30 Moments When Tiger King Lost The Battle To Ferocious Prey | Wild Animals
    With just a strong bite to the neck, the tiger quickly defeated a large wild buffalo in wild animals. However, it cannot enjoy its meal. When seeing their brethren being attacked by predators, other members of the wild buffalo herd returned, using their horns to attack the tiger, protecting their brethren in wild animals.
    The tiger tried to chase the buffalo herd away, but the difference in numbers forced it to retreat in wild animals.
    The fact that the tiger was pushed back by a herd of wild buffalo surprised me, as normally wild buffalo would try to run away from the hunter instead of counterattacking so strongly in wild animals.
    On another occasion, while the tiger was drinking water at the lake shore, suddenly a wild buffalo rushed madly in wild animals. Tigers react quickly to threats, immediately run away and escape the danger of wild buffaloes. Facing the threat of wild buffalo is an unforeseen challenge, forcing tigers to find ways to protect themselves and avoid unnecessary fights in wild animals.
    Despite the bear’s efforts to threaten, the tiger still approached and quickly controlled its prey with its strong muscles and sharp claws in wild animals. However, the bear’s strength and endurance help it stay in battle. After exhausting himself but still unable to defeat the enemy, the tiger began to appear tired and almost wanted to give up in wild animals.
    At this point, the bear regained the initiative, it rushed forward, forcing the enemy to jump into the nearby river and retreat in wild animals.
    Obviously, even though a tiger is strong, it still cannot easily deal with an opponent as big and strong as a bear in wild animals.
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    Welcome to the youtube channel SWAG – Wild Animal Life is a Channel to Explore Animal Life in the World.
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    – This video is researched by Susanna Hamill PhD
    Geo coordinates 66.490655,157.529708
    Mother’s maiden name Wyman
    Birthday: 1971-02-20 Age 50 years old

    We use under: Copyright disclaimer section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. “fair use” is allowed for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching. Scholarships and research.
    If there are copyright issues, please contact: copyright@swagmedia.co
    Copyright Music By:
    Adrev for a 3rd Party
    and other artists
    Background music is used in the video by Kevin MacLeod, licensed under the Creative Commons – Attribution 4.0 License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
    Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100879
    Artist: http://incompetech.com
    Mechanolith by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons License – Attribution 4.0 license.
    Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100879
    Artist: http://incompetech.com

    #wildanimallife #wildanimals #animalworld #swaganimal #animals #animalfight

    Considered the lord of the Jungle tigers  are one of the most fearsome Predators   on the planet and they usually  have a high success rate when hunting thanks to their ability to  move silently tigers can silently   approach before launching a  powerful pounce to kill their

    Prey however the tiger does not always  win and the hunted do not always become   food to find out more let’s join swag  while animal fight to decode the wild   world through the video moments when the  tiger king failed under the Ferocious prey on another occasion while the  tiger was drinking water at the  

    Lake shore suddenly a wild buffalo rushed forward madly the tiger reacted quickly to the threat and  immediately ran away and escaped the danger of the Buffalo when facing the threat  of w buffalo in an unforeseen challenge forcing Tigers to find ways to protect  themselves and avoid unnecessary f is a good

    Option when the wild buffalo herd saw an injured   tiger approaching they quickly  joined forces to defend [Music] themselves the powerful wild  buffalos closed in on the injured tiger creating a dramatic and  tense encounter between the two species the wild buffalo  herd coordinates to repel the

    Threat while the tiger must find  a way to overcome the dangerous [Music] situation relying on  its intelligence and Agility   to [Music] escape despite the Bear’s  efforts to threaten the tiger still   approached and quickly controlled its  prey with its strong muscles and sharp

    Claws however the be strength and insurance  helped it stay in the [Music] battle after   exhausting himself but still being  unable to defeat the enemy the tiger   began to appear tired and wanting to give  [Music] up at this point the bear regained  

