    And feeds Fire Finn some of Bubblegum’s hair.  This shocks him back to his normal self, and he   takes PB and Flame Princess’ jewels and leaves  with LSP. Finn hands off the jewels to Betty,   who laughs and zips away with Ice King, leaving  Finn and LSP at the mercy of the candy people.

    Finn realizes that LSP is an anti-elemental  of some sort, but she doesn’t remember much   as she ignored her parents’ lessons. Ice  King comes back with the Enchiridion,   and LSP learns that she can use her lumps  to return things to their original state.  

    She flies off and turns everything back to how  it was originally – including Sweet P’s horns,   and Jake’s shapeshifter origins.  Finn and Jake meet back up. Finn is weirded out by Jake’s new (or old)  form, and tells him that he seems different.  

    Jake doesn’t take well to this. After a weird  dream, Jake tells Finn. Finn suggests illustrating   and analyzing the contents of his dream. This  causes Jake to secretly leave. When he returns   to the Tree Fort, Jake hangs a painting by  Jermaine on the wall, and sees Finn again.

    BMO interrupts river rafting with Finn and Jake  to say that it’s time for Ice King’s book reading.   Finn is then brought to the library, where he  sees Ice King read from Fionna and Cake fanfic. Finn goes fishing with Fern, who is upset that  he couldn’t protect Ooo from the Elementals. Finn  

    Tries to help out, but it’s not that effective.  Sweet P comes to them crying, claiming that a   voice is whispering to him that he is terrible.  That night, Finn sees the Lich’s hand doing the   whispering. He and Fern fight the hand, but it  repels them. Finn tells Fern to protect Sweet P  

    As he goes after the hand. Finn gets trapped in a  pit, but Sweet P comes through and busts the hand. Fern invites Finn to some ruins, but Fern  doesn’t seem to want to hang out. Instead,   he brings Finn to a temple, and traps him  there – claiming he’s going to replace  

    Finn. Finn finds some secret features in  his new mechanical arm. He breaks out,   and attacks Fern. Fern claims that Finn has been  Finn long enough, but Finn says they don’t have to   fight. The weed whacker in Finn’s arm turns on and  weed whacks Fern. Finn, traumatized, heads home.

    During a banana guard baseball game that Finn  is coaching, a weird creature comes through and   starts killing banana guards. P Bubbz sends Finn  after it, but he’s still all messed up from the   Fern incident. He can’t kill the creature because  he keeps seeing Fern, and then Huntress Wizard  

    Shows up to hunt it as well. Finn keeps missing  out on the killing blow, so Huntress Wizard forces   his hand by putting herself in harm’s way. Finn  kills the creature, and shares a smooch with HW. Finn and Jake watch as BMO and Ice King go  door-to-door selling stuff. They set up an  

    Employee of the month party for BMO, but BMO  comes back with a silver goblet. Then a bunch   of baby teeth monsters attack the tree  fort, and Finn and Jake fight them off. Finn and Flame Princess rap together, and  are invited to a rap battle. FP is set to  

    Go up against Son of Rap Bear, who has beaten  his father in battle. They watch Son of Rap   Bear perform at the candy tavern, and his  rhymes literally tear the place apart. FP   asks Finn to go on some adventures with her  so she can have life experience to rap about.

    Finn brings Bubblegum a cup of apple  cider, which reminds her of her Uncle   Gumbald. Finn asks about PB’s family, so she  tells the story of her original candy family. At Finn’s 17th birthday party, a green  knight arrives and asks Finn to strike  

    Him with an axe. Finn does so, cutting off his  head, resulting in the knight saying that now   he gets to strike Finn. Instead, Finn says they  should play carnival games. He loses two of three,   and the Green Knight is revealed to be Fern.  Bubblegum’s long-imprisoned family, Uncle Gumbald,  

    Cousin Chicle, and Aunt Lolly, pop out of their  horse disguise and let everyone know that LSP’s   reverting of the elements brought them back  as well. They leave, and Finn is left bummed   out about his bday. Ice King then pops  out of a cake dressed as Flame Princess.

    Peppermint Butler makes a new sword for Finn – the   Night Blade. He summons Hunson Abadeer  to infuse it with Nightosphere magic,   but this just releases the demon upon Ooo.  Peps binds him with a spell, though. They   then go to Marceline’s concert at Hamburger  Hills Cemetery, and follow up at a restaurant.

