Let’s have a discussing about how we plan on adjusting to app changes, how we plan on improving our profits, and how we become better parts of the driving community thru sharing information and education!

    #lyft #uber #lux #driver #rideshare #micdrop #ubereats

    What up everybody back in the building once again  last day of Lux and a lot of us are just you know   what we’re ready we ready to see what’s gonna  happen tomorrow we might end up doing Uber more  

    Than we do lift so we’re about to find out uh  before this live stream really gets going you   know I’m gonna I got an idea what I’m thinking  about doing because our live streams go three  

    Hours four hours five hours at about if it gets  close to two hours I say let’s take a break I’m   going to chop the live stream up and then we  come back let everybody go use the bathroom do  

    What they got to do get up you know go hang out  go drive do some deliveries and then right after   that we’ll I’ll start up another live stream for  those who want to just have like a cool down hour  

    You know one hour of cooling down my man Logan  blocks in the house what’s good what’s good what   up glitch Dash always on glitch Dash he live on  YouTube man it’s like whenever you get on YouTube  

    You see glitch Dash doing something he always busy  man he stay busy on his platform that’s what’s up   that’s what’s up what up door Dash rev my man the  Rev he’s in the building with mkkm yo yo yo what’s  

    Up yeah it’s time to go out and try to get this  money tonight ebony says finally caught alive I   know it I know it hey I woke up today kind of late  I woke up about what two o’clock so I got up about  

    Two o’clock because I wanted to sleep in pretty  good so I can get up and get my get out there and   and get this money tonight I’m gon Drive nonstop  I’m G try to go until about 5 six in the morning  

    If I can get some good uh reservations going this  morning what up offer kicks is back she’s back in   the building hey we trying to go out there and  get this money tonight we know this is the last  

    Night to really go out and do it oh yeah I go out  tonight yeah it’s only four o’clock pm. right now   I don’t start driving till 89 p.m. so I wake  up and I just like you know what I I kick back  

    Relax for a few hours swim do whatever I want  to do like I said a lot of us we we’re the type   of gig workers that have the luxury of waking up  getting yourself together for a few hours going  

    Out and enjoying your life running your errands  doing whatever then starting work you know a lot   of W2 people and a lot of people in corporate  you know they wake up from the moment they wake  

    Up they in a rush mode because they got to get  to work in about an hour and a half we wake up   we got like four five hours ODB thanks for the  Super Chat old dirty bastard I like that hey Old  

    Dirty Bastard live and N cut that’s my man right  there man don’t don’t bring up obb unless you’re   ready to hear some of it man yeah but a lot of  us we like to get up get our life together you  

    Know get our energy together get set in what we  are clean the car off do whatever hang watch some   TV watch a few lives or whatever so yeah like  I’ll I’ll get out and drive later but I’m one  

    Of those drivers that like to get I like to get  up and get into my zone before I really do much   because if I had to wake up like corporate wake up  hurry up make breakfast hurry up get dressed hurry  

    Up run out the door I might as well just work  corporate it’s like forget that I like to wake   up and take my time get into my zone and then I’m  like okay cool I’m ready to work today go online  

    Start going through everything like all right bet  uh oh all Praises it I’ve been getting Lux all day   oh they they feeding everybody right now because  they the Lux division at LIF is like well this is  

    Our last time to really make good money so let’s  throw it out there so they throwing a ton of Lux   to everybody right now I was going to drive last  night me Juan Vargas and King James we went sat  

    And watch the Chargers game over at fate so we was  hanging out watching the game or whatever and we   was comparing like apps back and forth man it was  nothing but surge out there they was trying to get  

    People to drive bad I didn’t even drive last  night I was like h no I’m good but tonight is   the night this is like Wednesday nights for us  are good it’s gonna be some events downtown go  

    Down there and make some money man what up Mike  Pena he’s back my man this is my man Jeff long   time no see you the man please tell your audience  about The Jeffy Lube oil special 1999 for Tesla  

    Drivers just got mine done in 30 minutes I know  Juan Vargas need to hear that hey man take that   Model S in for oil change what are you doing  man you need some transmission fluid in that  

    Model S yeah and all pra say hey makes sense I’ll  be ignoring out of ignoring five out of 10 I’m G   drive tonight though yeah because tonight like I  said they gonna be throwing some good money out  

    There everybody and last night they were trying to  get people ramped up because I think that division   is kind of closing down so they want to get as  much revenue through the door as possible and   they’re moving you know lift people up the Lux  they’re bumping people all around keeping these  

    Drivers on the road because they know and and like  I said two board members on lift walked out they   they resign their position say they going to do  something else with their life and [ __ ] like  

    That so you already know when somebody sees a ship  sinking they gonna come up with an excuse to get   off that ship they’re like you know what we G we  gonna kind of get off the board uh we gon we gonna  

    Do something else because this is like not for us  so those members got off and now they’re you know   gonna have to come up with some some new board  members to help make decisions and stuff like  

    That especially after this Lux debacle and I’m  call it a debacle because it’s about to get there   yeah all Praises said you get Uber Comfort been  getting those my rating is like 4.83 but still  

    Getting it yeah I don’t get Uber Comfort on Uber  you need a five Series BMW to move up to comfort   so anybody with a three series on Uber you’re just  doing Uber X That’s it man I roll a three series I  

    Got the 330i so on uh on lift they’re going to put  me on extra Comfort once you know tomorrow so my   my Lux is going to disappear but extra Comfort  is going to pop up on my screen now and I keep  

    That until April so I’ll be rolling extra Comfort  to I don’t know what the prices are going to be   but you know how I drive even on Lux I decline  some Lux because every Lux ain’t good just like  

    Every uberX ain’t good every ride ain’t good some  of those offers just ain’t worth my time so I’m   sitting there going you know I’ll probably wait to  see how Comfort is gonna go before I really fully  

    Invest into it so yeah look at that 10 cents a  mile all that man I’m still G to do what I do   on LIF for Lux no matter what I do I’m GNA look  at the profit margin of the transaction before  

    I accept that transaction I don’t care what they  pay on their rates and their standards I don’t go   by that I’m looking for 15 miles I mean $15 three  four miles that’s what I look for if I’m looking  

    For some you know six seven miles it’s got to pay  me like you know 20 bucks that’s what I’m looking   for I’ll take you know 16 17 but I know what I’m  looking for so the tier really don’t matter to me  

    The transactions matter more than the tier but  the fact that they’re removing this tier only   floods the market with certain type of cars and  that means a lot of people with the upgraded cars   the Mercedes the Beamers all of us we’re going  to have to you know now compete for rides on  

    The with the lift Riders the B if we once this  stuff disappears we got to drop down and lift   so people gonna say either I can get a Nissan  Versa or I can get a you know a C230 a Mercedes  

    Of course they gonna choose Mercedes every time  so everybody with the Nissan versus are going   to be upset because people AR going to be choosing  those cars if they can get a Mercedes for the same  

    Price they’re not going to be choosing you know  a Ultima if they can get you know a a BMW or some   kind of you know Mercury Zephyr or something like  that they can get a really nice upgraded car for  

    The exact same price what do you think they gonna  choose I’m like I mean common sense and so I think   they’re going to end up getting rid of a lot of  drivers that they didn’t even intend on getting  

    Rid of not just the Lux drivers going over to to  uberX but they’re gonna get rid of a lot of the   base tier drivers that now they can’t get a lot of  rides they’re going to be like man I’m not getting  

    Nobody’s shoes in my car I’m trying to get rides  nobody’s choosing my car why would they they put   all the luxury cars down a tier now everybody’s  choosing luxury cars at the exact same rate I’m  

    Like and if I was a base tier driver I would be  worried too not just Lux drivers base tier drivers   need to worry because when you flood the market  with a lot of nice cars they G and that’s what  

    They’re gonna do they’re GNA end up making people  rent they’re going to say okay since you were   renting or since you were driving a Nissan Versa  you can come rent a Honda Accord from us or rent a  

    Tesla from us and now get more rids but you got to  get a different car so leave the Nissan Versa at   home come get one of our cars and it’s like that’s  gonna that’s going to be the the big issue right  

    There a lot of people not having the the equipment  that’s going to get the drive the Riders to say I   want that car it’s gonna be all these luxury cars  on the platform they like man all day I’ve been  

    Getting BMWs I’ve been getting Mercedes I’ve been  getting Teslas I’ve been getting all these cool   cars all day and now when Nissan Vera pops up I  don’t want that cancel cancel and they going to  

    Try to go for a nicer car and they going to keep  they’re going to say dude every time I’m on my way   to a ride they keep canceling me all the time what  up doc my man yeah bord a if you don’t own a car  

    You don’t have a chance and that’s why I’m glad my  man West like last night when I met up with King   James I finally saw his car he just bought a 2022  no 2024 Camry clean this thing is all white clean  

    As hell thing is nice but that’s what people  have to do you have to go buy a car yeah yeah   and board says I got to figure out how to get an  auction car I’m so tired of working all month just  

    To barely afford to keep renting and that’s what  we tell people you know renting is a short-term   solution to a to a immediate something immediate  you’ve got to eventually get a car because if you   don’t I mean you’re paying you know $2,000 1,500  1,400 a month just for a car that’s all you’re  

    Paying for is that car and now we’re hearing that  Tesla people got to start paying for their tires   we got some people looking into that I want  to see if that’s really true if it was just a  

    Rumor if Tesla people really got to pay for their  tires now but you know my man Wes went out he got   a car he’s paying 290 a month for Ev golf so he’s  paying 290 a month no fuel because it’s a EV Golf  

    And he’s no longer paying two G’s a month for a  Tesla so he went from 2,000 a month spending to   keep that Tesla rented all the way down to $290 a  month I mean that’s a huge you know expense swing  

    Right there so he’s don’t have to work as hard  and if if he keeps working as hard as he does   at least it’s all profit for his his bank now  he don’t have to turn around and be like man I  

    Got to give all this money to Herz D every time  I do a ride you know x amount of the dollars go   towards Herz x amount goes towards Uber and I only  get a small chunk of that ride because I’m paying  

    All these expenses out just to do these rides  so I got to do a ton of rides just to you know   stay afloat he’s just like that bordon a just like  that so he decided to say I’m gonna do something  

    Different he went out and just bought an electric  car 290 a month a EV golf doing the exact same   thing making bank doing instacart doing Uber Eats  you know doing Uber when he can making the same  

    Amount of money the expenses less so his profit  margins got real high so I I love it when I see   people really starting to think about the business  behind it instead of well instead of the fear they  

    Go well I’m gonna go give me a Tesla just in case  something happened to the Tesla it ain’t my Tesla   it’s somebody else Tesla but I’ve been doing Rod  share for almost five years ain’t nothing never  

    Happened to my car in five years they sell you  fear when they selling you a rental oh you’re   going to blow the engine you’re going to blow the  transmission you’re going to do this you gonna do  

    That ain’t none of that ever happened to any of my  cars and I’ve been driving them all so they sell   you fear in order to get you to rent and once you  rent you out of all that fear money is spent they  

    Don’t give you none of it back if you don’t blow  the engine if you don’t blow the transmission if   the tire rodes they don’t give you none of that  money back it’s all fear money and they keep it  

    You can’t go well since I didn’t blow the engine  can I get all that money back can I get no it was   just in case it’s like no I don’t I don’t like  that man you keeping all my profits on it just  

    In case but you ain’t returning my money back yeah  with all Praises say sometime I got to use hyper   apppp and give my my bands a break hyper app is  cheaper than Uber higher app okay higher yeah I  

    Don’t think we have that in Phoenix I’m have to  look at that offer kick said yeah one tires about   $400 shees yeah I don’t know about them Tesla  tires man and you know a lot of people talk  

    About Tesla use special tires and things like that  I don’t know me y’all know me I’m an engineer at   heart I mean my uncle was an engineering professor  at the University of Missouri r that was my dad’s  

    Brother my son he’s a mechanical engineer I build  stuff all the time but I have an accounting degree   I would take a uh Tesla and try some other tires  out that’s just me thank doc man I believe it  

    Brother hey doc thank you for the Super Chat say  Uber Levy I mean Uber gives me a headache U Levy   I do it I mean Uber gives me a headache hey I had  a headache last week man about two or three days  

    Dealing with Uber I was like man I got a headache  I got to stop serious I I really it was giving me   a headache with the crap they were sending and I  was like man forget that all praise say Mercedes  

    Benz dealer tries to charge me 300 a tire I  just hit up Discount Tire in the same is 130   yep that’s what I do I order my tire straight to  the house and just do them in the garage man if  

    I don’t got time I just take them down the street  they you know pop the the Run Flats now that the   Run flats are gone I don’t have to worry about  trying to break the bead on the Run Flat which  

    Is literally impossible without hydraulic pressure  so now that I got regular tires back I can do my   own tires again but the Run Flats yeah I could do  Jeep tires I could do anything as long as it’s not  

    A run flat a run flat you cannot bend the sidewall  because it’s so rigid and I do everything manually   nah I took it down the street let them do it nuh  uh AB said yes you do have to pay for tires but if  

    You get the extra insurance you don’t well the  extra insurance ain’t nothing but tires that’s   all it is you’re just paying you’re prepaying the  tires so it’s like instead of paying the insurance   just put that money in an envelope somewhere so  if the comes you need a tire then just go get a  

    Tire because you had it saved in the envelope  and that’s what these these places are doing   they’re overcharging everybody for everything  in a what if standpoint they’re pre-charging   you for all the wear tear and everything else  which is totally fine totally fine pre-charge  

    People for it but then if nothing ever happens  you don’t even get a percentage of that back   you get nothing back and it’s like they’re just  banking on profits and they’re bring banking on   people saying it’s it’s cheaper to rent no look at  your bank account renting then look at your bank  

    Account after you’ve bought a car you will have  two different balances I guarantee you’ll have   two different balances so if it’s cheaper to rent  and you’re renting you should have a really high   bank account you really should because you’re  saying well I didn’t have to replace an engine  

    Well your bank account should be high I didn’t  have to replace a transmission then your bank   account should be high well I don’t have to do  maintenance then your bank account should be high   so if your bank account is low and you’re renting  but everybody who’s bought a car bank account is  

    High that tells you the whole story this is about  money it’s not about fear tactics it’s not about   you know you know what ifs and all no it’s about  reality the reality of when you waking up and you  

    See bills coming in the mailbox and you get  anxiety about how high is this [ __ ] gonna   be that’s real that’s real when they sell you  the illusion and you throwing all this money at   an illusion all the time and it never happens you  never get none of that money back they never say  

    You know what since nothing happened we’re gonna  give you at least you know 50% of the money back   40% no they don’t give you nothing back they  they be like got them got them so everybody  

    Who who wants to really do business and and like  I said there’s a lot of people out there who want   to talk about you know miles and talk about this  and talk no look the only anytime I did business   the first thing we would do is bank account  reconciliations a bank account reconciliation  

    Is when you look at all your balances you go  through all your fees all your ins all your outs   see if your balance is really what it is whether  stuff is outstanding you got a cruel sitting there  

    Something I reconcile my bank account at home all  the time constantly going through it and it has to   go because that helps you make decisions on to  get that balance to go up because if you never  

    Know how much money you got you think you’re doing  fine but once you realize you’re not doing fine   it’s too late because now a Bills du emergency  came up and you’re not doing fine so always stay  

    On top of your money always every business stays  on top of money a lot of these drivers out there   they’re not on top of their money they like  to talk about how many hours they put oh man  

    I put in 75 hours last week cool cool what’s  your bank account looking like they don’t want   to talk about that but this this is what we doing  this for we doing this for the bank account we’re  

    Doing this for the bank account we’re not doing  this so we can brag about how much time we put   in the street I don’t care about how much time  I would rather put less time in the street and  

    Have a higher bank account than put more time in  the streets and have a lower bank account because   if we doing it’s about money let’s do this  about money let’s be smart about it what up brigston and they said yeah they know how much  your car is going to depreciate fast and it’s  

    Not worth the risk I need to find a W2 until I  get a car loan yeah bordz and I tell everybody   they they scared that they wish they do the offer  Praises man I wish I lived in your area I pay you  

    To work on break pads and stuff like that you do  break pads I’m sure man I got breake pad videos on   my Channel showing how to do Beamer brakes Jeep  brakes everything but yeah they they talk about  

    How your car is going to appreciate but I’m G tell  you something about a car a lot of people look at   a car as an entire complete package I look at  a car as a unit if you take breakes off and  

    Put on new brakes you got new brakes that’s just  how it works out you got brand new brakes if you   take a transmission out put a transmission back in  doesn’t matter what your dad says you got a brand  

    New transmission that’s a zero mile transmission  so I can hit a half a million miles on that car as   long as that car works it’s totally fine I could  take the whole engine and transmission out get a  

    Salvage yard like an insurance yard like you know  all state or Progressive go to their salvage yard   take out something that they total out like maybe  the the rear end got hit so they they total the   car out I can take a 15,000 mile transmission  get that engine and transmission assembly for  

    S G’s $7,000 have them crated to my house and I  could spend a weekend putting it in my car done   it many times I used to do engine installs of  people all the time so for me to get a new car  

    Is g to cost me $7,000 if I blow my engine that’s  it $7,000 I get a new BMW starting at 15,000 miles   again I’m not going to go trade my car in with  a heavy loan and go get another car with another  

    Heavy loan I just buy engine for 7gs I’m pretty  sure I got a credit card or a line of credit   somewhere around here with at least $7,000 on it  I’d rather pay interest Zone Seven Grand instead  

    Of you know know 40 50 Grand so I’ll just go  out and get a new engine it’s like they they   can’t scare me when you know that you can go buy  a new engine with 15,000 miles on it it’s already  

    Been tested already went through the ringer a  little bit for about a year or so so you know   it’s a good engine drop that [ __ ] in your car  now you got that engine that runs just fine and  

    I’m one of I’m one of those people man I’m one of  those people a lot of people they don’t I’m old   school I don’t look at new cars as the solution a  lot of new cars end up on flatbeds because of you  

    Know recalls and electrical circuits went out you  know modules went out stuff like that give me an   engine that works I’ll get that [ __ ] in my car  you ain’t got to worry about that I’ll put it in  

    My car I got a engine hoist in the garage now  ready yeah what up briggen yeah I see your 11k   on the bank I gotta encourage you’re the only one  who shows yeah Fortune John I do that man and I  

    Sit there and I tell people you know I put it on  there because I want to show people the reality   of what happens when you use certain tactics  and strategies I don’t do that [ __ ] to brag  

    I do that [ __ ] to show people because there’s  a lot of people on YouTube gonna have you doing   [ __ ] that they heard oh you should do this cuz  I heard this you should but yet they ain’t got no  

    Proof of it show me proof show me you doing well  doing what you telling me to do show me you doing   well I ain’t got to show you nothing then don’t  tell me [ __ ] I don’t want to hear it if you  

    Can’t show me how well you doing with what you’re  saying I don’t want to hear it I don’t and I give   people my bank I give them my email address Uber  gbz gmail.com email me send me your bank account  

    When you sit know 2030 say Jeff I’ve been doing  this [ __ ] for three years this is where I’m   sitting now we can sit down and talk but if you  sitting at $300 telling me what to do with no I  

    May not want to end up with $300 I may not want  to end up with that in my bank I may not want to   end up in the same boat you in so I’m trying to  listen to people whose vat I want to be in and a  

    Lot of people out there they may not even have  the same bank account I have but at least they   got the strategy that can help build on what I  got and I’m talking to those people and I see  

    How every like everybody’s expenses are different  some people got one kid some have none some have   four some have five so everybody’s bank balance  is going to be different based on who’s feeding   off of that income but if you got strategies that  can keep that income commensurate per capita for  

    The people in your house then you good I’ll listen  to you and it ain’t got nothing to do about it but   I got a lot of people out there trying to tell  me how to do business and they haven’t even seen  

    My bank account I haven’t seen theirs I don’t  know who they are they’re just a screen name   it’s a screen name on YouTube telling me how  to run my [ __ ] and they don’t I don’t know  

    Nothing about them and I tell them I’m 100 I live  in the real world I don’t live on the internet so   if you internet and you tell me something on the  Internet you know here’s my email address email me  

    So we can keep it real let’s keep it 100 thank you  Brion value for Value I appreciate the Super Chat   brixon 499 value for Value hey that right there  helps brother especially with these gas prices   woo man it slowly started creeping back down but  it’s going back up again thank thank you brother  

    I appreciate it but like I said man we we live in  a real world and I try to tell people it it’s okay   because we show what we make gross every week  people love to show what they gross every week  

    Oh this is what I made this week cool now show me  what does that affect show me your bank account   now I ain’t showing you that cool a lot of people  don’t want to show that that’s totally cool I do  

    That’s my decision to do that that’s not to brag  that’s to let people know I’m not full of [ __ ]   when I tell you I’m out here doing this I’m out  here really doing this I’mma show y’all what I do  

    Everything what up Logan thank you Logan for the  Super Chat my damn gas pedal went out on my S430   about to order a damn part now and another sensor  I’m old school too that’s right Logan I appreciate  

    That brother hey hey you know that that uh the  Mercedes gas pedal I think that’s a signal right   because you you gotta screw it right behind the  pedal because it sends a a signal to the ECU and  

    That controls your throttle I I think I remember  how those S4 4 30s work man and that’s like I said   you could do that right and Mercedes will probably  charge you about you know $900 to replace that you  

    Could do it yourself it’s like man and I tell  people man like what B these last one told me   to go work at McDonald’s to my first paycheck  then come back man man I don’t know sometimes  

    You got to be like you know what I’m g go work at  a warehouse just do a warehouse job they got a lot   of warehouse jobs out in Arizona that pay pretty  well and your indoors so I might do that first  

    Before I do McDonald’s I do a warehouse job yeah  but I know I’m one of the you know only YouTubers   out there who ain’t scared to to keep it 100 with  people man I’m not and I tell people everything I  

    Tell them hey if you guys want and I’ve said in  so many of my videos hey what you guys should be   doing while you out stream people walking stream  dogs walking stream trees blowing stream whatever   you can because if YouTube grabs that puts that  in the algorithm there are seven billion people  

    On this planet that gonna say hey you know what  I want to watch this while I’m cooking or I want   to listen to this while I’m cooking YouTube and  Google will take care of it don’t worry about it  

    And I tell people that that’s how you create you  know the income around you to pay the bills that’s   going to come up in your life and it may not be a  whole lot like I tell people it’s not a lot I mean  

    For the time the hours of editing and hours of  doing videos and all this [ __ ] I do on YouTube   I swear I tell [ __ ] I make about really about a  dollar an hour because it’s a editing is a lot I  

    Edit when I’m in my car waiting on ride sometimes  I’ll sit there and go through videos and I edit   on my phone and and get things like lined up right  get my you know memes put in right and it’s a lot  

    Of time involved in it but in the end hopefully  it’ll be worth it hopefully it helps people   hopefully it creates more income in people’s bank  account than than the time that we’re investing to  

    Do this it shows people how to use you know Uber  pet a lot of people online oh you need to quit   chasing surge quit chasing surge if I listen to  them over the whole week that I’ve been driving I  

    Would not not have had any of those surgeons and  I be catching crazy surgeons 18s 12s eights NES   13s 21s 15s if I listen to them none of that would  be sitting in my bank account I’d be right where  

    They are bricks man Your Meme game is official hey  my memes are like my characters to my movie that’s   why you see some of the same ones over again those  are my characters in my movie the movie is called  

    Rod here it’s like them memes be killing me man  that’s that be killing me and Bor said that’s   the difference Jeff makes you the best YouTuber  Jeff they show you their weekly you show us how  

    To get that Weekly that’s right borz that’s what  I’m talking about you see it you see through it   because when I first started watching YouTube when  I started driving I was never told how to do it I  

    Was always you know looking at somebody’s Channel  who was popping a collar and bragging I’m the best   driver out there I’m this I’m that because  and that’s why people you know they they get  

    Upset that they get put down you ain’t nothing the  driver you ain’t so they get on YouTube oh look me   I’m the the best driver I’m this I’m that but they  never tell you how to get there it’s like crab in  

    The bucket mentality it’s like hey everybody come  around and watch me eat this hamburger I know all   y’all hungry but watch me eat this hamburger look  at this big ass hamburger I got I’m gonna eat this  

    In y’all face watch me eat this hamburger like  you don’t do that [ __ ] to people in the window   invite them into the restaurant hey come on in  man let’s eat come on in y’all hungry too come  

    On in the door is open have a seat let me make  you a burger what you eating and you help feed   everybody you use information you use knowledge  to help feed everybody too many YouTubers eating   a hamburger in the [ __ ] window while all the  drivers outside hungry like man I wish I could  

    Have that hamburger man I wish I can eat that  hamburger it’s like no you can come through the   door let me show you how I got this burger come  on through we gonna all eat and that’s the kind  

    Of Channel I’ve always had even when it comes to  repairs or anything else we gonna all eat there   is no no sense of bragging about something that  you’re not willing to share with people if you  

    Going to show somebody something tell them how  you got it like man I got this car how’d you get   it okay this is what I did I got my credit right  first this is how I got my credit I did this this  

    This this you go through the whole gamut of how  you achieve something and you pass that knowledge   to somebody else and you sit and watch and see  okay let’s see if they achieve it too when they  

    Achieve it now you know the method works because  it not only work for me it worked for you now you   tell two other people now it’s working for them  now everybody has the same strategy we’re using   and everybody’s eating everybody’s paying bills  everybody’s less stressful about you know that  

    That mail truck coming and putting something in  that mailbox you already know I got that I know   what it is it’s probably a $13 Bill $30 bill I got  that I got it and that’s the kind of driver that  

    That I’ve always been I’ve always I’ve never been  that that gloaty braggy driver I’ve been telling   people people man quit giving away your hotpots  why nobody’s ever gonna find out about that hot  

    Spot if I was to die today if I was to die today  nobody would know that that [ __ ] exists I’m not   going to live for ever so at least share  information with people I’ve never went   broke doing ride share and I’ve told everybody  everything that I know about ride share and I  

    Still have it went broke so that common fallacy of  if you tell everybody [ __ ] you’re GNA go broke   it doesn’t work in my in my situation because I’ve  told everybody everything for four years I’ve been   showing people everything and I still haven’t went  broke yet so they gotta quit with that [ __ ] of  

    If you tell people your secret you ain’t gonna  make no money I guarantee the people with the   Biggest Secrets have the lowest bank accounts and  they really think they probably doing something   amazing but it’s like when you share knowledge  you’re educating yourself while you educating  

    Other people if I sit and I’m showing you how to  shoot a jump shot and I’m at the free throw line   and I’m shooting jump shots trying to show you  how to shoot a jump shot I’m actually working on  

    My own jump shot while I’m showing you so when I’m  showing you how to drive and how to do things and   on the map I’m becoming a better driver through  trying to teach somebody how because I catch  

    Myself [ __ ] up or somebody catches me [ __ ] up  and we share hey Jeff man you screwed up man when   you went left you could have went right hey you  know you could have saved that 13 you could have  

    Did this you could have did that hey that trip  that went through it already had two things on   it Jeff pay attention scroll up and you can see it  was a stop on there they show me everything so me  

    Showing other people how to drive ends up making  me a better driver through people criticizing what   they see and I take criticism very well the only  type of criticism I don’t take well is drivers   coming in that have never been in this Channel and  they walk through the door don’t even know what  

    Room they in they walk through the door and they  go oh man you don’t know what you’re doing and   that’s their only comment that’s it there is no  you don’t know what you’re doing in this instance  

    This is what you did this is what you could there  is no breakdown of nothing there is just you don’t   know what you doing and that’s it I don’t like  that because to me that’s that’s brainless that  

    That’s some [ __ ] a 5-year-old would walk in the  room and say we’re all intelligent adults we’re   business owners over here we can speak and have a  conversation you can criticize me but criticize me  

    With what the issue is what did you see and what  do you think the solution is that’s how you create   a conversation but just coming in with destructive  criticism trying to tear somebody down because you   a hater that’s a whole another [ __ ] level right  there when I come in I got constructive criticism  

    I’m gonna tell you you could be doing better  let me tell you how you could be doing better   you could do this you can try to do that you can  do this and I tell people if I’m GNA criticize  

    You I’m going to give you a solution at the end of  the criticism because I want to see you do better   I’m not here to tear you down to tear you down if  I see you catch it with one hand i’m G tell you  

    You should probably catch with two hands because  this way as as to grab one of your arms and pull   your arm down you still can you know move with  the ball I’mma tell you different ways how to  

    Do it better and a lot of people come around and  all they do is want to destroy what you’re doing   because they couldn’t do it so now they’re upset  and they gonna try to tear you up what up stand  

    Brig said this is why I subbed yeah doc right man  a crazy the Serge will be crazy this week for the   Dbacks and Phi this game and we was talking about  that last night if we got three games here that’s  

    Three big pockets of money doc three big pockets  in a row Mike says Jeff the Uber pet master I hope   they don’t ever take that [ __ ] away I’mma die  without it brick says a monkey can do that real  

    [ __ ] because what we do you know if if you teach  a monkey how to drive a car in the straight line   I’ve seen monkeys Drive golf carts and [ __ ] like  that so driving car is not the hard part the hard  

    Part is running this as a business that’s the  tricky part how can you do this as a profitable   business to where you can take care of your family  that’s the trick right there oh I drive my car to  

    Work every day yeah you do but you don’t drive  it professionally we drive it professionally we   drive it for profits to make money to pay rents  mortgages invest in a condo with somebody else   or whatever pay for car repairs we do this very  differently than the average car driver oh it’s  

    Just driving a car sure it’s driving a car but is  how do you get profits out of this to take care   of your life without having to go get another  job how do you do that there’s a trick to it  

    And that’s where the skill comes into play and a  lot of people don’t want to see that skill they   see the skill developing they see us happening  they seeing the money I look in my chat and my  

    Comments on my videos I see people four or five  hours driving $300 it’s working they driving two   three hours 200 bucks it’s working the skills are  work and they’re running it like a business now I  

    Like to see that but then you get haters from the  outside they see what’s going on on the channel   they see all these people making little money in  their regions and doing well in their oh y’all   stupid y’all doing it wrong y’all not counting  these miles you not counting those miles listen  

    When I go to Walmart in my car if I walk walk  out the door right now going Walmart I’m not   being paid for that I’m just not it’s my car it’s  Walmart I have to go to Walmart I’m not trying to  

    Be paid for that it’s me using my car to do what  I need to be get done but what these people want   to do is they want to know every single mile you  log just to find some way to decrease the value in  

    What you’re doing they’re not trying to help you  out no they’re trying to justify why they ain’t   making what you making or they trying to justify  why they [ __ ] ain’t working the way yours is  

    Working so they’re trying to pick and and nitpick  at every little thing you do oh well when you went   to Circle K yesterday you didn’t log your miles  [ __ ] I went to Circle K cuz I felt like going  

    To Circle K but still that’s driving it’s a car  that’s what you do with it you drive with it the   difference is we not only drive our cars we make  we make money with our cars when it’s time to be  

    Paid for driving that car oh I’m gonna get paid  for driving that car if I’m not being paid for   driving that car I’m still gonna drive that car  it’s a car so when they hop on my channel well and  

    I don’t know how many miles you put on last week  you’re not saying how many M you know what I could   put I could take a picture of my my dashboard  and show you how many miles I got week pass I  

    Can take a picture of my dashboard show you how  many I got what up West and you can adjust and and   figure out what I did that week if you want to but  we don’t have supervisors in ride share to where  

    We gotta dictate every sing well yesterday I went  to Chick-fil-A yeah that took like four miles then   uh today I actually went to Walmart and back that  was like eight miles yeah okay so that’s eight I’m   you’re not our supervisor you can’t sit there and  have us like isolate every single individual mile  

    So we do miles that we’re paid for that’s what we  do the miles that we’re paid for if you’re GNA pay   me for a job I want to be paid well for that job  I’m not gonna sit around and pick my car apart  

    For somebody on the internet with a username who I  have no idea who this person even is but you gonna   sit up there and and try to play with numbers to  justify what you doing not what I’m doing because  

    I’m showing my bank account I’m showing my I’m  showing you what I’m doing I’m generating income   because this is what we doing is for for money  so I’m generating income but yet you get people   out here with usernames on YouTube who you have  no idea who these people are they have no idea  

    How to really drive so they’re trying to use what  you do to justify what they do or what they with   the lack of what they’re doing and I get it I get  it it sucks to do something wrong for a long time  

    It sucks until finally find out that you’ve been  doing it wrong it sucks because how do you think   I felt all the times I’ve been to Tucson I went to  Yuma before I went to Cottonwood before I used to  

    Go to Fountain Hills how do you think it feels  for me burning all them mouths in the past it   sucks knowing that I did all that [ __ ] for these  apps and it didn’t benefit me in any real way it  

    Sucks but when I see somebody doing something  the right way I’m not gonna devalue what they   do and say oh well I’m still doing nature hikes  and I’m still doing long [ __ ] so what you’re   doing is no maybe you should think about what you  doing analyze what you doing break down what you  

    Doing don’t devalue what somebody else is doing if  you clearly see it working you clearly see their   bank account and it’s working you see they credit  score and they paying off [ __ ] it’s working but  

    Yet what you doing is not working so you want  to make sure you devalue what they doing so you   feel better no that [ __ ] don’t I see through  that [ __ ] I can see through it you’re right  

    Haters will be haters Mike man and and they come  jumping around a different channels and they doing   something to make themselves feel better about  what they doing or what they’re not doing they   want to make themselves feel better and that’s the  thing about ride share why a lot of people have  

    High AR because they already the app always sends  them a thank you oh thank you for being a great   driver they feel appreciated because they hear the  word thank you thank you we don’t get appreciated   enough in Rod share we don’t get appreciated  enough so when they getting all these thank yous  

    Thank you for taking 90 trips last week they’re  happy as hell because they getting it Spencer Fred man yeah they will learn when they realize  that they they need to make at least $3 per mile   to see any money for real Michael for real because  anything less than that you’re spending your  

    Wheels in mud real [ __ ] you’re spend that’s  why I say I go for at least $2 a mile minimum   two a mile and then I start getting the $7 a mile  trips you know the $12 a mile trips and that kind  

    Of pulls my average up some if you’re not making  at least $3 a mile you’re not really gonna get   out of the mud you’re not getting out of the mud  you’re doing a lot of miles for nothing Melly mail  

    And certain drivers that have been doing this for  a while realize it because they see themselves in   the same spot driving countless hours countless  miles and they’re in the same spot it’s like dude   how are you’ve been doing this for three four  years you’re in the same spot you got to wake  

    Up at some point and realize this game is about  profits not about hours and you driving non stop   it’s it can’t be about that that’s what the apps  like but as drivers we don’t like that we need  

    Profits we got bills to pay we do this for a  living we don’t do this because we just want   to stay busy no we do this for a we’re trying to  make a living what Daniel say Daniel said Jeff  

    I’m telling you they were uh laughing at me all  summer because I didn’t match their earnings y   they have transmission us on their cars and on  renal slavery Tesla Karma yeah I’m telling you   Daniel it all catches up it all catches up and  that’s why I when I talk about you know using  

    Average earnings and trying to get at least $2 a  mile but sometimes you go with a higher dollar per   mile it all catches up in the end but not only on  the revenue end on the expense end it’ll catch up  

    To you the Transmissions the brakes the engines  the torn door handles the more rods you do the   more wear and tear you got so might as well make  the rods count make them count $4 a mile make it  

    Count because I’m not gonna be driving around 50  Cent a mile outo tearing my car up Mike already   told you already you need at least $3 a mile to  really see any true you know income he already  

    Told you already so why are you doing 50 Cent  a mile rides it’s going to catch up to you at   some point so if you do a 50 Cent mile ride it  better be like you you better be like 100 miles  

    From home trying to get home or something weird  like that you just need 50 bucks to in gas to get   home that’s the only way I’d ever do that but to  be all day spending 50 Cent here a doll1 here a  

    Dollar here you’re not going to make it you’re not  going to make it in ride share it’s going to catch   up to you you’re gonna have an engine problem  a transmission problem you’re gonna have a Brak  

