Viewers Compilation is a collection of stupid people from around the world.
    If you have any clips that you would like to put on the channel please e-mail them to me at

    All the music on this channel is from YouTube Music
    Credits go to.
    Silver Waves – TrackTribe
    Electro Cabello – Kevin MacLeod
    Fractal of Light – Chris Haugen
    After School Jamboree – The Green Orbs
    Bunny Hop – Quincas Moreira
    Feelin Good – Kevin MacLeod
    Happy Mistake – RKVC
    Little Later Than He Expected To – Chris Zabriskie
    and the intro and outro video is from
    Credit go to.
    Mike B
    Roberto Nickson
    Roshan Kamath
    Video by Bhargava Marripati:
    Video by Mike Bird:

    Hello everybody welcome to another video another viewers compilation video we start this one off with this van behind us now on the email there was two names on it so I put both names on the uh submitted bit I’m not sure if that’s right or wrong sorry if it is

    Wrong but we’re looking at this van he’s already done a little gesture there that we’re not going fast enough and obviously he’s more important than us not the best corner in there this isn’t a oneway street but there is a lot of cars parked on the right hand side as we’re looking at

    It so he’s obviously getting too close and his patience is running out because he’s so important now this came with no audio on it at all and you’ll probably find in a lot of these clips there is no audio because there was music being played copyrighted music so

    I’ve had to take it off so you’re going to hear a lot of me I’m afraid sorry sorry about that now this is how impatient he is look how close that is when he’s got all that s all that room next to him that side but then he over a takes and that

    Was a really smooth transition from going from rear to front camera there you can tell I didn’t do it and then brake checks you’re so desperate to get in front but you [ __ ] brake check what an [ __ ] so the question for this week is what is the point of breake checking

    Especially on a on a incident like this when you’re so desperate to get in front of someone and yet you slow yourself up by breake checking them and the other thing that doesn’t make any sense you’ve got your company logo all over that van whether it’s your company or you work

    For that company it’s on there it’s it’s out there for everyone to see now having seen this video would you go rush into to buy Windows from this firm no I wouldn’t and now you’ll see our guy now come out of his car and go and have a

    Word with him don’t know what was said now I wouldn’t recommend doing this if a guy is that deranged to drive like that you don’t know what he’s going to do when he’s confronted so next clip we’re off the good old Cen and yes look at the Audi in

    The cycling box and obviously the rules don’t apply to him that big red light there he’s allowed to turn right on the red light isn’t he or is that in America and then we’re looking at the car now to our left hand side that when the lights changeing a second he thinks

    He’s Sterling Moss or is it Lewis Hamilton nowadays it is only a 30 mph speed limit and up there in the distance you’ll see him come very very close to hitting a car that’s pulling out from the left hand side that was a lot closer than what it

    Looked and guess what guess how far it got him yeah we caught him up at the next set of Lights good bit bit of driving that mate well done proud of you Muppet now in the next clip it’s from France I’ve never had a French clip before my first one now remember they

    Drive on the wrong side of the road here or should I say the other side of the road we’re looking at this car over here he’s probably an Englishman too a drunk Englishman I would have thought as he miss just misses us hits the roundabout though and then actually

    Goes around around about the wrong way and look at that weather thunder and lightning all over the place and you get an idiot drive like That so we’re off to good old Sunny Mitchum now as you can see this Lane here is a right turn only lane now I think most of you watch the channel quite often will know what’s going to happen here and I think most of you will know what type of car it’s

    Going to be as well yeah always an Aldi now we’re speeding it up here until we get to the incident but as you know that I come up with a few sayings like always and ALDI and things like that but for Q jumping I’ve got a new one I think we should

    Just call him a scoffield probably the most famous Q Jumper in the UK and if it’s a woman doing it we just call it a holly so scoffield you can make your own mind up if he’s a non driveing the car or not well better use that word allegedly and I allegedly

    Anon now that wasn’t us that was bibbing that learner then it was this impatient [ __ ] behind us for so we’ve just gone back a little bit now just to show you that that right hand lane is a right turn only lane and he’s not turning right which makes him a

    Scoffield so as we’re waiting here in the correct Lane to go straight on we get overtaken by a learner now the bus is turning left look how close this is I think that instructor might have to check his underpants make sure they’re still the same color now in this clip we’re looking at

    The blue van up there it’s like someone just flicked the idiot switch and he just Changed now in this next clip it’s been submitted by Florida Drive-In now she’s got her own Channel go and check it out now before she started her Channel she emailed me a couple of times asking for advice just little tips about how to do things what software I use how do I do

    This and that just just the basic sort of stuff that I use but now I need to ask her advice because she can actually do special effects on screen which I do not know how to do she uses the same software as me which is cap cut and yet