    The initiative and it Rush forward forcing  the enemy to jump into the nearby River and retreat [Music] even though a  tiger is strong it still could   not easily deal with an opponent  as big and strong as a [Music] bear the tiger slowly stalked closer  to the bear realizing the danger was  

    Approaching the bear decided to  turn back and pursue the enemy [Music] the bear stood straight up bracing  itself making itself look bigger to threaten the tiger the tiger saw that its enemy was ferocious   and immediately ran away to  return to its own brethren [Music] it realized that it  would have been injured if  

    It had tried to attack the Ferocious [Music] bear the bear showed no fear  and continued to rush forward   causing the remaining tiger to also flee to avoid [Music] Danger the tiger rushed  forward to actively attack the opponent however when the bear  quickly stood up straight on  

    Both legs it took advantage of  its hard advantage to f off the opponent even though he continuously launched many  blows the tiger could not knock down his opponent after a while of fighting the tiger had  to flee before the Bear’s overwhelming

    Strength a tiger is approaching the lake  to hunt crocodiles the tiger shortened   the distance then accelerated  quickly and rushed into the water the water became chaotic as  the two Predators fought one another although the tiger showed impressive   strength when underwater they  could not do any damage to the

    Crocodile despite the Tiger’s  powerful performance The Croc   cile with its armored skin and Superior  strong teeth proved too difficult to [Music] overcome in addition another  crocodile also came to help its Brethren realizing the danger the tiger  made a smart decision and fled to shore

    In this case when discovering a crocodile  lying on the shore the tiger immediately   realized the opportunity and  attacked biting the crocodile’s [Music] neck even though the crocodile has thick  skin because it was on the shore and lacked flexibility the tiger controlled the situation  making it impossible for the crocodile to

    [Music] resist when a tiger saw  a herd of elephants and decided   to approach it was looking for hunting [Music] opportunities but the mother elephant  immediately protected her young ones   [Music] the mother elephant with her  large body in tusks shows a real threat  

    To the [Music] tiger this scared the tiger  and made it run away from this dangerous situation tiger verse python initially  the tiger had the advantage over the the opponent but the python Counterattack fiercely  causing the tiger to encounter many [Music] difficulties first the python  launched a strong bite on its  

    Enemy before wrapping itself around the Tiger’s body the tiger was tightly wrapped up by the   Python’s strength at which point  its sharp claws and teeth became useless the python continued to  increase its grip while the tiger   gradually began to lose its strength  It could only lie down and pant heavily

    Wildlife is a battle between predator  and prey where Only the Strong Will Survive faced with failures with a dangerous prey   Tigers must continuously adapt  and seek new opportunities to survive this enhances diversity  and balance in Wildlife populations fighting experience may  be an advantage for [Music] Lions but  

    It is their herd lifestyle that is also  their biggest weakness when compared to Tigers this difference affects  the instincts of the two [Music] species the tiger is the opposite of the  line it mainly hunts Alone by stalking and   pouncing so is characterized by sudden attacks and raids Tigers often fight one

    Onone when hunting Tigers  attack and kill prey faster than lions compared to Tigers M Alliance have the  advantage of Maine which is one of the   most powerful weapons of the male lion  the main has evolved to be suitable for

    Skirmishes the main resist bites and scratches  that can be very dangerous to their lives at the same time the main covering  the massive body of the male lion   makes them have a habit of holding  their head high when moving and  

    It creates Authority and Majesty to  help them look like the king of the Savannah this is considered a great  Advantage if the two ever faced off in   fact despite being heavier Tigers don’t  look significantly larger than lions however they possess greater strength  because of their denser muscle

    Density according to the Huffington Post thicker  muscles means stronger muscles in addition the   wide forearms and low center of gravity give the  tiger the advantage of easily keeping its body   in a low position avoiding attacks the high  legs of a tiger are stronger than that of a

    Lion in a confrontation both will have to stand   on their High legs and back  away to block the opponent’s [Music] attack and launch a Counterattack  lions are not good at balancing for long   on their hind legs and mainly  attack with their teeth and claws [Music] these two predators are extremely