    You’re gonna need a repair and you ain’t got no  profits to cover that repair while covering your   rent your grocery bill any other bills you got  standing because this big repair is a new chunk  

    Of money you now got to come up with and you don’t  got it because you never been about the profits be   about the profit so you can handle this Uber and  lift ain’t going to teach you business they’re  

    Using you to boost their own business why would  they teach you how to do better business because   teaching you how to do better business messes with  their profit lines and they gonna say now we got   too many smart people out there knowing how to  do ride share we can’t take advantage of these  

    Drivers no more we can’t charge somebody $60 $70  and pay them $15 no more they’re not settling for   that no more they’re not going to teach you how to  do business so we got to teach each other how to  

    Do business how ride share really works yeah most  drivers they live is hey driving is that employee   mind is is you is that check to check employee  mentality they got it they spend it they got   it they spend it they never have time to stack  Jesse said using your method this morning $50  

    An hour there you go Jess and the thing is people  out there arguing trying to get $17 an hour Jesse   you can’t survive on $17 an hour so why would you  sit and protest and picket asking for $17 an hour  

    When you can go out and make $50 an hour you could  do that yourself you don’t have to ask these apps   for nothing these apps don’t owe you nothing they  don’t owe you $17 they don’t owe you $15 an hour  

    They don’t even owe you $20 an hour you can go  out and make 5060 70 $100 an hour you can go   out and make that yourself you ain’t got to ask  these people for nothing you just got to find a  

    Group that supports the type of money you trying  to make and say how do I get this type of money   do this well my market might not hold that well  you might have to mix in some delivery you might  

    Have to mix in some instacart you might have to  mix in some spark but you can make this much per   hour you’ve got to learn to kick out offers that  are not good for what you’re trying to do and if  

    You can’t kick out offers that are not good for  you you’re gonna have a hard time making money   you got to be okay saying no like nope doubt it  can’t do it not doing it nope you got to be okay  

    With that and a lot of people feel bad I tell  [ __ ] this not personal this is business I got   so much money I want to make an hour I don’t want  to be on the road for so many hours I want to stop  

    By 4:00 or 5 in the morning and people like well  that’s working call it what you want to I could   care less but I know I’m going to leave it about  two or three hundred bucks and I’m probably only  

    Gonna drive like a 100 miles maybe and that’s my  goal I don’t want to drive more than a 100 miles   I don’t want to put all this wearing tearing on  my car and next thing you know I’m sitting around  

    Saying man I just had to drive a 100,000 miles  just to make 990,000 bucks I was making 90 cents   a mile all year I’m not trying to drive no 100,000  miles no if I could drive 30,000 cool 30,000 at $3  

    A mile average like Michael said $3 a mile I’m  at $90,000 I’m only driving 30,000 miles and I   somehow made over the course of 12 months $90,000  because I kept being disciplined and saying I only  

    Want to stay around the $3 a mile Mark as close  as I can look at that what Melvin says I just   I’m on a misli Lu just did a 14775 for point8  of a mile yeah you get those bangers man but I  

    Got a funny feeling man Uber uberX be doing stuff  like that to me all the time too uberX be getting   me man it’ be like $26 for like three miles they  be getting me man so if if Lux don’t have a plan  

    We’re all gonna be on uberX scouting the hell  out of those rods on that side and we know we   got the high AR people we got the Spencer Freds  Jesse said that [ __ ] Spencer Freds we got the  

    Spencer Freds out there that’s gonna be running  around 100% AR give them the [ __ ] RS feel okay   with giving them if they want that [ __ ] give  it to them give it to them $14 for 28 miles give  

    It to them [ __ ] it you can have it $20 for 41  miles give it to them they want that give it to   them now when you get $14 for three miles that’s  what you want that’s what you was waiting on so  

    They on the road the the whole time they on the  road driving 40 minutes to make $20 they on 40   minutes they driving around to make 20 bucks you  made probably $30 in the past 25 minutes doing  

    Short rides so you make $30 in the past 25 minutes  and then you go sit back where you was chilling by   jacking the box or whatever you kicking back and  all of a sudden another ride pops up cool you do  

    It quick 20 bucks now you’re done made $50 an hour  of time ain’t even pass and you just been chilling   you’ve been chilling you done did three rides you  done made 50 bucks on my phone yesterday I did I  

    Did three rides and I made $63 in three rides it  probably took me a total of 42 minutes to make $63   42 minutes total time of me just chilling King  James opened up his phone he made like $72 in  

    Two rides that’s the kind of competitions we have  who could do the less amount of rides with with   a reasonable amount of time and make high profits  we profit Chasers we don’t go cha oh I’m a diamond  

    Driver we don’t do that I’m on my man’s head all  the time dude go out there get that surge he text   I’m texting him surges from downtown James if you  downtown get that surge because when I’m pushing  

    Him to make more money it pushes me to make  more money so we pushing each other back and   forth and in the end we looking at each other’s  phones like damn we doing good brother we doing  

    Good tonight and some nights it’s like dude we  ain’t got no money I’ll go home with $14 I did   one ride 14 bucks I’ve done it because when it’s  crap is crap and it’s it be crap and James he’ll  

    Be like dude I went home and took a nap I’ll wake  up at like three and start early morning I’m like   I know it man it’s it’s horrible out here but  that’s what we do though we got to go out there  

    And what Keith say I agree driving at least $2  a mile in the quest it averages $4 or5 a mile or   mile thank you yeah Keith because I don’t see why  everybody was arguing and screaming and yelling  

    I want a dollar a mile I want I’m like who said  that [ __ ] I want a dollar a mile for what what   reason because you got to take into consideration  time you got to take in consideration your actual  

    Miles you’re driving all a dollar a mile is not  going to cut it and at minimum with the prices of   gas and repair parts and everything like that he  just like like Michael said earli it’s going to  

    Take you at least $3 keep said it you going you  got to drive at least $2 is minimum that’s what   you’re looking for if you get like a175 do 80190  take it it’s close enough excuse me because they  

    Gonna throw you a tip and that tip gonna push you  over the $2 M so now you sitting good you’re like   cool it was $8 for 13 miles so I did it I mean  it was uh yeah $8 or $13 for eight miles I did  

    It then the dude gave me a file out tip to make a  13 so cool I’m good I got my $2 a mile or whatever   I got over $16 for going eight miles I got over  that tip took me over the top and that’s what you  

    Want to do that’s what you want to do you want to  make sure you don’t get trapped into the cycle of   employee mentality of I want at least $17 an hour  because that’s gonna push you to stay busy busy  

    Busy busy because you looking at your clock you’re  like oh man I gotta hurry up and get another ride   I gotta get $17 an hour got to get $19 an hour  meantime we kicking them rides out to you you  

    Filled them you taking all that [ __ ] and we sit  around get a $36 ride for like 17 miles I’m like   okay that’s the part I’m going downtown Phoenix  anyways so I’ll snag the ride from Mesa 17 miles  

    $36 I’ll do it so now I’m sitting downtown and  I’m having a short field a short trip Festival   all short hops $8 for Point point8 miles $9 for  two miles I’m downtown just eating them little  

    Short rides up because that’s what you got to do  position yourself that’s right R Floy say I’m just   chilling when I drive no stress just pick the  good ones that’s it and and Uber and LIF tails  

    You out the bat you can’t be deactivated for low  AR they tell you that and we still got drivers in   the industry right now running around well if your  AR is too low you could be deactivated what rock  

    Y’all sleeping up under man what rock are y’all  sleeping up under we out here really trying to   drive really trying to do this giving out solid  information on on why people are deactivated how   AR doesn’t get you deactivated and they still  walking around your AR is so low you might wake  

    Up and be deactivated no that’s not how it works  you you don’t re people be passing bad information   back and forth and that’s why they’re in the same  boats as the people they listen to because once  

    You hop into a boat of somebody who’s like  hey you know what we need to steer this ship   differently because like I said when I got on  YouTube and I was always going through videos  

    Seeing what people were doing I was never told  how to drive properly I was told this is how you   turn the phone on you hit the power button the  phone comes on when you see the Uber word then  

    That that means your Uber app is now activated  you now ready to drive that’s the kind of [ __ ]   I was watching and I’m like who is this is this F  [ __ ] third graders who is this for it’s like I’m  

    Trying to make money man I got bills to [ __ ]  pay I ain’t got time for this [ __ ] yeah says   my AR tanked immediately after upfront pricing  came in real [ __ ] went straight to the ground  

    Ground Ry say are you doing 40 hour weeks I want  to see the outcome no I haven’t started 4 Hour   weeks yet I mean I’m still cranking out of Grand  in like 18 19 hours right now and for me that’s  

    Good because I’m not spending a lot of money to  make that grand and you know there’s people out   there making 1400 1600 1700 a couple of weeks ago  I think I made like 1,400 but that was because I  

    Had those private rides lined up that kind of got  me over the top but normally I’m running about a   grand 1100 a week and I’m cool with that I’m cool  with that I mean there’s people have seen weeks  

    Where I cranked out 3600 2700 2200 but those are  high hour weeks also that’s where I’m working 40   hours a week 52 hours a week but it’s like one  week I work what 51 hours that’s how I made that  

    3600 I made I work like 51 hours made $3,600 but  I push push push and I’m one of those and I think   it was a online time I was doing online time when  I was doing that I was running about $80 an hour  

    $90 an hour so but that and I was my my book time  I mean my book time was running around $80 an hour   online time you know I just let it run I can just  have it on and if nothing Good’s popping up I’m  

    Not working I’m just not working right now I’m a  contractor if the money’s not good we don’t take   the rides that’s just how it is they give us that  flexibility if the money’s not there don’t take  

    The ride and too many people they these drivers  they’ll take the rides and they feel that Uber’s   watching them like a boss like a supervisor  over their shoulder at work you gonna take   that ride I’m gonna send you a ride you better  take that ride it’s like no man a taking [ __ ]  

    This is garbage it’s like no I’m cool and so I’ll  kick that [ __ ] out what up Nicole she’s in the   house north of the valley what’s good lady you  you out there did you do some deliveries today  

    What yeah driving the wealth real sometimes it’s  easy and the money comes sometimes it’s not there   yeah if it’s not there you got to have that that  discipline to say I’m gonna get this car off the  

    Street I don’t want to be car jacked I don’t want  something my car to be hit it ain’t worth it let   me go park this [ __ ] back in a driveway where  it’s safe park it back in the driveway can’t get  

    Car jacked car can’t get hit rock can’t chip  my windshield is it’s sitting in the driveway   the money ain’t out there it’s sitting now I don’t  got time to damage my car for nothing it better be  

    Money out there if I’m going to have this car out  this driveway what Mel say proudly I could say my   ARS went up to 9% yeah that means nine out of nine  out of 100 rides are good in your area nine out of  

    A 100 I’m still at like 29% so 29 rides are good  but it’s slowly tanking man because I was up to   40 it started going now it’s gonna be way worse  yeah that’s what it is Mike man AR chasing that  

    Silver glob Platinum [ __ ] and the thing is Mike  they send me Uber sends me [ __ ] all the time   you could be a gold driver you can make you know  $300 if you’re this but and that’s how they [ __ ]  

    People over they see that $300 they go oh $300  but do you know how many 50 Cent a mile rides you   got to take just to make 30 I can make $300 like  in a night I don’t need you to give me 300 I’m  

    Willing to make 300 the smart way I’m willing to  go out and earn earn 300 you ain’t got to give me   300 give me the opportunity to have good rides to  make 300 just give me the opportunity don’t give  

    Me free money because when they give you free  money you got to jump through some stupid ass   Hoops to get it you gotta take 50 Cent mile rides  you got to take nature hikes you gotta do all this  

    Crazy [ __ ] just to make the money don’t give me  nothing just make sure you give me the opportunity   with some good rides some good surge maybe throw  a quest in there if I hit 20 rides this week I  

    I’ll get you know maybe $40 $50 if I can hit 20  rides not that you know 20 rides and I’m getting   $10 that ain’t worth [ __ ] to me it’s like man  well Nicholas said yeah Jeff you’re the reason  

    I’m still making good money here in Miami that’s  good Nicholas man that’s good brother that’s good   I was checking out your video your driver safety  video about how to be safe while uh Uber driving   I was checking that out this morning when I was  cooking breakfast earlier man that’s a good video  

    Brother I like that but yeah man like I said and  and in Florida’s one of the hardest markets right   now Florida’s really one of the hardest markets  so you really got to let the [ __ ] go you got  

    To just be on it be ready to get them you know  high dollar per mile rides you got to be on it   and that’s why you know to be in Florida making  good money that’s a testament to how smart of  

    A driver you really are to be in Florida making  money because that [ __ ] is not easy you do not   have a good market and you eating good that means  you’re using your brain you’re not letting that  

    App run you ragged and like I said some of these  Mark La another Market if you’re making money in   La you’re doing good in La you’re using your brain  you’re not getting chewed up out there if you’re  

    Not doing you know 90 hours a week 80 hours a week  man it’s hard man it’s hard r i see what he said   them free hot dogs really get people you can get  a free hot dog just do 90 rides today in one day  

    In one day do 90 rides you get a free hot dog man  I started at four o’clock in the morning I went   till midnight man they that hot dog they even left  off my relish I’m mad [ __ ] I’m mad at the fact  

    That you did 90 rides in a day it’s like damn it  that’s impossible you took all [ __ ] rides all   day like man yeah and that’s what it is man people  gotta not fall for that like I said I get stuff in  

    My phone all the time you know you got to do this  you get you can get $300 by you know November the   1 if you hurry up and get your AR up I’m like no  because in order to get my AR up my bank account  

    Is gonna like tank because I’m gonna be putting  a ton of gas in my car I’m be repairing [ __ ]   all the time fixing things in about three months  from now so the $300 I just made I’m have to turn  

    Around and give back to a shop or somebody for  parts so it’s not it’s not worth it to me keep   the 300 just give me good rides that’s it give me  good rides yeah yeah Nicholas hey thanks Jeff I  

    Definitely don’t chase the rides anymore I stay  super calm and Scout that’s what you got to do   man just Scout the talent see what’s out there in  your area because there are good rides buried in  

    All the crap but if they if they send your phone a  lot of junk and you taking the junk you’re losing   that opportunity cost of saying I don’t want  that somebody else probably does they probably  

    Need that ride to get to that area I don’t want  to go to that area sit guarantee it’s somebody   down the street from you at CVS and that’s going  to be 8 for like 1.3 miles and you’re like dude  

    He’s like a block away from me hell yeah let’s  do it that person at CVS waiting and you gonna   have that a much get that $12 you’re gonna go  less than two miles you gonna go to them take  

    Them home less than two miles you got 12 bucks you  at $6 a mile right now and you ain’t went nowhere   you just sitting there chilling now you could have  just took a 23 Mile ride 23 miles and it have gave  

    You like $13 but yet you made $12 in like less  than two miles you don’t got to go 23 miles to   make $12 you can go two miles to make $12 so sit  and chill and relax and know the money’s G to be  

    There but you got to have that discipline that  patience to be like I don’t want that I don’t   want that I’m cool somebody else might want that  and a lot of drivers you know they they see how  

    We driving oh you’re stupid you’re we’re feeding  our whole Community we ain’t stupid if you think   those are really good rides and I’m kicking them  out you should be happy because some family is   eating if you think those are really good rides  because if I’m eating and you see what I’m doing  

    With my income and I’m doing well with my income  and I’m kicking out all these rods that mean and   you think those are good rods I’m kicking out  everybody’s eating so the logic and people being   upset at us kicking out rods makes no sense  that [ __ ] don’t make no sense to me you’re  

    Upset at me because I’m giving another family  income to eat because you think those are good   rides because if you think those are [ __ ] rised  and you’d agree that I should be kicking them out  

    You’ be like yeah I wouldn’t take them either but  my income is doing okay for the hours I’m working   it’s doing okay I wish I could make more I wish  I could make like 1,500 1600 a week but a th000  

    A week is good I’m cool with that but to kick out  those rides to other families who might want those   rides or need those rides I mean how can anybody  complain how can another driver complain that’s  

    The [ __ ] that cracks me up I complain at the app  for sending me that [ __ ] but another driver says   you should have took that I gave it to another  family so they can eat [ __ ] that family you  

    Should have took that don’t worry about them  you worry about you see that’s why we don’t   [ __ ] with drivers like that we do something  totally different it’s like no I’m gonna feed   that F because I’m not trying to go to skydale  right now no somebody else is somebody’s like  

    Man I just need to ride the skydale that’s I just  need to ride the skydale guess what I just kick   one out because I’m trying to go to Gilbert I’m  going in the opposite direction and I go south  

    They go north everybody’s happy but yet you’ll  find somebody on on the channel oh you stupid   you guys are wasting so much time not taking those  rides that’s money you could have had that money   they have no idea I’m like [ __ ] show me your  bank account show me what you sitting on because  

    If you driving that way I guarantee you not  making what a lot of us are you’re not not with   the profit margins we’re sitting on you don’t sit  around and and take what up Drew Drew said what up  

    Man I don’t know how these my notifications don’t  come through for these zoo I my notifications are   completely blank on my phone completely blank can  open up my notifications it’s just a black screen   right there that says some text in the middle  YouTube is doing something right now they had an  

    Update that screwed up the whole system I have no  notifications in my phone none so I have to like   go through my laptop and I gotta go through stuff  because my Uber app I mean my YouTube app it don’t  

    Work right so I have to go through my laptop for  YouTube now they did something to the app yeah man   Jesse said Jeff thoughts on a married couple Argan  in the car had one on Saturday I tell him let the  

    Window down cuz y’all breath sankk [ __ ] that  [ __ ] you argue all you want let me play my music   you let the windows down your breath stin I give  y’ mother some Mentos here here it’s like [ __ ]  

    Argue all you want just don’t ask me a question  what is your opinion driver like listen Rider I   don’t get into nobody’s [ __ ] y’all can argue  all y’all want to I’m listening to some Kendrick   Lamar right now here’s another Mentos your breath  stink it’s like man it says Spencer Chris SE your  

    Sabotage notification Spencer Fred Chris they  they [ __ ] with my notification you don’t have   any notifications I’m like [ __ ] it that’s less  problems I gotta deal with I guess I don’t [ __ ]   know YouTube get your [ __ ] together they’re  like let’s [ __ ] is account up yeah probably I  

    Know somebody out there dealing with my account  somebody’s [ __ ] with my channel I don’t care   it’s like you know I’m G always get the word out  always get the where and drivers are always going   to come to where they know they can celebrate  their success and a lot of channels won’t let us  

    Celebrate our success CU if we come in and go oh  man I just made $190 in three hours driving today   man I had a great day oh well you’re probably  gonna need a new door handle after the day anyways  

    And and your [ __ ] tie rodes are going to explode  and your muff is gon to drop off like dude only   drove like maybe like 70 80 miles to make the 180  190 only drove like 80 miles well that that means  

    That your your car your oil’s going bad it’s like  we can’t celebrate [ __ ] on other channels it’s   like come on can’t you just be happy for [ __ ]  come on man Tony says rer we need your help Paw  

    Patrol on the road what up Tony driven dead and  that’s what it is man it’s like I I always wanted   that channel to where people can celebrate even  working on a car people will fix something on the  

    Car and we like yeah you did it man you took that  risk you went out there you did it appreciate I’m   proud of you for just even going out there and  trying because a lot of people don’t even try so  

    We celebrate those things so on the r share side  we celebrate the financial gains we celebrate the   gains where somebody feels like appreciated  for doing what they do because like I said   drivers don’t get appreciated we get talked down  the phone we get devalued we get you know told  

    That we ain’t doing nothing we low skilled we get  told that all the time so to have a channel that   actually celebrates us as drivers and the hangs  out as drivers I mean it’s it’s a different it’s  

    A different way to do Rod share because we’ve had  a very competitive market to where drivers didn’t   even like drivers they’ll sit there and be fake to  you all the [ __ ] time but yet they hating your  

    Success they behind closed doors hating on you  succeeding but yet they in your face hey how you   doing hiy hey then turn all that [ __ ] [ __ ]  get get the [ __ ] out of my face with that man  

    You can’t do that what up best B rise H from Santa  Barbara the Exel Comfort W you got the big one out   there uh oh PW says the new surge map for Uber is  going to be [ __ ] some drivers already seeing the  

    Update I haven’t seen it yet on my phone we still  got numbers on our phones we still got numbers so   it’s like yeah man what Jesse say soundss like the  Uber and LIF chat room when they always criticize  

    On there and hate yeah that’s why you know and  when I was on Facebook I got into one uh I got   into a delivery I think a uber East chat I lasted  there for like maybe two weeks because I just I  

    Couldn’t understand how all these people didn’t  like each other they didn’t even know each other   but none of these people liked each other and I  would come in and say hey man this is what we’re  

    Looking at I got some analysis about you know how  to break down you know time and that oh we don’t   need that [ __ ] I said you know what [ __ ] you  [ __ ] I walk into the wrong room unfollow I got  

    Out that room quick as a [ __ ] [ __ ] them people  it’s like no y’all ain’t gonna do me like that and   now you know I’m on my own YouTube channel we’re  actually helping people we doing something we  

    Seeing progress we seeing people eating we seeing  people do well we seeing people go hey you know   what man I was struggling you know I was barely  clipping you know 500 600 a week barely clipping  

    Five 600 a week now you know I’ve doubled that I’m  making 1 12200 1300 a week I’ve doubled that and   my miles have went down that’s the [ __ ] we like  over here here we like that we don’t hate on that  

    We love that a lot of channels hate that [ __ ]  well you know your time might be down or your   miles might be down they always got some negative  [ __ ] to say they can’t just say you know what  

    Man I’m happy you’re not struggling man I’m happy  you’re not struggling that they mouth can’t even   form that [ __ ] sentence I’m happy you’re not  struggling man I’m so happy you’re not struggling   it’s like these [ __ ] want to see you struggle  because they can’t figure out what they doing and  

    I’m like why would you want to see somebody  struggle it’s like you wouldn’t want to see   somebody like do okay like do well like you know  be able to say I’m going to take the day off so I  

    Can run to my kids recital and I’m going to go to  the soccer game and I know I can go to the soccer   game cuz yesterday I was banking $60 an hour all  day so I could take you know a few hours off today  

    To go do that I’m happy for that that’s the kind  of life we got that’s right you don’t got to ask   nobody to take off you schedule when you take off  yeah R flow that’s it they’re haters man that’s  

    Why they’re just haters and it makes no sense why  somebody would be upset at someone achieving a   goal they set if I say this is my goal I would  want to do this anybody around you and it’s a  

    Beneficial goal my goal is never oh my goal today  is to make sure four drivers wreck their [ __ ]   car that’s my goal today I need to make sure four  drivers wreck their car that’s not my goal my  

    Goal is I want to make sure I can make this much  today I that’s my goal you always got somebody   gonna hate on that goal I want to do this with my  YouTube channel I want to do this with driving I  

    Want to do this with my front yard I might want  to do this with my car today I want to you know   try to but instead they hate on that [ __ ] that  type of energy in ride share is such a cancer it  

    Was it’s always been a cancer when I first started  my channel I’ll be like man this shit’s a cancer   I can’t stand these haters man go get a real job  like mother this is real money pay it pays real  

    Bills so if you want to say it’s a fake job that  makes you the idiot because you working a real job   and somebody with a fake job is doing better than  you so you the idiot it’s like I’m not I’m the one  

    Working a fake job paying real [ __ ] doing okay  so you making yourself sound bad my opinion you   ain’t even got a real job but I’m living better  than you that’s that [ __ ] sucks don’t it that

    Sucks so I kind of shut that [ __ ] down you  know don’t don’t be on my channel like that   because we got drivers over here that’s really  trying to you know pay for [ __ ] really trying  

    To cover bills really trying to pay a rear get  out of the hole in certain debt and stuff like   we got actual humans doing this [ __ ] and these  a bunch of characters all over online a bunch of  

    Characters just want to come around and mess with  somebody they see doing well it’s like we don’t do   that over here we don’t do that so if you gonna  walk into this room understand where you at like  

    You said what what Jesse say it’s a barbecue yeah  you just walked into somebody’s family Barbecue   you walk to somebody’s family Barbecue talking  [ __ ] about the macaroni and cheese you don’t   even know these people you talking [ __ ] about  the macaroni and who made this nasty ass macaroni  

    And cheese man who the [ __ ] are you where’ you  come from you ain’t even in this family who are   you you just walked up in somebody’s barbecue  talking [ __ ] about something it’s like you   don’t do that and and especially on YouTube  you never see me just jump on people’s Channel  

    And instantly start berting and Bar in random  people I don’t know how that family operate I   don’t know these people so I walk onto a channel  and I look around I look through the comments I  

    Listen to the uh the commentator I make sure I  know where I’m at because I don’t want to step   out of place at somebody else’s barbecue I don’t  do that [ __ ] so I sit there and I look around  

    I’m like okay okay cool I see how this is going  all right y’all [ __ ] hate this you hate that   you hate people with foreign cars you like people  with American cars I see how the flow is going I  

    Got a BMW let me excuse myself from this [ __ ]  table but I don’t jump in oh well I got a BMW   and all you American Car owners are a bunch of  idiots and you [ __ ] are stupid y’all I don’t  

    That that’s not my barbecue I get the [ __ ]  out of there I get out of there and that’s how   I operate on YouTube I operate on YouTube like  it’s my real life it’s like because I’m a real  

    Person and one day I got to account for all the  [ __ ] I say and all the [ __ ] I see you got a   lot of fake [ __ ] on YouTube I don’t got to  be fake when you see me this is what you get  

    In public or real life this is what you get so  when I when I’m on my channel and I’m talking   to people and I’m trying to help people out I do  the same [ __ ] in real life I don’t just help  

    People online or hate on people online then help  them in real life no I’m parallel both my online   life looks just like my real life just like it  what Vision one say Hey brother God bless you  

    The hustle is real don’t let them get to you the  garbage man tossing these rods yeah Vision one   man hey they be trying but that’s what they do  Vision when when people see somebody succeeding  

    In a way that they can’t succeed they hate on  that capability CU they why can’t I do that why   is that person can do that but I can’t do that  why can that driver do that but I can’t do that  

    But instead of them looking at themselves in their  situation and trying to get some education from it   and and try to break down their own market and  and the logic behind everything they just hate   on what they don’t understand they just hate  on it I don’t understand it I you ain’t got to  

    Understand it you ain’t got to understand it but  you can sit back you can observe it you can look   at it you can try to get some many education from  behind it then apply it to a situation you in but  

    Instead of doing that they just shut it down hate  on no it’s my way or no way my way or no way but   they way ain’t working though and they won’t  even wake up to say my way ain’t working let  

    Me change up a little bit as I tell you right now  when I was driving even with the Jeep like people   couldn’t understand why was I getting rid of that  jeep and man a Jeep gets you good tips man a Jeep  

    And a Jeep runs 220 miles for a full tank 220  miles is like $90 in gas when 220 miles in this   car is like maybe 30 in gas so I’m like that’s  a $60 per tank variance so I do that 10 times I  

    Just lost 600 D bucks so I said okay I’m gonna  have to go spend money to park the Jeep to get   something that’s way more economic for ride share  and that’s how a lot of people you know they stay  

    Stuck on Stupid and keep doing the same thing over  and over getting the same result not wondering why   can’t I get out of this mud sometimes you got to  switch [ __ ] up gas price was going through the  

    Roof I had to switch it up the jeep was cool  I still drive the Jeep I was in it yesterday   when I Met Juan Vargas now I still drive it I  just don’t drive it for ride share because it’s  

    Not conducent to profits if I’m trying to make  profits then I’m like hey I got to do something   that’s profitable profits ain’t G you can’t just  generate profits out of thin air you got to create  

    A way a system to make profits because the apps  are doing it on they end they not telling how to   do it on our end we’re figuring out on our end  how to create profit we’re doing that over here  

    Man James says I’ll finally use your Paw Patrol  technique thanks for the education my man Stanley   jenin came up with the PAW Patrol I used to call  it Uber Petty call that [ __ ] Paw Patrol we be  

    Out rolling like a [ __ ] like hey Paw Patrol  SC I’ll be hitting them Corners boy I be on   that [ __ ] I need to put a light on top with  a dog ear dog ears on the side of my truck Paw

    Patrol and hey that [ __ ] it’ll keep them it’ll  keep all them them damn offers from hitting your   phone Non-Stop taking you away from The Surge  throwing you off nope pestan on PAW Patrol cruise  

    On in Snag it okay hurry up go right back to uberX  let’s get some money I do that [ __ ] all the time   and you see people in the gigging with Buddha time  to wrap the cars black man I swear man all je Jeff  

    You got the Jeep rubber ducks yeah I got them hey  I got a a rubber duck the other night when I was   actually at popey so if you look at the video that  I did the last video I just did yesterday if you  

    Look at the Popeye’s Chicken Box next to it is a  duck somebody put that duck on my Jeep while I was   in Popeyes that’s funny that’s funny R said Jeff  you’re the Uber pet Whisperer I’m telling you man  

    That Uber pet works it works I’m have to give me a  shirt that just says Uber patch yeah I know that’s   the duck I got somebody put that orange duck on  my Jeep when I was in Popeye’s with like a little  

    Card the cards in the Jeep right now man I did  600 last week on live and 17 hours of driving is   that that low or high 17 hours of driving 16 let  me see if you do let’s say 40 no that’s over $40  

    An hour you doing good that’s about $40 an hour  almost almost 40 bucks an hour so that’s not bad   actually that’s not bad I would say that’s a good  week that’s a that’s a normal good week 17 hours  

    For 6 600 bucks I could do that I could see that  because usually if you did let’s say $20 an hour   that will be $350 so 40 will be 700 so you’re  just under you know 40 hours right there so it’s  

    Not bad dep especially depending on your Market  if your Market can actually make more than that   Wayne then you can probably start pushing for  at least 40 to 45 seeing if you can like kind  

    Of kick out some of those lowend rods and be like  okay I’m gonna kick out the low end rods and do   some some higher rodes could also be tips could  also be tips because you know we ain’t getting a  

    Lot of our tips funny on on Uber I’m getting a  lot of tips now live same thing it’s like damn   it damn [Laughter] it say paulat we be riding the  sheep dog from the dumbb and dum I know it Melvin  

    The big sheep dog when it jumped the hill and the  ears flopped man that [ __ ] was funny as hell the   the van jumped the hill and the ears flopped up  I was like dude this movie is stupid wait for a  

    Runner you said no more Paw Patrol and dollas Fort  Worth area wait what did they do with it so you   guys don’t have any Uber pet at all in Dallas Fort  Worth oh man is you gotta you got to go through  

    Your app man and figure out what else you maybe  you can have like liquor delivery go through your   app and see if you can find Like Liquor delivery  on there and install the liquor delivery button  

    That way if you hit that maybe it’ll just freeze  your app up say no dollar numbers yeah what yeah   because like I said with Paw Patrol out here  daytime is crazy with with Paw Patrol a lot of  

    People move their pets in the daytime at night  nobody’s doing it so it’s easy for me to use I   could jam with it at night what Drew said Drew  said I use Paw Patrol along with the destination  

    Filter to tether me in the surge areas during ACL  Fest in Austin I was getting one and two Rod mile   rid for 20 $30 [ __ ] was nice that’s what it is  man and that’s what I did when I hit that concert  

    And I was using that that filter I had lift I had  Lux on with the filter because I don’t have it on   Uber I don’t have my filter on Uber but it kept me  within that area man you stay in that surge area  

    And just go berserk just keep eating on that surge  man just keep feeding on that [ __ ] over and over   $10 $9 $13 all free money just keep eating on  that surge a lot of people was like oh aride to  

    Scottdale they would take that nature hike all the  way to Scott but it was no surge they would leave   the concert area be like oh $40 for you know 19  miles I’m taking it cool it’s $2 a mile but you  

    Can make $40 in two rides is gonna take you like  maybe 15 minutes like you said you’re doing one   or two mile rise 20 30 bucks so you got to weigh  the event the event versus you taking me away from  

    The event every situation is different and R share  drivers know you know when to like stay in an area   when to stay put and and get all that free money  versus saying okay it ain’t nothing here I ate the  

    Surge is gone I’m gonna take this $40 you know for  this 19 miles now I’ll do it now you gotta wait   to the end to get out of there because too many  people in the beginning and that’s why Uber and  

    Lift in the beginning they said nothing but nature  hikes they’re trying to get everybody out of there   because they don’t want people feeding on the free  money it’s like a shark frenzy they know all the  

    Drivers are coming from all areas so they as soon  as they get there they give them a nature hiy they   get in and get them out that way that driver only  gets free money once Because by the time they get  

    Back the free money is either gone or completely  depleted so I stay in that area I just feed man   I’m in this I’m like you brother i’ stay in the  same area just circling getting as much free money  

    As I can $15 Serv $13 it’s going down $9 $8 $750  then back up to $10 I be killing that surge it’s   like do not nature hike out of the surge man nope  don’t nature hike away from a surge surge wait  

    Till it’s you know when the event is dead traffic  is starting to open up people are done getting   rids you don’t see a lot of people with phones out  now you can get your nature hike out of there to  

    Another busy area take that you know $150 $2 three  dollar ride out of there then you say okay cool I   fed all I could feed now let’s go to another area  and see if I can do it over there too then that’s  

    How you capitalize a lot of AR drivers they don’t  have that that intellect to say I’m going to kick   out all these rides and stay put they just take  whatever they get they take it could be 32 miles  

    North they taking it now they way up in Happy  Valley New River area there’s no rides up there   so they did one ride $45 for 30 miles and they  sitting way up in the middle of nowhere and we  

    Down here you know they made the 45 we’re making  like I said I’m at the Drake concert I made 153   in an hour and a half $153 in an hour and a half  eating on the same surge over and over just eating  

    On it the Beyonce contract I tried that [ __ ]  the first night I had to shut the app down I made   zero doar at the Beyonce the first night because I  shut the app down and left it got too crazy for me  

    I went back the next night I made like $90 in an  hour something crazy like that in the next night   so I figured it out so the second night I went to  Beyonce concert I did a lot better than the first  

    Night but you’ve got it like I said it’s it’s  always a game and sometimes when I know I don’t   feel like this is for me I shut the app down and I  get out of there it’s not for me because my energy  

    Wasn’t there the traffic was crazy I was locked  in the parking lot I was already upset there was   no amount of money that was going to buy me out of  being pissed off that night so I said this is not  

    A night I can drive so I didn’t drive the first  night of Beyonce I just shut it down took my ass   home and I was looking for a ride to get me home  but I couldn’t get so I just went home on my own  

    Gas my own music listen to some Kendrick whatever  I man I had to get out of there but a dri that   drives and knows will do stuff like that yeah what  Vision Wes say this is uh elevation to the next  

    Level is key when lift doesn’t pay well having  another skill is crucial when I run into drivers   I tell them to learn trade Futures nice side money  when things are slow yeah like I said and that’s I  

    Tell people it ain’t nothing legal gambling that’s  all it is legal gambling you got the same people   that say I ain’t doing no damn stock market [ __ ]  I ain’t doing no stock market [ __ ] they walking  

    Into a casino I’m like dude what do you think  you doing are you doing right now you’re doing   you’re when you walk into a casino you’re playing  the stock market in in real time you’re putting  

    A beted out hoping to get money back that’s all  you’re doing what do you think the stock market   is you putting money in hoping to get is just  slower the stock market is just slower that’s  

    All it is it’s gambling it’s just legal gambling  so it cracks me up when I see people in the casino   but they don’t want to learn how to do like you  know stocks and bonds and trades and [ __ ] no man  

    That’s I ain’t doing that [ __ ] that that shit’ll  take my money as they walk in the casino pulling   a [ __ ] slot machine that shit’ll take my money  they [ __ ] yanking on the goddamn [ __ ] playing   goddamn poker that shit’ll take my money I ain’t  doing no goddamn stock market God damn it I had  

    Two [Laughter] Aces it’s like what do you think  you doing it’s like dude every G every person in   the casino should be learning stocks right now he  like what it’s just gambling that’s all it is yeah   oh Drew says sometimes scruber be be blocking  a destination filter should be pissing me off  