    She can use CGI on it and I don’t know how she does that because in this clip I’m about to show you there is an Audi indicating and it’s also in the correct Lane so Florida driving tell us how you did that and Audi using an indicator

    Well what do you think about that London dash cam look look look let me get you a closeup so you can see for yourself look see they have working indicators well that’s a surprise it’s a shame in this clip that there was a bit of music being played at

    The beginning of it Brass in Pocket if I do believe now this Audi cuz they we’re talking about this Audi wanting to get in that Gap in between the two lores making the second one back off so it can get in there always an AI well watch a channel called the

    London Dash c yeah I know he basically drives around London surrounding areas and one of his phrases is always an Audi so I’m going turn that to him now in this clip it is one way going going our way not only is this mini going the

    Wrong way down a oneway street it also wants the whole Road now I know people that would say that position in is Advanced driving is it look it’s bad driving it’s right smack in the middle and it shouldn’t affect the car coming towards you we are almost driving in the ditch so that can drive in the middle of the road

    Unbelievable and yet people would defend that saying it’s Advanced Driving in this clip it’s just your usual lazy K driver hold on I’ll drive a k Now in this clip if we’ve got a red light and they’re coming out of that turn into our left hand side it means the traffic coming towards us will also have a red light that’s not rocket science is it so where is that Audi going always an Audi you can’t see it yet but it’s always an AI now in this clip we’re just looking at the parking on the left hand side there was a scaffold Lorry just by the lights and at certain stages you cannot see the light because it’s parked on the zigzags right up to the stop Line and no one seems to be working putting up scaffolding [Laughter] anywhere in this clip it’s the good old blind turn right that Tipp of truck on the right hand side there it can’t see us it’s good job that we were playing attention wasn’t It oh we come to another special one here coming from the left hand side what’s it thinking I really have no idea what that car is Thinking why is it made a second Lan Bizarre a bit of Lane Choice here see that Arrow there going left yeah you’re in the wrong lane mate and you know you were in the wrong lane scoffield on that note that’s it for today guys thanks for everyone that submitted clips and I’ll catch you on the next one bye for Now


    1. 9:22 So does that mean all audi drivers are advanced drivers?? having said that I got a big shock the other day, trying to turn right in heavy traffic, cars constantly coming other way, an audi with his left indicator on !! to turn down the road I wanted, he stopped and waved me through and then followed me !! yes I was very surprised so not all of them are bad, just the majority.

    2. If the date on the dash cam footage is correct(17th September) the Merc KR67EEP his Tax ran out TWO days before(15th September) & still not Taxed, also according to MID NOT INSURED!!

    3. Surely if there was advanced driving in that middle of the road clip then the driver would be in the middle and recognise when they needed to move left? Having met an Asda delivery van in a narrow lane in Cornwall I can sympathise with this one…

    4. Haha I would guess that the other driver was a Frenchman but who cares, he/she was a total TWAT. PS, Thanks for showing Mitcham in the next clip, My home Town 🙂

    5. 2:30, but he is a BMW driving God. He is just displaying his superior driving skills that he possesses. You, and everyone watching the video are supposed to be mega impressed and jealous.

    6. 02:30. Hello Dean.
      Simple question. The road ahead narrows to a single lane. So why are you complaining when you are arguably going forward in the wrong lane and a car to the nearside lane passes to your left?

    7. 08:30. Here comes your Audi phobia again.
      Criticism of the car but not a squeak about the following truck being way too close to the one to his front. Don’t take my word for it, estimate how far would his thinking distance would be before reacting to an emergency stop made by the truck to his front.
      I was always taught to leave sufficient gap for the vehicle passing to safely pull in between me and the vehicle to my front.
      Please be more objective.

    8. 09:24. So the vehicle to the front of your cammer was to his right. Any chance that driver was improving his view around a blind corner?
      Please, please take that advanced driver training you criticise before making such ignorant comment.

    9. “Always an Audi”. Brief comment. 
      My brother – Cambridge University, international financier and venture capital investor. But, oddly, a very nice, kind, thoughtful chap. First car? Mini Metro. Then – Alfasud Sprint. Result: no change. Calm, courteous and helpful.
      Move to Germany, company car – Audi A8. Result: maniac. 250kph, use of hard shoulder on Autobahn to undertake queues, MGIF, etc. 
      Return to UK, change of car: Jaguar XJ. Result? Calm, courteous and sensitive driving.

      “Always an Audi”!

    10. 1) The only point is to score imaginary points over the other driver by "beating them". Utterly ridiculous and pointless driving, we should share the road, no-one owns it.

      Ashley Neal has a good point – would they do that to a police car? If not, they shouldn't do it to another road user!

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