    Merciless even with their own kind they can act  [Music] so maybe that’s how kings rule their territory when rushing into the war the two  beasts rush into each other with powerful blows the male line will use bites and  tear and try to use their front  

    Pores to scratch the tiger although  the Tiger has not reached the optimal   level of physical condition it still  has very sharp turns of strength and power the tiger will use the moment  to dominate and push back the male lion however the battles are only really  decided in the last seconds with huny  

    Instincts trained in hot deserts  Lions can quickly overwhelm Tigers   outstanding strength and consecutive  bites to the neck has made the tiger wey tigers and lions lead completely different   lifestyles in the wild and this  is reflected in their fighting techniques the lion is a brutal Tyrant  who tries to dominate other animals by

    Force the tiger is a strategist who carefully  chooses when and where to [Music] fight in   the cat family the tiger is a beast  with formidable sharp teeth and long fangs if comparing the results after these  competitions the tiger won with a score of 3

    To2 however it should be known that the  line is a species with extremely fast   speed in short distance the confrontation of these   two in the wild happened in the jungles  of India but unfortunately it was not recorded these two animals haven’t  faced each other for too long it  

    Seems they sense the opponent and  that fighting won’t be in their [Music] favor these two cats meet in  an open space in a Wild Oak Forest   there is a good chance that tiger  would back off to avoid the fight

    Lions are usually eager to fight because of  their large main the tiger will see the opponent   as larger than they really are it will try to  avoid the fight so as to not get unnecessarily injured biologically tigers and lions both belong   to the cat family distributed  almost everywhere in the world

    Controversy about the power of tigers  and lions makes many people question   which species is really the  dominant species in the cat World there are many experiments  on the possibility of these two species according to the Huffington Post  thicker muscles mean stronger muscles in  

    Addition the the wide forearms and low  center of gravity give the tiger the   advantage of easily keeping its  body in a low position avoiding attacks in nature tigers are large strong and   agile [Music] animals they are  proficient in hunting skills and techniques we can see the strength in the Tiger’s  

    Claws as they resist the weight  of water to pounce upon their prey this animal is also characterized by boldness recklessness and a daringness to confront  enemies that are big and strong when hunting   they will move gently pressing their body to the  ground so that they cannot be detected by their

    Prey When approaching the prey they will  pounce and control the object from all sides in particular this animal  performs two main methods of attack attacking from behind where they break the   fine or bite the [Music] tracheo  but tigers are not without worthy opponents survival in the wilderness has never  

    Been easy crocodiles take advantage  of their Proficiency in the [Music] water they hunt much easier underwater [Music] and if prey reaches their [Music] territory the crocodile will  track and prepare for a surprise attack mother tigers usually shift  from place to place to change their   hiding spot while living in  their natural environment

    They can take their cubs to find a safe place when going through the river  area it is inevitable to avoid Crocodiles the way crocodiles  Hunt is by camouflaging under the Surface this not only takes them out of  the prey sight but it also helps them being [Music] exposed they usually hide in the water and  only reveal their eyes and nose of above [Music] it after identifying their prey they seize  the opportunity and they will emerge and

    Attack with just one powerful  bite the crocodile can defeat   a prey after waiting for a very long time Tigers as a matter of fact are not so easily ambushed they are always alert and  are masters of camouflage [Music] too they are also wary and take slow steps when crocodiles appear they are  ready to rush into battle to protect their children crocodiles always show and  display the qualities of a superior

    Predator and they know how  to seize the moment and the opportunity especially when the prey is caught off guard but the shore and the land is  not the Forte of [Music] crocodiles   when on land they move very slowly or lie Motionless however sometimes when food  is scarce in the [Music]

    Water they must come ashore to find [Music] prey   at this time attacking pray on  land has become a necessary skill [Music] hunting on Shore if they are not  careful crocodiles can easily become the   prey of [Music] others after attacking the  crocodile quickly realizes he has no chance of