    See that they probably blocking mine because I’m  like why don’t I have it but everybody else got   and you got low AR like I got low AR how come I  can’t get a destination filter on damn Uber man  

    Geez so yeah on Sunday night during the ACL n was  uh hit shorties with big surges then got $20 ride   home towards the end when the surge was dying yep  cuz see Drew you know how to work the app and and  

    That’s why I tell people on this channel we got  a lot of smart ass drivers that that say exactly   what they doing and then you got drivers I ain’t  telling nobody what I’m doing I’m keeping my money  

    I ain’t telling them Drew you ain’t you ain’t  struggling you getting 20 to $30 rides you ain’t   struggling and you telling people exactly what you  do in the market you in and how you doing it and   through doing that you’re creating a discipline  for yourself because it’s kind of like let’s say  

    Somebody wanted to work out every day and they go  oh man I’m gonna go to the to the gym today I’m   g go hit chest I’m g go do back and they say it  every day it forces them to do what they say it’s  

    Like you’re affirming who you are and what you do  and it’s creating you to be a better person that’s   going to the gym every day because you saying  you doing it and you going out and you doing  

    It you telling people you doing it and so when  they see the results of it in the month they say   okay cool I feel like more physically fit I feel  stronger I’m you know I’m 15 20 pounds heavier  

    On this now I’m 30 pounds heavier on that now  that means and it’s rasher is the same way when   we come on this channel we talking about things  and we’re discussing what we do how we do there  

    Is no secret to where I’m thinking it’s going to  help me more than it’s gonna help anybody else   because I might tell somebody something and in  their Market it don’t even work it’s like dude it  

    Don’t work in my market but at least I’m saying it  because you might want to try it one day it might   work one day it might not just like you talking  about how surges works so when surges work like  

    That and we got more drivers doing it like that  the apps have no choice but to lift fairs up if   they want to get [ __ ] moving they have no other  choice cuz they’re like why are all these drivers  

    Driving the same they’re all declining the same  rides bump the price up because we know the the   rider is paying $20 for it so why are we giving a  driver 8 forward well bump the price up to $12 see  

    Who takes it you bump it up to $12 now somebody  takes it that’s how we work the apps down but   as long as somebody keep taking that eight they  gonna keep paying eight doll and these high AR  

    Drivers aren’t getting it if they keep paying  eight and you keep taking eight why would they   automatically just move it up to be nice to you  no the apps are gonna make profits if you keep  

    Taking it they gonna keep giving it because they  won’t get profits too just like you the only way   that rates and fairs will go up is if we just  stop taking the [ __ ] just flat off the bat  

    Nope it’s got to be at least this much per mile  it’s got to be at least this much per minute it’s   got to be at least this much during this event the  apps will be like these people are not getting no  

    Rides whatsoever we got a whole Bank of people  not getting rides well they’re 50 Cent a mile   rides well move that [ __ ] up to a dollar a  mile see if anybody takes it double a price nope Mike pner you silly brother thank  you for the superchat brother he said  

    From Spencer with love man [ __ ]  Spencer Fred where he at Spencer   Fred got to make a guest appearance on  the channel one day he just got to jump   on and just say hi that’s it just hi so  we can rag on his ass about a good hour

    F fry just jump in the chat one day and go I  see you [ __ ] that’s all he need to say I see   you [ __ ] and from there we can just rag on for  another week [ __ ] Spencer friend that dude man I  

    Swear to God see that’s the thing man Spencer Fred  he just disappeared he came in and talk [ __ ] and   just disappeared he ain’t been back since that  [ __ ] I still got to make my shirt to expensive  

    For it I still got got do that [ __ ] Jesse he  said the Uber pet really does work Jeff a big   time thank you to you and your show oh no problem  brother like I said this ain’t even the show man  

    This is the barbecue you can say thank you for  hosting the barbecue everybody sitting around   in the car eating barbecue eating red beans and  rice like hell yeah we at the barbecue right now   what Tony said there’s also a variable we could  tell people the exact strategy but if they ain’t

    Professional that’s funny [ __ ] they won’t get  it right right Tony they got to be profession   know with tov’s and that [ __ ] man stop ordering  [ __ ] from overseas get get stop getting [ __ ]   off of wish that’s my problem I probably got that  [ __ ] from wish that damn microphone man goddamn  

    Lift servers and my microphone both came off of  wish what up bartan my brother yeah and that’s   what it is Tony we could tell people like you  said you can lead a horse to water but you can’t  

    Make a drink that [ __ ] is so much like that in  Rod shair people can see the results that a lot   of these drivers are having it ain’t just me so  many drivers are having the same results I mean  

    I get emails all the time from people man I mean  they’re getting $27 three miles I’m like that’s   crazy money crazy and we got people out there argu  I want a dollar a mile I want a dollar a mile one  

    Day I’m gonna go through my email and I’m gonna  pull all the rides that everybody and I’m gonna   put their name on the rides and y’all gonna see  what people out there really making I just got  

    To get it out of my my email I probably got to  screenshot it and then get it out that’s what   I’ll do no I can just download it I can download  it out of G apply the name to it so and just do  

    A whole video of what’s happening out in rer with  these rides because I think people don’t believe   us man they don’t believe us you’re not getting a  dollar a mile you’re not really getting $2 dollar  

    A mile but I get emails people getting like $36  four miles $27 two three miles I get emails all   I’m just like this shit’s CRA and that [ __ ]  Hypes me up it keeps me in the car looking for  

    That and I’m like come on man I could do it  I’ll get some you know $15 three like I got   the ride the other day $13 then I got a surge on  it a $6 surge so it should have been 19 but Uber  

    Gave me 17 because they increased my service  fee so I had a 13.99 ride for like two miles   and then I had a $6 surge on it was gonna make it  $ 199.99 they gave me $17 and some change because  

    They jacked my service fee up say 03 how do you  get reservations on Uber they just pop up on my   phone I never I one day I just opened it and  it was reservations in there I get them all  

    The time and because there are no drivers out at  early morning people want to have and Reserve all   their airport runs to make sure they got an  airport ride so I love that because I live by  

    All the hotels that service terminal for and so  I’m always just like Bam Bam Bam you know I get   up give me the 3:30 give me the four I’ll take  the 4:30 I’ll take the five 15 then I’ll take  

    You know the 6:30 then I’ll take a seven Seven’s  the latest because at seven you got the flat bed   trucks out the box trucks are out the buses are  running school buses is out everybody’s up from  

    Work 7 o’clock is my cut off that’s the absolute  latest and I did one the other day and in nine   miles I went over this with Juan Vargas last night  when I was showing them nine miles you seeing nine  

    Miles it’ll probably take me about I don’t know  12 13 minutes to go nine miles it took me like 28   minutes to go nine miles that’s morning traffic  I was like Jesus Christ it took me like half an  

    Hour to go now but I got like $36 or something  for it for the trip but it’s took me like 28   minutes and I’m like damn man this is crazy thank  you Vision one smash that like button that’s what  

    YouTubers be saying smash that like button I think  I’m gonna make a shirt to say that [ __ ] I’ll be   making shirts all the time because me I just order  a ton of black shirts off of YouTube like a whole  

    Lot of them and then I just start making myself  shirts I order some gray ones I’ll make a couple   of gray ones I be like smash that like button man  that shit’s funny yeah vision ones is people need  

    To stop taking a $30 promo for 40 rides over the  weekend screwing themselves yeah always hit the   lowest number whatever the lowest is I’ll do it  cuz I don’t chase that [ __ ] I don’t do enough  

    Rides to chase them I’m not doing no 70 rides  a weekend I’m not doing no 50 rides a weekend   if I could do 40 rides a weekend or 30 let’s say  I do 30 and my average ride could be $20 that’s  

    600 bucks I can make over a weekend all I need to  find is 30 that’s 15 rides a day at $20 a ride and   that’s tip and Surge and everything if I can get  a average of $20 all I need is 600 bucks a weekend  

    Because if you can make 600 bucks a weekend make  $400 during the week doing little short trips you   know here and there use about a quarter tank of  gas you only filling up once every three days so  

    $60 $70 in gas is Gonna Last me like three four  days and then on the weekend I use a tank of gas   probably because I’m trying to do like heavier  rods so you’re only using two tanks of gas so  

    I’ll spend like $100 $120 in G and I usually when  I’m done I still got like more than a quarter of   tank so I’m using maybe around about $100 worth of  gas to make about 1,00 bucks so I’m 10x in my gas  

    Money and it’s like I’m cool with that I’m cool  with that and like I said we got to stop doing   them promos chasing them promos is not worth it  you gonna give me $20 to do 40 rides $40 worth for  

    No because I’m G have to do a lot of [ __ ] crazy  rides to do that and I rather not I rather keep   my rides low keep the profit margins High stack  money like that them promosing them quests are for  

    Suckers man it’s a sucker bet and if when it was  used to be 500 it was good 400 it was 900 800 for   70 rides that [ __ ] was good that was $10 a ride  it’s worth it to add $10 to every ride it’s worth  

    It but when you adding 50 cents a ride a dollar a  ride it ain’t worth it it’s like dude forget that   I can get a tip and that’s why they giving you  these dollar tips telling you hey the most you’re  

    Gonna get is a dollar tip [ __ ] I’ll get like 10  bucks y’all just stealing nine of it and giving me   a dollar that’s what it is what Drew say Drew said  I reject almost everything under $1.75 a mile only  

    Take a dollar mile to position to make more money  or to go home yep that’s the and that’s the play   that’s a smart play you know and and people who  drive we know about position and a lot of the new  

    Drivers that come into the game they think that  they’re working for LIF and they work for Uber   like whe they’re sending me R I got to take the  r because they sent it to me no you don’t have to  

    Do that if if they send you a ride to Cottonwood  two hours up the highway giving you $75 to drive   for two hours that’s four hours you’re making  75s you got to go up there and you got to come  

    Back trust me when I first started driving Uber I  did that [ __ ] in the Jeep and I got about $120   total to go four hours I went up there and I went  back and the gas I used was probably about 50 $60  

    Worth of gas to do that [ __ ] so I made like $60  in four hours is what I profited I didn’t have   YouTube channels telling me that that [ __ ] was  bad I just had channels like hey man go for the  

    Biggest ride you can go for go for them bangers  $120 Banger it’s like it’s no such thing as a   $120 Banger because if they’re paying $120 to  drive from Phoenix to [ __ ] Chicago that’s not  

    $120 Banger it’s just $120 The Banger is in the  details that’s where the Banger is I want a $3 a   mile Banger four $10 a mile Banger that’s where  the Banger is so all these people oh man I had a  

    $80 Banger okay cool how far you drive 97 miles  that ain’t a [ __ ] Banger then it’s like dude   you you mistaken that is not a banger sorry dog  that’s not a banger and that’s what we were told   earlier when I first started watching YouTube that  bangers were dollar amounts bangers are not dollar  

    Amounts bangers are details how much you getting  per mile how much is that going to net per hour   if you did like two or three of those how much you  getting per hour [ __ ] King James he was running  

    What $200 an hour the other day something crazy  like that 200 bucks an hour because he was taking   these crazy ass bangers like high miles I mean low  miles high dollar amounts to me those are bangers  

    I’d Rather somebody get you know $15 for two miles  to me that’s a banger $15 for two miles a banger   I like that $12 for three miles that to me is a  banger that’s a banger but somebody say yeah man  

    I got $40 Banger how many miles you go 36 it’s  like that’s not a banger dog sorry that’s not a b Melly M said a dollar per mile bangers for  Spencer Fred I got a 300 $300 Banger where’d  

    You go 300 miles [ __ ] wait to me so you drove  600 miles total for 300 bucks that ain’t a banger   they be killing me with them [ __ ] bangers dude  look at this Banger [ __ ] $55 damn 55 bucks how  

    Many miles you drrive 65 that’s not a banger  [Laughter] doll oh yeah Mike pen I got it man   I got it now see the thing is is I haven’t it’s  in the kitchen right now because I I gotta cut  

    My uh my cord so it’s short enough to wrap around  the thing but the way my seat sits I got to scoop   my I got to lean my seat farther forward because  it’s kind of hanging dangling St said that’s a  

    Duster Buster get the dust off your app $55 for  60 mil is a duster Buster [ __ ] ain’t a banger   these [ __ ] looking like looking like the Charco  on that charcoal powder all over them and [ __ ]  

    They walking out the house like I got a banger  no [ __ ] that’s a duster Buster you ain’t got   no Banger I’m have to put that [ __ ] video next  time I get one of them rides like showing up on  

    The screen I’m G put the dusty dude next to  a duster bust you don’t want that ride what   up Rod chair Lisa she’s in the building yeah Drew  I was like that man man used to do 70 ride quests  

    $400 or more man I remember those days we was  making two G’s a week easy back then I mean we   was working 35 hours because all the money was in  the was in the bonus all the money was sitting in  

    The bonus all you had to do was hit it I was thr  Uber reads I did $2,200 in Uber e one time in less   than 40 hours and they took away my Uber X they  said that I was only Uber e so I’m like I couldn’t  

    Get no bonuses on uberX they call me a uber reach  driver one dude said because you did way too many   Uber reach to hit that bonus u x got mad and said  you’re now declared as a delivery driver not as  

    A Uber driver because you have to do more uberX  than you do Uber REITs I’m like well they never   told me that [ __ ] I just ran the [ __ ] out  of that [ __ ] I was like damn I’m doing like  

    Double Stacks triple Stacks I’m doing McDonald  delivery I’m [ __ ] man I made 2,200 bucks in   like 35 40 hours they was mad as hell yeah a th 8  $800 because of those Quest 800 in a day Drew made  

    800 in one day because of those hey I tell people  if you can hit that second tier that’s where the   money’s at when it be like your last 10 rides or  20 rides knock that [ __ ] off in a day because  

    In those 20 rides you gonna get like an extra  $150 or something crazy like that get an extra   150 for doing 20 rides in one day so that’s a lot  CU you GNA already knock off you know at least 3  

    400 in that day then you get that that’s 450 $500  right there in a day man it we them quests used to   be good now [ __ ] I be saying $20 on the screen  $50 on the screen man forget that hey what Connor  

    Say he says hey do you think extra Comfort will  kick at kick in at midnight and his byebye Lux I   don’t know Conor man I’m gonna be out tonight  I’m gonna be out tonight Ronan was just asking  

    That you going out tonight Jeff after the live  stream yeah I’m going out after the live stream   so I’m gonna be recording and it’s going to be in  real time what happens man so hopefully you know  

    When the 18th hits that that Comfort pops up on my  screen or anything Lux pops up that I want to see   how this is going to work because I guarantee  man it’s if if it doesn’t work how they expect  

    It to work surge is going to go through the roof  even Juan Vargas was saying this The Surge on lift   is going to now start matching The Surge on Uber  because if they take away Lux and no drivers are  

    Doing anything they’ve got to push the surge up  so I think that’s the only way they can compensate   for it when Lux is gone and all the drivers jump  over to uberX or just stop driving all together on  

    Lift they’ve got to it’s going to be $8 surges $9  surges when it used to be 250 350 because they’ve   got to find a way to get drivers they’ve got to  find it and I think tonight at midnight it’s it’s  

    Going to be good for a lot of us night drivers to  see how this really works in real time because I   guarantee if this [ __ ] drops through the floor  and I start getting a bunch of requests 12 miles  

    You know for four or five dollars nope doubt it do  a live feed on the road tonight no I really don’t   do live man I got a $0000 phone man my $200 phone  can’t do no live feed this [ __ ] probably explode  

    On my dashboard this a this a [ __ ] Samsung a32  that’s it I gotta let me clean the screen off yeah   this [ __ ] Samsung a32 it it’s got like I think  30 gigs 30 gig hard drive then I got a 100 gig  

    SD card in there so I move everything over to my  SD card this [ __ ] is not a new phone I [ __ ]   around live feed this [ __ ] and you see some nasy  [ __ ] hitting my phone like Hey we’re getting  

    Communications from some alien on Mars that’s that  [ __ ] Samsung a32 old ragged ass phone somebody   actually owns one it’s like me you’re interfering  with our satellite Transmissions please turn that   [ __ ] off I can’t do a live feed from that red  ass phone [ __ ] my whole Uber app shut down on  

    Me and [ __ ] I’ll be in the middle of a ride that  mother just shut down be like what happened man   yeah I’ll get a new phone one day that phone’s a  couple years old Samsung a32 is actually a pretty  

    Good phone real [ __ ] is a really good phone  I bought this phone a couple of years ago and   like I said the the pictures are amazing I will  post pictures on Instagram and [ __ ] like that  

    People like dude what kind of camera you using I’m  like that’s the phone dude I’ll be in the desert   taking pictures they like dude these pictures are  like crazy I’m like yeah the [ __ ] the camera  

    Is amazing like the pixels and everything the way  you can edit them make them look man these cameras   the photos look amazing the videos look amazing  but just the speed is not there the it it hangs  

    Up so I got to hit airplane mode every once in a  while just to make sure everything’s working and   [ __ ] I hit airplane mode then I’ll hit it again  make sure everything’s like working like I said it  

    It probably need to be update it’s 5G it’s 5G but  it’s not like the good the newer Samsungs and the   newer phones is out man it it’s crazy it’s these  phones are like they’re they’re computers they’re   they’re basically work computers in your hand you  can make a million dollars with these phones man  

    You can do million dollars worth of transactions  and [ __ ] with these new phones these phones are   crazy you can do stocks while you do stocks you  can be doing live feed [ __ ] you could be doing   recording this you could be doing bank and moving  [ __ ] around all on like the same screens these  

    Phones is like more powerful than my laptop and  they be selling for like 14,500 bucks but the   thing is you know a new phone if you get a $4  $1,500 phone and you want to do business on a  

    Beach you could do it on a beach now you could  run your office from a beach with one of these   new phones my phone ain’t at that level but if I  got a new phone you can sit anywhere you want in  

    The world and run a multi-million dollar business  from these new telephones so $41,500 is a really   good investment if you’re doing multiple things  with it and and like I say I get it man I get it  

    That’s why I think phones are so expensive it’s  giving you that that ability to be remote you   can Hotspot from it live stream you can do a lot  of [ __ ] from that phone that has got so much  

    Speed so much RAM and so much storage you could  basically work from anywhere in the world but   it seems like you could have a backdrop saying  you’re in LA but your ass is sitting in Tibet  

    You riding a [ __ ] Yak your ass in tobet riding  a yak they’re like dude what you doing man I’m   just sitting at home dog [ __ ] what the [ __ ]  is that sound big ass Yak but the phone makes you  

    Think like you’re at home it’s was like dude your  phone is [ __ ] sick man I’m in tobet riding Yaks   right now [ __ ] Android sucks iPhone is the bomb  I don’t know man I had I had [ __ ] say he je Uber  

    Camel exactly [ __ ] I’m riding Uber camel right  now [ __ ] D that phone Crystal Clear what are you   doing I’m riding Uber camel no man I don’t know I  I know Android too well to go to iPhone now iPhone  

    I have to start slow I’d have to go back like  I have an iPhone 6s it was my son’s old phone   but it’s in the car so I would have to go get a  iPhone and kind of like learn how to work that  

    [ __ ] learn what it can and can do before you  just throw me a [ __ ] iPhone 131 14 dude that’s   like that’s like putting somebody with a brand new  license in a Hellcat I just got my license today I  

    Just got you a [ __ ] Hellcat red eye that’s your  birthday gift yeah that kid’ll be dead later today   you give me a [ __ ] iPhone where’s Jeff we ain’t  seen that [ __ ] in a few days I’m like wandering  

    Around a desert and [ __ ] the navigation went out  [ __ ] that you ain’t buy me no [ __ ] Hellcat red   eye iPhone 18 hell no like start me to [ __ ] off  give me a [ __ ] Ford Ranger I need the iPhone 6s  

    I need a Ford Ranger the fold said I got the  fold five yeah see that’s the thing man I like   those phones with the dual screens that you can  open and you can do like multiple things on it  

    I’m telling you man these phones nowadays I’m  I like look at them on the screens I see people   using them and I’m like dude there’s nothing you  can’t do there’s no you can like Hotpot and have  

    Something else running like your laptop running  why you doing stuff on your phone you can run an   office from the beach through a telephone that  [ __ ] is crazy y’all got to understand man I’m   50 I’m from that era of the [ __ ] super super  long phone cord that stretched from the kitchen  

    All the way to the living room so you can sit  on a couch and talk to somebody I remember that   [ __ ] and the phone Court would be all twisted  around and you have to untwist it and you get your  

    Sister to hold and everybody’s like untwisting  the phone because the phone cord is like 25 feet long oh see he [ __ ] with me I thought it  was a iPhone 18 out man he’s [ __ ] with  

    Me I don’t know how many iPhones is out he’s  in there [ __ ] with me man I thought it was   really a 18 now see man you gonna have me  [ __ ] telling people hey you got that new  

    18 they be like what the iPhone 18 my buddy  Mike we talking about getting one they gonna   be laughing like a [ __ ] like what is this  dude said he getting the iPhone 18 he’s like   see don’t listen to Mike this [ __ ]  have you [ __ ] get oil changes on the

    Tesla exactly it’s the iPhone time  machine it’s like dude don’t don’t   mess with Mike Mike is out  there screwing with people this [ __ ] had me up in AT&T yeah I’m trying to  trade this in for that iPhone 18 everybody turn  

    Around and just look at me like you hear this  [ __ ] they’re like now my buddy Mike pen man   he said they like yeah we kind of got a few people  in here uh saying Mike Penner told them about an  

    IPhone 18 the [ __ ] ain’t even created yet it’s  like that goddamn Mike they G have a whole line a   customer service line just with Mike penner’s name  over if you’ve talked to Mike Penner come stand in  

    This line over here so we can bring you up the  speed you go to Jiffy Loop they got the same   Mike pen line right there it’s like man he said  friends like me you don’t need no enemies hey you  

    Be doing them videos you know how they be having  they girls walk in the buildings asking for [ __ ]   then the girl come back out of the car and she  be like why’ you do that to me that’s the [ __ ]  

    Mike P be doing to people hey go in there and ask  him for this I need some Muffler motherfcker come   back out why’ you have me go in there you made me  look stupid [ __ ] Mike pen don’t don’t listen to  

    Him that [ __ ] tricky make him come in there with  you Mike you gotta come with me no man you go you   go no you gotta come with me Melvin does what  I do he says hey I get my old change my Tesla  

    Every 3,000 miles she is a oil trail on all you  got is oil in the trunk like dude it’s oil all   in the trunk where’ you poured there there no no  dipstick man it’s like oil all in the trunk and  

    [ __ ] Mike told me didn’t needed a oil chain so  we just poured oil all in the [ __ ] trunk blinker   fluid yeah exactly exactly man Mike’s nuts he’s  nuts this dude he be coming in with his specials  

    This Jiffy luo Tesla specials all the time it’s  like man one day I’m gonna take a picture of a   Tesla sitting in front of a [ __ ] Jiffy L this is  guy right here he listen to Mike on the internet  

    He’s in here for the oil change I’m in here for  that mic pen of oil change [ __ ] [ __ ] oh Logan   Logan was he said hey Jeff we rode you down in  infinix had a blast back then you had a Jeep  

    Made our night thank you for being you oh Logan  appreciate that brother appreciate it oh I still   got the Jeep man it’s still sitting outside yeah  hey next time y’all come back to Phoenix man hit  

    Me up brother hit me up like I said I can we  can still roll the Jeep I don’t have it on the   platforms right now I got the top off actually so  if you guys come out during the fall of the winter  

    Logan I got you hit me up brother I got you we’ll  have to hit up we’ll have to go up and down Mill   in it with the system blast and I’ll let You’ get  on an intercom I was doing an intercom last night  

    For Juan Bargas look y’ get on the intercom and  cuss people out on the curve be like hey [ __ ]   oh Logan that’s what’s up brother that’s what’s  up appreciate that man appreciate that thank you  

    For coming to the chat we don’t get riders that  often in here man so I’m glad you know you’re   actually a rider that rod in the Jeep so you roll  with the old school version when I used to roll a  

    Jeep all the time I got the Beamer now so yeah  you come back out we’ll we’ll do a old school   ride we’ll do a Jeep ride brother I miss rolling  that big I use it for errands all the time now  

    I need to put it back on the platform but gas is  just way too much I can’t do it uh um what Noble   say will black Tesla still be under Lux black I  don’t I think they’re only taking away Lux but I  

    Think they’re keeping Lux black I think they are  keeping Lux black I think they’re doing that but   Lux definitely is is leaving anybody who don’t  have a black car we gonna be because they got   to keep a premier option on Lux to compete with  Uber’s Premier options so they might still have  

    Lux black on there I just think they’re getting  rid of just the Lux period Lux cars are gone so   uh oh shy Shug new driver from Boston should  I sign up for ride share Insurance Your Truth   common sense is addicted and you’re funny crusty  Dusty raggedy [ __ ] is hilarious but true love it  

    Thank you definitely get I would get ride share  Insurance because this is why I have ride share   insurance on my policy because if you were to  anything was to happen and you don’t have ride   share insurance and your company finds out you  were doing ride share they don’t even have to  

    Insure you for nothing they like well you never  told us you doing ride share with it so we ain’t   gonna insure you on anything now you’re out of  pocket now you got a car you’re still paying on  

    I mean paay an extra like 13 to $18 a month  something like that I don’t know what it is   but for me I think it was like 14 extra dollars a  month I’m paying for Rod share Insurance because I  

    Go through um travelers insurance and I’m might  be switching because I pay 470 a month for all   my cars 470 a month insurance now this month  coming up they’re charging me 500 with the new   policy so I’m looking for new insurance because  I ain’t paying no 500 a month for all these cars  

    [ __ ] that no and I was just telling Juan Vargas  man that I was paying for two motorcycles on my   motor motorcycle insurance because I never took  my son’s bike off I gave him a bike a couple of  

    Years ago so for two years I’ve been paying over  $240 every year for his motorcycle because I just   forgot to take it off so I took it off yesterday  my insurance dropped from like 460 a year down  

    Like the 200 a year I’m like so I’ve been paying  for this motorcycle the whole time and never took   it off the insurance it’s like damn it why did  not think of that oh yeah Logan says yeah I came  

    Here because we spoke with you about your old  Finance career and you intrigued me with doing   Uber up where I live there isn’t as much demand  but I might do it as a side gig Weekends Only  

    Devy Logan hey and that’s the thing man if you’re  only doing it as a side gig on weekends you can   make some really good money with it I mean just  think if you make an extra $150 $200 a weekend  

    That’s $800 a month so you could be making 800  bucks a month doing like maybe a quarter tank of   gas a weekend quarter tank half a tank of gas a  weekend and it’s easy man it’s easy and even if  

    The man ain’t there you can help create demand  and I’m gon tell you how you do that you don’t   take crap rides if they’re sending you a bunch  of of crap like dollar a mile 50 send them out  

    Don’t even take that [ __ ] sit back relax  guarantee at some point the demand for RIS   are going to increase so much they’re going to  throw surge out there $350 $5 they gonna throw   something out there get that surge like look at  how you can trap it with Uber pet get that Surge  

    And now you can take that ride that was a dollar  a mile and it’s it was like maybe six miles so now   you got a $9 ride for you know it’s a six mile  ride for $9.50 but the person might tip you $5  

    So now you got $14 for Six Mile Rod now you got  your $2 a mile you was waiting on you just had to   wait and create it because a lot of times if you  just take it they gonna keep giving it to you so  

    Don’t take what they give you create the demand  that’s why we tell people just log off don’t be   sent to the airport with your apps on help create  demand because if the apps and the algorithm says  

    Because the algorithm is binary it thinks in ones  and zeros if it sees way too many cars online then   it has to make a choice not to send surge that’s  the the one zero correlation it’ll say this many  

    Cars online equals no surge this many cars online  with this many rides coming in equals surge needs   to be applied so it’s reading code so if everybody  was to get offline the code will automatically  

    Say we need to get drivers to that area as soon  and that’s why a lot of us when we do concerts   we’re sitting at the concert with our apps off  nobody has their app on at the concerts we’re  

    Looking at stuff sometimes like I’ll turn it on  and look at it and I’ll hear them turn it back   off because they’ll start sending me crap but the  surge builds because nobody’s online everybody’s   just walking around talking each other waiting to  see The Surge pop up on the screen we’re creating  

    Demand because if we all just sat online the app  would read the code and go hey you know we have   enough drivers in the area to meet the demand  there’s no surge necessary we want to create  

    Demand so we go do nobody get online sit around  make the algorithm think nobody’s here all of a   sudden $9 surge then it goes $10 and it goes  15 it goes $25 The Surge just keeps going up   because we’re creating there’s too many calls  flood in the system and the algorithm is like  

    We need drivers in this area what can we do to get  drivers in this area what can we get to do to get   drivers to take these rides that’s how it works  man so would you being new to Rod share you’re  

    Gonna you’re gonna have a it’s gonna be testy for  a while but you just got to believe in the system   man just believe in the system and say there’s a  way that demand is created supply and demand is  

    How surge works and is how fairs work if you keep  taking [ __ ] fairs they’re gonna keep giving them   to you they’re gonna say well apparently the  the equilibrium that’s reached is is perfect   the supply and the demand he’s taking those rides  at that price point so apparently that’s a good  

    Price point but if you say I don’t like rides  at that price point they’re going to move the   price point up because demand is still going  up Supply is going down so they’re gonna have  

    To keep moving that price point until it comes to  a new equilibrium it might be $2 a mile might be   $3 a mile but if you keep taking that a dollar a  mile the algorithm thinks the the equilibrium is  

    At a dollar a mile because everybody’s taking at  a dollar a mile so everything’s fine it’s like you   got to make the algorithm think the equilibrium is  off you need to move it because the demand is not  

    Being met the supply of rides coming in a supply  of drivers they’re not meeting up so it’s like it   it’s just messing with the algorithm man trying  to figure it out trying to you know get their  

    Computer to see something different uh oh Chris D  says no more luxa preferred for me today was the   last day for me uh oh yeah it’s only 5:45 right  now so I still got about another six hours let’s  

    See what happens when Midnight’s hit and shepher  brother said hey what do you recommend I’m on the   old way Uber pays where it does not give you in  an upun fair shepher when I used to do that when  

    I used to only have that kind of affair I used to  go post up in areas where I knew it was going to   be short rides and very busy that’s when I used to  do a lot of Scottsdale because Scottdale is a big  

    Party area everybody was doing short rides back  to the condos apartments in the areas back to the   time shares and and the airbnbs so I would always  post up in an area where I know it’ be short rides  

    If you go far away and you get longer rides I  mean you’re at you’re at the risk of of having   some serious nature hikes so you got to like get  to an area Like a downtown area restaurants a lot  

    Of hotels in the area events everybody doing  real short rides and a lot of times I would   tell people you know talk to your Rider talk  to them let them know hey I just I swiped it  

    On and it says I’m going 37 miles I can tell you  right now I may have to cancel this because 37   miles is a long way and I might not be able to  you know get a ride back or whatever they might  

    Say hey you know what we’ll give you you know $30  cash right now $30 cash on top of that cool cool   let’s go let’s go go and that’s sometimes you got  to talk to your Rider sometimes just let them know  

    It might be a ride I can’t facilitate because  it’s kind of far out no what D say I had rare   Insurance extra 189 in Michigan and since I had  a passenger my insurance didn’t cover uh check  

    Policy my crash was catastrophic drunk drove into  me at 140 damn man your insurance should have went   through sub regation to get that paid for Logan  says true true great advice I’m going to try it  

    Again with your methods I need to get on LP so I  can go back and forth our city is 880,000 people   should have some demand I would think yeah 80,000  you could do some with 880,000 I go to some pretty  

    Small towns out here that don’t even have 880,000  and I do all their like restaurant areas in their   bar like Gilbert Chandler it’s not 880,000 people  but I do all those little short areas all those  

    Little short trips and I get pretty I get some  pretty good rides out of there so you might be   a able to get something going brother yeah let me  see in my market Li is going to beg me back Chris  

    D say they gonna beg me to come come back or a lot  of people are giving like these huge bonuses to to   get them to come back and I’m like dude I’m not  doing that though they don’t they don’t give me  

    Any good bonuses they don’t JQ nobody says turn  off your app while you are currently completing   another trip it’s unsafe to deal with while  driving it will also increase demand if you   not online yep we talk about that a lot JQ smart  play right there that’s a smart play we talk about  

    Using stop request and last ride I always go to  lip I hit last ride because if you don’t and we   say it like this if you don’t hit last Rod Uber is  notorious for this they going to keep sending you  

    Rides as you’re driving because you’re going to be  by a surge when you get to the drop off now if you   lose stop new request you use stop new request  you hit that when you drop the person off they  

    Get out the car you see right around the corner  $13 surge right around the corner now you would   have never got that $13 surge if you didn’t use  stop new requests because they would have linked  

    You up with another Rod no surge applied at all  and you would have drove away from that surge not   knowing it was sitting there waiting on you always  use last ride and stop new requests because like I   said it’s it’s you’re losing money you’re losing  opportunity when you keep letting them stack rise  

    On your queue you’re losing opportunity yep Uber  should have covered you because you had passengers   yeah driven Tony’s right man they should have  covered you and your insurance could have went   through subreg because your insurance company  could have went through subreg to get the money  

    From Uber and FFF to cover everything because  subreg is when two insurance companies talk back   and forth one is going to pay like your insurance  company would have covered everything but would   have went through subreg to get their money back  they would have started fighting another insurance  

    Company you didn’t have to fight anything like  when I got rear entered in the Jeep all I did   was tell my insurance company hey I got rear  entered in my Jeep it was like okay I was like  

    Well this is what it cost to fix it okay so they  went through they gave me the money my insurance   company paid me then they had to go fight the  other insurance comp to get all the money back  

    I even got my um my deductible they even fought  and got me my deductible back so segregation is   when two insurance companies fight your insurance  company should cover everything and they got to   go after Uber and go after the other insurance  companies like that guy guys yours and everybody  

    Else’s but you should be free and clear of it  all look up subreg man and tell your insurance   companies you know [ __ ] like that be like  dude I know how subreg works you guys need to   pay me because they don’t want to pay claims no  insurance company wants to pay claims but when  

    You start speaking like you know how Insurance  Works they go okay so this dude’s been through   this [ __ ] before this ain’t his first rodeo I  know how subreg works you guys need to cut me a  

    Check y’all need to go chase these people for the  money I don’t need to be chasing those insurance   companies I’m I’m a policy holder with y’all so  if I hold a policy with y’all y’all to go fight  

    For me because I’m paying y’all a policy every  month to cover my [ __ ] y’all cover it even   though it’s not my fault y’all still got to pay  me as my insurance company and y’all need to go  

    Get y’all money from that insurance company subreg  that’s how it works and so I’ve never had to deal   with another insurance company they hit my [ __ ]  I just call my insurance be like hey y’all gota   cut me a check somebody hit my [ __ ] okay give  us their insurance give them all the information  

    This and that all right send them all of the the  information they cut you a check it’s a done deal   you don’t got to worry about nothing if they want  the money back they got to go chase the insurance  

    Company [Laughter] subreg yeah what JQ says don’t  turn off your app just stop accepting trips while   already completing one to encourage um surge yeah  well the thing is we don’t turn off the app you   just hit stop new request when you hit stop new  request it automatically sends you offline when  

    That ride ends so you can’t stop new requests and  stop rides and still have your app on at the same   time you can’t do that it’s it’s impossible if you  use last ride and you use stop new requests your  

    App automatically goes off when you hit in ride  you can’t undo that so that’s why I always say you   stop new request it’s gonna your app automatically  goes off it’s it’s not your control you can’t say  

    Hey stop last ride but don’t turn your app off  that’s beyond your control when you use last ride   and stoping request you have essentially turn  your app off when that ends it happens that’s  

    How the app is set up so I don’t know what you  mean by saying don’t turn your app off just stop   accepting trips that’s not possible you can’t do  that the app will go off on its own automatically  

    So as soon as you hit stop new request you end the  ride the app turns off you see where all the surge   is you can put it on Uber pet or whatever turn  your app back on go hurry up and get the surge  

