Mein erster Ottcast Podcast Gast auf der Deutschland tour 2024 ist der Nasheed Sänger RedLion. Einfach identisch und super sympathisch.
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    Assalamu alikum my dear friends here is your Khalid sporty bald man without a side parting and without a cell phone that’s really bad but as always with a happy smile Germany Tour part One today with a very special guest yes you won’t

    Believe it I actually brought him here or he did Brought me here he is the incredibly attractive incredibly successful incredible strong Iman-containing Muslim this brother has a heart of gold makes loud applause for my [music] Assalama alaikum Habbi May Allah make me better than everything he just said

    Heart how it goes how it goes You, you drove 10 hours here, yes, that’s a man of honor, but I also told him earlier that I said I’m coming over, yes it takes him 10 hours to

    Get here and I mean if a Muslim says he’s coming over and if Alid says he’s coming, then he’s coming and he was there I came just as you gave me a warm welcome, we are here today at the ummer

    Fight Club in Hamburg, maybe you want to tell me something about it, right, that Fight Club hamdulillah here are siblings where there is training for brothers for sisters and that’s one beautiful thing is all happening beautiful atmosphere here supports the siblings

    Trains you trains your body until okay my dear brother we come to you Red Lion for many a term for many not at all but today we want to bring the people who know you closer and the people who I don’t know you at all, I might

    Just want to introduce you briefly who you are, where you come from and what you do, so my name is Isma bgerlich yes my stage name is Lein and I actually produce music in the genre nashid and nashid is a genre where we work without instruments, it is a genre where the

    Content is only about Islam and where only good things are called for and the bad things are criticized according to the standards of Islam, that is, this is a genre in music that we now have here in Germany, I say have brought it forward and alhamdulillah my team is growing too,

    It’s not just Red Line, there are many other siblings who are also coming now and that is also the goal that we form a large pride of lions here in Germany that fill this genre in sounds very stable, I came across you through Rashid, he introduced you to me,

    You’re actually the trigger for the Germany tour, yes, and now I’m finally in front of you, I’m happy too, brother, we’ve known each other for a long time through social media and stuff like that But the nice thing is that with siblings, you’re meeting for the first

    Time, but it’s not like you’re meeting for the first time, so it’s not a strange situation for me as if I had always known you, yes you TR and then l you get to know each other a little bit better

    Then no but it’s not it’s not a stranger you meet it’s unbelievable that the beautiful thing about Islam he comes brother I see a radiant beard Brother a smile just comehamdulillah may Allah bless your journey brother continue you shouted that exactly on the point

    It’s actually like that you get where to brothers and it’s like that you know each other that’s like that yes you have the same attitude anyway the same way of thinking There’s nothing different about us, that’s what connects us, right, especially I really like meeting people who make things happen.

    Yes, my maker who drove 10 hours for interviews with the brothers and to talk to them to meet them yes bless Amen or my goal is to create more connections in Austria and Germany and you always see each other on Instagram or

    YouTube or somewhere else but somehow this personal contact this personal connection is simply not there Also, okay, maybe he doesn’t want to have anything to do with me or maybe I’m too shy or whatever. These doubts often come to mind and then I’m the one who often

    Needs a kick in the ass someone says hey, why don’t you write to him because I often don’t have such thoughts because I think maybe there’s something better to do, yes, there Then it’s about trying out studying, you say no and alhamdulillah it’s like you say no,

    So I think a lot of siblings that you write to then you’ll be surprised that you can actually get in touch very quickly and easily, you can also meet and so on further, but there will be many siblings who are not so easy to reach

    Because they may have a lot to do or have other plans and goals, and exactly as you can see, it wasn’t difficult to contact me, but of course it’s the best You’ve mentioned it again and again, network and contacts, no, through Rashid, you already know each other around

    The corner and so on, something like that always works well, so of course I’d also like to give a tip to the other siblings who might want to do something and so on if you want to reach people

    Or want to meet or something else always tries to do it via network or contacts, there is a very high chance that it will happen. If it doesn’t work straight away, that’s exactly how it is. I went from Austria via the Czech Republic to Germany at the border stopped

    And said yes, pull over, I’m already used to it by now but today something really strange happened and the policeman then said aha Podcast Podcast it’s about grass and I’m standing there with my bathroom me me Kapp completely finished he says no This is about podcast that

    ‘s my last name ah you went to Germany for work and that was the first time I’ve worked it’s become a job right yes right yes it is it’s in the end no I now have yours I have now I haven’t seen all of your other podcasts, but I’m sure