    After Kim Kil Whan’s squirrel employee  Rennie gets his timbers shivered,   Finn and Jake go to investigate their parents’  old office. They think it might be ghosts,   but actually discover that there’s a timeslip  there. They see younger versions of themselves,  

    And even encounter the moment that Rennie got  traumatized. The timeslips are caused by Clock   Bear, who Finn winds up, fixing the slips.  Finn also writes a message to his parents:   “I love you.” When Finn goes to find Jake,  all he sees is a note that says “BRB.”

    Unsure what to do now that Jake will BRB,  Finn sits down with a Ble magazine. He fills   in a caption contest, but BMO doesn’t think  his entry is very funny. Finn goes to Ble   headquarters to prove he is indeed funny.  Princess Bubblegum doesn’t give him the  

    Response he wants, so he goes to see Ice King,  who teleports them to Ble Headquarters. There,   they find that the folks behind Ble have been  dead for hundreds of years. Finn, Ice King,   and a pudding troll put together one last  issue, featuring Finn’s unfunny caption,  

    And then Ice King gets his penguins to destroy  everything. Finn is bummed that he isn’t funny,   but ends up accidentally doing a great  slapstick routine, making BMO and Neptr laugh. Jermaine visits the Tree Fort to tell  Finn that he had a dream about Jake  

    Being alone in space without food. Finn  deems Normal Man the right dude to see   about this. They use the Martian  transporter to zip to Mars. There,   they see Betty and King Man (Normal Man got an  upgrade). In order to find Jake, they have to  

    Go through a three-part mind maze in the Mars  Temple. They do indeed, and Jake is returned. With war brewing, Finn and Jake head to Gumbaldia  to see if they can put a stop to it. There,   they fight Fern again, but Aunt Lolly stops  them. She says that she doesn’t want the war,  

    And that Gumbald is crazy. Finn saves  Gumbald from a falling platform,   and it appears like war might be averted. At  dinner with the candy family, Finn and Jake   are splashed with a sparkly solution,  and told to go hug P Bubbz. When they  

    Return to the Candy Kingdom, Peps wipes them  down and is reduced to a little baby butler.   Bubblegum realizes that Gumbald tried  to dum-dum-ify her, and declares war. P Bubbz wants war, but Finn thinks this  is wrong. He uses the nightmare juice  

    From Nightmare Princess to put himself, PB,  Gumbald, and Fern into a dream state. There,   the fighting continues, but Finn turns  into a butterfly and follows Fern,   who is a pterodactyl. He tries to convince  Fern that they are two sides of the same  

    Coin. Jake brings Finn’s memory vault to them,  and they realize that the Grass Demon has been   influencing Fern. They kill it, but this causes  Fern to disintegrate. Back in the real world,   Gumbald betrays Bubblegum again, and is doused  in dum-dum juice. Aunt Lolly accepts peace,  

    But this is interrupted when Normal Man and GOLB  show up. Finn gets his arm bitten off by GOLB,   and everyone realizes that GOLB is vulnerable to  music. The song allows Finn and Simon to escape,   but Betty sacrifices herself to make sure Simon  is protected. GOLBetty leaves. Finn and Jake plant  

    The Fern seedling, which sprouts into an enormous  tree – with the Finn sword at the top. Finn and   Jake then chill by the Music Hole, who sings  them a new song – or perhaps a very familiar one. ALL GROWN UP

    Years later, all grown up, Finn is called  upon by Simon to help Marcy and PB with an   issue in the Glass Kingdom, but it’s  all taken care of when they arrive. At some point, Jake dies, leaving Finn very  distraught. He gets a big ole tattoo of Jake  

    Across his chest. He continues to live  in Ooo as humans make their way back,   and build up a civilization. One day, Simon comes  to the Candy Kingdom Tavern and is real bummed.   Finn decides to take Simon questing to cheer  him up. They enter The Heart of the Forest,  

    Blindfolded, and Finn remembers  that Huntress Wizard told him to   never go there. Simon goes fishing  and catches a giant fish monster,   and Finn finishes it off. Finn cooks up the  fish, and has some of Simon’s cowboy coffee,   trying to convince the antiquarian to focus  on less sad stuff. A bear attacks their camp,  