    Do whatever you want to do but the app’s gonna  automatically turn it off it’s like man let’s see   uh uh Li removed their insured uninsured of March  2020 Uber’s 50k what lift removed their under   uninsured underinsured Mar but they probably  didn’t they probably removed that insurance  

    Policy but they sure didn’t remove the charges we  getting for it because we get that that comes out   of our money I guarantee it does say Connor says  really messed up getting rid of Lux in Vegas it’s  

    Definitely not dead here did 250 only yesterday  in four hours yeah they we get Lux rids all the   time lean Vargas did like 29 I did like 19 it was  crazy like in the weekend so I know the rides are  

    There so they saying oh there’s no request oh  there’s request there’s request yeah on Uber   I turned to Paw Patrol while on the ride to stop  the new request you could do that too you could do  

    That too on lip I don’t have anything all I got is  like lift I have to do last ride on lift I don’t   have PAW Patrol I wish like shoot yeah said go to  Legal ride your lawyers about that accident they  

    Could probably help yeah I would because they  you’re in a situation where it was if you had   passengers you were covered somebody was covering  you in that you were doing work for somebody you  

    Were being contracted at the time so yep and what  Uber LIF say yo Jeff I just did some Lux rod super   sad to see it go oh Uber lift Nick man hey I got a  funny feeling that it’s not gonna be a lot of Lux  

    Rides out there but it’s gonna be a whole bunch  of vinmo cash app rides going I tell you that much   there gonna be a lot of V I’m gonna be like listen  you got four [ __ ] y’all trying to go miles this  

    Is what I charge to go that far I charge like  $45 okay bet bet that’s what we G to do thanks   Uber live Nick my man my man he’s like this he’s  got the super chat with the hands bumping what’s  

    Up I like that appreciate the Super Chat brother  the nucks give me some nucks brother that’s what’s up what Logan Sayan say hey Jeff I’ll watch you  a decent amount of your videos and I know you  

    Do mostly nights have you tried days and was the  money is good in Phoenix days are hard for me when   I used to do days when I first started I would  start sometimes about you know noon 1 p.m. lot  

    Of traffic moving slow the ability I can’t U-turn  if I go into a parking lot I probably can’t come   back out as fast so traffic really it it keeps  you in an inefficient manner I mean there’s crazy  

    Surge in the daytime that’s the one thing about  it there’s crazy Surge and I’ve always said you   can look at some of my videos brother I always  said day drivers should be paid more than night  

    Drivers because day drivers have to deal with way  more [ __ ] and they get slowed down a lot more   than night drivers we’re very efficient at night  we can make more money because we can move faster  

    Day drivers the rates should be higher for people  to drive in the day than at night because we gonna   make our money at night you can’t have day drivers  on the same pay system as night drivers the [ __ ]  

    Ain’t Fair because day drivers get stuck behind  buses they get stuck behind cargo vans trucks   these apps are not understanding how ride share  really works day driver should be able to make the   same amount of money we make at night you got to  pay them more because I could do four five rides  

    In an hour like at night four or five in an hour  I could do I’ve done it before daytime you ain’t   doing that many in an hour so therefore your rides  need to pay you more so if you can only do two  

    Rides an hour you should be paid the equivalent  of what we can get paid in five because there’s   no balance there’s no balance there it forces  people not to want to drive days which is why   it’s surging like crazy all day because nobody  wants to deal with all that traffic day drivers  

    Need to be paid more for day rates it that [ __ ]  just don’t make sense to me why they using the   same rates at night and day it that [ __ ] don’t  it don’t balance it just doesn’t balance I don’t  

    Like that I just don’t like it yeah shy said thank  you one day would love to have you meet and greet   and everyone and share their passenger stories  oh we’d have fun oh Logan like I said Logan he’s  

    Rolled with me before he’s rolled with me and I  be having some great rides we be laughing cracking   up bumping music we be having a good time I tell  the apps be getting on my last damn nerves with  

    Some of the [ __ ] they be pulling with you know  having pickup pens in different locations and all   over have your U-turn and [ __ ] giving you stuff  on the other side of the way should be irritating  

    Me but when I actually get a ride with somebody  and and like Logan and we have a great time we you   know trade information and everything else like  that that’s what keeps me driving the apps don’t  

    Keep me driving it’s people like Logan that’s who  keeps me driving because if it was up to the apps   I’ll be like man [ __ ] that I ain’t doing this  [ __ ] luckily you get good people like Logan  

    Coming in and we have a great time and it’s like  oh I need another ride like that that shit’s good   for your so it’s just good for you and you go all  right let’s roll let’s roll let’s do this [ __ ]  

    Again let’s find another good ride and that’s what  I do I want to be paid well I’m G have a good time   while I’m at it and a lot of times that’s how it  works out you can hear my videos I’ll be like oh  

    Man that [ __ ] was cool that last route was cool  and that’s what I love about ride share the people   not the apps [ __ ] these apps I don’t care about  these apps oh ragged ass Oscar Grouch ass apps but  

    The people who are requesting to rise the people  you meet man we have a good time we have a great   time oh yeah yes what what Drew say especially  during rush hour these apps pay shitty to sit in  

    Traffic and that’s the thing man they if the apps  actually understood how ride share worked and how   traffic made a huge huge difference in pay the  day rates would automatically switch right after   rush hour is done then the rates should go back  to night rates day rates from from I think about  

    7:30 8 o’clock in the morning always till 5:00 P  PM there should be this thing called day rate day   rate is for the day drivers who deserve to make  the same amount of money we make at night because  

    We can move a lot faster without day rates it it’s  hard to make money I’ve tried days man it’s hard   to move around because you got tra you sitting  at one light for two two turns because there’s  

    So much traffic sitting there at night it ain’t  nobody at the light I can run that [ __ ] get to   where I’m trying to go to quick because there’s  not another car in a mile in any direction so I  

    Could just go and I mean on busy streets i’ be  sitting at the most busiest intersection of the   world with no car Mile in any direction so I could  just go through that [ __ ] I’m like I see cops do  

    It all the time too I’m like man [ __ ] this I  ain’t waiting here ain’t nobody out here I’m in   the middle of Gilbert middle of nowhere it’s like  you can see a goddamn coyote and [ __ ] running  

    Across the street that’s it it’s me and some  [ __ ] coyote nobody else but in the daytime I   mean you three four lights deep three four lights  deep drivers need to be paid for that [ __ ] you   cannot sit there and have these people working  days at the same rates because they’re going to  

    Go broke they’re not going to have the profit  margins we have at night and therefore you got   two certain sets of drivers you gonna have some  day drivers struggling like a [ __ ] at night   drivers eating everybody got to eat they need to  pay day drivers more man I’ve tried to drive days  

    I’ve went out there and done it and that [ __ ]  sucks the money’s not right the money’s not right   and these apps need to come up with a way to say  okay we need to have two sets of rates if you’re  

    Going to be a night driver we’re gonna do these  sets of rates be okay with this day driver this   is what you guys get cool perfect because most  day drivers got kids so they got to be at home at  

    Night with their kids they got three four kids you  know during the daytime the kids are at school so   they can go to you know drive while the kids are  at school they got four mouthes to feed they get  

    Four mouthes to feed on these shitty ass rates  but we go out at night when they’re home with   their kids and they just you know we’re making  $3 $400 in a night doing events and concerts and   Symphonies and all this [ __ ] bars and and these  [ __ ] barely made $130 working days because the  

    Most they could ink out was you know 15 rides  at less than you know $10 a ride they did you   know $9 a ride or some [ __ ] they making 120  130 in a day that [ __ ] to me ain’t fair that  

    [ __ ] ain’t Fair because they deserve to to be  able to make a life to pay for those kids that   are sitting in school they can only work days  that’s it they can’t work nights so they need  

    To make money and I’m like man ABS they don’t got  it right they don’t have the [ __ ] balanced out   right but these [ __ ] at apps man oh thank you  ad Dophin my brother that’s my man ad Dophin right  

    There ad doph Jeff brother you were on fire man I  appreciate it brother I appreciate it brother real   talk my man ad we go back and forth all the time  man and and AD doph he’s a great guy this dude he  

    Wants to do something for the the military out  in his area he wants to give them like you know   gifts for their service and stuff like that so it  I’ve been really thinking about how I can help you  

    Out of dolphin because I like that idea you got  some great ideas man you got some great ideas so   we G we gonna chat man we gonna go back and forth  through email because we gonna figure out how to  

    Get your plan to come to fruition we gonna figure  it out we just need to get some stuff together   but we gonna figure it out brother what JQ says  Ser J rasher guy turn on several accounts in one   location and watch the offers come in the Herz  rentals were receiving sometimes significantly  

    Less oh yeah herds get they get way less because  they can do that they can force them to take less   because herdz Runners have to do at least 30  rides if you have to do at least 30 they got  

    You by the balls that’s just what it is you don’t  have any option you have no Freedom so if you’re   doing you know you got to do at least 30 rides you  down to the wire they can give you 30 [ __ ] fairs  

    You got to take it because you got to keep the  car that’s what you got to do whereas somebody   like me who don’t rent I can kick rides out all  I could do 19 rides a week and be okay if I can  

    Make you know 20 $30 a ride I’m making almost  $600 off those 2030 uh 2030 rides or whatever I’m   making almost 600 bucks so I’m cool but a rener  has to take the [ __ ] rides and they know they  

    Got them by the balls and they do that they push  him to take these bad rides and again most renters   they’re out in the daytime and I know this because  I’ll see them like in the mornings like when I’m  

    Coming home in the in the morning and I’m coming  down priest I see all the Teslas the day driver   Teslas all charging up they’re all sitting out  there at the machines the whole rows taken up and  

    They’re charging so I know these are day drivers  in these rentals I know that so I’m like man and   they’re they’re gonna be grinding themselves into  the ground in these rentals taking [ __ ] rates   all day long and I’m sitting there like if if the  apps aren’t seeing the the imbalance and not only  

    What the apps are taking from us each ride there  this a huge imbalance in what they’re taking from   us each ride but an imbalance in the pay based on  I I bet they look at night drivers and man night  

    Drivers make a lot of [ __ ] money man these night  drivers because we got events we got events we can   do you know concerts and get you know $20 surges  $30 surges plus a tip on top of that we’re doing  

    $60 for like 12 miles we’re getting $5 a mile  on a whole lot of trips they drivers rarely get   that they don’t get that but they still out there  every damn day and worse traffic than what we in  

    Way worse traffic than what we in and they get  treated like [ __ ] by the apps day drivers it   should be like if you’re a day driver you can  only go between these hours and these hours  

    You should get these type of surges these type  of bonuses and at the end of the week get this   type of bonus to compensate for what you don’t  get from the night drivers that’s it that’s it  

    And that’s how you balance out ride share you got  to look at all the drivers and that means my phone   is probably locked up to where I can’t get online  in the daytime cuz if I classify myself as a night  

    Driver Jeff your your app only works between 6:00  p.m. and 7 a.m. that’s it your app doesn’t work   anytime in the middle because you’re classified  as a night driver and you get night pay on your  

    App anybody who’s classified as a day driver your  app works between e hours that’s it I’m like I I’m   cool with that I’m cool with that because then  you could switch when like the big events come  

    Like waste management and all that I can send in  a request Say Hey I want to be day driver for for   Waste Management I want to do days because days  is when shit’s really jumping and they give you  

    That option maybe but with with anybody just  being able to log on off and on at any time you   could flood the the apps saturate the markets you  can drown out [ __ ] profits from other drivers  

    And stuff like that well yeah I’m working tonight  it’s only six o’clock right now you can drown out   profits from all the other drivers and and our day  drivers all of our brothers and sisters out there  

    In the daytime driving they get starved out of the  opportunities to make the same amount of money we   make doing events and all that at night and like  I said that that [ __ ] to me is it ain’t Fair  

    It’s an imbalance and me being a night driver I’m  not a greedy driver I tell people I give money to   people all the time I’m always like hey here’s a  good ride for here’s a $45 ride here’s a $60 ride  

    Because you know for 40 miles that way I’m not  going 40 miles that way I had a it was a think   one time it was like a 80 or $90 ride going way  out to the West in the Hills somewhere 50 miles  

    Out west into the hills I can’t because I got to  turn around and come back and it would be less   than a dollar a mile because I would go 50 miles  this way 50 miles back $85 is not enough for me  

    So I’m like I would just kick it out to somebody  because somebody lives out in the Hills that way   and I would give that money to them because I’m  not a greedy driver I believe if we look at all  

    Driver situations not just our own situation  it will force us to have a sense of humanity   and be like you know what this guy has you know  three kids four kids he can’t work nights I can   work nights you know if there’s any possibility  of getting bonuses or structures like that leave  

    I mean I wake up sometimes in the daytime the  whole map is R in Phoenix the entire map is red   in Phoenix why don’t I turn my phone on because  I work nights I’m not going to go out there and  

    Starve out day drivers I don’t turn my phone on  in the daytime people be asking me about [ __ ]   I’m already my brain don’t even work to turn my  phone on in the daytime I’ll get up sometimes  

    And King James say oh man I’m gonna get out today  for a little bit this and that because he has some   [ __ ] he has to do at night I’ll turn my app on  the whole map is red I’m looking to see if I got  

    Any tips overnight if there’s any reservations  popping up this and that whole map is red my car   don’t leave the driveway because there’s drivers  out there who need that money more than I need   it there’s drivers out there who don’t have events  they gonna be able to work tonight they can’t work  

    To Jonas brother concert the Dr concert they  got kids at home so that’s my time to go out   and make the money let them have the day money  because it don’t come often that [ __ ] don’t   come often for them day drivers they’re sitting  behind [ __ ] truck they’re sitting at trains  

    They don’t run trains at night because trains at  night go and it [ __ ] up the whole neighborhood   wakes everybody up so trains run in the daytime  so you got Uber driers sitting behind trains all   [ __ ] day just like man I can’t even go nowhere  I’m sitting behind this [ __ ] train they missing  

    The opportunity to get sered they waiting on the  damn train to go through they got buses every   [ __ ] where they driving is rugged it’s rugged on  people that’s right ad Dophin forget the tier just  

    Do basic math and it’ll make sense and and there  so many people for getting that that basic math of   and that’s why when I’m talking about day drivers  versus night drivers the math has to make sense   for why certain people make profits and certain  people don’t in certain communities like up in Sun  

    City everybody’s like 55 years old and up they’re  not out all night partying so night driving in Sun   City you ain’t making no [ __ ] money day driving  in Sun City you taking everybody to doctor’s   appointments dentist appointments friends houses  bingo games shuffleboard games cricket games you  

    Taking people everywhere because most older people  don’t drive they rather have a driver so Sun City   daytime’s booming surging everything up there  nighttime it’s dead so down here in Tempe I’m   in Gilbert I’m in Chandler because there’s more  younger crowds you got to know the whole Market  

    Understand how it all works and then you can’t  have that sense of greed understand there are some   day drivers out there and I’ll tell them go up to  Glendale go to Peoria go to Sun City if you’re in  

    A daytime there’s people up there that need it I’m  helping them understand where the drive where the   rides are because when I drove the Jeep when I  first started I did days I would have to drive  

    The Jeep on big ass 35s trying to help people get  up in this big ass Jeep I had to get steps that I   had to buy steps that drop down when you open  the doors and raise back up when you close the  

    Doors because people couldn’t climb in my Jeep  so I had to go spend $1,600 just to get people   up in my [ __ ] Jeep it was too tall I’m tell you  I was doing everything I could to to help myself  

    Be a better driver I was investing deeply into  this just like I invested into this Beamer and   now these [ __ ] taking Lux away [ __ ] irritates  me because we really take this [ __ ] serious I  

    Was just telling people well if you can’t get in  I’m going to leave your ass on the curb no I said   damn people are having a hard time get in how  can I do this when to talk to a Jeep store Jeep  

    Stores you can get AMP Research steps what’s AMP  Research they’re automatic steps that drop down   when you open the door they fold up when you close  the door I need those 1,600 bucks damn let me go  

    Out and work a little bit because I need to come  up with some money but I did the best I can do   to help people when I rolled that jeep I did it  oh yeah Uber can use that Beacon against you oh  

    Yeah oh yeah and I don’t do it man I don’t do it  I I’ve never had lift lights and stuff like that   in my car when I first started I put the lift the  little lift bubble light in my car but then I gave  

    It away I gave cuz I’m like I don’t like this  [ __ ] I just it was something about it man it   was like the way I was lit up at stop lights later  at night going through you know I’m going through  

    Damn parking lots I’m going through apartment  complexes this big old thing is lift I’m just   like man I look like a Sitting Duck everybody’s  going around talking about how how Uber drivers   can’t defend themselves against attacks and all  this and I’m sitting with a big ass lift light  

    Sitting in my damn car I’m like take that [ __ ]  out my car I’m not going to be a Sitting Duck for   these people oh take that [ __ ] out and now they  using it to track people it’s like no I’m cool on  

    That no I’m cool Mike pan you stupid he said I’m  done with Jeff’s profanity I’m never coming back   on here I’m going to listen and learn from my  man Spencer I’m out of here I’m back [ __ ] Mr

    Fr I like that little speech that was crazy I’m  done with jeffin his profanity I’m never coming   back on here I’m going to listen to him and  learn from my man Spencer I’m out of here okay  

    I’m back [ __ ] sper Fred that dude yeah and you  right brixon ay higher risk with more drivers on   the road which means the premiums to ride need to  offset the risk associated that’s what I’m saying   more people have accidents in the daytime than  the night time it’s just it’s probability man  

    It’s probability and drivers are not compensated  for that risk they’re not compensated for that   probability properly and I know you know the  apps don’t look out for us they don’t I mean   real [ __ ] they don’t look out for us they don’t  care enough that think about the things we think  

    About from the driver’s perspective and me being a  day driver at first then going to a night driver I   see the difference which is why I chose nights but  that don’t mean I need to forget about my brothers  

    And sisters that drive in the daytime it means  I need to bring up the situation people are out   protesting people are out going on striking [ __ ]  no we still need to think about our day brothers  

    And sisters we still because even though some  some of us don’t do it no more they still exist   they’re still in inbalance in Pay they’re still  in imbalance in risk associated with opportunity   Associated this is what we fight for we fight for  all of us not just night oh I’m only fighting for  

    The night drivers no I fight for drivers there  is no night or day I’ll fight for driver pay and   there’s certain situations where you need to say  these drivers need to be paid more for what they  

    Do longdistance drivers need to be compensated  they need to be at least be like hey the apps   need to say listen we’ll do this if we give you a  [ __ ] nature hike that’s 100 miles we will cover  

    The receipt take a picture of your gas receipt  we will attach that to your trip most drivers   might say okay cool I I spent 60 bucks cool  so we’re going to give you the 100 then we’re  

    Going to give you 60 on top of that cool that’ll  work and at least you feel better about it even   though it’s low profit you know as far as the  amount of time you use and [ __ ] like that at  

    Least you got compensated for something back but  to sit there and have these drivers drive a 100   miles away 150 miles away but got to come all the  way back on their own gas with no guaranteed ride  

    To come back no guaranteed Rod to come back that  [ __ ] irritates me because you got somebody far   from home who don’t have upfront Fair information  they don’t have upfront Fair information they take   a ride thinking they’re only going two miles four  miles eight miles n miles they get 150 mile ride  

    And now they got to go way the hell out somewhere  because they don’t want to just cancel that [ __ ]   on the spot and telling people get out their car  and get their luggage out of the car they don’t  

    Want to be like that yeah $96 Scott Harbor the  Flagstaff 300 mile round trip man ain’t no way   in hell ain’t nowhere in hell no way to go all way  up the flag for $96 that’s gas there back that’s  

    It you just spent money on gas ding back it was a  free ride for somebody free ride and you they you   know they probably charge somebody 400 for that  they probably charge somebody 400 for that ride  

    But they giving you $96 out of that yeah bris and  even even warehouse workers typically make more   at night because they call it the night shift  and people get that they get swing shift money  

    They get graveyard shift pay but yet in Rod share  this is the only industry where they don’t look at   levels of how people are doing [ __ ] everybody’s  paid the the same across the boards for the  

    Most part the rates are the same when the rates  don’t need to be the same like that Logan my man   appreciate it brother that’s my rider My Man Logan  right there he say Jeff you’re an awesome dude  

    Thank you for the hospitality I honestly didn’t  expect our Uber driver to make a difference in   my night like you did and now giving us all this  awesome info thank you I appreciate that Logan  

    Truly appreciate that brother and like I said you  never know who we gonna meet man we never know I   just treat people with respect we have a good time  we ride around you know and you guys respecting  

    Me back I gave you all my information because I I  just felt you know the energy between you brother   so I said hey here’s my information man here’s my  information and we stayed in touch and everything  

    And now here you are on the chat and you’re  gonna be a driver with us that’s what’s up man   and you’re gonna come into the game as a smart  driver I appreciate that and this is his first  

    Super on the live stream appreciate that Logan  this is your first Super Chat I appreciate that   and like I said good luck out there and don’t  be a stranger a lot of drivers on this channel  

    You can read through the chat the comments lot of  drivers out there man we know exactly what what it   takes to make a little profit so we going to not  lead you down the wrong path and we’re going to  

    Try to lead you in a right way to where you get  some money to stack in that bank account slowly   and slowly less expense you know more profits  that’s the trick of the game right there don’t  

    Don’t listen to these oh man you got to stay busy  just drive non-stop yeah they’ll have your ass   200 miles away from home you know riding on fumes  don’t do that Mike Penner thank you brother thank  

    You brother good night and thanks Jeff for your  sincerity hey man hey it’s all love brother all   respect and love Mike man you know me and you we  go back and forth you and your jokes man I love it  

    Man you you keep the chat live with them jokes  brother every time you come in you taking care   of the Tesla driver with them oil change gifts  certificates you kill me with that [ __ ] you   kill me with that man yeah multiple stops are the  worst doing surge prices that’s real oh Logan you  

    Logan you gonna find out about the multiple stops  man listen to a dolphin man multiple stops woo man   when you get surge pricing with multiple stops it  takes you out of the money because it’s taken too  

    Long for you to get back to the money trust me man  there’s some smart drivers on this channel very   smart drive and they’re gonna have you driving to  where each day you go out you’re G to make enough  

    Money to feel that you were productive that  day you weren’t just busy you weren’t just out   there busy you were actually productive and you  come back you go holy [ __ ] I only spent like a  

    Quarter tank of gas um you know a eighth of a tank  of gas and I made $120 that [ __ ] adds up during   the week you make 120 then you go back out you  make 130 now you’re at 250 bucks in a quarter of  

    A tank 250 bucks a quarter of a tank means you’re  going to make $1,000 for that full tank a grand   on a full tank of gas but it’s using smart ways  to do it so if you look at each quarter of a tank  

    As a day of the week you choose to drive I’ll say  Okay I want to drive a quarter of a tank this day   a quarter of a tank this day if I drive less than  a quarter that helps me because the next day I can  

    Drive a little more I’m like cool I only use the  eighth of a tank so I can drive a little more next   day I can drive you know a quarter and an eighth  so you slowly start using your gas tank as what  

    Day you’re going to drive I’m going to drive this  day got to make smart decision within that number   and you can tell as you’re driving if it’s a slow  night or a fast night if I’m sitting on a you know  

    A full tank of gas and I ain’t getting no rids  I’m coming back home with a full tank of gas I’m   not I’m not sitting out there all night because we  got nice cars we ain’t getting car jacked none of  

    That shit’s happening Emmanuel what’s good man I  got wisdom from the channel appreciate Jeff is the   man thank you Emanuel my brother Emanuel Sanchez  this is out there yeah but when I use my my tank  

    And I’m like Friday I always say Friday Saturday  I’m like okay cool I’m at a half a tank I got   Friday Saturday Okay so by the end of f Saturday  before Sunday comes I’m gonna be around about 50  

    Miles till empty I’m gonna run it all the way down  to almost the eighth of a tank I’m know I’m gonna   run it all the way down then I’ll fill up again  Saturday night when I’m done full tank on Sunday  

    Now I can start budgeting my week out but that’s  usually how I do it and just using you know that   tank of gas I’ll use probably about a full tank  and maybe about a eigh or a quarter and I’ll make  

    Almost $1,000 ,100 $1,200 off that so I’m not yet  at $1,000 for one tank even I I I keep coming up   short I’m at six seven you know I even did eight  one time I cannot do a $1,000 Dollar in a tank I  

    Just I can’t do it right now I’m figuring it  out though J says P Diddy guilty man P Diddy   guilty of everything I don’t care about P Diddy  P shitty that’s his name p shitty because he be  

    Treating people shitty all the time nobody like  P shitty man all of his artists don’t like him   everybody’s like man P shitty nah don’t sign with  P shitty don’t sign with Bad Boy Records he did   everybody wrong Danity Kane he did them wrong he  did everybody wrong yeah if you stop accepting  

    New offers Riders can’t add a stop after they get  in your car I don’t do stops with rare exceptions   yeah the only time I’ll do a stop no restaurants  if somebody say we gotta go to Taco B nope don’t  

    Do it don’t do it because you’re gonna be sitting  in line for 30 minutes and you’re gonna get like   a $3 tip 30 minutes for a $3 tip it ain’t worth  you can make way more than $3 in 30 minutes so  

    I don’t do stops at restaurants I’ll tell them  right now you got to pull that out I don’t do   restaurant stops you gotta do Uber Eats you gotta  do door Dash you gotta do something but this is a  

    Uber car this ain’t Uber Eats I’m not sitting in  no restaurant drive-thru for no 30 minutes with   no $3 tip no this ain’t Uber Eats and lot a lot  of them they understand oh okay okay okay someone  

    Be like oh man no I’ll give you $30 I’ll give you  $20 okay cool cool you got to give me that money   up front I know yep running that altitude says  no food and car period and see that’s the thing  

    We got some idiots out there who will eat in a  car now I don’t mind you if you’re at a grocery   store I pick you up but you got your food or  whatever and I pick you up it’s cool just don’t  

    Eat it that’s it just wait till we get to where  we going because one dude like I said two people   I know I’ve eaten in my car have left messes the  one dude last week with the boxes and [ __ ] all  

    In my seat and and the the bacon and [ __ ] all  in my floor in my seat him and then was a lady   jumped in and her kid had some potato chips and  I was like oh man I don’t like people eating my  

    Car oh no he’s gonna be clean he’s cool I just  don’t want him upset I gota man it was [ __ ]   potato chips all in my Jeep all in my Jeep it was  potato chips everywhere I had to literally because  

    I can’t go pick nobody up after that I ain’t gonna  have nobody sitting on potato chips and [ __ ] and   they going out to dinner they got [ __ ] stuck to  they clothes salt all these chip Flakes and every  

    No you can’t do people like that that’s dirty  so I was like you know what I don’t like people   leaving in my car cuz I don’t like to stop and  clean up I don’t like that especially when you  

    Ain’t getting no tip at all anyways so now I got  to do housekeeping I gotta do clean I just drove   you somewhere now I got to do cleaning I gotta  do housekeeping like no hell no you can’t eat in  

    My car this ain’t a restaurant you can’t eat well  tell you what sit on the curb and eat I’ll cancel   the ride I’ll stay in the area because I only do  short rides so I’ll probably come back to pick you  

    Up when you’re done eating because I’m only doing  short rides I’ll come back so you can finish sit   at the little table in front of [ __ ] quick trip  eat whatever you got to eat I’m still in the area  

    When you ready hit me up I’ll come back and get  you probably gonna have some surge on the [ __ ]   because I’m chasing some surge right now but I’m  not doing no goddamn housekeeping it’s like no  

    Yeah man four people get in with ice cream two of  those two ice cream is the worst and I’ll tell you   why ice cream is the worst because it gets sticky  and it sticks on plastic and it will discolor your  

    Plastic there’s chemicals and ice cream that  [ __ ] will discolor your PL it will have your   plastic turning white and pink if it drips inside  of your cup holders or anything like that and you   will clean it out but you still will forever see  where that those chemicals in that ice cream was  

    Whatever it is I don’t know what they got in ice  cream but that [ __ ] will leave a permanent stand   on a counter counter top with big ass ice cream  stain on it oh Emanuel came in he said hey I did  

    150 on Saturday quarter tank thanks you that’s  what I’m talking about brother usually I run   about 100 120 sometimes I’ll get up to about  150 but normally I’m about 120 on a quarter   tank man that’s what I’m talking about brother  that’s what I’m talking about right there you  

    Got to do it man you got to understand you know  what tanks are few and park that [ __ ] park it   somewhere turn it off sit back Scout rides for a  while so you’re not in traffic driving trying to  

    Look at the screen and do math and drive and not  rear in some [ __ ] body while you doing M know   [ __ ] that go park that [ __ ] somewhere turn  it off let the windows down kick back relax find  

    Some music real quick look at the YouTube video  or something you know on the repair you’ve been   thinking about doing on your car be like man I  keep hearing this ticking sound let me go look   at this serpentine belt [ __ ] repair real quick  go on YouTube look at the serpentine belt repair  

    But kick back that’s your time you are your own  boss you ain’t got to rush around for nobody you   your own boss and so when you doing that $150 on a  quarter tank that’s you smart driving that’s using  

    You your day wisely like I said you do that [ __ ]  you’re gonna do the 150 next you gonna hit another   150 next thing you know you’re gonna bust out with  a 270 280 day you’re like holy [ __ ] I just did  

    270 280 on a quarter tank because you going it’s  slowly the money’s going to slowly start building   up over theek week next thing you know you sit  on $1,100 $1,200 a week you’re like damn I did  

    $11,200 I only work like 15 hours man 17 hours I’m  saying 1100 bucks damn it happens man it happens   you just got to drive smarter and like I said we  ain’t got no supervisors we ain’t got no bosses  

    What we have are apps trying to use us as tools to  make profits for they self that’s what we have we   have that over our head so we got to sit back and  we got to analyze situations analyze transactions  

    Coming in excuse me if the situation is there’s  an event going on analyze the situation do you   want to be on the outskirts of the event is the  infrastructure right to where they got rare set  

    Up perfectly so you can go in and swing and pick  people up and get out of there if the rod share   is set up right like at Waste Management I’ll go  to waste management because it’s set up perfectly  

    But sometimes at the stadium is not set up right  I gotta do outskirts you got to analyze every   situation analyze the events because you got to  capitalize man you can’t be screwing around with   these apps and they will have you sitting in a  parking lot with a million cars and a million  

    People you getting eight 8 and it’s going to take  you 40 minutes to do this because you sitting in   traffic $18 for three miles looks good looks good  but it’s a lot of traffic and you like damn I just  

    Got set up $18 for three miles but I’m sitting  in the middle of a damn parking lot shit’s crazy   so you got to analyze every situation man analyze  them events because like I said 150 quar of tank  

    That’s that’s the speed I’ll be at you little you  doing a little bit better than what I’m doing on   mine like I said I try to go out and get as much  surge as I can because in that quarter of a think  

    I want to trap at least two or three surges if I  can get two or three surges $10 $15 a piece I can   start getting my numbers up I can start getting my  numbers up so within a quarter of a tank I’m like  

    Okay I need to save some of this tank for a surge  turn my apps off kick back I know surge usually   pop up in this area because I see it all the time  sure enough $13 around the corner Boop app on  

    Uber pet around the corner that’s one surge I got  within a quarter of a tank I need two more surges   within this quarter of a tank because if I can get  two more surges within that quarter of a tank then  

    I can start driving my $2 mile range you know $33  M because I’m hitting you know $6 a mile now $5   a mile because I’m grabbing that surge with that  quarter of a tank then at the end of the quarter  

    Of a tank because I’m sitting there on weekends  Saturday Sunday oh I can get you know three four   and within like an hour I’m getting three surges  within an hour so at the end of the day I probably  

    Got you know six seven surges at the end of the  day with that quarter of a tank so it looks real   good I’m sitting on like $200 on that last quarter  but you got to do that you got to say how much  

    Shirs can I tra within this quarter of a tank what  can I do I need a couple of $5 I need a625 I like   a n if I get a $3 surge give it to me right here  so I can do a one mile ride because it’ll be $6  

    For one mile because I’m already sitting at the  Jack In The Box $3 ride $3 surge $6 one mile to   the dorms cool take two kids to the dorm $6 for  one mile I do that [ __ ] Beamer bucks I’ll be  

    On that [ __ ] when I get a short Banger I be like  Beamer bucks Beamer bucks got got a bunch of kids   and [ __ ] standing with pom poms on the [ __ ]  Corner Beamer bcks Beamer bcks [ __ ] holding up  

    Big ass poster boards Beamer books like go get  that $6 hell yeah $6 for one mile let’s go so   if I can do $6 for one mile and I can go about  120 miles and a quarter tank at $6 for one mile  

    If I could do that [ __ ] that $720 I can make  with a quarter tank of gas 720 four those doing   that four times I can make almost $33,000 on one  tank of gas but that [ __ ] is hard to do $6 a  

    Mile for every ride is a whole bunch of$ three  trips with $3 surge for one mile do that [ __ ]   over and over nonstop just keep doing say dude  you just made $3,000 on one tank of gas dude all  

    My trips was $6 a mile I kept getting a $3 trip  with a $3 Surge and I just didn’t stop kept using   the same $3 surge over and over again for one  mile trip one mile trip one mile is killing they

    Ass yeah exactly some old school Pacman’s  out won up won up won up won up do that   [ __ ] hell yeah yeah was a bro  I never let ice cream eaters in   with ice cream that the sound of people  smacking lips triggers me I feel like  

    Backhanding them you [ __ ] stop licking  at ice cream you sound like a Labrador Retriever [ __ ] barked back at you godd damn it  [ __ ] barked at me man what the hell this human   just barked at me smack the [ __ ] out that [ __ ]  well Jo is stadium and downtown Phenix game nights  

    Can kill you avoid downtown Fenix when there’s  a baseball basketball and multiple events Joe   that’s why in my videos you never see me doing  those events you never because they don’t let   you do left turns they screw you up if I’m coming  north on Seventh Street I’ll be South Phoenix and  

    I’ll come north up Seventh Street when you get to  Washington they don’t let you make a left so you   got to go up to Monroe turn left and then see  if you can turn left on Maro somewhere because  

    Usually Once you turn left on like let’s say  Second Street Third Street something like like   that they got the road closed so you can’t even  get through Third Street to get down by Jefferson   to pick up people it’s so jacked up down there  man that’s why you never see I’ll try to grab  

    Somebody like if I can get Serge I’ll grab Serge  coming up seven Street and I’ll try to go up near   like Roosevelt if I can get somebody at a bar on  Roosevelt like the van bun or I get somebody from  

    You know Wells whatever get some then I’ll grab  that Surge and use it for somebody going into like   a house or an apartment it be like three miles  like cool I’ll do it three miles n bucks let’s  

    Do it $3 a mile but when it comes to game [ __ ]  you got to wait until everybody’s gone all the   traffic is clear all the no left turn [ __ ] is  out of the way and there’s people still standing  

    In the parking lots who are waiting for Serge not  to be there like the ladies I picked up the other   night from the uh I think it was the Jo no it was  the Pink concert it was the Pink concert I didn’t  

    Even know pink was in town they were some of the  last people there I got like $60 60 something   dollars for like 14 miles for that trip they were  the last people there I grabbed surge that’s when  

    I went and grab that it was a $15 surge sitting  around the corner from my house I was like oh   [ __ ] 15 bucks right around the corner so I shot  around the corner picked up the 15 got the pink  

    Offer went grabbed them from downtown right up  Seventh Street took them down to like auki it   was like 14 miles I was like hell yeah let’s do it  man 60 bucks and he tipped me on top of that the  

    Only way I do downtown phoenixes like that there  is no way you will get stuck in that traffic your   people can’t make it to you you can’t make left  turns nowhere you can’t park nowhere because the  

    Police with the vest on they be saying we’re going  to give you a ticket sir you got to keep moving   we’re going to give you a ticket I’ll be like oh  [ __ ] man my people was right around the corner  