    Winning uh and he tries to turn away as  fast as possible and disappear into the water this instinct is seen  by humans as assertiveness and coldness when they are in the critical position they will make all species afraid of  them because of their deadly killing pounces I

    Possessing many innate abilities  tigers live alone but they are very strong they have a highly dominant nature and  they are always able to make their opponents afraid for Lions it is the same if any opponent shows  Disobedience that will make them feel

    Uncomfortable it is difficult for two  kings to live peacefully in the same Kingdom competition in the wild  turns all predators ruthless and cold blooded however the smart one is the one  who refuses to fight unnecessary battles this tiger spotted a python  in the middle of the road he hesitated  

    For a long time hunger had a warning  and it told him that it needed to be fed although in their lifestyle and in their  fighting lions normally hunting groups   c a pride when alone lions are very  careful with dangerous enemies like a

    Tiger the tiger is completely different  however they are ready to fight to assert their power when fighting oneon-one  a tiger is more prominent in skill but this Tiger has underestimated the opponent after a while of fighting the  tiger received many brutal blows from the

    Lon in the end the lion could not gain the  advantage and it was defeated by the lion’s claws faced with this dangerous meal  the tiger still decided to attack but you know in every hunt choosing  the right prey is extremely important when attacked the  python is uncompromising it reacts

    Violently when the tiger showed signs  of fatigue it turned around and wrapped   itself tightly around the opponent and squeezed the strong attack of the Python  made the tiger unable to resist   and eventually it was killed and eaten by the python however each Predator  has its own tactics and

    Advantages and when attacked and cornered  they will unleash their full strength in   order to survive apprach the crop keeping sure  it doesn’t loosen its grip on the boar shows how fast unlike other big cats the tigers are also  professional swimmers this allows them to attack  

    And capture their prey even if they flee into  the water not only that but tigers are also   extremely powerful and they can even overwhelm the  swamp King the crocodile to snatch their [Music] prey although land is not the advantage of   crocodiles when attacked by tigers  they still fight extremely violently

    This crocodile bit the tiger and  rolled around repeatedly causing   the tiger pain and it was able  to quickly escape and save its life the Bears are usually  very hostile towards the Tigers in an area that is not very  large tigers and Bears can rarely  

    Coexist peacefully bears are usually  very hostile towards [Music] tigers   in an area that is large tigers  and bears can coexist [Music] [Music] peacefully in the natural  environment because they share the   same habitat tigers and black bears often  have unwanted [Music] encounters black  

    Bears are very aggressive and  can cause Tigers to falter in a jewel Buffalo’s are an attractive meal  but the price to pay if they fail is their life this tiger attacked a herd of  buffalo but all wild animals have   a common goal throughout their lives which is to

    Survive faced with a dangerous  predator the herd of Buffalo’s   refused to yield causing the tiger to  panic and flee before being killed by damn if they are not careful though a tiger can   be injured or even lose their  life in a battle with a black bear so tigers have to probe

    Carefully hunting is one of the most important  activities in in a tiger’s [Music] life   they can hunt prey many times larger than  themselves but to do so requires taking great risks not stopping there the life of a king like a   tiger is not only about hunting and  repelling [Music] enemies [Music]

    But they also have to protect their territory and Rule that’s why these wars happen they are not  allowed to stop fighting until they die [Music] standing out in the grasslands elephants  are known for their large bodies and great strength but before they become  big they have to go through many

    [Music] dangers in the wild natural world the most   intelligent and affectionate  animal is probably the [Music] elephant when a member of the herd is sick   or injured the members will  gather to take care of each other the mutual care and concern among the  members of the elephant herd has created  

    Unparalleled strength to be able to defeat  any enemy even if they are extremely fearsome Predators they are herd animals an elephant herd consists of the oldest  female elephant and the female elephant’s carves male elephants usually leave  when they are 10 to 15 years old they join male elephant groups or live independently male elephants after  leaving the herd still keep in touch  

