At the end of November, I was invited for a 3-day on- & off-road adventure in Spain by Perez MC Tours! Getting back on the bike in the sun during winter was SO nice! Aleksander Perez, our tour guide, had fantastic routes planned out for us – both paved and unpaved roads mixed with fantastic views, food, and company. What more could you want?

    I also had the pleasure of riding fellow YouTuber @SvenOlsen , who kindly provided some footage for this episode.

    For more information, check out:

    This is a collaboration between this channel and Perez MC Tours.


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    You know that feeling of putting your bike away for winter storage? Seeing temperatures drop and snow appearing in the mountains, knowing it’s months until you can ride again. But does it have to be? In the end of November I found myself on a flight heading south, leaving Snow

    Cape Mountains behind in favor of sun and what we Norway would consider summer temperatures. My destination is Malaga in the south of Spain. an area well known to be a motorcycle paradise. Here I’ve been invited by Pérez Ampsa Tours to join in on a three day on and off road adventure.

    Joining in on this adventure is three other bikers and a tour guide. There is Bjørn, Alexander, Arne, Sven and me. From the airport we headed straight to the hotel to check out the bikes. With everyone paired up with the bike, we were very much ready for the next day.

    Good morning guys and welcome back. I have made my way to Spain, Malaga in Spain. And I’m here with a group of bikers. I was invited by Pedeas Ampsitores to join them for a three day ride,

    On-road, off-road ride here in Spain. If you’ve been on my channel for a while, you know that two years ago, I was on this exact same trip with the same guide. I’ll be showing their rides, a KTM 1290, there’s a KTM 890. 1250 GSA, I’m riding a 1250 GS. Exact same bike actually

    As I rode two years ago. And then there’s a brand new Tenerife World Rate. And there’s also another YouTuber here. Hello. Do you want to introduce yourself and tell a little bit about your videos and your channel? Yes, thanks a lot! Sven Nolsen, welcome back to my channel!

    We are going to ride some beautiful roads here in Andalusia today and we are looking forward to that together with Rune. Yes. Yeah. Let’s get going! This is also a lowered version actually. It has a little seat. So I can put both my feet. underground here. That’s been a while since

    I’ve been able to do that. The first day starts off pretty chill to give everyone a chance to get comfortable on their bikes. With the Norwegian motorcycle season ending as early as mid-September in some areas, it’s nice and important to take a moment to settle back in on the bike again.

    After a quick coffee, all of us with smiles ear to ear, it was time to take the bikes onto dirt roads. It didn’t take long until… So that happened. Oh well, someone had to be first. Like that. I’m good. Will do! It’s a good thing you know Oop I have to stay ice.

    Yeah. I was not prepared for that very deep gravel. Didn’t have enough speed and then my front wheel just kind of dig itself into the dirt there, so. It’s bumpy, bumpy. How do we not puncture with these heavy bikes on those tires on these sharp rocks more often?

    We are on our way up to a mountain called Antequera. And I’ve actually been there once before. And it’s a super cool mountain out of limestone. And I think it’s even on the world heritage list. It’s a mountain you can see in front of us here.

    I should have gone more Oop Let’s turn around I need to practice U-turns Seriously This is pretty cool, I think this is an old lake or something. Riding all these winding little back roads through villages and whatnot, I often find myself wondering

    How in the world Alexander know they exist, and even more, how the heck is he able to navigate without a GPS? I’d be so lost. The sun in my face, I hope it can’t see. What a nice world. into this forest. Wow. Spain, you’re quite amazing.

    We can do this, we can do this, we can do this. Other side here, probably quite loose. Coming up is Rocky Hill. I checked my mirror to see if Bjorn had made it up as well, but he was nowhere to be seen.

    Did it go well with you? Yes, it was great! problem I just dropped the bike here. 1, 2, 3 Whoop! I’m gonna fall on my side Day one is coming to an end riding wise. We are almost back at the hotel. And then I think

    We are meeting up for dinner a little bit later. Wow, we’ve been riding from… It’s about 9 30 this morning and right now it’s 5 30 in the afternoon Curvy roads and highways and everything

    All kinds of roads Oh and the sun you guys The sun is doing me good I’m telling you Nice What a day, what a day, what a day hours later we headed into Fungirola to find a bite to eat. I tried the Spanish dish Pilquil

    Prawns which was every bit as delicious as it looks. With the great first day in the books we were all excited to see what more Spain has to offer. Today the plan is to, we’re going to a national park from south to north, I believe, which

    Is all dirt. And then we’ll see what comes after that. Another day of sun. We are now about to enter the national park The Sierra de la Nieves National Park covers an area of 18,530 hectares, with Mount Torresila as the highest point at almost 2,000 meters.