    So now you got to take off fight through tra to  get back to him it ain’t worth it it ain’t worth   it it’s just not you gotta say I need to pick  up somebody at least Roosevelt if they could be  

    On Roosevelt even Monroe or Adams I’ll go Adams  Monroe Roosevelt any one of those streets I’ll   do when you doing Washington Jefferson count me  out just count me out I’m not doing it because  

    You’re G to get stuck down there and your people  can’t make it to you and the police won’t let you   stop because traffic go to keep moving so you  got to keep doing circles over and over again  

    And you’re stuck in traffic so it’s gonna take  you 15 20 minutes to go like a mile one mile   just keep going in circles it’s gonna take you 15  or 20 minutes to go one mile just to finally get  

    Your people to get out of there it ain’t worth  it because you gonna mess around and make like   $ 30 $40 an hour at an event with surge with surge  you making 30 $40 an hour at event when you should  

    Be making $100 per event so you $60 short screwing  around with Downtown Phoenix you $60 short an hour   it’s it’s not worth it they don’t got it set up  right so I’m like nope nope exactly debone they  

    They think they just walk up like we buses we’re  not buses you can just walk up and have me pull   over and you hop in cops would be like we gonna  give you a ticket like if you don’t keep it moving  

    You getting a ticket for imping traffic so we  got to take off they be like don’t you get in   that car you got to and they be I’m like oh man  let me pull up here on this side street I’m and  

    They’ll walk down the street and I’ll be parking  some little Alleyway and they can get in at the   alleyway but it’s like we can’t just pick you up  because you put the pen on Washington or Jefferson  

    You can’t do that these are busy streets Wason  and Jefferson are too busy we can’t do pickups   there I gotta find an alley I gotta pull over  into an alley you can get in there because I’m  

    Not getting a$2 $300 ticket for a $30 ride the  the math don’t work right there because now I   took your $30 and I gotta come up with a $200  you know pay a $200 ticket now so I need to go  

    Get more rides to pay this ticket off so it’s like  no I’m not getting no ticket just to pick somebody   up I rather just cancel the ride and go about my  business no because I’m not getting the ticket not  

    Happening and and customer oh man we sorry you got  a ticket for us man we so sorry about that we’ll   pay the ticket no you ain’t never getting that  conversation they’re gonna be like well why’ you  

    [ __ ] pick us up if you knew you was gonna get  a ticket exactly that’s why as a driver I use my   brain I cancel they ass because I know the pickups  on a busy street and I go somewhere else like no  

    You got the pin in the wrong place nope I’m out  what up Damon flag what’s good brother yeah Jesse   people order the rise next to Chase Field I’m  like why would they do that they know we can’t  

    Pick him up on the corner they know we can’t turn  right or left all the streets are blocked over   there it’s like and the police or Uber or somebody  should say that this zone is not able to pick up  

    Rods and put the pin somewhere else to force the  people to walk somewhere else because we can’t   pick up where they’re standing we going to get  a ticket we can’t go right if we’re going let’s  

    Say East on Jeff we can’t go south even when you  pass Chase Field they won’t let you go south you   got to keep going straight down Jefferson and you  got to pass like Ninth Street and all that [ __ ]  

    And sit in one of them parking lots and wait and  it’s like people don’t get it and we’re not going   to sit there and take you know a charge or a hit  for a ticket just to pick somebody up for $25 for  

    Four miles cool it’s a it’s a banger ass ride  but I got a $200 ticket now like [ __ ] don’t   work out I’m I’m mad now all day I work all day to  pay off a ticket did I didn’t have to get like man  

    What Macan said there’s barely any surge in my  city yeah when you don’t got surge in your city   that’s when you got to do like the bar runs you  got to do something that where you know you most  

    Likely gonna get a tip and that’s why I usually  like the bar runs because those people are in the   The Tipping mentality they’re in tipping mentality  when you just picking up somebody from Walmart or   somebody from a grocer they’re really not in  tipping mentality they think well I gave the  

    The apps the money and that’s where the apps are  [ __ ] up and that’s why we got to keep declining   rides that ain’t paying because the apps are  taking $12 from these people but giving us $4.50  

    Apps are keeping like eight so it’s like No And  that $8 y’all keeping throw us an extra four y’all   take the four and give us the eight like because  y’all got it inverse we’re the ones doing the  

    Actual service so why are we not getting paid for  doing the service the app is not the service the   app is the interface to get the service the app  is how they find how can I get the service of me  

    Getting home we’re doing we’re not selling them a  [ __ ] product we’re giving them a service a ride   a ride is is a service we deserve the service  fees the service fees don’t come to drivers  

    Apps be like oh well service fee the app is the  service no the app is the interface I know what   a service is the app is an interface a service  is when somebody comes out to your house like  

    They send out a service technician to do service  at your house the service technician is not the   person on the telephone I’m calling to say hey my  heat went out in my house okay we’ll send out a   service technician to you soon cool when a service  technician comes out that service technician does  

    Service the app does me making a phone call is not  the service me asking for somebody to come out to   my house is not the service the service is when  the person gets here just like in rash here the  

    Service is us doing the ride that’s the service  so this whole app [ __ ] of them being the C no   you’re not the service you’re the interface to  the service get it right we know what’s going on   y’all ripping [ __ ] off ripping off Riders  ripping off drivers that’s why we decline

    [ __ ] Jesse Jesse you stupid you say Spencer  Fred be picking him up though to keep that AR   to 100% hey hey Spencer Fred got like $400 worth  of tickets 100% AR $400 worth of tickets I gotta  

    Pick up my people I gotta stay busy godd damn it  I’m Spencer Fred [ __ ] I’m not declining nobody   [ __ ] you cop I’m picking up my people all  right Spencer Fred this is your third ticket  

    I gave you this week man hey you got quit doing  this [ __ ] Spencer I don’t care just let let   give me the ticket so I can go about my business  my AR 100% I’m gonna tell the judge that [ __ ]  

    Judge be like hey Spencer Fred welcome back  to court how you doing Spencer Fred hey how   you doing I’m sing 100% all right since you sell  at 100% we’re gonna put your ticket at Half Price  

    You only got to pay $200 this ticket instead of  400 we gonna put you at 200 because if your AR   was any lower than 100% we charge you full price  for this ticket Spenser Fred you lucky you had  

    100% AR yeah that shit’ll never happen that  [ __ ] need a t-shirt that say 100% AR I’mma   go to Walmart todayy hey I’m Spencer Fred I  got 100% ar oh Fred then this half price off   of everything in your [ __ ] basket you 100% AR  what’s up Lisa what’s good talking [ __ ] about  

    Spencer Fred back in the game baby that shit’s  funny Jesse you nuts with that [ __ ] spener   FR back in the game baby that [ __ ] walk out  of court and say that [ __ ] back in the game

    Baby [ __ ] leave court happy as [ __ ] I only  got $200 ticket this time but I’m still at 100%   [ __ ] don’t mess with Spen of Fred you mess  with SP of Fred you end up with Drop Dead Fred  

    That’s that old school movie Drop Dead Fred  God damn it don’t mess with Spencer Fred he   gonna come back on the channel one day and  he gonna light out he’s he’s working on a   whole log of [ __ ] he’s gonna light our ass  up he’s taking names he knows [ __ ] Jesse I  

    Know Melvin I know [ __ ] Mike Penner I’m getting  all they [ __ ] ass when I get back he gonna have   a whole speech what I like to say to all these  stupid ass drivers with low ARS [ __ ] all you

    Guys exactly SP Fred he get that 10 cent  hot dog and 5cent rud beer float mother   don’t mess with SP [Laughter] Fred Spence Fred  outside dropping relish all on the ground and   [ __ ] oh my God need a napkin I need a  napkin like dude where you get that hot  

    Dog from Uber this is a Uber dog this ain’t  a hot dog this is a Uber dog I got this for   free okay [ __ ] Uber dogs he said be taking  kids with him he taking kids with no car se he  

    Keeping 100% [ __ ] just they just standing up  in the seat and [ __ ] he hitting breakes they   falling all in the floorboard [ __ ] kid ain’t  even strapped in gotta keep that 100% dude why   is my kid all [ __ ] up [ __ ] rolling with  Spencer freed he got a blackout [ __ ] hit his  

    Hit his face on the air controls in the back  like damn this [ __ ] kid been round was SP bre Le said you stupid he said it’s scary when  the judge know you by name they know Spencer  

    Fred that [ __ ] walk in good morning Spencer  Fred we’ve been waiting on you we saw your name   on the docket we knew you’d be here Spencer Freds  every Monday we see Spencer Fred over the weekend   still at 100% you’ve been picking up people on  Washington and Jefferson anent Spencer I gotta  

    Pick my people up gotta keep that 100% like okay  SP we got you in court today for a transporting a   child endangerment no car seat but I got them  there I got to keep that 100% [ __ ] them car  

    Seats I don’t cancel nobody I don’t give a [ __ ]  [ __ ] Uber pet he got people all covered in dog   hair and [ __ ] like that [ __ ] covered in dog  hair show up at dinner like dude why are you  

    Covered in dog hair man we [ __ ] roll here with  Spencer Fred oh you got that one driver huh [ __ ]   covered in goddamn sheep dog hair sitting in a  [ __ ] restaurant like [ __ ] spener Fred man I  

    Think he’s driving a great PRI driving a great PRI  with no hub caps that motherf be hitting pothole   still going Bam Bam [ __ ] that Hub Cap I got 100%  AR I’m gonna pick up everybody what Brandon came  

    Through Brandon is at 842 for 18.6 Miles no than  dude that ain’t even 50 Cent a mile what the hell   that’s not even 50 Cent a mile you just got that  $842 for 18.6 mile wow wow oh they they digging in  

    The barrel right now they digging in the barrel  Spencer Fred popping this [ __ ] where that at   where that at I’m going go get that where that  at like [ __ ] that spensive red t-shirt just  

    Say that [ __ ] where that at where that at that’s  it that [ __ ] keep me at 100% [ __ ] show me you   need to show me what that 842 for 18.6 Miles head  where that at that [ __ ] boy man what is it two  

    Hours and 40 minutes in this live man hey you guys  have been great on this live stream I appreciate   us keeping it up under three hours we kept it  under three hours cuz see in the beginning I was  

    Going to say hey once it gets about two hours we  was going to cut it take a break and come back we   get going though man I love hanging out with y’all  man real [ __ ] a lot of drivers out there y’all  

    Y’all are funny y’all are funny like I said I’m  glad my man Logan you know one of my old Riders   got on the chat today and hit up and now he’s  gonna be a driver with us and I appreciate that  

    He’s on here he’s learning from everybody man he’s  really picking up you know some information from   everybody that’s cool because you know it it’s  the drivers that come into the game that think   oh I don’t need to listen to nobody I’m My Own  Boss nobody’s trying to be your boss we trying  

    To help you make more money that’s the trick that  is man is making more money but you can help us   as drivers get better fairs by not taking the  [ __ ] fairs that’s the trick to it you get in  

    And you say Hey listen I want to learn how you  guys are doing this this is how we’re doing it   this is how you can help out the r share Community  man that’s what we do it oh Logan yep still here  

    Sir still here learning just by listening real  [ __ ] man like I said and I appreciate that man   and wait a minute they nobody said just picking up  a Rashia driver who said he had a pass passenger   vomited into the air conditioner vent the smell  never went away even after Pro cleaning dude he’s  

    Got to spray uh lemon scent amonia you’ve got  to spray lemon scent ammonia in there trust me   on this one spray lemon scent ammonia in the air  vents it kills the bacteria that causes odor but   keep your windows down get out of the car because  you’re not inhaling this ammonia this ammonia is  

    Like the most strongest [ __ ] ever you probably  gotta dilute it you got to water it down a little   bit because pure ammonia man it’ll it’ll burn your  your nasals it’ll burn you out but it kills the  

    Bacteria that causes odors so he’s got to just  spray that all that lemon C ammonia all in there   and just walk away like don’t even go near the car  Don’t Go Near it for like a good two hours because  

    It’s gonna burn your eyes your nose and everything  but you will never have that smell again I usually   mix mine with um uh laundry detergent and a little  fabric softener I mix it in a spray bottle and I  

    In the Jeep I spray the seats out I spray the  carpets I spray everything down like completely   soak them down and it soaks into the fabric it  soaks into the cushions it soaks and everything   kills all bacteria causing odors and odor causes  bacteria and once you do that I’m G tell you the  

    Jeep I got 257,000 miles on that jeep smell like  the day I bought it I bought it with 112,000 miles   on it people get in that I’m like dude there’s  no way that this Jeep is 257,000 Miles this thing  

    Smells new because you got to kill the bacteria  cause an odor I spray in the back I just put that   [ __ ] in a spray bottle man yep oh Brandon says I  bought some lemon cinamon from a much earlier live  

    Hey man that [ __ ] work man oium will do it oium  likes to kill stuff in the air so it’ll kill the   bacteria sent in the air but if you got to hit the  actual the source of the bacteria which is carpets  

    Seeds cushions like especially where people like  where their back is resting against because a lot   of times sweat will go through their shirt and  it’ll soak their shirt up but it’ll also soak   into your seat a little bit so I always sprayed  the back area so I spray where people’s backs  

    Hit my seats and I really soak it in pretty good  and it kills all that bacteria that odor causing   bacteria and I mean the next day it smells like  you did laundry in your car that’s what it smells  

    Like a laundromat inside of your car I mean it’s  fresh as hell and I’ll leave my windows crack   because you don’t want to trap that ammonia in  there because it’s it’s fumes it’s ammonia fumes   you got to leave that [ __ ] air rated and you  spray the carpet spray everything down anything  

    That’s cloth spray it because it’s going to soak  into that cloth it’s going to soak into the fabric   it’s going to kill all the the bacteria and all  that fabric and it’s like yeah the ozone machine  

    Is good you hook that to the AC system and that  really cleans out it that cleans out your uh   your cabin filter too that ozone machine will  clean out your cabin filter and that’s what I  

    Need to get I need to take a get my cabin filters  cleaned out yeah that oium is powerful dude you   you spray that once in the air yeah yeah exactly  don’t breathe it in you spray it once in the air  

    Oh it’ll take your breath away oium is no joke  that [ __ ] I got a small can of it in the Jeep   I don’t even use it no more man I hit that [ __ ]  when I first bought it I hit it a couple of times  

    Like two man I was like driving the [ __ ] trying  to stick shift like godamn what’s in this little   ass bottle that [ __ ] is powerful I’m like damn  that [ __ ] that’s an emergency that’s like when   you got a fire emergency yeah you pull a oium  switch that’s your fire emergency switch right  

    There if [ __ ] really Snak smell like bald cheese  and [ __ ] grapes pull at [ __ ] hey I need the   oium you smell like stale grapes and ball cheese  man [ __ ] it hit that oium that shit’s gone you  

    Going to ride around fresh [ __ ] but definitely  that that lemon cin amonia you know make a make a   concoction with that put a little fabric softener  in with it fill it with water put some you know  

    Some laundry detergent in it shake it up a little  bit just kind of squash it around man it’s like   washing laundry I mean you spray all your cloth  seats off you can wipe it down a little bit if  

    You want to get a clean Rag and just keep dipping  in water getting all the dirt off the top of your   seats getting all your dirt let that [ __ ] soak  into the seats so the top of the seats going to be  

    Free of all dirt but that [ __ ] soaks into your  seats and kills all that bacteria that’s inside   of the cushions of your seats and everything and  getting in then after that whatever you spray in  

    Your car your car is going to smell like that it  won’t smell like that trying to cover up a smell   it’s going to smell if you spray like Wood Oak in  your car your car is going to smell like wood oak  

    Not wood oak trying to cover fish scales because  that’s what happens when you just put spray on   stuff the bacteria is still there causing the  smell so you can still smell a tin of like a   little hint of what it was like oh man these  seats still stink get that ammonia that ammonia  

    Flavored uh that ammonia scent lemon cinamon  in there and that [ __ ] will just it’ll kill   everything man but like I said it’s very powerful  it’s very powerful and you got my life we fish in  

    The car left fish in the car I’m telling you  man that’s F of [ __ ] my wife let fish in the   car like yeah spray them [ __ ] seats now no but  like I said you got to air rate it because if you  

    Don’t have air in there and you keep your windows  up and you trap all of amonia them fumes in there   oh it’s going to hit you when you get in the car  especially if it’s kind of warm outside it’s going  

    To hit you keep the windows down let that air  pass through let all those fumes get out of there   because it’s going to really clean your whole car  out I mean I spray carpets I spray my pedals off  

    Because when I’m walking outside the bottom of  my shoes I’m walking on [ __ ] spit [ __ ] dog   piss who knows what I’m walking in so I make sure  I spray off my petals because your pedals smell   like whatever you’ve been walking through so I  clean off my pedals my brake pedal my clutch I  

    Clean all that my accelerator pedal clean all  that [ __ ] off spread with ammonia [ __ ] so   now whatever I was walking on that smell’s not in  my car no more and even with my shoes like I’ll  

    Spray the um the my welcome mat I usually hose it  down with water outside and I got a big bottle of   that concoction I made with Limon I’ll pour it on  my um my welcome mat and I’ll use the bottom of  

    My shoes and I’ll just keep doing this on my mat  with my shoes going back and forth so I’m cleaning   off my shoes but I’m cleaning off my mat at the  same time with that lemon or ammonia flavored  

    STP you want some ammonia flavored biscuits yeah  these [ __ ] taste amazing and [ __ ] tastes like   ammonia man you know what I mean lemon scent what  up information B show my man yeah but I pour my  

    Concoction on my welcome at because my welcome  at is kind of like bristly so you pour I got a   big bottle I pour it on my welcome at and I just  go back and forth with my shoes a few times scoot  

    Scoot scoot hose it all down and so my welcome  mats always super clean always look good but   then it cleans off the bottom of my shoes before  I get in my car so now my shoes are clean but once  

    I start getting into you know walk through parking  lots doing what I’m doing your shoes start getting   dirty overnight you can track that dirt anywhere  and plus I got dogs I’m in the backyard with the  

    Dogs they pee all the time in the backyard so I’m  like hey I gotta clean a pee off the bottom of my   shoe because I don’t want that dog pee smell in  my car so I’ll hold off my mat wipe my shoes on  

    My mat real good real good real good now my  shoes are clean now yes brand people sweaty   balls I’m and like I said I’m I’m big on killing  bacteria because ever since I was little when my  

    Mom used to do laundry she would use that ammonia  Flavor now that lemon Cent ammonia shepher got me   saying that [ __ ] now ammonia flavor I [ __ ]  up I do it that ammonia flavored lemons no that  

    She would use that in our towels she get a cup of  that pour that into the and I’ll still use that   to this day in my laundry room I got like four  big ass bottles of that [ __ ] because you pour  

    A little bit into your towels your bath towels  so it kills the scent of you know when you take   showers and you throw the towels they kind of  get like that mildew smell to it my towels no  

    Matter which towel I oh new ones they all smell  brand new because you’re killing the bacteria in   your bath towels when you use ammonia you pour  it into the bleach section you just pour it in   there fill it up add your fabric softener add  your laundry detergent it cleans all your bath  

    Towels to where your bath towels smell like Hotel  towels every single time they smell like nice real   nice so it’s like man oh shepher said just hit  the car wash ready to roll hey go out there and  

    Get that money brother go get that money yeah  but and that’s what it is you know when people   get in cars like my cars always have like really  high miles on it but my cars all smell like brand  

    New cars because the trick is like the exterior  is gonna be what it’s gonna be but the interior   is what makes cars look like [ __ ] because they  stink because of what your shoes are tracking in  

    The car all the time the carpets are holding smell  the seats are holding smells so you got to kill   that bacteria so your car smells like leather it  smells like wood grain it smells like whatever you  

    Can put pledge in that [ __ ] make it smell like  pledge whatever Briggs and I know it man I got   caught I got caught [ __ ] ammonia flavor yeah  this shit’s ammonia flavor I love it it’s like   this [ __ ] drink ammonia you a special kind of  driver goddamn it yeah this [ __ ] ammonia flavor

    Juice who the [ __ ] drinks ammonia yo hey  y gon have me [ __ ] make a bottle of some   [ __ ] call that [ __ ] ammonia flavored this  is new ammonia flavored bodyguard juice for the   athlete in you keep your interior smelling  fresh drink this ammonia flavor like [ __ ]

    What man this is what Silver Fox I might go out  the finix for the S gun show whenever that’s gonna   be [ __ ] I’ll be there I’ll do that because hey  there’s one dude I picked up man I got his number  

    I can’t remember you know he gave me his number  and everything but this dude he’s got like and he   lives in some apartments not far from me this dude  got like 30 guns he showed me pictures of he’s got  

    Like 30 he’s got like ARS all these gun he’s a  gun collector but he’s downsizing so he’s selling   some of his guns that are really really low rate  all his buddies online like dude I can’t believe   you’re gonna sell that gun that’s like your  favorite gun you’re gonna sell that and I mean  

    He’s got some amazing beautiful Firearms beautiful  man and I’m like yeah these said 30 guns is rookie   numbers like I only got three [ __ ] I was like I  would love to have like five or six because I guns  

    To me are like cars they’re they’re beautiful man  they’re beautiful and I like to sit there and see   how they’re engineered how they’re put together  how somebody created this damn over a hundred man   you got everything in the under the damn Sun what  the hell hey shepher appreciate that can’t wait to  

    Watch your next Ride Along appreciate you thanks  brother yeah but man like I said I would to me   having guns is like having a museum I mean you can  go through them you can take them apart you can  

    Show up people out to clean them you can open man  it’s just like I and I’m not I don’t have a like a   lot of like I said only got three I just I don’t  invest a lot of money into it but I like to see  

    Other people’s collections I like to kind of go  through and see what they got see who engineered   it who manufactured it how was it made the Springs  the triggers you know the whether it’s a hammer  

    If it’s automatic a revolver I like to see [ __ ]  like that because it’s engineering to me it’s like   who thought about making this at this point and it  don’t have to have bullets and [ __ ] in it I just  

    Like to see the gun I like to like go through it  see the like how they do all the engraving in the   metal like the actual in like the real intricate  engraving over the whole gun so the gun looks like  

    Just art it’s crazy how it looks and it’s like  man this is what he I have over a 100 I bought   a Springfield Trip full rail yesterday $2,100  damn see that’s what I’m saying man you got  

    Like cars guns are they I could go buy a goddamn  Toyota Turell for that [ __ ] 1985 Toyota Turell   2100 I’ll buy that [ __ ] and it’s got the roll  up Windows like this I’ll buy it you out there  

    Saying I’m GNA buy a gun I’m looking for a Toyota  Turell [ __ ] one of them old ass [ __ ] cars that   nobody even got like you got one in your garage  yeah Brigg Z people just be having hygiene issues  

    Having your clothes out is one thing but you got  to wash your ass he said wash your ass real [ __ ]   you need to have that [ __ ] on on your [ __ ]  U on your driver profile when they pull up the  

    Picture to say tell us about a little bit about  yourself wash your ass that’s it man hey what   offer K come out with you said I took lift driver  today said he had 300,000 miles on the 2013 accur  

    RDX interior was Immaculate I’ve been sharing your  a Channel with my Dallas forward drivers a lot of   people need your spray concoction thanks oh thanks  all for kicks I appreciate that yeah like I said   The more drivers we get around the more people  start driving smarter and we get that energy of  

    Of not being nervous about canceling rides or or  declining rides we we help people not be nervous   saying you can make it so don’t think you got to  have a high AR just to make it in ride share you  

    Can have a low AR and still make it in ride share  it’s possible and all of us prove that we provve   it if we’re not getting deactivated we’re still  making decent profit marges to where you know  

    We could take care of the bills we get without  feeling really stressed like I’m I’m like okay   I know if I need you know a set of tires I can  go buy me a set of tires if I pop a tire some  

    I don’t feel stressed about it there are some  people with really high ARS if they had a flat   today they’d be stressing the [ __ ] out because  they like there’s there’s no way I can go buy a  

    New set of tires pay my rent pay my insurance  for my kids thing and also pay for you know the   the [ __ ] band camp they’re in I can’t do it they  they sit on 85% AR but they can’t pay for some of  

    The basic stuff to keep the business rolling and  that [ __ ] man is not man what Tony say Jeffs I   like I got that spray for your [Laughter] ass  I got that spray for your ass goddamn it like  

    Man that’s funny [ __ ] I’ll use that [ __ ] hell  yeah f with that ozone mother that’s for your ass   sheer brother says hey I know some people smell  so much you think they ran a marathon before the   pickup they get in smelling like [ __ ] poison  ivy it’s like dude you been planting the weeds  

    You smell like straight poison ivy and poison  oak and [ __ ] man what the hell it’s like no   man I just I’ve been just partying all night like  have you thought about partying with the shower  

    The [ __ ] the shower still exist you can hang  out with the shower for a little bit man Chris D   say I love this Channel I can’t stop laughing am  I the only chick driver in here I don’t know you  

    Might be you might be no telling no telling but  offer kicks might be hold up for a second what do   we got we got a few I know Nicole she was North  in the valley Nicole she’s in here every once in  

    A while so we be in here cracking up laughing we  don’t care we tell everybody we just get in here   and just laugh we have a good time and a lot of  channels are you know certain driver Centric like  

    Me I’m not driver Centric we just we do anybody  if you’re a driver and you just want to know how   to make some good money you don’t want to be used  as a tool by these apps and [ __ ] we welcome you  

    On this channel if you’re somebody who’s stuck  in your own Zone and you don’t care oh I drive   the way I drive and can’t nobody tell me how to  nobody’s trying to tell you how to drive bro we  

    Just trying to tell you you know there’s a better  way to do it there’s always a better way to do   something a more profitable a more efficient way  to do something we just give people that option  

    That that’s all we’re doing is giving people that  option but some people don’t like that option they   come on this channel and they be mad as hell I’m  tired of you you know low AR drivers you guys are   canceling people deactivating people I can’t  respect you like when Stanley Jenkins said he  

    Was on a you a Facebook Channel they’re like oh  we can’t respect you you decline you declin too   many rides we can’t respect you like [ __ ] this  ain’t personal this is business what the [ __ ]   do I care about your respect for like you’re a  driver talking about you don’t respect me because  

    I’m looking out for my profit margins like who  the [ __ ] are you and there’s a bunch of high   AR drivers on that channel we we don’t respect you  you’re you’re declining too much we don’t I’m like  

    Dude why don’t you ask is this person okay excuse  me hey are you paying your bills yeah okay cool   cool are you are you saving a little bit to the  side in case of a rainy day fun you know in case  

    Your muffler and [ __ ] fall off yeah yeah cool  cool cool they don’t care about that they don’t   ever ask you [ __ ] about that they always trying  to knock you for what you’re doing in a way that  

    You’re succeeding they always want to knock you  for that [ __ ] this is I’m ATL driver in for   Lake Jeff Knight podcast that’s right Cesar man  we be here brother we be here but they always  

    Trying to knock you for for doing good like for  for taking care of your family all right Lisa hey   you be out there lady hey get out there tomorrow  and get that money you know what and we GNA keep  

    Fighting for the day drivers to get paay a little  more because that shit’s rough out there for yall   in the daytime we know it we know it have a good  night Lisa and yeah and it’s like I tell people  

    The first thing I ask drivers is are you doing  well that’s it because I need to know are you   are you okay you doing well or you know are you  struggling you suffering what’s going on I don’t  

    Ever knock nobody when I see them doing well if  I see them struggling I’m going say hey let me   put to the S like when I saw King James long  time ago he hit me up King James was like hey  

    Man I’m just struggling man it’s like I don’t  know what I’m doing wrong I just and that was   a couple years ago I met King James and he’s like  you know what I said dude this is what you should  

    Probably be trying to do this is what you can do  you’re already downtown you should be doing these   shorter rids you should be plucking rid from here  to there you should be growning grabs now King   James is like he’s a master at this [ __ ] this  [ __ ] make over $100 hour damn near sometimes  

    200 an hour real [ __ ] real $200 an hour and I’m  like this is a dude who came to me saying that he   was having a hard time struggling the most I could  do the best I could do for a driver like that is  

    Say hey let me help you not struggle what can I  do to help you not struggle so when I see drivers   that’s not struggling I go I’m glad you’re not  struggling you can share information with drivers  

    Who are struggling you can come on my channel and  help people out that’s what we do instead you get   these drivers who see people not struggling oh  you guys are horrible y’all need real jobs y’all   ain’t got no [ __ ] skill do we not struggling  I don’t give a [ __ ] if you’re not struggling  

    You need a real job this [ __ ] ain’t no skill  y’all a bunch of idiots y’ a bunch of low likes   but we ain’t struggling I don’t care if you’re  not struggling I think you guys are idiots you  

    Guys are stupid you got it’s like people like  that they don’t fit in what we’re trying to do   with our life it ain’t even about rer it’s with  our life they’re they’re some of the shittiest   energy people who come jumping on YouTube channels  because they’re not happy with whatever’s going on  

    In their world they not happy with it and when you  miserable misery wants company they need somebody   to feel just as shitty as they feel misery loves  company but when you successful you want to go   out and share that success share that knowledge  to help the next person out to help some people  

    Out and that’s kind of what we do thanks brother  my man shepher brother fil best Uber Uber R share   YouTuber in my opinion keeps in 100 thank you  brother thank you hey I do because we all see it  

    And we say how we see it man we don’t we don’t you  know try to sugar coat [ __ ] we call it exactly   how we see it what we see in this community  we see it in comments all the time the people  

    Who are upset with their own life so upset with  their own life the first thing they do is open   up YouTube and start bashing people who ain’t got  a problem we ain’t got no problems with no body  

    We just waking up trying to make sure when I go  to Walmart this $89 for this two bags of [ __ ]   that used to be like you know $30 to buy two bags  of [ __ ] and I Was 80 I can afford this [ __ ] I  

    Could bring it home and feed my dog some dog food  that’s all I want to do get them some dog food get   them some dog bones so they don’t like chew up my  walls and [ __ ] like hey I need to buy you know  

    I rather spend $16 on dog bones than $400 fixing  a [ __ ] wall so let me go buy $16 worth of dog   bones to get them something to do so here here’s  $16 worth of dog bones don’t eat my [ __ ] walls  

    I I got to go drive and I’ll be back and they  mad at us because we can do that we can afford   $16 [ __ ] dog bones why you mad at me for that  in stage you like dude I’m glad you’re doing that  

    Man that’s cool that’s cool that you living life  right you know you’re doing the best you can do to   take care of your situation to keep your energy  up instead they bring that shitty energy onto a  

    Page of people who don’t really have that shitty  of energy we over we get mad at the apps because   the apps are playing a [ __ ] out of us cool we  on that but as far as driver to driver human to  

    Human we ain’t got no problems with each other we  ain’t got no beef with each other but bring they   beefing ass over here trying to create beef the  [ __ ] you over here trying to create beef for I   beefing nobody over here we have the barbecue  kicking back eating [ __ ] ribs potato salad  

    [ __ ] cold SLO and you come on this [ __ ] flip  my [ __ ] plate up ain’t nobody got beef with you   like who are who the hell are you and that’s why  I run my channel the way I run it and I’m glad  

    A lot of drivers that understand that energy and  understand that Vibe they come over here and they   go hey you know what man I’m glad I found this  channel I’ve been having an issue struggling my  

    In my market I my AR was at 79% I drop that [ __ ]  all down to 42% I’m doing a whole lot better when   it comes to money now it’s like that’s what it  takes sometimes it takes a channel to kind of  

    Jog people say hey man don’t worry about these  apps these apps worin about these apps you worry   about you because these apps ain’t worried about  you tuck tuck it’s back in the house what up tuck  

    Tuck he said no I’m cool on that [ __ ] you know  we be on that man we be on that we see them rides   come through like I’m cool on that [ __ ] I’m not  doing that now I’m cool on that [ __ ] that’s real  

    Though but that’s what we do you know what I’m  saying and and that’s why I wanted to be a part   of the community that that actually is a we they  call keyboard gangsters never say it in your face  

    The Internet G gave shy folks voices real [ __ ]  KC B strategist she’s out in Vegas doing it what   up KC she’s out in Vegas making it happen hey  she out there running what 18 1900 a week W  

    And she ain’t doing crazy hours and she’s got them  high profit margins that’s what I’m talking about   it’s possible it’s POS she proves it she proves it  every week it’s possible and she’s in Vegas which  

    Is a hard Market she’s in a hard market doing low  miles low hours 1900 a week she’s doing it she’s   out there in the streets and so when we get people  like that that come on this channel and they help  

    Share that energy and share that Vibe and they  help build us up and they don’t sit up there and   and try to knock us down for us just trying to  do better we trying to lift people up we trying  

    To like I said she’s out there doing smart driving  she ain’t doing no 80 90 hours a week she doing 2K   a week doing normal work hours normal work hours  2K a week is just smart driving that’s all you got  

    To do is smart driving CU I tell people I could  do onek in 15 to 19 hours I could do 1K 15 to 19   hours of driving I could do $1,000 1,00 12200 so  all I did was have to double it if I doubled it  

    I’d be sitting where KC is we’d both be out there  doing that [ __ ] we’d be out there making 2K a   week pushing and I’m trying to get to that point  to where I can be out more because you know when  

    I see KC out out there doing it she’s out there  making a 2K and she’s working normal work hours   not not double time she’s not working a doubletime  job she’s doing a full-time job she’s doing true  

    Fulltime 40 hours a week true fulltime not no 80  calling it full time that’s double time [ __ ]   ain’t we ain’t stupid we know a double time looks  like 80 hours a week is double time so she’s doing  

    True fulltime making 2K a week and people said  they can’t be done and she’s doing it in a shitty   Market at a shitty time low AR super low AR so  when you got low AR you’re in a shitty Market at  

    A shitty time of year and you still bringing in  2K a week on full-time hours you a smart [ __ ]   you’ve done figured something out you done figured  something out and instead of people like you know   appreciating a driver like that being in our  community helping us with the energy helping us  

    You know know the possibilities and talking about  it and stuff like that she’s over here helping us   she ain’t over bashing us oh I’m better than all  you [ __ ] y’all suck y’all this y’ she don’t do  

    That she’s not one of them people people but  you go to them other channels that’s the first   thing you hear oh you guys are horrible I’m better  than all y’all I’m this I’m that y’all ain’t doing  

    What I’m doing I’m doing this I’m doing that no we  don’t we don’t roll like that at the barbecue man   we don’t do that at the barbecue you might like  the apple pie you might like the [ __ ] Turtle pie  

    You might like the [ __ ] barbecue sauce you might  like some without barbecue sauce whatever it is is   all here for everybody and you just enjoy whatever  you like when you come around here but one thing   we don’t like you don’t come over here flipping  over [ __ ] plates smacking down sodas and [ __ ]  

    Mad we don’t do that G sace thank you thank you  appreciate that the Super Chat the super chat with   the super cat I like that that’s you got the super  cat chat I like it thank you g sauce what Tony say  

    Jeff’s next shirt low a r high IQ that’s man it’s  real that’s real that’s real lower the the lower   the AR the higher the IQ because this is driving  IQ it’s all Rod share IQ it’s all it really is  

    And Casey says thanks to you I was taking all the  [ __ ] before and look when she stopped taking it   when she really started maximizing her the level  of efficiency I mean even her husband he drives   too and he’s her and he’s running a little less  than what she’s running they basically making  

    $4,000 a week in their household Four G’s a week  that’s $200,000 a year between the both of them   and there and it’s all high-profit margin [ __ ]  bank accounts looking nice bank accounts looking   real nice [ __ ] stresses out the door when you  know you got a couple of months saved up to where  

    You know I could probably be off for two weeks  and make and still make rent I could be off for   two weeks I could twist my ankle and [ __ ] and  be off for a couple of weeks and I can still make  

    It that’s what we talking about because you will  twist your ankle you will hurt your elbow you will   get sick you may have to take off three four days  five days and you shouldn’t be at a point running  

    Your own business in ride share to where you  take off three days and now you in a hole for two   months and that’s how a lot of the high AR drivers  are they take off three four days they can’t make  