    With their original herd [Music]  despite possessing a large body   elephants are only herbivores and they  do not have the ability to fight like Predators another thing is that when  the mother elephants bring the baby   elephants along it can become more  dangerous predators will not easily  

    Pass up an opportunity to try to attack the  babies the hungry hyenas targeted the baby elephant who appeared to be sick  and could not stand up despite   her mother’s effort to lift him up in the face of   imminent danger the mother elephant has  not stopped trying to protect this young

    Baby but in the end the baby  elephant still could not leave   the place and the hyenas attacked  and took the baby elephant from its mother the mother elephant watched helplessly as   her sick baby was carried away by the  hyenas when forming such large flocks  

    They’ll become even more powerful causing  predators to panic when they encounter [Music] them according to research by scientists  elephants are very emotional animals [Music] they   often show love for their fellow elephants  by greeting each other by wrapping their

    [Music] trunks not only hyenas but lions are also  opportunistic predators that will not give up easily immature elephants and young elephants that are   not yet strong enough and experienced  to run away are also targeted by the Predators these elephants leaving their herd is  an opportunity for lions with combat experience  

    It would not be too difficult for the Lions  to defeat these large but disorganized prey Wildlife has never been easy for wild animals  and the young will not be favored helpless   mothers will watch their children suffer  pain and cruel death sometimes however  

    Baby elephants wrapped up in their mother’s  love and protection cannot yet understand   the cruelty of nature when they see elephants  overwhelming their predators it is possible   that the baby elephants overr esate that they  large bodies and underestimate the power of

    Predators living with affection and solidarity  is like that but male elephants also need to   mate and compete for the throne when  the breeding season comes they will   fight each other for rank the loser will  have to submit sometimes to death before  

    That the competition the mother elephant  often leaves with her baby to protect it But we are forced to accept it  as a law of existence of nature the cycle of Life birth and death leave your thoughts Below in the comments section tigers are considered notorious  stalkers and natural skill that helps them  

    Survive in harsh nature usually hunting like  this occurs once a week and on average they   can consume 80 lb of food in just one meal  with an almost entirely meat-based diet and   sophisticated hunting skills Tigers  deserve to be at the top of the food

    Chain when prey comes within a suitable range  for the tiger it pounces upon on [Music] it   this tiger aimed for the neck to  sever The ill- Faded animals spinal cord in a split second this killer  cat leaps out of hiding and delivers  

    A fatal blow to the back of its  prey’s neck before eating it Tigers can kill prey many times larger than Themselves [Music] even those weigh nearly a Ton but sometimes Tigers fall  into ironic situations this   tiger is trying to attack a bear in  the tree it is hovering around the   tree and despite trying very hard  it had to give up its meal in the End with a strong body and large net-shaped  claws tigers are able to swim very well this ability to swim allows Tigers to fully  utilize the near by Waters to submerge their Prey tigers have excellent eyesight  up to six times better than a human’s   night vision so they often hunt at night at  this time other animals lower the defenses   making it easier for the Tigers to Prey  Upon [Music] them unlike lions tigers  

    Do not hunt in groups preferring to do so  alone although this Behavior reduces the   success rate of each hunt if successful  the reward is of course exclusive to the [Music] winner as one of the most  notorious predators of the Jungle  

    An adult tiger usually lives and acts [Music]  alone when Brave single individuals work in   groups the danger is doubled which makes  any animal in the forest likely to become   their [Music] prey when cornered  any animal will do anything to stay

    Alive black bears are not gentle prey that  are easy to bully and their counterattacks   can hurt tigers that also makes  Tigers limit when they hunt this prey the Tiger’s dangerous and  Powerful strikes can break the   necks of Buffalo’s cows sometimes  even breaking their backs or their

    Skulls two tigers discovered  a leopard in their territory   they quietly approached until the leopard  could detect them but by then it was too late the power of tigers not  only scares herbivores but it   is also an obsession for other Predators including