    That you also do constant work, I mean, you don’t sit down and you don’t talk about trivial topics and we can dive into the dunia again, but you’ll definitely meet siblings Islamic topics and everything ne alhamdulillah and that’s why

    It’s permanent work no we are we work for for Allah for Allah’s service just like that right but interesting brother I also told you before ne odcast podcast what does he think it’s about grass ne would you said it’s about Islam, you had problems, it’s about grass, you said yes,

    We’ll move on, yes, it’s a guess, but it could have been that he then said okay, you were still on the far right again, although grass is already critical, actually in Germany h it’s about beer oh god re back to the topic so of course I’ve

    Prepared something to teach the new ones in more detail with you and it’s a very interesting question you are born a Muslim but that doesn’t immediately mean that you are a practicing Muslim, many people also neglect prayer, pretty much everything that can be neglected, how has Islam influenced

    Your life? taught about prayer and b and you got to know Muslims and so on so I grew into it but I was n’t a conscious Muslim for me it was just one of those things that’s probably life somehow the culture and I have no idea what I really started practicing it consciously

    When I was 19. 18 19 yes and what it gave me if I would summarize it is simple is just character you know character and a really goal and principles in life because before that you knew something like good and bad is you had a bad feeling when you

    Maybe did certain things but really a principle to say I won’t do this thing no it’s wrong or my creator doesn’t say it right and also to have character that you say you’re not lying You don’t cheat, you just do these things out of your own principles,

    Your own values, out of what my creator has commanded me, not that it was given to me because before that I would say I let myself do whatever I wanted, without thinking that there are consequences, the only consequence for me would have been if my mother or

    Someone else had seen it, but now the consequence is that you always know that angels write and that Allah will also judge it at some point, yes, right, I would say character principles, everything is clear, yes, a goal, yes, that’s just the foundation, right, yes, but which

    Islamic values ​​are particularly important to you, brother, I have to say there are values ​​that are very important for a person even though he may not live them 100% mm and then there are values ​​that the person lives and then they are also very important for him e.g. for me it is very

    Important that a person is trustworthy ne and it wasn’t for nothing that rasin was created called and because he was the trustworthy one and even his enemies entrusted him with their belongings during the war

    So that he would look after them even though they were at war with him, they knew we know he will never leave us will never lie to us cheat steal other things and these I find trustworthiness when a person has that, when I know I can turn around and I know I wo

    N’t suffer any harm from you, you don’t want to cause me any harm, you won’t talk badly, you won’t act badly, anything else, I can trust you with money, I can trust you I can trust your family

    , I can trust you with words, I can trust you with actions, I know that there is trust in you. I have trust in you, I think if you have that and that is prevalent in a society, brother,

    Then we are somewhere completely different, yes, and that’s exactly what I think is missing, not just in the societies of non-Muslims, yes, although there are definitely trustworthy people there, I do n’t want to deny that at all, but among the Muslims it’s something that has been greatly lost, um,

    And maybe, um, maybe everyone has to start with themselves, no, because that’s it this you know this trustworthiness loyalty honor and so these things have been a bit lost and I think if everyone works on it themselves then Allah will

    Also gather them with these people and then it will also spread insshallah because people will see that you with trustworthy people with loyal people and so on, getting ahead, that you can build more, that you can count on them, that you

    Can build things, yes no, that’s why I think that’s the value and as I said, I mentioned is a quality that even if I I wouldn’t say that I’m the person that people can trust 100%, that I’m trustworthy, loyal, other things, but I

    Wish that Allah would give me this quality, yes, that’s a good attitude in any case, and of course it always plays an important role in Islam or in cultures tradition often LS traditions cannot be reconciled with Islam but can you talk about special rituals or traditions that are very very important to you

    In Islam yes or do you also struggle that you say okay I also have traditions culturally which perhaps have nothing to do with Islam, which is also important to me, brother Islamic tradition and culture, the most important thing that I

    Think is the most beautiful and the most important thing that I find is really this family ne that the families are strong and together stay because that’s what keeps a society strong and what keeps Muslims strong um so first of all the family and the other thing is

    Um this hospitality mm ne the hospitality from Islam also because if the guest is in your house then it lasts as long as it lasts How the guest is in your house is a piece of paradise in your home, that’s what a hadith says. I can’t give the exact source, but

    That’s what it says and when he leaves, the piece of paradise is gone again, that’s what it means A guest is also brother gets everything he gets the best food the best place everything and that’s a nice feeling you know that when you’re invited to people who