    Rent their car ain’t paid for they can’t afford  the engine insurance they took off too many days   three days is too many days because they don’t  have the profits that can afford the the time   they’re not buying their time back we’re buying  our time back with the higher our profit margins  

    Are the more time we could buy when you don’t have  high profits you’re on company time you’re living   Check to Check ride to ride drive to drive yeah  and need streets to fill our cars yeah for real

    Exactly and I’m one of those people that I’ll sit  up there and I’ll tell folks when I first started   driving Rod share yeah I did know what I was  doing I was looking at YouTube watching everybody  

    Oh yeah you got to just go out there and drive  Non-Stop and do this and do that no I was talking   about strategy I remember one time when I first  started talking about strategies a couple years  

    Ago in my rer I was talking about strategies it  was somebody comment to do it ain’t no such thing   as rasher strategy you’re stupid you just got to  get out there and drive strategy that’s stupid   nobody ever heard of strategy of course nobody  ever heard of strategy because nobody talks about  

    It and now that we have strategy and we have  people talking about it people actually proving   in their markets that them having a strategy that  they’re using in their Market works I mean like   I said if I listen to people like those people  that were making those comments back then I would  

    End up like those people back then many of those  people who said I ain’t no such thing as strategy   I guarantee they’re no longer drivers they’re  probably working at W2 right now being told when  

    They can they can’t piss you can’t piss till 10  o’clock dog you got to stay on the clock till 10:   you can’t go take a piss but man I drank too  much water this morning I drank too much coffee  

    You can’t piss till 10 o’clock hold it for another  20 minutes can you hold your piss can you hold it   grown [ __ ] telling you win the piss like no you  not if I got a piss I’m getting up and I’m walking  

    Out I’m sorry you’re not telling me we’ll sit here  till 10 o’clock because we need somebody on till   10: well I’mma go pissed I’m gonna put this thing  on hold I’ll be right back those are the kind of  

    People that were trying to tell us how to run our  business the people who are now being told when   they can they can’t piss I mean it’s real [ __ ]  they don’t do Rod shirt no more because they  

    Weren’t doing it right you got to have some form  of strategy because I’m tell you right now Li and   Uber they have strategic planning when they have  boardroom meetings conference rooms meeting feno   boxing that’s my man on IG right there that’s  my man what up feno boxing yeah because these  

    They have business strategies so they’re sitting  there with business strategies having boardroom   meetings and [ __ ] like that and we’re saying  there’s no such thing as strategy in business   the people who were saying that really have no  strategy and they shouldn’t be doing business if  

    They’re not budgeting forecasting having some form  of strategy they shouldn’t even be in business but   they’re telling other people how to run a business  oh there’s no such thing as strategy in business   you guys are stupid it’s just driving you just  get in and drive you’re stupid there’s no strategy  

    What are you talking about strategy that’s the  stupid it’s just driving see that person don’t   belong as a driver that’s not a driver he’s an  employee he’s been an employee his whole life he   doesn’t know how to think in terms of business  strategy strategic planning financial planning  

    Expenses budgets forecasters he don’t think that  fast he’s just used to walking in punching in   typing on the computer answer the [ __ ] phone hi  welcome for calling todex how man help you how man   direct your call at toex that’s what he’s used to  [ __ ] ain’t no strategy in that you just read the  

    Script thank you for calling toex where we pay  tolls okay [ __ ] man what melbour say hey man   I’m cool with that my 12 1400 28 30 hours screwed  me that 84 hours a week screwed Spencer Fred yeah

    Exactly that’s real [ __ ] man 1200 1400 that’s  what I’m looking for I’m cool with that I’m cool   with that it gives me time to run my errands and  do [ __ ] that I can do I don’t need to be on on  

    The road for 12 hours a goddamn day that’s way  too many hours for me to 12 hours a day when do   you live like when do you [ __ ] breathe [ __ ]  feno said hey if we would all follow your tips we  

    Would all be making more make making more enough  from Uber and LIF that’s right brother and it’s   it’s not just even just my tips feno man because  you know how we roll man I’ve taken tips from  

    Other drivers in the comments in the chat and  we go through this whole [ __ ] back and forth   this conversation through testing and trying me  saying okay I’mma try this then okay I’mma try   this at night Jeff oh [ __ ] Jeff it worked and I  tell somebody else hey make sure you you contact  

    Customer service for your reservations Victor told  me this [ __ ] try it it works so we always going   back and forth giving each other opportunities  to to find out how do we work this how do we do  

    This as a team because it’s us against the apps  it’s always been that way it’s never been driver   against driver they wanted it like that but we  saw that that [ __ ] wasn’t working because when   it was driver against driver what was happening  the keep less pay less pay less driver pay less  

    Percentages they kept screwing with us they had  us fighting each other so much they was behind   the closed doors going to do we got these people  fighting each other competing for each other we   got them driving 84 hours a [ __ ] week just to  make money they don’t even know the system these  

    People are stupid look at all these high ARS we  got across the board all these [ __ ] 100% 95%   9 they have no idea what they’re doing we got  these drivers fighting each other not paying   attention to what’s even going on we’re winning  and once we said wait a [ __ ] minute why are we  

    Fighting each other so we said okay this is what  we G to start doing we’re gonna start spreading   information and education this is what we going  to do we gonna make the app seed that we’re a   forc drivers are a forc to be reckoned with  we’re not just individually you can’t [ __ ]  

    With us you can [ __ ] with us individually but as  a whole unit you can’t touch us you can’t [ __ ]   with us because we’ll had these apps not making no  revenue on [ __ ] trips none the high be I’m gonna  

    Take that the Spencer Freds of the community I’m  GNA take that and we don’t got to deal with that   [ __ ] yes you’re saying too much now Jeff just  playing we all gonna eat together tuck duck you  

    Saying too much now [ __ ] no you know me brother  you know me Antonique she’s back in the house hey   Jeff I just joined the live at the right time  yeah you right in you right in Andre I’ll tip  

    You in the app exact when the [ __ ] say I’ll tip  you in the app consider it not happening it ain’t   happening I’ll tip you in the app feno says hey  are you still having issues with Uber stealing  

    Your tips finally the other day I got another  dollar tip I got another one $1 tip the other   day and I haven’t had a dollar tip in a long  time think there some [ __ ] going on because  

    They see me getting all these surges and I think  they’re starting to con constitute my surges as   part of my tip because they say we’re going to  give the driver 100% tips they see me getting  

    A $18 surge they probably reclassing part of my  surge as the tip okay he got a $10 tip but he got   a you know $18 surge well give him a $1 tip and  we’ll just say part of we’ll say $9 out of that  

    18 was surged so we’ll give him nine his tip  was nine and we pull nine back out of the mix   so they’re keeping my [ __ ] dollars I think they  doing that [ __ ] Andre oh hell no [Laughter] cap  

    Like man man man Z I see certain days where the  tips come in immediately other days when nobody   tips which I think is BS remover yeah they’re  holding money because I think they’re they’re   playing money market they’ll hold some of the  money back and they’ll do what it they’ll like  

    Probably do like loans or they’ll do something  with it in the in the stock market or with bonds   or whatever the hell they doing we don’t know  they’ll get a little aners off of these tens of  

    Millions of dollars in tips we’re getting they not  just letting it be a pass through system they’re   seeing it as an opportunity they’re getting tens  of millions of dollars in driver tips King James   was good brother just talking about you they’re  getting tens of millions of dollars and Driver  

    Tips flowing through their hands you don’t think  they gonna use that money to make money you think   they gonna just like say oh thanks for giving  uh Jeff to 10 we’ll give it to him immediately  

    No they’re like dude we gonna hold this [ __ ]  for 30 days at least 30 days if Jeff don’t ever   say [ __ ] about it give him a dollar out of  it give him $2 give him $3 out of it because  

    He don’t even know how much this person tipped him  he has no idea he has no idea how much this person   tipped him person just tipped him $9 give him $2  he don’t know he ain’t gonna [ __ ] find out and  

    That’s why people keep busting these apps because  they keep finding out man this dude tip me 20 but   y’all gave me $5 on the app then they send them  screenshots and [ __ ] now they hear them see a   $15 adjustment because these apps know what the  [ __ ] they doing they’re not stupid they know  

    What they doing so they’ll sit up there take  all the money in do money market whatever the   hell they doing the make money with our money and  if we don’t ever say [ __ ] about our money they   going to keep most of that money anyways and  throw us2 three [ __ ] probably tipped us $15  

    We G give you $3 on that oh damn I got a$ three  tip [ __ ] really tip you 15 they just kept 12   of it you didn’t know and that’s why we got to  start using our [ __ ] cash app and vinmo [ __ ]  

    QR codes because we know that they’re taking our  money they’re playing with it not giving us what   it is even when they it’s time to give us what it  is we have no transparency no ability to audit our  

    Because they don’t give us any way to contact  a customer no way we can contact a customer   anything that that happens the only way we can  contact somebody is if we give them a card if  

    They text us one day and say something we say hey  man did you tip me like six bucks six bucks do we   tip you $30 on that trip what yeah we tip you $30  on that man I’ll show you a screenshot it says $6  

    Oh no dude they they took $24 from you we tip you  30 bucks on that trip dog now you got to get they   screenshot contact Uber Uber oh we’re sorry about  that it was the incorrect amount applied we’ll   we’ll correct your account immediately how many  times these [ __ ] undone that [ __ ] to people  

    Countless countless fats anthoni with that  [ __ ] fats instead of FS we like fats [ __ ] fats oh yeah the L the high the higher the  serves the lower the Bas Fair been killing  

    Them on Uber oh man they do that [ __ ] I said  and I got the other day like I said I did a $   13.99 trip $6 surge 13.99 trip was the base $6  surge was The Surge and I end up getting $17 as  

    A payment because they’re increasing their service  fees they’re jacking their service fees up to eat   into our money that’s how they’re doing it they’ve  been doing that for a while because if somebody  

    Tells me I’m gonna give you $6 I say okay cool you  give me $6 but if somebody say hey I’m going to   give you $5 and they had me three [ __ ] dollars  I’m like but you said you was going to give me  

    Five I did give you five D you just gave me $3 oh  there’s a service fee to that I was going to give   you five but I service feed you $2 real quick but  you never told me you was going to service feed me  

    $2 you said I was give you $5 that’s the [ __ ]  that Uber be pulling oh we’ll give you a 13.99   upfront Fair sure we’ll give you that oh I got  a $6 surge okay cool $6 surge well why do I have  

    $17 then because 1399 plus6 is $1 199.99 why do I  have $17 the [ __ ] math don’t even add up because   that’s what they’re service feing the [ __ ] out  of us man their service feing the [ __ ] out of  

    Us what KC say for the Raiders game I got $41  ride from the stadium to Caesar 2.5 miles they   TI me 40 on the app then another 20 in cash best  ride ever I got the tip there you go there you go  

    And like I said that right there those are the  bangers we be talking about in ride share those   are the true bangers when you put in minimal miles  minimal time but you getting Max dollars for the   service you just provided for somebody you were  doing the service you the ones who giving these  

    People the great experience it’s not the app  giving them the great [ __ ] experience it’s   the driver it’s the the atmosphere the energy all  that you deserve that money that’s your money and   for these apps to claim that they’re doing the  service these apps ain’t doing no [ __ ] service  

    These high ass service fees I’m selling our tips  and everything they’re not doing that we’re the   ones who are giving these drivers The Experience  they could ride a [ __ ] bus you think the bus   driver gonna talk to them no bus driver gonna be  like next up that’s it [ __ ] bus driver don’t  

    [ __ ] with you next up we in the car like hey  man what you want l do dog I got Spotify what   y’all got oh [ __ ] yeah I’ll do check this [ __ ]  out we giving true service when we driving [ __ ]  

    Jumping my car next time I’m just gonna go next  up kick the [ __ ] out why he acting like that he   acting like a bus driver [ __ ] we Ain getting no  tips next stop get the [ __ ] [Music] out no like  

    Feno says I have to use every trick in a book  to make a decent hourly rate man all you got to   do is just make sure you you make sure the hours  that you actually work working if you’re working  

    You should be paid for the work you do for hourly  rate like I tell people sometimes my apps can sit   there my Lux will sit there for like 20 30 minutes  not getting [ __ ] I’ll be riding around on uberX  

    The whole time getting uberX ride so I don’t even  look at online time no more online time is what   a lot of these channels and these drivers [ __ ]  with they don’t realize we’re running tandem apps  

    All the time so I’m doing uberX rods picking up  people doing this but the whole time my lift is   running should I be being paid for Lift no so  being online is just being online I don’t even  

    Look at my hourly rate I look at my per ride  rate what am I getting paid per ride what am I   getting paid when I do actually work so I got lift  running so it could be on for an hour oh look you  

    Were online for an hour you didn’t get paid by LIF  for an hour because I was making $60 on Uber with   that same hour I made $60 on Uber but Li says you  didn’t make anything for that hour I don’t give a  

    [ __ ] what Li said I made $60 on uberX that exact  same from noon till one from midnight till 1:00 am   I made $60 on uberX the same hour I was running  lift and lift didn’t send me [ __ ] well your  

    Online hour says you didn’t make nothing on lift  so that’s your rate your rate is really not what   you say it is that’s why I don’t even [ __ ] with  online time I don’t look at online time I look at  

    When am I working John Alpha John my man in the  house with the Alfa Romeo John post so right Jeff   great service Acme cab that [ __ ] Acme cab with  the Wy coyote love to you Jeff ala John much love  

    And respect my brother hell yeah oh Devon you  own that too that’s why I have my venmo cash   app zel sign is right in the middle I [ __ ] up  and I didn’t put zel on mine I did cash app and  

    I did venmo I totally forgot about everybody uses  zel I totally forgot about zel so I gotta redo my   [ __ ] I gotta order another one I’mma use this  one probably but I’m I’m gon use my other one  

    Because I need to put zel because everybody’s like  you got zel I get more zel [ __ ] anything you got   zel I’m like damn like why didn’t I put the zel  I wasn’t thinking man I wasn’t thinking so yeah  

    I just paid money for that one it’s got my name  spell wrong anyway so it’s probably like I’m not   really losing [ __ ] so I’m end up getting my cash  app Vin Mo zel put on one next that’s my next one  

    Because like I said I [ __ ] up and I didn’t put  zel on there and everybody uses zel because it   goes directly to your bank back and forth to your  bank you a got to go through apps around apps and  

    All this [ __ ] so yeah that’s right tuck tuck  said it ain’t a trick it’s just know your worth   it’s your car maintenance that’s right [ __ ] F  said I live downtown Long Beach so when I’m home  

    I have Uber Eats on take us a good order for me  to get my night started nope not I’m staying home   real [ __ ] and I’ll be sitting in my driveway  sometimes you know just scouting rides from my  

    Driveway seeing what’s going to get me to move if  nothing’s really banging I don’t see no surge if I   say man this surge like you know two miles away I  just go grab the surge real quick then I’ll start  

    My night with the surge but if it ain’t no surge  around I’ll turn on Lux and see what Lux can do   for me I won’t turn on uberX because if I turn on  uberX it’s going to probably be some airport ride  

    At 5050 Cent a mile say hey go to terminal 4  and pick up Sarah you know take her 20 miles   this way for $12 nope not doing it not doing  it turn that uberX off quick as a [ __ ] nope

    Done oh so zel is exemp for the 600 no wonder  everybody’s using the zel ah there you go there   see I knew I [ __ ] up man when I had that cash  that venmo on there and everybody gets in my  

    Car like you got Zale like [ __ ] like here’s my  phone number okay I’m like man I need zel I knew   I [ __ ] up so yeah I’m and everybody especially  a lot of drivers I talk to zel zel zel Riders zel  

    I’m running around with cash app and venmo like  dude I gotta I gotta get on [ __ ] boat with zel I   need to do that [ __ ] so yeah it’s a little more  secure that’s why they like and and it’s exempt  

    For this there we go let’s do it so there y’all go  right there if you’re gonna be doing tips with Rod   share zel is exempt for the $600 reporting get zel  you just heard it from Silver Fox so I just found  

    That out too I didn’t think about that because  cash app and VMO they both you know they don’t   have that repor and [ __ ] but it’s cool because  I don’t think I make $600 on them [ __ ] anyways  

    I don’t think maybe who knows but yeah man like  I said I’m I’m gonna get out what time is it 7:30   it’s about 7:30 right now man we gonna get out  there and make this is what make your own line  

    Of pimp juice for ride chair refreshment exactly  hey I’ll get a [ __ ] some goddamn drink packets   here’s a drink packet no on my East thing is no  tip no trip hey Devon that’s what you got to do  

    Man let them know up front let them know up front  say we do this for the money there ain’t nothing   personal it’s business it ain’t nothing personal  I wish I wish I could bring you your food I wish  

    You wasn’t hungry I wish I could but you got to  realize I got mouths at my house to feed too so   if I’m running a zero some game if I’m doing drop  offs you know $3 for three mile [ __ ] deliveries  

    All damn day making a dollar a mile deliveries  all day at the end of the day if I do 30 [ __ ]   deliveries at $3 that’s $90 I made in one day  $90 for working like goddamn 10 hours doing 30  

    Deliveries and I’m not gonna be sitting out there  doing all 30 deliveries at $3 a pop making $90 in   a 10 hour day that’s $9 an hour on my own gas  wearing and tearing my car down so no no tip no  

    Trip it ain’t no like I said it’s about business  it ain’t got [ __ ] to do a personal I know a lot   of people like well tipping culture people are  sick of tipping culture I’m sick of bringing fat  

    [ __ ] Burgers that’s my own personal feeling but  it’s business you give me $15 I’ll bring your ass   to [ __ ] Burger that’s just how it works you  can’t sit around saying I want my [ __ ] burger  

    Here’s a $3 you know $3 even for it for three no  you ain’t going to get that [ __ ] Burger you’re   not getting it and it ain’t nothing personal  it’s business I’m sick of tipping then be sick  

    Of [ __ ] eating I mean what else can you do  at that point it’s like you’re not gonna be   getting no [ __ ] food you can’t sit around sick  of tipping SI sick of somebody else trying to get  

    Money to take care of their life putting money  on the line their car is going to get [ __ ] up   they got to pay rent they got to pay for fuel they  got to pay for all this [ __ ] [ __ ] to make it  

    Convenient for you to get this [ __ ] Burger but  you telling them well I don’t care I don’t value   that [ __ ] that ain’t got [ __ ] to do with me  then this [ __ ] burger ain’t got nothing to do  

    With me no tip no trip sorry [ __ ] that burger  that [ __ ] can sit there for two days waiting   on that burger you can get your ass up and go get  it I mean that’s another way to solve the problem  

    But we need to save our time and our energy and  our effort people that’s paying money what up   Merl and my man what up Dusty crusty what up Jeff  yeah but that’s the thing though it it’s like we  

    Don’t care about you know people being upset  about it not you know not getting food or if   you don’t want to [ __ ] tip the [ __ ] oh I’m  sick of tipping culture I’m so sick of tipping   then don’t tip but at the same time realize  your [ __ ] IHOP gonna be sitting there for  

    Two days straight ain’t nobody if you sign up to  do this then you should do it [ __ ] you ain’t no   [ __ ] boss you trying to eat a [ __ ] pancake you  ain’t a [ __ ] boss you eating a [ __ ] scrambled  

    Goddamn egg you ain’t no [ __ ] boss you don’t  tell people what they should or shouldn’t do or   you shouldn’t do it if you don’t want no [ __ ]  you you not a boss you’re a pancake eating [ __ ]  

    That won’t tip that’s who you really are in like  the real scheme of things so you could be sick of   tipping all you want I ain’t dropping off these  [ __ ] pancakes leave that [ __ ] sitting on the  

    Counter because somebody else out there values  my time enough for me to say hey Jeff my kids   is really [ __ ] hungry I ain’t got time to get  home to get them no [ __ ] Happy Meals pick up  

    These two [ __ ] Happy Meals I threw a $10 tip on  that [ __ ] thank you man for helping me out oh I   got you brother $10 tip $5 for three miles you  know $15 for three miles I’ll do it your kids  

    Is eating the Happy Meals they got the little  [ __ ] wimpy toys and [ __ ] or whatever they   playing with your kids are taking care of cool  thanks brother no problem but if a [ __ ] tell me  

    I’m sick of tipping [ __ ] you you sick of eating  then that’s the way I look at it leave that [ __ ]   sitting there if the apps don’t want to pay me to  bring it to you then that [ __ ] won’t be brought  

    Cuz you ain’t paying for me to bring it to you  you done told me already I ain’t tipping [ __ ]   it you a ain’t eating leave that [ __ ] sitting  right there and I’m one of those people man like  

    Jeff do you do personal clients too I think about  starting up a taxi service I was thinking about   it but I don’t know how it works yeah you got to  get like commercial insurance and stuff like that   probably ride share insurance commercial insurance  man yeah it’s something to look into you gotta get  

    Your TCP all your little licensing Jennifer W  said I got hit be from the H in Chicago today   was crazy oh you going to get paid hopefully you  had clients in the car with you you going to get  

    Paid gonna be like I just bought a new Lambo man  thank you f hey appreciate that brother ven says   loving the stream champ thank you for what you  do hey man I appreciate that brother hey and y’  

    Gotta check out his his uh Instagram feno boxing’s  Instagram he got all boxing on there man it’s some   it’s some Great Clips some Great Clips I be seeing  some crazy Knockouts man I love that [ __ ] man  

    Yeah man but I tell people you know if if these  Uber and and door Dash and all these people they   they walk around tipping culture is over then  [ __ ] eating culture is over we’re going to be  

    On a diet we putting a lot of [ __ ] on gig work  diets you going you’re not going to be able to   eat [ __ ] like damn dog you got skinny last year  yeah [ __ ] stop bringing me my food see tipping  

    Culture helped out tipping culture kept your ass  fed when you lose 150 [ __ ] pounds because you   ain’t tipping [ __ ] like what kind of diet you  on I’m on the no tip no trip diet [ __ ] ain’t  

    Nobody bringing me my food these [ __ ] Ain I lost  100 pounds from me not eating no [ __ ] Burgers I   don’t get no Burgers I don’t get no pizza I don’t  get no [ __ ] Dairy Queen I don’t get [ __ ] these  

    [ __ ] ain’t bringing me nothing that [ __ ] work  out I want to be on that no trip no tip diet yeah   we just don’t tip these [ __ ] you ain’t gonna get  no food it’s that easy it’s like sitting around  

    Hungry all the [ __ ] time eating on your [ __ ]  fingernails and [ __ ] like I don’t know what   I’m gonna eat go in there eat some [ __ ] Rice go  make you some [ __ ] pancakes or something in the

    Kitchen well bris today I pecked up I got an AM  track and his and his walker wouldn’t fit in the   trunk so I watched for 20 minutes adjusting the  wheels so it would fit it was so [Laughter] fun  

    This is I picked up a that amre hey I’mma tell you  right now bridg map ain’t nobody putting [ __ ] in   my trunk manually I got a really nice car ain’t  nobody scratching my trunk up hell no [ __ ] be  

    Trying to put l nope as soon as I see luggage I  jump out because ain’t nobody scratching up my car   is ceramic coated it’s a nice car ain’t nobody  smacking my [ __ ] with wheels the other night  

    One dude was trying to drag his suitcase out nope  I’ll get it lift it out of my trunk if you drag   it out of my trunk you’re gonna scratch the whole  trunk now I’m not driving down the street with a  

    Scratched up [ __ ] BMW this car ain’t got a  scratch on it it’s nice almost 100,000 miles   on a scratch on this [ __ ] it is nice you can’t  even tell I do ride share in it I could park this  

    [ __ ] anywhere ain’t nobody gonna say that’s a  ride share car I see some of these R share cars   man the whole back be having black marks down  the back where scratches [ __ ] like that where   people be dragging their suitcases out of cars my  car don’t never look like that because I’m one of  

    Them people like no you’re not you’re not going to  lift this suitcase out out of my trunk I already   know that you’re going to pull it and when you  pull it I’m going to have these two scratches  

    Up to four scratches from your wheels going down  the back of my BMW now and [ __ ] gonna be like   oh I know he used that car as a ride share  card why you see all those black marks going  

    Down all those black marks going down to suitcase  Wheels this [ __ ] use that car as a ride share car yeah exactly exactly especially if the trunk  has an automatic closing function they try to   close it themselves yeah cuz they end up breaking  that [ __ ] they end up breaking the motor on that  

    When they break the motor on that it’s money out  of your pocket mo money because all you gotta do   is hit a button you hit a button and the trunk  will close on his own you ain’t got to yank on  

    That [ __ ] well feno say I always end up taking  a no trip order especially when restaurants are   about to close Uber will raise the base pay  significantly to entice drivers so I’ll pull   up 10 15 minutes before they close yeah I’ve seen  some $22 [ __ ] $22 for like four miles grab it  

    Man I’m sitting up there say hey if I see some at  a 24-hour Taco Stand Taco Shop $14 three miles to   one of these hotels grab it get it because that’s  what they going they GNA raise the base price  

    Because they already know nobody’s been picking up  this order too low Uber done try to sucker people   already you know $4 four miles nobody pick it up  $7 seven nobody picking that [ __ ] up $9 nobody’s  

    Soon as you put $14 three miles somebody’s gonna  get it and whether it’s a tip on and with Uber   Eats I hate late night because you might run  into the risk of possibly getting Uber getting  

    Uh tip baited you run into that risk of tip bait  cuz these [ __ ] in these hotels they think they   slick people at houses houses usually don’t tip  don’t tip bait you houses won’t do that but once  

    You start getting to these hotels these [ __ ]  know he don’t know what room I’m in I just said   drop it off that front so you go drop that [ __ ]  off that front next you know you be like oh [ __ ]  

    [ __ ] this [ __ ] was eight tip on it I end up  getting $5 instead of 133 this [ __ ] got me man   TI baited me what the [ __ ] yeah yeah jennif  say br you were slow I’m not going to reverse

    You so I had another day where the guy was calling  saying he was upstairs what the am I supposed to   do like I’m upstairs cool come on down I’m here  I’m here I done $40 for a mile yep you get them  

    Man you get them I be dropping off sandwiches  and [ __ ] $20 tips for a sandwich I’m like   hey I love that I gotta get back into delivery  heavy I gotta get back into that [ __ ] what Z   says I really haven’t done any rides since they  announced lux’s going away it’s good side money  

    But that was just a slap in the face once they  figure out what they got to pay people I’ll check   back in oh Z it’s going to be interesting I  want to see lip’s uh Revenue numbers I want  

    To see their gross revenue numbers for the period  from the moment they dropped it oh trust me their   gross revenue numbers is gonna go through the  floor but they’re oh yeah but the but the profit   margins went up what the profit margins only went  up because people got the the desperate the high  

    AR drivers are taking that [ __ ] but your gross  revenue numbers are gonna go through the floor go   through the [ __ ] floor and I’m sitting there  like uberX numbers oh they’re gross revenues   they’re going to have way more people picked up  way more rides especially in the same regions way  

    Excuse me way more rides in the same regions their  gross revenue numbers are gonna like slap lift in   the face their profit margin gonna slowly increase  because if they can keep more drivers on their   platform even the higher AR drivers gonna be help  pulling those numbers up LT is gonna get their ass  

    Handed to them lift is gonna get their ass handed  to them and I got a funny feeling that’s why those   two board members said we’re out of here because  we got a lot of analysts we got a lot of people  

    Saying [ __ ] and drivers we seeing them on we’re  hearing the stuff you know the chatter are on the   internet and everything else like that Li is about  to get their ass handed to him and I don’t want to  

    Be in and I don’t want to be in charge of this  [ __ ] when it happens I’m jumping [ __ ] right   now there’s other things I want to do with my  life other than watch this [ __ ] ship sink so  

    I’m g go do some other [ __ ] with my life I’m gon  go do some other endeavors yeah yeah exactly it’s   better that you get out and do it yourself plus  get stressed for a few seconds blood circulation   keep the wheels moving yeah exactly exactly  say flabio says hey Jeff did you hear about  

    What’s going on in Australia the Uber is going  to be forced to raise the pay because Australia   said it’s slavery what Uber is doing oh I kind of  heard about something like that the Australians   were over there upset at at how the pay scales  but I tell people man Australian drivers just  

    Like American drivers we control the app the apps  don’t control us we control the apps the moment we   know that we can decline any [ __ ] ride we don’t  want that’s your sense of control right there you  

    Are taking control because they can’t force you to  take any ride if they can force us to take rides   I would say that’s slavery a lot of the high AR  drivers I think are the slaves they are the low  

    AR drivers we ain’t the slaves we have a choice  low AR shows that you have a brain you have a   choice you have business analytics you’re you’re  basing on profits the high AR drivers are the   ones complaining we want more paid we want more  paid they’re the ones that are over there [ __ ]  

    They’re all hot ass all these [ __ ] what’s your  AR guaranteed the majority of the people in those   crowds got high AR guaranteed the low AR people we  know we ain’t slaves they trying to make us slaves  

    We can see that because they like the slaves they  like the high AR people they love those [ __ ] if   you renting you’re a slave especially if you  renting with a high AR you really a slave if  

    You renting with a high AR you a real slave but  the moment we sit around and we show them that   we control the app because you ain’t making  no Revenue until we click accept if we keep   clicking decline there’s no Revenue transpiring  decline no Revenue decline no Revenue decline no  

    Revenue except now you’re going to get Revenue  so if I’m only if I’m only picking up one out   of every let’s say five rods 20% AR one out of  every five you’re not getting all the potential   Revenue that’s out there you’re only getting 20%  of the potential Revenue that’s 80% of the revenue  

    Sitting on the boards that you may not get 80% %  of the revenue you’re losing you’re losing it the   potential of getting that because you got a lot  of low AR people going decline decline decline   okay accept and if everybody did that we control  the apps now because they’re not making no money  

    Off declines they don’t make they make money off  of cancels so they love if we accept it and if we   had the cancel for whatever reason or the the  riter had the cancel for they still get money  

    On that they get money on cancels but they don’t  get [ __ ] on the lines and once all these people   that are out there protesting and saying they’re  bringing up a good point I believe they bring up  

    A good point that the pay is too low and I think  drivers in the daytime are paid way less compared   to what they should be paid for drivers in the  night I believe that that’s could be a really  

    Good argument but as far saying you know they  want a minimum wage not no no we don’t want no   minimum wage because if you got a minimum wage  that means you have a maximum wage I don’t want  

    No minimum wage I just want good opportunities  because you you can’t put a floor on me and you   ain’t putting no ceiling on me I’m going to accept  what I think is is good for my situation I don’t  

    Want to be deemed or reprimanded for that give  me the opportunity to say hey I want to be able   to accept or decline rides without being throttled  you can’t throttle me you can’t you know string me  

    All out you can’t do this you got to give me the  opportunity to say whether or not I could do this   or not and if I say no to five of them because  you sent out five shitty ones you can’t throttle  

    Me you can’t kick me offline you can’t reprimand  me for doing good business for myself you can’t   reprimand me for that so if people are out there  arguing about we want better pay we want better  

    Pay you have the power in your hands it’s called  the decline [ __ ] button that’s it you can all   these little [ __ ] rods they taking they mad  the whole time I can’t believe I’m taking this  

    [ __ ] 50 Cent a m [ __ ] ride well you the idiot  you took a trip with no tip if you doing delivery   you the idiot don’t blame door Dash don’t blame  Uber Eats you the fool you the fool that took that  

    [ __ ] knowing what it well I was hoping it was  going to be [ __ ] hope don’t pay the bills hope   don’t you can’t call your landlord man I hope  I can pay for this place no [ __ ] you better  

    Pay for this place hope don’t pay [ __ ] around  here so you can’t take no orders in while hope I   get a tip no you can you can get a a better fair  if the apps have to pay you to get that that job  

    Done cuz the apps are saying we don’t have to pay  these people to get the job done because they get   these [ __ ] the free hot dog ass 71 they get  one free hot dog a week they get a free [ __ ]  

    Soda we give them a free [ __ ] bag of chips  all they got to do is keep their AR above 85%   and these broke [ __ ] riding around eating some  more dusty ass hot dogs drinking some flat ass   non-carbonated Sprites drinking [ __ ] exactly  all them goddamn Diamond rewards so you sitting  

    There got these people doing all that [ __ ] but  it’s like you won’t allow these people to make   money the right way the right way is allowing us  to decline everything and not throttling us not  

    Punishing us for saying this is a bad transaction  for me I don’t want to do this transaction and if   the app says well it’s a bad transaction for us  then apparently the customer shouldn’t be you   shouldn’t let that customer do that transaction  if you say well this guy just ordered $100 worth  

    Of pizza $100 worth of pizza is probably 1015  [ __ ] pieces you’re not giving me $3 to bring   1015 [ __ ] pieces for one mile you’re not giving  me $3 for that for me to bring 10 15 pieces at  

    Least give me 15 bucks 20 bucks for the mile I’ll  take it but you ain’t gonna sit up there and be   like oh man we gonna give you three we gonna give  you base Fair it’s only a mile you get Bas Fair no  

    The [ __ ] Pizza could sit right where they at you  putting all them greasy ass [ __ ] pieces in my   car putting grease on all my [ __ ] I gotta wipe  all my [ __ ] down in the trunk because I keep my  

    Trunk clean got grease spots [ __ ] goddamn sauce  marinara sauce done spilled some [ __ ] where I   gotta clean that [ __ ] for three [ __ ] dollars  no I’ll be the idiot for taking that [ __ ] I’m  

    The idiot for taking it I can’t blame door that D  Dash is like man we just made [ __ ] 1415 on that   order and we gave that [ __ ] $3 he’s stupid they  would be right they would be right and the people  

    Would be like well we not obligated to tip you  they’re right too we’re not obligated to tip you   you the [ __ ] that took it for $3 you the idiot  everybody’s right and the idiot is mad outside  

    Going we deserve more money give me more money you  the idiot decline that [ __ ] the money is on the   table we’ve been showing people the money is on  the table we’ve been declining R oh you guys are   stupid for declining that you’re stupid were  you stupid for standing in the street [ __ ]  

    Protesting low fairs that’s what I think so we  both stupid [ __ ] but one of us got a better   bank account than the other stupid [ __ ] my bank  account looks good I’m the super [ __ ] with the  

    Good money you the super [ __ ] with no money  so we different we can both be stupid you stupid   you declining that you declin you I would have  took that you’re stupid you’re an idiot you’re   declining that yeah yeah I’m stupid yeah I’m  stupid but I ain’t stressing right now I’m sitting  

    Okay right now I got emergency money right now my  [ __ ] engine blow I got SGS I can go give me a   new engine it’s gonna hit me hard hit me hard as a  [ __ ] is gonna hit me hard but I got seven GS if  

    My [ __ ] engine blow engine transmission assembly  7gs ship it to my house here 7gs right here I’ll   install that [ __ ] myself but if you going to sit  there you got high AR no [ __ ] money in the bank  

    And you calling somebody else stupid you in the  wrong [ __ ] business I mean you you satting there   telling yourself who the stupid one really is I  mean you’re sitting there with your ARs and every   oh well we shouldn’t have to take these orders  with no tips you don’t have to who the [ __ ]  

    Said you have to you’re not obligated to they not  obligated to [ __ ] tip you you’re not obligated   to pick up these soggy ass [ __ ] pancakes either  leave that [ __ ] sitting on the counter if the   [ __ ] butter soak all the way through the [ __ ]  pancake through the [ __ ] container through the  

    [ __ ] countertop and got butter on the [ __ ]  floor cuz they didn’t tip that’s they [ __ ]   problem they can try again tomorrow with a tip  Because by the time they get them sogg ass [ __ ]   pancakes the butter has completely evaporated the  [ __ ] Ser has evaporated the [ __ ] container got  

    A hole in the bottom I ain’t leaving no tip for  this well you left it sitting up there for four   [ __ ] hours because you wouldn’t apply a tip so  some high AR [ __ ] came skipping along for you  

    Know a Bas Fair of $185 for two miles and brought  you those nasty ass pancakes that’s on you now you   could have got the [ __ ] a lot faster had you  put a tip but you ain’t obligated to tip just  