    Leopards even if the mother leopard doesn’t  run away she STS next to no chance of escaping during the rearing period a mother  Tigress would need a large amount of food for   her young to develop this means Tigers will not  pass up any opportunity to be able to hunt and eat

    Meat the leopard hardly stood a chance against the Tigers the two leopard cubs were looking for  food when the tiger suddenly attacked them the mother leopard quickly climbs the tree to   escape leaving the leopard cubs  to be killed and eaten by the Tiger leave your thoughts Below in the comment section do not hesitate to ask us  questions swag will answer your questions throughout history there have been  many times when the two Apex big cats the tiger and the lion  have accounted each other [Music] whether accidentally or on [Music] purpose drama blood and intensely fragile  

    Moments between life and death will  always make us wonder who is the winner the fight quickly took place when the two beasts  rushed into each other with powerful blows being   fiercely resisted by prey this Siberian  tiger had to expend a lot of effort to  

    Defeat an adult Dairy [Music] count in the clip  the dairy count is being attacked by a fearsome [Music] tiger instead of standing still and  dying the dairy cow fought back with intense ferocity after a while the tiger  jumped onto the back of the

    Prey it took almost all of its strength to  pin the coun to the ground and finish it off the lion uses bites and tries to  tear its opponent with its front [Music] claws the tiger unleashes powerful Blows full  of energy and frustration and force the lion

    [Music] back however the battle is only really   decided in the last few [Music] seconds  the male lion used its hunting Instinct   trained with many a battle in the hot  savanas to quickly defeat the young Tiger after a long battle both  the mother bear and the tiger were injured but the important thing was that  the mother bear repelled the dangerous Predator successfully protecting  her Cubs and gaining access to the water despite trying to escape the enemy clutches  

    The wild boar still had to die  in this tragic life and death battle the video recorded a wild  ball fighting a fierce tiger for life after catching a wild ball  the tiger held it tightly   and suffocated its prey with a fatal bite to the

    Throat the wild ball could  only lie still and crowd in pain however when the tiger showed a slight opening the wild Bo immediately he jumped up to counterattacked it pushed the tiger back into the bushes although the wild Bo  tries very hard to fight for

    Life the Tiger’s unmatched strength  didn’t give it a single chance of survival tigers are solitary animals  and often avoid fighs with each [Music] other however there may be  cases when Tigers compete for territory mates or resources such as food or

    Water they can also use their claws bite or use  their body weight to try to push each other to the ground these fights are usually  short and rarely result in serious injury the losing tiger is much more  likely to retreat rather than engage  

    In a potentially deadly [Music] fight at  tadoba ANH Hari tiger Reserve in India we can see an encounter between  a female Bengal tiger and a pig bear where the mother bear was leading  her Cubs to the lake to have a drink of

    Water the tiger because he did not want the mother  and the Cubs to access the water attacked them in addition it also wishes to  turn the mother and its cub into a meal however the mother bear used  all of her strength and courage  

    To protect her Cubs the tiger  bites hard on the opponent’s neck and in less than a minute the wild  buffalo collapses laying Motionless seeing this the other wild buffalo in the herd  rushed to attack the tiger to try to rescue their

    Fellow the tiger did not panic it rushes  into the herd to try to intimidate them however due to the difference in strength  the tiger had to flee in panic in a video filmed   in bandor National [Music] Park aone  tiger rushes into a large herd of wild

    Buffalo after its first unsuccessful attempt  it is knocked To The Ground by a wild buffalo this video recorded the  scene of a large male tiger hunting a deer it was about to enjoy its meal when another   tigeress appeared out of [Music]  nowhere it seems to be very hungry  

    For this particular piece of meat and is  just waiting for the right time to rush in however when the male tiger  found out he was extremely angry he let out a huge anger cry and charged at The  [Music] Tigress a fierce battle for food broke