    Apparently the easy part is over now and the upcoming part could potentially be a little bit more challenging. The road being a little bit washed out from previous rain, stuff like that, which must have been a long time ago since they haven’t had rain in however long. As long

    As we stay on a road and don’t disappear down the hills here, it’s a little bit… Uncomfortable sometime knowing that if you lose control Bye bye You must be at quite some altitude now Oh my god Look at this view Wow

    Doing a little bit sightseeing around here in Ronda before we’ll find somewhere to have lunch. It’s now about 12 o’clock. Look at all these Christmas lights Feliz Navidad Du du Feliz Navidad Du du And that’s all I know Wow, look at that! Oh, that’s so cool!

    The first bridge across this gap in Rondar was built back in 1735, but unfortunately collapsed and killed 50 people just a few years later. The second bridge you can see now was completed in 1793. How do you feel about the trip so far? It has been fantastic. Fabulous roads. a lot

    Of gravel and beautiful nature and famous places from different angels. I think it’s just fantastic. It’s wonderful. Yes. That’s how it continues like this. That was end of day two. Now it’s time for us to go back to Alex place and then we’ll continue the trip tomorrow. you day three.

    So today we are going a little bit more in and off the gravel road. We are having the destination we’re going to is Jesus’ statue, I think. Today we have one extra motorcyclist with us. Alexander’s girlfriend is with him as passenger. And there’s a new bike in the crowd. The KTM 890 Adventure

    Standard model is changed with the Rally model. That he also has available. So, Sven is riding that one today. Ah, last day of… Riding in the sun In quite a bit of time So let’s just enjoy this to the fullest That is steep. Roll down in first gear

    Now it’s time for a coffee! up to see the Jesus study on top of this mountain. and while I’m busy enjoying the view, others are busy enjoying other aspects of Warsaw provided. Wow, look at this. Smokes What a view! And there’s Jesus as well Hello fellow

    Two full feet on the ground with this motorcycle, you think I would be able to avoid this from happening. But nothing to worry about when I have both fellow bikers and the BMW SOS system to watch over me. Oops!

    Having a large portion of twisty roads and good views for starters, we eventually settled down for a meal that filled our stomachs a bit better. All these views, oh my gosh. When I’m starting to get tired riding on roads like this, I can definitely feel that it’s

    Harder to keep my eyes where they’re supposed to be, like looking up and forward. I keep looking down in front of me. Trying to not hit every rock and pebble. It’s like my mind and body kind of stops talking together. Everything is just a little bit slower. I don’t care if

    I can’t keep up. I’ll just take it my pace and keep it nice and safe. I still consider myself a rookie, especially when it comes to like the pace, riding pace. I can’t for the life of me get comfortable riding at higher paces in gravel. It’s just something. There’s just a

    Switch in my mind I need to turn over It is what it is All right, the day is coming to an end and so is this three day trip. That’s just how it goes. The day sure flies by when you’re having fun and in and out of the gravel roads and

    Just good company, good food, good views. perfect really just a perfect escape from this sad cold winter at home just get down here and soak up some sun and have fun on the bike again

    Just recharge a little bit so now we are heading to somewhere to wash off the bikes We are getting together this evening for dinner again and then it’s off with the flight back home to Norway

    Tomorrow for all of us. This is quite the way to finish the season and the year and everything. It’s been so nice. The trip has ended? 3 days? Yes, it has been fantastic. What’s been the best in Europe? The…

    Off road, but also the paved road was very curvy and very fun to ride. The combination of the gravel and the paved roads and everything is just the views and the weather. That’s right, I agree with you. It’s the combination. And of course in Spain there is always beautiful

    Weather. And that means a lot to me, which is living in Norway. We’re going back to like minus one degrees and slush and the wind and rain and the whole thing. Yes, right, we do. So it has been a great experience. I’m very happy. Yeah, me too. 10 out of 10. Jørn, you’ve

    Been here once before as well. And on the scale from one to ten you rated it 10+. How do you like it this time? 10 plus this time as well. Absolutely. What’s the best part? The best part is the first… Last time the best part was the off-road. My first experience with

    Off-road. But this time it was on the road. Asphalt. It was furious. Lot of turns and… Might consider coming back or no? Yes, absolutely. It should be mandatory for everyone every winter to go down here and soak up some sun and ride the bikes. I