    Like you ain’t obligated to get no fresh pancakes  you got these [ __ ] deal with it and that’s just   how I roll it I tell [ __ ] it ain’t personal is  business because I’m not going to sit up there  

    And run myself into the ground run myself ragged  run my car ragged when I got companies telling me   Jeff you don’t have to take this [ __ ] if you  don’t want it when I got a customer telling me  

    You don’t have to pick up my [ __ ] cuz I don’t  have to tip you when I got two people telling me   exactly what I need to hear to make this decision  two people telling me Jeff you don’t got to pick  

    Up the order I don’t have to [ __ ] tip you who’s  the idiot if I bring that order I don’t feel sorry   for these [ __ ] a lot of times I really don’t I  see people being mad kicking [ __ ] chicken bags  

    And [ __ ] throwing boxes over the [ __ ] fence  what you mad for you accepted it punch yourself   in the face [ __ ] kick yourself in the nuts  like you’re the one who did it be mad at you  

    And go home man I’m mad at myself why because  I keep taking these dumbass orders I’m mad at   myself yeah be mad at you because it’s it’s you  we control these apps Z said wow this guy’s AR is  

    99% get this man a VIP table immediately some  [ __ ] sitting IHOP at the VIP section with a   [ __ ] a goddamn one of them disco balls spinning  over his [ __ ] head that’s the high AR VIP table  

    Where we only take 20 minutes to bring you this  [ __ ] order $3 for five miles it’s like [ __ ]   so we control what we make so it’s kind of hard to  ask these apps for [ __ ] I ain’t never ask these  

    [ __ ] for nothing I ain’t never send them [ __ ]  a message hey can you do me a favor and no [ __ ]   them I don’t need no favor for you I just need  you to not try to discipline me when I reject  

    Dumb [ __ ] that’s all I know it’s dumb [ __ ]  you know it’s dumb [ __ ] don’t throttle me just   do that for me that’s it let me work let me do me  let me analyze let me break this [ __ ] that’s all  

    I ask for I don’t need no minimum I don’t need  no [ __ ] can you help me I don’t need none of   that [ __ ] just don’t [ __ ] with me when I’m  out here working if you sending out [ __ ] and  

    It ain’t [ __ ] I’ll just go home I’m done for  theight I’m done you don’t have me as a driver   for tonight we’re I’m not Contracting with you for  theight I’ll go home for theight but if there’s  

    Good money out there give me the opportunity to  make it if I got a decline two or three don’t like   these orders nature hikes and [ __ ] like that  don’t throttle me don’t do me like that because  

    You know as [ __ ] you know it and I know it don’t  be mad at me company be like well we’re trying to   make money too then pay me because if you taking  $85 for a ride leaving the airport you taking 85  

    For that but you give me 28 just because it’s  [ __ ] you know 20 miles no [ __ ] that no no   if you take an 85 for that give me 45 you take 40  I call out a good deal that’s a good deal but yet  

    These apps they want to see drivers like me as a  threat to their profit line I see these apps as a   threat to me taking care of my family because if  you GNA go out there and break my car down break  

    Me have me evicted next month because I can’t come  up with the rent by the third or the fourth or the   fifth or whatever day it’ be if I can’t do all  that then you a threat to my survival because  

    Now I gotta go take the car back because I can’t  afford it you done ran into the ground my tradeing   is real too [ __ ] low depreciation done killed  this [ __ ] so now I got to turn around and moved  

    From a you know a four-bedroom house down to  a one-bedroom condo with a roommate my room   is the [ __ ] p Pao I gotta sleep on the [ __ ]  patio now and I got four [ __ ] dogs the dogs get  

    The living room I get the patio what the [ __ ]  how kind of [ __ ] is that so these [ __ ] these   apps can run you ragged they ain’t calling you  checking on you hey man we see you not making a  

    Lot of money we see you doing some high AR [ __ ]  are you gonna make rent this month is it cool is   everything do we need to give you an advance on  [ __ ] you know rideair money can we help you  

    With your rent this month so you ain’t stressing  about that these [ __ ] don’t call you about that   they not calling you for that they going to run  your ass into the ground and and when you can’t  

    Drive the first thing they going to say is well we  got a rental we got a Tesla rental [ __ ] he’ll do   that this is pro tip create create a contest for  extreme rides on your channel extreme rides like  

    [ __ ] off-roading and [ __ ] going over curbs  and all that Mar says I’m thinking of trade in   my Tesla 3 Performance for a model y black color I  keep hearing the model Y is the best one for ride  

    Shair they say the model the wild w is the best  forage CH because you can get all the tiar with that yes so I’m sitting there looking at oh jtbs  in the house get some shitty crusty garbage what  

    Up Dara I know that’s funny [ __ ] and I tell  people man if if you want to sit up there and   and like Australia’s doing and say we we’re asking  you asking you for better fairs but you’re taking   [ __ ] fairs that’s like you saying Jeff we want  chocolate chip cookies instead of these [ __ ]  

    Sugar cookies you keep getting us well why do  you keep eating the [ __ ] sugar cookies when   I’m putting them on the table when I put the  sugar cookies on the table if you don’t want  

    Them I should see the same amount of sugar cookies  on the table when I come back but when the [ __ ]   is all gone I’m saying they like sugar cookies  these [ __ ] love sugar because every time I put  

    12 sugar cookies on the table I’ll leave and come  back it’s only one left these [ __ ] love these   sugar cookies if you want chocolate chip cookies  I should come back and see 12 [ __ ] sugar cookies  

    On the table that will let me know y’ ain’t eating  this [ __ ] so when people tell me they don’t like   the fairs that’s out there but Uber’s like they’re  clearing out our queue all these [ __ ] fairs are  

    Gone that tells me y’all like [ __ ] fairs that’s  what it tells me I should come back to the queue   and see the same amount of rides sitting there  I should be like Dam we put aund rid in a que  

    It’s a 100 Rod still in the [ __ ] que what the  [ __ ] that means ain’t making no money Li ain’t   making no money all right Flavio my man Gomez hey  gotta go Jeff thanks for spreading the knowledge  

    Brother real [ __ ] brother real [ __ ] man y’all  be safe out there it’s a crusty World FL said it’s   a crusty world oh crusty Dusty [ __ ] trying to  get us Emanuel you right that rental program is   dumb man they getting people man but as drivers  we control how this [ __ ] works and we don’t  

    Even realize how we control it cuz if I left a  100 rides in a queue and never took a single one   of them how much money does the app make because  at some point even the people that are paying for  

    Programs and [ __ ] like the Riders and say hey  I got the rider package on this program at some   point they’re going to cancel their Rider package  because they say I got the rider package with you   guys and I never get a ride because Uber’s not  paying the drivers well enough so the people  

    Gonna Cancel their Rider package and go over  to lift lift rides oh man I always get a ride   on lift this is crazy because Li might be paying  better no telling yep G G requires to be ignorant  

    For them to succeed real [ __ ] real [ __ ] oh  Rod flow I heard that yep and somebody said it’s   true I think Cod mobile said yep that uh Herz is  now making Tesla renters pay for their tires yeah  

    Yeah and that’s right JTB is most is mutually  excusive we have to F so they can succeed so   if I don’t want none of these 100 [ __ ] trips  I shouldn’t be taking none of them I shouldn’t   be taking these sugar cookies eating the [ __ ]  crumbs all over mother [ __ ] shirt man these old  

    Nasty ass [ __ ] sugar cookies [ __ ] these sugar  cookies I can’t stand [ __ ] sugar but I’m eating   this [ __ ] the whole time and it’s crumbling all  over my shirt I got sugar cookies all in my seat   all in the floor the dogs is eating the [ __ ]  off the floor but I’m complaining about these  

    Sugar cookies but I’m eating these [ __ ] every  time they put them out same with these rods stop   taking these rods don’t get in the cookie van real  [ __ ] people complaining about the rods a lot of  

    Rods I laugh at I be like doubt it [ __ ] I ain’t  going for that no I can’t do that nope not for me   I’m cool on that [ __ ] I’ll let people know right  the front when I’m I’m selecting rides why I’m not  

    Taking them and so if any of the employees or  the people at Uber why is Jeff not taking his   ride dude it’s $36 it’s $36 I’m like yeah $36 for  45 miles man $36 is taking me 52 minutes 30 I can  

    Make $60 in one hour why do I want 36 and then I  got to drive 45 miles that way when I can sit in   my own region right by my house make 60 bucks and  then only got like a three mile ride home after  

    I’m done I can make 60 bucks an hour in my own  region and have a three mile ride home instead   of making 36 and 52 minutes driving 45 miles  that way then I got a 52 a 45 mile ride all the  

    Way back home again I just went 90 miles to make  $36 when I could make 60 in my own little region   doing little [ __ ] trips and I’m right back home  in three miles and so I tell people if you keep  

    Taking this [ __ ] they going to keep putting this  [ __ ] on the table you keep taking these rotten   ass hot dogs they gonna keep putting these rotten  ass hot dogs on the table who’s eating these hot   dogs these [ __ ] the Buns all crusty and [ __ ]  and you still biting into the [ __ ] stop eating  

    That [ __ ] I tell [ __ ] I don’t want no mashed  potatoes I’m cool on that [ __ ] do not put mashed   potatoes on my plate I don’t want mashed potatoes  I’ll eat red beans and rice I’ll eat you know  

    Some steak I’ll eat some pizza but I ain’t eat  no [ __ ] mashed potatoes so when I see mashed   potatoes I just don’t eat it I let them know I  don’t like mashed potatoes you don’t sit there  

    And eat the [ __ ] then they say well you’ve been  eating the mashed potato why you didn’t like it   no I didn’t like it well you’ve been eating this  [ __ ] for a whole year why didn’t you just say  

    You didn’t like it we thought you liked it so we  kept feeding it to you that’s [ __ ] fares when we   stop taking them the price has to go up the rods  have to the price has to go up the fairs have to  

    Go up the percentages have to go up all this  [ __ ] has to go up if you stop taking them so   for people to sit around and beg these apps for  more money is laughable these apps don’t give a  

    [ __ ] about drivers how many times have we say  that to sit in their face begging them for more   money they like the choice is yours you’ve been  you’ve been accepting [ __ ] so we’ve been giving   you what you like uber used to send me messages  sometimes we notice you’ve been declining a lot of  

    Rods lately what type of Rise do you like I’ll be  putting high-profit low miles I’ll be putting that   [ __ ] leave a comment high-profit low miles and  now I turn around and what happened I’m getting a   lot of high-profit low mile rodes holy [ __ ] why  because I don’t eat [ __ ] mashed potatoes you can  

    Make more if Uber died yeah that’s the thing Uber  is Uber is worldwide Uber is in every country on   this [ __ ] planet almost Li would die before  Uber died Li is only Nationwide they’re only   North American and it’s hard to see that just a  basically North American company can exceed an  

    International company for for Uber to die it’s got  to die in every Market every Market it has to die   because you got to understand Americans travel  a lot of Americans travel all over the world  

    The American dollar it’s it’s expensive to live in  America so we go to Mexico we go to Thailand we go   to [ __ ] Korea we go know the Guam we we leaveing  [ __ ] a $20 tip we thinking $20 is like oh it’s  

    What I leave in America these [ __ ] like $20 this  is like a $100 bill to me man what the [ __ ] you   just gave me a $100 bill that’s what it’s like  around the world so those markets as long as they  

    Get tourism and Americans and people in expensive  places traveling to less expensive places these   drivers are making some serious bank because we’re  treating them like they’re in America we say hey   here’s $5 $5 tip we like oh here you go $5 like  dude this is like 50 bucks what the [ __ ] this  

    Dude just gave me like 50 bucks pretty much and so  it’s gonna be hard for Uber to die because ubber   worldwide they’ve got money that lift don’t have  they’ve got drivers that lift don’t have so when  

    We starting to leave tips all over the and that’s  why it was funny because there’s a reason why you   like on the the uh the Professor Channel he had  that weird app that was people was getting $11,000  

    And $7,000 [ __ ] it was it was funny because  all those currencies and all those words were   in foreign languages they weren’t in English every  screenshot he showed none of them were in English   not a single one so it made me think that all  that [ __ ] was like not even converted into a  

    US currency it had a dollar sign next to it but it  wasn’t US currency I think the apps were putting   [ __ ] into US dollar currency but it was not  converted to what they were from cuz like $7,000  

    A week in that whatever they were working in those  many hours and [ __ ] like that really converts   to about 12300 US dollar which is normal so when  they were showing me all these screenshots on this   channel I’m looking at this Channel and I’m like  why is this currency not converted why why are  

    The words not converted over to English so if the  words are not converted over to English that means   the currency because I do foreign translations all  the time I tell everybody in some of my videos I  

    Do I do foreign translations at least 30 foreign  translations a day 30 translations a day I do   every single day I’m on Google translator I got  the [ __ ] saved in my [ __ ] favor because I use  

    It all the [ __ ] time so why is the screens and  all that [ __ ] still in another [ __ ] language   because when I do my foreign currency translations  when I do them guess what the US dollars are still  

    There when I’m doing my forign when I tell  somebody $800 for a week this and that it’s   in all their language but there’s a dollar sign a  800. it never converts to their currency it never  

    Because I have to go into a currency converter to  change my 800 to their currency then convert my   language over to their language it would take an  extra step so when I’m seeing all these screens on   this channel all the language is converted into  a foreign language but the currency is still us  

    So that tells me that that currency is not US  currency it’s a foreign currency $1,000 a week   Uber wouldn’t let that [ __ ] fly that currency  was never converted over that’s why I think   it’s [ __ ] you’ve never seen that [ __ ] nowhere  else except on his channel you’ve never seen that  

    [ __ ] nowhere and there’s people walking around  oh yeah they’re [ __ ] with him they’re [ __ ]   with him oh yeah we got this app and we get all  this money well how come it’s not in US dollars  

    Because when you work on the app in America it’s  English you can put a different language on your   app here but guess what it’s going to convert so  once you do the convergence and everything like  

    That why do we not have it in English you never  see those numbers with English writing or nothing   behind it that’s why I tell people man you gotta  watch who the [ __ ] you listen to because some of  

    This [ __ ] is garbage man some of this [ __ ] is  straight garbage and I’m not saying like the rajer   professor’s garbage but I’m saying the [ __ ] he  was showing in that video don’t make sense to me  

    Because I do 30 currency I do 30 translations  a day I do Zulu Somali I do Dutch Netherlands   French Canada Portuguese in Brazil Portuguese  in Portugal I do what [ __ ] Chinese simplified   Chinese traditional Hong Kong and Singapore I do  Africans I do Bosnian I do [ __ ] uh Bangla in  

    India Bangla I mean I got Turkish taii Vietnamese  Zulu all these [ __ ] I gotta goddamn break down   all these translations I gotta break down every  [ __ ] day Hindi Hindi do that [ __ ] everything   I’m doing every day German do all that [ __ ]  and all the dollar signs are always whatever I  

    Put on there they never convert over what lets  me know those screens are not converted to US   none of that shit’s us it’s all foreign [ __ ]  currency everything’s foreign so if you do a   foreign currency translator and you type those  numbers into a foreign translator you’re going  

    To get 13400 a week which is what everybody’s  [ __ ] making and I’m like it’s not amazing   sounds like a dating na resume I’m telling you no  it’s YouTube I’mma tell you right now YouTube is worldwide because I like I said I got friends  one of my son’s teachers was over in um in  

    Thailand she lives in Thailand her and her  husband lives in Thailand he’s a tigy they   in Thailand she used to live in Vegas she was  teaching in Vegas she hit me up one day on on   uh Instagram and I told people this story and  I showed them all the screenshots of in her  

    Conversation she says Jeff I’m sitting here at  the gas station and I’m looking at this uh this   thing about the airport report and it’s got your  video planing your YouTube video is playing Jeff   in Thailand right now and she screenshotted all  the [ __ ] and showed it all so they had my videos  

    All y’all names all y’all chat all y’all [ __ ]  going on my channel sitting over in Thailand in   real time I was online and y’all were all making  comments and we were being played in Thailand and   she screenshotted all the [ __ ] and showed it  all while she was sitting there at the [ __ ]

    Airport that’s why I translate all my [ __ ]  to different languages there’s Americans all   over this world I have to be in search engines  all over the world for people to find me there’s   drivers all over the world there’s drivers  in Thailand there’s drivers in Korea there’s  

    Drivers in China there’s drivers everywhere  driving Uber they may not drive lip but they   all Drive Uber because Uber’s worldwide so we  push this strategy everything y’all saying zick   suy Su ad Dophin doc JTB all y’all [ __ ] right  now overseas right now reading what y’all writing  

    Listen to what y’ because of the way I Market  my channel my channel is worldwide and I don’t   do it for me I do it because there’s too many  smart drivers on this [ __ ] channel for y’all  

    Not to be known globally of how y’all doing this  [ __ ] kcb strategist Juan Vargas King James all   you [ __ ] man when I put [ __ ] out there Logan  I put [ __ ] out there to let everybody know I do  

    A lot of work behind the scenes on this channel  to make sure all you drivers if y’all got some   [ __ ] to say somebody going to hear that [ __ ]  we got s billion people on this planet somebody  

    Probably not need to hear what you got to say and  I’m going to make sure it gets to them that’s what   I do with this [ __ ] I don’t just sit on it  right here in the United States United States  

    Is cool but United States is not the planet so  when I push this channel out to 35 countries a   day well 35 languages I do 35 languages a day 35  languages and some languages are spoken multiple  

    Countries therefore just think of every language  is in is in two countries that’s could be up to 70   countries I’m marketing this channel in every  day 70 countries sometimes you might get four   countries that’s 120 countries wearing every day  and that’s everybody Emanuel they do man I’m gonna  

    Tell you something about YouTube YouTube does  what YouTube does I think YouTube is trying to   push you know they’re trying to push uh YouTube  premium YouTube premium is the point where you   don’t get ads on anything but we get a cut of  the premium money because you bought premium  

    So you don’t like I have Spotify Premium Spotify  Premium I don’t get no ads on Spotify but it cost   me money to do it because when I’m driving with  people and I’m rolling I don’t have commercials  

    And [ __ ] when I’m riding with people doing  stuff so I gotta pay to be in a certain class   of that app to where I don’t get commercials  YouTube I gotta go get YouTube premium because   sometimes when I’m watching People’s videos I  may not want to have you know ads play so if  

    You don’t want to see commercials there’s a way  to do it but a lot of people want free [ __ ] for   free forever somebody’s got to pay for this [ __ ]  YouTube covers everything but they do it through  

    Ad revenue and I tell people if you don’t want to  see ads you can do like me on the Spotify pay for   that [ __ ] you won’t see them because I don’t  expect [ __ ] for free I work my ass off every  

    Day I don’t expect [ __ ] for free oh yeah they  do it all the time man they do it all the time   on my channel but I’m a person that I understand  how business works I understand how economy Works  

    Understand why things are the way somebody’s got  to pay for YouTube servers somebody’s got to pay   for the fact that we can open this [ __ ] app  every day somebody’s got to pay for it you see  

    His advertisers paying for it cuz we ain’t paying  for the [ __ ] and I don’t expect nothing for free   so that means I got to watch ads for a minute and  I do I watch them but I understand why I’m seeing  

    Them because I haven’t paid the money to not see  them on Spotify I’ve paid the money to not see   them on YouTube I’ve got to pay the money to not  see them that’s just how the world works that’s  

    How that [ __ ] works and I understand why it  works the way because I used to be corporate most   of my life and I understand how [ __ ] really goes  and some things are used to pay for other things  

    They use advertising Revenue to pay for for the  salaries of the people running their servers they   use it to pay for the actual infrastructure they  use an ad revenue for all that [ __ ] they use it  

    For everything and all we do is create content to  make sure people are on their platform and not on   Tik Tok not on Netflix not on Hulu but on YouTube  and advertisers say we got more people on YouTube  

    Therefore we’re going to advertise on YouTube  the people that want to see the ads or going to   see the ads just don’t pay for YouTube premium  the people on Spotify that when I had Spotify   first and I didn’t have Spotify Premium I would  have to wait till ads finish playing just to get  

    Somebody a [ __ ] song they requested that [ __ ]  sucked I’m a professional [ __ ] professional I’m   a professional [ __ ] so when I’m in these streets  and somebody say hey I want hear [ __ ] doer cat   I go to doer cat [ __ ] plays instantly because I  pay for Spotify Premium back then I used to put in  

    Doer cat had to hear [ __ ] commercial by the time  the commercial is done we already at the goddamn   house so this is how the world works like I said  I don’t expect [ __ ] for free but understand why  

    Things are set up the way they’re set up and I  tell people like like when I was talking about   you know advertising there’s my channel like I  said I do all the backend work for it I don’t hire  

    Nobody to do [ __ ] on my channel because I like  my [ __ ] done a certain way I’m an accountant   I’m OCD with my [ __ ] I’m an accountant I’ve  always been an accountant always been OCD I   always worked on my own cars always did my own  housework I always did my own [ __ ] because I  

    Like [ __ ] a certain way so when I do my website  it takes a lot of time that’s why I tell people I   make probably dollar an hour on YouTube I make a  dollar per hour it takes me 30 hours to make 30  

    Bucks in my car I can go out and make $20 that’s  why I drive because I’m like I drive still because   I can make you know $60 an hour driving $60 an  hour is like 60 days on YouTube and one day of  

    Me driving is what I pretty much make in in like  60 days because I don’t make 60 hours I make like   a dollar an hour dead serious but I don’t mind  because when you look at the benefits of what we  

    Do how we spread this [ __ ] all over the world  how we spread all information all these drivers   you [ __ ] are like characters in the movie  real [ __ ] what up Stephen I see you man sh  

    Said preach Let the church say Amen but when I do  the backend work for all this I make sure not just   these videos are seen but you as drivers what  you’re saying is being seen what you’re showing  

    In the comments is being seen what you saying in  the chat is being seen I do that for the r share   Community I’m not the only [ __ ] driver here I’m  not I just got the microphone and the camera the  

    Drivers are in the chat the drivers are in the  comments on these videos the drivers are the ones   giving this information telling people I made this  much in three hours a day thanks to doing this  

    This this and this the drivers are the proof of  who we are as a community and I share that [ __ ]   with as many countries as I can share because  we some hardworking [ __ ] all of us ain’t out  

    Here begging for money we not begging for money  we’re figuring out how to make money we letting   the apps do what the apps do because they need to  make that money all right Devon hey be be easy out  

    There Mr Jordan good night everyone Jeff keep up  the great work keep them Wheels moving real [ __ ]   brother real and you know we will man I’m gonna be  off this thing in about [ __ ] 30 minutes I’m at  

    Four this is supposed to be a two- hour live I’m  at four hours right now we get it in we get it in but when I’m doing this Emanuel too when  I’m doing is I’m making sure that I do all  

    The backend work so this Channel shows up in all  search engines in all different languages in all   different parts of the world because there’s  drivers who will copy what you said and they   will translate it so they understand what’s going  on they will put it in Bangla they’ll put it in  

    Turkish they’ll put it in Somali Persian I do  Persian in Afghanistan they’ll do they’ll put   it in Persian because they may want to know  how is this driver making this money what is   this driver talking about and then they can also  go to to Auto format cuz I publish all my [ __ ]  

    And Clos captions everything’s published in  closed captions so they can read what I’m   saying if they don’t understand what I’m saying  they can at least read what I’m saying and this   is not just for me it’s for all these drivers are  on my channel these people know y’all names like  

    Y’all are characters in the movie they know who  King James is they know who Juan Vargas is they   know who you know Bigfoot Dasher is they know who  you know Rod flow is they know who winter is they  

    Know who all these people are on this channel  because I make sure that I talk to the drivers   that the drivers are you are not just screen names  on my [ __ ] y’all not just screen names y’all are  

    Real people with real families real kids saying  mom and you may not go to school you may not go   to college you may not but this might be the  seminar you need to hear for 30 minutes today  

    20 minutes to day I’ll pay the rest later I I just  need to hear this little bit today I’ll play the   rest later this might be the seminar you needed  to hear to get out on them streets to make that  

    Money because like I said not everybody values  drivers they think we don’t deserve the money   [ __ ] out crying right now in Australia about  the money [ __ ] how many times have we yelled   and screamed and crowded these [ __ ] apps about  the money and what do they keep doing taking the  

    Money so the trick is not crying to these [ __ ]  not asking them for that’s not the trick the trick   is to go out and get it and this is a go out and  get it Channel but it’s not just going out logging  

    Hours and aimlessly driving around letting the  apps do what they want to do we say you have to   have a strategy even when other drivers oh  there’s no such thing a strategy with ride   Cherry just get in and drive that’s stupid hear  that is strategy that same [ __ ] make about $100  

    In like 10 hours of driving and we sitting here  making in three hours 250 3 hours 130 four hours   $300 because we using the strategy to do this  not everybody’s gonna understand what we doing   in this cool because not everybody understands  trigonometry not everybody understands algebra  

    Not everybody understand business calculus not  everybody understands [ __ ] Neuroscience botney   so you you don’t have to understand every [ __ ]  thing you just respect that it does exist I know   quantum physics exists I know it exists because I  know people that do it do I understand it [ __ ]  

    No but I don’t disrespect it just because I don’t  understand it I say damn man that’s some serious   quantum physics [ __ ] man that’s crazy yeah  all right po I holl at you dog I don’t walk   into a quantum physics [ __ ] lab all you people  are [ __ ] stupid this is the dumbest [ __ ] I  

    Ever heard this is but that’s what they do on  these R they don’t understand what we doing and   how we making the money we making and instead of  understanding that [ __ ] and trying to understand  

    How to do it they walk in the [ __ ] door mad at  it they mad they don’t understand quantum physics   well this [ __ ] is do what I was heard was you  know this is stupid I don’t understand why you do  

    And you guys don’t know what you’re doing now is  that you just don’t understand man it’s cool not   to understand there a lot of [ __ ] I don’t even  understand but I’m willing to sit and listen I’m   willing to learn I’m willing to [ __ ] go back  and forth have a conversation about it that’s  

    Right Daniel and Stephen and I’m cool with that  I’m cool with not because there will be a point   when that light will come on and I will have that  understanding now oh this is what you mean this  

    Is what he oh I get it now I get it now but for  somebody to walk right into a room see what’s on   the [ __ ] chalkboard get mad and turn around and  walk out yell at the class and that’s they [ __ ]  

    Problem but the class is gonna learn something  when everybody leaves the class everybody’s like   dude I’m glad I came to class today because I  almost missed this [ __ ] but I’m glad I came   because it might not even be the teacher that  says some [ __ ] it might be the student next  

    To you that brings up a question that you say  I never thought of that it could be the student   behind that gives a response I never thought of  that it could be the student on the left of you  

    That says you know XYZ and you go holy [ __ ] I  never thought so sometimes it’s the atmosphere it   ain’t the teacher it ain’t the class it ain’t the  it’s the atmosphere and when you have a channel  

    That’s a atmosphere type of Channel you gonna  get some [ __ ] out of this you gonna get some   benefit out of this because it’s the atmosphere  and when you put people in the atmosphere of   stupidity yelling anger lack of [ __ ] compassion  for drivers like I said I’m a night driver but I  

    Got heart for the day drivers I know what these  [ __ ] going through because I’ve tried it before   when you lack all of that and you don’t have  that environment around you of Rod share that  

    Environment of w to help people out help out this  [ __ ] in a daytime driving because he got to be   home for these three kids at night he can’t be  a night driver so I need to keep my ass in the  

    House and I need to do nights the money is out  there but you got to share the wealth you got   to share the market with everybody understand  what parts of the market you can you can like   capitalize on they understand what parts they can  capitalize on and together you figure that [ __ ]  

    Out just like when I leave big ass rides going  to KAS ground for Frank I leave rides for him I   leave rids going out west for L Vargas leave them  rides for him a lot of rids in 10 Fe that’s going  

    Downtown to uh Phoenix sometimes King James might  be like dude I need that [ __ ] ride guess what   I’m not trying to go to Fenix I’m trying to go  to Gilbert I’ll leave that [ __ ] for him so a  

    Lot of people out there especially drivers out  there they don’t have a heart for what we got   a heart for they don’t do it the way we do it and  it’s cool they just don’t understand it yet they  

    Ain’t there yet and there was a point in time when  I wasn’t here I was not always at this point had   I been at this point when I first started there  would be no need for this [ __ ] [ __ ] but we  

    Learned a lot we went through a lot we’re sharing  a lot Logan belly my man like Logan he he shared   the whole QR code [ __ ] with me he shared that  [ __ ] with me I [ __ ] hurry up and got me one  

    But now I gotta go put zel on one I got to do  another one and do zel on but still at least I’m   gonna have two now so one gets [ __ ] up I got  another one but that’s do we share information  

    So we can help each other out we see in this world  that we live in we see where people struggle they   struggle with bills mainly finan is the number  one struggle in this world finances and when you  

    Got somebody sitting next to you going I want to  help you out a little bit with your finances you   got to respect that [ __ ] because right now  they probably went through some [ __ ] in life   to where they know what you could potentially go  through and how they gonna keep you from going  

    Through that then they gonna beat you down like  a lot of these channels will beat you down I’m   better than you I’m the king of this [ __ ] you  ain’t nothing compared to me I’ve been the best  

    Driver in my area my whole life I’ve been the  best driver ain’t no other driver around here   better than me y’all should listen to me I’m the  bet I can’t [ __ ] with people like that I can’t   [ __ ] with people like that because sometimes  you put yourself so high up on a [ __ ] pedestal  

    You up in the clouds and you can’t even see down  past the clouds to see his people in the valley   sit on there struggling and [ __ ] you way too  [ __ ] high up for me I can’t [ __ ] with you  

    Because I’m always in the trenches I’m always in  these trenches I’m always in these [ __ ] streets   always and people say well you a YouTuber I don’t  get paid [ __ ] off of YouTube like I said I make  

    About a dollar an hour I put a I put clearly  easily about a thousand hours of [ __ ] month   dealing with this [ __ ] [ __ ] I swear it feels  like that always [ __ ] editing always recording   always going through Administration always you  know making sure I’m in other markets I can go  

    To any [ __ ] you know Market I want to go into  and I can type in my channel in that market it   comes up in that [ __ ] language I’m like cool  my video is in [ __ ] you know Guam right now  

    Perfect my video is in the Philippines perfect  like it I’m glad glad in Vietnam right now cool   that’s cool but I don’t just do that for me and  my channel I do that because there’s a lot of  

    Drivers on here a lot of drivers on here with  information that can help somebody out it’s in   the exact same position and if we don’t share  I’m telling you man these apps they’re gonna   have us looking like Australia down there crying  in the [ __ ] Street walking around with pop SLE  

    Sticks and [ __ ] poster boards man I’m a protest  I’m a proest I’m a pro [ __ ] that yeah Dre say I   got beat down my r I quit yesterday I’m pivoting  a delivery appreciating all the advice I got from  

    This page it be like that brother some of these  markets out here are rugged some of these markets   are rugged like I said the Vegas Market the Miami  markets you know the LA markets these markets are  

    Rugged out there brother they rugged and you got  to do what’s mentally better for you I mean if you   got like I said I had a headache for like two or  three days last week I couldn’t even drive like  

    It was a Friday I couldn’t even drive I had to  just call it good I drove for like two hours I’m   done man my head is hurting too much this [ __ ]  will beat you down mentally will [ __ ] you up and  

    Like I said in one of my videos one time these  [ __ ] got PTSD a lot of drivers got PTSD they   got PTSD they get beat down by this [ __ ] even  when they go back to a W2 they remember the money  

    They remember the downloading $300 $400 they  remember that [ __ ] it’s PTSD man they send   it a W2 Slow Money slow money I know nothing  Jeff watch for President coming from I know what’s up thank you thank you a profit go get a  Logan yeah but these people they’ll have they’re  

    Sting at a W2 making Slow Money 17 an hour 18 19  an hour they’ll never download that much money a   day they got to wait two weeks for a paycheck  one week for a paycheck they got to learn how  

    To budget they’ve got to learn how to budget yeah  I’m doing extra Comfort Stephen yep I did a video   about my car qualifying I got the email saying I  qualified for it at least until April so I got it  

    Till April on lift but when they when they used  to that fast money that downloading 250 a day 300   a day you used to downloading some good days five  600 a day you used to downloading that and all of  

    A sudden you’re not in R Shir no more you had a W2  you can’t do that download you got a bill coming   up on Wednesday but you gotta wait till Friday  it’s slow money you get PTSD because you ain’t  

    Used to that feeling you’re not used to that you  used to downloading 250 shooting that money over   for the bill real quick next two days working  you’re used to that so Rod share gets into the  

    Mentality of who you are gets into psychic and if  it takes you too far down too far you got to come   up for air you got to say you know what man I’m  cool on rer for a minute I’m gon do delivery I’m  

    Go you gotta come up for air sometimes because  this [ __ ] will take you down a [ __ ] path and   it will beat you up and have you yelling in the  [ __ ] car and [ __ ] like that so you gota like  

    I said Dre at least you you know your limits you  know your limits and a lot of drivers don’t know   their limits I mean you got [ __ ] out here  drivers are pulling guns on [ __ ] people you   got drivers fighting people they don’t know  their limits this shit’s gotten to their head  

    So much that they they’ve lost it when it comes  to rer they’ve lost it and so it’s good to hear   that you pulling yourself out you are aware you  got that self-awareness to where you say I need  

    To pull myself out I need to Pivot for a minute  I need to do something different for a minute a   lot of drivers don’t got that and like I said a  lot of them still got that PTSD where they they  

    Ain’t worked Rod share for two years three years  but they on Rod share channels to this day trying   to beat up drivers you’re gonna end up like  me you’re G to end up in a [ __ ] wheelchair  

    Sitting here pissed off yelling at every [ __ ]  B like me every day no you’re not because it   don’t happen to everybody it don’t happen it only  happens to certain people it don’t it does happen   but not to everybody but some oh you’re gonna  go get through a job and you’re gonna have to  

    Work for $13 an hour start back at the bottom  again it a gonna happen to everybody it ain’t   gonna happen to everybody that’s right Logan man  I’m used to getting money every day that’s why I  

    Fit right in with G that’s real [ __ ] is I have  live direct so I get paid after every ride and tip   it’s addicting yeah Dante man and it gives people  PTSD when you don’t when you done working all day  

    You working on credit how many companies in the  past two years have you seen with employees being   fured laid off fired terminated all that [ __ ]  in the last two years because I read this [ __ ]   all the time I get business [ __ ] all the time  on my phone and these [ __ ] are still fighting  

    For their final paychecks they worked on credit  these people were working on credit they were   working with the company saying we’re going  to pay you and these people are getting big   paychecks they don’t get their pension paid  out their vacation time these people waiting  

    On five $6,000 checks five $6,000 checks they  waiting on never got it working on credit a   lot of contractors didn’t get paid $144,000  invoices $26,000 invoices working on credit   they working on credit we do this [ __ ] we get  paid at the end of the day this is like day labor  

    [ __ ] you get paid at the end of the day you  downloading 300 you put in some smart ass time   you downloading 300 you only work five six hours  because that’s all you say I’m g go out here for  

    Five six hours real quick see what I can get five  six hours later you downloading 220 damn 220 I did   like three hours of driving almost $70 an hour  download that [ __ ] people get PTSD from this  

    [ __ ] because they miss it they don’t want to  admit it it’s like a girlfriend that they they   scared to admit that they [ __ ] miss [ __ ]  that [ __ ] can’t stand that [ __ ] well why   you still talking about all the [ __ ] time  you dating a new [ __ ] girl you still talk  

    About your old [ __ ] girl cuz I can’t stand  that [ __ ] see that’s what it’s like it’s like PTSD and so I tell everybody when you out there  driving just like Dre if you got to come up for  

    Air man you got to come up for air because even  some days man when I like I got a headache you   know I’m not in it I come up for air I park that  [ __ ] car in the front put the cover on it clean  

    It up I’m in the house you got to come up for air  sometime you got to know when enough is enough   and when you’ve done enough for the day you got  to call it good and a lot of people like I said  