    Have really changed this hospitality you feel very very comfortable the whole stay and then when you You go, you do villages and you go and these are two very important, culturally beautiful things that I think are good. What I don’t think is good is that it’s not from

    Islam, but these are things that have crept in and are mixed together a bit somehow Culture Islam people no longer know what is what and these are big weddings when I hear about big weddings brother my wife tells something who tells me something about it my mother

    Tells me something I get a crack brother I brother I get a real crack brother I hate that I hate this wasteful I hate this showof I hate [music] this throw thousands 10 20 30 40 50 K on the table brother for a day make people happy so they

    Talk about you the day you know how I detest my brother that and I’ve only seen bad things about it, also from family experience and so on, these people who had such a big wedding, they then fell out separately, whatever it is, it’s actually just

    Felt like pleasing other people, you know and you see that people are under pressure and that’s one thing, no, I wouldn’t have anything to do with Islam at all, even if people want to say again no, it’s important, no, no, it has to be and so on and that

    ‘s somehow what’s trying to mix it somehow no, that’s one thing that I, brother, hate the bit of eye-serving, yes, I really get it you find the balance between your faith and the everyday challenges in everyday life, brother, it’s definitely the closeness to Allah. I just recently

    Talked to your brother about it. He called me and he’s now getting more inquiries and different places, different projects and things. People want something from him and he asked me e Ismail how did you do that, how did you cope with the pressure or that so many people suddenly

    Wanted something from you and so on because I also had phases of hype and so on and you know that then more inquiries come and things said what did you do there or how did you stay on the carpet I said brother it’s a learning process no I didn’t always stay on

    The carpet either ne shitan always works but what you can do to stay on the floor to stay ne and so that you don’t just learn from other people’s mistakes ne strength and keep your bond your closeness to Allah yes what does that mean that really means the

    Higher you climb the more pressure you feel the more you notice that people of you what do you want, you are someone or something else, the closer you have to get to Allah, yes that means getting up before Fader for the

    Tahadud prayer mm important brother if you do that regularly I don’t want to say I guarantee yes but Allah guarantees whoever approaches with voluntary actions many voluntary actions In the end, Allah says, in essence, then I am the eyes with which he sees, the legs with which he walks and

    So on, that means Allah guides you, yes Allah guides you and you want to maintain this state when you get into such a mode, yes where hype where you are in danger of thinking you are someone

    Or something else, yes, because then you can do a lot of things wrong, but your closeness to Allah will protect you because Allah will then suffer you. Do you also think that if you somehow have the feeling

    Now, yes, you are now who I am who that then people keep an extra eye on it yes the thing is the people so the mistake is a mistake that people also make no you also have to say

    They assume other people e.g. they you make a story you say this that people come over we do h training and so on who storms more than me and so on I don’t think so and then and then they say for example yes, he has kibber, he’s arrogant but they don’t even know

    What you mean by that or what’s in your heart maybe Did you say it like that so that they are motivated, okay, I’ll come, I’ll lift more than him or I’ll last longer in training than him, but they assume that you had KiB, that’s the mistake because they can’t

    See into your heart, that’s the only thing they can do You yourself and you have to hold yourself accountable and work on your heart and the people who say yes, look, that’s how it is and that’s totally

    Crazy and this that there’s also a mistake no when you take off when you make mistakes when you Kier hat, this is your mistake that you have to straighten out that someone can tell you privately, brother heart, make sure that you do this and that, strengthen your bond with Allah, purify your character,

    Reflect a lot about yourself but it is not the job of others to say look sometimes he ‘s taken off, he’s KiB, he’s like that, he’s a hypocrite, that’s where the mistake is, yes, this sharing by people, yes, yes, that’s absolutely polite, they say, brother, I wrote a line,

    That’s a track from my new album I say uh paradoxical that sinners count the sins of other sinners mhm yes paradoxically paradoxical that you sinner count the sins of the other sinner mhm count yours and you won’t you won’t finish yes that’s exactly why they say

    If a finger on the if you with one finger you point at him, three fingers point at yourself, right, yes, that’s exactly the paradox, yes, there it is, of course it’s also obvious. There is a certain verse or certain verses in the Koran that are particularly close to you and

    That you follow you also judge something that says okay that’s so explicitly a WS where I say it’s very, very close to me actually you don’t even say W you say eggs exactly because it

    ‘s not a WS exactly it’s a sign yes it’s a verse that me This has actually accompanied me all my life and was also one of the stings for me that I started to deal with the Koran too intensively was the verse from Surahankabut yes where Allah says Alif Lam I