    Out however du to being overwhelmed  by the strength and larger body of the   male [Music] tiger the female tiger had to give up it can be seen that tigers are very powerful predators and are able to  attack buffalos much larger than

    Themselves this tiger chooses the weakest  Target in the herd and separates it from the herd it uses its quick attack and leaping  power to approach and surprise attack the Buffalo it is trying to bite  the important position of the   buffalo’s throat to hurt it and control

    It the tiger uses its sharp teeth and Claws to   attack causing the Buffalo to  suffocate and collapse on the spot HB is beginning to understand  his baby de are often an easy prey for Tigers they are usually weaker and have not yet  fully developed defensive skills her victim but  

    Doesn’t kill it he is not quite sure what to do  therefore hunting baby deer is quite easy for Tigers the tiger stalks the wild bore  it uses stealth and the ability to move   quietly to not let the boore detect its [Applause] presence when the tiger got close enough and had  

    The wild Bo in its science it  suddenly attacked from [Music] behind the tiger uses its sharp teeth  to bite the wild boss throat they used   their ability to run fast to  a surprise attack the deer’s

    Neck with such a strong bite the deer fell  on the [Music] spot with a deer this big the   tiger bit the deer’s leg to keep it from [Music]  fleeing after a while of trying the deal was tired at this time the tiger took the  opportunity to pounce upon its

    [Music] neck the tigers are  RAR very strong and as can be   seen the de and no match and death happens for the [Music] week tigers not only have  the ability to to hunt on the ground but if very hungry they can climb  a tree to hunt [Music] monkeys but with  

    Its weight and technique the tree is not  an advantageous place for a [Music] tiger   the monkey climbs very quickly so the  tiger can’t catch it so it falls from the Tree causing the wild Bo to be seriously injured after a while of struggling and screaming  in pain the wild Bo lay motionless it was dead and the tiger has completed a hunt very neatly a girl was hiding in the bushes but  could still not escape the stalking of the

    Tiger it walked out slowly and then suddenly  rushed straight into the bush to bite the cow’s throat with it sharp teeth it easily  bites the neck and controls the G the girl looks big but it still  can’t manage to overcome the tiger underwater is also not an advantage for the

    Tiger and when it goes to the water to look  for its food it is caught in the sights of a [Music] crocodile both creatures fight  vigorously in the water but the crocodiles   can hardly defeat the [Music] tiger with  his strength the tiger easily escapes to

    Shore through this video it can can be  seen that the Tiger has a very strong   and ferocious fighting strength rabbits have no  great defense and are unable to defeat tigers in a fight the tiger is a very strong opponent  and has formidable hunting [Music] skills  

    Therefore rabbits are often an easy Target  and do not have much chance of escaping when   attacked by a [Music] tiger this tiger  is very leisurely enjoying a delicious meal the goer is one of the top  preise in the hunting list of the

    Tiger it chooses to live in the dense  forests and grasslands to be close to its prey after identifying its Target it rushes  to attack and control the [Music] prey even   if there are more GS nothing can be [Music]  done they have to watch their comrade

    [Music] perish the strength of this  tiger is undeniable and with its   coldblooded nature it can hunt any  animal in its environment without fear thank you for watching till the end of the  video was your experience here good it would be  

    Fantastic for us to meet you here every day swag  wild animal life will continue to update every day   the best interesting stories dramatic battles in  the wild animals World subscribe to our Channel   and click the Bell button to see our newest videos  goodbye for now and see you in the next video


    1. Even the greatest tiger in the world has enemies that it can't stand against. Under the same circumstances, the fateful confrontation would be a bear. Lions are also natural enemies of elephants, buffalo, hippos and rhinos. Tigers hunt alone, but I was also able to see a rare scene where two tigers hunt together. Lions live in savannas and tigers live in forests and forests, so it's not a good idea for humans to make the two fight against each other. Every day is a matter of life or death. It is important for humans to watch over their ecosystem from a distance.🐯🦁❤❤

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