    And Finn kills it, but is injured in the process.  Simon and Finn then go their separate ways. In Farmworld, Farmworld Finn meets Simon, Fionna,  and Cake when his son Jay brings them home. He   allows them to stay overnight. That night, he  is visited by the Scarab looking for Fionna,  

    Cake, and Simon, but he tells him that there’s no  one there. He goes to the hayloft to warn them,   but finds it empty. He goes to where  he originally found the Magic Crown,   and fights Big Destiny and the Scarab with his  Flamethrower Arm. Scarab stabs him, though.

    Baby Finn is found by Fionna, Cake, and Simon.  He then stows away in Fionna’s backpack,   and is brought to the Vampire World. He’s  left with the Peppermint Tank after it’s   capsized. During the final fight with  the Scarab, Baby Finn is summoned,   along with some others, to Fionna-world by Prismo.

    Decades after that, Finn dies and enters the  Land of the Dead. There, he decides to take on   his teenaged form, and goes looking for Jake  – who is apparently in the 50th Dead World.   He meets up with his parents and Jermaine, who  tell him the only way to get to the 50th dead  

    World is to not want to go there. Tiffany and  some undertakers show up and try to take Finn,   so Jake comes down from the 50th Dead World to  help. This allows New Death to destroy the 50th   Dead World, putting everyone in the 1st Dead  World. Finn and Jake reach out to Peppermint  

    Butler, who uses Finn’s bones to get them  to Life’s realm. She gives Finn and Jake a   staff called The Kiss of Life to beat New  Death. During their fight with New Death,   Finn and Jake realize that whoever wins the fight  will become Death – and they don’t want to be  

    Seperated again. Also The Lich is revealed to be  the one manipulating New Death. Mr. Fox shows up   and hits New Death with the Kiss of Life, sparing  Finn and Jake. Finn wants to be reincarnated,   but Jake wants to chill in the 50th  Dead World. Right before Finn leaves,  

    Jake changes his mind, and they fist bump  before getting sent back to the living world. A THOUSAND YEARS LATER Beth and Shermy (possibly the reincarnations of  Finn and Jake), find Finn’s old mechanical arm.  

    They go to visit BMO at the top of Mount Cragdor,  and present it with Finn’s arm. BMO tells them the   story of the Gum War. After hearing the story,  Beth and Shermy go looking for the Tree Fort.  

    They find it, and climb to the top – discovering  the Finn Sword, which Shermy holds just like Finn. After vandalizing Gibbon’s palace, Beth and  Shermy head to Turtle Princess’ library in search   of books, only to have Shermy’s consciousness  taken over by Simon. Shermy just hangs out in  

    His own head for a bit. When Simon leaves, Shermy  yells that he was a prisoner in his own head. OUTRO And that, my friends and enemies, is the  entire timeline of Finn Mertens AKA Finn   the Human. And what an adventure it was! From his  beginnings as a comet, butterfly, and lady-thief,  

    To his heroic exploits in the Gum war and  beyond, there’s a lot going on here. Lots   of biz that he didn’t necessarily want to  get into, but was thrust upon him anyways. So what did you think of this sweeping  investigation into the life of a hero?  

    Did we cover everything? Did you learn  anything new? Is there anything you wish   we talked about in more detail?  Make sure you let me know down   in the comments. Like the video if you  liked it, subscribe if you want more,  

    And ring that bell to be reminded when new  videos drop. And remember: Frederator Loves You!


    1. You forgot when Finn and Jake continued adventuring after the Obsidian episode. They showed Prismo watching a replay of an adventure where Finn uses the Jakesuit to fight a cockatrice, and Finn had the chest tattoo which means he got it before Jake passed away.

    2. Man, Finn is a legend to our generation. When the series started back in April 2010. Finn has a childlike voice during his debut but after seeing many recent changes in some seasons, he became a bit mature and his voice got much deeper despite his voice actor going through puberty. I really love the franchise so much and I will never stop loving the series and never stop loving how Finn and Jake go on adventures and help everyone in need.

    3. Wait finn had reality altering powers stronger than the wish crown. The crown that changed an outer versal being meant to bring everything into non existence?!

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