    Think people would be left alone if they only say we believe or we have iman ne and then Allah says no, we have already put those before you to the test and we will recognize those who lie and we will recognize those who

    Tell the truth yes, that just means that you have become a Muslim or I say I believe and I have Iman and so on, it’s not enough, you will be tested, no, because why else should our siblings in Raser, for example, be tested so hard? Yes, they just get the highest

    Test and then the highest level the test if they pass it and we are all tested here to our own extent, each to his own extent, one with very small details, the other is tested with his hype, the other is a fighter, is tested whether he

    Is like him, whether he is aggressive and going crazy or whether he is a fair fighter, um, everyone to their own extent and this verse is very true because it will actually accompany you throughout your life, that you will be tested and it is not enough that you said I

    Am a Muslim and I believe in yourself yes Allah but the tests will show what is really inside you and in the end you will see where you end up you can recite a part yes of course bismim ا يفتنون ولقد فتنا الذين من قبلهم فليعلمن الله الذين صدقوا وليعل

    These are the verses that I mentioned your voice gets under the skin I tell you [music] I’m like brother like you sitting in front of me I feel bad again brother you look just yesterday a friend came to me I said I recently met a friend of his and I

    Meant brother that a hearted person just like you I said my brother you only see what you see he says so you only see from me what you see no and that is very apt brother no we only see what we see people only see what they see in the camera

    But alhamdulillah may Allah always keep our bad deeds sins and everything covered because we are all flawed and we are only as good as Allah our sins No one would have covered it cleanly. Yes, I have prepared a question, but I don’t know how to

    Deal with this question myself. It’s also a bit of a question for speculation and there’s a lot of guesswork involved, how do you see it? Role of the Muslim community in the world today the Umma brother who is in exactly this state that RAS mentioned where the nations

    Will throw themselves at them like dogs over a hungry dog ​​over a piece of meat and that is the case I mean you see what’s going on on earth but of course you can see the negative

    But you can also mention the good and that is, look, people are becoming more and more active, they are becoming more and more prominent in the world with their skills and so on, and Muslims have now reached the highest ranks, and the world is listening of them

    With millions of reach and other things and they are networking across more and more countries we are the best example no that’s why the umma is in this state no but she says that doesn’t mean that grandma is lost my teacher always said who says it

    Um is lost he is the first to lose because that is the mindset D you have beautiful and um is on a very good path no we network we do we do everything we are awake the people have become conscious again they have they know that we have to do something

    So that the situation changes and maybe it wasn’t like that before maybe you used to have the status qu just like that yes yes yes yes nice to the point about which misunderstandings in Islam would you like to clear up? Misunderstandings whoa, brother, so the biggest misunderstanding

    There are many misunderstandings in Islam because the Muslims themselves unfortunately sometimes present a bad image to the outside world, sometimes with their actions because they themselves are ignorant, or about the right actions in Islam, but the biggest misunderstanding

    Is simply what the media has made of us no, the Muslim is not the Muslim is not a violent oppressive woman because what do I know, no, the Muslim is actually he is the prototype and the best example if he lives Islam the way he should live it from a

    Functioning, good, trustworthy, loyal family good to his environment good to animals good to the good to people good to everything no he is a prototype human being that if everyone were like that and lived according to these principles like the creator like the manufacturer

    Made this person in um yes then we would have a better world to put it briefly and succinctly extremely extremely briefly to the point of course we have 1000 construction sites brother you know but I think that’s the biggest misunderstanding that people think that people don’t understand that the Muslim in

    Itself when you deal with it busy or he’s actually the person that’s the way people should be, you always like to associate it with freedom in the summer, for the first time in history in Berlin, mass rape of migrants, large-scale family crime, you

    Associate it all with Islam, that’s the big thing Problem and that’s what the media do as if they were bewitched, yes they no matter where a crime happens and there is no German there, they immediately say it is immediately linked to Islam in the next article, right, right, yes,

    To what extent is the faith reflected in yours creative projects again, that’s a very stupid question, but on the one hand it’s also a very strong question because you don’t make music in that sense, you make nched. Many people do

    N’t even know what is ed. What does this mean? That’s why this question is for People who had nothing to do with this sphere at all yes yes yes the thing is the input that every person has, from their environment through their friends through the experience they gain through

    The good and bad times they have and so on further that’s what goes into him, what sweats in his head and his heart and his output is a song his output is a track and look at the rap scene look at the music scene they talk all sorts of nonsense and those are