    Fully agree. Recommended. Alright, three days are done. How do you think it went? Perfect. We had the best weather. small group so everyone got to challenge themselves. Yeah. I think. Because usually you travel with up to like eight? Up to eight people. Yeah. So it’s always kind

    Of small groups. Yeah. But you can customize so if they want to be even more people you can kind of customize that kind of trip as well. You’ve been doing this for how long? I started

    In 2018 so it’s the fifth year now. Yeah. We had one year. to break during COVID of course. So it’s the fifth season. Yeah. Just talk us through like how does this work? What’s the concept? So we move a lot of bikes down here to Spain from October and we move them home

    In April. So we have six, seven months. on gravel roads and also on asphalt. For beginners and more experienced? Most of the people are beginners, I would say. Because that’s kind of cool. There’s a lot of people coming out here and they’ve never been on gravel before. Like this is their

    First gravel experience. And the learning curve is pretty steep. Yeah, that’s a typical customer, I would say. Yeah, and they’re probably a little bit terrified in the beginning, like what the hell? And then they realize, oh, I can actually do it. this and it’s fun yeah so you don’t

    Require any previous gravel experience at all before coming here really no you don’t but you should be a decent motorcycle yeah comfortable and safe on the bike Many probably wonder like how do you know all the routes down here? How do you figure out what routes to take? Because

    It’s not the same route every day. It’s not the same route every trip and you kind of change it out a little bit throughout the day. Yeah, depending on the speed, the weather and the skill level. Yeah. So I spend a lot of time getting to know the area. Yeah. And I think

    That’s the best way because then I don’t need a GPS and we can always customize the route and… make smarter choices. Some are probably faster, some are a little stover, some want more gravel, some want less. Next group coming down is? So now it’s a break in December and

    From January it’s full on until we go home in April. So now we’re going home to the saggy cold winter, but you’re going back down here at least. Yeah. It’s a good winter activity. Yeah, pretty decent. If you haven’t tried it, you should. You think so? Yeah, definitely.

    Great. It’s a nice way to recharge. Yeah. Yeah, it’s pretty nice. Now we’re finishing off the day, going out to have some dinner. Last dinner. With the rest of the group. So a big steak. Yeah, we need that. Maybe a beer or two. Maybe. Yeah.

    Fully loaded with vitamin D and good memories, it was time to go back to the winter. But not for long.


    1. Not the What an amazing landscape and nature.

      Not the easiest gravel roads to ride. You placed the bike in a really tricky position when falling the first time.

      Even if you ride slower than the other one, You are not a rookie any more, you are a professional motorcycle rider, its just not your riding phase. That’s something that can be a problem when riding with other people. We are all different and it's not a correct or wrong way to be. 😊

    2. I notice that you are proned to stumble around on the bmw`s more often then Norden 😛 makes me wonder if the low cg on the bmw beats its purpose 😛 i.e rider gets alittle too comfy and bam the weight suddenly comes in to play, and tipping over is inevitable 😅

    3. What a great trip! Stunning views and scenery. Very tempting. 🙂 And with such nice folks – nice to see Svein from another angle. After 45yrs of biking my pace is still moderate. I sometimes do burn offs for up to an hour… but the most important thing for me is to get the feeling of Flow. As you said – we are all different (thankfully!)

    4. Ohh it was so great to recap the wonderful adventure. I love it 😍. Alexander was a great guide and the company of you and the others made it very fun and exciting. Love your edit, well worth a channel membership, thanks a lot. Hopefully we ride together again sometime in the future. Now we first have to survive the winter 🥶😂 See you !

    5. Addressing this technically for once: The voiceovers, and the talk in helmet works really well, I hear just enough much of the background noises and the engine sounds. You are doing a fantastic job in putting all of that together and balancing it. Spain in itself makes for a wonderful backdrop to your video. It seems like you had loads of fun, Runa, and you truly deserve to have good times and be surrounded by good friends. Top notch! ⭐⭐⭐

    6. You really captured all the elements of this adventure ,so well . Your off road skills are far greater than your own humble opinion of your ability. I'm glad you included Sven in the video,with his thoughts .

    7. just freaking wow!!! what a trip with scenery and sunshine!! I'd love to experience that someday before I need a walker to get around LOL. I'm going to agree with a couple other people that your editing on this video was top notch!! sláinte!

    8. I saw too that you try to keep up with others and its a bad idea every time coz its then when you do mistakes.You go in your pace and enjoy the ride.You dont have nothing to prove to no one and becose of that we go out riding right?Dont understand those that are allwais in hurry.Why else you go out if you dont see all the wonders you are passing bye

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