    When they’re done with Rod share they’re bitter  for a long time they’re bitter for a they got you   know deactivated for no reason a line customer or  something got them deactivated something happened   to them or they their car got [ __ ] they wern’t  making enough profit to fix their car so now they  

    Car is [ __ ] up they can’t drive it no more  radiator them blew up messed up the water pump   they can’t get it all fixed they mad because  they had to go back to that slow money again  

    At W2 you’re working on credit you work for two  weeks I’ll pay you next Friday excuse me you work   for two weeks you get terminated now you got  to wait another like few days for your check  

    To come and you already behind on bills or you  be like them people that got fur months later   months later you still waiting on money you still  waiting on money happen to Kyle got deactivated on   lift yeah so months later these people still  waiting on $3,000 checks $5,000 and what are  

    They doing in the meantime I mean we sit in the  parking lot for 10 minutes we sit in the parking   lot for 10 minutes my oh you wasting time man you  wasting time sitting in that parking lot man you  

    Should be out driving keeping them Wheels going  you should be 10 minutes is too long man it’s   10 minutes you could be working but these [ __ ]  sitting at home for three four months waiting on   that $6,000 check fighting every day arguing every  day taking out you know mortgage loans taking out  

    Title loans on their cars and everything they  ain’t out working because they waiting on that   money to come through they fighting every  day they mentally broke they fighting every   day for that money we take 10 minutes and we get  chastised these people taking three months oh no  

    That that’s because man you got excuses for that  [ __ ] I get it you gotta they’re W2 they’re W2   we’re contractors and we take 10 15 minutes and  say you know what I’m G kind of play the system  

    For 10 15 minutes kind of Kickback see if I can  give me a $40 ride real quick I’m I’m tired of   these little $3 for you know two mile rides  probably got four [ __ ] jumping in out the  

    Car I’m not looking for that give me something  else you mess around get a $36 Banger for like   you know 10 miles you good you good you waited  for it you got it took you 10 minutes but the  

    Same person sitting at home three months waiting  to get paid by W2 that let them let their ass go   three months ago but yet these people could be  on their channels talking [ __ ] to them but yet  

    They on our channels we we’re doing something we  making money we doing good because it’s not always   to talk good about it’s to pull you down misery  loves company like I said some people just want  

    To pull you down they want to see you doing well  and they want to pull you instead of them going to   these channels trying to lift these people up hey  keep your keep your head up keep your head up they  

    Ain’t going out there saying that to them [ __ ]  people no they chasing people who are doing okay   because they want to pull us down they could be  on their Channel hey man you gonna get your six  

    Grand just keep your head up brother I got a I  got a uh application for you if you want to go   out and get a job I I’ll shoot you an application  this one place that’s hiring right now bro keep  

    Your head up you gonna get that $6,000 they don’t  do that they come to a driver’s Channel or people   actually making money oh y’ ain’t doing it right  y’ don’t know what y’all doing you ain’t man get  

    Your [ __ ] ass off the channel go somewhere yeah  says brother Jeff we get paid in California after   the ride and San with the lift pro card yeah LT  keeps trying to give me that Pro card all the  

    Time I’m like ah I just download my [ __ ] to the  bank I don’t care I do it every I download every   night I try at least sometimes I forget I’m like  oh [ __ ] I forgot the bonus will get paid to the  

    End of the week so lame yeah they do that because  they holding all those driver tips paying bonuses   that’s what they doing they gonna give you the  [ __ ] bonus in the form of somebody else’s tips  

    [ __ ] man Mr gam you got to brother am man to The  Hustle and Flow got to get that money or you got   to go real [ __ ] man real [ __ ] and I tell you  know a lot of drivers out there when I meet them  

    In the streets and everything like that hey you  in control of what you make you in control of it   so don’t think these apps all you [ __ ] they  not gonna ever call your phone telling you hey  

    Dude we see that you’re sitting down there tempy  we’re going to pop up a surge in about 15 minutes   just south of you go south we’re going to pop up  a surge down there we got got you we gon go they  

    Ain’t gonna call you with that [ __ ] no they G  to pop up a surge and if you don’t make it you   don’t make it whoever drivers in the area goingon  to get it you ain’t getting it these apps ain’t  

    Looking out for you like that they gonna call  your phone hey man next week we got a big bonus   structure coming up tell you what we’re gonna  do if you don’t drive lifing you just drive us  

    We’re gonna give you extra they ain’t trying to  help you these apps want to use any dime they can   to put into their own pocket so they can get the  shareholders to give more money so they can expand  

    Do more investing and really take over the market  share and push all these new and upcoming R share   companies out of the door because a lot of these  new R share companies is getting paid they getting   money they getting money and Uber is like we’re  losing market share we’re losing to these smaller  

    Companies this is money we could be having even  if it’s 5% 1% 2% it’s money because 2% could be   10 million bucks a little rasher going can mess  around make 10 million in a year five million in  

    A year they could do that and and Uber is like man  that’s 5 million we didn’t make that’s 10 million   off of our bottom line what the hell are we doing  we need to go and push this little ass company  

    Out the door what are we doing drivers we make the  difference we’re the ones that make the difference   because we can go out there decline all the [ __ ]  rides don’t take none of these rides from these  

    Low pan fairs and people the Riders are going  to say I can’t get no ride on LIF I can’t get   no ride on Uber they’re going to start opening up  new accounts with new ride share companies going  

    Damn every time I go on this app man people are  like they’re like within the next five minutes   I’m finally get because the driver is getting paid  the driver is getting paid he’s showing up 10 $10  

    For a FIV mile ride he’s showing up for that but  yet the Five Mile ride on Uber is paying you you   know five55 $55 so you making an extra $484 C just  by going by driving for another app you making an  

    Extra 484 per ride no surge this is an extra 484  per ride you making just by using a different app   that a different rouer says hey I’m gonna use  this app instead because Uber ain’t get me no  

    Rides because ain’t nobody trying to do no dollar  mile [ __ ] on Uber all day where they can do $2 a   mile on another app $3 a mile on another app $4  a miles on another why use Uber and lift we’re  

    The drivers we’re the ones that make [ __ ] happen  and so when I see a lot of these riters out there   complaining and arguing and oh man you guys need  to give us more money you need to pay us more you  

    Speak with your acceptance rate that’s how you  talk you speak with your acceptance rate like I   said closed mouths don’t get fed if you 100% AR  you got a closed mouth 80% ar your mouth is not  

    Even really open 90% AR close mouth if you got a  30% AR okay you talking what what you saying what   you saying you don’t like the [ __ ] we sending  what you saying 5% ar oh you complaining like a  

    [ __ ] you don’t like [ __ ] we send 2% ar oh you  just saying [ __ ] us right you just a [ __ ] us   that’s what you saying closed mouth don’t get  fed 100% a your mouth is closed you can’t say  

    [ __ ] about Rashia you can’t even be out picking  you can’t complain about nothing you speak with   your AR 80% AR you shouldn’t be out picking you  wasting your time 90% AR why you out protesting  

    You out protesting you 90% AR you can’t say [ __ ]  you speak with your AR you Dro that [ __ ] down   to 10% you got something to say what you saying  saying my rid are shitty you saying you don’t like  

    These rides 20% AR okay you what what you saying  you saying you don’t like this [ __ ] we ain’t   pay you enough what you saying what you trying to  say the higher the AR is for for drivers that are  

    Intelligent the higher their that means the market  is getting better and the apps are listening   because they’re starting to send you better [ __ ]  but if you sit at 100% AR 85% 95% AR I can’t hear  

    What you saying I really can’t unless you can  truly tell me your Market pays $5 a ride every   ride you get and you sit at 100% AR and you show  me hey man every ride I get is $5 a mon $5 a mile  

    Dude I’m at 100% AR all then I can’t say [ __ ]  to you you better do 100% AR at five but if you   telling me you taking 50 Cent mile rides nature  hikes left and right and you sit on you can’t I  

    Can’t talk to you like that we not having the same  conversation D they said yep my acceptance rate is   44% hey because you got some [ __ ] to say to me  he man half the [ __ ] you send me ain’t no good  

    More than half the [ __ ] you sending me ain’t  no good so y’all need to [ __ ] figure it out   it’s like having a [ __ ] whole plate of food but  half the [ __ ] you got on the plate is burnt you  

    Don’t want the [ __ ] dinner now you just ruined  the dinner half the food is burnt look at that   AR 5% Jonathan like man you gave me a plate of  nothing but burnt [ __ ] grits and the pancakes  

    Ain’t even cooked all way through take this [ __ ]  back that’s 5% AR 100% AR [ __ ] like I guess I’ll   have to eat the burnt [ __ ] yeah that’s 100% AR  I’ll eat these soggy ass [ __ ] eggs that’s 100%  

    AR the sausage ain’t even C the is still frozen  on the inside and they still eating that [ __ ]   that’s 100% AR we out JN from La bro yes so you  already know that’s a hard Market man that’s a  

    Hard Market these [ __ ] trying to serve y’all  [ __ ] burnt spaghetti and [ __ ] how you burn   spaghetti these [ __ ] trying to serve y’ burn  spaghetti Jon like no I’m cool on that [ __ ]   5 percent that’s all I need I’ll eat the bread I  ain’t eating the rest of this [ __ ] I’ll eat the  

    Bread 5 percent I’ll eat the I’ll eat the [ __ ]  French toast the rest of this [ __ ] I don’t want what say nothing was better than Uber  live Nick was rocking 0% AR for a few weeks   yeah sometimes hey and he drives daytime Rod  Flo he drives daytime daytime his map be just  

    Gloss and white it be like a little pink a little  purple gloss white there’s I open my app sometimes   that [ __ ] be fire Eng in red across the whole  city and it be like you know 4 P PM 5:00 P p.m.  

    When I’m waking up man I was like forget that  [ __ ] man dude ain’t no way ain’t no way I’m   driving unless it’s like fire engine red I ain’t  driving serving you burnt water like [ __ ] you  

    Drinking burnt water what what Mr gamber say the  game changed a minute I went to Uber greenl Hub   and told the guy me 80% 20% is no more Uber can  take what they want when I started doing the same  

    Cherry picking fat ones yep you gotta cherry  pick the fat ones man if it ain’t fat it ain’t   that I ain’t doing it if it ain’t fat it ain’t  that full Pepto bis M hell yeah the whole screen  

    Paint [ __ ] want some Pepto bisol on the screen  baby we looking we trying to get sick money John   yeah but I closed last week with 1,800 there you  go brother there you go 5% and they say low AR you  

    Can’t make no money with low AR 1,800 5% AR you  can’t make no money with low AR 5% $1,800 trust   me on that one don’t let these [ __ ] tell you or  if you keep declining rides you’re not g to make  

    No money okay they don’t know about Jonathan they  don’t know about Jonathan because I told motherfu   even KC you know K she’s just like you out there  in Vegas KC business strategist she just she 1900  

    2K a week low AR so when people sit and tell me  oh no you know you ain’t gonna make no money with   low AR you ain’t making no money [ __ ] [ __ ]  like you don’t some of these drivers out there  

    Two G’s a week 1,800 low AR 5 Cent AR man that’s  how you do it brother that’s how you do it hey   John he appreciate they say I learned a lot from  you brother I appreciate that man and like I said  

    While you sitting here with 1800 5% AR not taking  no [ __ ] you don’t want you ain’t dealing with   nothing we got people right now protesting  in in Australia and throwing [ __ ] picket   signs at people and [ __ ] and you sitting there  pulling down a because they don’t realize they are  

    In control of their own money Uber and LIF ain’t  giving you [ __ ] you took that 1800 you took that   1800 they weren’t just giving you [ __ ] they was  giving you [ __ ] right we’ll give you this don’t  

    Give me nothing we’ll give you that don’t give  me nothing oh but I’ll take that it’s like [ __ ]   what a Mee $22 for two miles I’ll take that [ __ ]  you took that 1800 they ain’t give you [ __ ] they  

    Was trying to give you some [ __ ] is what they  was trying to do in LA it was trying to oh man you   [ __ ] around make $16 an hour in La they’ll give  you that they’ll give you 16 an hour they arguing  

    In Minnesota we want $17 an hour minimum wage we  want 17 minimum and Uber’s like we can’t afford   $17 an hour minimum you like you [ __ ] looking  for 17 man [ __ ] that I’ll take that they you  

    Took that 1800 you took it they a’t give you that  you took it and that’s what a lot of drivers don’t   realize man this channel is about the energy of  what a driver the the comprehension of a driver  

    Knowing that you are in charge of your bank you in  charge of your money and if you think the apps are   in charge of that [ __ ] they gonna run you into  the ground guaranteed you going to sit there oh  

    Yeah I got the mv7 brother I like that Mike I love  it and see that’s thing if you sit there and you   take all these cheap ass rodes and you complain  about what you getting paid man that’s on you  

    As a driver that’s on you that’s on you oh yeah  Stephen this arm is pretty good I don’t even know   what kind it is I gotta go look at my my eBay list  but I like this it was on like 50 60 bucks I don’t  

    Even know what it was but it’s a pretty cool arm  and I like the mv7 because it’s all USB I don’t   got to use my XLR so I don’t need a powering  Source it runs right into the laptop right into  

    The laptop man easy easy and the thing with this  because everybody tells you that the um that the   mic like this like you can push it all way down  like this now when it push down like that you can  

    Hear a lot of pe’s popping because you don’t it  don’t have a air buffer so what they do is they   tell everybody to go get a bigger a bigger cone  say hey go get a bigger cone and you want to hear  

    All the peas popping so what I do is I just pull  it up like about that that so I pull mine up to   about there and that creates air space that’s all  it’s doing is creating air so it’s less pop that’s  

    All you creating air space so your PE hits the  hits the cone and it dissipates air before it hits   that little mic inside because this part right in  here is the actual microphone that little piece  

    Right there is your actual microphone yep theives  yep so you pull that cone up a little bit and you   get it from sitting on top of the microphone you  create that air pocket that air pocket dissipates  

    Everything and it sounds a lot better to me like  this it sounds a whole lot better than what it   always pushed down cuz the close-ups hit and they  pop and people are wearing earbuds and [ __ ]   listening or they listening in their car and  it’s popping the speakers and it’s popping their  

    Earbuds so you got to pull that microphone off  back that [ __ ] off a little bit so you’re not   popping people in the head but yeah I like this  mv7 man I think I’m gonna buy like because when  

    I set up this room as the podcasting room I gotta  go get another couple of these because I want the   people who I’m speaking with and the presenters  who I’m talking to when I have them all come to  

    The house and we sitting down then we all have the  same microphone so I can run it through a board or   something I got to figure something out with that  yeah man because a lot of people they was like you  

    Gotta go I’m like when you buy a new one the new  one the other filter all it has is just airspace   at the top that’s it so I’m like so that’s what  the microphone looks like without nothing on there  

    So what I do is I just put it like right until it  snug now it’s snug so because you can’t talk into   the the side so the microphone don’t have to come  with down here it don’t have to be that far you’re  

    Not talking you’re talking into here so you pull  it up create airspace you don’t need to go buy a   whole another [ __ ] mic a whole another filter  it does it itself and it’s snug like it ain’t  

    Coming off but I don’t know this is me with my  engineering brain sitting in the garage working   on [ __ ] all the time it makes you think of  things so I logically think it through why   do people need pop filters because the airspace  there’s no airspace between the microphone itself  

    In the filter so create airspace how do you create  airspace just pull the [ __ ] up these [ __ ] be   yeahall just spent $60 on a new filter I’m like  whatever man like just pull it up man that’s

    It oh yeah oh yeah we my son built a I had a  gaming computer built I mean this thing is a   crazy game because he plays a lot of games he’s  an online gamer this dude man he they got liquid  

    Cool there’s like cooling antifreeze inside of  the motherboards there’s it’s a liquid cooled   motherboard all that shit’s crazy the the all that  man he I use a sock as a pop before yeah Dre man  

    You got you got to do something to create those  pops man pull that [ __ ] back a little bit man   man Gypsy said new driver here I just found you  today and Phoenix too oh appreciate that Gypsy  

    Appreciate it welcome to the barbecue Like Jesse  says this barbecue is the best only spot where you   can get knowledge and speak our minds and it’s  entertaining thank you Jesse I appreciate that   brother and Gypsy said I’m learning so much hey  these drivers on here we we push information and  

    Education we don’t sit and play that oh I got a  secret and I ain’t telling nobody unless you pay   me $5.99 then now [ __ ] all that you know what  we put it on the board because we got families to  

    Feed we got kids that need clothes we don’t want  to see nobody evicted nobody homeless like man I   was short $200 for rent man they gonna evict me I  was you ain’t gonna be short 200 on this channel  

    Trust me you ain’t gonna be short $200 we can get  you to leave the house today and make $200 if the   day is good we can help you get that 200 so a lot  of channels they just going to show you what they  

    Made a week oh look what I made last week W how’d  you make it driving yeah but like how would you   driving well I put my key in the ignition and  I turn the [ __ ] and I hit the brake pad and  

    I put the car in drive and it started moving  okay so what like how are you drive what was   your strategy I just started at four o’clock  in the morning and I went till midnight yeah  

    We a’t not [ __ ] with you I’m not [ __ ] with you  see because drivers like that don’t tell you the   business they don’t explain to you the business  from a driver’s aspect we’re drivers we’re this   end of the spectrum against the apps on the  other end of the spectrum we’re all feeding  

    Off of a customers the customers the center point  that’s where all of our funding comes from the app   is funded by the customer we’re funded by the  customer so therefore the app wants to get as  

    Much money out of the customers pocket to save for  themselves versus giv to us because they think we   gonna be like the people in Australia out there  [ __ ] struggling pissed off running around mad   give us more money give us I said you know what  [ __ ] it I guarantee when I drive every week  

    Lift loses money on me every week Uber King James  said Uber be sending him [ __ ] emails saying you   know this is how much money we lost on you because  that’s how we drive we don’t give a [ __ ] about  

    The apps they can make their money on high AR  drivers you’re not making money on us the high   AR drivers all over the world pay you enough they  pay you enough the money you stealing the money  

    You taking pays you enough but we gonna get ours  we gonna figure out how to get ours oh Michael   said it cracks me up every time when UF tells me  this shitty trip has been taken by another driver  

    That’s what he need to say with a askar the gr  face on that [ __ ] this shitty trip has been   taken by another driver big ass Asar gr face pops  up back that ass up [ __ ] and that’s what we do  

    On this channel you know what I’m saying we we  understand what the apps have to do but they’ve   got financial statements they’ve got Financial  experts they’ve got accounting departments they’ve   got all that [ __ ] on their end that they need  to help run their company better stealing from us  

    Is not run that company better that’s not called  that’s called stealing from some [ __ ] body to   give money to a company that’s not being run  well that’s what that’s called so when you run   your company better you minimize your expenses  you maximize your opportunity maximize your  

    Revenues you get [ __ ] set right they got a lot  of job duplication guarantee they got a lot of   job duplication they got managers stacked on top  of managers stacked on top of managers that they   got to pay all these wages and salaries for now  only you got to pay taxes wages salaries insurance  

    Benefits all this [ __ ] for these people and you  just stacking managers and supervisors on top of   managers because I know how Corporate [ __ ] works  you got one person calling another person to say   hey how’s your department doing today and that’s  their only [ __ ] job hey check on that department  

    Okay I’ll check on that department hey how’s you  doing the department today well let me call my   department leader and see hey Department leader  how’s the department R today I don’t know let me   call my lead Clerk and see hey lead clerk how’s  the department going to day it’s all they doing  

    This job duplicate is the same [ __ ] doing  the same [ __ ] just passing information down   the tube eradicate all those middle [ __ ] have  somebody at the top and somebody at the bottom and   go hey how’s the department running to actually  is running pretty good we got all this [ __ ]  

    Done this is done this is what we’re working on  right now I’m working on this he’s working on that   she’s working on that and Britney’s on the [ __ ]  controls and she’s dealing with Jeff all day Jeff  

    Ain’t taking no [ __ ] rides that’s all they need  to say but they have middle managers middle M you   got Langston you got Britney you got [ __ ] Karen  you got Keith you got all these [ __ ] in the   department that’s all you need but yet when you  start putting Virginia at the top Valerie [ __ ]  

    Henry you got all these [ __ ] overseeing four  [ __ ] people you got three people supervising   four people [ __ ] don’t make sense to me it don’t  make sense to me and it’s like when you get rid of   all that mental management all that extra [ __ ]  weight all that job duplication you run as a much  

    Smoother Corporation you don’t need that much  money now now you can have money sitting in in   the profit column instead of always looking at  salaries and salaries wages administrative costs   are the hu the biggest cost of most corporations  salaries because they well we need people here to  

    Do the work we’re drivers mother [ __ ] we’re  the ones doing the work the people running the   controls you can get AI to do half that [ __ ]  and and just use AI you can need somebody who   understands Ai and somebody who run computers  somebody who can fix computers it Department  

    Then get an accounting department accounting  department tells you which way to go with your   decisions that’s it it’s a lot of dead weight  at these [ __ ] companies lot of dead weight and   they got to sit there and pay all these government  politician people and [ __ ] lobbyist and [ __ ]  

    Like that excuse me a lot of dead weight so when  we the drivers are going at the rider because we   want a certain amount of money then the apps are  digging into the driver’s pocket saying well we  

    Need a certain amount of money from you we both  feeding up the same [ __ ] tree and it’s only so   many apples on this [ __ ] tree so if I’m like I  got four people in my house so I need minimum at  

    Least four [ __ ] apples and apples like well  we’ll give you two you just got to cut those   [ __ ] in half so each one of y’all get a half an  apple no we ain’t each eating a half of a [ __ ]  

    Apple no I need four apples off of this tree so  why is the app taking you know eight apples off   of the tree giving us the last two apples wasn’t  telling us we just chop that [ __ ] in half now  

    Each one of Y got a piece of no no no we’re not  doing that there’s 10 apples on that tree we’re   the ones doing the work we we’re neutralizing the  soil we give the nutrients we trimed the [ __ ]  

    We pruned it we [ __ ] got the dirt right we got  everything all you did was told us where the tree   was you just told us where the tree was that’s it  so because you told us where the tree was we get  

    There you want us to give you eight of the apples  off the tree and we take two no we going to take   at least six of apples seven of the [ __ ] apples  and give you three thank you for telling us where  

    The [ __ ] tree was now tell us where another  tree is and we’ll give you some more apples   off that tree when we get there but we the ones  doing all the work man is it what what William  

    Say hey wouldn’t have took so long much to get  legal issues if they pay us better and getting   people who shouldn’t be order and Rise off the  app right right and a lot of these people that   are on the app Riders and drivers both they’re  Hustlers [ __ ] is life Hustlers people get  

    Hustled by you know ordering [ __ ] McMuffins and  then I ain’t get my Sasha McMuffin [ __ ] cheese   all around they [ __ ] mouth and [ __ ] from it  I ain’t even get it you just ate the [ __ ] but  

    I didn’t get it and so now the app gotta deal  with that [ __ ] kick these [ __ ] off the app   it’s dead weight dead weight drivers that’s that’s  going to pickup areas because they know they can  

    They can trick the [ __ ] person so they’ll go to  a pickup area just to get the cancellation fee me   I don’t even wait for cancellation fees most  of the time me I just like like hey you taking  

    Too long cancel I’ll drive the [ __ ] off cuz I  want to make money I don’t give a [ __ ] about   that cancellation fee I want to make money if  I know it’s a busy busy area I can make $30 why  

    Am I waiting on $3 I can make 30 all I gotta do  is cancel this [ __ ] real quick I’m sitting in   the surge pick up this person I just made $30 but  these raggedy [ __ ] is waiting on I’m gonna get  

    This cancellation fee I can’t wait to get this  [ __ ] is $367 you can make $30 right now but   you waiting on $36 [ __ ] this person cancel they  slow ass you sitting in Surge get that surge pick  

    Up somebody across the street you just made $30  but I didn’t get to $367 [ __ ] slow man [ __ ]   are slow and I’m one of those people that you  know lift they always sending me you’ve been   canceling too much well your people are taking  too [ __ ] long I’m sitting in let them know  

    Jeff is on the way if it’s taking me six minutes  to get to them and they still not to pick up when   I get there oh we gonna have a problem because it  took me six minutes you’re in the building where  

    I’m going it takes you like a minute to walk out  of that building it’s taking me six minutes to   fight through tra to get to you how do I get to  you in six minutes and it still takes you four  

    Minutes to get out of that building that’s 10  minutes done pass when you knew I was on my way cancel it’s like man I’ll be out of there  because this the psyche behind it we got  

    Money to make we got surge we sitting on we got  people right across the street with their phone   in they hand going godd damn it I can’t find  a driver and I’m waiting on this [ __ ] right  

    Here who knew I was six minutes away and it  still took him four minutes to come out I’m   not doing that I’m not doing that I’m GNA pick  up the person to cross the street with the phone  

    In the hand going damn I can’t find a driver  you got one I’ve done that [ __ ] many times   on my phone I’ll be on Mid Avenue [ __ ] in  the building won’t come out cancel block away  

    There somebody sitting on the corner waiting on  the ride I got that one cool $22 you know eight   miles I’ll do that one but the one who was in  the building [ __ ] them they can they can get  

    The next ride they can get the next one and  that’s just how I drive if they don’t like it   you ain’t got to like it [ __ ] but you got to  respect it because there ain’t [ __ ] else you  

    Can do so if you don’t respect my time you know  that I’m six minutes out and it still take you   four minutes man you it’s 10 minutes to [ __ ]  you just created 10 minutes of [ __ ] and I’m  

    Not dealing with that I’ll pick up the person  across the street I’ll get to the building if   you ain’t no I’m gone I’m out what Jesse say  Jesse says hey Jeff I had a customer tell that  

    A female driver picked him up the other day with  her young son in the car seat what in the front   of the back the [ __ ] was sitting in the back  seat and [ __ ] she got in she got in like oh  

    [ __ ] yeah you going to babysit on this ride like  [ __ ] I ain’t babysitting your kid that’s [ __ ] up hey William said the man the Eagle Rock man  is playing downtown but it’s 30 miles away and   I’m too comfortable on the couch yeah sometimes  you just got to [ __ ] kick back and relax kick  

    Back and oh we coming up on five hours on this  live stream F this is supposed to be like a one   and a half hour live stream but we getting it in  man we be getting it in I love it man I love it  

    Because a lot of you guys come into the chat like  I said I like to run my live streams a little long   because not everybody can get in as soon as I  start it and some people get in at the end but  

    It’s always some people can go back and play you  know another day like [ __ ] it I’ll play like   20 minutes of it today I ain’t listening to all  this [ __ ] I gotta go work out yeah Papo we be  

    Running we be running we run these live streams I  know YouTube is probably like why does this [ __ ]   always run like five hour live streams it ain’t  me it’s the drivers man we got [ __ ] to say we  

    Got [ __ ] to get up our chest we got issues and  Uber and Li ever looked at one of our live streams   just play this [ __ ] at a meeting so we got one  of Jeff’s live streams playing in the conference  

    Room today if anybody want to get some [ __ ]  crusty Dusty with some juice go in the conference   room and listen to these [ __ ] because I read  all these driver questions I read everybody’s   [ __ ] just because man it’s like it’s important  this these are important things that we need to  

    Discuss that somebody needs to have in their head  because they’ll hear it too what Dante comeing oh   we love it too Jeff thanks Jesse I appreciate  that brother I appreciate it and what Dante say   he said quick question I’ve been doing lip for  two years now I’m finally doing Uber as well in  

    Your experience which app can I earn more money on  seems like uber is better surges Uber definitely   has better surges in my region and some people’s  region lift is better but in my region in Phoenix   Uber has the much better surges when coner hit  I like to use Lux because the availability of  

    Drivers is low so I’ll throw it on Lux with surge  and I’ll get probably a little bit better than   uberX but I’ve shown videos where uberX with  surge kills Lux it does it I don’t know how  

    It works out like that but uberX with surge will  kill Lux with surge on some rides I’ll be getting   like you know 89 a mile on uberX but I’ll get  a lift lift ride with surge it’ll be $2 a mile  

    You like 12 miles $24 and it’s got surge applied  to it but I’m like but I just got a uberX almost   $9 a mile right now so I’m gonna take the Uber Rex  at $9 a mile it’ be like two miles $18 with surge  

    I’ll do that one and I do that all the time yeah  in Vegas always concerts and events going on run   both of them man run both of them because that  uberX like I said it’s it’s a crazy app I don’t  

    Know how they come up with the prices sometimes  but man it be jumping it’ll be jumping when you   can get the The Surge to hit right and you get  on the outskirts so you got your time right you  

    Got your surge right and you going away from the  event dude it it’s easier like that I love that   I love that and what what William say he said  Stephen said because lift surge sucks yeah it’d  

    Be like $3.50 I’m like $3.50 Uber be putting out  $8 at the same time I was like man I ain’t doing   no damn lift it’s like what Williams says so LIF  is show the drivers the interface and rate CS but  

    It’s extra Comfort starts tomorrow how lift will  stack and try to get rers to take extra Comfort   I wonder I said it’s almost nine o’clock so I’m  gonna run in here and eat some dinner real quick  

    I’mma run eat jump in the shower you know get  ready to drive go out and make sure the car is   cleaning everything and I’m about to go I’m about  to put Lux on and drive until midnight and see  

    What happens at midnight this thing flips around  but this is gonna be pretty interesting this will   be pretty interesting I want to see exactly what  it does but yeah so that means I’m gonna have to  

    End this live stream man like I said we got it in  hopefully I can get back on this week we still got   what Wednesday Thursday so Wednesday Thursday I  might end up doing a short live it might only be  

    Like three hours my short lives are three hours  I might do a short live on Wednesday like three   hours you know it’s short we be [ __ ] getting it  in oh man hey Mr gam that’s right you got that one  

    Brother that’s it love my shirt Jeff no one’s  entitled to success best words you got to work   for that [ __ ] yeah Mr Gambit ordered that one  right there so he got that one off the site you  

    Are not entitled to success he’s I I remember I  sent that one to you brother man and I wear that   [ __ ] in the store sometimes people stop me go I  needed to see that today I’m really working hard  

    On something it’s like hey they stop me all the  time I really like that shirt I’m like oh thank   you thank you hey you are not entitled you got  to work at this [ __ ] you got to work at it  

    Just because you got the app Don’t me or succeed  at it you ain’t entitled to success just because   somebody else doing it you got to work on it too  we all got to work on it together for some [ __ ]  

    Might work for us some days some days I got to  call it good early and high tell it out of there   because it ain’t nothing going on but man that’s  it that’s it brother you are not entitled to  

    Success everybody’s got to wake up and everybody’s  got to say today is the day that I’m G just try my   best go out and get that good ass energy out there  and if and if [ __ ] going good stay on top of it  

    If shit’s grinding you like with Dre if shit’s  going into the ground and it’s grinding you out   come up for air realize okay I’m getting in too  deep this [ __ ] is racking my brain it’s [ __ ]  

    With me today let me take a break and I remember  when I used to do when Uber used to be jumping I   would always be out there you know doing uberit  I take Chinese orders in sushi orders because  

    I needed a break from people I’m like I need a  break man I need a break from people and I was   when you know I was still doing like the tail end  the days sometimes but you got to always you know  

    Realize when your your struggle you’re struggle  for Success if you’re struggling to get success   you got to know when it’s time to come up for air  at that point and say I’ve been pushing real hard   I’ve been pushing hard for three four days I’m  starting to get a headache I’m starting to get  

    Wored down I can feel myself getting edgy do like  Dre pull up be like okay I need some air today   today might be an easy day it might be a light  day I’m not gonna really go all at it so and  

    If it works out to where you start getting good  money then you okay cool it it started working   out because you you had a lighter energy about it  you let yourself have lighter energy and when you  

    Put that heavy ass [ __ ] Yol on your back you got  to carry that heavy ass energy you be snapping at   people you mad at rods you don’t want to sit in  areas you get real edgy come up a air get lighter  

    Energy and be like all right bet bet let’s do  this [ __ ] thank you KC Biz that’s my Vegas   lady out there doing it her and her husband out  there making bank that’s what I’m talking about  

    Like I said I really wish you know this like I  said I know we got a few Australian drivers on   this channel because they’ve said it before but  I really wish those people in Australia would  

    Realize the power they have and look at some  of these people on here look at KC Biz look   at Jonathan look at a lot of these people on King  James Juan Vargas look at all the money being made  

    By making the decisions for yourself you ain’t got  to beg these apps for [ __ ] make these apps beg   you to drive by giving you surges make them beg  you to drive by giving you quests and challenges  

    And streets make these apps beg you to drive make  them beg for you to turn your car on because this   [ __ ] can sit in the drive you ain’t paying my  [ __ ] GNA sit in the driveway if you want me to  

    Start that car up you got to put the money out  and a lot of us we don’t do it man we we a lot   of high people they just started because they’re  on autopilot they’re on employee mode they start  

    That car and start driving nuts man man there you  go Jesse there you go just did the brakes today   putting them in work tonight if you see breakes  light it’s probably me be stepping on them brakes  

    Skirt skirt yeah wear them in pretty good man  when you leav in the neighborhood go about 15   miles an hour break to a stop 15 miles an hour  break to a stop get that get them Pistons worked  

    Out get that uh that fluid worked in and get them  calipers pushed out man like that’s what I do all   the time what William say made $20 a lux ride for  3 minutes 049 miles damn that was a good ass ride  

    Per mile yep that’s it that’s what we looking for  it right there but yeah man let’s let’s get out   there and get this money tonight I’m about to go  eat me some dinner see if I can go get this last  

    Of the Luxe man this is it last of the Luxe and  I’m about to go out there and get it hey Julio   says when do you actually deal with a dollar Mile  rodes in a lot of my videos I talk about that I’ll  

    Talk about how I use it for transportation and  commuting I like if I got to go east to west and   I don’t want to go on my own gas the ride looks  good if it’s 22 miles $23 I’ll take it dollar a  

    Mile I’ll take it because I’m not on my own gas  but if I’m in a in a region I’m standing the   region oh I’m not doing no dollar mile rides I’m  plucking it for all the good [ __ ] and then I’m  

    Dollar and mile out of there but all right y’all  I appreciate you guys about to shut this live down   once again thank y’all for everything casy bit  rers keep it up out there in Vegas keep reporting  

    Back to us let us know how was going because you  in a hard ass Market Rod Flo I know you down there   in Miami man hey you got to keep doing brother I  got to come check out your uh Channel I want to  

    Hear you uh I want to hear your newscaster the  helicopter pilot I want to see if you going to   start doing that man that’s gonna be tag me in  it when you do the helicopter pil of [ __ ] you  

    Gotta come up with a good script come up with  a good script tag me in it I want to hear this   [ __ ] this is gonna be funny all right y’all holl  at y’all later man y’all be easy out there all right


    1. So tonight, I am sitting on LUX Black… it keeps sending LUX rides! Basically on LUX Black, it knocks you back down to LUX in the app when your not looking,,, it is BS

      20 rides, 2 tips… something is wrong!

    2. Good to see you in front of the mic. I caught an $8 surge – I declined one ride and my surge dropped to $7. I declined a second ride and it dropped to $6. I took the 3rd at $5.50. Anyone else getting screwed besides me? These MF.

    3. Always keeping it 100 Jeff!! RESPECT! Not holding back any knowledge to help out the community we in, always helping.

      I love how you never mention to like or subscribe to your channel but yet you always have a pack of educated drivers liking and following your content simply because we see how real you keep it with us.

    4. You spoke facts….now drivers with a Mercedes, bmw, etc are gonna compete with raggedy cars. But why should we as drivers wear our cars out if we can get a $5k Prius and get basic rides. 😂😂😂😂

    5. ❤Brother Jeff, I have to watch your AWESOME show SEVERAL times. YOUR AWESOME content in absolutely 💯 on point! I would LOVE to see you as a Super Hero in a cartoon series to BLESS the NEXT Generation around the world! Stay BLESSED and keep 🙏 teaching and preaching!

    6. @50:00 all the promotions really do hurt people…. sad thing is they work…. all promotions and coupons for all stores for that matter. must be very disciplined and logical – there are 'marketing specialists' CEO type people that work for these places to play mind games with you

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