    N’t even their realities They’re not dealer gangsters or anything but they watch gangster films all the time and think they’re going to be dealers and maybe they did something in the past and something else that i that was the input they had and that the output is now this

    Track but you had to If you do that as an output, it’s smart to spread it out into society. They probably saw it at some point in the NWO, for example, and then S got stuck on this film and the N artist or what we do is the ut is Islam Brother

    The input is that we Muslims are together, that we learn, that we learn the Koran, that we attend classes, that we attend lectures, that I meet brothers, that you come, that we travel, that we have bad days where we repent to Allah, that we have good deeds where

    We are grateful and the output is a ched the output is chied that’s exactly how it is yes you have a few lines for us a few lines for you yes or maybe from a new project yes I have I do

    N’t know lately the lions have been swishing a bit are awake in my head that one of the first chieds I did like that was violent, yes, and because this one sometimes made my head spin, I sometimes get flashbacks of my own lines as if I was being warned

    Or something like that Really crazy sometimes there are these last lines, no, I say that’s what we talked about. Look, I say the Ummah is awake and it’s raining, the times are hard, but Alhamdulillah my brother, stand in front and stand at attention like a Musa, pray for Allah

    To have that about it we talked I say the um is awake the um is awake talked about it um is awake and it’s raining you all and you’re not just you say yes better the condition but you say yes better

    The condition then you move and that’s what happened and then I stand in front like a musail who called himself a god and was the biggest tyrant of humanity at that time and stood in front of him and criticized him directly, yes and

    That’s what is happening now too happens, look, people are all up and social media this that and so they criticize the highest of the highest ne and you also see on the streets and in front of them

    Everywhere this situation is there yes no and then lastly I say yes ST in front of the He fears Allah because we only fear Allah, yes, that means we are not afraid of death, the consequences of you or anything else, but only what Allah, so to speak, in the end that distinguishes

    Us from others, right, right, you can also talk about personal experiences The execution of your projects happened where you said okay, that set me back or maybe a positive one that really gave me a boost. Yes, wow, that’s all possible. Every single project was an experience in itself. Yes, that was not

    Just like that yes like turn clack like turn clack that was we every project was an experience in itself a whole world in itself people in itself project in itself exams in itself and I had good and bad experience no so everything is a good experience no You learn from everything

    , and so I had experiences where, for example, things didn’t go the way you wanted and you got into arguments with the videographers and so on. Alhamdulillah, today you’re good friends, then I had times where everything was like, Hamdulillah As if by magic, they say, it was led and

    Then a lot of hype was triggered and it really achieved a very wide reach and people in the last corners of Latvia found out about it and many people who write, I have now started to deal with Islam or I’m practicing again and this is

    A very nice experience and um these are the things that drive and motivate you mhm yes do you think that Muslims often get in their own way yes 100% they build a prison for themselves with their own thoughts Head is also one thing that when I

    Solved it for myself then it was unstoppable, yes, when I solved this thought barrier for myself with this doesn’t work, I can’t do this, that and so on, no, I sat in front of, I don’t know

    3 4 years 5 years ago I don’t even remember, I was sitting here in my first podcast back then with uh mitlan and so on. Greetings to you guys and I’ve got my he what your goal withashed brother,

    I’ve just got soed with like 100,000 call calls that was awesome back then no then I brother I said brother very honorably I want it to go into millions of regions and that was very daring to claim what brother nashid Islamic music and these stories all of that is

    Not taken seriously like this or today today when I count 30 million and more actually over Spotify YouTube and what do I know and that’s the thing because that’s what I learned back then who puts a barrier in their head and says yes 10,000 then I’m happy or

    Something like that no I said GU times I want that on Millions and more is possible and when the million were reached I said and I now want it to be 10 million and more so you have to

    Set your goals very, very high because then you will keep getting further brother like a rocket if you set your goals very small sets look you have a high goal but you have small steps to achieve it that is important you have look you have a very high ladder but

    Very small steps so that you can climb up step by step but imagine you have one you have one Very high ladder, no, but you can’t get there with steps that are too high, which means that with small

    Steps you’ll end up all the way up and if you only have a ladder that’s too short, brother, then you’re so high and then you can look over it, but I can I don’t want to look over here, brother, I

    Want to, I want to look at Mars and after Mars, brother, I want to keep looking, you understand and of course not for me to say, brother, I’ve achieved too much now and I’ve become huge and so on, but because of this This simply has to be spread all over the earth,

    And Allah is brother. Allah is almighty, he is unimaginable and he can do anything, so to speak, if we want him to, he can make it happen in our lives and can do our work and our there and we want to be there Spread the word no and then I do

    N’t know any limits so I say yes it’s enough if so and so everyone should know about it and we and and whoever wants confrontation should come no and anyone who wants to watch out should come no and that

    ‘s that’s the way That’s exactly where we are, that’s the final question of our podcast odcast podcast how would you my brain is completely asleep from driving for a long time how would you invite people to understand Islam better the thing [music] is people understand that you you only invite them to Islam

    By giving them a lecture or only and one only thinks by telling him the evidence of Islam all the time or the other only by telling him read the Koran but everyone has a different point that triggers them, everyone has it another point about which you reach yes and there

    Are people who also say consciously brother no lecture no evidence no friends who pushed me made me convert to Islam like a divorce from you I would like to say that everyone with what they can do if has a talent that should be used to do it brother people

    Can draw and do with drawing duration people can write texts do with textau people can talk well do with speeches with lecture duration people can act well and do with trading duration how is Islam to Indonesia was that Indonesia yes Indonesia comes through traders or not was

    That Indonesia or was that I can imagine yes Indonesia and Malaysia somewhere definitely came through traders yes no and because these traders traded Islamically with the Islamic principles and guidelines in Indonesia is yes In this regard, it’s crazy because

    People have made it their mission to spread Islam, so they are sent out all over the world and do it. You can’t imagine it like Turkey, actually, they also have their hodas and imams also send out into the world not by hchas or Imane but by normal Muslims yes they are

    Sent out in thousands all over the world yes strong they are often I met someone who was formerly a special soldier for the Indonesian private sector i.e. army special he then just became still devoted to Islam, that’s enough now to spread Islam strong all over the world with two three brothers,

    That’s the goal of those z.bamdulillah, yes, exactly that, so everyone as they can, it’s exactly with us, or at least with me Is the podcast right? Yes, I want the people who perhaps had nothing to do with Islam. That’s because there are still a lot of people in Austria

    That I used to have to do with. They now write to me regularly, oh brother, it’s unbelievable I’ve been thinking about it. I’m now also reading the Koran or I’m also dealing with Islam. I’m writing this morning. I was at the rest stop. Write me in at hello salam

    . Hello Halid. He writes that I only know you via Instagram, but I’m also from S Bölon I found a Koran on the street today and I wanted to tell you that maybe you can ask who it belongs to and I wrote him back, nothing happened by chance,

    He is writing, yes he has now started reading and he is already interested I’ve been following me for a while now and I say Allah guides the law he loves and he sends question marks like E nothing happens by chance or it’s for you, you understand alhamdulillah is the same I

    Also have a nice story brother um from a friend of mine that also my my partner in my honey bsiness no we also have honey on the side that we sell I ‘m super allergic to honey you’re super allergic to honey subhanallah no brother

    You can’t be allergic to ours 100% pure honey without any added then it’s even worse real nunau allergy complete bike [music] pollen allergy and his story about how we come to Islam it was very very interesting I’ll keep it very short yes he used to actually be on

    A different path no he was always called pit bull Mehmed B you probably have a relationship with your pit bull I always saw him running around and he was one of the more aggressive ones and at some point I’ll meet him again and he’ll talk about Islam with great enthusiasm

    And so on. I was also completely blown away and then he told me what happened to him Brother said , I had a Koran app like that and one day I was sitting at home, sorry,

    I said, I sat down in the car in the fall and when I sat down in the car, all of a sudden it flew from the tree through the one that was still open A sheet of paper flies up to the door like a clack,

    He looks at it like that and it kind of got to him, he thinks like this, everyone else is going to put the sheet away and move on, that’s kind of strange, then he opened his Koran app and

    The first one Verse that he read when he opened it and no leaf falls down without him knowing it without Allah knowing it and then he took this leaf and put it in the back of its transparent cover and then he saw this leaf every time he turned his

    Cell phone around and look at things like that, look at him he didn’t need a big long lecture he didn’t need any evidence or anything he just needed that no incredible yes and that’s

    I mean that’s just a little story of what do you mean what kind of stories There are still your stories, also very awesome, yes, from everyone, from every gender , that’s how it is, everyone has their own miracle story, I say, oh, that’s unbelievable You were also able to get out some informative

    Information from Red Lion I KISS your heart and brother you need what’s in your stomach [laughter] thank you very much for your time, thank you very much brother, have fun training guys طيك الله الحمد لله


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